Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
There's a lesson in all this wildfire insanity for all
of us. We'll talk about that. We'll make fun of
Christopher Ray the coach. Senator Tommy Tubberville joins.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
Us, Man, we are stacked tonight. I'm right.
Speaker 1 (00:23):
I had a little light come on in my car
this morning. Light came on and it said that my
car needs cooland now that this will come to California
here in a moment, I go have to part in
the pun. I know they need a lot of coolant,
but light came on in my car. Car said needed
some cooland there's no problem. I'm just going to stop
by his shop on the way home, grab some.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
Put it in there.
Speaker 1 (00:44):
But I want you to pretend like I didn't know
how to do that. And then I went to my
doctor's office, family doctor. Hey, Doc, let me and it
needs some mout. Doc opens up the doors and it's okay, Jesse,
what's going on?
Speaker 2 (00:57):
That's wrong?
Speaker 1 (00:59):
Hey Doc, I got some card trouble. I need you
to come fix it. Well, that wouldn't make any sense,
would it. It's not his area of expertise. It's not
even an area of interest for him.
Speaker 3 (01:13):
You know.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
It's a lot about.
Speaker 1 (01:14):
The human body and nutrition and your heart.
Speaker 2 (01:16):
And things like that.
Speaker 1 (01:17):
But I wouldn't go to the doctor and expect him
to have any level of knowledge about fixing the problems
in my vehicle. So where am I going with this?
Why even bring this up?
Speaker 4 (01:28):
Speaker 1 (01:29):
I had a conversation over the weekend with a lady,
her family, her her husband, her kids. They had been
run out of LA because of these LA wildfires, and
she was a friend of a friend's. We're all sitting
around talking and she exclaimed to me, she was so
confused that it just came out so loud. Why aren't
I any of these politicians helping? She's talking about the
California politicians. She's not a superpartisan human being. Not really right,
not really laughing. Why Why is it.
Speaker 2 (02:02):
GAMN News some helping?
Speaker 1 (02:04):
Why isn't Karen Bass helping?
Speaker 2 (02:06):
Why aren't these people helping?
Speaker 1 (02:08):
And very similar to me going to my doctor to
fix my car troubles? I had to explain to her.
You should have seen the look on her face. I
had to explain to her that you me, we have
a completely different outlook on what our politicians should be doing,
different than what they think they should be doing. You see,
you me when I elect somebody wherever they are, whether
it's on the school board. If I lect someone to
the school board, I expect them to dig in, to
feel a duty, and dig into the kids in the
school and the.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
Curriculum and get everything laid out.
Speaker 1 (02:52):
When I elect somebody as mayor of wherever it may be,
I expect them to have a sense of obligation, a
sense of duty towards whatever town or city they're a
mayor in, and they're gonna go to work and they're
gonna put in the work to be a mayor and
do those things.
Speaker 2 (03:06):
A governor, same thing for a state. He's gonna show up.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Every single day, he's gonna lay awake at night and
he's gonna stress about what's going on in the state.
It's gonna fix the state. That's what you want politicians
to do. That's what I want politicians to do. But
what we have right now in California is just the
latest example is an extreme case of what happens when
there's only one party rule, so there's never any performance
competition for places like California when it comes to Democrats.
If you are a Democrat at whatever level you're running
for office, in California, you never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
except for the Red counties, you never have to worry
about competing with Republicans in this way, meaning you don't have.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
To get up at ay.
Speaker 1 (03:52):
I want to be mayor of LA and my Republican
mayor wants to be mayor of LA, and boy, he's
got some bad ideas for the city. I've got good
ideas for the city, all the ways I'll help the
city prosper and be safe. But my Republican and the
Republican will he'll have his own views.
Speaker 3 (04:06):
No, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 1 (04:07):
This is how we're gonna prosper and be safe. But
you don't ever have to concern yourself with these things
in a place of one party rule.
Speaker 2 (04:15):
And so what happens, well.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
If I'm a Democrat, no, don't ever have to concern
myself with the Republican that may be running. Well, I
now just have to figure out how to win my
primary against the Democrat. And in this day and age,
the year of our Lord twenty twenty five, what's the
best way to really stand out?
Speaker 2 (04:33):
If you're in a primary field full.
Speaker 1 (04:35):
Of Democrats, we have to prove how communists you are
oftentimes you need to check the cultural Marxist boxes. Is
a gay and office of a woman?
Speaker 3 (04:44):
Is it?
Speaker 1 (04:45):
But really what it comes down to is who's the craziest.
That's how you stand out in Democrat primaries.
Speaker 2 (04:53):
No, no, no no.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
Do you want to tax the rich?
Speaker 2 (04:55):
I want to murder the rich?
Speaker 1 (04:57):
Oh yeah, go vote for that guy. That's how you
stand out. Well, what you get when you vote that
way enough times is you get people in positions of
power that LA I mean Karen Bass of LA, the
concept of LA making LA better. That's not why that
person's there. That's not why that person ran for office
to begin with. That person ran for office to do
what communists always do, of course, promote the revolution, but
reward her friends and punish her enemies. Those are as,
we've discussed many times, the only two things a communist
does with power, and they're the only two things he's
interested in. As I explained my friend from LA, as
I explained to my friend from LA, you're sitting there
stressed about why isn't Gavin News some helping, Why isn't
anyone stepping up? Where is Karen Bass? How is this
guy not jumping in? And aw's this guy jumping in,
and you know what I said to her verbatim, I said,
you might as well be asking why the Lucchese crime
family in New York is not redoing the parking garage
at JFK Airport. Completely different, completely different missions in life.
Karen Bass just came out after all these cuts to
the fire department. Of course, she's handing out a bunch
of big fat contracts to who.
Speaker 2 (06:17):
Oh allies in the city.
Speaker 1 (06:21):
She's not there to put out fires, solve problems, or
help la. She's there to take taxpayer money and hand
it out. And she's there to find her enemies and
throw them in prison. Gavin Newsom Govin Newsom doing the.
Speaker 2 (06:36):
Exact same thing right now. Why isn't Gavin Newsom doing more?
Speaker 1 (06:38):
Gavin Newsom wants to run for president in twenty twenty eight,
Cross my heart, hope to die. Gavin Newsom has not
gone to sleep one night or woken up one morning
with a genuine feeling of concern for anybody burning alive
in Los Angeles. Those kinds of thoughts don't enter the minds.
Speaker 2 (06:56):
Of these people.
Speaker 1 (06:56):
They simply don't enter their minds. It never occurs to
them at all. These people are only there for the
next job or the current job. How do I grab
more money in power, give it to me, give it
to my friends. How do I find more government ways
to punish my political enemies. This is how the communist thinks.
Gavin Newsom thinks about twenty twenty eight, where he could
potentially vault to the next job president of the United
States of America. You're wondering why he doesn't step up.
If you could hook him up to a lie detector
test and ask Gavin Newsom to his face why he
isn't stepping up and helping the people of LA, the
results would horrify you, the people of La.
Speaker 2 (07:40):
That thought never.
Speaker 1 (07:41):
Occurred to him, help the people of LA. That's not
how these people think it becomes. I believe it was
Arn McIntyre. I want to make sure I give him
credit for this, the purity death spiral of wherever the
communists take over. You see, whatever position you're in, you
want to run for school board, You're trying to compete
against other Democrats on the school board. How do you
stand out? How do you get elected? Be more Communists
than the guy who's currently there. You're Karen Bash, You're
running for mayor of LA You're running against this Crusoe character. Yeah,
he's a business guy, he's got business interests. But you
can just tell people, look how black and lesbian and
I am.
Speaker 2 (08:18):
You got to vote for me?
Speaker 1 (08:19):
Gotvin new some same thing, on and on and on
it goes. And if this goes on for long enough,
you'll eventually have the second biggest city in the United States.
Speaker 2 (08:27):
Of America on fire.
Speaker 1 (08:29):
And not only is nobody putting it out, no one's
even interested in it. They are interested, though, in the
revolution you see for the communist it is as Mao said,
revolution without m it can never end.
Speaker 2 (08:47):
Every single thing.
Speaker 1 (08:48):
Once human beings are just cogs in the wheel, once
you don't care anymore, once you're a communist, once you're
an anti human, once those things come, Once those things come, then.
Speaker 2 (08:57):
Everything everything.
Speaker 1 (09:00):
Just an opportunity, an opportunity to push forward the revolution.
Speaker 5 (09:06):
These types of catastrophic risks, these fire risks, they are increasing. No,
we're seeing the change coming from climate change and we're
seeing more significant severe weather events. That's what we're seeing
here in California.
Speaker 6 (09:18):
This idea that this is just the new world we're
living in due to the climate crisis, extreme heats, prolonged droughts,
Hurricane Force Ana wins all that created the tinderbox fueling
this catastrophe. Does the scale of devastation in Los Angeles
indicate that we as a country are just simply not
prepared for the realities of the climate crisis.
Speaker 2 (09:41):
No matter what, it all comes back to the revolution.
Speaker 1 (09:45):
Joining me now, my friend John Phillips, host of the
John Phillips Show. He's joining us from Palm Springs, California. John,
it really doesn't matter what happens, Hurricane Arson, looting, it
doesn't matter.
Speaker 2 (09:57):
It all has to come right back to politics.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
These people, they don't see death, they don't care about it.
Speaker 2 (10:02):
It means nothing to them.
Speaker 3 (10:05):
Let's just go ahead and take their argument at face
value for a second, because it still makes no sense.
Their argument is that climate change is so severe now
that cities and states with the normal response that they
would give to something like this just can't keep up
with it. Okay, fine, If climate change is that big
of a deal, then wouldn't that be the place where
you're spending all of your time. Wouldn't you recognize that
the fire risk is now greater than it was before
the flooding risk is greater than it was before, and
put your time, your energy, your resources into that because
you know it's coming, instead of, oh, I don't know,
gallivanting across the globe, going to inaugurations in Ghana or
traveling around the country campaigning on behalf of Grampy Joe
and Kamala Harris after that. But if they actually believed
what they're saying now, they would stay in California and
they would be working on trying to mitigate all of
these potential dangers. But they're not. And here's the other thing.
Could you blame climate change on erroneous text messages that
were sent to everyone repeatedly in the county telling them
to evacuate even if they weren't in an evacuation zone.
Is it climate change responsible for them taking a reservoir
offline so that there was no water to fight the
fire in Pacific Palisades? Was it climate change that cut
the budget of the fire department and then lied about it.
If these people were serious, they would be acting in
very different ways than they are now. They're bad at
their job, they're absentee landlords, and they just got caught
with the worst case scenario. This is what the consequence
of bad government that we have to live with in California.
Speaker 1 (12:00):
John I tried to explain to people a couple of
minutes ago that they are serious. They're just not serious
about anything that.
Speaker 2 (12:07):
The people care about. You know.
Speaker 1 (12:08):
The people think that they're out there trying to stop
fires or help LA or California. But these people are
so sick and they've lived in a place with one
party rule for so long that California or LA or
protecting people these are honestly, they're childlike concepts for them.
Speaker 2 (12:25):
California never occurs to these people.
Speaker 3 (12:28):
Well, and they're also bitter. Don't forget. Gavin Newsom thought
that this cycle he would be the Democratic dominique for president,
and he would be the president elect at this point,
getting ready to start his term as president, and then
Grampy Joe screwed him over by endorsing Kamala Harris in
the tweet and now he's just a lame dug. Governor
Karen Bass was on Grampy Joe's short list to be
vice president. It wasn't until Kamala Harris's political people recapped
her with all those negative stories about her praise for
Castro and all over history. That knocks her out of
the running. She thinks, I'm sure that she should have
been the Democratic nominee for president. She should have been
Grampy Joe's vice president. So they feel like they're being
punished by having to deal with state and local issues
that they were elected to deal with. And they don't
have any thoughts on these things. They see this as
just them being on some kind of detention or home confinement.
They see themselves as heads of state, of leaders of
the free world, and why are you bothering them with
these parochial problems.
Speaker 1 (13:43):
Man, that's so on the nose right there, all right, John,
For those of us who aren't there, and that's most
of us. I realize California is a big state, but
I realized social media gives us all kinds of video
and pictures, and you're gonna get the same pictures.
Speaker 2 (13:56):
Of wildfires in the hills.
Speaker 1 (13:58):
But that doesn't give you an on the round, really
a feel for the amount of devastation.
Speaker 2 (14:04):
How bad is it?
Speaker 3 (14:06):
It's really bad. If you've seen any of the aerial
photographs from anyone flying into one of the commercial airports
Burbank or Lax you can really see it from the sky,
especially at night. But you're talking about thousands and thousands
of people who are being displaced Because we've had to
deal with fires that are larger than this in California before.
What's different about this fire is that it hit a
population center. So you're talking about the largest fire in
the history of Los Angeles County. LA County is the
largest county in the country, and you're talking about the
costliest fire in the United States history. When you factor
that into an insurance crisis that we've already been dealing
with where it's very difficult for California homeowners to purchase
insurance policies, and now all of a sudden you have this,
we could end up with a situation where insurance companies
don't make it out solvent. You could see the State Plan,
the Plan of Last Resort, the Fair Plan, which Gavin
Newsom is in theory supposed to be running. That plan
will likely go bankrupt because of this fire. People are
going to see in California their home insurance premiums spike
right now to pay for this mess, and my guess
is you'll probably see rates nationwide jump too, because these
companies are going to have to make it up somewhere.
Speaker 2 (15:31):
God have more mercy.
Speaker 1 (15:33):
And that brings me finally to what a lot of
people are not thinking about right now, the rebuild, when
God forbid. The fires are all gone, the smoke is
blown away, the dead bodies are piled up. The people
who are going to be in charge of rebuilding LA
are some of the most despicable communists in our society.
I can't imagine that process is going to go well.
Speaker 3 (15:55):
They want us all living in mixed use housing above
a Panda Express on us riding their murder trains. They
don't want you having a car, they don't want you
having a pool, they don't want you having a single
family home. They want you living in a high density neighborhood.
Now Newsom is claiming that he's not going to do
that with Pacific Palisades, but just go on social media
and look at what the left is calling on him
to do. They want him to rezone these areas. They
want high density housing to go back to these neighborhoods.
And I'll tell you there's a template where this has
happened before, and it's Leahina in Maui. That's what happened
to those people where that beautiful island was devastated by
a fire. And then you had these speculators. You had
these developers that swooped in and they're happy to take
that land off their hands, and they're happy to put
high density housing that will make them a lot of money.
And I've had homeowners whose homes burned down call into
my radio show and they're worried that that's going to
happen in their neighborhoods too, And I think they have
reason to worry.
Speaker 1 (17:01):
M pods for everybody, John, Thank you, my friend, as always,
thank you.
Speaker 2 (17:07):
All right, kind of thing can.
Speaker 1 (17:11):
Make it hard for you to go to sleep at night, right, Well,
it's hard for you, it's not hard for me. I
have dream powder from being I have no problem sleeping
at night, no matter what's going on in the world,
the wildfires, the politics, the insanity. Dream powder is natural.
There are all kinds of little pills and things you
can take prescription over the counter that will put you
to sleep for sure, And every single one of them
I've ever taken in my life has you feel in
like garbage the next day when you wake up. One
thing I've ever taken had me waking up feeling good.
Speaker 2 (17:44):
That was dream powder from be and some of that.
Speaker 1 (17:48):
It's just a cup of hot chocolate bellatonin. You'll sleep
like a baby and wake up feeling great every day.
Go to shopbeam dot com slash Jesse Kelly for up
to forty percent off.
Speaker 2 (18:02):
We'll be back. Joe Biden's almost done.
Speaker 1 (18:13):
We are one week away from our long national nightmare
being over. So before we go, talk to Lee Smith
and get the skinny on Cash Patel the deep State.
Lee Smith has some concerns about some people coming into
the upcoming Trump administration. Before we do that, let's walk
down memory lanes. Shall we making.
Speaker 4 (18:34):
Sure that we're able to make every single solitary person
eligible for what I've been able to do with the UH,
with the COVID, I excuse me, with dealing with everything we.
Speaker 3 (18:46):
Have to do with.
Speaker 4 (18:49):
Look, if we finally beat medicare.
Speaker 7 (18:55):
Beer brewed here, it is usual to make the grew
beer to find Oh, Earthrider, thanks for the great lake.
And I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson. Know you,
she'd come in and do things, and I don't think
you'll learn the medical school, nursing school. She'd whisper in
my ear. I couldn't understand him. She whispering, She'd lean down,
he'd actually breathe on me to make sure that I
was There was a connection, the human connection, representative Jackie.
Speaker 2 (19:22):
You here, Where's Jackie.
Speaker 7 (19:23):
In the percentage of the men who do so? End
the quote, Repeat the line, Biden's being a pup a
couple Biden's being extremist. America is a nation that can
be defined in a single word. I was a foot him.
Excuse me, the foothills of the Himalays with shijingping.
Speaker 2 (19:44):
Four more years. Oh, I'm gonna miss it.
Speaker 3 (19:54):
And he's not dumb.
Speaker 2 (19:56):
He rolled out this little one a couple of days ago.
Speaker 3 (20:00):
President, President, do you regret your decision to run for reelection?
Speaker 1 (20:04):
Do you think that that made it easier for your
predecet serch and now become very successful.
Speaker 7 (20:09):
I don't think so. I think I would have beaten Trump,
could have beaten Trump, and I think that Kamala could
have beaten Trump, would have beaten Trump. It wasn't about
I thought it was important to unify the party. And
when the party was worried about whether or not I
was going to be able to move I thought it.
Even though I thought I could win again, I thought
it was better to unify the party.
Speaker 2 (20:39):
Kamala could have could have beaten Trump. I didn't way
happen to miss him. Whatever.
Speaker 1 (20:44):
We'll talk to Lee Smith about some deep state concerns
he has next before we do that. I'm concerned that
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Speaker 2 (21:16):
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Pure Talk actually loves the country. Pure Talk cut my
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Speaker 2 (21:33):
They make it easy. Pure Talk makes it easy.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
Puretalk dot com slash JESSETV.
Speaker 2 (21:40):
We'll be back.
Speaker 8 (21:49):
Trump wrote, the FBI illegally rated my home without cause,
and said that Ray had done everything to interfere with
the success and future of America. He's saying that Christopher
Ray is corrupt out to sabotage the country.
Speaker 9 (22:09):
Listen, I'm accustomed to people expressing all sorts of opinions
about me, just like about everything else.
Speaker 2 (22:16):
I can tell you that I have been.
Speaker 9 (22:19):
My whole life, my whole adult life, a conservative Republican,
more importantly, a strict by the book law enforcement professional.
I did take very seriously attacks against our people in
the FBI.
Speaker 1 (22:36):
Yeah, he takes that very seriously. And you keep it up,
We'll send one to your front door. Joining me now.
Lee Smith, columnist, a Tablet magazine author of the book
Disappearing to President Lee, I don't know what you're stressed about.
Christopher Ray arresting school board moms for you know, sending
the counter Terrorism Division after us.
Speaker 2 (22:57):
He's a conservative Republican.
Speaker 10 (23:00):
Well, I mean this is also remember what they said
about James Comy and Robert Muller too, And I mean
this is Jesse. As you well know, this is a
familiar tactic in Washington, d C. Where people disguise themselves
as conservatives Republicans to get jobs, to get jobs as
Democrats where they can target Republicans, you know, where they
can make friends with Democrats and then agree to target Republicans. Again,
remember how this happened with Robert Robert Muller, Right, it
was Komy and and other friends Republicans who went after
Scooter Libby. Well, this is the same exact thing that
happened with the Trump administration. Republican Christopher Wray friends with
Republican Governor Chris Christie targeted the Trump administration.
Speaker 2 (23:47):
So that's you know, it's.
Speaker 10 (23:48):
It's more more more insider d C linguistic garbage.
Speaker 1 (23:55):
Speaking of the Trump administration, you have a wonderful piece
out and tablet called the Deep State strikes Back, talking
about the attempts or I guess successes of the deep
State already infiltrating the next Trump administration. What's going on?
What should we be looking at? What's happeningly?
Speaker 10 (24:12):
Well, I'm concerned that that maybe different Trump officials have
not learned significant lessons that I that I think all
of us, all of us who supported Donald Trump or not,
all of us Americans would like to think that the
Trump this Trump administration has learned going in that there
will be efforts to undermine them. And look, even if
it's not just even if it's not just as overt
as Christopher Ray and the FBI spying on the Trump campaign,
spying on the Trump transition team, and then spying on
the president himself, right, and this was James Comey as
well as Christopher Ray. That there's going to be efforts
to turn Trump administration policy to suit the to suit
the interest of again of DC insiders. And so that's
really what that piece is about, that there are problems
with the figure that the NSC staff, Trump's NSC staff
is looking for looking at to be Senior Director for Intelligence,
which is really a key post. And because that's the
president's liaison with all eighteen of the intelligence services across
the board, this person is extremely important. This person knows
all the covert operations. This person is also responsible for
making sure the Presidential Daily Brief gets to all the
people across the cabinet and is in contact in contact
with the White House about all sorts of crucial intelligence matters.
And if you don't have the right person handling that job,
if you have someone who's going to try to who
has their own ideas about how the world should work.
Then that in itself is a problem, never mind the
fact that they might try to undermine them. And I
will say that that position last time, the people they
had in place in twenty seventeen were very good because
these were the people who discovered. These are the people
of the NSC staff who first discovered that the Obama
officials had been spying on the Trump transition team. Most famously,
forty Obama officials had unmasked the name of General Michael
Flynn from transcripts of foreign intelligence intercepts. And that's the
NSC staff the first time who found that out. So
there were some also very excellent people on that NSC
staff in twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, and throughout the throughout
the entirety of the first Trump administration, and also lots
of problems. So what people want now, what we expect
now is is that President Trump, president elect Trump until
next week, has a very ambitious agenda, and everyone has
to be on board and everyone has to be ready
to hit the ground running because at tops there's less
than four years for the president to implement his agenda,
and it will be even less if Congress goes if
Congress is taken over by the Democrats in the twenty
twenty six elections, so it's very important everyone gets off
on the right foot.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
Why aren't we getting off on the right foot, then, Lee,
because in a lot of ways, I see a lot
of these appointments as Wow, Trump really gets it that
he needs reformers in there now. Even if there are
people that aren't perfect, it's clear he's clearly a man
that's more bent on reform this time, more bent on
doing it a different way. So why the stumbles where
there are stumbles?
Speaker 10 (27:33):
I'll give a psychological explanation first, how is that? And
that is the country? As Jesse, you and I have
been talking about this for years, the country has really
suffered a very serious psychological blow what happened during the
Biden years, right, I mean everything from everything from Joe
Biden standing up and accusing half of the country of
being domestic terrorist to what we were talking about before,
Christopher rays FB, going after school parents, going after pro
life activist, going after every January sixth defendant as though
they were a member of Hamas. So this is this
is I mean forcing vaccines on people. So this has
taken a real toll on people, and after Donald Trump
won two months ago, I think that people were right
to breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, finally things are
going to return back to normal. But I don't think
that people are prepared for the fight ahead. I think
that people have relaxed too much, and they believe that
right now that the left, the psychopaths on the left,
the pathological, the pathological liars, and the lunatics on the left,
are now going to lay down and go well, after all,
Trump won an a fair election. They won the popular
vote too, in fact, so I guess we have to
you know, we'll be the loyal opposition, but we're not
going to go crazy the way we have for the
last eight years. So I think that lots of people
heading into that administration are assuming that we're looking at
it normal four years ahead, and we're not going to
be looking at a normal four years ahead because we're
still dealing with the very same damaged, arranged people in
the media, in the a large number of people in
the intelligence services, and just different political operatives on the left.
So I think that's one reason people have let their
guard down. Frankly, they're not prepared what are what's going
to happen?
Speaker 1 (29:25):
What are we thinking about Cash Battel? Not that not
that I need your endorsement of him. I already know
your thoughts and my thoughts as well. I'm excited it's
going to be good. But what can he do? I mean,
I've talked to people when it comes to c I
a head that have told me they're just going to
keep everything from the director and they're not going to
show him many things.
Speaker 2 (29:43):
Right, what do we think he can accomplish?
Speaker 10 (29:46):
Well? I think that that Cash Battel believes that. Look,
it's very interesting the Christopher Ray thing. I reported this
and you know my first book about this, these operations
against Donald Trump, plot against the president. You know, Devin Nunez.
I ask Christopher Ray to have some of his guys
come over and Cash is one of them to show
them the details of the new Nez memo. So Cash
is very it's very important. While while you know, Cash
is very lively, very vivid, exciting character, Cash is also
a real a professional too, and he knows how to
he knows how to follow procedure, he knows how to
get different people on board. And look, there's lots of
people Jesse, I'm sure you've spoken with them too, FBI
agents who are still in the bureau or people who
have retired from the Bureau who say Cash is the
Cash is the great, is the best s guy. He's
gonna have lots of people on side who want to
reform that institution, who want to fix it and make
it serve the American people. Once again, does it it's
designed to serve and protect the American people. And I
think that Cash is going to have a number of people,
a number of people who are going to link arms
with him and we're going to do it. Look, it's
really exciting. Actually for the first time in my lifetime. Jesse,
I'm sure you grew up in the same way. TV
shows movies about the FBI. Elliott Nass, the Untouchables. Wow,
what an amazing crime fighting institution.
Speaker 4 (31:14):
This is.
Speaker 10 (31:14):
As a little kid, you go into your local FBI
field office, you go down to Washington, you get an
FBI T shirt, and you just think the FBI is
one of the greatest places ever. And what if we've
seen in the last few decades, it's terrible. They're turning
against Americans. And then you see people how they respond
to Cash like he's a real life superhero. So it's
great for it's great for the country, it's great for
the FBI, and I think it's going to turn a
new page on a very very important institution.
Speaker 2 (31:46):
I agree, all right.
Speaker 1 (31:48):
Finally, Joe Biden, of course, whenever he can get functional,
gets up there and gives speeches. Now you give a
big foreign policy speech. What kind of foreign policy changes,
legitimate ones can we expect when Trump gets there?
Speaker 10 (32:02):
Well, I think a very important thing to keep in
mind what Donald Trump means by America First is not
that America will merely withdraw into itself and we'll figure
out how to fix its problems. That's one of the
things that we have to do, and that's one of
the things that's one of the reasons that is the
reason why Cash Mittel is at the FBI to fix that.
So there's lots of things that need to be fixed.
But America First also means that America America number one. Right,
This is what it means. And so when Donald Trump
is talking about things like how do we get Greenland,
we may have to take the Panama Canal back because
the Panamanians are being very bad. Letting in all these
different people's liberation. Army troops run the Panama Canal to
So this is all a part of Trump's foreign policy.
It's not just military strength. He talks about rebuilding the navy.
He talks about you know, his Defense Secretary designate is
Nominie Pete Hagseth. He's going to return it to you know,
to a real fighting organization once again, move away from
DEI garbage. But it's not that. It's not just that
it's not just America's military might, it's also America's economic
might and diplomatic might. So that's how I see Donald
Trump's foreign policy, that America once again the indispensable country.
Now we know Donald Trump is not going to go
off looking for foreign adventures, looking for wars, looking for trouble.
But it's important to keep in mind what makes Donald
Trump a great foreign policy president is not simply the
fact that he didn't that he didn't engage in any
new conflicts. Right, it's by exercising American might through all
those different means military, economic, political, diplomatic, that we should
be able to ensure American peace and American prosperity. And
that's the point, the purpose of Donald Trump's foreign policy.
So I think it's going to be again. I think
it's going to be a great and important time to
write a whole bunch of things that have just that
have just gone crazy. I mean, just to take one
short example, if you look at the Red Sea, how
this Iranian back terror group, the houthis the HOUTHI rebels
effectively pilot pirates. Right have They've affected Red Sea shipping?
This is bad for Americans. It's bad for the American
middle class. This anything that interferes with shipping across the
world is bad for America. And it's bad for our markets.
It's bad for energy prices, it's bad for what we
sell and what we buy. And so just the fact
that Donald Trump again is going to exercise American power
on behalf of Americans is not just an improvement over
Joe Biden. It's a one hundred and eighty turn from
what the Biden administration has been doing the last four years.
Speaker 2 (34:58):
Signing me up for that, Lee, think you might.
Speaker 1 (35:00):
And as always, Pete hagg Seth's confirmation hearing is tomorrow.
The coach Tommy Tuberville joins us to talk about it
next Well, the confirmation hearings begin tomorrow with one of
the ones I'm most excited about, Pete Haig Seth.
Speaker 2 (35:24):
Is I hope going to get right through.
Speaker 1 (35:26):
But guys like me have to hope guys like the
coach actually get to vote for it. So let's find
out what the skinny is from Capitol Hill. Joining me
now the coach, Tommy Tuberville, Senator from the Great State
of Alabama.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
Okay, Coach, you have not exactly.
Speaker 1 (35:40):
Been shy about your support for Pete Haig Seth. Is
that support falling on deaf ears? You think we're on
a gravy train with biscuit wheels here.
Speaker 2 (35:50):
Well, I was a little concerned at first.
Speaker 11 (35:51):
Yessey, to be honest with you, and all we need
is Republicans vote. You know, the Democrats, the left DEI
group's not gonna vote for Pete. He might get one,
but at the end of the day, it's gonna take Republicans.
We've got to step up and make sure the President
Trump gets his staff together. He picked them, he vetted them.
If that's who he wants, that's who I.
Speaker 2 (36:19):
Want for him. But I've known Pete for a while.
Speaker 11 (36:22):
In Pete's tomorrow, I spoke this morning with a group
of Navy Seals that are going to march in the
morning up to the Capitol on his behalf. He's got
tremendous support, and he's got the leadership skills, he knows
the military.
Speaker 2 (36:36):
We don't need a general from the Pentagon.
Speaker 11 (36:38):
What we need is a drill sergeant, somebody that's going
to bring our military back to discipline and sacrifice and
all the.
Speaker 2 (36:46):
Things that build a great military.
Speaker 11 (36:49):
Because right now Obama started this DEI critical race theory,
and we have We've been suffering ever since.
Speaker 1 (36:59):
We most certainly have, and I hear it from every
veteran friend of mine, every guy I served with. They
tell me they're not telling their kids to join. In fact,
they're telling their kids not to join. So if we
have twenty years of g Watt veterans telling the most
patriotic children to go do something else, the problems Pete
hegg Sath have to tackle are enormous, aren't they.
Speaker 2 (37:21):
Speaker 11 (37:22):
Yeah, we have an all volunteer military, and over half
of that military comes from parents that were in the military.
And as you just said, these parents now that have
left or are leaving their military position are telling their
kids no way Jose, you're not getting involved in this,
in this mess. And so I had one kid that
his lifelong green was to be in the go to
the military academy, and we get to appoint several each
year or nominate, and I had one that was nominated
and appointed and he after looking through the situation, so
there's no way he's going to get involved in this
woke agenda that they're pushing. And we need the best
and brightest men and women in this country being an
all volunteer army, and right now we're in a tail
spin and recruiting is way down. The attitude, the morale
is just awful, and we live in the most dangerous
time ever. So it's it's a scary situation and we
need a leader like Pete Hetsith at the top.
Speaker 2 (38:31):
Speaker 1 (38:31):
Can you explain the difference in mentalities on Capitol Hill?
Meaning every time Democrat Joe Biden gets into office, it's
just really baked into the cake. It's expected that every
Democrat will vote for them, but most of the Republicans
will do so as well. Well, he gets his guys,
and yet that's not ever reciprocated. So why do Republicans
continue to vote for the thing the Democrat wants when
it's not reciprocated.
Speaker 11 (38:57):
Why, well, because we got people that say the Reublicans
and they're not. At the end of the day, Jesse
to make make to make matters pretty simple. I gave
a speech on the floor before Christmas, and we did
the research and not one Democrat voted against any of
Joe Biden's nominees. No one, uh, every one of them,
and so they were confirmed. They didn't have to have Republicans,
although we did have a lot of Republicans that voted
for some of theirs. And you know, I'm in the
belief that, hey, if this is what the president wants,
as long as there uh you.
Speaker 2 (39:29):
Know, we vet them thoroughly, Uh, that's who they should get.
Speaker 11 (39:32):
When I coached, I didn't want somebody to tell me
what offensive coordinator hire or what offensive line coach. You
want to go in there and understand the people are
going to be behind you one hund percent with loyalty
and you can get this build. And what happened to
President Trump when the last on his first go around
was the deep state pushed a lot of people on
him that absolutely were not Donald Trump type of people
nor American people that believed in the future of this
country like we do.
Speaker 1 (40:00):
Tell me about this men and Women's Sports Bill. I
can't believe that's necessary to have a bill like that.
That really kind of speaks to how sad of a
place we're at.
Speaker 2 (40:08):
But what is this bill?
Speaker 11 (40:10):
Well, the Protection of Women and Girls of Sports Act,
and Jesse, I've this is third time around. I've had
two votes on it, and neither.
Speaker 2 (40:21):
One of them got the votes.
Speaker 11 (40:22):
Every Democrat except for Joe Manchin voted against me, and
we have first time around.
Speaker 2 (40:26):
I actually had a couple of Republicans that voted against me.
Speaker 11 (40:29):
And all this basically says is no biological males in
women's sports, no dressing rooms, no showers.
Speaker 2 (40:38):
You know, if you're biologically that person, I don't care.
Speaker 11 (40:42):
Whether you've had a transender surgery or whatever you steal,
you still don't get that opportunity because there is a difference.
And some people, at the end of the day, you
know they you know, they believe this nonsense.
Speaker 2 (40:57):
And we've got to get past all this. Coach.
Speaker 1 (41:02):
One week from today to wrap all this up is
a critically important day for the United States of America
in the world that is today. My Buckeyes will play
Notre Dame in the National Championship game. But I can't
help but lament college sports a little bit. I don't
try not to sound like Grandpa Jesse, since I'm only
forty three, But players six million dollars a year switching
schools every year, coach, I mean, this is not this
is not an improvement, and it's not good.
Speaker 11 (41:31):
No, what happened to education back when I was coaching,
just what eight years ago? You had to have a
certain amount of your courses going towards your degree or
you lose your eligibility. Well, now eligibility has not even
talked about. Nothing's talked about other than players making money. Now, Jesse,
I'll tell you this. I've always been for players making money.
But I saw where a kid the other day went
from one school to another for eight million dollars for
one year. Now, eventually, eventually that's going to affect everything,
and there's gonna be donor fatigue two of this money
coming from certain places. But your your Buckeyes are good. Uh,
They're They're very good. They keep playing the way they're playing,
they will win. Notre Dame's got a good football team.
Also very impressed with them and how they play, and
it should be a good game. And unfortunately it's the
same day is the inauguration. I'm gonna have I guess
I'm gonna have to uh watch a replay of it,
but uh, you know, I'm looking forward to it.
Speaker 2 (42:32):
All a.
Speaker 11 (42:33):
College football is the second most watched item on television
after the NFL, and we're trying our best to find
a way to screw it up. And we've got to
find a way to get back to some kind of common.
Speaker 2 (42:49):
Sense and and make it.
Speaker 11 (42:51):
Amateur sports again, not just taking money away, but making
education first and uh, teaching these kids. Make them sign
a contract where they've got to stay and if they leave,
they got to pay the penalty. But right now there's
no penalty on the players. They can do whatever and
transfer once twice a year, making difference, and there's no
sense of reality. And again it's kind of run like
the federal government. Yeah, that sounds awfully familiar. Coach, appreciate
you as always. Back soon.
Speaker 2 (43:23):
Lighten the mood next.
Speaker 1 (43:33):
All right, it is time to lighten the mood and
for our light in the mood segments tonight has something
a little different for us who want to shine the
light on somebody who you're probably familiar with. Chef Andrew
Grule comes here and he does the show American Gravy
right here on the first where he teaches you and
me not how to do fanacy Michelin chef stuff, how
do we make amazing meals right here at home.
Speaker 2 (43:55):
I love Andrew. He's always welcome on my show.
Speaker 1 (43:58):
He's also a Southern California man and he's been organizing
real genuine help for these people here.
Speaker 12 (44:05):
He was so we put out a call to action
that we just needed some small donations. We're going to
take them up to the Dream Center up in La
Or to the Pastena Convention Center, as well as hot
foods that we were coordinating and giving over to the
World Central Kitchen. We've had well over fifty thousand dollars
in donations from all across the country. I'm talking five
ten dollars donations, and we were trying to get it
all distributed. We rented a U haul van. Customers started
showing up with pickup trucks. We still didn't have enough space.
We had palettes of products. The City of Huntington Beach
offered up their public utility vehicles. They started bringing it
up to the Dream Center. Right now, we've got at
least ten to fifteen truckloads full in front of the restaurant,
and we've had at least one hundred volunteers from around
Orange County and Los Angeles. In addition to the fact
that a couple people had come down who had been evacuated,
they parked in our parking lot. We gave them free meals,
and then they started helping out and driving stuff back
up to La So that is a positive story in
the midst of all of this.
Speaker 2 (44:55):
It really is. That's wonderful.
Speaker 1 (45:00):
Really are wonderful to each other most of at the time.
It's nice to see our buddy Mike Cernovich has also
started to give send Go. It's raised over two hundred
and thirty eight thousand dollars right now. Meals baby formula shoes,
you know, things you don't think of. If you'd like
to contribute to that, and I would encourage you to
do so, give send go dot com. Slash California Fires
is where that money should go.
Speaker 2 (45:26):
All right, all right, we'll do it again.
Speaker 4 (45:29):
A moment