All Episodes

April 28, 2021 51 mins

John Kerry is facing scrutiny for reportedly discussing Israeli strikes in Syria with Iran. Jesse Kelly explains why this signifies a major decline in the mindset of the Democratic Party. Jesse also previews President Biden's first official congressional address with Amanda Makki and discusses the recall of California Governor Gavin Newsom.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Transfer They will help you out. There is one necessary,
absolutely necessary ingredient for a nation to prosper and to

continue being a nation, and we don't have it. You
want to know what that ingredient is? I will tell
you in just a second. And I'm right. And so
my fellow Americas, ask not what your country can do

for you, ask what you can do for your country.
President John F. Kennedy, Democrat. John F. Kennedy, a veteran,
decorated veteran, fought for this country, talked all the time,

all the time about the greatness of America. Before I
get into John Kerry and what he did and why
he did it and all these other things, I do
want to take a moment and look back at our country,
look back at other countries, look back at tribes and
nations and things like that. And there is one thing

that the successful, prosperous ones all had in common. Because
they're all so different, right, different religions, different forms of government,
different this, different that. But the successful ones, at least
while they were successful universally, all had one thing in common.
You know what. That one thing was patriotism. It sounds

almost hokey right now you're watching my show. The chances
that you love America, have an American flag T shirt
and American flag waving in your yard are probably pretty high.
You go out there on the Fourth of July, you
cover your heart for the national anthem, and maybe, like me,
you occasionally get a little misty when the national anthem's playing.

But I know I may be preaching to the choir
here when I'm talking to you. But understand this, having
a love and appreciation for your country, for the country
in which you reside, whatever that country may be, it
is critical for that nation to continue. Why is that? Well,

think about this. We all go through life and once
you get older, especially maybe not when you're younger, but
once you get older, you get a sense of duty
to something. Now, I have the best job in the
history of the world. I come sit down in a
chair and talk to you about stuff that I'm passionate
about for an hour a night. It's not like I

work for a living anymore. Now. I've had a bunch
of bad jobs, they say, one of them. But you
think I don't have days where I wake up and
I don't feel like going to work. I think I'd
really sit here and watch some TV. I got a
good documentary, downloaded a new one last night. I don't
want to go into it. But there are days like
that for me too. Right, Well, why do I do it?

Because I feel an obligation to the first, I feel
an obligation to you. I love the company I work for,
I love my audience. I mean, shoot, beyond that, I
love my family. I need to keep working. I have
bills to pay, the same reason you get up go
to work every single day. You mother's out there. Why
you take care of your kids, patam on a rear end,

change their diapers, make their lunch. Things like why you
feel an obligation for them? You love them. The same
thing applies to a nation. You when you love your nation,
or this boils down to tribes, tiny tribe somewhere, When
you love it, you feel an obligation to it. It
creates in you a sense of duty, a sense of

I have to do this, this is what's best for
this place. I appreciate this place, I appreciate the safety
and prosperity that living here gives me, and therefore I
need I need to do what's best for it. That's
what it creates in you. However, if you hate it,
you don't feel that. You don't feel that at all.

You ever, especially when you were younger, or maybe you're
here now, You ever have a job you despise. Maybe
your boss was a huge jerk, maybe the work itself
is terrible. Who knows. Did you feel an obligation to stay,
a duty to stay? Did you make sure you showed
up early and left late every single day. Know you didn't,
because it took away that feeling of obligation. Why are

we currently in the situation we are in the United
States of America because we don't have a sense of
patriotism anymore. As a whole, I know you do. I'm
not talking to you personally. As a nation. Half the
country hates the place. I'll have people all the time.
I'll talk about the greatness of America. I was talking
about it earlier today when I mentioned gabbert and I said,

with the exception of Tulsea Gabberd, name me one Democrat,
one who talks about the greatness of America. Not not
the old ones. I'm talking about one national Democrat who
would echo those words you just heard from from John F. Kennedy.
Name me one. You can't. You can't. I did not

get one answer, because there isn't one. I always said
during the Democrat primary for president, if you really want
to stump the candidates, it's the what would you ask
them if you had a chance. I always had the answer.
I said, tell me what you love about America. Stand
up there talking to the Democrat base amongst your fellow Democrats,

and tell me what you love about America. And if
you can't do that, what does that tell you? And
understand this, I know we're all in different situations. In
every life, no matter what nation, no matter what religion,
what color, whatever, Every life comes with hardship. That's part
of the human condition. You are born, you go through

hard stuff, and you die. That's that's how life is.
So I'm not saying you don't have problems. Maybe you're
out of work, maybe the old lady left you, maybe this,
Maybe that. May be you're struggling with addiction. Maybe that's fine.
People go through things. That's fine. But here's a fact.
I know we have some international viewers, but this is
for the Americans. Here's a fact. If you're sitting there

right now watching me, you're twenty to thirty feet maybe
away from an endless supply of clean drinking water. You
know that over one point five million people die every
single year from lower intestinal diseases because they don't have
access to one glass of clean drinking water. You haven't

end the supply of it. I have two of these
sitting beside me right now. I could just pour them
on the floor and go get twenty more if I
feel like it, and the average American will never show
any appreciation that. Now, that's why we're in trouble. That's
why we're in trouble because patriotism. It is not some
hokey thing. Oh here we go America again. It's a

necessary thing. If you don't have the majority of the
population feeling like they have an obligation to the nation
that has given them so much, first comes the appreciation
for the nation, and from that comes an obligation for
the nation. If they don't feel an obligation to that nation,
if they hate that nation, well then the end has

already come. It's only a matter of time. I woke
up today and I saw this new controversy with John Kerry,
And what is the controversy. Well, here's a quote from
the New York Times. Former Secretary of State John Kerry
informed him him being an Iranian, that Israel had attacked
Iranian interests in Syria at least two hundred times. To

his astonishment, mister Zareff said, Okay, so what happens JFK
got with an Iranian? Mister Zaief, big high ranking Irenian
DW doesn't matter who he is and divulged information about
one of, if not our biggest ally in the world.
And everybody today is outraged, right, and I'll play you

some of the outrage in a second. Everyone's freaking out.
Why how can he do that? That's treason? This is crazy.
It doesn't make any sense. No, it doesn't make any
sense to you, because you haven't accepted reality. A hard
reality to accept, I admit, but you haven't accepted reality.
But you and I we have an obligation to live

here in the real world, not the world we want
to exist, not the world that used to exist. We
have an obligation to exist in this one. Otherwise we
have no idea how to proceed. If we don't know
where we are, we don't know where we have to go.
Here's the world in which we exist now. Democrats are
constantly caught siding with America's enemies and against our friends

because Democrats feel the same way about America that our
enemies do. Why are we so buddy buddy with China
all the time? We Democrats feel the same way about
America that China does. Why are we buddies with Iran
all the time? And screwing over Israel? We feel the
same way about America that Iran does. It's not more

complicated than that. Our Democratic Party. In fact, our entire
system now, our athletes, actors, entertainers, our teachers, our churches
working its way through the military, the entire system now
it's all run by people who think this country kind
of sucks and deserves to be brought down a peg

or two. You do realize that high ranking officials in
China are constantly going on television repeating Democrat talking points
about America. Think about that, our number one enemy on
the world stage. Where do they go to find out
how to really get at us and tell everybody how
much America sucks. They go to the Democrat Party for

all the m O they need. And that's why we're
in trouble. And it's not a mystery of how we
got here. We have an entirely Unamerican education system for
KSE through twelve, and then even our elite universities, especially
our elite universities, are flat out anti Americans. We send

our young people off to schools for seven eight hours
a day, well where they learn to hate their own country.
And now they're adults, they're not just in their twenties anymore.
They're in their forties, fifties, corporate boardrooms, CEOs, senators, professors,
They're out there leading all the cultural institutions, and they
hate this place. Why are Democrats constantly being caught doing

things like this? Because the modern day Democratic Party is
anti American. They hate us. The JFK party is gone.
And that's very, very hard for people like you and
I to accept, because I'll be honest with you. You
hear me trash the GOP all the time for being

weak empathetic, and of course they are. I would love
the option to vote for a Democrat. I don't need
I don't need to agree with everybody on every issue.
I'm not that way. I would look I love the
option to vote for JFK. I don't have the option
to vote for a Democrat now, because I won't vote

for somebody who thinks my country sucks. I will not GOP.
Of course, had a response. If this is true, I
certainly hope other members of this body, Democrats and Republicans
will join me in calling for the resignation of John Kerry.

Enough is enough. The red line that was crossed. If
this is true, revealing secret information to one of America's
most sworn enemies, with the blood of thousands of American

military members on its hands, undermining the interests of one
of our most important allies, the State of Israel. If
this is true, John Kerry needs to go. He should resign,
or he should get fired by the President of the

United States. Hey wo, hey wo, Secretary. Former CIA director
and Secretary State Mike Bonpeo said, had this is say,
Secretary carry, can you please explain to the American people
why you disclosed information about Israeli operations to Iranian fm

Zarif we've known for years you were helping him, Americans
deserve to know why. John Kerry obviously knows this doesn't
look great, came out had this to say. I can
tell you that this story and these allegations are unequivocally false.
This never happened, either when I was Secretary of State
or since. Well, I mean, obviously, if somebody within your

own administration comes out and we have these revelations about
how anti American he is, surely the President of the
United States is about ready to give him the acts. Right. Well,
here's what the White House had said. Does the President
have any common reaction to carry telling the Iranians about

covert military action on the part of Israel. We're not
going to comment on leaked tapes. Not going to comment
on leaked tapes. And remember this wasn't some right wing outlet.
This is oh yeah, that says the New York Times
right there. This was the New York Times who said this.

And you remember Donald Trump was always out there. He
was always out there revealing little tidbits that he knew her,
little tidbits that he heard, and we didn't pay enough
attention to it. Trump told us. Trump told us this
what I'd like to see with Iran. I'd like to
see them call me. You know, John Kerry speaks to
him a lot. John Kerry tells them not to call.

That's a violation of the Logan Act. And frankly, he
should be prosecuted on that, but my people don't want
to do anything. That's only the Democrats do that kind
of stuff. You know, if it were the opposite way,
they'd prosecute him under the Logan Act. But John Kerry
violated the Logan Act. He's talking to Iran and has

been has many meetings, many phone calls, and he's telling
them what to do that is a total violation of
the Logan Act. It is that was from May twenty nineteen.
He was always telling us what they were doing the
real wind, said Scoop. He always knew this is the
worst kept secret in Washington, DC, that John Kerry openly

works with America's enemies. Of course, like he said, we
didn't do anything about that. We always have to look polite, Ryan.
You see, Democrats play this game to win. Republicans play
this game to look nice. They hate America. All that
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And here's something else that's gonna make you uncomfortable. Trillion
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in just the last few years, just the last few years. Look,

we were in a debt risis prior to this COVID insanity.
Now we've spent money like we've never seen before. And
all the Democrat plans going forward, they're all spending more
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Call and get information. Eight six six nine four three
zero six two six eight six six nine four three
zero six two six We'll be back. You know something

about me. You watch the show every single night. I
know you do, every single minute. You probably watched this
two or three times a night. And who can blame
you for that? And I know because you watched so much.
You know how truly and deeply humble I am. You
know that I would never ever, ever want the spotlight
to be on me, obviously, But you also do remember,

because you have a great memory. You do remember when
every Tim Dick and Harry in the media pundit world
was saying Andrew Cuomo was going to resign, right, I mean,
it just murdered like fifteen thousand citizens in New York
and then every single woman on the face of the
planet has apparently been sexually harassed by him. And everybody
came out there and said to you, as he's going down,

Andrew Cuomo's going down, Well, here's this press conference, Yes
or no? Did you do the things you were accused of? No? No,
And that's where I said when people suggested yeah, but
it very simply nope. The report can't say anything different
because I didn't do anything wrong. I never touched anyone inappropriately.

I never knew at the time that I was making
anyone feel uncomfortable. I fought for and I believe a
woman has the right to come forward and express her
opinion and express issues and concerns that she has. But
it's it's just not true. Okay, Well, do you want

to know what his punishment has been. This is from Breitbart.
Biden has Andrew Cuomo lead the White House COVID calls
with the other governors. That's right, the man who is
responsible for the death of thousands of New York seniors
with his policies and then covering it up after the

facts so the FEDS won't find out about it. The
hammer has dropped on him and now he's leading the
calls with the other governors. You can't even make this
stuff up, but it should be noted. It should be noted.
While everyone else was telling you that Andrew Cuomo was
going down, and he's gonna resign. It's it's over for him.
It's painful to watch it end this way. I came

on the television and told you this, Andrew Cuomo was
not going down for this. I know that's the popular
take right now, everybody and their brothers out there telling
Andrew Cuomo is going down. This is the end. Oh,
I could feel it. Oh, there's so much you know
about politics, right He's gonna lawyer up it already has

with the best lawyers out there. He's going to weather
this storm because his name is Andrew freaking Cuomo. Do
not get your hopes up again. Do not ever do
that again. Oh sorry, I didn't know we were back
on the air. I was just enjoying that. Told you so,
told you so, all right. Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney is

if they have a dictionary definition of inside the bubble, thinking,
it should just be a picture of Liz Cheney. Because
this came out yesterday on My Life, On My Life,
this is real. I had to look it up three
times to make sure this wasn't some parody website or something.
Liz Cheney not rolling out twenty twenty four presidential run.

I'm not ruling anything in or out? Is there a
quote ever? Is a long time? She told the Post
whenever or when I asked if she would ever consider
running in the future. Okay, I'm I'm not going to
take this opportunity and do what everyone thinks I'm going
to do, and that's tear. Liz Cheney apart, will simply

say this, This is the danger when you're a wealthy
and or powerful person. What happens is, see you and I.
We have to have criticism. We have to endure it.
Maybe it's your boss, maybe it's your husband's wife, kids
and friends and whatever. We have to endure criticism. That's
part of life. It's healthy. It's healthy. Jesse. You're getting

too fat, Jesse. Are you're wearing that? Jesse? Jesse? The
show sucked today, Jesse. That's normal. But when you get
to a position of wealth and power, especially when you
have both of them, as Liz Cheney does, the truth
is simply this. You never have to have somebody in
your circle who tells you the truth, who tells you

the bad things about you. Liz Cheney genuinely has no
idea that she probably wouldn't get one percent of the
vote in a Republican primary. Why because Liz Cheney has
surrounded herself with yes men. Oh absolutely, Liz. The country's
ripe for Liz Cheney, because all right, get out of
your bubble. They are all wrong. I'm right. You don't

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We'll be bad. We talk about enough bad news on
this show, right And it's not like we're hurting for
bad news out there. We're just drowning it. And every
day I get with my production team every morning and
we're just sifting through the well, this sucks, and I

guess that kind of sucks too. Which things should we
talk about that sucks? This is good news? Don't you
want to smile for once joining me? Now? The man
is Randy Economy. He's the official media spokesperson for Recall
Gavin twenty twenty. Randy, I give you the four. Please
just drown me in good news right now. Tell me

what's happening to Gavin Newsom. Well, we're gonna we're gonna
kick him out of office, and it's because of the people.
And I have the greatest job in America right now
to be able to be the official spokesperson, the senior
advisor to the revolution that is taking back California. And
yesterday were given the news that we have crossed the

finish line and we're gonna have an election that is
going to be all about the people and the grievances
and the grips we have with this crazy governor gavinism. Okay, Randy,
I need you to do something that's going to be
very very easy for you. I need you to pretend
that I'm an idiot, but I need you to walk

me through the recall process from start to finish and
tell me what any of that means. Well, what will
happen is if you want to be governor California, You'll
have to come up with four thousand dollars and you'll
have to fill out a piece of paper from your
local register a voter's office, and maybe get a few
signatures along the way, and pay the filing fee, and

you will be on the ballot in the fall election,
and the voters will be given two questions. On the
first question will be shall Avenue SMB recalled and remove
from office immediately? And of course we say the answer
is yes. And then you go to the second question
and say who shall replace him for the remainder of

his term which will expire in January of twenty twenty three,
And the person who gets the most votes will become
the governor within fifteen days. Okay, Randy, that is extremely
simple is this is this divided by party? And if
I'm a Californian and I walk in and I am
I going to see right there on the ballot, this

person's a Republican, this person's a Democrat? Is it just
a bunch of names? What is it? It'll be random
or a random order of you know, it won't be
an alphabetical order. We'll go ahead and do a random
draw of who gets placed in what particular congressional district,
on on, you know, from a disease, so to speak.
And yes, ordinated, their party affiliation will be put on

the boat along with their their their ballot designation, which
they have three words to be able to use. So
the one who gets the top vote will win. But again,
the first question has to pass, and it has to
pass by a simple majority of fifty percent plus one vote. Okay,
As you mentioned at the beginning of this whole thing,

our grievances with Gavin Newsom. Obviously I hate his freaking
guts and I have a long list, But I want
to know what Californians, what their problem with their governor is.
You know, it's personal. He took it upon himself to
be the focal point of the pandemic for the past year.
But prior to then, it was his mismanagement of the

forest fires that we had. It was the mismanagement within
the Employment Development Division. It was the mismanagement of the
fact that he in our prison system. He decided to
let out every particular He did early release for as
many inmates as he could as possible, and a lot
of those inmates actually were trained professionals within, you know,

working on a fire crew. And and that's why California
went ablaze. It's because of mismanagement of our forests and
it's mismanagement of what Gavin Newson did to try to
go ahead and release those those those inmates, and so
we lost a lot of our you know, built in
people to help us out on the chain gang, so
to speak, to help prevent our you know, was our

fire fire. Forest fires and forest fires every year are
devastating and you know, they cost billions and billions of
dollars of damage, and that's real money that has to
come out from of somebody's pocket. So it's just been
a calamity of errors that he has had. Um he's
become a national joke. Um. He is the butt of
comedy skits now on shows like Saturday Night Live and

other news programs throughout the country. And we want a
governor who's going to be you know, we want a
governor actually goes to his office every day to actually
figure out the problems of how to fix the fifth
largest economy in the world, which he has shut down
for this virus for the past year. He is his
own worst enemy. He has lied to us over and

over and over again. He's not done any got caught
at the French Laundry, which is the biggest, most expensive restaurant,
not only in California but probably the country. You know,
he's done this, and he's done it, and he's done
it and continues to do it, and you know, now
he's going to be home accountable and wait for the

here comes the allegations that we're right ring extremists and
we're QAnon believers and we're proud boys, and we're now
we're not. We're Californians who have a gripe with this
governor and we're gonna do everything we can now to
get him out of office. Righty, before I get to
the rest of this stuff, Okay, the California wildfire thing
actually is something that America is aware of, because it

seems like it's every fifteen minutes. I know it's not,
but it seems like it's a lot that California has
these terrible wildfires in California, I know a lot of
people hated, is just so stunningly beautiful. If you haven't
been there, I would suggest you go. Of course, then
you should move out away. But why explain why? How
does he mismanage it? Why is California constantly struggling with

this because he refuses to you know, he refuses to
thin the for est, He refuses to do any type
of management to clear brush. Um. He he just doesn't
get it. He doesn't understand how to govern um. And
he relies upon people who really aren't the sharpest, sharpest

tools in the shed, so to speak. Um. And so
it's just his lack of incompetency. And sometimes in politics,
you know, if you want to become a governor or
a or a president, you better have some You better
have some some moxie, and you better have some some
stuff in your in your not only in your life,
but in your resume to be able to go ahead

and back up what you want to do. And just
because you run for office you get elected, doesn't make
you an expert. I understand that. But again, when you
become the governor and the leader of the fifth largest
economy in the world, you better understand who to surround
yourself with. And he's never surrounded himself with anybody of
any great caliber, Randy. I understand. Obviously, California is a very,

very very blue state. I get that, but can you
explain what kind of power well, can you explain what
kind of power Gavin Newsom has, what kind of power
his machine guys? And I'm relating that to someplace like
New York where Cuomo is practically a mafia god father,
And I mean, you're not You're not going to run
Cuomo out no matter how hard you try, it does Goose.

Does Newsom have that kind of power structure in place?
He doesn't. And California is not that blue. I call
it actually kind of a purple state. Now because of
the fact that we know that more than thirty two
thirty three percent of the people who signed our recompetitions
are Democrats and define the states and that speaks volumes.

So this is not a Republican movement. It's not a
Republican coup. It's the people's call. And it's a very
personal great that we have with this governor because again,
he's made everything about himself. And I understand that Republicans
are at a third party status here in California. It's

much bigger than that. We have listen voting Democrat every
year in California for the last generation or two hasn't
gotten us anywhere. And that's not the fault of the
Republican Party. It's just the fault that people just assume
that if you come to California, you've got to be
a Democrat. And even people within the Democratic Party or

scratching their heads, going we failed, how can we? How
have we gotten ourselves in this mess? And that's why
you see a lot of common sense Democrats, even people
like Antonio Vieri Goosa, who was a rising star in
Democratic politics throughout the country, who was the former mayor
of Los Angeles. He's seriously considered wanting to run for

this race, and he's wanting to go ahead and help
lead the charge against Gavin Newsom. So the party within
the with the the Democratic Party's during a lot of
soul searching, right now and the Republican Party in California
really and they have an opportunity here. But this is
not about Republicans that you know, a Republican movement. It's
a people's movement. And we've been very clear about that,

and we've kind of have have wanted the party to
stay in the background, and that's why we have been
so successful to be able to get this recall to
where it needs to get and get it on the valley.
I understand that Randy Economy. Believe me what I tell you, Man,
good luck, go get him. I appreciate you. We will, Man,
I promise I'll keep you update. You're okay, please do?

All right? How about that boy? You know, just thinking
about this and I don't want to look, I don't
want to get the cart ahead of the horse here.
What if the day comes when I could come on
this show one night and say to you, Gavin Newsom's gone.
That would feel good? All right? Look, if you want

to get behind great causes, if you want to get
behind great candidates, if you feel the need to do
something about what's happening, and I'm assuming that's most of you.
If my emails or any indication good good. Understand that
there are simple, practical direct ways you can do that.
I mean, doing something is just that's a bumper sticker.

There are ways you can do that. One of the
ways you can do that is signing up to become
a member of Mammoth Nation. I have done this. I'm
a lifetime member of Mammoth Nation. You don't have to
do that, but you can. I'm a lifetime member because
I love it. Look, they go out and find real
fighters running for office, real causes. They're out there brawling

for this culture war we're in. What do you get
out of it? Well, your money you pay goes to
those guys, goes to those causes. You get discounts, though
outstanding discounts and more discounts than I could ever list
for you at shopping and hotels and telehealth and wireless,
And you get something good with your fightback money. Go

to Mammoth Nation dot com slash jesse. That's Mammoth Nation
dot com slash jesse. We'll be back. The state of
our union is stronger than ever before. I will tell

you I try not to have these moments where I
come on here and tell you I miss Trumps. I
don't like to wave pom poms for anybody. You really
don't generally want to do that. But man, I really
do miss the guy. I miss having a president that
talked about how awesome America is. I think it is
just so sorely lacking. Joining me now to talk about

that and other things. Is Republican strategist and attorney Amanda Mackie. Amanda,
I don't like saying it because it makes you sound
like a palm palm waiver. But I missed the dude bad.
I think a lot of people in America are having
Buyer's remorse right now. Look, the southern border crisis is
a disaster, completely caused, completely manufactured by the Biden administration.

He was campaigning on this a year ago about how
he's going to be more humanitarian, and look what he's done.
We had three thousand unaccompanied migrant children at the border
last March twenty twenty. We're now at almost eighteen thousand
thanks to Joe Biden's failed policies on the southern border. Amanda,

all right, you mentioned buyer's remorse. Why what part of
the Biden administration has been a surprise so far for people?
If you paid attention for five seconds. This is he
ran on, This is what the Democrat Party is. This
is all very predictable. I'm a moron and I could
have wrote all this stuff down before he even took office.

Why Buyer's remorse? I think I have always said, and
I truly believe that this election was about COVID. It
was a referendum on COVID, and it was who's for COVID,
who's against COVID, who doesn't believe in COVID, And that's
where largely voters laid their blame. And so I look

at it very differently, and I think a lot of
Americans do that. President Trump actually ushered in through Operation
Warp Speed, multiple vaccines to come to market and gave
the game plan to Joe Biden, who then said, we
had nothing. We didn't have any kind of game plan.
We had to start from scratch, which was a complete Why.

But look, the only area where Joe Biden gets high
remarks is on his coronavirus response, at about sixty nine
percent of Americans believing he did something on that. But
I really think that that was all Operation Warp Speed.
What the vaccines did that came to market, they were
getting into people's arms in December, if you remember, and

he just followed through with that, Amanda in general, not
specifically talking about you or me or anything like that,
but in general, I hear this. A lot of people
had a problem with how Trump handled COVID. Trump didn't
handle COVID, right, I don't like how Trump handled COVID.
I can't ever seem to get an actual answer though,

on what specifically people didn't like about how Trump handled COVID.
I didn't like it because he featured doctor Fauci and
lockdown the economy. But I'm like a half percentage of
the population, so people disliked something else. What didn't they like? Well,
I think that the fact that he didn't choose to
wear a mask, he wasn't masked up all the time.

I think that sent a message to some people that
maybe he didn't care about coronavirus. But the reality is that,
for example, Texas, they took their mask mandate down over
a month ago, their numbers have actually gone down. So
a lot of this was perpetuated and created, unfortunately by
some of the people in his own administration. To your point,

doctor Fauci, But what did doctor Fauci say last year
he said you don't need to wear a mask. A
year ago he was telling us we don't need to
wear a mask. Now he says we need to wear
two or three. Most recently he said, if you're outside,
you should be massed up. Today they're saying you don't
need to be massed up. They're all over the map.
But I think a lot of Americans just fell in

that trap, and now they're seeing there is no clear line.
With Fauci. He makes it up as he goes, and
I think he's largely to blame for what happened with
the Trump administration. Onto the State of the Union. It's
tomorrow night. Just a heads up for everybody. They'll be no,
I'm right tomorrow, buck Sexton. Yeah, but Buck Sexton and

I will be joining you right after the State of
the Union tomorrow night to give you analysis. But all right,
a man, all right, it's no State of the Union apparently,
But Joe Biden is supposed to get up there and
say something, and America is going to be watching. Obviously,
our expectations are pretty low because he's not a functional
adult anymore. What are our expectations? Thought, Well, I think

the backdrop will be two women, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi,
massed up even though they have both been vaccinated, even
though even the CDC guidelines tell us they don't need
to wear a mask. That's going to be the backdrop,
so that the whole time you're thinking, oh, he's such
a great president for all he's done on coronavirus. So

that's the backdrop. I think he's going to really push
his American Family's plan. So this is supposed to be
unveiled between today and tomorrow, another one point eight trillion
dollar mass of spending plan with all of the Democrat
Progressive Democrat's biggest domestic priorities like free community college, you know,

the family leave, paid family leave pre k, all the
domestic priorities to include. Now that we're getting out of
a COVID suppressed economy and people we actually need people
to go back to work, they're gonna say, oh no,
we're going to cover subsidies because people can't go back
to work yet. So they're going to cover subsidies for

your health insurance. And that's another two hundred billion they
plan on spending there. So it's two hundred billion here,
three hundred billion here, two hundred billion here to add
up to one point eight trillion dollars, another massive spending
bill they want to promote. I think he's going to
talk about his infrastructure plan. I think he's going to
talk about gun control. He's going to talk about police brutality.

But he will never mention the good work that the
police do and our first responders do every day to
keep us safe. And I'm willing about he's not going
to mention that it is important that when you're detained,
you don't drive off, you don't run off, you don't
do things. If you are detained by a police officer,
they could put you in jeopardy. And so I hope

that he talks about those things, but I'm pretty sure
he won't. So I think those are the topics that
he's going to look to cover. And then of course
he's going to be talking about all his success with
coronavirus amanda. A lot of people may not know, but
we have states that lost and gained congressional ch yesterday.
California lost one, New York lost one, Illinois lost one,

Michigan lost one, Ohio loss one, Pennsylvania lost one, and
West Virginia lost one, Texas gained two Florida, one, North Carolina,
one Montana, one Colorado, one in Oregon one. You're the
Republican strategist. I went to community college. What are these
numbers supposed to tell me? Yeah, they're supposed to tell
that freedom loving Americans are getting the heck out their

blue state immigrants now that are coming to state like
Florida and Texas. And my hope is that they don't
change our politics. Because I have said this all along.
I said this. I think it was on Bucks Show.
I said, Florida is no longer a battleground. It is not.
It is solid Republican. And if we have the blue

state immigrants coming here, that's going to change the demographics.
But hopefully we can hold the line. I think that
California is now pivoting to become more like a Northeastern
state where you have a lot of wealth, but you
don't have the technology, the innovation. The innovators are leaving
and they're going to Texas. I think you're going to

see a domination by the South and the West of
businesses blocking to more tax and centivized states like Texas
and Florida. And my hope is that the politics don't change,
but I'm already seeing shifting in the big cities in Texas,
for sure. A man Florida, Florida was a very, very

very purple state. And I mean for most of my
adult life it's been a purple state. Everyone loves Heavy
D now, by the way, I do think it's hilarious
that Heavy D has been so successful. There's now a
Twitter account dedicated just to Democrats winding about it. It's
actually really really funny. But heaved he's been so successful there.
I realize that he's been doing a great job. What
makes you say it's so solidly read? Now he got

by Andrew gillam by, I mean the crack and a
meth pipe. Well, here's the thing. What Rhonda Santist did
was he bet on his people. He bet on Floridians
to make the best choices for themselves. And people all
across the country saw that, and they said, I want
someone who's going to believe in me, believe in me
to make the best decision for myself, believe in me

to make the best decision for my business. And that's
what you see is now happening, is that we have
millions coming into Florida because of that very bit of
you know, again, be allowing for people to be reprising
people and to make the best decisions for themselves. You
see cities throughout America, Washington, d C. New York City

still in lockdown, still in complete lockdown, Michigan too. These
are worthless governors and mayors who believe in shutting down
their cities because they think that's better than empowering people
to make the best decisions for themselves. And the stats
show it again. As I said, Texas people are doing
just fine. The stats actually came down for coronavirus cases

over a month into taking the mask mandate away. Amanda
MACKI everybody, thank you so much, ma'am, thank you. Let's
hope people own it. I'm not very confident in that
because people, all of us, we don't like to look
in the mirror, right, You don't like to look in

the mirror and say, hey, your problems are kind of
your fault. But I hope we will have a change
of heart. When you're pa backing up your family and
you're leaving California, and you're leaving New York, and you're
leaving these other states and you're moving down to Florida
and Texas and whatnot. I hope you remember why you
left when you walk in to vote. Don't go in

and do what you've always done. What's that Albert Einstein line?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results. All right, time
to lighten the mood next, All right, it's time to

lighten the mood. And who better to lighten the mood
than Sir Charles. Charles Barkley absolutely takes a cheap shot
at the ladies of Georgia the floor contiguous Caldwell, Pope,
Where do you go to school Georgia? At twenty nine
on the night? Oh? The school in the world they
named named mascot after the women down there. Wait the bulldog,

I don't bulldogs. Ain't even gonna dignify that. Oh look,
I will just say one that's really really funny too.
That has not been my experience, and my experienced Southern
women are absolute dimes, So I don't want to back

him up on that. But still having the guts to
say that on TV is awesome. We need more of that,
more offensive. All right, I'll see them all
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