All Episodes

June 22, 2024 38 mins

Trump has been getting louder and louder about tax policy on the campaign trail. The reaction from the left is going to be much worse from The System if Trump wins in November. What the middle of the road voter knows. Why are you gay? The System must separate your kids from you.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Another hour of The
Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and asked Doctor Jesse
Friday a couple questions right off the bat. We're going
to deal with some Trump things, the election, the future,
or the country. Someone wants some good walk out music.
Someone wants to talk about the Commies and their affinity

for kids. Why are they always after your kids so hard?
If someone doesn't want to be blamed for the condition
of the country, after all, it's just Democrats fault, isn't it.
Oh that and so much more coming up tonight on
the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. All right, now, let's
dig into this. Before I do the Trump stuff. I

want to talk about something that's it's kind of Trump related,
but also not really. You may have heard recently that
Trump has been proposing at his rallies that there's no
more taxing tips. Hey, I don't think we should tax tips.
Your tips shouldn't be taxed. Okay, I love that. That's great.

That's not a law that I believe it's going to
get passed, So don't hold your breath or anything like that.
I don't think Congress is going to pass it. But
you're running for president. We're gonna stop taxing your tips.
Get some more votes in your pocket. Obviously, that's what's
happening here. That's fine. Set that aside. We talk a
lot about symbols, about the danger of symbols. It's dangerous

to ever make a man your symbol and symbols. Remember,
symbols can work both ways. A symbol that you worship,
revere follow a symbol that you hate. All your problems
are his fault, He's the devil symbols. This is a very,
very mankind thing to do. It's a natural thing to do.

We create symbols in our minds. Man. Politicians love to
do this, understandably so because it helps you get elected. Hey,
vote for me. I will fix all your problems. Hey,
that guy, he's the source of all your problems that
they love that. Now, let's talk about how the communists
handle this, because they're so good at it. The Communists

can and will build a symbol in twenty four hours
in a heartbeat. A great example, I've used it before,
George Floyd. Great example, George Floyd, some career criminal dirt ball.
How does some guy go from being a drug addicted,

career criminal dirt ball to being someone who's given more
royal funerals than the Queen of England when she died.
There are George Floyd's statues in multiple cities across the
United States of America. As recently as I think it
was last week, maybe it was even this week, Joe

Biden was speaking his name in speeches. Still, how does
that happen? Well, the Communists have always understood the power
of symbols. Here, this is your man, He is the devil.
He is responsible for all the ills in the world.

That's who you should hate.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
It's him.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
It's him, it's him, and creating symbols for their side
to worship George Floyd. He was a saint, just a
humble father, attacked by the evil white cops for the
color of his skin, no other reason. And why they
do that is it gives people something to follow, something

to focus on. So people who never gave a crap
about George Floyd immediately are speaking his name.

Speaker 3 (04:10):
Oh George, I'm so sad and terrible.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
They do it for people to love, Hey, this is
who you love, And they do it for people they hate.
Your liberal aunt Peggy, that coworker of yours is the
Democrat coworker. Or maybe you actually have a liberal aunt Peggy,
or your sister or your mom or your brother, whoever
it may be. They hate Trump with everything in there being. Now,

you are almost undoubtedly a thinking person. You maybe you're
a huge Trump fan, maybe you're luke warm, maybe you
hate his guts, but you know that Trump's just a dude,
certainly not a dictator by any stretch of the imagination,
just a dude, a fairly normal Republican actually, when you
look at how he actually operates, fairly normal Republican. But

they think he's the Antichrist. Why why do they think that?
Because the communists for now years have beaten that into
their heads at every turn, every time liberal at Peggy
turns on the news at Trump's the devil, Trump's the devil,
Trump's the devil. When her kids go to school, the
social studies teachers talking about how Trump's Hitler, Trump's the devil,

Trump's Mussolini. If they turn on television over and over
and over and over and over again, creating this symbol,
this is the symbol. This is the source of all
your ills, This is and you want an example of
how this pans out, why they do this, I've got
the best example in the world, courtesy of actually a
Fox News poll. So Trump's no tax on tips thing,

they decided to run a poll with Republicans and Democrats. Hey,
what do you think about this with with with no
taxing on tips? What do you think about this without
anybody's name attached to it? Republicans and Democrats both supported
the plan. Oh, that sounds good. Yeah, don't tax these

four servers. That sounds good. Then as part of the poll,
they finally attached Trump's name to it, and they asked
Democrats again, hey, what do you think about no taxes
on tips? How much do you think? It dropped? Fifty
points five zero fifty points the second Oh I love

that policy? What Trump loves it? Oh?

Speaker 3 (06:36):
No way.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
Symbols are powerful. They are so powerful. They're way too powerful.
You should guard against symbols for your entire life. And
it's very, very difficult, because, as I said, it's a
human thing to do, and I'm talking about all symbols.

Symbols you hate, symbols you love. You should never, ever, ever,
ever ever make someone a good symbol. You revere them
whatever they say, he's so smart. Look that maybe that's
a maybe that's Trump for you or DeSantis. Maybe it's
a pastor, maybe it's a Tony Robbins. I know whoever

it may be. Don't ever make a man more than
a man. That's what you do when you make him
a symbol. And on the other foot, don't ever do
that when it comes to people you hate either. Look,
I hate Joe Biden. He's an evil piece of trash.
He has been his entire career. The corruption, the lies,

the viciousness. We don't even have to go into his
conduct around children, his own daughter, We don't have to
go any of that. I despise Joe Biden. I do
if you think that Joe Biden is the source of
all of our problems, and those problems will be fit
next the second Joe Biden gets out of office. You've

made him a symbol and you've made a mistake. We
have to guard against that, and we have to be
purposeful about guarding against that, because it's human nature. I
brought up church, you know, let's talk about that for
a moment. Have you ever wondered why, if you know
anything about the Bible, have you ever wondered why you

know churches are not supposed to be led by pastors.
Find a pastor and let him lead your church. You
can't find that anywhere in the Bible. Supposed to be
led by a group of elders. A group of elders elders,
and there are specific requirements for what an elder should be.
Has to be a man, has to be a this
has to be good financial standing. Bah why a group? Well,

have you ever seen, whether you go to a church
or not, have you ever seen a massive church scandal?
Pastor gets caught with the secretary embezlen some money, whatever
the case may be. What happens to the church when
that lion of a pastor goes crumbling down? The church
itself disintegrates because they found themselves a symbol. He's so funny,

he's witty on Sunday. He knows the Bible back and forth.
Oh gosh, I don't think I can go poop without
Pastor Bob telling me it's the right thing to do.
What Bob ran off with a million dollars of the
church's money. Dah, screw this, I don't believe in God anymore.
Be careful of symbols. I have to do this too. Now,

I'm less inclined to do this because I'm a more
cynical person who I probably go the other way, way
too far on this. I generally am very distrustful and
if we're being honest, disdainful of most people who are
in power. In that way, I just damn politicians. What

do I always tell you about politicians? I know it's
very human. You either love them or I hate them.
I love him, he's my favorite.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
I hate her.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
She's the worst. I don't give a crap about politicians,
any of them, None of them. They're all rental cars
to me. I care about you. I care about saving
my country. That there's a politician who's gonna do some
things help me do that? Fine, good. Good for you.
I stand behind you. The second you are hurting that goal,
screw you go to the ditch. I'll find someone else.

You mean nothing to me at all. Politicians mean nothing
to me. All right, Now, let's set all that stuff aside.
I just thought that was an interesting little pool shows
the power of symbols. Now let's do this Trump talk
that I said we were gonna do. But first let's
do some pure Talk. I know that that was not
really the way I wanted to put it out. I
guess it probably wasn't a pure Talk, but it was
very smooth though, Chris, maybe I should Chris, I'm gonna

do that next time. I do it now for some
Pure Talk anyway. Pure Talk's awesome. It's wireless company. Their
CEO is a veteran. They love America so much that
they hire Americans. Hired of getting a hold of customer
service and having to talk to somebody who doesn't speak English.

You have to repeat yourself ten times. They have to
repeat themselves ten times. Get a hold of Pure Talk.
Switch your cell phone service to Pure Talk. If you
switch before July fourth weekend, you'll be helping veterans because
they've partnered with America's Warrior Partnership, helping our vets. Pick
up your phone dial pound two five zero and say

Jesse Kelly pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly, We'll be.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Back, missdost catch up jessekellyshow dot com.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and
ask doctor Jesse Friday. So let's dig back into the
questions here, Jesse knowing full well, Trump doesn't have the
stomach to do what's necessary to come back the communists.
Is him winning just further delaying the inevitable rise of

a truly bad, far right dictator type that people will
turn to in their desperation. Not that I'm wishing for it,
of course, but it's coming. The communists really won't like
it when they are being thrown in jail by a
guy who is actually everything they accused Trump of being. Thoughts, Okay,
so this guy says, you know, Trump, Trump doesn't have

what it takes to actually coapt these people. So is
if he loses or if he wins, is that slowing
down the inevitable which I have said repeatedly. I believe
we will have a right wing dictator rise in this country.
I have always believed that. No, I'm not cheering for it,
but it's coming. It is the animals, the communists, they

can't stop themselves, they can't help themselves, and they'll end
up creating the monster they claim to fear the most.
They will it. It's happened many times before. So does
Trump winning does it delay that?

Speaker 3 (13:02):

Speaker 2 (13:04):
I know this may be a little bit of a
cynical way to put on it, to put it. But well,
i'll tell you what. I'll pair this email with it, Jesse.
The twenty four election is a no lose situation for
the Commis. If Trump wins, the comedies have placed so
many IEDs in his path, he will fail. The Commedies
will pounce and win unanimously, so on and so forth.

If Biden wins, the Commedis will shift into overdrive destruction.
We are doomed. Okay, okay, all right, So if Trump wins,
what can we expect? What should we expect? Well, we'll
move past foreign policy changes, we'll move past border security.

Those are two things that are going to change drastically
because a president has so much authority in those areas.
The same way Biden opened it up, Trump can and
probably will close it. Foreign policy will get much more sane. Okay, Now,
let's set those two things aside. Maybe that's how you're voting.
Maybe that's why you're voting, that's the reason a lot

of people were voting. Set those aside. What about all
this other stuff? What can be done? What will be done?

Speaker 3 (14:13):

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Remember, remember it can be easy to forget. Remember what
they did the last time. The last time Trump got elected,
he was impeached twice from within his own government. The
Republican Party itself kneecapped any real efforts at doing major

things they did, and we don't even have to go
into it, so we've covered it before. Trump's personnel decisions
were disastrous. He kept Jared Kushner right next to him,
who yanked him left on every issue. That's why he
didn't stay with the child separation policy. Jared Kushner, That's
why George Floyd died and Trump was doing law enforcement

roundtables about the evil whitey. Jared Kushner's where that came from. Okay,
so let's go the next time. We're gonna get more
to security of Trump. When you're gonna get a better
form policy. That's good. Those are good things, better than
Joe Biden. The reaction this next time will be way
more vicious than it was the first time, simply because

of how much power they've acquired. Remember, we put way
too much stock in the idea of the presidency. The
presidency is very important, but we have a country that
is not even run by the presidency. It's not even
run by Congress, the House, or the Senate, even though
they're a part of it. We have a nation that
is run by the bureaucracy, by the three letter agencies

out there. These are the people who were intimately involved
in trying to prevent Trump from being elected and impeaching him,
spying on him. That we have a huge bureaucracy problem.
Now you know how bad the bureaucracy problem was the
last time. Joe Biden and the Communists understand that that's

their greatest strength. Their greatest strength is not the House
or the Senate or what or even the office of
the presidency. Their greatest strength is it's all Democrats working
in the federal government. It's something like ninety four percent
of the federal government are Democrats. It's all Communists in
the federal government. And that was before Joe Biden took

over and spent another four years filling up the government
with thirty commies at every single turn. It's going to
be really really really ugly if Trump gets elected, really
really really ugly, unless he doesn't want to do anything.

And we won't know that until he gets there. We
really will not know that. Until he gets there. You
can't go on campaign speeches. You don't know is he coming.
Like the sword of God himself for reveal against all
these dirty comedies for what they've done to you in
the country. I don't know. I don't know. Is he
going to be well? I just want to get along
to the FBI needs a new headquarters after all. Look, there's

a lot of bad signs about that. If that's what
he's gonna be, then it won't be anything. You'll know.
You'll know how effective he's trying to be by how
vicious the pushback is. I have said it before, I'll
say it again. If you're not getting impeached, you're not
trying to save the country, period, and a story the

military alone, if you wanted to save the military from
what's happening to it, you would have to fire two
hundred three hundred flag officers day one gone. They would
impeach you immediately for that, Republicans and Democrats. He must
hate the troops, you know, I'm right. So if he
doesn't get impeached right away, you know he's useless. That's

how you know. And we're not going to know. You know,
we're not gonna know it is what it is. We'll
find out it's all right. At least we won't be
in pain That's what matters most, right. The daily pain
doesn't daily pain suck? You go through it, don't you?
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Factor dot com. We'll be back.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
He doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right.
Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and
ask doctor Jesse Friday. And if you want to email
us you can. We're live Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
Let's get back to some emails Jesse, Oh no, never mind,
he says lufah in body Wash Pink Flower. I don't

use a loofah. I'm twelve years old and my travel
baseball team is doing walk up songs, and I wondered
if you had any prodigious, prodigious suggestions, Chris, what's that
word mean? Can you look that up so we can
sound smart? You know, it's fine whatever, I do have
your walk up song. Son. You ready for this, Chris,

if you wouldn't mind, By the way, twelve year old,
if you're listening on the podcast, you won't be able
to hear this at all. But Chris, please take it away,
all right, Chris, you better cut it off. I know
there are there are some potty words in that song,
so uh listen. Listen. That's called Bulls on Parade by

Rage Against the Machine. I'm a little bit hesitant right
now to continue further because I forgot that that was
a bad word song and Chris just told me how
bad the language was in the song. And I just
suggested that for a twelve year old in his baseball team.
I'm sure though, that there's a non explicit version out there,
and that was all I could play for radio purposes.

Just listen to the first minute of that song or
so by the time you get to the plate, you'll
be ready to murder the ball. That's what I'm talking about.
I'm ready to hit a baseball right now, Jesse, Why
are you not while you're not completely innocent, Many radio
personalities say we are guilty of doing this or doing that,
and should and should be saying Biden and or his

Democratic Party are responsible. I hate being lumped in with everyone. Secondly,
Trump and his voting campaign media times should concentrate on
the fact that January sixth was previously organized before and
available substantiated details to support his innocent position to the people.
Let the people hear this relentlessly enjoy your daily show. Okay, first,

let's address the last part. Trump and his voting campaign
should concentrate on the fact that January sixth was previously organized.
Cannot I cannot put into words how terrible that idea
is terrible idea and this is a mistake we all
make from time to time, myself included. So allow me

to explain. Donald Trump is running for president. He's now
the Republican nominee. The primary is over. Donald Trump is
not going to run a single campaign ad, at least
he shouldn't. If he does, he's an idiot. He's not
going to run a single campaign ad trying to explain

the background of January sixth. You know why, because undecided
Swing voters in swing states don't give a crap about
January sixth. You do, and I do. If he was
running for you or running for me, then yes, that
would be a smart ad. He's not running for us.

He should never run an ad aimed at you. If
you were on the right, you are either already voting
for Trump or there's nothing you would ever do to
vote for Trump. Those are the only two kinds of
people on the right. They've already made their decision. I'm
voting for Trump, he's my guy. Or I'll hold my
nose and vote for Trump, but I'm voting for Trump.

Or I hate Trump's breaking guts. I'm not voting for
lockdown down. I was injured by the backseat. Whatever it
may be. You, if you are on the right, you
have made your voting decision for November. There's not a
single person on the right listening to the sadam my
voice who is undecided. He doesn't need to talk to
you or me really ever again for the rest of

this campaign cycle. Now I realize, get out the vote
is there, and you're gonna want to do rallies and
you're gonna want to inspire the base, but you need
to reach independent voters in swing states. And let's talk
about them for a moment. We're talking about Michigan, Pennsylvania,
and Wisconsin. The presidential election will be won or lost

in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. All right, So who are
these people you're supposed to talk to. Well, you know,
we always talk about norm in Norma and how incredibly
uninformed they are. We lament it all the time. We
talk about how that's our challenge. That's distress because you're

a hyper informed person. You you know the issues, you
know the politicians, you know what's going on, and then
you talk to these people, your friends, your family, your name,
and they don't know anything about anything, and it gets
frustrating for you. The independent swing voter, the guy who
I voted for Obama twice and then I voted for

Trump the first time, and then I voted for Biden,
and now I think I'm gonna vote for Trump. You
know what that guy really is. That guy is someone
who doesn't pay attention at all at all. He doesn't
know anything about the issues. He can't tell you a

single significant bill, a single piece of executive action. He
can't tell you specifics about anything. When it comes to
the debt, the deficit, the border. He knows nothing. It's
like it's like you're dealing with a little child. That's
who the independent swing voter actually is, and that's a fact.

That's who they are. Well, I don't if you voted
for Obama twice and then Trump and then Biden, you're
voting for Trump again, and those people are everywhere. You
are simply someone who doesn't pay attention and doesn't care.
So what do you vote on? You vote on whatever
you're feeling at the time. I've talked to these people,
I've seen them interviewed before. I like the way he looks. Oh,

I thought that he seemed nice. He reminded me of
my grandpa. Or or even if it's on an issue,
it's the most basic way you could explain an issue.
I'm voting for Trump because my eggs are expensive. Now, okay,
do you know do you know why your eggs are expensive. No, anyway,
the game's on, We're done here. That's who your ads

have to target. Isn't that terrible? And I know it's terrible. Look,
I wish it wasn't that way. I wish you decided
every election. We'd be doing just fine. If everyone cared
the way you care. You're seeking out talk radio on
a Friday or a Saturday morning, depending when you listen.
If everyone cared the way you cared, we wouldn't have
any problems in this country. Would you realize that we'd

be fine? We have a country full of half brain
dead zombies just going through the motions all around us.
Vote not I like this teeth, So you don't run
ads explaining January sixth to people. That is like the
last thing you would ever do in the world. Now,
as far as radio personalities or whoever you're talking about

saying we are responsible, we are responsible and you don't
like being lumped in with that, well, we are responsiblest. Look,
I don't want to indubt you. I don't know your
involvement level. I will tell you I am responsible. I
am partially at fault for the condition of this country. Yes,

I have been politically involved in trying to win campaigns,
running for office, doing whatever I can do. For a
long time, I could have done more. How many days,
how many Saturdays have I woken up and done nothing
that day? Lounged around a little bit, I don't know,

read a book, done nothing. I could have gotten up,
gotten out of the house, and been more active in
preserving freedom. I didn't. I'm trying the best I can now,
but even now I'm not doing everything I could be doing.
We have failed. We have failed. The most the most

difficult question is this one. And it's only difficult because
it hurts. What have conservatives conserved? What have we conserved?
Not what we tried to do, or not what we
want to do? What be I saw my buddy arn
McIntyre said this today and it was so true. It said,

the Pride flag is now less controversial than the Ten
Commandments in the United States of America. We haven't done
it enough. No, I don't think I'm not accusing you
who email that in or anything like that, of being
some dirty comie who's destroyed the country. But it's not
just Democrats who have spent us into bankruptcy. Republicans spend

as much or more than Democrats have. It's not just
Democrats who love amnesty. We just had Mitch McConnell and
James Langford try to pass amnesty. Let's not put all
the blame on Democrats. Are they evil and demonic and communists? Yeah,
you bet, But Republicans are responsible for a lot and
all of us could have done more and can do more,

myself included pointing fingers right here at me. All right,
let's do some more. We have a bunch of stuff.
You want to talk about kids, Let's talk about kids.
Why are they so after kids? And speaking of kids,
I've found it very difficult to look at videos from

the Hamas Israel attack, and it's because of how young
so many of them were. And the young men is sad.
I'm not going to act like it's not, but the
young women. I think about that a lot. I think
about what it would be like to be in captivity

like that, to have some friggin' barbarians come swooping into
your country and take you away, and ugh. The IFCJ
International Federation of Christians and Jews, what they're doing is
simply showing support, and what they're asking for is just
to sign a pledge. That's it, and you sign a pledge,

it's going to be delivered to Nahu and all that
stuff when they're done. But SUPPORTIFCJ dot org is where
you go to sign up. Go sign up support IFCJ
dot org. This is a wonderful organization. All right, we'll be.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
Back, mists.

Speaker 3 (29:56):
Catch up.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Jesse Kellyshow dot com.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday, and
ask doctor Jesse Friday. Somebody did email it. Every now
and then, I usually lose track of the fact that
people just start listening because I'm arrogant. I just assume
everyone's been listening forever and listening to every word, and
that's not true at all. My mentor, Michael Michael Barry

has told me, look, you need to repeat stories, You
need to repeat phrases, because I don't only about ten
percent of your audience is getting it at any given moment,
so you need to repeat them. And obviously there are
some soundboard items that well they could prompt an explanation.
For instance, listen, we get this a lot because I
play it a lot, especially during Pride Month. What is it? Well,

I'm gonna play you the highlights. I'm gonna play you
the full version of it. In the full version of it. Honestly,
it's just one of the funniest things I've ever heard
in my entire life. I think this was Uganda? Was
it Uganda? Chris? It was so this guy that the
guy you hear here, he's a Uganda newscaster. I don't
know anything about him, but this was a news show

in Uganda and they bring on, Uh, I don't even
know what she is. She's I believe, lesbian. If you
looked at her, you wouldn't. Is she a tranny pretending
to be a dude or is she a lesbian? I
don't know what she is, but a tranny activist? Okay,

And this is kind of the condensed version of it.
It's a longer interview, but it is just the most
pants wedding funny thing in the world because this guy
has no idea about any of this at all, and
listening to this nutball try to explain to this guy
what she is, what she's here for, and how confused

he is and how politically incorrect he is about everything
because he doesn't even understand what he's dealing with. Anyway.
Here's the condensed version.

Speaker 4 (32:02):
In the studio this morning one of the gay rights activists. Mister,
should I call you mister Peppe Julian on Zima, thank
you for.

Speaker 3 (32:11):
Coming in, Thank you, good morning. Why are you gay?

Speaker 5 (32:15):
Who says I'm gay?

Speaker 3 (32:18):
You are gay? You are transgender?

Speaker 4 (32:21):
What shows that I'm you are a transgender and you're
gay rights activists and an outspoken, uh lesbian homosexual?

Speaker 3 (32:31):
How can I describe you? Now? We're looking at the
raging debate. You're gay rights activists. Why should someone be gay?
You're having a girlfriend?

Speaker 4 (32:41):
Yes, do you perform the natural obligations?

Speaker 3 (32:48):
I'm not sexually active right now? So what, lady, che.

Speaker 5 (32:55):
I'm just not I've chosen.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
Not to engage. Doesn't that make you gay?

Speaker 1 (33:03):
Or what do you mean doesn't that make me? Give
a I am mile and attracted to a female?

Speaker 3 (33:10):
So who's gay?

Speaker 2 (33:15):
The best is the end? Honestly, maybe that's the one
we should have on the soundboard because by the time
the trainee's done, he's so lost. So someone's gay? Who's gay?
I don't understand.

Speaker 3 (33:27):
You said you weren't gay? But are you?

Speaker 2 (33:29):
But you're who's gay? Anyway? That's the history of that, Jesse.
This won't be exact, but I know you'll remember it,
and I've tried to forget it until I listen to
today's show about the school and doctrination from about ten
years or so. Kids don't belong to parents or families.
They belong to the whole community. Okay, let's talk about this. Communists,

communists have forever. This is not a modern Earn American problem.
Communists have tried to break children from their families, and
they have very successfully everywhere they've taken power broken children
from their families. Biden said something that honestly, Biden basically

echoed that recently. This is a common Democrat talking point.

Speaker 5 (34:19):
Now, it's wrong that extreme officials are pushing hateful bills
targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors. These are
our kids, these are our neighbors. It's cruel, it's callous.
There's somebody else those kids, they're all our kids.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
What do they talk like that? Well, this goes clear
back to the Soviet Union and everywhere else in between.
The communist has to make sure your only loyalty is
to him and the revolution and his cause. He can
allow no other higher lafe loyalties. That's why they attack

the dominant religion of whatever country they're in. That's why
the Russians burned down the churches. That's why Mao burned
down the Buddhist temples. That's exactly why the FBI and
the LGBTQ mafia is destroying the American Church with every
ounce of their being. That's why the Spanish Communists were
crucifying the priests and raping the nuns. They go after

the churches because the church, a belief in God, is
a higher loyalty than to them, so they must destroy it.
The exact same thing with the family. They cannot have
strong family units because someone from a strong family unit
would never blindly follow the dirty Communists. He would never

do that because mom or dad would disapprove. He was
taught values, so they look you. They used to make
up stories that would teach it was propaganda designed to
teach children to tell on their parents, and teach parents
to tell on their children. This is a common thing.
East Germany was famous for it. Children would turn in
their moms, dads would turn in their wives. You have

to do that in a communist society. The family unit
is the most anti communist thing on the planet. That's
why they break it up. Yes, that's a good point.
Chris Povel is his name. You're looking for the story
of Pavel Jewish producer. Chris was thinking about the story
in the Soviet Union. It was a story where a
kid was made out to be a hero. What did

he do? He turned in his father for hoarding grain
and his father ended up killing him, her father and uncle.
I forget the story. Then they made the kid into
a national hero, telling kids across the country, turn in
your dad. That's what heroes do. They're no different today.
That's why your social studies teachers trying to get your
son to chop his penis off behind your back. That's why.

All right, we have another hour left, which is good
because I still have a fatty stack of questions. Let's
talk first about Tunnel to Towers. Tunnel to Tower. This
is such a blessed organization just their finances alone. And
I know that's a weird way to talk about an
organization like this, but the nonprofit world is an ugly place.

It's not nearly as uh charitable as they would have
you believe. There's a lot of people getting very, very
rich in the nonprofit world. I want you to do
me a favor. Go look up Tunnel to Towers and
look up their charity rating. Look up their charity rating.
When you give to Tunnel to Towers, more than ninety

five cents of every dollar goes to its programs, widows, orphans.
That's unheard of. What an awesome organization. And all they
ask for, which I love, is eleven bucks a month.
You sign up to give it automatically, you never know
what's gone, and you know you're helping widows and orphans
with that. That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (37:53):

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Go to tanumber two t dot org T two t
dot org but not
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