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February 1, 2024 43 mins

This week we take a look at fielding Partisans in Bolt Action.


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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Tabletop Tommies. I'm Jonny. And I'm Phil.
And in today's episode, we're talking about the armies of the partisans. That's not right.
We're talking about the partisans in bolt action. How to model them,
how to build them, how to paint them, and how to field them within the rules.
The rules for the partisans are found in the Armies of France and Allies on

page around 63, I'm going to guess.
It's 90-something. 90-something, there we go.
96 96 96 so i
wasn't far out 30 odd yeah so before
we talk about the actual rules the reason that make it is an interest in
armies because you can you've got so many modeling choices so there's
a bit of a change from our regular schedule and i thought it'd be nice to talk

about the models you might use for this
i know you've got some partisans phil so what did you use
when you came to model them yeah so i haven't got a full partisan army
i have a number of french partisans that i use with
the british normandy selector because you can you can
stick in a couple of ffi squads in that selector so i've
used the war games atlantic plastic partisan

models nice which are great you know multi-pose models and so on you get a lot
of pistols and smgs with that particular box set you don't get a huge amount
of rifles and depending on how you choose to build your particular units later
for some people that's absolutely fine they don't they don't want rifles and their partisans.
For others, you might need to have a think about where you're going to get rifles from.

If you've got the War Games Atlantic French box set, the arms are absolutely interchangeable.
I ended up using the old British commando rifle.
Spruce so before that before they were modeled with the
weapons because they're similar size to the war games atlantic
are not as chunky as as you know more modern i was
going to ask that do the war games atlanta come with the weapons model

to the yeah they do yeah so you do have to if you
if you if you don't want to just use you know i think
there's four rifles per sprue for example so if
you want more than four four guys per sprue with rifles you need
to do a bit of digging around but they're great there's some really nice models there's a
particular pose which if you choose the the right hat looks like
indiana james and you often see people on facebook popping

up with a partisan that looks like indiana james which is pretty cool other
ones i've got are warlord games is french metals so the mortar the lighthouse
uh hq team and that sort of thing warlord also do some soviet partisans and
some sort of generic eastern european kind of balkans type partisans as well
yeah but there's lots and lots of other manufacturers if If you have a look

at people like Crusader,
Artisan Designs, and Wargames Foundry, you can pick up some really interesting alternative sculpts.
And they all roughly mix pretty well together.
So the metal Warlord Games partisan
models are not that too far out of the Wargames Atlantic plastic ones.
So yeah, there's loads of options there. Other things worth talking about is

the tournament figure for 2024 is Left Talent Aldo Reign from Inglourious Bastards.
So if you are going to an event this year and you're picking up one of those
tournament figures, that's a great, you know, possibly great reason to start
making up a partisan army.
Yeah, very nice. I've used some of the crooked dice ones as well before for civilians.
When I was doing the Brandenburgers, that was supposed to be a jumping off point

for a partisan force that never got built. And so I bought quite a lot of civilians here.
To use as brandenburgers in disguise that i was planning
to use as a starting point for my partisans and yeah crooked dice
i used a lot for them but the metals are a little bit more difficult if they
haven't got the exact weapons you want yeah sure to swap over but there's still
it's i think the the joy of the partisan forces you can have a huge variety

of different models can't you i think because of the nature of the list there's
so much kit bashing potential,
you know you you get the the bombs as part
of the national special rule so you know you can make up little
bomb markers they're using captured weapons you know
so be that in terms of french with you know captured german weapons or
be that in terms of eastern front you know balkan balkan state

partisans mixture of captured you know german weapons or
soviet weapons etc supply dropped you know
caches captured vehicles civilian vehicles
all that kind of stuff so you know when you see partisan armies
at events and you don't see them that often but
you know you see them you know fair fairly regularly
but not like all the time yeah i've played them a couple of times

they do look good you know and i
as i said i don't have a full army i've thought about it and it's
one of those things where you know infinite time and resource then i might get
around to doing it because it is so they do look so different and obviously
they're not uniform in the way that you know your other bolt action lists are
so yeah they're literally not literally well yeah or they are a little bit some

are yeah and that's the thing you can mix and match so Nice.
Yeah. Should we move into the rules then?
Yep. So in terms of the army special rules, as with most, you've got three.
So the first one is fieldcraft, which we see in quite a few other nations.
What this allows you is during setup, any partisan unit which starts the game
hidden may also start in ambush.

And as normal, you take the dice out if that's the case, the order dice for
the first turn. What you can also do with Fieldcraft is, in the first turn of
the game, all infantry units treat all rough ground and obstacles as open ground
for the purposes of movement.
So if you've got forward deploying units, particularly chunky forward deploying
units, with the ability to run through rough ground or obstacles as though it's

open ground in the first turn, there's a bit of an interesting rules interaction there.
Yeah, I do think this one comes up a lot, and I do think it's one of those nice
national characteristics where it's a nice little perk without being overpowered.
Infiltration is very simple when outflanking you ignore the minus one the partisans
you know knew the area they were in so they knew how to outflank quickly and not get lost and delayed,

same again isn't it it's it's a nice little perk to have without sort of ruining
someone's day too much and then the final one is the hidden bomb which is obviously
entirely unique to partisans,
what this allows you to do then is at the start of the game the partisan player takes three,
20mm markers, diameter markers, you can place them anywhere on a table outside

of the other player's deployment zone, and these represent bombs,
booby traps or mines that the partisans, their sympathisers or agents may have
planted before the game.
The actual explosive device, if it's even there, is not necessarily exactly
where the marker is placed, it's somewhere nearby.
So in terms of the game itself, what this means then is that
the first enemy unit that moves to within six inches of

one of these counters must immediately roll a die on
a one two or three the counter's phony and you remove it
nothing happens on a four or five nothing happens
to that particular marker at that
point however the next enemy unit that
moves within six inches must test again and then on
a six it is actually a bomb and the bomb explodes and the unit then takes a

four inch plus four penetration hit as though it's hit by a heavy howitzer once
it's gone the bomb marker is removed so the bombs interestingly they only affect
the unit that triggers them and not other units nearby and they don't affect
our partisan units no matter how close.
Nice it's a very interesting one isn't it yeah if you're playing something like
key positions there's a classic one there where you just start putting your

putting your markers down around around the you know around the objective markers
and let the opponent get onto it first yeah make Make sure you don't put your
objectives within your deployment zones.
Yes, so that you can't deploy onto their objective, yeah. Yeah,
that was going to be my question, actually, about the strategy of it.
Because the one that I've seen people do generally is you put it sort of on

the edge of the deployment zone so that the person –,
has to walk past it effectively and anytime there's
bridges as well it's great for this i was going to say roads and
bridges or if you've got you know two pieces of dense
terrain with a bit of open ground in the middle you stick it
in the middle of that open ground and you're going to slow the
slow your opponent down because it's going to have to go through that dense terrain

around it or take the risk of that being the bomb so yeah i'm not sure because
i don't play partisans i don't know what the best strategy offensively for this
is but when i've played against it i think what i've always done is just try
to ignore them and the same way when someone uses their brit observer the plunk
it down if you spend the whole game trying to avoid that marker.

You're not fighting the battle and i think what i've done is either just
put a sacrificial squad forward first yeah to try and get rid of it like the
chaplain or something petty oh i think i've just went you know what if it happens
it happens yeah similar for yourself or yeah it's similar I probably have maybe
given them more you know credence than they're worth and maybe a little bit

more cautious If you play in a kill point mission,
you do need to think about it You're not gonna run up your solo unit You know
your solo vehicle or your solo man to set it off because if you take if you lose the dice
That's just poor, you know poor planning isn't it?
So yeah, I think you've had a good point there actually that the strength of
the bombs is people giving them too much thought.
Effectively if people do really think about them, they're

not thinking about other things but also you've managed to affect
their entire battle strategy and so they're probably most powerful
as a sort of a psychological weapon more
than anything yeah i think that they're a bit like the
japanese you know suicide anti-tank guys yeah if if
you ever lose a unit to a japanese suicide anti-tank guy
something's gone wrong but more often not you use them

to to you know to funnel and filter your opponent
into certain areas of the board either to negate you
know the effects of them or to bring them into an area where you've
got a concentration of firepower and you can use the
you know the bombs in the same way with partisans yeah i like those
units that sort of change the way you play the game a little bit
should we look at some units then yeah

so speaking of units johnny what have we got in the hq section so it's
very similar to just all the other armies isn't it you've got your standard
lieutenant first and second can't have veteran which
kind of makes sense if he's a partisan you do get
a liaison officer but he is effectively
just a forward air observer that one can be veteran that's sort of showing because

he's been dropped in effectively hasn't he to fall to spot for the air force
and that are backing the partisans up and that's all you get in the armies of
france book but i believe there's more in one of the d-day books is that Is that right?
Yeah. So in the USD Day sectors book, you do get some more partisan units and
a couple of theatre selectors as well.
This, for the HQ, this adds to the JEDPA team, and these are members then of

the Special Operations Executive or the US Office of Strategic Services, so the SOE or OSS.
And in terms of game terms it's an additional officer
so it's not instead of it's an additional officer that's a
real shame isn't this yeah yeah and it is expensive because they're veteran
as well but you're getting a three person team
one officer and two other men or women nice they're armed

as modeled so smg pistol or rifle you can
add demo charges if you want what they do is supply coordination and what this
allows you to do then is before the game begins you roll a die and there's a
possibility that you may get extra equipment for a unit in your platoon or all

units in a single platoon.
So for example, you might end up getting some SMGs or you might get some SMGs and an LMG as well.
Interesting. So for example, if you roll, I assume sixes are good.
So if I roll a six, what happens? That's your full drop.
So if you roll a six, you get each infantry squad in a single platoon may exchange
a single weapon weapon for an SMG for free.

Nice. And you get an LMG.
For every squad. So that is for each infantry squad in a single platoon.
So you can't do it. If you've got dual platoon, you can't do it in the dual
platoon. So that's a six.
The five, the three to five is SMGs, no LMG.
And then one or two is nothing. That's pretty cool to be fair.
Cause that was a 23 points per squad.
Pretty tasty. I mean, you're paying quite a lot for that perk,

but it's nice that he's got something that isn't just, I'm another officer.
Yes. Yeah. And I guess, If you have a think about how many squads you're taking
and what size of them as well.
You may end up, you know, if you're rolling a three up, you're going to get
all the SMGs, get a six, you get a bonus energy that nobody really wanted,
but it's a bonus free one, so take it anyway.

I mean, I'd always take one for free every time.
Is that all the HQs then, or were there some more? No, no, that is it.
And then obviously your medic and your chaplain, as per the updates in other campaign books.
Oh, yeah, of course, because they've been made generic by the for all
nations haven't they by the latest campaign books yeah yeah brilliant so
i guess into the infantry then what have we got in there phil

so as you would expect not a huge amount of choice
not going to run through each unit in turn but in terms
of your basic partisan squads you've got inexperienced guys
you've got early war regulars and you've got late
war regulars and depending on which one of those three
are you can kind of mix and match you can take them up to 20 men which is huge

obviously nice you can downgrade them to just have pistols rather than rifles
you can swap rifles out for shotguns you can add smgs you can put at grenades
with them late war partisan
squads you can take a single panzerfaust so you
can do quite a lot with them it just depends on if you want to lean into that

inexperienced or regular and then what sort of size they start with the five
man then you can add up add up to 15 men each time yeah very nice and the only
note on them from the faq is that they can't be shirkers anymore basically so if anyone hasn't,
Looked at partisans before. It's now going out buying armies of France.
It does say the inexperienced squad can be made shirkers, but the FAQ removed

that because it doesn't really make sense for the brave men of the resistance. Yeah, yeah.
To suddenly decide that actually I've changed my mind. I don't want to be here anymore.
So that's sort of our standard three squads. Yeah. But they've got a couple
other options, haven't they?
Yeah, so if you do want to look at a little bit more kind of tasty squads,
you've got guerrilla fighters, which are veterans.

The main thing to note here is that if you really want to
you can give them all smgs and that's a 20 man squad as
well isn't it that's a lot of men with smgs isn't it
you're right johnny yep that's a 20 man squad with smgs that
is a lot but i mean what's that sort of
260 plus 63 20 so
there's 16 points a man 13 for vets three for smgs times

20 yeah that's not cheap as this no
bringing a death star into that unit into that
build it's still less than a tiger though isn't it it is yeah
most things are to be fair so i think between the two i'd
rather have the 20 men with smgs but to each their
own and you can give them at grenades like like the other part-time
squads as well the other thing you can do is cavalry squads.

And so these are regular five man men on horses normal
standard points cost so 12 points for a regular on on horses
you can take up to 10 in in that squad you can
you know give them smgs if you want given their lmg and
so on and they count as cavalry carbines from horseback
but it's a nice little little thing there if you want to model you know
your eastern front partisans nice you know

on your horses or you know later on in the war your french french
resistance you know out there in the countryside grabbing
the horses off we go it's pretty cool yeah i think
that's sort of a key bill because they'd benefit from field craft as well wouldn't they
so you could run through cover turn one
get right in their face space and so i think that that
would be a pretty decent build to be fair and this is what i was

saying at the start where if you start looking at how the national rules
interact with some of the units you can do some interesting
things with them rather than just going here's my regulars or
here's my own experience blob and and that sort of thing that's what
you see quite a lot isn't it sort of the big 20 man blobs with pistols
because they're not very expensive and they're very hard to
shift 20 men absolutely yeah yeah they're gonna hit like

anything yeah when they it when they get into contact brilliant and
the one other to note is from the d-day us book which is
the mackie squad oh this one's a good one isn't it yeah this one is yeah yeah
so it's inexperienced five man with rifles 35 points bog standard there you
can add up to 15 so again you can make up to 20 men up to three can have smgs

any of them can replace their rifles for pistols.
So it's what you often see. You can add an LMG if you want. You can give them AT grenades if you want.
What you can also do, and this is what you do see, is that one rifle-armed Mackie
may be a marksman for plus 20 points, and another Mackie then becomes an assistant.
So what this allows you to do is basically put a sniper into a squad.

Yeah. And there was, I can't remember the exact ruling on this,
but the question, so I'll say what I think the ruling was, and then you can correct me.
The question was, does the inexperienced sniper have
minus one to hit for being inexperienced and i
believe the answer was no he's still hitting on a three
up did that ever properly get answered there was
a big thing wasn't there on facebook 18 months ago

about this yeah and i i thought it
had hit an faq okay i don't recall because i
think the argument was that the sniper special rule says
the only modifier is for pins and the assistant but
i don't i don't often play snipers if i'm completely honest and
especially not partisan snipers within squads and
so i actually don't know if it ever hit the official

channels now i mention it so it says in the rule
book the shot ignores negative to hit
modifiers except for pinning markers and for the
missing assistant if the sniper is the
last man standing so rules is written
it ignores the inexperience because that's a negative to hit modifier which
it ignores the only things it doesn't ignore is the missing assistant and pin

markers so yeah cool so overall you haven't got a huge amount of choice you've
got your inexperienced your regulars your veterans you've got some cavalry and
then you've got your mackie squad.
What more do you need? Yeah. And actually, like, there's not a lot of different
unit descriptions, but because you can range the size of squads so much,
they're actually, there's probably a surprising amount of variety you can get

within the one build just by like changing the numbers.
Yeah, I definitely think so. And the ability to, you know, you may not want
to, but the ability to take a massive squad of veterans with SMGs,
for example, you don't see that very often at all.
You know, you take your, I don't know, your Soviet SMG squads or your,
you know, you come british commandos yeah you can stack them all out of smgs
but you can't stack 20 men out with smgs and this is the classic sort of four

dice build you get where someone takes a veteran tiger or something ridiculous
it would be really funny to do it with partisans with 640 points in two,
20 man squads a big officer team and then you capture a tank or something just
to waste the rest of the points yeah so infantry teams johnny what have we got
infantry team wise not a huge.

Amount sort of beyond what you'd expect you're getting sort of the
usual machine gun you're getting the a flamethrower team
which is nice that does have a special rule where because it's
badly maintained it's an additional minus one to hit yeah but you get you save
five points for it it does make it a bit of a risky proposition when you've
got that one one in six chance of losing it you get your two motors teams so

light and medium in the usual way none of these can be veteran,
they can all be inexperienced or regular.
You also have, I thought you had a sniper team, but I can't see it.
Yeah, you do. It got added. It missed off the book, but it is in there.
Brilliant. So I'll just say that as though I knew that.
You also get the sniper team, but it's not found in the book. It's added in the FAQ.

And then the ones that are interesting to me are the anti-tank options, because.
Because they're partisans and they're either capturing weapons or supplied by
different nations, you've got three different varieties.
You've got your anti-tank rifle, your Piet, and your Bazooka,
all at the usual points cost you'd expect from, so 30, 40, and 60 points respectively

for the regular version.
Again, inexperienced or regular. It's interesting that you don't get the Panzerschreck
as a separate option. That is really interesting, actually.
That, I wonder if, because obviously they were probably supplied with anti-tank
rifles and Piet and Bazookas from...
Yeah they were supplied rather than stealing them yeah
and so i wonder if that was the logic behind that it would be
really cool though to have the shrek as an option but inexperienced

only because it's captured yeah yeah or or
you have the sort of the low ammunition style rule where you
do a flight the same way with a flamethrower you take a test after every
shot to see if they've run out of rockets yeah but that's
about it from the armies of france book was there more
added in dd do yeah just just the one which is that the
molotov anti-tank squad interesting um which

is it starts off as two men inexperienced regular
or veteran armed with rifles and at grenades you can add up to three so you
can take it up to a five-man squad you can give them smgs you can give them
pistols what these allow you to do though is to set up as though they are observers
or snipers they may also start the game hidden and because they're an anti-tank

squad they get the tank Tank Hunter rule as well.
So they're like the Soviet forward-deploying Tank Hunter squads.
That's exactly what I was going to say. The Soviet one, though,
gets the tough-fighting tank rule, doesn't it?
These guys don't get that. No, these are just Tank Hunters rather than tough
Tank Hunters. I mean, it's still something to give.
Like pause to snipers and stuff in the middle of

the table these little forward deployers can often be a
bit of a headache for people can't they but if you think about how you
can forward deploy and on turn one you can run through
rough ground yes so if
strictly speaking yeah if you're deployed on
the 24 inch line and your opponent is
deployed on their 12 inch line you could

technically if you're directly in front of them and with line of sight
you could assault yeah on on turn one if
should you so want to equally though if you're deployed you know
in and around the 24 inches and they move their vehicles up because
you've got that ability to run through you could pull off an assault you
know on turn one onto their vehicles if you choose if you chose to absolutely
it's a good way to keep them back i mean the anti-tank grenades aren't that

scary but no if you're like an armoured tank and there's five dudes they're
scary enough that i probably would stay a little bit further back it's interesting
actually with you saying that charge just going Going back to the cavalry.
Like, that gives... If your opponent wants to stay out of charge range,
they're not fortified. They're not fortified, no.
It's a shame you can't get fortified cavalry because that would be amazing.

So, is that all the team weapons? Yeah, that's it. Yep.
So, I guess time to look at the artillery, the big guns. Or not. The little guns.
It's anything you could hide in a barn or a garage, basically. Pretty much, yeah.
Yeah, it's very straightforward. forward light artillery light at
gun light autocannon that's just

oh that's it yeah that's simple so
you basically got one of each yes yeah and nothing added
in the campaign books nothing at all no i'm a
bit of a shame that i think i'd probably go light howitzer just
for because it's nice and universal yeah definitely yeah well not
a lot of artillery but what have we got in
the tank section phil i assume loads of

choice loads of choice well so you can take anything
from the german or italian list
if i read the wording from the
actual armies of france book where it appears so it would be impractical for
us to give entries in this list for every german or italian vehicle that could
conceivably be used by the partisan forces described if you wish to include

vehicles other than the trucks and civilian cars that follow you'll need to
refer to the supplements covering the armies of Germany and the armies of Italy and the Axis.
And the reason for reading that in a slightly laborious way is there is some
debate about is it any German vehicle or any Italian vehicle or,
as is what I just read, is it, I would interpret that to basically say,

if it appears in the armies of Germany or if it appears in the armies of Italy,
you can take it as a captured vehicle.
And I guess it's similar to the conversations you often see about access support
vehicles and access support units and what can be taken as access support for the mining nations.
Yeah, the Axis support one, I think, is more specific. So my reading of that

one is I'd lean towards what you're saying there, like ideally armies of Germany or Italy.
But I actually think it's not as specific because it's, like it says,
to refer to rather than can choose vehicles from.
Have you seen what I mean? Yeah, but it's armies, capital A,

armies of Germany, armies of Italy and the Axis.
They're referring to a thing which is the
book the armies of germany and the armies of syracuse as opposed to lowercase
a which would be have a look at the supplements to cover the armies of germany
yeah but again so i'm thinking just because that refer rather than like the
ref like it's got the it'd be impractical for it'd be impractical for us to give everything,

like refer to these as though like here's a good place to get some ideas and
so actually i wouldn't be too
offended with someone bringing all sorts of German or Italian vehicles.
To be honest, actually, if it fitted the theme of the force,
I don't know, say it was partisans where the Japanese had captured the land,
I could see that as well, and I actually think as long as...

Down the club, obviously, if you're in agreement, it's not a problem.
If it's a tournament, I think as long as the T.O.'s sort of quite clear with
what's accepted and what's not.
There was something on Facebook recently where it got a bit out of hand and
a bit silly, where it was basically you could take any vehicle inexperienced.
I was thinking, fantastic, I could put my,
whatever that Soviet boat is, I could have that sailing down the Irrawaddy in

Burma with my Burmese partisan.
Anti- japanese indian nationalist blah blah
blah army i mean i'd allow it at events because
i think it would just be fun um so if
you look at the wording for the actual access support rule
what it says is so this is the bulgarian
one for example a bulgarian force may include one extra

unit from either the german list in the bolt action rule
book all the armies of germany book all the
italian eastern front theater selector from this book though.
No italian army special rules apply that's and
so because it's very specific that's what
makes me think that the partisan rule was written written was
written with the intention of being sort of

any german or italian that fits the theme
you're trying to produce yeah and if and
if you need help working out which ones refer to
these two supplements that's what made me think that maybe there's a
little bit more gray okay in this one i mean
either way whatever you do end up taking you can
only take up to and including armor damage value

nine they have to be inexperienced and they
also get the unreliable rule which means that
when they suffer one or more pin as a result of an
enemy attack it automatically suffers an additional pin
for that attack yeah so that is a bit of a kicker isn't it when i run it with
my fins and they've got unreliable captured vehicles they get a point points

reduction yes and so it's actually i never mind that rule in that context when
you're paying full price and you've got that negative modifier especially because
you're already inexperienced.
And so you're already at minus one to hit. Yeah. And you've got that extra pin,
so you're definitely hitting at minus one again when you pass your order test.
That's pretty brutal, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. So you've got, you know,

a huge selection in terms of what vehicles you can take,
but you probably want to limit it to certain things because of the impact of
the unreliable rule and stacking that pin on what is already an inexperienced vehicle.
Yeah. The question I have with the captured vehicles is, Because this hasn't
been split into armoured cars and tanks.

No. And so is this captured vehicle living in the slot it occupied in the original list?
Or is it living in a brand new slot that exists called captured vehicles?
But that's not on the generic platoon.
So what I'm asking basically is can I take an armoured car and a captured tank?
So interestingly, when you look in the partisan list in the Armies of France,

options for the partisans on page 97 of Armies of France,
it's not one armored car not to one tank so you're
still within that restriction of not to one armored car not to one
tank however they've just grouped it
all together under the the you know the heading of captured vehicles
so i could take a captured puma and
a captured tiger no captured panther because i

can't have the tiger he's got too much armor yes yeah so
as long as it's nine plus or below nice there's a
panther 10 the the panther is an armor 9
but he has has i can't remember it's like extra armor
on the front i don't know what the name of the rule is but it counts
as 10 for frontal penetration okay
i mean that's interesting because i think i've always when i've been sort of

wish listing a partisan force i've always only included one captured vehicle
yeah it just it follows the standard you know generic platoon structure of naught
to one armored car naught to one tank and can you also take captured transports
then Because they are vehicles.
So it doesn't say you can take captured transport. It says that you can take

your generic transport, in inverted
commas. So that's your general purpose truck, which is up to 12 men.
Uh inexperienced or regular with with an mmg what i
know i thought that would uh count me in i thought that would
get you excited or a civilian car which is up
to four men which is also interesting it's like the japanese kuragani i've
got a little citroen for my officer that's and

then you can have as two buddies i'm an intelligence officer and
everyone gets a seat although going back to the question can you take
captured transport so again in the in the book
page 105 if you wish to include vehicles other than
the trucks and civilian cars below you'd need to
refer to the supplements covering the army so so i think
you probably could take captured transport from italy or germany i tell you

what would be really cool then to do the the half-track force you know the half-track
german force that everyone's always wanting to build but it's always a bit rubbish
because it's just so expensive if you're forced to take them inexperienced anyway.
It would be really cool to have the partisans with
with you know the the ffi logo like yeah

you've whitewashed all the swastikas and you put the
ffi logo over the top that'd be a really cool
force for like the welsh open or something until you
get your first pin on your open topped half track which
is then supplemented with the second pin for the
unreliable rule and then another unit shoots you so
you get another two pins in the same turn so you're four pins

already thinking thinking this is a really bad idea thanks
johnny for recommending it i mean yes but it was
never competitive force to begin with so you're just changing
how badly i'm losing basically fair enough and actually i think you could probably
like sneak up little 250s rather than doing the two five ones oh yeah definitely
that would be cool yeah the 250s would be cool until someone starts shooting

at you but yeah but again you pop the gorillas in little five-man gorillas with
five SMGs, that'd be really cool.
With pins coming out of their ears, yeah. Yeah, but they're veteran.
They'll be alright. They'll shrug it off. Yeah, they'll be absolutely fine.
Is that all the units? Yeah, that is it.
It's really interesting. I honestly had never thought about taking captured

transport, but now, I could probably take a flobsack, couldn't I?
A what? They're actually called floss sacks.
So it's the, you know, what's it called? The double S That looks like a B.
Okay, yeah. So it's floss and then sack.
It's those little dinghies. So it's in one of the... I think it might be in

Sea Lion. Oh, what did they use...
They're like inflatable dinghies of wheels with engines or
they don't even have engines to be honest i think they might just be
like paddled okay they're in one of the campaign books and it's like it's like
10 points and it only can go on water and the thing that really annoys me about
it is you can't carry it i wish you could i wish there was a rule a bit like

the token in secret top secret where you when the men aren't in the water they're
carrying their flobsack,
It's a bit like the, like the Wellbeck bikes on the British Airborne.
Like they're great until you get off them and then that that's it. They're done.
Yeah. And then they become terrain basically. Yeah. Yeah. Brilliant.
Well, theater selectors, I guess would be the thing to look at. I am.

Are there a lot, I think there's, there's only a couple in the armies of France
book, but I imagine DDA adds loads as well. Does it?
Yeah. There's a couple of the armies of France, which are not massively worth
shouting about. The first one, 1939-41, doesn't allow you to take any captured
vehicles. You can take the transport. That's a shame.
42-45 does allow you to take captured vehicles.

They limit the number of guerrilla squads to one. The ones that are interesting
are the D-Day US sector theatre selectors.
Dramatic pause as I find them. Well, while you're finding it there,
I think the reason I thought you could only have one captured vehicle
is because liberation 42 to 45 doesn't have
a tank an armored car it just has a no

to one okay and so i think that's
where my misconceptions come from or yeah and i
imagine it's because i've always been planning to run it for these theaters only
tournaments so you get a couple in the
usd day sectors book paris uprising
it adds a theater specific unit
the paris police prefecture squad which we didn't talk

about because you can't take it in the jericho platoon but it's worth
noting that what is interesting you can
take noughts to sniper teams you can take noughts of
four of your normal squads on top of your two infantry squads you
can't take mackie squads so you can't you can't take your two snipers and then
you know another six i was waiting for six eight snipers yeah yeah but what

is interesting with the captured vehicles actually again this is nought to one
captured vehicles rather than nought to one armored car nought to one tank you
can take Hotchkiss H39, the Renault R35,
the Renault R40, the Sommelier S35, the Flam Panther B2F, FT-17 or a Panther.
If you take one of the French ones, you can take it at inexperienced, regular or veteran.

Because the idea being that at this
point of the war so it's late late war the resistance
fighters would have included men who may well have
been trained on how to use these vehicles prior to
france being uh yeah france fallen
so you can take these at a higher veteran seat and they
don't get the unreliable rule that's really nice i like that the

other thing that's worth noting with them you don't get the hidden bomb rule but
you do get to choose up to 100 points of barricades
or barbed wire sections and it's again
to represent the fact that this was a the parish uprising the resistance
to the german occupation post post d-day from
a games mechanics perspective i much prefer the bombs i think they're more fun

and also much cleaner as well yeah so the one i really like in in the usd day
book is the mackie reinforced platoon now we're talking so you can take your
Your two squads have to be Mackie squads as compulsory.
You can take nought to one village priest, which counts as a chaplain,
which I think is amazing.

You can take nought to four infantry squads, which can include Mackie squads.
So you can have six Mackie squads there with your six marksmen in.
You can take nought to two snipers. So that's eight snipers in that particular
thing. So this is your eight sniper list. Nice.
The reason why I like it is you can also take a limited number of SAS units.
Units so you can take a maximum of

one out of those four choices one sas
infantry section so this is like the reverse of your usual
list with partisans where normally you've got the commandos with
a couple of partisan squads yeah and this is the anti-u
where it's the partisans with a couple of commando squads
help now yeah so you can take you know a an sas
infantry section you can take the Jempa team as part

of your HQ you can take an SAS weapons team and you
can also take an SAS jeep or an
SAS armored car or a captured Cuba wagon with
a pinsel mounted MMG nice that is
pretty cool so yeah you have to be there's certain restrictions in
terms of you can't take the jeep without taking an SAS squad and
that kind of thing so you've got to have you've got to have your SAS

infantry section or weapons team in order to access the vehicles
yeah that makes sense that's like the the Woffacer
isn't it where you've got to have the Woffen squad to get the Woffacer etc that
makes sense and I don't imagine the people who are running that theatre selector
I don't imagine would mind too much because you're going to be leaning into
theme I think most of the time yeah absolutely and I've definitely seen this

before I think seen it at the Welsh Open last year the Maccies the big chunky Maccies squads,
possibly with some SAS guys with them as well yeah I remember when this book
first came out I remember people.
I can't remember who it is, so I'm really sorry to whoever it is,
because I think it's someone who's a regular at the tournaments,
but I think they ran this quite early on after it came out,

and it was a bit of a bogeyman when it first came out, because it was like, wow, eight snipers.
Interestingly what you can do as well this is the we're sliding
into different episode but in the sas
northwest selector which is in the same book
you could do what what i've done before which is predominantly taking your your

sas or in my case it was commandos and powerers with nought to two mackie squads
as well so there's a bit of a a mix and match smorgasbord going on across these
different selectors that's really fun it's that i have enjoyed the dj books to to be honest,
the they've added a lot of little quirky things.
I think if anything, they've added like too much for me that I can't keep track of what's in there.

But I think as sort of a campaign game or just sort of like a theater selectors
game, the DDA books are brilliant for that.
You can sort of just lean into whatever your favorite faction is.
And really like, even if you're on the other side of the wall,
the lines of Karen Tan selector is a one.
One you've got the whole ss extra units

and selectors in the usd day book as well so yeah
they've they've they've fleshed out the fortune maker fleshed out the sr fleshed out
the ss as well yeah it's a good good collection of books
that sort of set and clearly sort of
thought out together that they thought i will do this whole
chunk together yeah because it makes sense so
fair play warlord well done anything else

to discuss on partisans just overall i i really really
like them in the sense of they're unique you you're breaking up you know your
your grays your greens your browns your your car keys etc you really can go
to town with them in terms of how you model them i've got a reno ahn truck which
is one of the classic you know sort of.

1940s french trucks which i run as a 12 man you
know three ton truck for my for my brits if i choose to
so you know you mentioned about the civilian car and the citroen and
that kind of thing so there's some really good options there i just
have a bit of fun with them but they also do play differently because
you've got you know noughts of 20 men which you can downgrade inexperience give
them pistols start throwing them forward yeah big chunky squads of at grenades

all that kind of stuff so yeah it's i do love how much variety this one army
list includes yeah without it being sort of.
I don't know if you think of something like the brits where you've got loads of
different campaign books that cover them and that's why they've got loads of different variety yeah
within the space of this one book and sort of one
supplement you can build parts and forces from

all these different places yeah and i really like that it's
interesting as well actually from a games mechanics perspective or from
a competitive perspective you can be tough fighters for cheaper
because when you trade in for your pistols you actually save three points
a man yeah and that's quite a unique feature i
think there's only one or two other places it crops up and so
okay that is a bit of incentive if you are a

charging sort of gung-ho kind of
player yeah this is a good list for you i'd say yeah and i
think with the release of the war games atlantic plastic miniatures it's probably
getting on what over a year and a half ago now isn't it um that's made it much
much easier to actually put a force together rather than relying on metals as
cool as the metals are if If it's an entirely metal force, it's going to get expensive.

So with the plastics or 3D printing options as well, you can do it in an interesting way.
My only question with that is, are they in stock?
Because we had, do you remember we had the drought of French where you just
couldn't get them anywhere?
I think they are more in stock than the French infantry models were.

They did go out of stock in the UK, and war games
atlantic do do have you know some stock
issues at times but i think from memory they were more in
stock than the french ones were which just weren't
in stock at all were they for a long period of time oh no not at all because
i'm genuinely i say this every episode you do say with
every episode yeah but actually the thing that always

puts me off i said this when we did greeks and norwegians it's always
because i can only get metal models the fact that they're
plastic is a huge selling point for me because i've already
got quite a selection of sort of metal civilians yeah if
i could just bolster my numbers with plastic models that
are more generic if you will because they're
not as unique sculpts but they're just there to

bulk the numbers i'm actually pretty keen on that and
if you start playing around with different arms and you know different attachments
to the webbing and you know backpacks and that kind of thing you can get them
to look completely unique yeah yeah i'm genuinely look this is i'm genuinely
thinking right now because Cause there's been nothing that's made me want to
build a paint, a model recently.

And cause I've just been going loads of tournaments as well.
I'm just like, I keep leaning into the Americans cause it's just,
I don't have a lot of time to build.
I don't have anything that I'm passionate enough about to like commit the time to building it. Yeah.
And equally, I just need a Torment Army, so I keep leaning on the armies I've
got, whereas now, I'm actually thinking this could be a bit of a passion project for us.

And that was one of the reasons for choosing the French for the Warlord GT was,
yeah, okay, I've got to paint some camels, but that'll be pretty cool.
But I can't be arsed to paint a whole new army this year.
Yeah. You know, in terms of the Marines or the Finns. What if they're plastic, though?
Yeah. Because also, you could do, if they all have just like brown trousers,
the same colour trousers,
you could just paint jackets different colours to give

them the variety so the way i i think i batch painted
them in about eight at a time and i mixed so
some had one shade of a trouser and
then the guy next to him had the same shade on the jacket nice yeah
yeah yeah and then the hat the third person
might have the hat in that shade yeah and you do that down the
line yeah and then all the same colored berries because

some of them have berries on don't they yeah so some had black
some had blue some had so some had had like royal
blue some had black some had navy some have
got adrian helmets you can paint the flag
on the on the arm yeah you can paint the trick the trickle
or as like a band on the arm for example so and did
you on yours yeah i've got a couple of them that have got the the french band

yeah thanks as ever for listening please do like share and subscribe please
also keep your comments going uh we'd love to hear from those of you who do
play partisan armies and if you're thinking of playing a partisan army we'd
absolutely love to see one of these later on in the year in the the UK.
Ta-ta for now. Ta-ta for now.
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