All Episodes

September 2, 2021 44 mins

As President Biden continues his delusional Afghanistan victory tour, those of us still on planet earth are very concerned about the future of our country. Can a visibly depleted Joe Biden even make it a full-term as President? If not, a President Kamala Harris might actually be worse! Our nation is divided and our allies around the world are losing their faith in America. Can we do anything to turn things around? Plus, a woke high school teacher in California caught on tape admitting to indoctrinating his students! We now have proof that Antifa has infultrated our schools.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What keeps the world safe? Have you thought about what
actually keeps the world safe. We're gonna talk about that tonight.
We'll clear up some of this Biden nonsense Taliban stuff.
And how many times have you heard me say keep
your kids out of government schools? Remember that tonight? I'm right.

We'll get to all the Biden stuff from yesterday in
a second. The odd shouting and the blaming and all
that other stuff. We get to all that in a minute,
and all the Taliban stuff. But how many times have
you heard somebody on television, maybe in person, Maybe you've
done this yourself. I'm sure I have done it myself
say something like why do criminals do what they do?

You'll see a horrific crime on TV. It's a murder
of some kind, something like that, and you'll think to yourself,
at least I do anyway, why, especially the really horrific ones,
just demonic stuff. You look and you think yourself, why.
But let's approach this from a different angle, because we're
talking about America. Now. Have you ever thought about it

this way? Because I was thinking about this this morning,
and before I forget, before I forget, I realize this
looks like garbage Right now, I'm not in the studio today,
I'm stuck at home. It's a long story, just like yesterday.
You're not gonna have to endure this much longer, So
just deal with casual jesse for now. But back to
what I was saying, why don't the horrible criminals do more?

Have you ever thought about that angle of him? Some
guy randomly murders some woman on the sidewalk. Terrible stuff, right,
clearly a person not doing well, bad person, whatever you
think should be done with him. But why just her?
If you're a murderous psychopath, what's actually stopping you from

going around and just killing everybody? Have you ever thought
about it that way? Well, we all know what's actually
stopping them. The truth is, good, strong people are the
only thing, the only thing that stops bad people from
doing much, much, much worse, many worse things than they

already do. The bank robber would rob every bank, The
rapists would rape everyone. The murderer who just enjoys it
would kill everybody. Wasn't if it weren't for good people
stopping them. Well, this works the same on a national
level as well, and an international level. Most importantly, you
see we All human beings are like this. This is

not unique to you or me, but we think we
live in unique times. All these are different. People are
different today though the world works differently, it's much different.
This is civilized time. We're certainly not like those barbarians
in the old age. But that's just a lie we
tell ourselves. That's a lie we tell ourselves because we

like to feel important. We like to feel like we
have a unique place in the world that no one
else has ever had, and we live in enlightened times.
The world hasn't changed at all, though that's the truth.
The world is full of evil men to this day,
always has been, always willing. You don't know it because
there hasn't been a major event yet, and lord willing,
there's not. But there's a Stalin out there today. There's

a Hitler, there's a mau pick your historical monster. There's
somebody out there, probably several, just as evil, just as
capable in willing to commit mass murder and destroy people.
Why haven't they done it? Why haven't they done it?
Because of American people don't realize how delicate the international

balance really is. People don't fully appreciate most Americans, even internationally.
They don't fully appreciate how delicate the balance of power
in this world actually is. Why hasn't Jijin Ping taken
over Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, everywhere else China could just storm through?

Why what's actually stopping him? Do you wannestly believe he's
looking in his Chinese made mir at night if it
actually works, because nothing else Chinese made does. Do you
think he's looking in his Chinese made mirror at night
and saying to himself, I'd love to take Japan, but
I just don't think it would be right. Do you
think that's what he's saying to himself or do you

think they're saying to themselves, I'd love to take over Thailand,
but America would step in. You see, America has held
the balance of the world for a while since World
War Two, really since actually at the end of World
War One. America has assumed the mantle of leadership. All
people are not the same. People are not equal, countries

are not equal. We have led the world. We are
fading now, We're fading right before your eyes. It's terrible
to watch. It's terrible for me to watch, terrible for
you to watch it. But we are. I cannot believe
we're in a place where the President of the United
States of America feels comfortable stepping up to the microphone

and bragging that, oh, we only left a few Americans
behind the bottom line, nine percent of Americans in Afghanistan
who wanted to leave, we're able to leave. I love
how they put a number on it, too, as if
he knows that. This is why. This is a quick

side note. This is part of the reason I hate
these people so much. And it's no idea what the
percentage is. None, could be fifty percent, could be nine percent,
could be ninety two. They went back, they sat around
as a staff right before Biden came out, and they
what's a good number. We can't say ninety nine percent
because they're gonna find a bunch. Fifties sounds too bad,

with nineties good, let's go with ninety. Yes, that's not
a clue what's going on. But again, the President of
the United States of America. Remember this, We've talked about
this before. Whenever the president speaks, whoever he is, the
whole world watches you. And I don't appreciate that because
we don't even know the sound of other leaders' voices
around the world. We don't care. You don't watch when

the leader of Germany, France, Britain, China. You don't watch
when they speak. I don't know what they sound like.
Everyone watches one American presidents speak. We just had an
American president of the United States step up and brag that, oh, yeah,
we left some behind, but there's only a few of them.
Could grief, We're gonna complain about that. And that's funny

because I distinctly remember Joe Biden saying this, Americans should
understand that troops might have to be there beyond August thirty. First, no,
Americans should understand that we're going to try to get
it done before August thirty. But if we don't, if
we don't, well termin at the time, who's left and

and if you're American force, if there's American citizens left,
we're gonna stay. We get them all out. Now, let's
set Joe Biden aside for just a moment later, and
let's just talk about the United States of America. What
we've done with Afghanistan is so much bigger than Afghanistan.
And the truth is, I don't actually expect you to

care that much about Afghanistan itself anyway, You care about
our lives we lost there. If you lost brothers, sisters there,
you care. If you got to know somebody there, you care.
But the country as a whole, you don't care about Afghanistan.
Set it aside. The world has watched as we simply

surrendered to the Taliban. You could have gotten out without
pretending as if there's some diplomatic partner. Now, oh, they're friends. Oh,
in case you're sitting and they're curious, how exactly are
we going to get the rest of the Americans out?
Because remember, we have American citizens there dying to leave.

We left them behind. They've already announced they're going to
be working with the taliban, working with the taliban. Can
you believe that the people we've spent twenty years fighting,
not only did we arm them, they're armed to the teeth.
Now we gave them pallets of cash, left that behind,
already all kinds of equipment behind. We are now working

with them. We are now banking on the people we
spent twenty years fighting, helping us evacuate our citizens and
civilians because we're too weak and pathetic to get them out.
And there is another thing, and that's so necessary in life,
and we don't have it here. And the world is
watching this as well. Accountability. Accountability is everything, isn't it?

And we don't like doing that. Nothing worse than screwing
something up, as I have a million times in my
life and having to step up and say this is
on me. Isn't it wild to you? How not a
single person in the Biden administration, not Joe Biden, Kamala, Harris,
Millie Austin, How not a single person nobody has stepped

up and admitted they screwed something up. The President of
the United States not only got up yesterday and said
we left a bunch of citizens behind, he got up
there and said, also it's their fault. Since March, we
reached out nineteen times to Americans in Afghanistan with multiple

warnings and offers to help them leave Afghanistan, all the
way back as far as March. After we started the
evacuation seventeen days ago. We did initial outreach in analysis
and identified around five thousand Americans who had decided earlier
to stay in after understand but now wanted to leave.

You catch that at the end, now they changed their mind. No,
no, no no, no, no, no, no. We didn't screw anything up.
What are you talking about? This? This was what did
they call it? The most successful airlift in history, which
is hilarious. We didn't screw anything up, though. Any American
who's still there and wants to leave, they changed their mind.

They hit up we already we of course knew who
they were, we knew where they were. We were completely
willing and able to go help them. But they changed
their mind, These flighty Americans over there. Anyway, here are
all the reasons. It's not my fault. We don't have
any accountability anymore. And it's why so many people, both
within the United States of America and around the world

have lost so much faith in this country so quickly.
And here's something terrible, and I never thought I would
say these words, but it's true. True. If you were
an ally the United States of America and you've lost
faith in US, you don't think we're led by competent,
good people. You don't think we'll stand by you when

the chips get get down. I sympathize. Can you blame them?
Can you imagine one of our allies somebody like it's
real right now, banking on the help of the United
States of America. How could you? How could anybody trust
us again after this? What a complete disaster? This has

been all right, we got a great show for you tonight.
We got Malik Abdul, We got all kinds of stuff
for you in a fun light in the mood coming
up next. I love social media. You know why I
love social media? And I realize it can be used

for harm and just like anything else can. But one
of the reasons I love social media so much is
it's made it's so easy to see exactly what the
enemy thinks because everyone loves to run their mouth, right,
And now everybody everybody has a cell phone. Now everyone
has a cell phone camera out there. Now everybody has
a way to record someone else saying what they really think.

Can this be disastrous at times? Sure? I don't think
you'd be You'd love it if the entire general public
found out about all of your text message history, right,
So you're as sure it can be bad, but it
can also be really good. How many times have you
heard me talk? How many times have you and I
talked about teachers, about communists, about how they realized how

necessary it was to take over the education system so
they could teach kids to hate themselves, hate their country,
and hate their parents. You see, there's a complete there's
a complete mindset change we need on the right. And
I've heard people say this my entire life in It's
insane to me. It's an old Winston Churchill quote. If

you're under thirty and not a socialist, you have no heart.
If you're over thirty and not a conservative, you have
no brain. It's just one of those clever ways of saying, Wow,
all young people are socialists. What that's not true. Young
people are sponges. They are what you've taught them, what

you've guided them towards. Our young people are all communists
in America because we have given over the education of
our children to absolute monsters. These people don't look at children,
your children the way you look at other children. When
you look at other children, it wouldn't occur to you

to snatch them away from their parents. Make sure you
teach them values that are the opposite of everything those
parents have taught them. That sounds horrible, monstrous to you, right,
what kind of a what kind of a demon would
do such a thing. That's exactly how they look at
your kids. That's exactly how they look at your kids.

They don't see you walking in the mall with your
kids and think, oh, look at that cute family. They
see you walking in the mall and they think, I
wonder how I can change that kid to make him
hate himself and his mom and dad don't believe me.
They're out there on camera telling you all the time,

I've honored ninety days, turning them into revolutionaries. How do
you do that? How do you The Sacramento organization that
is under the banner of Antipas is very loosely organized, right, Um,
so that yeah, when when there's like right wing rallies
and stuff that be like she will create an opposition
to beautiful? Where would he go to connect to some

of these organizations? Like I post calendar every week and
then so like it and I do it for extra
credit so they get points to be doing it, like
so that's encourages them to doing And I've had like
student show for like protests, community events, you know, tabling
through distributions. When they go, they take pictures, they write
up a reflection that's their actual lays. High school students.

Oh you didn't still think This was just for college campuses, right,
high school students. That's a high school teacher. You heard
what he said. Did he say I have a hundred
and eighty days to make sure they learn math? Did
he say I have one hundred and eighty days to
make sure they have a good base of knowledge about history?

Did he say I have one hundred and eighty days
to make sure they know how to compose a paragraph
and they learn about sentence structure? And no, he didn't.
He said I have one hundred and eighty days to
do What did you catch it? I have one hundred
and eighty days to turn them into revolutionaries. These people
don't stand up in front of your kids in a

classroom and say to themselves, I have to do right
by these kids. I have to do right by their parents.
I have to make sure I'm staying on topic and
teaching the right things. These people stand in front of
your children and think to themselves, I've only got so
much time to make sure these kids unlearn everything they've
ever been taught. I better dig in. That's the truth.

They're always out there telling you like I haven't antiva
flag on my wall. And as students complained about that
and you extended may uncomfortable, as it is meant to
make fascist fee uncomfortable. So if you've go uncomfortable, I
don't really know what he's doing here. Fascists. Let's talk
about that word for just a brief moment before we
wrap this up here, because I realized that's the word

that he gets tossed around a lot. Now you'll see
it one. You better understand the importance of language and
propaganda and repeating things over and over again. This stuff
can seem stupid and mindless and ineffected to somebody who
thinks somebody like you. The truth is Nazi fascists all

these things you've heard them to describe you as. Undoubtedly
these things work. They're very very, very very effective. I'll
just say as a quick side that we should do likewise.
That's why I'm so adamant to call them all communists,
because it works. But also back to the fascism thing.
These people don't actually know what a fascist is. They

don't they've just been taught. Who taught them, well, everybody
they all think with one mind. There's one gigantic hive
mind on the left. They all think ac walk, talk
and write the exact same way they learn it growing
up in school, they learn it in college, they learn
it at their groups, they learn it from their friends,
they learn it from the media sources they consume fascist, fascist, fascist, fascist.

What does it actually mean to them? To them, a
fascistist anybody who tries to stop their communism, That's what
a fascists is to them, Which is odd because if
they continue down this path in the United States of America,
I believe, sadly, we will actually see a fascist rise
at some point in this country. I do believe it.
People will not be abused without end, and right now

there is no indication these communists have any intention of
backing off at all, and then they'll find out what
real fascism is when people are getting tossed out of helicopters.
God forbid we ever get to that time. So let's
make sure we stop these people now so we never
have to see ugliness like that ever, ever, ever again.

Remember monitor what your kids learn in school. If I
can give you one practical piece of advice that I
have tried to apply time and time and time again
in my life, I will ask my child to see
his history book. I will ask my child what his
history teacher is teaching him. What are the subjects? Oh,

this subject? Oh, okay, you can ask innocently. Okay, that's
an interesting subject. What's he saying about it? What have
you learned? What have you've gotten from the lesson? You see,
the indoctrination of ours to hate themselves in their country
doesn't begin at the university level anymore. It begins very
early on, not much less overt than the university level,

where they'll flat out tell you America sucks. In school,
they don't say America sucks because you'd call and complaint.
They just simply teach them American history. What kind of
American history? Well, America is the genocide of the Native Americans,
it's slavery, and it's the terrible civil rights stuff. All right, class,
that's it for this semester. It begins very very very early.

Get your kids at a government school. All right, We've
still got a lot of great show. We'll be back snight.
In Kabul, the United States ended twenty years of war
in Afghanistan, the longest war in American history, be completing

one of the biggest airlifts in history, with more than
one hundred and twenty thousand people evacuated to safety. That
number is more than double what most experts so were possible.
No nation, no nation has ever done anything like it
in all of history. The only the United States had

the capacity, that will, the ability to do it, and
we did it today. This has all gone very well.
How don't you heard the president joining me? Now? Is
Republican political analysts Malik Abdul Malik setting aside the horrific,
horrific everything about Afghanistan that was a disaster. I want
to focus really with you tonight on the politics aspect

of it, because I believe that's what they're focusing on.
They're only word about the political aspect of it. We've
seen what they've done. There have been no resignations, there
have been no apologies. It's actually been one gigantic celebration
acting happy about it, blaming Trump. Is this going to
be effective? I know it's not gonna work on me.
I know it's not going to work on you, but
it is obviously a political strategy they're confident in. Do

you think it works well? I think well, if we
have to actually put will it work in context? Will
it work for the media that it's overwhelmingly liberal, overwhelmingly
in support of Joe Biden. Absolutely, you can see how
they kind of tap dance and some even very gingerly
respond to or ask questions of the administration. So I

do believe that eventually the media is going to get
on board with whatever it is that the White House
is saying. But we know that if the situations were reversed,
Donald Trump would be pillared all across media, and you
know that the narrative would be is that, you know,
you have this Republican president in office not caring about
the people, and much like they blame the COVID depths

on Donald Trump, they would blame our brave soldiers who die,
they would blame that also on Donald Trump. So yeah,
it's going to work within the context of a media
that it's overwhelmingly favorable to any Democrat. Joe Biden included, Well,

I've made a prediction, and I have no inside information
on this at all, but I've made a prediction it
would make the most sense for Democrats to toss Biden now,
and I thought they would over this whole thing kind
of just forced him to do the resignation thing. He
looks and sounds as bad as he's ever sounded, no
matter how they spent it. The American people are mad
as hell about it. The poll numbers to show that

every single day. Why not make Biden the sacrificial lamb.
He's not running for reelection anyway. Yeah, well, the I
think probably the biggest thing is that they realize that
Joe Biden does not have a very strong VP. So
even if we get rid of Joe Biden, we also
have Vice President Harris there, so I think there's the

realization that she's not really in a strong position to
take up the mantle. I said many times before that
I don't think that Biden will last beyond mid terms,
but he's spelling even earlier than what I expected. But
I don't think that there is a lot of confidence.
And the Vice president, do you know herself, has not
exuded a lot of confidence that really makes people feel

comfortable with replacing him, Because at the end of the day,
if we replace him, Kamala Harris is the Aaron Hair apparent.
What is it about her that makes her so unappealing?
And that's not my personal blas. I mean, Democrats can't
stand here, let alone Republicans that they cannot stand Kamala
Harris and look from a purely black and white standpoint.

She's good looking, she speaks well, she's got a long
political history. Yet people load this woman. Why well, I
think a lot of that is because, you know, some
people will argue that it's sexism, some people will argue
that it's racism. But the fact is is that Kamala
Harris is not a great politician. She may have been, Oh,

she may have been great as an attorney general. Some
people believe that she was great as an actual US
US senator, But when it comes to being a politician,
Kamala Harris drops the ball each and every time, which
is why she left the race. On the national standpoint,
she lets the primary with I believe less than three
percent of the national vote. She's just not a strong politician.

And for those who will argue that is sexism or
things like that, there are some women who make great politicians.
I'm not a fan of alc but when it comes
to being her, when it comes to her being a politician,
or even Nancy Pelosi in that way, when it comes
to them being politicians, they like they have a sense
of strength and believability that Kamala she just simply does

not have. She will not have even when she runs
in twenty twenty four. It's just not there for her.
All right. I know we're fast forward and we're getting
a million miles ahead of ourselves here because we have
a midterm coming up. But I've been curious about this.
I've been I've been trying to work this out of
my head. Let's assume Joe Biden has quit by the
time twenty twenty four rules around. I don't think that's

an unsafe assumption. So Kamal Harris is the acting president.
Democrats are well aware of how unpopular she is. They're
going to run someone against the sitting Presidentally, No, not
at all, And this is this will be one of
those chickens coming home to roost because remember around this

time last year, you had the one hundred black men
who wrote the letter to Joe Biden saying you have
to choose a woman, and that woman really was Kamala Harris.
The Democratic Party talked about the time that it was
time for you know, black vice president or black female
vice president, so they would have created this narrative that

it will be very difficult to then in twenty twenty
four say that the person that you said, all of
the identities that you referenced as important in twenty twenty
are somehow thrown out of the window. They're no longer important.
I think that it will be some people will probably
try to run, but I think it will be very
difficult in a Barbarack Obama as president, as reelected president

way to get someone to really run against Kamala Harris
because all of the momentum around her gender and her
race will be there. And I don't see how Democrats
they've dug this hole, and I don't see how they'll
be able to get out of that and say that
another person. And to her credit, being the vice president
of the United States does give her particular trappings, but

she's just not performing. But I do believe that it
will be very hard for Democrats to then say where
we're just going to cast her aside and bring someone
else in. I think it's going to be very hard. Okay,
switching gears here to the political side of coronavirus. Biden
runs on being the one who can snuff out the virus.
Obviously it's a virus. You're not going to snuff out

the stupid virus. So it's still there and the media
is always going to love it because if it bleeds,
it leads. How do they get around that when people
are still getting sick, people are still unhappy about lockdowns,
they're unhappy about mandates. What's the plan there for the midterm? Democrats?
How are they going to plant a game plan this? Well,
I can tell you Greg Abbott and Governor brund De

Santis in Florida, that's literally what they're going to be
pushing because they're going to hoist them up as an
example of failures you know in gop land or Republican
states or red states. They are going to tie this too,
because they can't tie to Joe Biden. You know, we
did that with Donald Trump. And you know, yes, Donald Trump,
there are errors that Donald Trump made when it comes

to messaging. But I think what we're realized what Democrats
are now realizing that all of those things that you
put on Donald Trump, aside from his messaging, all of
those things that they talked about as far as being
a failure of the federal government, they're now seeing that
it's much easier said than done. And when we have
someone like Joe Biden Remember there was a larger, large
discussion about Obama left Trump a pandemic playbook. Well, with

almost fifty years of Washington experience, this whole pandemic playbook
that Biden himself was supposed to be able to go
in on day one. Biden himself, because he was a nicer, gentler,
more respectful president, Biden was supposed to be able to
set the example for the rest of the country to
then follow. And we're seeing not just in Red States,

but all of the country. People are hesitant, not just
to wearing maths, but they are definitely hesitant to getting vaccinated.
This same vaccine that Joe Biden himself said last year
he would not trust if it were not FDA approved,
And Kamala Harris, who's now the Vice president, said that
she would not listen to anything that Donald Trump said

about the vaccine. So it's going to be very hard
for for them to get out of this. But I
expect they're going to shift the blame to people like
DeSantis and Abbott and other governors in Red States. They
can't They will not blame Joe Biden for it at all.
You mentioned earlier. The media is going to run cover
for them, and obviously that's true. Has the media loss influence?

I know they have a bunch still, I'm not naive,
and media is extremely powerful. Have they lost a bit
of that or is it just the same people who
always hated them, like me, now just hate them more. No.
I think that they will continue to lose. You know,
people will will continue to lose their belief in media

simply because of how they're handling things like this, how
they're handling things like COVID. And there's a lot of
discussions that we're going to have over these next four
years where the media is going to run interference for
Joe Biden. So they'll continue to apologize in these White
House press conferences before they ask Jinsaki a question. You know,
I'm sorry. I know you have a lot of things

on your plate, because you know, that's what they've said
about Kamala Harris even months ago. We know that the
Vice president has a lot of things on her plane.
How do we expect her to do X y Z.
I think the media will continue to lose. People will
continue to lose respect for media over these years, and
it won't just be those of us over the past
four years. The previous four years have been critical of media,

and notice the things that they've done to really go
after making themselves the center of attention as opposed to
that being objective journalists. I think that the public at
large will definitely continue to lose respect for the media
over these next four years. It is guaranteed to happen.
But again at the media essentially controlled. They are friends

of the Democratic Party, so they don't continue to provide cover.
But the American people will lose confidence in the media
as they've as we have over the past four years. Yeah, Malika, both,
thank you so much, my man. I appreciate you. All right,
thanks buddy, all right, we are not done yet. We've
got a great show for you tonight. Hang on. No nation,

no nation has ever done anything like it in all
of history. The only the United States had the capacity,
the will, and the ability to do it. And we
did it today. The extraordinary success of this mission, huge win.
Joining me now to talk about that and other things.
As my friend Drew burkewst he's a former counter terrorism

officer and host of This is My Show with Drew Burst. Drew,
this was the best airlift ever. I don't know what
you're complaining about. Yeah, I mean it is for a
situation you created. I mean, that's it's you know, there's
so many great analogies that people have put out there.
You know, you you sink the show. Well, I mean,
let's not even go there like this. He says, this

is extraordinary. No country has ever done this. You're right,
no country has ever ended anything this poorly and then
tried to put lipstick on a pig. It's absolutely disastrous.
And I smile and we kid right now. But I've
never been so furious in my life over the last
several weeks, considering you know, what's happened there, all that
I've put in, you know, most of my adult life
over there. It's it's absolutely remarkable that they sit down

and said, how do we spend this failure? Let's call
it the biggest airlift success in history. Drew understandably, everybody's
mad about American equipment and most importantly, American civilians left behind.
Those are the two things that are driving people crazy.
But a lot of people are pretty upset about the
people we did bring, because there are lots of them.

Now I have to ask, because as soon as you
bring this question up, somebody will say something like vetted, vetted, vetted. Well,
people just still that word and don't understand what it means.
Do Afghanistan. Do people in Afghanistan in general have enough
paperwork to vet them properly? Well, it's really difficult. The
answer is some of them do, some of them don't. So,

and there's a lot of people, you know, I've got
people we've been working to get out who fall in
the partner category, people who've put their lives in the
line for us, who aren't completely papered, aren't completely current
because they never expected to leave Afghanistan and never expected
things to end this poorly. But for the lion's share
of them, it is difficult. Not everyone has that. The
way that the spelling of their names, the way that
they're naming just you know, works in general with their lineage,

their family history becomes confusing, and then all of our
government agencies do something slightly different and it gets really
tough to track and vet. So certainly we've gotten better
at it over the twenty years that we've been fighting
the global war and chare which we don't call that anymore,
but but we've gotten better at it. But when you're
doing it this fast, there's no way you can do it. Well, well,
I'm sure the Biden administration has only put the best

people on this, and they're doing it in the most professional,
meticular way humanly possible, of course, of course, yeah, I
mean everyone they've gotten that team is top notch. Of course.
All right, all right, set's set. That's set. That part
of this conflict aside for a moment. You've talked on
this show more than once before about the Northern Alliance,

about about about them holding strong. We just got word
this morning, or at least I just found out this
morning the Taliban or heading up that way. What it's coming.
Is there a big war coming? Is there going to
be some kind of siege where they keep them in
the valley? What is it? Yeah, well we'll see. I mean, look,
you go into the Panchier Valley, traditionally speaking, you don't

come out. You can ask the Russians, you can ask
so many people, you can ask the Taliban. Because of
the nature of how the valley is set up and
how the Northern Alliance has always used the high ground there,
it's very tough to go in and win. You get
pinned down, you get everyone gets smoked and then you retreat.
That's kind of what happens. You know, they have more
equipment now, how they're going to be able to use
some of the air assets or not use them could

start to change the game a little bit. But if
things are just as they've always been, and both sides,
we've got guys in the Northern Lines who have great
weapon and equipment that we've given them as well, you know,
it's going to be tough for the Taliban to get
in and get out of there and those people. Then
there's more. There's more that I know of that just
got to Panchier who are ready to push back. So
it's going to be bloody. How much it extends beyond

that is yet to be determined. But I think once
it kicks off and there's some I've seen some footage
from some of our guys where there is already some
fighting going on. Obviously the Taliban on their way there
for more fighting. So I don't think it gets contained there,
but it's certainly going to be one of the epicenters
for it to start. Okay, Drew, you brought up the equipment.
Obviously we've seen them driving around in our m reps.

We've we've seen them flying our helicopters, which was a
shock to some. But how much can they maintain this
equipment and how trained are they? It's one thing to
get a halo off the ground. It's another thing entirely
to be flying it through mountains and valleys exactly. I
think I could get it off the ground myself. I
don't think I could land it successfully. And I think
that's where most of them are. I mean, look, there's

people that we trained to fly these, you know, in
the original recipients of those aircraft were people who were
obviously were trained by our people. We help them learn
to service and maintenance things. So there are some that
are left. And could they be coerced or forced into
doing this, you know, do this or will kill your family? Yes?
Could they have other people from outside, whether it's Pakistan, China,

you name it, Russia come in and help train them, certainly,
But you hit the nail on the head. What's what's
gonna be key is not just can they get them
off the ground and keep them in the air, execute
their operations and then land them. But the key is
going to be can they maintain them and keep them
up the only way they can do that is with
significant outside support, which I think they're going to sadly
have I'm sorry, outside support from where. So you're gonna

have outside support from Pakistan that always has been flowing
in and is flowing in today. You're gonna have indirect
support from China to Pakistan that goes in there. You're
gonna have support in some capacity from other nations in
the region. Russia's always been on the ground there, always
wants to undercut everything that we're doing, make us look
as bad as possible. But certainly Pakistan and indirectly through them,

China are going to do everything they can to help out. Okay,
China and Pakistan, this is an odd marriage for a
lot of people because they don't fully understand it. Why
why China and Pakistan? What's their deal? Pakistan controls so
much of what goes on in the region in terms
of the leadership. Um, you know, some of the fighters,

the jihadiest, the Taliban leadership. There's there's so much intertwined
between the two, and a lot of the leadership sends
people into do their their bidding and control Afghanistan and
particularly cobble and disrupt things there. China, of course, has
a vested interest in us being gone. They want the
minerals they want, They want so much out of the
region in terms of of of just the resources that

are there. And again it also makes us look bad.
They get to go in and and and play top
dog there. So that's where their interest lies. It's it's
it's a really interesting marriage, but it's one that benefits
everyone involved on their side. Um so I think we'll
see it continue, okay, And not to bring up something
completely out of the blue, but this makes me think

about India. Obviously, India and Pakistan not exactly the best
of friends. India and China not exactly the best of friends.
Do they have some kind of influence in the region,
And if not, why not? I mean, obviously they do
up in the Kashmir area. They do in the region
at large. They're a big country, they're a powerful country,

they have lots of their own resources. They're very capable
in many regards. But as it pertains to Afghanistan, the
northern parts of Afghanistan, China's involvement with Afghanistan and Pakistan,
I just don't know that they have the cloud to
do that. And if if someone was going to help them,
it would have to be someone big and powerful like us,
and I don't know that we have the will under
this joker to do it. So they're going to have

some influence, They're gonna get some help as it pertains
to any threats that encroach further and further into their territory.
But in terms of doing the opposite side of the border,
I don't I don't think so, Drew. Let's shift gears
here and talk about America for a moment. Texas past
this abortion ban today, which is a wonderful thing. Half

the country is outraged about it, the other half is
thrilled about it. What still binds us as a country?
Is there anything? Is there a single value at but
still binds us as a natient? I don't think so.
I really don't. I think if we we've probably talked
about it on your show before here, you know, if
there was God forbid another nine to eleven type event,
which certainly is better position to happen now than ever before.

You know, Afghanistans in worse shape than it was pre
nine eleven. But if that happened, I don't think there
would be a rallying cry. I think there'd be a
lot of finger pointing, and it would lead to just
further division. Here there's there's just literally not much left
that brings us together. And you you almost we've talked
about that too on your show, like there's almost notice.
I sadly, as much as I've served and loved this country,

you've served this country. I have no desire to unite
with the other side who hates the country and us
so much. It's like, there's there's not much left. How
did this happen so fast? Because I agree with everything
you just said, and it does. I mean, nine to
eleven was not that long ago, right, I was twenty
years ago. That's not an ancient that's not ancient by
any means. And I remember, Look, I was in the

report at the time. I remember how much the country rally.
It obviously became divisive it in the end. But how
did we lose it that quickly? I don't know. I
think it's a combination of so many things. Obviously, the
mainstream media has ramped up their efforts, you know, growing up,
you know, in the earlier parts of our lives and
then our earlier parts of our adult life, they kind
of had it hidden. Their bias was there, but it

was hidden. They didn't play their cards so heavy handed.
Now they do, and now they don't care. Now they nominated,
you know, they endorse candidates, they attack candidates. It's it's
it's totally a arm and a proxy group of the left.
You've got big Tech, who's who's weighed in. There's so
many other ways that kind of spread this. And then
with with big Tech in the media. I mean, those
two divide us so much, and it's their goal to

divide us. So I think that that just poured gas
on the fire that was already kind of simmering, and
now we've got a raging wildfire. And the only way
this thing ends is in divorce or a fight or both.
Oh gosh, God forbid that. Okay, let's let's let's move
on for just a moment and talk a bit more
about the election coming up in the mid terms. There
are so many Republicans out there who seem to think

this is going to be an absolute landslide for Republicans,
and in normal circumstances, I would agree, But what are
the chances you and I are now out of step
with the majority of the country. And people aren't nearly
as mad as they should be. I think it's sadly
a reasonable a reasonable odd like that, that's the case.
I mean, look, as you said, in a normal circumstance,

any other time, regardless of which parties on what side
of this catastrophic event that just happened, you know, in
this case, we would win. We would win in a landslide,
it would be a guarantee. But we are such a
hot mess on the Republican side that GOP is a disaster,
and the Conservative base is split in as a disaster,
you could argue, So there's no unity even on our

own side, which which brings a lot of concerns to
bear when it comes to twenty twenty two, which is
going to be key to kind of helping write the ship.
If we can do that, it'll be a massive win
and at least stave off some other kind of chaos
and disaster that we don't want in this country, no
one should want. But I just don't know that we're
unified enough to capitalize and actually make it a win
for us. Okay, it's the GOOP changing for the better,

though I understand it's a slow process and the GOP
in general sucks. But are they improving. I think we're improving.
I think we're definitely improving. I think it's just a
slow process. We're there's a lot of dead weight that's there,
are a lot of baggage that's been there forever that
is very resistant to leaving. So I think that it's
just going to be tough. And the question is is

can we, particularly as it pertains to twenty twenty two,
get enough momentum to change that. Now there's great resources,
great dollars, great packs that are getting behind the right
candidates that are saying we don't want any of the
establishment types anymore. We want people that love America are
going to stand up and fight and not just play
the political game. But again, there's people who are there
who have been there forever, who care about themselves. They
always have on both sides of the aisle. They've never

cared about you or me or this country. And we've
got to get rid of them. It's just a matter
of how fast can we do it. Yeah, man, Drew Brokes,
thank you so much. Man. I appreciate you. Hey, thanks
for having me. All right, dogs, you'll see, all right,

it's time to lighten the mood. As you can tell,
I'm not at the studio. Don't worry. I'm gonna be
back to the studio next time. No worries about that.
I'm fine. Everything's fine, but working from home comes with
some challenges. Sometimes sometimes you get an unexpected visitor. Where
we do find these showers no longer any thunderstorms. We're

tracking one cell actually right here, but these are weakening,
so we're not anticipating much activity. We're also seeing some
rain Elliot Lake, Susy Marie, and that's ended up towards
Timman and Sunbury later tonight. Your forecast for the evening, well,
it is going to remain on the mile. Five degrees
wins from the southeast and as we move through the night,

so who before castles in from the east, and let
us hope that my dog never enters the picture here,
all right, I'll see you next time.
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