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May 31, 2023 38 mins

Blue Jay's baseball player Anthony Bass spoke out against the national religion, therefore, he had to 're-educate' himself on the matter. The government wants to hurt you, that's why they are trying to make you an enemy of the State. Uganda's new law against America's National religion. Turning Ohio red. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final hour of the
Jesse Kelly Show. We are going to get into this
making you an enemy of the State thing here in
just a minute, but I want to finish up one
last thought on this corporate world being run by these
financial giants and how this is forcing so much of

this corporate communism you see out there. But there's also
something else. There's another thing driving it. A lack of
something I should say, a lack of courage, A lack
of men and women willing to stand up and be

shouted at shame takes. There's a severe lack of that
in this country. And unless the people on our side,
or who think like us, unless they become courageous enough
to fight back, we won't win. We are lacking courage.

So to prove this point, you know about that Despicable
drag group that I've brought up before that the LA
Dodgers are honoring. And when I say despicable, can't. I
wouldn't play these videos of this group. I wouldn't play
it for my kids. It's some of the most horrific
stuff you've ever seen in your life. Making fun of Catholics,

making fun of Jesus, making fun of nuns. Just it's
really really in your face, really demonic, really gross. And
the Dodgers put out some thing inviting this group, in
honoring this group, and so a picture for the Toronto
Blue Jays. Anthony Bass puts up a post on social
media essentially saying he doesn't like it. I don't mike it. Okay, good,

good for Anthony Bass. Right well, until today when he
was interviewed and said.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
This, I recognized yesterday I made a post that was
hurtful to the pride and community, which includes friends of
mine and close family members of mine, and I am
truly sorry for that. I just spoke with my teammates
took and share with in my actions yesterday, I apologize
with them, and as of right now, I'm using the

Blue Jays resources to better educate myself. Let's make better
decisions moving forward. The ballpark is for everybody. We include
all fans at the ballpark and we want to welcome everybody.
That's all I have to say. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Hey, he's being re educated by the Blue Jays. Of course,
you heard all you hear about this all the time.
I'm being educated. I'm going to go get some education.
I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot, just like
the communist struggle sessions you and I talk so much about.
In places like China and Cambodia and other communist places.

You step out of line even a little bit, you
must step up in front of the public and apologize
and receive your public humiliation. Why do this, Anthony Bass,
you were right. Why do this? Because you don't have
the guts, That's why. Same reason. Yeah, good point, Chris.

Remember Drew Brees. Back when Saint George Floyd died, Drew
Brees didn't even say anything remotely controversial. Everyone was dumping
all over the flag and kneeling for the flag, and
Drew Brees, NFL quarterback just came out and said, hey,
I love the flag. Both of my grandpas fought in
World War II, so the flag's important to me. And
that's really all we said. You didn't come out and

say I'm a Republican or something like that. Not fifteen
minutes later, Drew Brees is putting groveling video after groveling
video online apologizing for standing up for his flag and
his grandfathers. Apologizing I'm so sorry. Oh God, I needed

to be educated. America is so racist and evil, and
I've been educated. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me nutless.
That's the problem with this country. That is the real problem.
The men in this country, many of them, not all,
many of them disgust me. And I've been more than

willing and am more than willing to criticize women for
not protecting their own spaces, like what I've talked about,
the women swimming and that tranny swimmer for Penn who
was dominating all of them. Where were the boycotts? Where
was the I'm not swimming? Where was the putting your
name to an article saying no, this is wrong. It

was all anonymous tips here and anonymous tips there. But
the truth is women are not as prone to conflict
as men are. My wife worries about what people think,
what people say. I do not. I enjoy when people
yell at me. She doesn't. That's a woman thing. Where

are the men in this country? You put up one
post standing against demons who dress up like Jesus and
twerk on each other on a cross, and you can't
wait to run to the camera and apologize and talk
about how you've been educated. Now now you're good to go.

I've received my education. I'm sorry, everybody, pathetic. Where are
the men in this country? How can we ask women
to step up and protect anything if the men won't
do it? It embarrasses me. All of you, Anthony Bass,
Drew Brees, all of you should be ashamed. Oh I know,
what if it cost you your job with the Blue Jays?

What if it costs me about sponsorship with this? What
if it cost me by sponsorship with that? Pathetic? Gosh?
All right, now, let's talk about you me in being
enemies of the state, which, of course we're not enemies
of the state. Ironically, it's actually the state that's an

enemy of the state right now. But that's another story entirely.
But you already know this game because we've talked about
it before. Once you see it, you can't unsee it,
and you see it everywhere. What is it? Well, remember
let's remember the baseline. We have a system. I call
it the system. Now, the system is one despicable ideology,

one despicable religion controls all of our cultural institutions, all
of them, from education to government to entertainment to every
one sick communist religion controls all of it because they
control all of it. Now, instead of serving as a
check on each other, they now always move as one,

one purpose, on purpose, one mission, they work together. They've
figured out they can gain more power and loot the
treasury better if they work together. So now they work
together at all times, and so the system will go
on these missions like Remember COVID is probably the best
example of this one. Remember COVID. How insane all that was,

how stupid some of these things were, stand six feet
away from people. It's the dumbest friggin thing I've ever
heard in my life. And yet that is something that
was pushed universally out there. Why the system determined that's
what had to be done, and the system pushed it everywhere.
The system told you, hey, you better get that vaccine.
Did you hear that vaccine will stop the spread? Protect

your grandma? Do you hit your grandma? Protect your grandma?
Take the vaccine. It stops the spread. The vaccine stops
the spread. Remember the vaccine, it'll stop the spread. Get
your second vaccine, it'll stop the spread. Oh whoops, yeah,
we lied about all that, But get the vaccine. Anyway,
Remember that that's the system choosing a narrative. The system is.
It's doing something else right now. It's really dark, it

ends in a really, really really ugly place, but we
have to talk about it, and we always have to
point it out. The system, every part they're working on
making you an enemy of the state, for opposing democrats.
That is the goal. That has always been the goal.

That's why they'll say without end that you're a threat
to democracy, a threat to democracy. You're a threat to democracy.
And then when they're asked why the Marines are standing
behind Joe Biden during that speech, what do they say? Well,
the Marines are there to protect democracy. Of course that's you.
You're the one threatening it in the Marines are there
to protect it. What do you think? What do you
think they mean by that? Why do you think the

FBI we now know for multiple whistleblowers. Why do you
think the FBI is cooking the books big time to
make it look like right wing violent extremism, white supremacies
the most dangerous threat we faced. Why do you think
that is? Why do you think they run specials like
this on CBS.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
Homeland Security is warning of a potential troubling escalation and
tactics from right wing extremists. Catin Herridge has more on this,
and she joins us from Washington. Catherine, we understand the
power grid could be a target.

Speaker 4 (09:15):
Good morning. According to the intelligence report obtained by CBS News,
these groups have developed credible and specific plans to attack
the power grid since at least twenty twenty as a
way to disrupt the country and the ability of government
to operate. The report warns extremists adhering to a range
of ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage physical

attacks against power networks, which include more than sixty four
hundred plants and nearly a half million miles of high voltage.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
The right wing extremists are plotting attacks on the plants,
on the power plants, right wing extremists, right wing extremists,
the right wing extremists. And then then there was a story,
a story you probably missed because it happened last week
and it didn't end up being a big deal. But

this story, while it already looked shady to begin with,
the absolute perfection the cherry on top of this story
dropped today and I will tell you what it is
in just a moment. We're going to talk about making
you an enemy of the state and making it a
little too obvious. Oh wait for this one. Before we
get to that. Let us protect the children tonight. I know,

I know this is probably because I'm a father now,
but I now have a difficult time hearing about kids
who are in these horrible situations, kids who are abused.
Finding out more and more about how many children are
trafficked in this country. Is It's one of the best
but worst things I've ever done. Does that make sense?

I wish I didn't know. I wish I didn't know that.
All around me right now as I sit here in Houston, Texas,
all around me right now now there are child slaves,
children being trafficked, and the average age is fourteen. My
oldest son is fourteen. I have chosen to work with
the A Servo Project. I got to know Joe who
runs the A Servo Project a while ago, months and

months and months ago, And when he told me what
he did, I said them all in, what do they do?
They track down these predators, They track them down, They
save the kids, They get the present predators busted and
in prison for a very long time. That's what the
A Servo Project does A servo means to protect asser Vo.

They ask you and me for fourteen dollars a month
to help them hunt down predators. The A Servo Project
dot org fourteen bucks a month The A Servoproject dot org.
Go help them. Now, I've got on atim all he
said on me, says Jesse Kelly. You're listening to the

Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. And
I demand better false flag incidents FBI. I demand them. Why, well,
you know, as we just talked about the system, it's
goal is to make you an enemy of the state.
And the reason the system has that goal, just so

we're all clear, it's so they can use the power
of the state against you against their political opponents. What
they really want because they're not liberals, they're not left leaning,
they're not democrats. They're communists, just like Myles Redguard, just
like the Bolsheviks, the exact same people run this nation.

Their goal is to arrest you for what you believe.
That's what they want. They want to hurt you for
what you believe, just like all communists do. That's how
they operate. In order to do that, they have to
turn you into an enemy of the state. That's why
the FBI, over and over and over again, white supremacy,
white supremacy, definitely white supremacy. That's why they call you

a threat to democ But last week, some dude, he
crashed his U haul truck near the White House. Okay,
so he crashes the U haul truck near the White House.
I need to point out that this guy, I don't
know if he's actually from India, but he is definitely
of Indian heritage. His name is cy Varsith Candola, so

he's not a white dude. Okay, so he's from India.
Immediately a picture starts going around online and what is
that picture? It's of the U haul truck and the
sparkling new the brand new Nazi flag they pulled out
of the back of the U haul truck. So the
Indian dude is a Nazi. And then this came out

today and wouldn't you know, I gotta tell you, I'm shocked.
It turns out the dude had notes on them. And
you know how we've never seen that trans shooter in Nashville.
You know how we've never seen that manifesto. It's still
locked down I mean, I think it's been destroyed by
this point time. They've got it locked in Fort Knox.
They threw it in the deepest part of the ocean.
But wouldn't you know it, this guy who attempted to

get Joe Biden, we already have his notes in no way,
you know what the guy's notes were about ending democracy.
That's what he wanted to do. No way, what are
the odds, guys, He just so happened. He just so
happened to have a brand spanking new Nazi flag. The

Indian dude must have been a big Arian fan, so
he just happened to have a brand new Nazi flag.
And they found his notes, and this guy wanted to
end democracy. They do these things. They do these things
on purpose because they are building a narrative. They have
a long term goal. Is this going to happen tomorrow? No,

are they going to show up at your local Conservative
Republican meeting knock on the door, were the f ah,
you're all on your arrest for being pro life? Of
course not. No, it's not gonna happen tomorrow. But that
is the goal. The goal is to hurt you. They
want to hurt you for what you believe. I believe

it's my buddy Michael Malice who says they'll accept your
silence though, even if they can't hurt you in the end.
They want you to shut up. They want you to
be quiet. They want you not to campaign on the
things you believe. They want you to keep it on
the download because you're too scared of the pushback. Remember

that Anthony Basque guy, we just played the pitcher, the
guy who ran out and apologized right away. They want
a nation of Anthony Bass's, that's what they want. They
want you to be too afraid. Why do you think
they're so overt about sending SWAT teams to the homes
of pro lifers. Why do you think that is because
they want the next person who's thinking about going down

to one of these abortion clinics and campaigning there. They
want them to be afraid. Careful. We'll send the FBI
to your door. You want to be arrested, we'll put
you on try, we'll throw you in prison. Be careful,
get away, Be careful. They want to weaponize the state
against you. That is the goal. And once you see it,
then you see stories like this man crashed into the

White House and they found his notes about ending democracy.
By the way, this guy's already out of jail. They
already turned him loose. The guy who supposedly wanted to
kill the president and and democracy with his Nazi flag,
he's already out crushing some curry somewhere. Figures. Remember, you
can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com.

Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. We're actually gonna talk
about Uganda. You believe that we have a couple other
things I want to get to first. First, stop watching
the view ladies. I know you like to have something
on in the background, but these are really genuinely evil people.
Really evil. Is that sunny hosting lady from today. Listen

to how overt they are, Listen to how bold they are.

Speaker 5 (17:04):
Now, I have a similar theory, and it's born out
when you look at the studies. I think that women,
white women in particular, want to protect this patriarchy here
because it's to their benefit. They want to make sure
that their husbands do well. They want to make sure
that their sons do well, they want to make sure
that their children do well, and they want to make
sure that they do well. Most of the women in
some of these studies are married white women, and they

do fall in line with what their husbands are doing.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
See what I mean. Remember the anti white communism stuff
we've been talking about, How that's not the end goal, obviously,
because all the leaders of this stuff are white, But
it's an excellent, excellent means to an end. Ramp up
the anti white racism in the country, ramp up the
violence against white people, ramp up the systemic oppression against

white people. Why, well, she lays it out for you
quite clearly. They view the middle class white people as
being the main political block holding them back from all
their goals. And so all you get to now demonize
white people, white people suck, and white this, and white
women and white that and white that. And of course

what's her problem with white people, Well she thinks they're
wait a minute, too happy, too family oriented. That's what
it sounds like to me. Remember, it's all about power
and control. All right, Let's get back to some more
emails before we get to Uganda. Let's also get back
to this again. Just one more reminder, get your testosterone

levels checked. Phyllis. Why I think that when you're looking
for conservatism and common sense. That's why do you want
to sound like that your t levels drop any further,
That's exactly how you're going to sound. We can't afford that.
We have to be a nation of high tea men
who have the guts to fight back against this. That
picture for the Toronto Blue Jays, the one who begged

for forgiveness today. He needs a mail vitality stack from Chalk.
This guy, let's make steps in the right direction, needs
a male vitality stack from Chalk. They need a twenty
percent increase in their testosterone in ninety days. Ladies, you
need a female vitality stack to help your strong man out,
and maybe you'll have to be his strength. In case
he sounds exactly like this guy.

Speaker 6 (19:17):
I think that when you're looking for concerns.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Male vitality stacks, female vitality stacks, they're all at cchoq
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code Jesse, We'll be back. You're listening to the oracle.
You love this one. It's a scream Baby. The Jesse
Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Don't worry.
We're still got a half hour left on The Jesse
Kelly Show, and then we'll be back to do it
again tomorrow and the next day. I wanted to remind
you you can listen to the show for free on

the iHeart app, So download the iHeartRadio app. That's one two.
We did a show yesterday, a Memorial Day show. We
didn't sit it out. It's a different show though, so
if you're going into it expecting a whole lot of
you know that kind of stuff, there's none of it.
We didn't even joke around. We did a bunch of history.

We honored the fallen yesterday. It was three hours, very different,
no live ad reads, no nothing like that. It was
just honoring the fallen. It might be worth listening to.
Some of it may be hard to listen to. We
got very frank about some things and just talked about
the circumstances around some things. But we thought it was important.
So there you go. If you're interested in that, do that.
We'll get to the emails in a moment. You Ganda,

Uganda just signed a bill into law that. Uh well,
here's the headline. You Gandhan president signs law with harsher
penalties for same relations. Biden threatens them with sanctions. Well,
why is it our business if you Ganda passes a

law like this? Why would we sanction a country? Why
would we sanction a country? Everyone knows. Why will we
do it? Because it's against our national religion. Now, if
you're a nation anywhere in the world and you want
to persecute Christians, we will do business with you. That's fine.
That's we don't even acknowledge that her heresy anymore. We

have a new religion here here in the US of Gay.
We believe in what we believe, and we believe it
all the way. We are devout and if you if
you try to hurt that, we will come for you.
America will lay some sanctions down. As for Uganda, I
believe we do have an interview where they were discussing
the matter. Chris, would you mind playing that for me please?

Speaker 6 (21:52):
In the studio this morning, one of the gate rights
activists mista, should they call you? Julian on Zima, thank
you for coming in.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Good morning.

Speaker 6 (22:03):
Why are you gay?

Speaker 7 (22:06):
Who says I'm gay?

Speaker 2 (22:08):
You are gay.

Speaker 6 (22:09):
You are a transgender?

Speaker 7 (22:11):
What shows that?

Speaker 6 (22:11):
I'm you are a transgender and you're gay rights activists
and an outspoken h lesbian homosexual. How can I describe you?

Speaker 2 (22:24):

Speaker 6 (22:24):
We're looking at the raging debate. You're gay rights activists.
Why should someone be gay? You're having a girlfriend. Do
you perform the natural obligations?

Speaker 7 (22:35):
Uh? I'm not sexually active right now?

Speaker 6 (22:41):
So what lad?

Speaker 7 (22:45):
I'm just not I've chosen not to engage.

Speaker 6 (22:50):
Doesn't that make you gay?

Speaker 7 (22:53):
What do you mean doesn't that make me gay?

Speaker 6 (22:55):
I am?

Speaker 7 (22:56):
I am male and attracted to a female. So who's.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
Apparently they fly a little differently over there? And you
konta gosh, quit stop making me laugh. We gotta get
to some emails, Jesse. For the past few years, I've
heard you harp on getting to the Red states to
fortify our ability to protect the freeway of life. You
constantly mentioned red state bastions such as Florida, Texas, Utah.

But what are your thoughts about Ohio? I know we
recently trended red, but our governor is literally you guys
use that word on purpose worthless and the large cities
are Democrat run. Tragedies. You have history with the Buckeye State.
How about throwing some love our way when mentioning red
state fortification. Listen, thank you. His name is Jeff. Yes,

everyone knows. I was born in Ohio, born in Steubenville, Ohio,
grew up in Toronto, Ohio, till I was ten when
my folks packed us up and moved us out west
to Montana. I one hundred percent support people moving to Ohio.
You're right, Ohio's gotten red, and read and read it's

getting reader. Mike de Wine is a worthless piece of
comy trash. I cannot stand You're useless COVID lockdown Governor.
I don't let COVID lockdowns go. I will never let
COVID lockdowns go. These were crimes committed against you by
Republicans and Democrats, and I hold grudges on that. But yes,
people should go to Ohio. And you know why they

should go to Ohio. I'll tell you why. The sandwiches.
There's no what Chris, look, I love Texas and Chris
and I were discussing Mexican food during the break. He
wanted to know which one of the border states has
the worst Mexican food. And I'll tell you in a minute.
But before we get to that, I love Texas, but

each area of the country really does things differently, and
they do it very well. I'll be honest with you.
The Texans. Texas, our Mexican food is superior to all
other Mexican food. I won't even order Mexican food if
I'm anywhere else, maybe Arizona, maybe southern Cali. They can
do some Mexican food upright. For the most part, I

won't order Mexican food, doesn't matter how good you tell
me it is. No Jesse. This is the best Mexican
food in Indianapolis. This is the best Mexican food in
New York. This is I don't care, it's not. You
can't do it like Texas does it. Texas Mexican food
superior to all others. Texas pizza it's really bad. It's

really really bad. It's amazing how bad it is for
a state of this size, with this many people. You
go walking through New Jersey, New York something like that,
you can trip and fall onto a delicious pizza. You've
got to go hunting. I'm in a city of Houston.
Well I'm not Houston proper anyway. Outside of Houston. I mean,

but this is I think the fourth biggest city in America.
It's always going back and forth with Phoenix between fourth
and fifth. This is a huge city, so there's millions
and millions of people here. There's like four good pizza
places in the whole place. It's very, very difficult to
find decent pizza here. So that's a big problem for me.
Different regions do different food better. Nobody. Nobody does sandwiches

like the Midwest. You go to Pennsylvania, you go to Ohio, Indiana, Iowa.
Iowa doesn't mean sandwich. But really, let's focus on the
rost belt for a minute. You go to the Pittsburgh,
Ohio rust Belt area. They just I don't know how
to describe it. They just do sandwiches better than everywhere else.

This one place, oh what's it called. It's in Steubenville, Ohio.
I'm gonna kill myself for not remembering the name live
on the air. I can't believe this. It's a restaurant
in Stubenville, Ohio, and they they serve the best meatball
subs ever. And it's this little dump looking place. I'm
not insulting it, it's just you would drive by it

and never even know it was air, not Carpee Sandwiches. No, Chris, No,
keep looking. It's a different place in Steubenville. I need
to text my dad during the break. Anyway, the best
meatball subs you've ever had in your life. People know
about this. There's a line out the door. The meatball subs, well,
the subs themselves. The sandwiches are so good. This place

still gets by accepting nothing but cash. You walk in
with Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express. It doesn't matter
what you walk in with. You have cash, or you
don't get a sandwich that day, period, end of story. No, Chris,
it's neither of those places either. I'll figure it out.
I'll find out for a second. And no, it's not Benigan's. Chris, geez.

Benigan's is an Irish chain. And as much as I
love my people, we don't. We don't do food. We
don't do food. And as much as it pains me
to complement Italians, you really, you really need to focus
on a Townian food more than anyway. I'll figure out
the name, but it doesn't matter. Back East does sandwiches.
So yes, you need to move to Ohio for a

better life. For yourself, a better life for your family.
But more important than that, sandwiches. The sandwiches back East
second to none. There's my in laws are back in Ohio,
and when we go visit, there's a sandwich place we
go to every single time. They sue these hot Italian
subs with Capa Cola on them. That's how you know
you get a good hot Italian sub capa cola on it.

And now, because the wife is a terrible person, even
though I'm really nice, whenever she goes back there without me,
she'll go right to that place and order one of
those subs, and she'll text me pictures of it and say,
look at what worriedting, Look how good it is, which
is really not nice. As you know, I would never
do something like that to her ever, but she does
it to me. All Right, we're gonna get to a
couple more emails and then headlines I didn't get to,

and then we're gonna check on out of this place.
Will discuss China first. But speaking of China, where'd you
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They don't bite. Eight hundred and eight four five zero
five four four.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Get the Cure for Rhinos eight days with the Jesse
Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The
Jesse Kelly Show. I did figure out the name of
that meatball sub shop in Steubenville. It was actually one
of the ones Chris brought up right away, and for
some reason it didn't jog my memory. Capri c apr
I Capri, bring cash or you ain't eating the greatest

sandwich ever. But that's what I mean about the Midwest
man the rest belt. People ignore that quote Flyover Country.
I love me some Flyover Country. All right, I'm gonna
play this Anthony bass clip again. Remember Anthony bass a
is this Toronto Blue Jays pitcher came out essentially supporting
these boycotts of bud Light and Target. And that was yesterday.

This was from today.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
I recognized yesterday and I made a post that was
hurtful to the pride and community which includes friends of
mine and close family members of mine, and I am
truly sorry for that. I just spoke with my teammates,
took and share within my actions yesterday. I apologize with them,
and as right now, I'm using the Blue Jays resources

to better educate myself. Let's make better decisions moving forward.
The ballpark is for everybody.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Yeah, not to worry. He's been re educated. He spoke
to his gay friends and family members and so he's
got that gay pass, and then he got re educated
by the Blue Jays. And now he has begged his
forgiveness of his sins for sinning against the US of gay.
He has begged for forgiveness publicly. Now I hammered this
guy earlier, and I'm not letting up on that. I'm

really not because that's pathetic. It's embarrassing and pathetic. At
the same time, I will say I have these moments.
I have these moments of sympathy. Here's how I can
describe it. Sympathy for people who aren't like you, for
people who aren't like me, for people who are normy norms,

people who don't understand the fight we're in. They don't
understand the stakes, they don't understand the end goal. They
think they still live in a normal country. They think
that they still live in a free country. They think
it's still well, it's Republicans and Democrats and it'll go
a little this way, a little that way. In reality,

they're surrounded by wolves. They're surrounded by communists, and they
don't know it. And you see this when they walk
into these social issues and do anything to upset the communists,
it's like they wake up. You sho see the look
on this guy's face. It's like they wake up one
day and they didn't know they were in the gorilla

enclosure in the zoo. They had no idea. They thought
they were home. They thought they were home, sleeping in bed,
and they woke up one day and all of a sudden,
you've got a bunch of gorillas around you, pounding their
chest and flashing their teeth at you, and they get
scared and they cave. I'm not worried about you, but
Norman norm And don't get wrong, I'm still mad at

this guy, but Norman Norm. I do feel sympathy for
Norman Norm. I do because he woke up one day
in the gorilla enclosure and he just wasn't prepared. This
goober of a picture. They just wasn't ready. He's not
ready for this battle. Many people are not. These people
are monsters. You've got to give it back as good
as you get. And not only do you not apologize,

you double down. You triple down when you do anything
that makes them angry. You never stop, even if you're wrong.
You keep going. Why Because they're dying for you to
show even the tiniest amount of weakness. That's when they
pounce on you. That's when they pounce on you. Let's
get to one. This is a review of Rough Greens

from Mary in Minneapolis, Jesse. I heard about rough Greens,
I thought, what the heck, I will try the free sample.
Omg am glad I did. My young shepherd loves it.
But more importantly, my elderly dog is doing so much
better after adding it to her food. She has more energy,
her coat is nice and shiny. I don't have to

beg her to eat because she loves it. She also
had a great visit at the vet the other day.
Rough Greens has definitely extended and improved her life. You
pour rough Greens on your dog's food. Created by naturopathic
doctor in Green Beret, Dennis Black, it's a nutritional supplement.
Your dog doesn't get the vitamins, minerals, Omega oil's probiotics.

Your dog doesn't get the things he needs from his dogfood.
And that's why we lose our dogs years before we
have to, and that's why the quality of their life
is so bad towards the end. It's like that person
you know who eats fat fast food every single day.
And it's not me being against fast food. That's what
it's like. That's what we do to our dogs. I
know we don't mean to, but there's no nutrition in

the dog food. Try a free Jumpstart trial bag and
see what happens. See the difference in your dog. Roughgreens
dot com slash Jesse. All right, Roughgreens dot com slash Jesse,
or you can call them eight three three three three
my dog, dear jarhead oracle. First of all, thank you
for serving our country. My grandfather served in the Great War,

my dad and the Forgotten War, and I served in
the Cold War. Dang, that's awesome. My son is currently
out to see on an LA Class sub and my
youngest is joining the Air Force. I love my country,
and like you, I get emotional when I see the
flag and hear the national anthem. I stop and thank
every old vet I see wearing their hat and pride.
My question is simple. Are we close to a revolution?

I'm hoping not, but our country seems to be swirling
down the the latrine. Okay, we are nowhere close to
a revolution, nowhere even close to it. We have either
years and years of coming back because we are finally
going to start taking background, or we still if things
continue to go this direction, we have years and years

to go of slowly watching everything crumble. But we are
not at the place where Americans are going to revolt,
and they shouldn't revolt. That's not something we want. Remember this.
If that day ever comes when it's necessary for us
to do so, it won't be a mystery. You will
know it. That's one and two. That is going to
be a horrific conflict. You want to avoid that at

all costs. Just trust me on that.

Speaker 7 (36:44):
And now here's a headline, but you know, you know
the thing.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
Headlines we didn't get to China snubs meeting request from
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. It's really a bad sign that
they won't meet with our Secretary of Defense right now,
I'm telling you, right now, that's a bad sign when
you have gotten to a place when relations have gotten

bad enough where they won't even accept the meeting. And
I pray to God I'm wrong, because it'll be so terrible.
I really feel like there's some sort of conflict coming.
It'll probably be over Taiwan. And then the question is
what are we willing? What do we want to do
about it? Florida Furry Festival is forced to go eighteen

plus under the new law. Isn't it weird how many
of these pride events had to either cancel or totally
adjust themselves. When Florida passed the law that said please
don't do sexual things in front of kids, what kind
of things were going on at these events? Huh? DeSantis
will kick off a campaign with a visit to a

megachurch in Iowa. It has begun. The candidates will now
flood states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina as
the GOP primary gets ramped up. Old Trump and Desanta
Just Desantas are just gonna live in those states. And
if one of your guys isn't living in those states,
whoever your guy is, he's losing. Russia issues a rest

warrant for Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments. Finally, Russia and
I want the same thing. Feinstein was reportedly confused that
Kamala Harris was presiding over the Senate. What is she doing?

Speaker 7 (38:28):

Speaker 2 (38:28):
If it makes Dianne Feinstein in her melting brain feel
any better, Dome was confused too. Anyway, We're gonna be
back tomorrow. Keep your chin up, that's all
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