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February 8, 2024 48 mins

In this uplifting episode, journey alongside the host as she discusses her personal quest for balance and well-being, shedding light on her experiences and the strategies she discovered that helped her re-energize her life. From cold plunging to revamping her nervous system, she discusses how these deep revelations about self and healing propelled her forward on her path of transformation.

Discover intriguing insights into the power of the human nervous system and its profound connection to our past traumas and current reactions. Learn practical tactics, like cold water therapy and breathing regulation, that can guide your nervous system to a state of equilibrium.

Delve into the complexities of the nervous system and its profound influence on our subconscious and our daily interactions. Hear the honest narrative of a woman who has persevered through her own struggles, becoming acutely aware of the crucial role the nervous system, sound sleep, and a balanced life play in achieving holistic wellness.

This episode is a treasure-trove of valuable information for everyone, whether you're on a personal growth journey or looking for inspiration to create positive changes in your life. Listen, learn, and come to appreciate the power of resilience, personal strength, and the undying human spirit in promoting transformation and growth.

Immerse yourself in a world where sleep, meditation, self-reflection, and acceptance become the pillars of healing and personal evolution. Engage in meaningful discussions on calming your mind, traditional views on meditation, and the life-transforming potential of dedicated meditation practices.

Dive into the intricate interplay between our thoughts, reactions, and the life we lead, understanding the need to challenge what feeds our mindset and the potential benefits of breaking free to achieve enlightenment.

As the episode concludes, experience the host's passion for sound healing and its curative potential. Join her on this transformative journey towards self-discovery and life-enhancing changes as she uses powerful metaphoric language to guide listeners on this path.

On this awe-inspiring journey of self-improvement and manifestation, the host shares the wonders of meditation and how it isn't tied to religion, but a tool for self-discovery and refinement. She calls upon audience members to pursue their dreams and improve their lifestyles, underlining their capacity to create and succeed.

Listen more about effective manifestation techniques and the joy of aiding others in realizing their dreams. End the episode with a sense of gratitude for the ability to connect globally and continue learning tools to enhance life and foster happiness.

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Episode Transcript

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Hello everyone. Oh my goodness. How are you all doing?
I am literally just shivering here because I just went in the ocean and I swear
to God, some days she really gets me. She gets me me good.

So cold. So cold. How are you all doing?
I am doing really well. I mean, some of the things I feel like I say the same
thing every week, but I'm like, okay, I can't believe that it's February 8th today.
Like, wow, we made it.

You guys, we made it till February. January definitely felt like the longest
month on record, but not going to lie, I needed January to go slow.
Time has felt like it's been going so fast, like so, so, so,
so fast, and I needed it to slow down.

So I welcomed the slowdown of it, although it did feel long,
but I was also okay with that.
But it's February 8th now, so things are definitely picking up again.
There's so many many new people here. I'm so excited about that.
And welcome, everybody.
I was just like looking at the places all over the world that you guys are listening to me.

And like, there's a new one on the list in the end that's in the Philippines,
like hello to you all in the Philippines and everywhere else in the world.
Like, it's just I mean, for me, it's just so cool, knowing that there's people
listening to me all over the world.
I mean, this is a dream come true. And we are going to talk more about that today.

But this really is, you guys. And there's been some really cool things that
have been happening in my life.
And I have shared very openly about, you know, last year and how challenging
of a year that was for me and kind of took you all.
Well, I mean, it wasn't the whole year that I had my podcast,
but I have shared, you know, into some of the challenging parts of last year.

And it does feel that things are changing right now.
It definitely, definitely does. does and as
you all know if you're new here my podcast
is unedited and you know what makes me
really happy is that that is a
part or that is something that I hear quite often is like I love that it's unedited

and like my friend the other day was like your burps your everything and I'm
like I'm I mean I'm sorry about my burps but at the same time if I'm gonna have an unedited podcast.
Like I'm a human being and there's going to be noises, you know,
like at least I'm a, I'm a burper and not a farter.
So, oh dear.

So yeah, you guys, you guys really get a taste of me here. The real deal,
the full meal deal, I should say.
And it's really fun. It's, it's fun for me. This is like I've said every time,
this is a fun outlet for me.
It's like a little dear your diary, and you get a little insight into my life and what's happening.
And right now I will say, or for the past, you know, really in depth the past two months for sure.

But the past six months I've been, I've been my own Guinea pig on a bunch of
things that I've been working on to see for myself if they really work.
So I'm somebody who's like super curious.
I love learning. Not only do I love learning, I need to learn or I don't feel

good in myself or as a human being.
I just, I need to learn. I have a thirst for knowledge and I also have a thirst
to learn things for myself.
Somebody can tell me something and I'm just like, okay, great.
Right I need to know for myself you know what I mean
so I'm one of those where I'm not just like yeah okay you
said that and I believe it I mean some things you

know people are very compelling and I will believe them but I
still am going to be like okay I want to I want
to try this or I want to know this or I got to test this out you know so that
is why I'm really excited to chat with you here today because all day I've been
working on a newsletter which I am also really excited about clearly you can

see I'm excited about a few things here um.
And my newsletter is going to come out tomorrow.
So you are getting the first little glimpse into what I'm launching here today.
And those who listen will hear it today. And the rest of you will hear it when
you hear it. And that's perfect too.

But it really, I was thinking as, you know, as I was getting ready to record
today, I was like, Like, it's really crazy how we have to create our own energy.
And like, there's all this energy that's accessible to us, but like,
you have to start it and then keep the momentum going.
Or if you don't feel like you have energy, like you can go and create it.

So, you know, for example, today, today was a day that I had a lot of things
that I needed to work on, you know, just things that I want to launch,
things that I want to work on myself. You know, the list goes on and on.
So I was up to my eyeballs sitting at my computer and, you know,
just focusing and trying to finish, finish up some things.

And I was like, okay, I got to change my scenery here. I got to change.
I got to change the energy and just like take a break away from this.
Because for me it helps with just like getting some more inspiration sometimes
or just like going away thinking about it and then I come back and I have got
fresh eyes and a fresh brain and a fresh heart. So yeah.

I was like, okay, let's go do that. So I went and, you know,
quickly got my things together.
I'm like, okay, from this time to this time, we're going to do this,
this time to this time, we're going to do this. And right now I just got to get in the water.
Today I did the cold, I did a cold plunge in the middle of the day because I
like, I like plunging when the sun is out and it wasn't like out, like hot, trust me.

It was fucking cold today. Like I really, like a lot of days I'm just like,
yeah, we're just going to do this. And like, Like it's hard,
but it's like, I'm just, you know, it's just like, okay, I'm just going to do this.
And like, you just, I just walk in and it's totally like doable.
There's some days where the resistance is real. And today was one of those,

but I was like, well, you walked all the way here.
I'm not walking back and, you know, and not completing what I came here to do.
So So I went and I did it and begrudgingly and there was waves that were splashing
me in the face and the water was fucking freezing.
And I was just like, okay, I just sat in it or I just stood in it and I just let it suck.

And I was just like, okay, I'm just going to, I'm just going to stand here.
I could stand. I got to the point where I could stand in the waters up to my
neck and and it's probably seven degree water, and it was just cold.
And so I probably stayed in for like five minutes, and the suck becomes less.
It's so crazy how we just adapt to whatever environment we're in.

And I'm just like, wow, this is wild. It is so important to put yourself in
in uncomfortable situations.
As human beings, we are so accustomed to being comfortable.
It is wild to me. And it's wild to me because I'm a human and I do it too.
But it's just wild to me how we're programmed. So...

It just, it really dawned on
me that I was like, okay, now I'm standing in the water and now I'm fine.
You know, after the first like minute, everything calms down and now I'm just
in cold water and it's hard, but like, I'm not dying. I'm fine.
And my breathing has regulated my heart rate, you know, has regulated.
And now I'm just like, okay, now I'm here. I'm in cold water and I'm totally fine.

And then it starts to feel like relief. It starts to feel like relieving.
So it's just very very fascinating and
the thing is is that we're also very quick to
forget as human beings and you know as much
as I I do plunge all the time like five days a week it's just like I still learn
new things from it and that's why I haven't stopped so you know whether you've

got a practice of like cold water therapy or you know different things that
put you in in uncomfortable uncomfortable situations,
I highly recommend you do it because it just,
it's just so easy to get stuck in our weights.
And so that's a really important one. And another one that I have been focusing on.

So the, the part where, I mean, me being a guinea pig is definitely cold plunging
because I'm just like, okay, I want to see what this does over a long period
of time. And I've been doing it for over a year now. It's been a year and a few months.
And I will, I mean, I can very confidently say that it is something that I will always have,

that will always have a big place in my heart, first of all,
but it is something that I will always do, whether I can continue it five days
a week or not. I don't know.
One day I will build a house and I'll have a sauna and a cold water tub outside
where I can fill it with ice and water for sure.
So, you know, there's just some things now where I'm like, this is a yes,

this is a hard yes, and this works.
That's one of them. So I recommend you try it if you haven't.
Because this is, this is going to tie in with what, with the rest of what I'm saying today.
So the nervous system, my nervous system was literally what my nervous system felt like.

And I didn't know that it felt like this until I started to cool it down,
calm it down, down slow it down
I didn't realize how fried
it was until I started
to do things that unfried it
so I always try to put things I always try to bring things to you know to my

audience in ways that are easy to understand so for me for you to understand
what my nervous system felt like it It felt like I took my finger in an electrical
socket and my whole body just went,
you know, for like a really long period of time.
And I survived it and then just like kept on going with my life.

So, of course, as young children, our nervous systems are affected by things on the daily.
Every single one of us has trauma. You know, every single one of us has have
had, you know, really traumatic things that have happened to us.
Everybody's story is different, right?
My story is different than yours. It's not the way, you know,

yeah. Anyways, everybody's story is different, right?
And it just coming back to our nervous systems,
our nervous systems are hardwired with all of those traumas and, you know,
little little daily things that can happen that like kind of,

you know, throw us off, but then you just keep on going with it throughout your day.
And like bigger things can happen another day. And like, or something really
traumatic happens recently, or, you know, some of these things can be really
old. Some of them can be new.
Okay. Long story short, what I have learned is.
Is that the nervous system is hardwired with all of our past inside of it.

And the nerve, like our nervous system, it's like, I saw this meme that was
like, can we, can my nervous system be a calm system?
Like, it's like, it's so funny that it has to be called the nervous system.
It's like, I don't want it to be nervous anymore, you know, but like,
it really does explain it quite quite well, but the nervous system is very complex,

but I like to break it down simply.
The nervous system is hardwired and it is hardwired with all of our traumas
and all of those little things that are added into it that never actually go away unless we can undo,
a lot of that nervousness or like, you know, taking your finger out of the socket

by doing doing certain things like regulating your nervous system back to a non-nervous state.
So one of those things for me, and that does work for other people too, is cold plunging.
It absolutely unequivocally helps my nervous system because you get in the water,

your body is like, what the fuck are you doing to me? You start to breathe deeply.
And within a minute, it, everything is just like, zoom, comes right down.
And all of a sudden it's like, oh, this feels so good.
Why does it feel so good? Feels so good.
And then the rest of the day, you're like, oh my God, I feel better.

Or something happens that would act in the past, normally dysregulate your nervous system.
Now you have the tools that deep breathing all of a sudden, you know how to
regulate your nervous system and to not let it stay out of whack for the rest of the day.
Right? So of course, there's going to be things that throw us off. We get triggered.

Okay, there's all these things and I can't spend like hours talking about each thing here.
I just tried to break it down and make it easy for you know,
easy for myself and for everybody else to understand. And this is what I've been studying.
So the nervous system is hardwired. And another thing that I have learned is
that it actually acts as our subconscious.

So it's interlinked with our subconscious.
And of course, I've got to do more studying and more research on this.
But from my personal experience, and I'm definitely somebody that can be used
as a guinea pig, because my nervous system would be, you know,
pretty fucked up. Let's just put it bluntly from my past history, right?

So I'm a good candidate to try these things on because of, you know,
the state of in which my nervous system was.
So, you know, I've named some of the things that have helped me and something
that I have really been researching now and spending a lot of time doing,
and I'm just going to say this at the beginning,

I know that not everybody is going to have the amount of time that I've been
spending doing what I'm about to tell you.
So I get up very early in the morning. I am a, I'm a early go to bed person.
I'm in bed by like nine 30, everything is shut down and I'm going to sleep. sleep.
And it's just, you know, it's just something that I've set up in place for myself

because sleep is very important to me.
My, my sleep time is equally to me as important as my daytime.
They are, there is not one that is more important than the other.
I mean, to some degree, I would argue that the sleep time is more important
than the daytime, but it's like, it's like, I can't, you know what I mean?
So anyways, though, if your nighttime is not, is not taken, how should I say this?

If, if, if your sleep is not given the respect and the time and the dedication
to making it the best possible sleep that you can,
you will be affected by it during the day and then
it's a constant you know it's that vicious cycle right so anyways long story

short that's why I do it and I have you know been healing myself this way and
I just have you know things that I've set up for myself for this time being
again to use myself as a guinea pig.
So I get up at, I would say five, five or 6am every morning.

And I spend minimum an hour in meditation.
So some of those meditations are guided.
Some of them are not. But they all require like I use headphones for all of them.
So none of it is just me being silent in a room sitting. Okay.
So I'll just put that out there right away because for me, my thoughts are very

rampant, you know, less now when I wake up, but when I wake up,
it's just like, boom, here we go. Right.
Like they start right away and they start quickly.
So for me, I need something to focus on.
So either sound or a guided meditation is perfect for me. And honestly.

I have seen the biggest effects from my meditation practice over anything else that I've ever tried.
And I get it. A lot of people are like, meditation is not for me. Like, I don't have time.
I can't sit still. My thoughts are too all over the place. I am the person who

is the most of all of those things.
Okay. I cannot sit still. I have a hard time relaxing. I have a hard time focusing.
I have a hard time with all of those things.
And which is why I have forced myself to pick up this practice and just give it a try.
And I have to say it becomes so much easier within a short amount of time.

My nervous system is literally changing by the day.
And the thing is, is that because our nervous systems are hardwired,
we can do, you know, there's therapy,
there's, there's this, there's that, like, and I'm all for therapy,

trust me, I've done a lot of therapy, and it is very important.
And I am not going to sit here and say, you know, it's this over that.
But I've done a lot of therapy.
And there are certain things that therapy cannot touch.
And so of course, it's really important to have a safe space where you can talk about things.
And like, there's a lot of traumatic things that we've been through,

and that safety and all of that is really important.
So again, just saying that, but nervous system regulation and healing your nervous
system is going to bring you insane results.
So because the nervous system is hardwired, what ends up happening is our nervous
system is hardwired to literally do the same thing over and over and over again.

Something happens, you react the same.
Something happens, you go into fight or flight.
Something happens, you go into freeze mode. Something happens, this, that, right?
You do the same thing over time mind because it's become a pattern and it's
hardwired in your nervous system.
Your nervous system does not forget.
Your nervous system is your nervous system. It is part of who you are.

So literally, you can want to make a change in your life and you're like,
why do I keep on doing this?
It's because your nervous system is hardwired along with other things in your body.
I'm just talking about one system here, but the system that I'm talking about
is highly, highly important.
And for me, it's the one system that I need to focus on right now.

And I have been focusing on right now. And I am literally mind blown at the
results that I've been getting just from testing these things out for the last
really in depth for the last few months.
And so that's why I want to say to you, some of these things,
I think people think, you you know, oh, it takes like years and,

you know, to make any impact.
And like, you know, only these kind of people can do that.
It's like, no, this kind of stuff, meditation doesn't have to be a monk sitting
in a temple in the middle of Tibet for a year, you know, not talking to anybody.
I'm sure that's really great. And I would not be opposed to doing it.

But that's not the reality that we all live in right now, right?
So there has to be ways for us to make changes in our lives.
And I will also say, not everybody does want to actually make changes.
So what I'm talking about, I wanted to make changes in my life,
because I'm just not okay with staying the same and letting these certain patterns

rule my life, because I've had enough of them.
And I don't I I made a, you know, I've made big changes in my life over the
last few years, but there's still things I can't expect just to make one big
change and then to see all these other changes.
Yes, one big change can lead to a lot of other changes and it naturally will.

But wherever you go, there you are.
The patterns will still follow you unless you are actually willing to go deep.
Be silent, even if it's 15 minutes a day.
But I guarantee you, if you do 15, you're going to want to do 30.
And if you do 30, you're going to want to do 40.

And, you know, so on and so on. I'm not going to lie to you right now.
I would love to meditate for three hours a day.
And on the days where, you know, I have a day off and I've got some,
you know, added time, I do meditate for two hours a day.
And, you know, some of you guys are going to be like, oh, my God,
I'm never going to do that.
Never say never. if you pick up a meditation practice, you're going to end up,

you will come to me and be like, oh my God, Renee, I know what you're talking about.
And I know that like a lot of people that I'm talking about this to right now,
you know, you might, you might just be like, that's not for me. Totally cool.
Okay. But just hear me out and also just be open.

Okay. I think we all get really stuck in our ways. And it's just like,
that's not for me. You know, I'm not going to do this. I'm not that kind of
a person. I don't do that.
It's like, we really like really though, are you?
Like, the thing is, is I was writing about this in my newsletter.
And this is a question that I proposed to my audience.

Do you believe everything that you hear? And I know the answer is going to be no.
Okay. Everyone would say no. My next question to you, do you believe everything
that you hear in your head? Yes, you do.
Most of us do. Okay. Why would you believe everything in your head?

If you, if you don't believe everything that you hear outside of your head,
you know, that your, that your, your soul, your body, your consciousness has
no clue what what the difference is, right?
It's all the same. Have you ever thought about that?
So don't be so stuck in your ways. If the way that you've been doing things

hasn't been working, maybe don't dig your heels in so deep.
Because my question to you is, has that been working for you?
Has it? Right? Okay.
Okay. So if it hasn't been working, and if it has, props to you.

Okay? OK, if you have really, you know, made some changes in your life and you
are like really happy with the way things are going, I salute you so much.
And I honestly wish you like or actually, I'm just so happy for you.
And I really mean that. I really do.
I just think for myself, I even have to challenge myself because I am a very open minded person.

Person I make sure that I'm an open-minded person
but I have to say even this last week
I'm like oh my god that's what
that is what I've been doing you know in
the ways in which I communicate I had to really take
a hard look at myself and I have
you know really beautiful relationships in my life where

I have safety to talk about things that you
know maybe the way that I have been communicating or
I've been communicating with somebody else and we have a really
safe and open relationship where we are
not scared that the other person's going to take it the wrong way or
da da da da da right but I I

am so grateful that I have you know a few close relationships like that where
we can actually like talk about like oh my god I realized that I was doing this
and they're not going to judge me because it sounds super fucked up because
we all have shit like that right we all all do things that,
you know, we may just think like,

oh, it's normal, but like it's actually fucked up.
But I don't want to say it's fucked up in a bad way.
It's just because we've learned to do that over a period of time based on things
that have happened in our lives.
And there's nothing wrong with that, right?
But if something's not working for us and we just continue to go along with

it, it's just going to continue to go the same way.
Right? So, you know, I had to actually look at myself and I'm the one who always
says like, you know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over
and over again, expecting a different result.
Well, there's definitely things that I've been doing over and over again,

expecting a different result.
I can sit here and say that and so
then I'm like holy shit I've got to take in the look in the mirror here and
I clearly have some blind spots and I need very safe people in my life that
I trust and that I love to help me point those things out or I know deep down

what they are and it's and it's time to make a change right.
So I'll just say to you, don't be so set in your ways.
Or I would advise you not to be so set in your ways.
Because honestly, like, of course, there's certain beliefs that we're going
to have that are unequivocal. And like, I'm going to believe this forever.
Like, you know, okay, for me, treat everybody with kindness and love.

I mean, not everybody, though, if someone's like, you know, being a fucking
shitbag to you, it's not like, Oh, I love you. It's like, no,
you're allowed to defend yourself.
So like, you know, there's something with everything. But but you know what I mean, right?
There are certain universal truths that I will always believe and those are
going to be part of who I am.
But there's some things where I'm like, Renee, you got to take a look in the mirror here, right?

So I will say meditation is literally a way to rewire your nervous system because
you literally go into this relaxed state and you can rewire and reprogram your brain.
So, because our brains are so hardwired as well, literally like we are in the

same patterns in our brains over and over and over again and our subconscious
is running the show even though we don't know it's running the show.
We think we're running the show just by what shows up in our life.
But if there's things that are showing up in your life, your life is literally
a reflection of your thoughts, right end of your nervous system and how your

whole you know body reacts to your surroundings,
and to life in the present moment so it's kind of crazy if you if you look at
your life and you know you're just like how did how did this happen it happened and it was by you.

By you. So yes, there are certain things in life where things happen.
And I'm like, I don't know what the fuck that was about.
And I still haven't figured it out. But some things, a lot of things,
I'm just like, okay, yeah, I can see, I can see it. You know?
So the thing is, is that if you wouldn't believe everything that you hear,
why would you believe everything in your head?

Right? And if you don't like the things that are happening in your life,
and if you think that your mindset that is really great, but these things are still happening.
I can guarantee you, you've got some hard word things in your nervous system,
in your brain that are running the show and they're not serving you.
And it's not, and I'm not sitting here and saying that you're a bad person that
I'm not at all because I have the same thing, right?

We all have things. There's always going to be things our whole life.
It's like, you know, sometimes we can't take these things so seriously,
but there is a time to take a look at things seriously as well,
because a lot of the time we we don't, we just kind of like go on with things.
And like, you know, we just kind of become okay with it.
We've become, we become okay with how life is, even if we don't like it or we
want to, we want to change, but like, we just don't because it's hard or,

you know, it requires change and that's uncomfortable.
And it's like, oh my God, all the things. Right.
But if there's ever a time to make changes for yourself, it's now you're never too old.
You're never too, you know, like I always hear like, oh, there's enough people doing that.
Like it's all the, you know, know, the market's saturated or,
you know, or this or that, or, you know, it's like, no, you're here for a reason.

Your soul is literally not, you are you.
There is literally nobody else on the planet like you. So literally nobody else
on the planet can offer what you have to offer.
You're here for a reason. You're here by design.
You're here because what you have to offer is going to reach a certain group
of people that the next person next to you would not be able to reach because you are not them, okay?

So you gotta remember that. And that's the thing where these hardwired programs
get in the way because they literally talk us out of things before we even go and start to do it.
So that is what I have been doing to myself. Okay.
I have been a guinea pig for trying to reprogram my brain, which we can do.

And the way that you can do that and get into the deep places that are very hard to access.
Through meditation. Okay. And I can guarantee you right now,
the next big thing that is coming is going to be sound healing. healing.
There is so much that I want to talk about, like I'm bursting at the seams,

but that's for another day.
But sound healing is going to be huge and it is extremely powerful.
So the meditations that I've been doing have, you know, have certain frequencies
that I use that I spend time literally just like breathing slowly,

deeply getting into a relaxed place.
And now that I've I've been doing it over time because I've been practicing.
I can get there quickly and it is literally magic.
It is magic the way that it makes me feel. I have never felt like,
oh, oh, like a warm blanket, like, you know, how like a really soft,

warm blanket feels on your skin.
That's how it feels in every cell of your body.
And I've never felt that in my life. And it feels so good.
After 40 years of never knowing what that feels like and having a fried nervous
system that needs a fucking break.

And need some change. Meditation is a warm, like the softest,
warmest blanket for every cell in your body.
And trust me, there's no, there's no other, like, I'm sure I can find other
ways to describe it, but that's going to be a way that you can feel it tangibly.
And you can feel it physically.

You can feel it physically. You can feel it on a DNA level.
You can feel it on a, on a nervous system level, you can literally feel it on all the levels.
And you know what meditation, it's like a lot of people that are religious are
going to be like, Oh, no, I don't believe in meditation.
Or, you know, we're not allowed to meditate, meditate is meditating is not religious.

Meditating is literally you being with yourself and listening to a sound,
or somebody guiding you through really beautiful things about yourself.
There's nothing Nothing religious about it. So first of all,
throw that out the window. Second of all, if you still don't agree with it, it's fine.
It doesn't matter to me. This is for people who do want to make changes and

feel good in themselves and not have their subconscious,
hardwired subconscious and nervous systems running the show anymore.
And so it's really exciting because I know that this works because I've done it.
And there has been some really crazy things that have been like happening and

things that I've been manifesting for, you know, the last while.
And now they're coming to fruition in the most wild, unexpected ways that like
I could have, I could have like never imagined. imagined.
So I feel, actually, I don't feel, I know that the knowledge that I've gained is extremely valuable.

I know it works. I know that it can change lives because it changed mine.
And so I'm really, really excited to, to share this with you today because,
you know, it's, it's been, it's been a very interesting,
challenging, fun, exciting journey.

Really, really, really trying to figure out what I want to do and how I can help people.
And I mean, the people, it's always about the people for me.
And I'm like, you know what? Okay.
For me, a big, big, big thing is I need people to know that it's never too late to go after your dreams.

Dreams is a loaded word too. You know, people think of dreams like,
oh, I want to change the world.
Oh, I want to, you know, I want to do this really big thing.
Or, you know, it doesn't have to be these huge things.
A dream can be like, I want to own, you know, a cabin in the woods by the time you know this.

Literally, I could go on about this. It doesn't have to be huge.
Or a dream can be like, I want to change my health routine because I really
don't feel good about myself.
And I really want to do this. And I just don't know how.
And I feel stuck. And I feel like I don't know what to do.
And it's never too late. Or I want to record an album.

Or I want to become an artist. And I Like, you know, I still want to do my job,
but like, I want to do some like creative things that like I've always wanted to do.
It's never too late, you guys. It's never too late. We're all like put on this planet to create.
We are part of creation, creation.
We're part of creation. So we create, we're all artists.

Okay. So don't feel bad for wanting to do those things.
And it's not out of your reach. We've been programmed to believe that it's like,
you know, that's not something that we have time to do.
Okay, so anyways, that's for obviously another topic too. There's a lot more.

What I really want people to know is that you are worth making changes for, okay?
You are worth deciding that you want to bring this desire to fruition.
And I'm telling you, it doesn't all land on you.
You're a co-creator with the universe. So literally,

you start with an idea, you start to create some action towards it,
you You will be like mind blown at the ways that things come in for you to make
those dreams come to reality.
And sometimes it takes longer than we think. And sometimes it doesn't.
But I'm telling you, I've learned how to do this and I know what it takes.

And it's not as hard as you think it is.
We've just been told that it is. And we've been told that like,
you know, our imaginations are, you know, basically like non-existent or don't use them.
So there's a lot of things that we've been told that are just not true and magic is possible.
Okay. So I will talk about this a lot more, but today that's as far as I'm going

to go, because I'm really, really excited just to say that this is part of what what I'm doing.
I am here to support you in bringing your desires and your dreams to reality.
It's not that difficult.
I'm not going to do it for you. It's going to be you, but I will support you in learning how to do it.

Because once you have the tools, once you have the knowledge,
you don't need me anymore.
But knowing what I know now and what I've learned, making myself the guinea
pig over this last like year.
I know what it takes and I know that the simple steps and there's a lot of,
you know, there's a lot of bullshit out there, but there's a lot of,

there's, there's certain things now that I know that are unequivocally true
that can get you to that place.
And I'm also not going to sit here and say like, Oh, we're going to do this
in one month and you're going to see this and this and this happen. No, no, no, no, no.
None of this is a quick fix. Some, some things that you want to to bring into
your reality can happen quickly, right?

And they may happen quicker than you think that they can.
But some things do take time, right? Like some of my big dreams,
I know it's going to take me like, some of them are going to take 10, 20 years. Totally fine.
But I've already started working towards them and I can see the things that
are coming through that are taking me to those places. So you have to hold the vision.

You also have to be prepared to think outside of the box And maybe think outside
of the same narrative that you've been literally in for the last however many
years of your life, right?
So I've got some simple tools.
I've got support systems in place. I've got the tools that I have used.
And I'm really, really excited to start to offer that now. So it's basically

learning how to manifest and manifestation is magic.
You are all capable of creating magic.
It's not only for certain people.
People's dreams coming true is not only for certain people, it's for you too.
There's no reason why you can't and somebody else can.
Everybody has the same world surrounding them, okay?

Yes, we all live in different situations, but you have just as much opportunity
as the next person and your blueprint is literally not going to be the same as anybody else's.
So you are special. you're an individual nobody
else will ever be you the dreams the thoughts that you

have literally nobody else has and just
know that okay so that is that is that you can clearly see I am pumped up and
charged about this and super excited about it as well so what I've what I've
put together is is I am launching a manifestation series.

It's a minimum of two months because it takes two months for you to get really
set up and build the knowledge and build the tools and to like feel it in your body of like,
I get what she's talking about and I can do this now.
So we work together for two months.
It's not a lot of time, right? You're on your own.

I'm not talking to you you every day right we can communicate every
day if you want that account accountability and that's
definitely there but I have the
system set up that like okay you're handed this you do this this and this so
that's why the brain work is taken out of it right I I just have the system

now I bring it to you you do this this and this and watch what happens because
it's it's magical so So...
I'm going to leave the information for that in the comments box below.
As always, if you have questions, reach out to me. If you just want to chat,
like a little chat before you have some more questions, I'm always open for

a call. We can do a video call.
You know what I mean? Like there's all, everyone has different situations.
So I am really excited about this though. I'm really excited to work with you guys.
You know, my portfolio of things that I offer, it's funny, I was chatting with
somebody the other day and they're like, it's so cool. The different things that you offer.
And it's like, thank you so much. Yes, it is cool.

And I have created my life to support me as an individual.
I can't, you know, do the same thing every single day.
And so I, I set my life up how I want to live it.
And so offering all different things is exciting for me. and it's a way that

I can utilize my skills and my talents and my gifts and support other people.
And that has always been what I've been passionate about.
What's really cool now, though, is that I have learned really valuable skills
within myself that I'm confident.
I'm 1,000, 1,000,000% confident that this works because I've done it within myself.

And until till I get to that point, then I'm like, you know what?
Yes, I can offer this to other people now because I know it works.
I know it can help people.
And that is what I'm here to do. I literally am here for the people.
And it's like, you know what? Not everybody will get that. Not everybody will
be like on, you know, the same page as me or, you know, quote unquote,

like me, whatever. It doesn't matter. I'm not for everybody.
And, and everybody's not for me either. So that's just part of life. That is okay.
But there are certain people that I have worked with that I will work with that
really bring me so much fulfillment, just seeing other people live their dreams,

or just, you know, being happy, or, you know, making changes in their life that
are really impactful for them. That's what gives me joy and fulfillment.
That's what that's what literally life is good for me, when that is a part of my life.
And so that's why I built my life this way. so that I can be creative,
so that I can constantly learn, so I can use myself to test these things and

then to bring it to the world because I know that they work.
So, and yes, there are other people that, you know, have learned these things
as well and have different ways of doing things.
Again, I'm not stopping, you know, myself from offering things to the world
because somebody else is doing it that way. It's like, that's okay.
That's okay. Those people will be for those people. I will be for somebody else.

Else. And so that is why I'm still here. That is why I'm still going to keep on going.
And it is such an honor for me to work with you guys and to meet people from all over the world.
I've had some like really, really, really cool things happen.
And like, I've met some really cool people that like, you know,
from my podcast or from Instagram,
you know, over the last like while where I'm just like, Oh my god,

the universe is so cool how it connects people and how like,
you know, you can can end up working with people that you would have never imagined
because of the systems that we have in place. We live in a really cool time.
Yes, it's a fucked up time, but it's also a really cool time that we are able
to connect on such a global scale.

Right? So I thank you always for listening to me.
I will also put the link to my newsletter below if you guys would like to be
part of that as well, because I just did a really cool photo shoot and I'm going
to share There are some of my photos there.
And I think that's it. Like, I love you guys. Please take care of yourselves.
And taking care of yourselves can sometimes mean looking, taking a look in the

mirror and in a different way from a different perspective.
Because and not to look down on yourself for things that you've been doing.
Look upon yourself with love and that you've been, you know,
that those patterns have been in place because they were trying to protect you. Right? Right.
It's not coming from a place of like, oh, you did this for that long.

And like, why did you do that?
No, no, no, no. Love, love, love.
And that is the way you will change it to illuminate the darkness.
That's it. I love you guys so much. Thank you for listening.
I will leave the information below to if you want to get started on learning how to manifest.

I would be Yeah, I'm really excited about this. So let's be in touch.
I would love it if you left me a comment and leave me a review.
As always, it's really cool as well.
Like I heart radio people like I see you guys.
It's so funny how like you know everyone thinks like apple is
though is apple podcast is where everyone listens to podcasts not

true not true yes of course it's a big chunk
but like there's so many other platforms so to
all of the different platforms i see you guys i love you guys and thank you
for always listening to me and i hope i get to work with you or i hope that
you just feel my love and that you know if there's something that i said today
that helped you that makes me really happy and I'm sending you love to wherever you are.

And yeah, I really do love you and wish the best for you.
So I will talk to you guys soon and have a wonderful day and wherever you are.
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