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September 12, 2023 55 mins

Quantum Healing with the Angels - Episode 7 - The Messenger of Music and the Pyramid of Light

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Thanks for visiting our Podcast. My name is Sarah Webb and I am a clairvoyant, psychic intuitive, empath, Sound Healing Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner. My husband Travis Webb is a trance channel for the Angels. Our spiritual awakening started at about the same time. I was led to Quantum Healing through my own need to heal from a serious illness, and eventually I decided to become a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner. While doing a session with Travis, we discovered his channeling gift. 

We created this podcast to share portions of my hypnosis sessions and our channelings with the Angels and other high vibrational beings, as these often have helpful and interesting information for those on a spiritual awakening path. 

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Sarah Webb (00:00):
I am Sarah Webb.
Welcome to Quantum Healing with the Angels, the podcast.
Welcome to Quantum Healing with the Angels.
I am Sarah Webb, your host, and thisweek I'm bringing you a new channeling.

from Archangel Uriel.
So last week, Travis and I did a daytime channeling.
So Archangel Uriel is the one who came through.
I had a list of questions that I had been addingto, and I was able to ask quite a few of those, but it's, it's amazing how quickly the time goes when

you're talking to them and you know, you want toask more things and more things and you just can't ...well, I can't leave him under, you know, that long.
They, they won't actually -theywill just depart and that's it.
So I know when we're getting closeto an hour that I have to wrap it up.
So anyway, I think we discussed some good topics.

I hope you enjoy them.
And please do share this with your friends.
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We really appreciate that.
And any reviews as well are so helpful for usto be able to keep bringing you new content.
I do have a new BQH session that I'm goingto share with you that was really amazing.
But this came up and honestly it was easierto edit so it got first dibs on going up.

So I hope you guys enjoy it and I will.
Leave you to listen or to watch.
I hope you enjoy our channeling with Archangel Uriel.
May I call forth your higher self, or a guide, or someonewho would like to speak with us today, from the Light?

Archangel Uriel (02:32):

Sarah Webb (02:34):
Who am I speaking with today?

Archangel Uriel (02:40):
This is Uriel.

Sarah Webb (02:43):
How are you?

Archangel Uriel (02:47):
What can we help you with today?

Sarah Webb (02:50):
May I ask you some questions today?
Yes, you may.
Thank you.
I am curious lately about my connection to the sun.
I, uh, seem to be seeing a lot of, uh,sunlight, or a fire behind my eyes.

And it seems like there are lots ofsynchronicities when it comes to the sun.
Can I find out more, or is there anythingyou can tell me at this time about that?

Archangel Uriel (03:36):
Your sun is going through some spiritual changes right now and having more energy.
It is giving out more lightenergy to everyone on your planet.
Some people are feeling more spiritual because of that.
They are getting their gifts from it andit is pushing more light into your planet.

Everyone on your planet is feeling it.
It is a strong light.
That is being pushed into it to help soothe your planet.
There is a lot of negative energy still hanging aroundon your planet, but it is slowly being pushed away.

Most of it is still fighting, trying to makeeverything harder, but it is not going to win.
The light is always stronger.
Then the negative energies is alwaysstronger than it always will be.

When you feel the sunlight on your body or theenergy from the sun, even if you're not directly in the sunlight, light in general that comes through
your living quarters is still sunlight, evenif you're not directly involved with the light.

Outside, you can still feel it inside because it is light.
When you're outside, the energy is strongerbecause you can feel the warmth from the light, and that gives you more power.
Sometimes, when it's really, really hotoutside, some people cannot tell that it's a good light because it makes them very hot.

And some of them get kind of grumpy because they're hot.
That doesn't mean it's bad light.
It's just their body type cannot handle the heat asmuch But the light is still good for their bodies
It is giving more spiritual power to a lot of peopleIt is making some people what you call wake up because they are starting to see things The sunlight

makes color come into your eyes, and when you closeyour eyes, you can almost see the colors better.

Sarah Webb (06:05):

Archangel Uriel (06:07):
Most of the light is a purple color mixed with orange with a little bit of yellow.
Those three colors come through.
It is like a super aura, that's what we call it.
It's like the aura of the sun.
And it is a good aura, and it bringsgood feelings into everyone's bodies.

And also, you can see the colors in your sky.
A lot of people are starting to see the origins.
And they're taking photos of it, because it is so beautiful.

Sarah Webb (06:42):
Yes, I've seen those.

Archangel Uriel (06:44):
It is giving them...
Good feelings in their hearts, and it makesthem see good things and feel good things.
But that is good because that isthe way it is all the time up here.
And the reason why they feel that wayis they can remember being up here.
They don't notice that, but when they seethat, they don't realize that they see home.

Which is here.
When you see that, it is home.

Sarah Webb (07:14):
So I guess the sunlight, we saw the other night, the sunset.

Archangel Uriel (07:20):
Yes, and that is what you saw.
You were looking at home.
Did you have a really good feeling, like sohappy that you just could not explain it?
Because you felt like you were home.
And you were very happy.

That is why.
Uh huh.

Sarah Webb (07:44):
I felt it in my heart a lot, but then also all over, like in my, my stomach, my solar plexus.

Archangel Uriel (07:53):

Sarah Webb (07:57):

Archangel Uriel (07:59):
It helps with your chakras as well.

Sarah Webb (08:01):
So other people are seeing, are um, alsohaving, you know, greater gifts and things.

Archangel Uriel (08:11):
Everyone is feeling it and everyone is getting their gifts.
It scares some people because, uh, becauseyou were taught certain things in a certain religion and they don't understand it.
And it scares them because they think they shouldn'tbe feeling it, but they supposed to feel it.

That is the way it's supposed to be.
That is the way you're supposed to be all the time.
Your planet's supposed to be like we are here in the light.
But of course, since you're in a three dimensionalarea, and you have people controlling everything,
giving you negative things to concentrateon, that is what's stopping most people.

They feel it sometimes, and sometimes they do not.

Sarah Webb (09:05):
Um, I know some people wish they could feel it more.
Or are not sure that they can feel it.
What would you tell those people who want to feel it?

Archangel Uriel (09:22):
when you feel the sunlight, just let it in.
There is nothing negative about it.
You will see things that you've never seen before.
And they are not scary things.
They shouldn't be scary things.
Sometimes people see things to them.
It looks scary, but that's only because theywere programmed that way on your planet.

You could see something that looks totally scaryto you, but it could be a totally happy thing.
It could be a happy being, but it just looks scary to you.
Cause you'd never seen it before.
So just because it's something younever seen before, they look scary.

If it is not attacking you, then it is a good being.
Just because it looks scary does not mean itis scary, because you've never seen it before.
And when you see the light, the colors, let them in.
If you see a scary looking being, just look at the being.

Because the being is not going to hurt you.
You can even talk to the being.
And once you talk to the being, you willrealize that you should not be scared.
You should have never been scared becausethe programming on your planet is very strong and they put so much fear into people.

That is all they know.
When they start seeing good things, it scares themand they're afraid to follow up on the good things because they're afraid of something negative happening.
You cannot think about negative.
Just always think positive.
Sometimes it is hard, but just think positive all the time.

Once you start thinking positive,positive things will happen.
If you feel like you're backed into a corner and youfeel like you're going to give up, don't give up.
Just think about good things.
Think about good things.
On your planet, you call it praying, but we don't reallynecessarily Think you should pray because you shouldn't

be worshiping us anyway, so if you say On your planetmost people who say please God could you help me?
that is a good one because God what you call is source.
Source will help sometimes Because you are askingSo if you ask sometimes doesn't mean he's going

to say no Sometimes he does say no because yourpath is supposed to go a different direction.
And either way you will go around thatnegative thing to get to the good thing.
Because he cannot tell you how to do it.
But it might not be at the right time to do that.

For your path.
Eventually you will get there.
You will get there.
Wherever you need to go, you will get there.

Sarah Webb (12:34):
So asking is it, some people say that youshould manifest it, you know, instead of asking.
So, so asking is not necessarily bad.

Archangel Uriel (12:48):
Manifesting is one of those gifts that everyonehas because Most people on your planet think they are powerless, and they have to be given things.
But that's, like I said, but that's just becauseeverything on your planet is programmed that way.
They want you to be given something.

You know, you're always given things.
You work, and they give you pay to buy things.
That is a terrible way to live.
Your planet should not be that way.
Everyone should be living free.
Everyone should be living free.
No one really should be havingto work to get what they need.
We said that before, we say itmany times because it is true.

No one should be working.
Everyone should be abundant.
Everyone should be abundant.
And there are sayings that says that everyone, if everyonethinks that way, then it will change, which is true.
The chances of that happening on your planet is very lowfor everyone to do it at the same time, but it is possible.

Nothing is impossible.

Sarah Webb (14:02):
That reminds me of something the Metatron said.
He said a couple of channelings ago that it's possibleto be in what some people call 5D or the New Earth now.

Archangel Uriel (14:17):
It is possible.
It is possible.
5D is the closest to what you havehere, where we are in the light.
That's why we say, When the flash comes,which we haven't spoke of that in a long time.

That is how this planet is going to be.
It's going to be light everywhereand everyone is going to be free.
You can think that way and be in 5D.
There are people that are actually living on your planet.
Living in a 5D reality.

Some of them don't even have any money.
But most of the ones that areliving in 5D are living in nature.
Away from what you are living in.
Some people that you call homelesspeople are living in a 5D.
Because they have no connection to your so called matrix.

They are not working, they're homeless, theyhave nobody, but their minds are totally free because they have no restraints.
Nobody even looks at them half of the time.
So if you think about it, if nobody looksat them, they are practically invisible.

That's why sometimes when you see a homelessperson, they might not be smiling, But they are not necessarily upset because they are free.
The only thing they need is food to live.
If they always had food to live and didn'thave to beg for it, they will be totally free.

As a matter of fact, if they didn't have to eatanything to live, They would not be on those streets.
They will be out in nature away from people and living,but unfortunately they have human bodies, so they need food, so they have to beg for money or food to survive.

Most of them don't even want to get a job because thatmeans they will have to go back into your so-called matrix and they'll be trapped into the system again.

Sarah Webb (16:39):
Is that why it feels so bad to be working?

Archangel Uriel (16:44):
Nobody wants to work.
Not that way.
Nobody wants to work for money.
But unfortunately, in your system, you have to.

Sarah Webb (16:56):
So can you be in 5D when you have to work?

Archangel Uriel (17:02):
It is possible.
If you have a certain profession that you love and you cando it well, and you do it so well that you make so much
of what you call your currency, where you can get awaya lot and build things away from people, it is possible.
It is possible for people on your planet tohave like lots of money to get away because they can build something totally what they need.

They can literally disappear because theyhave all they need in a certain spot.
And if your government can't find them, then they're safe.
Because the world government does not like people,no one living on their own without their help.
If you can build something to keep you, to sustainyou for the rest of your life, Away from everyone and the matrix that is living in five D that

is living in five D if you can live on your ownwithout no restraints that is living in five D

Sarah Webb (18:15):
would it actually change and look like five D what we've been told it's supposed to look like

Archangel Uriel (18:22):
you can make it look that way because you won't have any interaction with anyone anything but nature see if you think about it nature Well, most people
don't know nature is five D because the government triesto control nature by having forest services and all of that other stuff, but they really cannot control all nature.

There are some parts on your planet thatnobody has control over this in nature.
And that's where all of what you call the elementals live.
And that are areas that the world government cannot touchbecause elementals have powers that they cannot control.

But the world government is trying to put signsaround those areas so nobody would go in there.
Even though people can still go in there, theyput those signs out there to scare people.
They say, okay, we can't go in therebecause the government will stop us.
They did that because they know the elementals live inthat area and they are more powerful than your girl.

So if you go in those areas,you may never want to come back.
That's how some people disappear.
Because they find those places and they see how happy it is.
And they say they never want to go back.
It's almost like when you have a near death experience.
When you have a near death experience, most people.

Do not want to come back to theirlives because it is so beautiful here.
They do not want to leave.
But unfortunately, somehow, things theyneed to take care of and we send them back.

Sarah Webb (20:18):
Well, for those that don't have land or, you know, way to do that, what do you recommend?
Is there anything we

Archangel Uriel (20:27):
The closest you can do to get to 5Dis to make a sanctuary for yourself.
Just for yourself.
If it's possible.
It may sound bad the way we say it.
Even if the people are nice.
Probably be best to keep them out of your area.

If they want to visit, you can let them visit.
But if it's a way that you don't haveto let them visit, then that's good.
See, it sounds like we're saying keep away people.
To have a perfect.
5D, which in reality, that is true because you don'tneed to be around a lot of people to have good feelings.

You can have good feelings by yourself.
If you are a strong person, you can literallylive by yourself and be perfectly fine.
But most people on your planethave been distilled with social.
Social this, social that.
They got to have a lot of people to feelgood about themselves, unfortunately.

And that is not the way you're supposed to be living.
You don't need anyone else's approval, but unfortunatelyin your time right now, everyone is looking for someone's approval and the main thing is what you call social media.
Social media is not good.

You could use it to spread goodness, which we like.
If you're doing it to bring awareness and bringgoodness to people's hearts, we like that.
But if you're just doing it to get attention foryourself, that is not a good reason to be doing it.

Because if no one's paying you attention, somepeople will get upset, and that is negative energy.
They cannot deal with it.
You have to be a strong person.
To navigate through your social media.
If you can do social media and not care whatanyone thinks about you, then that is the way you supposed to run with social media.

That way you can give a message.
And if nobody hears a message, then you do not carebecause you just give it a message just to help people.
And if you give a message and no one cares andyou don't care that that's the way it's supposed to be because that's how you stay strong.
You don't send messages out to have peoplelike you sending messages out to help people.

Sarah Webb (23:20):
Yeah, it can be an ego thing.

Archangel Uriel (23:23):
Because the person on your planet that you calledJesus or Yeshua was not preaching what you call.
For likes, he was preaching to help people and a lotof people didn't even listen to him, but he did not care because he was just giving the message out there.


Sarah Webb (23:48):
thank you.
Um, let's see.
So there's something, this is a question realquick with me and Travis and our private time.
We have, I think, Tantra going on.
And we have never, we don't really know much about it.

Is that something we should study, or

Archangel Uriel (24:16):
is there You do know about it.
Well, yes.
You're doing it.
We're doing it, yes, so.
There's nothing else you need to know about it.
We do.
You are doing it.
You are doing it correctly.
See, that is things about, uh, things on your planet.
Uh huh.
It is just part of your human existence.

You always want to know more.
You always want to know more.
There is no more you need to know.
You are doing it.
Well, I

Sarah Webb (24:46):
wondered if anyone else could, you know, learn about it if they wanted that in their lives and if single people can have it.

Archangel Uriel (24:57):
Well, when it comes to that, that is one thing you cannot teach.
You can tell them how you do it, but people have their own.
I see.
You cannot tell another couple how you do it.

Sarah Webb (25:17):
Oh, is that what it is?
Is it chemistry or I guess I don't really know.

Archangel Uriel (25:23):
chemistry and it's mindful.
See, if you explain to someone how you doit, they might get it and they might not.
See, someone on your planet called it that.
They just made up a name for it.
But in reality, that is the way you're supposed to have it.


Sarah Webb (25:49):
it seems like it's energy

Archangel Uriel (25:52):
is definitely energy.
That is exactly what it is.
See you keyed in.
You're having it the right way becauseyou're not having it just to have it.
See a lot of people on your planet,they just have what you call sex.
They just having it and they're not even really connect.

They think they're connectingto each other, but they're not.
They're just connecting to their urges the way you do it.
You are actually feeling each otherand you're in each other's minds.
Yeah, that's right.
And a lot of people cannot do that.
So there's nothing, you cannot teachthat because people will not understand.

Sarah Webb (26:35):
It's never happened with anyone except for Travis.
Is that because it's our chemistry?

Archangel Uriel (26:40):
Even with him, he has never done that before with anybody.
He just did the act.
And yes, the act, the act feels good.
But what you call the tantric sexis on a whole different level.
That is a whole different level.

It cannot be taught.
You can try to explain it to people,but they will not understand.
So those

Sarah Webb (27:09):
classes that people have...
Do those not really work or

Archangel Uriel (27:17):
it's sometimes they do because some people will really get it really understand.

Sarah Webb (27:24):

Archangel Uriel (27:27):
I guess in ways you can try to teach it.
But a lot of people would not get it.
So I guess in some ways it can be taught, but itis a big risk you're taking because a lot of people will get upset because they just won't get it.
Yeah, and they will get frustrated.

And they will just give up and just have the regularsex they always have, which is not terrible because even
with regular sex, you still connect with a person ina certain way, but it's usually just in a sexual way.
Tantric sex is when you're connecting withyour partner on a whole different level.

It's not even about.
The bodies touching each other is different.

Sarah Webb (28:13):
Yeah, it almost seems like you wouldn't even need to touch sometimes

Archangel Uriel (28:17):
You don't need to touch something.

Sarah Webb (28:18):
Yeah, you could have a full body a bliss orgasm for a long time

Archangel Uriel (28:24):
Yes, without even touching you totally just explained it.
on themselves
as a matter of fact When people do whatyou call masturbating, that is tantric sex.

Sarah Webb (28:48):
We're so shamed about these things, you know?
Gosh, I remember growing up and that was very bad.
Church taught it was bad, but even people taught it was bad.
It was just shameful and you didn't talk about that.
You know, I'm thinking of it differently now.

And I read a book by a lady.
Named Karen Laurie, I'm sure you'veseen me right reading her books, right?

Archangel Uriel (29:23):
That woman has found the light secret.

Sarah Webb (29:29):
is dialed in in all ways.

Archangel Uriel (29:31):
She has found the secret that everyone should be doing.
She just glows.
She stays happy regardless even when something goes wrong.
She does not care.
She still Smiles and stays happy.

Sarah Webb (29:50):
I can see it in her

Archangel Uriel (29:54):
Everyone could do that if they put pressure on themselves and just stay happy.
And it works.
The happy energy keeps happy things happening.

Sarah Webb (30:09):
That must be why I was so drawn to her, because I could see that divine, it's like a divine Love in her.
It's cool.
She glows.

Archangel Uriel (30:24):
Yes, no matter what she goes through, she stays happy.
It took her a long time to figure it out.
And when she figured it out,everything just started flowing.
So just do that.
If you have any hesitation, just keep thinking happy.
If you're going to do something,think happy before you do it.

And happiness will start.

Sarah Webb (30:47):
It takes a lot of practice to do that, but...
It's, uh, well the negative energy willtry to get you to do something else.
And so you have to really be aware of what you'rethinking, or what thoughts are coming into your
mind, and then push those negative ones away,and that is a thing we're not used to doing.

We have to learn it.

Archangel Uriel (31:14):
You have to learn it.

Sarah Webb (31:18):
Another question I had, I have seen in our hypnosis forum,our quantum healers forum, A method that someone is doing that I have been really interested in, um, she calls it

re scripting, where when someone has gone through trauma,say they had trauma as a child, she will change the story for that child and make it so there's a different story.

The child is in a safe place.
And they can, in the person's mind, leave thatchild in the new story, in the safe place.
And then they can go forward and imagine a happylife, and then bring that back to this life.

They changed the story of their life to bewhat it would be that they wanted to have.
And it seems to work.
And I was wondering what you thought of that method.

Archangel Uriel (32:37):
Yes, that works.
You can change your story.
That is another secret that alot of people are figuring out.
If you had something bad happen to youin the past, you can totally rewrite it.
The way you rewrite it, if something bad happens toyou, you literally just say, That did not happen to me.

You totally just disregard it.
And it works.
If you get hit by a car and you're paralyzed, you couldtotally rewrite that it is possible for you to walk again.
You can literally think that you could walk againbecause that had happened to you and it will happen.

A lot of people on your planet thinks that is impossible.
That is not impossible because it ispossible for you to heal yourself.
It is possible if you were.
Taught wrong.
Somebody did something wrong to you.
As a kid, you can override that and say, no,that did not happen to me, and it will go away.

You won't remember anymore.
See, that is what this individual does.
Uhhuh . When something bad happens to him,he totally forgets about it, and the only time he remembers when somebody brings it up.
, have you seen it happen before?
I think you have, because he wastalking to one of his family members.

He said, do you remember?
This person doing this to you.
And you said, Oh, I totally forgot about that.
Did you hear that?
Yes, I did.
That's what he does.
He's been rewriting his life, his whole life.
That's why nothing bothers him that muchbecause he just doesn't remember it.
If it was bad, he just does not remember it.

That's why he never has any problemsbecause he just doesn't remember.
He doesn't give those people thatmuch credit for what they did to him.
He just forgets.
That's why when something brings, somebody brings somethingup and said, do you remember me doing this to you?
And he just says, no, becausehe doesn't, he rewrote his life.

And then when they do bring it up, it still doesn't makehim feel bad because he's like, well, crap, that sucks.
And that's it.

Sarah Webb (35:12):
He only thinks a little bit about, uh, well, I think he waits for things to change.
And he thinks a little bit about.
Past things, but no, he doesn't dwell on that.

Archangel Uriel (35:25):
He gives everyone second chances, so he forgets.
That is their second chance.
Oh, I

Sarah Webb (35:31):
Did you teach him that from, like, the time he was young?
Did he have a gift for

Archangel Uriel (35:38):
Yes, he already had that already because when someonedid something to him, he just forgot about it.
But he also didn't talk to them anymore either.
That's another way he was able to forget about itbecause the person somebody did something to them He just did not interact with them anymore Now some would

Sarah Webb (35:58):
say that it's like stuffing it away and not dealing with it and for some people it could be that way But that's exactly

Archangel Uriel (36:05):
what it is.
Why do you want to deal with it for why?

Sarah Webb (36:08):
I guess they're

Archangel Uriel (36:08):
remembering it.
But it's not helping you remember anything bad.
So why would you do that?

Sarah Webb (36:14):
don't know why.
I don't know why those cycles happen.
I guess it's what we're trained to do.

Archangel Uriel (36:20):
You are trained to be negative.
See, when somebody does something to you,it doesn't matter why they did it to you, because that is none of your business.
Even if it has, even if it has something, even if they didthat to you, it doesn't matter why they did that to you.
It is none of your business.

The only thing you can do is say, well,I'm not going to think about it no more.
Get out of my way.
Just don't interact with that person anymore.
You literally just disappear.
See, you can't invest all your feelings into what they do.
People that do bad things to you because theydid it to you because they don't care about you.

So, if they don't care about you, thenyou shouldn't care about what they did to you and you should not care about them.
When they come back and say, I'm sorry I did that to you,then you're like, oh, okay, but I don't even remember.
Then you can try to be friends with them againand you just don't remember what they did to you.

Sarah Webb (37:20):
So, there are a lot of people going through hard times right now where they are.
With someone that is harming them currently.
Do they just have to figure their way out of that?

Archangel Uriel (37:33):
If you're with someone, a significant other, especially if you're married to them, that is a different situation because you are tied together.
So if that person is doing something bad toyou, really bad to you, unfortunately, that is when you have to get out of the situation.

You can try what you call counselingbecause sometimes that works.
But if it doesn't work, then youhave to get out of that situation.
You have to let that person go andlet them deal with their things.
Because even though you are tied together,we here in the light also know just because.

You are tied together.
Sometimes your paths are supposed tosplit and go in different directions.
Because you have that.
Put that in your so called plan.
When you got there.
You may not have to be together the whole time.

He was probably there for a little bit.
He said, okay, we have to split up.
So we have to meet the other significantothers that we're supposed to be with.
Because it was part of the plan.
Everything is planned.

Sarah Webb (38:53):
Some people are wondering how did I get in this mess and what am I going to do?
And you know, I've been there too.

Archangel Uriel (39:01):
Because everyone's plan has to do with love.
Even if you plan to go down to a certain world andget killed, that plan is still set in a loving way.
Because even the person that killsyou, that was their plan to do that.

And eventually, they will go into the light.
Like I said, no one goes to hell because hell doesn't exist.

Sarah Webb (39:33):
people ever delay going up to the light?
That's what I was wondering.
That is

Archangel Uriel (39:39):
There are some beings when theydon't go directly into the light.
They can go anytime they want.
But some of them do stick around in that area.
The reason why is because...
It is true.
That is one thing that is true.

They stick around so they can watch over,but they can watch over them up here as well.
But when they're there on that plane, it is different.
They can still do certain things.
It is almost like we don't even consider it limbo.
It's almost like it may sound bad, butthat is also kind of a fun place as well.

Because here, well, we are the light.
We cannot move things on your planet.
Oh, yes.
See, if you don't go into the light, you still arethe physical plane, but in a different dimension.
So that's how they can still move things on the planet.
They can knock things over becausethey're in a different dimension.

So they're still in the physical plane in theirspiritual body, but they can knock things over.
They can make sounds, they can eventalk to their loved ones sometimes.
That's how their loved ones seethem and what you call ghost.

Sarah Webb (41:06):
they go back and forth or?

Archangel Uriel (41:09):
Once they come here into the light, the only timethey can go back is when they go into another life.
I see.

Sarah Webb (41:16):
I noticed our light in the frontroom goes on at nighttime sometimes.

Archangel Uriel (41:22):
Those are energies.
I thought that.
See, those energies are not spiritual.
See that's the thing.
Those energies are physical.
Those energies are in a different dimension.
That's why the light comes on.
Energies are physical.

on a physical plane in a different dimension.
So that's why the lights can come on.
That's deep.
So when someone dies, they're still inthe physical plane if they stick around.
They just can't be seen.
Sometimes they can be seen if they want to.
They can knock things over.
Could they turn the light on?

They can do anything they want.
That's why I say it's kind of a fun area for a lot of'em, , because they're, they're halfway in a light.
But halfway in your plane, but in a different dimension.
, they can make things happen.

Sarah Webb (42:19):
But then there are energies that are physical, physical,

Archangel Uriel (42:26):
On a, in a different dimension.
In different dimension.
Which is what all of, most of theelementals live in a different dimension.
There are a lot of, there are a lot of differentbeings that can go in, of, in and out of dimensions.
Those are very special.
Mm hmm.
To name one is what we mentioned many, manytimes because that being is very special is the one you call Sasquatch and Bigfoot.

Mm hmm.
Because they can disappear and reappear.
They can run really fast.
Some people see them looks like whenthey're running, they like they're floating instead of running cuz it runs so fast.
When you see them run, they do not hop.
When you see humans run, their bodies hop up and down.
When the Bigfoot run, they look like they're floating.

Floating, yes.
Because they run so fast.
That their bodies did not jump up and down.
They run it so fast, they can run up hills.
They can run up mountains.
Is it like they're gliding?
They're gliding.
That's what you call it.
And they pop in and out of dimensions.
Some people say when they, some people see a ballof light, and all of a sudden they'll see a Bigfoot.

The ball of light is a Bigfoot.
Popping in from their portals to your dimension.
Those beings can fly ships as well See a lot of peoplethink they're just dumb what you call apes and just run around and scaring people That's not what they are.
They're a real Intelligent beings that can flyships No one have even seen them get off a ship yet.

That's why they don't associate them with ships, butthey can fly ships Because they're, they're all beings.
So they're very advanced.
They're way more advanced than humans.

Sarah Webb (44:14):
Um, let's see.
I noticed some girls in my group said that theirhealing gifts were, well, they were able to heal.
I think they just like got a gift to heal.
Is that happening to

Archangel Uriel (44:32):
Everyone on your planet can heal themselves.
They just found out that they could do it.

Sarah Webb (44:38):
It sounds like they said that they were able to help others more than in the past.

Archangel Uriel (44:44):
Why would that happen?
Because they are finding their gifts.
Everyone has the same gift.
Everyone can heal themselves.
Some people can heal other people.
They can do that.
Every human on your planet can do that.
They were just conditioned to think they can't dothat because they depend on what you call doctors.

Sarah Webb (45:05):
some of us can heal other people then.

Archangel Uriel (45:08):
Wow, that's cool.
Yes, some people can do that.
And a lot of people keep it a secret.
Because your government willdispose of them if they find out.
If they can heal others?
Because they will lose money.
If someone's going around healingeverybody, you won't need any

Sarah Webb (45:30):
These are BQH practitioners.
Would they be, um, Like, not safe, if they can do that?

Archangel Uriel (45:39):
If they do it in private, they will be safe.
They can't be broadcasting it, because that is not safe.
Oh, I see.

Sarah Webb (45:47):
Um, okay.
And there's something I've read about aMerkaba, creating a Merkaba around yourself.
Is that a real thing?
That is what they call it.
What is that?

Archangel Uriel (46:05):
It's just an energy field.
That is all it is.

Sarah Webb (46:08):
What is it for?
Is it protection?

Archangel Uriel (46:11):
It is for protection.
That is what I was saying before, what I told you earlier.
If you wanted to live in a 5D,you could put 5D in your home.
If you just keep people away from you, it's the same thing.
It doesn't have to be an actual contraption.
It can, it can be your home.
You don't have to build one.

You could build one, but you don't really need to.
Your home could be that same contraption.

Sarah Webb (46:38):
Some people have written books saying that youneed to advance to the place where you create that.
And I wondered if that was really necessaryor just a thing that people learn they could

Archangel Uriel (46:50):
It is actually very necessary.
That's how you keep your sanity.
If you keep your sanity, you keep everything for yourself.
Everyone does not need to know your business.

Sarah Webb (47:04):
I noticed they said that when they did that.
Those who watch us sometimes would show up.
Because they disappeared apparently off thewhatever They can see us on where they scan.
They scan us.

They scan, yes.
And listen.
And so if somebody disappears, that's the trigger.

Archangel Uriel (47:36):

Sarah Webb (47:38):
sounds like they are safe if they do some other things.
So I guess you have to be careful doing that?
So, those who have mastered that, I thinkit was a book called, um, Waking Up in 5D or the same author who wrote about that.

Archangel Uriel (48:00):
That is a good one.
They fouled the secret.
It's a good book?

Sarah Webb (48:10):
And then, what is ascension?
When people say ascension, are we truly ascending later?
Because it

Archangel Uriel (48:22):
that is the same that we explained to earlier even when I told you about the sunlight and everyone is feeling everything That is ascension.
Okay, when you start seeing light you startseeing things you start finding out the secrets Everything's starting to feel different to you.
You start to get away from your religious conceptsThat is what you call awakening because you're

starting to think for yourself And you startedto see things that you've never seen before.
You're starting to feel things you've never felt before.
And that is what you call ascension.
If we

Sarah Webb (49:01):
die, it would be the same thing?

Archangel Uriel (49:04):
Because when you're ascending on yourplanet is what you call it, that is the same thing as almost as dying and coming here.
Because you're starting to see things.
You're starting to believe everything is different.
You're getting tied of all the lies that you've been told.
That you know it is not true because itmade no sense in your life whatsoever.

You was not benefiting from it at all.
It was almost like it was a waste of time.
That is ascending.

Sarah Webb (49:38):
So you've told me we are always perfect.
I remember when, you know, originally I asked whereI was from and I thought, Oh, I'm on a high level.
But then I learned everyone was from that level.
We don't have levels, right?
There are no levels.
So Ascension is, is that, it's not going to another level.

Is it just waking up and remembering who we are?

Archangel Uriel (50:05):
There are no levels at

Sarah Webb (50:08):
Like, at all.
Cause some people think of it as...
We have to reach that or we willnot make it to the new earth.

Archangel Uriel (50:18):
That is exactly right.

Sarah Webb (50:22):
That is, wait, that is right?

Archangel Uriel (50:24):
What you just said is exactly right.

Sarah Webb (50:30):
So if we don't reach that we won't go to the new earth?

Archangel Uriel (50:35):
You have to ascend, but when you ascend, the new earth is going to come, regardless.
You do not have to be anything when the new earth comes.
When the new earth comes, everyone will change.
Some will be having trouble with it.

Like I said, they're going to need helpwith it, but everyone will send eventually.
No one will be left behind.
Like I told you, there are no rules.
There are no rules.

Sarah Webb (51:10):
And I think a while ago you said you'll make it so the time seems like We all go at the same time or something like that.
Is that correct?
That is correct.
Okay, because I know some people haveasked me, like, I'm worried about my son.
What if they don't, you know, go?
And I said, well, I think that they toldme that it will seem like we all go at the

Archangel Uriel (51:34):
same time.
It will be that way.

Sarah Webb (51:37):
So there's nothing to worry about.

Archangel Uriel (51:40):
There's a misconception on your planet.
Everyone, like I said, likes to put things in boxes.
They think everyone is different.
You are all the same, no matter what.

Sarah Webb (51:52):
Do you have any other messages for us?

Archangel Uriel (51:56):
Everyone on your planet and in theuniverse needs to stay positive.
Keep feeling the light from thesun because something is coming.
That is all I can say.
Something very big is coming.

I'm not going to tell you when, but it is coming.
And everyone will be ready for it.
Thank you.

Sarah Webb (52:37):
I think daddy will be back in just a minute.
Coming out.
You're feeling good, positiveenergy, of course, through your body.
Yes, you're feeling happy.
Two, you're coming out, you're laughing.
You're happy, happy, happy.

Three, coming out more and more.
Four, coming out.
And five, all the way out.
What was that about?
You are laughing and your eyes are shining.
What was that?

Archangel Uriel (53:16):
I saw Kogi's head, head go like, he went, shhh!
He's like, he came right at my face like, ahhh!
I saw Kogi's head like, I saw Kogi'shead, his head came like, shoot it!
His head can't shoot him, but he went, rah,

Sarah Webb (53:33):
like, Ooh, why did he do that?
He just, that doesn't make any sense.

Archangel Uriel (53:38):
Just his head just can't shoot in my face and he'd just be out in my face, like

Sarah Webb (53:42):
Oh, I see.
Why did,

Archangel Uriel (53:48):
because I, I was like, I was like, I was like, All I see was like clouds and all of a sudden, all of a sudden, I was like, I see Coke's head go RAAWR!

Sarah Webb (54:00):
Coke was like meowing at

Archangel Uriel (54:05):
you It was funny, it was like a It was like I see clouds, all of a sudden I see Coke's head go RAAWR!
I was like what the hell You

Sarah Webb (54:17):
crazy thing, you crazy nut Why'd you do

Archangel Uriel (54:21):
that kid?

Sarah Webb (54:23):
think he's probably hungry That

Archangel Uriel (54:26):
was hilarious Cockers, were you yelling at me?

Sarah Webb (54:30):
are a funny cat.

Archangel Uriel (54:32):
Looks like his head came out of nowhere.

Sarah Webb (54:35):
Okay, so we're signing out with the crazy cat.
We're gonna feed him lunch, I think.
One o'clock, that's probably what's up.
All right, bye.
Thank you so much for listening toour channeling with Archangel Uriel.
I hope you enjoyed that.
I know I really did, and I am so dang tired right now.

I'm just gonna tell y'all we love you.
We appreciate you so much.
I hope everybody's doing well.
I hope you're hanging in there, and I know life is prettywild lately for lots of people, but we're just sending you our love and Thank you so much for being here.
We really do appreciate you all and we willhave another podcast to share with you soon.

So stay tuned for more and.
Have a great day.
All right.
Love you guys.

Archangel Uriel (55:37):
Thank you for listening to Quantum Healing with the Angels.
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