All Episodes

May 2, 2024 45 mins

The United States government has been stacked with people who hate America and want to see it destroyed. Jesse Kelly has the receipts to back that up. Not everyone in government is bad though, there's a few out there with your interest in mind. Senator Marsha Blackburn is one of them and she joins Jesse Kelly to discuss how she's combating an array of issues. Plus, appearances from West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and former Miss Great Britain Leilani Dowding.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
They're reckoning us on purpose. These people will talk about that.
Tonight's Senator Marshall Blackburn is here talking about human trafficking,
what's going on in West Virginia with these middle school
girls taking on a trainee.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
All that and more coming up.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
But I'm right, who should you blame? What do we blame?
Who's the problem here in the United States of America.
We'll make it about us. Who's the problem? Who's the problem?

How do we address the problem? Because it can get confusing,
can it? You look around right now and there are
new stories, new scandals, new protests, new riots every single day,
and we can find ourselves blaming people who may not
be great people, but they're probably not the ones we
should blame.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
I'll put it to you this way.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
So we're about to talk about street communists versus elite
communists and the protests and things like that. Just really quickly,
we have a big show for you. But let's say
even invited to be over to your house. My whole family,
we're coming over. We're gonna have dinner. We're gonna get
little Caesars and some crazy bread and stuff. All right,
So it's a little Caesar's Night at your house, bringing
my family over. And I stand in front of your home,

your apartment, wherever you live, and I tell my two
meat head sons, even though they're very well behaved boys,
but I tell them right before we walk in. Hey, boys,
when we go in, I want you to trash the place.
See something expensive, knock it over and break it. In fact,
I want you to raid their pantry, steal all their food.

If you find any expensive jewelry, stuff it in your
pocket and don't worry. Don't worry, boys, if you do
this for me, not only will you not get in trouble,
I'll protect you and.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
I'll reward you.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
And then I walk into your house and my boys
and they proceed to trash your house.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Now, who's the real bad guy in that situation?

Speaker 1 (01:59):
Obviously, you're not happy with the boys, little monsters, stop
breaking my stuff.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Wow, those are my earrings.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
You're not happy with the boys, and you need the
boys to stop.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
But they're not the source of the problem, are they.
They're not the bad guy. The real bad guy in
that scenario.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
The bad guy in that scenario is me, the one
facilitating it, directing it, protecting it. Right now, the big
story across the country everywhere. Every time you turn on
the news, that's all you can see is the street
animals all over America's colleges. Right now, they're protesting.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
I love a moskill all the Jews, all the random crap.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
They're saying, death to America, all the standard things they're
saying right now. And everyone wants to talk about the
street communists this, and I can't believe the students stad
and these students are crazy and whatnot. But did you
see the story out of the White House yesterday? White
House yesterday came out what kind of leaked They kind

of announced it that these refusees from Palestine, refugees who
no other nation will accept, because every time a nation
has accepted refugees from Palestine, it's been a disaster, all
kinds of terrorism. It's the disasters. So now nobody takes them.
Jordan won't take them anymore. Everyone's all now, not for me,
but the White House they want them to come here.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Now, what how could that be?

Speaker 3 (03:25):
We just had.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Violent protests and people were getting beaten in their arrests
and the cops had to raid. But you want to
gather up a bunch of people and bring more of them.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
How could that be?

Speaker 1 (03:37):
Well, as much as I despise the dirty street animals
you've seen on college campuses, as much as I hate
the antifas of the world and the Black Lives Matter
and the LGBTQ demon freaks as they're out there and
they're pink feather, bill is as much as I can't
stand these people. These people only do the things they

do in this country because they are paid to do
it by the elites.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
They are allowed to do it by the elites.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
In many cases, they are encouraged to do it by
the elites. The politicians, the bureaucrats, the media people, the
finance billionaires, the tech billionaires. They are the true source
of evil and destruction in this country. They are the
ones who have lined all this out. I want to
make sure I give him credit. His name's Matt O'Brien.

We've had him on the show before. He's with the Blaze.
But he did a fascinating report and I'll let you
go read the report. So I'm just going to paraphrase
for you here in the interest of time. We have
a senator coming up. We have so many other things
coming up. You know, the government's job is immigration enforcement.
It's one of their main jobs, one of their few jobs.

For obvious reasons, you kind of need the central government
to decide who can come in, who's not going to
come in, citizenship questions, the border protection. This needs to
be done by the federal government. They're the security guard.
We hired them to work security. Matt O'Brien lays it
all out here, names other names, Michelle Bronnier, Chris Magnus,

you name it. The people running the government and specifically
the immigration portion of the government. They hate the country
and more specifically they hate immigration enforcement for the country.
Most of these people have made public statements against ice,
against deporting anybody. The people we've put in charge to

guard the door. The security guard we hired to guard
the home. It's not that he just got drunk and
he's sleeping on the job and now a bunch of
burglars are stepping over him.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
To get in the house.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
The security guard we hired to guard the home is
actually taking the money we paid him, and he's advertising
to criminals that they're allowed to come here, and if
they need help with the plane ticket, he's buying them
at tickets that they can come to town and come into
our home and rop the home. That's where we are,
That's where we are as a country. All these dirty

animals on college campuses, it's the faculty that created these
little monsters.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
You know. They were talking yesterday about how they.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Think there are terrorists involved in terrorists here, in terrorists there.
And anyone who's read the Anti Communist Manifesto available at
Jesse kellybook dot com. Everyone who's read this wonderful book
knows the terrorists are on the staff. All those weather
underground terrorists trying to murder people in the United States

of America, they all moved right on to become university
professors and administrators. All we have big, big problems, but
it goes well beyond some skinny college dorks at Columbia University.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
The real source of the rock is up on high.
Remember that that.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
May have made you uncomfortable, but I am right. We
have the Senator, Senator Marshall Blackburn, she joins us. Next
before she joins us, let's talk about you and you're.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
Tired aching feet. Your feet don't have to hurt at
the end of the day.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
I mean, at the end of the day, we just
kind of build this into our minds that Oh I'm
my feet hurt by my feet are gonna hurt. My
feet are sore, honey, can you rub my feet? I
need something for my feet. You've heard a g dephi
gravity to fire. That's what it stands for. GPHI. What
they are there the most incredible shoes ever. They come
with custom orthotics, custom orthotics. And this is the most

important part. Your feet hurt at the end of the
day because you're wearing shoes that are made for everyone
instead of wearing shoes that are made for you. Let
gediphi gets you a pair of shoes that are made
for you for your unique feet.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
Here's what you need to do.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
You need to go to g d e f y
dot com pick out what you want. You used to
promo code jesse. You save yourself a pile of money
to make sure you do that. G D e f
y dot com promo code jesse one pair.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
We'll turn into ten. I promise we'll be back.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
Should the United States bring in people from.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Dust, well, we are a land of immigrants.

Speaker 5 (08:29):
Fully support that and also fully support amnesty for the
migrants who have been here for quite some time.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Ah yeah, Land of immigrants. I love that line.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Joining me now, Senator from the Great State of Tennessee,
Senator Marshall Blackburn, Senator, we can't get the people who
are right next to Gaza to take any of these
people in, but we're going to take some of these
people in good more security risks that'll go well Jesse.

Speaker 5 (08:57):
Every day, I think I've heard it all out of
this administration. In the stay, there is some something else
that is going on, you know, and it started on
day one of the Biden administration. And now what they're
saying is, Okay, we're going to take these Palestinians in.
We're going to call them refugees, We're going to give

them benefits, We're going.

Speaker 6 (09:21):
To give them a residence status.

Speaker 5 (09:25):
This is something that is absolutely perplexing. We have a
wide open southern border. We do not know who is
coming in this country. We had people from one hundred
and seventy different countries come in last year, and on
top of all of this, ten million people that have

illegally entered the country. Now what they're saying is, Okay,
we're going to take in Palestinians because people in the
region do not want them coming int to their countries
and there is a reason they do not want them
coming into their countries.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
Yeah, Jordan has a lot of stories about the reasons
why those people are not welcome in anymore. But you
know what, speaking of the illegals, lots of people beyond
Gaza have been coming in, as you will know, you
talk about it all the time, millions and millions and
millions of them. Now we find out they have jobs
at Uber Eats store, dash grub Hub. Americans can't find
a job even when they're looking for second ones, and

illegals can in this country.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Is that how we do it now?

Speaker 5 (10:35):
Well, that is how the cartels are doing if what
they have figured out is these people that they're bringing
in that have to work their fee out with the cartel.
Bear in mind, you don't come across that border unless
you pay the cartel. Not everybody has cash up front,
So the cartel will put a bracelet on them.

Speaker 6 (10:56):
It's like an.

Speaker 5 (10:59):
Ankle bracelet that you will see on people who are
under court orders, and they will bring those individuals in.

Speaker 6 (11:09):
Then those individuals have to work out their feet.

Speaker 5 (11:12):
So the cartels have figured out they can go to
people who have accounts as deliverers are working for grubhub,
door Dash and to uber Eats, and they can say, hey,
we'll split the money, and so and so will go
and run your routes for you and will split this money.

So what has happened is American citizens and people that
are not vetted, they're not in the country legally. They
may be using this as a chance to case neighborhoods.
They're showing up at their door to deliver food. So
when you open your door in the middle of the night,
it may not be somebody that matches the car and

the identity of the grubhub driver. It might be someone else.
And of course we know that the illegal alien who
killed Lakenriley was someone who had been parolled into the
country under Joe Biden. And what were they doing. They

were working as food delivery.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Golly well, that's a wake up call for everybody. Senator.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
I don't think people understand that right now, it's probably
the largest human trafficking operation in world history, human slavery operation. Honestly,
that's what these people are in world history, is crossing
our southern border.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
I don't think people understand how bad it is.

Speaker 6 (12:38):
And you can look at the numbers to Jesse.

Speaker 5 (12:40):
In twenty nineteen, human trafficking was a five hundred million
dollar a year business, and that's according to the Department
of Homeland Security. That is their stat and then by
last year rolling around, the number that we got was
it was a thirteen.

Speaker 6 (12:59):
Bill million dollar a year business.

Speaker 5 (13:02):
Globally it has grown to one hundred and fifty billion
dollars a year business. Now, the reason for this is
because the cartels do make a lot of money trafficking
human beings. As I said, last year, people from one
hundred and seventy different nationalities coming to that southern border
to illegally enter the country. Out of that, out of

the ten million people that have crossed, we have seen
a a seven thousand percent increase in Chinese last year,
twenty four thousand Chinese this year. So far, in the
first six months, we've already talked that number. We're twenty
five thousand. Now, you don't leave China on your own accord.

You have to get permission from the Chinese Communist Party.
So the question all of these big blue sanctuary cities
should ask, and the question citizens should ask of their
elected representatives, is why is it that China is shipping
so many young male single individuals people are fighting age.

Speaker 6 (14:13):
Why are they sending them into the US?

Speaker 2 (14:17):
That is interesting?

Speaker 1 (14:18):
Why why you know you've got to build pasted about
this online human trafficking?

Speaker 2 (14:23):
What is this about? What's online human trafficking?

Speaker 5 (14:26):
Yes, the Report Act is going to be signed into
law by President Biden. This is something that I have
worked on in a bipartisan manner, and Nick Nick, the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children would be This
is something that enables them to retain records of checks

the child exploitative material, of pornographic material, and be able
to capture sure these predators and pedophiles and get them
into court, get them tried, get them locked up.

Speaker 6 (15:08):
And this is something.

Speaker 5 (15:10):
That allows for longer retention, for easier transfer to judges
and attorneys for these prosecutions.

Speaker 6 (15:20):
And it also requires that when you.

Speaker 5 (15:24):
Have someone online that is a predator or a pedophile
and they are displaying this pornographic material, you are required
social media platforms to report this to Nickmick, report it
to law enforcement so that we can get these people offline.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
Shifting gears to the spending Senator, I see we have
another six billion for student loans. I know you voted
against it, but there's another ninety billion for every country
under the sun, whether we like it or not. Odd
is anybody who works in that town whare of the
debt situation and the fact that groceries are up forty
percent and people cannot afford to live right now in

this country. They act like they're not they acting it's
not even happening.

Speaker 6 (16:12):
They do act like it's not happening.

Speaker 5 (16:15):
I guess they're doing food delivery and getting their their
trees are dropped off at their door.

Speaker 4 (16:22):

Speaker 5 (16:22):
If you look at your groceries receipt from twenty nineteen
and then you match it up with a receipt from today,
same items, same basket of goods, you would have spent
one hundred dollars in twenty nineteen. Today that is costing
you one hundred and thirty seven dollars. If you were

filling up the tank of the car in twenty nineteen,
to fill that tank up fifty four dollars today eighty
four dollars. This shows you what is happening with inflation.
With the items, the good the services that people use most.
We know that tennesseeums are spending about one thousand dollars

a month more just to tread water and just to
stay where they were in twenty nineteen, twenty twenty, What.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
Is the plan to rain DC?

Speaker 4 (17:22):

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Senator, I realize you're only one senator, but honestly, if
these people don't stop.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
They're just going to smash us all.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
We can't keep doing this printing and spending.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
In printing and spending, do.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
They realize that the party's going to stop at some
point and then it's not going to be any fun
being in DC?

Speaker 6 (17:38):
What is so interesting? They don't think it's going to
happen on their watch.

Speaker 5 (17:42):
And there is a thing, and my grandmother used to
say this all the time. You can be liked or
you can be respected, and what they want to do
is be liked. They want people to love them, So
they just keep cranking out those printing presses and they
think they're going to be long gone before the bill
comes due. But the person that's going to be toting

the note on all of this out of control spending
is our kids and grandkids.

Speaker 6 (18:09):
And what we are.

Speaker 5 (18:09):
Doing to our grandchildren today is capping their opportunities in
future years because they're going to be burdened with this
national debt. There are some things Congress could do. Number one,
and I hope President Trump does this. Number one. Freeze
federal hiring. Number two, freeze federal salaries. Number three, move

federal agencies outside of DC and get them closer to
the people that they are supposed to be there to help.
Maybe put the USDA out in Kansas, put Health and
Human Services down in Tennessee, put the Department of Education

in Floria to take a pic.

Speaker 6 (18:59):
There are places that can go.

Speaker 4 (19:01):

Speaker 6 (19:01):
The other thing is to do.

Speaker 5 (19:03):
Across the board's spending cuts every year, look at each
of these cabinet secretaries and say, okay, you need to
go in and you need to make a one percent
haircut on your appropriations. Save a penny out of a dollar,
are better yet? Save two pennies out of a dollar,

are better yet? Save a nickel out of a dollar,
and do it for your kids and grandkids.

Speaker 6 (19:30):
I thought it was so interesting.

Speaker 5 (19:32):
On July tenth of twenty ten, Admiral Mullen was asked
what keeps him up at night. His response, our nation's debt,
and we have to look at who owns that debt.
When you look at the fact that China is one
of the top holders the OPEC nations. O peck those

nations a top holder of our debt.

Speaker 6 (19:56):
This should give you pause, that's for sure.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
Senator, thank you. I appreciate it as always got it
all right. Immigration is a problem. It's not only a
problem here, it's all of the West. And that actually
makes it sad, or doesn't it. We have former Miss
Britain Leilani Doubting joining us next to talk about this
issue before we talk about that. Wow, food delivery drivers

now too. Huh? Do you have your burn a pistol
launcher on you? Do you keep it around you at home?

Speaker 2 (20:31):
You know?

Speaker 1 (20:31):
I talk to you about Berna all the time about
the non lethal the non lethal pistol launchers. They shoot
these pepper balls. They're incredible. The swat teams around the
country use them. They're legal in all fifty states, by
the way, everyone can have one, and I talk to
you about keeping one on you in your car and
when you're out for a job. Having one around you
at the house is not a bad idea either. Making

sure your dad, who lives alone, making sure he has
one not a bad idea. Your daughter you sent off
to college a really good idea. Go get one, Go
get a couple. B y r Na Berna dot com
slash Jesse.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
It's a dangerous world out there. We'll be back. You
know what kind of bums me out?

Speaker 1 (21:21):
I guess maybe it should make me feel better because
the misery is shared, But it.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Bums me out. It's that it's not just us.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Who suffers from all these things, all the endless problems
from this filthy, dirty comedy stuff. It's all the West,
all the great countries I love, all the countries that
built Western civilization.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
They're all going through it right now.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
UK is going through it right now, joining me now,
former Miss Britain. How about that for fancy And of
course she's been on the show before. A contributor to
Stein Online, Leilani doubting Leilani illegal immigration. A bunch of
people who don't belong in our country are now in
our country, and they're raping women, and they're murdering people,
and they're robbing things, and they're destroying the healthcare system

and the education system and everything else. I'm just glad
that kind of things not happen where you live.

Speaker 7 (22:04):
Yeah, no, yeah, it is. It's really bad. It's got
really bad over here. You know, just yesterday there was
actually an illegal immigrant and a Trean who had raped
a child and was convicted, but he wasn't deported because
that would help hurt his mental health.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
And so we've got this problem.

Speaker 7 (22:24):
We've got these guys coming over in dinghy's and it's
not women and kids, you know, like they try and
say they are.

Speaker 4 (22:30):
They say they're all asylum.

Speaker 7 (22:32):
Seecause but you know they've left their women and their
children in these warton countries that they're supposed to have
come from. Then you have people coming from Albania. There's
no war in Albania, so you know, why are they
coming over? And the government position in the UK should
be that they're meant to stop in the first place
that's safe, so that would be France.

Speaker 4 (22:54):
But here you are. You can see in the picture.

Speaker 7 (22:56):
These guys are crossing the channel in these inflatable dinghies,
paying absolute fortunes to the traffickers or the gangs that
are going to help them get across, and then when
they land they get put up in housing. Now, for
the past few months it's been hotels, well the past

year or two it's been hotels. Really nice hotels where
the types of people have their weddings at. You know,
people's weddings got canceled, their bookings got canceled because they
had to house these illegals. And then now the UK
government is combined with the CIRCO, who's paid by the
taxpayer to now house these people in private housing. So

they're offering landlords a five year contract to house these illegals.
They'll pay for the repairs and the maintenance, which if
you're a landlord, is a massive expense. It's one of
the biggest expenses.

Speaker 4 (23:56):
And then they don't also have to pay.

Speaker 7 (23:58):
A new commission, so I will kind of take your
house and you know, get it looked after for the.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Next five years with illegals.

Speaker 7 (24:05):
And obviously that's taking inventory from the British people. It's
taken infantry from the migrants who have come here illegally
and paid to get their visas and to work and
contribute to society.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
So that's where we are now in England. And it's
so frustrating for everybody.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
You know, here on the ground here in America, at
least where I live in Texas. Everyone I talked to,
and I mean every single person left right and middle.
They're mad about the illegals. They don't like the illegals.
They don't like that the borders open. They don't like
them the borders open. They complain about the border being open.
And yet here in America the border remains open, almost
as if the people who run the country don't give

a crap about the will of the people at all.

Speaker 2 (24:49):
Is that what it's like over there too?

Speaker 7 (24:51):
Absolutely, we have a conservative government in power. They're supposed
to be conservative. They promise they're going to deport these illegals,
and it doesn't have You know, the headlines today is
that one illegal got deported to Rwanda.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
It's laughable.

Speaker 7 (25:07):
These are supposed to be a conservative government and they're
not doing anything that they promised about sorting the situation out.
And you know, we're happy to send our soldiers all
over the place and protect other people's borders. We cannot
even protect our own borders at home. You know, there's
five hundred of these guys coming over weekend.

Speaker 4 (25:29):
You know, in every weekend, there's five hundred or so
of these people.

Speaker 7 (25:32):
And we're a small, tiny country. We don't have the
space to put these people up. Where are they supposed
to go. You know, now it's going to take inventory
from you know, the British citizens by using homes that
should be going to you know.

Speaker 4 (25:45):
The people living and working here.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Where are these people? How are they getting there?

Speaker 1 (25:53):
Because here in America, what I find fascinating is this
is almost exclusively a Mexican drug cartel thing. You gotta
go check in with the drug cartels. You gotta pay
them your money or sign up to be a friggin slave.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
And we won't even go into all the nastiness when
it comes there.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
And then they will make sure you come into America
and they'll get just get you placed.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
And then abuse you horribly.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
But there are any Mexican cartels over there in the UK?

Speaker 2 (26:16):
Who's bringing them?

Speaker 4 (26:17):
You know, they're coming over to France.

Speaker 7 (26:19):
There's all sorts of drug traffickers and human traffickers, you know,
Albanians and a lot of these people are from Iraq, Afghanistan,
Pakistani Insia.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
You seem to be getting as well. You seem to also.

Speaker 7 (26:32):
Be having a lot of Middle Eastern people and Africans and.

Speaker 4 (26:37):
Chinese crossing through your borders as well.

Speaker 7 (26:39):
So again, like us, they're not in the first you know,
safe country they're crossing through the borders. Our guys are
coming through on ourn guys, the illegals, they're coming through
on these you know, inflatable dinghies that you see. But
I've seen your illegals coming through on speedboats, you know,
into San Diego. It's like they've up the ante and

and you know they're they're driving.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Into the beach on speedboats.

Speaker 7 (27:05):
So we've got these guys coming over, and I feel
like it is by design.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
It's by design. It can't be anything else.

Speaker 7 (27:15):
It's happening, you know, throughout the West, throughout Europe, throughout America,
and if they wanted to stop it, they absolutely could
stop it. So the only conclusion I can draw is
actually they don't want to stop it.

Speaker 4 (27:30):
There's so much money involved. There's so much money.

Speaker 7 (27:32):
Involved housing these people, feeding these people. I'm sure the
government are giving out contracts to their buddies.

Speaker 4 (27:39):
You've got Circle taking.

Speaker 7 (27:40):
All this money in, and you've got investors but trying
to buy up you know, huge properties to start these
multi occupancy homes.

Speaker 4 (27:50):
So you know, there's a lot of money involved.

Speaker 7 (27:53):
And then also you could go on to see I
don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist.

Speaker 4 (27:58):
Or anything like they like to say.

Speaker 7 (28:00):
But you know, eventually they're going to make people feel
so unsafe with all the crime that it brings, with
the robberies and the rapes, that people are going to
beg for a digital idea. It's like problem reaction solution.
Let's create this big problem. Let's just allow all these
people to come into our country, use tax, it pays money.

Speaker 4 (28:23):
To take care of them.

Speaker 7 (28:25):
And then you know the solution, Oh, let's just make
sure every single person, including all the law abiding people
of Britain, have a digital ID or surveillance or have
their faces scanned walking into shops, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
Not that these people want anything like that.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
I mean they're certainly not on camera speaking like that.
Like this clip of You've all Noah Harari, this piece
of traash.

Speaker 8 (28:49):
Here was the whole idea that humans have. You know this,
They have this soul or spirit and they have free will,
and nobody knows what's happening inside me. So whatever I choose,
whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this
is my free will.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
That's all.

Speaker 8 (29:05):
It's often said that you should never allow a good
crisis to go to waste, because a crisis is an
opportunity to also do good reforms that in normal times
people will never agree to. But in a crisis, you see,
we have no chance, so let's do it.

Speaker 9 (29:21):
People could look back in one hundred years and identify
the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime
of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin, which
I think is maybe the most important development of the
twenty first century. Is this ability to hack human beings.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
Ah, he definitely doesn't sound like he has any interfarious plans.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
For you or I.

Speaker 7 (29:51):
And this is the thing when these people tell us
we need to listen. They're telling us their plans. But
you know he's talking about a crisis. This is a
manufactured crisis. This is something that the globalists and our
globalist governments are actually allowing to happen. So as you
I've seen on the sign behind you, it is the

destruction of the West. It absolutely is, and it's very
it's very very intentional.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
Le Annie.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
Our politicians on our side, I'm being very very generous there.
They make me want to choke somebody routinely. They are
the most useless low t unuchs in the history of
mankind that can never actually defend freedom or ever actually
shrink the government or get these people out of our lives.
They act like they will, but they never actually follow

through on anything.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
You guys don't go through that over there, though, do you?

Speaker 4 (30:47):
Oh, we absolutely do. I mean, as I said, this.

Speaker 7 (30:49):
Is a conservative government that's in charge, the Tory Party.
They have given so many promises over and over that
they're going to act on the illegal immigration.

Speaker 4 (30:59):
That they're going to, you know, just act on and.

Speaker 7 (31:04):
Get us out of this cost of living crisis that
we're in and all kinds of stuff, and work on
inflation and try and lower inflation and help the people
with their mortgage rate. But it never happens. It never happens.
It's a complete and utter lie. And they peddle this.
But if Labor the opposition get in, then it's going
to be even worse. So we're really stuck in this

awful situation. You know, it's almost you know, two cheeks
of the same ass, but you know it's it's they're
not doing anything. The Conservative Party here are just useless, one.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Hundred percent going to use that at some point in
time that was wonderful, Leilanie. We'll talk to you soon.
I appreciate it. All right, We're not done. There's much
more to get to. The federal government is it's evil evil,
not bad evil. We're gonna have to adjust to living

underneath an evil government before we get to that. Blackout
Coffee is an evil. Blackout Coffee is fantastic.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
I love it. I love it probably too much.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
It's nice to.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Have a coffee company that delivers outstanding coffee, the best
I've ever had. It's delivered to my front door at
an actual great price. And they love me. And I
don't mean me personally, although I hope they do. They
love the country, they love the things that I love.
They're never ashamed, They're never out there dogging on America.

They're not out there giving money to Black Lives Matter
and Planned Parenthood, like most of these coffee companies do.
Just a group of patriots churning out great coffee for
you and for me. Go pick yourself up some coffee mugs,
get yourself a little coffee subscription twenty percent.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
Off your first order.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
By the way, Blackout Coffee dot com slash Jesse is
where you go to get twenty percent off your first order.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
It's the coffee drink. Highly recommend it. Go get some.
All right, we'll be back.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
The federal government is a problem. Trying to be as
nice as seemingly possible. After all, we're about to introduce
the future governor of the great State of West Virginia here,
so I'm going to try to be as nice as
seemingly possible. But the federal government sucks. It's really bad.
And now we have to rely on states themselves instead of.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Coordinating with working with the federal government. Now we need
them to work against it.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
And that Freakin Tucks joining me now, Patrick Morrissey, future
Governor of the State of West Virginia, current Attorney General
of the State of West Virginia. Okay, mister Attorney General,
what exactly is the US Equal Opportunity Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Speaker 2 (33:54):
What are they doing?

Speaker 10 (33:56):
Well, there are a couple of things that are going on,
but I want to start and say right now, when
you look at the collection of federal government policies and
proposals coming out of the Biden administration, the level of
insanity is obviously way off the charts. And I could
talk about and we're going to talk about the Fourth Circuit.
We're going to talk about the integrity and women's sports.

We could talk about DEI, we could talk about the
electric vehicle policy. Insane is a charitable word for what
these people are doing. And I think that if you
don't think they're trying to destroy our country, our way
of life, eliminate our freedoms, undermine our constitution, this is
how you draft up a set of ideas to dramatically

harm our nation. And I will tell you we're standing up,
We're fighting back. I'm suing as much as I can.
Just yesterday, I think, as you saw, we're going to
talk about it. I join with it's a six attorneys general.
We're suing over the Title nine rules. We had other
lawsuits in the past, We're gonna have more. We're gonna

go up to Scotus to fight back against the absolutely
ridiculous Fort Circuit decision. So look a lot to unpack here,
but I will tell you anyone in America should be concerned.
That's why you need strong Republican governors, strong conservative attorneys
general stepping up and saying no, we're not going to

let the federal government completely destroy and subvert our Constitution.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
I'd almost forgotten about the Title nine stuff. We covered
it last week, and I was too busy focused on
the fact the federal government's going to try to make
everyone have their pronouns in there, that I forgot about
the Title nine madness. Explain what they tried to do,
and what you guys are doing is top it.

Speaker 10 (35:48):
Yes, So, as many of you watching, no, Title nine,
which was passed in nineteen seventy two, was originally designed
to provide for expanded opportunities for women. And you could
talk about a lot of women who have gone through
participate in athletics, and they talk about the value that
it's provided for them being part of a team, being

a leader. Ultimately, a lot of successful female business business
women they were able to rely on that development of
the leadership skills, rely on the participation on that team
in order to really do some incredible things with their lives.
So you have this dynamic where Title nine was supposed
to provide enhanced opportunities for women, and historically all of

that's been on the basis of sex, biological sex, and
in fact, just like in West Virginia, when you segregate
out sports teams, when West Virginia, the legislature said that
the distinction of determining whether someone's a male and whether
someone's a female should be based on biology, not gender identity.
And that's because there are clear distinctions in biology. On

the sports side, men are stronger, are faster, and there
are clear differences that would give mails an advantage even
if that mail would take puberty blockers. All of this
comes together to a halt in the Title nine rigs
where they're dealing with safe spaces and locker rooms and sports,

where they're trying to put a gun to the head
of the state institutions that are collecting federal dollars and
say you comply or you won't get the money. What
my office and others are doing is saying that's absolutely unacceptable.
That's not the way Title nine was designed. What they
want to do is rewrite Title nine to blur the

distinction between men and women and to come up with
this new amorphous gender identification concept, which obviously they try
to determine that there are three hundred different ways you
could identify yourself. Well, the law wasn't written that way.
That's why the states are stepping up.

Speaker 1 (37:59):
How do we I know you're going to be governor soon,
or at least I hope you are. How do we
break up this terrible relationship, this abusive relationship we have
with DC where they do this and it's always comes
back to the money. Hey, here's an insane rule. We're
going to make you follow it. If you don't, we'll
take the moneyway. We'll take the moneyway. How do we
stop that? How do we end that abusive relationship? How

do we stop needing their money?

Speaker 3 (38:24):

Speaker 10 (38:24):
I think it's a great question, and a lot of
it comes back to the fact that the states, for
too many years were willing participants in this scheme where
the federal government grew its power and grew its financial resources.
My vision for how states should fight back into the
future is pretty straightforward.

Speaker 3 (38:42):
Take the model that we've.

Speaker 10 (38:44):
Put in place successfully as attorneys general and sue the
be jesus out of the federal government, the woke left,
and try to stop them from a legal perspective. But
then you need the governors to step up from a financial,
from an economic, from a policy, a pr perspective, political,
and you need twenty or twenty five governors stand up

and say, look, enough is enough the states are going
to resist the efforts on the part of the FEDS
to use the power of the carrot and the stack,
and that you're not just going to condition these state
moneys based upon these acceptance of wild policies from the FEDS.
But you're going to need twenty or twenty five states
to step up and say no.

Speaker 3 (39:26):
I'm going to be one of those states. As governor.

Speaker 10 (39:29):
I'm going to make sure that I can recruit as
many of my colleagues as possible to just say no
to that kind of coercion.

Speaker 1 (39:37):
Let's talk about speaking to West Virginia this appeals court
and saying you have to cover these crazy procedures, that
not covering these crazy training procedures is discriminatory.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
You know, it's amazing.

Speaker 10 (39:52):
This is another example, right, and we're gonna have to
take this up to the High Court. So just this week,
in an eight to six decision so they win unbocked,
the full body of the Forts Circuit said that West
Virginia was required to pay for transsexual surgeries. And we've
been fighting that and our argument was pretty straightforward and said, look,

we have a lot of people with cancer, we have
people with congestive heart failure. We have people with diabetes,
high blood pressure, we have opioid disuse, we have all
of these issues. And a court's going to come around
and say, for all these medical necessity issues and serious diseases,

that you're going to force our state to not cover
those in exchange for forcing transsexual procedures for medicaid. Because remember,
it's a choice that you have to make. A state
only has certain amount of dollars. You have to decide
how many dollars you're going to put in in order
to get the match from the FEDS, and so to us,

it's a very brutal choice to say, don't cover your
people when they have these legitimate disease states versus here
you go, you're going to force people to cover things
that we don't want from a taxpayer's perspective.

Speaker 3 (41:10):
We're going to take that up.

Speaker 10 (41:12):
And I don't think that our state's going to be
required to fund these transsexual surgeries.

Speaker 1 (41:19):
Before we get to this EPA thing, these five middle
school girls, brave girls out of West Virginia. I was
proud of them. I'm bang proud of them. They decided
they weren't having any of the shot put competition stuff
against a dude who tried to join.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Now they've been banned.

Speaker 1 (41:33):
From future athletic competition, which is crap. Are you doing
anything for these girls?

Speaker 3 (41:38):
We are.

Speaker 10 (41:39):
Actually we submitted a brief in for them, supporting them,
and in fact I had the young girls.

Speaker 3 (41:44):
They're such great kids. I'll tell you, Jesse if you
saw them.

Speaker 10 (41:48):
They were at our press conference we had with Riley
Gaines last week and Riley awaited on this and these
girls said, look, we just want to compete fairly. Well,
I mean, these are wonderful little girls and they just
want fair competition and that's being taken away from them.
So I've been very clear I said to the young ladies,
and I've said publicly a lot, I'm going to do

everything I can to protect them. And that meant in
this case, who submitted a brief because they had filed
a suit trying to make sure that they could still play,
and they were going to be penalized. So this is
in flux right now. I'm actually hopeful that they're not
going to be kicked off the team, but I also
know that they should not be required to participate with

the biological mail, and there's no argument. I do think
what they did was brave, courageous because I think across
the country people need to step up and say no,
this is unacceptable. If the courts are going to get
it wrong, we have to make sure that people take
matters publicly, not violence, but publicly into their own hands

by protesting and winning in let the kids lead where
the adults don't.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
Yeah, there's a million non violent ways to do this
the right way.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
Okay, real quick, before I let you go.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
The EPA, I hate them, so I like that you're
taking them on what happened.

Speaker 10 (43:05):
Yes, and once again the EPA is trying to shut
down our remaining coal, firepower plants and natural gas and
so you know this seb routine. Before we took the
EPA all the way up to the US Supreme Court.
We won the Big West Virginia EPA case. We did
a lot of damage to Biden's Green New Deal. But
here we go again. They change a couple of comments,

they rewrite it a little bit, and then excuse me.
They are now proceeding down that pathway again where they
don't have authority to act. They are trying to still
get rid of coal and make it very hard to
use gas.

Speaker 3 (43:41):
We're going to sue them. We're going to be in court.
We're working with our.

Speaker 10 (43:43):
Colleagues, and this is so problematic, especially Jesse at a
time when they're trying to move through these mandatory electric vehicles.

Speaker 3 (43:52):
Think about that.

Speaker 10 (43:53):
It's going to cause the average citizen about ten thousand.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
Bucks more to buy a car.

Speaker 10 (44:00):
There's no business model for the charging stations, and they're
dramatically trying to increase the demand on energy while they're
eliminating coal, firepower plants and gas. Once again, insane comes
to mind. That's what they're trying to do. Once again.
My office, West Virginia, we're out in front, we're leading
on that, and we could just use more lawyers and

resources because these guys are coming up with one bad
idea every single Dayah.

Speaker 1 (44:27):
No doubt, mister Attorney General. I thank you as always.
I can't wait to call you governor hopefully next time
I talk we do, although we'll probably.

Speaker 2 (44:34):
Talk before then. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
All right, flight in the mood? Time next?

Speaker 1 (44:48):
All right, it is time to lighten the mood. And
here let me just give you a little heads up
as someone who has some.

Speaker 2 (44:54):
Experience with this kind of a thing. Be careful when
you're trying to use a vehicle.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
Cool to tow anything or pull anything out of the
ground is

Speaker 2 (45:05):
Okay, Yeah, I'll see them A
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