All Episodes

May 15, 2024 75 mins

Hi guys! Here is the link to the Light Language class. It is this Sunday, May 19th, 5pm MST - so convert that to your time zone! The link to purchase is here: This is the only time we will offer it for $50 because this is a live channeling (for the majority of the class!). Please read the description below the blue sign (click on it, and then scroll down to see the description) so you'll know how the class will flow!  The Angels said it will be fun - and, Larry will make an appearance as well! This show, Episode 29, is at first Larry and then Archangel Uriel speaking with us. He talks generally about talking about loved ones who have passed over, how they are helping us, and how they are right there to talk to. Also, lots of energy is being pumped into the planet. We will discuss how guides communicate, Coconut will make an appearance, losing weight, our idea of "the devil", curses (are they real?), negative energy spots on the earth, the Akashic records/Hall of Records, Larry again and more information about Light Language - more information I have never heard before!

Check back soon on Social Media or at our shop to see what is new. New things should be going up every day or every other day or so!

If you are on an awakening path and need support, or if you want to learn how to self-heal as I did, check out our offerings (all links) at We love you and hope you enjoy this Episode!

Sarah & Travis

Episode Transcript:

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Sarah Webb (00:00):
with the angels and I have a new podcast for you today.
This is podcast number 29 and I have to hurry becausewe have to take off today and do a little driving.
So I'm going to just really fast runyou through just a couple things.

There's not a whole lot you have to know in advance, um, onething I do want to tell you is that Larry, you guys who have listened, know that Larry is Travis's higher self, right?
Larry is popping up, not only in my dreams, but in myfriend's dreams, and he's wearing some interesting outfits.

He just told me yesterday he likes His fits.
That's gonna go up, like, next week.
But, so, for me he appeared last week in,like, a clown costume that was multicolored.
Uh, I was dreaming, but I knew it wasn't a realdream because it was, it was, like, really real.

But, like, I was so strange, it was so strange.
And then I started getting reports from my friends.
One of my friends encountered Larry.
Well, she said that he had on one day what she calls a hat.
I had to actually Google that to see what it looks like.

It's like the hats with the feathers in them.
It was pretty funny.
Then the next day, she's meditating.
Larry appears in, Have you everseen, um, what is that movie?
Oh, A Christmas Story, when Ralphie gets his new pajamas?

Yeah, that's what he appeared in.
has pajamas with bunny feet and bunny ears.
So he is, he's going around making people laugh and he isworking with people's higher selves to like cheer them up.

So just be aware if you see Larry, you are.
Seeing Larry, it's not Travis, he's, it's justLarry who looks like Travis, and he's popping up in these really, uh, funny and fun outfits.

So, that's what's going on there.
And it It honestly it works like the day that he did thatI was kind of bummed out and and then I was like did I just Larry like in all this like multi colored suit or something?
Yeah, I did.
So okay, so there's that.

Um Some things we talk about in this are like, it's,it's Larry, and then it's, it goes over to Archangel Uriel, and he talks with us about a few different things.
Um, Coconut, of course, makes an appearancein the middle of the whole thing.

So Uriel said he likes what you call mushy treats.
Now, I don't know if any of youhave cats, I'm sure some of you do.
If you do, you probably know what Temptationstreats are, and they have a kind of new one called, um, well, I don't know what it's called, but in

our house it's called Mushy Treats, and they juststarted getting them, so they're all excited.
The two cats are all excited about those.
So we had to stop the whole thing for a couple of days.
me to give him mushy treats.
Or I think he said gushy treats.
Gushy treats or mushy treats.
Then there's some stuff about, um, losing weight.

I kept that in there for y'all tofeel my pain when it comes to that.
I could have taken it out, but I was like,somebody out there needs to hear this.
So I left it in.
Um, they talk about the devil not being realand also our funny portrayal of the devil.

Curses, the Akashic records, um, goodthings that are coming for everyone.
I had, had a huge thing on that, likea, like a vision or dream or something.
And then we talk about loved ones who have passed over andhow they're helping us and how they are right here, really.

You can talk to your loved ones.
who've passed over.
At the very end, we talk about light language,and there's more information about light language.
And so with that, I will tell youthe light language class is now open.
It is this Sunday at 5 p.
Mountain Standard Time.

I know that's soon, but we had to,we had to get on it really fast.
This class is only 50.
It's for two hours, and most of that is going to be.
Travis channeling live and we're going to see what theangels have to say and then take your questions through the zoom chat and try to get to as many of those as we

can we can't promise that we'll get to all of them butwe'll try to get to everything that we can and especially the questions that are the most common for the class.
So, like I said, this is the only timewe're, we're going to do it this cheap.
It's because we really want you guysto find out like how powerful this is.

It's something that's going to change everything.
I didn't know this when I Got hit with thelight language stick, but it is crazy powerful.
So if you want to know some secrets about how to manipulateenergy and all kinds of things, come to our class.

It's going to be really good.
I will leave a link at the very top in the show notes.
So just look for that at the top.
I've emailed some of you already.
You can go to our co fi ko.
our shop there.
I'm not sure.

Let me see what it says.
It says quantum healing with the angels after ko fi.
com forward slash quantum healing with the angels.
So that's what it is.
If you have any questions, you can email me at bqh.

sarahwebb at gmail.
com and I'll give you moreinformation, but 50 for two hours.
I haven't seen any class, any spiritual classthat cheap, especially with life channeling.
This is the first time we've done this andwe've been wanting to do it for a long time.
So we hope you guys will attend.

I think it's going to be amazing.
And especially if we can get some guys in there,we need a couple of male voices if possible.
I think in this, in this podcast,they explain why that's important.
Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you.
Larry has already promised that he will make an appearance.

So there's that to look forward to too.
I'm interested to see what's going to happen.
But light language is, I forgot tosay this, also extremely healing.
So anyone who goes to this class, it's almostlike getting a class about light language.

We're going to try to activate your light language.
And also, just hearing it is going to be healing, soit's kind of like getting, uh, a class plus a healing.
It's going to be like that.
So it is really worth, uh, the investment.

All right, I'm going to get goingand get this playing for you.
I hope you're having a good day today.
We love you guys.
And we will talk to you soon.
Okay, and we hope to see you at the class.
All right.

I might know that lash
Goodness Hello, how are you?
I think I know who this might be Cheerio Oh

Archangel Uriel (09:31):
Is this larry Is it okay to say cheerio?
It is It's okay with me I know you have a lotin your country, a lot of breakfast cereals.
Breakfast cereals.
We say cheerio.

Sarah Webb (09:48):

Archangel Uriel (09:48):

Sarah Webb (09:49):
In England.

Archangel Uriel (09:52):
And I don't want to say the wrong breakfast cereal for different people.

Sarah Webb (09:57):
You are funny.
It's so

Archangel Uriel (10:00):
Like if I see somebody else in America.
Maybe they don't like cheerios.
Maybe they like, I don't know, the oneswith the colors in it called Lucky Charms.
So should I say Lucky Charms?
Oh yes.

Sarah Webb (10:17):
I used to like those.
Oh goodness, I was just looking at Dianathings, and England things, how funny.
Oh yeah.
Reminding myself it's all a dream.
All a dream.

Archangel Uriel (10:38):
Yes, it may feel like a dream to you because it,

Sarah Webb (10:44):
Oh, it feels real here.

Archangel Uriel (10:46):
Is a dream.
Because she's not awake and we go back up here with us.

Sarah Webb (10:54):
That's so weird.

Archangel Uriel (10:57):

Sarah Webb (10:59):
It seems so real.

Archangel Uriel (11:02):
Yes, it may seem real to you.

Sarah Webb (11:05):

Archangel Uriel (11:06):
it seems real to everyone.

Sarah Webb (11:09):
Yeah, it does.
It really does.

Archangel Uriel (11:13):
Are people slowly learning that you're not really awake until you back up here and align with us?

Sarah Webb (11:27):

Archangel Uriel (11:29):
Yes, that's the way it works.

Sarah Webb (11:32):
I've been thinking, it's been almost twoyears that we've been talking to you, I think.
Or maybe you can't remember.
I think so.

Archangel Uriel (11:46):
It has been about that long.

Sarah Webb (11:50):
That's amazing.

Archangel Uriel (11:54):

Sarah Webb (11:57):
You're in a Well, you're always in a good mood.
I can feel something's shifted this week.
This past week.

Archangel Uriel (12:08):
Yes, we've been pumping in more light.
It is.
Negative energies have been going in tooover time, trying to push everyone down.
It will not last.

Sarah Webb (12:24):
I talked to a girl whose friend passed over.
Well, I think.
I'm not sure.
I don't know if he is still in a coma or if he has passedover, but anyway, we were talking and I could hear him.

And I think he, I think he said, Iwill, I'm going to do something for you.
And I think maybe he talked to my team.
Is that right?

Archangel Uriel (12:58):
Ah, yes.
He has been helping.
And he's been.

Sarah Webb (13:01):
Yeah, Mikey.
Having a

Archangel Uriel (13:05):
very good time up there.

Sarah Webb (13:09):
That is good.

Archangel Uriel (13:10):
Yes, we know it is hard living down there, but he is much better here in the light.
He is back where he belongs.

Sarah Webb (13:27):
He seems very special.
And, it was very nice to talk to him.

Archangel Uriel (13:36):
Yes, you have been picking all that fairly well.

Sarah Webb (13:41):
I didn't know I could do that.

Archangel Uriel (13:43):
Yes, it is one of the gifts that you have been given, and it is Going to help you a lot in the future.

Sarah Webb (13:54):
I'd love to help people with that.

Archangel Uriel (13:56):
Yes, you're going to be helping a lot more people in the future with that gift.

Sarah Webb (14:02):
Oh, that would really be special.
It would.

Archangel Uriel (14:07):

Sarah Webb (14:10):
And my gifts changed.
I don't know what he did, but I remember, I went to sleep.
And there was some kind of meeting, my team or something.
Someone was talking and they, and I thinkI had been asking, please, for help.

And something happened.
I don't know what happened.
It was like we reached a goal or, that's what it felt like.
I don't know.

Archangel Uriel (14:47):

Sarah Webb (14:48):

Archangel Uriel (14:49):
You have reached the goal.
He was talking to your team and hewas talking to everyone he could.
I talked to him for a little.
He was very daft.

Sarah Webb (15:05):
He was funny, wasn't he?

Archangel Uriel (15:07):
Yes, he's very funny.
And sweet.
He was so happy.

Sarah Webb (15:11):
I'm so glad.

Archangel Uriel (15:14):
He was relieved to be done.

Sarah Webb (15:18):

Archangel Uriel (15:18):
With his life mission.
That is what he signed up for,

Sarah Webb (15:22):

Archangel Uriel (15:22):
he signed up to pass away in that manner.

Sarah Webb (15:28):
Yeah, his friend was worried about that, but I couldtell how happy he was, and when I asked, you know,
what things, well, I said, So I know that it's not metalking to me, but it didn't sound like that really.

But I said, just so I know, what are some things you like?
And he told me, and it was a list.
And I said, okay, okay, okay.
Even the way he talked.
And then I asked her and she said, yes,that's all those things were right.

That made me feel good.
And that he was happy.
That he was so happy.

Archangel Uriel (16:19):
You catered him very well to that.
You heard him loud and clear.
Getting better at it.

Sarah Webb (16:29):
Yeah, it was easier to hear.
And then, wow, things changed.
All this beautiful, Oh, positive light came in.
I could feel it, and it was like, it was, it waslike a, like a dam broke or something happened.

And I felt so much better, and I kept wakingup in the night saying, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
But I didn't know what I was excitedabout, but I was so excited and happy.
I know.
I know.
I don't know what it was.
I knew that it was on purpose.

That I didn't know what it was about.
But I could feel how exciting it was.
And it didn't feel like maybe it was just for us.
It felt like maybe it was for everyone.
Is that right?
Can you tell me that?

Archangel Uriel (17:30):
Yes, that feeling you felt.
Was for everyone, and it was spreading.
It's still spreading.

Sarah Webb (17:39):
Oh, that's so good.

Archangel Uriel (17:42):
Well, you know, everyone gets impatient, and we know it's very hard right now.
But it's going to be better.

Sarah Webb (17:53):
I'm excited.

Archangel Uriel (17:58):
That was good work.

Sarah Webb (17:59):
What did you say?

Archangel Uriel (18:01):
I was talking to you, I Oh, he's wanting to To speak.

Sarah Webb (18:06):

Archangel Uriel (18:07):
Yes, I will let him speak.

Sarah Webb (18:10):
Okay, thank you,

Archangel Uriel (18:11):
I am here.

Sarah Webb (18:14):
Thank you for coming.

Archangel Uriel (18:16):
Yes, what he is saying is very true.
Everything is going to plan.

Sarah Webb (18:24):

Archangel Uriel (18:25):
You are getting used to your new gifts and you're figuring everything out.
Everything is going to collapse.
That's good.
You're starting to hear different, different souls fromwhen they pass over and some is starting to come in.

Some will give you visions.
You will see a vision and haveno idea what it is coming from.

Sarah Webb (18:55):
I have been so many lots of them flying by like pictures

Archangel Uriel (19:03):

Sarah Webb (19:04):
Why do they do

Archangel Uriel (19:06):
It is kind of a message some Will speak to you directly andsome would just give you a flash Of what they are saying That's how some speak to you They will flash a message

Sarah Webb (19:22):

Archangel Uriel (19:23):
Like you may see someone Just running for no reason.

Sarah Webb (19:28):
That's what I saw.

Archangel Uriel (19:29):
And those are the ones that are learning to communicate.
On this spirit side, as you callit, they're trying to communicate.
So they'll send you a picture of something.

Sarah Webb (19:43):

Archangel Uriel (19:44):
And then they don't necessarily realize they can actually speak to you like I am speaking to you.
But some of them do speak to yousometimes because you hear it.

Sarah Webb (19:54):
Oh yes, that's right.

Archangel Uriel (19:55):
And you say, who is this?

Sarah Webb (19:57):
have been saying, who is this?

Archangel Uriel (20:00):
And sometimes they can't tell you right off who they are, so they just keep giving you pictures.
So it's best just to look at them, andeventually, they will be able to speak to you.
They will tell you their names.

Sarah Webb (20:17):
I notice at night time, I'll be talking to you.
Just explaining something, and I'll be giving a detail thatsomeone must have asked a question for, and then I say,
what, who am I talking to, and I wonder why am I talking tosomeone about my day, and telling them a detail of my day.

I don't know who, I don't know who I'm talking, talking to.

Archangel Uriel (20:48):
Yes, sometimes that is.
There is sometimes a soul that is just wanderingaround and they realize that you can speak to them.

Sarah Webb (20:57):
They can

Archangel Uriel (20:57):
see it.
On this side, every soul can see whocan speak to them and who cannot.
They usually see it in your aura.
They say, oh, this woman can hear me.
I know she can.
Or This man can hear me.

So they just try to start speaking to them.
Most of the time, if they know the person is not veryused to the spirit world, they will not, they will not speak with them right off, because it will scare

Sarah Webb (21:34):

Archangel Uriel (21:35):
But, most of the time, they will just give people flashes of images.
Some of the people that don't know they can speakto spirits Yet, but they see things and hear things.
They usually just Give them pictures

Sarah Webb (21:51):

Archangel Uriel (21:53):
then if the They can tell if the person picks up some of the pictures or not But if they do not understand what they are seeing they usually leave them
alone because They do not want to scare the person so theyJust move along and go to the next person that understands what they are seeing and understands they can speak

Sarah Webb (22:20):

Archangel Uriel (22:23):
the people on this side.

Sarah Webb (22:25):
Are they asking me questions about my life?
I thought I was describing Sometimes

Archangel Uriel (22:32):
they are, but you have to ask them what are they trying to show you and they will tell you,

Sarah Webb (22:39):

Archangel Uriel (22:39):
they will try to tell you.

Sarah Webb (22:42):
I've been wondering why I would be explaining my day, and I was confused about that, but maybe instead of saying, Who is this?
What is the best thing to say to?
Is it to ask who I'm speaking to, or is it toask what is wanted, or what is the best thing to say if you hear someone Talking to you like that?

Archangel Uriel (23:13):
That is up to you.
You just speak to them

Sarah Webb (23:18):

Archangel Uriel (23:19):
Like you're speaking to anyone else.
You just speak to them normallylike you speak to anyone else.
Just ask them and they will tell you.
Sometimes they don't know how to tell you.
But they will not tell you.
bother you too much if they know you're not getting it.
Sometimes you'll get those messages and you will ask themto tell you and if you do not hear anything they're not ignoring you they just don't know how to get it to you.

Sarah Webb (23:54):
Some images have been very different lately too.
Really weird.
Some of them look like, almost like the AI pictureswere strange, plasticky looking, surreal looking things.

Archangel Uriel (24:15):
Yeah, some of the visions will come, the visions come the way they can show you.
Or what they are used to.
You could be getting images from someone thatused to work on their computer, as you call it, in

Sarah Webb (24:30):
a vision.
Ah, I see.

Archangel Uriel (24:33):
Things like that, what you call AI, they could do some, so that's on the way they can show people things because that's what they're used to.

Sarah Webb (24:41):

Archangel Uriel (24:43):
Yes, every vision is different.

Sarah Webb (24:45):
And then I have seen people, like you said, running.
It looks like they're running, like jogging or something.
And then sometimes I've seen I'm almost, what looks likeI'm looking into a Tunnel or Just all kinds of things

Archangel Uriel (25:07):
Yes, sometimes you're seeing a vision of something they seen when they were Alive that is giving you little pieces of what they saw.
They could have been giving you visions of whenthey What they saw right before they passed away.

Sarah Webb (25:24):
they passed.
Oh yeah, that would make sense.

Archangel Uriel (25:26):
what most of

Sarah Webb (25:29):

Archangel Uriel (25:29):
are at the beginning because they want to try to tell people what happened to them.

Sarah Webb (25:35):
That would make sense with what I saw.

Archangel Uriel (25:38):
Or what they saw right before they came back over here.

Sarah Webb (25:42):
Yeah, okay.

Archangel Uriel (25:44):
To the light.
Yes That is very much how most of those things workSomeone is trying to give you a message of What they saw right before they passed away or sometimes
trying to give you a message of things They usedto do when they were well, yeah and your dimension

Sarah Webb (26:11):
It's making sense

Archangel Uriel (26:14):
Yes, there are pretty scattered messages sometimes.

Sarah Webb (26:16):
Uh, yeah, but this helps.

Archangel Uriel (26:19):
you usually straight up ask them what their names are, sometimes they will, sometimes when people pass back over into this side, some
of them literally forget who their names werebecause they're no longer that person anymore.
So sometimes they won't remember what their name is.


Sarah Webb (26:43):
Are there ever Well, I can see how those things might scare some people If they saw them, you know Some of those things.

Archangel Uriel (26:53):

Sarah Webb (26:54):
Is it ever?
negative Lots of negatives tryingto mess Trying to interfere.

Archangel Uriel (27:03):
It really depends on what you see if you see someone

Sarah Webb (27:08):

Archangel Uriel (27:08):
being killed.

Sarah Webb (27:10):

Archangel Uriel (27:10):
not necessarily negative.
They're literally showing you what happened to them.

Sarah Webb (27:15):

Archangel Uriel (27:16):
The only time you can think of anything that is negative, if you see something that is totally what you see, what you call evil looking, that may be negative.
But sometimes you might see what they might have been.

Taken from someone from another dimension.
Okay, because there are some things in Other dimensionsthat you may call evil, but they're not necessarily evil.
That is just the way They are sometimes peopleget taken from your dimension In uh what you call an evil way, but it's not necessarily evil.

That is just what They do that is part of their creationAnd that is what they signed for in their life mission, to be taken away from your planet or your dimension.
They signed a life plan to be taken awayfrom some being in another dimension.
That is the way they will wantto pass away from their lives.

So it may seem evil, but it is not necessarilyevil, because as we always say, evil does not exist.

Sarah Webb (28:37):

Archangel Uriel (28:38):
That is just the way they were taken away.
So if you see anything that looks, what you call,scary, and see one, someone being killed, that
is not necessarily evil, that is just how theywere meant to leave and come back over here.

Sarah Webb (29:01):
I can see why people who see these things would be confused.

Archangel Uriel (29:06):
Yes, only religious people see it as something evil, because if they were not religious, the word evil wouldn't even pop up in their minds.
They would automatically know that it wassomething different that they'd never seen before, and they just take it as that.

Sarah Webb (29:27):
Uh, some people get scared easily too.

Archangel Uriel (29:35):

Sarah Webb (29:37):
My client today, I didn't know the religion she grew up in.
So I had to figure out some things during that.

Archangel Uriel (29:46):
She was trying to get more spiritual and she was trying to leave all of her religious ideas out.
Because she was slowly starting to know that herreligion, Is not making any sense whatsoever.

Sarah Webb (30:01):
It's a lot to take apart, it is.

Archangel Uriel (30:05):
Yes, because Everything on this side, as we always say, is very simple.
Every religion has all these rules and misconceptions,and it, actually none of it makes any sense.
Most religions all have a lot of restrictive rules.
We have no rules over here in the light, soreligions always confuse people, because they ain't.

There's a lot of things they're saying that theycannot do, or they try to tell people how to think.
And most of the things they say isnone of the things we do over here.
So it makes no sense at all.

Sarah Webb (30:51):
I know she had a dream that it didn't sound Well, I see this a lot in awakening groups where people will say, Why did my guides do this or do that?
But when I hear it, I think, that is not how guides sound.
It is not how you ever sound.
And I think that probably was not a guide.

Archangel Uriel (31:13):
No, it was their ego telling them things.

Sarah Webb (31:16):

Archangel Uriel (31:16):
And sometimes it was negative energies telling them things.
Because we never give out any negative information.
Because negative energies or beings willsay you can't do this or can't do that.
That is not us.

Sarah Webb (31:35):

Archangel Uriel (31:36):
We never say you can't do anything.
Because Everyone has free will.
We do not tell people what to do.
You can ask us what you could do,and sometimes we will tell you.
But we never tell you, you can't do anything.
Because you can pretty much do anything you want.

Because it is up to you.

Sarah Webb (32:01):

Archangel Uriel (32:02):
We're never going to tell you what you can do.
We can give you free will.
a suggestion every now and then, but we cannot tellyou what you must do because we cannot interfere.
We can only maybe give you asuggestion of what you could do.

And sometimes we do not like to do that too much.
The source doesn't like for us to do that too muchbecause if it Anything goes the way you do not like it, then people will get angry and try to blame us.

Sarah Webb (32:44):

Archangel Uriel (32:45):
For taking them in the wrong direction.

Sarah Webb (32:49):

Archangel Uriel (32:49):
And we do not take people in the wrong direction.

Sarah Webb (32:54):
Is it just that a timeline changes or something like that?
If you tell someone something and it doesn't go that way?
Mm hmm.

Archangel Uriel (33:03):
Sometimes it is a timeline, but most of the time it is the will of the other people you're having to work with.
Because they have their own lives to live.

Sarah Webb (33:12):
But that would change, wouldn't that change the timeline?
Or no?
The free will of people?

Archangel Uriel (33:19):
Sometimes it does, but the timelines and free will of people are two totally different things.
That is the one that is kind of hard to explainbecause when someone does something, And it goes in a direction you do not want it to go to.
That is not necessarily a timeline change.
That is just

Sarah Webb (33:38):

Archangel Uriel (33:38):
way your path is supposed to go.

Sarah Webb (33:42):
Oh, okay.

Archangel Uriel (33:43):
Timeline changes and the way your path is supposed to go is two totally different things.
And it is hard for us to explain it to you becauseit is too many intricate things that goes into it.

Sarah Webb (33:57):
too many.
And there

Archangel Uriel (33:57):
is no way we can explain it to you because Okay.
It will take what you call forever to explainhow the One Direction is supposed to go.

Sarah Webb (34:09):

Archangel Uriel (34:10):
And you will not understand it.

Sarah Webb (34:14):
have a question for you.
I had this question before, I think I asked.
Are there some things that we, well I know we havefree will and people talk a lot about manifesting.
certain things and creating our reality and even you'vetalked about that but are there some things that we have agreed to as a collective that we can't change like if

i said i don't want to have say those beings that arenegative in my reality could i can i do that with my mind?
Or is that something that I'veagreed to do with the collective?

Archangel Uriel (35:04):
you can change that in your mind because it is what you, it is what you are thinking.
That is the same wavelength as manifesting.
You pretty much have to think.
If you think positive all the time andyou just keep getting negative stuff, Mm

Sarah Webb (35:21):

Archangel Uriel (35:22):
That's basically just a negative energy trying to sabotage you.
And if you just keep thinking positive, sometimes ifyou think positive so much and they keep trying to give you negative things and it never affects you in
a negative way, then the negative energies will justgive up and then the positive things will come in even faster and you won't have any more negative energies.

It is hard for people on your planet to stay positiveas you know, because you have to live your life.
And there are things in your life that you needto have to survive And that is how they mess with people they affect things that they need to survive
Because they know that is the easiest way to getpeople down You're always fighting for survival

Sarah Webb (36:15):
Yeah Well, that's what I was wondering about Is you've explained how they do
things but some people say oh, they're not realAnd I wondered if their reality is valid, too.
If that is really true for them.
Or is that more like I don't know.

Archangel Uriel (36:38):
Yeah, some people pick that path when they sign their life plan because it is almost like they want to be in denial the whole time.
And they just don't want to believe certain thingsand They basically just don't listen to anything else.
They just want to live They think they're living thesafer way, but it is not necessarily True You know,

it's almost like you're trying to tell people aboutpositive things Okay, I think you sound like a loony

Sarah Webb (37:14):
I mean even light workers.
I think You know when we talk about thosethings like You Oh, that's not true.
Those beings don't exist.
That's why I was wondering if theycould not exist for some people.

Archangel Uriel (37:29):
Anytime you see anything, anything, it doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, use your spiritual mind to figure it out.
And if it's negative, you can say, okay, I know whatthat is, and you try to get them to turn it into a light.

Sarah Webb (37:47):

Archangel Uriel (37:47):

Sarah Webb (37:48):

Archangel Uriel (37:49):
But anyone that tries to ignore it and say it doesn't exist, unfortunately, they're almost like they're being a lazy lightworker.
They just don't want to deal with it.
Can't do that.
Or scared,

Sarah Webb (38:02):

Archangel Uriel (38:03):

Sarah Webb (38:04):

Archangel Uriel (38:06):

Sarah Webb (38:06):
I could see that.

Archangel Uriel (38:07):
If they are scared, then they do not totally understand how the light works.
Because you will not be scaredif you are a total light worker.
When you are a total light worker,you're not scared of nothing.
You're not scared of anything.
When you're a light worker, your jobis to figure out what you're seeing

Sarah Webb (38:28):

Archangel Uriel (38:28):
what it is.
If you're scared, Then you're not a true light worker.
True light workers are not afraid of anything.
Why would you be afraid of anything?
You are in a dream state.
You think you're alive, you're not alive.
If you're a light worker, you know you're not truly alive.
Therefore, you should not be scared of anything.

Sarah Webb (38:51):

Archangel Uriel (38:52):
Because you know you're not truly alive anyway until you're back over here.
So, nothing should scare you in that.
Dimension or in that life

Sarah Webb (39:06):
It helps so much to have you explain it.
It's so helpful

Archangel Uriel (39:11):
Yes Yes,

Sarah Webb (39:13):
what's wrong coconut?

Archangel Uriel (39:15):

Sarah Webb (39:17):
is coconut saying?
What's wrong bug?

Archangel Uriel (39:22):
He wants What you call?
Treat a treat Treat how come you want what you call it?
He calls it a gushy treat.

Sarah Webb (39:36):
A gushy treat?
You do?

Archangel Uriel (39:39):

Sarah Webb (39:40):

Archangel Uriel (39:42):
We'll find why you do that.

Sarah Webb (39:44):
I will hurry with the gushy treats.
Oh, Coconut, you're so funny.
You are a funny kitty.
How come you didn't press your button?
I'm sorry.
How come you didn't press the button?

I Bleh.
Treats have been Given.
Before I forget, may I ask you Something about my Health?

Archangel Uriel (40:20):
What you say.
You are losing weight.
So it's changing your muscle mass because you are losingweight in the area and is making your muscles work harder.
So it feels like it is feel, itis like a little sore feeling.
Your muscle mass is changing becausethe excess fat is being taken away.

The fat was keeping your muscles from working that area.
So when the fat is going away,your muscles are working again.
And it feels kind of sore.

Sarah Webb (40:52):
is amazing.
So it is

Archangel Uriel (40:54):
nothing to be worried about.

Sarah Webb (40:58):
Well, they like to take anything and try to make you worry.
But, I said, go away.
Um, Well, that is good to know, yeah.
One day, I just noticed, I believed that.
And, I wondered if sometimes, how come we switchsometimes, and suddenly we are able to believe something?

Do you give us help, or do we just bring in enough light?
Or how does that work?

Archangel Uriel (41:28):
You have to bring in more light, because everyone on your planet is always thinking negative, because that's a part of life.
A part of life.
It doesn't last too long when it just comesin waves and in and out and in and out.
But you will be able to control it better.

Sarah Webb (41:48):
That's good.
Oh, I can feel that.

Archangel Uriel (41:52):
Yes, everyone gets that every now and then.
It is, it is a part of life.
Most people don't know about life.
Work or all these other things.
They just think, well, they call them moodswings, but they don't understand that they're

just fighting negative energies with their lightand they just don't know that they're working.
They don't realize that they'redoing light work on themselves.
They just, like I said, it's pretty much.
It mainly has to do with their religion,so they just, they do not know.

Sarah Webb (42:34):
Yeah, that's so interesting.
If they

Archangel Uriel (42:36):
knew what you knew, though, they'd be better at managing it, because they
will understand that they are being messed with,and they wouldn't know how to get around it.

Sarah Webb (42:47):
Yeah, it just takes persistence, and, I don't know.
Well, you know you have to believe something to makesomething happen for you to heal or something like that

Archangel Uriel (42:57):

Sarah Webb (42:58):
so you have to find a way to believe it.

Archangel Uriel (43:01):
And people in the basic religion would always say Lord, it is the devil messing with me

Sarah Webb (43:10):
Yeah, yes, yes

Archangel Uriel (43:12):
We always find it fairly amusing how evil people Picture the devil.
They have this being with either his little hornsor little ears and the face and they have this thing that you call a goatee and he has a dragon tail.

It looks like a dragon tail.
Then he's holding this thing that you call a goatee.
A pitchfork.
Now, you laugh at this becausepitchforks is what farmers used to, so

Sarah Webb (43:54):

Archangel Uriel (43:56):
a devil and An angry farmer?
So we just call your devil an angryfarmer why why did they give them a

Sarah Webb (44:07):
Why would it why

Archangel Uriel (44:09):
did they a knife seems more threatening than a pitchfork?

Sarah Webb (44:15):

Archangel Uriel (44:15):
does your devil supposed to be an angry farmer

Sarah Webb (44:18):
an angry red farmer maybe

Archangel Uriel (44:21):
It is very amusing what they Choose as their evil people.
I guess if you want to picture an evilfarmer, I guess that's what they want to do.
I guess if they want to claim all of the bestof the evil farmer, then we'll let it be.

Sarah Webb (44:44):
Yes, it's better than thinking that your guides have done it, which So many people think that, and I just think, what?
Why would you think your guide would giveyou the terrible, terrible experience?
Those are the

Archangel Uriel (44:59):
people that do not know much about how the light works.
Guides never give you anything negative.
So if someone says that, then they do not understandhow the light works, or how people on this side work.

Sarah Webb (45:17):

Archangel Uriel (45:18):
No, messenger.
will give you anything like that.
Anything negative.
We do not give out negative information.
All that information we give you is good.
If they ask us anything that's negative,then that is something they have to sort out.
Because that is a negative energygiving them that negative information.

We do not give out negative information.

Sarah Webb (45:46):
I know.
It is just not a thing that you do.
And you don't do it in creepy, you don'tgive messages in creepy ways either.
I always ask how the person feels during it, and alot of the time they don't know how they felt either.
And I know that that doesn't always tell youeverything, but you have to use your discernment.

Archangel Uriel (46:09):

Sarah Webb (46:10):
Now I do have a question about something people talk about.
They say, they call it um, What is it?
Family trauma.
It's almost like, it's like saying there's acurse that's running through your family and
that you have to clear, I have to clear my familytrauma or things that have been passed down.

Is that even, is that possible?

Archangel Uriel (46:42):
There are no such thing as curses.
If anybody says anything family, thereare family stories that are passed down.
And they just keep bringing them up.
If you keep teaching those family storiesthat are negative, that is your fault.

Sarah Webb (47:03):
So it's not really That's not really real then.

Archangel Uriel (47:07):
Curses do not exist.

Sarah Webb (47:10):
Right, because that would be like a curse.

Archangel Uriel (47:13):
They're giving power to something that someone said.

Sarah Webb (47:17):

Archangel Uriel (47:18):
Just to scare them.
And if you want to give them thatpower, then that is up to you.
Anyone can say I put a curse on you, andthey'd have no idea what they'd done to them.

Sarah Webb (47:29):

Archangel Uriel (47:29):
Just to scare people.
And the curses has to do with religion.

Sarah Webb (47:33):
I have one client who has had struggles with finances.
And she went to her great grandmother's life.
Can you have something negative happenand have negative energy stay in an area?
Or are those things, again, stories that are passed down?

Archangel Uriel (47:55):
They are stories because if you do nothing about it, then you wouldn't blame it on that.
Someone had to tell her about that and she remembered.
If it comes up in her mind, then thatmeans a negative energy gave it to her.
Her great grandmother probably neverhad anything happen to her like that.

It could be totally a made up thingfrom a negative energy given it to her.
Okay, they do that as well

Sarah Webb (48:26):
Healing your family line ancestral trauma.
That's what they call it.

Archangel Uriel (48:30):
Yeah, that's the name they gave it Yes,

Sarah Webb (48:33):
and I've never thought that that sounded right

Archangel Uriel (48:37):
and it You know everyone in your family when they got older had Alzheimer's Then those stories wouldn't exist because they will forget about those
stories So basically everyone should have alzheimer'swhen it comes to anything negative No way They won't
have anything negative because they won't have anythingto talk about because they forget about it because they

Sarah Webb (48:54):
forget all about it

Archangel Uriel (48:56):
If you don't have any stories to tell in your family, then your family Will just live and your family will be positive all the time But if you just keep
teaching people stuff about what negative what somebody elsesaid then you're just carrying on The negative energies.
You're pretty much helping the negative energieslive in your family because you keep bringing it up.

There is information that shouldn't even beshared in the first place because it's negative.
Why would you tell anyone anything negative in your family?
I don't know.
And keep passing it down.
Just so your family can just keep living miserablelives because you keep bringing up negative stuff.
That is pretty much irrelevant.

Sarah Webb (49:39):
So is that when people are in a, we've talked about when people are in a When they're going through trauma, they can't get into a spiritual place.
And I think that's what's happening, right?

Archangel Uriel (49:52):
Because they are dwelling on the negative.

Sarah Webb (49:55):

Archangel Uriel (49:56):
You want to keep thinking about negative stuff all the time.
I have family trauma.
Because of this.
But why do you keep thinking about that?

Sarah Webb (50:04):

Archangel Uriel (50:05):
has nothing to do with your life right now.
Why are you even thinking about that negative stuff?

Sarah Webb (50:12):

Archangel Uriel (50:13):
Why would you do that for one reason?

Sarah Webb (50:16):
I don't know.
To find some reason, I think.
But they're looking at, like you said, at a negative reason.
Well, because people talk and say certainthings in the spiritual community.
And so people buy into, well, somebody wrote a book on it.
It must be true, you know.

Archangel Uriel (50:37):
If someone in your family says, our family has a curse, only you ask what the curse is.
If you say that curse is stupid,sometimes they will get mad at you.
Why are you getting mad at me becauseI'm saying that curse is stupid?
I don't want to have anything to do with that.
So why are you telling me?

I'm not going to tell my kids what you just said.
If they get mad, then that means they'retrapped in their curse and they do not know it.
They shouldn't even get mad at you for getting madat them for trying to give you negative information.

Sarah Webb (51:13):

Archangel Uriel (51:14):
That's because they are trapped in that negative information.
If they realized that the negative informationthey were giving was stupid, then they would not give out that negative information.

Sarah Webb (51:25):

Archangel Uriel (51:25):
Why would you pass down negative information?
I don't know.
If someone says, our family is cursed, and yousay, no it's not, they don't have nothing else
to say to you, if they get mad at you, then thatmeans they're trapped in that negative information.
And they want to bring you in with it, andyou won't have nothing to do with that.

And that is the way you're supposed to see things.
If someone tries to give you negative information, itis up to you if you want to accept it, and if you don't.
If you accept it, then it is your faultthat your life starts to take a wrong turn.

Sarah Webb (52:08):
Okay, okay.

Archangel Uriel (52:09):
do not have to believe in that stuff because it is absolutely ridiculous.
It's not

Sarah Webb (52:17):
very logical to me, but I wanted to ask because it's coming up a lot and people talk about it a lot and dwell on it a lot.

Archangel Uriel (52:29):
Yes, the best thing to do is when someone tells you that, you tell them.
If someone tries to tell yousomething about that Do not accept it.
And when you tell people not to accept it, they almostget quiet because they know that actually makes sense.
They don't have to believe what someone is telling them.

If you're a family person, you want to believeeverything your family says, then it is up to you.
That is how your life is going to go.
If you're going to believe that negativestuff, then you might as well be able.
And learn to accept the negative.
You are going to get from it because it is your fault.

If your life starts to turn in a bad way,because you believed in a negative energy and then the things that they gave you

Sarah Webb (53:21):
perpetually, you can

Archangel Uriel (53:22):
be a family person and not accept what someone in your family tries to give you.
If someone tells you that your family has a curse.
And you say, no, we do not.
And if they get angry at you for saying that, thenyou pretty much point to how to let that person go.
Because they kind of take that asyou tell them that they are stupid.

Well, they are not stupid, but you're notgoing to accept what they're trying to tell you because you're not putting that in your life.

Sarah Webb (53:54):
Because we create things.
So you don't want to create that.

Archangel Uriel (54:00):

Sarah Webb (54:00):
yeah Okay Here's another question Now sometimes we feel a shift in energy when we go into certain areas Are there areas on the earth that hold more negative energy?
I think that's true.

Archangel Uriel (54:21):
Yes, there are There are a lot of areas that hold a lot of negative energy.

Sarah Webb (54:27):
some would call them cursed, but is it just that negative things happen there and the energy stays or how does that happen?

Archangel Uriel (54:37):
The energy stays in the area.

Sarah Webb (54:39):

Archangel Uriel (54:39):
Depending on, it depends on the people that know about the area.
If the people know about the area, keep saying that'sa negative area, then the negative energy use that.
For their advantage If a lot of light workers went outthere and so if someone says this is a negative area but a lot of light workers go out there and say No, it's not.


Sarah Webb (55:02):

Archangel Uriel (55:03):
Then the negative will leave.

Sarah Webb (55:05):
Is that why they go and do things like bless areas and Lay lines.
Yes, and things like that.
Yeah to heal the land Yes,

Archangel Uriel (55:15):
and that is the only part of somewhat religion That that actually works because that is universal light.
Yeah, that's worse.

Sarah Webb (55:26):
That sounds right

Archangel Uriel (55:27):
That is the only part in religion that is actually True.
And they try to use us as the things tobless, which we actually like that because that is a part of religion that is true.
They don't realize that they are doing light work.
Sometimes they can do light languagewhile they are blessing in a way.

Sarah Webb (55:50):
Oh yeah.

Archangel Uriel (55:50):
it'll turn that whole negative area into a positive area.

Sarah Webb (55:55):
Oh yeah.
The only

Archangel Uriel (55:56):
time it stays negative is if people believe it is negative.
And they actually give the negative morepower, because they believe that it's negative.
So that's feeding the negative energy.

Sarah Webb (56:08):

Archangel Uriel (56:09):
But if a bunch of lightworkers walk up in there and say, I don't feel nothing,
then the negative energy will go away, becauselight is stronger than negative energy.

Sarah Webb (56:20):
So we can just decide, even if we feel an area that is, doesn't feel, So good.
We can bless it.

Archangel Uriel (56:29):
And you don't even have to bless it.
If someone says do not go there, there's a negativearea, but if a really brave light worker walks up
in there and say, I don't feel nothing that willautomatically push the negative energy away because.
That negative energy cannot, they cannot touch that person.
They cannot touch that Lightworker.

Because that Lightworker, I say, I don't, I'm not, I'mnot going in there thinking that's a negative area.
I'm going in there thinking this is a normal area likeany other place that, when you're a Lightworker, you do not walk into the area believing what someone told you.
If you walk in the area

Sarah Webb (57:09):
You bring light with wherever you go.

Archangel Uriel (57:12):
Yes, if someone says go don't go there because that's negative And if you walk up in there and not being afraid of anything That will push the negative
away by itself You don't necessarily have to go in thereand start waving your hands and busting that because you're already pushing it away because you don't Believe that
it's real It's almost like you don't believe that it'sreal and that's a power on its own so someone that walks in there with Highlight energy say I don't feel nothing

Sarah Webb (57:39):

Archangel Uriel (57:39):
so how can you not feel that because I don't believe this negative and then it pushes it away And they cannot touch you It
is almost like walking into an area being blindYou're pretty much walking into the area of blind.
You don't see anything negative because you can't seeit Therefore you are pushing it away So if the negative energy is try try to fight toward it and something They

tried to show you something that looks negative, but ifyou're a high power light worker, so, well that thing with three horns on his head doesn't even scare me.
It just looks like another animal to me.
And then it was just pretty much just, you know,sit there and let you panic or it will just leave.
Cause it's like, well, shoot thisperson ain't even scared of me.

So Why am I here?
And then it will just leave.

Sarah Webb (58:34):
Okay, that helps a lot.

Archangel Uriel (58:36):
basically, if you're not afraid, then they cannot touch you.

Sarah Webb (58:40):

Archangel Uriel (58:42):

Sarah Webb (58:43):
Ultimately, there's nothing to be truly afraid of.
Although, when people pass, that isa thing that makes us, we miss them.
We never really die, we just go back to the reality.
And that is a happy thing.
I could feel how happy that young man was.

He was thrilled.

Archangel Uriel (59:11):
Yes, he is having a good time over here.
He is, he was done with his life mission and he is

Sarah Webb (59:20):

Archangel Uriel (59:20):

Sarah Webb (59:21):
That's good.
That is good.
That's good.
And I was trying to think, youknow, the best way for people.
I think I asked a long time ago what was the bestway to get rid of negative energy, and I think I like doing the light language now and using the crystals.

Archangel Uriel (59:44):
Yes, the light language is very Very strong.

Sarah Webb (59:48):
is very powerful.
You can heal

Archangel Uriel (59:50):
anything with light language.
It will take away anger, it will take away pain.
It pretty much puts everyone on an equal light level.
They will be happy and they feel and sometimes itwears off and they have to hear it more than once.

Sarah Webb (01:00:12):
What would happen if like a group of people did it together?

Archangel Uriel (01:00:18):
That would be a mass power.
If you have a bunch of people saying like language atthe same time, all of their voices will sound different.
It will kind of sound like Like this.
That will put in a vibration in, and that is what they usedin the Egyptian days when there was making the pyramids.

They had some technology, but at the same time,everyone was doing live language at the same time.
And that made the vibrations stronger.
So that made them able to lift.
The pyramid blocks in place why they were using theirtechnology it all meshed together So if a bunch of people did like language at the same time that will be an amazing

power There's a way To teach like language if everyone doesit at the same time Some people, when they're first learning how to do Lag push you'll be kind of scared saying it.

Sarah Webb (01:01:25):

Archangel Uriel (01:01:26):
But if everyone is saying it at the same time that will help them say it.
Because everyone is saying it at the same time.

Sarah Webb (01:01:33):
Oh, yeah.
That's true.

Archangel Uriel (01:01:35):
And if everyone is saying it at the same time it will sound like a humming noise.
It will sound like you ree zoo ree andwah wee oo ree oo ree or you ree oo ree

Sarah Webb (01:01:44):
oo ree.

Archangel Uriel (01:01:47):
It will make a humming noise.
And that is a abundance of light justpouring out in the sound and it will heal everyone and make everyone feel so good.
We do that all the time here in our light up herein a light and it's pretty much what you hear.

You will hear that constantly while you're here.
While I'm talking to you, that is what I hearis Total light language and a humming noise.

Sarah Webb (01:02:23):
I really

Archangel Uriel (01:02:23):
wish you could hear that while I'm talking to you, but

Sarah Webb (01:02:27):
that is

Archangel Uriel (01:02:27):
only a sound you can hear over here in the light.
When you pass over, you hear that noise.
Some people don't hear it right away, but it'spretty much everyone talking to each other

Sarah Webb (01:02:41):
and it

Archangel Uriel (01:02:42):
sounds like a humming.

Sarah Webb (01:02:44):
Is that what people hear in the universe?
Like in this in space

Archangel Uriel (01:02:50):
Where's that?

Sarah Webb (01:02:51):
it is

Archangel Uriel (01:02:52):
if you ever hear They have technology out there in which you call space with two maids.

Sarah Webb (01:02:58):

Archangel Uriel (01:02:58):
and they say The sound they call it the sounds of the universe.

Sarah Webb (01:03:03):
Yeah, they say it's beautiful.

Archangel Uriel (01:03:04):
That is light language

Sarah Webb (01:03:06):

Archangel Uriel (01:03:07):
basically hearing Us speak over here In the light because we are actually in the universe.
We are in what you call space

Sarah Webb (01:03:17):
Yeah, but

Archangel Uriel (01:03:18):
we're also hearing the light So what you hear in the light?
Is spilling out into what you call space?

Sarah Webb (01:03:25):
So you can

Archangel Uriel (01:03:26):
hear us speaking so if you look up on your what you call in your internet and Hear sounds of space You hear these sounds You're basically just hearing us speak

Sarah Webb (01:03:42):
So that would make people feel really good.

Archangel Uriel (01:03:44):
Yes, and sometimes you can You You hear it on planets.
They'll say, Here is the sounds on this planet.
It's basically the same thing.
You're just hearing like languagecoming from space, hitting the planet.
So it's not necessarily coming from the planet.
It is still coming from space.
It is just bouncing off of the planet.

Sarah Webb (01:04:05):
And you said that Source did that, created that for a, like a gift for us.
Is that right?
The light language?

Archangel Uriel (01:04:13):

Sarah Webb (01:04:15):

Archangel Uriel (01:04:15):
Well, you, everyone speaks light language.

Sarah Webb (01:04:19):
That is cool.

Archangel Uriel (01:04:20):

Sarah Webb (01:04:22):
So, the best way to teach it, would it just be to have people make the sounds?
Just start making the sounds together, like yousaid, they wouldn't be as self conscious, and then

Archangel Uriel (01:04:33):
I just get used to it.
That is actually the quickest way.
It's just people getting over their egos and sayingit sounds funny, but once they get over their egos and they start speaking it they will They will love it.
They will feel it.
They will feel all of the power from it.
The best way to tea like language Is to geteveryone to do it at the same time Just say everyone

Sarah Webb (01:04:58):

Archangel Uriel (01:04:58):
just say Me what you think it sounds like it can start off Which is two people.
And then you can tell other people to follow through.

Sarah Webb (01:05:11):
So if I do a class and I just have everybody start making big tones or sounds.

Archangel Uriel (01:05:19):
It will have a lot of power.
And you can get this being Travis to help you withlike language is because his voice is deeper and
you need to have At least one deeper voice in mixedin with the higher voices Because it balances out

Sarah Webb (01:05:43):
Do we need all the tones?
Is that

Archangel Uriel (01:05:46):
Yes, yeah, you need lighter tones and deeper tone you andthis being travis can work on that together because Having a male figure with you Learning that will make it stronger.

Sarah Webb (01:06:05):
Maybe other male figures would want to do it too.

Archangel Uriel (01:06:09):
Yes, that is why you need a male figure, because everyone needs to know that like language is for everyone.

Sarah Webb (01:06:18):
Okay, we'll do that.
That's exciting.
Does that have anything to do with the new energy that'son the earth that works for groups of people, or no?

Archangel Uriel (01:06:31):
Yes, because of light language, people still learning about light language.

Sarah Webb (01:06:35):

Archangel Uriel (01:06:37):
You know that light language can heal people, you know for sure.

Sarah Webb (01:06:42):
I know, it's incredible.

Archangel Uriel (01:06:44):
know for a fact that it actually works to heal people.

Sarah Webb (01:06:50):
Do the codes that people write, do those heal too?
Because people call that light language, you know.
You can,

Archangel Uriel (01:06:59):
you can write.
Down light language.
No one knows how to read it.

Sarah Webb (01:07:05):

Archangel Uriel (01:07:05):
that doesn't kill anyone That is just something for people to see.

Sarah Webb (01:07:09):

Archangel Uriel (01:07:10):
What light language looks like

Sarah Webb (01:07:12):
but doesn't activate anything?

Archangel Uriel (01:07:17):
it does not because they do not understand it they just looking at symbols If you do not understand what the symbols are and it's not going
to activate anything There might be some people thatmight know how to decipher the light language And then they can say it again and then it would work.
Well, you can't just look at it and then activateanything if you don't know what you're looking at.

Sarah Webb (01:07:40):

Archangel Uriel (01:07:41):
Someone has to say it in order for it to work.

Sarah Webb (01:07:46):
Oh, and the little girl, is there anything we should tell her?

Archangel Uriel (01:07:49):
is, she is still, luckily she is still, Halfway in the light with us because she's very young.

Sarah Webb (01:07:57):

Archangel Uriel (01:07:59):
That's how she is able to do all of those things because she is still halfway here in a light with us The older she gets the further away from this
area that she will be in She is still halfway in thelight with us So she is seeing a lot of things and she is able to heal people with her light language The older

she gets, the further away she will get from us, butshe will still know a lot of things that she knows now because she is staying in it with the help of a mother.
So she will still have a lot of power from this sidebecause it will never go away because she is practicing it.

Sarah Webb (01:08:43):
She is.

Archangel Uriel (01:08:44):
long as she keeps practicing it.
She will be very, very powerful because and she willnever lose what she hears or what she sees Because she is not being taught something to make it go away.
She is not being taught The fake religion.
Sorry, it is fake, but it is not real.

She is not being taught those things.
She is being taught about the light things So she is goingto be very very free Strong and powerful daughter she gets.

Sarah Webb (01:09:20):
What are the rings that she goes up in?
What is, what does that mean?

Archangel Uriel (01:09:25):
That is what she sees when she comes here into light to speak with her.
Sometimes we have a staircase that she can climbup into, and it looks kind of like a pyramid.
It's a little triangle pyramid that she can walk up into.
And it is only What we use for children so they cansee they can walk up into the mirror man and talk to us Well, yes, it is only for the children Her mother

can see it if she wants to but she can only watch herdaughter walk into it She cannot walk into it with her daughter It is only for the children to walk up into
it and she can see a lot of things what you call thehall Records and we get No, it is not the Hall of CDs.

It is the

Sarah Webb (01:10:20):
Hall of Records.

Archangel Uriel (01:10:22):
So, that is what, this being as hot herself as being very humorous as always,
but, yes, that is what she is going into, andthat is how she gets her information sometimes.

Sarah Webb (01:10:37):
Can I go to the Hall of Records?
Anyone can, can't they?

Archangel Uriel (01:10:42):
Yes, anyone can and

Sarah Webb (01:10:44):

Archangel Uriel (01:10:45):
is there for everyone to see And you can get a lot of information from it You can get a lot of information for other planets as well.
The hall of records is what you call it Which is actuallya pretty Nice name for it We don't have a name for it.
It is just there but you can get information fromanywhere any planet any It is pretty much, it is

pretty much the records of every life that hasbeen lived and you can see everything, everything.
There is all kinds of things you can see there.
It is also the same place that people go whenthey have their, what you call, a life review.
Which is also another cool name that we like, cause wedon't have a name for it, but it's, it's pretty accurate.

And you You see what you did in your life, andit's pretty much a life review as you walk into the hall of records to get your life review.
So is the same place.

Sarah Webb (01:11:49):
Some people say that if you go in there, You can decide whether or not you want to feel all the feelings that you gave to other people Throughout your life.

Archangel Uriel (01:12:01):
Yes, you you can decide that it is not like in your religion when you have to feel
everything Your religion is always telling you Youhave to see everything that you did bad to people.
No, you do not have to see we You is up to you if youwant to feel those things If you want to feel everything you did To anyone, good or bad, it is up to you.

It is not a must.
And we do not ask you.
It's, it's kind of like when you go into it,it's like you're kind of deciding yourself.
When you walk up into the records, youare already deciding what you want.
You walk in and say, okay, I want to feel WhatI did to these people and you will feel it.

Sarah Webb (01:12:46):
Oh yeah, some people think your guides make you go in there.

Archangel Uriel (01:12:51):
Yes, we did not tell them to do that.
They did that on their own.
And it's almost like they're tryingto lay the blame on us like no,

Sarah Webb (01:12:58):
yes, we do not do

Archangel Uriel (01:13:00):
that You did that on your own

Sarah Webb (01:13:02):
We do all of it, right?

Archangel Uriel (01:13:04):
Yes, but it's only because it they don't realize it's only because of the religion they think everything They believe you
gotta have some kind of punishment and it's likeno There's not We do not punish We do not do that.
If you want to feel what you somethingyou did negative somebody that's you're going to feel You That is your choice.
We have nothing to do with it.

Sarah Webb (01:13:26):
All right.
Well, maybe I can explore the Hall of Records soon.
Thank you for helping me to feel better.
I feel so much better.
Um, Is that, uh, is that Larry laughing?
Hi, Larry.
I guess

Archangel Uriel (01:13:46):
let me take off.

Sarah Webb (01:13:48):
What's that?

Archangel Uriel (01:13:50):

Sarah Webb (01:13:51):
Did he leave?

Archangel Uriel (01:13:52):
I'm just , I'm sorry.
You are fine.
Yeah, I was talk about you.
I said I'm going to call the Hall of CDs.

Sarah Webb (01:14:02):
I know the Hall of CDs,

Archangel Uriel (01:14:04):
U Iel just went away and he said, well, you can do what you want to . You can call it the Hall of CDs if you want.

Sarah Webb (01:14:14):
Somebody sent me, well, I dunno if they sent me a funny.
Song I can't remember what it was.
No, I was like get off get off of your backor something I don't know if a lord did that.
I don't know what you've been doing.

Archangel Uriel (01:14:32):
Yes, that

Sarah Webb (01:14:32):
was You've been teaching her naughty things She is I was like, hey No, that was good That was funny.

Archangel Uriel (01:14:48):
It was very nice talking to you.
You too.
I ain't going to let this.

Sarah Webb (01:14:54):
Yes, we

Archangel Uriel (01:14:55):
I have watched.

Sarah Webb (01:14:57):
We love you.
Thanks for coming in tonight.

Archangel Uriel (01:15:02):

Travis Webb (01:15:04):
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