Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show, Final hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
what has been a magnificent Monday, a medal of Honor Monday.
And on this hour we're going to talk a little
bit about the little bit of illegal immigration news through
a couple of voicemails talking about tunneling, which sounds sick.
And before we do any of that, though, I want
to get to this because Mike Walls, obviously Donald Trump's
national security advisor, He's catching a lot of garbage for
saying this when it comes to Russia Ukraine's what do.
Speaker 2 (00:50):
He saying, Well, we would like to see a ceasefire
in any minute, any day. I think that would be
a positive, incredibly positive first step on both sides, and
that would then allow us to enter into the framework
of some type of negotiated solution here. Everybody knows that
this has to end somehow diplomatically. I just don't think
it's realistic to say we're going to expel every Russian
from every inch of Ukrainian soil, even crimea. President Trump
has acknowledged that reality, and I think it's been a
huge step forward that the entire world is acknowledging that reality.
Speaker 1 (01:29):
NATO chief says Ukraine not strong enough for peace talks. Now,
Insider paper, let's just do a little recap on Russia
Ukraine and this awful, awful bit of business that we
have been I know we've been involved in, meaning our
treasure has been involved in it. You certainly have paid
plenty with your tax dollars, so have I. But let's
just talk about how horrible this is and how evil
the people who run the West can be at times.
They've done this before, the doing it now. Russia Ukraine,
there's a long, long, long history. There were long history
longer than I'm going to go into right now. But
that part of the world. You know, we look at
lines on a map, borders, and we here in America
we realize ours have stayed fairly consistent for some time.
I realized there's a civil war in Louisiana, purchase and
all the things that have happened in the history of
this country. But shoot, even the civil war, the lines
are pretty much the lines, That's what it looked like.
But in other parts of the world where they trace
their written history back longer than we do, areas have
been fought over time in time, in time and time again,
and these two societies, such as they are, have been
fighting for a long time. Vladimir Putin is a bad guy.
They're notibating that Ukraine is not only not a NATO country,
was and remains one of the most corrupt countries on earth.
They just are. It was something that was always acknowledged.
It was part of the hold up for them joining
a in one of these big groups NATO un things
like that. Part of the holdup was, Ah, everyone's getting
bribed there. It's been for the longest time, one of
the black market hubs on the planet. Okay, but that's
not the Ukrainian people's fault, right. Russia decides they're going
to invade Ukraine. That's bad. It it's bad if you're Ukraine. Okay,
Ukraine needs to step up and fight them off. America
and Western society decided that we were going to kind
of help, but not really help, meaning we're gonna send
all kinds gobs and gobs of money, all kinds of equipment,
artillery shells over there, but not really do anything else,
not really do anything else, but we will prop them up,
but not really equip them to win. Now, if it
was up to me, we wouldn't have got involved at all.
But I'm just explaining what actually happened. We decided we
were gonna help kind of. I have likened it in
the past to you. Or we'll make it about me
me getting into a boxing match with in his prime
Mike Tyson. Now, if he doesn't kill me with the
first punch, which professional fighters can, it's going to be
mercifully really really fast. I'm going to walk to the
center of the ring. He's gonna walk to the center
of the ring. If I even get the guts to
throw a punch, which I hope I would do, he's
simply going to slip it, plant one on my face,
and I'm going to be knocked out and the fight
is over. So granted, I probably have a concussion and
I've taken a hard shot to the face, but Lord Willing,
I didn't die. I'm gonna pull it, clean out the
cobwebs and get myself back up again. But what if
what if we have this scheduled fight between me and
Mike Tyson and I instead have a big group of
people behind me. Now they're not gonna help help me
fight Mike. But what they're gonna do is they're gonna
make sure I never fall down. So Mike comes to
the center of the ring and he slugs me in
the face that I'm knocked out on my feet. Instead
of being allowed to get tapped out, well count it
out because it's boxing. They're gonna hold me up so
he can keep hitting me and hitting me and hitting me.
That's what Western governments have done to Ukraine, given them
just enough munition, munitions, just enough financial aid to where
they've been able to still stand. In the meantime, an
entire generation or two or three, depending on the reporting
you believe, has been eliminated in Ukraine. Generations of men
conscripting fifty year olds, teenage boys to go die. And
what I wanted to talk about was not necessarily what
the Trump administration is going to do, because Trump, as
you know, is going to have a much more realistic,
pragmatic view of what is and isn't possible. But what
we did to those people, you know, an entire generation
of Ukrainians wiped out, sounds bad. But to know that
the Biden administration and not just US, France, the UK,
everybody are partially responsible for that. If Russia was going
to take some of Ukraine, and know, I don't care
who you've been listening to. If anyone ever told you
that Russia was going to take Ukraine and keep marching
through Europe, that person is either an idiot or a liar.
There is no third option. Putin doesn't even have the
kind of military that can do that. And that was
never their stated intention at all. Russia announced what their
intention was and why they had it. I don't necessarily
agree with it, but it's not not to me to
agree or disagree. It's not my country. It's what they
It was their justification. This was never the start of
w W three where Hitler's gonna march his rare mackd
through all of Europe and then the Soviet Union. That
was never going to be this at all. And anyone
who told you that was an idiot or a liar.
But if we don't stop him here, he's gonna take everything.
Idiot or liar. Everyone who said that is an idiot
or a liar. So this thing was always going to
go one way. Putin was always going to take some
of Ukraine, as I've been telling you for the longest time, Now,
all we've done is ensure the mass slaughter of these
poor Ukrainian citizens, the Russian conscripts. Remember in Russia, they
don't exactly ask for all volunteers. If Putin doesn't have
the guys he wants, he's gonna go find the guys
he wants. The mass slaughter has been insured by the West,
and in the end, Vladimir Putin is going to control
some of what is now Ukraine. These things are inevitable, inevitable,
And the thing is, I'm a moron and I can
see it. So the people at the State Department couldn't
see that, or they could and they don't care, because
that's likely what it comes down to. And that brings
me to a different part, a different point when it
comes to Los Angeles. You see, there's an aspect to
this that I think a lot of people aren't necessarily considering.
Gavin Newsom's been out there doing the best he can
to prop up his presidential chances still for twenty twenty eight,
and he was asked, Hey, all this devastation in LA
We're not talking blocks, We're talking neighborhoods, entire ones gone. Hey, Gavin,
what's up. We're gonna do about that.
Speaker 3 (09:14):
That's why we're already organizing a Marshall plan, and we
already have a team of looking and reimagining La two
point zero, and we're making sure everyone's included, not just
the folks on the coast of people here that we're
ravaged by this disaster.
Speaker 4 (09:27):
You just said.
Speaker 1 (09:29):
Reimagining. We have a Marshall plan and we're gonna quote reimagine.
These hippie types love that word. We're gonna reimagine La
two point zh, which begs the question, who's going to
be doing that? You see, you have the second biggest
city in the United States of America, sprawling Los Angeles,
primo real estate. Who's going to be the one figuring
out what all this is going to look like afterward?
Have you thought about that? Have you thought about an
entity or two that might just get involved? Have you
seen what's happened in Lahina. Let's talk about those two teams,
two things quickly, and then we'll get to the emails.
Before we do that, Let's talk about pure talk. Let's
talk about putting our money where our morals are over
and over and over again. That's not a one off
thing that we do once we have to constantly stop
funding people who hate us and start funding people who
share our values. It has to be a constant fight
for us. I fail at this all the time. I
don't want to act like I'm great at it. You
do too, and it's hard, but it's not impossible. When
it comes to a cell phone, it's easy. There is
no excuse to have Horizon now that Pure Talk is here,
no excuse to have AT and T or T Mobile.
Pure Talk. They share your values, they promote your values.
They hire Americans. We're all about America first, right, American jobs. Well,
that's what Pure talks about too. That's why you get
to deal with people who's speaking this show over there.
You save a fortune, they're CEO as a veteran. There's
just there's just no reason not to switch. And when
they make it easy, we're talking ten minutes on the
phone speaking to somebody pleasant dial pound two five zero
and say Jesse Kelly pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly,
we'll be back. I've got on that Emily side on't mean.
Speaker 4 (11:40):
Says Jesse Kelly. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show.
Speaker 1 (11:47):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Reminding you. You can
email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. So
Black Rock's totally going to rebuild La Vanguards State Street.
If you've listened to this show for long, you know
about these three organizations, the three Evil Empire organizations who
controlled trillions of dollars in wealth and most most normy
Americans don't even know they exist. But Blackrock, Vanguard and
State Street. Oh, they're going to join with the other
greeny nutballs and they're going to reimagine in La the
same way they reimagine Lehina, where the residential homes got
burnt up and they swooped in bought up large patches
of real estate mostly because people can't afford to rebuild.
They're going through this in North Carolina right now as well,
buying up large portions of real estate, and soon they're
building pods for everyone to live in. The neighborhood is gone.
What's coming in the fifteen minute city? These green commie
freaks have been imagining for the longest time. Oh, I'm
sure they have a Marshall Plan.
Speaker 3 (13:07):
That's why we're already organizing a Marshall plan and we
already have a team and looking and reimagining La two
point zero. And we are making sure everyone's included, not
just the folks on the coast of people here that
we're ravaged by this disaster.
Speaker 1 (13:21):
Do you hear what he said there, We're making sure
everyone's included. That's right. The new Marshall plan, it's going
to be equitable. I guarantee, guarantee it's going to be equitable. Also,
I want a tunnel.
Speaker 5 (13:35):
Colemand Security Investigations says that it is believed this tunnel
was constructed within the past year, official saying the tunnel
extends under the US Mexico border to the Boone Street
storm drain in Olkasu. It measures approximately four feet wide
and six feet high, held up by wood beams, equipped
with electricity and even ventilation.
Speaker 1 (13:58):
They're, of course talking about a cartel tunnel that's used
to haul god knows what into this country, drugs, human beings.
So I don't necessarily want a tunnel for that. But I,
for the longest time have wanted a tunnel complex in
underground complex. What Chris Chris see, Chris is always trying
to dump all over my plans. He said, I would
need seven foot tall ceilings. No, I would want a
rail system of some kind. Now listen, Chris, don't rub
your forehead. Where you can cruise around at your leisure
on the rail system in the tunnel, safe, reliable. Plus
I will have little little cars behind me, like a
mini train, and I'll even do do I have one
of those, don't Chris. I'll have one of those, and
I'll be able to haul things back and forth. So
let's say we picked up some little Caesars, but we're
in a separate part of our underground complex. I will
load it into one of my train cars and go
cruising up and down the tunnel. I want a tunnel
complex that goes to a secret bunker. I want one
that goes not only to a secret bunker that don't
have to be behind some sort of a trap door,
which I will, of course have hidden only me and
a couple other people will know about that. But I
want one that goes to other people's homes. A complete
I was gonna say vi It Kong like, but I
didn't want to go quite that dark, much larger than that.
But you know how the Viet Cong they had They
had places where you could sleep, they have places where
you could eat, They had a medical facilities. I want
an entire more than a bunker. I want an underground network.
I have always wanted this. I just am unsure of
the costs what Chris see, Chris said the underground pipes
are going to be an issue for plumbing.
Speaker 2 (16:00):
Speaker 1 (16:00):
No, I've seen enough movies to know that you can
do this right if you have enough money. One.
Speaker 4 (16:07):
Speaker 1 (16:08):
The cartels are great at this, and I feel like
that they would be willing to help for a fee.
That what I'm not going to hire the cartels, Chris.
It's a partnership, a brief Listen, No, listen, it is.
We're talking about a temporary partnership where let's say they're
gonna request that I do some things, and for the
most part, I'm gonna say no. But what if it's
a little cocaine or something like that. That listen to me,
A little cocaine for some tunneling expert, just a little,
just enough to get me going. I just want to
start out with one tunnel. We'll work on the offshoots
and the rail system and everything else afterwards. But gosh,
I want this so badly. I want it so badly,
and you know how secure tunnels are well. I mean
not some not the way you people were bombing Hamas
over there. But if you come up with the correct
tunnel complex, it's one of the great defenses against people
attacking you. It's much better than a bunker system. Oh
and I've always dreamt of this, an escape tunnel from
your main house in case the Feds come for you.
Now I'm not talking about you hiding in the walls.
I'm talking a long tunnel with the rail system that
it'll get you. Let's say you're on a mountain, it's
down and it'll push you down. I've even thought about
how I would equip it down by the river, because
of course I'd have one down by the river where
I'll have an inflatable raft system set up there I
escape get on my raft cruise at what Chris What?
I spent way too much time thinking about this. I
was daydreaming about it this morning as soon as I
woke up, as soon as I'm not even kidding, as
soon as I woke up, the boys were banging around
pots and pants, getting ready for breakfast, stuff like that,
and I'm reving the sleep out of my eyes. I
thought to myself, we're gonna have to get a kitchen
down in the tunnel complex too. And then then I
started thinking about ventilation. I am worried about the smells
coming out the ventilation ducks, and then the FEDS will
find me. But either way, Tunnel Complex, if I ever
make it big, there will be signs. Let's talk about emails.
Let's talk about the California fires being a terrorist attack.
Hang on, Jesse Kelly returns next. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember if you missed any
part of the show, you can download the whole thing
on podcast on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes. If you want to
leave us a voicemail, you can eight seven seven three
seven seven four three seven three.
Speaker 6 (18:55):
Prince Trapper, Mogul, whatever you are.
Speaker 3 (19:00):
We need to see Chris, and until he's standing next
to you introducing himself, we don't believe that Chris even exists,
or Corey for that matter.
Speaker 6 (19:10):
He needs to stand on the other side of you. Anyway,
I had a lot of gut lass with you. Thank
you for all that.
Speaker 1 (19:19):
I don't want Chris standing next to me. I don't
want Chris in the same building, so that you're definitely
not going to see Chris anywhere near me? Here's this guy?
Speaker 6 (19:27):
Say yes? This is Joe Levecki from Florida listening to
Joe Biden last night talk about how the pumps in
the California that feed the hydrants, some of them were
ran by line voltage. I'm into life safety if that
is indeed true. When life safety is cut out on
things like hydrants and save lives, they're backed up by
emergency power which is worn up the generator, so I
called BS.
Speaker 1 (19:52):
He's not wrong if you go to any hospital. What
happens to a hospital when the power goes out. But
they got backup geens. Grocery stores actually most of them.
I don't know if that's an all of them thing,
but everyone I know about grocery stores have backup geens.
The hydrants just ran out of power and doesn't exactly fly. Hey, Jesse,
I listen to your radio show every day. I'm a
Christian from an Arab origin. I do believe that the
California fires is a terrorist attack similar to nine to eleven.
I believe it's done by some extremely extreme Muslim groups
that have entered the US illegally or maybe legally, so
on and so forth. Look no one knows. And here's
the truth. When it comes to who's setting fires, This
goes well beyond California fires and things like that. You
don't rule anything out. And the truth is, you may,
in a lot of these situations have nefarious people. You
may have morons, You may have people who just take
advantage of an opportunity. And you might have a combination
of everybody of all of those groups. You really might.
I'm thinking about the fire. But let's say there are
fires all over the place. What if one was some
dude who threw a cigarette out of his window, something
to do, selfish thing to do. Okay, chucks out a cigarette,
and then there are arsonists all over everywhere, but they
most definitely are all over LA who's had an arsonist
problem for a while. What if you're sitting around you're
an arsonist, you've had one too many red bulls, You
look out the window, you turn on the news, or
smoke everywhere. The news is saying there's a fire up there.
What if that leads you to say, oh wait a minute,
now is my time to shine, And so you go
grab your matches and you go light one. And then
what if, on top of that, there's a terrorist group,
whatever their belief system happens to be. This guy was
blaming the Muslims, but there's some I was grouped out
there and they say, hey, it's a I think it's
go time that it could be a combination of all
of them. My biggest problem is two full. My biggest
problem is the people who run these places. They're put
there for reasons other than competence, so they're not capable
of solving these problems, and the voters have to change
their behavior. That's one and two. We don't have institutions
we can trust anymore to give us answers, so confusion
is going to rain and we're never going to believe anything.
I'm right there with you. I don't believe anything. We look.
I mocked it a little bit earlier in the show,
but it's true. The ATF is on it. The ATF
is going to dig in. Who in the world is
going to believe anything the ATF has to say about anything?
And that's nobody's fault except the ATF. Jesse Ually, this
guy says, O grat z of cheeseburgers. I'm not exactly
sure what exactly he's talking about, you know, what I
never I guess I shouldn't have started out with this one.
That was a bad email and there's some cuss words
and some structural things in there. Dear mister family vacation.
If it was nineteen fifty five, would you be the
type of neighbor who would invite people over in the
evening to sit in your darkened living room to view
an extensive showing of your recent vacation vacation photos using
a slide projector yes, of course, yes, of course. In fact,
I did something very similar to that on Saturday night.
Everyone was here's what everyone was doing, talking about themselves
and not talking about me, And I wanted the conversation
to focus more on me, as I do in whatever
social situation I'm in, and whenever I'm in a social situation,
I will I will do and say whatever I have
to do to make sure everyone is focused on me.
So at some point I just interrupted and I said, Hey,
I was on vacation. It was in Europe. You guys
want to check out check this out? And you could
tell they were half interested, but I acted like I
didn't notice, and I was look at this thing. I ate,
oh yeah, yeah, no problem getting that guy Oracle, or
being that guy Oracle. I'm seventy six. I live here
in East Tennessee since nineteen fifty three. It's getting crowded here,
he says. I mean, I'm glad people are moving out
of places like California and such, but really there are
other places to go beside Tennessee.
Speaker 4 (24:31):
What the things.
Speaker 1 (24:34):
Things happen in waves. You know that in phases, Florida
went through this big, big, big time during the COVID nonsense,
all the COVID lockdowns just stand six feet away and
all that other stupidity. Well we're onto. Sansus was running
Florida and doing a great job as he always has,
and he opened up Florida pretty quick too. It was
like three weeks or a month. I should have never
shut down, period, Let's make sure we're clear about that.
But three weeks to a month and Florida's back in business.
The bars are open. Things like that. People around the country,
no matter what they said to their friends and family members,
they didn't really believe the mask did that much. I
realized that the liberal ant pegis did, but most people didn't.
They didn't care about the social distancing. They didn't even
necessarily want an experimental shot. They just wanted to get
back to normal. So most of the normies they believed
the government people. When the government people said, well, just
two weeks, just wear a mask, just get your vaccination,
just well, there was a big undercurrent and remains a
big undercurrent of distrust in America. So people started looking
around and saying, well, wait a minute, Florida. And then
the world woke up to the fact that Florida's freaking paradise.
It just is. I have been to Hawaii a couple times,
remember I got to go when I was in Sales.
I love Hawaii. I love Hawaii. In fact, I need
to go to Honolulu soon. I love Honolulu. I love Hawaii.
But Florida is very much Hawaii in a lot of ways,
very very much the vibe. I would argue, It's not
quite as much of an island vibe as Hawaii does.
But Florida's paradise. People started going down. They started telling
their friends. Soon everyone's going down now. And people ask
me why I don't move to Florida. Well, we have
some roots here. We have some roots here. We can't
uproot until the kids graduate. But even then, I don't
know if I'm gonna pay those prices. Well, Chris, did
I tell you?
Speaker 2 (26:37):
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Did Chris d have the big one? Did I tell
you about the prices we were looking at down there,
just browse. We were dreaming, dreaming about, Hey, what if
we ever made enough money get a second place, like
a condo. Everyone wants a condo in Florida. We're looking
at two bedroom condos. Dude, We're talking mortgage payments seven
eight grand a month. Who could afford? So what happened?
Supplying demand being what it is, the costs went through
the roof because everyone was moving to Florida. Tennessee's going
through this exact same thing right now. People are figuring
out Well, One, the people are wonderful. I love Tennessee people.
Speaker 2 (27:16):
You know.
Speaker 1 (27:17):
I grew up. I learned to swim in Tennessee. My
dad threw me off a houseboat in Tennessee. We just
used to drive down there wherever was driving distance. That's
where we go when I was a kid. So Tennessee,
I love it. I love the people, I love the food.
I love it East and West. I know Memphis is
a bit rough around the edges anymore to put it mildly.
But I just love Tennessee. But now everyone's finding out
about Tennessee. It won't last forever. Just hunker down, Tennessee.
They'll move on eventually. The people will love abortion, though
they never move on because demons don't ever get tired
of doing evil things. That's the truth. Roe versus Wade
was overturned, and we celebrated, and we should have sixty
five million babies. Dad, it's good to celebrate the overturning
a Row versus way, But the people who want a
slaughter babies didn't stop shoot. In many cases that didn't
slow down. They started handing out these abortion pills. You
have teenage girls doing these teleconferences getting abortion pills mailed
to them. You know, half of every abortion, half of
the abortions in the country now take place in a
girl's bathroom. How do you combat that kind of evil? Well,
Preborn gives out ultrasounds to these young girls. If you're
a young lady and you're pregnant and you're trying to
find a way to kill your baby, Preborn will offer
you a free ultrasound, and that's all that matters. If
they can get her in, she will choose life. They
choose life almost every time in Preborn is tax deductible,
saving babies lives and writing it off on your taxes.
You give as much as you want. We've had people
give them fifty grand before fifty grand a year. We've
had people sign up to give whatever you want. Twenty
eight bucks buys that ultrasound though Preborn dot com slash
Jesse sponsored by Preborn. We'll be back feeling a little stocky.
Follow like and subscribe on social at Jesse kellydc. It
is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The Jesse
Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember you can email this show.
We'd love your emails. Love hey, death threats. Ask doctor
Jesse questions to Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. And
just remember the politicians in this country let these barbarians
into the country on purpose. Democrats opened up the border
on per documented.
Speaker 7 (29:42):
Man accused of sexually assaulting a thirteen year old is
behind bars. This is Santo Martinez Verilla facing a pombe
judge on Sunday morning. Dectives with Pombeach County Sheriff's Office
say he assaulted a thirteen year old girl back on
January second, near Oka Hilly Park in West Palm Beach.
He's being held without bond detective.
Speaker 1 (30:00):
We elected Democrats, and Democrats promptly opened up the border
to every savage across the planet. They bussed and flew
most of them in where the savages have spent their
time lighting fires, raping people, murdering people. And Democrats haven't
changed their opinion on the border one iota. Voting for
Democrats comes with consequences, and that's why now they're just
stuck lying about everything together. One of the most competent
foreign policy teams, I would argue in American history, sitting
in this room and before my eyes, lying about the border.
Speaker 4 (30:38):
Let's get something in mind about the border. When I
became president, the numbers came way down number two.
Speaker 1 (30:45):
Lying about the status of the reservoirs being filled.
Speaker 8 (30:48):
Mynitor understanding is the reservoirs that the Palisades were drawing on.
These three million gallon reservoirs were full of the initiation
of these fires. But they they're intended. Frankly, they have
the capacity to put out.
Speaker 1 (31:03):
Lying about Americans being.
Speaker 2 (31:05):
Said, so, I think the American people are safer and
the country is better off than we were four years ago,
and we're handing all that off to the next team.
Speaker 1 (31:13):
The communist lies about everything at all times. It is
not something he does, it is who he is. It's
part of his makeup. He knows. In fact, he's commanded
to lie at all times about everything because the truth
of communism is horrific. Jd Vance on the news shows,
saying a lot of the right things.
Speaker 9 (31:37):
On the border crisis in particular, the most important thing
that we have to do is to send a message
that America is closed to a legal immigration.
Speaker 4 (31:46):
For the past four years, we have been wide open.
Speaker 9 (31:48):
And you're going to see I think dozens of executive
orders coming from the Trump administration coming from US on
day one that send a message to Customs and Border Control.
You guys are allowed to do your job again into
illegal immigrants all over the world. You are not welcome
into this country illegally. If you want to come through,
you've got to come through proper channels.
Speaker 1 (32:08):
Tom Holman talking about setting up a hotline, Well, the
good news is the government has plenty of experience setting
up snitch lines. That did it for COVID, for people
who dare to open their business.
Speaker 4 (32:18):
Send Intelect Trump's incoming borders are Tom Homan tells us
mass deportation will include workplace roundups iportation. Are we talking
around an inauguration day? Even on inauguration day. I'm not
going to forecast what we're doing and where we're doing it,
but you can count on work setting forcement coming back.
ICE agents have told us they prioritize arresting undocumented immigrants
with criminal records. Critics have asked, what about undocumented family members?
Will there be collateral arrests? Yes, is not okay to
be in this country. Leader Holman's also working on creating
a hotline where Americans can report undocumented immigrants who've committed
a crime.
Speaker 1 (32:53):
They're saying the right things. Oh, maybe you're stressed about
Pete hag Seth, the guy who's supposed to be set
Deaf Secretary of Defense. He's Trump's nominee for sec Deaf.
His confirmation hearing is for tomorrow. I've talked to three
US Senators and all three of them told me Pete
Heseeth is going to get confirmed. Senators don't exactly take
chances with that kind of thing. It's it's just the
nature of a senator to kind of you even have
guys like Marshall and Kansas saying, yeah, do you believe
you have the votes in the Senate to actually confirm
all of his nominees?
Speaker 10 (33:31):
Looking, you know, I hate to count my chickens before
they hatch, but yes I do. I think that they
need to go through the hearing process. They're going to
get beat up by the legacy media and the left
as well, but I think the votes are there. And
you know that I've interviewed these people one on one.
They've been great communicators, they're great leaders, They're very accomplished. Yeah,
some of them are outside the box, but I do
think we have the votes.
Speaker 1 (33:53):
How are your testostroone levels? Look? How much evidence do
you need to see? We've lost half our testosterone levels
in the last fifty years. Just look at the GOP.
The GOP you don't even need scientific data. When you
wake up in the morning and you look at the
low TGP, you know America has a testosterone crisis and
the natural herbal supplements sold at Chalk are going to
reverse that. I don't know whether Chalk is powerful enough
to save the GOP, but I know they can get
your testosterone levels up twenty percent in ninety days. You
can feel like a completely different, better, stronger, more focused
human being with actual energy again. Ah mata, guess I'm
kind of depressed. Oh, I get it. That's called low
t man. I hear it all the time. I'm bouncing
off the walls all the time. You want to feel
like that.
Speaker 11 (34:54):
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Speaker 1 (35:05):
Chuck dot com promo code Jesse. I almost forgot before
we go to headlines to make fun of Don Lemon.
He was mad because Obama was sitting there yucking it
up with.
Speaker 12 (35:14):
Tru's keiking and skinning and grinning with someone who has
those that you have called a fascist over the last
couple years and the last months. That's not normal. Folks
are tired of the behavior being normalized. Civility does not
mean befriending people. Are foregoing your morals and your principles
and your character. If someone disrespects my loved one, I
don't have to smile in their face and.
Speaker 1 (35:45):
They're going to know it now. Listen, it could be
where you guys could be right Don Lemon. He hung
on to a job at CNN for a very long
time just because he was a DEI higher. I mean,
he nailed the two most important things. He was black
and he was gay. But even even CNN at some
point said, this guy's got to go. But Chris just
pointed out, I think he's really a true believer. In
the end, he's a true believer. He's one of the
street communists, not one of the elites. Hey, how about
that almost makes him more endearing knowing he's not really
that evil, he's just stupid. That's actually inspiring. And now
he's a headline by go you know, you know the
thing headlines we didn't get to. Apple wants to keep
diversity programs disavowed by other US firms. It's odd that
there are still public holdouts, but there are public holdouts.
And remember the other US firms who are walking away
from all that corporate commy stuff. They're going to regroup
and try again. We just have to stay on him.
Florida teen loses license after doing burnouts on LGBTQ Pride
across Walk. He's from Clearwater, Florida. His name's Dylan Brewer,
and I love this kid. I've never even met him.
Before lame duck byden administration spends one million dollars in
taxpayer funds on foreign DEI programs. That's the Indonesia, Guatemala, Kenya,
and otherwise workers of the world that unite communism now
and forever. Tomorrow we will be back to have more
fun on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. All right,
that's all.