All Episodes

May 14, 2024 38 mins

The Left falls in love with systems while The Right falls in love with individuals. Building a system that consistently produces warriors. The Consumer Price Index is about to drop an important inflation metric. A democrat gets involved locally because it is his religion. Creating a farm team for politics. Politicians taking tax payer funded trips.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Monday. And
I don't know that I've ever looked forward to a
show as much as I'm looking forward to tonight's show.
I know what you're thinking, Why, Jesse, there aren't even

any big stories today. Well, that's exactly why. That means
we get to talk about different things, bigger things we
have met all of honor Monday coming up about an
hour from now. Somebody feels like everything we see on
TV politically is just a scripted reality show, and we're
gonna discuss that that concept and systems why they're bigger

than people. We're gonna open up the show with that.
We're gonna talk about Eric Adams and watch d c's
May are doing what politicians always do, Scientists, anti communists, illegals,
credit card debt, all that emails, so much more coming
up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. I

have to do a couple of quick housekeeping items first
before we get into the meat and potatoes of the show.
So let me just go ahead and get out in
front of this right now. May twenty seventh is Memorial Day.
I realize that as a national holiday, and it dagggone
well should be. I also realize that as a day

virtually every human being takes off, especially in media, everyone
takes that day off. It's an understood day. It is
a day we have never taken off, and it is
a day we never will. We feel obos. I mean
unless something comes up, obviously, if there's an emergency or
something whatever, but we never anticipate taking that day off.
That is a day. Look, there aren't even advertisers. I

don't believe that on the show that day. There aren't usually,
but we feel obligated, obligated to sit here and honor
the fallen for three hours. We will read off names.
We'll read off probably not in metal of honor stuff
because we do that so much. Silver Star citations that
are really cool, Navy Cross citations which are really cool.

These are Remember it's not Veterans Day, it's Memorial Day.
It's only for those who lost their lives. They deserve
their own special day, not watered down by American politeness.
Honor the fallen and veterans and first responders, and teach it.
No no, no, nope, nope nope just the fallen in combat.

They deserve their own special, unwatered down day. Now, that
was a long way of me saying this. Obviously, we
have already begun the prep work for our Memorial Day show.
We don't do really any prep work for normal shows,
but that day we do a lot of prep work
for as far as gathering up the Silver Star citations
and Navy Cross citations and things like that. If you

have names, we already got an email of somebody, a
couple of people fail during training, couple pilots, Cobra pilots
back in two thousand and nine. If you have names
of people who fail in combat or training in military service,
people who died, a Silver Star citation, you'd like a
Navy Cross citation, just a name, email that to us

and if we can fit everything in, I will try
to read every single name you email in. Now I
do need to put this disclaimer on it. Sorry to
put all this at the beginning of the show. We
have to look this stuff up when you email us names.
You can't just email in. Hey, Jesse, I serve with
IP freely. Please honor him today because obviously we have

to confirm these things are real. So if you have
an article, anything, a link you can send with the
email Alline, send it. You have a silver star sign
you like, send it, Navy Cross citations, send it. Now's
the time to start sending it because we're prepping our
Memorial Day show. Now, Okay, that's one two second disclaimer.
I got a few of these that this show, So
just hang on. If you hear a sound similar to this,

like I just did it briefly during that during that
little talk we just had. You should understand that I
am not currently having my fingernails pulled out in Iranian
Iranian prison. I have a back that is out, very
very rare for me anymore. It does happen on occasion.
I was lifting weights on Sunday, just screwed it up,

lift something up wrong. And now if I happen to
scratch my nose the wrong way, it'll just shoot this whatever.
You'll hear me do this during the show, and just
know that I'm fine. I'm not being tortured. It's just whatever.
It's a back thing. Last disclaimer is this one on Wednesday,
Chris Michael, write it down because I will forget and

it is your job to remind me. On Wednesday, at
the start of hour two. That is going to be
some history. Somebody emailed in a while ago, dear Caeso Pitmaster,
this country needs a sla right now. Is essentially what
he said, do people a favor and give us a
history lesson on this legend. I am going to do

a little bit of history on Wednesday, the start of
hour two on the Roman general dictator murderer sala. If
you want to do a little prep work on your own,
you're welcome to. If not, buckle up because Wednesday, start
of hour two, there ain't gonna be no politics. We're
going to talk some history now without further ado, Let's

begin on the important things of the day. Quit focus.
I'm ready. I'm ready to go. I'm super focused. My
focus is just stay focused. I'm wanted to read something
to you because I feel like a lot of people
go through this right now. A lot of people were
are seeing this right now, and frankly I am as well.
And the subject of this one, I'm not going to
read the whole email, he says, is politics just reality TV.

And I'm gonna skip through the beginning all this. It's
a long email, but he says I'm seriously starting to
wonder if what we see on screens when it comes
to politics isn't just one big reality TV episode where
everything is scripted. Everyone's an actor, and when the director
yells cut, they all go grab a drink together and
laugh while we're falling apart. The director, of course, is

to blob deep state, the system, whatever you want to
call it. That would explain why, no matter who it is,
left or right, they all toe the company line. I
hope I made enough sense. You can say my name.
You made so much sense Ryan that I'm opening up
the show talking about this concept. It all seems scripted,
doesn't it, And to be honest, it is not hopeless.

I want to stress that we're going to get to
a bunch of stuff we can do and are doing.
If there are times when it seems hopeless, when it
seems pointless, when you get involved in a race, when
you get involved in a campaign, you go out, you
vote against a Democrat, You do this, you do that,
and then nothing changes. The country continues to lurge left,

the spending doesn't stop, the border remains open. It just
seems like nothing changes no matter who's in there. Sure
you get someone like Trump in in his first term.
You're gonna get a lot better the immigration policy, for sure,
foreign policy is gonna be a lot more saying he's
going to cut regulations. The economy will improve, there's no
question about that. But overall, on a macro level, we

still move left, still spend too much, Still do this,
still do that? Okay, just put that in your back
pocket for a moment. That concept. Is it all just scripted?
Here's a headline for you BLS. That's the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. By the way, they announced that cough prices,
which they've shot through the roof, coffee prices continue to

go up and up and up. They're no longer going
to be factored in to the CPI inflation data. Okay,
so what does that mean? Just stay with me, say,
oh see, I just did it there. Stay with me here.
It just happens. The CPI inflation data. The government has

a consumer price index. This is gonna get just a
little nerdy. Just stay with me. Consumer price index. They're
figuring out essentially how much more expensive life is getting
for consumers. You're paying more for things. You know that.
I know that I don't have to to tell anyone
that you know that your pocketbook knows that, and they

have to make these announcements. Hey, what is that? What
is this? What is that? Well, inflation is not only terrible,
Inflation is remaining. And the things that cause inflation, the
printing and spending of money, they've not only remained, they're increasing.
They haven't stopped anything at all. There's nothing out there

even attempting to reverse inflation outside of high interest rates. Nothing.
So they know that makes Joe Biden look bad. Everyone
knows it makes Joe Biden look bad. He happens to
be president. You don't want to be president when people
have their grocery prices go up forty percent, because then
they tend to look at you and blame you for
said things. And these lies aren't going to get you

out of strange economy in the world that we save
it again in the world. Although GDP last week was
far short of expectations, oh it wasn't. Look GDP's still
going to look at the response to the markets. Yeah,
so what the Bureau of Labor Statistics a government organization.
What they announced is, Hey, that's CPI thing that we

do where we tell you how bad inflation is, and
we give you numbers. You know, I'll be honest, we
thought about it. We don't think coffee should be in there.
So we're just gonna take it. Well, you know why,
and I know why. I don't have to bore you
with with the reasons. You know why. They're taking it
out because it makes Joe Biden look bad. They know

coffee is a basic thing that many Americans. I would
argue most Americans consume at one point or another, and
they're taking it out. Okay, So what does this have
to do with the email, with reality TV? What does
it have to do with all this stuff. We're going
to have a discussion next about men versus systems, men

versus systems. Before we get to that, speaking of inflation
and spending and where we're at, we have to make preparations.
Preparations as if the inflation, the economy, the spending to everything,
they aren't going to get better right now. There's no
better on the horizon. I'm not going to say they're

never going to get better, but right now you can't
even see better. You can't. So doesn't mean that it's the
end of the world. Old doesn't mean we have to
lay down and die and cry. Just means we have
to make preparations. How do you prepare? Get some precious
metals as part of your retirement. You have a four
to one k and ira get some precious metals in

there and get some in your physical possession. Gold silver coins.
Oxford Gold Group will deliver these things to your front door.
And they make it easy. They're super laid back. You
don't have to go crazy. I don't want you to
go crazy. Get something basic so you have something they
can't destroy the value of. All right, call eight three

three nine nine five Gold untell them. I told you
to call. We'll be back to talk about systems versus men.
Hang on the Jesse Kelly Show. I like it returns next.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Of course,
a medal of Honor Monday coming up about forty five

minutes from now. Remember you get email me love Hey,
death threats, ask doctor Jesse, questions for Friday, whatever you want,
Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com. So we're having a discussion right now. We're
about to have a discussion. You haven't missed it about
systems versus men. Someone who emailed in and said, politics

just seems like reality TV. No matter who's in charge,
everything gets screwed up. They don't change anything, so on
and so forth. And I've read an article headline about
how they're taking coffee prices out of the inflation data
so it doesn't make Joe Biden look as bad. So
the price aren't going up. So let's have a discussion
about systems versus men. Systems are bigger than men, bigger

than individual men. Systems themselves are much more powerful than
individual men, and systems are the most important thing in
the world for us to create and maintain. Because of
the power of systems. We have not been diligent about

that on the right. On the left, they have been
diligent about that, the infiltration, the takeover of critical systems,
And that's why they've been more successful pulling the culture
their way than we are. The right. For my entire
life has been we have had a culture of men.

The left has had a culture of systems. The Left
does not fall in love with individual men, at least
for long periods of time. The Left falls in love
with ideas, concepts, systems. The right loves individual men. Reagan.
We're the Party of Reagon Trump. Save it all that

we love men when we should love systems. For instance, Okay,
I'm I'm starting a football team. I'm starting to a
football team for teenage boys in my area. I'm starting
Our high school doesn't have one, and we're starting a
football team. And I'm in charge of the football team.
Let me ask you something. This is going. This is

the beginning of a football team that will be around
long after I'm dead and gone. My sons will be there,
their sons after them to watch this team play. I'm
starting the football team. What's the most important thing for me?
Is the most important thing coming up with an amazing
Waight program, training program, putting together not only a coaching staff,

but a coaching staff that's prepared to train the next
generation of coaches. Or is the most important thing going
out and finding that quarterback who can really sling it,
find that running back you can run like the wind blows. Well,
if you're a short term thinker, if you're a GOP
traditional thinker, you think you just need a quarterback. Of course,

you're starting a team. Get that QB, go win the game.
But what you really need is the weight room. So
you don't get one QB. You have the system in
place to produce generations of it. The Mongols. Actually, this
is a great example, historical example. We'll bring this back
to today here in a second. The Mongols. If you ever,

maybe you are one of these people. If you aren't one,
you probably know one of these people who love historical
battles and military and generals and things like that. If
you've ever been one of these guys or ladies interested
in historical generals, and you've looked up a list of
who are the top twenty generals of all time? The
top ten generals of all time? People who really genuinely

know military matters? Can you could have five or six
Mongols on the top ten list. Ever, people think it's
Genghis Khan. Yeah, he's on there, probably the top. You
could go Mongol after Mongol, after Mongol. Just the legend
jebe suba die, you know, just general, general general. We're

talking generals on the level of Alexander, the great lots
of them, multiples. Now, how did they do that? Is
there something in the water in Mongolia? It's the big
Asian step. It's either burning hot or freezing code ay,
is there something in the water out there? How the

Mongols Genghis Khan, to his credit, he built a system.
He didn't build an army that centered around him. Yes,
he was the one definitely in charge, there was no
question about that. But he put into place an amazing system.

If you want to read a great book about this
that touches on a little bit, Suba Die the Valiant
is a really fascinating book you can read, and they
talk about what essentially amounted to a Mongolian apprenticeship system.
That's what Subedi was. Sube I wasn't even a Mongol.
Did you know that maybe the greatest general who ever
lived wasn't even a Mongol. He found himself as part

of the Mongolian apprenticeship system, where you will find young
talented people, begin to bring them in, begin to try
to teach them how you do certain things, why you
do certain things. If you were some young hot shot
in the Mongolian military, you weren't just out there garden
the rice paddies. I'm sorry, they didn't even have rice patties,
but you weren't out there garden the sheep. You would

be welcome in the tent with the generals. Sit there,
shut your mouth and listen. Oh you have a good idea. Hey,
shut up, the young guy has a good idea. All
good ideas are heard here. We will argue, We will
debate a robust essentially a college building military masterminds. Genghis
Khan and the Mongols weren't about a man. They were

about it system, which is why Genghis Khan died so early,
and they just kept conquering in winning and conquering in winning.
Now we're going to talk about how that relates to
today and what we have in our country in just
a moment. Before we talk about that, what phone system
do you use? Do you pay at and T every

single month to crap on your country? Look? If you don't,
If you're not mad at yourself about that now, you
will be when June hits. Do I need to remind
you that Pride Month is right around the corner. You
know that if you have T mobile, you're going to
see things during Pride Month that make you hang your
head in Jane because you fund it. You could switch

to pure talk today and not have to worry about that.
You don't have to stress about pure talk and what
they're going to do for Pride Month. Pure Talk loves
this country. They share our values, they promote our values.
Their CEO was a veteran. Oh, they have a cause.
It's veterans, especially veterans suicide. Does that sound like something

you want to support? Pick up your phone, dial pound
two five zero and say Jesse Kelly, today's the day
to switch to put your money where your morals are.
Pound two five zero, say Jesse Kelly, talk some more
about systems. Next, you're listening to the Oracle. You love
this one. It's a scream Baby, The Jesse Kelly Show.

It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember,
you can download the entire show. If you missed a single,
solitary second of it, you can download it all on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes,
and many many other places. I actually don't know if
there are any other places, but you can do that.
To answer your question, Chris, Jewish producer Chris asked if

I have any muscle relaxers because my back is out.
I don't. I don't think you should make an offer
like that unless you have some to hand out. That's
one two. On a more serious note, I don't like
that stuff because I don't. I feel like my brain
goes into a fog. I get really foggy. But I

wonder how hilarious it would be to pop a couple
of those bad boys and try to do a show.
What Chris, I'm just Joe Biden to be hilarious. No,
I don't have any muscle relaxes and I don't want
any You know what I need black coffee. That's what
John Wayne would take for his back. Anyway, back to
what we were talking about. The guy was talking about
TV and he's frustrated with politics. All the gopers, all

the Democrats, it all just seems like it's scripted reality TV.
They're all going on television to play the role, but
in the end, they never represent us. It keeps lurching left,
they keep wrecking us. Now, here's what we have in
the country and why we have it. We have a

system in place of communism. Now, it doesn't seem that
way when you look from Afar, America doesn't seem like
a communist country. But what has happened is this Democrats
who are all communists now they have for years in
years in years, they have gotten involved locally, stay with me.

I'm not gonna lecture here. Just stay with me. A
Democrat gets involved in politics locally because to a Democrat
politics is his religion. It is his religion, and so
for years, decades and decades and decades, they have sought

out power actively. We do not think that way. We
do not have a religion of domination the way communism is.
Communism is a religion of domination and destruction. When you
move to a nice place, if you've ever moved, or
maybe you're thinking about moving right now, I'm getting out
of New York, I can't take it here. You're looking
to move to a nice place. This human nature. I've

done this too in my life. You want to find
a place where you can just go what just be happy,
This work, good schools, kids, And if you get to
that place, you will probably just enjoy it, because that's life,
isn't it. You don't want to have to get there
and work. I don't want to have to get there

and start busting my BT. I want to get there
and enjoy it. That's why I'm leaving, so I can
go to a place I'm want to enjoy. Democrats don't
think like that at all. They can't relate to that
at all. Democrats get to a place and they want
to destroy it. They want to make sure their religion
is spread everywhere. And so no matter what it is,
whether it's the school board, the library board, the city council,

it can be the HOA, the parks department, wherever it is,
they are there seeking out power. Well here's what that does.
When you begin locally and you start taking things over
like this, what happens is low cool politics. This is
why I say legal and local actually can save the country.
I genuinely believe that it creates a farm team for you.

You see what a Democrat, let's say a Democrat, let's
say AOC tomorrow, AOC congresswoman from the Bronx. She's announcing
that she's gonna retire. She's not she's gonna be there
for thirty years, but she's announced to tomorrow she's gonna retire.
She's gonna go back to bar attending and being an actress. Okay, Well,
do the Democrats have anybody pause on them for a moment.

We'll come back to that in a second. I was
organizing some school board races or attacking a particular school
board that came across my desk, and I was really
angry about it. This was two years ago. I was
angry about it, and I hated these dirty comedies and
I wanted to attack them and remove them off the
school board. And I had things in place. I had
people on the ground who were ready to support it.

I actually had a pack that was gonna help them fundraise.
I had everything in place to attack that school board.
And we ended up not attacking this board. And you
know why, we could not find one person to run
for it. There was no one to run. There were
no local Republicans in any part of in a red area,
there were no local Republicans in any office, and no
one interested in running for office. We couldn't get a candidate.

School board remains commedy to this day. If AOC was
to announce tomorrow that she was no longer going to
be the congresswoman from the Bronx, she's retiring, she's done.
How long is the list of local Democrats who are
already involved politically holding a local office in that area?

How long is the list? How long would it take
Democrats if they went looking to find the next minor
league prospect to be a congressman representing the Bronx in
New York City. It would take them about half a second.
The only choice would be which of the dirty piece
of vile communists coum which of those people they were
going to put in office. The hardest part would be

picking one. The hardest part for gop ors finding one.
The hardest part for them is picking one. They have
a farm team in play. You know, professional baseball. Everyone
at least knows what it is. Why is there such
a thing as triple A. That's minor leagues right below
the pros. And then there's double A right below triple A?

What that's great? And wait they're single A? But why
are there so many different levels? Because they're nurturing talent,
finding even somebody who might have even the tiniest amount
of potential, and you never know, maybe he grows into
his body, hits the gym, works out board, blooms whatever,

and soon pal there he is. You've got the next
Derek Cheater. Democrats have a farm system like that in
place because they get involved in local offices. Well, local
offices do something else for you on top of being
the farm system that allow you to recruit the next

conngressman with someone who's already involved. They continue to work
their way up no matter what, even if they're not
the next congressman. Maybe that guy, maybe that dirty commis
sitting on the school board. Maybe he's not going to
be your next congressman. Maybe from there he'll be on
the board of supervisors. Maybe from there, maybe he won't

have an overtly political job. Maybe he'll go get a
job with the largest textbook manufacturers in the country. And
that committed communist is going to spend the next twenty
years writing and editing the textbooks your child uses to
educate themselves in school. Maybe they won't go that route,

maybe they'll Maybe they'll get to the newsrooms after that,
just an editor a producer, Oh, we don't want to
air that. Ooh, then made Biden look bad. Let's hear this,
that makes Trump look bad. Decades of this, decades of
this has resulted in the dirty Commies rising up from
the streets, from the school boards, from the ho ways.

And now the dirty Commies they're not down in the hoas,
Oh they're there too. Now they're running Google. Now they
control the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Now the vile
communists come. They run the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
Department of Justice, They run the system now because they

started small, they started local and worked their way up
from there. And now what we have in this country
is a system where everything has to serve Democrats and
Democrat policies, every single thing. It's why Republicans are useless.
They're dying for approval from a system that is democrat.

Why do Republicans cave so often? Oh, there's a laundry
list of reasons. I will tell you personally. Having talked
to many congressmen, many of them tell me Republicans genuinely
want a nice article written about them in the New
York Times, instead of hating the New York Times, which
you should do, instead of viewing the New York Times

as your mortal enemy, as a treasonous publication, and frankly,
people should have been jailed who work in the New
York Times for some of the crap they've pulled over
the years. That local Republican congressman of yours, he said
he was gonna fight it, he was gonna grain the swamp.
He really would love a front page article talking about
how great he is he can send it to his mom.

His wife will hang it over his desk. The system
in place is against us. And that's why, back to
your email, that's why it seems like it's all scripted
and they're all serving the system and not serving us.
Because they are. But I need to remind you, Orrin Hatch,

longtime Republican senator, we've had this talk before, Ted Kennedy,
that piece of garbage finally dies mercifully. Or In Hatch
gets up to give a speech at his funeral, supposed
to be a fun, happy speech, and he talked about
the time Ted Kennedy got up on the Senate floor
and just crucified Orrin Hatch called him every name in

the book. And then as soon as he got off
the Senate floor, Orn was talking at Ted Kennedy's funeral
about how they were joking around about it behind the scenes,
all of them just there to serve the system. We
must create our own system, and we do that locally.
We begin at the bottom the same way they did.

All right, all right, let's talk about DC's mayor and
Eric Adams and so much more before we get to
medal of honor Monday. Let's also talk about food. Speaking
of systems, what is your plan to eat if things
get really really bad? You know, food is kind of

one of those necessities. Ammo, sadly is not food. Is
you can survive without Ammo? Without food, You're gonna die
if things go really bad. How are you gonna eat?
And are you gonna eat once or do you have
a plan to eat for a while. My patriot Supply
is about having a plan, having a system in place

to make sure you can eat for months. My Patriots
Supply specializes in three month emergency food kits. They've helped
millions of Americans get ready for whatever, for whatever it
may bring. Three month emergency food kits right now are
two hundred dollars off each kit at Prepare with Jesse

Kelly dot com because they've partnered with the show. Free
shipping is included in that. Everyone in your home needs
an emergency three month food kit, every single person in
your home. If you only live alone, just get one.
You don't need ten years of it. You're gonna die
before then. Anyway, three months Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com,

Go get your emergency food kid. Okay, all right, let's
talk about Eric Adams in Rome. Next the Jesse Kelly Show.
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, ten
minutes away from Medal of Honor Monday. So I saw
this weekend Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City. He's

in Rome. Now I know what you're probably thinking, Well,
that's lovely. Take a little week vacation time off, go
visit Rome. I've never been. I've heard it's great, I've
heard the food is incredible. Obviously the history would be great.
But see, that's the thing. Eric Adams isn't paying for
his trip to Rome. You're paying for his trip to Rome.

He's I kid you not. He's just getting savaged for it.
But he's going to Rome to find out how they
deal with illegals, of course, how they deal with climate
change and things like that. And he keeps putting videos
up of himself working hard over there in Rome. I'm
here in Rome, and of course everyone understands the deal.

He took a taxpayer funded trip to Rome where he
pretended to be working. Why go to Rome to find
out how to deal with illegal immigration? Yemen's dealing with
illegal immigration? Were there no flights to Yemen? Didn't want
to find out how they're doing it down there in Yemen.
Just decided to pick one of the coolest, most historic

cities in the world and wanted to go dig in
with those Romans and figure out how they deal with stuff.
Here's a headline. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser under fire for
taking private jet trip with the donor to the Masters.
Let me just remind everybody once again, it is sad,

but it is true that most people, not all, but
most people run for office because they want access to
the things wealthy people have access to without having to
actually accomplish anything. The truth is everything's so expensive now.

Flights are expensive, hotels are expensive, food is expensive. If
you want some luxury trip to Rome with private tours,
you know Eric Adams is at all the private tours.
You want to stay at a fancy hotel, I promise hees,
not down at the Super eight. You want to eat
luxury Roman meals. You want to do all these things.

You have two options, and only two options. You can
A get rich or B get elected, and Eric Adams
chose option B. This is why they do those things.
I've seen this so many times. It's not unique to
Democrats either. Republicans do the same thing. You want to
be on a private jet one day you want you

want to You ever get to fly on a private jet?
Probably not one of those things. Ninety nine point nine
nine percent of people will never sit in. You get
elected to US Congress, you can probably sit in a
private jet almost undoubtedly you will find yourself on a
private plane of some kind. Fancy steakhouse dinner. You take
mom out to something nice yesterday, or your wife or

something like that. What did it cost yesterday for that?
After church, Mother's Day brunch or whatever? You took her too?
How were that was the bill? I took the wife out,
me her, the boys, we went out. It's two hundred dollars,
two hundred dollars, and it's not like we were with
some fancy steakhouse. But you could always just get elected.

Someone else will buy you that lovely meal. You want
to take a private trip down to the Masters on
a private jet. Who wouldn't want to do that? Private
jet to the Masters? Look, you can get rich, or
you can get elected. That's what they do. That's what
they all do. It's very friggin sad. It drives me crazy.
By the one last word on the systems in place

because our system is so bad and evil. This is
part of what's putting us on a really bad path
right now. Gavin Newsom, governor California, was asked about all
their budget shortfall stuff. You see, when the system is bad,
you can't produce real solutions that will fix anything because
the system itself is bad. It's like when I talk

about Congress and I say it's not possible for Congress
to pass a good law because bad trees cannot produce
good fruit. When you go to Governor Gavin Newsom and
you say you have the most powerful economy in the
United States of America, and instead you're running one hundred
billion dollar budget shortfall, what are you gonna do? You
get answers like this. We explain to Californians how we
move from one hundred billion dollar surplus to such a

significant deficit in just a matter of a few years. Well,
it's yeah, we can explain it.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
Three hundred and forty nine billion dollars of unprecedented capital gains.
What we didn't anticipate is these rain bombs in December, January, February.

Speaker 1 (36:12):
And March. It didn't anticipate it raining in December.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
These atmospheric rivers that led to a federal declaration that
led to FEMA and the irs moving in a direction
where we couldn't collect our taxes until I.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
Believe November sixteenth.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
If there was any indication that climate change has impacts
well beyond those that are often promoted, I would consider
our financial delays.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
Yeah, California is just yet another example of the systems
that are in place, and the systems are more important
than the men. Remember, we have to get into that mindset,
that mode. We have got to drop our savior complex
on the right and start building a system, not just

backing a man, building a system, and we are that system.
We need to stop myself included. We need to stop
dumping it on other people and start taking ownership of it.
And I'm getting better. We all need to get better
about it. We also have to own issues too, like abortion.

It's not just enough to go vote for pro life politicians.
It's not enough to speak out against it. What are
we actually doing to stop abortions? You know that education,
as is so often the case, real education is maybe
the best tool you can use an ultrasound. Ultrasound, what
is it? It's education? For a young woman who doesn't

know better. She's scared, maybe selfish, but whatever she is,
she has convinced herself that it's not a baby. Society's
told her it's not a baby. It's a clump of seals.
Do what you want. It's an inconvenience. So how do
we let her know it's a baby? Screaming at her
isn't gonna work. An ultrasound works though she lays down,
she hears that heartbeat. She chooses life almost every time.

And it's Preborn out there giving these women free ultrasounds.
It's free to them. Someone's gotta pay for it, and
that's you. Twenty eight bucks buys that ultrasound. Remember this
is tax deductible. You can give whatever you want to preborn.
It's a tax deduction. Give what you can give them,
twenty eight grand if you can. Preborn dot com slash Jesse.

Preborn dot com slash Jesse sponsored by Preborn Medal of Honor.
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