All Episodes

March 7, 2024 47 mins

This week we peruse the latest FAQ and talk through how it affects the game, new tactics for individual nations and occasionally scratch our head.


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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Tabletop Tommies. I'm Jonny. And I'm Phil.
And in today's episode, we're talking through the new FAQ. Finally got one. Hurrah!
So when we go through it, we're not going to go through every single FAQ because
that would take a week. Oof!
We're just going to go through anything that's changed since the last FAQ and

sort of give our thoughts and opinions on it.
It so i've got to say my view on
it is that most of the amendments corrections
clarifications are pretty good
there isn't a huge amount of game changing stuff which is
usually quite a good thing in a warlord faq there are a couple
of errors that are spotted though which is like you've

had what 18 months to prep this come on team in in what
sense well spoilers there's a
a couple of blunders i've seen i'll point them out as we
go through right okay because i would i don't want to spoil it okay
what was your thoughts on it phil it was it
was fine yeah i mean i i was a bit like
yeah okay you've clarified a few things you've added

some nice units which definitely will benefit some people i thought there's
quite a lot of changes made to some of the campaign books recently which was
a bit bit interesting to see the amount of you know corrections that needed
to be made for some of them yeah i thought that yeah i thought yeah in in terms
of clarification and so on, it was fine.
Like you said, there aren't any major, major rules changes or moments where

you read it and go, hang on a moment, that contradicts something else in the
FAQ or actually contradicts what was written in the rule book and hadn't been
errated. Yeah, there was nothing like that.
Yeah, indeed. Unless you're about to show us something which I haven't spotted.
No. The blunders I'd spotted were more just like piddly little things where
you just think, oh, come on. Okay.

Should we jump in yeah right phil anything caught
your eye yeah so page well first page but referencing
page 119 escape reaction they've added the word
targeted into the description as to when you can
make a escape reaction it's in the sentence in terms of just like a unit decided
to go down when targeted by he but this is a question we hear a lot with regards

to can i make an escape reaction from for example splash damage and that sort
of thing and whenever you you
see this on Facebook, whenever you see this question come up at events,
the key point is if you're targeted,
you are allowed to do a reaction,
be that go down, or in this case, be that perform escape reaction.
So I'm quite pleased to see, if pleased is the right word to use,

the word targeted has been added. Yeah. And-
To be for this is i think that was quite clear
to most players the thing that had muddied the water was in the
last faq the wording was just like
a unit going down when hit by he yeah which isn't how
the rules work muddied the water a little bit so it's nice that
we've tidied that up yeah can we move on to a really exciting thing

yeah so most excitingly
yeah trucks every army can have
a truck now with a machine gun hurrah nothing better
the only thing that can make it slightly better yeah is if
it was full 360 pinnacle okay is is
it full 360 pinnacle for some of
the armies that already get a machine gun on a transport truck one or two okay

generally what happens is it's not factored into the points cost the 360 i don't
think because it's always 15 points for a machine gun upgrade yeah and the ones
that are 360 pinnacle pay 15 the ones that are front-lock only pay 15 points.
I think, as a reference, the armies of Germany is forward-facing on.
And so that's fine. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'm just delighted now that I can have a machine gun and a truck.
To be fair, people who play minor nations who haven't been able to access this,
it is actually quite significant for them.
I know talking to Alan Wells, it's something that he's often bemoaned about
his Bulgarians, and now he gets that opportunity to take his MMG on his truck.
Yeah, I'm all over it. I'm loving it.

I mean, a couple of other transports were added. Nothing anywhere near as noteworthy.
Everyone can have a Jeep now. Everyone can have a tractor now.
Everyone can have a horse now.
Japanese players, the utility car actually is worth taking note of because the
Kurogane is the four-man transport that the Japanese players take to stick their flamethrower in.
But you pay more points for it because you're getting four seats rather than three.

So this actually costs now the same as a Jeep.
So if you do want to shave some points off and you only need a three-person
transport to stick your flame thrower plus a single officer,
you can now do that as a Japanese player.
That's a good tip. Pro tip.
Go into a 1,000-point tournament and you're at 1,002 points. Drop a seat.

So that was all armies options that they've added, which I'm pretty happy with, to be honest.
I think that nicely solves it. Then they've done me dirty here.
Oh, okay. In the armies of Germany section. i mean
in fairness yeah i think this is the correct call
it's just that it happens to negatively affect

an army that i use so yeah the 250
slash 9 which previously lost the open topped
in an faq with no change to the points yeah exactly it was a free boost they've
now added a five points cost to that yes so you can't have it open topped it's
now no longer open topped ever but you pay five additional points for it the

reason that has hurt me especially is,
i run the budapest record platoon where it's
basically an infantry platoon everything's in transports because
of that when you get to sort of 40 points left and you've got no seats left
there's nothing to spend points on and so it's like tetris building the army
where everything has to fit in just the right slot and so now my exactly a thousand

point list is 10 points over and I can't really drop anything.
Because I've got to drop it in squad units, or you drop the squad in the half
track, that's a lot of points to replace.
And so it just makes it a bit fiddly.
And the reason why it's come in is because they've also fixed the 2-2-2,

2-2-1 and 2-2-3, so that is no longer open-topped, but you are paying an extra five points.
Yeah, and it's a nice change, because this was a complaint people were having
that they've basically got the exact same turret on,
where it's got like the open top but with the grenade mesh on
yeah and so they're saying well if the grenade mesh gives you
not open top there why doesn't it give them protection and so

i think it's a nice change it's just
made my life a bit more fiddly yeah i think you may potentially
see 222s appearing more often because they are
obviously available now as a plastic kit you know since
gentleman's war came out the plastic kit came out but
if you previously if you were given a choice between the 222 and
the 259 if you weren't fussed about tracked

versus wheeled you were possibly more likely to
go with the 259 because it was closed top
whereas now they're both closed top you might potentially see the 222 more often
what is interesting is it only applies to the armies of germany entry for the
222 because the 222 if i'm right does does appear as a unit choice for some of the minor nations,

not as an Axis support option,
but actually as a unit choice, I think.
I don't have enough... I think it's potentially knowledge to support Hungary, maybe.
Someone will know more than me here. On the note of the armies of Germany, actually.
The FAQ has just added a cheeky little anti-aircraft half-track as well,

which I'm curious on because it's I mean it's not a bargain by any means but
equally it's not hugely expensive and you're getting for 75 points you're getting
two machine guns armor 7 and.
But open-topped. I mean, I don't think you're overpaying for it,
but I don't think it's a huge bargain. So I think it's quite an interesting one.

My question is, are they twin MMGs?
They're platform, so they're full 360, but are they twin? It doesn't specify.
Now, it would be pretty silly to say that I'm going to fire one,
you know, at like two o'clock on a clock face and one at 10 o'clock on a clock
face, but I'm assuming they are twinned.
Yeah i mean they're on the same mount aren't

they i think and so yeah they're mounted alongside
each other on sort of a fixed mount and so
i think they're going to have to shoot the same target it would be
nice to have clarity on it i suppose in the
rules but it's one of those ones a bit like remember the
rotating platform rules where yeah it's kind
of like you look at the model yeah and so i think yeah they've

got to target the same thing but it's a bit like a
sort of a mormon herring type deal isn't it
but i suppose it doesn't have recce which may if we
start seeing loads of air observers so the cynic in me says the reason why they've
added it is because their recent 250 box allowed you to make the 250 slash four

i think that's a good reason to add as any and this also appears for one of the british units later.
That it's to reflect what's available rather than
a massive demand from the bolt
action playing community saying do you know what we
really need a twin mmg half track for the
gems yeah well i wouldn't be at all surprised if there

was a bit of sort of an outcry for it just because people
have bought the the box they built this model
up and then they go to play it and realize there's no rules for it
yeah and so actually i think it's quite nice that if you're
going to make a model all oh yeah yeah the rules agreed
yeah it's it's more like horses and bolting
yeah yeah okay that's

it for the the new german units if we skim down to
the us there's nothing to add there no
nothing for the us no british so the british
do get a new unit which is the commando lmg
team so 65 points veteran for two men
you get a vickers lmg now the
points costing is interesting here so it's 65 five points for.

A veteran which is the same as buying a veteran mmg and
it counts as a machine gun option for any
generic reinforced platoon or any any theater
selector that includes commando squads it's a
team weapon it gets behind enemy lines so you can outflank with it if
you want to they're tough fighters because it's a commando one and because it's
the vickers k it shoots an extra dice so it shoots five dice rather than four

going back to the marketing strategy the The recent commando team weapon box
that came out in resin included the Vickers K LMG team.
And this was one of their metal commando models.
So again, I'm wondering if they've now included it in the FAQ because the model is available.

And unless you were going to put an LMG Vickers into a commando squad,
that's part of your infantry squad selections, you had this team weapon or this
LMG team, which wasn't necessarily going to see the playing field.
Yeah i think probably i think
also if it didn't exist previously then
if you're running full commandos and you

want to bang an mmg in it's a bit frustrating to not be able to have the commando
mmg as an option yeah so again from that perspective i can totally see why you
would throw it in it's it's not it's not game changing anyway so i think it's
no nice little include you know unless you like your little seven man vet squads
and then you want to take a little veteran an LMG team.
It is quite cool to be fair to have an LMG team in the MMG slot because you can do the move and fire.

So the Germans already have that option and you do actually to be fair you do
actually see the German option but it's costed differently because it's regular
and so on. But yeah nice to have.
Yeah and I think it's a bit of a fragile one with only two men but you're shooting
it like an MMG as well as the other thing with this one which is cool to be
able able to move forward and then still shoot like an MMG. It's a cool model as well. Mm-hmm.

It's actually a good addition. Okay. In summary, yay, we like that.
Not just the marketing strategy. There we go. So moving into the armies of France and allies.
There's a nice little historical tidy up on the half-track truck and PZINZ 302 field car.

I don't know what the PZINZ stands for, but you've increased the transport capacity to six seats,
seats which actually they haven't increased the points
cost usually it's two points a seat and so
you're getting a free seat there nice nice if you need i suppose it's good
if you want to stick a little five-man squad and your officer in as well but
really not a huge game change and change

just a nice little addition if you are playing the armies
of poland yeah speaking of the armies of poland
you can now take a sniper team which is very nice i think
we highlighted that as one of the few things that they didn't have
access to and so it's quite nice that they now do
have access to it still no greek flame throwers that was
something else that's that's been raised in the past by not just

on our greek episode yeah hopefully that'll
be a little nice little nudge for them was there anything
else in the armies of france and allies not in the
allies no but if we jump across to the other side
to armies of italy in the axis now this
is something that actually people have been talking about for
a while i've been talking about this for quite a a

long time in fact i've actually asked an faq question about
this exact unit that was addressed okay and now
it's been doubly addressed potentially now it's been doubly addressed so
hungarian cavalry sections can now charge yeah
because originally they had rifles
so they couldn't shoot yeah because they weren't the carbines yeah and they.
Weren't allowed to charge and so i had sent off a question and originally they

demanded them to have carbines so that they could at least do something on horseback
this is even better because now you've got horses that I can actually do something
in the game because you're paying quite a lot for your horses.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so it's nice for them to be able to charge in as well.
Now, it's only Hungarians. Do you get.
Romanian and bulgarian cavalry units it's a

good question i think your bulgarians have the same cavalry
rule let me have a look your romanians you do because they've got a selector
called the romanian cavalry troop so you kind of hope that they did get cavaries
they do the romanians definitely do yes the romanian cavalry can't move into
contact with an enemy unit whilst mounted so the romanians are still suffering
the conch they're remaining not charging.

Yeah the the bulgarians still
can't charge okay so it's curious that they've
allowed the hungarians to charge but not the other two so
we need the bulgarian and the romanian players out
there to make some more noise yeah and let's see
that change in the next one now this is where i've noticed one the
the blunders in the hungarian cavalry section

they've given them the option option for a light machine gun at 20
points ah yeah this is the most expensive panzerfaust.
In the game panzerfaust at 10 points now the reason they've made that mistake
is because in the armies of italy and axis book
a lot of the panzerfausts were 10 points and then
everyone complained that everyone else is getting them at five points right.
And so they addressed it in the faq to be

five points and then when they've added this option
for the cavalry they've referenced the original can
not check their own faq there by the looks of things and
so i'm expecting that to be reduced to five points in a future faq
again it's not a huge game-changing thing because
your cavalry squad is going to be quite expensive anyway so an
extra five points isn't the end of the world but it's it would

just be nice to have a bit of consistency throughout wouldn't it so at
the start of that entry armies of italy and axis in all instances
the cost of the panzerfaust option will be changed to five points
rather than 10 points right okay and then
later on in the exact same faq page 76
the following options are added so if i add
that option is it then adjusted by the original close

at the top of that section of the faq yeah so i
add the option that for 10 points and then i adjust it down
to five as per the faq yeah fair enough.
So that's a bit of a blunder but i'm hoping it'll
will be addressed within the next two years in the
next faq cool there are a couple of
exciting little vehicles as well one more so than

the other for me okay so the italians now get an armor 9
tank the p2640 which is a
turret mounted medium anti-tank gun with a coaxial mmg fairly
standard yeah bit of it yeah 185 points
is about right for it it's not going to change the game particularly but
it's nice to have the option for what is a medium tank in most armies but is

described as a heavy tank for the italians and then you get the fiat 665n protetto
which is and this is the one that's exciting me okay so this is a seven plus armored carrier 20 men.
You can add a forward-facing hole-mounted MMG and a forward-facing pinstool for plus 15 points.

Hold on a moment. So it's 90 points regular base cost for a 7-plus armored car,
which is it tracked or wheeled? It doesn't say. It's wheeled. It's wheeled, okay.
20 men. How much is a German half-track? It's, what, 89 points?
I think it's 89 for the 251. 12-man transport. 12-man tracked with a forward-facing MMG. Okay.

Anyway, so why is this exciting? I mean, other than the fact,
if you're playing Tank Wars as the Italians, this is quite useful.
Yeah, I just really like transports that you can load your whole army into. Yeah, okay.
The fact that it's 20 men in a single transport, I don't know what I'm going
to do with it if I did play Italians,
but I know that I definitely would have one, and I'd probably put like four

squads in it, of five men yeah i just rushed them up and they all just run out
in different directions not to do anything offensive just to because it'd be quite funny exactly.
You can stick a couple of quite exciting the engineer
squad so movie dual flamethrowers so exactly okay
i mean it reminded me a bit of the the

british truck where you can add the trailer and put was it
30 men in it no it's the it's the three-ton truck
that you can increase this to have 29 men in which
is amazing yeah yeah exactly that's cool yeah
yeah but from a more tactical perspective yes for
tank wars you could now run your your heavy and
inverted commas tanks yeah and then just

put all your troops in this one transport armor seven
the other thing actually that we didn't mention that is it's
closed so none of that's a huge perk compared
to the half tracks pinning and all that malarkey yeah
cool yeah so i i just i just thought
it was a really nice little addition yeah it's pretty cool to be fair hungry remaining
bulgaria get a flame for a team that's nice nice tidy

up i mean it's yeah it's one of those things now i think where the game is so
mature that you want the balance where like if if there's sort of reasonable
historical reason to have it yeah and everyone else has it it feels just for
the sake of completeness everyone should have access yeah that's fair enough yeah,
And now the Axis have access.

So that's our, like, additions to the books, to the core armies of books.
The FAQ then jumps into the actual frequently asked questions section before
going to the theatre books for an errata, which is a weird way to do it,
to put your core errata to the books, then your FAQ,

and then your errata to the non-core books.
Yeah. yeah but jumping into the faqs the
first one's actually a really interesting one that yes i've asked
not to warlord but i've sort of thought
about myself previously where if your artillery piece loses
cohesion can you just advance back in so
you can still shoot it at minus one yeah or do you have to

do an actual move because that's a huge difference if
you've got like a steward bearing down on you yeah and it's in
the open you might as well take that shot with the the advance yeah yeah
100 so that you know the old tactic of shooting an
artillery piece if you get an exceptional removing that crew
member who was keeping the unit keeping
the artillery crew in coherency what you used to

be able to do was you know take the middleman out for example suddenly the crew's
no longer in coherency so they have to the next turn go back into coherency
or they can go down what this has allowed you to do is to on an advance put
them back into to coherency and obviously fire because it's an advance order
rather than having to do a run order.
To move in inverted commas your crew back into coherency it

is actually very significant to be fair yeah and it's
and i think a lot of people were playing this because i think i've seen it ruled
this way at tournaments where because obviously when you
pivot that gun the crew pivot with it and there's nothing
that says they have to retain in the exact same formation and so
i think i have seen it ruled this way but it's nice to have sort of an
actual document and that clarifies that that's the way it works
yeah definitely yeah the next faq i thought was

sort of just a nice clarifier if
you if you didn't realize it but it's quite clear from
the rules so we'll not dwell on it too long basically it just says that
when you charge into a vehicle it doesn't take a pin from just
because it's hitting close quarters because it's an assault yeah but it
does take a pin from any effect of the damage if the damage is
if the vehicle successfully damaged yep that's straightforward which

is how close quarters has always worked as the same with infantry on infantry
so yeah i suppose if you're a newer player it might be
a nice clarifier for you yeah but then there's another
one that i thought was fairly sort of the immediate
following question yeah was sort of like quite a bit of an obvious mechanic
that people have been using for a long time about yeah i suppose it nicely sort

of clarifies it for new players i guess it's just acknowledging that yes you
pivot from the center of the vehicle and yes it does mean that depending depending
on which direction you pivot and move in,
you may gain one to two inches depending on how big your vehicle is. Yeah.
Yeah. And I mean, it's a double-edged sword as well, because you're measuring
your range for shooting from the hull. Yes.
And so when you push your Churchill forward, let's say, cause that's the longest

thing I can think of right now.
Pivots it's 90 degrees yes you've gained an
inch and a half let's say in sideways movement but you've
also lost that inch and a half in a certain direction yeah
and it's shooting in that direction that originally started in
and so and this is actually why
when you're moving your vehicles you really should do

the move do the turn do the move if you're
looking to maximize your move a lot of players i see just bend the
tape measure so they'll just sort of snap the tape measure to 90 degrees
and and that gives them the final position and
that's fine but it does mean you're losing yes
yep you're losing an inch or two potentially yeah yeah and
so one to bear in mind now the next one

infantry and buildings it's a
very good before you go into it i would
like to before you give your analysis and i
said this for me was an absolute blunder of a response
but i'll let you jump yeah it's a really good question and
it's something that i've absolutely asked myself of
people at events of us tos we've talked about it

in different groups i'm in and so on so if an
infantry unit is in a building does the one inch
gap apply if so does it apply from the
edge of the building is it only applicable inside the
room what's going on so really good question and
and it is a absolutely valid one because if it
does apply you've got this nice little bubble appearing

around your building and depending on where you
place the unit you know let's say you've got a unit outside the
building and a unit inside the building you can start absolutely.
Cutting down lines of advance you can stop
assaults into certain parts of the board because that
bubble if it if you know depending on how they answer
it that bubble has suddenly just created this like no-go zone

how did they answer it johnny well
they give an answer that isn't really an answer if
i'm honest yeah it says in general it's
good practice to keep units at least one inch away
from any building they have not assaulted to make things clear yeah now if they
had said keep units one inch from buildings yeah that's fine because we can

play to that if they'd said the one inch gap doesn't matter for buildings ever
that's fine we can play to that but this is an answer that that isn't an answer.
Yeah. Because you're saying, can I just do what you want?
And that's not what you want from...
A company that's putting out a game that they want everyone
to play and like have tournaments because that

really drives the community you can't really just be wishy-washy
with the rules and the players i mean we've seen
plenty rules go one way or the other you get a
little bit of people not complain about it
having a bit of grumble but ultimately people just want clarity that's
all they want from you and so it's really frustrating when
we have things like this that just say roll for

it it's good practice like yeah just decide one way
or the other please i mean from my perspective i
actually think the answer isn't the
right answer anyway okay because it
could ruin some games so say you've built like a really thematic sort
of like british village and you've got a
sort of an alley between two the terrace of houses yeah you

now can't run down that alley because the alley's only let's say two and a half
inches wide anyway you place a model in the alleys within an inch of a house
so that alley becomes redundant and so i would say just ignore the one inch
gap for buildings or if you are going to do it do it exclusively for openings,
i i guess this will be one where if it comes up an event the to needs to make

a decision one way or the other and it's going to be one of those moments of
here's the to's decision we accept it and we move on.
Absolutely i mean the other question is that leads from this that i've just
thought of is can i shoot within an inch of a building oh god yeah which again
now needs clarifying from this answer.

I don't know i would say probably not heavy
weapons and i think you could again apply my
ruling that you can't shoot within an inch of an opening if
there's a friendly squad inside of it with rifles yeah but if
there's not an opening because you can't hurt them perhaps
you could allow it but again just needs
a little bit of clarity yeah the next one mountaineers assaulting

through cover did it go first that's just you know that that's just it's it's
not clarifying anything it was it was already in the rules mountaineers if depending
on the wording of the mountaineer rule but if a mountaineer ignores rough ground
if you charge through rough ground and you ignore it it's not rough it's open
therefore you go first yeah nice summary yeah The next one,
I tell you what, Phil, why don't you read us through the next one,

and then we'll discuss it, because it's a really weird one.
Okay, so next one, it's to do with armoured platoons.
So if my army can take up to three bikes with sidecars as a single armoured
car entry, so for example, British and the French, can I take 15 such bikes
in a single armoured platoon?
So where you've got five slots for armoured vehicles and

with the the ruling that you can take
three for one can you then take 15 the
response yes you can but note that you must give the command vehicle rule to
all three bikes purchased as the platoon's hq slot so that's going to be a 75
points cost to do that yeah well just don't do that take 12 and then another

vehicle make that command vehicle well that's what i was just thinking the problem
with that answer is is, well,
what if I take 12 and then my command slot, I just take one bike?
Yeah. Yeah. Because you don't have to purchase three bikes per slot.
You can purchase up to three. Up to three, yeah, true, yeah.
And so I suppose what you do, I mean, they're so cheap anyway.

They're like 35 points each.
And so you could, at 1,000 points, you could have dual platoon, 26 bikes.
I mean, this is one of those moments of just because you can doesn't mean you
should, because you have to ask the question, why would you do this?
Obviously, it depends on what you're playing, who you're playing,
and all that kind of stuff.
But yeah, moving on.

I mean, I'm game for it. That is the kind of thing you would like to see.
Well, it's a really fast army, me yeah which is really fun to play generally
because you sort of whizzing around especially when they're so fragile because
even rifles can hurt them it means that you've got a real sort of unique strength

but equally you're very weakened so that's why i quite like it as a force,
it has a very specific niche but if you're playing on arm of platoon versus arm of platoon.
And you've taken a bunch of soft skin lmg bikes and your opponent's got three
armor eight or nine nine tanks you're not going to get you know it won't be
the greatest game you've ever experienced.

It'll be a bit of a head scratcher won't it because as you've
correctly highlighted it's going to be very hard to hurt their tanks and
so it's going to be a fun one in that
regard but there's a lot of sort of shenanigans and you're
going to have to play in a very thoughtful way because there are shenanigans where
you can sort of create a car park around their tank to
limit its movement yeah and then obviously as soon

as it turns to shoot you the one that shoots that wreckies away
it's like the it's like how you use cavalry you know
when you got your officer officer on the horse and you
can really you know stop stop people's vehicles pivoting and
firing at infantry squads yeah exactly so for me
it's one that if i didn't have to build and paint
26 motorcycles yeah yeah for an

army that i'm probably going to use once and then put on
the shelf until until like until sort of it feels new again
it's certainly one that i'd like to try yeah so the
next one last but one in the fa cube section
if a squad with two flamethrowers in it fires and
hits the target with both does the squad being hit
take two lots of d3 plus one pins and take

two morale checks or one of each straight answer is no it
just takes one because as you know if a
unit is firing with multiple different weapons at a single target you only ever
take one lot of pins and also So from the previous FAQ where it talks about
it was it was the entry about fanatics and stubborn where it basically said
the flame for a morale check replaces the morale check for if you lose more.

Than 50% 50% or more of casualties in one one round of firing.
Yeah, and that's coherent with FAQ. That isn't how I read the rules originally
that FAQ rule and it was one that I was a bit irked by but.
Now that that is the FAQ rule, and at least that's consistent with that.
Yes, that is absolutely consistent, yeah.
And it's nice that that's clarified, because we are starting to see dual flamethrower units.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially on the campaign books. Italians and US can do it,
can't they? Yeah, in the... Yeah, Mariana book.
Exactly, yeah. Yeah. The question that arises for me, though,
is if I have a tank with two HE shells... Yes.
So, like a Lee, for example, can shoot two HE.
And it shoots one target, both hit. With both HE, yeah.

Does it get pins no because
it's a single model firing at a
target unit you only ever take one lot of pins
and i'm pretty sure the wording is you
take the most amount of pins so if you hit it with
a two inch template and a one inch template with your lee yeah.
Because you've got a two inch he and a one inch he you're going to take the d3 pins

well you're going to roll for your d3 pins and then roll for your d2 pins
and then you take the highest amount but if
that is is the case then surely in this case you should roll 2d3
and pick the highest it doesn't say that you only
roll once it just says you only take d3 plus one
pins and you only take one test so i
think where where have you was it.

In the faq you've seen that high explosive thing or is
it in the main no i'm sure that's one of the main rulebook things that
a unit a unit only ever ever takes one set
of pins even if it's hit by different types of
weapons from the same target that's part
of the core mechanic oh yeah absolutely like you shoot but
usually we're thinking of sort of like machine guns

so the turret machine gun and the whole machine gun where you've
got things that can inflict different amounts of random pins
it so rarely comes up that i
actually can't recall all seen in
the rules myself one moment please units hit
by multiple he hits like this only suffer a single batch
of multiplied pin markers not multiples of

them for example they would suffer d2 pins even if
hit by two or more he hits from a single automatic cannon and not d2 pins per
hit so i guess by abstraction if you're hit by a one inch he template which
is d2 pins and a a two inch template which is a d3 so like the lee you're only

going to take one lot of pins.
And you're going to take the highest amount of pins so you
should roll both you'd roll
the d3 first because if you get a three that's that's you don't need to roll
your d2 but let's say you roll your d3 pins you only get one you should then
roll your d2 pins in case you roll a two i agree with with your interpretation

however i don't see where it says you apply the highest.
Like, I don't see in the rule where it says, because I don't think they've actually
thought about the different types.
I think the multiple HE rules only cover the same type.
No, I don't think it, to be fair, I don't think it explicitly says that's what you do.

You'd like to say that common sense prevails, but. Yeah, again,
it's just one of those things where I think you need clarity because if you're in a tournament, then
it's nice to know what's going to happen and if i
shoot both those he shells at the same target
i'm not going to get to roll both set of pins
and pick the highest highest yeah or do i just get to
roll one set and again whatever that decision is then affects this flamethrower

ruling because if the two high explosives both get to roll then surely both
flamethrowers get to roll and then you pick the highest and so i think that
That could do with a little bit extra clarity.
I mean, you could apply this like the twin autocannon version,
where because it's the same number of pins, you do just roll the 1D2.
So actually, I think on this, you roll 1D3, you apply those pins plus the 1,

do your flame test, it's done.
But my new question for the next FAQ is... what
happens if you get hit by multiple he causing
shots from one from one
yeah from one unit yeah then what happens and so
yeah so the question if my lee shoots a

single unit and hits with both high explosive shells with different
number of pins yeah do i just
do the d3 or do i roll both how do i calculate yeah
yeah fair point i think i would
rule just roll the d3 moving on though
tank raiders don't put them on
if there's a prelim yeah to do not

to not deploy them if there's prep bombardment yeah so actually
i thought this was a good clarification if that's
the right way to use the answers are already there they've they've they've
appeared in other faq responses in terms of how do you work out when it's when
a target can react from prep bombardment from artillery fire and from airstrikes

it just nicely brings it all together Which essentially is the point at which
it becomes a target is the point at which a unit has to do something.
So in the case of the tank riders in prep bombardment, if it's in your deployment zone, it's a target.
Therefore, you need to react before you roll to see if it gets hit.
If it's been hit by an artillery bombardment and it's within the range of the

artillery bombardment, it's a target, therefore you need to react.
And then likewise for the airstrike, as soon as the type of aircraft attacking
the plane is determined, you know whether or not it's going to become a target,
depending on the type of plane, and therefore it needs to react.
Absolutely. It also highlights one of the misplayed rules I see with tank fighters
because they don't come up that often.
And I do sometimes see people playing where you have to get the hit before they get off, but it's not.

It's just as soon as you start shooting at it, Before you roll the hit, everyone disembarks.
Yeah, and that's why, you know, if you're playing against someone with tank
riders and you've got an infantry squad with rifles, you shoot at the tank,
you can't hurt the tank, but you force the dismount for the tank riders.
Yeah, well, I mean, it's a good job for, if you've got the free forward artillery
observer for the Brits and he's already done his fire thing.

You might as well shoot his one rifle shot or whatever weapon you've given him.
Yeah, at the tank to dismount the tank riders. Yeah, and then,
because I believe the emergency disembark can go down, don't they?
Yeah yeah it's a normal disembarking rules yeah yeah so
that's if you're taking you know your engineers you
know you're tooled up engineers with body armor as tank riders oh sorry you
just had to disembark you're going to spend a long time moving six inches

the next faq was quite a nice clarification i
thought yes the tiger fear one everyone loves tiger fear
yes so this is one that we've highlighted
as being inconsistent with the core rules where when
you're on a vehicle you just don't get to interact with anything
else on the table it's like you're not on the table and in the
previous faqs they had this weird thing where

you could see the tiger from inside the truck which meant your
bazooka didn't want to get out of the truck because he
was so scared of the tiger he didn't want to get out and
attack it but equally he didn't want to do anything else like
run away from it and so what was he supposed to do and
so it's really nice now if you're in a transport they've
clarified that passengers do not have line of sight

to the tiger or to anything else
and so anything in a transport can't see anything
on the table nice to clarify that the only thought with that is i had used that
previous faq rule that you could see the tiger to justify vengeance inside a
transport yeah i was going to mention that but vengeance doesn't require line

of sight It just requires you to be within 12 inches.
And this came up last year at the Welsh Nationals. The question is whether or
not that unit inside the Bren carrier, for example,
can measure, if it's taken a pin already, can measure 12 inches from the Bren
to see if it's within 12 inches to try and take a pin off.

I mean, you could argue it both ways. You could argue that the unit's not on the table.
So it's not within 12. Units and transports are not on the table.
It does say that in the rulebook somewhere.
Therefore, it's not within 12. But then absolutely, the previous FAQ running
about Tiger Fear was like, aha, but if Tiger Fear can be caused,
given to passengers, then by extraction, Vengeance can.

Because also when they added the Tiger Fear having a range,
range that was the thing that for me really justified vengeance
working in transport because if you can measure range photography inside transport
you can measure range for vengeance in a transport yeah now
i think that probably needs an faq answer to say vengeance
either does or doesn't work in a transport yeah is there

a little vengeful bubble going on around the transport
that's what we want to know there's not a lot going on
in the faqs it looks like most of the other books people have
had their questions answered previously until we get
to the partisans and a nice little tidy up
i thought this one so partisan bombs
if a partisan bomb is placed inside a building do you measure

six inches from the token or six inches from
the edge of the building can they bring the building down and
then the response is if the bomb is placed inside the building it's
only tested for if an enemy unit enters the building
no six inch range is used if it
detonates it can indeed bring down the building quite a nice little clarifier
i thought that yeah my gut response would have been if you stick it inside the

building it only detonates when you enter the building i've i would have gone
with that yes i don't play partisans and i don't think i've ever had to ask
the question but that would have been my gut response yeah it's.
I think the thing that meant it needed to be clarified is because the multiple
rocket launcher systems were measuring six inches from the edge of the building

if they choose the building as a target.
And so I could see why you might think that, oh, I'll put the bomb in there
and I'll get an extra six inch range.
But I would have wanted to play it the way you said, where, I mean,
exactly as FAQ has ruled now, that obviously if you booby-trapped the building,
you need to go in the building to set off the booby trap.
Up so moving to the campaign books naval observers

we just get clarification of the points there yeah and it
hasn't changed since the last faq the only thing that's changed is
it's gone from the specific entry in a specific book all books
yeah all books which again just a nice clarifier so i don't think we need to
dwell there do we no case blue gets a few updates so we get some points recosting
for bicycles the slovakian army special rules quite rightly it basically says

because you can only take the slovakian army from that book those special rules
apply whenever you play Slovakians, not just from the theatre selectors in that book,
which is different to what the wording is for Italian, Romanian.
Hungarians, stragglers, you can take them if you so choose for a Romanian selector.
I think it's nice that they've added that just for because quite often you get

these things where they just get omitted from a theatre selector and you think,
oh, why haven't you put that in?
So yeah, that's quite nice. But the big one? The big one is the improvised AT,
which basically clarifies that it only applies to heavy weapons, i.e.
With a penetration value, so no longer small, no longer small arms for those
of you that thought it could apply with less than plus three pen.

It hasn't clarified the question we had about the heavy auto-cannon or low velocity
anti-tank gun. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What point does plus three become not plus three?
Yeah. And I think, so I'm going to stick with my rule, not that,
that a low velocity anti-tank gun would never benefit from this rule.
Yeah. But a nice clarifier. So,

D-Day, US sector, you get some subtle changes to some theatre selectors.
Empire in Flames, you get a subtle change to the Japanese option for the Jeeps.
Fortress Budapest, you get some clarification about parachute assault squads.
Just where they can be used, basically. Yeah.
Tough Cut, we're not going to go through all of this, but there's a lot of changes to Tough Cut.

Yeah, and they're mainly just sort of like, for want of a better word, admin errors.
Us so things like points costs slightly out of whack
and just things like options not quite being in the
right place and things like that so absolutely agree i
don't think it's i don't think it'd be very entertaining for us
just basically to read the corrections on a few numbers here and
there yeah and but you're right there's a lot isn't there there is

a lot and there's yeah pretty much nearly all the scenarios get
some form of rewording as well yeah but
there is a big change in there there is
which clarifies something that we highlight has
been very unclearly worded.
In my opinion previously where we had
a we had to have a philosophical debate about what the word adjacent meant

previously uh yes this is the borg ward yeah
it is clear now yep so
it you know it's a heavy charge you can only
use it once per game it does indeed go off of
a big man that should really be italicized it
should any time there's fluff just put it in italics please so that
people don't think that that might be a rule so

we get the clarification that when you fire it
or when it goes off you place the four inch template in contact
with the center of the front hole of the vehicle so there
was ambiguity about in front of
i think before it's now in front of touching the center
of the vehicle it tells you how you get
away which is execute a reverse move straight back and

then it tells you exactly what is
hit by that template so any model hit by the template
counts as being hit by a heavy howitzer except that
the pen is plus five and units and buildings suffer
4d6 hits instead including the buildings itself
including the buildings so if you clip the building you
got a very good chance of bringing that building down which

is the intention of the vehicle originally so
that's was what it was for yeah so it's really nice that they've done that
yeah buildings fortifications and so on the one word
to note is it must be successfully ordered to advance to do this because it.
Does have its funky rules where oh it can malfunction it can malfunction and.

Things so you have to do a successful advance in order to do this i mean it makes it.
Interesting and it's nice and clear now so that's good yes i'm
not sure it's an auto include in your tank slot no it's
pretty cool i would like to see some if you're running
a thematic event and it wasn't just in in italy
that these things were used but it it would be cool to see them slightly

more thematic event definitely and if
it hits it goes off it's gonna it's gonna do a lot of
damage yeah but equally the counter point is if you
allow it to hit you something's gone wrong something something's gone
wrong prior to that point yeah it's a bit like the the
lunch mines for japanese isn't it you manage to take out
a vehicle with one of those something's gone wrong up before that

point yeah i suppose tactically what you could potentially
do is stick this fella in outflank run on with your last dice of the turn yeah
so that you're an inch away from the enemy like maybe it's a truck with a unit
in or something something tasty like that and then then pray for first dice
next turn so that they don't pin you out and then successfully reverse.

Yeah. And then the rest of it, Mariana, just a bit of clarification about the canister round.
So New Guinea, just a bit of clarification about the Japanese scouts.
So it's brought it in line with the entry from Empire Flames,
which is that any man may exchange their rifle for an SMG for plus three points.
New Guinea originally, it was only one person could do that,

whereas Empire Flames, all three could do that.
Yeah which i thought that was a bigger deal than
it was because i thought previously we didn't have access to all
smg scout squads but it turns out
it's just a bit of a a tidy up yeah and
then the final one bit of tidy up is western desert got just
using the correct terminology for the alpha

clunk group vehicles and likewise the ss infantry section
yeah so all in all i think quite generally
really quite a nice tidy up from the faq yeah as
we said at the start there's no major like oh my god where
did that come from or really they wrote that that's completely
not what they said last time yeah yeah and
you know some recostings and some clarifications in in

yeah in a few bits some some nice new new
units for general use and yeah it's all
right isn't it yeah not bad i think there's still a couple more
things to tidy up but hopefully we'll get there eventually yeah
so if this has inspired you to
get a truck a utilities car an artillery tractor or a horse drawn limber for

your army you might want to check out the links in the description for firestorm
games and whaling games because you'll get a great deal and it'll give us a
bit of money back for the pod indeed as ever thank you for listening please
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