Episode Transcript
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Welcome back to the nerdy news youneed to know on iHeartRadio when podcast services
around the world. Because my nameis Kevin, I'm Damon. Damon is
here guest hosting for us today forour mister hoodie was he still wrapped up
in his wedding bliss? Who couldblame him? Who could blame him?
And this is uh, what isthe day? Tuesday? Thursday? This
is your Thursday episode of Crisis infor that podcasts. We did it.
You did it. Good job dating, good job, good job, good
job. See this is the thingabout obs and A and we were talking
about about how programs sucked. Ihad to set before we started recording,
and then when I launched it,it said, no, I'm one small,
I'm going a man all fall apart? Yeah yeah, but how are
you doing to see your named misterJohnson here, I gave up a goodment.
I'm sorry, never good. Everythingis straight. I'm doing good.
I've been playing a lot of gamesright now on steam deck here. I've
been playing through the series, theremaster that was made, So that's pretty
great. How diverse is going on? So yeah, I've got to mention
that you are one of the fewand lucky members of the game who actually
own a steam Deck. Yes,because I love it them things are hard
to find. I've played every day. It is my favorite gaming device.
I played more than my PC thatI built, because when I want to
stop playing, I can just pressthis button and then leave it like this
for two weeks and it'll keep runningthe game, you know, Like it's
cool. Yeah, I really wantto steam deck because it kind of makes
more sense for me because the wayI play games now as a guy with
two kids, a wife, anda mortgage. You know how it goes.
But I think, yeah, thatprice, tag man, that price,
that's why it's really good. Like, like the used market for tech
now is so good. Like Iwas looking online someone like we're selling a
PS portal like for the PlayStation.Oh yeah, yeah, where it's like
a streaming device put online for likeone hundred bucks, And that's that's really
good, you know, And Ithink the used market is so good for
stuff like that. A total forone hundred bucks, you might you might
have started something there. Yeah,I don't know, I might have to
figure that out. There's two hundrednews. So yeah, so they use
market. You can find them sometimesfor like that well. Anyway, like
I said, this is the nerdneeds you need to know twice a week
on IHEARTO Radio and podcasts around theworld. You can find us online anywhere
Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, somewhere. I think we
have a TikTok. I'm not sureif it's actually really get but anywhere you
go you can go to the infiniteUnderscore pods and get all that nerdy goodness
that you need to know. Youto join us in the chat. Like
I said, live twice a weekon twitch dot tv is on tour pods,
trying to try to have some funwith Andy and JB. Perry and
everybody and just have a good timewith your boys. Like I said,
Hoodie is out enjoying wedding bliss.He'll be back at some point. I'm
not sure when he'll be back.Uh, you know, Dame, when
you were you were at my wedding, I was like gone for like three
weeks after I got married. Iwas just like pop up and then I
will be gone again. He vanished. Actually, here here is some some
Kevin trivia. This is the bestman in my money. I was there,
was definitely I was there everybody,So my first and only time being
a best man, and it wasgreat, you know, and I don't
plan to do it again. Yeah, you haven't been a grooveman anywhere else
yet for my sister. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know,
honestly, that wasn't my first time. When I was a kid,
I was like seven years old,I was a groomsman at some man's wedding.
I don't even know who he was. I probably know who that is
if I think about it, Iprobably figured it out, but I don't
feel like it. I just knowhe was. Yeah, he was a
light skinned man. That's all Iknow. He's a light man. But
yeah, he's filling for Hoodie.I'm pretty sure Hoodio will be back in
full force by the Bymorial Day.So maybe Mortal Day Will Happen, will
be episode that week, and thenthat maybe the following week, first week
of June, we'll be back infull force with the Hoodie and your Boy.
But we always talked the podcast withwhat You're doing. This is the
kind of part of the podcast wherewe talk about, like, you know,
what's going on, what's going onwith your life, what are you
playing, what are you watching,what are you doing? And I will
go first because I've been This ismy first episode back in a while,
and I got back from Disney Cruiseat this time. Last week was our
first day back on mainland, andI got to say, I really miss
it. I miss it already.It's special. You know if I found
out you were on the same shipthat I did so many years ago.
The dream right, yes, yeah, yeah, the dream is it's a
beautiful ship, like it's crazy,and the food and the way the staff
treats you, it's it's really crazy. Yeah. If you ever go on
the cruise, whether there's Disney,Royal Caribbean, Carnival, whatever, you
go on, well not too much. Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian and
Disney I think have some of thebest customer service in the cruise industry.
Carnival was kind of hit miss andfor many reasons that we won't go with
were not a cruise podcast yet.We don't won't go into why they are
a little hit and miss, butwe had a great time. My wife
enjoyed herself, my niece and Georgiaself, my sister who was more of
a we're all Disney adults. Myoldest sister is more of like the Disney
She's like the ring leader of theDisney adults because she's travelated. She I
didn't think she was going to enjoyit as much because you know, she's
a travelator. She's been around theworld. Na ya ya, sorry,
cheap one. But she actually enjoyedherself as well. The food was great.
I think I may have ate,like, I don't know, twenty
five light scream cones in the spanof five days. This is basically five
a day. Dude, Oh mygosh, I don't. I don't know
if they had this when you wentcan you said it was a long time
ago. Did they have been asaft serve banana favorite sauce serve? You
know, I don't eat dairy.They probably did, but I wouldn't have
been looking for it had they havehad it. I was eating sorbet,
gotcha, you know. Yeah.Well just imagine though, if it it
had the banana laughy taffy, Yeah, yeah, imagine that an ice cream
for that's what it was. Yeah, it was pretty amazing. Like I
said, I think I had likefour or five ice cream combes a day.
I haven't had red meat in liketwo years, and I was like,
you know what, I'm gonna indulgea little bit. I'm not sure
if this is just how burgers aresupposed to taste and it's just running no
burger, but the burgers I hadwere amazing. I'm like, oh my
god, this burger is the bestburger I've ever had in my life.
Who doesn't play with food like DisneyFood is in my opinion, Disney food
is some of the best food inAmerica. I agree to say that.
I agree you know, Disney foodis some of the best food in America,
and that that's just the way itis. What else? Oh,
the one thing I did do andthanks to you, Actually the week the
Sunday before we left, you cameto church that morning. You were all
hype because of the new emulators onon on iPhone, So you took my
phone and you loaded me up witha bunch of Game Boy games. Yep,
when I tell you, there's nothingmore freeing of going to a top
deck of a cruise ship and justlosing yourself with Pokemon fire Red while the
breeze passes you by. If I'mtelling you the Pokemon, Pokemon, in
my opinion, is the perfect phonegame. It is the perfect phone game,
and it's a shame that Nintendo isn'tmore. I don't know, I
guess willing to dive into that.They've been a little bit of of of
mobile gaming when they put in what'sthat that Mario Kart game? I played
it every day. I've played itin like two years now. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, the Mario Kartgame. That that game is dead to
our knowledge. Pokemon Go, whichwas huge. I still got to play
pookeymon Go. I'm not exploring,but if I'm somewhere new, I'm like
was around here, but I'm notlike walking around like I used to,
like walk miles and like this isgreat to be bair to put in the
chat. Actually, the best stickhe ever had was at br Guest in
Disney World. There you go.The best steak wait our guests is be
our Guests. The one I think, where is that the Magic Kingdom.
There's Magic Kingdom. Yeah, Imean that's Magic Kingdom, one of one
of sit down places in Magic Kingdom. Yeah, I love I love be
Our Guests, I think because Ithink that's the place that also has the
great drink. Oh yeah, there'sa gas Starn drink and it's like it's
like a foamy apple juice. It'samazing. I don't know, it's like
marshmallow apple juice something. It's likethe best thing ever. So when did
that. Leah had the best timeof her life. She was the day
did they did what was called thebibbity boppley boot boot boop did not boot
boot boutique. She she went inthere in her full Tiana regalia and was
serving looks across the entire ship likepeople were people were stopping her like,
oh my gosh, you are aprincess. I'm like, that's right,
princess, my girl. They hadthe Royal Court. Sorry ahead, no,
I was just saying as far asthe princesses there, they had like
all the characters roaming that the ship. I'm guessing right. Yeah, So
she met most of the princesses atroyal called the Royal Court. She met
Cinderella, Tiana, of course Bell. Oh it was weird. I don't
know it was. I'm not sayingthis to say the young lady who played
Bell is not attractive anyway, buteither she has a small face or the
wig was way too big for herhead because it was weird. It was.
It was like like she had likea big old helping Disney is like
that sometimes. I remember when Iwas in Disney World, the guy who
they had playing gas done. Imean, I get it, it was
summer, but his muscles were missaligned. One muscle was higher in the other,
and I was like, that's notquite right. So I guess maybe
something like that. I feel likethe probably water one bell on that ship,
and maybe bell one took Bell To'swig and it was like, whoa,
that's not the same way we're supposedto happen. We're right here now,
we gotta go. Yeah. Shemet sitting Cinderella, Bell, of
course, Tiana and Mulan, whichis really cool. And then across our
of course, around our travels onthe ship, we met Stitch. We
saw Captain Hooking, Shmi, uhMini and Minnie and Mickey and hundreds of
different outfits, Goofy, which ismy boy. So we had a we
had a really great time to thepoint where the last night of the cruise
where like you know, you knowhow it is you go on the cruise,
it's literally the night has fallen,already went to dinner and the ship's
literally headed back to port. Shehad her accential breakdown. Why do we
have to leave? I don't,Yeah, I think the last day of
a cruise is just the most it'sit's it's sad, you know, especially
like you know, if I wenton a cruise with with with them my
girlfriend last year and that last theday of last day was we had a
c day and they put the littlelike goodbye pamphlets that oh yeah that morning
and it's like the morning of thelast day, just wait till dinner time,
like I'm still a vacation, youknow. It's just sad like like
like there's definitely like a hell whereevery morning you wake up and it's the
last day of your cruise and yougotta keep living that day. That's that
version of hell before the first doorwill working back to. I think that's
the second part of it's like thesecond ring exactly. And another other ring
too is because this is the onething that that kind of deters me from
cruising, but I always overlook andit will be that bad embark debarcation day
on the cruise is the most it'sthe most horrible thing you can go through
because it's just what three to fivethousand people all trying to get out of
the same place and go to thesame place and do the same thing.
It's it's terrible. It is absolutelyterrible boring and getting off. Getting and
getting off is always the most stressfulpart of a cruise. Like I don't
know if they should go like golike you know, old school, like
school with it, and like thegreen Halls is dismissed, and then the
Green Hall leaves, the Red Hallis dismissed in the red hole. Because
five thousand people trying to get outof the same cruise port and get the
same ubers and taxis, it's justlike, oh my gosh, it's terrible.
But hey, going through the customerspart where they have to look through
your passport, like we were comingback into you're coming back into America and
they have to look through your youknow, the customs and stuff. I
don't know. I don't like mycitizenship being questioned like yeah, I'm back,
like my stuff. I don't knowexactly I was born here American.
But we definitely are now planning thenext cruise. I remember when we did
the last time, we did afour day cruise, and I said,
I think I needed one more day. So the time we did five and
I think five is good for me. I'm gonna try seven next time,
though, and see seven I canlast because I could feel something like there
was a point on day four wehad we hadn't gone to day five.
Day four to see day I waslike, you know what it was?
It was probably like I want tosay, the end of the day.
On day four, I was like, if I could just like get on
a helicopter right now and just's goback to my house, I'd be good.
I hit my mind my cruise ceiling, I think, but I was
nowhere near till that point. ButI'm gonna try seven and see and see
how What was it? What wasit? Do you think that push you?
There? Was it? Like thekids? Oh? Man, so
our first Disney cruise. I feellike the kids were a lot more managed
well by parents. There were toomany obnoxious things going on this cruise.
I feel like noon on day twothe parents had lost control. Man,
Like it was crazy. It waslike the runt of the asylum, like
the dream has a hot tub inthe family area, where some ships only
have hot tubs in the in theadult area that has hot tub and doll
in the family area. There werekids diving into the hot tub from the
floor like like doing like like likeI was wrestling like from the floor into
the hot tub and then jumping acrossback and forth. There was one day
I left my cabin and they werekids playing soccer in the hallway. I'm
like, what are you doing?People all kind of get to the later
and they're playing soccer in these ina small hallway. I did a kid
climbed a light post at one pointto watch a firework. I'm like,
oh my gosh, what is happening. Wow. So I will say this,
I think it was unique to thiscruise, but at some point the
parents had lost even lost control,just like, you know what, screw
it, live your life. We'llbe back back to land in three days.
Yeah. I think kids can beone thing that can ruin a cruise
because it's always a weird situation becauseif the kids aren't around, you don't
want to address the kid without theparent being around, and it's just it's
just so it's just this is aweird situation, and uh, yeah,
that can that can get you there. I've been on an eight day cruise
and I don't know. I don'tsay like I've never felt like I've wanted
to go home. I felt thatI felt that way. I think I
could probably be one of the peoplethat could do a month, Like I
could do a month on the Creaseship. Probably, I can think of
it. I can do a month. But I don't want to get off
the boat. I don't want togo on to port. I don't want
to go and see what. Lookat this, sister, now, we
want a boat. Staying on theboat. That's where I want to That's
true. I mean, that's onething about vacations that's like a good point
to make is that like sometimes oncruises especially, people fel like they have
to have an itinery to do this, gotta do that. But it also
is cool to just, you know, do nothing. My tenerary was sitting
in the hot to playing Pokemon andit was amazing, Like we I don'
want to own one of these thingsat home. I could do this all
the time. Yeah, but that'sabout all I was doing. Uh.
First of what I'm watching caught upon Abbing Elementary, so I think the
last time. Yeah, it's reallygood, it's really funny show. Yeah,
I'm caught up on that. Icaught up on h Tales of the
Empire bad Batch. Bad Batch hasa pretty cool ending. Wasn't as sad
as I thought it was going tobe, thank God, because I like,
they kill all the people, I'mgonna be really really upset. So
they didn't do that, which isgreat. Caught up my X nine seven.
We'll get that to that in aminute. And I'm also on paternity
leave, so now I'm kind oftrying to figure out what I'm kind of
in a game hole. So I'mlike, I need to figure out what
I'm gonna play one Paternity Leader,so I have a few I have a
few options, I think, butI need to figure it out soon because
the time goes by really slow andPaternity Leader it's like, oh my gosh,
it's only ten thirty. Are whatare the options that like you're thinking
about? As far as gaming,we talked about before we started recording,
Ghost Shu Seema is one. Istill have never played Red Dead two.
I want to. I wanted toTaken eight because of the story stuff.
To I know, I've no hotto play it online at all, but
I wanted because of the story stuff. And also Hell Divers. Hell Divers
is still something that's triggering to me. And then I think that's really all.
Nothing's really out right now so thatI really want. We're in a
really stadium game, and there's nota lot of big releases this time of
year right now, there's nothing reallylike last year was so big that this
year is kind of just you know, yeah, exactly in between big relations
right now. But that's all forme. So first, what we're gonna
do is, like I said,you may have heard him before filling on
the podcast, but this is thefirst time seeing him. So this is
my nephew, Damon. I amhis godfather. That makes sense. I
took him and see the first IronMan. I bought him my Nintendo week
before. Back in the day,I used to buy empowering to toys.
So I'm kind of I'm the reasonhe is the way he is so to
speak. Yeah, so Kevin highlyinfluenced my taste in media culture from uh
yeah, like Marvel, and we'regonna talk about Marvel and stuff later with
the new X Men show that's comeout, but also with gaming and stuff.
So I still have the cartridges,uh of, like my old game
Boy games that he gave me.So he gave me Pokemon fire red and
he had Leaf Green, you know, so you know that's classic gaming.
So a lot of stuff. Youknow, I carry that stuff with me
now, to the point that allof the ROMs that I own from all
of the consoles that I collected fromthe Wii, you know, I still
have them. So I can stillplay some of my Wii games now on
my steams that right, you can'tsee. I have some of my Wii
games. Yeah, this is stillon the Wii. That's cool. So
even though the old game, I'mstill playing them now. So it's pretty
cool. Yeah, good question,cause I gave you a red. Do
you have Pokemon cards? I'm stilllooking for those. I don't. I
don't know who I gave those two. I passed them on to a relative
that we both know that that hewould be interested in Pokemon. Listen,
if you both know if those cardswere, if we if who had those
cars, Yeah, it wouldn't berich, but it would be cool.
It'd be cool. It would bevery cool. And I followed up to
see where they were. They arein the dumpster somewhere, So I had
a holographic and you also had hada charge R that probably would be worth
like three hundred thousand dollars now Idon't think so. The charges it was
pretty free. I probably would havegot something for it, but it was
pretty free charge but it was.It was. It was a first generation
though there could have been it couldhave been peats because I had yours and
peats. I had both of y'alls. It was a charge R that was
in mint condition. Nobody was peachedand my charge I was free. It
was first edition, but it wasreally free. There was a Pikachu too.
There was a Pikachu to Pikachu.Ye got the pizza che Ye.
Well that's depressing. But what areyou doing buddy? So? Yeah,
gaming, Uh, I've been playingVR. I've been diving into some VR
gaming. I've been playing Half LifeAlex. That's a lot of fun,
scary, but it's fun. AsI said before, tomb Raider on steam
Deck, that's been great. HellDivers You've mentioned that you're thinking about getting
into Hell Divers, right, yeah, Yeah, it's it's one of those
games that once, once you start, you'll see the point of why it's
such a big hype game. Rightnow, it's been a while since there's
been a big community game where youknow, it doesn't feel toxic if you
think of like the big multiplayer gamesout right now or that that's been out,
just like Call of Duty, Callof Duty Fortnite. I guess for
Fortnite's cooperative in a sense because youcan do squads, but that's very toxic.
People tea bagging each other all thetime. Uh what else Fortnite?
There's my drug destiny too. I'mtrying to kick that drug, but intend
of Mike's trying to get me backon it. You know, I hear,
I hear people say that line thatdes need to is where we're retired
FPS gamers go to to. Ohshut up. I can't stand people ever
people saying but I mean that's needtoo within itself. Like I you know,
I think a lot of these gameshave toxic communities. And the Hell
divers is just a really cooperative gamebecause there's no PDP element. It's just
everyone's just dropping in and trying tofight this intergalactic war. And uh it's
cool. Every week you can seelike what planet we're attacking and where we
have to defend, and like therewas just one week a couple. I
think, like last month there wasthis week where we got a call that
the automatons, which are like therobots, were taking over this this experimental
lab that our army had that wasworking on mechs. So we had to
drop to defend these scientists who werecreating mechs. And that week we were
able to call down Mex from thesky. And this was just the little
announced us to anybody. They justdid it. And that's the fun of
Hell Divers. It's a live servicegame that isn't acting you to keep paying
into it. It's just giving youmore from your initial purchase. Now.
Like I said, I do wantto get into it, but I did
hear there was a little bit ofcontroversy about this game recently. Yes,
yes, so, as I said, it didn't have any issues with monetization.
As I said, that's been good. But what they did get into
trouble with is Sony. This isa PlayStation exclusive that launched on PC,
and it was a huge launch onPC. In fact, the player base
is larger on PC than it ison PlayStation understanding that PC is also a
larger platform, so if the game'sdoing well, it's probably going to do
really well. Yeah and yeah.So because of that, they didn't make
you make a Sony account when thegame first launched because there were too many
players. So they said, youknow, we're going to delay the linking
of your Steam account to a Sonyaccount, and that hold wing up.
This past week they announced the playersay guys, you're going to have to
link your Sony account, and thehell Divers weren't going for it. They
downvoted the game on Steam. Thegame went from being like number one most
mostly positive on Steam to being mostlynegative on Steam within three days. Even
the devs of the game were promotingthis where we're telling the community, if
you don't like this, down votethe game on Steam, write bad reviews.
The damns themselves are saying, ifyou don't like this, you gotta
show show us that you don't likeit. It's like, I get why
they wanted to do that, butat the same time, like people saying
before, I'm tied, I havethem to have different digital accounts. There's
too many accounts. I don't evenknow what I have anymore. Honestly,
I know the ones I paid forit, the ones that are free.
I couldn't tell you what I have. I really really don't know anymore.
That was a big reason for players. For personally, I didn't care that
much for myself because I already havea Sony account because I have a PS
five, But not all people havePlacing accounts, so not everybody wants to
deal with that. But the biggerissue was you cannot make a Sony account
in all region. Apparently in certainparts of Africa and certain parts of Europe
and in certain parts of Asia,you can't make these accounts. So if
you bought the game and you livein these places, you're gonna lose access.
So that was the bigger reason.Yeah, that's that's a problem though,
that's definitely a problem that it wentback on it, but that's definitely
a problem. I think Hell Diversis like the one game is kind of
carrying the industry right now. We'renot carrying the industry, don't want to
say that, but that's the onepopular game that you see on TikTok right
now. With Helldivers, nothing elseis really nothing new, I'll just say,
is really carrying on TikTok right now. It's kind of like my Yeah,
like the first quarter of the yearwas Power World, another indie game,
and then now we have Hell Divers, And it's good that this is
the first time, I think thatwe've seen in recent years where the community
has been able to push a bigcorporation like this and say, no,
we're not doing this, we donot want any parts of this. People
were, Oh, that was theother thing because of the whole thing that
happen been here with certain regions notbeing able to access the game anymore.
Oh, my digital assistant popped upbecause because of certain regions not being able
to access the game anymore, Steamwas actually issuing refunds for certain players.
So yeah, that also pushed Sony'shand a little bit, like, hey,
you want to lose money, likewhat's it's up? And yeah,
so it's really real to see that, you know, the consumers have a
voice. That's because so Sony isso bullish from that, because it's because
so place the PlayStation wing of Sonyin the projes or whatever, it is
the only wing that actually makes moneyconsistently. The movies don't make that much
money unless it's a Spider Man,well, let's animated Spider in the movie
or the Spider the movie. That'sinvolved Kevin Figgy To Electronics don't make the
money anymore, so it's really justa plitation wing that makes money now.
So that's why it's so bullish onit, and that's why I think we're
I want to see a lot more. It was announced I think this past
week or the week before that,the PSVR, their headset that they made
for for the PS five. It'snot selling on the PS five because it
costs more than the console. Peoplewere that last week because it was a
new Batman game and that's a newBatman game PSVR. No, I don't
want the VR. I want aBatman game. Yeah exactly. Actually that
game is actually Oculus VR, soit's not even PSBR. Oh wow,
it's linked. It's linked the Oculusbut but yeah, but as far as
the PSVR goes, they just announcedthat they're adding support to it for the
PCD, which they said before thatthey were never gonna do. But it's
not selling, so now like,okay, we need to make this money
on this investment somehow, So they'repushing their products to the PC now to
expand their market because you know,it's kind of saturated at that least.
Well, just like our next storyhere, Well, hold on, it's
time everybody for the news and thenthe news. I'm sorry, my throat
doesn't work right now. I can'tdo the news voice. But like you're
going to see this a lot goinglike as far as like you know,
there are xbos seclutions coming to PlayStation, there are polication inclusives launching on PC.
There's also a new bundle coming out. You've heard of the Disney Plus
Hulu bundle. Now you can geta Disney Plus, Hulu and HBO Max
bundle coming to you soon, probablyaround I would say this, let me
get a time out here. It'snot it's not available right off the bat,
but it's coming soon. So doyou do you own any one of
these bundles in any one of theseservices? I guess singly. So yeah.
So, because I wanted to watchX Men ninety seven, I had
to describe subscribe to Disney Plus,which was a headache within itself because it's
already a bundle. Before this newbundle, there was already a bundle.
Yeah. When I tried to subscribeto Disney Plus as a new customer,
I go on the website and it'slike, no, do you want ESPN,
Hulu, Disney Plus or do youjust want ESPN Disney Plus or do
you want all of those? Butwith ads or without ads? It's like,
what is going on here? Ijust want I just wanted to watch
this one show on Disney player man. But yeah, I mean right now,
it doesn't have a launch date,but it'll probably be before I think
when this House is Dragon launch thissummer right of the Dragon season two.
Other time I wanted season two.There we go, House is Dragon season
two. Yeah, June. Wow, I was like a month away,
so it'll probably be after that.Once that's done, you'll probably able to
get this bundle. But like Isaid, today was even more confusing.
So again back to the Disney Disneydoll stuff. This about two years ago,
Disney changed all that stuff to singlesigning. So right now my Disney
Plus slash Hulu password, it's thesame password that I use to walk want
to buy tickets to Disney World,to buy buy a cruise fair, to
buy a hotel din It's all thesame. Side of it's so confusing because
you see who signed a Disney account. Oh at least he's watching Hulu.
I can calm down now, it'sso weird. It's weird, and it's
not even good for Secure. Iknow, I know they're gonna say that
it's secure, but that's not secure. Like there's no way that that they
can say that that's a good idea. It's it's never a good idea to
have you know, the same passwordsfor different services, because your travel has
nothing to do with your entertainment whenyou're watching stuff. And that's that's gonna
be the weird thing about this bundlebecause it's basically two studios working together for
I want to say, like foronly one other one I can think of,
maybe it's like Showtime in Paramount,but basically now WB and Disney Disney
are in cahoots because of this streamingplan. It's gonna be confusing too because
as of right now, I rememberwhen the ABO Max launched Martin Fresh Print,
Insecure and a couple other shows,well, I FBO Max exclusives,
a lot of them are on Netflixnow, So what is that going to
do when all these merge together?Like, like, for another example,
like you can watch the Simpsons ondemand on Hulu and you can watch them
on demand on Disney Plus. Butwhen you try to watch like cause I
have Hulu Live TV, but Idon't I have it with ads. So
if I try to watch the Simpsonson Disney Plus, I get no ads.
But if I try to go throughthe Hulu platform on Disney Plus and
watch simpons like ge ads, it'svery very confusing how to do it?
Somebody needs to like somebody needs likea whiteboard to write it, like one
of those like webs because this isthis is how complicated is this streaming services
get? And at what point isit just cable once you package it all
together like this, At what pointdo you just have cable and just know
what? Streaming services aren't even whatthey used to be. There was a
time where shows would just release allat once, and that's why we had
binge watching. That's that's what bingewatching was. Now studios realize that that
isn't the best way to build hypenecessarily for a show, as far as
building recurrent people, as far assubscribers for streamers, because they want you
to watch week after week. It'sthe more weeks that you watch, the
more subscriptions as you're going to getcharged for. They don't want you to
watch it all in one week anymore. So that's why The Boys isn't gonna
just drop all that once. It'sgoing to come out in installments. And
so if that's like that, ifit's like weekly episodes, and if now
we're getting ads when when when wepause it, and we're getting all these
different types of commercials with with thestandard editions, exact same thing as cable
it is. There's no difference.There's no difference. The only difference is
now is like you have to pickand choose what you want, but really
you can't because there's the other thingabout that, like it's kind of confusing.
So like again, I had thisPlus and I had Hulu Plus Live,
and then once Disney became the primaryshareholder of Hulu, I just got
enrolled in the ESPN Plus. Ididn't want it, I just got it.
I don't even use it. Idon't even know my log into it.
I don't even have an app forit. It just gave it to
me. But even now, it'sstill weird because I look at something the
other day, I'm still actually gettingcharge for Disney Plus singularly, even though
I'm paying for the Disney bundle.So I got figured that out too,
like it's just so weird. Atsome point, like you said, I
think we're going to go to somekind of on demand cable solution where literally
I don't want to go back tothe box life. That's the only reason
why I don't mind the streaming thingbecause I hate having the cable box.
I really hate it. I hateit the way it looks under my TV.
Going back to the box. Yeah, I think the box is antiquity
technology. Yeah, there's that anyof us needs that when we all have
either a smart TV or Roku.Roku is this big you put them behind
the TV. You never see it, you know what I mean? You
know, yeah, whatever, Yeah, I see Gills makes Art said og
streaming Netflix is like a fever dream. Yeah, it's just like it's like
Blockbuster really, Yeah, it's whatit's going to be like. Yeah,
the basically what we're going through goingwe're going to a block bunch of style
of streaming service. Because as soonas this happens, you know that's gonna
happen, is okay, Comcast isgoing to combine with I don't know,
Amazon Prime or Paramount is going tocombine with Netflix. It's gonna be something
nephil is going to buy a paramountingsomething like that's going to happen next.
It's going to be like, okay, now we're back to where we go
where it's like, you know,channels forty through forty seven, or your
kids channels, Disney Plus, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, then seventies channels.
It's gonna be the same exact thing. And you know, it reminds me
of that one quote that that Thanosays to the Avengers where he's like,
you know, I forget. I'mparaphrase. He's like, you did all
this and it still brought you backto me, you know. And then
that is just this model where thecorporations are all linked together, Yeah,
eating as content at a drip feed, where they want to control us just
enough to keep us interested to whatwe're paying more monthly over. And the
frustrating thing is too, is thatback in the day, it used to
be like from me as the ninetieskid, say Family Matters, Fresh Prince,
you would get twenty two episodes.They would run from September to about
May, and then you would hearfrom them again till the final On September
they started again with season two.Now we're getting one season of a show
that's twelve episodes. We don't hearabout it a game for two years,
Like you're making less, you're makingless stuff, but you're still thinking you
more time, like for example,any Dragon in our chat, she loved
the Percy Jacks series. I thoughtit was pretty good. It needed a
little bit more of a budget,I think to be great, but he
is pretty good. They're talking aboutnot starting filming on season two to literally,
like I want to say, Ithink they said twenty twenty five,
early twenty twenty five, which meanswe wouldn't see the show to twenty twenty
six, which means when they dothis next season, they're going to be
on the edge of Okay, they'regoing they're growing up. They do season
three, they're gonna be adults.This is the Stranger Things dilemma is.
This is the Stranger Things dilemma.Stranger Things, in my opinion, is
the greatest let down in modern televisionthings. It's left down and tell because
the sure a little the first coupleof seasons. Mean, everything up to
this point was so great, butthey let the pandemic stop them from filming,
and uh, and now everyone's grown. They're all adults. They're all
grown adults. I saw a videoof h of of of Millie Bobby Jack's.
I think that's when name Brown thatthe girl who plays eleven. Yeah,
she she said she's getting married.She's not her life. I saw
her as eleven. She was eleven, you know. So, Yeah,
this is the issue that they havewhen when they can't keep us steady schedule.
And and perhaps perhaps that is abenefit of the old model with cable
to where you had a studio thatwas really pushing for these shows to get
made, you know, so perhapsthat's the benefit of that. Jimmy Perry
the Chance said, the straining thingsis the new loss. I don't think
it is that bad. I don'tthink is that bad. You probably you
probably don't remember this because you're alittle so my nephew is a little younger
than you. Guys, do youremember the TV got channel We actually have
to look wait for your channel tocome up to see what was on TV.
I I remember the guy, Yeah, I remember the guy h pre
guide. You had to go toa channel and watch, as I told
you, on channel nineteen. Theyfinished her Detective on channel twenty. Yeah,
yeah, I would see that.But by my time I was I
was coming around like that. Thatwasn't like the best way to do it.
That was like like an antiquated wayto do it. Yeah, you
lived in the world on Demand's birthis crazy. By the way, he
was always around for me speaking ofthis too. Maybe the one of the
reasons why HBO Max is making thismove because you know, HBO Max or
Max is the WB era of thewing, of the streaming wing. Maybe
the reason they're making this is because, apparently mccording to i GN Suicide Squad,
Suicide Squad lost WB Studios two hundredmillion dollars, two hundred million dollars.
Okay, let let's pull let's let'spull some things up really quickly.
Oh we got receipts. Yes,do that, you got receipts. Okay,
I'm going to share my screen andI'm going to show some some statistics
here for suicide Squad. May notbe able to see it, but you
can go in try. Okay,it may work, it may not work.
Let's see. Let's see here.So suicide Squad came out, But
when was that? That was?That was there was a last Stebuary,
I think February right this, thisis the the current player count for Suicide
Squad. I know you can seeit, Kevin. Current player count for
Suicide Squad right now for the twentyfour hour peak is one hundred and thirty
nine players globally, one like onethree nine one three nine. That the
in thirty six minutes ago there wasone hundred and two players. The all
time peak is thirteen thousand, fourhundred and fifty nine players. Good.
That's not that's not that's not agood. You want more than that?
I would think as a video gamedesigner, video game owner, you what
a little bit more than that.I'm gonna show you held avers to Steam
Charts. Now you got all receipts. Look at this held Avers to Theme
Charts twenty four hour peak one hundredtwenty five, five hundred and seventy four
players. That's more than one hundredand thirty games. These games came out
around the same time. Hell Diverswas cheaper. Suicide Squad was a seventy
dollars title. Hell Divers is athirty nine dollars title, I believe,
And these are the stats. That'sthe thing too. Hell Divers cost forty
bucks. Hell Divers called forty dollars. Suicide Squad was an eighty dollar game.
Gotham Knights was an eighty dollar game. There was no reason why those
games should have been a little bitmore polished than they were. And then
the funny thing is about Suicide Squadis we told you it wasn't gonna be
good. We literally said, youknow what, that's not it. I
don't think you should bring us thisgame. Okay, we're gonna retool it.
No we're not. We're gonna reachthe same exact game that we that
we showed you during during that thatthat playstession. I believe originally this game
was I said before, it wassupposed to be a story driving game.
This is a story driven game.It could have been a totally different story.
I don't I don't know what.Maybe he's getting fired or he or
she's getting fired, back and forthamong like multiple video game companies, because
they keep trying to infuse this stupid, stupid Stewart, stupid play playoff games
of the service model in the gamesthat don't need it. I don't understand
why. I really really don't theytook I mean, the remaining worst is
this. It would have been abetter pitch if they pitched it to a
studio that does this. If ifyou pitch it, if you pitch this
game to I don't know, saya the studio whom who makes I don't
know battlefield, you know, becausethat's not is like old rotching studio.
You pitch it to them, peoplewho makes a live service game. But
this game was created by the studiothat made the old Arkham games, the
old Batman Arkham games. This rockstudio that rock Steady. They're known for
making really good single player you know, immersive titles. They've never done this
before. This is the same reasonthat Fallout seventy six struggled at launch and
it's just coming back now years laterbecause Bethesda never made an online game outside
of ESO until they did a FalloutMMO and they got the help of an
eight hour commercial and Fallout Fallout TVshow to help them with it. Yes,
exactly, so. So this isthe issue when when these industry executives
try to make studios do things thatthey just don't specialize in. I want
to see rock Steady, well,if they have the chance to. Now
you know, we're seeing game studiosclose every day. To today, we
found out that the studio that madeuh ah, the new Xbox title that
just came out. Oh yeah,yeah, I know you're talking about because
Xbox Xbox goes a lost studios thisweek. Actually a lot of people got
laid off this week. Very veryvery sad stuff. I've been laid off.
It's it's not fun. Rush Rushright here, yeah, high fire
Rush. They that studio was justshut down. And that's a really good
game that came out that they made, and it was just shut down.
And I think that's that's an issuethat we have in the industry right now.
It is, And like I feellike this this game got the quicker
version of what Avengers got. Ithink Avengers came out and it was like,
yeah, we're games of the storyand then you lock stuff and it's
kind of cool. This game waslike we're the same thing, and it's
like, no, you're not.We've been through this before. We don't
want this, we don't want this, we want story. Like even with
Avengers, there was like the wholeroad map thing and the only thing that
really came through with was a waxspider Man, but an awesome world of
Wakonda, which is really really reallyreally good. I really enjoyed that,
but this this kind of had themore quick version of a death than then
once she was. It's a gamecalled Suicide Squad The Avengers. I still
personally love Avengers. I think itwas a fun game. But as you
can see, the story drimming gamesdo not need to play games and service
element as simple as that. No, not not at all. Give me
one moment, my webcam is comingback up. Okay, three times.
It's all good. Lets you gotsomething cool on the screen. They're not
just black. It's all good.So rust and learn. W B is
that people want, we want storydrimming games, that there's a there's a
place for shooters. There's a placefor your horror games. There's a place
for your sports games. There's stilla place for good story drimming games.
I mean, look at Kashusima readtheir Redemption the Grand the Grand Motto series,
Like they literally have two versis oftheir game. There's a great single
player campaign and there's a great onlinething that made them billions of dollars.
You can do both. It's notthat hard. I won't say it's not
that hard. The method is there. The method is there. It's possible
when you listen to your community.The issues is these these studios, these
executives to guys at the top,they don't play video games. It does
is top do naps of video gamesat all. And and it shows because
if they showed they would listen totheir community and see, Okay, perhaps
they don't want a live service suicideSquad game. Perhaps they want a live
service I don't know, they justsay at the last app in the game,
perhaps they want like that. Whoknows. But but they don't listen
to the communities. They don't acts. And the games that do do well
are the games that listen to communities, like hell Divers too. That's what
we just saw this past week.Yeah, I mean you're absolutely right about
that. It's just another case oflike, you know, corporate big wigs
think they know what's best for people. They're like, this is like superheroes,
right, it's not. Still Istill say this another death note death
nail to that game was killed JusticeLeague. Nobody wants to kill Justice Leap.
Yeah, nobody wants to do that. It's not heroes, Yeah,
who kill our heroes? And theyhad a chance to fix that. It
couldn't be like, oh yeah,it's Earth seventy four. No, it's
just the same Earth that Justice Leaguethat Batman took place in there, You're
gonna kill us Leap and the wait, did you actually read why how they
described how Batman came back to joinJustice League in at No. But what
I did watch was just the allthe deaf scenes of the characters. I
was just curious how they did it, but ex explain how how it happened.
So I'm spoilerd heap the Arkham Knight, and of Arkham Knight, Batman
kills himself after everybody finds out thatBruce Wayne is Batman, and then you
know, all of a sudden,he's in Justice League in this game.
So it turns out that the onlyreason he came back because Superman asked me
too. That was why it wasn'tlike it was all a ruse and it
was no man say no, whatyou're a good guy, come this league.
He's like, okay, that thatwas the whole reason I was back
and get smoked by the Suicide Squadcrazy like you come back and go get
hopped off, like you come backand that's the thing like, that's what
makes it hurt more for people whoare Rock Steady fans. I'll be honest,
like, I'm not a rock Studyfan, but I do appreciate the
work that they have done. ButI can't imagine if I played the original
Arkham series and I saw everything thatthat was and I was into the Batman
that they built in the character thatthey built to see them, it would
be the same things as if ironMan died in a bad way at the
end of Endgame. You know,when you bring a character and you bring
them through all these different things andhave them go out in a weird way,
it's hard to just the stomach,especially from the studio that made the
original games. It would be easyif it was a different studio. Yeah,
exactly. Canonically, these are thesame guy, so that's that's your
Batman, you know. It's justso weird. Also a bit of trivia
here to our guest host, hewon't watch End Game anymore because of the
death of Tony Stark. Iron Manis my hero. I don't think Marvel
will ever hit like that to meever again. After Yeah, Antony start
built that suit in a cave andwith what with what I just what do
you build it with? Remember abunch of scraps? You know. Yeah,
it's just I don't know. I'ma lit special to me and and
I haven't moved on since. Wellit's okay because my guy died too twice
Black Panther, So that that hurts. Hurts. That hurts twice. So
don't feel bad about it being thegame. But did you see the the
trailer of the new Black Panther.It looks pretty good. It looks pretty
good. I'm not gonna lie.I'm a little concerned showing the game play
concerns only concerns. I didn't showany gameplay. That my only real concern.
But other than that, I waslike, okay, I'm watching you
because I'm going back to the Avengersagain that there has never been a more
i think perfect depiction of what thechild I can do as a hero than
the Avengers with Black Panthers, Avengerave the versions of Black Panther, I
should say. Yeah, so I'mI'm a little I'm a little about that,
but speaking it should be good.Yeah, but speaking of you know,
super powered groups, I'm gonna goover here to the reaction theater.
Here, hold on there we go. So right now you can't see us
because, like I said, theassets are weird and I can't really add
anything. So just spare with ushere while we do this. We're gonna
go over to The Boys trailer,which is which just came out oddly on
a Saturday afternoon, which is reallyweird. It's funny. I was actually
at Hoodie's wedding on Saturday. We'regetting ready in the hotel room and someone's
like, doo, what the heck, go shoot hey, Hoodey, the
trailer's out. He was busy,of course, getting married and all that.
So either that's trying to watch itright then, but it was pretty
cool. Are you a fan ofThe Boys? I am a huge Boys
fan. I think The Boys isone of the best shows actively airing on
TV right now. It does somethingthat nothing else has had the guts to
do to me, besides invincible.It's weird. They don't miss, right,
It's not just me. Yeah,no, they don't miss They don't
miss every I mean, whenever Irecommend The Boys to somebody, I just
said, just watch the first episode. It's one of those shows. If
someone just watched the first episode,you're gonna be hooked. You know,
Yeah, it's funny. I toldmy wife. I told a Lisha that
one time. She was like,I'm gonn watch watch the show boys about
I like, watch first episode?Like wow is it? Just watch first
episode and get back to me.And as soon it's coming. As soon
as a trade came across that screen, what is this man step after that?
Man? He ain't been right?Since he ain't been right? All
rushed out? But where are yougoing? To? Go? Ahead and
here and watch this trailer real quick? We hit the loop button real quick,
and I see he had makes thisa little bigger for you guys right
there, right there doing my besthere guys, Like I said, angles
are weird. But uh, areyou ready to anyone? Watch what yet?
Us get? I'm ready all right? Three two, one press play.
I look back at my life.No, I see it's like they
teamed up last time. That wascrazy. Yeah, I know, I
ain't gonna time to fix it.I ain't got time to die. I
then do one thing right, likeyou're so cool man with Tom left,
He literally scares me, like genuine. That act is amazing. The guy
who plays on this country is corruptbeyond repair. So we gotta save it.
It's not gonna be easy. Ihave to do some terrible things for
the greater good. You'll no longerbe beloved celebrities, black black person,
the black person's black wrath? OGod, show me a little wrath.
That doesn't sound good, ashly sorry, the whole world is about to burn.
We need someone like you, Billy, before the soups start browning us.
Oh cool, don't hand us offin camps. Oh you found yours
duller fresh Ah, that's awesomely desperateswhere we are. Don't you think you
Let's go chop chopping motherfuckers. Heshouldn't not have a beer. That's weird.
Yeah, this season, just likethat. You'll take it off season
three star ladders. How strong?Look, we've all done best. What
he's saying is that our solution toevery problem is murdered. What violence doesn't
break? Oh my gosh, violenceis power spirit jam who wants a creamy,
delicious milk chrick for monsters? Weneed to start acting human? Why
why you're fucking welcome? Which areamazing? How many episodes it? You
know? I believe the least bewhy I say that acting? Let me
look at that real quick Wikipedia.Yeah, but yeah, that was our
first look at this year's season ofThe Boys. Oh my gosh, I'm
so excited for this. I rememberremember then the first season of The Boys
launched on the pandemic. Yeah,yeah, I think before those COVID shows,
or at least I know it blewup during the during the pandemic.
I know everybody was binging it.Then let's see The Boys television, the
franchise television series. I believe eachseason eight episodes, another eight episode season.
It's gonna be nice because it's nicelong. They have like forty five
hour long episode, so it's gonnabe nice. Yeah, they have legit
runtimes too. Was worried about theseshows. But it looks like I feel
like this show will only go onemore season after this, right because like
I said in the fan in this, in this, in this trailer right
here, I think I think theyeither close it out at the end of
this season or they do one more. It depends on if if Homeland there
is a live at the end ofthis If Homelander makes it through the season,
then we get one more season.But I think Generation V is where
we're going to see the legs withthe Boys franchise, like like going forward
probably, let's talk about that realquick. How cool is that seeing like
the main thing about Gen and Vis them making the virus to kill soups,
and then what we see is whatyou got his hands on get the
virus to kill the soup. That'spretty cool. Circle the Generation V was
a great show, Like I lovedit for everything that it was, but
now I'm glad to it validates youas a viewer when you see that what
you watch was actually like cannon andit was supposed to happen. You need
to watch this understand. I thinkMarvel does this a little bit too much
with the Disney Plus shows, Likeyou need to watch Loki and all the
different shows to understand what's going on, but you just have one little spinoff
show that's the high quality like this. I think it worked really well for
them. I'm gold I'm glad theydid it. I think you can get
better at that now because that dummyChapeck has gone and Iger is back,
it's going to focus the content alittle bit more. Brouh was like everything
and everything to do everything right nowdoesn't matter when doesn't make any sense I
don't care to do it. Weneed it, we need it, we
need to we need it. Iguess like, no, no, no,
we' don't one movie this year.You're gonna like it. See you
next year. Yeah? Yeah,but this, this, this looks really
good. It looks like Home Winneris now changing it from being heroes like
them being like almost I don't know, like a secret squad of peacekeepers so
to speak. I'm getting like likeman like like Batman h versus Superman vibes
almost where uh them that one scenefrom that trailer. Oh I think I
lost Damon. Yeah, I thinkI lost Damen. But yeah, this
looks amazing. I cannot wait untilit is back. Going to do this.
I'll just turn this off for asecond. I can't. I wait
till it is back. It's goingto be an amazing, amazing another ride
with it. Hopefully did the thingthey usually do with three episodes in the
front and then weekly after that,because this is going to be something,
trust me, honey and I gonnatalk about every week going forward. But
we're back here in our regular reviewhere it X Men ninety seven x Men
ninety seven, It had this penults. My episode last week last week,
last on Wednesday yesterday, and man, it went down, It went down.
We saw the beginning of the trilogylast week. We saw it kind
of like the next panoff the onethis week, and it looks like the
war is here. The episode startedwith them kind of regrouping after Magneto basically
just said, you know what,emp baby, I'm shutting down everything,
everything, everything, and basically shutdown the entire world's technology in general,
and took them all the way backto the Stone Age. And it starts
off with him basically taling the XMen pick a side because the war is
here and I'm tired of it.I'm tired of the Hemans, i am
tired of the bickering because it's nevergoing to end. Pick aside because I'm
going to end it. And hebrought down the ASTEROIDM and it looked like
it was going to be the beginningof the end for the world. Basically
after that, Professor X is tryingto talk him down. He's trying to,
he's trying to, but it ain'tno reason with him anymore. And
on the other side of that,we realized that since he took down all
those took down to technology, Bastiancan't use his sentinels anymore, so the
sentinels are basically effective. People thatwere sentinels are basically now effectively dead,
which is so sad, so soso sad, And going forward after that,
they're going to attack him at thisbase as well. It's kind of
one of those two front attack thingswhere teammate does this, team be does
that, So he's going to tryCyclaps team is gonna try to take down
Magneto. The team with Jean,Gray and Storm gonna take now Bastion.
And everything looks like to be goingokay for Team B Gene and Storm until
mister Senator stows up and shows thathe can take control of people and tastes
control of Cable. Basically, Jean'ssome kind of sun It's weird, is
David coming back? Don't be sogood? Takes control of Cable and basically
now it's Gene versus Cable, andshe's not sure she's gonna make it.
So she likes cyclically connects with Cyclopsand he's kind of there in his own
or trying to trying to help outGene. And while that's all happening,
that's when they're on Asteroid and endwith Magneto trying to tap him down from
the bridge, saying, you don'twant to do this. I get you
mad, but you don't want tokill everybody on Earth. You can't kill
everybody on Earth, and he's stilltrying to go go through with it.
And it gets weird because while they'rebattling on Magnete trying to get his helmet
off so basically Precess can dominate him. They get his hellet off and he's
dominating him. But then that's whenCyclopics realize that Jean's in trouble, so
he actually blasts Professor X, andit's like, what is happening? What
is happening? So he uses controlof him, and then that's when Magne
was correct, I'm gona kill ally'all anyway, I'm sorry, I'm tired.
I'm killing all of y'all until weget Wolverine hearing that familiar schnicked and
unsheathing of its claws, stabbing himin the back, and we think it's
over. We think, okay,Wolverine's got him, he's caught him down,
it's all over. We'll be okay. No, we're not okay,
because even though he's mortally wounded,Magneto is He's still Magneto and he proceeds
to rip the animonium all out ofWolverine and that's what episode ends. But
this season has been a great ride. I mean it's been really, really,
really good. I think dam istrying to come through. Yeah I'm
back, but I'm here, Andyes, it was amazing. Wolverine is.
Honestly, this is one of thebest renditions of Wolverine I've I've ever
seen, I will say. Andit was funny too, because when I
was a kid watching this, Wolverinewas kind of always like the focal point,
but it was annoying because he waslike, rah, I'm Wolverine just
gets shot, Like ah, maybedown. So what did you think of
this series? Because you just startedwatching it, what like last week?
I think, yeah, I startedand I finished it in literally three days,
and I think that it's Honestly,as I told you before the podcast,
this is probably the most comic bookshow I've ever watched in its aesthetic
aesthetic and like just the way thatthe show feels and moves to a different
storylines. I loved how Wolverine makesthat cat sound when he like attacks,
Oh yeah, so like cool notso cool to me, that felt like
so like I don't know, likelike I'm really watching the characters from like
the source material a bit more thanI felt when I watched the Wolverine from
the last time I saw him waswhat it was that X Men Future Where's
the future past future past? Yeah, yeah, like that's kind of the
last time I saw him. AndI think that this rendition of Wolverine has
worked really well for me. Iloved his relationship with Jane and how I
see that got, you know,with the booty and all that. I've
said a couple of times too.Oh yeah, I got seen ninety spider
Man, which is really cool.He had a cameo, had a cameo
more turned into the Hawk and saidmorphsmash was because I thought it was pretty
funny. I liked that a lot. But like I said in the beginning
of the series, I think wegot the best depiction of Cyclops we have
ever seen on screen, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever.
Yeah, he's so cool, socool. Like I've said a million times
on this podcast, Cyclops is aI kept in America level leader, Like
he's not just out here trying.He he's that dude, and this show
he does go through a lot.I feel like, yeah, his characters
full torture man, and like thisshow just showed a real, real thing
because he had a baby with aclone and he didn't even know he nobody.
That's the one thing was one ofthe reasons why I didn't really get
into the X Men comic book wise, because you're seeing this show there's a
lot going on. Cyclos have babieswith clones, there's a love triangle that
there's some kind of mistress, youknow, seculation going on between Magneto and
Rogue struggers their powers, that goesoff to the desert to find him before
and find some kind of demon.So you know, dress was so cool.
But and then also Press of exis in space. He's a king
of Empire, so think about that. He had all that going on and
still like, you know, theAvengers over here doing stuff in space,
Spider Man's is flying through time withMadam Web. So there was so much
going on in the regular Marbel universe. I was like, I don't have
time for next Man. This istoo much going on already. That's why
I never got into him. Butyeah, and I think the way that
they did the characters this time wasreally good because it didn't I know,
I got a recognition from Jay towatch some of the other shows but before
this show, but I just jumpedstra into. I didn't watch anything before
this, and I've a little understandeverything and piece of everything together pretty well.
So you never you never really watchedthe reginal cartoon, right, No,
not at all. I really justjumped straight in. But I was
a little a piece together because Imean these characters from Marvel and from DC
as well. That isn't true likearchetypes really when you think about it,
like I know who who side Clopsis. I'm just learning who this side
claps is, you know, exactlyjust the way I interpreted it. So
I'm so happy you liked it.Are you a big Were you a big
X Men fan? Before this?Were more like me? This is the
main MCU, not minus the XMen. Yeah, I'm really more into
really more into the Avengers. ButI will say after watching this, I
understand that if the Avengers were tofight the X Men, it would be
a I think the X Men wouldprobably win, uh would probably win,
Just I don't I don't know allof her powers, but from the way
Jeanne was describing how she's like aphoenix and how she she's getting called by
the galaxies and all that, itjust showed me that she's actually really powerful.
And I don't know. Yeah,there's rumors that that that's the next
movie that's going to come out.Actually it's Venge versus X Men. Let's
go back the big thing. Idon't really want that because I feel like
we've already had that with Civil Warand Bene versus Man. I don't need
but like you said, X Men, they have to have the advantage.
They definitely have the advantage what yousay. And also, like as you
said, like that opening with sideclaps, we really got to see how
someone with his powers, because hispowers are not that exciting to me.
I mean, he has a laserbeam comeing out of his eye. That's
cool, but that's not all thatexciting. But the way he fights with
it, you know, he remindedme of of of the the Kaboom Man
from from Avatar moving around. Yeah, it's side colops that do. And
then then he also has like anotherlike I guess, subpower where it's like
he has a knowledge of angles,So like, even if he's not in
front of you, if he knowsyou're in the room, he knows how
to bounce this beam around the roombecause his beam is concussive. It's not
like a heat beam or like alaser beam. It's just a concussive beam.
So it's not gonna just unless hewanted to. It's not it's gonna
bore through, through, through througha target. It will bounce around and
hit you when he wants to hityou. It's kind of Captain America's shield.
It's kind of kind of funny,and we got to see him too.
We have to see Captain America inthis show. So I'm wondering if
we'll see actually the Avengers next episodecausethey've showed cap they've showed Spidey, they've
showed and it wasn't him, butit show the Hawk. So I wanted
to ask you. We're like,okay, call the Adventages just getting a
little nuts call. Yeah, yeah, But I'm excited for the finale next
week. I think it's going tobe very satisfactory ending. And I think
we're getting the season two as well. Yeah, I think this show did
well enough for them to justify doinganother season. I just hope that the
quality stays the same, you know, which it should. I mean,
I think yeah, I mean thecharacter set up, that it's interesting.
I just hope that it doesn't gettoo like seeing an abstract to where the
storyline loses this meaning, which happensa lot when you have like timelines and
stuff like that and show. Yeah, but I will definitely keep watching for
that next week and get your recapon that. Unfortunately, this is going
to be the end of this episode, and I think we had a lot
of fun today talking about a lotof stuff, especially just clowning on suicide
Squad for like side Squad. Wetold you what's going to be bad.
We just told you. But damn. I want to thank you for filling
in for my my man hoodie thisweek as he is Oh there, yes,
he's back. Bag took aw tofix it. It's all good.
We'll figure it out. Hopefully youcan join us again if he's not here
this next week. Yes, no, yes, awesome, I'll come back
here, come back a webcam andpicking this out. Awesome, awesome,
awesome by again, thank you forjoining us, Thank you for doing this
in the chat, Jimmy Perry,Aaron Giles, any joking like you always
do. You guys are great.We will see you on next week's episode
of Crisis Infinite podcast. You guysnext week