Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show, Final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show, and
we're about to tackle election integrity things. I just saw
something in the hallway at work I'm gonna have to
address and it's gonna bring me to the benefits of
being a jerk. So we have election integrity why I'm
a jerk. We're gonna have blackmail and emails, ah, that
and so much more coming up this final hour on
the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. First, I'm gonna try
to get through these as fast as possible, not because
they don't matter, but because I am I really don't
want to dishearten anybody, because I am not disheartened about
this election. I am heartened. Chris, is that a word
heartened is the opposite of disheartened, right, emboldens whatever. I'm heartened.
I think it's going to be a great November six
days from now. I think it's gonna be awesome. I do.
But there have already been problems, and so let me
just let I'm just gonna read through the headlines and
we'll have a quick discussion, shall we. Headline Our NC
chair says Trump is suing Bucks County for turning away
our voters. That's from USA Today. You should know. Little
update courtesy of journalists Jesse. They won. This isn't some
kakamami internet theory here. Bucks County, Critical County in Pennsylvania
started turning away voters. Democrat election officials saw there were
a bunch of Republicans in line, shut it down, turned
away voters. RNC sued RNC one. Okay, all right, that's
bad headline. This is from the Main Top Main Democrats
declined to investigate the full scope of legal and illegal
aliens voting in Maine's elections. Gie, I wonder why they
do that headline. Powerful groups are hiding facts about illegal
voting by non citizens. That's from Just the Facts. Headline
from the Populous Times. Florida election worker fired after completed
ballots found by the roadside. Trump leads there in a
wide margin. I kid you not. They claimed that as
they drove off a sealed bin and a sealed bag
fell out. Oh whoops, it fell out. And finally headline,
Colorado's Secretary of State. Her name was Jenna Griswold. I
should note Colorado's Secretary of State site website improperly displayed
the partial words for voting systems. This is the exact
same secretary of State. Maybe you remember who tried to
get Donald Trump's name removed from the ballot in Colorado.
Here she was being asked about.
Speaker 2 (03:16):
It, Jenny Griswall, thank you for your time today. So
your office is acknowledging that you inadvertently leaked voting system
passwords by putting them on your website. Colorado Republican Party
says that this was more than six hundred bios passwords
for voting systems in all but one Colorado county.
Speaker 1 (03:32):
Is that accurate?
Speaker 3 (03:33):
That is not accurate?
Speaker 2 (03:35):
How many passwords and for which counties?
Speaker 3 (03:38):
So a spreadsheet located on the department website improperly had
a hit bidden tab with partial passwords, So I think
that is really important. This is not the full password
to access voting equipment.
Speaker 1 (03:52):
That's a lie. I should note it was the full password.
She's lying there. We now know it's the full password.
Speaker 3 (03:57):
This point, you know we had started an investigation and
act actually have people in the field that have been
working on this issue.
Speaker 2 (04:03):
When you say partial passwords, do you mean that it
had one of the two passwords required to get into
the system, or it did not even have one full password.
Speaker 3 (04:14):
It had one of two, and not for all voting components,
for some voting of components in the state.
Speaker 1 (04:20):
Okay, I'm not going to tackle each and every one
of these things, but look, we even have a voicemail
along the exact same line.
Speaker 4 (04:28):
Hey, Jesse, enjoy your show. You know, I went to vote.
Speaker 5 (04:32):
Early here in New Mexico was kind of taken aback
by the fact that RFK is still on the ballot.
You're probably aware of that, but thought i'd mention it.
Speaker 1 (04:44):
Why do they want the border open? You know what?
Why do they do a lot of what they do?
This is going to come back to election and integrity.
I swear I'm not changing the subject. To stay with me.
Why do democrats open the border? Why do democrats? Why
does George Soros have such an interest in what's that
useless Republican term they use, soft on crime DA's even
though they're pro crime, they're pro rape, they're pro murder.
Why is George Soros so hot on that millions and
millions of dollars? Huh, that's interesting. Why Why do democrats
want the prison doors open? Why do these Democrat judges
give every scumbag in these cities who commix then en
act of violence. Why do they give them a slap
on the wrist and turn them loose again? Why do
all of these things happen? What are they doing? Well,
let's talk about it. This is going to come back
to voting. Stay with me. In a stable society where
the people are happy, society is stable, and things seem good.
A communist revolution can never catch on in a society
like that because communists, if you even read about it,
you just know it's awful. It's terrible, it's awful. So
a stable society will never accept communism. It just simply won't. Well,
if you're a communist revolutionary, what do you do? Then?
You have to come up with ways to de stabilize
a society. And one of the most effective ways to
destabilize a society is to have a massive uptick in
violent crime. Because people, it's a human nature thing. I'm
just like you. We're all this way. People and their
personal safety it's a major thing personally. You want to
feel safe walking to your car. You want to feel
safe when your kids are driving to school. You want
safety for your wife, your husband, your mother personal safety.
Acts of violence scare us and we don't like it.
And so if you take that feeling away from people,
if you make them feel unsafe, then you will destabilize
the society. So back to what we were just talking about,
Why the open border, Why would Soros spend so much
money on the prosecutors? Why open up the jails? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
What are Democrats doing. It's not that they're paying for
violent crime or directly committing violent crime, although we oftentimes
know they are. What they are doing is they're creating
all the necessary conditions that guarantee violent crime. You open
the border, gangs are gonna come over, drugs, violence, horrible people.
You open up the jail cells, well, there are horrible
people in those jail cells. They're gonna go from being
horrible people in jail to being horrible people on the streets.
You get a Soros da in there, he's gonna take
that violent scumbag and get him back out of jail
so he can get back on in the streets and
rape and murder as many people as possible, as fast
as he possibly can. It's not that you're committing the crimes.
You are creating the conditions guaranteeing a massive uptick in criminality.
This is exactly what Democrats do when it comes to
voter integrity or lack thereof. It's not that they're all
participating in it, but every single one of them, top
to bottom, House, Senate, Congress, Secretary of State to the
average street animal on the ground, they create the conditions
that guarantee cheating in an election. Oh whoops, did your
ballot box fall out of the back of my truck
in a red county? Oopsie, I should have invested in
more ZIP ties. Oh did I accidentally leak all of
the passwords for our voting machines online?
Speaker 2 (08:52):
Speaker 1 (08:53):
I'm sorry? Whoops? My bad too, sad?
Speaker 2 (08:56):
Speaker 1 (08:57):
Oh what is that? No? You shouldn't have to show
ID to vote? No, that would be all. What's a
word we can use it starts with an R. That
would be racist? No, no, no, no, no, no voter ID. Oh.
Mail in batting balloting. Everyone should get to do that.
Every election should have only mail and ballance balloting. Just
have just put in the mail and we'll just collect
everything from everywhere, creating the conditions that guarantee election cheating.
And how could they do that, why would they do that.
Don't they have any integrity? They're all revolutionaries, they're fighting
a revolution. You can never understand how the communist thinks
and why he does what he does with the approval
of his conscience. Until you understand they're revolutionaries and anything
and everything in the cause of the revolution. You whip
yourself up into a frenzy. You convince yourself burning down
America is the greater good. You convince yourself you're fighting Nazis,
and once you have allowed your mind to go to
that place, then anything you do to stop them becomes
acceptable to you. That's what they've done with election integrity
in this country. That's why RFK is still on the
ballot in so many places too, creating every condition necessary
so they can fraudulently steal an election. That's why let's
do some emails. Next, miss something.
Speaker 3 (10:40):
There's a podcast, get it on.
Speaker 1 (10:42):
Demand wherever podcasts are found, The Jesse Kelly Show. It
is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. Reminding you
you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
You can leave us a voice smell eight seven seven
three seven seven four three seven three.
Speaker 4 (11:04):
Three You in your small hands. You rock. Brother. I
just want to let you know that I believe that
Kamal let's throw in all these interviews and all that stuff,
because they're going to steal this right in front of
our face. They're going to try like hell, and I
firmly believe that they're gonna They're running a terrible campaign
just to show the world that they can steal this
right in front of our face. Peace, hell, brother, keep
cooking them burgers.
Speaker 1 (11:28):
I hope you're wrong, my brother. Let's all make sure
we're praying. All right, don't underestimate the power press.
Speaker 5 (11:35):
With you listening to your show.
Speaker 1 (11:38):
I need to point something out that that word that
Jewish producer Chris beeped out, it's exactly what you think.
It starts with an S. He's talking about a toilet.
Only he used the potty word that we're not going
to play for kids, and did he think that was
going to be offensive to me in any way? Listen,
I'm a toilet fan. And here's what Chris. Stay with me.
I'm a toilet fan because once you have kids, See Chris,
your daughter's still too young for you to fully fully
grasp this. Yet you wait until she's walking, buddy, you
just wait until she's walked. She's not walking yet right now? Ah?
You wait, Corey, Corey?
Speaker 5 (12:21):
How old?
Speaker 1 (12:22):
How old again?
Speaker 5 (12:22):
How old?
Speaker 1 (12:23):
Eight months? Yeah? Yeah, you just wait. But both of
you you think right now, because you've lived your whole life,
you can really find peace anywhere. You really can't. Even
once you're married, you just start a fight with your wife.
Totally peaceful, peace and quiet. This all disappears once they
start walking. Your kids will. You'll eventually escape to the toilet,
and then you've never thought about this, but the height
of your doors is going to matter a lot because
you think you've escaped, You'll look up and you'll see
these tiny little hands sticking under the door. Dada, are you?
And Dad? Are you with a a? You eventually learn
that the toilet may be the only comfort, the only
privacy you have in life, unless you're going to be
wealthy enough to have a guest house or something along
those lines. I've wanted a guest house forever, not for guests,
for me, for me, So I love the toilet. Do
you think you're offending me by listing on the toilet?
That's when I do my best word.
Speaker 5 (13:28):
I sit on the show with you listening to your show.
Joe Rogaine is a failed actor who got lucky with
his podcast, just like you are a failed politician who
got lucky with AM radio with coast to coast listeners.
Speaker 1 (13:47):
That's kind of true. Actually, now, let me tell you
about what I saw in the hallway. I was using
the bathroom in between the hours, in between second and
third hour. I had to run down to use the
bathroom really quick. Number one, not number two. It's not important.
I just wanted you to know what, Chris. I wanted
everyone to know that I didn't rush it. I would
never rush it. I don't do that. You know that,
Chris knows. Anyway, I go down use the bathroom real quick,
I wash my hands because I'm not some kind of
a caveman savage like half the people who work in
this building. And I'm coming back, and I saw the
funniest thing. Because I've been there and I know everyone's
been there. You guys will see it, Chris Corey, when
you go out. One of the people who one of
the companies in this building, they're having a company Halloween party,
and it is the saddest looking thing you've ever seen
in your entire life. Time? What time is it now?
What time is it here? Seven thirty at night? It's
seven thirty at night. And the reason it was so
hilarious is the elevator in the stairs. It was full
of employees who were dressed up in costumes. You've never
seen such dark, sad attitudes ever. Obviously it was something
everyone had to be at. No one wants to go
to a Halloween party at their work at seven point
thirty on a Wednesday night. It was so pathetic. I
still can't stop laughing about it. They actually all had
their shoulders hunched over as they walked in. And you
know why this stuff happens. I'll tell you why this
stuff happens because there aren't enough jerks who work at
major companies. I have actually thought to myself, because that
is my particular specialty, being a jerk. I don't do
that intentionally, that's just something that's always come natural to me.
I should hire out my services to major companies. Don't
shake your head, Chris, to help them with these things,
because here's exactly how this goes. You'll get all these
suits in your corporation there and they'll be you know,
the president and VP of this, and VP of marketing
and VP of this, and this guy and this guy
and this guy, and what they all feel like they
have to do. They all feel like they have to
come up with an idea, like they have to come
up with an idea. Oh, we got to do something here,
we gotta do something there. And inevitably, no matter what
your company is, if it's big enough, inevitably there will
be somebody, generally a woman, who will pipe up and
she'll say, you know what, we need to do a
super fun Halloween party. And what happens is immediately most
of the people in that room, men and women, they
won't want to go, they won't want to pay for it,
they won't want to plan it, they don't want to
do it. No one wants to do it. But nobody
wants to be the bad guy and say that's dumb. No,
we're not doing that, that's dumb, Tina. You know what, Tina,
don't ever talk in the meetings again. That was stupid.
That's why you need me, That's why you need to
hire me to come and sit down. I won't try
to get involved in your company's business, but I can
be shoot down the idea guy, that's what I do
so well. Could look, you don't even know have to
pay me that much? All right, but pay me some
king sized candy bars. What Chris, Yes, that's right, Chris consigliary,
exactly what I need to be. Hire me out to
be your consigliary. I will take care of annoying Tina
for you, I promise, all right. Maybe it's because i've
look I take my chalk. Maybe you didn't shoot Tina
down because you don't have enough testosterone to do so.
Maybe you heard Tina make her stupid suggestion and she's
all and then we can get a notcho bar in
a mariachi band. And maybe you're sitting there thinking this
is gonna cost like ten thousand dollars for the Halloween party.
I don't want to do this, but I'm too scared
to tell Tina. No, that's because your tea levels are
too freaking low. If you were on a male vitality
stack from chalk, you could have a twenty percent increase
in your testosterone in ninety days, and you'll tell Tina
where the bear went through the buckwheat. Get on a
male vitality stack or show Tina, not tell her. You
have to show her where the bear went through the
buck wheat? What, Chris, you never heard that saying? My
dad used to tell me that all the time. I'm
still not to be sure what it means, but it
always sounded pretty scary, very scary. Back to chalk, female
vitality stacks, Male vitality stacks, natural something got caught in
my throat. Quit natural herbal supplements at c hoq dot com.
Promo code Jesse, get a subscription, save a fortune, Tell
Tina to shut up. We'll be back. What Chris, we
can make jokes. It's fine, we get that right. The
Jesse Kelly Show, Truth Attitude, Jesse Kelly. It is The
Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday, And I am going
to get to more emails in a moment before we
get to black mail stuff. I do have to just
give you a little update on this. It happened about
an hour, hour and a half ago, and I wasn't
even gonna mention it because it's more of a visual thing.
But some people were just good at certain things. Donald
Trump is an outstanding retail politician. He is he is.
He's terrible at selecting personnel. But man, when it comes
to being a retail politician, he's really good. And when
it comes to getting under people's skin, he's really really good.
So the Biden staff, the Democrats have spent all day, Chris,
you have that cut from coren Diversity Higher. They've spent
all day trying to clean up Joe Biden's diaper from
what he said, does he think.
Speaker 2 (19:33):
Less of Americans who support Trump than he does of
those who do not? And two, why is he using
that kind of rhetoric?
Speaker 1 (19:41):
How is that presidential?
Speaker 6 (19:42):
So a couple of things, A couple of things. So
just to clarify, he was not calling Trump supporters garbage,
which is why he put out This is why he
wanted to make sure that we put out a statement
that clarified what he meant and what he was trying
to say.
Speaker 1 (19:57):
Yeah, yeah, we got it. What Look, come on, we
all heard what he's saying.
Speaker 3 (20:02):
Like garbage.
Speaker 6 (20:02):
I see floating down there is his supporters.
Speaker 1 (20:05):
Yeah Trump today. I don't even know how he turned
it around in this amount of time. That's an incredibly
fast time frame. I guess you're when you're Donald Trump,
you can probably make some calls and get a rush
job done. So Trump Trump's jet pulls up somewhere. I
don't know where they were. Where are they, Chris, It
doesn't matter. Trump's jet Wisconsin, Okay, so he's even Wisconsin.
He's campaigning in a swing state. His jet, his Trump
jet pulls up. And do you know what vehicle? What
vehicle shows up to pick up Donald Trump? A garbage
truck and it's got a big Trump Vance sign on
the side of it. And Trump Trump puts on a
garbage like a garbage man's I think he's in a
garbage man's uniform, or at least a reflector vest. I
think he put on a reflector I put on a
reflector vest when he got in the garbage truck to
ride it to wherever he's going. I tell you, man,
the times he has made me so mad I've been
yelling on the radio, he has made me laugh equally
as many of those times. He just is so good
at that stuff. He's so light on his feet when
it comes to that. He's a really, really, really good
retail politician. He is. Him and Bill Clinton are the
two best I've ever seen at it. He's just he's
really really good at it. Jesse regarding the jokes, by
the comedian at the Trump rally, realizing that the Kami
Democrats will seize on any morsel, no matter how small
or insignificant, when it comes to anything that can be
contrived as racial, ethnic, or a sexual insult. Why isn't
there at least a conversation with the prospective speaker regarding
the content of their potential remarks by the candidate or
his team. Guy says, believe me, I'm not a prude.
So on and so forth, read the room, know your audience,
so okay, okay, So now I understand what you're saying. Hey,
why wouldn't the Trump campaign vet the guy? You had
this comedian on? He's hilarious. I should note Tony Hencliff
and I'm gonna be going to a show. He's hilarious.
But that's what he does. He insults people everybody. That's
what he's famous for, insulting everybody. He's really really good.
It's like Don Rickles type. Just Don Rickles was a
master at it. He'll get you in a room. It'll
make fun of your face, your mom, your weight, your race,
your whatever it is. That's what he does. He insults people.
That's his specialty and that's hilarious. And so what you
say is, why why wouldn't the Trump campaign step in
vet this guy, vet this and stop it? Why not
stop this from happening? Okay, so let me ask you something.
Let me ask you something. Let's say let's say you
walk to work every single day. You walk to work
every single day, and on your way to work every
single day, sometimes you carry your lunch. Sometimes you'll buy
lunch at work. But some days you will pack a
lunch just like you were in school again, and you
will carry your lunch. So you're walking to work, and
on the days where you are carrying your lunch, there
is a guy there, angry, violent, big, scary guy there.
He assaults you and takes your lunch from you. How
do you deal with that problem? Do you deal with
that problem by finding a different way, even though you
have to walk longer, it's miserable. Do you deal with
that problem by you just never pack your lunch? Hey,
I'm just gonna get beat up, it's gonna get stolen.
You never pack your lunch, you cost yourself money, you
cost yourself happiness. Instead, you just go to work without
a lunch every single day, So you don't want to
get robbed and beat up, or do you learn how
to defend yourself and beat the living crap out of
the guy for trying to take your lunch, or maybe
even get a concealed carry permit so you can defend yourself,
or get yourself a burn a pistol launcher. What if
instead you just got to burn a pistol launcher. You
know they're non lethal, right, You know that big guy
coming to take your lunch and beat you up, You
can fire a pepper ball into his chest, which that
itself hurts a lot, hurts enough, and then his face
will be engulfed with a pepper cloud. And as he's
snotting and crying and we being on the ground, you
and your lunch can continue to walk to work. You
can do that, or you can just not pack your
lunch anymore. What's a more permanent solution to the problem.
Getting the burnupistol launcher, which I should note you can
get ten percent off at Berna dot com slash jesse.
That's b why Rna dot com slash jesse. Go get
yourself a burn ap pistol launcher. Everyone should have one
of these. Honestly, you really should. But back to my story.
You say you should vet the comic. Don't bring that
guy in there. He's gonna say something racial or a
cultural or religious. Don't bring that guy on there. The
worst thing you can possibly do is act afraid of
the communists and the communist ops they run. It's how
they smell blood in the water, and the second you
give them that fear, they will never stop coming after you.
The permanent solution is to suck them right in the
mouth or shoot them with your burn epistol launch as
they try to take your lunch, and then you and
your lunch will be safe forever. Carry your lunch to
work every single day. Why do we do what we
do on this show every single day? How many people
do you think we offend on this show every day?
Between Jewish producer Chris or the various sound lights we
have on here, or the us laughing at Puerto Rican
jokes all the time. We talk about religion, we talk
about race. Do you have any idea how many complaints
they get to corporate every single day and the second
they get one, they generally don't tell me about it.
But if they tell me, I'll actually make the joke
again multiple times. The next day to double down. Why
because it's critical to let the communists know their ops
will never govern you ever, ever, ever. You will not
have fences built around you by filthy communists in this country, never, ever, ever.
If it was up to me, I would, in response
to this controversy, I'd run out the entire Madison Square
garden again, and I'd give Tony Hincliffe an entire hour
to get up there and make the most offensive jokes
he has in his arsenal, and I'd broadcast it on
any network I had, just to show the filthy communists
exactly how far being offended is going to get them
with you. That is how you deal with bullies, that
is how you deal with tyrants, and that's how you
deal with this disgusting communist rage mob we have in
this country that has watered down this society to the
point you can't say anything about anybody. I'm offended. This
might offend these people, this might offend these people. Your
offense is not my currency. I don't give a crap
what offends you. It will never govern me. And if
you tell me something offends you, all you've done is
guarantee that I will say it louder and more often.
From that point, Why is it just because I'm a jerk? No,
that's only half the reason. The other half is I
have to teach you a lesson that you don't get
to tell me what to say or what not to say. Ever,
that attitude is how you deal with communists. It's not
for everybody. For some people it'll be hard. For me,
it's easy because I'm a natural jerk. For some people
it will be hard. But that is the kind of
attitude you need. All right, all right, we'll be back.
It's the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Final segment of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday.
We will be back to do it again tomorrow. You
can email the show Jesse at Jesse allyshow dot com.
He can leave us voicemails eight seven seven three seven
seven four three seven three. Crazy guy from last night
who told me that my guns aren't gonna matter because
the end times are coming, or something like that. Jewish
producer Chris just told me he has he has left
us a follow up and you're gonna have to wait
until tomorrow to hear it. And we're not playing it for
you yet. I haven't heard it yet. I don't know
what it is. Chris, should I be honest, don't don't.
Don't oversell it to me or anyone else. Are we
gonna enjoy it? Is it gonna be good? Chris says
it's gonna be good. Okay, Chris is a very dour
human being, very dour. He would not oversell it at all.
He says it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good.
So that's coming tomorrow. Remember if you miss any part
of the show, he can download the whole thing on iHeart,
on Spotify, on iTunes. Now, let's get to blackmail really quick,
before we get to email really quick, before we get
to headlines. We have to do all this stuff really
quick first. This is from Red State Homeland Security staff
is concerned Tim Walls is under Chinese control in the DHS.
There's Stonewall in Congress. Okay, well, there's no Maybe we've
lost track of how many times Tim Walls has visited
China in his lifetime. Now there are rumors, according to
the Daily Mail, that he had a relationship there. Her
name's Jenna Wang, which I'm not going to make any
jokes about that. Right now, all right, I'm not going
to get sidetracked. Her name's Jenna Wang, and she is
the daughter of a Chinese Communist Party official, and rumor
has it that they were enjoying each other's company while
he was in China, which I'll be honest with you,
I am a little bit shocked that I didn't think
it would be a woman. But either way that there
are problems there. When you're an adult human being without
a lot of money, travel is really really expensive, and
Walls is just a career government employee, and you spend
that much time in one country in China, you've been approached.
That's a guarantee to guarantees. You have been surveilled by
the Chinese Communist Party, and you have been approached by
the Chinese Communist Party, and maybe not in an obvious way,
they will understand that you are a potential asset. Because
you're an American citizen, they would know he's politically involved.
The chance is, honestly, i'll be frank with you right now,
there aren't There aren't very many of us that could
spend that much time in our youth, remember as a
young man he was over there. How many places could
you be videotaped and recorded during your youth where you
wouldn't have done anything that you didn't want coming out later.
That's really all of us, isn't it. Everyone has I
don't care if it's just picking your nose. Everyone has something. Well,
when you visit China, they will look into you, they
will spy on you, they will listen in, they will
videotape you, trying to blackmail you. Honestly, it's not even
it's not shocking. The only shocking part about it is
that it was a woman. It's not shocking that he's compromised.
Of course he's compromised. Nobody goes to one place that
many times ever without specific reasons. And if you do
go to a place like that that many times, oh,
believe me, you've been compromised somehow, some way. Now, what
does that mean for the United States of America should
he assume the office of the Vice presidency, But it
would mean China really is going to have veto power
on things, and if not veto power, they would have
knowledge of everything. Remember, if there's some top secret operation,
Tim Walls is going to be in that situation room
right next to Kamala Harris. Anyone gonna grab Tim Walls's
phone when it vibrates to see who's on the other
end and figure out exactly what he's being threatened with.
And if this is not a one off, it's not
unique to Walls. How many people both parties have been
compromised to the point it doesn't matter what they say
they stand for. They are controlled by other entities, some foreign,
some domestic. It's just the truth anyway.
Speaker 3 (33:43):
And now here's a headline, why you know, you know
the thing?
Speaker 1 (33:47):
Headlines we didn't get to University of Nevada female volleyball
players refuse to show up for a match against a
six foot male player. I've been very, very hard on
the women in women's sports for not boycotting more. I
love this. I applaud this. This takes real courage to
get out there. Cost yourself, maybe your scholarship, cost yourself,
your career, even your reputation, to stand up for something.
Every one of these women, I applaud you. I stand
behind you. JD. Vance calls out Politico for sugarcoating the
Biden quote about Trump's supporters being garbage. Well, again, they're
not reporters. Politico isn't a news media or journalistic outfit
of any kind. They are warriors for the cause of communism.
They're warriors for the revolution. When journalists are taught things
in journalism school, they're not taught how to present a
story without bias. They are taught that there is a
greater cause, a greater good, and that's what they have
to serve. And I know you're gonna find this shocking,
but the greater cause there good, it ain't yours. Drunk
animals are far more common than previously thought, scientists say.
Anyone who's ever visited Philadelphia knows that Nebraska Senate candidate
Dan Osborne called Trump embarrassing and incompetent, and now he
wants to help build the border wall. Yes, as soon
as Trump wins a primary, everyone becomes the biggest hardcore
Trump guy in the history of mankind. Just be honest.
You can like him, you can hate him, you can
criticize him when he's wrong and praise him when he
does right. It's just really awful how much the whole
political orbit revolves around one guide. No matter which way
you slice it, be your own, man. Gosh, that's pathetic.
ABC station mistakenly aired election result test during a Formula
One race, and it showed Harris winning Pennsylvania, and it
showed her winning Pennsylvania by five points. Let's just call
it a mistake. But combine that with all the other
news stories we read ahead again, creating all the conditions
necessary for something the faiyu is to happen. Anyway, we
will be back tomorrow to do it again. We will
have a blast, and we will play that crazy voicemail.
That's all.