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December 29, 2022 23 mins

Each year, IoT Sweden holds a call for proposals, enabling public sector actors to seek funding for IoT projects. Since 2014, we have provided a total of over SEK 200 million in funding to over 100 IoT projects, mostly in the public sector. IoT Swedens Programme Director, Olle Bergdahl, talks about the strategic innovation programme and what we aim for. 

Produced by: Nicolai Slotte

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Hello everyone,and welcome to today's episode.
Today we will be meeting Olle Bergdahl,the programme director of IoT Sweden, and
we will be going to introduce everyoneto IoT Sweden, the strategic
innovation programme focused on IoT.
Welcome, Olle.

Please introduce yourself.
Thank you very much,and I'm very happy to be here.
My name is Olle Bergdahl, and I amthe programme director for the strategic
innovation programme, IoT Sweden.
I can give you just a shortintroduction of what I'm doing.

I've been on IoT Sweden, workingfor IoT Sweden for the past four years.
I started as a responsible forthe innovation projects, the portfolio.
Since January 2022, I have the roleas the programme director.

I have a technical backgroundfrom the Royal Institute of Technology.
I hold a Master of Science in engineeringwith the degree subjects in information
and communication technology.
I've been working in the Swedish industryand also public sector with the change

management, innovation, digitalization.
I've always been very curious and keenon how new key enabling technologies
can shape our future,changing, creating new values,
impact in society in our everyday lives.

That's pretty much it.
We have a couple of questionsto you, obviously, now that we have a
chance to interview you in this studio.
To start with, I would liketo understand more about this
strategic innovation programme concept.
Could you justexplain to us and the listeners
what is a strategic innovation programmeand how have they come to be created?

The strategic innovation programmesare a jointly funded programme
with three agencies.
It's the Vinnova,The Swedish Innovation Agency, and
the Swedish Energy Agency,Energimyndigheten.

And Formas, which is the Swedish ResearchCouncil for Sustainable Development.
They have jointly founded 17ongoing programmes.
There are some characteristics describingthe strategic innovation programmes.
The common ground is that all theprogrammes are working with innovative

solutions for sustainable developmentand great societal challenges.
But also all programmes areworking very intensely to strengthen the
Swedish competitiveness internationally.
That's the common ground.
Also, one of the characteristicsis that all programmes are

stakeholder driven.
We are talking aboutstakeholder-driven innovation.
That means that all programmes aregoverned by a steering committee
consisting of the stakeholders that arevery actively driving a change in all
thematic areas and all the innovationareas that these 17 projects are

currently working on.
Let's jump into how didIoT Sweden come to be then?
How did it begin?
It's a long story, to be honest, butI will just give you some brief details
about how the programme was founded.

This was like some 10 years agoor even before that, Internet
of things emerged like a keyenabling technology as a development
of the existing internet as we know it.
It emerged as a very interesting areawith a lot of innovation potential.

This was spotted by key stakeholders such
as Ericsson in Sweden and also by several
researchers, as research normally isin the forefront of the innovation
and development in that sense,and that accounts for technology

as well, of course.
There were some stakeholders in differentorganisations and also early adopters
and people were very encouragedto do something and wanted to explore
the innovation potentially in this area.
What happened, they jointly came togetherand searched for writing an innovation

agenda for the area Internet of Things.
Internet of Things wasn'tthe only agenda that was written.
Agendas in different innovation areaswere founded to describing the innovation
potential, the pathway, what couldbe developed in this area, and so forth.
As for Internet of Things,these agendas were later used to

search or apply for establishinga strategic innovation programme.
The stakeholders around the agendacame together and they really
wanted to establish and apply for foundinga strategic innovation programme.
And Uppsala University wasthe coordinating part in this project.

And there is a long traditionat Uppsala University within the areas of
distributed computer systems, censoringtechnology, and technologies in different
aspects relating to Internet of Things.
So it was natural that UppsalaUniversity took this, what can I say,

coordinating part in this.
But it was a joint initiativewith the stakeholders that before had
written this innovation agenda.
From the very beginning, it wasa heavy focus on the technology itself.
The technology, Internetof Things, was really a new concept.

There wasn't so many use casesand not so many good examples of what
this technology could be used for.
That is typical, I would say,for development phase or innovation phase
when it comes to new technology,that it starts with this real hype
around the technology.
Later on, it will be … More exampleswill show what we can use this technology

for, what value that can be addedby using this technology.
But from the very beginning,large technology focus I would say.
Very interesting.
Can you tell us a little bit what changed?
When did it start and whatare we now focusing on?
Yeah, that's a very good question.

Seven years ago, the programme dida strategic work focusing on shifting,
not only focusing on innovative Internetof Things solutions, but rather focus on
public sector municipalities useof technology for societal challenges.

The focus … there was a strategic decisionthat IoT Sweden should focus on IoT
for public sector.
And public sector in general,but more specific municipalities,
cities, like smart city solutions,but also solutions for health care
and other areas, challengesand needs for city and citizens.

The focus of the programme clearlyshifted from the technology side to more
what is the technology used for,and specifically in the public sector.
Definitely so, very much so.
We also saw that there weresome heavy needs in the public sector
to work even more, drivingthe organisations to be more data-driven,

working with data-driven innovation.
The Internet of Thingsboils down pretty much
to handling data in a strategic way.
What are the biggest challenges in termsof implementing IoT in public sector?

Yeah, that's a very good question.
I would say there are multiple layersof challenges, but the key challenges
are concerning definitelyprocurement, but also competence.
How should you work with data as astrategic resource in the organisations?

How can you reskill your staff,training them using IoT solutions
in a more strategic way?
But there are also challenges concerningleadership and decision making,
challenges concerning technologyaspects as interoperability,

how different solutions can workin a more common way and also
enabling reuse of already existinginfrastructure in a better way.
What does the strategic innovationprogramme, IoT Sweden, do to solve

these societal challengesthat the public sector is facing?
We're doing several things, butour core business is funding
innovative IoT innovation projectsand also supporting the ongoing projects.
But we are also working heavilyon sharing experiences and knowledge

throughout the IoT communityand throughout the ecosystem.
We believe very much in two things.
First in our innovation projects,focusing a lot on a learning by doing
approach, enabling municipalitiesand cities working with IoT solutions

and exploring the benefits and learningby doing in a collaborative manner.
Also, we're working very heavilyon learning by sharing.
Our IoT Forum is our platformfor enabling exchange of knowledge,
experiences and use cases andbest practise among the IoT community.

What is a typical project thatyou have previously seen created with
the funding that the programme provides?
We have many different themes,different categories and
application areas during the years.
Many projects are relatedto what you probably could

summarise as smart city projects.
By smart city projects, I mean projectsrelating to smart buildings, mobility.
It could be related toenvironmental monitoring, air
and water quality, for example.
But we have also many successful projectswithin areas like eHealth, welfare system.

Individual projects,like very innovative projects for IoT
in schools, for example, and also IoTfor a more sustainable lifestyle.
It's a really broad range of projects,different themes and categories.

Did you set the themes from the programmeor is this coming from the stakeholders
that are applying for the funding?
The themes are decided by our boardand they vary every year.
We decide on different themesand also different concepts

in a type of project that could bevery beneficial for this development.
I can say something.
We have shifted a little bit focus.
When we started with our strategicfocus area on public sector,
we started off with so-called IoT hubs.
An IoT hub is like a long ...

It was like a three yearor almost four year old project.
The IoT hubs were gathered arounddifferent themes, different topics.
It could be IoT solutionsfor the smart city.
It could be IoT solutionsconcerning air and water.
It could be IoT hub for a school.

It could be IoT Hub for accessibility,IoT hub for logistics, and so on.
Now we are more focused on financingor innovation concept with more of a...
You could say it's more a stagedapplication concept, starting off with

feasibility studies, small prototypeprojects, proof of concept, etc.
Then we have our next category,and that is prototyping projects.
Prototyping projects is like a use case.
Maybe a city has decided thatwe want to work heavily on solving this

great challenge or this problem area.
It could be relatedto pretty much everything
that is relevant for a municipality.
Then we have our last category,and that is our implementation projects,
and that is more larger projects.

We are talking about scalable IoTsolutions, large scale testing
of IoT solutions, and so on.
We provide a broad range, I would say,of different product types and themes.

What results do you expectcoming out of these projects?
There's different types of categoriesof projects, as you say, but
what typical results can you expect?
You can expect really a broad rangeof different results, experiences are
I would say, expected to see,and that's very close to the

learning by doing approach.
But also broader network.In all these projects, actors
and stakeholders that are not...
Maybe they are not used to workand they maybe meet for the first time.
Expanding and enabling creatingnew strong networks for co-creation

is a really great result.
Then you, of course,have the IoT solutions itself.
If you can solve a problem in Gothenburgand be very successful,
the know-how and the technical solutionitself could be packaged and it
also could have great commercial potentialand also be spread to other cities

in Sweden, but elsewhere as well.
We have seen some great results alsoreaching the global market as well.
How much funding has the programmeprovided up until now?
Up until now, we have fundednearly 20 million euros in total

of over 100 innovation projects.
In our innovation portfolio,we have 35 ongoing projects.
If you want to learn moreabout the projects, we have collected
all of the projects that are boththe ones that are ended, but also

the ongoing ones in our project database.
If you browse to IoT Sweden's webpage, you will find all projects.
You can also filter if you are interestedin any specific subjects or themes
I would say it's really easy to sort it outand learn more about what has been done.

I really also want to stressThat I'm very proud of the broad range of
I would say, successful projectsand good examples of how IoT
could be used in public sector.
We're very proud of having this databaseshowing the broad range

of all possibilitiesthat this technology can bring.
But also I'm very proud of that we area very good geographical range in Sweden.
We have projects all over Sweden, fromSouth Sweden to up in the north, when we

are focusing on the northern Swedenarctic IoT and how these solutions
can work in really harsh environments.
What are your thoughtson the future of the programme?
We still have some three yearsleft in IoT Sweden in the programme,

and we will reach working heavilyon the transition, what will happen
after the programme is ended.
For sure, the technology aspectis the technology development
and innovation will, of course, continue.
From a technology perspective,I see that there are so many key

enabling technologies that emerge.
We see a fusion maybeof artificial intelligence
and internet of things that these keyenabling technologies are more connected.
We also have the area of blockchain,digital twin, edge computing and such.

I think that The SwedishInnovation and Research Agenda
will focus on impact innovation.
Impact innovation is the next generation,strategic innovation programmes.
Impact innovation will havea mission-oriented innovation approach

and working with really systematictransformation and societal change
through transformation.
Mission-oriented innovationwill gather larger consortiums
and working with really big challenges.

I think that the IoTwill play an important role in all
the next coming innovation programmesin that sense that data will be needed
to understand that all actions that we aretaking and all initiatives that

are being driven, that they areleading to the right results.
Data is needed to understandand driving this change.
The relevance for Internetof Things will not be less.
It will be more, and it will for sure havea great impact in the next generation

of innovation programmes, but also in thedigital agendas in municipalities as well.
What are the key drivers for a municipalityor a region to work with IoT?
IoT can bring value in so many ways.
IoT solutions could be usedfor increasing value and quality.

It could be used for reducing costsand increasing efficiency,
if you want to say that, put it that way.
But it could also be used for publicengagement. IoT solutions
could really be used for creatingindividual solutions and providing

welfare services in completely new ways.
Could you give us an exampleof a welfare service using IoT?
Well, there are so many, but for example,IoT solutions deployed in our homes,
in homes for elderly people,detecting if you fall, for example.

IoT solutions used for our safetyare really good examples
of the technology being used.
If you had a chance to reach out directlyto our audience with a call
to action, what would you tell them?
I would encourage each and everyoneto browse our project database,

exploring all good examples of innovativeIoT solutions for public sector.
That's a very good start.
IoT Sweden is an open programme,and we want to continue this development.
You are more than welcometo reach out and connect.
If you have any ideas on themesand topics for our IoT forum

that we could maybe focus ondifferent areas, different aspects.
It could be cyber security,it could be procurement,
it could be internationalisation,it could be IoT used in different
application areas such asaspects of smart cities,

welfare technology,eHealth, or any area of your specific
interest, please reach outand connect and
we can explore different opportunitieswithin the concept of IoT Forum to sharing
knowledge, sharing experiences,and also sharing existing solutions

that could be applied in new ways.
Well, thank you so much.
-With that, we end this programme.-Thank you.
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