All Episodes

January 8, 2025 37 mins

Years of neglect in the land of plenty in these Democrat run states. The California fires and the terrible forest mismanagement. Gladiator school. Why is there no water in the fire hydrant? Can the FBI stop the flood of terrorists who have slipped through our open border? 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It the Jesse Kelly Show.
Let's have some fun on a Wednesday, a hoopday. You
have done it. You're over halfway through the week already,

and it is going to be a magnificent night tonight.
Even though California is on fire. We are going to
discuss that some of the intricacies of California in on
a larger scale as we normally do. We're gonna zoom
out the hydrants don't have water. What we'll discuss that.

We're gonna discuss negotiating positions. The Mexican President and is
staring Donald Trump right in the face and saying, no,
I'm just kidding. That's not what she said. She said
something else in Mexican. We'll get to that in a
little while. Joe Biden's doing preemptive pardons. What in the world,
how is that connected at all to the Labor Party?

In the UK? Bankruptcies are through the roof emails someone.
We probably have our smartest voicemail ever. All that and
so much more coming up tonight on the world famous
Jesse Kelly Show. Now, first and foremost, say a prayer

for the people in California. Right now. Wildfires, the fire
in general. This is something about it. It's scary, isn't it.
It's fascinating, it's scary. It's wonderful, ready to know. It's
a wonderful tool. Warm stings. It's been used a million
different ways, is used a million different ways. But out

of control fire is horrifying. And what people are going
through right now, homes burning, the confusion, people are missing it.
It's awful. So say a prayer for the people of California.

Now let's discuss something here. There's been a lot of
chatter today. I know you've heard the chatter about how
can this happen? How can this happen? And people are
correctly for the most part. Obviously there's always some bunk
information out there, but people are correctly pointing out things

like why hasn't the brush been moved? Why hasn't the
dry brush been moved. I'll tell you, I'm from Montana.
Anyone who's from that part of the world knows that
wildfires are a part of your existence. And because of that,
you have to make plans. You have to remove dried

dead things because that's the stuff that catches fired. Everyone
knows that that's what's supposed to be done. People are
screaming about the lack of water. We had somebody from
the local news in La saying this, I.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Am super inspired.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
She took time out of her already busy schedule to
tell us.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
That's totally the wrong sound by ignore I said anything.
Someone from LA saying this.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
If you're wondering where is La mayor Karen Bass, she's
been in Ghana, so she's.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Also the wrong one. My bad. Someone from LA saying.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
This, they can't fight a fire.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
You know, in my defense, the last two people were
also from La, So in a way, I was right.
Let's focus on that they.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
Can't fight a fire without water and the resources that
are needed. Everybody knew these winds were coming. So the
other question has to be, you know, we're all the
things in place to try to, you know, again, mitigate
the damage here. But the real issue me a twofold.
We've had decades to go remove the brush in these

hills that spread so quickly. And the second is you've
got to have water. And my understanding is the reservoir
was not refilled in time and in a timely matter
to keep the hydrants gone. So that's a failure, whether
i'm DWP's part or another city agency.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Okay, all right, so let me tell you about something
that happened in Italy on my vacation. Don't worry, I'm
not just vacation bragging. I'm gonna make a connection here.
Just stay with me. We did gladiator training in Italy.
Now I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking the

exact same thing. I was thinking. What kind of lame
touristy crap is gladiator training? Full disclosure. It was floated
to us by the travel agent. I said, sure, I'll
have fun with the boys. I was expecting, you know,
nerf swords and some portly gentlemen up there saying this

is how you stab someone in Italian? What you would
have It's episode one, which it would have sounded like
that's what I was picturing when it came to gladiator training.
But I was actually very pleasantly surprised. We hop in
a cab recruise towards gladiator training and it turns out

it's a gladiator school, a real one, because gladiator fights
are something as a sport they are still doing in Italy.
Did you know that? I did not know that. But
they are still going on. Oh but I'm sure it's
all just pads and things. No, no, no, no no. They
showed us their helmets. Don't worry, nobody's dying. But they

showed us their equipment, and it's swords, metal ones clanging
off of helmets. There are teams that compete against each other.
They compete in the colosseum. I know. Kind of cool,
right Chris. Anyway, so one of these guys, a modern
day gladiator, although it's not near as violent as it was.
He takes us through this school and shows us all

the weapons and things like that. Very very cool as
you can imagine. I'm going full nerd right now. And
then he takes us into this little mini arena. They
have this little mini colosseum, and he actually starts training.
I brought my mom along and oub is there, and
we are learning legitimate sword thrusts. We have wooden shield,

wooden sword, sword thrust, different techniques. He's actually, I'll tell you,
it's kind of tiring. Our arms were sore the next day.
It was not the touristy thing. I thought. Okay, so
you got that fast forward through that. Now we have
the end and we're told we're going to fight each other,
so he picks James and Luke. I'm going somewhere to

stay with me. He picks James and Luke. Everyone else
gets pushed to the side. We're all gonna fight each other.
But first James and luc are up. They have their
wooden swords, the wooden shields. They square off in the arena.
He's the referee, and he says, stop, drop the wooden swords. Okay.
They throw their wooden swords down. He goes and grabs

a real Gladius, a real Roman Roman sword, hands one
to James and hands one to Luke. All right, we're
watching and he's the referee. They're squared off, side by side,
and he says, okay, we're not doing this with wooden swords.
We're doing this with real swords. The boys have no

pads on know nothing, just a wooden shield. And he says, okay, fight,
and James and Luke start inching towards each other, very
uncertain and of me. Almost immediately he says, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,
that's a joke. We're not doing this with real swords, okay, right,
and he says to us, we're all watching me. Ah

my mom. He said, you guys didn't say anything to stop. Now,
we didn't. And he said, you want to hear something crazy.
Here's this modern day gladiator fighty fighter. He said, you
want to hear something insane. I've been training people in
this school for years, and I've been doing this little
you know thing for tourists for years, and I've done
that joke. He was a joke. Obviously, I've done that

joke for years, he said. Not one time has anyone
ever stopped me from the crowd. Nobody's ever stopped me.
Now why, Well, I can only tell you what was
going through my head as I watched it. Disbelief. I'm

watching something that doesn't seem Wait, real, what real swords?

Speaker 3 (08:41):

Speaker 1 (08:42):

Speaker 3 (08:43):

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Surely surely this is gonna something will stop it? Right?
But what if he had not? What if one of
the boys had taken a genuine swing? What if he
had not? Now I assumed he was going to the
whole time, But what if he Hadn't we hear in
the United States of America are so blessed by God.

We have lived in a land of plenty for the
entirety of our lives, no matter how old you are.
If you're ninety five or five, you have lived your
entire life in a land of plenty. Relatively speaking. I
understand everyone comes from different walks of life. But as
a nation, as a nation, the hydrants always have water

in them. As a nation, governments, we're so organized here.
This isn't some third world dump. Governments are even Democrat
Republican left right, It doesn't really matter. Governments are always well.
Surely they can stop a fire. I mean, there'll be
water and stuff right one day. After your nation has

been hollowed out for long enough, or after your state
has been hollowed out for long enough, or after your
city has been hollowed out for long enough, one day
you wake up and there's no water in the hydrant anymore,
and you look around and you're stunned. How how could

what do you mean there's no water in the hydrant.
You get conditioned to things being normal. Surely the boys
aren't going to fight, Surely there's water in the hydrant.
But things are normal until they're not anymore. And that's

what we'll talk about here in just a moment, Before
we talk about that living with daily pain isn't normal either.
I will tell you after an intense day of gladiator training,
I was grateful to have relief Factor flowing through my veins.
See me, Maximus Jesse, I still needed Relief Factor at

the end of the day to make sure my needn
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Factor is a supplement. You take it every single day,
and you don't have to wait ages, you don't have
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and if it fixes your pain, buy some more. And
if it doesn't, don't. There's a reason almost everyone calls
to order more, because it works. It's like a freaking miracle.
Call one eight hundred the number four relief and get
a three week kit today or go to relief Factor
dot com. We'll be back, Miss Das catch up Jesse

Kellyshow dot com. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Wednesday, a hump day. Reminding you you can email
the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly dot com. You can
leave us a voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven
four three seven three. So we're discussing kind of in
a thirty thousand foot view way. The wildfires, the hydrants

are empty. How could this happen? Why didn't the brush
get cleared? Why is the government failing? The freaking Mayor
of La is over there in Ghana.

Speaker 4 (12:23):
Why you're wondering where is La Mayor Karen Bass. She's
been in Ghana, so she's apparently on her way back.
That's why we have not seen her on the scene.
We saw Governor Newsom.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
I actually have a story about Ghana and why people
are in Ghana right now. I'll get to that in
just a moment. Before I get to that, I want
to go back to what we were talking about, disbelief.
We we live in a land of plenty for so long,
we're just used to things always being there. Let's pause
on that though for a moment, because I actually want

to switch stories. You'll see why. In a moment. I'll
bring it back home. So just stay with me. That
terrorist attack, I was gone. I was on vacation during
that horrible terrorist attack in New Orleans and pray for
those families. God rest their souls. And in the wake
of that terrorist attack, a lot of chatter got spread
around by some very reputable people that there are a

lot of Jihati's here in America, and people are thinking.
Some people, not all, but some people are thinking. Intelligence
people are thinking there is possibly going to be a widespread,
coordinated terrorist attack at some point over the next few months.
I'm not saying that. I don't know. I haven't looked

at the tack said that, but sharp intelligence people are
saying that, I don't know whether that's true. I'm not
going to change how I live my life, but thinking
about that, you know, Joe Biden opened up the border.
Only god knows how many scumbags have come across that border.
Let's for a second, let's play that game. Let's say

there's a thousand. When you've brought in fifteen twenty million
people illegally, A thousand is not at all ridiculous numbers.
So let's just for the sake of simplicity, let's say
it's a thousand spread out across the country, nail bombs, vehicles, guns, whatever. Dude,
do the whole jihadi playbook, and they intend to on
a certain day, whatever January twentieth, Inauguration day, they intend

to launch some big gihod and start killing as many
Americans as possible until they're stopped. This is a hypothetical. Hypothetical,
Stay with me. So I decided to reach out to sorcerers.
I love saying that. It makes me sound like a
real journalist. It's journalist Jesse. It's just friends of mine,

green berets, FBI agents, former FBI agents, guys like that.
And I decided to ask them, Hey, if there is
some widespread jihad attack and they're going to go until
they stop the thousand, ten thousand, who knows? Can the
FBI stop them? Have you ever thought about that? It's

always kind of baked into the cake that if something
like that were to happen, surely federal law enforcement could
stop them. Surely you want to hear the responses, So
I'll read you. This is verbatim. I have my phone
in front of me. This is verbatim text message I
sent to a friend. Quote. This is from me. Do
our federal agencies even still have the ability to root

out a bunch of jihadis if we have a bunch
of cells here, meaning let's say we get cash Ptail
and he does the best he can to get things right,
do we have the people who can fix this? Or
has the institutional rot gone too deep. Do you want
to hear the first response quote, I believe personally the

rod is too deep. You might turn that ship in
five years with great effort, and certainly in ten. But
write this second for a critical window labeled in years,
not a beeping chance. All the good people left. That
was from one. This next one is from someone you

would know. Good friend of the show, former FBI special
agent Steve Friend, super stud anti communist and brave whistleblower.
I asked Steve. We talked for a while, but this
is the part I really have permission to tell you.
I said, Quote, So, if this is the start of
a ten thousand man jihad within our borders, can we

stop it? You want to hear his direct quote back
to me, quote, the FBI can't. Fourteen thousand agents. Most
have zero chops. Legitimately, I would trust less than ten
percent to clear a house with me. They sit in
cubicles all day and outsource their case work to local cops.

They just adopt local cases and claim credit. It's going
to require deputizing real cops. Sobering right, kind of a
what we look at wildfires, and we look at the

fire hydrants, and we say, how could how could the
fire hydrants be empty? The fire hydrants, they're never empty.
What do you that can't happen? We think about some crazy,
g hotty scumbags trying to murder as many Americans as possible,
and in the back of our minds, my mind too,
just like yours, in the back of our minds, we think, well, yeah,
it's bad, it'd be really bad, it'd be ugly. But obviously,

federal law enforcement, the guys are still there to rally
and stop it, right right, But that's not how it
works historically. Historically, if the citizens neglect their government for

long enough, and evil people within their government do evil
deeds for long enough, historically, you wake up one day
and the fire hydrants are empty and the FBI can't
stop them. Chew on that for a moment before we continue.

And while you're chewing on that, let your dog chew
on some rough greens, which you'll help your dog live
longer if the Jihadis don't happen to get him. You see,
rough greens. Rough greens takes care of the fact there's
no nutrition in your dog's food. I know that's shocking.
I found that speaking of gut punches, that was a
gut punch for me because you always go buy the

special blend. Ah, this will be healthier for my dog.
It's not healthier. There's nothing in it. It's all brown
because they kill everything in dog food at the factory.
You want your dog to go to the vet less,
have a shiny your coat, better breath, just better everything.
Start sprinkling rough Greens on your dog's food. Vitamins, minerals,
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Now to Mealgreens. You will see physical differences in your
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You want a free.

Speaker 5 (19:24):
Jumpstart trialbag, call eight three three three three my dog
or go to Roughgreens dot com slash Jesse We'll be back.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
Is he smarter than everyone who knows? Does he think so? Yeah?
The Jesse Kelly Show, It is the Jesse Kelly Show,
discussing and kind of roundabout ways everything from California wildfires
to gladiator fights to fighting jihatti's all that and so much. Moore,

I bet you didn't think you were a ga to
get all that tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly's show.
But hey, let's focus on the important thing. Joe Biden
happened to be in California. He popped by to check
in on the wildfires, and well, you can't get more
Joe than this the Gulf of Mexico. I The good

news is I'm a great grandfather. If you look up
tone deaf in the dictionary, you'll see a picture of
Joe Biden sitting right beside it. Yes, Joe, that's what
everyone's focused on now. We have lived in so many
blessings for such a long time that we were just

used to it. You know, it's not your fault. It's
not my fault. We only know what we know. The
fire hydrants always have water. The FBI is crazy and
weird and awful as they may get, surely they have
the personnel still to stop gihati attacks. Surely, at some
point in time, at some level, surely it works. But

that's not how nations work. You know, we love them.
We love to repeat that quote, especially those of us
on the right. We love to repeat that quote from
Ronald Reagan. Freedom is never more than one generation away
from extinction. And it is a great quote. Your credit
to Reagan forty out a bunch of great quotes. But
here's a great quote. But here is the truth of it.

Here's the nitty gritty of that. If you and I,
if we are not hyper vigilant about the city, the county,
the state, and the country we live in. If we
don't play active roles, if we don't get interested in

our governments in our cities and how they function, our
counties and how they function, our state, in our government,
our in our country. If we aren't active in its
human nature when everything works to not be active, If
you don't stay active, slowly but surely, evil slash stupid

people will take over the positions of power, and without
our knowledge, while we're going to work in school and
church and families in Christmas and well Hanukah for Chris
and everything else. While we're living our lives, our country
is being hollowed out from within? How can this happen?

I'll tell you this. You know, I come from construction.
It's what my dad did, It's what his dad did.
And I started working construction when I was sixteen, sixteen,
seventeen years old. My dad didn't have a company that
I was working for a company he was working for.
But I started out in the ditch. That's really where

I worked. I wasn't in charge of anything. I wasn't
in the office. I had the worst possible jobs. I
was the new guy. So whatever the crappiest jobs are,
here's a shovel, go at it. And I was working
on a job in the San Diego area. Because when
you're doing underground construction, you do it all over Arizona, California, Texas.

We were always doing jobs in different places. But I
did a job in southern California, and so I was
living there, just working construction. And at one point I
asked who the guy was who was observing us. There
was a guy. He wasn't on our crew, he wasn't
one of the inspectors inspecting our work, but there was

a guy who would just stand there and watch us
work all day. I finally inquired, who was this guy?
You know who the guy was because of the laws,
and I don't know, I don't remember whether it was
a city, county, state law, but because of the laws
there this guy's job. He got paid seventy five dollars
an hour. I remember that like it was yesterday. This
guy's job seventy five dollars an hour. That's big boy money,

seventy five dollars an hour. His job was to watch
us dig water and sewer line work, watch us dig
just in case we came across any old artifacts like
Indian artifacts and things like that, so he could be
there to stop all of the work. Now, who paid that.
We didn't pay that. The taxpayers paid that. We knew

we were going to have to have that guy there,
and so you have to build that into your construction
bid before you turn it in. The taxpayers of California
paid that gentleman seventy five dollars an hour. I don't
remember how long the job lasted. I would guess six months,
but you're gonna have to forgive me if that's wrong.
For six months, the taxpayers of California paid that guy

seventy five dollars an hour to stand there, smoke cigarettes,
pick his nose, and watch us do construction. How can
a place get quite that insane? Because there are one
people all over California listening to the sound of my
voice right now. They have more Republicans than any other
state in the Union. How can that possibly happen? Well,

when life is good, when the hot, when the fire
hydrants work, when the roads are paved, when the grocery
store shelves are stopped. It is human nature. It's not
that you're bad or I'm bad, or it is human
nature to simply neglect what must be maintained and then

you wake up one day and you find out you
can't do it anymore. One final example, I don't move
off this. We're gonna talk about some other stuff, get
to emails and stuff. I don't want to spend all
night on this. But I had a buddy. He was
a wrestler and as a high school wrestler, he didn't
win state, but he got second in state. And he

was a beast, a physical specimen beast, one of these guys.
Guys he would get up and run. He just loved
to run and work out and lift. He's just a
physical for when he was younger, he was just a
physical human being, a really physical human being. And we
have this place in Bozeman, Montana. That's where I move

when I was ten. It's this mountain. Well, there's mountains everywhere,
but they have a big m on the side of
the mountain for Montana State University. It doesn't matter. But
there's a big M on the side of it's huge.
You can see it when you're ten miles away. You
can look and see the M. It's that kind of big,
and it's up towards the top of this mountain and
there are running trails and hiking trails up to it,

and it is something people hike all the time and workout.
Warriors will run it all the time. You better be
in shape if you're going to run the m. It's
always called running the m. It's what you did. When
I was training to go to Marine Corps boot camp,
I would go run the m. It would run the m,
run the m. And my buddy used to go run
the m before school or work, depending on where what

time we are you it was every day before he
would get up and just go run the m. You
run the m once your legs are on fire and
your lungs feel like someone's holding a big lighter to them.
He used to do it every day for fun. He
ended up ended up hurting his ankle real bad and
they had to put pins in it. It was real
bad injury, and then he ended up getting kind of

hooked on pills for a while and really let himself go.
And this went on for a couple of years. I'm
talking no workouts, double cheese, pizzas, the works, pills, and
of course with the pills come other stuff. One thing
leads to another pills, booze fat pills, booze fat pills,

booze fat. This dude, when I tell you a physical
specimen at one point, physical specimen built like a Greek god,
finally cleans up his life. He's still cleaned to the
stay to his credit, finally cleans up his life. And
I remember it like it was just. I wasn't with him,
but he called me because he had gotten up one

morning after he'd gotten clean, and said, I'm going to
go back into running the M. He couldn't make it.
The physical specimen who could run up to the M
like a gazelle every day, couldn't make it. How does
that happen? Years of neglect. Things don't last forever if

you don't pay attention to them and maintain them. The
cost of neglecting our government and our society is high.
You wake up one day and it doesn't work anymore.
And that's what we're experiencing in many, many, many different

ways in our country. Right now, all right, I'll tell
you one more thing about Ghana and then one thing
about the military, and we're moving off this doing other stuff.
All right, Hang on, you're listening to the oracle. You
love this one.

Speaker 5 (29:02):
It's a scream baby, The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday, a
hump Day. Reminding you you can email whatever you want, love, hate,
death threats, ask doctor Jesse questions for Friday. Email all
those into Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. You can
leave us a voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven

four three seven three. A couple final words on this
Mayor of La has been in Ghana. That's kind of weird.

Speaker 4 (29:33):
You're wondering where is La Mayor Karen Bass She's been
in Ghana, so she's apparently on her So I.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
Actually got a little insight into this, believe it or not,
when I was on vacation. Remember I told you we
got stranded in Paris for a couple of days. We
were passing through Paris, they lost our luggage, missed our connections.
We had to go get a hotel arav and I decide, Hey,
let's make the most of a night in Paris. Let's
go down just the two of us, will lead the
boys in the room. We haven't had a date night

on our own since vacation started. Let's go down, little
grab little bite, tea baby cocktails. Sit there, do our thing.
We belly up to the bar in a place because
there are no seats in the restaurant. There's only two
seats at the bar. So we sit at the bar.
Lady sits beside this black lady and we strike up.
We always end up talking to people. We strike up conversation,

just gabbing with her, finding out about life. And she
was a business woman and she was also going back
to the States, but decided to go to Paris for
she want to do some shopping. We started talking to
her and she said she was coming from Ghana. We said,
Ghana in Africa. What's in Ghana? And Ghana is not
a dump like a lot of Africa is. Ghana is

not bad, but still it's not exactly what you hear
every day. We're coming from Ghana. Ah, what are you
doing in Ghana? Well, Ghana, Ghana does some big two
weeks libration every year and as part of it. Ghana
has done this thing and they've been doing it for

a few years now where they have set aside parts
of their country that they will give you if you're black,
no matter where you're from, as part of the African
American diaspora, as they called it. This is this hearkens
clear back to slavery. And I asked her, because I'm

as you can imagine, I'm completely curious as you are
right now. I asked her. I said, well, do you
have to prove you're from Ghana? How would you do that?
Because if it goes back to slavery, they weren't exactly
taking passports and drivers' licenses back then. Do you have
to prove any of that? She's like, Nope, you don't
have to prove a thing. If you're black, you can
show up, they'll give you citizenship and a piece of property.

Why was the la mayor clearover in Ghana? Well, the
wild fires burned. Bet your money, that's why. Interesting, right,
And one more little tidbit on the hollowed out thing,
just gonna leave you with this horrifying thought. You know,

war games are things people do all the time. People
will do them for fun and militaries, any military worth
assault will do them as stress tests. Hey, let's pretend
a war kicks off with Russia. How would it start.
Let's say it starts this way. What would we do
to respond? Okay, we do this, but then we can

bank on them doing that, and then and then we
do this and that. At war games, you're trying to
figure out where your weaknesses are, how you're faring in things.
You know that we've done wargames, multiple war games with
China to just game out how that would look. There
are all these conflicts in the South China, seed China once, Taiwan, China, this,

China that, all these war games with China. You know
how many we've won? Zero? Not one. The hallowing out
of American society by the filthy communists who've been occupying
positions of power in our country has been going on

for a long time, and it goes way beyond Los Angeles, California,
goes beyond the FBI. Evil stupid people have been taking
over everything for a very long time, and one day
you wake up and your country isn't what it was before.

I'm sure you've heard by now. If you haven't, here's
the head of the LA Fire Department.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
I am super inspired now.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
She took time out of her already busy schedule to
tell us about her vision for the department's future, one
that includes a three year strategic plan to increase diversity.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
People ask me, well, what number you're looking for us?

Speaker 1 (34:00):
So I'm not looking for a number.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
It's never enough. Out of thirty three hundred city firefighters,
only one hundred and fifteen are women. Right now, She's
already looking at ways to change that. She's quick to
point out that doing so has a greater purpose attracting
the best and brightest for the job.

Speaker 4 (34:16):
They feel included, they feel valued, and they feel part
of a cohesive team.

Speaker 3 (34:20):
The chief also checks another box when it comes to
inclusivity and diversity and this department. She's a proud member
of the LGBTQ community.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
That just kind of opens the door of people that thought, oh,
I didn't even know that that was an opportunity for me.
That's not an indictment of the LA Fire Department. How
long have I warned you when it comes to the
military and other things, you in fact cannot walk and
chew gum at the same time. You cannot maintain your

professional standards while also setting aside merit trying to check
diversity boxes to make sure you've gained the place up enough.
That's not how it works at all. If you focus
on that crap, your society, every part of it will
be hollowed out, all right, Speaking of getting hollowed out,

not that easy to find employer employees anymore? Is it difficult?
Get a bunch of dirt balls? People don't even show
up for interviews. Now, where are all the qualified candidates?
They're all on ZipRecruiter. That's where they are. ZipRecruiter is
number one for a reason. It's the hiring site employers
prefer the most because that's what matters. Where where are

these guys, Well, they're all on ZipRecruiter. You want the
best people, You want to link up top talent with
your country company. Ziprecruiters where you do that, and you
try it for free? Not making that up. You try
it for free ZipRecruiter dot com, slash jesse. Let you

try it for free. Don't sit around crossing your fingers,
slap that sign on the door, don't take an ad
out in the local newspaper. Since it's not nineteen sixty
five anymore zip recruiters where you go ZipRecruiter dot com
slash Jesse. Now, let's do a couple of voicemails, maybe

some emails before we talk about Mexico's president and the
back and forth the little tip for Tad if you will,
she's having with Donald Trump. First, I want to give
credit where it's due. We get more emails and voicemails
than you can imagine now, which is really weird. We
used to not get anyone in the show is just
you know, really really small and not. Now we get

all these and so we've had a lot of dumb ones,
and we've had a lot of good ones. This one,
when I heard it, it took me back at how
intelligent it was. I thought to myself, my goodness, this person,
this person's gonna go really, really far, because you never
know what you're going to get when you press play

on the voicemail. But my word, you want to talk
about someone who hasn't figured out.

Speaker 4 (37:07):
I know that you are thinking about commissioning some more
portraits of yourself, and you talk about upgrading yourself to
a king.

Speaker 1 (37:14):
Wi's up winner.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
Go for an emperor. You deserve it.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
I do deserve it. And now, because of the inspiration
I've gotten from that genius, I'm going to figure out
a way to commission an Emperor Jesse painting to go.
Don't shake your head, Chris, to go right beside the
prince painting that sits right behind me. Also, Chris, don't
forget we're supposed to get some special lighting that highlights

the prince painting behind me. I want to make sure
all eyes are drawn to it. Now, let's talk about
the Mexican President and what's going on with the Gulf
of America. There's another aspect to that. Hang on
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Jesse Kelly

Jesse Kelly

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