Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jessie
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Monday. We
are officially one week away from inauguration Day, only one
week more of the pain and suffering under the Baden administration.
And here's what we have on tap for tonight. An
hour from now. We're gonna do Medal of Honor Monday,
as we always do, always a good time. We are
going to discuss the system of lies. Why the system
of lies? The conversation I had over the weekend with
the lady from LA she was so confused about her
political leaders out there. I'll talk talk to you about
that and explain kind of some things for normies. A
way we can explain things for normies. Some of the
people on the left are upset with Barack Obama for
yucking it up with Donald Trump the Department of Justice.
I have concerns all that and so much more coming
up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. I
want to begin cure. I try to do the best
I can to understand, relate with, sympathize with the normies
out there, the normis and normas. You probably do the
same thing. You are the person you consume information. I'm
not naive. I know this is not the only show
you listen to, or even if it is, you watch
other things, you read other things. That's good and you
should so do I. We consume information to stand. Power
is important, The people who have it is important. What
they do with it is important, and so we as
good as citizens, are interested and we dig in. That
is not most people's existence. Most people worship just kind
of politics is a passing thing. Those are normies. That's
what we call normies here on the show, the normies
and normas of the world. Now, I try to be
understanding of that. But I had a conversation this weekend
and it was revealing to me, very very revealing to me.
It was a lady. I'm not at liberty to give
you her name, but her situation was she has a husband,
three kids, I believe husband, three kids. They are LA people.
They had to escape La because of the fires, but
they are Los Angeles people. And she's a friend of
a friend. I did not know her before this weekend.
I've never met her, but we were out to dinner,
big group of us, and she asked my buddy. She
didn't ask me. She asked my buddy. She said, Hey,
what I don't understand is why isn't nobody stepping up
to lead in California. She's not an overtly political person,
but her meaning behind it was why why or mayor
the chief, the governor, anyone. Why is no one stepping
up and saying I've got it, I got you covered here.
And my buddy turns to me and he says, I
think maybe you're better off asking him, and so we
we had an explanation, and I started it off this
way because she was originally a New Yorker, and everyone's
familiar with the Italian mafia families of New York. I'm
not naive everyone knows about that, but New Yorkers are
intimately familiar with the various things. The various crime families
of New York have controlled it very points in time,
and you know, they always divide up the city. You'll
control this, you'll control that. Well. One of the main
one of the main areas of control for the Lukse
family I can't speak for today, but historically has been
JFK Airport now control, meaning if you're going to steal
something from JFK airport, that famous Luftanza heist. Things like that,
you have to go through the Lucas family. Most likely
they'll be involved in it. But no matter what, if
you're going to do it, you better be kicking some
money up to it. Again, I'm not saying that's how
it still works. That's how it used to work, probably
very similar today. And what I said to her she
was in New Yorker. What I said to her was,
you're wondering why none of the politicians in La La City,
La County, California. You're wondering why no one is stepping
up to help and just take charge. You know what
that's like asking That's like sitting around wondering why the
Leuksey family is not building a new, better, more efficient
parking garage for JFK Airport. That's how odd the question
you're asking is you see, yes, they're affiliated with the airport,
but they're only affiliated with JFK Airport, and that they're
there to pillage JFK Airport airport the goods and services
coming in and going out. They're not there to improve
things at the airport. They're not trying to make your
run through security that much smoother. They're not there to
make sure the parking garage is built and built well
and efficient and you get in and out. And if
you even suggested something like that to them, they would
laugh in your face, if they didn't shoot you in
the face. For them, they're there to pillage. Why do
you think just because they're there they care about your
parking situation. They don't give a crap if it costs
you fifty five dollars a day to park your seat
in there, that means nothing to them. Well, here in
the United States of America, as we've discussed, through years
and years of neglect from Normis and normas, we have
in place in this country. This goes way beyond one city,
an entire system of politicians and bureaucrats who never ever
ever give a serious, heartfelt thought to whatever you think
they should be in charge of. What would have set
California aside for a moment. You could go down the
list of the Biden administration. You know, it's always fun
to make fun of Mayor Pete, the old rear admiral.
But let's look at Mayor Pete. There he sits as
Secretary of Transportation. But how did he get there? Why?
Is he there. He was the mayor of South Indiana,
not a very good one, but he's aspirational, comes from
a family of communists, decided he wanted to run to
be the Democrat nominee for president. So he throws his
hat in the ring in their primary and he tries
to run to be that nominee. Now, remember, you're not
going to become the Democrat nominee for president without the
support of the black community. You simply have to have
the black votes to win the nomination. In states like
South Carolina, Pete boudhage Edge because of his uh preferences,
struggles in that particular community. So he flamed out pretty quickly.
Sorry about that pun, My bad. I did not I
didn't what Chris. I didn't do it on purpose. He
completely flamed out. What a shock. But he didn't flame
out all the way. You see, they were busy clearing
the field for Joe Biden because Joe Biden was going
to step in and be the nominee. In what happened
with Mayor Pete, allegedly is the same thing that happens
all the time. Someone in the Biden administration and the
Biden campaign at that time pulled him aside and said, hey, Pete, look, no,
you're not going to be president. You're not going to
be the nominee this time, but we know you want
to be one day. Why don't you drop out endorse us.
We'll give you some sort of a prominent role in
the upcoming Biden administration. You'll be able to keep your
name and face in the news, so your name id
will go up. You'll get to do quote important things.
And then four years from now you want to run again,
you'll be better set up to run again in four
years than you are now. Sound good? Sound good? Pete
nods his head. Very familiar thing for him. Nods his head.
Sounds good. I'm all in boom mayor. Pete, with no
experience whatsoever, becomes Transportation Secretary. But why is he there
in that position? Why is it him? Why is he
in the position? He is there because they wanted him
out of the an intra race in endorsing Joe Biden.
That's why he's there. Why Transportation because that was just
the first place they could find, the most prominent place
they could find. Given how popular or unpopular Pete was,
it was the highest position he could hope for for
an Abiden administration. But when it comes to transportation, you know,
train derails, a chemical spill in East Palestine, you name it,
problems at the FAA, anywhere. It's not just how much
does Pete know, which we already know is nothing, because
we already explained why he's there. It's not just that
Pete doesn't know. Pete doesn't care. And so maybe there's
a trendy railman somewhere. And you, no matter what you are,
Republican Democrat, Norman Norma, obviously, especially if it's a big thing,
you would look to the Transportation secretary, if you're a
norm or a Norma, and you would say, hey, Transportation Secretary, Hey,
hey Pete, what do you know? How about this? What
are you gonna do? But Pete has never given transportation
a second thought, and he most definitely doesn't care about
a train derailment or planes falling out of the sky
unless they're his own. The Lukesey family's not gonna fix
the parking garage at JFK, And if you elect a
Solace Communist, they're not going to even try to fix
your city because they're on a totally different mission. You see,
we'll keep this up in just a moment. Before we
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We'll be back. You're listening to the oracle. You love
this one. It's a scream baby, The Jesse Kelly Show.
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, forty
five minutes from Medal of Honor Monday. And oh, I
forgot to tell you. We got a couple ghost stories
and the email. I'm so excited about this, we may
belie even ghosts by the time this whole thing is done.
All right, So back to conversation I was having with
a friend of a friend this weekend. I told you,
she just didn't understand. Why is nobody stepping up? Why
are known of the politicians in California stepping up? You
see even apparatchecks like John Carl on ABC News. He's
sitting there asking these California people, Hey, you were given
five hundred marines to help. Why did you do anything?
Speaker 2 (12:31):
Why did this Secretary Austin the Pentagon authorized ten helicopters
five hundred marines back on Thursday?
Speaker 1 (12:38):
How is it?
Speaker 2 (12:39):
My understanding is, as of now, correct me if I'm wrong,
California hasn't made the request to use them yet.
Speaker 1 (12:45):
Why is that?
Speaker 3 (12:46):
You know, and have to defer to the incident commanders?
Speaker 1 (12:49):
Right, the incident commanders on the ground know what the
needs are where they That's the femal lady, of course,
passing the buck. And it actually brings me to the
owner of the La Times. Owner of the La Times
came out and talked about the La Times endorsing Karen
Bass for mayor and how it was a mistake I
want you to listen to this.
Speaker 4 (13:12):
First of all, we'll accept Comblaine, right so at the
LA Times.
Speaker 1 (13:17):
Okay, so he's he's owning some of it. That's that's good.
At the LA Times, we accept some blame.
Speaker 4 (13:23):
Okay, we endorse Karen bass. I think right now in front,
that's a mistake, and we admit that.
Speaker 1 (13:29):
So I now I'm actually gonna stop right there. Do
see what he just said.
Speaker 4 (13:36):
I thought it was read. First of all, we'll accept Pamblaine, right.
So at the LA Times we endorsed Karen bass I
think right now in front, that's a mistake, a mistake,
all right, but.
Speaker 1 (13:54):
It it wasn't a mistake. It was a choice. He's
a choice that came with consequences, you see. And if
you find your federal government, your military secretary of Transportation,
Los Angeles, California, if you find it is run by
people who care nothing for it, who only fail and
fail and fail, then you can walk it back from
there and figure out how they get there. How they
get there. The voters put them there. Okay, Why did
the voters make a mistake? Did the LA Times make
a mistake? Was it a oh whoops? My coffee was
there on the edge of the desk. I didn't mean
to fat finger it. Now it failed over. Now I've
got to clean up coffee. That's a mistake. You see,
the people who put these people into power didn't make
a mistake. They made a conscious choice, and they don't
like the results of a conscious choice. And that is
so oh so incredibly difficult to accept when you are
the responsible party. If I hire, if I hire a
security guard for the house, Let's say we're getting more
death threats than normal, and I go looking for these
security guards, and I go find a security guard, and
I hire the security guard for the house. I did
the vetting, I looked into it. I picked this guy.
He's gonna guard my house. And we take off to
go out to Red Lobster for dinner. We want something
nice that night. And we come back home and the
security guard has cleaned out all of the food in
the house. He's actually rated the furniture from the living room,
he left the front door open, and he's gone nowhere
to be seen. Did what I do by me hiring
that guy? Was it a mistake? Is that a very
fair characterization of what I did? Or is that how
I would like to present it to the wife. Oh man,
who made a mistake there? Whoopsie, No, it wasn't a mistake. Actually,
I screwed up. It was a decision, a decision that
now we are paying for. And the point of me
owning that decision is it will help me make better
decisions in the future. That is one hundred percent my fault.
The security guard I hired cleaned us out. I will
dig in more in the future, I will do more vetting.
I will get references because my bad decision making has
brought us to this point. The La Times and many
others like them, they did not make a quote mistake
when they endorsed Karen Bass over Caruso. They made a
conscious decision. Here's this accomplished business guy. Here's the black
DEI hire for DEI reasons. We choose Karen Bass, and
that leaves us with a situation where we are now
run by people who don't ever think about us. We
simply don't cross their minds. They didn't get to that
position by merit, and they're certainly not going to perform
in any kind of a merit based fashion while in
that position. These are lifelong scumbags who fail up and
fail up, and fail up and fail up. And once
you do that long enough, you don't all of a
sudden become a high performing person as soon as somebody
needs you. If I'm a lifelong loser who's never done
or accomplished anything in my life and Nike happens to
be going bankrupt and they hand me the reins of
the company, just because it's really really really really really
really important that I perform well, doesn't mean I'm going
to be able to do the job. If you've made
conscious decisions to vote long party lines, vote for the
furthest lefty, vote for the woman, vote for the game,
vote for the viv, for the viv. If you've made
decisions like that, then you are going to have dirt
balls running your country. And now we do at every
single level. So how are how are they going to
handle it? This is not about Elie, This is about America.
How are these apparatics going to handle it? Now that
things are crumbling a bit? We'll talk about that next.
Jesse Kelly returns. Next it is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Reminding you you can email this show Jesse at Jesse
kellyshow dot com or leave us a voicemail eight seven
seven three seven seven four three seven three. Gosh, it
feels good to be starting the week now. How how
is the system as things crumble, as things go wrong?
Because that's really in the end, what dooms communism? It
simply doesn't work. It spreads misery and death, and so
after a long enough time people will move on. But
how does it last as long as it does? The
Soviet Union? For example, how does the Soviet Union? How
did it last as long as it did when it
never worked? It was always horrible, it never worked. How
well lies wise, or how communists operate? And don't think
for a second they have to be small lies or
shading of the truth. They'll tell gigantic, outright lies to
your face, sometimes specific lies that are actually quite easy
to refute. This is Adam Shift.
Speaker 3 (20:01):
But my initial understanding is the reservoirs that the Palisades
were drawing on, these three million gallon reservoirs were full
of the initiation of these fires. But they're intended. Frankly,
they have the capacity to put.
Speaker 1 (20:15):
Out that's not true, that's a documented fact, that's not
right or left. In fact, we have pictures of the
empty reservoir that was Adam Shift just lying. What do
you do? What do you do when the system is
in trouble? What do you do when people were questioning
the system? What do you mean? Why were the reservoirs empty?
Why did the fire?
Speaker 3 (20:37):
Speaker 1 (20:38):
You lie? You lie about everything at all times. He's
not alone. Knew some that two reservoirs are completely full.
Of the state reservoirs here in southern California, that missing disinformation.
I don't think advantages or aids any of us. That's
an out right lie. But it doesn't have to be
specific lies. You see, we've talked about this before. This
is one of those little known things about Henry Kissinger.
Henry Kissinger, he's one of the ones. He gave a
talk about it one time. I've got to find it.
I don't know if there's audio. I've looked at. I
could never find the audio on it. But he gave
a talk about this statement. Have you ever heard this
statement support the troops or support our troops? You ever
seen that you ever heard that support our troops? It's
a very very common phrase. I bet you've said it.
You've either said it or you've heard it. Maybe you've
been at a political rally where someone was holding up
a sign support our troops sounds good. But Kissinger, when
he was talking about it, he said, well, what does
it mean? What does that mean? Support our troops? It
doesn't have any actual meaning. It sounds great, so it's
a way to rally people behind something that sounds great.
But when you actually dig into it, it can really
mean whatever it is you want it to mean. Maybe
if you're some deranged leftists, maybe supporting our troops means
more drag shows on base. Maybe that's what support our
troops means. Maybe if you're a kill them all, let
God sort them out type, maybe support our troops means
better guns, better bullets, better medical care, better training. Maybe
that means support our troops. If you're one of the
more hands off, maybe pacifist or non interventionist types, maybe
support our troops means you simply never engage in combat anywhere.
Support our troops means nothing except whatever it happens to
mean in the eye of the beholder. So as things
crumble around us, you'll see Joe Biden got up. He
was giving a foreign policy talk. This is what he said.
Speaker 5 (22:43):
Put together one of the most competent foreign policy teams,
I would argue in American history, sitting in this room
before my eyes, I.
Speaker 1 (22:52):
Put together one of the most competent foreign policy teams
in American history. What does that mean? How do you
do how do you judge that? How do you gauge that?
What does that? What does that mean? By any stretch
of the imagination, it has been four years of embarrassment,
not even bad four years embarrassment. What happened in Afghanistan.
Keep in mind that wasn't an American story. Internationally, many many,
many countries in the world who have wanted us to crumble,
or at least stumble. They sat back and they laughed
at us. They laughed and they cheered that we were
humiliated like that on the world stage. We just up
and pulled out of there one day with no plan.
Now the Taliban, the group we were allegedly fighting for
twenty years, now they're driving our humvies and flying our
black our black Hawk helicopters in military parades. They're using
our mvgs, and the world laughed in our faces. In
no no terms could you describe Joe Biden's foreign policy
record during his four year presidency in anything positive, even
if you're a Democrat, you can't sing the praises of it.
If you're me, I'll just trash the whole record. But
you have to lot.
Speaker 5 (24:27):
Put together one of the most competent foreign policy teams,
I would argue in American history. Sitting in this room
and before my.
Speaker 1 (24:34):
Eyes his National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan got in on
the lives too. Something that means nothing. It's support our troops.
You see, Americans, we're safer than they were.
Speaker 6 (24:44):
Four years So I think the American people are safer
and the country is better off than we were four
years ago. And we're handing all that off to the
next team, as well as having the engines of American
power humming right, economy or technology or defense industrial base.
Speaker 1 (25:00):
Supply we're safer than we What does that mean? Nothing?
Of course we're not. Let's do a couple emails, shall we,
before we get back into this whole thing, Jesse, the
ATF has been put in charge of investigating the source
of the fires burning in la. Yes, this is part
of the problem of having institutions that are rotted out
from the inside out. Now, I didn't need anything recent
to help me to teach me how to hate the ATF.
Those of us who've been aware of this organization have
hated it for a very, very, very long time. But
as other government agencies have been more recently exposed to
being evil and corrupt, the ATF is finally getting its
reputation trash the way it should have years ago. And
we're all realizing that this is yet another corrupt government
agency designed to crush our rights. And they turn to
it and they say, hey, these guys will figure out
who who started the fires in La Hey, Well, this
is one. There's a good one. This is from Bill Malugin.
He's really really sharp. Reporter per Ice sources. The man
seen in a viral video being subdued by residents and
arrested by police with a blow torch near the Kenneth
fire in West Hills is an a legal alien from
Mexico named Juan Manuel Sierra Leva. He's in custody on
a probation violation. He's not been charged with ICE in
with ICE or with Arson with Icon with Arson. I'm
told ICE will place a detainer request on him with
the La County Sheriff's Department, but they do not expect
it to be honored due to California's sanctuary state law.
You see, they grabbed a guy who had a blow
torch and the cops won't even hold him even though
Ice is requesting it. In fact, he's being protected because
he's in illegal The systems we have in place, like
the ATF, they're not only not capable of finding the
real crooks, the likelihood is if they do happen to
find them, which they would have to stumble on them
to find them. If they do happen to find them,
they will probably run cover for them because they don't
view their mission as stopping them. They view their mission
as stopping you. And that brings me to the other
thing they're going to do as systems, communist systems around
us fail. And we'll get to this final thing before
we do medal of honor Monday. Maybe we'll even tell
a ghost story next segment. Before we get to that,
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is things crumble next. This is the Jesse Kelly Show.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Reminding you if you
miss any part of the show, you can download the
whole thing on ir Spotify iTunes. Ten minutes from now,
Medal of Honor Monday is coming up. It's gonna be
a fun night tonight. But the other thing the system
is going to do is things crumble as things fail.
You know, they're never gonna own it. They're never gonna care.
They don't care, but they're gonna lie about things. Everything's good, No,
we took care of everything. Or in the most extreme cases,
they will use what's happened as evidence that they must
push their sick religion even harder. And before you indict
America's communists as just the worst people who ever lived,
which they might be, remember this is the most human
nature thing ever. If you read anything about historical societies,
they will do. We'll make it about the Aztecs. The Aztecs,
why so much human sacrifice? They're famous for those human sacrifices.
They loved it. They would just slaughter people in mass
that entire temples dedicated to slaughtering people in front of everyone.
They would slaughter children, they would torture them. It was
just a monstrous, monstrous society. But what's the point of
all of it? Is it all just the demonic? But
no demonic is the foundation of it. But the people
themselves always convince themselves that we have to do this
if you want better weather. It was always there was
always some sort of religious purpose for it. We need
we need the soil to be extra fertile this year
so the coin can grow. We need we need more
rainfall this year. We need more of this, We need
more of that. Well, one thing you'll see over and
over and over and over again is they tell me
I have to sacrifice ten innocent kids, and if I
do that, the gods will honor it and the rains
will fall. So I go, I grab ten innocent kids,
I pull their fingernails out, I kill every single one
of them, and it's a drought. The rains don't fall. Well,
what people do not do is they don't internalize that
and say, wait a minute, I was told ten dead
kids meant rain. I killed ten kids, it didn't rain.
Maybe I'm being lied to about this whole rain god thing.
That's not how human beings operate. Human beings operate the
same way the Aztecs did. They say, oh, well, ten
wasn't enough. That was just an appetizer. It turns out
the rain god is super blood thirsty. This year, somebody
go get me fifty. We'll do fifty kids, and then
the rains will fall. You see, you can go to
your liberal and pagy and you can point out things
like dried brush. You can point out things like saving
water meaning sending water to the ocean to save a fish.
You can point to all the facts on the ground.
But the real truth is the communists, religious zealots will
use no matter what happens as simply evidence that their
religion is.
Speaker 7 (32:22):
Really Take a look at the monthly change in Google searches.
Speaker 1 (32:24):
Look at the searches for.
Speaker 7 (32:26):
Wildfire up twenty four hundred percent. My goodness, gracious, this
is the most amount of people searching for wildfires ever, ever,
going back since Google trends began back in two thousand
and four. But look at climate change. Look at the change.
It doesn't go hand in hand with wildfires. It's actually down,
it's down nine percent. And I also looked in California
there has been no increase in the number of searches
for climate change. So the bottom line is this.
Speaker 1 (32:54):
Listen to the disbelief from John King at CNN, Well,
I don't understand, and they're looking for wildfires, Why are
they not. They're not even blaming it on climate change.
Here's an article climate change contributed to a week of
wild weather that upended life in the US. That's according
to the AP it didn't. But it doesn't matter what happens.
The communists will lie about it, and he will use
whatever happens as evidence that he was right all along.
You can point to all the dead brush you want,
you can point to all the empty reservoirs you want.
He will either lie about the fact and or he
will simply make it as evidence he was right and
evidence his enemies are not only wrong, his enemies are dangerous.
Something has to be done to his enemies. You see
these fires, What are we gonna do with climate change denials?
I mean, they're these people that are nine what's happening.
That's why they believe in censorships so much.
Speaker 8 (34:03):
He's complaining about the Biden administration, you know, yelling at
them to say, you know, get some of this COVID
misinformation off of their platforms. I mean, isn't that that's
sort of what the White House should be doing, right?
I mean, tell folks that get this garbage off these platforms.
Speaker 1 (34:16):
If you can one more thing on this. Before we
move on, we'll do Metal of Honor Monday. We'll tell
some ghost stories after that, do other politics things. You see,
the truth is evil people are going to continue to
do what they've always done, and they're going to try
to break everything. We have to continue to wake norm
in Norma up to what's going on. That lady I
had a conversation with this weekend who was just she
was genuine, a really sweet human being, and not not
some moron either, but she really genuinely didn't understand why
it didn't seem like the governor or the mayor cared.
And to her credit, she did listen and she absorbed it.
And you should have seen. You should have seen how
despondent she was when the scales fell from her eyes
and she realized what I told her was correct, that
through years of neglect, years of voting Democrat, you now
have a government that doesn't care at all. That's the truth.
I care about not losing all my money, about you
not losing all your money. The printing has not stopped,
the spending has not stopped, and as of right now,
there's no indication it will. They can tell us till
they're blue in the face about all the money they're
going to cut. But that's not true, and you know it.
So what are normal people supposed to do about that?
If we can't get them to cut spending, what do
we do Well, we make prepper rations. That's it. You
have to go crazy. You have a retirement, make sure
gold or silver is part of it. Precious metals need
to be part of your retirement period. End of story.
Everyone will tell you that as far as your physical
possession goes, yeah, you need some of that too. Call
gold Co best reputation out there, a plus rating from
the Better Business Bureau for a reason, over six thousand
five star reviews, over three billion dollars in gold and
silver placed. That's gold Co free kit, A free twenty
twenty five gold and silver kit. You want that, go
to Jesse likes goold dot com. At least go get
your kit. Jesse likes gold dot Com. Medal of Honor Monday.