All Episodes

April 28, 2024 104 mins

This week Superhero Slate is watching the Deadpool and Wolverine trailer, there are X-men Movie Announcement Soon, Kraven is delayed to December, and more!

What We're Doing: Tokyo Vice, Hundreds of Beavers (2024), Star Wars Day/The Phantom Menace


  • Deadpool & Wolverine (19:35)
    • New trailer features first Hugh Jackman look
    • Costumes, cameos, and cuss words, oh my!
      • Spider-Man 1 fight sequence?
    • Will not require any previous MCU Films knowledge to watch, per Shawn Levy
      • Maybe the Fox movies then?
    • Some reshoots taking place through May, possibly more Cameos?
  • Avenger: Endgame (32:55)
    • 5 years since release
    • Closer to that 5 year time jump than ever
  • Avengers 5 (34:45)
    • Will feature smaller set of characters
      • Most likely remaining original Avengers
    • Begin filming January 2025 in UK
  • Armor Wars (37:20)
    • Begin filming in Atlanta & UK in January 2025
  • Shang-Chi 2 (40:25)
    • Movie to start filming in UK in March 2025
  • Avengers vs X-Men (43:15)
    • Rumor: movie in development for a future Avengers title post X-Men
    • Comic series of name AvX focused on Phoenix powers splitting among 5 mutants
      • Cyclops killed Professor X
  • X-Men (49:10)
    • Writer narrowed down, announcement expected in the next few weeks
    • Most likely post-Secret Wars
  • Black Widow (53:30)
    • Scarlett Johansson’s project most likely a Disney+ series
      • Is a producer on project, not starring
    • Could focus on either Florence Pugh’s Yelena or the Black Widow program
  • Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (57:55)
    • Lisa Singer and Stu Livingston who worked on show, are back at Marvel Animation as Episode Directors
    • Say they cannot share details until press release
  • Kraven (59:55)
    • Sony delays movie to December 13
      • Originally the new Karate Kid movie; giving Cobra Kai time to finish
  • X-men 97 (1:06:47)
    • LifeDeath Part 2 & Bright Eyes Discussion
  • Fallout (1:25:40)
    • First half of season 1 with SPOILERS discussion
    • Fallout 4 - Mike

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Episode Transcript

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Hello,everyone, and welcome to Superhero Slate,
the show we run down the latestsuperhero entertainment news.
We love TV, movies and superheroes.
So let's talk it all out.
My name is Chris.
And my name is Mike.
And this week we have the Deadpooland Wolverine trailer.
Like we promised you guys last weekin, drops on Monday.

These Monday trailers
really undercutting the podcastthat we rerecorded a day before.
That's right.
It's giving us some time to digestand chew on all that good stuff.
So what we're we'll talk that outin today's episode.
X-MenThe movie will announce the writer soon.
We are in as as you like.
So non subtle, titled Mikethe Mutant ERA of Marvel.

Right now. It's here, it's here.
And we're still curious if it's goingto be part of a marvel reset or not.
We don't know. Yeah.
Nobody knows.
We don't even know.But we're excited for it.
We'll talk about it,
towards the end of the show,including, the movie and the X-Men 97,
we're all up to date on that Kraventhe Hunter is delayed to December.

Mike, I know I can feel the tearscoming off your face right now.
It's like when you don't. Success.
Madame Web was.
It's likewhen you don't invite somebody to a party,
and then they text you saying, oh,I'm going to be late.
It's just like, I don't want you to comeanyway. Like, what's happening?
Yeah. Yeah, right.I mean, yeah, I'm going, I'm late.
And hopefully at the endthey just don't show up, right?
Like, maybe straight to streaming them.

And that's all we all really want forKraven.
But, we got some news about thatat the end of the show.
We're going to riff on that a little bit.
And more Mike and more.
Yes, Chris is fresh off of,
a baby shower that he has returned from.
Not my own, a different one.
So, Chris, I believe you told meyou just came straight from a brewery.
So is that what our guests should beexpecting?

They shower. Yeah. Yeah,over the next hour.
Oh, I came from this baby shower.
It was like a coed.Like a joint baby shower.
So it was like,oh, we're not doing the gains.
We're just like, here'ssome snacks, here's some camaraderie.
He's at a brewery.
literallythis brewery, I'm going to tell you,
Mike was an adventure to get tobecause along the way to get there,
it was, at the end of an industrial parklooking at all this industrial.

Park,I knew you're going to say that, like,
everyone loves to open breweriesin the middle of nowhere.
So I literally I felt like,did you put in the right address?
And she's like, yep, I did.
I'm like, okay, let's let's go.
And we get thereand it's the end of the industrial park.
It's not even in the middleto the end of it.
So that's fine.
When I walk in this,this brewery is split.
It's just a big openbuilding. Right. Split into two.

There's the bar area in there, party area.
And then another part
where literally since 1 p.m.,they've been practicing line dancing.
Mission to country music.
So literally
you can see all these people,dozens of people
doing line dancing over there,and they they shut down.
Around 230, a live band shows up
with a fiddle and everything MCand they start playing country music.
And guess what?

The line dancersget right back up and start going.
I don't know if they were practicingfor this concert
or if it was just a happenstancealong the way, but boy howdy
did my 90s country Rain Man kick in herein some of these songs.
Like how very Indiana.
How very Louisville of you.
that was Indiana.
This is Indiana. Me. So.
Hey, you're you're closeenough, though, right?

Where are you? On the border.Or were you, like, driving up to Indy?
when wewere in Indianapolis or Indianapolis?
We were in Indiana.It was about half an hour from us.
So, where we originally startedthe podcast, where my my apartment
was, we were right down the roadfrom that apartment,
from ten years ago.
So I wouldn't say it'snecessarily Louisville,
but I could probably find one of thesein Louisville as well.

Yeah. You're right.
So Chris is going to be channelingthe line dancing energy,
on the podcast this week. And.
And also I tried everything on the menu.
I tried everything on the menupretty much.
So they had their,
so like, they actually had a drink there.
so they had a banana sour.
I don't knowif you're a sour fan or not. Mike.
this is for the adults of show 21 plus.

So they had a banana sour.
It didn't taste really banana.
But yeah,I like a good sour. I'm like, I'll try it.
But what they had not on the screenbut on tap was a bomb pop
sour like a very sweet bomb pop sour.
And I love a bomb pop flavor.
So that was delicious to me.
I don't know if that's upyour alley or not.
I mean, I didn't even know,I thought sours

were kind of the opposite of sweet beers.
but I guess they're starting to hookaround the corner and come back into it.
it was it wasit was sweet and tart, like like like
like I wouldn't say, sweetheart,even though that said that, but, like,
it was a sweet drink,but saw that tartness on the end of it.
So it's not like an IPA.
You're not getting the hopin the bitterness of it.

It was.
It was pretty, pretty sugary,I think, all around.
But yeah, it was very summery, right?
It feels like that good summer kickoffhere at the end of the day.
So had a good time.
So yeah, you can expect that out of mefor the rest of the show.
I've got a White Claw hereto complement me on the way.
So he's keeping the party going folks.That's right.
You know, I'm here to celebrate.
We're all here to have a good time.

let's jump into it. Mike.
you know, at the end of the show,we'll talk about.
Well, I got to watch this week, which wasfallout half of the half of the series.
Wink, wink. But, Mike,you were able to watch some other stuff.
And I'm really,
really super curious about the second one,because it sounds like
you may have been watchingsome adult material.
I'm, I'mI'm so glad you don't know about it
because I just learnedso I can fill you in.

But first off, I have to come backaround and say, I finally finished
watching the most recent season, seasontwo of Tokyo
Vice, which I brought up on the showa few weeks back.
It's on HBO Max and stars Ansel Elgort.
who else is in it?
I always forget his name. Ken Watanabe.
He's in it.

And it's just a great, like, kind of like,
hardboiled journalist detective show
set in 90s in Tokyo.
at, like, kind of like the transitionbetween, like, newspaper and the internet.
The Yakuza.
so I wanted to wait to givemy official recommendation until, like,
I kind of caught up on everythingthat's out there.

So there's two seasons out.
the show creator has plans for a third,and hopefully they'll get a renewal,
because I'd love to watchanother season of this show.
So this is my, urging of you to go out
and watch Tokyo Vice on HBO Max.
Because it's great.
It's awesome.
It does require a little bitof your attention, though,
because it ebbs and flowsbetween English and Japanese,

because there's Englishspeaking characters and obviously Japanese
speaking characters,because it's set in Tokyo.
So you know, it.
It commands your attention.
So you'll have to kind of put
the phone down for the most part,which is even hard for me these days.
So check it out.
Tokyo Vice on HBO Max I don't know,the second season I'm just wrapped.
I want to be honest, I honestly thoughtthis was an anime like the name of.

It sounds like an anime beforeI looked it up.
No, you're not, you're not wrong.
I told my wife I my I had been watchingthis show, you know, on
and off for like the last couple of weeks,and my wife hasn't caught any of it yet.
So I when I finished it,I was kind of like describing it to her.
And she was just like,oh, is this an anime?
I was like,no, no, no, this is all live action,
which is kind of weird to say, oh,it's live action.

No, it just it is a TV showthat just happens to take place in Tokyo.
But you do bring up an interesting point.
We don't really get a wholelot of kind of live
action Japanese representationkind of in the United States.
It does seem to be primarilyanimated, right?
Well, I would also say I just looked it upand the actress,

Rachel Keller, I believe she's in thisas Samantha Porter.
I just, Wikipedia in itself.
She was in Legion as.
And the girlfriend of David David Keller.
Oh, okay. Yes. Even so.
She's a main character in the show.That's great.
So to bring it back to superheroes,we have a Legion reference in here.
But, but continue on to this title that I.

I'm just. Yes.
I can't wrap my head around it.Let me know I can.
I can not take credit for plucking thisobscure gem from Amazon Prime.
It was recommended to me
through the TikTok algorithm,and I took the algorithm up on its offer.
And it's a movie calledHundreds of Beavers.
That's right.
It's calledHundreds of Beavers came out this year.

Oh, because the best way to describe it is
it's like a black and white silent film.
in the
in the vein of, like, LooneyTunes and Monty Python.
It's like a small crewthat went out into the Wisconsin
and wilderness in the winterand made this slapstick live action

cartoon, for lack of a better term,about a man who is vengeful
against Mother Nature that took his applecider farm away from him.
So he goes out on a rampage to exact
revenge on all the woodland creaturesthat have wronged him.
And the best part aboutthis is all of the woodland

creatures are all peopleessentially in mascot costumes.
So when he's trying to hunt down a rabbit,
it's just a person in a rabbitlike costume that you would see, like in
Madison Square Garden or on the HollywoodWalk of Fame.
the beavers are, you know,chewing down the forest to build, like,
this gigantic woodencoliseum on a frozen river.

And it's all these giant beavermascot costumes.
It's just absolutely hilarious.
The density of gags is out of control.
Like, there is some, some,some sort of wacky thing happening,
like every 10s, it'sa, a labor of love for sure.
And the budget of this movieis only like $150,000, which is basically,

a nickel penny termpenny of a movie budget.
And I was happy to see it.
It's made double its money back throughthe box office, which like $300,000.
Not a lot, but this is for sure going tolaunch careers of the filmmaker, for sure.
This is going to be a cult classic.
I went and I looked at their Instagramand it looks like they're kind of

touring the movie around the country.
So they did like a Great Lakes tour
and they toured it around there,and it's just so much fun.
It's technically, I mean, when I say
it's not streaming,I mean, it's not streaming for free.
If you go like I'm sure it's on like AppleTV, we rented it on Amazon Prime.
Maybe it's on like YouTube as well.You can rent it there.

But we got it.
It's like it's like five.It's a $5 rental.
We had, you know, delayyour Amazon shipment for a day or two.
You start to rack upsome of those like digital coupons.
So we got it for like three bucks.It was amazing.
We had some friends over last nightand we watched it.
And it's just it's just hysterical.
It's like so weird.
it's relatively family friendly.
I mean, there's a lot of cartoon violencein it, but it's just it's so funny.

It's so weird.
You got to go check it out.
Hundreds of beavers.
wherever you get your VOD content for.
For those who who may or may not believein mix, claims, here it is, sitting at an,
95% on RottenTomatoes and, and 80% on Metacritic.
So obviously,generally favorable all around.

But I do see a review herethat says an overstuffed live action
homage to the golden age of animationthat's bursting with ingenuity
and personality.
So, absolutely. We'd love to see this.
How long do you think this movie is like,offhand?
Is it like,so in the minute kind of thing?
So I do have to saythis is my only critique of the movie,
and I didn't even really want to
critique it at all on the showbecause I don't want people

to have a reason not to watch it,because I think it's worth watching it
no matter what.
But it is like a little long.
Like when I say it's like a labor of love,
you can tell that the filmmakers arejust like, we're not pulling anything out.
We stood out in the snow halfnaked, the real snow to get these shots.
They're all going in the movie.
So I think it's like a hundred

and then it's like 109 minutessomewhere around there.
Yeah, I that's. I think it's.
I think it would have been better.
Better nestled aroundlike 85, 90 minutes personally.
But still it's fantastic. It's it's great.
Gotta check it out.
Awesome. Fantastic.
Well I want to go ahead.
And Mike, since you brought up some stuff,I'm gonna go ahead and prep everybody

because we have the disadvantageof recording on Sundays,
as we'll talk about in our first topicwith Deadpool and Wolverine,
but also, at the end,the things that happen on Saturdays.
We'll talk about what next Saturday,
literally is Star Wars Day and Star WarsCelebration is, if I remember correctly.
And with that, on Friday,I my forgot my wife has that
I have tickets to see The Phantom Menacein theaters again on its 25th anniversary.

I'm pretty excited about this.
I'm excited to go see it.
And I did know that a couple other,
I think all the other Star Warsmovies might have like a one off
kind of thing that that Saturdayor that weekend in theaters.
So if anyone is looking for things to do,watch a movie,
there's nothing new out you've alreadyseen hundreds of beavers on streaming.

You're like, I gotta get him.
Don't forget, Star Warsis coming to theaters next weekend.
and Star Wars Day,which is May the 4th be with you, Mike?
which, you know, and people you I want to
I want toI want to get ahead of that rather
than being on the backend of it on the on the other side.
So I'm pretty excited to revisitThe Phantom Menace in theaters.
I remember, Dan, we've talked about this
till till we're blue in the face,the toys, the promotions,

the Taco Bell promotions,everything about The Phantom Menace,
like the biggest toy craze known to manwhen The Phantom Menace came to theaters.
And I feel that in my bones every day.
because I grew up in a placewhere none of the stuff was.
So every time we went out to Walmart,which was a 30 minute drive,
where we went to Taco Bell, which is 30minute drive, I would I would be just the,

I don't know, enveloped in
all this marketing material for,for Star Wars and The Phantom Menace.
So I just. I of.
The plastic Pepsi can carrierthat is like the giant tank
in the first moviethat carries the, little ten.
Yeah, it's, it's it's a droid.
It's a joint carrierthat is a cane cooler.

I just I just want it.
There's no,I'm not going to spend any money on it.
Please, please do not send me eBay links.
People saying it's righthere. It's just $800.
Like it's so I.
It's not $800 because this is actuallysaved in my eBay already.
My don't worry
as I say,
because I told my wifeI'm like if I ever came across
an actual with of cashor I got a bonus or something,
I would probably buy one to have inmy to have in my basement

because my, you know,my basement is an experience.
It's not just, hey,go to the basement, it's an experience.
So I would love to have one, but it'snot something I'm like I need to have.
It is more of awant to have at the end because it is.
It is cool. matter.
I always remember the
Pepsi vending machines that had the Anakinand the pod racing, so, you know.

so if I was like, oh,
if I came here and Pepsivending machine downstairs,
I just carried a shout outto the listener. Jason.
We carried a 200 pound
television down my stairs this week,and I want a vending machine down here.
Hell no, man, I have talked myselfout of anything heavier than that.
That tube TV, forever.
Because it was a nightmare.
I'm not trying to talk you back into it,because I do not know how heavy a vending

machine is.
I'm sure you have doneor will do your research if it happens,
but me and my wife did just add a
a smallerside, deep freezer to our kitchen
because the, little tiny drawer freezerthat came with our way to expensive
new refrigerator is, like, too small,which is just really annoying to spend

a lot of money on a new fridge.
It's like,why is the freezer so dang small?
So we got a deep freezer on Amazonfor like 100 bucks.
And this thing islike the deceivingly light,
like it makes me think, like,how does this is even going to get cold?
Like I'm able to pick it up just with theforce of pushing my two hands together.
I'm not even gripping on anything.
So, I have a feeling,

cannedvending machine will be much heavier.
Indeed, but we'll be saying it could bedeceptively lighter than a big, giant TV.
Well, Mike,as someone who lives in the Midwest,
I got a I've got a garage deepfreezer already, buddy.
Don't you worry. I'm already.
I'm already selling that, but I, I,I maybe I might just talk to myself
rather than I can dispenser MikeI might just settle for like a

I an under the counter soda dispenser.
Oh, yeah. Three sodas.
That's the right answer, Chris.
I'm glad. Yeah.
So so I might go down that route later.
down down the road. I'm looking at this.
I'm looking at this droid coolerright now.
Chris,sorry to cut you off, but no, I know.
This is great.
I lovethis is where the podcast really comes.
I keep forgettingthat it's actually a cooler.

I always think of itas kind of like a novelty.
Like carrier,
but there is indeed a smalllittle reservoir that you can put in it
that you can put liquid in
and freeze, like it's not going to be likeprobably the best cooler on the planet.
But like, if you. Don't drink,these are the same day.
They're not cold anymoreafter that is is done.
But like I said.
And listeners, if you don't already know,it's not just like

the the vague shape of a carrier.
It also has like little droid headsthat you can put on top.
You put them on the cans.
You have mymy wife calls them Roger Rogers.
They're not just George.
She calls him Roger Rogers.
No, that's so you can have a whole a wholearmy of Roger, Roger, cans on there.
Because you don't have to do Pepsi.
You don't have to do Mountain Dew,because those are the two problems.
But, like,

you know,you may be sipping on your doctor
Pepper coconut creamwith a droid topper on top of that.
Mike, it's why. Would that be? Now?That would be really cool.
I know these things.I'm looking off on TV.
There are hundreds of dollars, so I mean,no one might want to take a chance on it,
but imagine taking like this coolerinto like an auto body shop and be like,
can you hit this with, like,the pearlescent, like tan paint job?

Like because, you know,like because it's just form plastic.
So if you're really tryingto go accurate to life,
I'm sure the real life droid carrier moviehad a little bit of a paint job on it.
You know, I'm well.
Obviouslyit was all CG back then, right, for CGI,
but what I'm gonna dois I'm gonna actually redirect you.
I'm taking you outthat antibody auto body shop.
I'm putting you in the Warhammer40 K shot.
Oh, we got us. Guysknow how to paint plastic.

Are you gonna.Are we gonna plastic those are it.
if we weathered it and kind of put, like,
some, like, slight laser,like a couple blaster bolts?
Oh, man.
Oh, this is this is sounding moreand more likely my buck.
Mike, you might have sold me on this.
If, if anyone out there is in the livestream chat on any of the places
that we currently live stream this show,please pressure Chris to buy one of these

because I think he like we like we statedhe is he's fresh off a brewery.
he's drinking a White Claw.
I'm impressed. We are.
We're trying to get him to spendhundreds of dollars for the podcast.
I sold my pinball machine this morning,so I've got space.
And this.
This one is $450, and it ships from Japan,which I find really, really funny.

So I don't knowif this is a product of Japan
or if it has any, like Japanese,like writing, like molded underneath it.
That would be even cooler, to be honest.
Yeah, they probably they probably StarWars is not this big over there.
So this has been sitting on I waiting forfor some idiot like me to buy.
I've had a few mini drinks, but we'll see.
We will see. But it's Star WarsDay coming up.

celebrate, Star Wars Day.
How do you celebrate them safely?
with no real lightsabers.
Those are dangerous. But.But have a good time. Watch.
Watch your favorite Star Warsmovie or show.
Let's shift the gears, Mike.
This is where the show come to life.
We had a Deadpool and Wolverinetrailer. Mike.
The official Deadpool and Wolverinetrailer, right?
We had a teaser beforeand it was very teasers.

It kind of gave some plot pointswith with Deadpool, but this is where
literally Hugh Jackman shows upfor the first time in this,
and I think you correct me if I'm wrong.
He's probably a main point in this trailer
throughout the whole thing,dealing with not only Wolverine's journey
and his traumaand coming to deal with it, but also,
you know, you having to deal with Deadpoolat the end.
To set the record,I believe this very first teaser

trailer dropped during the Super Bowl,if I remember correctly.
Yeah, so not too long ago,but long enough to where
I had forgottenthat Logan was not in the first trailer.
We only see his silhouetteand his claws, retract.
So he is all over this trailer.
I this kind of goesmaybe to lean towards the fact

of, before we weren't entirely sure.
Like, oh, is this like a Deadpool moviewhere, like, variants pop up,
you know, we see some, Wolverine cameos.
Or maybe he, like, shows up in, like,the third act or something like that.
And then we got the entire revealthat is called Deadpool and Wolverine.
Okay, well,that solidifies a little bit more.
And I think this trailer goes to show youall this

feels very like buddy cop,you know, Wolverine, Deadpool.
We are going to have a lot of Loganin this.
It feels like. Right.
And he is the, how much like this showhe is the dour, sad,
you know, person who's dealing with it.Mike like you
when you we talk about moviesand you're just sad and all over it.
And then there's, Deadpool who?
Yes, he's trying to save his world,but he is just driving Wolverine nuts.

He's just driving them up a wall.
It seems likethere are some some clips in here.
If you slow it down, you can see itlooks like they're fighting right in a car
at one point.
you know, he's got him in a leglock and he.
He shoots Wolverine in thethe ribs a couple times.
So it looks like in this moviethey're gonna, you know, be
they're gonna fight a bit,
but they're going to have to be buddiesalong the way as well.

in in that words.
But yeah, one of the, Yeah.
Go ahead Michael beforeand we'll, we'll jump to the next bullet.
Point going,
oh, I mean, I was going to sayI've really been diving into the comments
and kind of just reactionto the trailer overall because like,
I feel like I'm like on thelike the metagame side of this, right?
You know,what is this going to do for Disney?
What is this going to do for the MCU?

And Marvel at large?
It's the only Marvel moviewe're getting the entire year.
You know, hopefullythis is enough to kind of satiate
the audience that's been kind of trainedon just a plethora of Marvel content
every single calendar year,and it seems like people are hyped.
I've seen people saying, finally,yes, I'm ready.
I'm finally excited again.

Like, I haven't felt like this in a whileafter watching a trailer.
Oh yeah.
I haven't really seen reallyany dissenting opinions at all.
Like one random personI saw on threads was like,
oh, this is going to like dishonorthe legacy of like, Logan or whatever.
if. It did, well,
if it did, Hugh Jackman wouldn't come backlike he would end on a high hat

if he thought that waswhere he wanted to end. It. Exactly.
And when Logan came out, we weren'treally on to this whole multiversal
kind of pivot for the universe to.
So now that we know, like,literally anything's possible out there
with all of these different universes,it's just like it was never just Logan.
And actually two, if I remember right,it's been a while since I've seen Logan.

Even that movie postulates that that movie
itself is kind of its own universe.
Because it
it takes its own twists and turnsto give us that version of Logan where.
We pick up the, I would say, the X-Menuniverse continuity is,
it is okay at best.

But like when you like, look at likeif you look at first Class, Days of Future
Past and Apocalypse, 30 years of movieand the kids
only look like they aged two years,like it's pretty rough along the way.
Anyway, Fox didn't care about this stuff.
So you can say any of those movieany any Fox Men movie
could be its own universe
at the end of the day, and Deadpoolhas always played with that, right?

Even the end of Deadpool two,where he goes and takes cable's teleporter
and goes to all the different universesand times like he even
he deals with Green Lantern.
He deals with, you know,what was the X-Men origins Wolverine?
He it's always been kind of like
do do with with do with this as you will.
There is no real concrete time or universealong the way.

But you mentioned multiple universesand I'm a this is the next word
I literally have.
And this is costumes.
We get to see Hugh Jackman in a comic bookslash X-Men
97 accurate costumefor the first time in 24 years of him
playing the character, ratherthan just a tease at the end of Not Logan.
What was the one before that?
The Wolverine, rightwhere they showed it in a briefcase. So,

Could be a Hugh Jackmanfrom a different universe.
obviously he's dead.
And Logan, maybe this ishe pulls him out before it dies.
We don't know.
We want to we want to see this in Julywhen it drops like everybody else.
But I think the trailer does a good jobnot giving away many big story beats.
And I would say not giving awayany huge cameos,

as have been rumored uponrumored upon rumored.
Thousands of people will be in this movie,but I really don't think they
will at the end of the day.
for that.
And then lastly, my last word onthis is cuss words.
It's very R-rated, so hallelujah.
The, the, cocaine, the cocaine bit
is there right at the end, I think,

Oh, yeah.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Wait. Right.he says fake.
He says we can do anything but cocaine.
And, Leslie Uggams goes throughevery other street word for cocaine.
And I feel I feel like that's like,just, signal out there to the audience.
It's just like, oh, yeah,we are allowed to do whatever we want.
I think, ShawnLevy also was in an interview

or something recently, and he saidthat you do not have to be like,
like, an aficionados of the entire MCU.
You can be like a novice.
You can just come right into this movieand watch it and have a good time.
So that that's good, too, because that issomething that Marvel needs, right?
So much of this stuff,especially since the Peck explosion

of Make More Faster like Marvelhas really started to feel like homework.
I mean, we are lucky in a sense of like,we just kind of eat this stuff up
and we'll watch it.
Even if we don't end up liking it,we'll still watch it.
But we are in the minority.
Like, the general audience,which is going to fuel those box office
dollars, does not have thethe time in their day

to, go back and watch all of these movies.
So I think that's a good sign. Yeah.
For all I think the only thingfrom this trailer that I would say
you had to watch in Marvel literally,is Loki because of the TVA, right?
Like, that is the only thingI think that is from Marvel proper
MCU Marvel series where you have to watchhis Loki is what it looks like.

And even if you don't understand Loki,it looks like they are.
Watch Loki.
They looks like they are breaking it down
pretty simply for the audience,even from the like.
I can't say the moviethe finality, but like,
it's like this is a TVA,this is what we're doing.
This is what you have to.
It looks like the literallyholding our hands
to explain that to us in the traileralong the way.
For those who didn't watch Loki. Right.

so that's a plus,I will say, based on, you know,
just watching this trailerin the few cameos you do see.
Boy, I hope you have a good memoryof the Fox movies
because they are pulling stuffout of like, X-Men
two, X-Men First Class,
you know, kind of along the way to,to get to this point

because there's like a little you can seeLady Deathstrike and you can see, Azazel,
from, from first class and, and I think,but they're both outside man's helmet.
So if you have watched Civil Waror any Ant-Man movie,
that's going to be a fun little Easter eggfor you along the way, right?
But you don't have to understand
what a giant man is to understand whythat big person exists in this universe.

Yeah. It's funny.
I mean, obviously the cameos to previous,X-Men, movies are great.
toads in this, trailer.
Or if he's not there was,
like the actor or something was out thereon social media, like confirmed.
Yeah, he's in it.
And then I saw these, like,
people in the comments are just like,whoa, Toad's back.

And I was like, no one's excited about to,like, stop pretending.
I mean, obviouslywe're all hype for this movie
and we can be, excited for cameos,but it's just toad, like, he didn't.
Did he die in the first X-Men movie?
I don't remember.
He gothe got struck by lightning, by storm.
Because storm says, you know what happenswhen a toad struck by lightning?

And it's like, yeah, I don't rememberif she even finished that line.
I was like, this is the stupidest lineI've ever heard.
Yeah, I don't remember 30,000.
Yeah, but it's like, it'svery it's just toad.
So I do think it's funny.It's like, okay, settle down.
It's just toad, but it's a nice addition.
You know, this feels like, remember.
24 year I sent you the photo.
My 24 years of X-Men movies, ten

appearances by Hugh Jackmanto get to this point.
Along the way.And it doesn't feel like ten, does it?
When you think back on itat the end, they kind of blends together.
one of the cool things I will say,I sent you this,
I screen recorded this, Mike,because I needed you to see it.
There's a the sequence where Wolverineis swinging a Deadpool in the void,
and he's like dodging its linesup to the Spider-Man ones fight,

where he was dodging Flash Thompson'spunches from the original Spider-Man one.
And I thought that was a really coolhomage.
That doesn't mean Spider-Man's,and it's just fun to have that stuff
along the way, right? Like that's a littlethe cool Easter eggs.
A normal person like other fighting,I get it, I don't need to watch it.
But like, first I was like,oh, that looks just like Spider-Man ones.
Fight scenes.
That's really fun to me.
And they'relooks like they're having a lot of fun.

Everyone's energy's there.
There is some serious tones in this,but like, I, I'm in love.
Mike I don't know I don't know if you'refeeling it from the trailers yet.
It sounds like you are,but I want to make sure you know I'm not.
I'm not off balance.
Well, you'll have to.
Everyone will have to stay tuned tothe podcast, because my child is expected

to arrive here on this terrestrial planewith the rest of us right around
this movie releases at the end of July,so we'll we'll see what happens here.
Mike's watching the cam.
Yeah, we'll see what happens hereon the podcast for sure.
Maybe the spoiler category we review.
There could be, cryingchild in the background.

I don't know.
I, I will,I guarantee listeners out there,
I will never put you before my family,but, let's.
Yeah, I think I would. We'll see.I think I would time out.
I love you, listeners. I'd put you first.
Well, now, but I will say, you know,despite this trailer coming out, you know,
there are still always
some quote unquote reshootstaking place to me for this movie.

the news for this movie, the rumors that,the quote unquote truths are out
everywhere the past two weeks of, like,it's almost an explosion.
But, you know, some some things in May,if they're filming some stuff in May,
my guess is Mike probably some deep cameosthat they didn't want.
They don't want spoiledright before the movie drops.
Right. Like things you film last minute.
So there's a very tight crewand a very tight editing thing.

Yeah, I mean, the the movie at the.
End, I mean may that is, that is so quick.
It makes me think they're eitherjust trying to get some super quick
pickup shots, you know, somethingthat you literally just drop into,
like you're like assembly cut already,you know, and it's good to go.
I mean, if it's special effects wise,I mean, Jesus, that team is going to be

well, actually,if it's special effects wise, that
they could have already started on thembecause there's probably more computer
generated stuff than you just slapthe live action played in there.
or maybe it's even like an after creditsscene or something like that.
You know, those are usually kind of likesecond units, you know, that kind of hint
towards the end, because usually,like we get to after credit scenes

in these Marvel movies,we get one that kind of hints
to the future of that moviethat you just saw.
And then sometimes you get one that hints
to the future of the MCU at large,and we haven't really gotten something.
I was I would say
maybe you either get one of those twothat you just mentioned or a funny one.
There's always a funny one, right? Onethat's inconsequential.
So maybe it could be the funny one.It could be the future one.

I'm going to leanif it is an inconvenience, a future one,
because they're still probably reelingfrom the Avengers five stuff, right?
Qing dynasty, the, Jonathan Majors firingand probably not rehiring.
So they might be trying to set somethingup for the future in that endgame.
That's our next topic.
Avengers five or Secret Wars,even at the end of the day. So,

the lastminute reshoots, these aren't bad.
They're not fixing the moviethis late in the process.
They're probably just addingsome fun stuff as well.
I'm going to say along the way.
But, I'm hyped.
My my hands are rubbing together. Mike.
This is I'm feeling good.
I'm loving Deadpool and Wolverine.
Someone else, listen to the show. Patrick.
He still thinks Deadpool
and Friend would have been the best titlefor this movie

if have friend in the Wolverine font,but you know that.
So you have to have Wolverineat the end of the day these days.
So so that's our rules.
Avengers endgame is celebrating its,fifth anniversary this week,
and that also is a reminder
that endgame has a five year timejump in the middle of it.
So we are closer to the end ofthat movie than ever before.

which is wild to think about.
I also saw SecretWars are not super secret.
What is Infinity War has its six year
anniversary, and, I love both these.
They're both great.
ends to to the Infinity Saga.
At the end of the day,Infinity War did something that no,
no one thought this movie didby ending out a loss for everybody, right?
Like Thanos actually winning,which is wild.

But, endgame to come back and kind of end
that saga pretty appropriatelywas was wild.
So I've not I mean, I've revisitedsome of these over over time,
but I think, you know,
it might be time to dive back into thosebig Avengers movies along the way.
Mike, even even Age of Ultronhas come back around in its, you know,
I guess nine year

debut to to be something of like,yeah, well,
there's, there's some good stuff in here
we can pull out of itat the end of the day.
If you say so, Chris. If you say so.
I would like to seemaybe Ultron pop up again at some point
in time, just because I always thoughtthe character was so cool.
James Spader, his voice was awesome,and we see him a little bit
in the world of series, but it's justdoesn't have like the same gravitas.

So maybe if there's like a secret Wars
movie and everything's coming together,there's like maybe.
There's the vision.
Like the visionspinoff could revisit him a little bit
if there's like an isolated Ultronalong the way.
So, since he needs Vision'sbody was essentially made for Ultron.
So there's there's a way to do that.
But yeah, endgame being five years ago,that made me feel old.

That made me feel real old.
Mike older than saying X-Menone was 24 years ago.
so, we'll we'll chalk that upto, however, where you guys feel but,
in games on its five year anniversary,
Avengers five, we just kind oftalked about this a little bit.
we'll apparently feature a smaller setof characters I know that they're doing.
You know,they're doing some rewrites. Right?

fixing the Qing dynasty.
It might still have Kang in it.
That's perfectly fine, but it's there.
The retooling itto feature a smaller set of characters.
Most likely people who've beenin the original Avengers movies.
The first four along the way
to to really tighten that group upand give us some time within
before they do, what we assumeis going to be a reboot, right?

In 2028, along the way.
And it's pretty it's pretty wild.
I never really thought of that direction.
It always just seems so obvious to me.
An Avengers moviekind of needs to be big and bombastic,
where you bringall of the subsequent movies
before it together into this onebig fight, but it would be kind of cool

to be like a smaller,like, edgier movie with like,
The Avengers that we know and love,and they really get to reconnect again
and not just, like, fly around, like a skybeam, you know, or something like that.
The, the idea of incursions, rightfrom Doctor Strange in the Multiverse
of Madness in the comic books,the team, the Illuminati,

if you will, the Marvel comics were like,we know these incursions are coming,
and they didn't tell anybody.
And I think that's what you know,you keep that group tight,
like DoctorStrange of the incursions are coming,
and this is how we have to defeat them to,to stay alive for before Secret Wars.
And he doesn't tell everybody,
because if you tell everybody,what are they gonna do, Mike?
They're going to panic, right?There's going to be chaos.
So keeping a tight groupwould be a way to kind of work

on that without having mass hysteria.
before before Secret Wars.
So I agree.
And and to to the credit of Marvel there,
looking to begin filming this2025, January 2025, in the UK.
So, it looks like they are going
to commit to the storylineand at least commit to the release date.
For that, that May 2026to get this movie up and going.

I like this idea and most people like,well, why do you want to?
I don't think they're hurrying.They're still taking their time.
But the more they delay in Avengersmovie Mike, the less I guess return.
We're going to get on them rightat the end of the day.
Like we've not had an Avengers moviefor five years and we're still
two, three years away.
2 or 3 years away.
So I don't want to wait for an Avengersmovie.

We need to have it.
And it doesn'tneed to be the end of the world sometimes.
But this one will probably be. But,but let's let's get to it.
Let's go ahead and get it out of the way.
Solve this King problem and move onto the next big bad along the way.
In that same regard, the the productioncharts are also saying that Armor Wars
is, will begin filming in Atlantain the UK in January 2025.

So it sounds like they might be sharingsome lot space over in their,
United Kingdom space to film this.
Mike,if I told you, do you remember Armor Wars
is being made into a movie, would you,would you say, yeah, I remember that.
Well, quite the journey for Armor Wars.
I only internalize this project
and I say projectbecause it was originally not a movie.

It's just a logo to me. Right?
This is just one of those classicMarvel projects.
It's like, oh yeah, that was a great logo.
What a logo it was.
We all had a great time looking at it.
Don Cheadle is a great actor.
he got an award for 30s and, Falconand the Winter soldier.
Let'sbring him back in. And they put him in.
They put him in front of Photoshop,and he was the one that exported it.

so he gets,he gets a Webby Award for that.
But yeah, we'll see.
I mean, War Machine, Don Cheadle,
those two characters, I mean,they haven't really never had a chance
to kind of become morethan just a sidekick.
And I mean that by like every definitionof the word sidekick, he was always

just, teamed up with, Iron Man.
Or he was like,
Like when he was with Nebula.
Yeah. And like.
Or he like, shows up in, like,cool armor every once in awhile.
He's he's always just kind of been, like,a bit or like, sometimes comedic relief.
Actually, when I think of WarMachine and Don Cheadle,

I almost entirely think of himsaying something quippy and funny, like
he has only really ever been serious,when he's trying
to get Tony to stop drinkingor when he's literally not that character.
And when he's doing the well, he'sdoing the military stuff.
Yeah. Like that'swhenever he's serious. Yeah.
I mean, to me, I agree that he'snot been given a chance to shine.

I think Don Cheadle can carry a movie.
and do it himself.
And then dealing my, my concern is dealingwith the legacy of Tony
Stark and Iron Man.
How long are we going to drag that out?
Like, I get it,he's a huge part of the MCU movies.
He might be a bigger part of this world,but like, can we find
Armor Wars a way to make a differencewithout being like, oh, we missed Tony.

Oh, we miss Robert Downey Jr.
Like, we don't need to do that over andover again for years and years to come.
Like we he's out of the movie.
He's happy doing, you know,
Oppenheimer, stuff or,you know, being a doctor Doolittle.
So we don't need to go back and revisitthat.
I think if you give Don Cheadle
something to act in and be the lead,we need to make it the lead, right?

And and not worry about that.
But that's that's my biggest concernabout this movie more than anything.
It's like we don't need more.
Oh, poor Iron Man. He died years ago.
Along the way.
But I always forget that.I agree with you.
It's a logo. It needs to be.They need to have more substance of this.
But hopefully saying to youcomic cons coming up later this year,
we'll get some news out of that. Yeah.

Lastly, for the filming, this is Shang-Chi
two, tentativelytitled The Wreckage of Time.
I think it's a great name.
the movie is looking to startfilming in the UK of March 2025.
So when, Avengers five is not necessarilywrapping up, but like, kind of overlap
a little bit there,
in that we know Dan, Destin Daniel Crettonwill be coming back to this to film it.

We know SimuLiu will be coming back to act in it.
if this also takes placein between the two Avengers
movies is what the theory has beenfor a very, very long time.
I think that'll be great.
I'm excited to revisit this character whohas not gotten any love since his debut.
Really, in that moviein 20 fall of 2021 along the way.

Yeah, I mean, he had a he hada fairly decent outing as Shang-Chi.
I mean, some lingering questions thatI still have about the universe at large.
that he kind of resides in.
But yeah, I think people would like to seethat character come back again.
I follow Simbu on threads and,

he likes to, respond to people,that are just like,
oh, I really think we need a sequel to,Shang-Chi.
Marvel really is dropping the ball,not announcing this one.
Then he's just like,he'll respond and say,
oh, I heardthe main actor was kind of mid in that.
So he really likes to,he likes to have fun with his.
And I thinkI think your questions about Shang,

she just need to be answered quicklyrather than, you know, again, waiting
six years,seven years between movies, right.
Like that. That's a concern.
I understand we've talked about thisbefore till this podcast is.
But half this podcast
has been about Bob Chapek sayingmore content, more content, more content,
you know, but, you
know, Bob Iger is focusingon the things that work.

You know, Shang-Chi worked. It came out.
It had a lot of a huge successin the pandemic.
it did not do the simultaneous releasethat Black Widow did before
the Black Widow News later talked about.
it came out.
They had some great martial arts,had some great stuff.
It was a really it was a really fun movie.
Surprising at the end of a new character
could come out of Marveland be and hit so, so well.

But they should havereally brought it back sooner, right?
Right.Just waiting and waiting for another year.
2026 release possibly summer 2026.
Fall 2026 is just way too long.
So we need to revisit themand bring it back.
And he's a he's a great actor, right?
He was in Barbie, a very infectious actor.
I think they can bring it backand have some fun with this.
And if it is wreckage of time,and we've also postulated with, news slash

rumors of the Iron Fist, not necessarily
the one we've seen before,but the new Iron Fist will be in this.
I would love to see some of thatmartial arts team up along the way.
The the that fighting and the Iron Fistfighting and get that together.
So we'll, we'll knock on. Well,this is good.
But, you know, the fact that they're
committing to some filming stuffnext year, locking in those lot
so they don't lose it
like Batman did, that's going to be it'sgoing to be a big win all around.

Rumor time.
Avengers versus X-Men.
The movie is, rumored to be in developmentfor a future Avengers
title post Secret Warsand post the launch of X-Men.
So getting this, ready early,you know, getting kind of
setting the scene, setting the stage downthe road would be awesome.

I think.
Mike,what do you think about that title alone
before we get into the comic book version,if we just had an Avengers versus
X-Men movie, is that something that'sgoing to get your get your juices flowing?
I mean, 80 X is one of the kind of last
big comic book events that I read.
You know, I've really kind of dropped offof, like, these big,
like, summer momentsthat they have for comics in a while. But,

that one relies
on a lot of, you know, history, right?
You know, the X-Men are a pre-establishedsuperhero team.
You have the Avengers as well.
You know,they seem like two, like opposing forces.
That could be entertainingto watch. Right?
The comic was interesting as well.

I mean, I don't know if they're goingto, like, bring the Phenix Saga back
once again, something that
that was really been beating audiencesover the head with that Phenix idea.
it's funny that you mention thatbecause I read you,
when this news, this rumor was dropping,I was reading,
I was reading through the articles,the comments.
Everyone's like,we don't need another Dark Phenix saga.
To hell with that.

However,the idea of the Phenix Five, right?
The five X-Men people being poweredwith Phenix like powers
and having to not necessarily offeach other, but beat each other to gain
the full power, like like a Highlanderis kind of an interesting idea
of the they rather than just like, Jeangray, he's got the Phenix powers again.
What do we do with that?
I mean, kind ofI mean, the best part about it,

because there's no waywhen this movie comes out
and I think it will at some point in timebecause talk about like, talk about.
Synergy. Pull title movie.They're Avengers versus X-Men.
That's going to be amazing.
Whatever. They end up doing that. Right?
it's going to be compared to Civil Warbecause it's going to be the most logical
comparison out there.
And the great thing about Civil
War is like,nobody was like, body snatched, really.

You know, no one is like being manipulatedby an external force and like, oh,
we just got to hit them on the head
with a frying panand they'll be like, back to normal.
You know, none of that silliness.
So it is just two opposing ideal ideals
in like Earth of how to deal with like,superpowered people.
And it made the story really compelling.
So, they'll need to find a way to do thator be better than that

when you're kind of remaking the moviekind of,
in a way, with X-Men and Avengers,instead of splitting the Avengers in half.
And on top of that, I mean, when thismovie comes out means everything, right?
You know, I would think in my head like,oh, I don't want to see Avengers
for X-Menuntil the X-Men are properly rebooted.
We have like a new, fresh teamthat has been around for a while.

They've had maybetheir own trilogy of movies.
Then it makes sense to have them fightThe Avengers, but also at the same time,
like by the time that happens,our old kind of classic Avengers
that we know and love on the big screen,they'll all be retired.
So it's kind of likeif you force it to happen too soon,
it might not earn the story as much.

Well, I'm take advantage of seeing,like Chris Hemsworth says, Thor in it.
But, you know, if you wait too long,you get you just have to hope
that all of the moves and pivotsand recast that you done
in this new world,you know, people like it.
I'm going to I'm going to disagree
on the length of timeI think you get of them two movies.

similar to how again, Captain America,you know,
we had two Avengers moviesand then we had Civil War,
which is Avengers 2.5,right at the end of the day.
But that fraction that led into the eventsof Infinity War in Endgame.
So I think you can do two excellentmovies, do an Avengers versus X-Men,
and then how the third X-Men movieis the fallout of ABC's right.
How do the mutants and the X-Men team dealwith the fallout of avian?

And that's their trilogyat the end of the day?
so you don't have, I think I think there'sa middle ground that you can do for
those story arcsto not have to do both without,
to not to do all threeand then wait forever. That.
But you have a kind of a short run,with two movies and then the,
the third moviekind of deal for the fallout.
So it builds the character story.
At the end of the day,I think the storyline will be ignored.

primarily,I don't think we're going to get ABC's,
that that relied the comic book relieson, like you mentioned, years, decades
worth of knowledge of comic books,the Phenix Saga, the Avengers,
including the Fantastic Four,
dealing with breaking the Phenix Forceinto five fragments.
The five people who get the powersare Cyclops, Colossus, magic.

Namor, and was itEmma Frost at the end of the day?
so to build up five
Omegalevel mutants is going to be pretty hard.
So I think, you know, wewhatever we do, it's going to probably be,
as you mentioned, very,very much similar to Civil War, an ideal.
The Avengers are,you know, doing good for good sake.
The X-Men are doing good,but they're still outcasts.

They're, you know, they're not the same.
They're not they're trying tosave mutants along the way.
which, you know,we'll we'll see how that that happens.
But to me, as again, to agreewith what you said,
when this comes out,this will be a huge movie
and it probably needs to fireon all cylinders.
Like, you know,
I take a four and a half out of five movieon this with just the title alone.

to, to hit that.
We don't want to kind of drop the balllike we did one X-Men movie
and now we're doing ABCs.
So knock on wood, for that success.
But I'm thinking 20, 30, 20, 31,that sounds like a long way away.
But that's only seven years now,if you think about it,
we're we're farther alongthan I'd like to admit.

But, you know what?
We need the X-Men.We can't have a without the X-Men movies.
And, the news is the reports are sayingthat a writer for the X-Men movie
for Marvel has been narrowed down,and we should now, expect
an announcement in the next few weeks,possibly three weeks or so.
probably this will release postsecret Wars is what I'm thinking, right?

This is that reboot movie.
Like, that'sthat's the question that we talk about
all of the time is, it will be funnyif it just never happened.
We are under the assumption
that after Secret Wars, there is goingto be some sort of collapse,
some sort of, reordering, some sort of
like reinforcementof this sacred timeline one.

Narrowing it down for the consumer masses.
Yeah, we're done with multiverses.
Yeah. Restarting it all.
it'd be funny if it didn't happen,but that's the expectation we have.
We're expecting one significantmark on this sacred timeline
where everything reboots.
So is there a way to start an X-Men moviebefore that?

that's the question I have.
It makes the most sense to me to do thatafterwards.
Heck, you could even still do that thingthat we talked about back after endgame.
When endgame ended,
we were like, oh, how are they goingto introduce mutants into the MCU?
Like, oh, well, maybe like the blip,everyone coming back, you know,
maybe that kind of kickstarted,

the mutant gene in peopleand people are going to realize
they're all startingto get superpowers now.
Well, that didn't end up happening.
I don't know if they even technicallycould roll back and do it
because, like, miss,Miss Marvel is, like, technically.
Yeah, that's like, but
she's got a mutation.
Not necessarily a mutant person.Yes, I me.

But I mean, maybe,
we have another cataclysmic eventcoming up with Secret Wars.
Maybe that's what could restart usin a world with mutants.
So if if I'm trying to pitcha version of X-Men
that starts for some reasonbefore that, right?
Maybe these X-Men are livingin our current version of the MCU,

and maybe they just feel generally,I don't know, maybe more accepted
because our current version of MarvelUniverse is kind of
used to seeing big,giant like people in the sky.
They're used to hearing about superheroesflying around like Manhattan
and saving us from aliens.
Like, oh, now there's mutants.
Okay, it's just another day on Earth.

not 616.
I forget the numbers for the MCU.
Oh six. They call it 616.
They call it 616, which is confusing.They really. Shit.
Which is disappointing.Yeah, they really should have.
You got a different number?
Yeah, I'm going to go,
you know, not not to to discount you,I think I think it's a good idea.
I think we go the other way and saymaybe if they do it before Secret Wars,
the idea is maybe like they're doingthe Fantastic Four to say

the X-Men are a different universeand we are merging them in together, post
Secret Wars, and we now have to livewith mutants who've they have existed.
They have their own history.
They've been in a worldwhere they're accepted
and universally lovedor maybe hated, I don't know.
And then they have to cometo another world
where like, oh,we now live with these people with powers,
and we don't know how they got themor why they're here.

And that causes the conflict
with with regular people, mutantsalong the way, because now
it's just more of a shock, a system shockthat all these powered people live here.
And we can't explain why along the way.Yeah.
I mean, you justyou can't lose the core of the X-Men,
which is the allegory for racism.
That's, what they were made for.

That's the storythat's always been told of them.
It's the most compelling part of.It's the.
It's the internal driver for the X-Men97 series.
It's so in part of what makes mutants,mutants and X-Men, X-Men
that when theywhen that new movie gets written,
that has to make sense in the worldthat we're presenting the X-Men.

And so if that's the main line, sacredtimeline, it's like a fractured timeline.
That's somethingI'm sure they're trying to figure out.
Well, we'll talk about,but yeah, like the X-Men thing is like,
you know, acceptance in a world of,acceptance.
Like we are here to do gooddespite people, you know, not thinking
we're we're the same as them.
So, Vic said,I hope that the right announcement soon

and maybe we'll get a directorannouncement with that as well.
Right. Like,they'll probably have a bunch of stuff.
So not going to waitfor X-Men news coming up.
I always forget this,and it's not necessarily bad, but Scarlett
Johansson is, an executive producerproducing a project for Marvel, right?
Post, the the Bob Chapek fiasco where theydid the split release for Black Widow.

so she is working on, what has been,I think, confirmed
or mildly confirmed as a DisneyPlus series rather than a movie.
So what she's working on, I think, iswhat someone said, earlier this week.
So, she's a producer on the project,and she's not starring and acting as it.
So I'm going to think it's like, a focuson Yelena or the Black Widow program.

What do you think on that? I mean, that.
Would make the the most sense.
I mean, it's always interesting, right?
When like, an actor kind of movesinto more of the creative role.
So I'm just curiouswhat that's going to be like,
because she's obviously a talented actor.
She's portrayed, Black Widowfor all of these years.

So if she moves into this realmof being creative, you know,
it makes the most sense to kind oflike the old adage of write what you know.
She understands Black Widow.
She knows the characterso she can maybe run with that world.
And it makes sense.
Her sister is the one that go into
there's always the part of the backin my head, though.
It's like you can never truly unlockand decode

the termexecutive producer in Hollywood, right?
Because it can meanso many different things.
Like there are executive producersout there
who are the entire reason a show exists.
They're the entire reason it's good.
They're the ones who are gettingtheir hands dirty every day.
They are up late at night, up earlyin the morning creating this vision.

And then there's the executive producerthat like, oh, I just have this title
so I can get more moneybecause this studio, you owes me
for doing all of this work to them,or they just want my name only.
So that's kind of what I'm curious.
Curious about.
I can always be cynical,

with anything in Hollywood and be like,oh, this is just EP in
name only to get some extra juiceto the Disney Plus series.
or it's an EP in the true sense of it.
And like a Scarlett is really excitedto dive deep into a Disney Plus series.
I mean, we we we we will truly never knowuntil there's like a junket
and she's there and excitedto talk about it.

Or there's a junketand you don't hear from her at all.
Yeah,I think they're going to lean on her name.
Right. Even no matter which one she is.
Or like Scarlett Johansson is involvedwith this project, this is her baby.
This is so on and so forth, even thoughit may not be at the end of the day, but
I think they're really like to me, kissand ass for that 2021 Black Widow thing.

Like, yeah, we messed up.
You didn't get your money, you sued us.
We settled whatever.
You know, whatever the old Bob did.
so they were like, like to make it rightto to keep you appeased.
We'll give you full producer
credit on this and whateverbenefits or perks come along with that.
At the end of the day.
But I love Florence Pugh's Yelena, like,you know.

I can watch her eat mac and cheese out ofa pot all day, and find it entertaining.
What do you. I mean, that'sthat's what she's known for.
But I also want to see thunderboltsand see how she comes out of it.
I think, her growing up are changing overtime.
Right? We've only seen her in,
Hawkeye. And

as Hawkeye.
What else was she? Briefly.
She was, she was in.
Oh, God. We are.
We are really trying to figure this out.I feel like we were watching.
She was in black.We're obviously black Widow, but, like.
Also, like I said that Hawkeye,I think she was in a minor league,
so really, she needs to come backand kind of bring in.
And as Florence Pugh has becomelike an actress in Dune and Oppenheimer,

she's got more kind of weight than she didfour years ago.
So she could totally sell a movieor a show on her own.
Right? Yeah.
So, I love to see I also do not want to go
backwards in time, like the Black Widowmovie, did I?
That was great.
It was fun.
But, we don't need to relive the

the Black Widow programthat she grew up in along the way. So,
maybe maybe they're able to fix that.
let's shift some gears, into Disney Plus.
Animated your friendlyneighborhood Spider-Man.
Do you remember the shows of.
Yeah. And and coming out,
the, directors of, the so or people
who worked in the show, Lisa seniorand Sue Livingston, who were directors.

Since you are back at Marvel Animationas episode directors for an untitled,
unannounced project that they're excitedto be working on. Mike.
So my guess is it's not more Spider-Man,right?
Otherwise they'd say,we're back for more Spider-Man.
What if this is like
a follow up to X-Men 97?

Like, hey, we're going to do Spider-Man95 or whatever.
Man, that would be so cool.
I would love that so much.
I mean, they if they have familiaritywith the character, obviously,
hopefully they have love for thatanimated show like I do as well.
I mean, it's undeniablehow well 97 is doing for them,

and it makes it would be weirdif they don't capitalize it on some way.
so yeah, I could see them returningor something like that.
I would
and I would say the one thing,the one animated show for Marvel
I forgot to promote, like it's not amarvel is Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes
is one of my favorite animated shows,one of my favorite Marvel properties.

We've talked about it here, and you knowso many times with the King storyline.
If you wanna know Kang,they've got Loki storylines.
They've got so much going on in that twoseason show, I cannot recommend it enough.
I would love for that to continue,but it won't fit in this universe
and they probably won't continue it.
But I would love to see the 90s Marvelanimated stuff come back in some form.

As we've mentioned before, Spider-Man,maybe a team up along the way,
whatever they can do.
But I think the, the grab of people,the Marvel animation continually,
you know, bringing in people to seesuccess with, it's going to be huge to
the future success of not just X-Men 97,but other animated shows along the way.
So, we'll keep you,I suppose if we hear anything from this,

they say they will drop itwhenever the press release comes out.
last bit of news before we get into our,TV show discussions.
Is Kraven the Hunter from Sony.
They have delayed this movie, Mike,from August to December 13th.
I believe they're trying to get rid of theget away from the Deadpool
and Wolverine window,which is not just one week. I'm.

I'm guessingthat's going to be a month long movie.
Mike, if I was a betting man and,the original The new Karate Kid movie,
which features, both JackieChan and Ralph Macchio from the reboot,
and then also the original Karate Kidhas been moved, back into May of next year
to give time for the Cobra Kai series,a final series,

season five to wrap up as well.
I know you're a fan of that show.You've watched quite a bit of it, so.
Cobra Kai is great.
Craven I'm not very excited for
should I be excited for The Karate Kidand said, Mike is one for that?
What is shift for Craven?
If we were to justlook at the history of movie
release dates throughout the yearand take it for its word,

the signs Sony would like us to thinkis, wow,
moving a movie from August to December,that's an upgrade.
Only the best movies of all timehave come out in December,
like Star Wars movies, avatar movies.
I, I think if I remember right,a lot of the big
James Bond movieshave come out in December, December.

That's when familiesgo to the movie, around the holidays.
And that's when you get those big boxoffice numbers.
Bond movies are also Sony releases.
So it's funny you mention
because they would probably thinkthat they'd be that dilution.
But it's just like Craven,what are you doing?
You do not belongin the month of December.
That is hilarious.
Especially I'm not saying
every movie that comes out in Decemberhas to be coated in the holidays at all.

But this is like a man in the junglewho gets the power of a lion.
And it's like,what are you doing in this month?
That is insane.
I honestly wouldn't be shockedif it moves once more
and it nudges into the following year.
Like maybe this is some sort oflike shareholder
appeasement strategy where it's just like,hey, we moved it to December.

You should all be happy.This is great. This is good news.
It's still going to come outin this calendar year.
Let's all get excited.
Then it's like, oh shit, this movie sucks.
let's dump it in July.
So I'm going to go ahead and see if.
How many release dates do you think Kraventhe Hunter has had Mike
since this announcement?
Well, based on the tone of your voice,Chris, I'm gonna guess more than two.

That is correct.
Do you remember?
Okay, it is. Four is for this.
This is now the fourth release datethis movie has had.
Do youcan you guess when the original release
date forthis movie was going to be just you?
If you can ballpark, if you give me ayear, I'll help you narrow down.
I mean, based on the vibes of the movie,I feel like this is

this is giving me February vibes.
This is a February.
This feels like a February movie to me.
This was January 13th, 2023.
I was I was right January all along.
Yep. Sois January 2023 by the time it hits?
No. December 2024.
That's almost two full calendar years.

That is 24 monthsthat this movie has had to sit
and fester and get infected
and boil under our skins for two years.
and how long it's been done.
So, number one, my guess is they're not
they're not fixing anything about thismovie. Right?
There's no reshoots to make it better.
They're not delaying it to say,we want to improve this movie.
They're delaying it because they're scaredof Wolverine and Deadpool.

And they should be.They should very well be.
also, Madame Web boy,did they get beaten at the box.
Not like, not just likeit wasn't beaten by somebody else.
everyone just took a stick to that movieand just to watch it till it was dead.
And we're still beating this deadhorse months later, Madame Web.
so, you know, Sony is now on a rollwith their Spider-Man universe
at the end of the day, but can you imaginefilming this in like, 2021, 2022,

and they're just waiting for itto come out?
It's got an it's got,
what's this?
Aaron Taylor-Johnson is craven
and Russell Crowe in this two huge actors,two big name actors,
and they're still afraid to remove itor release it at the end of the day.
So I am just,
I want to watch thisbecause I'm curious more than anything.

Right. We've seen the trailer,the first show.
It shows the magic lion bloodgetting in his body.
He can control animals,so it's not a real Kraven story.
So I want to know what's going on.
how they do the Rhino, you know,how bad is that CGI going to be?
Pretty bad, I'm guessing.
so my the curiosity is gettingthe better of me to watch this movie, but,
I'm not paying that holiday premiumto go watch this in Imax,

I'll tell you that right now.
Like, if I have to waittill it's cheap on a Tuesday,
during, you know, after Christmas,I'll wait and watch it then.
But like, what hype I had, which was
1% of it, 100 is now down to zero.
Because of this delay. Right?
Like if they delayed it and saidwe're making things better, it's great,
but they're delaying it just to delay it.

That makes me even less excitedto watch it when we have to.
The things we do for this show.
For you listenersat on here, this is it's wild. So,
might be might be my you let mewhat do you think the death of Sony
spum the Spider-Man Sony Picturesuniverse, of course.

Is Kraven coming out after venom three?
Well, then, venom three,
that's October of this year,so Kraven will be the last venom.
I don't count
because venom has since seen mild successjust because of the character
in Tom Hardy.
Anything else?
Sony, as such, outside of venom,
has been dead on arrival.

Right. Morbius.
Madame Web.
Now, this, you know, what was it?
Silver and black. The movie or showthey were going to film.
They cancel it the day they were beforethey were supposed to be filming.
Like, the crew and castare ready to get their in film,
and they're like,no, we're not making it. So,
yeah, you're right.
This would be after venom three,which is October of this year. So,

this might bethis might be the nail in the coffin.
Mike, this is the Dark Universefor for for Sony.
What do you anything you want to add to.
I mean, honestly, again,we've we've beat this
dead horse with a stick so many timesI don't know what to say.
We just. We just let it die.
Just let it die on the vine.
Please. What?
Anything can be good.

We've been surprised before,
but Sony does not have a track recordto make me say.
This is going to be good. They don't. So,
we're going to be very, very,very not optimistic
about this, but we'll keep you postedas we see it in December.
All right, X-Men 97 now.
Full spoilers for everything going.
We're gonna talk X-Men 97, then fallout,

from the rest.
So X-Men 97.
Mike, you are you're up to date.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
So you've watched Life Death Part twoand now Bright Eyes.
And I was able to watchBright Eyes last night.
So we're all on the same page.
So let's get into life death part two,
which is the episodewhere storm gets her powers
back, which is no surprise to anybodywho has been watching this show.

I mean, one wayto describe that episode to me,
that is the episodewhere Charles Xavier comes back.
I feel like, yes,yeah, that is that's the that's
the headline on the front pagefor that one question.
If I am raising my hand here in person,which is not you can't see me,
but question for you, mom,are you watching this on Disney Plus? Yes.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
In episode one before episode one,they did a recap of the X-Men 94 series.
Right? and and then that recap.
They say CharlesXavier is thought to be dead,
but he's really living with thethe Shire, correct?
They they kind of give that away in thein the recap.
I don't remember.Were you surprised to find him alive?

I don't rememberexactly what they said in the recap.
I knew he wasn't going to be deadbecause, you know, we are too chronically
involved with, X-Menand superheroes in comic books.
People can't say dead.
But, I mean, my, my wife isn'treally into the show as well, and
I think most people just enjoying the showjust as a normal human being,

aka not us,are not going to remember the recap
from the very first episode recappingan entire series of a cartoon show.
so when he came back to life,my wife was like, oh,
I thought he was supposed to be dead.
So she was kind of confused.
And I was like, well, the end of the show.
You said he was dead, but he's kind oftaken by aliens, so he's still alive.

So I could see that being a little bitof a sticking point for somebody that's
just jumping on the X-Men 97,because they do kind of hit
you over the head in every episode.Xavier is dead.
He's dead. He's not comingback. He's dead.
We got to do thison our own. He's very much
the Earth.
People very much
are operating under the functionalitythat he is deceased and not a lot.

Yeah, right. And then that's.And that'll come up in the next episode.
We talk about Bright Eyes, but,you're right.
I forget that that life death was.
I forgot the Charles Xavier partit completely, which I feel bad.
I mean, the episode does two,does two things really, really well
because storm is off on her ownand Charles is off on her own,
and they both have no idea,through their trials and tribulations

that this genocide is happeningon Jean OSHA, all of these X-Men,
so them both realizing ittowards the end of the episode of storm,
sees it on the news and then, Charlesjust perceives it, you know, when
Gambit dies because he can feel his X-Menjust leaving this plane of existence.

Which is crazybecause he's not even in their galaxy.
I don't know what galaxies he's in,but that, that really mean sister?
I don't remember her name.
She was like.
The ghetto Milky Way.
Yeah, yeah,which was funny to think. Like.
Oh, yeah, people could.
There is another race that could perceiveour entire galaxy
is just some sort of like,Terran wasteland, as they would call. Yes.

but it was.
I mean, it's great.
This show is so great.Everything is great about it.
The only episode that I really haven'tbeen super into was the, Life
Death Part one, because it just kind offell incomplete overall.
Cool stuff happened in it, for sure,but it just felt like I.
I do not feel satisfied after watching it,but these two episodes were amazing.

Life death part twoI think you know, the the episode,
the storm episode was split in half,if you will. Right?
Essentially, it'sone full episode in two different areas.
But to me, after seeing,
remember it, it makes sensewhy the second half was here.
This is the we watch, remember everybody.
You know, thousands of millions have diedand we come into life death part two.

And it's kind of a hope like a Charlesis trying to bridge gaps with the ship
and become accepted with them.
Storm is learning to dealwith the adversary and get her powers
back and become essentially a new storm,if you will like.
She has new hair.
She has her new outfit with the wings,which is from the comic books.
It's fantastic.
So it was a little bitof a hopeful episode,

you know,after an episode of just absolute,
utter gut punch, you know, rip,rip your heart out kind of thing.
So I think that was great.
I love I love both of those episodes.
It was really interesting to me,
for life to the part, part two,the Xavier part the intro.
You get to deal with the mean sisterand the crew.
You get to see the, Gladiator.
The character. Dude,Gladiator was so cool.

Like, yeah, it's always greatwhen you can take, character.
And then, you know, they're just pluggingthese iconic characters
into their animation pipelineand they're just like, hey, what obscure
X-Men character do you want to bethe coolest thing ever this week?
Oh, let's do it to Gladiator.
And he's essentiallyusing all of Superman's powers.

So my assumption is, iswhen this character
was invented in the comic books,they're like, oh, just make him Superman,
because that's exactly what he's doing,basically. Yeah.
On the screen.
Well, the sharing partthere's like people like there's a smasher
and a couple other people on the team,
and they're all imbued their powerswhen they get that role.
So Gladiator, you know, gets a role,he gets his powers.
It's great.
But to see there's a there's a dude therewith his, flaming eyes.

I don't know if you remember this.There's a character.
They were flaming eyes who's about to,
I guess, executethe people that are attacking the Kree.
that's Vulcan,who is the third summers brother.
He's the brother of Scott Summers,who comes up in the comic books later.
so it's cool to see him in space and,you know, Vulcans.
A deep cut for me.And I absolutely love that.
So it was really cool to see these deepcut characters.

You know, even in Bright Eyes,morph takes on the role of,
Quicksilver for a little bit,which was really fun to see.
So I love how the show is ableto do a bunch of deep cut characters,
but not make it feel gratuitous,like it feels like,
oh yeah, this would be herein that moment, right.
Kind of thing.
along the way, the sheer thing, you know,I think that that that part

is forgettable to me because that storytrope is, like, as old as time, right?
Like, oh, we want to getmarried. Were two different cultures.
How will you ever fit in with my culture?
My sister wants to rule the team becauseyou know, me marrying you isn't right.
So that was a trope as old as time,if you will.
but the fun part was, Ray Charles is like,I'm going to be a teacher now

and teach all you stuffkind of things you use.
What was the wordhe used? He's like demerits.
I'm like,oh God. Yeah. For the school teacher.
Yeah, he took them.He took them to school.
it was great.
but you were talking abouthow the the storyline did seem
a little wrote to the pointwhere my wife and I were, like,
yelling at the screen, and I was like,how dare you ask Charles

to give up his memoriesso he can be with you?
That's that's changing who he isas a person down to his core.
He wouldn't even be marrying the same man.
So it's just like,we're almost, like, not mad at the show.
We're mad at her for thinkingthat Charles should do that for her.
And I'm glad he kind ofcame to his senses.
you know, he can't change who he is.

But it is.
It is definitely a struggle.
I could believe a character in this very,
unique situation
could be struggling with this idea of,like, yeah, he's struggled his whole life,
and now he can finally have this freedomand acceptance,
but it's he can't even really get acceptedaround these people anyway.
So it really hits their butts.
Bunch of old cronies runningthat show as well that they made it.

Oh my God, theI think the giant gambit skeleton.
that was a moment that I had to go backand pause and look at because I was like,
oh, this is metal.
This is like the front of the albumfor sure.
and then the, you know, not too,not too little something the storm thing,
you know, coming to terms with forgeand he add the character
of the adversary who's just like,chomping at her doubts, right?

The whole time, like, oh, you're like,you're no one, you're nothing.
You know, without your powerskind of thing.
It was it was it was fun to see thatand see her kind of overcome
that journey along the way.
for for that character.
I'm glad to see storm, and I love to seeher come back in her black outfit.
If you are the queen of, thethe elements, that's what that outfit is.

So that was great.
But jumping into this week's episode,Bright Eyes, we come back to Earth.
We come back to the X-Men.
boy, they get rogue.
Some badass animation sequences here,even with a throwback to her,
Marvel versus Capcom kick scenes, right?
Like, there's, like a big,
a panel with her footcoming down towards the screen there.

I'm like,
oh, man, they're really having a good timehaving rogue beat the shit out of these.
General Ross's, base, if you will. Yeah.
This is
this is one thing that I always loveabout animation or cartoons in general.
It creates a world in which I can believeif a character gets mad enough,
their power level will increase like,tenfold.

Like, this is like the DBZ coded brainthat I was grew up with of.
Just like, oh yeah, you give any superheroa reason enough
to go fight somebodyand they'll be unstoppable.
I mean, we kind of saw that with Gambitwhen he was trying to save, rogue,
the love of his life.
He put it on the line,and he was able to do the unthinkable
and blow upthis gigantic, like, Master mold.

and then rogue, when she's pissed off
and she believes she's losttwo of the loves of her life.
she got, like,flying to a secret government,
facility, and she can, like,literally slap tanks together, and it's.
Oh, yeah, it's amazing. It.
Well, that and then like, oh, we,you know, they obviously set it up
like, okay,we built this base to deal with the Hulk.

And then she busted the ceilingand they're like, oh okay.
She's she is upset.
She is she's on a mission here.
We're not gonna let her let her slow down.
So we got to see that,
you know, the looking for Henry Garrick,the creator of the Sentinels.
that's the whole point of this, right?
We're going to find the personwho made this
big master moldand did the massacre along the way.
then we also going to see yo.

Speaking of rogue, at the end ofthe episode, she is she is not for mercy.
She is not out for forgiveness.
She is out for blood,if you will, life for a life.
And you know,
she drops him off the top of the building,which was a cold moment for X-Men.
Like,you know, we've seen a lot of them be,
you know, humane and forgiving and like,you know, I don't want to do this,
but this is what we have to do to bething.

And rogue doesn't prescribe to that,if you will.
Right at the end of the day,she she's very much out for,
emotional compensation.
at the end of the day.
so that was it was interesting.
It was great toI love every one of these episodes.
Like they all come togetherin such a great way.
They all deliver more than I expectat when I'm watching them.

And I can'tI can't put my finger on what it is.
Sometimes when I'm like,I don't expect you to be
this good of an animated cartoon show.
I expect the action and the excitement
of of seeing flashy colorsand funny powers.
But you know, there's a scene where beastis talking to the reporter, right?
Telling her, like, you know, you know,

kind of saying, like, you know,we're tired of,
you know, thank you for yournot it's not acceptance, your tolerance.
Right. We don't want to be tolerated.
We want to save mutant livesand it was interesting to kind of
find that, through through this episode,I will say the end
the there's two the end of the Bright Eyessix out to me, Mike.
And I don't know if you want to talkabout anything before we get to the end.

No, I wanted to I wanted to bring that upbecause, this was interesting
because they really lead up to this revealof, like, oh,
who is the big bad that'sbeen pulling the strings these whole time?
And I'm racking my brain.
I'm just like, oh, what big X-Men villainis this going to be?
Is this, you know,who are we going to see?
is this going to be like,you know, apocalypse or who am I going

to see revealed from the Shadow?
And then I was like,oh, it's just some dude.
But he doesn't look.
He doesn't look familiar to me.I did a little bit of googling,
and it seems to be a character
that exists already within,you know, the lore of X-Men.
I am not familiar with thewith the guy at all. So.
So, the villain comes out to be bastion.

Bastion is a character on screen 96,so he would have been created
about the timethat the animated show was wrapping up,
so he wouldn'thave had time to be in there.
But he is the culmination of twothe combination
of two Sentinels, the Master Mold,which you're familiar with.
and then the Nimrod Sentinel.
Are you familiar with the Nimrod Sentinel?
Oh, yeah.
Nimrod seen.
What do I know, Nimrod fromthat sounds so familiar.

He is like purple and whiteand has, like, a big,
like a upside down diamond kind of statue.
And so whatever you like.
so it's the evolution of the Sentinels,if you will.
So he is the combination of thosetwo characters in the comic books.
And so he doesn't really knowin the comics.
He doesn't originally knowthat he's a combination.
He comes to find out that he is that sohe can create prime Sentinels

out of people, as we saw in this episode.
Right, with Henry Garrick,
whenever he he diedin kind of or not died, but he came back
as a prime sentinel with the abilityto to really take down the Sentinels.
And he's working with Mr.
Sinister, which, you know, we'vekind of seen, sir, as a as a villain.
We thought.
I thought he was going to bethe big villain reveal,

not bastion at the end of this,but they are working together
to create sentinels that do take downmutants at the end of the day.
Or at least, neutralize the X-Menalong the way for that.
So we're going to get someat the next three episodes
or three parterssome really deep sent in the lower.
But the thing that stops themis an electromagnetic pulse, if you will,

or whatever it was called by cable,who is officially back in these episodes.
Mike Cable, the time traveler X-Men,who is the,
son of Scott Summers and Madeline Prior.
And Scott knows now because that wasrevealed in that last episode.
And, and, cabledoesn't really seem to want to waste time
trying to talk tohis dad, so definitely some,

definitely some parent issues there.
Some familydrama happening between the two of them.
it's a summers family.
It's on summers family. There's no drama.
Yeah, it is kind of. It is kind of funny.
I wonder, like, I mean, I know this show,you're probably not supposed
to be dissecting the timeline so
much,but Scott did have an interesting line

where because cable has existed in thisanimated universe already before, he's
already been a character that's interactedwith the X-Men come and gone.
They've had their own adventures, right?
And him going,oh, this whole time it's just been you.
So that makes me wonder, oh yeah.
Has the cable that we seenat the early version
of the X-Menanime series always been Scott Summer sun?

Or maybe he has and just nobody knew.
So there is no point to bring it up.
So, you know, it was a good smart
line to kind of dropin, to kind of be like, okay, we get it.
We know cable's
been in this show before, but now, yeah,now there's a different reason behind it.
He's always, you know, in the comic books,it's always been Nathan Summers,
always been Scott Summers on.
Now, maybe it's not this Scott Summers,but like,

they are leaning into it in the showand I think I think that's great.
to do that now, I will saycable has the power, to, you know,
this the show is very this episodevery adamant about burying Gambit.
Right. Having a funeral,putting him in the ground.
Do you think cable will bring Gambit backbecause of, you know, again,
a he's a very hugely popular characterover the years.

and B, to kind of undo this,
but like,I don't want them to undo anything.
I feel like, you know, death is death.
Even they, they bury your body. Right?Like that's the important part.
They bury the body.
And, you know, Gambit had a sendoffand we were evolving
as a world going forwardwithout him at the end of the day.
despite how cool he is. Yeah.

And then the reveal of Magneto's alive,obviously, and is getting a shave by,
the bashing character at the end ofit was kind of wild.
Yeah, very, very weird.
obviously not surprisedthat he's still alive.
I mean, we saw Gambit as clear as day dieand then get buried in the ground,
and then we're not going to believeMagneto's dead because he kind of died.

The body of death, an explosion.
And then there is no funeral.
Yeah, but, you know, I there's a lot to gowith these three episodes
I obviously like,despite my my knowledge of the comic books
and knowing these characters,I have no idea where they're going to go.
I'm very, you know, intrigued.
I'm excited. I, you know, the end.

Also the end.
The end of this episode bringseverything together, right?
It shows Bastian knows, Xavier is alivedespite nobody else knowing this.
He has Magneto alive in his captivity.
you know, he can turn
any human into a prime saintand all that he wants, and cable's
back. So, like, literally
all these elements turned into this parttogether for Expo 97.

Say whatever you think you knowis going to happen.
To hell with you. Because we can't.
We have all the elementsto shake it around and deliver
anything you don't expectin the next three episodes.
it like says a three parter.
I have no idea what to expect. Bryan.
I love watching this show.
I love watching X-Men 97 dealwith these stories.

I love watching a the animation,the quality of it, but also not being
are being respectiveof the traditional animation of the 90s.
The storylines, the voice acting,
why why is this coming togetherso perfectly, Mike?
Why, how
how did they do this in, in, in a vacuumand then release it for us just so.

Well, just a lot of care,a lot of attention.
And like we always say, like, I mean,the original source material is good.
So it's not so much of a surprisethat this is been even better,
but it's just nice to watch somethingthat's so good, right?
Yeah. It is.
If you feel thethe reference to the source material,

both the comics and the show and,you know, I don't want just one season.
I want, I want three seasons.Give me three seasons.
I don't need five.Give me three. I'll be happy with three.
I think the original one even had four.
So if we have to do four seasons,we'll do four seasons.
But, I'm just thoroughly impressed thatthey're able to make this in a vacuum.
Not related to them to you,but still deliver on everything.

Marvel and X-Men a long way.
And I am here for the X-Men in 2024. Mike.
My hands are raisedfor the X-Men this year, so,
cross fingers that this continuesto live here for three weeks,
and then, Deadpooland Wolverine delivers on some more X-Men
to wrap the show up.
I'm going to talk about fallout myself.

Mike, you've watched this whole show,so I've watched half the show
based on everything,and people may or may not know.
My cat has been sick.
She's had an ear infection,she's been wobbly,
so we can't really sit down and watch it.
We've had to babysit, a cat this week.
She has. She's doing finefor everyone. Who's going to ask me.
She's doing great where we're healing.
So last night, we were able to sit downand binge three episodes of Mike

and I just got to the part where MattBerry was the, voice of the robot.
so it's
really interesting to seethey're really holding back,
on the origin of the ghouls
as characters, but dripping,you know, no pun intended.
Hints throughout to say, like, yeah,these are people

who have had something done to them,and if they don't
drink this little potion,they kind of turn revert into like
almost come of zombies or like,you know, monsters, of a kind.
So I'm interested to learnmore about that.
episode four is the turning point.
I was kind of getting annoyedwith the main characters.
Goody two shoes shtick, right?

Like, she's always like the golden rule,you know, do unto others.
Do what you're going to do. You.
You know,I you know, everything in the wasteland is
is good at heart and I believe in it.
And then she has to fight her wayout of the mall, and,
she comes out and she's like,she's out of her vault tech suit.
She's down to a tshirt and bandages and she's like, look,
you know, I'm not like every I'mnot going to kill you.

Here's the vials.
But you know, the golden rule,motherfucker, I think, was her exact words
as she walked away.
So I'm like, okay. I'm like, I'm digging
this as they're saying that for the backhalf of this show.
But I will tell you and you canand don't tell me if they fix this or not.
But my biggest complaint is the dudewho took over night Titus's armor.

He could have made up a better liethan his squire dying
and then getting in the suit on the spot.
Like what? Like that.
I'm like, how are you goingto get yourself out of this, you dumb ass?
You've made the best,the worst lie in the world. So?
So obviously you still have,a few more episodes of the show,
but you kind of have run into two
of the bigger issues I have with the show.

Overall,I will state that I do like the show.
It's very interesting.
I would I would love to watchanother season of the show.
They're doing a good jobputting all of that money on the screen
and making something.
The world, the world is great.
I and the characters in it, you know,
are we're watching them literally evolveas the show goes on.
And I think that's greatand that's my complaint.

I agree with you.
My complaints are like
things that are going to evolveas the characters exist in this world.
But like, boy howdy, like these arereally, really, really rookie mistakes.
Yeah. The the the yeah.
The character that,I keep wanting to call him Nate Titus,
even though he kind of takes overNate Titus, his armor.
I just remember the character's name.
He's just a very interesting,unique character.

Like, he's kind of wacky and goofy,but also stupid.
But is he brave?
Is he supposed to be redeemable?
I don't really know.
He just kind of seems like a dipshit,for lack of a better term.
Like so.
I don't know if I'm if I'm really supposedto be rooting for this guy overall,
because I don't really.
He just seems so dumb,but not in a lovable kind of way.

But at least I'm being entertainedwatching it.
So his character is kind of weird to me,because I don't really know
how I'm supposed to feel when I'mwatching him on screen, but also a very,
a very nitpicky thing happensin the episode that you just watch.
Chris, that is, a pet peeve of mineoverall in any TV show that I watch.
So and it's the moment when she's trappedon that stretcher, when the Matt

Barrie robot is about to cut into herand steal our organs, which is,
it's a it's a funny scenario to be inwhen she thinks she's going to be, healed.
And he's like, oh, no, don't worry.
I wouldn't do any of that to you.
I'm just going to take your organs. Very.
I'm giving you a finger.
I'm giving you a finger,but I'm taking your arm. Yeah.
Very, very funny, line there.
But when you specificallytake a character in a scene

and you back them into a cornerthat they need to get out from,
especially when you don't thinkthat they're going to die,
like, oh,this is the main character of the series.
I don't think she's about to get herorgans stolen,
but she needs to get outof this situation.
And being a television showthat is meant to entertain you,
I would like to be surprisedand delighted by the way that she escapes.
Either she uses a part of her personality.

Maybe she charms the robotand convinces her to let her go.
Maybe since they showed herat the beginning of the show,
she has all of these extra skillsinvolved.
the deviled eggs?
Yeah. Like maybe. Yeah, maybe.
Yeah, maybe that could have been funny.Way to work.
I don't know how they could have done it,but something could have happened there.
But, What?

All what it ends up happeningis she just kicks the robot with her leg,
and the saw just happens to cut herloose, from the bed.
And it's just like,oh, this feels a little lazy.
Like, well, I think we could have donesomething a little bit more clever here.
That part I'm fine with.
It's the, defibrillatorsis where I get into it, right?

why? Why?
There's no.
You mentioned this.
There's no setup for how she gets nothingthat's on her.
It's all dumb luck, right?
She getsshe kicks it over, breaks her free.
Okay, I can get past that.But then she just happens
to grab defibrillatorsand shocks the robot to death.
That's where I get.
I'm like, come on, be more creativein this one scene.

Yeah, it's one scene on the whole,and I agree with my show's great.
One scene on the whole doesn'truin the whole thing. But like.
But when you know.
So many opportunitiesin the show, you want,
we would only watch your ghoul blowthrough body parts, right?
We watched it do get us, like,grind it up to get a metal foot, you know,
two episodes before do better than this.
But when you knowJonathan Nolan is behind it

and you see
what happened in the world of Westworld,where it just, in my opinion, went
absolutely off the rails to the pointwhere, Max didn't even want to finish it.
there's a part.
I mean, that's just like I'm worried,Jonathan Nolan
and his long term abilityto tell this story.
But I do feel a little bit more,

a little bit more
safe that, like Bethesdaand the whole video game lore
and franchise creatives are behind it,like shepherding it along, you know?
I don't feel like I thought there would bemore mystery boxes along the way.
If you are Jonathan Nolan and,
kind of like JJ Abrams,like they gloss and stuff like that.

There's a lot of similaritiesbetween the two.
I like Westworld, I think it's fun.
even though it goes off the rails,
it shouldn't be called Westworldafter season two.
It should be called something elsein season three and four, I.
I still enjoy it.
However, I, you mentioned, you know, likeTodd Howard, the Bethesda people like.
No, this is our universeand you have to follow these rules.
The thing that theywe can't make too much.

I did enjoy like I was in episode three,the start of three or the end of two,
where she hasto cut the dude's head off the main.
Oh yeah. Yeah.
I'm like, oh, they're actually like,I thought they were just going to drag him
along for
six more
episodes, not cut his head offat the end of this one and deal with that.
And like, that's actually muchmore different than I expected.

So let's deal with that.
And I'll also be very onthe nose statement of Walton Goggins ego.
He's like, I'm tired of all this sidequest bullshit or whatever.
He says.
Like in episode three, he's like,
I have to go do something elsebecause I need my my drink.
And we're not going to deal with this headright now.
So we're literally doing a side questlike the fallout game.
And I was like, oh, that's fun.

That's a great,
that's a great, segue because I wantedto talk at the top of the show
that I've been playing fallout four,and I was lucky enough to get it on
sale from, PSN, PS5,or what else you want to play.
They're all on salefor anyone who hasn't played.
These are all on sale rightnow. Go buy them up. I want.
Actually, I don't know how much they're onsale now because when I bought it,

I did see an end date for the sale listedthat was coming up soon.
So they could stilltheoretically be on sale,
but they might not be as cheap as,like I got fallout four for five bucks.
I got New Vegas for like seven bucksor something.
Maybe eight.
Yeah, it was like $12 and whole.
And I got these two games.
And then on top of that,I got the next gen upgrade,
which I didn't even knowwas a thing happening for fallout four.

So I think you areyou know, more of the details,
but like they boosted like the frame rateand maybe the.
Other thing it's like aso fallout four came out nine years ago.
So it's not by any means an old game,but it uses the same engine,
the creation engine, as like Skyrimand I think even Starfield these days.
So they upgrade it to 60 framesper second in 4K.

The differences aren't that drastic,but the fact they're still putting
some love, some polish on these gamesthat are old from them is huge.
That's a big win for everybody.
There's a fallout London mod coming for PC
that they've, delayed a little bitto get this next gen mod out.
So for those who have not died into it,you're
going to be playing the best versionwhen you buy it.

You know, kind of going forward.
Yeah, it's it'sand it's been a learning curve for sure.
Because one thing that always, puts me offfrom video games
is jumping into a worldthat's kind of already been established.
The fan base is already all over it,
so the developers feel likethey don't have to handhold this much.
But like, I've never playedany Bethesda game before.

Oblivion, any other fallout game.
So I am like fresh faced baby.
Like I'm literally
like a vaulter coming out of a vault,like not knowing how to handle this world.
And I got to learn.
Not only do I have to learn how,like the story in the world works,
I just have to learn how to the controllerand the mechanics
and the that system works and everything,and it's really intimidating.

And there was almost a pointwhere I kind of just like, like,
my wife called me, she was on the wayhome, and I had her on speakerphone.
She was like, what are you doing?
I was like, well, I'm playingfallout and trying.
I'm trying to decide if I like it or not.
Which is funny, because usually, you know,right away if you're liking something,
you're not liking it.
But I was like,
I can't tell if I'm on the precipiceof about to learn more of these systems

and really enjoying it, or I'm just like,this is too much.
I don't want to play this at all.
But luckilywe had some friends over last night and,
one of them is very seasoned
in the fallout universe, so I was like,oh great, I'm glad that you're here.
I'm going to ask you a tonof very specific questions because he had.
Beat this boss for me.
Yeah, he had a lot of info on falloutfour specifically.

So I was asking them all of theselike nitty gritty questions of just like,
how often should I be using the Vet systemcompared to like first person shooter?
Like, when do you use that?
I'm collecting all of this stuffeverywhere.
All of the time.
I have no idea what to do with any of it.
and I'm afraid to get rid of any of it.
And, when will I run out of room and,so he gave me a,

ton of info, a lot of context
around the game, too, which I think isgonna help me enjoy it a lot more.
I'm currently on a missionwhere I have to clear out, like, this big.
Like, I don't know if it's, like,a chemical plant
or a warehouse or something.
Still very early in the game.
And my mission is just to killall of the Raiders that are there.
They're causing us our settlement.A lot of trouble.

Just kill them all.
So there's no, like, get to point Aand then BCD.
It's just get the point and kill everyone.
So it's this really big area.
So I'm really starting to learn the combata little bit more.
I just found my first terminal
where I could figure out how to hack,which is harder than I thought
it was going to be,even though it's just basically
like a New York Timeskind of Wordle situation.

So I'm trying to figure that out as well.
Yeah. it's just the.
Games are so big and they haveso many mechanics right along the way.
Yeah, and I hate baseball.
I hate base building.
That's what caught me off forI don't care to build a goddamn base.
I just kind of stopped.
I'm glad that you brought that up, becausethat was a question that I asked him.
I was like,I found a menu where I can build a shack.

Is this somethingI need to pay attention to?
Because this kind of seems like somethingthat was added on for seasoned players,
and it's something that I can ignoreuntil at least maybe I replay the game.
He was just like, oh yeah, I playedthe whole game without building anything.
And I was like, okay, that's good,
because this is like a very intense systemand I don't understand it.
My, my sister in law,rebooted it and started a new game,

after watching last week.
And she's she's in lovewith it and she got the new,
upgrade pack as well on her PlayStation.
So they're they're loving it.
And it's for certain people,listening to the show.
Marshall, he message,and he he's our fallout guy in the chair.
he he said he was telling mewhere I was wrong and everything else.
I'm like,thank you, because I, I don't remember.
I played fallout three in New Vegaswhen they came out

like it was nobody's business on 360.
But like fallout four,
once we got into the base building,I kind of just dropped off.
But he mentioned, you know, we don't havethis luxury on the PC version.
They actually have a mod
that streamlines all the base building,so you don't have to do it.
And I was like,that'd be great because I just
I don't like base building stufflike that.
But, you know, one of the things I was,I was text live texting.
Mike was watching the show.

I think it was episode two or I thinkmaybe three, all the quirky side
charactersand then like worlds, like levels of the,
the, the show hour look, feellike the straight from the game, right?
Like all the like the weird dialogand like, kind of odd characters.
Like, I forget the lady,I don't know the lady's name.
Who was at this shopwhere Lucy was trying to,

figure out who
took her dad, but there was likesome lady in the back, like a little lady.
And she's the onewho put the foot on the doctor, right?
I was like, she's, like, very interestedabout eating some sort of food.
I'm like, this sounds like a character
going through all the quirky sidecharacters
or the, the lady, the guy who was tryingto get Lucy to live with him

because he's sickand has a, a house with, like, narrators.
Oh, he does.
I'm clean water.
I'm like,this feels just like a fallout character.
And I love those momentsthat don't do anything.
They don't add up to anything,but they feel like fallout.
And I'm going to say the biggest one.
And pardon my French for anyone listening,but it's the chicken fucker,
if you will, the guy who's sellingsnake oil and he's like,

yo, Titus, quote unquote nighttime.
So he was like,you know, hey, don't they'll fire him.
He's like, I'm sorry,I don't mean to interrupt you, but,
you know, I don't I don't want to anybody.
But he was having sex with my chickensand he's like, oh, okay.
And then he shows up later in another,episode at the town of Philippi.
So I'm like, oh,this is all these weird post-apocalyptic
world characters are there,and I cannot wait for you

to interact with some of those weirdass people in your game.
Like along along your journey.
I am joined the show.
I cannot wait to watch the back half.
I feel, some of the mystery boxes withthe ghouls are being laid along the way.
There's the two timelines.
The pre,
Walton Goggins characterwho keeps showing up as a as an actor.

There's, and who we come to find out.
And Craig is, is he thethe fallout boy is he.
Boy is that why they're taking his photos?
Oh, that's a good question.
I don't know,because he does the thumbs up
and then they cut to the thumbs up,and he's always shooting the pit
boy posters along the way. I'm trying.
So I think I.
Don't know if it's like explicit or notor if it's just like, oh,

it's like a reference of like, oh, I dida thumbs up for a marketing campaign.
So now thumbs up is just used withinthe branding universe of Vault Tech.
I don't 100% remember.
Yeah, Ifelt like he was like when they were like,
there was a photographertaking all his photos.
I'm like, oh, he did the thumbs up.
And then they're like,oh, this is the thumbs up vault boy.

So they're taking the photos to animateover him later to be to be Vault Boy.
But, I'm excited.
I mean, I'm we're looking to finish itthis week.
We're, we're hopefully going to havea lot more time and knock it out.
you know, it'sit's about dinner time here.
So I'm going to be, knock himknock him on that.
And probably eatingand watching some fallout.
But I'm excited to watch more. Mike.

and it sounds like, you know,we'll be talking about maybe next week.
Last week, next weekwill be the last week we talked about it.
But I'm excited to get your follow upfor Journey Along the way.
Kind of as you comment casually.
I'll keep everyone updated.
I love the that system.
And the last thing I didis here in episode
2 or 3, the western scene, rightwhere you mentioned the shootout with him,

where he,
literally like,it looks like he slows down and shoots
through somebody and into the headof another person, or vice versa, I think.
Oh, that's the that system.
I love the that system, the slow downand the explosion of the body parts.
So hopefully you're getting that alongthe way as you play.
any anything else, Mike, for follow upbefore we jump into the end of the show.

I think that is a good episode.
Chris, you managed to make it through
the White Claw the brewery visits.
did you end up buying the, the Star Wars?
no, no.
The problem, the problem.
Mike, is that I run too many windowsfor this podcast

that I can't open up,
eBay without losing the time codeor something else.
But maybe maybe it's going togive me something to think about tonight
when I can't go to sleeptill I drink too much. Yeah.
And I'm like, what should I order?
tonight, I will say I ordered a powercord, for my my Sega Genesis yesterday.
The Tower of Power.
I think we've talked about itfor the 32 weeks.

The Genesis in the Sega CD.
They have a power cord now.
One power cord feeds all three.
So you don't have to havethree separate power records.
So I was pretty happywith that purchase this weekend.
But I try not to buy too manyfrivolous things because, you know, I'm
saving for plane ticketsso I can come to you.
Yeah,but if people don't know what you're up
to, what you're doing,where can they find you? At, my friend.
Oh, they can find all of my goodsand wares at life Rewards

or pickled. Chris, if people want to catch up with you, where can they find you?
You can find me on Instagram
at Vault in 87 Valley Dan, or video gamesystems of the same name.
If people want to know about the showwhere we're recording, listening,
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even we've got like five live streamsgoing today because why the hell not?

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We love hearing from you. Reach out.Let us know.
What do you think of Falloutthe universe in general?
What gameshould I play after fallout four?

It's probably going to be New Vegasbecause I own it.
So if that makes sense to you,let me know.
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That's right,
we will see you guys next week. I.
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