Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
Let's have some fun on a Friday, a magnificent ass
doctor Jesse Friday. We have finally done it. We've made
it to the end of the week. The weekend is
upon us. Life is grand. And here's what we have
on tap for tonight. We're going to discuss consequences. We're
gonna focus really on your questions tonight. California fire mismanagement.
Someone wants to talk about why we got into Vietnam?
Why does the right suddenly like John Fetterman, We're gonna
talk about the addiction of immigration. Is angry at Trump
for yucking it up with Barack Obama during the funeral.
All that and so much more coming up tonight on
the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. I want to begin
here and this is going to be very very direct,
as it normally is with me, but this is this
is where we're going to begin. Consequences, consequences of your
daily life, the little things you do that add up
into being big things. So let's do it this way.
Let's say I signed up to run a marathon. I'm
never going to sign up to run a marathon. Don't worry.
But let's say I signed up to run a marathon,
and instead of training for this marathon that is year out,
I never do any cardio, I never do anything at all.
I sit around, I stuff my face, no workouts, no nothing,
and then I go up on race day and I
suffer as I would running that marathon. You the performance
you or me? I guess we're talking about me. The
performance of me during that marathon will not be determined
on race day. The performance is determined all the days
leading up to race day. Race day simply reveals how
I've lived my life for the past year. If my
life for the past year has been workouts, good night's sleep,
plenty of protein, drinking your water, that will be revealed
on race day. If my year is beat lovers, pizzas,
and a twenty pack of beer every single night, that
will be revealed on race day. If I even live
to race day with that many beers in a day,
even still, you understand what I'm saying. All around us
right now we see devastation, shocking devastation. Obviously, everyone's focused
right now on the fires in LA and what those
poor people are going through, and you've lost it all
and neighborhoods are gone. But it goes way, way, way
beyond that. What we have to do not so we
can rub it in people's faces, not so we can
do or beat ourselves up over it. What we must
do now is have a hard talk about why we
didn't perform on race day. And the hard talk of
why we didn't perform on race day comes down to
simply this. You voted for Democrats and people die because
of it. We don't have to dance around this, we don't.
I'm not relation. No, no, no, no, no no. If you
vote for Democrats, people die. Those are the consequences of
voting for democ And if you vote Democrat long enough,
eventually your state will be run exclusively by communists top
to bottom, and people will die. And people don't like.
They don't let none of us do. None of us
like the consequences of our own decisions. Nobody likes that,
No one likes to own that. Hey, why are you
in a bad mood today at work? Well, it's certainly
not because I stayed up till midnight drinking whiskey. No,
it's not my fault, No it is. That's a direct result,
a direct result of your decision making and the things
you did. We like to divorce ourselves from that, especially
people in these blue areas. I have lived in blue
areas before. I know exactly how they think, exactly how
they talk. They get together with friends, they get together
with neighbors, and they brag about how Democrat they are.
A ha haa Republicans are stupid, ha ha ha. Which Demo?
I can't wait to see what democrat. I vote a Democrat?
You vote a Democrat? Right, we all vote a Democrat?
Ha ha ha. Look how nice and tolerant we are. Yeah,
people are gonna die real consequences. Part of the reason,
even though I have used this word, I'm pointing fingers
at me. Part of the reasons I hate the word woke.
I really dislike it. Why I don't think it. I
don't think it properly conveys how sick and evil cultural
Marxism is. It almost makes it sound like, oh gosh,
she's this kind of goofy, sounds like your daughter you
mistakenly sent off to college. Okay, she's just kind of
losing her mind and going a little liberal. There's really
no big deal. No, no, no, no, no, no. What
kills people? Cultural Marxism kills people listen to things like
this and we dismiss it. Obviously, the LA Fire Department
is more focus is on them right now. But the
truth is, I don't even mean to single them out.
This has taking place in fire department after police department,
after corporation, after education system across the United States of America.
If you went digging, you could find videos just like that.
Speaker 3 (06:20):
I'm super inspired.
Speaker 4 (06:22):
She took time out of her already busy schedule to
tell us about her vision for the department's future, one
that includes a three year strategic plan to increase diversity.
Speaker 3 (06:32):
People ask me, what number are you looking for us?
I'm not looking for a number is never enough.
Speaker 4 (06:36):
Out of thirty three hundred city firefighters, only one hundred
and fifteen are women. Right now, She's already looking at
ways to change that. She's quick to point out that
doing so has a greater purpose attracting the best and
brightest for the job.
Speaker 3 (06:50):
They feel included, they feel valued, and they feel part
of a cohesive team.
Speaker 4 (06:54):
But Chief also checks another box when it comes to
inclusivity and diversity, and this department proud member of the
LGBTQ community.
Speaker 3 (07:03):
That just kind of opens the door of people that thought, oh,
I didn't even know that that was an opportunity for me.
Speaker 1 (07:09):
Here's the truth. Democrats hear stuff like that and they celebrate,
Oh that's wonderful, more lesies whoo. Republicans hear that and
they say things that's ridiculous, or how does this help
fight fires? Maybe you've said something like that before, But
the truth is things like that kill people. They do.
When Boeing doesn't focus on hiring the best engineers, the
finest people, when they focus on diversity, equity and inclusion,
people die. It kills people. And again I'm not singling
out the LA Fire Department at all. This is across
the country. How many police departments out there. How many
cops are listening to me. State troopers are listening to
me right now? Who have watched the departments focus we
need to hire more women. And so now when you
have to go out on a call because some drunken
lunatic with a machete is carving people up in a hotel,
now instead of some type a beast sitting right beside you,
you have one hundred and fifteen pound woman. If it's
raining outside. And she's not only no help whatsoever in
the situation, she's she's a liability. How many stories like that.
It's not woke, it's not diversity, it's deadly. People die
because of this, and the left loves it because they
don't give a crap if people die, and the right
won't fight against it because that wouldn't be nice. We
want to be nice. I want to be tolerant. We've
had way too much tolerance in this country and way
too little discrimination. It's time to be pro discrimination. I
believe in discriminate. I would like a job as a firefighter. Great,
here's fifty pounds, run up five flights of stairs, then
come back down and fireman carry this two hundred pounds. Gentleman,
one hundred yards. You can't do it too bad. Get
your weak self out of here. We'll go find someone
else who can do it. Discrimination. Instead, you get this crap.
Speaker 5 (09:19):
You want to see somebody that responds to your house,
your emergency, whether it's a medical call or a fire call,
that looks like you. It gives that person a little
bit more ease knowing that somebody might understand their situation better.
Is she strong enough to do this, or you couldn't
carry my husband out of a fire, which my response
is he got himself in the wrong place.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
If I have to carry him out of a fire,
my response is, he got himself in the wrong place. Ha ha,
Look hell, Lizzie woman, I am ha ha. I'll show him.
And people were screaming. But that involves people will die
because of that. She doesn't care. She's serving a higher
calling the demonic religion, no as communism, Marxism, whatever word
you want to put on it, cultural Marxism. That is
her only god. That is the only thing she serves.
That is the only thing she's interested in. And if
you and everyone you love happen to die because of it,
she wouldn't lose a minute of sleep. Her head will
still stay firmly rested with that close crop haircut on
her pillow. And that's because you vote Democrat.
Speaker 6 (10:31):
I know you.
Speaker 1 (10:32):
Sounds so good. All your friends were in mad At
and we cocktail party night. Hey, Bob, you voted them, right,
I voted them. It's fun to vote vote Democrat. Congratulations.
An illegal woman, an illegal immigrant, just burned a woman
to death on the subway because of you. You did it.
Stop voting democrats, Stop killing people. All right, we're moving on.
We're going to get on to other things, shall we?
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H E F M A N dot com. We'll be back.
Get the Cure for Rhinos week days with the Jesse
Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. On a
Friday and incredible ass doctor Jesse Friday. Remember you can
email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com or
leave us a voicemail.
Speaker 7 (12:14):
You're just another flining Republican idiot.
Speaker 1 (12:18):
At eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven
three consequences, Joe Biden got up. Of course, he's destroying
as much as he can possibly destroy. On his way
out the door, got up, talk like this, Why did
we end up with this insane.
Speaker 8 (12:35):
I'm proud my administration is carrying out the boldest climate
agenda in American history. We're doing by setting ambitious goals
like deploying thirty gig watch of offshore wind and conserve
at least thirty percent.
Speaker 1 (12:47):
Of Yeah, we got all that. I'm not going to
play the whole thing. Why is your power bill through
the roof? Consequences of voting for Democrats, the negligence of
the city, and some citizens flat out vote for their
own demise. You hear they arrested some guy with the
blow torch? Did you hear that? This morning?
Speaker 9 (13:09):
The incident occurred started here and about twenty minutes three
minutes later, a suspect was detained over woolen Hill's area
by citizens.
Speaker 1 (13:19):
So someone purposely set the Kenneth.
Speaker 9 (13:21):
Fire at this time, that's what we believe.
Speaker 1 (13:24):
Yes, do you know how or why they did that?
Speaker 7 (13:27):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (13:28):
Is this a crime scene right now? Yes, so everything's
being loosed off. It's being good.
Speaker 9 (13:33):
Yes, it's being investigated as a crime.
Speaker 1 (13:35):
He's already been released. Did you know that? How could
they He had a blow torch? Right, how could they
do it? That's what happens when you vote Democrat. When you
vote Democrat, your city will slowly but surely move into
a place where they view their role as protecting criminals.
That's how Democrats look at life. Gavin Newsom's all over
the news right now. Gavin Newsome had a little tele meeting.
I guess there was a zoom meeting or something like
that with Biden and Dome in the Oval office. Gavin Newsom,
here's what he said.
Speaker 6 (14:12):
I ask you, We've got to deal with this misinformation.
There were hurricane force wins of miss and disinformation. Lies.
People want to divide this country and we're gonna have
to address that as well. And it breaks my heart
as people are suffering and struggling that we're up against
those hurricane force forces as well, and.
Speaker 1 (14:36):
Gavin Newsome, governor of California, gets on a zoom call
with the President once he wanted to do we have
to address the misinformation people are trying to divide. What's
he saying? Of course, people are finally pointing out that
places that are controlled by Democrats, states, counties, cities are
turning into Third world hell holes. He doesn't want that
pointed out. He wants it censored. He wants it stopped.
How do we end up with a governor like this?
Gavin Newsom's a disgrace. People voted for him over and
over and over again in California, and these are the
consequences of that. Consequences You see them all over the place.
Time to change some things, jeered bon Giorno, European Jesse.
This guy says, glad to hear you back. Do you
think the horrible devastation and mismanagement of the California fires
will finally derail Newsome's national political future? I don't see
how he can run for potus in twenty twenty eight
after this. Well, let's talk about that, because let's do
a little twenty twenty eight Democrat talk here. As long
as we're on the subject. This is a terrible fire.
I'm not gonna I keep wanting to call it a
natural disaster, but everyone keeps saying it's ours and it's
ours and it's ours, and I don't know. And remember
there's several different locations of the fire. Maybe some was natural,
be some someone flicked a cigarette out, maybe some of
it was done on I don't know, So calling it
a natural disaster is not accurate. But I'll just refer
to it as that property damage wise, it's the largest
one in the history of the United States of America already.
Gavin Newsom's governor, Gavin Newsom has some bad statements already
on camera, at least to my eye and to your eye.
Is it going to cost him in twenty twenty eight?
I don't know. Democrats don't think like we think. I
don't know. Democrats are insane, many of them flat out demonic.
How would I know that Kamala Harris is not going
to be able to get it done because she's not
gonna have the donor money. The big donors are sour
on the fact she blew all that. You know, Rear
Admiral Pete is going to be stepping up. Speaking of
Blue all that, he's going to be stepping up big time.
He's extremely ambitious, he's gonna run. They're gonna love him
because he's gay, so they'll be that. Does Bernie Sanders
make another run at it? I don't know. Gretchen Whitmer Michigan,
you can basically pull out your ingpen now, Gretchen Whitmer's
gonna run. I don't know if this kills Gavin Newsom's run.
It's a primary and it's a Democrat primary. I don't
know that it does. Look, I don't know that there
will be real consequences for Democrats in California after this.
I suspect there might be like we talked about before LA. No,
it didn't go round. I'm not saying that, but LA
threw out their Soros prosecutor. Many blue places across the
country have not done that. LA got sick and tired
of the crime, and they toss Gascon out of office. Maybe,
just maybe, in LA, there's going to be an awakening
of what happens to Paradise when you keep voting for Democrats.
What Chris, what Chris see Chris is Chris is so
skeptical Chris, you shouldn't be cynical your whole life. You know,
it's it's ugly, it's you're too young to be this cynical.
But Chris, maybe right. The truth is he maybe I
don't know. We have to keep reminding people of those
four magical words. You voted for this over and over
and over again, so maybe they change. Hopefully you've already
changed who you have your cell phone with, because when
you look at the the activism of corporate America, when
you turn on the TV and Verizon's got a new
rainbow ad out there, are you paying Verizon every month?
If so, you voted for this. You don't have to
support a cell phone company who hates the country. At
and T, T Mobile, Verizon, these are awful companies, pure talk.
You know, they hire American citizens, even customer service when
you get a hold of them. You don't have to
speak to someone halfway around the world. I'm sorry, I
don't understand why you say it. No more of that
real pleasant English speaking Americans? Isn't it nice to work with?
To support a patriotic company? And you pay less? I
pay half of what I used to pay dial pound
two five zero and say Jesse Kelly, that'll save you
an additional fifty percent off your first month pound two
five zero, say Jesse Kelly. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly
returns next.
Speaker 7 (19:43):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday.
Speaker 1 (19:48):
Remember if you missed any part of the show, you
can download the whole thing on Iheard Spotify iTunes. Back
to the emails, Jesse. I work for a local utility
company in San Diego. We've been undergrounding power lines to
prevent fires for years. Within the past month, Gavin Newsom
went to the California Public Utilities Commission to have them
try to lower customer bills. In turn, the Commission told
my company to stop undergrounding power lines since the costs
was being charged to the customer in a time when
California is on fire, Newsom created another future fire hazard.
You can look this decision up on Newsom's website. I
have used a fake name and email for obvious reasons,
the consequences of voting Democrat. Jesse. I grew up in
during the Vietnam War. Joined the Marine Corps nineteen seventy nine.
Why did we go and fail in Vietnam? I heard
Mobile and Chevron wanted to drill there. I also heard
the CIA exported heroin from there. Why did we go there?
Why did we go and fail? Okay, so let's talk Vietnam.
Let's set aside our modern politics for a few and
talk a little bit about Vietnam? Why did we go
and fail there? Well, remember, first and foremost on a
thirty thousand foot view thing people in power. It is
human nature. When you have any power at all, you
want to use it. I've used the example before of
a hammer. If I was to hand you a hammer,
just a regular hammer, and you were walking around with it,
you would hit something with it. It might just be
your hand. You maybe be slapping it in your hand,
but it is human nature. You have this tool, you
want to do something with it. That's human nature. Power.
Now expand that. You see people get in trouble with
this all the time. I actually saw a story out
about McDonald was yesterday or day before. I saw this
story McDonald's that some managers were getting themselves in trouble
because if you wanted to earn some extra shifts at McDonald's,
they were requiring more than just extra fries of some
of the employees. Yeah, yeah, we're one of these ugly
scandal things. I'm not actually here to call out McDonald's
because I love McDonald's. But again, you have a little
bit more power here. You are, you're managing McDonald's. You
are in control, who gets the hours, who gets the shifts.
It's just part of our sinful nature. Are human nature
to want to use power, and oftentimes it's not for good. Now,
I can't really relate to this, and you can't really
relate to this. But let's get bigger than this. Let's
go ahead and put you in charge of a nation.
How many stories have we talked about history, stories on
this show of kings and arts and doing terrible, terrible things?
Why the stories of I think Caligula is actually a
good example of this. Caligula famously would have Roman senators
and their wives come over to his home, and he
would take the wife of a senator into the next
room right beside where they were dining, and they would
have a good time together in full earshot of the
senator whose wife he just stole, and then he would
come back and sit at the table and tell the
senator about what they had just done. What why power
you get it? And you want to use it. And
the exact same thing applies to politicians, American presidents. You
get in charge, commander in chief. Could you even imagine?
I couldn't even wrap my mind around that level of power.
You are the commander in chief. You have an army
of Secret Service agents protecting you at all times, well
kind of at least they used to. But you used
to have an army of secret Service agents protecting you
at all times. The entire United States military is under
your command. You walk into a room with four star
generals and admirals and they will spring to their feet
and salute you and say, yes, sir, mister president, you
are in charge. You are the chief executive. You have
kings coming before you, asking for favors from across the planet.
Think about that level of power, and just like the
hammer in your hands, or just like the cute fry
cook at McDonald's, when you get that much power, you
want to use it. Founding fathers actually and their children
after them, talked about this so often. That's why George Washington,
in his farewell address, warned America to stay out of
foreign affairs, stay out of European wars. Why would he
issue a warning like that. We were a young country.
We weren't even in a place where militarily we could
just go just go land the troops on the beaches
and things like that. We weren't really in that kind
of a place as a country. Why would George Washington
even think to issue a warning like that, because he
understood the intoxication that comes with power and the ability
to have an army under your command. You want to
use it, you want to do things with it. John
Quincy Adams, obviously son of John Adams, he wrote something long,
I don't have it in front of me. I'm doing
this off the top of my head. But he was talking.
He was warning about America's foreign policy. Obviously, this is
only one generation after the founders, John Adams and John
Quincy Adams was talking about going abroad in search of
monsters to slay. If you're a medieval knight. I just
walked through this amazing army museum in Paris and there
was all this knight's armor and it was sick. It
was so freaking cool. And they had armor for the horses,
and they had this special lion's armor you could put it.
It was unbelievable. And you're looking and you're thinking to yourself, Man,
if I were to put on that suit of armor
and my horse has armor on it, and I have
a sword in my hand, I need to go find
somebody to fight. It's human nature. What's that Game of
Thrones line. It's incredible line. There was a beast in
every man and it stirs when you put a sword
in his hand. Power humans want to use it. It's
human nature. It's a bad part of human nature. So
you have a place like Vietnam. America was concerned, to
put it mildly, about the spread of communism across the
globe in the post World War two era. Really, when
we wrapped up World War Two, we screwed up so
many things, allowing the Soviet Union to have so much
control of so much territory. We just didn't, I mean, surprise,
surprise Fdr. As he was fading away, Since he was
half a dirty kamie himself, he was not nearly frightened
enough of what Stalin and the Soviet Union could and
would do if they were given more power. So the
Soviet Union starts to spread communism as far and fast
as they can. Again, communism was never supposed to be
about a country. Was never supposed to be about Russia.
It was always about the entire planet. Communism has to
be for everybody, has to be. They will force it
on you even if you don't want it. It's part
of their sick religion. And communism begins to spread and
begins to spread and begins to spread. And then we
have this situation in Vietnam, a country divided North Vietnam
and South Vietnam. South Vietnam their government was hot, stinky, corrupt, garbage.
It was awful. But the North Vietnam their government, they
were communists and they wanted to take South Vietnam. And
we're sitting there. We have a big military, and I mean,
we could step in and maybe we just send some
ships over there. Oh what, there's an incident Golf of Tonkin.
Guess we better send in fifty thousand troops. That's how
you get started. Now let's talk about the failure of
prosecuting that war, and then we'll move on to other things.
Before we do that, do you like history stuff brought
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Speaker 2 (29:42):
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Speaker 1 (29:56):
We'll be back feeling a little stocky like and subscribe
on social at Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 7 (30:04):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and
ask doctor Jesse.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
Friday, I'm gonna miss it. I'm sorry I had to
play it. I'm gonna miss it. I feel like we
have to replace it at some point in time because
dome is gone and I'm gonna miss it. Anyway. You
can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com,
leave us a voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven
four three seven three Back to Vietnam. So that was
kind of the thirty thousand foot view. People get in power,
they want to use power. Now we go over there.
I've talked about this many, many, many times. There are
examples in the modern world, in the ancient world. How
do you fight a war, What is the best way
to fight a war? Morality? What role does morality take
when you are fire a war? For instance, Genghis Khan.
Genghis Khan, the Mongolian society had a much different view
of morality than well than you have, hopefully it's different
than yours, different than mine. But human life, that kind
of concept that just was not necessarily something they considered
at all, just was not important at all. All that
mattered was power and strength and things like that. But
their conquests were so insanely successful. Now, part of that's
because they were such great fighters, they were so organized,
they were so this, they were so that. But another
part of it was the Mongols didn't do half conquest. Well,
we need to fight this, but we better do it
the right way. We have to do this the right way.
That concept. They would have laughed in your face if
you'd said something like that to Genghis Khan. Or any
of his gen anybody in their army. The right way
is to win. So they would walk up to your
city and they would simply inform you you can come
out right now, and you could submit and pledge loyalty
to the Khan. We will let you live, will let
you keep your religion. You might have to send troops
and things like that, but you can submit and you
will live under the Khan. And if you do not,
every single person in your city is going to die.
The men, the women, the children. The Mongols killed the pets,
the pets, your cats, your dogs. And not only would
they kill everyone, they would understand people would hide. They
would send a rear guard back two weeks later to
discover anyone who happened to be hiding, so they could
make sure they'd killed everyone. And then they would take
all of your skulls. If this is a true story,
they would take your skulls and they would make mountains
of them in front of your city, a pyramid, a
large one that you could see from the distance of skulls.
That's what the Mongols would do. Is that right? Is
it moral? I would venture to say no. Is it
a very effective way to fight wars of conquest. Absolutely,
But what's very, very difficult is to try to balance
winning a war with some morality attached to it. Look
what Israel is going through right now? Right forget that
right now? What has been? What has Israel been going through?
Many how many years have you woken up and there
was a news story about some Palestinian firing a rock
in there and killing a little baby, some Palestinian knife
and somebody, some Palestinian terror attack after terror attack after
terror attack after terror attack. And people get mad at
me when I say this, But the truth is a
lot of that's Israel's fault. Why did you allow them
to stay there? Because they were trying to do some
of there. They were trying to make sure they had
a good face on it internationally at the time, they
were reconquering Israel, which is what they did, and they
didn't want to push things too far. Well, let's let
them have their little place there in Palestine. How'd that
work out for you? Instead of taking every square inch
of it didn't work out very well. Half conquest in Vietnam,
we stepped into a place that was not our own.
We attempted to prop up in evil government the South
South Vietnamese government was evil too, So we're attempting to
prop up an evil, corrupt government and then we start
fighting the communists the North Vietnamese, and our guys are
Our guys performed amazingly on the ground. Our troops were studs,
absolute studs. In fact, it was very, very quick that
the viet Cong in South Vietnam they stopped fighting with
our guys. They tried right off the bat to fight openly,
and we just kept mopping them up, just crushing them.
So that's why they went almost exclusively to guerrilla warfare,
because you couldn't tell you're not going to square off
against our guys, We'll smash you into nothing. But we
weren't there to conquer. We didn't want to take over
South Vietnam. We were there to kind of hold back
the North and prop up the South. And hey, I
want to do this delicate balancing act. But that doesn't
work either, That doesn't work. You can't fight wars like that.
Look what you look what we just did in Afghanistan
twenty years there, pouring our blood in our treasure into Afghanistan.
It's just as bad now, if not worse, twenty years
of no conquest. We had our guys, our troops guarding
the poppy fields, the heroin fields of Afghanistan. We have
army rangers who were not allowed to touch the Afghany
men who were systematically raping Afghany boys. In fact, in
many cases they had to protect those men. We're building
water wells for villages that never get used. Twenty years
of not just no conquest. We're just kind of there,
but we're dying. Of course, We're getting shot, blown up,
and bushed all over the place. Twenty years of failure
and the result was nothing. That is why I have
the most extreme on both sides of the equation views
of foreign policy. Now I have come to that conclusion
in my forty three years on the planet. For the
most part, I don't believe we should go anywhere. For
the most part, stay in America, keep your troops, keep
your treasure, keep your blood here in the United States
of America. We don't need troops dying on foreign soil.
Stay home, serve your country, get out, start a family,
live your life. And my other extreme goal is if
you do some if you do go somewhere, go take it.
I mean that one hundred percent don't tiptoe in there.
We better, we better make sure we want to be
no better friend. Nope, if I have to go, if
you make me show up, your place is about to
be mine. Do you want to make me show up?
Those are my views. Let's move on talk about John
Fetterman and Mark Zuckerberg. Actually, Mark Zuckerburn said something today.
I'm gonna play it for you in a moment. Before
we get to that, let's talk about our dogs. My
dog is having a rough day. Fred is having a
very rough day. Did anything happen, No, of course not.
Fred doesn't need anything significant to happen to have a
rough day. Bob took down the Christmas decorations that meant
a bunch of boxes. The boxes were there, and then
she put them away. And now Fred thinks we're leaving
because we just left on vacation. Now he's been curled
up by the front door whining all day long. This
is what we have to go through. It's like we're
his emotional support at all times. This is a kind
of dog I have. This is a kind of emotional
maintenance I have. And it's why we sprinkle roughgreens on
his food, because it makes us laugh hysterically. We love
that fluffy moron. Don't you love your dog? Your dog
doesn't get nutrition from his food. Sprinkle rough Greens natural
nutritional supplement on your dog's food and let your dog
live healthier and longer. I hope Fred lives so long.
Call eight three three three three my dog, or go
to Roughgreens dot com slash Jesse. We'll be back