Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Final hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
a Thursday. All right, so we're gonna do some emails
this Thursday. We're also gonna talk about a little infighting
with the Dems, which is glorious. In fact, we'll open
up talking about that. We'll dig into some climate change
propaganda briefly. Then we're gonna check out it here until tomorrow,
where we'll do ask doctor Jesse Friday. Now, we are
enjoying this the post election glow, if you will. We're
enjoying it. I'm enjoying it. You're enjoying it, and we
are enjoying watching Democrats tear at each other. We should
not make the mistake of convincing ourselves this is going
to last forever. I do think they have some real
structural problems on the left that are going to be
very difficult to overcome. When I say structural problems, we're
not We're not talking about a little issue here or
a little issue there, Hey, should we moderate a little
bit on the board or something like that. I'm not
discussing that. Those are talks that they can have and
they will have. You've already seen democrats like James Carvill
come out and say, hey, we got to tone down
the woke insanity stuff. We gotta this defund the police.
Stuff has to stop. So you've already seen those conversations.
Those conversations they will have, but there are some religious
things about them that I don't know that they will
be able to change. Remember, communism is a religion, you know.
That's where I really don't like to use the word woke.
I know I have used it before, and I know
it's a very common word, but in my opinion, it's
a really really it's way too nice sounding for what
these people are. It kind of makes them sound like
just kind of weird nutballs. It's a really evil religion
they are part of and parts of their religion when
it becomes a religion, I don't know that you can
change that. Here's here's a good example. Here's a good example.
The church. Let's use the Christian Church. Over the years,
over the two thousand year history of the Christian Church. Sorry,
christ You're gonna have to sit this one out. Over
the two thousand year history of the Christian Church, there
have been a million different arguments and remain a million
different arguments about this or that or a priests or
pastors and the Protestants of fighting the Catholics, and what
does this mean about the rapture? And how do you
interpret this? These They are all very very very very
normal things, and you can have an argument with people
about those things, and you can even come around to
someone's view on the argument of the things. Okay, I
guess we can interpret that differently. But for the Christian Church,
you try to argue with the Christian that Jesus was
not the son of God. Well, no, we don't have
to have that argument anymore. That's the bedrock of my
belief system. So no, now stay with me. Let's take
that over to the Democrat Party, the super super hardcres
which have really taken over that party. They have religious
beliefs ingrained into them that are just like that belief
in Jesus I just talked about as far as what
it means for them, and one of the main ones.
In fact, so much of their evil communist religion revolves
around this is this mentality of oppressors and oppressed people
are divided into two categories. They are either friends or enemies.
They are either oppressors or oppressed. And of course you
know how this manifests itself in cultural Marxism, where if
you're an American Christian, white male, it doesn't matter much
how much time you spend doing this or money you
give doing that. You are, by your very identity you
are an oppressed, an oppressor. I'm sorry, you're an oppressor.
You oppress other people. And if you are something else,
so I don't know, it's a black lesbian training Eskimo
or something. If you are that, then no matter what,
you are oppressed. It's a bedrock religion. It's part of
their religion. And I'm not sure how you you get
that out of them, but they are going to be
ripping at each other as a party. This is from
Red State in fighting escalates and rumors swirl at Kamala
HQ as the bills come do. The Harris campaign is
twenty million dollars in debt, and I only wanted to
bring this up, not to rub their noses in it,
although I'm totally fine with that too, that's fun. I
wanted to bring this up because could you imagine if
that woman had won the presidency? Think about her campaign
and the reason they're twenty million dollars in debt. Is
every part of it was fake. Remember remember they would
shut down diners. We started to get word in Pittsburgh.
They shut down a diner and they sent all the
customers home, and they brought in essentially a bunch of actors,
a bunch of actresses. Oh, Dom, you're my favorite, Will
you be my president? You know that they were faking rallies.
Remember when they faked the picture. It was a small thing.
We talked about it one night on the radio. It
sounds small, but it tells you how what a complete
facade the entire campaign was. They had a picture they
put it up online of Dome getting off of Air
Force two getting off this jet, and there was a
picture taken. You could see you were behind the crowd,
looking over the crowd and you're looking at the jet.
You're looking at Dome getting off the jet. Well, the
Internet being what it is, people started digging into the
picture and you see the jet itself had a reflection
on it, and they photo shopped in the crowd. The
crowd wasn't actually there. There's no one there. Dome was there.
They photo shopped in the crowd. They forgot to photo
shop the crowd into the reflection off the jet, and
the Internet found out the entire campaign was a facade.
Every time you turn around it maybe Beyonce or someone
like that is showing up at a at a rally. Oprah.
We know now they were all paid. They were just
shelling out millions of dollars here and there somebody that
broken and lost. Imagine what her presidency would have meant
for this country. You want to tell you it's more
than just Donald Trump who dodged a bullet. We all
dodged a freaking bullet. I'll tell you that. And again
back to the whether they can change. Remember I told
you about that Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulten. Seth Moulton's a Democrat.
He's a Democrat rep in Massachusetts. He said, Hey, he
doesn't want his daughters getting run over by a dude
in sports. That's all he said, which is the most basic,
sane thing in the world. It's not even it shouldn't
even be kind of a Democrat or Republican position. That's
just kind of a normal human being position. I really
like it if a dude didn't beat up daughter. He
takes this very basic position. Read listen to this. Massachusetts
democrat threatens to oust Seth Moulton over trans athlete remark.
There are Democrats who know they have to have these reforms.
They have to dial back the crazy. They took it
too far. They turned off the blue collar people. It's
become the party of ivy tower elites, elites and a
bunch of pink haired freaks, and nobody else in between
is allowed. That's what they've become. And the smart ones understand, hey, guys,
we can't. We can't embrace things like the Tranning nonsense.
Remember I told you that they did that study. One
of the most effective ads the Trump campaign ran was
about training stuff. It was playing Dome's words about providing
sex change operations to dudes in prison. And I saw
it here in Texas and I thought, wow, that's kind
of bold. I can't believe they running with the cultural issue.
They ran that ad. It was over one hundred million
dollars they put into that ad because it was so effective.
People saw that and thought, oh gosh, gross. Democrats know
that's a loser of an issue, and yet it's part
of their religion. It's part of their religion. I don't
know if they can change it. Dear Jesse, first thing
that went through my mind when Trump won was how
instrumental you were in all this. You were relentless and
letting us know we should get involved. Thanks for that,
so on and so forth. I didn't get you did it.
I appreciate that you put in the work. You put
in the work, Oracle. I don't know how you get
anything done with your huge hands. Seems a bit unwieldy
and impractical. I like this woman. Do you think Dome
is secretly relieved that she lost less pressure, less hate
less imposter syndrome. She doesn't have the next four years
committed to absolute misery, you thoughts? Her name is Autumn. Well, Autumn.
It's very interesting because I was actually thinking about this
last night. I was walking around the house. Everyone had
gone to bed, and I was kind of had this
restless I was just restless. So I was pacing around
the kitchen and I thought to myself, I wonder if
Dome is in the kitchen right now, snacking out and
happy as a clam, or maybe she's on her third
bottle and just miserable. Let's talk about that. Before we
talk about that, let's talk about real estate. Done for
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more Done for You Jesse dot com. How's Dome handling
all this? Next? Jesse Kelly returns Next. It is the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday, getting ready to psychologize
Dome after a loss. Before we do that, I want
to remind you you need to email your ask doctor.
Jesse questions in to Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
All right, so somebody asked, do I think Dome is relieved?
She lost, Yes and no. Here's here's what I believe,
and I'm gonna lay this out for you, and it's
a complete theory. I tell you when I know things,
and I tell you when it's a theory. So this
is a theory from what I have observed and from
studying people for my forty three years on this planet.
This is what I think. This is what I assume
about Dome. I bet you, I bet you her relationship
with her parents is not that great. And when I
say not that great, this is what I mean. Parental relationships,
even when you have both your parents, they can get
unhealthy sometimes. Have you ever known someone or maybe this
is you, maybe this was your upbringing. We'll make it
about your father, because this is it's usually dads that
do this. But have you ever had an upbringing where
or known of an upbringing where the dad really only
seemed to show love and only seemed to care when
they're was some sort of a tangible accomplishment? You know,
you had to score touchdown in football in order to
get a hug and an added boy from your dad.
You had to get straight a's in order to get
a hug and an adda boy from your dad. Your
dad only started caring about your career when you started
making at least fifty thousand dollars a year in salary.
You at least know of those kinds of relationships. I've
known people like that in my life, and what oftentimes
happens to the kid is as they grow older, they
become some of the most ruthlessly ambitious people, people willing
to screw over everyone around them because achievement in something
is how they That's how they got love in their life.
That's how they That's how they always related. I will
get love, I will get adoration as long as I
get the next job, the next promotion, the next touchdown.
So as they grow up, that kind of unease stays
with them. Where they don't they don't feel like they're loved,
They don't feel worth it unless they're climbing that ladder.
You have to climb the ladder at all times, otherwise
you're worth it. I bet you money. Kamala Harris grew
up in that kind of home. I bet you did,
because it explains so much else. It explains why she
would begin a career. We look, we've made a bunch
of jokes about dome on the show. Her nickname itself
as a joke about how she began her career with
a relationship with Willie Brown, but jokes aside, why would
you do that? But what would bring a woman to
do that? And it was public, It's not like it was.
People do things in private all the time that are bad. Right,
you've done it, I've done it. People do things privately
that are bad. I'm gonna sneak it, sneak a drink here,
I'm gonna people do things. But when you broadcast it publicly,
she went public with it, pictures and things like that,
look me, I'm his arm, candy. Why would you do that?
How could you do that and be okay with that? Well,
that was how you climb the ladder. And it was
always ladder climbing. It was ag it was senate, it
was vice president, it was this, it was that. I
bet you money. Now that the presidential campaign is over,
I bet you she is equal parts the happiest she
has been in her entire life and also completely lost
because she has to know now she's a moron. So
maybe she doesn't, but I would assume she has to
know she's not going to be able to run again.
If she does run again in a Democrat primary, she's
not going to have any success. And I don't know
if she has anyone around her who will tell her that.
But if she can read, she can read poll numbers,
she would know that this was for the person, for
the person who believes she has to climb the ladder
for love. This was her one and only shot at
the presidency. It was the only chance she was ever
gonna be the nominee. Because even Democrats don't like her.
They handed her the nomination and handed her a billion
dollars and she lost. There will never be a part two.
They will never get people, these billionaire commie donors to
invest massively in her to make a presidential run. She
may go back and try to run for governor of
California or something like that. She probably will, But the
mountaintop for a politician is not governor of California. As
great and huge and big and powerful as the governor
of California is, the mountaintop for a politician is president.
The second you start running for office, your mom's gonna call,
and she's not gonna say, maybe you can be governor
one day, she's gonna say, I bet you can be president.
One day, my mom said it to me, Hey, when
I was running for Congress, that's what that's the mountaintop.
And now the mountaintop for her is no longer an option.
So how would you feel if you tried to climb
Mount Everest and it was miserable the whole time, and
you hated it, and you were cold, and you were tired,
and it was hard and you got hurt and it
was awful, and all you wanted to do was get
to the top of Mount Everest. And you got close,
and then you had to turn around. And after you
turned around, you looked back at the top of Mount Everest,
and you knew this was your one and only shot.
You'll never make it to the top. You are equal
parts relieved that the pain and the misery and the
cold and the suffering is over. At the same time,
you'll probably carry that bitter disappointment with you the rest
of your life. And if I had to guess that
was just that was an entire segum of me amateur
psychologizing dome. If I had to guess, I bet you
that's exactly what's going on with her. All right, let's
talk about the media. Things aren't going very well over there.
Let's talk about pure Talk first. You know, one of
the reasons things aren't going very well with the media
is because people are putting their money where their morals are,
with their watch habits, with their dollars, with where they
spend dollars on advertisers. Part of the reason there's all
these layoffs they're selling MSNBC this newspaper, that newspaper is
people are done supporting companies who hate them. That's what
switching to pere talk is about. It's about stopping supporting
these companies who hate you at and TT Mobile, Verizon,
and it's about putting your money where your morals are
with a company that likes you in your morals. Switch
to pure Talk. They care about veterans. Their CEO is
a veteran. They hire Americans. And you don't have to
sacrifice a thing, same five gen network. You keep your phone,
You save a fortune. My bill got cut in half.
Dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly, that'll
save you an extra fifty percent off your first month
pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly, we'll be back.
What Chris, we can make jokes. It's fine, you get
that right. The Jesse Kelly Show. It is The Jesse
Kelly Show on a Thursday. Remember, if you missed any
polish the part of the show, you can download the
whole thing on iHeart, on Spotify, on iTunes and do
just sit back and enjoy all the most despicable people
on the planet freaking out about all these Donald Trump
a point, where are the implications of having Matt Gates
as Attorney General.
Speaker 2 (19:57):
There's so many things that kind of jump out to you,
and you hear that the prospect of that nomination. But
I think the first thing that really impresses me is
what it says about Donald Trump's intention for the Justice
Department and the FBI. Now, Matt Gates is obviously wholly
unqualified for this job. He's someone who, I mean, quite frankly,
couldn't get hired by the FBI if he's had he
ever been interested in that, which I'm sure he never was,
probably couldn't qualify for a clearance.
Speaker 1 (20:27):
Oh, it's glorious. Legacy media newspaper replaces editorial board over
voter disconnect. That would be the Los Angeles Times, one
of the biggest newspapers in the country. Remember, remember right
before the election when the Washington Post, the most disgusting,
crazy commie rag in the country, when they came out
and said, hey, we're not endorsing anyone for president. They
never do that. They endorsed the Democrat every time. And
just in the past forty eight hours or so, we've
gotten word that MSNBC is for sale, that CNN is
looking to fire a bunch of top top talent. We
found out the view those commie hags we played from
time to time. They are looking for more quote pro
Trump voices the la times, they're firing their editorial board,
trying to figure out who's who and what's what. This
goes back to what we've been discussing all week long.
The system it is feeling our rejection, and it is
a good thing. They are petrified. They feel rejected outright
by the people themselves. And now what they're doing, don't
kid yourself. They're not regrouping to try to change their ways.
They're not moderating, they're not getting more down the middle.
What they're doing is rebranding. Rebranding. They will come back.
They will be just as evil. Their plans will be
exactly the same as they were before. But here's what happened.
The system. The system told you for ten years that
Donald Trump was Adolf Hitler in the Antichrist. You heard
it over and over and over and over and over again.
Threat to democracy, Donald Trump, Hitler, Donald Trump, Nazi, Donald Trump,
over and over and over again. And then Donald Trump
just slaughters We just slaughtered everybody on election day in
every single county. Well, that says a lot of things,
but one of the main things it says, and there've
been a bunch of media people who have echoed this,
one of the main things it says is the media
has lost its power. Because what does it mean if
you can point to the public. Every Democrat and every
media member points to the public and says he's Hitlary's
Hitlary's Hitlary's Hitler, and then the voter goes out and says, Oh,
I'm voting for that guy. What it means is they
don't care what you say. They've tuned you out. And
there's nothing worse, nothing worse if you're in the media business,
if you're whatever, you do what I do. I'm in radio,
and yeah I'm in TV too, I have a TV show,
But radio, TV Hollywood. It doesn't matter. You can be wrong,
you can be controversial, you can be a lot of things.
But what you cannot be is somebody no one wants
to listen to anymore. If people change the channel, if
they turn it off, that's death for you. It's not
the hate, not the hate. People get hate all the time.
And the better your show is, the more popular in
your show is, the more hatred you'll get. A lot
of American communists, like the ones who complained about this
show all the time. They're always calling corporate and emailing
corporate and fireman and needs on racis and all these
other stupid things. Well do you know that Corporate laugh
said these like we all get together and we laugh,
we laugh at you. If you're one of the communists
who does that? You actually your voice voicemail you left
for corporate. It's been played in a room full of people,
and we mocked your stupid voice, and we laughed at
your stupidity. Did you know that? Why? Well, the more
complaints I get, the more they know the show is
getting bigger. It's a way you can track the show.
They're not mad, they're happy. They'd be worried if I
didn't have any. If it didn't have any, they'd start
to get concerned. Oh my gosh, did people start to
turn it off. But the American communist he got so
used to over the years, he got so used to
being offended and having that be currency, or pretending at
least to be offended and having that be currency, that
he the street animals too. It's not just the elites
and the media, the street animals. They are having a
hard time adjusting to this new society where people are
tuning it out and turning it off and they don't care.
It's wonderful. I love it, Pink Flower. I'm happy to
say two anti communists. We're up for school board in
my South Carolina town and one it was close, but
we are winning local that gosh. I love you guys.
That is how we take the country back. Jesse. I
delivered for DoorDash and Amazon, and I spend hours driving
around in my car every single day. I stumbled upon
your voice talking on the radio one night two years ago,
and I was actually pleasantly surprised as to what you
were saying. Somebody finally speaking the truth, somebody finally standing
up for what I believe in and openly talking about
it on public radio. I've been a loyal listener ever since,
and I want to look forward to the four o'clock
hour during the week when you come on Freedom ninety
three seven in Denver. That's a great station. I just
want to say thank you for all your hard work,
all you do. I do believe we won this election
because of all the people out there putting in God's work,
and it is paid off. This election belongs to you. Remember,
it belongs to every single person who got off the
couch and did something. It does not belong to me.
I didn't win the election. I didn't change the country.
You did if you did anything, Ah Jesse, I couldn't do, Macha.
All I could do was I took my neighbor and
he wasn't going to vote. But I took my neighbor.
And that's everything. Expand that out. Think about how close
presidential elections are, even this one, which was kind of
a beating. If you look at the numbers, it's not
that many numbers, it's not that many people who decide
presidential elections. If everybody just brought one person, Democrats never
win another election ever. And we're starting to see that
I love it King of the Sarpatch Kids. I drove
my friend to register and vote for her first time.
She's seventy five years old, extremely proud of herself as
am I. Small wins are big wins. Her name is
Rachel and her friend's name is Gloria. That's exactly what
I'm talking about, to your great Oracle. We have been
longtime listeners to your show. Tonight we decided to tune
into the Tube to watch your show for the first time.
My husband and I have seen your handsome face before,
but all three of our daughters were surprised at how
hairless you are. That's not very nice. It must be
the buzz cut. Say hi to Chris. Her name is Rachel.
You know, losing your hair it's only for the bravest, Really, what, Chris?
Stay with me here? You ever heard that saying God
doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Right The reason
Chris see Jewish producer, Chris. He has this huge, really
gross mop of hair. It's disgusting. It almost looks like
some good set up. Chris, I'm between barbers, he says.
You know what, Chris, bring me some scissors. I'll get
you tightened. Right up. Happy to Chris. I'm happy to help.
Why won't you let me help help? Anyway? Chris has
this really unsightly head of hair. It's all over the place.
And you know why Chris has that, whereas me. If
you're watching on a simulkash, you see these. This is
called a widow's peak right here, this hair that's way
back here, like on ear level. It used to be
way up here. It's almost like I had a whole
head of hair. So it's retreating, right And so maybe
you're sitting there thinking, Wow, that's too bad. He's going bald.
God knows I'm strong enough to handle it. He knows
Chris is too weak. That's why he still has his hair.
Just something to keep in mind. We have one more segment.
We'll make fun of some greenie losers, and then we'll
read some emails and then we'll check out it here
until I ask doctor Jesse Friday, let's save a little
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Jesse sponsor by Preborn. We'll be back Truthde Jesse Kelly.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, Final segment of the
Jesse Kelly Show. And we have asked doctor Jesse Friday
coming tomorrow and I'm really excited about it. To get
your questions emailed in now to Jesse at Jesse kellyshell
dot com. We're gonna do some emails. And also one
last word on the hair thing. Do you want to
have tea levels so high that your hair falls out
and you're fine with it. You need to get a
male vitality stack for Pete's sake. Gentlemen, you don't need
to feel down all the time. I'm depressed. I know
your te levels are low. You don't need to be
low energy. You losing focus. You need to get a
hold of Chuck and ladies you two. Christmas season is
here and the Kelly Household it's been here for two weeks,
but we're not gonna go into that right now. Christmas
Season is here, and Chuck has a Black Friday Special
the entire month of November. So go get us subscription
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dot Com promo code Jesse Jesse. Every weekend, I opened
my social media and there's multiple clips of Jdvance clubbing
the communist apparatics on TV. You would think they would
learn and they would stop interviewing him. Okay, so Jdvance,
I remember when Trump was thinking about vps, various vps,
and they were talking about this person or that person,
and I said, I don't want it to be JD.
Vance because he's my favorite. He's my favorite, and I
like him so much. I wanted him to stay as
an ally in the Senate. Now I don't know that
I was necessarily wrong about that, but Jdvance was awesome
on the campaign, and it turned out, of all four candidates, Trump,
Dome Walls, and Vance. Vance is the only candidate. Did
you know this who finished the presidential race with the
net positive favorability? JD. Vance. The public got to know
him and the public fell in love with him, so
we can assume that he helped Donald Trump, which is
everything you want out of your VP. Mostly it's due
no harm, but you want a little boost from them
in some way. Back to what I had said before,
I am still very concerned over that Senate seat in
Ohio because we don't have many good senators. That's the problem.
We just don't have very many. The Senate is just
packed full of GOP losers. Here's exhibit A John Corny
on the issue of vetting. Though, how critical is it
to have access to what the House Ethics Committee has
found in their investigation? I think there should not be
any limitation on the Senate Judiciary Committee instigation, including whatever
the House Ethics Committee is generated. Absolutely. Yeah, well, I mean,
we definitely just see it. I want to make sure
that we're that we're doing everything. Are their ethics problems?
I don't know. I'm very concerned. We're in the Senate.
We need to do things the right way. We didn't.
We don't have many JD Vance's there.
Speaker 2 (33:19):
Speaker 1 (33:19):
I realize what everyone is saying right now and what
everyone is thinking. They're thinking, Wow, we'll get four years
of Trump and then JD. Vance will take over for
eight years. Okay, listen, I'm I like JD. As I
just said. I liked him so much I didn't want
him to get picked. That's how much I like JD.
And I know people who know him personally. I do
not know him personally, but I know people who do,
and they tell me he is as genuine as you
could possibly imagine, a real solid person. We did good there,
But be careful in politics. Assume uming that the uh,
the shine lasts forever, because it never does. Ever. The
shine doesn't laugh. That's right, Chris. I call it the
Chris Christie rule. Everyone laughs about Chris Christie now because
he's worthless in a punchline. Chris Christie's a joke now,
doesn't matter what circles you ask, Chris Christie's laughed at
and sneered at. So you have to have been in
politics for a while to remember what I'm about to say.
But what I'm about to say is one hundred percent true.
There was a time in Republican circles where Chris Christie
was the biggest star we had by mile, Chris Christie
being openly drafted for president from virtually every circle in
the Republican Party. If you're too new to politics, you'll
be laughing at the radio right now, Dasy, Yeah right,
that's so st supid. Oh I was there. I remember
Chris Christie's first term as governor of New Jersey and
how everybody was falling all over themselves to make him
the next presidential nominee and whisk him right into the
White House. But time in politics has a way of
getting that shine off. It's not that I want bad
things to happen to JD, and it's not that I'm
predicting they will happen to JD. But four years is
a long time from now and that primary once Trump
is done. You know Vivek's gonna be there. You think
he's doing all this for funzies. JD will be there.
You know, somebody like DeSantis will probably run again. I
could see Ted Cruz running again. Who else am I
not thinking of? Fellas? There's someone else who's definitely gonna
be ambitious enough to run again. There are gonna be people,
and there are gonna be people I can't think of
right now who are going to decide to throw their
hat in and run again. It's just kind of how
it goes. And now here's a headline by go you know,
you know the thing headlines we didn't get to. Climate
change is American's biggest concern for their children, not the economy,
a new survey reveals. And I want to make sure
I give credit to Joy pull him for the reporting
on this. If you look into the article, you know
who you know who commissioned this survey. Electric vehicle maker Rivion,
Electric vehicle maker Rivion, who had a terrible quarter because
people aren't buying electric vehicles. Remember, all you communist street
animals who believe in man made climate change, you're just
getting suckered for money. They're just using you. It's all
about money. Report. Iran postpones third attack on Israel in
hope of a deal with Trump. Trump is bringing a
world peace before he ever hits office. It's basic Trump
administration to create a massive to create massive deportation prisons
in DEM's own backyards. Gosh, they're talking about likely centers
being Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, and so on. Oh
my gosh, this is going to be so wildly entertaining
watching the left freak out about this. I could already
picture Chris write this down. You already know the photo
ops and the detention centers are coming. This is like
a Shawitz, just like they did last time. Remember they
compared them to concentration camps. Bunch of freaks. Cruise company
offered TDS sufferers a four year trip to avoid Trump's
second term. Four years on a cruise. It says you
could visit one hundred and forty countries. You know, I think,
I think what, Chris, I think that would be fun.
You would have you would need a lot of money,
that's for sure, and I would be concerned about the
food options more than anything else. I realized cruises have
a lot of food options, but I just don't think.
I don't think there's four years of food options. You
get bored with the food options in your area at
any given moment. Whatever, Bring on a hot plate and
some Kraft back Anyway, tomorrow is asked doctor Jesse Friday.
And that's going to be a real good time and
I will see you then. That's all