Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Happy Friday, friend, Welcome to the Thought Shower.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
Intern John is my name. It's been a week.
Speaker 1 (00:07):
I mean, golly, here we are halfway through January, which
is halfway or more halfway more than halfway through. Look
at that. Fantastic. I appreciate you hanging out. Yeah, I
can't say enough thank you for everybody who's reached out,
who's checked on me. It's you know, it's a weird
thing of I don't want to be a downer obviously, However,
I think there's a chance to do some good for
folks who are also going through loss, and in my case,
pet loss, to show that, you know, well it hasn't
gotten better yet, but to show that eventually it will
get better.
Speaker 2 (00:53):
You know.
Speaker 1 (00:56):
I've just been kind of blown away, blown away. I
had a woman who commented on posted a photo on
Facebook of Chewy and she commented how her son, who
is in the fifth grade, happened to have a Chewy
shirt that he wore to school and his classmates did
a prayer for him, which was like, so freaking sweet.
Shouts to Solomon, my new favorite fifth grader. It's been
very sweet, it's been very touching. It was funny. I
was talking to Sauce yesterday, maybe day before, and I
was like, God, if I could just have a conversation
with Chewy and tell him just how much he was
loved by seemingly the world, he'd be like yeah, he'd
be like yeah, and yeah, I was loved I know.
And that's that's my boy. Don't know where you got
it from, you know, have no idea, but here we are.
So my plan this weekend kind of get hopefully get
my life back together a little bit. You have been neglecting,
like the adult stuff. It's a guy, do that hopefully.
It's kind of sleep as well, and then kind of
go from there. So we're taking day by day, taking
a step by step.
Speaker 2 (02:21):
It's again.
Speaker 1 (02:23):
I'm gonna also try this weekend to go through a
lot of messages I've gotten in the comments, because there's
just been so many, which has been awesome.
Speaker 2 (02:33):
It's been I don't know, like I really feel loved.
Speaker 1 (02:39):
It's very special to feel how much he was loved
by so many people. And that's the weird thing about
radio is that you know, we do the show in
a room by ourselves, and the only numbers we see,
like yeah, we'll see you know, like on Instagram, I
have sixty some thousand followers, but we know, like the
show itself has like one point something million listeners each morning,
which is crazy. So to see the outlawling supports like,
oh my god, wow, my little boy touched the eyes
of a lot of folks. So I'm just very grateful.
I thank you for listening. Let me get to this
for your Friday, Corey. The experts these other things we
waste money on without even a second thought. Listen, I uh,
wasting money is fun, okay. First thing is pre portioned snacks.
They say that market is being convenient. Waited enjoy a
quick bite about the hassle of measuring on servings. They
say the convenience comes with a higher costs. Uh, yeah,
we know that right. We do for my life. I'm
sure for yours as well. Sometimes I just need to
be able to grab something and go. Also say for this,
like you know, I lost thirty pounds last year. Having
those pre portioned things is nice. I see the videos
of folks like you know, with the scale out and
all that stuff, and that's you. Good for you, dude.
I just don't have the patience for it. So are
we surprised? To cost more.
Speaker 2 (04:11):
No, you're paying for the convenience. So I don't know.
Speaker 1 (04:14):
I guess I'm will iffy in that one. Single use
coffee pods. They say they revolutionize the way we consume coffee,
but it comes to the cost both in the dollars
environmental impact. Again, I guess that probably makes sense. But
again I would go with it would saving you money
there it is. Next in their list is disposable razors.
They say they're convenience lovefront costs. They say, the classic
example of false economy. They wear quickly and need to
be replaced often. I yeah, I use disposable razors. I had,
like for a while, like my own razor. But well,
back in like high school, I used to shave my
face every day, had to military school. Then once I graduated,
I'm like, I'm not doing that again. I had like
a permanent razor, but it just seemed like I guess
maybe over time is different. It seemed like it was
more expensive that the cartridges seemed to cost a lot more.
Icre them the experts, I'm wrong, who's surprised. Greeting cards, Yeah,
they say, can consider going digital with the greeting cards instead.
They can personalize this and instantly I don't mind getting them.
I think it's nice. And Mom will sending some, well
not some, she sends them a lot. Crazy Darnton Leen
was send some very nice. Have I ever sent a
greeting card? No, I guess that's not true. I did
a Christmas card like two years ago. But yeah, I
could see that. Also, greeting cards are stupid expensive. There's
nothing worse when you gets somebody like a gift card
for the holiday or whoever it is, and you know
I have to get a greeting card too, and then
you realize like, oh my god, these things are expensive.
Speaker 2 (05:58):
Ho like six.
Speaker 1 (05:59):
BUTK for a piece of paper that is wild wild
battle water making the list of things that waste money
on Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, they say off of me
that convenience rather than being necessity. Yeah, I think that's
the thing. Though, I get it. I drink bottle of water,
although usually I have like a giant juggle water, so
I do that instead, like I'll have a giant like
gallon jug that I will refill at work or at
the gym. But yeah, again, to me, I get it, though,
you try and drink water, I understand. Uh, trendy gadgets. Yeah,
I mean I think this is probably more everybody like
that one little gadget that like will will change one
small thing in your life. I always think it's funny,
like the infomercials where it's like, do you have a
problem where your ladder always falls down a hill? And
it shows the actor like whoa. It's like, I've never
had that problem, but now, huh, I might just prepackaged produce.
Speaker 2 (07:07):
They say that can be see a convenient way.
Speaker 1 (07:09):
It's often at a premium, both in terms of costs
and environmental impact. They say it's typically more expensive than
unpackaged counterparts. I'll say this, I am not a fan
of the prepackage produce. Like if you go to the
story and it's like, oh, there's six apples in the bag,
I'd rather just do it myself because I feel like
the ones in the bag aren't as good. And maybe
I'm wrong. That's completely fair, but that's just me. Subscription boxes,
I'll say this. There was a Eric and I a
long time ago had a subscription box for a clothing company.
It was horrendous. It was bad, and they had a
horrible marketing strategy. Because I like tweeted out that I
wasn't happy with it, and they had their bots come
to harass me, and I was like, there is nobody
who is so loyal to a clothing brand like that
that they're going to come and take out somebody who
had a bad experience, you know, no doubt. Last one
on this list, cord of the experts, is gym memberships. Yeah,
here's the thing I do. The math of mine. It's like,
I try to go to the gym again. I'm getting
back on the swing of things, but usually four or
five times a week. So you know, if you're going,
let's say your memberships one hundred dollars and you going
five times a week, it's like five bucks a time.
Speaker 2 (08:31):
That makes sense.
Speaker 1 (08:32):
If membership is one hundred dollars, you're going once a week,
it's a little more expensive twenty five bucks a time.
So I guess that one I kind of disagree with.
A wealth probably depends on how much you use it.
I thought that was interesting, and I can't say I
get enough again to you guys. I'm trying my best
to to put on a happy face and just kind of,
you know, keep doing what we do. I appreciate you listening.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Cannot wait to
talk to you on Monday. It's the thoughts.
Speaker 2 (09:00):