Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
eight Thursday and Awesome Thursday. This hour, we're gonna get
into a bit of what I'm hearing about the election.
In fact, I'm gonna get into that pretty quickly. Another institution.
Trust lost the miraculous Cheeto in everything it can do.
All that emails a lot more coming up this hour.
I want to get back to what we were talking
about at the end of last hour, in case you're
just now joining us. Sometimes in order to get out
of a situation, it requires a fight, even when you
don't want that. A bullying great example, I don't want
to be bullied anymore. She shouldn't be bullying me. Yeah,
I get that. I know.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
I know.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
You're gonna have to fight. That's the way it is.
Kamala Harris is an impossible situation. And this is why
it's impossible. She has to present herself as a loyal
to Biden. She has to present herself as that. She
has to present herself as someone with experience because people
believe she lacks experience. Every time she talks, she sounds
like a moron. People are concerned about how dumb she is,
so she has to pretend as if she has been
knee deep involved and everything Joe Biden has done for
the last three and a half years. She has to
do that. But the American people are not happy with
the last three and a half years. This goes way
beyond you and me. We're not even talking about you
and me. The American people in general. They've watched their
standard of living go down, they've watched prices go up.
They're mad about the order. They're not happy with the
last three and a half years. So she has to
own the last three and a half years while at
the same time acting as if she had nothing to
do with the last three and a half years. Vote
for me, Vote for me. I am experienced. I was
involved in every single decision. What you don't like that, Oh,
I don't know. I'm not even press. She's in a
very very difficult spot. And her advisors they don't know
how to answer the question because they're not willing to
have a fight, So they go on the news and
they say stuff like this.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
President Harris has been asked repeatedly how she's different than
President Biden, and some people think she's been tripped up
by answering that, how do you think, well, she is
different than President Biden.
Speaker 4 (02:47):
Well, first of all, whatever the difference is between them,
it's not nearly as vast as the difference between her
and Donald Trump. She's obviously a woman, she is a
woman of color, and she is of a new generation.
So she is not Joe Biden as much as they
want to try to make called Joe Biden, but she was.
Speaker 1 (03:02):
She's a woman and a woman of color. Kamala Harris
is losing this race. I'll get to that in a moment.
But Kamala Harris, she needs to fight Joe Biden. I
know that sounds crazy. Obviously I'm talking about politically fight.
But I know that sounds crazy. This close to an election,
What are we Chris, twenty six days something like that,
It's close, whatever, it doesn't matter. We're less than a
month before the election right now. What they need is unity.
They need everyone on board. I get that. I get
that the timing of this is not ideal, and frankly,
they should have done this. They should have started this
fight immediately after they shived Joe Biden, let him give
his speech at the convention, nominate Kamala Harris and then
it's not like these people have any morals, and it's
not like Joe Biden has any morals either. The second
the day the convention was over, the Kamala Harris team,
the Kamala Harris campaign should have pretty much declared open
warfare on Joe Biden. No, I'm not Joe Biden, absolutely not.
I didn't want to open the border. I told him
to close the border. Joe wanted the border open. I
didn't want to spend this which all this would be alive.
But again, these people are communists. They don't care about lying.
I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to
spend this money and make inflation go up. I didn't
want to do this was Joe's idea. That's why Joe's gone,
I am going to do things differently now. I'm not naive.
I understand where that would have gone. Joe Biden is
still the sitting president of the United States of America.
As incapacitated as he baby, he's still the president. He's
still been in Washington for a long time. When you're
the sitting president, you have power. When you've been in Washington,
for a long time. You have power, you have friends,
you have allies. Tamala Harris had done that, she would
have started in open war with the sitting president who
spent nine thousand years in DC. I know that would
have sparked a fight, a civil war. It was, in
my opinion, the only move she had to make, and
she didn't do it. And now here we are, I'll
go ahead and tell you what I've been hearing. I
had a long evening last night with a lot of
political people. I will not go into the details of it.
It's one of those sworn to secrecy type things. Don't worry.
We weren't meeting in a smoke filled room or anything
like that. It was just it was a bunch of
staffers and senators and it was just a bunch of
that kind of inside baseball talk, what's going on, what's
going on with this race, that race polling presidential. It
was a bunch of people who would know, not people
who talk on the camera, people who would know, people
who without an incentive to lie. Kamala Harris is doing
so poorly in the presidential race that as of now,
there are multiple Democrats running for Senate, some of them
are sitting senators. Some of them are trying to be
sitting senators. I'm not going to name names for you,
but multiple Democrats running for Senate are echoing what the
Democrat in Michigan running for Senate said in a leaked call.
I think it was last week, maybe we played it earlier.
This week, they're saying Kamala Hiris is not only losing
currently to Donald Trump, she is so unpopular, she is
officially doing the thing you cannot afford. She's dragging the
entire ticket down. You know, you can lose if you're
Kamala Herris. You can lose to Donald Trump. Okay, that's something.
It's bad, it's not what you want, but you can.
But if you're losing badly enough, if you are in
sing enough, if you're unpopular enough, you will actually hurt
your entire party down ballot. And you know, we've seen
this in our own lives. In fact, we've seen examples
of this in two different directions recently. We saw during
Donald Trump's twenty sixteen election, Donald Trump was so popular,
it was such a wave year. He got so popular
that Donald Trump raised up the entire Republican ticket and
Republicans got into office because Donald Trump happened to be
running for president that year, and then, for a variety
of reasons, the propaganda, some of it his fault, some
of it not his fault, for a variety of reasons,
by the time twenty twenty rolled around, by the time,
not twenty twenty, by the time the midterms rolled around,
donald Trump was so unpopular and Democrats knew that, so
they ran against Trump across the country. You saw it,
top to bottom. They ran against Trump across the country.
The red wave, which should have been didn't even materialize
because Donald Trump dragged the entire ticket down. Now, I
don't think that there's no indication that will happen again
this year. I'm not saying that, but that's what we
already saw in our lifetime. The top of the ticket,
if he's popular enough, can raise everyone up. If he's
unpopular enough, he can drag everyone down. And when the
top of the ticket can drag everyone down, that is
a disaster for Democrats, and democrats not just one, not
just two. Multiple Democrats running for major offices right now
are telling their own advisors, their own donors, their own
posters are backing this up. Kamala Harris's presence in the
race is hurting them in their chances to get elected.
That is disaster. Kamala Harris is a disaster. And I'm
not telling you that everything is certain or anything like that.
I would never say that we have no idea how
bad that cheating will be. We have no idea. Crazy
things happen on election day. We don't know, So we
have to work keep the pedal to the medal. Remember,
there's a lot more at stake than Donald Trump in
this election, top to bottom, Press and run these people
out of office. Now that I got that disclaimer out
of the way, it looks like Kamala Harris isn't just
a losing candidate as of right now. She appears to
be an unmitigated disaster that's going to crucify the Democrat Party.
I know, Chris, I'm having a hard time not celebrating,
But that's where we're at right now. And that's not
speculation like I have been speculating that to you for
a couple of weeks. After the evening I had last night,
I got a whole bunch of confirmation on what you
and I have been seeing and what we've been talking about.
She's a disaster. And back to what I said, Kamala
Harris has to in my opinion, she doesn't have a choice,
especially now that Joe Biden has kind of started taking
shots at her. Kamala Harris has to declare war on
Joe Biden. I know that will be uncomfortable and awful
and disastrous. But this I made all the decisions, just
like Joe. I was right there with Joe. I was
the last one in the room. What Joe. Oh No,
never heard of him. We're totally different people. It's not working.
The only way you can make that work, the only
way you can sell that to the American people is
you gotta have a fight. But she doesn't have that
in her, and I think she's in deep, deep trouble.
All right, Let's get to some emails. Next, the Jesse
Kelly Show I Like It returns. Next it is the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. Remember tomorrow's ask Doctor
Jesse Friday. Get your questions emailed in now to Jesse
at Jesse kellyshow dot com three hours of ask me anything,
or you can leave a voicemail eight seven seven three
seven seven four to three seven three. Let's do some
more voicemail.
Speaker 2 (11:09):
Jesse Swakim again. So, anyway, Malania Trump, you know what,
I believe that she could quite frankly be a political genius.
Okay with what she did, you're looking at it from
the wrong way. We lose on abortion, okay. And so
what she actually did was soften the blow of the
abortion issue, to take some of the air out of
that balloon.
Speaker 1 (11:31):
And so she didn't soften any blows. Bringing abortion back
into the news was one of the dumbest political moves
I've ever seen in my entire life. Shame on her
for publishing this book a month before her husband's trying
to win an election. Shame on Donald Trump for not
putting a stop on all this. By the way, I
mentioned the people I was sitting with, the posters and
things like that. I got confirmation of something you've seen
and I've seen in something we've talked about. Democrats love
abortion more than you can possibly imagine, and they've pulled
tested with people across the multiple states. And when people
think the election is about abortion, we lose the election.
You can think you can become more pro abortion and
soften the blow and get some moderates. None of the
numbers pencil out that way. If this election is about abortion,
we are going to lose this election. If this election
is about inflation and immigration, we are going to win
this election. The former First Lady publicizing a book and
putting out a video talking about how much she loves
to massacre the unborn a month before the election is
so stupid, insane, evil and wrong. It makes me want
to punch somebody. I am furious about the entire thing.
It disgusts me. Every part of it disgusts me. Did
I make that clear enough? Clear? On that really clear? Jesse?
I remember, like it was yesterday, Election Day twenty twenty.
Trump was ahead significantly in every swing state I remember,
including Pennsylvania that was almost eight hundred thousand votes just
before midnight, and out of nowhere, hundreds of thousands of
mail in votes came streaming in for the next few
days magically, with most going to Biden to squeak him
by for a huge win. We all know this will
happen again. Heck, Pennsylvania court just passed the no worries
ruling on the balloting or ballot dating. Do you think
we have enough in place to stop the twenty twenty.
Thing this time okay, and he asked for Howard Dean.
He got Listen. Democrats cheat in elections. Democrats have been
cheating in elections for the longest time. Where does this
cheating take place. It takes place in areas that are
completely controlled by them. Election cheating doesn't happen in a rural,
red town because there would be too many legal entities,
political entities that would get involved and stop it. But
when you're in a place, let's say Philadelphia, where you
control the levers or levers. Chris, is it levers or leivers?
Corey is it levers or leaver It's either way. Where
you control the levers of power from top to bottom,
from dog catcher to mayor, you control every single level
of power in Philadelphia. Once you get to a place
where Democrats control everything, they will cheat in elections because
they're communists with no moral founding whatsoever, and all they
believe in is the revolution. All they believe in is power.
I've never sugarcoated that for you at all. It's in fact,
anyone who claims Democrats don't cheat in elections is a
liar or a moron. There's only one reason you wouldn't
want people to show ID to vote. There's only one reason.
There's not a second reason. The only reason you would
want that is so you can cheat. The only reason
you would want universal mail in voting, which is what
they try to pass with HR one, Remember that bill
Nancy Pelussi tried to pass. The only reason you would
do that is because you intend to cheat. I get it.
Democrats cheat in elections. They cheated last time, They're going
to cheat again this time. I will also say this, though,
we are more prepared now for that than we were
in twenty twenty, way more prepared. The election integrity efforts,
the poll watcher efforts, the legal efforts when it comes
to election counting. This is something that's been known for
the longest time. So I'll just tell it. Because I
had to go through a recount in my own election.
Remember I lost to Gabrielle Gifford's am I run for
Congress by four thousand votes. That was so close they
had to do a recount. It took them a week.
Everyone knows in politics, he who lawyers up first and
best wins those a lot of the time we are
officially lawyered up. Now they're lawyered up too. I'm not
gonna act like that, but the difference between how prepared
we were last time versus how prepared we are now
is night and day. I'm not here to tell you
they won't cheat. I'm not here to tell you they
won't cheat enough to win. Maybe they will. I don't know.
I'm not really an oracle. I just lie about that.
I'm goofing. I don't know. I don't know, But I
am here to tell you as far as stopping it
or slowing down, we are more prepared now than we
have ever been, and we're way more prepared than twenty twenty.
We'll see how it works. Look, we talk about the
election day cheating for Trump and things like that. You
remember the Adam Laxalt race in Nevada. Adam Laxalt. He
won that race, not by a little bit, by three
points on election day. They took a week and every
day for a week it went from three to two
point seven to two point three to two, and I
think in the end, after a week of recounting, he
lost by something like seven or eight thousand votes in
the entire state of Nevada. We weren't ready. We just
weren't ready, and a lot of people should own that.
I should point out a lot of people should own that.
There are Republicans top to bottom who should own that.
It was obvious Democrats, we're going to make a hard
play at it. How were we not ready? App that sucks?
We should have done better. But anyway, they're gonna cheat.
We're more ready than ever. Are we ready enough? Ask
me in November we'll find out. All right, switch your
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Dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly. That'll
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pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly, We'll be back
the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show
on a Thursday and incredible Thursday. Why because I am here. Remember,
you can download a podcast to the show if you
miss any part of it on iHeart, Spotify iTunes. Make
sure you subscribe, leave a five star rating in a
review talking about how handsome I am. Let's get this one, Jesse.
My husband was a big fan of yours. He listened
to your show every night he died. Oh he died
at the end of June due to invasive skin cancer.
I also listened occasionally, but since he is deceased, I
listen every night when I am off to honor him.
He used to say, Iona, do you hear that? Iona?
Do you hear this? Now I understand why he loved
listening to your show. You're very knowledgeable and I learned
a lot growing up in a communist country. I wouldn't
say I like the direction this country's going, and I believe,
no matter who the next president will be, this country
is done. I wish I was wrong. God bless you
and your family. Keep up the excellent work. Sincerely, Iona, Iona,
prayers for you and your loss. I'm sorry if we
are with our goofball selves helping ease that pain in
any way, freging, happy to do it, happy to do it,
you keep your chin up, all right as far as
the country being lost goes. I know about all the problems,
and I have these worries too. I've been honest with
you about those worries. But remember all we have is
the fight anyway. Even whether or not America is salvageable
or not salvagable, we're never gonna see that day. Doesn't matter.
If you told me America was going to be saved,
I would say, great, I'm all about it. That's great, cool.
But I'm never gonna be there. I'm never gonna be
there for the final victory over the communists. I won't
be alive for that. It's gonna take too long, too
many years, too many battles. I'll be dead and gone.
My kids will probably be dead and gone. And if
you told me America's finished, We're done. It's over. Okay,
I'm not ideal, obviously, nothing I was rooting for. But
all we have is the fight anyway, whether we can
save it or not save it. Either we learn to
love fighting these demons, so just give it to them.
I choose to fight. I want to make their lives
freaking miserable. I want them throwing parades the day I die.
That's how I think about it. Jesse, I gotta tell you,
I'm usually ready for bed when your show airs, but
I was up tonight and you got me the Nero story.
I can't go to bed until I hear the end
of the story. You have an uncanny way of telling
the story too. Thanks, very interesting, so I'm hanging till
the end. If you are a history freak, and I
realize that is many, many, many, many many of you. Again,
we did another history show yesterday. It was long. I
think I almost went two hours on Nero. We did
an hour of politics or so in the beginning, and
then I talked a lot of Nero. We told kind
of Nero's story. If that interests you, well go download
the podcast. iHeart Spotify iTunes. It's free scope subscribe, download
the podcast and enjoy it. The it was overwhelming. How
much you enjoyed it. So that's good. That is a
good thing. Along the lines of Trump and how confident
I am in the election headline, Trump's chances of winning
electoral College continue to increase as blue Wall State Pole
swings in his favor. It's just thing, thing after thing
appears to be going our way. Also, you know what
else is going your way? You're not married to Glenn Walls.
This is Tim Walls's wife. I thought Tim Walls was
a weirdo and a freak. The more I see this woman,
I think they are a match made in heaps.
Speaker 4 (22:27):
Scarlett team comes on the field, we will.
Speaker 1 (22:30):
All stand a bench, he to the other team will
never yield, and we won't forget we're here.
Speaker 4 (22:37):
We will fight for victory and when we will conquer.
Speaker 1 (22:41):
Every That's the tune for the Marine Corps hymn. And
to watch that psycho communist do that in front of
a bunch of dirty commies makes me want to vomit. Jesse,
I'll take it a step further. They have poisoned the
well of America. Harris knowing she would lose and when
the country melts down, Trump will be the ultimate fall guy. Gosh,
you guys are dark today. I thought that was my job.
Default depression, hyperinflation, food shortages, civil unrest, the debt bomb
is ticking. Okay. Look, I have told you how hopeful
I am about the election, and I wouldn't be lying
to you about that if I wasn't hopeful. You know,
I would tell you I'm honest about how I'm feeling
about things and what I'm hearing. I'm hopeful about the election.
Now let's have a frank discussion that maybe you'll love,
maybe you'll hate, maybe you'll be mad at me about.
But do keep in mind if you are offended by this,
I don't give a crap. Okay, So here it is.
If Donald Trump does win. If he wins, yay, wooh,
we're happy. I'm happy, you're happy, everyone's happy. It's so
I'm voting for a good goal. What realistically can we
expect versus what we cannot expect. Okay, So realistic, here's
what you're going to get that's going to go very
very well, and you will be happy with it. And
it's a good thing. First you'll get better border security.
I'm not talking about deportations. I'm talking about security. Donald
Trump managed to actually secure the southern border. That in
and of itself, in my opinion, is enough of a
reason to vote for Donald Trump. But you are going
to get good border security. Boom, good thing, all right,
good thing. What else are you going to get with
Donald Trump? You're going to get a better regulatory environment
for the economy. Trump, as hard as I've been on
him about spending in COVID and all that idiocy, regulatory
reforms that he put in they're the reason this economy
just exploded until he crapped his pants during COVID. When
he got in there, he started deregulating this economy, and
the economy exploded, and he will do that again. That
is a good thing for the country, a good thing.
You were going to get a better, more sane foreign policy.
That is what you were going to get. And frankly,
those are the three things you can really bank on
if Donald Trump gets elected president. Those three things. If
you are banking on things beyond that, you're probably lying
to yourself. I'm just being honest. If you're banking on
mass deportation, come on Be serious, Be serious. The same
administration that backed off of child separation after a two
week Democrat propaganda op about kids and cages is not
going to start or rounding up people by the dozen
and shipping them back to El Salvador. That's not realistic.
You are not going to get mass deportation. Quit lying
to yourself. So you're not gonna get mass deportation. You
are not going to get any cuts in spending none whatsoever.
Trump is a spending monster. I will actually give him
credit for this, as much as I disagree with him
on the issue. Dot Trump, unlike other Republicans, at least
didn't repent or didn't pretend. Every other Republican I've ever
voted for told me they were going to cut spending
and then blew up the federal debt and deficit. Donald
Trump never told me he was going to cut spending
and then he blew up the federal debt and federal deficit.
You're not going to get any spending cuts. Donald Trump
signed every single trillion dollar spending montrosity that crossed his desk,
every time he complained about it and said he wasn't
going to sign another one, and every time he signed
the next one that came across the desk. So you're
not going to get any spending cuts. There won't be
any of those. There won't be spending cuts. You're not
gonna get mass deportation. You are going to get improvement
in the military. I do believe from what I hear
that he is going to attempt to root out the
rot and filth in the military. How successful he can
be with that, I don't know, but I think you
will get some of that. And that ties me to
the last thing, And this is the ultimate thing. I
don't know. I told you what I think we'll get.
I've told you what I don't think we'll get. The
draining of the swamp, the cleaning out of not just
the military, the entire deep state, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal
Bureau of Investigation IRS, EPA, you name it. The number
of government employees that need to be fired is staggering, staggering.
Are we going to get that? Well, if you're a
Trump hater, you're screaming at the radio right now. We
didn't get any of that last time. He made it worse.
And that's true, he didn't do any of that last time.
He made it worse. I have been told by people
close to him that he knows that, and that he
realizes his failure to clean out the garbage and the
government really really hurt him. It's the reason he got impeached,
it's the reason his agenda got held back. I am
not as convinced as the Trump haters are that he
won't do some serious bureaucracy cleanout. I think we have
a chance at that eight chance, call it a coin flip.
Maybe he'll fail, maybe they'll throw up too many roadblocks.
I'm not trying to promise you that, but that's what
you're gonna get versus what you're not gonna get. What
do you want me to tell you? It's a lot
better than what we have now, and if we're gonna
try to save this place, we kind of need is help,
all right, all right, let's do some more emails before
we do that. If the economic collapse is coming, you
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Call one eight hundred the number relief or go to
relief Factor dot com. We'll be back. What Chris, we
can make jokes. It's fine, you get that right. It's
the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show
on a Friday. Of course Friday. It's not a Friday.
It's a Thursday. That was Chris who told me it
was a Friday. I knew he would have that wrong.
It's wrong, Chris, it's Thursday on a Thursday. Reminding you
you can email the show. You're asked doctor Jesse questions
for tomorrow Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. Now, I've
been thinking about it your wax a lot lately, and
don't shake your head, Chris. I just don't understand how
it works. And so I've got to explain something to
you right now. And it's not gonna be gross, at
least I don't think it's gonna be gross. But there's
a couple of parts of this job. I should never
tell you this. I should never tell you what I'm
about to tell you, But there are a couple parts
of this job that bother me a great deal. All right,
I'm not complaining. Look, my job is a dream job.
I know I get that. But one makeup I shut up, Chris,
I every day I have to I have to put
on a little bit of makeup for my TV show,
not for radio, like, not for radio. As you look
at me right now, this is just naturally this handsome,
but for television because apparently your sweat shines. If you
start sweating it all on TV, it shines, and you're
not supposed to be shiny. And the way lighting works,
you have to have something under your eyes. They need
to brighten. Nothing that like. They tried to explain it
at all to me when I was yelling and screaming
about this. But as a dude, do you have any
idea what it's like to walk up to the makeup counter.
I've had to do this twice now, only twice because
apparently the stuff lasts forever. Do you have any idea
what it's like to walk up to the makeup counter
of JC Penny and ask them for what do they call?
What are they call? It starts with this concealer. Concealer.
You have any idea what that is like to have
to walk up to the young lady there, and you know,
you got to deepen up your voice a little bit
so she doesn't think you're some fruit. But you've got
to go, well, I need some concealer. No, it's from
my wife, but I need you to match my skin
tone right. You can't. So that is one part of
the job that I that I really really despise. I
hate it. And then when you get it on your face,
your face feels dry and then you feel you feel gay.
It's just dorrible. And so there's that, and then there's
the having things in my ears. That's why I see.
If you're watching right now, you know you can watch
me do the show on the simulcast. If you want
to watch me do the radio show, it's on the
first TV. You can watch all my stupid hand gestures
and yelling at Chris and Corey and things like that.
What you see, You see these headphones I'm taking off
and putting on. You see these these are over the
ear headphones. I had to get these because Chris blew
out my ear drums one day with some other headphones,
and because I don't like things stuck in my ear.
I don't like things honor in my ears. Only on TV.
That's not an option. I have to take this. It's
called an IFB. I like to pretend I'm in the
Secret Service, but it goes over my ear and it
sticks in my ear so my TV producers can talk
to me during the show. Well, I don't. I don't
like that. There gets to be earwax on there, and
I know, a shut up, it's not a lot, Chris.
It's it's not a lot. It's not a lot anyway.
Who cleans that? Do we have to send that in
or something? Anyway? It's really gross and I realize it's
mine and I don't even understand how earwax works. What Chris, No,
there's not a lot on it. Now, hold on the
mid Oh no, there is a little bit on there.
Can you get this clean, Chris or something? No, I
don't want you to touch it. That's disgusting. I'm so
grossed out. It's what if we paid the cleaning lady
the Mexican cleaning lady who comes in here? What of
course they don't want to do it. Chris money talks.
You know what I'll pay, well, slip them a five.
Slip them a five to clean it. What twenty twenty,
that's a lot. I'll just clean up myself. That's what
I have suns for. Anyway, I don't understand. I don't
understand how earwax works. How how do you have earwax?
Why where does it come from? I don't get it.
I'm grossed out by it. I hate having to wear
makeup and I hate earwax. I just had to get
that off my chest. All right, that's it, Jesse. You
say when the government betrays you, they will lose the
public trust. Well, Trump was part of the government who
signed Operation Warp Speed and the Care Act and locked
us down. I didn't see him losing our trust. We're
actually rewarding him again trying to get him elect So okay,
So the guy's upset about upset with Trump about all
the COVID stuff. But look like I just said, actually
we just covered this last segment. I told you what
you're going to get and what you're not going to
get with Trump out of a Trump presidency. A Trump
presidency is going to be a whole lot better than
a Biden presidency, a whole lot better than a Kamala presidency.
He's not a savior. He never has been. There is
no such thing as a man savior anyway, or a
politician president, senator, governor, whatever. These don't ever be a
man worshiper. Put the pom poms down, every politician, Trump included.
They're all just rental cars. Ride them to get where
you're going, and drump and dump them the second you're
done with them. We're going to get a better president
out of Donald Trump than the other ones. Did he
crap his pants during COVID, screw the whole thing up
by listening to Foucy and all these other losers. Of
course he did. It's the way it goes, all right,
all right, Speaking of trust and institutions, though, here's another doozy.
I hate to keep going back to this, but remember
during COVID, speaking of COVID, when I was screaming about
how they're losing public trust and it's going to last forever.
Here's one is you know what the trust in medicine
was over four years ago? About four or five years ago,
eighty percent, if you went and talked to one hundred
people in the mall, eighty of them would have had
a positive view in medicine. Do you know what that
number is today? Forty half. Now we talk to one
hundred people in the mall, sixty of them will talk
down about doctors, pharmaceuticals, the medical industry. And I don't
have anything to say except if you are in medicine,
especially if you're a powerful person in medicine, listening, owning
what you did is the only chance you have at
earning that public trust back. If you are going to
continue to lie, cover it up, punish the people who
got it right. If you're going to continue down that path,
then the trust is going to keep going down. And
I know you probably can't see this, but the trust
is the only reason you have a job. If that
public trust goes down too much, you become completely unimportant,
just something to sit and brew on. I don't know,
not my problem. I never told people to wear a
cloth mask for a microscopic virus. Anyway, Let's talk about
IFCJ before we go on to the next hour. The
magic of Cheetos Kamala Harris, what a scam this is.
But IFCJ is it a scam, it's helping people. It's
helping people in Israel who are suffering. Another conversation I
had last night was about the capabilities of the enemies
over there, what might be coming and there is there
is a way of thinking right now that Israel is
going to go for the kill shot, that they're going
to go for regime change. Do you have any idea
that kind of fire and hell that will rain down
on Israel if that actually happens. The IFCJ is going
to be there on the ground, International Fellowship of Christians
and Jews, They're going to be there doing everything they
can to save lives. Emergency food and bomb shelters and
flak jackets and firefighting equipment and whatever these people need.
They can only do this with your help help them
eight eight eight four eight eight IFCJ or you can
go online to support IFCJ dot org. All right, we
still have an hour to talk about Kamala Harris, an
energy scam, and Cheetos. Next,