All Episodes

May 17, 2024 44 mins

What is Nursery Rhyme Conservatism? Jesse Kelly explains what it is and what kind of consequences it's had on this country to open the show. Jesse is then joined by Sean Spicer, who breaks down everything you need to know about the Trump/Biden debates, and even provides some insight as to who may be Trump's VP. Mary Margaret Olohan is also onboard to discuss Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's viral pro-life speech that caused outrage within the NFL. Plus, a chat about space with Greg Autry.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Let's talk about nurse re rhyme conservatism tonight. Sean Spicer
is here. He's going to talk about this Trump Biden debate,
culture war stuff, all that and more coming up. And
I'm right, all right, Before we get to nurse re

rhyme conservatism, Let's do something we do all the time
on the show, way too often, but something we feel
strongly about.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
We honor the fallen, especially the fallen in training.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Captain John Robertson US Air Force captain just lost his life.
He was training at a base in Texas. There was
some sort of ejection seat mishap on the ground. I
don't know the details. I don't care. I just want
us all to honor this warrior. Gave his life for
his country. Pray for his family, all right, rest in peace.

Now there's a phrase I use a lot, and I
feel like it probably should explain it in a little
more depth. Nursery rhyme conservatism. What does that mean? Nursery
rhyme conservatism. Well, there are a lot of reasons for
why I think nursery rhyme conservatism exists, and maybe to

explain what it is, I should start with those reasons
first and foremost, we are a nation that was founded
by Christians, by born again Christians. That's what we were
founded by. Go read all the writings of the founders.
Go read how they thought about God and everything else.
Go read the Declaration of Independence. It's God all throughout

the thing. We were a country founded by Christians. And
while obviously any one religion, one belief system, doesn't have
a monopoly on peace. And I realized Christians have done
violent things throughout history like any other religions have. But
in general Christians are taught to be peaceful people, to

live in peace, at least Americanized Christianity.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
That is very much what they believe.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Hey, just love and love and turn the other cheek and.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Love and love and love and love and love.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
And I have huge problems with that kind of teaching,
not with Christianity, not with the Bible.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
I think it's being abused.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
But that has been a strain that has run through
this country, and it's been a great thing for the
most part. Let me be clear about that. We are
a nation that focused on morality, on right and wrong.
We want to do things the right way. Have we always?
Of course, not no nation does, But we have wanted
to do things the right way. So that's part of it,
and that's a good part of nursery rhyme conservatism. And

there's another part of the why nursery rhyme conservatism exists.
And this part is, well, it's cowardice masked as virtue.
That's really what it is. Cowardice masked as virtue. So
let me ask you something. Think about this. Have you

ever heard of speaking of the Bible? Have you ever
heard of the Bible's reference Psalm twenty three to the
Valley of the Shadow of Death. Everyone has heard of that, everybody,
whether you go to church or not, everyone's heard. Yea,
though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death,
everyone's heard of it. Well, did you know that that
is actually a valley. It's more like a canyon, a gully,

to be honest. And actually I've stood over the top
of it and looked down into it.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
And one of the fascinating.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Things about it, beyond the fact that King David was
running through his life, running for his life down that
valley at one point in time, beyond that, if you
look down in it at a certain place, you will
see a monastery built into the side of the mountain.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
I'm going somewhere with this. You just gonna have to
be patient.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
And it's built down in the bottom of the canyon
into the side of the mountain, and it's.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
The coolest freaking thing in the world.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
And there are to this day there are monks and
you know, and their their their servants and whatnot who
live there, and what do they do all day long?
They read the Bible, they pray, they worship, they are
they have dedicated their their lives to that life. Okay,
that's fine, that's good. It's a cool thing.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
Now, let's good to New York City NYPD cop.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
He he had a rough beat last night.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
Drug addict. He killed somebody last night.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
Man was trying to attack him, trying to attack his partner.
He had to pull out his pistol and shoot the
guy in the face last night.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Now, let me ask you something.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
Is the monk who has separated himself from the world
and just worship some praise all day long? Is he
a better person? Is he a holier person, a more
moral person than the cop?

Speaker 2 (04:59):
No, he's not. The cop has chosen to.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Wade into the world to fight back against the evil,
to get his hands dirty.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
I'm not insulting the monk.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
Good for the monk, but I do not look at
the monk as a holy man, and the cop it's
kind of a bad guy.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
I simply don't. We have abused the word of God.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
We've abused so many things in this country that we truly,
truly believe. On the right, so much of the right,
maybe not you, but so much of the right truly.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
Believes to fight back is wrong.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
To wade into the muck and fight against evil is
somehow immoral or a violation of our principles. When if
you're going to reference the Bible, as we have several
times throughout the Bible, there are examples of calling out evil.
Jesus himself, you hypocrites, You brewed of vipers, King David

collecting two hundred four skins, and was named a man
after God's own heart. That stuff's in the Bible too.
But nursery rhyme conservatism has taught the right not to
fight back. In fact, it's taught the right that if
they lose to the communists because they refuse to fight back,

that they're the good guys. That you can sit there
and lose, you can give up your country, you can
give up your culture. You can never make them feel pain.
You don't try to make enemies of anybody. You don't
try to take away their power. But if you lose,
and you lose the right way, you did the right thing.
That's nursery rhyme conservatism. Nursery rhyme conservatism believes Marvel movies

are real. Or Captain America, the perfect guy with perfect
teeth and perfect manners can come along and he'll fight
against evil, but he'll do it the right way. He'll
do it politely every single time. That's not how life works.
You remember, do you remember you want to see nursery
rhyme conservatism. Do you remember when Bill Barr, Trump's second

attorney general, second useless attorney general.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Remember when he got up and said.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
This, those who broke the laws will be held to account.
But this cannot be and it will not be a
tit for tat exercise. We are not going to lower
the standards just to achieve a result. The only way
to stop this vicious cycle, the only way to break

away from a dual system of justice, is to make
sure that we scrupulously apply the single and proper standard
of justice for everybody.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
Wow, that is so inspiring.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
And now that Joe Biden's president and his Attorney General,
Merrick Growin have taken over. Do you see how inspired
the communist was by Bill Barr's good conduct.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
It's been amazing.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
They looked at Bill Barr and they said, Wow, that's
a guy. He's not abusing his office, he's not attacking
his political opponents.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
Guys, I'm inspired. I think I'll do the same. Isn't
that what Joe Biden Merrick Garland said. No, it's not.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
Laying down for evil is not good, it is not moral,
it is not right.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
You will hear people say things on the right. The right.
The right loves to say these things.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
When fighting monsters, be careful never to become a monster.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
It's an old Nitsky quote. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
United States Marines in the Pacific used to take explosives
and toss them into Japanese caves and blow up everyone
who was inside.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
And sometimes there.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Were women and children being used as human shields in
those caves. And they did it because they knew they
had to win and they couldn't go in there.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Or they would all die.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Were they wrong or were they fighting against evil? And
when you fight against evil, you often have to get
your hands dirty. I'm not calling for anyone to be evil.
I'm not calling for anyone to be immoral. But this
nursery rhyme conservatism.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
We're better than that.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
My principles is.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Exactly what has gotten us here. And you know how
you know that whenever you see anyone on the right
talk like that, the communists love it.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
They sit back.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
They see Bill Barr give a speech about no tit
for tad.

Speaker 2 (09:25):
And they laugh these jumps.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
There's nothing moral, there's nothing biblical. There's nothing right about
allowing your country and your culture to turn into filth
like we have allowed ourselves to happen here. They're cutting
the penises off of teenage boys in this country. I
don't want to hear about your principles. I want you

to fight back against the demons. Reject nursery rhyme conservatism
wherever you find it. Whenever anybody tries to throw roadblocks,
stumbling blocks in front of you, when you're ready to
fight back against evil, you politely tell them to get
their soft butts back to the sidelines where they belong,
because it is time for us to take back power.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
And think like conquerors.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
You have communists in your area, no matter where you're
listening to me. Maybe they're on the school board, they
probably are. Maybe they're in the library, maybe they're on
the parks department. I don't know where they are. You
can live peacefully with them if you want. I suggest
you go take their power away from them. Go make
an enemy. All that may have made you uncomfortable, but

I am right now. We have a bunch we have
to discuss. Let's discuss the debate. Is Trump Biden debate
with Sean Spicer in a moment. Before we discuss that,
let's discuss the timeshare. You think you're stuck in, but
you're not. Lone Star Transfer will legally and permanently get
you out of your time share. All you have to

do is call them. I know these timeshare companies do
this to everyone.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
You're not alone.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
They trap you in, they don't tell you you're locked
in for life, and soon you want out and they.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Tell you you can't get out. Pay your annual fees.
We'll sue you.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
Stop calling the timeshare company, stop emailing them. They're the
con artists. Call Loan Star Transfer. This is a family business.
A plus rating with the Better Business Bureau, and they're
successful ninety nine percent of the time legally and permanently
getting you out. Make a phone call eight four four
three one zero two six four six, We'll be back.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
Explanation was not they didn't like Donald Trump. They said
he participated in an erection, and I have to its insurrection, sorry,
in an insurrection, And I have to say I got
up at five this morning to do Casey Hunts Show,
and I'm exhausted.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Not Jake Tapper's finest hour, but I I can't wait
to see him moderate a debate between Trump and Biden.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
I'm sure Trump hating Jake tapparrel hen with that.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
Well, joining me now, my friend Sean Spicer of The
Incredible Sean Spicer Show, Monday through Friday, seven pm Eastern,
right here on the first TVs, on YouTube, Rumble, Apple, Spotify,
Sean's friggin everywhere. Of course he would be okay, Sean.
Donald Trump, despite his age, still very clearly has outstanding energy.

Speaker 4 (12:26):
Jesse, I think you've got that clip wrong. I think
you got that clip wrong with Jake.

Speaker 6 (12:30):
I think that the issue there was he wasn't taking
a dig at Donald Trump. He was staring at Jeffrey Tuman.
That's my take on oh oh.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Oh, all right clip.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
Look, obviously Donald Trump has out outstanding energy, especially for
a man his age still up there given hour long
speeches at rallies and things like that.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
Joe Biden is half dead. Everyone can see that.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
So if they're going to debate, the only way, the
only way Joe Biden could handle Dot Trump, is if
they accept a debate invitation from a hostile actor in
a highly controlled environment. And alas, that's what we accepted.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
Could you explain that to me, Sean.

Speaker 4 (13:13):
I can't explain it.

Speaker 6 (13:15):
Only to say this, having been around Trump and helping
to negotiate some of his forums in twenty sixteen, he
doesn't care. My whole view was I'd say to him, hey,
here's what we want. The only thing he ever asked
to me in advance of the NBC Commander in Chief forum,
he said, I just want to go first. And I said, well,
here are the other things that we want to we

want to secure it, and he goes, I don't care
about anything else.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
I want to be first.

Speaker 6 (13:40):
And that's when he was going to face off against
Hillary Clinton, and luckily I was able to get that forum.
But he doesn't care. He's like, tell I don't care
if it's Jake Tapper. I don't care if it's Joe Biden.
I want a shot at Joe Biden. I'll out maneuver him,
all out debate them. Nobody can do that. I care
about the movement because we give CNN credibility, we humanize

to use their word. Jake Tapper, who is a Democratic staffer.
He worked for Chelsea Clinton's mother in law. He was
the spokesman for the Brady Foundation. This is a guy
who hates the issues, the candidate and the movement, and
we're allowing the debate. So I don't It's not a
question for me about whether Donald Trump can handle them.
He can handle anybody. It's the question is why do

we always give in Trump. The negotiator should have said,
I'll tell you what. I'll give you your CNN with no audience,
no RFK, and your moderator, and I'll even throw in
an ABC with David Muir. You got to give me
one debate, and I don't care where it is. Here's
your choice, Jesse Kelly, Sean Spice or anyone on the
first I don't care. I mean, why did we get

something out of that?

Speaker 4 (14:45):
That's what I think. Give him two to one, but
get something.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
Okay, Sean, I want to lean on your knowledge here
because people don't know what you know. They haven't seen
the things you've seen behind the scenes and how these
things work.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Everyone woke up yesterday and they saw this, and.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Some people cheered and some people like me cringed and
yelled about it. But how do these negotiations work behind
closed doors? Because, as you mentioned, you've actually done it.
I mean, how many freaking people have actually done it?
You've done it. Who's doing the negotiating? What's the back
and forth? Like, give us the inside baseball stuff.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
So there's two pieces to this.

Speaker 6 (15:19):
Number One, we negotiated forums and primary debates. That's different,
and a lot of times it's the senior folks from
the campaign negotiating with the entity, meaning the news organizations.
The presidents of debates are generally have always been done
with the Presidential Commission on Debates. That's where these guys
weren't around the system and negotiated with each other. There's

a lot of behind the scenes, and again, the problem
if you're Donald Trump's negotiator I e. Christ Loss of
vit Ar. Susie Wilde is you're looking at this from
a staff standpoint. You have a client in Donald Trump
who's saying, anytime, anywhere, I'll take on anybody, and he
projects that, and I think that's great because Donald Trump

will go on CNN, He's already done a town hall,
Joe Biden won't do an interview with The New York Times.
But to your question, these are behind the scenes negotiations
with the campaign senior advisors. And then ultimately what happened
yesterday is the network, seeing this thing evolve, immediately started
issuing invitations, and the Biden campaign and then subsequently the

Trump campaign saying, well, accept this. So you saw a
CNN invitation they accepted. You saw an ABC invitation they accepted.
Here's what you didn't see. Fox also sent out an
invitation that Trump accepted. The Biden folks were very clear,
we're not going to accept any organization that hasn't hosted
a DNC primary debate, which was immediately done to exclude

any organization like Fox or the first So again this
was very carefully done and by the way, they even
did it just in case you know. I'm a contributor
over at NewsNation. They said in sixteen they didn't even
allow it to be twenty twenty because they knew that
that would carve out certain other organizations that were very
careful about how they did this. They did everything except

for the Jill requiring that Jill Biden be the moderator.
This is all on Biden's terms. The one thing that
they have going for them is they actually will get
Biden on a stage. And I think that we can
all admit that getting Biden on a stage and having
to defend all of these policies is going to be
important because look at Jesse.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
There is nothing, nothing going.

Speaker 6 (17:34):
Well in this country when it comes to our policy,
our immigration, our economy, crime and safety. And then you
look foreign policy wise, the failed Afghanistan withdrawal has led
to chaos around the world. And Donald Trump, if he's smart,
he starts this debate by saying, I'm willing to put
up my record against yours.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
Joe, tell me what you've done. Well, here's what I did.

Speaker 6 (17:54):
Energy independence, secure the border, the economy had the lowest
unemployment for all categories of Americans. We didn't have castro
on the world name one thing that you're proud of.

Speaker 7 (18:06):

Speaker 2 (18:06):
It's the contrast is so stark if he can do that.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
Okay, Trump went on Hugh Hewitt's show and he said
something that I've been thinking for a while.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
You and I have talked about it before. Anyway, Here's
what he said.

Speaker 8 (18:16):
But I really think he has to debate. He might
as well get it over with. Probably should do it
early so that he can. You know, he's not going
to get any better. Jude September is great for him.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
Do you think if his infirmity increases, they will dump
him mister President at the convention, replace him with Kamala
or Gavin or something like that.

Speaker 8 (18:38):
I do, I do, and I don't think they'll have
a choice.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
Uh, Sean, I one hundred percent agree with Donald Trump
that I've been saying it for the longest time, and
I think it's such a no brainer for Democrats, and
I realized there are some real roadblocks there.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
What do you do with Dome? What do you do
with other things?

Speaker 1 (18:55):
But they can take all the things people are mad
about that you just pointed out, drop him in Joe's wheel,
his old butt out the back door, and bring out
a fresh face. And then well, I don't know. I
don't know that we're not in trouble in that scenario,
Am I crazy?

Speaker 8 (19:09):

Speaker 6 (19:09):
And here's what people have to understand. There's two scenarios
up until the convention. Joe Biden, by party rule, becomes
the nominee because those delegates are what we call bound
in the world of party politics, meaning he basically owns
the delegates, so he can do one of two things.
One is, at the convention unbind them, meaning he says,
I am releasing my delegates, vote for whomever you want.

Allow the convention to do this, which is what happened
prior to nineteen sixty eight. That's not gonna happen. He
doesn't want a free for all. What he wants to
do is anoint his successor and after the convention, once
he becomes the legal nominee, and remember these are legally
binding things. There's a lot of campaign finance and other
logistics that goes along with becoming the nominee. Once he

becomes the nominee at the convention, afterwards, there's a mechanism
for the DNC leadership to replace him if he were
to step down. He controls the DNC, so he could
legitimately pick his successor and make a deal where it
would happen post convention and bring in that fresh face.

Speaker 4 (20:12):
And I agree with you.

Speaker 6 (20:14):
If you can put somebody in that has a very
short runway, where you wouldn't have a lot of time
to build up that opposition research, they'd be able to
present themselves as I'm the new guy.

Speaker 4 (20:24):
Here's why I'm new and different.

Speaker 6 (20:25):
I'm not Joe Biden, which is frankly what people don't like,
even Democrats. But if you could tell Democrats and progressive
here you go, we got a fresh face for you.
I think that's going to be important to keep in mind.
So I would keep your calendar open between the last
week of August and say the second and third week
of September.

Speaker 7 (20:46):

Speaker 2 (20:46):
I agree with you, Sean. You are the best my brother.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
I wish you were in Milwaukee with me to break bread,
but I guess.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
We'll have to get together another time. Sean. Thank you, Bud.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
All Right, we have Mary Mark grit Ola Han coming
up next, talk about some cultural issues before we get
to marry.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
Margaret. Have you slept well lately? You we have trouble sleeping,
staying asleep falling asleep.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
What do you do? You take something, don't you? Everyone
does you take something? But then how do you feel
the next day? Do you feel refreshed, ready to go?

Speaker 7 (21:19):

Speaker 2 (21:19):
You feel like crap? I do.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
It's happened to me, my whole life. I can't see better.
Take something, wake up? I wish I just stayed up
all night. I'm so dagone groggy. But then I found
dream powder from Beam. Beam is the one who makes it.
It's delicious. It's essentially a cup of cinnamon hot chocolate.
I have every single night before bet warm up, a
little glass of milk, mix in some of this dream powder.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
It's all natural stuff. It's melotone and things like that.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
And so you just kind of drift off to sleep
and you wake up eight hours later, no grogginess at all.
You just wake up ready to go. Does that sound
good to you? Your whole life gets better when you
sleep well. Go get some dream powder Shopbeam dot com
slash Jesse Kelly gets you forty percent off, So don't

pay full price like a chump.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Go get some dream powder. We'll be back.

Speaker 9 (22:24):
Our own nation is led by a man who publicly
and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same
time is delusional enough to make the sign of the
Cross during a pro abortion rally. He has been so
vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies
that I'm sure to many people it appears that you
can be both Catholic and pro choice. He is not alone.

From the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people
pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America, they
all have a glaring thing in common.

Speaker 7 (22:55):
They are Catholic.

Speaker 9 (22:57):
This is an important reminder that being Flick alone doesn't
cut it. These are the sorts of things we are
told in polite society to not bring up, you know,
the difficult and unpleasant things. But if you're going to
be men and women for this time in history, we
need to stop pretending that the Church of Nice is
a winning proposition.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
That gone.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
Man, give me about one hundred more men like that
with the guts to do that joining me now. Mary
Margaret Olahan senior reporter of The Wonderful Daily Signal. She
also wrote the book The trans which is a revealing
and frankly heartbreaking book. Mary, I didn't mean heartbreaking bad.
It was heartbreaking. Good book, but dang, it was pretty revealing.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
We get to that in a minute.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
But this is so rare now, but man, it was
so refreshing to see an athlete basically risk his career
to speak for his convictions. And look, I'm unlike everyone else.
I expect him to be cut in about twenty four hours.
But man, I thought that was awesome.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
I thought it was so awesome too.

Speaker 10 (24:00):
I was so inspired, And I would be willing to
bet that he had a conversation with his wife and
his close friends before he gave that speech and said,
I have to be ready for the NFL to cut
me for this because it is not your average NFL speech.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
It was pro.

Speaker 10 (24:13):
Family, pro marriage, pro wife, big wife guy, very just
really inspiring, and he's a serious Catholic. He takes his
faith really seriously, so that means that he stands for
traditional marriage, gender rolls, all of that. And the left
has not appreciated this speech. They have very much so
melted down over it, which I find really interesting. Even

I stood up for him on social media, and I've
been amazed at how many people I would consider conservative
just flooding my mentions and telling me that, you know,
if I'm going to support Harrison Bucker, maybe I should
be in the kitchen making him a sandwich, which is
not very pro woman, if you ask me, no, it's.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Not, although I am very pro sandwich.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
And it's funny you brought up that point, Mary, because
I found it to be pretty revealing. The man obviously
adores his wife, revers his mother. It was very obvious
to anyone paying attention. But he spoke, and he spoke
about being a homemaker and what a treasure that is
and how important that is. And as you said, it

wasn't just from the left, from the right. So many
women were angry about that. Why do you.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
Think that is?

Speaker 10 (25:26):
Well, I think he kind of struck a nerve because
we have a cultural crisis right now of women who
desire marriage, they desire family, They want a good, strong
man that can leave their family. But unfortunately, due to
the times we're living in, there aren't that many men
who know how to do that, and so these women
are feeling this this void here and looking for someone

that can do that for them, and they're not finding it.
And so I think for many women on the right,
their instinct when they hear something like this is to say, no,
you're wrong, that motherhood is not something that I desire
this greatly, and they kind of want to push it
away and take a step back because it hurts, you know,
when they can't have that. They would rather push away
from it a little bit than really to agree with

Harrison Bucker that, yes, motherhood is one of the most
joyful callings or invocations that there is, and that the
joy that you can find in motherhood is, honestly, I
think unparalleled. And I'm not a mother myself, but from
what I've seen of my friends and my own mother
and my family, it's a really beautiful thing. And I
don't think we should be criticizing Harrison Becker for praising that.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
Yeah, no, I don't think so either.

Speaker 1 (26:34):
Okay, let's shift gears here to some other things. There's
obviously a war on the church, a war it's been
declared by the federal government. You have the FBI and
fuilt trading churches. We know now from league to memos
that they're already inside of so many churches, and we
have Pro Life or seven of them just got lengthy
prison sentences, two of them in their seventies.

Speaker 2 (26:56):
One of them a veteran and yet.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
Mary, honestly, it's not that I'm shocked that the federal
government would do this, because the federal government's evil when
it's run by demons.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
What bothers me is how silent so much of the
church is in this country just.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
Going to try to what turn the other cheek our
way through this whole thing, and we're going to stand
up and start getting more involved.

Speaker 10 (27:18):
I would certainly like to know, And you're completely right,
we have seen very profound silence from our religious leaders
as more and more Americans are targeted for their pro
life beliefs. Kristin Clark, who heads the DOJ's Civil Rights Division,
is the one that has been in charge of prosecuting
or charging these pro lifers with the FACE Act, which

is the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. That
act is supposed to protect pregnancy centers and Catholic churches
as well, but I think you can guess how often
the DOJ uses it to protect churches and pregnancy centers,
even though there have been hundreds of attacks on pregnancy
centers and churches since the dobs leak. When Roe, we
found that Roe was about to be overturned. So we

very much have a true tier system of standard of
justice when it comes to pro lifers and this Face Act,
and lawmakers like Congressmanship Roy and Senator Mike Lee have
called for the Face Act to be defunded, for it
to be repealed and largely gotten rid of, because they
don't see a way that it can be used effectively

without being a double standard.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Mary the GOP, honestly, I can't.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
I'm laughing when I before I even ask the question,
where's the GOP.

Speaker 7 (28:32):
In all this?

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Where they always are sitting on their hands, sucking their thumbs,
afraid of the media, afraid of Democrats.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
But how in the world. Look.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
We have a whole gaggle of Republicans out there in
New York City today defending Donald Trump for being on trial,
and that's good. I applaud them for that. But where's
the gaggle of Republicans speaking out against Christian seventy year
old women getting tossed in the clink for the rest
of their natural lives. The silence has been deafening from
the useless GOP.

Speaker 10 (29:00):
The silence has been deafening, and I think part of
the reason is because these are nuanced cases that are
hard for staffers to understand. So my guess is the
staffers are less likely to kind of dive into it
if it's not very simple messaging, unfortunately. But I will
also say that the pro life movement has always struggled
to find relevance when it comes to the GOP. You know,

the abortion issue is not a sexy one. It's one
that has struggled to maintain popularity among the GOP. And
I think, unfortunately that's because some members are just not
actually pro life. And this crossover here seems to be
an easy opportunity. You know, it's not just abortion, it's
also weaponization of the DOJ. It seems like an easy
crossover in terms of messaging. So I am curious to

see if more Republicans speak up on it because now
Lauren Handy, one of these pro life activists, will spend
almost five years in jail. And she will spend almost
five years in jail because she tried to stop abortions
from taking place in the nation's capital. By the way,
there are no laws restricting abortion, which is, you know,
the nation's capital, the most powerful country in the world,

has no laws restricting abortion. And this is where all
our lawmakers are every single day. You would think there
might be more interest in protecting the unborn in the
most powerful city, in the most powerful country in the world.
But that's where we're at.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
Wow, less time for unborn babies when you're worried about
Columbia and protests. Okay, Mary, tell me tell everyone I
already know about it. Tell everyone about this book D
Trands you have coming up.

Speaker 10 (30:34):
So I have this book coming out. It's publishing May
twenty eighth, so a little less than two weeks, but
you can preorder it now. I spoke with many the transitioners,
young people who tried to change their gender and then
realize this is impossible. But this was only after they
had taken hormones for years that had changed their bodies
and in some cases undergone really invasive and horrible surgeries,

such as a double misseectomy. And I wrote the book
Stories of these d transitioners so that people can read
it and understand what actually happened. You know, it's light
on the commentary, it's heavy on the stories, and I
wanted people to get a good glimpse into these intimate
and vulnerable moments that they can understand for themselves how
devastating gender ideology is for our youth.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Can I believe in it?

Speaker 1 (31:21):
We live in a country where we're chopping the breast
off of teenage girls.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
It's just more than I can take sometimes, Mary, I
want people to go get the book. Go get the book.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
D trans Mary, thank you for joining us. I appreciate
it very much. Jeez, it's so sad, man, so sad.
But all right, you want to talk about space for
a minute. We have some super brain coming on. He's
worried about the space race and China and nukes and
all kinds of stuff. We'll talk to him in a second.
Before we talk to him, let me talk to you
about coffee, baby. The best coffee my coffee company, Blackout Coffee.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Now I don't I.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
Don't think it counts as my coffee company because that
it's buy coffee there. I don't own it. I realized, admit, whatever,
I love Blackout Coffee. I love their coffee. They deliver
it to my front door. I love their values. Honestly,
their values are why I buy from Blackout Coffee, because
they share my values. This is a company much like
Harrison Butker They're not hiding their values.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
They're not hiding under the bed worried about backlash. They're
out there.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
They're printing on their merch God Guns America Life. Don't
you want to support a business like that? We all
drink coffee. Why not drink.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
Coffee and support someone who supports you.

Speaker 1 (32:30):
About twenty percent off your first order Blackoutcoffee dot com
slash Jesse gets you that.

Speaker 2 (32:37):
Go get yourself the best coffee. We'll be back.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
Well, did you see that video yesterday? Our Secretary of State,
he's out there doing the hard work of diplomacy. He
was playing guitar in Ukraine, and it's funny.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
While he was doing that, Jijin Ping and Vladimir.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Putin were meeting together to discuss their ongoing cooperation in
the Joint superpowers against the United States of America. We
are doing well here joining me now. Greg Autry, author
of the book Red Moon Rising. How America will beat
China on the Final Frontier?

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Okay, Greg, it doesn't.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
There are a lot of metrics that don't look great
right now, especially economically even.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
Militarily between US in China.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
How will America defeat such a big empire?

Speaker 11 (33:41):
Well, by embracing our free market competitive is their centralized
state on economy and not making the same mistake we've
made in every other industry. We are not going to
send them our intellectual property, our capital, and our markets
and then bend over and wait to see what happens.

The good news about space is because of national security concerns,
the ITI regulations and other federal laws have always made
it very, very difficult for companies to run over and
cash their China checks and betray America that way, so
that won't happen here.

Speaker 2 (34:22):

Speaker 1 (34:22):
Before we get into the space portion of this, which
is obviously going to be the meat of the issue,
what are your credentials?

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Tell people who you are sure.

Speaker 11 (34:31):
I am the director and a clinical professor of Space Leadership,
Policy and Business at Arizona State University's Thunderbird School of
Global Management. As a research scholar, I've been studying the
commercial space industry.

Speaker 7 (34:46):
For longer than anybody, over two decades.

Speaker 11 (34:49):
I served on the NASAVE Transition Team, the Agency review
team for President Trump in twenty sixteen, and was the
White House Liaison ta NASA.

Speaker 7 (35:01):
In twenty twenty. President Trump appointed me to be the.

Speaker 11 (35:04):
Chief Financial Officer of NASA Unfortunately hashtag twenty twenty, the
Senate had.

Speaker 7 (35:09):
A meltdown, so there was never a confirmation vote there.

Speaker 11 (35:12):
I've served on several federal committees looking at issues in space,
including at the National Academies.

Speaker 7 (35:18):
In the FAA.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Okay, so let's talk about the modern space race. Most Americans,
myself included, when they think about that, we think in
an old way, you.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
Know, the race to be the first on the moon.
What is the modern space race?

Speaker 7 (35:33):
In a lot of ways, it's it's a reboot.

Speaker 11 (35:35):
Space race two point zero has many of the factors
of Space Race one point zero. It's space race one
point oh was of course, the United States versus the
Soviet Union during the old Cold War, and getting to
the moon first served as an opportunity for President Kennedy,
who was honestly a good Cold warrior, to slap the

Communist and show everybody that the American system could outperform them.
It's hard for us to believe, but at that time
there was a lot of fascination with the Soviet model,
and a lot of countries were lining up because they
really thought that the future was in global communism and
that that would be where science, engineering and standard living
advancements would occur, and the Moon race really to a

great extent, proved that that was not the case. Fast forward,
we now have Cold War two point zero clearly shaping
up with the Chinese. We've finally woken up, you know.
Peter Navarro and I wrote a book called Death by
China twelve years ago saying, these guys are not our friends.

Speaker 7 (36:33):
People finally see that.

Speaker 11 (36:35):
You know, even the Biden administration has admitted that the
Chinese are military aggressive and committing genocide. So we've got
the same issue going on again. There's a race to
the moon. This time it is to stay and to
exploit the resources that are found there, including things like
rare earth elements and potential propellants for rockets.

Speaker 7 (36:55):
And other things.

Speaker 11 (36:56):
And we're in a real competition to make that happen
that most people are aware of that.

Speaker 7 (37:00):
The Chinese are very aware of.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
Okay, so I hate to even ask this question, But
there's US, there's Russia, there's China. I know, those Dagon
Ruskies have been famously pretty good when it comes to
things like rockets and missiles.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
Who's winning this race right now?

Speaker 7 (37:17):
Right now, the US is way ahead.

Speaker 11 (37:20):
The Russians have fallen out of second place, and the
Chinese have eclipsed them.

Speaker 7 (37:25):
The problem is that Chinese are.

Speaker 11 (37:27):
Diligently and ruthlessly moving forward.

Speaker 7 (37:31):
The Russians are almost out of the game.

Speaker 11 (37:34):
They have not made the investments for many years that
they needed to make in space.

Speaker 7 (37:38):
They had bad management at ross Cosmos, and.

Speaker 11 (37:40):
Frankly they've been gutting their civilian and space exploration programs
in order to send people to the front of Ukraine.
So China is the problem, and it's not how far
behind they are, it's how quickly they're moving up on us.
So they've launched, for instance, several successful lunar landers. They
launched another one last Friday that will will land in

a few weeks. The United States has had two attempts
this year to land on the Moon. One failed completely
and one was a partial success, but the lander fell over.
We haven't landed anything on the Moon since the nineteen seventies.
So China is beating us in some regards. On the
military front, there are real concerns, some of which we

can talk about, some of which we can but Chinese
hypersonic rocket technologies appear to exceed us capabilities. They've demonstrated
a skip rocket that essentially can orbit the Earth and
then come down at hypersonic speeds, probably something we can't
intercept with our current interception technology we have in Alaska

and California.

Speaker 7 (38:46):
So there real concern.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Okay, Greg, now is that The main concern what I'm
trying to gauge is militarily, what is the race to
get is it we want to be the first country
that has what satellites with nuclear weapons that can fire
down on anyone at any time, or we talking space
lasers like it's Star Wars. What is the military get

that we're trying to get first.

Speaker 11 (39:16):
Regardless of what the technology is for affecting damage on
the surface of the Earth, Owning the high ground gives
you that position, and whichever country ends up owning what
we call Cyslinter space, the area around the Earth and
the Moon, will control the planet and the future of
all humankind.

Speaker 7 (39:36):
If you're down in the valley, you have no choice.

Speaker 11 (39:38):
You've got to go up and take the heights before
your opponent does.

Speaker 7 (39:43):
Your extinct And that's where we are today. And you're right.

Speaker 11 (39:46):
We've got nuclear weapons that could be placed in orbit.
We have directed energy weapons, which includes lasers and microwave
platforms that could destroy our militarium for cities from space.
And a real concern is something called electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Speaker 7 (40:02):
If any of you have seen the auroras that we've
witnessed recently, these are.

Speaker 11 (40:06):
Caused by highly charged radioactive particles hitting the Earth's atmosphere.
Right now, it's just pretty If those charges get too high,
they can shut off communications. We've seen that happen before
from natural solar flares, and if they get way too high,
they can.

Speaker 7 (40:21):
Actually destroy all of your electronics.

Speaker 11 (40:24):
Now it so happens, you can simulate that radioactive atmospheric
impingement with nuclear weapons in space. United States and the
Soviet Union both tested this in the early nineteen sixties.
We had a series of tests. In fact, we opened
our book Peter and I with that topic. We had
a series of tests in the sixties over Hawaii called

Starfish Prime, and the folks in Hawaii called them the
rainbow bombs because auroras were appearing over Honolulu during these tests,
and they would turn off the radios in some cases
destroy parts of the electrical grid. And we didn't have
a lot of sophisticated electronics that time. But if you
had a cell phone, it probably would have been turned
into a brick.

Speaker 7 (41:06):
China and Russia both have.

Speaker 11 (41:07):
EMPs that they can detonate over US cities or more
likely over targets in Asia, like Typeay that they want
to invade. If they do that, everything on the ground
that's electronic is dead and probably permanently dead. That means
your phone, of course, your laptop, computer. It means your car,
because if you've got an electric car, it's really nothing

but a computer with BA batteries. It might burst into flames.
If you've got a traditional gasoline powered car, it's all
electronic computer integrated systems and electronic ignition.

Speaker 7 (41:40):
It's dead. Every car on the road will be dead.

Speaker 11 (41:43):
There won't be any tow trucks capable of coming and
towing those dead cars away, and there won't be anybody
repairing them because in fact, our entire electrical grid will
go out. They'll blow out the relays on the grid.
Will this be repaired, No, because all the components we
need to repair them come either from China or from
countries in Asia, which China will be able to cut
off access to, and we can't even replace the relays

in the primary electrical grid because we can't get either
the relays or the steel needed to make them in
these transformers without working with China. It is a way
of basically returning us to the Stone Age instantly. And
as I say in the book, gen Z, kids are
going to have to learn how to sharpen a sphere
and build a fire without going to YouTube to find

a man Splinter survivalist to tell them how to do that. Well,
that's pretty much horrific.

Speaker 2 (42:39):
Red Moon Rising is the book.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
Highly recommend everyone gets a greg that was endlessly fascinating.
I wish it wasn't out of time. Thank you must Eve.
All right, we have light in the mood next, and
now I need one because I'm worried about Chinese space lasers.
Hang on, all right, it is time to lighten the mood,

and this is a little bit of a different light.

Speaker 2 (43:06):
In the mood.

Speaker 1 (43:07):
We talk all the time about getting involved, getting involved,
taking back your community first legal and local, as how
we can and will save this country.

Speaker 2 (43:17):
People like you getting involved, not.

Speaker 1 (43:20):
This guy running for president or this guy running for
senator Senate. All of us can save the country and
people are beginning to do this. You are beginning to
do this a head of your reach out to the show.
He turned his anger into action. He turned his anger
into action. He's out there knocking on doors, out there
busting his butt.

Speaker 2 (43:41):
And look at those numbers.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
There is now a Rhino puke in the GOP who
will no longer be in the GOP because he got
bounced in a primary.

Speaker 2 (43:51):
Because normal Americans.

Speaker 1 (43:53):
Just like you, got up off the couch, not just
tweeting about it, not just doing all these things, got up,
did something and.

Speaker 2 (44:02):
Got a victory from it.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
You can do it too, You, not the guys sitting
next to you.

Speaker 2 (44:08):
You not me. You turn your anger into action. Hey,
full disclosure.

Speaker 1 (44:14):
As soon as I pull this thing out of my
ear tonight, I'm going to a local political event myself.
I'm doing the same thing. Let's get involved. See them
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