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October 15, 2023 63 mins

Quantum Healing with the Angels - Episode 12 - BQH Surrogate Session for my Dad, Self-Healing, Frequencies, and Shielding

Full Transcript:


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Thanks for visiting our Podcast! My name is Sarah Webb and I am a clairvoyant, psychic intuitive, empath, Sound Healing Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner. My husband Travis Webb is a trance channel for the Angels. Our spiritual awakening started at about the same time. I was led to Quantum Healing through my own need to heal from a serious illness, and eventually I decided to become a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner. While doing a session with Travis, we discovered his channeling gift. 

We created this podcast to share portions of my hypnosis sessions and our channelings with the Angels and other high vibrational beings, as these often have helpful and interesting information for those on a spiritual awakening path. 

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Full Transcript:

This Episode is about a Beyond Quantum Healing Surrogate session that we did for my Father, who was feeling very ill and very worried about his health, and I was worried too. My husband stood in for him as the surrogate. During the session, the Angels did do healing for him, and they also talked with us about things going on in the world, about things that have been happening, frequencies, how to shield and protect yourself, and how important it is to keep staying in the Light and staying positive. They know how hard it has been and even how hard it is for people to believe the information they share, but they explain how this doesn't bother them and how everyone will come to understand the same information when the Flash comes or when they pass over to the other side. They are sending more Light to the earth. It may be hard to feel, but if you keep trying, and if you believe, you will feel it. It is stronger now than I have ever felt it to be.

This session brought more questions to my mind, so we did a separate channeling that I will post tomorrow. That channeling was (to me) even more interesting, and I learned more about our history, things we've been told about the earth, things coming in the future. There was so much and it was fascinating.

I was told that this information is important to share with others and that I need to be more diligent about getting the information out, if this is what I want to do. This really is what I love to do. It makes me so happy to help people and to see the changes that Quantum Healing Hypnosis can make in their lives. I always felt that there was somet

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Episode Transcript

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Sarah Webb (00:00):
I'm Sarah Webb.
Welcome to Quantum Healing with the Angels, the podcast.
Hello, welcome to Quantum Healing with the Angels.
My name is Sarah.

I am your host and I have a new What is it?
I have a new episode for you today.
Um This one, I believe we're going to call it,we're trying to think about what to call it.

It's actually, maybe I'll think about thatand do that in a minute, but what it is, is it is a BQH session that we did for my father.
In BQH you can do surrogate sessions for peoplewho can't do their own session for whatever reason.

Maybe they are elderly, maybe they're too sick.
And so, we did a session for my fatherbecause he was having some health problems.
And then, it's, it's interesting because most of thissession was me just listening to Travis talking to

the angels, and the angels just talking, I wasn'treally asking much of anything until the end.
I have to remember, like, this is so real, and theway that I, you know, sometimes I, Travis doesn't
need me to do this, but sometimes he'll listento me talk softly, like in my hypnosis voice.

And it makes it a little easier to just go into tranceand this time I said that he'll see um, other beings
and they will float up to a place in the light wherethey can talk and that is exactly what happened.
So there you go.
I just thought I was talking and that's what happened.

And also he got to remember the entirething which was it's really cool for him.
Usually, he doesn't get to rememberthese, so that was really awesome.
And then after this session, I was thinkingabout the things that they said, and I thought, you know, I really want to get more information.
So we did another channeling yesterday for you, andthat one, wow, that one has so much information.

So, Monday, I will put the other oneup so that you can have both of them.
I kind of got in a little, not trouble, but...
Metatron told me that, um, that people needed thisinformation, and he said something really interesting.
He said, people need this like they need, likepeople need their medicine, and that shocked me.

I didn't realize, you know, I didn't realize, and uh, I feltbad about that, so I am sorry I haven't put anything up.
It's been a really busy month, but.
He's right, I need to do more of these for you.

I know it's a really tense time for everyone.
And for us too, it is, you know.
Like, my father's sick, or was sick.
And then, you know, there's all kinds of little stressorsand things going on, and I hear that for a lot of people.
And, kind of what they talked about in this was,uh, I'd say the main, the main subjects were self healing, uh, frequencies, which was very interesting.

And how to shield yourself and then just, you know,staying positive, which is even for me It is a challenge lately, but they are sending more light to the earth.
I can feel it It's just it's it's just it's allhappening right now So I'll just quickly tell you some of the things that that happened with this

session So my dad contacted me and said that hishe has a pacemaker And he said that his heart was racing and I could tell he was really, really scared.
He said it was like up to 150, his resting heart rate,and that's not, and what they said is he had been thinking about worriful things, you know, stressful things.

And that was what was causing this.
There's nothing wrong with his heart.
That's what was causing this to happen.
Our bodies really do react to what is going on.
In our lives, and that's why it's soimportant to try to keep yourself out of fear.

And, I know that's, I know that's a tough one, butthe alternative is worse, so, even for me, I just.
Just keep telling myself, keep,just keep trying, just keep trying.
Just get back in there and, and get your positive attitude.
So anyway, what happened with my dad is we did thissession and I called him and I said, how are you feeling?

And he goes, well, it's funny,I felt, I feel kind of better.
I said, really?
He said, yeah, I went out and tried to mow the grassand I figured my heart would just You know, it was 150 before I went out, or some crazy number like that.
And he said, but I just tested it and it was90 and I tested it again and it was like 77.

And so it went down and he had had aprocedure scheduled where they were going to shock his heart to get it back into rhythm.
And he went anyway, because, you know, he, he doesn'treally know what I, he doesn't know a lot about this
stuff, but he went in and they said, your heart's backin rhythm, you don't need this, we're gonna cancel it.

So that is another example ofhow powerful these sessions are.
I see it all the time.
I see it in my other sessions.
They can change lives.
And, I'm about to cry so I'm gonnamove on, um, but they, they really can.

You just have to believe it.
It happened for me, it happens for others.
They're real and you just, all you have to do isbelieve, and I think that's the hardest thing for a lot of people, and it took me a long time to believe, too.
I know they're real, now.

Some other things we talked about were thephone test that was done the other day.
I don't know if you heard about that, or you probablyheard your phone go off if you have a cell phone.
Um, it was pretty loud, andactually it went off during this.

I had forgotten what time it was andit went off and it cut off the session.
This was towards the end.
You won't hear it but it was loud like I'm sureyou heard your phone go off if it was on and then I realized it wasn't taping and so I turned the

recording back on and then there's like 10 moreminutes of talk and that's when I was finally talking.
And they explain some things about that,which are really, really good to know.
I, I didn't know, I didn't know those things, so.
There is also a part of the session, towards the, the funnypart at the end, where there is a reference to a song, and when I finally realized what it was, I burst out laughing.

It's from Gilmore Girls, and...
I can't believe they were singing it, but thereyou go, they are, they are funny sometimes.
And I guess Travis was feelinghappy and so he was singing it.
So I will put a link to that in the show notes for you.
Um, there's a YouTube video of the scene andof the song and it, it is a really funny song.

That's why you'll hear me laughingquite a bit during that part.
And then Monday.
The other one I will put up, and that one hasjust a load of information about our past.
Um, the things that we think are ourpast, that maybe aren't our past.

And also things in the future that are coming.
And I'm going to promise you that I will dobetter, because I don't want you to be without.
information, even if it's just a fewpeople listening, it doesn't matter.
I want you to, you know, hear what we hear.

I want to thank you again for listening.
We appreciate you so much.
If you need help in your life, please contact me.
Um, if you feel you can't afford asession, you know, please contact me.
But I'm gonna go ahead and let thisplay, and just thank you for listening.

We love you, and we hope you enjoy this episode.

Archangel Safalderon (10:24):
On this day, there will be an attempt, but it will not succeed.
Too many people know what is aboutto be attempted, so it will not.
A lot of people are fully awakened now because they aretired of all the negative energy, and they want a change.

They are tired of all.
All the misinformation, they are tired ofdoing the same thing, and having no results.
They want positive results, andthey have not been getting it.
They are impatient, and they want change.

Change is in the mind.
If you want change, then you can change it.
Something negative comes towards you,then you can push it away easily.
You have a strong mind to get out of your problems.

There are always ways to get aroundnegative problems, even health wise.
You just have to believe that you feelvibrant and energetic and full of life.

If you are not feeling well, then it isyour responsibility to break out of that.
If you want to feel bad, then you will feel bad.
It is not possible to feel bad and not want to feel better.

There are ways you can feel better,mainly not thinking of negative things.
Pain hurts the human body, but your mindis strong enough to get over the pain.
If you think about beautiful and wonderfulthings and you meditate, you will get out of it.

If you feel bad.
You fall into the negative feeling bad and you will feelingbad the pain would not just go away Unless you think about good things and how you felt when you felt bad Good.
The pain will go away.

It is almost like you are ignoring thepain, which is what you're supposed to do.
Sometimes it is hard, but it is possible.
Every being is able to override pain.
Every being is able to do that.

Travis Webb (13:36):
Thank you.

Archangel Michael (13:40):
What Safalderon said was correct.
Every human being has the power to override their pain.
They were born with it.
They always had it.
Sometimes the negative energies try to override thatand put more pain into your body to make you angry.

Getting angry is almost like surrendering.
The pain hurts so bad you cannot calm downenough to meditate and make the pain go away.
So they push even more pain into you to make youangry and you start thinking negative thoughts.
You almost pretty much just give up.

That is a human condition.
There's almost so other conditions in other beings.
When it comes to pain, some beings arefortunate enough where they don't feel any pain.
Those beings are powerful beings on different dimensions.

As you can say that they can almost have itkind of easy, but that is a life they chose.
They're almost like ultimate lightworkers.
Since they don't feel any pain, it is easy for themjust to think about the good all the time because they are always in good condition, good form.

They always have good thoughtsand That is the life they chose.
The condition, the human condition, on theplanet that you are on, is the hardest.
It is the hardest test of life.

That is also a good thing because, once it is over,you have so much information that you've stored, that you know how to get out of almost anything.
Because you had to fight through it.
The control on your planet won't lastlong, but it is an ultimate test.

You will be stronger.
When you are done with the test, no matterhow long your life is on that planet, from the
beginning of your life on that planet, it is hard,even when you're an infant, you are learning.
Someone has to take care of you, but they'reteaching you things while they take care of you.

Unfortunately, some of the things you aretaught are not the right things, but that is because that's the way you are programmed.
But, you have a strong mind to break out of those programs,you're always thinking, you always have questions.
And those are good.
As long as you ask questions, you willfind the answers you are looking for.

If someone tells you something and you knowit doesn't sound right, then you do your research and you find the right answer.
There are a lot of false information on your planet,mostly to give people fear so they can control people.

They have a lot of things on your planetthat is controlling people about fear.
You have to do everything through fear just to survive.
Unless you are in the nature, awayfrom everyone and fending on your own.

Is how you escape your matrix.
Until we bring the flash.
Once that event happens, everything will be fine.
No one will have to fight anymore, no one will bestruggling to survive, everyone will be on the same plane.

No one will have more than anyone else,everyone will have the same thing.
Everyone will be the same.
No one will be in charge, no onewill be better than anyone else.

Everyone will be the same.
Until then, everyone must find and stay in the light.
You have to maneuver through negative energies.
You have to maneuver through negative circumstances.

For now.
For now.
The negative energies and the negativecircumstances are not going to last long.
They are going to try to attempt something on this day.

It is a test to see how far they can push people.
It is a test to see how manypeople will follow their direction.
So, they can implant their knowledge.
into your body.

None of this would be if they didn'thave their so called power grid.
Everything they do is used through their power grid.
If they had no power, if there was no such thingas electricity, then everything would be quiet.

Everyone would pay attention towhat is going on around them.
Everyone would be more in tuned with nature as it should be.
Everyone would have to be incontact with each other to speak.
Until they realize that they havethe power of telecommunication.

Everyone has that power.
They just don't know it becausethey were raised on technology.
If everyone knew they had telecommunication, thenthey can speak to each other through their minds.
They wouldn't need your so called...

cell phones, telephones.
They wouldn't need any of that.
It will be that way in the future.
Everyone will be able to speak through their minds.
From long distances.
You wouldn't have to be close toeach other to speak to each other.

You can be miles away and you canstill speak to whoever you want.
Everyone could do that now, they just don't know it.
Because their brains have been limited to easy access.
It made their brains...

But it's not their fault.
Everyone on your planet was raised and brought up that way.
When you're an infant, you have that ability.
You try to speak to your palates.

You try to speak through your mind to people.
But they can't hear you.
Because they forgot that they have that ability.
So the only choice they have, as an infant, is to cry.

In hope that the parent can understand what they need.
Most of the time they do whenthey really listen to their baby.
They have to go through certainthings to find out sometimes.
But that's how they find out.
This is a trial and error.

The trial and error will get them what they want.
They may want food.
They may want their soiled clothing to be changed.
Everyone will be able to speakthrough their minds in the future.

There are a lot of angry people on your planet right now.
We try to give them information.
But most of them are not hearingus because they're so angry.
We give them some answers, but majority of the timethey do not go with the information we give them.

They want instant gratification.
If it doesn't work fast, then they do not believe it.
Well, they will.
Believe in the future.

But as for now, they are so angry.
It is hard for them to believe.
It is hard for them to believe.
In themselves.
They have all of the power.
They just don't think they do.
Because they try something and it doesn't happen right away.

And that is unfortunate because sometimesthey need it to happen right away.
Because on your planet, they have time.
They have time limits on everything.
So sometimes you need something to happen right away.
And unfortunately, it doesn't happen right away.

Sure, when it does happen, it works.
But you have went through somany bad things before it worked.
It's still...
Happiness when it works, but you had to gothrough so much negative before it works.
That is unfortunate on your planet because of time.

If there was no such thing as time, then you wouldn'tbe in such a rush for everything to work right away.
That is a disadvantage on your planet.
Time is a disadvantage on your planet.
Because everything is rushed.

Everything has to be done at a certain time.
That is why most people need to realize they have the power.
They have the minds to maneuver around thenegative things until the positive things happen.
They always do.
You have to maneuver.

You have to put trust in yourself.
If someone is helping you do something, youcan now put all your trust into that person.
You have to be doing other things on yourown to make sure you get what you want.
That way when the person that is helpingyou is helping, that will be an extra bonus.

And if that person doesn't help you, then it won'taffect you because you used your mind to keep going and going toward that goal on your own.
That way if they do not help you, then they do not matter.
You have to trust in your own gifts and your own well being.

Because you are on this journey alone.
And alone is not a bad thing.
Because you came into your life aloneand you will leave on your life alone.
Nobody is going with you.
Having someone with you in your life is a bonus.

Everyone has the power to do their own thing.
And get their own satisfaction.
Having someone with you that caresfor you and loves you is the bonus.
And if you don't have that, then that is not a badthing because if you're alone and you're happy,

then that is just as good as being with someoneand being happy, the happiness should be equal.
You have someone you should be happy.
If you're alone, you should be happy.
There is no difference.
Everything should be equal when it comes to the light.

Nothing is better than anything else.
There is no such thing as a higher happiness.
There is just happiness.
There are no bonuses in the light.
In the light, everything is constant.
Everything is the same.
There is no higher light.
There is no lower light.

There is just the light.
There is no higher happiness.
There is no lower happiness.
There is this happiness when you are receivinginformation about happiness and being in the light.
It should bring you light.

If you're hearing information and you donot like it, that is not a good thing.
You are not in a good place.
You have to be in the light tofeel the light and keep the light.

A lot of people on your planet make things awhole lot more difficult than they should be.
They make up new names for new negativethings to bring fear to people.
That is not the way it's supposed to be.
Fear does not exist unless you make it exist.

A lot of people get information andthey know it's good information.
What their lives are so hard, it's hard for them too.
Calculate the good information because they have beenbeaten down so hard in their lives they cannot take it all in because they're constantly being beaten down by fear.

If you are not afraid then good things will happenbecause you start thinking and you start realizing there are other ways to get out of what you are in.
If you're fearful and you're panicked Then you willnot get out of the situation because you're fighting
and you're always scared instead of thinking about thegood things you can do to get out of the situation.

Here is the light.
We do not have what you call doctorsbecause there is no need for doctors.
Everyone is well.
There wouldn't be any need for anydoctors on your world or any other worlds.
If everyone knew they had the power to heal themselves,you wouldn't be getting any negative information about your bodies because you know, your body.

You know, you can heal yourself.
We have given this information alot, on a lot of different worlds.
Some worlds it comes over really good because theyare already at a higher level and they understand it.

On your planet it is very hard because peopledo not believe anything unless a doctor says it.
Or if they have a piece of paper saying thatthey are approved for this, or they say that they have the money to do what they want to do.
And on your planet, unfortunately, like wesaid before, currency is not a good thing.

People should not be having tolive on your planet with currency.
Everyone should be able to live free.
That is a big stronghold on your planet.
That is the main thing that is holding everyone down.
If it wasn't for that, everyone would be happy.
But of course, that is not going to last long.

Which is a good thing, because then everyonewill realize how happy they will be.
Not having to worry about currency to get what they need.
You're spreading extra light over your planet.
Giving them that light so they can soakit in to push away negative energy.

So they will not listen to negative things.
There's a lot of people on your planetthat think they know everything.
They give out information that is false.
Some of them, to some people, sound very smart.

But they are telling a lot of false information.
You won't know everything until you get here in the light.
People on your planet think some people are so smartthat they know everything that they're talking about.
The reason why it sounds like they knoweverything that they're talking about Because you have no idea what they are talking about.

It just sounds smart to you because you don'tknow the big words they use to tell you things.
They use very big words that you have tolook up to see what they're talking about.
Anyone can sound smart if they knowvery large words that nobody else knows.

They'll make up new words for things that don't even exist.
But people on your planet will makeit exist because they will throw it.
Into a book you call your dictionary.
If it's in the dictionary, thenI guess it's a word that exists.
People in your planet believe.

Pretty much anything, unfortunately.
Which is why it's hard for us to give out our information.
Because a lot of people don't believe itbecause they've been lied to their whole lives.
But that is not our...

We'll just say it in your way.
We don't care about that because weknow our information is the truth.
And we don't care if nobody believes it.
Because either way, in the end, you will believe it.
Everyone believes it in the end.
That's why we do not care.
We not care.
We don't run on time.

We know eventually when everyone on your planet andthe other planets, when they so called pass away and come back here in the light, they will know everything.
So it doesn't matter if they listen to us or not.
It is all up to them.
We also know that there's so much false informationon your planet, that's why it's hard for you to understand that what we tell you is the truth.

But it is not going to stop us from telling you the truth.
Some people will believe it, some will not.
Some people ask us questions, and they don'tlike the answers we give them, but we do not
fret about that because It is because youhave been beaten down so much on your planet.
It is hard for you to believesome things It is not your fault.

It is not your fault that you not believe what wesay That's why we don't mind that you don't care what we say because it is hard on that planet You've
been deceived pretty much all of your lives abouta lot of things So why should we think we're better than anybody else even though we're in the light?

It is hard there where you are and we knowthat so we do not get angry because that is negative We are not negative energies.
We are positive energies We do not get disappointed ifyou do not do what we say because we know eventually you
will what we ask Because it is the truth We know that youare strong enough to find out on your own, eventually.

And if you don't, then you will still findout when you get here, when you pass away.
So either way, you're going to find out.
A lot of people are afraid to ask usquestions, because they're afraid they're not going to hear what they want to hear.
Or they're afraid that somebody else might hear what wesay, and somebody might doubt them for listening to us.

That is a human emotion.
You cannot care what anybody thinks aboutyou, because they are not in your life.
They do not control your life, so it shouldnot matter what anybody else thinks of you.
Yes, you have been doing it right.
That's why I'm telling you this.
You have been doing it right.

We see you have been doubting yourselflately, but you are doing it right.
Yes, absolutely.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (37:25):
Yes, I, I, You have been doing what you're supposed to do.
Can't you hear me talking to you?
No, I'm not yelling at you.
That's just my voice.
You have been listening to me.

Can't you see that?
Don't worry about that.
You are fine.
There are others that are looking at you right now.
You are doing fine.
Talk to me if you have a problem.
I am always here.
You know that.

Like Archangel Michael said, Do notlisten to what other people say about you.
They are not important.
They are not part of your life.
You are doing very well.
Sure, some people will try to be cheeky and tell younegative things, but don't listen to those people.

You are tougher than most people and you know that.
You are stronger than most people and saywhat's on your mind and they will listen.

Ah yes, that will work as well.
Yes, I will do that right now.
Yes, he is fine though.
I can do that.
The heart rate is minimizing now.
He was thinking too much.
He was very anxious.

We are calming, we are calming his heart right now.
Yes, I can do that.
His higher self is talking to him, telling him to calm down.

He was psyching himself up.
He was thinking too much about his life.
He does not need to worry about.
The end of his life, because he doesnot know when that's going to happen.

So he should just relax
and think about all of the happythings that he has in his life.
He has people he can talk to, to give him comfort.

He has people to tell them that he loves them.
He has everything in order.
He does not need to worry.
That is what me and his higher self want.

I do not say much to him because I kind of spook him out.
He does not understand why an Englishmanis talking to him in his head.
So I let his higher self do his job.

Yes, that is the only thing that he has a problem.
He was always worried about his heart.
His heart is okay.
He just needs to relax.
There is no malfunctions in his heart.
It is working like it is supposed to.

Yes, he is actually starting to eat a little better.
His body is changing.
He cannot eat the same things he used tobecause they are starting to not taste as good.
So he's starting to get healthy.
Uh, foods, it is hard for him to get awayfor some of the, he loves sugar a lot,

but he is starting to wean a little bit on the sugarbecause it is not starting to taste very well, and he's.
Letting go of something he's trying to eat more green foods.
He was starting to feel a little bettertoday, but then his mind got back into him.

So we just need to keep giving him love and saywe love him, and that usually calms him down.
The more love you give him, the calmer he will get.
The calmer he gets, the longer, the longer his life will be.

He just needs more love.
The more you speak to him, the more love he gets.
Sometimes he does not like to be spoken to because helikes to be on his own and do his own thing, but he still likes the messages and he knows that someone cares for him.

Is going to be just fine.
Everyone in your planet is going to be fine.
This time of year is when they reallytry to push in the negative energy.
See, on your planet, mainly, is around your so calledholidays, is supposed to be the happiest time of year.

But a lot of people start to panic.
Because of your currency.
They think they don't have enough to buythis, they don't have enough to buy that.
Because it is your holidays.
That's when people spend most of their money.
If they have it.
If they don't, then they panic.

Some people are lucky and they don'thave to worry about those things.
They don't have to buy anything for anyone,but some are still struggling even if they don't have to buy anything for anyone.
Unfortunately, but it's going to go away.
We're going to push that.
We're fighting hard this time of year.

We're going to push more light in.
Starting now.
I'm trying to give you information.
What is that song you're playing?

You're very dapper.
That's very cheeky.
What is a barrel of monkeys?
Ha ha!
That is a very song.
That is a light song.

I like that song.
It's very funny.
You're very funny.
Keep doing that.
You bring in light when you do that.
That is awesome.
I love that song.
That is, you're very funny.
Thank you for doing that.
You bring in light.

We love you for that.
That is very funny.
But what I was saying, everything is going to be fine.
Everything is going to be okay.
Everyone is going to be well.

And this is going to be beautiful.
No need to worry about the negative things.
You will find ways to get around it.
No, no, it's not that.
You just need to eat more vegetables.
I saw that you bought some.

Vegetables yesterday, you can eat those.
Your wife as well.
Yes, we will work on that for her.
We're working on it now.
And we will keep working on her father as well.
He will be contacting her soon.

If not, already.
He wants to give her some news.
Contact me whenever you need me, you know that.
You have been talking to me.
And I have been talking back to you.

Will you knock it off with that song?
I know it's stuck in your mind.

Sarah Webb (47:08):
who is singing this song?

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (47:15):
do like the part about the ceremonial sword though.
It's funny.

Sarah Webb (47:21):
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (47:27):
They used to do that a lot back in London.
That's very funny.
Just keep doing what I said.
And everything will be fine.

Very well.
Everything will be fine on your planet.
Everything will be fine.
We want everyone to concentrate on the light.
And everything will be fine.

Think of things that make you happy.
Yes, the song too.
I know you like this song.
Everything is going good.
Thank you for contacting me.

I know you're always speakingwith me and you always talk to me.
And I really love that because wegive you information that you need.
We love everyone.
We love you all.

Do you have any more questions?
Okay, that's good.
Does anyone have any questions?

Sarah Webb (49:14):
Are you talking to me?

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (49:17):
Do you have any questions?

Sarah Webb (49:24):
I was just a little curious about the visions I've been seeing.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (49:31):
Oh, yes.

Sarah Webb (49:33):
Yeah, and what's going on?
What is that?

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (49:37):
You are coming into your new, your new gifts.
They were coming.
Now they are here.
That's neat.
Do not be afraid because you also havethe gift of seeing some of the future.
Those are powerful gifts.
If you see something, as they say on yourplanet, If you see something, say something.

If you see something about someone,do not be afraid to tell them.
You can ask them if you want them to.
And you can tell them, do not be afraid.
Do not be afraid.

Sarah Webb (50:22):
like the...
Like, the dream I had about my friend, who was, who was,uh, talking to me, but she was, uh, purple, uh, well, she looked like a purple sort of octopus, or squid kind of being

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (50:43):
oh, yes, that was not a dream.
That was actually her parallel life, her parallel life.
She was having a dream about you in her parallel life.
She was that being in that parallel life.
And she was telling you some important things.
Yes, I could hear

Sarah Webb (51:01):
there was, uh, were we telepathically?
Cause I can hear the, it's like I hearwords going very fast, but I can't quite keep, my conscious mind can't quite keep up.
Uh huh.
So we're communicating, that's good.
So, that is your gift.
And then, am I channeling?

Oh, you know, I...You can channel now.
You're channeling to yourself.
But you can also channel, that you'vebeen trying to do for the longest.
You could do it before, but you were kind of holding back.
Do not hold back.
Whatever you see.
That's what it is.
So you can actually channel now.

If you start talking, and stuffcomes out, you are channeling.
Don't worry about what it is, just say it.
You will be able to do it now.
Because it's usually just come in whenever it hascome in but now I can set an intention and do it.

Thank you.
Yes, you're you're getting your newgifts You need to get back into it.
Yeah, I know.
You've been letting the problems getyou down and you've been holding back.
There is some information that people need to hear.

You need to get it out.
Everything else is falling into place.
You already have those pieces in place.
You already know how to do what you need to do.
Just keep doing that and you'll be fine.
As far as these things, you need to get back into it.
Because people need to hear information.

They're missing information that they want to hear, okay?
They want to hear more information.
I guess we should do what my friend was saying,

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (53:10):
the so-called what you call frequency Uhhuh.
It is strong, but the building that you are in,those frequencies are stronger in single homes.

You have a collection here.
That is surprising.
But, the reason why you don't have to worry is because...
The reason why your husband has beenso quiet is because he's been...

Putting a strong pyramid around this whole complex.

Sarah Webb (53:56):

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (54:00):
Nothing can break through that pyramid.
So we are able to do those things.
He has been fighting it.
And the negative energies have been trying to bother him.
But, you have been doing it as well.
Just because you do it once doesn't mean that it disappears.

Didn't you try to put one of those around your area?
Oh yeah.
A couple of times.
Well, when you did it the first timeit stayed, you just made it stronger.
But see, a lot of people, what we say, need to believe,see if you have one of those over yourself, those so-called frequencies and all that negative stuff will not get in.

As a matter, uh, fact, your husband's seen ahelicopter fly over this area this morning, did he?
Beings know about that.

About the pyramid.
They know about people that can put pyramids over the area.
They are not good people.
They do not like that.
People can do that, but they cannot destroy the pyramids.
They can only observe.
So you are safe.

See, the people that know about those negativeenergies, they can tell people about it, but they have to tell people about it in a positive way.
See, when you tell people about things likethat, you can't just tell them about that.
And not tell them how they can getaround it without disrupting their lives.

See, you need power to do thingsin your house, unfortunately.
So you cannot shut out your power just tostop those frequencies from going through.
Because most people don't realize, it don't matter,those frequencies they use are not power frequencies.

What are they?
They got the technology from beings you call the reptilians.
It is a spiritual, spiritual, negative energy.
So there are spiritual, yes, yes, spiritualand negative energy can go through.

They do not need electrical systems to bother people.

Sarah Webb (56:46):
So this is the part where the testwent off and it was super loud and.
Some of you probably know that some may have had theirphones off, but, um, I think we only lost maybe a couple
of minutes of talking, and then I realized that wewere not recording, and so then I turned it back on.

So that's what I, that's what you'll hear next.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (57:15):
That happened, you feel safe.
Because you have your pyramid over your house.
Your animals are calm.
Everything is calm.
Yeah, you may hear that sound again, but youwill not panic because it is over your home.

You did not have to shut off everything to block it.
You already have your protection.
It's over your whole complex area, not just your home.

Sarah Webb (57:54):
Does that affect?
Other people?
See, if

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (57:59):
you put it over your home, well, believe it or not, there's also a couple of other people in this complex that did the same thing.
They know what you know.
Of course, I can't tell you who they are.
Yeah, yeah.
But they are doing the same thing.
So you have a lot of protection over your ass.

Across the street, on the other hand, Uh huh.
That is a very negative area.

Sarah Webb (58:26):
We went through there the other day lookingfor that little cat that got lost and wow.
It was like walking into another completely different ah,

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (58:40):
place that pet is with another family.
They found the cat.
And kept it.
Are they taking care of it?
And they know who it belongs to.
Uh huh.
But they will not give it back to her.
Uh huh.
Because they are angry.
That the cat got away.
Well, I kind of thought that...

they said, we can take care of you better than the other.

Sarah Webb (59:03):
And that's why I got the comforting feeling

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (59:06):
about it.
Uh huh.
That pet is safe now.
Uh huh.

Sarah Webb (59:12):
And that crack of thunder the other night.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (59:15):
That was us giving you a message that everything was going to be all right.
Most people think thunder sounds angry and evil.
That is not the case.
It sounds powerful.
It is powerful.
That is us giving you an answer that everything Yeah, thetiming was And you realize that it did not rain after.

That was because the thunder was on its own.
It was There was no clouds out there.
It was just thunder.
If you would've looked out your window,you wouldn't have seen a cloud in the sky.
And then you would've wonderedwhere that thunder was coming from.
It was a thunder without clouds.

Which that probably scared a lot of peoplebecause there are no clouds in the sky and no one would have thought that came from.
Those people get scared easy on your planet ifthey don't see something that makes any sense.

Sarah Webb (01:00:15):
That was when I was asking if was it true or not that anything is

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:00:21):
Yes, and you was also thinking about your father.

Sarah Webb (01:00:29):
I was.
I was.
Because I believe in what I do, you know.
And I want to know that it doesn't matterwhat, it doesn't matter what's happening.

Mm hmm.
That we can do anything.
If we're, if we're parts of Source,then we have to be Source, right?

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:00:58):
Everything will be fine.
Everything will be, would you knock it off?

Sarah Webb (01:01:10):
Are they, is he

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:01:11):
What is a spiral

Sarah Webb (01:01:12):
Oh my goodness, who's singing this song?

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:01:20):
Yes, I understand you are happy,
but I'm trying to answer your questions.

Sarah Webb (01:01:30):
Where is my higher self when all this goes on?

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:01:36):
Your higher self is that and she is laughing as well.

Sarah Webb (01:01:42):
Sometimes I think she has sung that song to me.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:01:47):
Alara always puts that in your head.

Sarah Webb (01:01:49):
But yeah, I remember one morningshe did that to make me laugh.
Oh, goodness.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:01:57):
Everything is going to be fine.
Everyone on your planet will be fine.

Sarah Webb (01:02:03):
Thank you for the information about the protection.

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:02:11):
And if you hear the sound again, you know to ignore it.
You do not have to shut anything down, you are fine.
You have a very strong, powerful.
That's why your pets are calm.
Everything is calm.

Sarah Webb (01:02:28):
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
I think that's it

Travis' Higher Self/Larry (01:02:36):
for me.
And I...

Sarah Webb (01:02:41):
You guys are goofy.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you for listening to, uh, Quantum Healingwith the Angels and our episode, which is yet unnamed on my side, but will be as soon as I put this up.

Um, so we appreciate you.
We love you.
We hope everyone is doing well andlook for more content very soon.
Like I said, Monday, I'll put the other session up for you.
All right.
Hope you guys are doing great.
Bye bye.

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