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May 21, 2024 17 mins

We have again released this as a video episode for those who like to see the photos:

Jonny and Phil are joined by Grant to discuss D-Day Replayed, a charity event in aid of Waterloo Uncovered.

Tickets and more information for D-Day Replayed can be found at:


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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Tabletop Tommies. I'm Jonny. And I'm Phil.
And in today's episode, we're joined by Grant from the D-Day Replayed team to
talk about an upcoming Bolt Action event in honour of the 80th anniversary of
D-Day. Hi guys, thanks for having me on the pod.
Thank you for joining, Grant. Welcome to the podcast. Yeah, good to be here.
I am a frequent listener whilst I'm painting and building things in the garage. Good stuff, fantastic.

So, D-Day Replayed, a few of our listeners may well be aware of it.
It's been on Facebook for the last few months and sort of slowly building and building.
But you're here tonight to talk about the event and we'll
throw it straight over to you what is d-day replayed well primarily we're
a charity event commemorating the 80th anniversary of
d-day we are two events running over
three days so we have a friday night event which is

like an airborne drop event and then we've got a two-day overlord event
and we're fairly confident that we're putting on
something that's quite unique to the the event the
bolt action event calendar certainly in scotland hopefully wider you
know playing bolt action version two like like you're not familiar with
it on the tournament scene that's very cool that
you're doing the air landing before so it will there be sort of

different platoons so you'll you'll drop your
paratroopers on day one and then the outcome of those battles
will affect day two day three yeah that's the idea it's
a kind of a dynamic campaign so victory will
be determined by the overall campaign points that
each team have generated but you'll
have consequences from one day to the next and battle to

the next yeah basically kind of making it interactive
in that sense fantastic so and what how many people
we talk about here so you've got the the friday night and then
you've got the full day of gaming on the saturday and the sunday as well yeah
so friday night is a bit smaller just because the nature of setting up and how
many tables we'll have available we've got space for 12 players we've got eight
at the moment and over the weekend we've got space for a full 40 i think we

can do two teams of 20 and at the moment we've got two teams of 12 but there's still.
Tickets available there's still tickets available thank you for
the plug yes yes this goes out in
a good amount of time and you fancy a trip
to sterling to play or replay rather the
greatest amphibious invasion ever yeah tickets are available for both allies

and axis so we're no no blue on blue in our campaign weekend so you mentioned
teams there grant and i'm automatically thinking about if you've got like overall
commanders for the axis side and the ally side side as well as having individual
people in charge of their particular you know army or company or regiment or what have you,
We debated this, and ultimately I think we landed on something that was going

to come into effect on day two, on the final day, when there might be a kind
of a crossroads in terms of decisions to be made.
But up to that point, we were kind of focusing on really the small stories of
D-Day, you know, your individual junior platoon leader.
I should mention as well D-Day replayed

as kind of a sister event to a much earlier Wargames event which was Waterloo
replayed which ran in 2019 in Glasgow University the Great Hall of Glasgow University
had about 120 players had about 22,000 miniatures was about 120 feet long.
We're not anywhere near as big as that but we kind of share

you know a lot of what is in common with that
event which is you know we're looking to generate either
a historical or a historical outcome from the
campaign i guess on the friday night you got six tables that are sort of normandy
themed and then on the saturday we're storming the beaches and so you're going

to have up to sort of 10 tables on the seafront yeah first thing on saturday
morning we'll be storming the beaches.
They'll all be kind of beachfront we would have loved to
have modeled certain areas but ultimately we
couldn't be that granular and what we were trying to produce trying to
produce a huge amount of beach terrain in a kind
of quite blue blue peter sort of fashion but yeah

that's that's basically everybody's first game on the saturday
morning i mean you were saying it's not going to be as big as the
waterloo but if you've got 20 tables at
six foot each that's 120 foot of table there so that
is quite a lot of table that you you're creating terrain for and so like that
that's not a small task i would say it's not a small task this might be a bold

claim but we we'd like to think that we're maybe the largest amphibious assault
in 28 millimeter this year okay.
And you know should we should we pack the place out that'd
be 32 000 points worth of well action
forces in play and about 96
feet of beaches i think i think stewart has currently
produced yeah huge amount of dragon's teeth and czech hedgehogs for the beaches

which is probably sick of the site of by now actually and that's probably a
record in itself to be fair the most check hedgehogs in one room we'll be giving
a lot away at the end so worth coming i guess even if,
you don't know what why else to go just go for
some free terrain yeah if you'd like to play yeah

if you want to take some of that away or if you want to replay d-day
or indeed any other amphibious landing we've got
you covered we can definitely lend you some stuff yeah i've
been following along on facebook and i've seen the post in a few weeks ago about
the check hedgehogs i believe stewart was making them out of pink foam initially
and then the call went out to to get the 3d printers going yeah so one of our

sponsors is um alba studio which is a 3d printing business based in aberdeen
they have very generously given us a lot of really beautiful,
normandy 3d printed buildings which you'll see on the tabletops which we've
spent a lot of time painting as well but they were able to step in and just
kind of mass produce lots of.
Dragon's teeth just to kind of take the pain away and sarissa

have been really generous haven't they with uh landing craft i saw that
today yeah sarissa as rich sarissa
and indeed dave and ellie have been really really
helpful fantastic sponsor as well i've given us
i think 32 landing craft and something like 16 or 18 bunkers which is gonna
when when it all comes together i think is gonna it is gonna look spectacular

and we do hope the players feel like they've gone to something that's that's
quite special i mean it sounds it what are you using for the the mats have you actually got
a load of the beach mats in napri you know
have you been making tables for it we've we've
been making them to source something like that would have been very expensive and
we didn't have we didn't have a sponsor kind of lined up that was maybe going

to step in and help us with that and also it's quite a big ask but luckily my
lovely partner amy works in kind of costume and design and stuff like that in
theater and at university so we basically made them from scratch Yeah,
we, we did, she did lots of cutting and sewing for us and then dip dyeing and dip dyeing again,
and basically produced lots of beach mats that fitted our scenario.

And it was, it was just perfect. Yeah.
Are the beach mats in six by four or have you done it so that you have the table
sort of running along through each other, if you know what I mean?
So the edge of the table isn't obvious if you're looking at it.
I don't think it will be obvious. No, but it's not been in six by four.
What we've done is basically the strip of the beach.
So it is dyed up to a certain depth. So I believe it is 12 inches of water followed

by 18 inches of sand laid across any other normal table.
Gives you your beach terrain without having to produce a 6x4 mat.
The reason I was asking is, one of the things that I was going to ask you about
is, are these players playing one-on-one,
or will some of the weekend be sort of combined

arms where you've got multiple platoons facing multiple platoons
at the same time yes sunday is in fact doubles
day so the three games on saturday will be all players
individuals and then on a slightly lower points value i think it's 650 points
there'll be doubles games two doubles games on sunday which should be a lot
of fun i played doubles a couple of times recently and yeah a lot of fun to

be had in doubles and in terms of the the platoons that people are bringing
obviously Obviously, they're going to be themed for the day.
Are we seeing a variety of different units being represented and different units
from the German defenders being represented so far?
Yep. So we were quite prescriptive in that we wanted to lean into the history where we could.
So the lists are quite limited in terms of what you can pick from.

They're good lists, though. You can get a lot of tasty gear in them.
So we've definitely got some British commando players.
We've got some British infantry players. we've got the American Army,
we've got Royal Marine Commando lists the German side, for the first day,
for at least the beach landing, you've got.

Kind of austrupin lists i think it's like static beach defense
so that would be 7 16th and 352nd
infantry divisions if you're a history buff like i am so yeah panzer division
panzer grenadier reinforced platoon or the der windhund grenadier company are
the lists available for the moving inland battles okay so yeah that's where

you're going to start to see some some big armor pieces
coming into play and as well as that we we
have a row of special specials tables is what
we've been calling them so whilst people bring their
own army and they'll play their own army for four games we've cherry-picked
some of the scenarios from the dd overlord warlord book to play so they'll leave

their own army behind and they'll go and play a kind of hollywood style special
mission so we've so we're doing pegasus bridge and another very generous bit
of kit from Warlord Games,
another great sponsor and partner, and it's a huge undertaking to build an MDF.
So we're playing Pegasus Bridge, Merville Battery. The third one is Villa Bocage,
so the kind of tank, Michael Whitman tank ambush at Villa Bocage.

And the fourth one is Carentan, so American Airborne, Band of Brothers kind
of Hollywood moment there. Nice.
So yeah, people won't be playing with their own army,
but we'll have lots of aides and umpires and things
to kind of assist people with some of the special rules or
some of the scenario that's getting played and you kind of get a flavor of yeah

a bigger flavor of what the normandy picture looks like on the note of the people
who are helping out to sort of make the day run smoothly who is in the team
behind d-day replayed so d-day replayed the d-day replayed team is myself,
Stuart Ainslie, and Alistair Unicum.
So I primarily am looking after the event management and logistics for the weekend.

Stuart's doing all the marketing and promotion stuff that you'll be seeing online
and on Facebook and Instagram things.
And Alistair came on board to be our tournament organizer, and he's done lots
of work in writing scenarios and tweaking lists and kind of personalising it
and coming up with brand new scenarios.
Two scenarios which are available on our website as a kind of sneak preview,

which is hitting the beaches and moving inland.
We're also getting a lot of help from games clubs local to us.
So Steve at Common Ground Games, he's.
Building a lot of terrain for us and yep given
a lot of his time brian at dwarf which is
the dunfermline games club is also a sponsor he's
he's doing a row of sceneries as well as steve on

top of that we've got have you ever heard of spit which is
stands for stupid stupid projects in 28 millimeter in 28 millimeter yeah so
we're getting a lot of help from them that's chris and pat and gordon and jacqueline
who are also providing terrain for a row yeah so three three Three great partner
organisations that are helping us put on the event, giving up their time, making things,

bringing terrain, bringing their expertise.
And obviously this is in honour of the 80th anniversary of D-Day,
but it's also linked to the charity Waterloo Uncovered? Yeah, that's right.
So we approached Professor Tony Pollard.
He's the head of Battlefield Archaeology at Glasgow University.
You might know him from National Geographic's Nazi Megastructures.
He was behind Waterloo Replayed, which was the big game in 2019.

So we went to him for his his blessing
basically and he he said you know you really should make
it a charity event and we thought why not support waterloo uncovered
again it's a great charity it's quite a unique charity and
it helps veterans and military families through archaeology and kind of kind
of finding peace through that both from their kind of physical and their their

mental injuries and they go off to do archaeological digs they've done waterloo
a number of times i I know they've gone to Belgium.
I think also, it was 2022, Tony took a group of Falklands War veterans back
to their own battlefields to do archaeology there.
And yeah, it's quite a unique charity, I think. And we're really happy to be supporting them again.

Yeah, it seems like sort of the perfect charity to partner the event with,
to do something so sort of pertinent.
I imagine especially the bolt action community will be very supportive of that charity.
And so a huge shout out to them because that's brilliant. Yeah,
do check out their website.
Do check out, they put out lots of really interesting content on their YouTube.

So yeah, check out Waterloo Uncovered Charity. I think it's brilliant.
And the event's being held at common ground games in sterling
which will be anyone who's following sort of the scottish scene of
bolt action will be familiar with yes common grounds certainly
building a name as a you know a home
of bolt action in central scotland it gets it's getting
a lot of play in the last couple of years alistair hosts

megatron there has done for the past two years so that's that's
kind of at the back of us in august and then
you've got the scottish nationals across a weekend
in september i think it's the 21st 22nd but yeah certainly
is is proving itself a hub of of bolt action but
any other mentions for any any other partners or sponsors we haven't already
said yet grant you want to give a shout out to absolutely big shout out to marcus

at warlord who kind of listened to our kind of pitch from the from the off and
was immediately on board with it he's been really great really supportive we've
had a lot of support from marcus.
Osprey Games, I'd like to shout out to as well.
They're providing some really interesting books as well as some action campaign
books for our charity raffle.
Really grateful for that. Also Tim Catherall, who I don't know if you've seen

any of our website content or our player packs, but he draws these amazing sketches.
And you'll see them. He's got his own Instagram presence. And I think it was
just through Stuart kind of sparking up a conversation with him through Instagram.
And he was very happy for us to use some of his illustrations.

And I'm so glad that he did, because I actually feel like they really elevate
a lot of our marketing material.
I think they're really eye-catching because of Tim's sketches.
And I've not seen them. I've not seen anybody else do anything like that.
So I'm quite chuffed with that.
It does sound like a brilliant event, especially sort of the storm on the beaches,
I think, is what appeals to me.

Like reenacting all the films that I grew up with, essentially.
Which we don't often than doing ball action because when you
play i play a lot of competitive ball action and because it's
such an asymmetrical situation it's not
a common situation you play at events and so
having the opportunity to do it does sound brilliant if i

did want to know which armies i could bring though where would
i find all that information and all the other stuff about the weekend primarily i
would send you in the direction of our our website our
website is dd uk through that
you can download all the pdfs which are the the player
packs for the axis and the allies that will have all the army
lists in there there's also a couple of scenarios

in fact the first two scenarios are there in pdf form
which is hitting the beaches and moving up to the second
line so if you want to have a bit of an idea of the
scenarios and the way that the the points are
scored yep seek those out on the website but we're also
very active on on facebook and we also put a
reasonable amount of kind of model content on instagram

and by models i mean small models not not the
usual instagram models no i don't think
i don't think we'd get very much we wouldn't sell
very many tickets we did that i don't think well that does sound
like an awesome event especially as it's
on the anniversary of d-day itself i think that makes it
something quite special that you're not going to get the opportunity

to play it again so thank you for coming on and.
Telling us all about it thanks very much for having me on guys it's been
great and so if you are interested check out the website which is it is friday the
7th of june all the way through to the 9th of june up in sterling we'll definitely
be following along on facebook it's been really interesting watching the progress
so far and in terms of the overcoming those obstacles like the czech hedgehogs

and i saw this morning the landing craft being built and ali's been busy painting
shermans as well recently so So yeah, it's absolutely fantastic event.
Good luck with everything. And yeah, we'll be looking along over the weekend
to see how you guys get on.
Cheers, guys. Thanks very much. And also I've just remembered, keep an eye out.
I think we've got a little feature in War Games Illustrated,
the next issue of that as well for more terrain building goodness.

Fantastic. Well, ta-ta for now. Ta-ta for now.
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