Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show. Final
hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday, The Return,
The Return of Me, Chris, It's so good to be here.
We'll make fun of Chuck Schuber this hour. We'll make
fun of Sonny Austin. This hour. Apparently we're just going
to make fun of people. Talk a little bit more
about NATO vacation emails. It should be a lively final
hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. But first
I have to follow up on the little teas I dropped.
Called another woman stunning. I mean not I didn't say
that to her, but she thought, okay. So here's what happened.
It was an all time great one. It was New
Year's Eve. We were on vacation. New Year's Eve, were
in Italy and my mom was there. We wanted my
mom to come, you know, it's been tough year and
all that we wanted. We wanted to be together as
a family New Year's Eve and we go out to
this dinner and it's they're all Italians, right, because we're
in Italy, they're all Italians. Waiting tables, and our main
waitress is this young lady his twenties. She was young.
I mean, I'm forty three. Everyone's young to me. I
think it's twenty one, twenty two, something like that. It's
this young lady. And she was, you know, filling up
our waters and she's coming back and bringing bread, doing
doing the things waitresses do. Now. Ah, because it was
New Year's Eve, I wanted to get dressed up. You
know how women like to get dressed up for New
Year's Eve. So I have to bring my nicest suit
I have. So I had to fly across the world
with that. I'm not going to go into that right now.
Seemed a little unnecessary. But I the food across the
world with this suit, and OB wore this dress. It
was Nah, she looked like a million bucks in this dress.
Just a million bucks in this dress. And at one point,
my voice carries, Okay, I can't help it. My dad's
voice carries. I don't know that I would consider myself
a loud talker. I think my voice just carries. I
don't I don't shout like that. I just when I talk,
it carries a long way. It's from my sultry voice, Chris,
but it carries. At one point, the waitress is there
and she's directly across from me, So my mom's sitting
across from me. Bob is sitting right beside me, and
I put my arm around Ob as the waitress is
leaning in to fill up my mom's water glass, so
she's not looking at me. She's looking at my mom
in her water glass, and I look halfway towards Oh,
my eyes are looking at her, but my head is
only halfway towards Ob. And I say, you just look stunning.
The waitress stops in her tracks and dirts her face
over to me with this look.
Speaker 2 (03:31):
Speaker 1 (03:32):
And then and then what do you do? In that moment,
I had a moment. I will admit. I try not
to be a panicky person. I'm not a panicky person,
but in this moment, I'm seeing exactly how this was interpreted.
And so I come out with a no, not you,
You're not stunning. No, wait, but do you? And then
Ib's like Jesse, and I'm like, no, I didn't. And so, yeah,
that didn't work out that great anyway. Let's get back
to some emails. But first, Chuck Schumer, he dropped this
quote on NBC's Meet the Press. We did a lot
of good things, but all too often we talked about
the mechanics of the legislation and the details of the legislation,
and we really didn't show the kind of empathy and
concern to the average working families who didn't realize how
much we had done and how much we cared for them.
They do this every time. There are always these little
nuggets from the communists, from the democrats in this country,
where they have these little revealing moments on how they
actually think about people, and it almost always comes back to, well,
I guess I didn't explain enough. Well, people just don't understand,
or they'll yell at the media, well.
Speaker 2 (04:57):
Maybe if you'd explain better what I'm knowing. That comes
out all the time because and this ties directly into
Sonny Hostin again, we always end up playing her because
she's a moron and a dirty comy. To be a communist,
not just in America, everywhere it's ever been, you have.
Speaker 1 (05:16):
To lie about everything all the time. It's not that
you think, okay, on occasion, I'll have to tell a lie. No no, no, no,
no no no. You know you understand going in that
you are going to be. The things you want are
going to be rejected by people because you want to
burn everything down. No one's going to sign up for that.
So lying is simply who they are. It's woven into them.
They know they have to lie about everything at all times.
That's how you get enough people to live in a
world of make believe and eventually hand you power. Sonny
Hostin proved my point with this little tibby.
Speaker 3 (05:57):
You started seeing people backtrack that.
Speaker 1 (05:59):
And she's talking about January sixth by.
Speaker 3 (06:01):
We started seeing people backtrack that and losing their moral center.
You had Condoleeza Rice I believe, on this very show saying,
you know, we need to move on from January sixth.
I say, no, you don't move on because January sixth
was an atrocity. It was one of the worst moments
in American history.
Speaker 1 (06:19):
And listen to all the harpies in the crowd clapping,
Oh my gosh, my cat's gonna love that.
Speaker 3 (06:24):
When you think about the worst moments in American history,
you know, like World War II, things that happened, you know,
like the Holocaust, travel slavery, we need to never forget because.
Speaker 1 (06:40):
Past becomes okay. Obviously, that's ridiculous. Comparing the Holocaust and
slavery and World War two to January sixth, Of course
it's all ridiculous.
Speaker 4 (06:50):
But for her.
Speaker 1 (06:52):
Everything has to be alive. The only way to keep
every single commie out there loyal and doing their crazy
commy things is to lie about everything at all times.
It's what they do, and that's why they always even
when they're trying to be political, Chuck Schumer is a
seasoned politician. Even when he's trying to be delicate, it
always just comes out of well, the voters were just
too dumb to realize how great everything was. We were
talking about things in a really smart way. But those donors,
they're just too dumb. Back to the voicemailing, a.
Speaker 5 (07:30):
Wise man would train the rats to kill the mice.
Speaker 4 (07:35):
The drat said, I don't even have to tell you
what you should train the ants to do. God bless
for the new year. Good luck with the rats.
Speaker 1 (07:44):
And the ants. I love you guys. You should know
I've defeated the rats as of right now. What are
you looking at me like that? For Chris? Yes, I
got one. He was I told you, I left his
body out as a message to the others, and they
got that message. Chris. When you do one, you don't
have to do more than one if you do it
the right way. You know what. That's a good point, Chris.
Remember the servile wars. Remember that lesson I talked to you.
We were talking about the servile wars in Rome. Rome
had these slave rebellions and they had the first one,
and it was a pain, and they put it down.
And they had the second one, and it was a pain,
and they put it down. And then they had a
third one that was the Spartacus one. The one Spartacus led,
and it was huge, and Spartacus was defeating Roman armies.
And finally Rome they had to gather up Crassus and
Pompey and all these guys, and finally they put it down.
And they didn't want a fourth servile war, Chris. So
they took all of those slaves and they crucified them
along the main highway in Rome. Miles and miles and
miles of slaves crucified, laying there days days on the cross.
Remember the story in the Bible, the bib of Jesus
is crucifix crucifixion. It doesn't draw out the way Crucifixion
generally did. You were talking two three days, you're gonna
lay there, You're gonna be there on the cross. That's
why they tried to break Jesus's legs. That was considered
an act of mercy. He wouldn't let them, of course,
fulfill the prophecies and whatnot. Sorry, Chris, is his New Testament.
Miles of slaves suffering for days as your cruising by.
That's how they ensured there would never be a fourth
slave rebellion in Rome. You ask how I defeated the
rats by defeating one rat, Chris, I left him there,
and I made an example of him. I made sure
the other rats knew there was a rat killer here, Craven.
That's how I want you to refer to me from
now on, not Jesse, Kelly, Jesse Craven. In fact, that's
that's Please get something on the soundboard to that effect.
You know what, maybe a roaring lion, something like that.
Don't roll your eyes, Chris, Maybe something like a roaring
lion would be indicative of what happens when you step
into Cassa Kelly, Cassa, Craven. Sorry, I almost screwed it.
Up myself anyway, you're probably screwing up if you don't
have Pure Talk. That's a huge screw up. You know,
how about the rats screwed up when they came into
my home and then died will rat how it died
in the jaws of my rat trap. I want you
to think about you with your garbage commy cell phone company,
like Verizon AT and T or T Mobile. You're the
rat and the jaws of communism are clenching around you.
If you want any chance to escape that, you have
to switch to Pure Talk, the patriotic cell phone company
that's run by a veteran. There's CEO is a veteran
of Via freaking nom. You'll save a fortune and you
don't sacrifice coverage. They're on the exact same five G network.
Our bill for four lines got cut in half. Dial
pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly. That'll save
you even more money. Takes ten minutes on the phone
pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly, We'll be back.
This is the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show on a Tuesday, a magnificent Tuesday. Remember you
can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot Com.
I just slammed headlong into that jet lag wall. Let's
hope I don't just fall asleep right here on the air. Look,
I'm part European and what Chris, And when you're part
European sometime you just have a hard time adjusting back
to this American way of life. You know what, I
will tell you. The food in Italy was really freaking good.
It was really really good. So I'm not bad mouthing
at all. I enjoyed the pasta. I ate some pizza,
believe it or not. I didn't eat as much pizza
as you'd think, but I ate some pizza. The sandwiches, man,
they have this fresh bread. Chris, what's that bread called
for such? For for kara, for Kasha, for Kasha, for Cosha,
for cosha bread. It's just like that, Chris. Why do
you not know what I'm talking about? I think it's
I don't even think it's unloving. You people have to
eat this stuff too, I think it is. Either way,
it's really good. And they have the fresh meats and
stuff like that in there. Sorry, Chris, they do mix
some cheese in there, but it was really really good.
So I enjoyed the food. I'm not dogging on the food.
I missed Mexican food. Man. I got back last night
and I stuffed two tacos in my mouth and some
chips and caeso, and gosh, it was so good. There's
just nothing more. There's no not with Taco Bell, Chris,
that's tomorrow. Anyway, I missed it. There's just nothing more
American than Mexican food. Jesse, do you feel like America
has already exploded but it still looks like America because
the pieces haven't traveled far enough away from the blast yet? Hush,
that's deep. No, But okay, look, I get what he's saying.
Are we already kind of toast? But we were so
put together and so rich and powerful in such a
good society that it just takes a while to be
for the realization that we're toasted totally dawn on us.
Let me explain something, and maybe you feel that way.
I'm not saying I do. I guess I haven't really
thought about it. But everyone feels that way all the
time throughout history. That's a very very common that's the
most common way to think because things are always mixed
up in this world. They're always messed up. Politicians are
always scumbags and liars. Things are always going wrong. There's plagues,
and there's wars, and there's just always life is always
happening and rough things are always happening, and countries are
always coming apart, and they're being picked at by wicked
men who lead them. That is the human condition. I
know that sounded dark. I don't mean it to be dark.
That's just kind of how it goes, like what we're
going through now. If please don't sit and stress out
all the time. I know we talk about a lot
of problems, but you can look around at all this
the dead and what's happening in the globe. The UK.
We haven't even talked about what's going on in the
UK because I don't do all, you know, I don't
do a lot of foreign stuff. I just don't. I
mainly care about America. I mainly talk about America. I
don't do a lot of foreign stuff. But what's going
on in the UK with these young girls who are
being pillaged by these barbarians from Pakistan, these these Muslim
rape games gangs they brought it. It's freaking off. I mean,
it's stuff that I won't describe here on the air.
I've read through the documents. I care enough to read
through it and figure out what's going on. So I've
read through the court documents on the things they did
to these girls. It's just I know there are kids listening,
and remember this is a family show. I always do
a show that you can listen to with kids. I
won't describe it here man, and I don't necessarily I
don't recommend you go read it. I wish I could
unread some of those things. But then you dig into
it a little when you find out that's what the
British Democrats did to their country on purpose, the Labor Party,
that's their their Democrats. They brought these people into their
country on purpose because they wanted the votes, they wanted power.
So one of the two major political parties in Europe
imported a bunch of savages into their country who have
pillaged and abused their young ladies. And they did it
on purpose. And you sit back and you look and
you think to yourself, Ben, how could governments be that evil?
Like what chance do we have? And then you look
at our government and we're doing the same thing. I mean,
Rashida Tleeb today, there was a vote today on the
House floor, a vote to deport these illegals convicted of crimes.
Which is ridiculous that you need some kind of a
bill for that. You don't, but anyway, it was a
vote for that, and over one hundred Democrats voted against
the bill. Listen to Rashida Tleab talking.
Speaker 6 (16:53):
About many of us in Congress. Our parents. Imagine your
child is with a group of kids grabbing an after
school snack at a seven to eleven and one of
them chooses to just snitch a little candy bar off
the shelf. The shop owner calls the police and all
the kids are arrested for shoplifting. If your child is
a DOCA recipient, someone who has lived here nearly their
entire life, they are now subject to mandatory detention under
this bill.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
These people are monsters. Those monsters, all right, Honorable mister Kelly,
I was the guy really guilty about buying oreos A
few months ago. Among my many Christmas gifts was a
package of Oreos for my daughter Rachel. Don't worry, my
three and grown kids are all anti communists. She bought
the oreos as sort of a joke. Okay, I have
a confession to make you know. I don't buy Oreos.
I've been looking far and wide for an Oreo replacement
because there's just nothing better than Oreos dunked and milk.
I've bought virtually every replacement. Don't send me the replay
of high DROs all this. None of them get soggy
in the milk the way Oreos did. None of them do.
I bought the grocery store off brands and stuff like that.
But my kid he brought home two free packages, the
little mickey mini packages of Oreos from school. I ate
them both. I am buy them. I thought doesn't count
as buying them. I missed them, and they were so delicious.
I miss Oreos so much. Anyway, we'll do some more
emails before we do those. Let's talk about relief factor. Goy,
what a life saver this stuff has been. Because when
you're forty three going on eighty three, like I am,
freaking knee hurts this left knee. Telling you right now
it's gonna be a problem, You're gonna start hearing me
complain about my left knee more and more. I did
squats today, I lift the weight today and felt great afterwards.
Everything was good until I got out of the shower,
got dressed, sat down for a little bit to go
browse emails and things like that. I got up and
that knees stiff. So Relief Factor has been a life
saver for Meuse it's drug free, one hundred percent drug free.
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Try it for three weeks and see what happens to
that pain. One eight hundred to number four relief or
go to relief Factor dot com. We'll be back fighting
for your freedom every day. The Jesse Kelly Show. It
is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday, wishing everybody
you're very happy from me to you. It is good
to be back. Okay. So before I get to the emails,
and there's a bunch I haven't gotten to yet, a
bunch I haven't gotten to you, I have to tell
you speaking of food, my idiot kid, he makes me laugh.
He's so much likes me. He makes me freaking laugh.
So Luke Luke buys a bag of cheese it's at
the airport. He buys a hefty bag of cheese. It's
at the airport, Dad, Can I get a snack? Can
I get a snack? Yeah, gets a bag of cheese.
It's the whole trip. Whenever he's hungry, he's snacking on
a couple of cheese. Its Finally, we're getting ready to
fly home and I walk in, Hey, you ready to go? Boy?
We gotta go airport and I see him taking the bag.
It looks empty, and he's putting it into his carry
on bag. I said, Luke, are you taking the cheese?
It's home? That's an empty bag. Is that an empty bag?
It's an empty bag? Well why are you taking it home?
Because these guys deserve to be buried in the homeland.
And then I went and told off and she's like, well,
where do you think he gets that from? I don't
know what she's talking about. Jesse, I was getting ready
for a job interview. I decided whether or not to
wear a suit. Or I was deciding whether or not
to wear a suit. I remember a show where you
mentioned to wear a suit for any interview. I wore
a suit and was in a crowd of thirty people
who looked like they just got out of bed. The
interviewer was mad about the appearance of everyone and sent
people home with no interviews. She mentioned how if people
put so little effort into the interview process, what kind
of effort are they going to put into the job.
It was crazy. I think I got the job. This
is a reminder to not just kids, to grown men alike,
because some people didn't have fathers to tell them this.
Wear a suit to your interview. Ah, but it's just McDonald's.
Wear a suit to your interview, Jesse, it's just jiffy loup.
I'm gonna be wear a suit to your interview, but
it's just entry level where it's suit to your interview.
Or look, if it's not a suit, maybe you don't
have a suit. Everyone doesn't have a suit. The best
clothes you have, and don't tell me I can't afford it.
You can get khakis in a button up at Walmart
for twenty freaking bucks. I don't want to hear that crap.
The best thing you can put on it's not so
you look good. Oh but it doesn't fit right. You
don't understand. The guy just explained it. It shows an
effort It shows intention and effort. You woke up and
decided to put on something nice because you want the job,
because you're that kind of person. It puts you a
cut above people struggle now to find jobs because the
job market sucks. And I know the job market such,
so I tell you this stuff trying to help. Show
up on time, don't leave early, don't office gossip. And
when the boss gives you a job, do not return
to him with problems with but I can't find that.
Can you help me with that?
Speaker 4 (23:10):
Speaker 1 (23:10):
No, no, no no. You don't return to him until the
job is done. It's your job to make his life easier,
not his job to make your life easier. Yeah, Chris
just said the guy who interviewed before him was in
shorts and flip flops when I you know, I was
out of work and I was just desperate, to be honest,
I was desperate. Bills were plying up, and I found
that advertisement on Craig's list for RV sales. And I
never sold anything in my life whatever. I didn't have
any idea what to expect. And this RV dealership was
in a double wide trailer. It's not some fancy building.
It was a double double wye mobile hole. I put
on a suit and freaking tie, and I pulled it
into that place. And you should have seen the dirt
balls who were getting ready to interview before me. You
should have seen them how they were dreading no effort whatsoever.
They hired me on the spot, on the spot. The
one guy who cared enough to put something on that
acted like he wanted the job and wanted to be
a professional boom hired. Hey look at me now, hey, Jesse.
In terms of cartels, we citizens gave every penny and
made the cartels. Why go to war with the sovereign country.
We can stop them overnight by not buying their drugs.
That's part of that thing that is undeniable. And it
is hard to accept all this drug crisis in this country.
Cartel this, and cartel that. It's because we buy all
that stuff. We do. We buy it all. It's the truth.
We buy all that crap, all that stuff, all the
drug lords, the cartel, the violence to all that stuff.
We buy it all. Jesse. My brother's from Korea. He's
seeing a girl in her twenties and she holds a
deep hatred for the Japanese people. She brought up this quote.
Why is it that it's illegal to fly the Nazi flag,
but the Japanese Navy is still allowed to fly the
imperial flag on their ships after what they did to
that region? Love the show. They do not care for
the Japanese in Korea, And to be fair, it's understandable.
I'm a Japanese fan. You know that. I like the people.
I love the people. I love the cleanliness of the culture.
I love the food. I'm sorry to be that guy,
but I do. I really really love the food. I
just I like a lot of things about Japan. I'm
a Japanese fan. But the things they did to Korea
during that time, it was bad. They It's not just
that they conquered Korea. They essentially tried to wipe out
the civilization. They made it illegal to learn Korean, the language,
they wiped out their artifacts. That it was bad. It
was bad. Jesse do not even the Marines calling air
strikes how much the exterminator comes. You know what, We're
not even talking about the rats anymore. I want to
go back. I want to talk more about the Panama
Canal because he's really not wrong.
Speaker 5 (26:35):
The Panama Canal is a disgrace what took place at
the Panama Canal, and Jimmy Carter gave it to them
for one dollar, and they were supposed to treat us well.
I thought it was a terrible thing to do. You know,
it's the most expensive structure ever built in the history
of our country. Relatively, it would be the equivalent of
over substantially over a trillion dollars today. We lost thirty
eight thousand people. Think of it, thirty eight thousand people.
They died from malarias mosquitoes. They were unable to stop
the mosquitoes. They paid people five times more to take
the job. Many of those people died. We gave it
away for a dollar.
Speaker 1 (27:14):
But do you know the French tried to build the
Panama Canal first. We talked about this a long time ago.
I actually think I might even done a little history
episode on this, Chris, did I you a history upside
on this? The French try to do the Panama Canal first,
and tens of thousands of French people died trying to
build the Panama Canal, and they had no idea how
to deal with the mosquito born illnesses. So get this.
I'll never forget this little here's a little tibbet for
you for your trivia next trivia night. People would come
in to the hospitals. They'd be sick, and they didn't
know how to ward off these these mosquito born illnesses
and things like that, and so they would actually put
the hospital beds in little put the legs of the
hospital bed in little cups of water, thinking maybe it
would help, when in fact, obviously the water is the
breeding ground from the mosquitoes, inviting in more mosquitoes. You know,
you really don't think enough, or at least I don't
think enough about all the people who died to build
the world we have now. You know, all the dams
out there, like those huge dams like Hoover Dam. You
know there are people. There are people in those dams
still because you pour the concrete and you have to
pour it continuously. It's it's it's crazy to think about.
You want to learn about some history for free, that
sound good? Maybe rise and fall of the Roman Empire,
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to learn about, not only its formation, the various a
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Hillsdale education for free. Lord knows we all need that.
Go check it out. One more segment left, We'll be back.
You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show. You're welcome. Is
the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of the Jesse Kelly
Show on a magnificent Tuesday. Reminding you you can email
the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com or leave
us a voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven four
three seven three.
Speaker 4 (30:19):
I had to go to the hospital. When I was
put in the hospitals in er. There was thirty five
people in er along with me in bed along the walls.
We could not get a room because it was filled
with illegals and homeless people. They finally had a transfer
me from one hospital to another so I could get care.
It's horrible, It is horrible.
Speaker 1 (30:42):
We don't have a media in this country, so it
would be asking too much. And to be honest, even
if you did have top media organizations on it, it
would be difficult to quantify. Difficult to quantify how much
lower your standard of living is because of the mass
quantities of illegals we brought into this country. Medical care
is so much more expensive because the illegals get all
the free medical care. So you know how free works.
Someone has to pay. That's you. Schooling education so much
worse because we constantly have to accommodate millions of these
kids in the country. The housing market, you're mad you
can't afford a house. Well, all those illegals they're living somewhere.
They're not all in the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City.
They're renting out houses, driving up the cost to get
a home in this country. Each issue after issue after
issue after issue, you spend way more than you should
because the illegals are in this country. Oh, by the way,
I have to show you something cool. If you're watching
on the simulcast, remember, you can watch me do the
radio show on the SIME will cast it on the
first TV. So I have to show you this. OB
got me this. It's this black bracelet. I have to
get the band on it fixed because I can't seem
to keep the thing tight the brace It's not important,
it's just string stuff whatever. But there's this little black
like button thing on there. You may see it's a
little bit shiny if you're looking on the camera. How
cool is this? It's a very very miniature picture of
my father and you can only really see it if
you shine a light behind it. It'll p if it's
in a dark room. If you shine a light behind it,
it'll project it onto the wall. Or you can take
your phone camera and put it the phone camera to
it and it'll show you. But carrying a picture of
my dad around with me all the time, how about
that freaking cool? You know, I'm gonna start talking to
you more and more about Legacy Box just for that reason.
They've just and so wonderful the Legacy Box. You know
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or film reels or just pictures, you throw them in
a Legacy box. They'll send you the box. You throw
them in a Legacy box and you mail it in
and they digitize that stuff for you. And don't try
not to get choked up here. Do you know how
awesome it is to be able to pull up digital
pictures of your dad, you know, and all those old
camcorder videos you took and things like that, to have
those digital, to have those on your on your computer,
on your iPad. And Legacy Box does all that for you.
They just you put all the stuff in the box
and they have this team of people. They over a
million people have done it. They'll digitize it all. Get
your stuff digitized. Man, your one house fire away from
losing it all, or water damage or the friggin' rats,
eat it, go go. And they got fifty percent. You
save fifty percent. Legacybox dot com slash jesse saves you
fifty percent. And if you buy it today, you send
it in whenever you send it in, whenever you're ready.
Take advantage legacybox dot com, slash Jesse. I just really
I met with them, and I told him that I
was going to hit him up for my old man,
and I just I really really appreciate him talk about
professional and they make it really easy. I know my mom,
My mom freaking cried legacybox dot com slash Jesse. That's precious, man,
that's really precious. All right, let's uh do a couple
more emails. Dear Jesse. Why does American foreign policy put
Christians last? The Christian community was completely destroyed in Iraq
after the war. Now the Islamic radicals have taken over Syria.
The Church will be destroyed there as well. Are are
leaders stupid or evil? Well, they're evil. Look in Iraq,
here's some most people don't know, don't realize. In fact,
we've found out when we were there. Saddam Hussein was
no great person. I'm not going to sing the praises
of Saddam Hussein, but Saddam Hussein protected the Christian community
in Iraq. Did you know that they were not persecuted
over there? And the second Saddam Hussein left we got him. Well,
then the Islamists took over and no more Christians in Iraq.
Same thing in Syria. The people who lead this country now,
so that hasn't always been this way. But the people
who lead this country now, yeah, many of them are stupid,
but many of them are very, very very evil. We
are outlook. But we brought up the Muslim rape gangs
in the UK and things like that. As I've told
you many times, the over arching story that explains almost
everything you see is Western governments to against their own people.
Now that's what's happened. It's happening in front of you.
It's happened with your government, with our government here in America,
it's happening. There's evidence of it everywhere. They show you
every single day. They view you as the enemy, and
everything they do is to try to stop you. Sucks.
That's where we are.
Speaker 6 (36:20):
And now here's a headline.
Speaker 1 (36:21):
But you know, you know the thing headlines We didn't
get to Italian village forbids residents from becoming ill. That actually,
that actually reminds me. Never tell you my dad used
to yell at me to stop coughing. If I ever
had a cough, tell me, tell me cut that coffin, boy, Dad,
I can't. I don't know what you want me to do.
Don't eat your Christmas tree, warns a Belgium food agency.
Don't tell me how to live my life. Trump says
NATO members should raise defense spending to five five percent
of GDP. That really, honestly is a huge reason why
so many of the globalists hate Donald Trump so much.
It's not because he's some hardcore right winger, which he's
really not. It's because he doesn't want America to get
screwed by all these foreign countries. And for the longest time,
Republicans and Democrats have just accepted the premise that America
is to be pillaged by all these other countries on
the planet without end. And I'm so so sick of it.
I saw something while I was gone that Biden and
them sent another few billion dollars to Ukraine to pay
for the pensions of Ukrainian government employees. So while you
can't make ends meet, they're taking your money and sending
it to pay for people's retirement in Ukraine. Gosh, US
House begins to work on Trump immigration crackdown. Yeah, I'm
not entirely hopeful that the US House is going to
get anything done on ever. Whatever. Whitmer's Michigan, Nearly twenty
thousand Michiganders got pink slips for Christmas, the most of
any state. Yeah, I guess voting for Gretchen Whitmer's reelection
because she promised more abortion didn't work out that well,
all right, we'll do this again tomorrow. That's all