All Episodes

December 2, 2024 37 mins

Making Thanksgiving memories. The Kings and Queens of The System don’t think they have any obligations to you. Making up controversy to protect the system. Having it out with your liberal relatives over Thanksgiving. The delivery of an argument matters. Dome will never be the presidential nominee ever again.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Monday and incredible Monday. Now, it's been a packed show.
If you missed any part of it, you gotta go
download the podcast stuff and it's free. Iheartspotify iTunes. This hour,

we're gonna talk about what Trump said about the hostages.
I'm gonna get to that in a moment, what Dome
said about Thanksgiving, what Jill Biden said about Christmas. I
have a lot of holiday talk apparently this hour, and
I will get to a bunch of emails and other
things on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Now, before
I get to Trump's actual statement, here's the lead up

to it. Contrary to what people in our government believe,
being a citizen, you have rights too, and the government
has obligations to you. You see if you were to
hook the people in government up to a lie detector test.

Because they see themselves as kings and queens, they think
the obligations only come one way. They're the rulers, they're
the feudal lords. You're the peasant. You have to pay
your taxes and do what you're told, and they'll draft
you when they put you into a war, and you
have to do this, and you have to do that,
and you have to do this, and you have to
do that. But ask them what they think their obligations are,

if you could force them to be truthful, and they
would say, well, none. But I'm a king. I don't
have any obligation to the peasants. They can die or whatever.
I don't care, but they don't. But that's not how
it works. You see, in a country like ours, in
a decent country, the government has obligations to you. And

one of those critical obligations is when you go abroad
to places that are less civilized, less safe. It doesn't matter.
In fact, it doesn't matter where it is. When you
go abroad, your government has an obligation to you. That's
part of being a citizen. That's part of the point

of being a citizen. This isn't just an American thing.
For the history of mankind. That's what nations have understood.
When you go abroad, you have the nation standing behind you,
and that means something to whoever you encounter. I've brought

up the story a ton. Yeah, thank you, Chris acts
twenty two twenty five. Look at that. Chris brought it up.
And it's even in the New Testament Acts twenty two
to twenty five when Paul Apostle Paul, everybody knows the story.
He's getting beaten because he's out there evangelizing for Jesus
and that the city officials grab him and Paul eventually
drops the bomb on him and says, hey, should you

be beating a Roman citizen? And they just drop everything.
WHOA hold up? Sorry, I didn't know. I didn't know.
Why were they so scared? Because being a Roman citizen
meant something. I'm a Roman citizen. That means no matter
where i am, whether I'm preaching about Jesus and Ephesus

or whether I'm on vacation in the Caribbean, if you
mess with me, you mess with Rome, and Rome is
going to come calling on you. That's not only a
biblical story, that's a historical story about how nations operate.
That's part of the point of citizenship. Your government has

an obligation to you when you go abroad, whether it's
a foreign government, maybe you're maybe you're in Kenya and
they throw handcuffs on you for something or even forget
about governments. If it's a foreign gang, a terrorist organization,
we'll make it about Hamas because that's what we're about

to talk about. I don't expect Hamas to turn into
a bunch of good people tomorrow. That's not what I'm saying.
But Hamas should be afraid to touch an American citizen.
On top of all the other Hamas is evil crap
they do to Israel and all these other things. Forget

all that. I'm not even talking about that right now.
I'm talking purely as an American Hamas when they were
grabbing all those hostages on October seventh, they should have.
If the United States of America was being run properly,
Hamas should have gone through. All right, line up, who's
an American citizen here? All right, let me see your passport. Okay,
you can go. Actually you're free. All you Americans go.

Not because they're great people, but because the second they
we see that American passport, it should put the fear
of God into them. Uh oh, we we got an American.
Give him back, but don't hurt him. Jeesus, give him
some water, don't hurt him. That should be what it's
like for you. And you don't get that when you

have a Democrat president because they just don't look at
the country that way. And honestly, you don't get that
when you get some Republican presidents. Trump put out this
statement today and man, it freaking blessed me, and it shouldn't,
because this is how every president should be. Democrat, Republican,
doesn't matter. Every single president president should talk like this.
This is what he said. Everybody's talking about the hostages

who are being held so violently, inhumanly and against the
will of the entire world in the Middle East. But
it's all talk and no action. Please let this truth
serve to represent that if the hostages are not released
prior to January twentieth, twenty twenty five, the day that
I proudly assume office of President of the United States,

there will be all held to pay in the Middle East,
and for those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against humanity,
those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been
hit in the long and storied history of the United
States of America. Release the hostages now, now. I don't

care if you live, work in worship in your maga pajamas,
or if you think Donald Trump is the worst thing
in the history man, really don't care, doesn't matter to me.
That's how every president should speak. When an American is
held anywhere by anybody, whether it's a nation state like Russia,

whether any nation really, whether it's a nation state holding them,
a terrorist organization holding them to hold or harm, an
American should strike fear into your heart. The most powerful
document on the planet should be an American passport. I'm

an American should stop anybody from harming a hair on
your head. And it is the failure of the US
government that it is not that way, and it sickens me,
and I applaud Trump for it. I do. All right,
let's do some emails here before we get into making
fun of Dome and Jill Jesse, the Mighty Jesse. He says,

please explain again the Pete hag Seth controversy. Well, it's
not really a controversy, you see, it's a created controversy.
Pete hag Seth has a past. He has a past,
and the evil people in the system who want to
protect the multi trillion dollar scam they have going to

fleece this country. They are concerned that pete Hegseth is
going to upset the apple cart, if you will. That
He's going to screw that up for everybody. And so
they are going to pull out all the guns and
all the stops to destroy pete Hegseth. But it's not
actually about destroying Pete Hegseth, which they don't care anything

about at all. They need to keep the scam going again.
Any nominee of Trump's who plans on reforming things is
going to face the fire of a thousand sons. But
Trump hasn't put only great nominees up. The guy he
put up to be head of his DEA is a

world class piece of trash and it's one of the
worst appointments I've ever seen in my life. And Trump
screwed that up big time. Doctor Oz, Oh my gosh,
make me freaking vomit. You've got to be kidding me
with some of these appointments. But he's done so many
good ones, and the good ones do outweigh the bad ones.
You'll be able to tell who the system actually fears,

because that's the one they'll actually smear. That rhyme. He's
catched that Corey Whird, Chris Goo he stepped out. He
missed that great rhyme. He'd be upset, but it was awesome.
But anyway, you know what, I'm gonna repeat that because
I loved it so much. You'll be able to tell
who they fear by who they smear. Pete hegg Seth
has ridiculous articles being run about him in the New

York Times, and it's weird. Even though I don't make
it a habit of looking through the New York Times,
I can't find any about doctor oz Uh. I wonder
why that is, Well, because doctor oz isn't going to
reform anything. He's not going to change anything. He's one
of these systems serving losers, bragging on television about how

many shots he got. He'll make sure everything continues the
same way it's always gone. But you notice RFK Junior
has a new reputation destroying smear every single day, as
does heg Seth. Cash Betel will have his reputation completely dismantled.
There's no controversy, only made up controversies. And they're making

up the controversy not because of the person, but because
they're afraid of what that person might do. All Right,
I'm gonna do a couple more emails. But first we're
gonna make fun of Dome and talk about communism in
history and how those two things link up. Before we
get to that, let's do this. It's Christmas Special season

at Chock. I know there are a lot of different
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about the gift of feeling better all the time? Chalk
doesn't just have male vitality stacks. Chok has endless natural
herbal supplements, the highest quality I've ever seen in my life,

and they share our values. At Chock, you realize that
they're probably more hardcore than me at Chalk, that's how
anti communists they are. They're here giving us the best
nott herbal supplements. And it's Christmas Special time. You want
a gigantic sale. You want to add a fifty dollars
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to Chuck dot com, c Hoq dot com. Promo code Jesse, Chris,
I'm sure this applies to Hanukkah as well. Chock dot
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write me emails like everyone else who goes to Chock
and says Jesse. Thanks Jesse, I should have done it earlier.

Chuck dot Com promo code, Jesse. Let's make fun of
dome and do some emails. Next. This is a Jesse
Kelly show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday.
I realize it has been a bit of a heavy Monday.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
It's as heavy as ten boxes that you might be moving.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
But it's been a great Monday, hasn't it been? Now?
We did have Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, as you know, was not traditional.
There were well, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you
there was some successes and there were some failures. You see,
my dad, as you know, wasn't there. It passed, and

so we decided we're going to try to do Thanksgiving
as easy as possible. So we ordered some things, We
made some things. I had some crab stuffed shrimp that
were pretty decent. Ah for being totally honest, Mom overcooked
them a little, but anyway, they were pretty decent, the
crab stuff shrimp. But I decided I was going to
do a beef tenderloin this year. Beef tenderloin is one

of my favorite things in the world. But I have
it about once a year because it's so expensive. A
four pound, five pound beef tenderloin to run you a
hundred bucks. It's that much money, So you're not going
to do that often, right, But it was a special occasion.
Dad wasn't there, and my dad always made the beef tenderloin,

and I just can't even believe this happened. My dad
also screwed up the beef tenderloin in one way or
another almost every year and was mad about it almost
every year. What ways did he screw it up? Oh,
there were various ways. Most of the time it wasn't
done in time, and then all the other food's done

and we're all waiting on the tenurelin and now he's
getting stressed out. And so that's how Thanksgiving usually went
in the Kelly household, with my dad screwing up the turkey.
We've made turkey before, screwing up the turkey or delaying
the turkey. It's always something like that. So this year
we got to do a beef tenderloin, and I'll handle
it right, and I'm of course not going to screw
this up. I have my meat thermometer ready. I know

exactly the temperature I'm gonna do all this and that.
So I have it in the marinade, I throw it
in the oven, start to cook its temperature and I
was cooking at the temperature and I don't want to
blame thermometer, but it was definitely not my fault. Once
it got to where I wanted it to be temperature wise,

I timed it about right. I had told everybody it
needs about another ten minutes, so everyone started getting on
all the other dishes, so everything was going to be
done in time. I had everything coordinated in time. I
had pulled the tenderloin out and they're like, yeah, it's ready. Okay.
Kids starts setting the table, and the boys is setting
the table and everything, and I start slicing the tenderloin

and I sliced the first one and it's pretty red.
It's pretty red. But I like my meat raw are
really rare, really rad I'm a very much medium, rare
emphasis on the rare type guy. My mom not so much,
not so much. And I'm thinking, okay, maybe they can
withstand this first slice. Next slice, it's it's practically purple,

it's practically jelly. I'm thinking, okay, this is not the
tenderloins are different thicknesses. Maybe the other end is better.
I slice into the other end. I go down to
the other end of it. I slice into it. Freaking
it's not purple. Doesn't even describe it. It was. It's practically jelly.
And now I'll admit I didn't tell them at the time.

I'd taken a couple of the raw slices and I
threw them back in the marinade to cover up how
red it was. But I knew there was not going
to be any covering up what we were dealing with here.
So now my blood pressure was probably about two hundred
over three hundred. Now because everyone's waiting and I know
I have to throw this thing back in the oven.
I tell everyone, I'm sorry, it's not done. I got

to take it off the cutting board. I got it
back in the pan. What Chris, what I know it's
not my oven, Chris. I got all that, But no
one wants excuses right now, Chris. Excuses are like I
can't say that on the air. You understand everyone's got
one and they I'll stink. Okay, figure it out for yourself.
No one wants excuses. The tenderloin's not done. I told

him it was gonna be done. Get the tenderloin done.
I take the tenderloin, I go to throw it back
in the oven. I slide the rack out and I'm
kind of bent over, and it's just this big tenderloin
with this big pan. And I go to put it
on the rack that I've slid out, and the rat
starts sliding back into the oven. And now I'm trying
to reach and I have these crappy oven mits because

it didn't have the mit ones and boom tenureloin freaking drops,
But it doesn't just drop on the oven on the
oven door, which is of course folded down right. It
falls off the oven door on to the floor. By
the grace of God. Honestly, God was looking out for me,
Thank you Lord. It did not fall upside down. It

was still in the pan. So the marinate and juice
was freaking everywhere. It looked like an Alfad a Hitchcock movie.
It was just blood and guts it was everywhere. But
the meat was still in the pan. Now I have
a smoking hot pan on the mamodium floors. Oh I know, Chris.
I'm picking it up off the floors, I'm chucking it
back in the oven. It was freaking absolute disaster. I

was I was upset and hmm. I said some things
I wish the boys hadn't heard in that moment. And
unlike the normal you know, when you're working on something
and you skin your knuckles or you do when you
hurt yourself working on something around the house. You know

how you normally if you're gonna say something inappropriate, which
you shouldn't do kids, but if you're gonna say something inappropriate,
once you're a parent, you learn to kind of keep
mutter it under your breath. My kids actually make fun
of me for how often I will say son of
a and I'll just kind of leave it there because
I know I'm about to say something mad, but I'll
just trail off, so I don't want them to hear

me you have a potty mouth or say anything bad.
I try not to try not to do that. I didn't.
I didn't hold back this time. And Mom was there,
and I was there, and the boys were there, and
my mom she can't stop laughing because I take over
Thanksgiving for the first Thanksgiving after Dad died, and I

did the same freaking thing he did, I screwed up
the meat and then dog custs the whole thing. The
boys have brought up the words that I said several
times since then as a way to get one over
on me. Thanksgiving was a disaster, but still at least
I didn't treat it like Dome. Did. You want to
talk about that real quick? Let's talk about that. Before
we talk about that, let's talk about talk. Pure Talk

greatest cell phone company ever because Pure Talk doesn't take
my money and use it to trash me in my country.
I hate that. I hate these companies that take our
money and they just trash us. What corporate America does
with our money is so bad for our country. Pure
Talk doesn't do what Verizon does. They don't do what

AT and T he does, what T Mobile does. Oh,
Puretalk gives back to veterans. Puretalk CEO is a veteran.
They are so patriotic. It's not just on a piece
of paper. Hey, we love America. They hire Americans. When
you talk to someone at Pure Talk, which you'll do
here in a second, they're pleasant and they speak English
because you're talking to an American right here at home,

and you'll pay way less for your cell phone, get
a new phone for Christmas for you someone you love,
new cell phone service and save money. Dial pound two
five zero and say Jesse Kelly. That'll save you even
more money pound two five zero, say Jesse Kelly. Dome next,

Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. I've had
so much fun on Tonight's Jesse Kelly Show. But that's
pretty standard around here. If you've missed any part of
the show, you can downloaded podcast at iHeart, Spotify iTunes.
You want to talk to me, you can. Your emails

go to Jewish producer Chris, but then he hands them
to me Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. I used
to be able to tell you he hands me all
of them. I can't tell you that anymore. That would
be a big fat live This is too freaking many.
Most of them he does, though, But look, if you
write an encyclopedia, it's never getting to me. If you're
whining in don't like the answer, it's never going to
get to me. I'm never going to see it. Most

of the most of the other ones, I would say,
do Chris, most of them? Would you say? Okay? Most
of them? Yet see most of them. Boom nailed it.
Now let's go make fun of a couple Democrat hags,
shall we. First? I just talked about Thanksgiving. Dome had
something to say on Thanksgiving. And before I play your comments,
which I'm not going to dwell on long, just want

to remind you of something we talked about before Communists
destroy the history of nations where they take over. When
Lenin Stalin to go over Russia, they were renaming the
streets and the public parks Stalingrad. I don't know if
you know this. It wasn't always called that. They were
always renaming things. Maw tearing through China, tearing up the

grave of Confucius, burning down the Buddhist temples. The communists
in Spain, same thing, Cambodia, same thing. Why would poll
Pot declear it year's zero when they took over. That
doesn't make sense. You ever wondered that, yes is year zero? Well,

what he was saying was there is no history here.
History starts. Now. Why do they do that? Because if
a communist can destroy your past, if he can take
your nation and make you ashamed of it and wipe
your history out, then he can write your future for you.

You become unmoored, that chain breaks and you blow whichever
way the wind blows, and he's the one who wants
to do the blowing. Which is appropriate because we're talking
about Kamala Harris right now. This is what she had
to say about Thanksgiving. Remember that talk we just had
about why they want you ashamed of your history.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
The United States has recognized the voyage of the European
explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas,
but that is not the whole story. That has never
been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave
of devastation for tribal nations, perpetrating violence, stealing land, and

spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Why does every modern democrat talk like this now because
they're all communists? Why do communists talk like this now
because your impressionable child, Aiden Jaden and Braden that you're
about to say and off the college. Their minds are
still absorbing things, they're still figuring out who they are.
And the Communists understands if they can get Aiden Jaden

and Braden to hate the United States of America, then
Aiden Jaden and Braden will fail to protect the United
States of America from Democrats. They know that now, They
have always known that. That's why they changed the name
of military bases. That's why they tear down statues of
Christopher Columbus and Robert E. Lee, who was a great man,

by the way. That's why they eliminate your history everywhere
they can find it. It has nothing to do with
racism or Indians, or slavery or These people don't give
a crap about any of that. They've never shed a
tear for any of that at all. They're trying to
destroy the country. You, the patriotic citizen, are the only
things standing in their way, and so they've always viewed

the solution as, why don't we just get fewer patriotic citizens.
It's the ultimate solution. Don't let them do it, which
brings me to this. Hey, Jesse, I had it out
with the one lefty in my family and it was bad.
It was my mom. Unfortunately, I'm heavy handed and it

came out really bad. But I had to let it
all out on the table. I could not let it
go anymore. Trying to rationalize for naive thinking. He's talking
about Thanksgiving the subject is trouble with Thanksgiving dinner, even
though she voted against Trump just because he's mean. Her
morals are hippie, dippy, live and let live style, but
way more liberal than all my family and my in

laws and even my Republican dad. I blasted her and
said she was at fault for Lake and Riley's brutal death.
I couldn't let it go and I can't get through
to her. Do you think I'm a bad guy for
calling her out in front of my wife and kids
and making her cry ps My adult children said I
was making solid points and it was more my delivery

that got to her. I tend to think it struck
a nerve and she realized she was wrong. I am
doubtful she will ever change. His name is Andre. But listen,
changing the social shame system of a nation. We've talked

about this before. It is difficult. Changing a culture is difficult.
Shifting the Overton window back your direction is difficult because
what happens is they will change culture, they'll shift things,
and then they'll put up fences so things can't change back, right,

that's the whole purpose of it. So if you're going
to change culture back to the way you want it
to be or the way it is. It involves breaking things.
You have to break down those fences in order to
shift things back. What I have given it to my mother,
both barrels in front of everybody at Thanksgiving. Well I
wasn't there. If she earned it, I would have. If

she was raising their voice, if she was changing the subject,
calling people names things like that, then yeah, no, we're
gonna have it out. It is your mom. If she
wasn't doing that, maybe you could have pulled her aside.
But I'll say, in your defense, Andre, I have this
exact same problem. Some people would call it a benefit.

Some people would call it a problem. Some people would
probably accurately say it's a mixture of both. I lack
a Chris would call it rude, but I don't. I
wouldn't call it rude. I would say I lack tact.
Sometimes it's not the same thing, Chris, it's not at

all the same thing. I know what I want to say,
and so I just come right out and say it
without without sauging it in the way I probably should.
And the thing is, this is not just something I
do on the radio. This is how I am in
my personal life in my business life. This is why

Chris has to edit half the business emails I send
before I send them back. He does that, Let me
edit that, please. This is why ab Bob will ask me,
especially if I'm mad, if I'm mad about anything business wise,
personal wise, and she sees me in the kitchen, I'll
be standing because I pace when I'm upset. I'm sitting
there hamming on my phone, and she can tell I'm
writing a text message. She will say, hey, baby, let

me look at that before you send that. Please. She
does it. It's funny, it's hilarious. She does the exact
same thing Chris does. So I'm not judging you for
being a maybe a bit too forward with mom. But
Mom is also in a cult. And the American Democrat,
the American Democrat gets by voting the way he does

because he never confronts the reality of what he's done
to this country. He never confronts the fact that he
opened the border. He's the one who did all this damage.
If you vote a Democrat, you did this. If you
vote a Democrat, look, if you voted for Joe Biden

in twenty twenty, you are responsible for Lake and Riley's murder.
In a way, you are. You're responsible for the things
these evil people have done for the last four years.
You did this. You shouldn't say that though, to be mean.
It's all about the heart behind it. You say that
with the intention of waking somebody up from their slumber,

of getting the cult member to wake up to what
is happening. As long as your heart is right, you
are right now. If you love her, and I'm sure
you probably do because you're still doing Thanksgiving with her,
Maybe give your mom a call. Anyway, let's do some emails.
We have to finish makeing fun of Dome because there's
a little Jesse is Right segment we've prepared. You know,

that's my favorite thing, what Chris, At least I didn't
lead the show off with it and play it like
twenty times. Okay, so you came and whine about this
one before we get to that. Maybe you know what.
Here's what you do with your mom. Do you want
to make it up to her? Get mom a three
week supply of relief Factor? Because Mom, she has pain

in her life, doesn't she, And it's not just her
insane beliefs. As you get older, you're gonna develop pain.
The body doesn't work as well. Your hands hurt, your joints,
hurt my shoulder, ont my back. Well. People either ignore
those things or they take things to masket, and you
shouldn't do that. Relief Factors drug free. It's a supplement.

You take it every day, and what it does is
it supports your body's natural response to inflammation. You know,
they sell three week quick start kits nineteen dollars and
ninety five sense. If it doesn't work, if that pain
in your life doesn't fade, just don't order anymore. There's
a reason almost everyone orders more. Call one eight hundred

the number four relief or go to Relief factor dot com.
Save your mother, We'll be back. Truth attitude. Jesse Kelly.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The
Jesse Kelly Show on a wonderful Monday. Cannot wait to

come back and do it again to moment because there's
a bunch of stuff I didn't even get to today.
But I cannot finish the show without doing something that
is all important. We feel a moral obligation to do
this every single time it happens on the show. We
always have, we always will we feel like there is

a moral obligation to brag when I am right about something,
and when I called something ahead of time. Maybe you
remember last week, believe it was Friday when I said this,
and I know the pool numbers right now, Say that
Kamala Harris. Crap, it was Wednesday, Chris, shut up. Whatever
it was the last day I worked. I said this,
and I know the pool numbers right now, say that

Kamala Harris is the leader, that she's currently for twenty
twenty eight, the presumptive nominee. She got like forty one
percent that I think the next closest person was like
eleven or twelve. Like she was way way way ahead. However,
remember this, it's the Democrat Party. The people are not
going to be making that decision. The donors will be

making that decision. And if you're a big time Democrat donor,
what if you what if you raised fifty million dollars
for Kamala Harris and then watched her get wiped out nationwide,
the donors might very well say no, no, no, no, no,
no no, that's never happening again. Choose someone else, or

you're not getting any of my money. I think they're
savag tajing Kamala Harris's career. That's what I think. There's
no there's no possible way you would choose that video
and that thirty seconds and publicize it on purpose. Nope,
Kamala Harris failed one. Kamala Harris has failed one point
five billion dollar campaign. Quote disqualifies her forever from running

for president. A Democrat mega donor, cries Democrat mega donor
John Morgan told News Nations Chris Cuomo on Monday, quote,
I think this disqualifies her forever. Oh this lady, Lindy Lee,

she served on Dome's National Finance Committee.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
I'm just frankly stunned that there was no sort of
post mortem or an analysis of how we can do better,
what sort of lessons were learned. It was really just
patting each other on the back, congratulating each other on
I'm not sure what, and saying we'll see you for Christmas.

Speaker 1 (33:03):

Speaker 4 (33:04):
Yeah. A lot of donors are not happy. A number
of them are blaming of people on Bomber World. That's
who they helicoptered in. After Biden stepped down, a lot
of consultants in Obamba World came over and took over
the campaign apparatus, the same people who are whispering and
leaking to the press that hair should be replaced at
the top of the ticket when Biden was running. So

you can imagine just the hypocrisy underlying a lot of it.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Ah doesn't set what Chris, what do you need me?
I can play it again, and I know the poll
numbers right now. Say that Kamala Harris achter Vader, that
she's currently for twenty twenty eight, the presumptive nominee. She
got like forty one percent that I think the next
closest person was like eleven or twelve, Like she was way, way,
way ahead. However, remember this, it's the Democrat Party. The

people are not going to be making that decision. The
donors will be making that decision. And if you're a
big time Democrat donor, you what if you raised fifty
million dollars for Kamala Harris and then watched her get
wiped out nationwide? The donors might very well say no, no, no, no, no,

no no, that's never happening again. Choose someone else, or
you're not getting any of my money. Good to be
an oracle sometimes tell you that much Chris Good to
be an oracle. Oh and then Jill Biden. I didn't
play this. They rolled out a Christmas tree because tis
the season, and well, I guess I'll let Jill introduce

the Christmas tree that was chopped down and delivered to
the White House.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
And their farm is nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains
of North Carolina, a region that was recently devastated by
Hurricane Helene. The Cartner family lost thousands of trees in
the storm, but this one main standing and they named
it Tremendous for the extraordinary hope that it represents. It's

an honor to be here today with Congresswoman Virginia Fox
as well as members of the North Carolina National Guard.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
After the flood, there was one tree left standing and
the Bidens chopped it down and brought it to the
White House. Some of the most tone deaf people in
the world. We're taking your last tree. Chop it down. Gosh,
I love these people. And now here's a headline, go

you know, you know the thing headlines We didn't get
to you. SJSU, that's San Jose State University. SJSU volleyball
coach blames teams that forfeitted matches for Kate received over
a trans player. They got some tranny on SJSU, and

women are finally boycotting events where they have to play
against men. And I just want to once again applaud
the women who are finally stepping up and doing what
women should have been doing the second this stuff came down,
saying no, we are not going to play very clearly,
that's the only way you're going to get these dudes
out of women's sports. Well done. Ontario town is fined

for refusing to celebrate Pride Month. Gosh, if Canada could
get any gay or mma trained pastor takes down ax
wielding burglar who broke into his church on Thanksgiving. Gosh,
I would kill to have a pastor who could just
beat the crap out of everyone. That would be sick.
Study democrat run Denver splashes three hundred and fifty million

dollars on migrants. Well they're not migrants, but will set
that aside. Just remember when your commy relative in Denver
calls up to complain about the fact they've destroyed one
of my favorite cities. Gosh, it's if you're too young.
I can't describe to you how amazing. Denver has been
for basically the entirety of my life, and they've just

trashed it. It's just trash now, a crime everywhere. I
love that city so much. Anyway, when you're a Democrat
and from Denver calls to complain, what are you going
to tell her you voted for this hope, This is
from not the bee. Bible sales increased twenty two percent
in America this year, fueled largely by new buyers. Maybe,

just maybe we're going to turn this thing around. I
will see you tomorrow, that's all.
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