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October 19, 2023 132 mins

On this episode of The Swally we are looking at series two of the Irvine Welsh written adaptation of Crime. Starring Dougray Scott, Joanna Vanderham and Ken Stott, series two picks up a few months after the events of series one. When one of Lennox’s former colleagues is attacked, Lennox and Drummond quickly realise that all is not as it seems as they become embroiled in a case about vengeance, identity and social justice.  

In the news we meet a pensioner who gave his neighbours a bit of an eyeful when out in his garden, hear about how England is trying to steal one of Scotland’s cultural icons, argue over 11 things Scottish people argue about and hear about a cheeky delivery driver, who fancied a nibble.

So join us for a Swally, on The Culture Swally!

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Episode Transcript

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go to Saudi for the day or on what day they go Wednesday and I got on the plane with
a clean bill of health. I got off the plane back here with a clean bill of health but I've
got a bit of a fucking cold now. Maybe I'll hear it in my voice and I know I know I did
think that. Yeah, when we were speaking before recording I did think you sounded a bit
bunged up but I didn't want to say anything in case it came across as a bit rude. No

no I mean I tend a whisky, honey and hot water about I just finished it just before I joined
you on the on the Zencast here and I've got a beer now but I know exactly who the culprit
was because I was sitting next to a guy and I'm not going to say where he's from because

he'll make me sound like a fucking horrible racist but I would say the same about anybody
but he was, I always take an aisle seat and he was sitting in the middle and he was one of these guys
who thinks because he's sitting in the middle he can sit with these fucking legs as far apart
as he likes and he can have an elbow on both armrest which I don't mind because I think
the middle seat is obviously the shitey seat so you should be able to, that is the rules

I always give up knife of left hand armrest or right hand armrest for the middle person
but he had his elbow sort of hanging over so his elbow was like in my, was in like sort
of my demise of the seat so basically he's fucking touchin me and of course every fucking
two minutes he's out and I'm just like you fucking claddy bastard and we're late taking

off as well so I'm having a sit next to him even longer than I had to so I'm sure that
he's the culprit I'm sure I've picked it up of him being with the air travel it's just
getting into like a fucking test tube of illness isn't it?
I should say of course I'm fine I'm fine I should of course say it like if we do have any
new listeners to the podcast for this episode so might get some new ones because of the subject

matter I do make a little joke introduction at the start of every episode Greg has not
been leaving messages on the woman's suit or the cap protection leak it's related to
what we're going to be talking about later I can say that Greg is a died in the wool
unreconstructed feminist and he also has cats so yeah anyway yeah I'm fine thank you Greg I'm

okay I'm okay I'm looking forward to talking about what we're going to be talking about
today because enjoyed it thoroughly but yeah no everything is fine with me cat complain
at all very good very good well since there's not a lot to catch up on because we recorded
as you mentioned before and you're five days ago we did yeah yeah because you're going
away again so yeah yeah we're we're banking this episode like three weeks ahead of release

basically why don't we see what's been going on in the news and cue the jingle
hello this is the out there heavily broadcasting cooperation and here is what's been going on
in the new okay Greg so what have you seen in Scotland in the last couple of weeks that has

caught your eye and you'd like to share with me and our lovely listeners well like for the first
sort of a couple of years that we did the pod we used to always see come across stories about
guys whanking and like they're back out there in the cars and stuff and just like guys being like
inappropriate either knowingly or unknowingly and we're but I don't think we've had one for quite

a while until today so this comes from the the Scottish Sun on the 28th of September which is yesterday
and it's the headlight reds Kilt in the act, a pensioner wore short short Kilt and no underwear
to do his gardening and stun neighbors could see everything and everything is in capital letters

so you know that they mean everything this is Wesley McKenzie 73 he was reported to cops by
shocked neighbors after a series of incidents at his home in Chunside in the Scottish borders one of
his neighbors told officers that she was shocked at what she saw well another said that she stopped
her children going into the garden when the OAP was outside uh Jedbra shed of court heredant

McKenzie is also banned from a number of establishments in the area because of his behavior um
drew long uh prosecute and said it appears people were at the end of their teller with him he
added when police spoke to neighbors they said it had been happening on a regular on a semi-regular
basis and they believe that's semi-regular yeah that's the semi-part is is unconfirmed on a semi-regular

basis and they believe that he was doing this to show off doing this to show off he's wrinkly old
boss the court hered police had given the retired mill worker advice about his behavior when a
complaint was made by a neighbor in May but 10 days later he offended again and another
resident reported them his defense lawyer Ed Hume Hume said his client who lives with his wife

and his failing eyesight claimed he thought the advice was only in relation to how he conducted
himself in public uh on buses and in cafes for example but he added he accepts there is a
degree of recklessness to his behavior and McKenzie who appeared in court wearing a guilt and
making only hope uh underwear uh admitted a charge of public indecency by repeated the exposing

his genitals at his home in Wammerview churns side between May 4th and June 1st he said uh
sheriff Kevin McCarran said that McKenzie had displayed a concerning behavior which persisted
over a period of time uh the court needs to know a little bit more about Mr McKenzie before it
decides what his punishment is going to be so i mean there is a picture of him outside the court

he has been a guilt he's also wearing sort of like ironhole type kind of bucketly shoes as well
if he's actually and like his full uh sort of guilt regalia you know he's got the it's got the
to be jacket he's got the waistcoat he's got what looks like a kind of like when you're one of those
grabbers um he's wearing a lot of rings and uh it looks a bit fucking pissed off but um do you think

maybe he's just i don't know he's just getting old and his judgment has got a bit wobbly or do you
think he just really wants to show off his balls he's 73 and i think he's just a proud Scotsman
and a true Scotsman evidently he's just he's wearing his guilt and just he's proud to be Scottish
he's just wearing his guilt and it's a short guilt though this is there's 73 yes i'd instantly

i've got flashbacks shangan line now that's what i'm sorry and miniskart oh shangan line i wonder what
you're up to nowadays um yeah he's just obviously just you know he's wearing his guilt and maybe
he's just he's 73 he's getting on a bit and i don't think there's any malice in this but i can
imagine if it is a short kilt and he's bending over to tend to his geraniums or something then

it's definitely going to be a water boys incident there and i think it's you know i can imagine
it's going to be disturbing if you're you're looking out there and see his crinkly bottom all over
the place it's it's not you know it's not the nicest but hey it's his own garden it's just you
know he can kind of do what he likes in there but if he is going to pubs and shops and

can't do some flashes you know yeah i think maybe i can imagine because it is a short kilt and he
is hanging out there he does need to put the mouse back in the house effectively i mean it's just
uh yeah when you're wearing a kilt though it's so easy i remember our friend the guy that used to
flash it little john's window, yeah yeah and whenever he had a kilt on he would get his knob out

and flash and it was just uh you know an actual thing i mean back in the day i'd be okay we can
admit now i was the guy at little john's window okay i'm looking at looking at it i remember going
out with our mutual friend and we would wear kilt's when we go to see a scotland game and i'm not
condoning this now we'll be never get away with it now it was but it was a different time back then
i might regret seeing this but it was a different time back then i'm talking like 1999 2000

and well we'd go out in our kilt's women would come up to us and they would just put their hand
under our kilt to see if we were a true scotmen or they would ask us for a flash which we would
therefore i'd like and flash them until i had to give us a wee actually give up with the idea of
let's try this out and the next pub we went into this woman said to us give us a flash moment you

first and she lifted up her top and showed us her tits and then we flashed her so then that's
what we used after that is currency um could i say that i could i just say i caught that out
can i say that it was 24 years ago i'm sure i'm keep seeing that on the podcast then the
interest then for as you used there was as currency so were you going up to bartender?
well barmaids and getting your balls out for like a paint of stela

well i do the number one bartender at the list that still did um give me a free beer because she
did put her hand up my kilt yes um if if it was the bartender that her mutual friend used to
go out with hope she washed her hands if wish put up your kilt it was um but it was a different time
back then and i'm not using that as a defense or anything but it but it was i would never do that

nowadays obviously um but but back in the day i don't know am i should i cut that out am i okay to say
that she thinks fine or i think it's okay you know they you never yeah i think what's crucial there
is you never offended anybody either accidentally or on purpose back in those days no it was all it
was all consenial and all you know fun and a joke can just yeah anyway but this guy it's not that he

is offending people and if he is offending people and people have told him that he is offending them
then he has to you know curtail his exploits of of this but it's it's a shame because i i do genuinely
think not knowing the guy but it does sound like he's just a proud scotsman he's wearing his kilt he
just likes wearing it and just likes the breeze and his butt cheeks when he's scarred and don't we all

don't we all want that Greg we want that just lovely airebries just wafting through our balls as we're
tending tending to our geraniums i don't know why i keep coming back to geranium soon i think i could
see that as we're as we're yeah watering our pansies that's all i want pulling your rhubarb
i mean the thing is i mean like i it's it's been a while since i've had the reason to get the

kilt in that one i think the last time i wore it was my sister's wedding when i was a nushur and that
was about four years ago but the crucial thing is like in Scotland for people who don't live in
Scotland summer tends to be the optimum time where people get married because the rest of the
i mean the weather can be unpredictable in the summer too but the chances are you you're going to

get a decent day to get married you get some nice pictures outside i i got married in March and it
fucking pissbering the entire day so there's i don't have any i don't have any wedding pictures of me and
my wife outside the venue but i do remember the year that we got married we because it was sort of
that or that kind of age where a lot of our friends were getting married too i think we went to four

or five weddings in the summer and it's great getting the kilt gear on but it's pretty heavy and
it's quite warm you know what i mean yeah you know you have to you know if you're like leaping
around doing like the eightsome real or something like that you know there's a good chance that you're
sure they see that your laces are going to come and done and you know famous famously kilt laces

are about 20 meters long so somebody in the other side the room can stand on them and send you
fucking flying but you're going to be roasting right you're going to be roasting and you're going to want
to go outside to kill down a wee bit so this fell as out doing the garden in a nice day at least
kilt on they must be fucking but bacon is they know what a bit it starts out they could do stuff to
tend in your garden in the hot weather and remember i i wore my kilt to sort of wedding i think it was a

wedding i went to in Dubai all right yeah and it would it would have been like may time so it's
it's not optimum heat but it's still fucking hot still pretty spicy and we were we'd been outside
for a while and then we went inside but you know what it's like because you're still sweating yeah
and you're kind of cooling down so your body's sweating a little bit more just to get rid of the

excess and and i remember standing speaking to people and it was a wooden floor and i looked down
at where i was stood and i had a puddle underneath because there was a drip coming off my balls
of sweat oh fake really yes oh my life ready it's ready it's ready that's how hot i want to explain

now well yeah you have what all you can do is sort of keep moving right yeah like a shark exactly
I said huh i'm miss myself no yeah i just kept moving just kept moving just keep moving like a
handsome tartan shark just an exactly what five told me to do yeah just keep on moving five are
played in the bag in a few weeks so there is not only three of them now though i don't know maybe

well with the one of those guys get i think the one of those guys got the fingers cut off by a
helicopter was that one of the five guys i was all no it was a one never a one they did take on me
did they cover a take on me and i think what i remember reading the paper that they were
touring and they go out of a helicopter and one of them picks hand up to weave to like fans and the
rotors took a couple of these fingers off jesus i didn't hear about that fucking hell shut

much i'm not shut enough at that because that is literally no that my worst nightmare getting like
sliced up by a propeller so i don't know my marathon but yeah no okay let's move on yeah
anyway so that's that's sold gardening a commando pensioner what's um which is our first story
my first story is from the scottish son this week reg and i'm about to make you angry i hope you

don't mind a billboard has sparked outrage on social media as it appeared to claim that an iconic
scott's comic character was created in london a snap was shared on x formerly known as twitter
you notice that every news article at the moment is saying on x formerly known as twitter is like
oh god sake um of a UK government poster at a train station which appears to claim that Dennis the

Menace was created in london the billboard shows the well-loved character parched on the shoulder of
an executive from bino studios which is based in london and produces the denis in nashir tele series
it appears to be part of the made in the uk sold to the world campaign run by the uk government
since 2021 however dennis was first created in dundee in 1951 by cartoonist david lawford dc

tomson the poster reads in bold writing created in london unleashed in more than a hundred countries
a quote from bino studios executive rob glenny is also on the board and reads denis in nashir
have been making mischief together since 1951 these dates the cgi animated pranktastic pals are
watched by millions of kids and a few grownups in more than 100 countries find out how exporting

could grow your business after this picture emerged online a number of scott's have been left
furious over this new billboard which is popped up one person says denis the menace created in london
i write you are another row when did london become a suburb of dundee how did i miss that announcement
a third commented there are literally no words whilst a force said yes the tv version which they

seem to be touting was created in london the animators live next door to me but yes i see your point
uh a government spokesman says the denis and nashir animated series was created in london based on the
brilliant bino cartoon that originated in dundee in this way it is the perfect representation of
made in the uk sold to the world which seeks to highlight success stories from across the great union

of nations we work closely with businesses like the bino to tell their startup story demonstrating
the support the uk government provides to help companies grow an expert around the world great
spin from that government spokesperson there wonderful spin for a fucking cock up i can see the point
okay so the the tv show is created in london however they are claiming denis the menace was created

effectively in london not dundee as i'm appalled at this Greg absolutely appalled and rightly so
yeah i mean fucking hell they fucking do this all the time then all the time
do you know we get more downloads in england than we do in scott
so be careful what you say because there's more people you know when when when andi

muri's when and you know that's what they always say i mean i'm only joking like it honestly
you know i honestly i could give a fuck right but it's it's the old joke about anti-murray
when he wins he's british when he loses his scottish of course i don't know if we you know
i mean if that's necessarily true i don't know i think sometimes we don't help ourselves in
scottlands you know because we get a bit sort of indignant about certain things rather than

just sort of focusing on what we should be rightly proud of you know like what we have come
you know like penicillin for example be a lot be a lot less people in england without penicillin
right and you know the tv and oh like whiskey fucking countless things and of course the
bino wins the and the now the now defunct dandy which i still can't quite believe that um i could

sort of understand why dc tomson i guess they obviously had to choose between um which one
we're gonna keep going in which one they're gonna stop so i do sort of i always prefer the bino
to the dandy when i was going up but i did still like the dandy but i've only had enough money
for one not by the bino um did you i mean i was the same i i used to read the bino every week

and always got the anules yeah the dandy i would only get the anule from like a book sale or like a
charity show or you know what i mean like it was always as a school what i'd as a gift sometimes
you know i used to get it for christmas almost years in the like i i didn't read the dandy week to
week but i would i would divide with a dandy annual yeah and would you know same as bizer and

topper and stuff i mean i would divide those but i never actively would purchase dandy it was always
the bino i mean like yeah for christmas i mean i'm sure it's the same for you in probably most
most boys of our generation but the gifts that you pretty much always knew somebody was going to buy
you were the bino and the dandy annual pretty much right i mean i i i kind of think of a christmas but i

didn't get the bino and the dandy and they urwally or the broodens whichever one was there yeah
urwally or the broodens in scotland of course yeah they wish whichever one because i think they used to
alter in it they'd be urwally one year and the broodens are next year i think i think they released
yes they did and and there was always like a you know when we were young there was always like a

fucking tsunami of annules would come out every year or whatever was popular yeah so you know i
remember getting you know transformers annual ghost buster sannual the night raider annules
yes night-writer annule a team annual yet all those things you know and then they just kept pumping
them out like gladiator sannual and stuff and anything that was popular in fact i found a photo

i doubted um say that i found a photo recently of me must be 16 years old with and it must have
been in christmas day with them like spice girls annual well you know pornography wasn't that easy
to get hold of back then was it it wasn't it definitely wasn't no yeah but yeah you know they're

claiming Dennis the menace come on no he's these are scotish you know they get our mutual
friends old the son uh he is a big fan of the bino and i like i've been when my father passed away
last year like he had a lot of uh because my dad always like the bino even put it fucking maybe

in the 60s they still like the bino i was sometimes gay like like a bino books for christmas
all from even as a as like 30 plus you know 40 plus old man probably but i gave a i gave like all the
bino stuff from my dad's house to her friend son and one of the books was quite it was like a sort of

anniversary book and it was a big fucking heavy hardback book and obviously a mutual friend is
uh unfortunately separated from mum and she was taking the both brother on a little holiday
and just down south and we're flying and i'm insisting taking this book and he's hand muck each
so he didn't have playing he must have been fucking three kilos uh it was a it was like a volume

this bino book let it give them um but when i was back in the summer and i was clear on my own
off i had to get a ton of uh bino and andy um anniversary books that i had to be their bought myself or
being given his gifts over the years that i gave that and it sort it makes me feel quite good that
you know because i sort of imagined modern kids not really been very interested in the bino uh

or the dandy so i quite like the fact that
likes it and enjoys it you know although the thing is when you look when you read back
slightly old Dennis the menace is i mean he's a fucking nasty fucking bully really by by modern
conventions is an absolute yeah arsehole uh yeah i mean Dennis is an absolute arse

absolutely the stuff he gets he does isn't it yeah it's amazing that you got away with it back then
so it's like many of them in the world he never got away with it because he's is dad used to beat him
when he got caught remember they had that slipper that was made like from elephant hide that they
called the demon wacker it was called the demon wacker and they get bored that's it is that
andy's granny used to fucking leather him with it if they caught him obviously they can't do that now

so i wonder but i guess he doesn't get up to as bad antics as he used to
yeah but they can't punish him in that way so i wonder what they do take away his ipad
is he exactly yeah like it doesn't really have the same force as kitsian did the last panel being
Dennis bent over his dad's knee the demon wacker can i wait a come down on his arse cheeks yeah
yeah god really do you know yeah so we have not read times i'm not read Dennis menace obviously for

they come down to have the look of a ready come modern Dennis the menace story but
they my local supermarket here in Dubai often has the bino so maybe just out of sort of
a swallow with search and they pick one up next to me i mean like five five quid for a copy of the
bino goodbye you're really you've already got smacked did he his his punishment was always he just

was left to go without his menace and taz sometimes yeah sometimes he did he was sometimes they
that last frame when he would be sitting in his bucket he was sometimes say or can't sit down
meters because of my dad's just like oh yeah hands my ears yeah but they only done
going to use like robinies arse you know the last frame anyway so that is the story about how

the UK well england are trying to steal Dennis the menace leave my loan he is ours anyway okay Greg
well so if you've seen in the news this week well this leads on ex a sort of tenuesly your story
they are going to sound to my next one so this article is not a new story is such i guess it's just
like a little topical article and the daily record from a few days ago so it's eleven things that

scots are guaranteed to argue over oh are we gonna have a following out is this gonna be a short
episode maybe so so the article reads that scots do love an argument especially over topics that
they can that the outsiders may consider to be strange the names of different foods, clothes,
footwear and what should go in chips are all hot debate topics across the nation and can often

spark a ramy among friends a brief chat on any of these and many other subjects will quickly prove
that there are many hills that scots are willing to die on this got us thinking about which questions
are likely to get a room for the scots heated so we've got us some of our favourites so number one
so let me know what let me give me like a northeaster scot in perspective on these what do you call

the first and the last slices on a loaf of bread a heel a heel yeah but a heel yeah some people call
the butt some people call it the outsider like i was going up it was the outsiders you know
well they you know just if you haven't tossed just have the outsiders what were you know
rough match you and roblo and Patrick's ways yeah or that's Stephen King book about the child

murderer and yeah no I know I have heard the heel but in when we're in in glass school I think we
tend to call them like the outsiders okay okay next one is so there's a picture of a square
sausage in a row the article reads in germany there's a sausage in every corner well in Scotland

there's a corner on every sausage and then it says said somebody somewhere once which is suspect
as probably but the arguments around the name of the scot's favorite got so heated and it even
led to one man starting his own social media campaign creating a facebook page called Scotland
where it's slice not sausage worn rounder square it's slice we're happy for you to call it if you want

no so and the thing is I can't be the issue about this one because square sausage isn't quite as
prevalent in the northeaster scotland as it is on the central belt it's specifically
no it's because it's shite because your heartburn it gets you heartburn um guess me heartburn yeah
I never got heartburn at a link sausage or as I refer to it a sausage but I mean I was square

sausage because we are burn I mean I don't know why I don't know where the name worn comes from
like it's sometimes called a lawnscot a born sausage and which maybe that's the name of the guy
that invented it I you know we always called a square sausage when I was growing up my next
own neighbor their eldest son was called lord and I was wonder where that name came from never
heard that before Lauren but Lauren Michaels I suppose yes the only other Lauren I can think of

but yeah his name is Lauren I always find that strange um yeah what's the question
well it was yeah it's not there's no question really for you in that one because uh because
you still like square sausage and other nature um all right so I'm not a pervert we always called
it it was really just a conversation about making a clock out in a dance on dance floors just for
what was that you were talking um right so the next one then there's a picture it's a number three

there's a picture of a guy who looks like a bit of a young looks like a looks like a bit of a young
Jimmy Tarbott oh no it's it's jockey Wilson so there's a picture of jockey Wilson yeah it's like he
knows familiar uh there's a picture of jockey Wilson yeah with a rolling chips um well what I recall
the rolling chips so it says here like a favorite treat of many scots uh chippy chips lovingly

squashed between a fresh roll and smothered and salt and vinegar or salt and sauce what would you call it
what would you call it like a chip buddy chip buddy yet popular uh where we our terminology was
always a rolling chips we'll have this conversation before they do a rolling bacon yeah chips to
a roll sausage but when I was back in Glasgow uh in the summer like my cousin and I were out in

a saturday afternoon having a few beers and uh before we went for the train we stopped at the blue
the good chippy and just off jaw on Queen Street and I had a roll with chips and salt and vinegar it's probably
the first day I'm for the car roll and chippy chips and donkey's years and it was absolutely
brilliant it just I could have eaten like two could eat like two more it was so nice okay next one then

so do you remember the old um black uh sort uh sort of shoes you would wear for pee back like in
the early eighties or mid eighties yeah plinsoles plinsoles right so some people call them
gutties so do you heard of gutties anybody at school call them I have heard that term yeah nobody at my
school called them that but I have heard that term yeah we called them uh sannies they cut very short

for sann shoes um but okay but yeah plinsoles I I mean I didn't like saying the word sannies when I
was a kid and thought I'd ask me why I've been much prepared to call them plinsoles um but yeah most
people did most people growing up called them sannies uh for me and then we just say sannot sorry
go on what did the coldest what did the colder sandwiches uh pieces okay yeah is that a later question

maybe um but sure um number five then would you say that the sun is split in the trees split in
the sky or split in the pavement I'd say neither I'd never heard that you never say that the sun
was split in the sky it was such a nice day no no no no no I would never say that um or

the sun's split in the trees the sun's splitting no never I'll never say that let's fuck that one then
well number six if you ever used any of those terms have you used them yeah I would say the sun's
split in the sky no I don't think so I mean I wouldn't use it very often um oh well it's the
it's the sort of thing sort of thing but saying Scotland because the sun coming out is such a
irregular occurrence right number six then so this is the old east coast west coast debate is it

salt and vinegar on your chips or salt and sauce salt and vinegar you don't get salt and sauce
and Aberdeen definitely not right sauce and the only thing you get salt and sauce is Edinburgh in
maybe five yeah are the Vodians yeah but everywhere else in the every everywhere else in the UK is
fucking salt and vinegar you know it's brown sauce on our chips brown sauce is sweet you know
put sweet sauce on your chips and this is the initially cat as well as I don't like ketchup um but

then I know I'm in the minority there but I would only ever have salt and vinegar on my chips
will have you lots of chips on the chip you know um eight number seven what would you call uh what is
usually referred to as a piggyback a coley bag a coley bag that's not on here yeah there's
cokey back oh that's one that's one that's cokey coley that's four coley bag there's a coley bag there's

like 14 different words apparently for this but I'm not gonna click one um I'll just go to take the
ones that are here so there's co there's cokey back and uh co-cary are um or pop it in glass go I
remember co-cary being quite popular apparently in Bundy you just say cuddy back um and people in five say
cally code never heard like but they are fucking salt and sauce on their chips so well probably right

get a cally code off down to get salt and sauce on their chips yeah so the next one then uh number eight
you're dressing gown I don't know do you do you use a dressing gown around the house um I have one but
I very very rarely use it but it's a house coat house coat it's not a dressing gown what about
yeah it's a house coat what about bathrobe no you don't call it that no goony my mom called like

sloth chonk or sloss or my mom data my mom calls her pajamas or goony or a lady yeah um what would
you call it do you have one what would you call it I don't have one but if I had one I'd probably
call it my house coat or my dressing I might call it my dressing gown actually in my dressing gown
I think I'll call it my dressing my my my wife's got one she calls it a dressing gown so I'd
probably just find myself didn't say yeah no it's a house coat I would say I would use I'd always

use house coat yeah we'd call you slippers I don't have slippers but I would call them slippers
you wouldn't call them baffees no I'm not uh 18 I'm not par brun okay um I don't call my shoes my
galoshes um so I don't I don't call them my baffees if you were to say for number nine if you were
to say uh if you were going grab if you if you if you said to yourself if you thought I was going to

go up and get myself a can of like kook out of the fridge and I say to oh where you going
I just see I'm gonna get a can of what just see a can of kook would you would just see you wouldn't
say I'm gonna get a can of juice uh yeah we'd refer to it as juice but we'd say yeah I wouldn't say
soda um yeah but yeah we call it like fizzy juice yeah it's juice yeah it's juice right as I call

yeah I call all fizzy drinks juice and when my wife and I got together it led to some very confusing
moments in our relationship because in england to call that they would call it like pop um in
england or sort of something like that pop I would never call fizzy drinks pop I would always
call them juice pop yeah pop do you know what kind of pop they some fucking 1930s American film or

sort of like that's what the whole but like when I lived in england I remember I remember like my
peers referring to carbonated beverages as pop um aided waters um I always I've always called it juice
although I always refer time brew as ginger when I was grown up okay because that's that's
what I was conditioned to refer to as um and then last one number 10 I don't know I don't know

what the actual name for this is I always called it an eerie wig you know like the little bugs with
a sort of jagged tail an eerie wig but apparently some people call it a forky tail yeah yeah a forky
tail I would call it yeah so I thought it was called an eerie wig so they they they they they record a
fucked it here because that's how it goes to post the 11 things that get scott's arguing but it's only 10

well we've argued about the 10 things so that's gonna be the 11th yeah maybe it's supposed to be
yeah maybe yeah it's shut anyway that's uh you know if you want to write in and uh let us know what you
would refer to any of those things if if it's interesting enough it will be that out if it's not
then you probably won't they do feel free to write in anyway which our next story of this week

okay Greg my next story is from this Scottish son uh and it's from this week in fact from today as
we're recording this and it's the headline is bite size a disgusted fast food customer
claims she was forced to throw away her burger king meal after her food arrived with a huge bite
chomped out of it Joanne McLaughlin 31 ordered lunch for herself her fiance and her mum via just

eat on Thursday but was horrified when she discovered what the delivery bag contained the NHS
worker said she was ready to tuck in when she noticed a huge chunk was missing from her chicken royale
she immediately complained to the fast food giant but staff at the Kingsgate retail branch part in
East Coast bright denied they had tampered with her meal Joanne believes the delivery driver was the

culprit and launched a complaint with just eat Joanne says my mum bought the bag through after
collecting it and I started dished it out I gave my mum a hand meal I gave my fiance his meal
and I initially thought they'd forgotten my chips so I didn't think much of it but then
when I went to unwrap my chicken royale there was a bite out of it I said didn't have the
fancy very funny thinking it was a joke I don't think he believed me until I showed him I was absolutely

horrified I feel sick thinking about it even now a phone the branch afterwards and they said it
hadn't happened in the store because they could see my order leaving on camera the delivery driver had
the cheek to turn around and say enjoy when he collected the bag the family's order totaling 3744
consisted of a hopper meal a bacon double XL meal a chicken royale meal and a side of onion rings

Joanne added burger king said it should have been double bagged and I only had one thin paper bag
which they said wasn't right it wasn't until I looked at the bag that I realised the sticker
that sealed the bag had gone the QR code which gives you a free burger hood also been wrapped off
it's disgusting who else is this person doing it too I've actually deleted just the app off my phone

never again a just eat spokesperson says adjusted we want all our customers to have a positive
experience when ordering their food online we're sorry to hear that in this case this customer's
experience fell below the high standards we hope to deliver we can confirm we have already processed
a full refund and a bit in touch with the customer so that's just the driver I you know it's
funny Greg I was I was listening back I never listened back to an opokas once I finished editing it

it's dead to me but for some reason today I I thought you know what I better get a nippy on
I better start doing putting together the best of the news for january but I was like you know I'm
going to get a head start so I did I listen back and I did it's funny we did a wanking story
earlier because I was listening to the one about the just eat driver that was caught wanking

the bushes and now this just eat driver has been munching on Joanne's chicken royale before he's
delivered it to her and with our mum and fiancee in the house as well Greg if you ever had any food
delivered that's an abit out of it no no because the thing is here the the guys that deliver the food
here they're not just sort of casual guys like the army UK that are just doing that to earn a bit

of extra money whatever they're like employed and and so they are right to live in the country
depends on the fact they've got a job so generally no it's meant to be kind of a lighthearted kind of
yeah yeah sorry I don't I don't mean I don't I don't I don't mean to dwell on the modern slavery that
exists here in the in the middle east but the thing is though but in fairness the companies the

the vendors usually it's usually very well sort of wrapped and sealed and the drivers are supposed to
open they are sort of insulated bags at the door so and you take your order out now of course they
could have still fucked about with that but you should try to think about it and why things happened in
this case because just from the sort of feeling I get from Joanna is that the fiance for a laugh

hasn't been taken abit out of it she hasn't she hasn't gone very well very funny she's gone
fucking postal and he's and he's had to he's had to say oh look it wasn't me you know what they
are you know I mean and then she said well must have been the driver and it's gone too far for him
but before he knows what's happened she's on the phone to Burger King at the Kingsgate she's

giving them fucking hell and he's like well I can't I can't like tell her that it was me now because
she's just fucking kicked up high though she's not gonna be my fiance for much longer if she finds out
that I in fact so now he's probably sitting there feeling a bit about squirmy because she's not only
has she been on to Burger King and just eat evidently she's also been on fucking use papers about it as well

Greg you're being very quick there at Judge Duane that there's a forward Jan of Duane in this article
and I can say you probably hit the nail right on the head there actually she does the type that
we'd fly off the fucking handle yeah we can man he said that she worked for the NHS right so she's
probably just finished a fucking 32 straight hour shift she probably gets yeah she probably gets a

fucking pest taken out of her with her wages so she's probably always ready to pull the trigger
at any moment quite understandably you know it doesn't say if her mum and fiance ate theirs but
that's a good point let's say the the situation was you ordered this food and it arrived for you your
wife and your your kids and you're about to tuck in your meal and like your wife opens her meal

and there's a bite out of it would you eat your food it's untouched there's no signs of any tampering
no would you eat yours no definitely not yeah I wouldn't have the whole lot would have to go in the
bin for me I'd be like nah I'm not touching that no fucking way yeah I mean you know I know that
some people like Burger King personally speaking I would never eat anything from there not because I

think it was anything wrong no I don't think it was anything wrong with the food it's just I still like
it but it just reminds me of the of the parts and recreation with Ron and he's trying the vegan when
he's often the guy's offered him a sample the vegan bacon he's taking it and putting it straight
in the bin he said thank you can never know what it's kind of what it's kind of what I would be

like if somebody offered me a whopper yeah Burger King if you'd like to sponsor us and get
touched culture we are available for sponsor it's just eat as well if you'd like to get
in touch culture we have reported about your whanking delivery drivers and about your
delivery drivers to eat the food of the there you know not not not not to get ahead of ourselves

on this episode but you know the show that we watched for the podcast the day I watched it on the
sdv i-player which meant that I had to put up with the adverts you know between you and McDonald's
on every single break McDonald's had three different adverts they had one for their
McDelivery which is the most annoying adver you know the fucking really ever to end in another one

for their monopoly they've got the monopoly game going on at the minute in McDonald's and scratch cards
and then they got one where this fucking is so annoying or I mean it's just and it's not even I don't
know who's fucking I don't know who McDonald's is signing this shit off right but it's like I know
it's like an ancient fucking adver before adverts got more sophisticated in the 1980s basically it's

an office they've had them McDonald's delivered there's a guy he's wearing like a sort of like
Michael Douglas in Wall Street ensemble with a shirt braces you know blah blah blah and he's
like saying all these 80s things like talk to the hand and chillax and they offer him has
Mc Muffin and he's like McDonald's talk to the hand and then women says yes but McDonald's source

all their ingredients ethically blah blah blah I check in pegs all fucking free range or all
um then you know it's just fucking he's like all right I got off the phone now I'll fact you that
over are we still on for squash I'm like who the fuck I mean you're you're like a marketing guy
there wasn't I mean who the fuck what really they've obviously they I'm sure I'm sure
McDonald's apply the science to their advertising messages and how they sell them I mean who the

what focus groups and kind of customer uh I don't know what you say sort of customer examination
have they done that suggests that that adver is going to do anything other than annoy people the
subliminal message I'm getting from that advert and I haven't even seen it but the way you've described
it is that these employees hate their boss so much they're giving him a Mc Muffin if he
is born into clog his arteries in the hope that he has a massive heart attack or a stroke yeah maybe

maybe yeah yeah you can be right maybe that maybe that's exactly what McDonald's was going for in fact
I'm sure it is oh anyway um have you seen anything else this week Greg that you'd like to share
no that's a lot okay wonderful right well before we go on to what we're going to be talking about
today let's have a little word from our sponsors and our sponsor on this episode is Doric skateboards

Doric skateboards is a skateboard brand created by Gary Kemp whose main focus is to explore the people
and culture of Aberdeen and the north east of Scotland and to create designs that reflect that
area Doric skateboards screen print their own decks in their studio by Gary's fair hand
and they produce some amazing designs over the years including an Annie Lennox inspired board

a Robert the Bruce Deck and a plenty of pop Deck inspired by the old bon accord trucks that used to
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so why do you tell us what we're going to be talking about on today's episode? Well normally we
you know the most of the stuff that we we talk about in the swally at the very least is a few years old
if not the kind of legitimately vintage but I've gone for something right up to date
only just released on STV in the last couple of weeks and we recorded the first series of this

last year and as I say the second series is available now you will want to listen to watch it
rather before you listen to the rest of the podcast but it's the second series starring Dougray
Scott, Laura Fraser, Ken Sottt and it's Irvine Welsh's crime. Yeah I mean this just came out well
as we're recording this came out last week and as I think we are recording a little bit in advance

Greg but when this episode goes out it will only have been out I think for 29 days so there is
a massive kind of caveat on if you have not seen this do not listen any further go and watch it
because we will be spoiling it we never really mentioned in terms of we are going to be spoiling
things because most of the stuff we do exactly as you say is like 10 20 years old but we will massively

be spoiling this and I think we will be spoiling some parts of the book that it's based on the long
nights as well so you have been warned so you have been warned if you we are going to be spoiling the
shit out of this. So yeah season two of crime and I knew it was coming I didn't know it was actually
out and it kind of hasn't had a huge amount of fanfare in terms of being announced that it's out I

genuinely wouldn't have known it was out unless because I follow Joanna Vanderham on Instagram because
she's lovely because I kind of love her. So that's the only reason I really knew it was out and I'm so
glad you know I text you straight away I was like crime series two and I watched the first episode
that night we recorded Taggart next day and you picked this and yeah I devoured the series in like three

days and I've watched it twice through because I wanted to watch it properly and I wanted to make
notes again. So obviously it's based on the follow-up to crime the book The Long Knives which came out
last year I know we both read it pretty much instantly and this does stick quite closely to the plot
of the book The Long Knives but there are quite a few differences. Yeah I think namely for example in

the book Lennox massively goes back on the chain in the pve to try and kind of so but I think they made
the decision to leave that out because they one they maybe thought it might be a bit too samey
as the first season and they didn't want to get this reputation of this being about just a junky cop
and you know something I think it really works that that Lennox stays clean in sober yeah really

really works in this series. Yeah I would hunched by set agree with that I mean in the book when
we catch up with Lennox again he's still with Trudy isn't it his ex? Yeah so he's still with him
and they're relationship the kind of crumbles which kind of leads to the him fall off the wagon.
And the other major difference between this and the book is that the book really sort of explores

the kind of transgender element of the story and it wasn't a lot of detail you know they get
Warren formerly Gerry and Lennox is his own partner who's now Gerry sorry who never identifies as a woman.
Gerry McVity the biscuit. You know they she has a much bigger role to play in the book than

and the character does in the TV show and the culprit and the murderer there's a whole back story
about what happened to him in a ran you know with him losing his family in a bombing and you know his
treatment at the hands of the the police in the run everything else. Whereas you know they think

you know they hope we'll go on to it later but how they sort of explain the reasons for Victor
committing the murders it's I think if there's a weaker part of the story compared compared to the book
it's maybe that but I found a quite interesting that the whole transgender and Fraser um because like
the first episode we have Fraser coming to the table and address and there's you know it's a bit of

outrage and etc etc with Lennox family having their dinner but then the rest of Fraser's story is
sort of anti establishment etc whereas in the book in the book Fraser's going through a kind of
emotional transition you know what I mean and so I would have thought with the kind of with the
kind of current sort of transgender debate and it's you know it's a big story and a big it's

never out in use and it's debated on social media all the live long day especially if you're
on Twitter or I should say X I'm surprised that they don't want to address it more in the story and
bring more elements of the storyline from the book into this in the show you know I feel about say
yeah I can see your it did but I thought they handled it pretty well in terms of the way they did I

thought Lauren was a Rebecca Root who was Casselor and she is a transgender actress and she was
you know consulted quite a lot in terms of the the way um things were filmed I actually thought the
they handled it quite well yes there could have been more of it because it is a big part of the book
you're right and there could have been a lot more of it but I I wonder if they just they just did

enough to kind of get the point across because I didn't feel it was just like kind of tacked on like
yeah we have to include this just just just for the sake of it and I thought I James thought Lauren
was fantastic I would have liked to have seen more of her um because she was a great character and I
think she has some of the there's one scene in particular is one of my favorite scenes in the whole

success episodes and it's the the scene with her and Bob Tole and we'll come back to you later
I think I want to kind of talk about that is when we talk about Bob Tole in terms of his character um
I thought it was handled quite sensibly but you're right about Fraser it is very much a kind of just
it's a big things made of it in the first episode and then it just kind of goes away and it's

never really mentioned again he's just wearing a dress and stuff yeah I think the only other time we
see him wearing a dress is after he's moved in with Fraser with Lennox and he um he finds one of
Trudy's old dresses and when he's DJing when Lennox comes in he's wearing it but the rest of the time
it's just a sort of standard young man sort of jeans and a t-shirt you know with a band and a t-shirt

whatever just a quick point about Fraser because when I was watching I was like oh fuck yeah
you really yeah has nailed degree scots looking voice yeah and then I realised who it fucking is yeah
I was like oh it's degree scots son and that'll be why yeah brilliant uh he's so much like him
but scary I said watch the the whole of the first series just the later episodes I was like he's

really got the same accent it's degree it's really impressive I'm like ah that'll be why um
but he's um he's he's he's it's a bit of a style on the rise because he's just uh he'd just send them
the HBO version of the Philip Pullman books uh his dark materials they're part in that so I think
he's definitely okay it's but I he's definitely want to watch uh for the future yeah so I

I really enjoyed series two I mean I loved series one and I didn't rewatch series one but what I did
was I listened to the culture s'wally review a series one earlier today to kind of get a review and
I'd forgotten so much that happens in series one uh listening to our review of it and it was great
to go back and I was like wow but I mean I remember we we adored series one of this and I I really

enjoyed series two as well like I think it's just uh it's so wonderful to see a show like this on TV
and I know it's on a streaming service and I don't think this would exist you would never see
something like this on at 9 p.m. on a Sunday night on ITV yeah but it's still ITV that have
produced it and I think Irvine Welsh himself has said that he can't believe ITV have let him get away

and doing this show doing it the way he wanted to and he's they they've basically changed
hardly anything from the scripts that we've we've handed in yeah and and it shows and it's it's so
it's so dripping in Irvine Welsh and it's just such a great show and and we're so spoiled like
this the last couple of years that we've had like crime and guilt to have two of these amazing

yeah Scottish shows and I just love that it's just it's just kind of totally Irvine unleashed in terms
of it doesn't hold back it doesn't hold back on the accents okay you have you have the likes of
of drumming and um and Sally that have you know certainly posher Edinburgh accents but
degree scots just given it all all proper leek accent you know yeah yeah or ox gangs so our

from isn't it yeah all ox gangs yeah um no it it's great I mean if I'm if I'm being like I mean I did
enjoy this but I enjoyed the first series a lot more and it might be because you know the the
first series isn't really based on the book as such because the the main narrative of the book crime

is Lennox and truly going on holiday to Florida because he's having a bit of a breakdown he's got
to take a leave of absence and he gets involved then I won't say too much so look run it but they
come at us kind of child trafficking and nastiness and Florida but it alludes to what caused the
breakdown which early events uh depicted in the first series of crime I I enjoyed it I did enjoy

these two but I knew what was going to happen I can you who I knew who the villains were because I
read the book you know which yeah you know that's just you know that's what always happens if you read
the book or something before it's turned into a film or tv show what were we gonna do right but
when is with the first series there was a lot more unexpected things happened for me personally
because I had I've not read the book of crime for fucking maybe 15 years longer maybe and the story is

a lot more developed than as it's told in the story of crime you know in the book of crime rather
so it was a lot I found it a lot more exciting just because I knew what was going to happen in this one
I knew who was going to get killed I knew they know these brain macardes deep dark secrets and
uh Sally's secret and everything else but I enjoyed it you know they and I think the reason I
enjoyed so much is because it's the the story is very very well told you know I think Dean Kavanaugh

uh who call rates that were through Irvine Welsh I think I kind of get the feeling he might
sort of keep up from Welsh and check a bit because of him Welsh you know and he's
well in his books and I'm not necessarily talking about the sort of excessive stuffy the picks but
it can be it can sort of dwell into surrealism a little bit in some of these narratives of things

you know where is um you know I think Dean Kavanaugh is a tv writer and is probably knows what works
but doesn't work you know we can maybe don't have to do that let's focus on that that's going to
put the audience off that's not etc and it's it's fantastically told and I think if you haven't
read the book before you watch it you'll it's an absolute roller coaster you know it's fantastic

and the performances from the cast are really what drives it you know I would agree with you on that
I was the same because obviously read the book and it was only last year and similarly with crime
the it's effectively the first like chapter or two chapters of crime are kind of it's almost the
aftermath of the confection that's right and and Lennox is having his breakdown so effectively

series one of crime the tv show is a prequel to crime the novel yes and then crime the novel takes
place and I think that's what because at the end of series one of crime him and Trudy go away they
go to Florida yeah don't need to do yeah yeah so effectively the book of crime is what takes place
in between series one and series two of crime and series two of crime is very much based on

the long night yeah and I think I was the same as you I kind of knew what was happening like I knew
what was going to happen with Sally I knew about Norire I knew you know about Victor Maslow there was
something later on which will come to in the last episode that I was expecting to happen but didn't
happen right I mean I'll just say now in the book freezer does get his hand chopped off doesn't he

well I'll count it member pull it yeah I think he does because it should he does yeah because it's bad
positive he does because the it I think in the book the kind of finale is in the tunnel where
Ray was great as a little boy wasn't it yeah yeah I've had a member right and I think he might get his
hand cut off yeah yeah I'm positive he does because I was waiting for it when he's teasing with the

cleaver and I'm like right no no no yeah anyway but yeah he doesn't because I guess maybe it wouldn't
have worked so well for tv so I agree it's the same as anything that you've read the book it's kind of
not as good or not as great but I still really enjoy this I do think it was maybe toned down slightly
in terms of language and stuff because listening to our um even from series one listening back to

what we were discussing in series one a lot of it you know you for example the seat of do
doogie gildman uh that's got rid of the tattie war and stuff like there's none of that in series two
two and there's I think it is slightly watered down a little bit but still strong enough to still be

one of the best things I've seen in terms of you know this year it's it's still wonderful oh yeah
and and as you say most of that is driven by the cast and because I mean degree Scott won an
international Emmy award for the first series for his performance in that and it's so justified
and I think he's just as good in series two but of course he's having to act straight because in series

one he was acting drunk and high on ching for a lot of it and he did that so well but in this he's
he's totally sobering straight but still delivers an absolute powerhouse of uh performance
yeah I mean especially the scenes when he's having his therapy with Sally you know are he's
going to break in down in the scenes when he is in the group therapies in a sort of group therapy

sessions and things yeah the brilliant but I mean my favorite the little thing he does uh in the
whole that whole series is when he breaks into ten castle to scatter he stands in his dad's ashes
in the touch line and he has this really emotional moment when he's talking to his dad's ashes then
the groundskeeper appears and he's just like starts laughing and he's kind of walking backwards and he's

doing the wanker scene and all that but they they do that so well because that's what I've got
my notes like you'll have a really serious emotional scene and then a massive laugh to break the
tension yeah so you have that the time castle scene is the perfect example and that's the first one
I've got noted down in terms of he's breaking his heart at his dad's ashes delivering the

people speech and then with it he's just y'ek giving the wanker fuck you and then the next one is
something in the next episode when he's been down the well and he finds these dead girls and he's
an absolute wreck and you've just had this rollercoaster of emotion yeah and he gets in his car
and then toll phones him and says the come leaving stark supplied he's a manipulative racist misogynistic

misanthropic alcohol with a short fuse and Lennox goes so a strong candidate
boss get there
burn me jack in a head what i must be crazy because i don't even know what the fuck you've been but i
i want you to apply for my job seriously like i mean i did i good candidate

Tommy Stark's already applied good for him
dancin manipulative racist misogynistic misanthropic alcohol with a short fuse
so a strong candidate
immediately burst out laughing it that's it does it again a couple of times you have this absolute
heart-wrenching scene and then just this absolute fucking belter of a joke because it just can't stop

laughing at yeah he's like you know they take a point it's been a long time since we've seen
Dougray Scott be they you know like before um appearing as they ran it they oh Lennox and
crime you know like his career has been one of if you go back to sort of mission impossible too
which i think was like two thousand something thousand one and he's like the second lead

you know there's like the crew they obviously tom cruise then you go to him and then you go to
Tandy newton and you you kind of felt like fucking hell we're gonna have another
scotch actor who's gonna be able to kind of match you megriger in terms of international success and
he sort of they had and i'm not sure why whether it's he saw opportunities of passing by or he's
made personal choices or whatever but he's what he's done is do they put a lot of really quite

interesting things and he's taken like supporting malls or whatever but in this one you know he's
a lead and you forget what a fucking what a brilliant leading man he is and i really hope that this
this sort of gives him another kind of flush of they kind of success that it was looking like
at the beginning of the two thousand you know before like Gerard Butler came along and they would

they say in the rewatchables market corrected you know they can't i don't think you know they say oh
well you know so and so with you know you i don't think you could say that uh do they scot was
market corrected by Gerard Butler because although for me spoke with me did the vanishing of your
episodes ago we mentioned Gerard Butler has done a few quite interesting things but most of the
stuff that he's done it's not very not great you know makes money but sort of disposable there is um

i couldn't imagine an actor like Gerard Butler doing deep thing like Lennox and Crime i don't think
you know like they that the kind of vulnerability that the the vulnerability that do they scot
brings to the part i mean he's like i've got a deeply damaged character because of what happens to
him as a wee boy he's been like raped and a fucking tunnel by strangers by growing men that he's

and he's been he's been wrestling with this trauma his whole life and looking for ways to deal with it
joining the police to bring people like that to justice self-medicating with like alcohol drugs
and everything else when we catch up with him here to your point he's he's actually finally
getting the right treatment to help him work through it but it's not really working for him you know

he's because he's still deeply deeply troubled by it right up until the very end really sort of
makes a conscious decision to let things go and i can't imagine many i can't think of many scotish
actors around his age that are working now that with it with it could carry apart like that where
he can be really funny as you just mentioned you know really dry very scotish sense of humor but also

show that vulnerability and he completely sells it by the way you know you don't feel like you're
watching Dougray Scott playing this character you know when and look at in his best moments you know
he's you know he is living it you know he's he's living this character's life and this character's
fucking trauma and everything the absolute pure range of emotions he goes through in the six episodes

is just incredible from the vulnerability he shows when he's you know exactly as you say when he's
breaking down Sally and talking about being raped in the tunnel the comedy i'm it's constant
that i absolutely love um the the so many parts that he's just absolutely hilarious but the the
one that just made me burst out laughing and it's such a stupid thing it's when his mum and his sister

are waiting for a reception he comes down he says to sister should you know be it work i know you're
no like to his mum like it's like thank you i said if you know got what to go through i know you have
me yeah that's it thank you it's um just the absolute the comedic lines you can deliver but you know
the anger that you can give off as well but one of the scenes that really nails it for me is a the

episode two when told tells him that or is it an episode one when um when told tells him that Gerry
McVitie has intercepted an intruder and when he's in the car with Drummond and he explains you know
Gerry is was my partner you who I learned from and i did like the little reference there when Drummond
says what more than Robertson yeah yeah a lot of men share for a producing ginger

and you can see that Lennox is really what they say it says oh well it's a pretty cool bar
yeah oh yeah you you can see that Lennox is really nervous because he says i've never met Lauren
yeah and when he goes in and he meets Lauren and immediately just gives her a hug yeah you you just
melt and you like Lennox is such a fucking good guy yeah but he's such a good guy and he's trying to

be better but he is deep down you know he takes his nephew in he makes a count of it and you know
he's a part A's but Lennox doesn't say anything until it kind of comes to breaking point but it's just
he's such a wonderful complex character he's so damaged he's so good at his job but the emotion he
gives is so raw and genuinely i think Dougray Scott the range he shows in this is just absolutely

phenomenal do you know and do you know do you think he must be like after they've shooting a series of
crime do you think he must be fucking like exhausted Dougray Scott because yeah you know they they
see the scene where Sally like these last scene with Sally when she's about to commit suicide
and he's very calm but there's tears fucking running down his cheeks yeah when he's talking to her

you know and you can't like you know i would it well i've never really acted really before but i
imagine if to me just have cry on camera you have to like really focus on something really troubling
or something really upset you or has upset you and things and he's putting himself through that
for a performance he must he must he must just be fucking knackered at the end of it you know what i mean

yeah because like more so than any of the other i didn't not take anything away from any of the
other actors and i'm sure we're just about to talk about some of them now but but you know just
think you say that the range of emotions that he has to portray on screen put himself through the
fucking rate the like the seven fucking froth and at the mouth rage the you know the the upset

tears sadness and everything he must take they must take like a fucking month off when he when he's
after these last scenes short he must be like ready that's a fucking just scumb shot in myself off
from chilling out you know uh i think he he gets it a bit easier this series because i think in the
first series we're in pretty much every scene but in this series they they do go in and explore

some of the other characters a lot more and i think that's that's partly because series one
did such a good job of just building those characters enough so that you can now go on to to develop
and and you can go into their backstory and i did read the Irvine Welsh in an interview he basically
said like like most of these like police dramas and shows you see like there's there's just characters

that are just in the office in the background yeah and they'll just like they they would just be
handing Lennox like a bit of paper or something and you would never kind of see them again and he said
he didn't want that in crime so that's why you have like Struthers and Sophie and Gill they have
like a whole storyline yeah because they're an important part of the team and he didn't want them to

just be like a bit part background kind of actor and i think that works well and and it is good that
you can go into their background although struggles is obviously new in terms of the team yeah but i
think that works well that that you do have that in terms of being do you feel you know the whole team
so when they do come together for a scene you know yeah do and and what's happening and i think that

works really well yeah i agree with that i agree with that i mean i guess like the characters
uh told me start that he's a kind of member of i guess he's basically Gillman i'm think of
the his story that is gillmond in the book right yeah yeah Gillman is that's what i i can only
presume Jamie Sives was busy filming guilt yeah or something yeah because Gillman is in the big

because i did go back and re-read the last chapter of the long knives just to double check and it is
yeah effectively Lennox gives like gillman and Drummond and credit for something and Drummond messing like
you know we can't get rid of gillman now and he's like oh that's okay yeah um but yeah gillman is
very much in so i can only presume Jamie Sives is busy because stark is he's not a direct replacement

for gillman but he's pretty much like he's he's he's close-ish he's got a mustache and he's a sex
addict and likes a peeve but he's not and likes visiting the sonners but he's not the exact replacement
for a gillman yeah i was a mist gillman i mistook he gillman so much yeah i mean and i hope because i guess

what they could have done if they had wanted is they could have recast the part so i'm hoping yeah
i'm hoping that if they go to do a third series and i can only imagine that a third series might be
Lennox sort of on his own maybe private investigator type thing do you know what i mean and maybe
gillman the if Jamie Sives is available then maybe they can they can bring the gillman character back in

because he's supposed to have left the police as well and an additive of season two of guilt gill
gillman's gone right is lost his job well yeah i mean obviously i was saving this for the end but yeah
the third book in the series which is titled resolution will be out in july 24 i thought that
was supposed to be i think a pretty cool fool yep that's not all okay cool so the next book is the

third part of the crime series and there will be a third series of crime which will see Lennox go rogue
and i had the exact same thought as you i hope that dookie gillman helps him out and that we get to
see jamey sives back for for the third series but i mean anyway i i love planning ahead like that
last moment in the first series of gill when the confectioner is with just Lennox to a fucking

absolute emotional wreck an interview room and told let's gillman loose and he's like right and he
he grabs the he grabs a claw for you to think yeah fucking kicks a door and you know like no i
know that john sim is you know he's supposed to be by wonder you know is how much of that of john
sim's reaction is prepared acting and how much of it is what he fucking is like a raging

long haired bearded Scottish guy with a fucking wick cloth coming towards him you know
so well let's talk about the rest of cast i mean i guess first off we'll talk about
joe anavanderham just because she's your favorite um as Amanda drummond a lot more fleshed out this series

in terms of the character she has her own storyline involving a sex tape and again she's great i
mean she was great in series one and i think she's great in series two i think she's brilliant at this
i think you know obviously we'll we go through the awards at the end but there are she has moments in
this where she almost steals the show almost you know what i mean the scenes just the the scenes where

she's on her own and she's in her apartment she's having a glass of wine the cats are getting
on her nerves and everything you know and then especially the scenes with her and the ex-boyfriend
and the the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend you know she's absolutely brilliant you know because she's
like she's playing this very ambitious uh female detective who feels that she has to work twice as hard

because she's in like a male dominated job where she doesn't get the respect that she feels she
deserves she's working with guys like Tommy Stark who's a fucking you know is a bit a bit of an acquire
taste to say the absolute least and um you know and you know and some of the choices she makes in that
subplot you know i think it in the hands of a purer writer and a purer actress it would seem a bit

like she wouldn't do that she wouldn't break into her house you know what i mean she wouldn't but it's
totally believable you get it because she's you know she she's so convincing there's this very driven
ambitious woman who's about about ashamed of some of the mistakes that she's made in the past but
doesn't want anything getting away of her progression no absolutely brilliant yeah you're right

totally career driven and she is just you know the she takes no shit from Stark yeah i love that yeah
and she's absolutely just goes at him um i think they said it so well when initially when Lennox is
first day back and him and drumming her in the car and they're speaking about Gilman and when she
says that he was i had to share a car with him he couldn't keep his hands to himself he made a complaint

and then two other women came forward and immediately raised like it's not your fault it's his fault
yeah he he's he's the one that got himself fired it's not gonna do you and i think that sets the
tone so well in terms of that Lennox has sound and everything's fine but where a stark obverse has an
issue with this but i yeah i agree she is absolutely the scene some of this line she comes out with when

she's with her ex and his new girlfriend yeah it's it's just absolutely brilliant and you're right
she would be driven to break into their flat and getting Jill to delete off the cloud and she delivers the
uh it's a facial expression when they're watching the sex tape in the toilet and Jill says hey how
did you manage to deal that with your leg and she just gives her this loop like well you know and

impressive isn't it it's oh yeah she's so good and yeah just absolutely brilliant character man i'd
love you know i'm looking forward to spending more time with her in series three when it comes my
my favorite moment that she has is when stark thinks that he as got her you know he's found out

he's never been found about the sex tape and everything because i wasn't really sure what she
was about when she's meeting with the lady that does the prostitute early does the podcast about
prostitution and stuff i wasn't really sure what she was getting out there and when stark's like oh you
know they've got a sex tape and she's got exactly the fucking same up him like sleeping with uh

witnesses to serious crimes because because i'm kind of like oh no they you know you're you're good
he's got your drummers you're gonna come undone here and she's like fully prepared you know in the
make them the make a little packed that well if you get if you get it i'll quiet i'll quietly transfer
and if i get it i'll quietly transfer you know i thought that was a great moment between both

those characters i thought she does throw Lennox under the bus during her job interview though
yeah she does but again you kind of you know you kind of let her get away with it because again
she has a point she has a point and she also you know she is like we said before she's
very ambitious and she's you know she feels she's had the gillman she's had the starks you know she

doesn't feel that she's always been taken seriously because of her gender and the job that she has
and she's like fiercely ambitious because i'm sure when she sleeps with Lennox in the book she's a bit
weird afterwards and a bit this and the show you know when he tells her that he's leaving she's
like well that'll make things easier then you know and then you get you know you get this she's actually

as much as she's still under the bus she's like really attracted to him yeah yeah you know she's
she's brilliant she's like a fantastic actress and i'm sure we'll see about more of her
not not in the way you're thinking brilliant on the way i'm hoping yes i did yeah i'd look
forward seeing a lot more of her because she is an absolutely fantastic actress yeah she's just brilliant

and a brilliant character as well so well done for Amanda Drummond yeah i guess next we we can speak
about David Elliott as Stark we kind of touched upon it earlier he is basically a straight replacement
for the gillman but he's a bit more i don't know a bit more vicious maybe in terms of his he's got a

real dislike for for a drummond and he's got a bit of a dislike for Linux as well it does he
what i i felt with him he it's not a bit more passionate about policing than maybe gillman was
in the first series yeah you're right actually yeah you know it doesn't do it the right way but
you know he's he's he feels strongly um he does have a couple of great lines and a couple of great

scenes though i think that my personal favorite is when he's chatting up the doctor's receptionist
and when she comes out with the i'm old enough to be your mother and he says no you're old enough to
be my lover must have been frustrating the great love you had for him by his own only if we're going

to this place he was devoted to the community he didn't look at you the way a man should look
a beautiful woman what what are you saying
he did not look at you the way a man should look at a beautiful woman

you can't say that to me i'm old enough to be your mother
you're old enough to be my lover and he's couping her in the car and it's
he very much they channel all of the words through him because he is the one that comes up

well he must have been coping someone else or he does say yeah a couple of them i quite a few of the
the urban welchisms seem to come out of his mouth and when he does deliver the in the job interview
they used to call me iron man like after the billionaire playboy because he gets results
what is it he says he says something that you know when when when things go about princess

michael remember it looks so yeah that's a real Irvine Welsh ism for sure but let me ask you something
about David Elliot because i couldn't have when i were earlier in the week where you and i were talking
on the on what's that but it was difficult to find a lot of information about who played who

and characters and stuff because because it's so new the usual things like IMDB my
computer hadn't been updated David Elliot i think bears are resemblance to aim and
elia the actor do you mean do you mean david elia would i say nick elia yeah david elia so david elia
David Elliot yeah so and i wondered if they were brillars because there's a resemblance actually well

that's the risk actually yeah yeah there's a resemblance um but i checked yesterday and i guess he's
he's a relative the he's a bit of a newcomer um david elia so i can't really find out but i was sure
there there is a there is like a resemblance there and i thought i wonder if they're um i wonder if
they're related he does have this annoying kind of trend of repeating the last word that everyone says

in their sentence which Lennox does point out at one point like this getting really fucking annoying
yeah and i don't know why he does it but it just it's a it's a very strange kind of uh
yeah that he does and i do like when they're when they go airskins flat and they're reading it and
they they find the porn tapes and he's like he's fucking dead to me yeah i love he's already dead

fucking short eyes see yeah well the scene the scene i was eating and i didn't have you with uh with the
lovely vanderham and apparently the scene and i think it's episode one or two when uh stark is he's
living in his car whenever we find out why but we can assume that this is made an arc of a relationship

or whatever and he's trying to bang one out and he can and then he sees a couple argue so he gets
a ghost sets about the guy what they didn't realize when they shot that scene at night uh regrettably
the scene with him assaulting the guy with the baseball bat was filmed outside the cacinus
story oh okay she was like yeah that we didn't mean to realize that it's time and we go in a little

bit of hot water as a result oh yeah yeah he he is hilarious when he goes down to Keith and
crescitas with the baseball bat and tells them the you are in deep shit and then obviously watch
as the porn and what he says about that he's a Christian and i have to forgive and yeah

when he says he's a Christian you see her eyes kind of like really
see i thought what happened there was as much as he didn't like drumming either would be that sort
of police code well you know i don't like her but she's one of us you can't really not going to stand
for you fucking blackmail in her you know yeah um but it went a different way but he's he is fantastic

i mean i know i'll be there's something about fiercely politically in and i say politically
incorrect i mean politically incorrect by like 2023 um standards and it's every year that goes by
it feels like the fucking watermark gets higher and higher from what's acceptable what isn't but it's

just something really really funny about that type of character whether it's a character on like a
drama or a movie like what we're talking about or whether it's just somebody fucking eating the pub
i just you know i just find that and then you know i will laugh at politically incorrect humour
but i try to be a good guy and i try to be accepting of people's viewpoints and opinions

and they may want to live their lives and everything else i try to live and let live and you know
and they can make poke fun if i'm having a conversation with you but i would never try and make
somebody feel bad for what a choice they've made um no but i do find people who are just completely
unconsciously politically incorrect absolutely hilarious and like my my mother it's a fucking great

example you know like my mother's a perfect example because well we're in the merchant city in
Glasgow and i'm out my wife i'm sure i've mentioned this before in a podcast my wife is she's English
but she's of Caribbean descent you know parents were born in Jamaica so she's back and this is
like famously a lot of the streets in the merchant city in Glasgow are named after like old Victorian

Scottish millionaires who made them who made their money like by growing tobacco and stuff overseas
and they were slavers right Frankie Boyle's got a very very good documentary about it which you
should go and check out if you're interested so we were having some lunch in my friend's restaurant
in the merchant city at Machanta go and try it out listeners it's very good and uh and i we got

onto it mum was so much like the merchant city and i was like you know ashamed all the streets are
named after slavers and my mother in front of her black daughter and law said yeah but it was such a long
time ago you know it was over the long time ago and i was like what do you mean but slavery she was
thinking about hundreds of years ago i was like i think people still feel quite passionate about it

but she's why why it was it was it was a long time ago so i thought right i'm just i'm just
going to quick this deal the conversation right the enjoying him but tell me mum what one
importantly than that that was a food enjoying you then i do yeah but i did my end my waif had a good
hard night had a good laugh about it afterwards but yeah politically and create people just fucking

crack me up and i'll save one of the best for later on but as much as i was very disappointed in
the first episode when i was watching the opening credits and i didn't see Jamie Sives's name yeah
i was equally delighted when i saw bryan mccardy's name pop up yeah because Brian McCardie
i'm always delighted when i see him in something he's such a great addition to this cast and

similarly to you i'm almost upset that i knew norie asking story because it was quite exciting knowing
like something not right with him yeah yeah yeah something he's not right what's he hiding and
mccardy he delivers it with that if you watch this and you didn't know like he delivers it with
such a great performance he's such a good actor mccardy's one of those actors where whenever you see

him and anything i mean i think the last so a contemporary thing i saw him in was i also forget the name
of it but mentioned in the podcast before but it was the drama was shown being in Steven Graeme when
Steven Graeme plays the trip the prison and i wanted to say a time time yeah yeah mccardy plays the
sort of winged boss yeah and he's i mean he's the best thing in bryan i mean i totally different from

the character and norie i mean you know he he he it first you think he's quite a nice fella and he's
helping Sean being out and everything and then you see the other side of him when he's black male and
Steven Graeme's character and just think fucking out and and in this i got i made a i made a note
in episode three that i was worried that we wouldn't see that mccardy wouldn't have a

enough to do because it wasn't until the case of so it's a no episode four rather than episode four
when we we see a lot more of what type of person he actually is you know and when he's doing
ching banangas in the toilets yeah and but before that when he's on the stake out you know he's got
the knife in the glove box and things and you know it's okay i was saying you how he was connected but

again try i was trying to sort of i was trying to kind of watch it from the perspective of not knowing
what was going to happen having not made the book you know i mean it's it's just whenever i see
Brian McCardie and anything i'm just like why the fuck is he not in everything
it's fucking brilliant there was there was there's a show that he's in when he plays the second lead
that i wanted to try and put on that get to do the on the podcast then if i can get hold of it maybe

we will and it was one it was a not a million miles away from crime but it's like a i kind of
police procedural drama that is in with mark strong the actor uh called okay uh low winter sun um okay
the reason it's so hard to get is because mark strong remade it in america a couple of years ago

ah so whenever you look for it it's all it's the american one and it's i think it's set in america
and macardys not in it but they play like two kind of corrupt policemen like the partners um oh yeah
it can see the yeah 2006 and 2013 version yeah oh yeah so yeah look a long time ago then i thought it
was more recent the american one um and Brian McCardie's fucking brilliant and it was just after they done

those daft adverts the member he was in that adveric campaign i don't know what it was for but he
was like a sort of chicken costume i don't remember what they was it i'm blue or something maybe i can't
remember but i remember really really enjoying that they thought it was it was like a two-part
or maybe a three-part or one-channel four it's fucking brilliant and uh and again you know he he is
again then to get a to get an actor like Brian McCardie and for this part is an abs you know so an absolute

fucking revelation to be able to get in for it but he's so good you know and i think you know
yeah i kind of feel like he's sort of red-disripting thought well it's a good part no in it
we're not in the first three episodes too much bit of a background character but fuck it i'm just
gonna fucking truly scenery every chance i get and he fucking does you know yeah it says a lot that one

of the you know one of the most chilling shots is when he's in the car and the just the the view is
literally the rear view mirror and just his eyes and you're like holy fuck nori's unhinged so he's
really up here and that the acting he does with just his eyes yeah it's just incredible yeah and
when he's getting the knife at the club box and stabbing and drinking street vodka you're like
fucking hell what's gonna or minorities unhinged i thought he was okay yeah yeah but yeah he's yeah

absolutely brilliant performance from brimacarby as is he ever been bad as the cover of our
senior man anything i think he's that i think he's been bad i mean i think he's i think we've
had a bit of interaction with him on her instagram page i think he's a light to cover the
face right actually yeah but it's it's it's the voice his voice he said you know you don't hear
men speak like that i mean when i was a kid that felt like every every i called my grandmas

mates think of that kind of voice because they all smoked fucking maybe cut vans and you know i mean
they'll have heart yeah you're right but that voice is literally like gravel the people say it
always the voice like gravel his voice is like gravel you know yeah i could even do an impression of
it because it would hurt my sore throat i guess let's go on to probably my second group favorite

performance in this series is Ken Stott this book told yeah he is just incredible in this i mean
to be fair all the cast are hmm but it's just something about Ken Stott performance in this series for me
that absolutely just eyes he's just incredible his speech about not being for this world anymore
yeah and after drummers kind of giving him the he she they yeah yeah you really get the sense from

that that he's a broken man who's at the end of his wits and and you genuinely feel sorry for him
and like his face expressions when he's during the lense his interview and he's like oh fuck
oh Jesus but genuinely as i say one of my favorite scenes of the whole series is when he's talking
with Lauren yeah and he's saying you Gerry he could talk to Gerry and i i just love it when Lauren

turns to him because well take a girl for a drink yeah but it'll be slick bit on it you know i know
what you're like and Bob just cracks up laughing you're just like oh it's so good to see like oh
like Bob and Lauren are gonna get on so well yeah like it's it's so heartwarming you see that but
yeah can't start just absolutely brilliant i don't know she's telling the truth Bob

i've been out of the force a long time but this place hasn't changed a bit
it's bloody unrecognizable Gerry i can't keep up sorry
Laurie of course it's okay it's not okay this job is about right and wrong i used to know the difference

but now i can't over my mouth without saying the wrong thing you're you're learning
the societies lost the art of patience revolutions like an education but i haven't got the energy
i every day i walk the tightrope of being cancelled i don't even know how to talk to you

you can say anything to me we've known each other 30 years i'm you Gerry i'm probably saying all the
wrong things but Lauren and Gerry are not the same person you might like Lauren
you should take a lady out for a pint one night
well i should board you he's strictly persona

i know you
i i i love the scene when he's on the phone but he's he's sort of taken about personal
time to take his grandson to the park he's sitting under the bench with his grandson yeah
and he's you know he keeps sort of looking at the grand you know he's getting fuck he's trying not to

fall into his usual sort of sweety uh this course and he keeps sort of letting it end up just doing it anyway
he's probably about how many fucking how many policemen has Ken salt played in his career i mean
famously he played webis with us the third time we've discussed this yeah so i'd be so the
on the podcast we discussed this in the deck collector and we discussed this on crime series one

we just i know that is because i've listened to crime series one day and we discussed it and i
said we discussed this in the deck later but yes Ken's daughter has played a policeman probably
almost more times than anyone else more than most actors so you can get you can sort of uh
play in the kind of veteran on the edge of retirement policeman um probably came quite naturally

to the mirror though yeah but he's yeah he's had enough he's fantastic i mean that you know he's he is
very very funny but the scene after you mentioned that earlier when we're talking about Dougray
Scott when Lennox has been down the well and he's you know he's he's accidentally in the dark he's
put his hand through the sort of skull of the poor girl that's been murdered many you know he's

fucking an emotional wreck and uh and toll embraces him you know he's you know he's upset he's
fucking crying his eyes out over what he's just experienced and um you know again the whole dynamic
between Scott and Stott you feel like these guys are guys who have worked together for a long time
and yeah the respect is there you know like like Lennox respects the seniority respects the

position and and uh toll respects what a fucking good copper Lennox is despite all these emotional
problems and everything he knows you know he wants something to get on like he's like you mentioned
before when the selection uh process for the interview you know when when Lennox says i don't want
this job and starts roasting the sort of the more senior uh officers and he's just like fucking

hell because he really cares about Lennox and he wants them to get his act together get his life together
and they can't put out them it's seen that they have together when Toal's pack enough his desk and he
gives Lennox his little cactus and they embrace again and they have a laugh and stuff you do feel like
what have all of them have spent two series with these characters it feels like the end of a really

long era it would be like tiger fucking matayr in and hand end which are deemed you know what I mean
yeah is is you really feel it that's the the two scenes that really nail it for me I think are the
the last scene they have together the the cactus scene then and and I that's so funny when
toll pricks is oh yeah bastard yeah and hands it to Lennox and then he does exactly oh yeah bastard

it's brilliant but the the the the the scene before that that they share together after the interview
and told next you just well you're fucking done it now and he rants it Lennox about a give you every
opportunity I let you go away with fucking homicide and because that's such a great running
joke throughout the whole series the murder has to now be called homicide and none of them can do it

and then they just have this amazing laugh about it when Lennox like fucking homicide and uh it's
beautiful that scene that they share that kind of laugh they've just had this this massive kind of
you know tolls so angry at him you're fucking done it now you've let me down and then they just
end up laughing together I always did that you go away with fucking my homicide fucking homicide

yeah it's great it'd be he's just it's just fantastic there can't stop I mean I
know such a such a nuanced actor you know I mean I guess you know like from a different perspective
you could say oh well you know this is like fucking bread and butter to him playing a policeman

but if you think about all the different police characters that he's played they're all very different
you know like they are I mean yeah they're policeman that's the only thing they've got in common
but they're completely different you can't compare the the policeman he plays in the debt collector
to rapist or to Bob Tol for example just picking three but he's played a lot more than that but

yeah you can't really compare any of that yeah it's absolutely fantastic in this yeah no they the next
you know I know he's not in it very much and he's not Scottish but they say something a bit
John Simm have always really really like John Simm as an actor of all you know they everything
that was seen by remember I know movie that he was then I probably mentioned it in the last but

made did series one and Boston kick out was one of the first things that he saw him in he's in it
with me I don't he's in it with the Andrew Lincoln and a couple of other actors you did mention it yes
so I feel like I've been there the whole time with John Simm and you know I feel like you know
he obviously they got all the best actors take it very seriously but for him to come on this and

in this series it's a pretty small part the confessioner is it's important like one day's war yeah
but it's important there's only a few scenes but a small part but for him to agree to play the
fuck the worst type of human being you know like a child a child murderer I mean it's fucking

really brave you know and it's not even like he's picking his they take the decision to play this
character where he's one of the leads like he was in series one and whatever you know but a lot of
actors I think wouldn't take a part like that because you know it's a who wants to be associated
with that type of person you know it's a job everything else you know you're acting you're

it's a performance it's not real but there's not many actors that would agree to play like a pdf
or a child murderer or a rapist or something you know and especially when they've they've got such
when they're such an established actor I'd imagine I mean I just check John Simm's 53 yeah and he has

you know forever played kind of the good guy in a way in terms of everything we kind of know him for
in terms of you go with the lakes or human traffic life on Mars yeah ashes two ashes he wasn't in ashes
two ashes no no no it was no it was Keely Hawes he's always kind of been the the good-ish guy although
he played you've got in Doctor Who didn't he the master the master yeah so there's a big there's a

big golf between like a science fiction fucking renegade time boards and a fucking child murder a
risk knowns you know I wonder I think a lot might have had to do with the fact it was often well
maybe yes and and the fact like maybe degree score was in it also because they're they probably
contemporaries around about same age yeah same time yeah and I think given the age that the

John Simm's I'd imagine the fact that he's been approached to do would you like to do an urban
wealth thing he's probably been like yes of course I fucking would yeah and you know it doesn't matter
all and of course he's getting older now so it's it's it's ideal that he's going to take on darker
roles because that's probably that's what happens when you get older you are going to end up playing
the pido you are going to end up you know you're either going to end up playing Inspector Morse or

Jimmy Saville so that's you know it's there's only two ways so this is Nicky's warning to all actors
that go out of that food chances are you're right you're going to end up playing the pido you're
going to play Gandalf or Grandad's pido and genuinely you're right it is brave to take on a
role like this it really is but he's he's fantastic and he's only in he's only in one scene I think

he has voice a couple of times yes yeah when they're in prison prison that's the only scene right yeah
that's only seen you actually physically see him you do hear his voice a couple of times in a voice
over yeah Linux is head but that's the only scene you actually physically see him and again he's
brilliant and I forgot how great he is in the first series oh brilliant he's just absolutely brilliant

and yeah he's a great actor and you're right he's yeah wonderful and yeah I did wonder when it came in
and and Linux went to see him and he's straight to see him but he's playing with him and I wonder if
you'll play a bigger part in series three as well because someone has been leaking but I guess it was
Sally well that's why I think yeah I issue information yeah I assume yes yeah that's what I assumed

because because Linux was quite raging about the guys in the office but no one seemed to be like
okay I've been leaking stuff I think yeah presume it was Sally that was leaking the information yeah
which I guess leads us to the lovely Laura Fraser yeah Sally she's great it's really good yeah
she's she's she's wonderful she was great in series one she's she's the I Laura Fraser's

greeting everything I've seen her in she's just she's just got this kind of I don't know what it is
just this vibe about her even going back to like small faces um things like 16 years of alcohol
like yeah a Fraser's just always just this lovely woman that I just want to hang out with and just
spend some time with like she's so lovely she is but she's also got like a sort of intensity about her

like even in like small faces which she's very young in that you know and she's you know she's sort of
manipulating all three brothers and things but she's not sort of the the character isn't horrible to
any of the three brothers but she's very no but she's clearly manipulating them for whatever reason
you know and unless because I as a for the member rightly from the book the character of Sally

when the when everything is revealed she's she's a bit she's not very sympathetic as a character
you know where is unless the whole part of the story where she admits that revenge hasn't made her
feel any better it hasn't it hasn't helped it's if anything that's made her it's made her feel worse
you know because the she commits suicide you know and then again you know she brings that vulnerability

to the role where we learn that the character Sally has been raped by three by the three of the guys
one of which is not managed to not hasn't been killed but he's been like pig at Smith he's been
what's the word uh I'm looking for? -Gestrated -Gestrated yes and but the other two have been murdered

and four oh yeah sorry yeah no I mean the rapist slow like there's three rapists so she's two because
I thought there was I thought there was three but but nori didn't stop -two raped her one held her down
oh right okay fair enough and so okay they go and but we don't know we know that we know rich
gulliver definitely raped her which he said he was the most violent but she doesn't say who held

her down I think we're led to believe -the dog is a dog can's probably raped her as well
yeah so it might have been the doctor that held her down and we know that nori just watched but
yeah but she does clearly say two raped me one helped me down and one watched -yeah but you know
conveying this um you know that she turns into like a real a really tragic character because

this horrendous thing's happened to her she has taken revenge in the fucking the most brutal way
but she's if anything she's more damaged she still can't move past it and it leads her to take
her own life and you know a lot of phrasers just fucking a tour de force I think and that's kind of
her message to Ray because she can see that Ray is going down the same path that she's going to

yes Ray does say you know I would fucking destroy I would kill them if I got my hands on the guys
that rape and she can see he's going down that road so I think that's why she calls him and gets him
right and say look I've done this and it doesn't make me feel any better so yeah yeah I'm a way to kill
myself like it's it doesn't help anything so don't go down that road but I guess he potentially will

in the um in the third yeah look and third series we'll have to wait and see but yeah I think that's
the the reason but yeah you're right she's she's brilliant in this she's just so lovely and likeable
but then has this just dark edge in tour yeah and this this kind of twisted narrative that she's
she's going through and she has this she has this fondness for Ray as well because it's about you know

and I think when she realizes when he could be it tells her that he was raped she sees she sort of
sees a bit of a kindred spirit and I think that's what leads her to making that revelation to that
is not going to help you know well well you know what what you're what you want to do is not going to
make you feel any better you have to move try and move on um yeah she's great she's fucking great

lot of reason and then we have I guess Derek Ridell as Richie Gulliver I mean he's only in the first
three episodes he's such a fucking twat but such a good villain so good he's so good I absolutely
love it when all the I think it's Lennox Drummond and um Stark are there and he keeps addressing Lennox as

hello my name is Ray yeah and it's such a fucking condescending but wonderful then that he's obviously
referring to the aim meetings and things they go to but oh he's brilliant but yeah such an evil bastard
yeah he's such a such a good villain you know playing the sort of smarmy uh right wing politician

and they've seen where he's given the sort of enich powerly sort of speech and it's it's really
well constructed up and you know up until the point where the guy tries to attack him and the
tackles him but it's very true to life because you have people that support him as well that support
his you know his viewpoint and they're nodding along and stuff and then you got the ones that

are very much against them and you know and then it's up to the guy that is so against them that he
wants to fucking plunge him but unfortunately for him uh Lennox gets to enforce them and brings them
down and then yeah you know the Ra'el again he goes from this self assured to you know bit of a
fucking prick to holy shit you guys just saved my life there you know and he's just he's been

most in Ray and Colonham but you say my name is Ray and everything else and then Ray who fucking
absolutely despises him and everything he stands for still has got that sense of sh*t he where he
jumps in and saves that you know yeah as to it's his job yeah he's protecting he's got to yeah yeah
yeah yeah oh he's so good for Dale he's fucking scared yeah um yeah uh did you like Grado's little

appearance i love that yeah i was because at first that was kind of you know oh and then and he's
he's only got a small part but i'm sure for him it's he's like fucking L gonna be acting
with me i'm gonna be acting with Dougray Scott you know yeah he's brilliant you know for somebody who
for somebody who probably you know Scott squad and then uh three doors down or his proper sort of

acting gigs you know and now he's he's just like a high concept high production value drama small scene
but i i sort of i sort of take my hat off to him he's probably thought to himself right yeah this could
lead to something else i'm gonna fucking bring my absolute a game to it no i thought that because the
first time i watched that i was like oh f*ck it's great oh yeah like i knew he was in it but i wasn't sure

what he was in it i was like oh is that it and then on the second rewatch i really watched him and i
was like you know something he's really fucking good i just only got like two three lights yeah yeah
but he's really good like when he's like you know if it's if it's uh police business you can
fuck off of that awarding if it's personal come on in yeah and yeah it's it's wonderful
that really good i thought he was um you actually well i i have to say though like that has placed like

texies place yeah it looks like the most fucking depressing fucking place in the world just like
fuck yeah i wouldn't fancy going there no no no chance we obviously presume that Jamie Syves couldn't
come back probably due to filming guilt and i can also presume that um the actor Stuart Martin who plays

as brother Stuart couldn't come back yeah because they made up that he was filming in hungry but i
did read that the actor Stuart Martin he isn't another show so i presume they just wrote him out of
this series because and maybe rightly so because there might have been too many characters involved
then if he was doing something yeah into that as well yeah if you and i not as much as Jamie Syves but

i think this the scenes with the Linux family sort of miss him a little bit you know but
not you know it's maybe maybe they've left it open maybe you'll be back later on uh be good to see him back
because i like the relationship between him and Ray in the first series the series you know um there's
a little cameo in the book the long knives that i was disappointed i was kind of fingers crossed i knew

it wasn't going to happen but i was kind of hoping sick boy might turn off at one point but obviously
i like had a little rejoinly miller cameo would have been wonderful but you can't have everything i
suppose so um i have to say as well i absolutely love the climax of the victor and
Linux part because as much as it's a scottist tv cop drama i get fucking loved you'd never see this

anything else really a cop smacking the guy with a bluetooth speaker tasting him and then screaming
you fucking scumbag as he's tasting him like you'd never seen morse or berserak doing that would you
like it's fucking so good it's like out of a hollywood film but you still wouldn't see it in a hollywood
film it's summoned about the way like it's not like a hollywood smacked it's just the way he just

picks it up and throws it yeah victor's kind of like the fuck was that and bang taser you fucking scumbag
it's oh it's all i loved it i rebinded it about six times morse again so good i i i like to i think i think
though like maybe one of the weaker parts of the script i think that would have been yeah i mean

it is quite satisfying i think it'd be more satisfying if we'd spend a bit more time with victor's
character you know i would agree with you on that yes because i just felt that you know like
and there's a thing about the scene is you never really feel like Linux is in any trouble you know
i mean uh yeah yeah you're right i mean you know the stakes are high because his nephew who he's very

who loves my fond of is in peril and so is his friend victor's got his cleaver but i think if
if we spent more time with victor because the thing is like i was going to mention this earlier although
we see the we see the aftermaths of these horrendous murders it's not very you know we see an awful
lot of violence they actually happening they know there's this scene where star sets about the guy

with the baseball bat and then drum and zex boy friend um and then this scene but even that seems not
very violent it's just a guy getting a speaker for a kid wax off his canister and then then then
then tasered so you know like the themes are very dark and whatnot but the actual violence itself
is not gratuitous no but i guess they had to turn the violence down so they could put the language

up i would presume because and plus the violence it's not necessarily you never saw violence on
tiger and stuff so i think it's uh there you go there are a couple of scenes and tiger i mean i can
really just want to it's maybe death call um when somebody gets like stabbed to death in the telephone
box and you know for like the men the the the the the the the the the the the man even by the modern

standards it's a bit fucking hell you know but uh no i don't like that scene i don't like i don't
enjoy it um do you think i could get away with a black polo neck that degree scotwears because
he just makes it like so fucking cool i think you could go there there's not where the polo neck
to my dad's funeral where we are jacket no no no it was just a jumper i was uh right yeah no i just

a jumper pull it off good looking guy let yourself might might invest in a polo neck just so i can
pull it off and look like degree scot walk you walk you walk you can walk over the round the streets of
Amsterdam where you're polo neck your long wams will jacket um yeah i wish i'd um i wish i'd got
lot picking skills um when i tried to break into a pitodary to what year do you use a girl

just like real inx has when he breaks into a to tinkassel but unfortunately i couldn't this is not
used is we um is we this issue uh yeah because drum and you use the same one to break into the flat
doesn't she yes get the laptop she does yeah yeah so um so yeah so we'll see what happens because yeah
there's a obviously third book planned in July yeah um i'm hoping because i've read an interview

there of most and he said there's two books that he's he's working on so he's um obviously working
on the third part of crime which will be out next year and then he's working on a new train spotting
book as well oh really no wonder what one they yes wonder it's um there's there's only one time
period he could work on so he's milking it for all it's worth there's only one more time period left

right and that's what it's going to be about so which is going to be right right after the events
are transported between transport and portal exactly right yeah which we kind of know what happens
the characters mood don't really know but yeah yeah but i don't know it's gonna work because mark's
obviously gonna be an amstam like yes on his own and then you're gonna have beg be probably in jail

but then we're gonna find out what happens to him then spud we know he just fucking takes the money
that mark gives him and spends it all on scag and then i'm not sure what happens to Simon um there's
a lot between because when we meet the movie the portal is a London right if you get the phase
with mother no way old because he's his ex-wife is English isn't she and he's that boy yes so we'll

see what happens there but yeah um but yeah so we'll look forward to the third book in the crime
series and i'm sure you see a crime i don't know when it'll be out because of July the book's not
out until July next year then i don't know that maybe they will fast track a series and get it done
for this time next year or maybe we'll have a two year wait yeah because i think we yeah when we
did the first series of crime it'd been a bit of a quite a while because it was on britbox wasn't it first

you're right in fact because i listened to today and i think we mentioned it been out for about a year
so there has been two years in between the series because you're right because the first series came out
then the long knives came out about a year ago yes and then now series two's come out so i guess
it'll go the same pattern will have resolution come out next year and then probably September 2025

we'll have series three of crime yeah okay cool so is it time to put series two a crime through
the swalley awards why not Greg let's do it what have we got first okay the first award then is
the Bobby the Barman award for the best public so we've got the pub that are skittin stark drinking
which i think is round this from the hotel got the hotel bar we've got the little kind of social

club they have the doctors thing in and then angus is restaurant that's a restaurant that's not a bar
yeah so i mean the pub airs can start drinking i'd quite find a beer there yeah yeah of course
why would you go why would you go why would you go why would you go anywhere else i think we're
in agreement with that then yeah okay that's right up our street okay cool and next the

world then is the James Cosmo award for being in everything scottish i had Ellie having to
and Ken start because is Ellie having to in it enough to qualify she's only it she's not in a huge
mind but yeah probably enough but yeah it's Ellie had in ten but Ken start as well has been in a
hell of a lot so i gave it to those is kind of a two way tie yeah prime mccardi could also potentially

qualify as well he's been in the lot but would it do you have anyone else i had a really had in ten
i don't know like Ken start you know they they they were the Cosmo award and it's not
all that you don't really i can't really think of anything that Cosmo is a lead actor in but he's
always a brilliant supporting actor in the things that we see him in where does Ken start has been a

lead actor a million times but the the cause the Cosmo award feels like it's more for that strong
supporting role as opposed to a lead you know so that's why i went that's why i went with Ellie yeah
i'm happy to go with Ellie okay she's won it quite a few times before i think
she had the way next one then they shaped me quell in your teaser awards you were you were talking

about about it's the few minutes ago well i actually i had three for this okay um but i'm guessing
you're going for ray taking down Victor with the blue two speaker and the teaser yeah yeah yeah um
i i also argued i mean that is it is teased and i like Lauren headbutting the intruder
that was a good one in the interview comes here yeah yeah yeah she just fucking headbutts him could you

say that the ultimate teezude is Sally getting revenge on the four guys that raped her um i don't
know because i always think a teaser is being sort of sudden unexpected devastating violence like
like uh Lauren like fucking sticking the knot on the the guy you know well well good well
lore or we're going to worry i think ray taking down Victor and with the blue two speaker and the

teaser and shouting you fucking bastard this um yeah it's probably the best i still eat the
goblins that makes us an interesting question so the person that Lauren sticks and not on i guess
were expected to think that's like some faceless uh faceless servant of the state trying to find
evidence uh to protect pig at smith right it's not it's not victor no i presume so because at one

point i wondered if it was stark because he wears the balaclava and he's got the baths but he doesn't
have a bruise in his head though and she really fucking sticks and that the fact that she's got a
massive bruise in her head yeah whoever she's headbutted must have a fucking humdinger of a uh an
urwally-sized egg coming out at the top of his head so um yeah i i i think it's just meant to be a

a guy looking for the documents yeah okay uh next one then is the ume Gregor award for a good
truth is nudity that's not really any good truth is nudity and it is the uh no you do i hate that i'm
always the one that spots it for somebody's mind is it always me um you you do see a little bit of boobies
um in episode three just after uh richie gulliverus had a threesome in the morning oh yes yes

throwing money at them and saying go and i hope you kill yourself some whatever you know high grade
harrowing that you spend this money on and whatever but yes you do see a little bit and you did
do do there yes okay fair enough yeah we'll go on about that um next one then the no shortage here
but the Francis beg be a ward for good truth is suiting which what did you go for well it was a

difficult one to choose to be honest because that's quite a lot i'm sort of interested to know which one
you read for um i had to that i really liked and it's two that made me funny and i've mentioned
both of them already it's the the bastard cactus exchange it's made me laugh a lot
yep that was good yeah but but i think my favorite is the i like you get away with fucking
mar homicide and then the whole fucking homicide laugh that made me really laugh a lot what you know

what surprised me with uh stark considering the character that he is is he's not as suedy as you may
expect you know no he's not as suedy as gillman no definitely no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
yeah do i like the cactus i just fucking i yeah bastard yeah you know it's such a score it's such a

scotish like you see isn't i yeah bastard but it's a simplicity of one person doing it and then the
other person doing it and when Lennox does it it's the little kind of like the knowing nod that
Ken stock gives him as if to be like yeah i told you yeah yeah it's beautiful um archetypal

Scottish moment well it's it i mean it's either the piper on the streets of Edinburgh when
drummond is walking to um just before she confronts her ex boyfriend or the fourth road bridge
scatrin ashes at the fourth road bridge i think is quite a a scatrin
scatrin breaking into uh premier ship football stadium they're scoysters as we've discovered as

uh there's great archetypal yeah i mean as always Edinburgh looks fucking great in it yeah
yeah i mean yeah it's fantastic everything that we've done that we're Edinburgh features prominent
they even filled like the movie filled Edinburgh looks fucking brilliant in it you know um we
I think we gave it the star of the show for sunshine on leaf it just that's such it's short so well

um we did yeah and then last up then i think it's for the foregone conclusion uh but for the the
big time award who who who wins it for you well you've set a foregone conclusion i think you mentioned
earlier Joanna van der Ham I think delivers great performance i've got Ken stock is you know
knocking out the park but come on it's it's degrees scot's show yeah it's it's it's without a doubt

you cannot give it to anyone else the absolute range of emotions he goes through the
powerhouse of delivery just the beautiful the fact that and i love it about this show they just don't
hold back you know with the accents and stuff and i can imagine a lot of people have to watch this
on subtitles to probably understand degree because he is sometimes this accent is so thick yeah and i

you know we understand it perfectly but i bet a lot of people struggle mmm but it's just i
is wonderful this is so good and i really hope that this you know you know gives him like a almost
abrying cocks kind of a very nice arm life success yeah because he really fucking deserves it because
he is so fucking good in this you know and they hope we mentioned let me mentioned i think you

mentioned in the last episode of the swallowing when we did a tiger nest of iapers and we spoke about
the scene you know do do if you haven't listened to that episode scot plays the murderer in that in
that tiger run and um tiger hit some and he's he said that he been interview he spoke about his
process as an actor is to be quite um method and the invited marit man is to hit him for real so given

that i mean i've never heard about actors like the needle and that who we call themselves method actors
they really immerse themselves in the character i think i said earlier like if do griscot still has
the same approach now as a kind of action actor to what he had when he was a young actor he must
be fucking worn out after filming the day does it i i bet he doesn't you know i think he's that

character i think when he was younger he's like yeah i'm a method actor come on think about it this was
what 1992 yeah one of his first roles tiger he's like yeah i'm a method actor yeah i like to get
into the role dole one smock man is punched him he's like fuck that's not that again you know
i may have to i may have to pluck my finger for a view in this fucking cactus

yeah no i i wouldn't imagine he's um he's a method and i never know uh degree let us know get in touch
yeah right here right here um we'd love to hear from you if you are still a method actor but um
but no i wouldn't imagine so but i never mind i don't oh well well there you are there you have it

crying series to absolutely loved it i can't wait for well i can't wait for see self to wait two
years probably because um nobody fucking choice i mean there's no way you know so as we've spoken
about it because you're like well i knew it was gonna happen like it's an insane part of me it's like
well do i wait until i watch the tv series for a bit the big not a fucking chance i would never
wait a year to read nerve and milsh big i would be devouring that big fucking second it comes out i

wonder what else could say he has when i follow up and well shone the the socials and i've read a lot of
interviews with him and i know that i think he's quite keen to get more work of his filmed because
we think about it is is it's sort of a bit he's he's reading quite a lot of books now but
not only ones that have been like put on film or tv is obviously trained spot and famously

filth uh trained spot in two slash porno there's bits of porno and trained spot in two
um it's not particularly a true adaptation of the book and now crime but you know let's just
look at the ecstasy and the acetyles yeah we don't talk about ecstasy in the acetyles
it's yes suppose the acetyles is true but you know there's a lot that's quite a

it's got he's he's actually made and to use like modern terminology he's sort of built quite a
rich universe because quite a lot of his characters overlap in the different stories in smaller ways
you know well we know that there is i don't know if it's in production or if it's in it's in pre-production
or some point but we know there is going to be a blade artist tv series of course starring robercoliol

yeah um if you think about that the other things he's done i would i would love i would absolutely
love to see a like a four part mini series or even a six part of glue yeah yeah that'll be
incredible yeah um you're never gonna get i forget fucking sex lives of the cymys twins like i've
only read that once i might revisit it because i can't remember if it was that i remember not

loving it at the time but yeah i'll maybe go back and read it you are never ever unless it's on
pornoble gonna get a decent right made into a tv series i would love to do i might make a short film
actually making a decent right into a tv series but um if you get a pili don't get that and then
that kind of covers everything that's that's it well i mean you can do you can do stuff like

yeah i mean you can do stuff like um like obviously you know damn men's trousers later down the line
you could do skag boys but with a younger cast i think that's what they're trying to maybe do as well
like make that into a tv series but then is that over saturation does it get too much does that
dilute the brand and that's what you don't want to do because train spotting is such an iconic film

i do not want a train spotting tv series because do not fucking touch that but then his score is
the change spotting play the visual play so it comes and goes to play um and then it's fine
and porno's been made into a play uh it's uh that's fine i don't know i think it's a play it's fine
i don't want any it's a play it's fine give me a blade artist tv series and that's it

and and if you want to do if you want to do demons trousers in like five years time or so i don't know
how they could give me that i don't think they could do it though because the characters in t2 the
characters of red and big bay uh sick boy and spotting they're too far removed from
the way they are in dead men's trousers you know i don't give me dead men's trousers then

just give me the blade artist i the blade artist crown series three and give me a decent ride i think i
would i think if they were to do a tv series of skag boys and obviously were with the characters
that we know and love but also make it a commentary on you know that the aids epidemic in eden
bra and the aids in everything and i'd be in the right hands that we always say it could be it could

be quite good then just i would do the pen on the cast i think yeah as long as it's not the in-between
are sunhead o'n then i'll be happy enough i think you'll be all right i think i don't need to
wait too much for that look if wellshin kavanaugh write it then it's going to be fine like because obviously
the wealth is no fool he's not going to have anything shite good with his output so let's win see but

yeah i absolutely love cram series two let's win see what's next so cram series two is my choice
which means that the the big adult swings background to you so what are we watching for the next
episode okay Greg well next episode it's going to come out just after Halloween so we're going to
actually miss her suales booktacular it's going to come out i think like two or three days after

Halloween so we've covered a few Scottish horror films over the last few years and this year is
no different but on the next episode i'd like to look at a film that takes a couple of actors from a
couple of previous suales booktaculars that we've done so starring Liam Cunningham from dog soldiers
and also starring we know her as the size queen but she might become in the suales scream queen

Polyanna McIntosh i'd like to look at the 2014 film Let us Prey oh yeah never seen it and it
might be a little bit of a police trilogy because it's set in a police station and we've just done
Taggart, Crime and let us pray back to back so that'll conclude our police trilogy for the year
yeah but yeah 2014's Let Us Prey so that's your homework to watch for the next episode of the

culture swally well thank you very much for listening everyone hope you enjoyed the show if you
want to get in touch with us drop us a line on anything you've seen in the news
or anything you'd like us to review or cover you can follow us on the socials on instagram at
cultureswallypod or on x formerly known as twitter at swallypod and Greg we have a wonderful website

as well don't we we do you can find this at that's of content uh
Scottish media content to meet over and you can contact us through the website as well there are
links to our social media and our gmail accounts so get in touch and don't forget we're still
like to hear who your young tagger dreamcast might be we'll get in touch you just listen to the

episode I sent you today I mean yeah yeah well we just know you you sent me it two days ago so listen
to it on the flight pole from south it um okay yeah and you know well we're at it if they were to do a
a Skag boys tv series let us know which young actor she think could fill the massive shoes of
Ewan's Bremner and McGregor and Robert Carlyle and um you join in e miller as the the quartet um from

train spotting but I'd love to know wonderful all right well good stuff you up to anything else
exciting today Greg I mean it's three weeks ago that will be talking about but uh well no big it's
nine o'clock at night here I'm going to go and order some chips with salt and vinegar and hopefully a
roll and have a because I've not had any dinner uh and have a roll in chips I did have a big lunch

went out for a lunch had a had a nice lunch out with my with my wife was sitting a public haul
here today so her night went shopping had a little lunch date together but I think a roll in chips
she's out there's no judgment that's what I'll be doing well you enjoy your rolling chips Greg
and I will speak to you on the next episode the culture s valley which we will actually be
recording in about four or five weeks time okay right okay until next time

Greg so next date my name is Ray and I'm an adored I've displaced my life for 40 years hiding from
your aunt hiding from what's made me power of the groups will keep she safe
the life is nice if life's a challenge that has to be faced

no I have to leave it all behind because it's time to heal myself and move on
I choose life

(upbeat music)
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