Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Monday, an
enormous Monday, a Monday that is so gigantic. There is
so much to get to on my life. I just
told Chris and Corey before the show started. I doubt
very much I will get to everything, and maybe a
two day or so. Here's what it is. Let's just
go over one. Yes, Medal of Honor. Monday's coming up
an hour from now. The Joe Biden Pardon stuff, Joe
Pardon's Hunter. You already know all that. I have a
lot to say about that. I'm actually going to tell
you a bunch of things about it. One is that
it's a good thing. In a way, it's a good thing.
Just stay with me. I will explain myself. Remember when
I told you the donors weren't gonna let Dome run again. Yeah,
we'll get to that in a little while. Donald Trump
is threatening Hamas if the hostages are not released. We
have a volleyball team standing up against dudes trying to
beat them up. We're gonna discuss NGOs, how the system works,
people being de banked. Like I said, I don't know
if I'm gonna get to all this. The Biden's chopping
down the last remaining Christmas tree, that and the Communists
hate the country, all that and so much more. And
I won't even be able to get to all that.
I'm sure I won't. They may just this may be
part A or part one. I don't know how we
want to say that. Either way, it's gonna be a
huge show tonight on the Jesse Kelly Show. Now, let's
begin with the big news of the day. I'm not
going to bore you with all the things you've already
heard all day long. You, sir, you heard last night
or this morning when you picked your phone up or
turned on the news. Joe Biden pardoned Hunter Biden. Of course,
everyone remembers how many times he came out and said,
I look for that. That is not going to change
over the next six months. To President's say, it's still
a no. It's still an egg always. You know, it's
still a no. It will be a no. It is
a no. And I don't have anything else to add people,
he pardoned his son. No, okay, that was coron diversity high.
Joe said it too. But let me ask you will
you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what
it is. Yes, And have you ruled out a pardon
for your son? Yes? Okay, media, of course, the apparatchicks
in our media, the system protectors. Of course, they went
along with residential promise to put the law before a family. Yeah,
I shaid, I adde by the jury decision, and I
will do that, and I will not partner, letting the
world know that he will not wipe away the decision
of twelve of his son's peers. Was asked directly, and
he has said he wouldn't pardon. Yeah, okay, you got
it all. You've heard all that. He lied, He said
he wouldn't pardon him, He pardoned him. Why is it
a good thing at all? And I have a bunch
to say about this, but let's let's start here. Why
it's a good thing in the end, you know, let's
pause on that real quick, and let's rewind. We've talked
before about pre World War two Japan. Several times the
Japanese had this kind of weird not weird, I shouldn't say.
It's a different kind of a feudal system forever with
the Samurai and the clans and all this other stuff,
and eventually they settled on this government. But they had
this emperor, and the emperor was thought of as a god,
a live in god. Really, you weren't even allowed to
look look at him, talk to him. It was that
kind of a thing. The emperor was so insanely sacred.
This is pre World War two. They're this emperor and
it was very real for people, normal people who would
never meet him, they'd never get to speak to him,
would die for him, essentially pretty much worship him. Now,
let's just pause on everything else. No judgment here, but
that's a terrible thing. You don't ever worship a man.
Men are not gods, we're not deities. We're all flesh
and blood, all of us, you, me, everybody. But that's
the kind of system they had of and that kind
of system can really mess you up, and it mess
them up severely because when you have this person, who
he's not even a king. I didn't even want to
say monarchy of this living god in your system. Well,
he can do whatever he wants and there will never
be any opposition to him at all. Now, fast forward
to the end of World War two. We're not doing
history here fast forward to the end of World War two.
Did you know we've had this talk before. One of
the main reasons the Japanese surrendered wasn't just two atom bombs.
Granted that helped nudge things along, but it wasn't just
two atom bombs. The people of Japan. They were getting
ready to rebel, revolt. They were going to have a
revolution in Japan because the people because of our blockade
and the war and everything else, the people were starving
to death. The civilian population was starving to death. And
you have these millions of Japanese people and eventually they're
looking around at each other and saying, wait a minute,
what a what kind of a god would let us starve?
Hold on a minute, No, we are going to rebel
against this government. No, we'll toss him out. Now. How
in the world do you go from thinking he's a
god to we're going to march into the palace and
string him up. How do you get from A to B?
You get there because eventually the scales fall from your eyes.
You find out he's not a god. He's a man,
a fallible man like all the rest of us. You
wake up to the fact that he's not a god,
and then once you get from that point, then you
can finally figure it out. This non god has got
us into a war of annihilation and we're all going
to die if we don't do something now. Isn't that
a healthy place for them to have gotten to. We
need to have a rebellion, a revolution to cast this
guy out. Isn't that a good thing that the population
woke up to the fact that he's not a god?
It's a going to believe me. I still know a
bunch of people still thought he was. But overall, you
understand what I'm saying. His loss of legitimacy was good
for are the people of Japan because we were going
to keep bombing that country into powder and then we
were gonna invade. But the people, the people of Japan
are as responsible as anything for stopping that, because the
people woke up. I sit here right now behind this
microphone and I say to use things you already know
about Joe Biden. Joe Biden is evil, he's a liar,
he's corrupt, he has corrupted his entire family. He's an
awful human being in every possible way. I say all
these things to you. You're nodding your head. You already know.
I say to you, the United States government itself has
become an evil, corrupt, criminal organization that works only on
behalf of the system. It oppresses normal people, it protects
the elite. I say all that. You're just sitting there nodding.
You get all this, You got it, you already understand.
But your normy neighbor doesn't. Now they're waking up slowly,
but we need them all to wake up. In fact,
many are. We saw that in the election. Many are,
But we need more and more and more. We need
the average everyday American to wake up and not revere
the scumbags in the White House. We need them to
hate those people in the White House. We need them
to think Joe Biden when he comes to town for
a parade in your small town, that you have better
things to do, like go stare at the sky, spit
on the sidewalk. You don't even show up to see him,
because these people are so corrupt and evil, being around
them doesn't even appeal to you. That's exactly where we
need the normal American to go. And when the normal
American gets on his phone last night or this morning
or turns on the news and he finds out that
the president of the United States of America not only lied.
Joe Biden's a career liar. We'll get into that, not
only lied, not only pardoned his son, gave his son
a retroactive blanket pardon for any federal care he may
have committed over an eleven year period of time. The
normal Americans, even your normal neighbor who doesn't know anything
about politics, looks at that, looks at this and says, oh, gosh,
that's really corrupt, that's really wrong, that's really evil. These
people were evil, and that's a good thing. This is
the kind of thing that wakes normal people up. Normal
people look at this and they're disgusted, and they should
have been disgusted back when you started getting disgusted. Yes,
they're behind, but at least they're catching up now. And
it's not everything, But I'll take it all right. I
have so much more to say about this. We will
get to that in a moment now. The reason you
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It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a man. It's
a huge mind. It was we stopped to get to
the cash. But tell stuff. There's a ton to get to.
But there's a lot of stuff around this Joe Biden,
stuff that is good revealing bad. Okay, first, just one
more point on this. I had a friend once, this
is back in high school, and his aunt lived right
across the street from them, and they were very close.
His aunt and his immediate family, His mom, dad lived
with them, him and his brother, and his aunt lived
right across the street from them, and she developed a terrible,
terrible alcohol problem. Now there are degrees to alcohol problems
that if you have one, I'm not dismissing yours at all.
You know, keep fighting, keep struggling, you'll get over it.
But hers was vodka with breakfast before work. That kind
of alcohol problem she used to bring. You remember if
you ever seen, or at least you've ever had, one
of those big all thermoss that construction guys have for coffee,
they bring it to work. We always have one. When
I was working construction, she had an office job, she
was an office manager. She would bring one of those
to work, half coffee, half vodka because she thought the
coffee would cover up the smell of it. And all
day long at her desk she would drink vodka and
she would be He told me that all this came
out after, you should know it as a happy ending.
She ended up okay, But all this came out after.
She didn't remember driving home half the time after work
because she was so hammered. That kind of alcohol problem, right,
But most of their family, the rest of their family
denied it. I don't see it. She was just one
of those people who could handle it really well. She
could function. Obviously, if you're still working, she could function.
She could handle it really well. And it was actually
it was Thanksgiving, as a matter of fact. They were
having a big Thanksgiving celebration. Everyone was flying in from
out of town, big family Thanksgiving. They did them up right.
It was something I forget what he told me. It
was years ago. I want to say eighty people, but
it's a big one. It's a big family celebration for Thanksgiving.
Everyone had been denying. She doesn't have a problem. She
doesn't have a problem. She doesn't have a problem. Everyone
shows up and within an hour, I think it was.
It was very early in the day. They walked out
back and she, who had been watching the kids out back,
she was passed out on the grass. Passed out on
the grass. They try to wake her up. She starts
throwing up. Now, obviously that's a bad situation. It's terrible,
terrible situation. It couldn't be any worse. However, there was
no more denying the problem. After that, there was no more.
Her parents were terrible about that. They denied she had
a problem. Denied she had a problem. There's no more
denying it. You pass out out back at Thanksgiving within
an hour watching the kiddos. Everyone knows now what happened.
The family woke up, rallied, dragged her butt into rehab.
I haven't talked to my buddy in a few years.
This is years ago, but last time I had talked
to him, she was still clean and thriving to this day.
Until people realize there's a problem, you can't fix a
problem most of the time. Joe Biden, with the most brazen,
nakedly corrupt pardon I've ever seen in my life, just
reminded the American people that the United States government is
an evil organization right now, that only things laws apply
to the littles. The laws never applied to them. They
get away with everything. Joe Biden backdated this pardon and
get this. You remember Hunter Biden took that job, that
corrupt job with Baris mother Ukrainian energy company. Date on
this pardon it starts a couple months before Hunter Biden
started with Beisma. Joe Biden, I've seen a lot of
this today that Joe Biden pardoned him because he loves
his son, Joe Biden and Joe Biden denied the existence
of their seventh grandchild. They had to be shamed into
acknowledging her existence, the one Hunter had with a stripper,
because she was politically inconvenient for them. Joe Biden didn't
pardon Hunter Biden because he loves his son. That's what
you would do, and to be honest, that's what I
would do. To a point. It's your son, that's understandable.
I get that Joe Biden pardoned Hunter Biden, gave him
a blank pardon, a blanket pardon I mean for an
eleven year period, because Joe Biden committed crimes with Hunter
Biden during that time. And this is the only way
you can keep your dirt ball son from spilling the
beans on you. If Dad has the ability to pardon
you. You've been committing crimes on behalf of your father for
your entire life. And Dad has the ability to pardon
you and get you out of federal prison. And Dad
chooses not to do that, and you find yourself locked
in a cage, You're going to drop a dime on dad.
Joe Biden didn't have any choice, and he didn't do it.
As a loving father. Joe Biden had to pardon his
son because his son was part of Joe Biden's criminal empire.
Now let's get to that part of it, shall we.
Because everyone's dumping on Hunter Biden today and I'm not
gonna stop you from doing that. Hunter Biden is a
dirt ball and a scumbag in every possible way. I'm
not saying Hunter Biden is good, and I'm definitely not
saying Hunter Biden deserves a pardon. Hunter Biden deserves to
go to prison, especially after the things they've done to
pro lifers in January six ers and others. Hunter Biden
deserves to go to prison. However, Hunter Biden is not
the devil in this story. Let's talk about the devil
in this story. Next, Jesse Keilly. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show on a Monday, Medal of Honor Monday coming
up about a half hour from now. If you want
to email the show, you certainly can love hey, death threats,
whatever you'd like. Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com can
leave us a voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven
four three seven three. Now let's talk about the real
devil and the Joe Biden Hunter Biden Story. I'm gonna
tell you something about myself. First, Do you have any
idea how many times I've gone hunting in my life life,
big game, hunting, deer, elk antelope. It's a lot. It's
more times that I could ever count. It's been a lot.
Do you know? You know I don't like hunting. Do
you know that? Don't get me wrong. There are parts
of hunting I very much enjoy. I enjoy being outdoors.
I enjoy the thrill of the chase, I enjoy like
I enjoy all the manly parts of it. But I
don't like hunting. So why have I done so much hunting? Well,
my father loved hunting. He was the outdoorsman. That's just
how he was. He wanted to be outside. He wanted
to be working, or he wanted to be outside hunting.
They were doing something outside, sweating grit. Just one of
those guys. And as a child, I've told you this before,
my dad would go rabbit hunting in Ohio. We had
these beagles, beagles, great dogs, but we had these beagles
use them to hunt rabbits. When I was a child,
six seven years old, I would take my toy guns
because I had a bunch of those. I always loved guns,
and I would go rabbit hunting with hunting with my dad.
I would just kind of walk along with my toy
gun and fake shoot at the rabbits he was shooting at.
And I got a little older, finally got a gun.
Montana hunting began. Move to Montana when were ten. I'm
going somewhere with this. Stay with me. Do you know
when deer season is in Montana? Now? Pretty much we'll
call it November. You know, when you hunt deer in
Montana in the morning before the sun comes up, you
have to be out there. In fact, you really need
to be situated where you want to be before the
sun comes up, otherwise it's anyway. Do you know what
the temperature is in November at four am in Montana?
Twenty below is not uncommon at all. Twenty below. You
know what happens when you breathe through your nose when
it's twenty below, You can I feel it like needles
in your lungs, and every bit of snot in your
nose freezes up. And my father at three three point
thirty in the morning on a Saturday, on a Saturday.
I'm off school Saturday. In my room, Get up, boy,
We're going hunting. And I got up and I went hunting.
And every single time my father would ask me, well,
not every time, that's not true, but my father would
ask me, you you like this, right, And every single time,
without fail, I would say, Dad, I love it, Dad,
this is the best, and I hate it every minute
of it. Not every minute, that's not fair. I enjoyed
the stocking and the shooting and stuff, but for the
most part, I thought it sucked. I didn't understand why
anyone got into this at all. So why did I
do so much hunting? Because that's what my father wanted
me to do. That's why why did I work construction
in my life? I like construction, don't get me wrong.
Why did I work construction because that's what my father
wanted me to do. A father's influence in your life
is not small, it's enormous. Yes, I understand, Hunter Biden
is a scumbag and a dirtball who belongs in federal prison.
And I understand at some point you have to own
your own choices. But let me tell you a little
story you may not know about Hunter Biden. Joe Biden. Well,
the Biden family, Hunter Biden terrible car accident. This is
back in the seventies. Joe Biden had just won an
election for the Senate and he was about to be
sworn into the United States Senate. His young son Hunter
had severe injuries, a fractured skull, brain damage from this
car accident. This was not some little fender bender, a major,
major accident. It was a huge deal across the nation.
Joe Biden, brand new senator. They said to Joe Biden,
because he had to get sworn into the Senate, they said, hey, Joe,
let's postpone the swearing in. Your poor family. They're in
hospital beds right now, fighting, struggling. Joe, let's postpone the
swearing in. Joe said no, no, no, no. They said, hey, hey, Joe,
all right, if you're not going to postpone it, I
get it. Let's do a quick swearing in in the
hallway of the hospital. That way you don't have to
abandon your family. I know you want to be there
for your kids. They're injured, they're broken. We want to
be there. Joe Biden with his baby boy is a
picture that you can go look it up with his
baby boy in a hospital bed broken. What would you
be thinking if your son was sitting there with his
head broken? What would be going through your head? The agony.
I'll tell you right now, I wouldn't be doing the show.
Joe Biden looked at his baby boy with a broken head,
and he said, get the cameras ready, and someone put
a suit on him. Get a photo crew in here.
I want to be sworn in by my shattered baby boy.
Make sure he looks good in a suit. Joe. Why
because it would look good for my political career, Joe
Biden from the earliest time. I don't know when it
began in Joe Biden's life. I can't speak to that,
but I know enough about Joe Biden's early career, in
Hunter Biden's early life to know this. It's not that
Joe Biden was a bad dad. Maybe you overcame a
bad dad. It's not that Joe Biden was a negligent dad.
Maybe you overcame that, or a negligent mom or bad mom.
I shouldn't just put this on dads. There are plenty
of bad moms and things like that. Maybe you overcame that.
Maybe dad was a drunk, Maybe he was abusive, Maybe
he ran out on you. Maybe mom was a drunk
or abusive, it ran out of Maybe you overcame a
bad parent. People can do that. People do do that,
And I applaud you if you did that. But the
percentage of people who can overcome a parent who purposely
grooms them to be a scumbag, that percentage is minuscule.
Joe Biden wasn't abusive, Joe Biden wasn't negligent. From the
moment Hunter Biden could walk, Joe Biden groomed him to
be a corrupt piece of his political machine, and as
far as we can tell, for years and years and years,
in years and years, Joe Biden enlisted his own scumbag
son to be a bag man on his behalf for
foreign entities from China to Ukraine, Russia and everywhere in between.
And it wasn't a whoopsie, it wasn't a wow. Hunter
Biden's really going sideways. Joe Biden did it to him
on purpose, on purpose, all right. I've read a story
one time about a mobster, mafia guy. He had done
all these years in prison, then he was reformed, he'd
gotten out and he was talking about his father. How
many of these mafia guys their dad was in the mob,
and he didn't want their kid in the mob, so
the dad would try to push him away. This guy's
father took him to the meetings when he was five
and six years old, told him this is the life
for you, told him you have to do it. What
chance does a child have when that's what dad tells
you to do, none or very little. The number of
people out there who can overcome that, it's just not
very high. I went deer hunting with my dad because
and it was cold, and I didn't want to, but
I went if My dad woke me up at sat
on Saturday morning at five am and told me we're
going to what's something bad deal drugs? Hey, son, I've
got some cocaine. We're gonna go sell cocaine today. You
know what, ten year old Jesse would have said, I'm game, Dad.
And when Dad turned to me at ten and said,
are you enjoying selling cocaine? I would have said, Dad,
this is the best thing in the world, because that's
what my dad wanted. When your father purposely grooms you
to be a scumbag, you have almost no chance it goes.
That's beyond abuse, it's beyond neglect. Hunter Biden is a
dirt ball and a criminal, and he belongs in prison,
and all those things are true. And Hunter Biden's a
fifty some year old man who now has to own
the life he has. All that is true as well.
But when I look at the Joe Biden, Hunter Biden saga,
I'm sorry, I don't get filled with hatred for Hunter
to be honest with you. I get filled with pity.
I think to myself, if that was my dad, I'd
be the exact same, because I would have laid down
in traffic. If my dad told me to go lay
down in traffic, I would have done any thing, because
he was my dad. My dad groomed met a deer,
hunt and work hard. Hunter Biden's father taught him how
to lie and cheat and fill his bank account using
his political office. What chance did he have? And what
a piece of crap Joe Biden is. I have one
more word on this and then we're gonna move off it.
There's too much else to get to. We'll get to cash,
battail and everything else. Hang on, Jesse Kelly Becksian, it
is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. I missed
you so much. I had an incredible Thanksgiving Thanksgiving. Of course,
at some point in time, I'm gonna tell you everything
I ate and it was delicious, and what Chris, I
can't help what I'm excited about. We'll get to that,
and we have to get to the cash battel stuff
and Dome and Trump is threatening Hamas and this is
just so much. There's so much awesome tonight. But I
want to I want to make one more point about Joe. Now.
This is we're moving off with the father stuff and
the pardon stuff. This is my last point, and this
is something a lot of people aren't talking about, or
a lot of people are missing. Joe Biden. Joe Biden
is getting a measure of revenge. And the system did
not properly protect itself from Joe Biden when they were
bouncing him. They didn't. So let's pause on Joe for
a second. Let's talk about me really quickly. This will
I'm going somewhere with this too, So hang on. Do
you know that if you have a media job, not independent,
but if you work for a big company, if you
have a commentary media job like a television show or
a radio show like I have. We'll just make it
about me for radio. You know I worked for Premiere Networks.
Do you know that if tonight Premiere decides to fire
me or are going to let me go, or maybe
I tonight, maybe I decide to retire. Now pause, Please
do not panic. I adore Premiere. They have been amazing
to me and the feelings meet you. I'm not going anywhere.
This is just a hypothetical. But let's say tonight I
go home, I have some craft mac with the wife,
and I say, you know what, I'm done with radio
and I'm gonna go back to selling r v's or something.
And I call Premiere tonight and I say, hey, I
think I'm gonna end it. I'm gonna you know, I'm
gonna give it a few more months, but uh, I'm
gonna walk away. You know that you would never hear
my voice again on the radio. They would pull me
off immediately. That's the same for all media jobs. If
someone gets fired, or if someone announces they're not they're
not going to re sign another contract or something like that.
There's no lag period, there's no two week notice. You
are pulled off the air immediately. No if nds or butts,
Why is it because they're mean? If Premiere did that.
If I called and said, hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna
leave in six months and they said, yeah, don't show
up to work tomorrow, are they being jerks? No, It's
the only thing you can do in this business. Why
because if you if I'm gonna leave or you're gonna
let me go, and yet you still give me access
to this platform, well that's an extremely dangerous situation. No
employer can put themselves in because I can sit here
with access to this platform and trash you. I can
use your platform to trash you. I hate this guy,
and this guy was a jerk, So you have to
It's the only way to run your business. If they
decide tonight Jesse's offensive, I can't imagine why they'd say that.
If the Jesse's too much is do offensive? Fire him?
They're not gonna say it. Don't worry. Then there's no
Tuesday show. You turn on tomorrow and if it's there'll
be someone else and you'd be asking where's Jesse Whish
and I would just be gone like that, disappeared. You
can't You can't give access to somebody who can hurt
you if you're an entity like that. The system made
a tremendous mistake when they pushed Joe Biden out of
the race, and I realized that mistake is only worse
now in hindsight. We all know why they pushed him out.
Joe Biden's polling numbers against Trump were disastrous, and they
began to panic. He had that debate performance, the worst
debate performance anyone's ever seen, and it was such a disaster.
The collective communist mind woke up the next day, the
hive mind woke up in a full blown panic that
Joe Biden was going to cost them the White House.
And so the system did what evil corrupt systems do.
They pulled out the knives and they went to work
on him. They had Barack Obama and George Clooney collaborating
on op eds in the New York Times, and Nancy
Pelosi put down the vodka bottle and went and yelled
at Joe before she went back to drink in vodka.
And it was over and over and over again, and
they knifed him out of the White House. But the
problem is, you knifed him out, you replaced him with Dome.
She lost, and now Joe Biden is still president. You see,
and Joe Biden, unlike virtually everyone else in his position,
has not an ount of loyalty or love left for
the Democrat Party because the Democrat Party screwed him over.
You can think as a president at the end of
your term, you can think that you're free all the time. Right.
Maybe at the end of Barack Obama's term, he finishes
eight years, he can't run again. Maybe you would think, well,
he can just do whatever he wants now, but that's
not true because he still wants access to all the
Democrat levers of power and things like that. He's gonna
want paid its speeches. Barack Obama couldn't at the end
of his term come out and just crucify the Democrat Party.
What a bunch of nutballs. I'm glad that's over. He
still wanted access to all that. You just knife Joe
Biden in the ribs ended his political career. He's probably
gonna be dead in about fifteen minutes if his health
continues to deteriorate at this pace. Joe Biden has nothing
else to lose. And now hates your party. You left
a man in power who can hurt you and hates
you now you left him with the microphone. Do you
have any idea how long Republicans are going to appropriately
use the blanket pardon of Hunter Biden as evidence of
corruption of the Democrat Party. This is not a fifteen
minute story. This will be five to ten years from now.
People will be bringing up Joe Biden giving his son
an eleven year retroactive pardon as he's leaving the White House.
It didn't just make Joe look bad or Biden looked bad.
Democrat after Democrat after Democrat is going to have to
answer these questions on the campaign trail. Senator Michael Bennett, Democrat,
already came out today and publicly said he doesn't like it.
They all know WHOA. I can't defend this. What do
you do when Joe? It's not a move Joe Biden
would ever have done, except you screwed him. He screwed
him over, You knifed him in the ribs and shoved
him out the back door. And he still got to
be president for another six months. And so he's out
there on the campaign trail when Dome's trying to win
an election, accidentally calling all of Trump's supporters garbage. As
he's getting ready to walk out the back door, he
hands out the most egregious pardon in the history of
presidential politics, and Democrats will have to answer for it
the next ten years. They screwed him, but they left
him there, and wow, what a devastating mistake. I think
it's hilarious. It's great for me. I think it's hilarious.
But man, do they screw up there? All? Right? Enough,
Joe Biden Hunter talked, I want to talk about all
of honor Monday, and then I want to talk about
cash Ptael Pick for FBI Director. I also want to
talk about your dog and the crappy food you give him.
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you notice how your food has different colors but all
dog food is brown? Why is that because it's all dead?
Why do the leaves turn brown in the fall because
they die? Brown things are dead. All dog food is dead.
They killed the nutrition in it. Your dog never gets
nutrition ever, do you realize that it's just empty calories.
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to Roughgreens dot com slash Jesse. We'll be back