Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun
on a Monday, enormous Monday. We're gonna talk about violence tonight.
What Chris, It'll be fine. We're gonna talk about violence,
the necessity of violence. I'll explain in a moment medal
of honor. Monday's coming up an hour from now. Why
all the Hitler talk from the communists. We're gonna talk
about illegal immigration, the Washington Posts getting saner, why they
keep missing the mark with men. We're gonna discuss Dome,
turning our intelligence agencies into dei nightmares, and courage versus cowardice.
Ah that emails, voicemails, so much more coming up tonight
on the world famous Jesse Cally's show. I want to
begin here. Let's have a very serious talk. And this
is a talk that is going to matter for our
future as a country. And it's going to apply to you,
not to the guy next to you, not to the
lady in traffic. You are going to have to get ready.
How do you feel about violence? Are you against it
at all times? I am always against violence. I would
assume you answered no to that, because very few people are.
But when should it be applied? How should it be applied?
Let's do this. Let's walk through this because we're about
to have a long talk on migration, illegal immigration, things
like that. But let's let's have a discussion here. What
if you wanted to come take my ice maker from
my house? You want to walk into my home and
you overwhelmed with jealousy because I have a countertop ice
maker and you do not. You decide you're going to
come take it. Okay me, as you know, I treasure
my ice maker more than life itself, so I don't
want you to have it. I stand out in front
of my house and I am going to work security.
You want to come in, you want to take my
ice maker. I'm in front of my house. I'm going
to stop you. Now. It's an ice maker. Let's be honest.
It's been a funny joke. I do love it, but
it's been a funny joke. But it's not life and death.
But I say to you, you're not allowed to have it.
Should violence be on the table when it comes to
me protecting my home and my ice maker. Should it
be an option. Let's say you're a very very kind,
nice person. Maybe you are. Let's say right away that
you're uncomfortable already. I don't know it's an ice maker.
I don't know about violence. Okay, so let's go with that.
Let's assume violence is not on the table. So how's that. Look.
I'm standing in front of my home and you show
up and you say, Jesse, I'm coming in to take
your ice maker, and I say, no, you're not, Jesse,
I'm coming in. I'm walking past right now. No you're not.
You're not allowed. Don't Jesse, I'm coming in. If I'm
not allowed to commit an act of violence of any
kind against you, If I'm not allowed to commit an
act of violence to enforce the rule, to enforce the
law to protect what is mine, then the law, the rule,
the whatever, it doesn't matter at all. If violence isn't
on the table, You're simply going to stroll right past me.
You're going to open up my front door, You're going
to walk into my kitchen, you're going to grab my
ice maker, and you're going to walk out with it.
You see, violence has to be on the list of
things that is allowed in order to have any kind
of security for anything in the world. Why is there
a big burly bouncer at that bar you try to
get into when you're younger, or maybe you tried to
get into last night? Why did they hire some big,
buff young dude there? Because violence is on the table.
Should you try to get into the bar when you're
not allowed to be into the bar? No, it shouldn't
be option one. Hey can I come in bang right
in the jaw? Of course that shouldn't be option one.
But if if you were known, if it had been
made known to you that he was not, under any
circumstances allowed to lay his hands on you, then you
would simply walk into the bar. Why wouldn't you wants
stopping you? Violence is how you do security. And let's
take it a step further. Let's say you've made entry
into my home. You don't belong there. It's my home.
I own it. It's my home and you're in there
and you're grabbing my ice maker. Should violence be on
the table as a way to get you out? How
can I get you out without it? Maybe maybe violence
involves restraining you in some way. Maybe violence involves something
non lethal, like a burnout non lethal pistol launcher. Maybe
it involves shooting you in the chest with a pepper ball.
So there you're debilitated. Your be still violence. You're alive,
but it's still violence. Or and this is what would
happen if you ever came into my home. What if
I just killed you? There would be no warnings, there
would be we know, pepperballs. If you're in my home
for any reason and you weren't invited, you're going to die.
I will kill you. And is that wrong or is
it necessary? I'm assuming you're still with me. It's necessary. Right,
So let's have a discussion about your heart and my heart,
and what is good and what is bad, what is
right and what is wrong, what is evil and what
is not. Let's have a discussion about our country, our nation,
because it's getting a lot of play in the media.
Mass deportation, mass deportation. In fact, this little clip from
Tom Holman, this little clip is making the rounds. I
bet you've heard the clip a lot. Tom Holman when
he says, well, yeah, we can separate families. The families
have to be deported together. We'll get to that point
in a moment. But more importantly than that, I want
you to listen to the question.
Speaker 3 (06:57):
We have seen one estimate that says it would cost
eighty eight billion dollars to deport a million people a year.
Speaker 2 (07:06):
I don't know if that's accurate or not.
Speaker 3 (07:08):
Is that what American taxpayers should expect?
Speaker 2 (07:11):
What price do you put on a national security? Is
that worth it?
Speaker 3 (07:14):
Is there a way to carry out mass deportation without
separating families.
Speaker 2 (07:19):
I'm gonna stop before he gets to his awesome comments. Yeah,
you separate him together. You hear what she's already doing.
If Donald Trump is going to be elected this November,
well it's about a week, week and a day, right, Chris,
That right, week and a day a week in a
day from now. If Donald Trump is going to be elected,
and I believe he will. Maybe I'm wrong, but I
believe he will, and I'm hopeful he will. If he
is to be elected, and if he is to attempt
to carry out mass deportation of any kind, you, not
just him, you are going to have to learn to
deal your heart for violence, not from you, not from you.
I don't want you to do nothing illegal, nothing illegal,
you keep yourself legal. But in order to enforce a border,
violence has to be on the table. You realize that,
and you realize that's not that's not crazy right wing talk.
That's how every nation has enforced its border throughout the
history of the world. You understand that violence should be
an option for our border patrol agents. And that's not crazy. Stop,
you can't come in. Stop, you can't come in, stop,
you can't come in bang. That's how that goes. That's
how you protect a nation. And you understand that violence
is going to be necessary to remove the twenty thirty
forty million people who are here illegally. It's going to
involve tears, violence, arrests. Someone may bump their head, twist
their ankle, you may see somebody bleed. Are you okay
with that? Are you ready for that? And I ask
you specifically because my great concern, and in my opinion,
the likely outcome is this Donald Trump gets elected. We
have the House, we have a Senate, we have a
Trump presidency, and Trump begins to put the people in
place and the policies in place to mass deport people.
And what's going to come. It's already begun. You heard
her question, It's already begun. What is going to come
is the largest propaganda effort in the history of mankind.
To stop what the globalist communists have always wanted, the
mass importation of barbarians to replace the patriotic American and
the propaganda effort. Maybe you think you will be immune
to it. Maybe you're puffing out your chest as you
listen to me right now, and you're saying, Jesse, not me, Jesse,
I don't care, Jesse, I'm ready. But you have to understand,
as a good person, the propaganda effort is going to
be aimed squarely at you. You are the target. Don't
you want to be nice? Well, we can do this empathetically.
Let's me why we don't have to be mean? Have
you uttered these words? Have you thought these words? If
you have, and most people have, it's time to prepare
your heart, to set aside what is nice and embrace
what is necessary. We'll continue on this in a moment,
speaking about continuing what is necessary, doing what is necessary.
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IFCJ dot org. Support IFCJ dot org, we'll be back.
Speaker 1 (11:56):
He doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right.
Speaker 2 (12:01):
Jesse Kelly, it is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday.
Of course, it's a medal of honor Monday. Of course.
You can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com,
or you can always leave us a voicemail eight seven
seven three seven seven four three seven three. We are
discussing you and me. We're not even discussing illegal immigration
or mass deportation. We're discussing your heart in my heart
and getting ourselves ready. Because here is what has happened
every single time, for the forty three years of my lifetime,
anytime there is a massive cultural movement that is genuine
pushback against the communist monsters, every single time this has
ever happened. The communists have launched a propaganda campaign aimed
at you, and the right has faltered. The shields have
never locked. We will lose too many people, and we
will in the end. We will fail in the end.
And if mass deportation and genuine border security is to
be implemented by a lord willing upcoming Trump administration, I you, me,
all of us, we must stand strong, shields locked against
the propaganda effort. And again I want to encourage you
with this. You can stand strong, but you had better
understand what they're going to do. What did they do
with Saint George Floyd? What did they do? They went
right after your heart. They showed you that video. Look
at him. Look at him. He's crying. He's calling for mommy.
He's crying. He's crying, he's crying. What are you happy
with that? Are you happy he died? What are you
some kind of racist? Do you hate black people? I
bet you hate black people. I bet you're racist. You're racists,
you're racists. Let us eliminate the cops. We don't need cops.
Let us turn all the animals loose. You would what
are you racist? Are you a racist? And people on
the right maybe not you, But maybe it was you,
if you're being honest. People on the right began to
falter almost immediately. Well, I mean, well, we should be
nicer about that. Maybe we do need police reform. Trump
himself sat down for a cop round table with that loser,
Tim Scott. Maybe we do need police reform. I don't know.
I'm very uncomfortable. Immediately, the right caved, immediately began to route,
and we lost as a result. Now American cities or
war zones, murder, rape, arson through the roof a direct
result of the activism that took place after the death
of Saint George Floyd, and a direct result of the
rife of the right faltering and getting weak. What did
they do during COVID Did they say just take the shot? No,
they didn't. They went after your heart. Don't you care
about your grandma? Your grandma? What about grandpa? Maybe you
want grandpa to die right after your heart? And it worked,
maybe not on you specifically, but on the right worked.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I watched pundit
after pundit, politician after politician. Well, I am wearing my mask. Hey,
we're all vaccidated here, I promise we're super vaccinated. You
said I had to get vaccinated, and you said I
was going to kill grandma's but I don't want to
kill grandma. So I got vaccinated, and no, I'm bragging
to you about being vaccinated. Already lost, go game over, lost,
caved immediately. And look, these are two isolated ones because
of the two biggest ones. But what will come when
mass deportation begins at any level will be propaganda that
dwarfs both of those things. Dwarfs it. It'll make COVID
look like a pimple on a rhinos butt. It'll be
nothing compared to the crying women, the children. They've already
got former Ice guys out there saying wow, I mean
this won't make us say.
Speaker 4 (15:50):
The idea that you're going to take the FBI or
the Marshall Service or the Bureau of Prisons, or the
Secret Service or FEMA off of their mission sets that
and protect our communities will not make us safer.
Speaker 2 (16:05):
Already already sixty minutes. Are we prepared to separate the families?
Speaker 3 (16:10):
We have seen one estimate that says it would cost
eighty eight billion dollars to deport a million.
Speaker 5 (16:16):
People a year.
Speaker 2 (16:19):
I don't know if that's occured or not.
Speaker 3 (16:21):
Is that what American taxpayers should expect?
Speaker 2 (16:24):
What price do you put on national security? Is that
worth it?
Speaker 3 (16:27):
Is there a way to carry out mass deportation without
separating families.
Speaker 2 (16:32):
You don't want to separate families. They're families. Shoot, we
haven't even had the election yet. It's in a week
and a day. They're already finding the families. But we
belong here. We pay taxes, and he purpoths us.
Speaker 6 (16:46):
We are an omal family with anybody else? Do we
go to church? We work every day, We pay taxes.
Speaker 5 (16:56):
She's among the more than five hundred thousand undocumented immigrants
brought to the country as children who are protected from
deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program known
as DACA.
Speaker 6 (17:08):
I'm the only one right now that's like protect there.
While my parents are not. My brothers are not. My
brothers have the children that are born here. So if
they were to get deported, what will happen to their kids?
Although I have my life here, I think that I
would take the decision to go back with my parents.
Speaker 2 (17:31):
They already found a crying woman and her family. What
about my brothers? What about my mama, what about my papa?
Are you ready? And they even had the sad kids
at the breakfast table? Or where are we gonna eat?
Speaker 1 (17:45):
Our thought?
Speaker 2 (17:46):
Days already going after your heart? It will be aimed
at you. And this is but a taste of what
is to come. And if you fall, Trump will he will.
Please don't think that he's going to be your strength.
You had better be his. If he doesn't look out
and see universal shields locked behind him supporting him. If
the Right does what it has done every single time
and begins to route, Trump will route to and it
won't happen. I guarantee you. Are you ready? Are you
ready to withstand the largest propaganda effort in human history?
I hope? So a little bit more on this, then
we'll move on next.
Speaker 1 (18:40):
Jesse Kelly returns next.
Speaker 2 (18:45):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on of Monday. Of course,
we I've bet all of ho our Monday coming up
a half hour from now. Don't forget if you miss
any part of the show, you can download the whole
thing on iHeart, Spotify and iTunes. Don't forget to leave
a review in a five star rating, make sure in
your review you discuss how handsome. I am. Let's get
back to the let's finish up this talk. Tom Holman
goes on sixty minutes last night, talks about deporting entire families.
Donald Trump gets up at a rally and does what
he's been doing. We will have mass deportation, the largest
mass deportation. The words that are coming out now are
right and good. The mindset is right now. The question
is are you getting yourself ready for the communists to
use your values against you. He doesn't share your values,
none of them. Don't listen when he quotes Scripture to you.
Don't listen when he says, well, is that what Jesus
would want? Don't ever let the devil quote Scripture to
you ever, and don't let them do that. But they
have done that, very very successfully long ago. They mastered
using your values again. And it's not that I want
you to stop being a good person, a kind person,
a person who wants to love others and do for others.
These are good values. These are the things you want
to be in life. But we have to understand the
difference between kindness and niceness. We have to understand that
enforcing the law it doesn't look pretty. It doesn't look nice,
and we not only have to be accepting of it,
we have to be encouraging of it. Every single person
wants to lose weight. I guess not every single person,
but we've all been there at some point. I know
you're looking and say, well, Jesse, you're skinny. I've been
too fat before plenty times, little beer belly, too fat.
Everyone says, I want to lose weight. The that's not
the issue. The question is do you want to sweat?
Do you want your muscles to be sore? Do you
want to give up the morning don't? Do you want
to have to do that that thing when you're sitting
down on the toilet because yesterday was leg day and
now your legs hurt so bad you feel like you
can't move. That is the question. Everyone says they want
mass deportation. I want porter security, I want the illegals gone.
Everyone says it. The question is are you ready for
the sweat? Are you ready for the crying? Are you
ready for the insane propaganda. He's not gonna be He's
not gonna, you know, say, oh, you're with a white guy,
I'm gonna keep you from being deported. No, he's gonna
to port you and put.
Speaker 1 (21:39):
The white guy with someone else. The man is out there.
Speaker 2 (21:43):
And let us understand something. This is from I'm gonna
give them credit for it. Data Hazard. This is from
Data Hazard. Listen to these numbers. You think you think
maybe we can get out of mass deportation. Six Before
I read you these percentages. I'm about to read you
the percentages of these nations that have come into the
United States of America, just under Biden Harris. Before I
read you the percentages, remember these are the bottom percentages
of every country. You get a group of fifty people,
there'll be a bottom one or two scumbags, and they're guaranteed.
You get a town of a thousand people, there's gonna
be fifty scumbags in there. Guaranteed. You get a nation
a three hundred million, you're going to have a bottom
five ten percent. That's your dumbest, your poorest, your most violent,
your most evil, bottom barrel population. Now what people, what
part of the population of nations do you think come
here illegally? You think it's the tippy top, think the
best and brightest, all the smartest, hardworking, or would you
say for the most part, it's the bottom. Now allow
me to read you. The percent is six point five
percent of Nicarauagua now here in the last three years,
six point one percent of Cuba, five point nine percent
of Honduras, four percent of Haiti, the biggest dump on
the planet, two point nine percent of El Salvador or
No three point two, Guatemala two point nine L Salvador
two point seven, Venezuela, on and on and on it goes.
We have taken all the criminal filth from all these
countries and they're all here now. Oh but wait, there's more.
God forbid. These people have knocked somebody up or gotten
knocked up. The children they're about to have will be
American citizens because of the insane way we have interpreted
birthright citizenship in this country, which is not right. It's
not lawful, it's not constitution and must change as well.
So even if you think Johnny scumbag for Nicaragua should
be deported, God forbid, he's had three or four kids
while he's been here. Congratulations, American citizens. Eighteen years from now,
they'll be canceling out your son or daughter's vote, and
we cannot get back in shape without sweat, and we
cannot possibly save this country of ours, without pain, without
Let's be honest, arresting someone is violent. It is. We
can't save the country without violence. Men, women, children, They
must be rounded up and they must go. They must
at the border as well. The days of well, I mean,
I guess we're just gonna have to process some longer.
These days have to stop. It's time to begin turning
people away at gunpoint at the border. That's not crazy
or right wing. That's border security. That's what it looks like.
And that's how countries around the world enforce their border.
Go to Egypt. Go to Egypt and watch how they
handle anybody coming in from Palestine illegally. It's not crazy, barbaric.
That's how you enforce a border. Go to Turkey, look
at how they enforce their borders. Countries around the world
enforce their borders with violence, because without violence, there is
no security. It's simply not. Why do we have to
do it different here? Without violence, there is no security.
That's the bottom line. Is your kind heart ready for it?
It's a question. Let's do some emails, Jesse. I'm thirty
eight years in my postal career. I've seen it declined
with recent hires. Their attitude and attention is more to
their phones and less to the job at hand. I'm
sixty seven in old school, but my experience, there's been
four basic things one need to do in order to
be considered employer gold. I'm always on time, I don't
leave early, I don't gossip, and when I'm handed a
special detail, I don't say anything until it's done. Sounds
simple and reasonable. It certainly does, because those are my lines.
That's my saying. But listen, I did want to This
is GC from New York. He listens on the Wonderful
seven to ten wor Love You WLR. Okay, I wanted
to read this really quickly because I wanted to do
a couple things. Remember this if you're struggling to find work,
struggling to stay employed. I know it's a crappy economy.
Those four things sound simple, and they are simple. If
you do them, you're in the top five to ten
percent of all employees. You show up on time, you
don't leave early, you don't office gossip. And when the
boss tells you to do something, you don't come back
at some point and ask him for help doing it.
You don't come back and tell him it's too hard.
You don't come back and tell him why it couldn't
get done. In fact, he doesn't see your freaking face
again until you show up with the job done. Sounds very,
very simple. It is most people cannot do it. That's one. Two.
We talk about kids. This sounds like we're totally We'll
get back to politics in a minute, but we talk
about kids a lot, and culture a lot, and teaching
people things a lot. And I have said to you
before because of social media and technology. Now I'm not
being old Fogy Jesse, but we all have smartphones now
and computers and all this stuff. Because of that, now
we parents today have a burden that no other parent
has ever had in the history of the world. You
have a unique burden that no other parent has ever
had to deal with. You have to teach your child
how to have a conversation. This is something that simply
happened naturally every other generation in human history. Now, because
of the technology, now it doesn't But what does that
mean teaching someone to have a conversation. I'll give you
one very simple thing that I've begun doing with my
sons with great success. You ready for that? Before we
get to that. Let's get to this. Speaking of my sons,
I was harassing them this morning. I owe gove x
actually a debt of gratitude. I am. I'm not happy
with my T shirt selection. Here's what I mean, Chris,
let me explain, fin. I have ten T shirts. You know,
I have my T shirt drawer like everyone else. I've
got one or two that are super soft and comfortable.
The others are just kind of average. I've acquired these
T shirts, you know, Christmas gifts over the year, and
so I needed some comfy shirts. My sons, who are
very tired of hearing me talk about gove x, watched
me pull up gove X's website today and it was
the best. What's gove x. It's the website with everything, Honestly.
You want some ray bands, there are gove x, A
bunch of shirts gove x, my knee sleeves where I
get them gove X. You want to get any cooler gear, hunting, gear, knives, optics.
You want to go on a cruise, somewhere, vacation, a concert.
If you are current or former military or law enforcement,
you get a free membership and discounts huge ones on everything.
Go get fifteen bucks free at gove x when you
use the code Jesse. Membership is free. Use the code
Jesse fifteen bucks for free. How about that?
Speaker 1 (29:21):
All right? We'll be back the Jesse Kelly Show on
air and online at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
Speaker 2 (29:29):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. I
cannot wait for what?
Speaker 6 (29:38):
Speaker 2 (29:38):
For emails. I'm gonna get back to the emails a
little bit. We have to discuss a couple other things.
First of all, Dome is focused on her internal poll
Can you give us a sense of your internal polling
at the campaign and how that is making or influencing
your decisions on what to do over the next nine days.
Speaker 1 (29:55):
So, to be very frank with you, my internal polling
is my instinct.
Speaker 3 (30:00):
The campaign people deal with all that other stuff.
Speaker 2 (30:03):
Do you want to hear something great? And this is
what happens. This is what happens when you isolate yourself.
We talk about this a lot anymore. When you isolate
yourself to your ivory tower, to your bubble, when you
look down on people for so long that you stop
intermingling with them and you stop talking to them because
you don't care about them. What happens is you will
eventually hate them and you will not be able to
relate to them at all. We talk a lot about
the three characteristics all of our cultural leaders have in common. Now,
what are they? Everyone knows them, who's listening to this show.
One they they have no connection to the real world.
That's never that's the second one. That's what I was
going to leave with. One they hate their country, or
at least don't love it, right, They don't love it.
They don't wake up in the morning and stress about America.
They don't. That doesn't cross their mind. That's a big
part of it. Two no connection to the real world,
to how normal people live. In Three, they see themselves
as kings and queens. We focus a lot on one
in three, but two we don't talk about as often.
Here's a great example of it. Remember Kamali Harris's people
knew she was going to have an issue. They pull everything.
They knew this before she was officially the nominee. They
pull everything. They're always testing the public. Call one thousand
people here, call one thousand people there. They understood that
a far left valley girl from California, no matter what
her stated policies are, no matter how about how popular
or unpopular. The Biden Harris administration was a valley girl,
a lefty valley girl from California, was going to have
a difficult time with men. And the Democrat Party already understands.
It's already built in. They will be behind with men
in every election, the same way Republicans are behind with
women in every election. Democrats are behind with men. But
every election is just about kind of mitigating the losses.
It's not that Republicans are going to win the women
vote ever, it's that, hey, we just don't want to
lose eighty percent of it. Democrats same kind of thing.
They know they're not going to win men. It's not
in the cards. They are the party of women. It's
run by women, and the women control all the messaging.
They get all that. But they can't lose sixty sixty
five percent of men. Because you've lost too many, you
can't win the election. They know that. What did they do?
What was the plan? The fallback plan was I can't
stop laughing about it. The fallback plan was Tim Walls.
Tim Walls, Governor of Minnesota, guy who since he's been
elected governor of Minnesota has governed like a far left nutball,
the far left nutball, which he actually is. But Democrats
have so isolated themselves in the coasts. They're either in
the coasts or they're in the worst neighborhoods, that they
don't know how to relate to normal people. They don't
understand your concerns. Remember how many people here's a good
example of this. Remember how many people during COVID, how
many media people will focus on media people, how many
comedies in the media during COVID said something along the
lines of, just stay home. It's just two weeks. Why
can't you stay home, It's just three weeks. Just stay home.
And remember how upset I got. Those were the rare
times when I would raise my voice. I don't like yelling,
I don't like stressing you out. I got stressed about
it because I have lived, honestly, most of my life
with either an hourly job you were construction, whyes, things
like that, or when I was selling RBS, a job
where I have to go to work to pay my bills.
But if you work in the media and you've never
been in any of those fields, if you've never lived
how a normal person has lived, you still get a paycheck,
you can do a zoom call for your latest hit
on MSNBC. So for you, it's very easy to just
tell guy who needs time and a half to make
the mortgage, to make the car payment, It's easy to
look at him and say, just stay home, peasant, no
relation to how normal people live. Well, when they were
looking for a guy to appeal to normal middle class Americans,
they went for Tim Walls, and they they apparently did
vet him about the stolen valor stuff and didn't think
it was a big deal from what we understand now,
for normal guy, not political guy, not hard right guy,
it's a big deal. I told you when all that
stuff was coming out. I'm in a group text with
a bunch of my marine buddies that has never gotten political.
They all know what I do and they're rooting for me.
It's never gotten political. It's a bunch of inappropriate jokes
and things like that that would get us all fired
if they ever came to light. And that is the
only time that Texas ever gotten political. Universal hatred of
Tim Walls for running out on his guys before they deployed.
It was immediate. These are normal guys. Most of these
guys don't even vote. Trust me, I've tried, but they
were immediately disgusted this piece of crap. And then they
tried to act like Walls was a football coach and
Walls today he had to delete it because the backlash
was so bad. He played a video game of football
video game called Madden with AOC, which that really relates
to dudes play a video game with some harpy woman
and he puts online. He says, this AOC can run
a mean pick sick. You don't run a pick six.
Anyone who's what you don't have to coach. Anyone who's
watched football understands a pick six. This is universal. It's
not isolated. A pick six is when you throw the ball,
the other team intercepts the ball and they run it
all the way back for a touchdown. That's known as
a pick six. They dragged this guy out and called
him a football coach, and he doesn't know what a
pick six is. They've spent so much time divorced from
normal people they don't even know how to pretend anymore.
It makes me freaking laugh. It gives me the snickers.
Something fierce. All right, we'll get into metal of honor
Monday next, and then we'll do some propaganda. All kinds
of stuff still to come on the show. Before we
do that, let's do well, where do you put your
money at a time of inflation? Out of control inflation?
And let's be honest, no matter what happens, the spending
isn't going to stop, Inflation's going to continue. Where do
you put your money when the value of the dollar
goes down? Where do you put your money? Well, real estate.
I've told you land precious metals in real estate. Done
for you. Real estate is your ticket to that. Done
for your real estate? You start creating a portfolio of
rental homes. You'll start with one. I know you're not
made of money. This is for normal people, not millionaires.
A portfolio of rental homes you might find yourself with
three of them, six of them, ten of them, tax
free income pouring into your bank, something to pass down
to your kids, and something that's not going to get
wiped out as the dollar does. Sound good? Go to
done for you Jesse dot com and find out how
done for Youjesse dot com. All right, two hours left,
but its medal of honor Monday time next