All Episodes

September 12, 2024 36 mins

Looking back at all the corruption and incompetence of the DOJ. A completely rotted institution. Merrick Garland prepping the ground to call you a domestic terrorist. Why the heads of corrupt institutions get up and give speeches like the one Garland gave today.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Thursday. You
have almost done at the end of the week. Is
in sight and it's going to be an awesome night

tonight on The Jesse Kelly Show. No guests as of now.
I have a bunch of things I want to talk about,
a bunch of emails I want to catch up with.
We are going to talk. We touched on this a
bit last night. We're gonna talk about institutional trust. Merrick
Garland spoke today whining about people attacking the DOJ, and
we're about to have a long talk not just about

that specifically, but about how we need to operate, why
we need to operate that way to take on the
communists who run the country. We're gonna discuss how they
take our tax dollars and attack us with it. Why
DEI is huge business, Why plugging a border hole after
the fact is not enough it's too late. All that

drug dealers going to jail because they can't stay off Instagram,
and so much more coming up on the world famous
Jesse Kelly Show. Now, I want you to imagine something.
I want you to imagine this me. I love cheeseballs.
Everyone knows I love cheeseballs. Have you ever been in

a store You've see in the huge tub of cheeseballs.
We have one of those at all times here in
the studio. In fact, we have more than one, lots
of the time. I'm a cheeseball lover. Now, just just
stay with me. I'm going somewhere with this. Now, let's say.
Let's say I not only love cheeseballs. I want them

all to myself. When I buy a top, I just
want to sit and I want to eat them all myself.
And that's true. I don't want to share it with anybody.
I just want them to be my cheeseballs. But Chris,
he goes right by the store where they sell the cheeseballs,
and I start giving Chris money so he can stop,

buy some cheeseballs and bring the cheeseballs into the studio.
Chris stops the first time we need cheeseballs. He buys
a top of cheeseballs, and on the way to work,
he sticks his filthy fingers in there and he eats
twenty of the cheeseballs. On the way to work. I
look at the top of cheeseballs. I said, Chris, what
are you doing? You ate my cheeseballs. You're not allowed

to touch the cheeseballs. Why did you eat my cheeseballs.
The next time we need cheeseballs, I give Chris money, Chris,
go get me some cheeseballs. Don't eat any cheeseballs. Chris
gets to work with the cheeseballs. Twenty thirty cheeseballs missing again. Gosh, Chritz,
you ain't the cheese balls again. What are you doing?

Next time cheeseballs shows up, cheeseballs are gone. Next time
I give Chris money gets cheeseballs, he shows up, cheeseballs
are gone. Let me ask you something. Chris is filthy,
habits his thieving ways of stealing my cheeseballs. What is
the fuel that gives Chris what he needs to commit

this dastardly act of thievery? What is it? What is
the thing that does it? Chris is pointing at me,
and you're right, it's me. It's my fault. What what
am I doing? I'm trusting him. I keep in trusting
Chris with my money and with my cheeseballs, and he
is taking that trust and he's abusing me with it.

My trust is what is fueling Chris's ongoing criminal enterprise.
Me my trust is the fuel. Without my trust, without
me giving Chris that money and sending him to get
the cheese balls. Without that, he can't steal my cheeseballs.
It is a He is one hundred percent dependent on

my trust. If I starve him of that, he starves.
That's how it works. Now, let's talk about what Merrick
Garland said today, and I want you to understand what
Merrick Garland said today is frightening if you read between

the lines. Merrick Garland got up and made an announcement
almost seemed like it was out of nowhere for us.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
Adhering to these policies, principles, and norms in everything we
do is how we fulfill the promise that is foundational
to our democracy that all people will be protected equally
under the law, and that all people will be held
accountable equally under the law. Our norms are a promise

that we will fiercely protect the independence of this department
from political interference in our criminal investigations. Our norms are
a promise that we will not allow this Department to
be used as a political weapon. And our norms are

a promise that we will not allow this nation to
become a country where law enforcement is treated as an
apparatus of politics.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
That was Merrick Garland today. What's he saying? Merrick Garland today,
almost out of nowhere, got up and gave a speech
about the sanctity of law enforcement. He's done this before.
Why today, Look, this is the kind of thing he's
done before, but out of the blue he got up

and gave this announcement today. A law enforcement's under attack. Well,
law enforcements not political. We're being attacked. We're being attacked.
You're attacking us. We're being attacked. He said stuff like this.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
Remember this, He's repeated attacks on the Justice Department are
unprecedented and they are unfounded. These attacks have not and
they will not influence our decision making.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
It's time to talk about why he would make this
announcement today, and it's time to have a longer talk
about that. Trust First, let me just get this out
of the way, and we're not going to spend a
bunch of time on this because this part's just the theory.
I bet you I'm right, though, Merrit Garland is getting
up to make this announcement today because Merrit Garland the

DOJ in conjunction with the FBI. I bet you money
they're getting ready to announce some indictments arrests of people
who have been a little too critical of the Justice
Department or FBI. I bet you're about to see a

DOJ crackdown if you will. They'll of course cite threats.
There were threats. This guy was issuing threats. But this
will be in an effort to silence and intimidate anyone
on the right trying to complain a little too loudly
about the fact that the DOJ is an evil, weaponized

Stazi like agency that should no longer exist in any
form the way it exists now. Chris said, they're coming
after you. I don't care. They probably are coming after me.
Screw you. If you are, come on and come on
and get some that's fine with me. I don't care.
But mark my words, it's just the theory. This is

Merrick Garland prepping the ground for upcoming DOJ indictments that
will pretty much all be on right wingers somewhere. They'll
cite threats and they'll use it as a massive press
conference opportunity to act as if you are exactly what
they want you to be, a domestic terrorist. Remember, always,

always remember, your government is turning its guns inwards against you.
This is happening all across the West, Canada, Australia, UK,
you name it. But the American government is slowly but
surely turning all of its guns inward against you. They
have bent over backwards, forwards, left and right to try

to classify you as a domestic terrorist. The reason they've
tried to do that is if you get the official
legal designation of a domestic terrorist, than they can do
to you what they've done against terrorists all over the world.
They can use the law enforcement apparatus, DOJ, military, you

name it. They can use anything and everything against domestic terrorists, now,
can't they. This is a long game ongoing up to
turn any opposition to the Democrats as being dangerous domestic
terrorists who can be attacked at will, tapped at will,

abused at will by the Justice Department of the United
States of America. I believe Merrick Garland got up and
gave that announcement today because more indictments are coming for
people on the right and they're going to use it
to create the illusion in the minds of liberal AMT
pegy that you're not just a republican, an anti communist,

a conservative, whatever you call yourself, that you're a threat
to national security and therefore where they can do anything
they want to you. Now, that's just my theory about this.
Let's move on and talk about the trust portion. This
is going to be hard for some to hear, but
we have to have the talk.

Speaker 3 (10:13):
Hang on, miss something.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
There's a podcast, get it on.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
Demand wherever podcasts are found, The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday, and
do not forget that. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is an Ask Doctor
Jesse Friday, all three hours dedicated to you. Ask me anything.
Does it even have to be political? Ask me anything
you want, but you have to email it in and
get it in now. Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com.

Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. Merrett Garland gets up
today gives this announcement. I'm not gonna play the whole
thing again. Our law enforce.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Norms are a promise that we will fiercely protect the
independence of this department from political.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
I already told you my theory that I believe that
means more indictments are coming against right wingers so they
can further the narrative that you are a dangerous domestic
terrorist who should be abused by the FBI. That's why
he gave that press conference today. I bet your money
I'm right about that. But setting that part of it aside,
do you remember last night. I'm going to play the

thing in its entirety. It's like four and a half
minutes long, but I'm going to play it all because
this is really going to be the jumping off point
for what we're about to discuss. Your trust is what
fuels the beast. Remember when I said this, You can
save this country or you can trust in its corrupt institutions.

But you absolutely cannot do both. You cannot. You cannot
save the country and trust what the FBI says. You
cannot save the country and trust the media. You cannot
save the country and trust. Pick your institution, maybe it's
maybe it's your alma mater, Harvard, whatever. You can save

the country or you can trust your institution. And here's
how they use it. They conquer the institutions and then
the conquered institution. Instead of doing what it's supposed to do,
it does the bidding of the system. And if you're

sitting there as someone who still trusts the institution but
the institutions working against you, you don't have a prayer
a prayer. And it's not that I want you to
be a distrustful cynic, but when you hear anything from
our institutions anymore, you need to make sure your first

response is they're lying. Oh, they're probably lying. Another great
exampt actually from the debate. Another great example here right here,
crime here is up and through the roof.

Speaker 4 (13:04):
Despite their fraudulent statements that they made. Crime in this
country is through the roof. And we have a new
form of crime. It's called migrant crime, and it's happening
at levels that nobody thought.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
Pas, Resident Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall
violent crime is actually coming down in this country.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
But excuse me, ah, as you know the FBI says
violent crime is coming down, Well, the FBI is lying,
and they know they're lying because the major crime centers,
as Trump goes on to try to explain over the moderator,
the highest crime areas stopped reporting to the FBI. The

FBI knows this, yet they put out these crime statistics,
so quote journalists like David Muhr and Lindsey Lip injections
can get up there and say, well, the FBI said
it's going down. They conquer the institutions, so they can
take the credibility of that institution and use it as

a weapon against you. Again, I'm not trying to make
you king cynic, but this goes back to the recent
Russia DOJ thing that half the right was interested in
jumping on board with. Why do you trust the DOJ?
Why do you trust the FBI? The first instinct is

they're lying. They have earned that and if you give
them trust. Here, here's what you need to understand. If
you give them your trust, well, no, I mean they're
not all lying. Well, the great men and women on
the ground, well, I mean it's not everybody. If you're
trying to do this contortion thing where you're just trying

to bend and twist just right to give them a
little bit of credibility, but you don't get it. The
credibility you give them is the fuel that keeps them going.
The only true power we have against corrupt institutions is
to remove all credibility of the institution. Your brother who's

in the FBI should be laughed at when he tells
people that mocked scorned. Your mom, who's in the FBI,
should be mocked and scorned. It's not because I want
anything to happen to your mom or your brother. It's
because once the public has gotten to that level of

distrust in the institution, then you have stripped the institution
itself of all of its power. You see. But if
you still give them any of your trust, then what
you're doing is you're fueling the evil people who use
the institution they've conquered against You. Got to let it go.

The institutions you loved and admired, I loved and admired,
they're gone. They've been conquered by filthy communists. Now we
have to let them know we don't trust them anymore.
And now this is back to being me. Live and
understand that. That is another reason why evil monsters like

Merrit Garland get up and give these speeches about how
the Justice Department we are a normal place and we
won't accept these attacks and we can't Merit Garland, Joe
Biden Kamala Harris, Christopher Ray, you name the institution. They

all know. They know that your trust is necessary for
them to continue. Without the credibility we give them, they
are powerless. They mean nothing. So we're going to discuss
Merrick Garland, the DOJ, the FBI. We're gonna walk down
memory lane. You want to walk down memory lane with

me next Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 3 (17:12):

Speaker 1 (17:14):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. On a Thursday. Merrick
Garland got up today and talk about the Justice Department.
The Justice Department is not a political thing like he
always talks about. And we are having a long talk
about institutional trust. Before I go down memory lane with

you with Merrick Garland the DOJ, I'm gonna ask you
a question and we'll revisit this. Think about somebody on
the right in politics you dislike. Maybe it's me, Maybe
it's someone else on the radio or television. Maybe it's

a writer, blogger, podcaster. You know what that's making a politician?
Any politicians on the right you dislike, No question about it,
and let me ask you. Tomorrow morning you wake up
and Merritt Garland announces that the Department of Justice has
indicted that person for bribery, so the North Koreans paid

them a bunch of gold to criticize Joe Biden. You're
reading it, you're reading the indictment. It's very fancy looking
official DOJ seal and oh my gosh, there's an US attorney,
and that is your instinct to believe them. After all,
it's about somebody you don't like, and it is the DOJ.

I mean, I know they've been politicized, but look at
how a fishow it all looks. Would you believe them?
Let's walk down memory lane, shall we? Do you remember
Josh Holly and his extensive questioning of Merrick Garland.

Speaker 5 (18:59):
Prosecute do but parents don't? General Garland, do you think
that a parent who looks at the thirteen different federal
crimes that your Justice Department has identified they might be
subject to and prosecuted for, like making annoying phone calls?
Do you think that they're going to feel that they're
welcome to speak up at a school board meeting?

Speaker 1 (19:18):
How about I've been a pause on that for a moment.
In fact, I'll start it over, but I know the
point's been made, but I really can't drive this point
home far enough. What happened after roe versus Wade was overturned.
This is not about abortion, so it's not about that.
But what happened after roe versus Wade was overturned is

equivalent to something that would happen in any third world dictatorship.
In this country, roe versus Wade was overturned, and in
response to that, the communists in the Justice Department used
an obscure Bill Clinton era law called the Face Act

that had never really been used. They went digging through
America's laws, found when they could use, and the Department
of Justice started arresting pro lifers. Just want to remind
you that, and back to what Holly was talking about,
This might be the most astounding thing in the world.

Merrick Garland should be in federal prison for the rest
of his life. Parents began showing up this is a
couple years ago, at school boards and making their voices
heard in ways they'd never done before. This was the
wake up of the norms. Maybe you're one of those norms,
and good for you. I'm glad you woke up. And
parents started to get angry about the COVID madness, about
the anti white filth and schools and parents started showing

up and get loud, and these videos started circulating online,
and all of a sudden, this little fefdom of education
that the Communists have held forever was threatened, and the
White House got worried about it. And all this is documented.
So if you're one of the hate listeners, take your
hate and shove it. All this is documented. The White
House coordinated with the Teachers' Union to send Merrick Garland

a letter, and Merrick Garland used the letter. The Attorney
General of the United States of America used a letter
from the unions and the White House to send the
counter Terrorism Division of the FBI after angry school board parents.

Remember Friend of the show, former FBI special agent Steve Friend,
who's listening right now. I love you, Steve. You're the man, buddy.
Remember what he said. He was pulled off of child
pornography cases. He was trying to take down these filthy
monsters to attack kids, and Merrick Garland's DOJ sent him

after school board parents. Keep that in mind as you
listen to this. Let's start it again.

Speaker 5 (21:56):
Prosecutors do, but parents don't. General Garland, do you think
that a parent who looks at the thirteen different federal
crimes that your Justice Department has identified they might be
subject to and prosecuted for, like making annoying phone calls.
Do you think that they're going to feel that they're
welcome to speak up at a school board meeting? How
about this one? They could be prosecuted for using the Internet.

I guess that would be Facebook in a way that
might cause emotional distress to a victim. Is that is
that a crime of violence?

Speaker 2 (22:25):
Senator? I haven't seen the memo that your why haven't out?
And I don't And even from the description, it doesn't
sound like it was addressed to parents.

Speaker 5 (22:34):
But no, it wasn't address apparents. It was a just
to prosecutors. That's the problem. Why haven't you seen the memo?

Speaker 2 (22:41):
I don't know why I haven't. I don't look at
every I have. I do not get every memo that
every US attorney sends out.

Speaker 5 (22:47):
But if you're a wait, wait, wit, don't I just
want to be sure I understand this. This is a
memorandum that collects thirteen different federal crimes parents.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
Could be charged with.

Speaker 5 (22:57):
It has United States Department of Justice on the top
of it, and you're telling me you haven't seen it.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
Who's the memo from?

Speaker 5 (23:04):
Senator, the United States Department of Justice, United States Attorney
for the District of Montana.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
I have not seen a memo from the District of Montana.

Speaker 5 (23:11):
I'm not high enough priority for you.

Speaker 2 (23:14):
That's not the question.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
I don't it is the question. Answer my question? Is
it not a high enough priority for you? When you're
threatening parents with thirteen different federal crimes? These aren't crimes
of violence. You've testified today. You're focused on violence. That's
not what your US attorneys they work for you. That's
not what they're saying. You haven't seen it because it's
not a high enough priority or.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
What question of priority? No one has sent me that memo?
So I haven't seen it.

Speaker 5 (23:38):
What do you mean no one has sent you the memo?
You run the United States Department of Justice, do you not?

Speaker 2 (23:42):
Or one hundred and fifteen thousand employees of the Department
of Justice.

Speaker 5 (23:47):
Indeed, and you are in charge of every one of them,
and this is a sufficiently important case that you.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
Issue the DOJ and Merrick Arland, of course knew about
the memo. Don't think for a second he didn't know.
Every time he gets busted doing something truly evil. He
tries to do the same thing, but he knew institutional trust.
Let me ask the question again. I'll probably ask it
a few times. Tomorrow the Department of Justice announces an

indictment against some right winger. You happen to hate someone
on our side, you dislike you really dislike this person again,
maybe it's me. Tomorrow they announced an indictment that that
person's been caught taking bribes from the North Koreans to
to insult Joe Biden. Do you believe them? It's going
to look very official, I promise, just like this memo

did they just described. It's gonna look so official. It's
gonna have DJ at the top man, it's gonna be
when you read it, who They're gonna have witnesses, and
it's gonna look it's gonna look so bad. Are you
going to believe them? That's an important question, you see,

because that trust you give them, that's what they use
to attack you. And I want to remind you. We're
going to move on to other things Merrick Garland has done,
but I brought this up earlier. I want to remind
you that the Justice Department of the United States of
America sent the counter terrorism heads of the FBI after

school board parents, and they did this based on a letter.

Speaker 6 (25:25):
For a sentence, you said, in recent months, there's been
a disturbing spike and harassment, intimidation, threats of violence.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
Yes, when did you first.

Speaker 6 (25:31):
Review the data showing this so called disturbing uptick?

Speaker 2 (25:35):
So I read the letter and we have been seeing
over time throughth.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 6 (25:40):
I didn't ask you. So you read the letter, that's
your source.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
So let me be clear. This is not a prosecution
or is.

Speaker 6 (25:47):
There some study, some efforts, some investigations. Someone did this
said there's been a disturbing uptick, or you just take
the words of the National school Board Association on.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
The National school Board Association, which represents thousands of school
boards and school board members, says that there are these
kind of threats when we read in the newspapers reports
of threats of violence, when that is in the context
of threats of life.

Speaker 6 (26:08):
The source for this for the very first line in
your in your mouth, tim and the gentleman has expired.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Oh I forgot. He also cited, well, we read in
the newspapers the Attorney General of the United States of
America sent the FBI after school board parents because he
read it in the newspapers in the school board union
sent him a letter. Don't ever trust them. They use
your trust against you. We will continue down memory lane.

You probably already remember all this though, because your brain
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Chalk dot com promo code Jesse. Choq dot com promo
code Jesse. We'll be back feeling.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
A little stocky, Follow like and subscribe on social At
Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show rocking out with Phil
Collins here on a Thursday night, reminding you you can
email the show and you good. You're asked Doctor Jesse
questions for tomorrow Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com having
a long talk about Merrick Garland, the DOJ, and more specifically,

how the institutions use the trust you give them as
the fuel for them to attack you. Without your trust,
they become powerless. Merrick Garland gets up on my honest
out that we are the norm to us.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Adhering to these policies, principles and norms in everything we
do is how we fulfill the promise that is foundational
to our democracy that all people will be protected equally
under the law, and that all people will be held
accountable equally under the law.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Really huh, All people will be protected equally and all
people will be held accountable equally. Let's talk about the
Face Act thing I just brought up. Remember that, Remember
the Face Act was a Bill Clinton law that hadn't

been enforced forever. It's just an old obscure law. There
are a bunch of them on the books.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
You know.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
There are states where you can still be executed for
stealing someone's horse. There are all kinds of old laws
on the books. It's just one of those things that happens.
After Rovers' way got overturned, the baby murdering demons on
the left got angry. They were angry about that, and
they went digging through the books. They went digging through

the laws of America to try to find a law
they could use. This is what your justice department did,
Merrick Garland's Justice department. They went digging through the laws
of America to try to find a law they could
use to justify the arrest and imprisonment of pro life
activists as revenge for Roe versus Wade being overturned. And

they began to round them up and throw them in prison.
An entire swat team to Mark House's house, pointing rifles
in the face of his wife and children. This is
after Mark how good point Chris had offered to turn
himself in peacefully. They said no, no, no, no, no, We'd rather
stick a gun in your face. We have an eighty

nine year old woman currently, she's previously lived in a
communist prison camp in Europe. She will live out the
rest of her days in an American federal prison because
Merrick Garlands DJ attacked her. Of course, after roe versus
Wade was overturned, the street animals on the left began
to fire bomb pregnancy centers, and miraculously they kept getting

away with those.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
Who are attacking the pregnancy resources centers, which is a
horrid thing to do. Are doing this at night in
the dark.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
Well, it's at night, it's in the dark. Look, they're
attacking courthouses.

Speaker 5 (30:57):
Let me ask you about assault on federal property in
places other than Washington, d C. Portland, for instance, Seattle.
Do you regard assaults on federal courthouses or other federal
property as acts of domestic extremism domestic terrorism?

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Well, a senator, my own definition, it's just about the
same as the statutory definition is the use of violence
or threats of violence, an attempt to disrupt democratic processes.
So an attack on a courthouse while in operation trying
to prevent judges from actually deciding cases, that plainly is

domestic extremism, domestic terrorism, an attack simply on a government
property at night, or any other kind of circumstances is
a clear crime and a serious one and should be punished.
I don't mean I don't know enough of about the
facts of the example you're talking about, but that's where

I draw the line. One is both are criminal, but
one is a core attack on our democratic institutions.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
And yet he gets up in front of you, did
it again today. But this is an older one gets
up in front of you and tries to say this.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
He's repeated attacks on the Justice Department are unprecedented and
they are unfounded. These attacks have not and they will
not influence our decision making.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Why is he saying it? Because Merrick Garland and the
other communists know they need your trust. They have to
have it. Without it, they're powerless. Remember David Weiss. Remember this,
Remember David Weiss. Maybe you don't remember the name specifically,
but David Weiss was a special counsel. He's been a

lifelong Communist tack and he's a special counsel. Merrit Garland
put in charge of investigating Hunter, of prosecuting Hunter Biden,
and David Weiss tried to get Hunter Biden not only
off Scott free for the crimes he was charged for
the special counsel who was supposed to be going after him,

tried to protect him and tried to get him immunity
from all future crimes. And if it wasn't for a
judge in Delaware recognizing it and throwing it out, Hunter
Biden would have got off with a slap on the
wrist in future immunity from all crimes. Merrick Garland, Attorney
General of the United States of America, is supposed to
be completely independent from the Special Council. Hey, Merrek, are

you independent?

Speaker 7 (33:35):
I'm just saying under oath today, your testimony is you
have not had any discussions with mister Weiss about this matter.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
Under oath, my testimony today is that I promised that
the Senate I would not intrude in his investigation. I
do not intend to discuss the internal Justice Department deliberations,
whether or not I had them.

Speaker 7 (33:55):
Oh okay, So your testimony today is you're not going
to tell us whether you've had discussions on this.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
My testimony today is I told the committee that I
would not interfere. I made clear that mister Weiss would
have the authority to bring cases that he thought were appropriate.
Mister Weiss's writer, of.

Speaker 1 (34:16):
Course, you understand the lawyer speak. You know what he's saying.
He was not independent, of course, he communicated and coordinated
with the special counsel. He used his position as Attorney
General of the United States of America to attack his
political enemies and to protect his political friends. He appointed

a special counsel who he knew would work on behalf
of the bidens. He communicated and coordinated with said special counsel.
Couldn't even deny it. Honestly, this is an embarrassing level
of denial. At least lie to me with something I'm
just saying.

Speaker 7 (34:54):
Under oath today, your testimony is you have not had
any discussions with mister Weiss about this matter.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
Under oath, my testimony today is that I promised at
the Senate I would not intrude in its investigation. I
do not intend to discuss deliver internal.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
That's Merit Garland the DOJ, and Merrit Garland gives press
conferences routinely, gave another one today about how important it is.
But you not attack the DJ. Hey don't impune the DOJ.
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Speaker 2 (35:49):
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