All Episodes

March 18, 2024 18 mins


Samskaras are impressions or imprints left on the mind by past experiences and actions, which can influence future thoughts, behaviors, and tendencies. Eliminating samskaras is a complex process that requires self-awareness, mindfulness, and dedicated practice. While completely eradicating all samskaras may be challenging. Remember that the process of eliminating samskaras is gradual and requires patience, persistence, and self-compassion. Celebrate your progress along the way and trust in the transformative power of self-awareness and spiritual practice.


About  Maetreyii Ma Nolan, Ph.D.


In addition to writing eight books, doing lecture tours, and maintaining an ashram in Northern California, Maetreyii Ma is a licensed Transpersonal Psychologist and an Acharya, or ordained yogic minister. Maetreyii Ma refers to herself as an “everyday mystic,” for good reason. Her talks are as practical as they are esoteric. She’s spent her adult life helping people understand, heal, and grow through love.


Since 1969, Maetreyii Ma has been a student of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, affectionately known as Baba, In 1970, she began to have profound mystical experiences of the Divine and experience the inner presence of her Guru. Baba's inner presence brought a deep experience of the endless love and compassion of the Divine, perfect beauty and wisdom, and the unconditional love and overflowing grace of the Sadguru.


You can visit her website here:


About Maetreyii Ma’s Works

Over the past decades, Maetreyii Ma has delivered over 1,000 presentations to various audiences. Her latest project is to make those presentations available to the widest possible audience.


Maetreyii Ma talks fall into six main categories:


1.  The Power and Nature of Love

2.  Self Realization, Spirituality, and Awakening

3.  Dharma, Society & Karma

4.  Working with the Mind & Emotions

5.  Relationships & Samgha

6.  Science & Cosmology


The Baba Flow


Maetreyii Ma’s talks are based on a spiritual process called Baba Flow. The Baba flow is an intuitive flow of spiritual guidance and teachings from the deep inner essence, the one essential Source known by many names. In the Baba Talks, Maetreyii Ma, in a deep state of Bhava, or devotional absorption, opens to this Source and allows the teachings to flow through.


About Ananda Gurukula


Maetreyii Ma is President of Ananda Gurukula, a non-profit organization dedicated to awakening the human spirit and sharing the ancient mystic wisdom of yoga. Through Ananda Gurukula, Maetreyii Ma is able to offer meditation practices, mentoring, meditation and yoga wisdom retreats, webinars and workshops on the ancient knowledge of yogic teachings.  In addition to local weekly meditation evenings, called Dharmachakra, there is a third Friday Kirtan, and a first Friday Satsanga. Readers in the Santa Rosa area are invited to attend our events at the Ashram. Simply go to and look under events.


For those who do not live in the local Santa Rosa area, Maetreyii Ma offers talks and workshops as webinars. You can find out more about these at 


In addition, Ananda Gurukula publishes books and the Baba inspirational writings on many subjects. See more about Maetreyii Ma’s books at


spiritual awakening, dharma, dharma and purpose, your purpose, life's purpose, spirituality, awakening, self awareness, love, self-awareness, spirit,


Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Everyone wants to find happiness, lasting happiness.
This is the desire of every living being.
The draw to happiness has multiple forms.
Happiness may mean security. Happiness may mean love. Happiness may mean success.

Happiness may mean good health. Happiness has many shapes and forms,
and the aversion to unhappiness and those things which cause pain,
suffering, and sadness or fear want to be avoided.

Those things which bring joy, smiles to your face, and physical,
mental, spiritual well-being, you are drawn towards.
But the problem is that this fundamental push and pull of human life is the
very cause of human suffering.

Sanskara comes from many places, from many situations and circumstances.
Anything that affects you, affects your mind, it leaves a mental indentation.
That is your sanskara, which then later at some point needs to be balanced and

so becomes a karmic burden which needs to be expressed.
And the conglomerate of all of this forms your personality,
your individual uniqueness is the conglomerate of all of your experiences through
lifetimes that have formed who you are as a unique individual here and now.

So when you fully eliminate karma and sanskara,
not only the expressory actions, but the actions within the mind,
you eliminate your individuality.
You become dissolved into the infinite.

That which has identified you as a unique individual dissipates.
There is a melding of your mind into the cosmic mind.
And when the body is gone, when any identity with any form of individuality
is done, there is total liberation,

moksha, the melding of consciousness into consciousness, The melding of the
unique sense of being into the infinite.
In this path towards moksha, there is the dissolution of your sense of individuality.

And that happens when the reactions within the mind, the mental tendencies get dissolved, get burnt.
And no longer exists. Not only do the external expressions of that get dissolved, but the.

Seed of the sanskara in the mind gets dissolved.
And for this to happen, there needs to be a dissolution of that identity of
awareness and consciousness with that particular expression.

So if you have a tendency to be greedy,
You may even overcompensate for that by attempting to be very, very generous.
But in your heart, you are being generous because you feel guilty that you are
actually greedy, that you desire things that you feel you should not desire.

So the mind can become complex.
What to do to dissolve this?
The grasping, I want to dissolve it. I want to fix it, so I will be okay.
I will no longer have this mental tendency. I will no longer have this samskara.

So I grab for happiness, which is defined as getting rid of this problem I have.
But in the push and pull of that comes the suffering of human life.
The way to eliminate eliminate sanskara is not by hard work to fix it.

It is not by trying to acquire something which will fix it, but it is by letting
go of your attachment to it.
If you feel that you are greedy and you are attached to that idea,
even if you compensate with very generous acts,

relax the feeling may remain inside
you that you are greedy and you
feel and the feeling of guilt because in your
judgment greed is not good you can
do many good acts and by doing good acts and generous acts hopefully your identity
with being a greedy person will slowly dissipate so you balance one with the other.

But it is really about identity.
As long as you identify yourself as a greedy person, you will be in action or
in reaction to that identity, and it will remain with you.
But if you begin to let go of your identity,

if you begin to truly let go of the idea,
the belief that you are a greedy person,
and you come into the surrender of that to the infinite, letting go of your
attachment to the idea of being a greedy person,

to the fear of being a greedy person, then your engagement with this sanskara begins to loosen.
Not by... It can loosen through doing the opposite.
This can be of value in.

Softening the identity. But the real solution to the identity,
to the greediness, is to disidentify.
And that comes only through creating a different identity.

If you surrender your identity to the infinite,
and you begin to think and feel and identify with the great,
then these lesser identities begin to fall away.

When you think, I am one with my Lord, and I surrender all that I am to the
feet of that divine one. And you really mean it.
You let go. You give it all to the infinite one. What happens?

Your identity with your individual sanskaras begins to dissipate.
You think only of your Lord and the qualities and characteristics of that one,
then your identity becomes immersed in that divine essence and you lose the

identity with your sanskaras.
They begin to soften, flow away.
Your actions begin to reflect.
Your identity with the Infinite One. This is not an overnight process.

For some, it is, but for most people, it is a gradual process.
You may not even notice the change at times, yet it is occurring.
So if you take divine love,
divine peace, and infinite compassion, If you observe the beauty of that Infinite One,

then you identify yourself with that expression.
And as your identity changes, so the sanskaras begin to soften.
Surrender is the practice.
Meditation is good to focus the mind. But then there must be surrender.

Otherwise, your aware consciousness continues to identify with smallness, with ego,
with individuality, and with all the limitations.
Patience, oh, I was never good at this, or I am so proud I have a PhD,

or I am a doctor, or I am a well-known person in the community and respected by everyone.
This is an identity, identity as is, I am inadequate, I am inferior,
I am angry person, I am a sad person who suffers depression,

I am a fearful person and I have anxiety, I am a greedy person, I am a two-faced person.
All of these identities are beliefs that you have held, that you have,
your consciousness has become invested,

your aware intelligence has become invested in these thoughts,
in these ideas, is, and you identify with them.
When you do true meditation, all of that is surrendered at the lotus feet of the infinite.

All of that that you have assumed you are, and many of the assumptions are very subtle.
You may feel, I'm a very successful person, But underneath that is a little
person who has tried really hard to be successful, who feels unsuccessful,

who feels inadequate, and has compensated.
Years of effort to be successful. So not only the identity of the success needs
to be surrendered, but also the small person inside who feels inadequate,

the child who had to strive.
Can you fix that broken child by success in this world?
You can perhaps forget about the broken child, but it remains within you as
something that your consciousness is identified with.

But when you are willing to be completely authentic in your deep practice,
wholly yourself, Bring all that you have defined yourself by and confined yourself
in to the lotus feet of the Infinite One and surrender it.

What does that mean to surrender it?
It isn't just, I surrender this.
I do my puja, I surrender. It's all on the outside unless you make it on the inside.
When you feel, in deep meditation, the deep peace,

the deep calm, the great love of Parama Purusha, of the Supreme,
as you begin to bring yourself closer to that,
willing to let go goal of your smallness and to be in close,
close contact with the Infinite One,

to meld yourself into that one.
Then, sanskara, at least for a little time, you are freed.
The more that experience happens, the more consistency there is.
There is an up and down to the meditative practice.

Yes, you have your period where you feel, oh, I am in such a high state for
months, even years, and then it can fall down.
This in and out is a natural process until the final stage of your sadhana.
And in the final stage the in and out begins to.

Itself. And then there is a melting of you into the infinite,
which does not fade in and out between the ego and the infinite.
The infinite is, and the ego self dissolves, is melted into the infinite.

There remains always, as long as there is a mind and a body,
a brain and a body and a nervous system,
there will be sanskara because you are functioning in this physical world.
And so there were times when the body can be injured, the brain injured,

or grow old and lose its memory.
There's a physiological function
that it can no longer manifest the full depth of your consciousness.
But after some time, that lack of parallelism will cause a disruption in life,

and the soul will move on to find a suitable vehicle that will allow for the
elimination of sanskara.
But at times, a diminished vehicle can be the very vehicle that is appropriate
for the elimination of some sanskara.

A movie that we watched about a saint who was mentally disabled, yet he became a saint.
He was able to immerse himself in the divine.
Because as a being, this one had very little sanskara left.

He did not need a full complement of mental function in order to remove the
remaining threads that bound him to a sense of individuality.
And so he incarnated in a form which had a mental simpleness so that the very,

very thin threads that held his consciousness to individual identity entity were burnt in that,
and the consciousness was able to ascend.
So it is not the limitations of the body-mind structure that inhibit the process.

It is the lack of passion and love for the infinite.
When you find your passion, when you find your heart desperate for God,
then surely that one will come to you.

That one will heal all that is.
And so the yogis say that it is by the grace of Guru,
it is by the grace of the Infinite One, that you realize the divinity that mukti and moksha come about.

Since God abides only when the heart and mind are not touched by the presence
and grace of the infinite, focus on that one.
Lay your very existence in the hands of that one. Do not be afraid to cross

the forbidden line and become one with your divine Lord.
To feel that one, to feel that you are not the small person,
but divinity embodied in the mind and body that you have.

Many religions do not approve of this because ones who find this freedom are
no longer bound by dogmas.
But it is in finding this, in surrendering completely,
that you become part of bringing the infinite love and grace of the divine to

this planet and to steering the future forward. All right?
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