Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
In a Happy Friday friend to Welcome to the Thought Shower.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
Intern John is my name. It's funny.
Speaker 1 (00:06):
There's a pop up on the computer right now that says, quote,
your organization requires your device to restart on January eleventh,
twenty five. My brother in christ That is a month away.
Not my problem, that's future John's problem. I'm really good
at leaving issues for future John to deal with.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (00:29):
It's like my laundry. Should I start it today before
I left for work? Maybe that's future John's problem. John
the President doesn't have time for laundry, you know what
I mean. It's still got time for that stuff. Very excite,
very busy weekend coming for your boy. My parents are
in town. Been fun having them here. Been a lot
of fun. My mom brought some new Christmas decorations. That
is always great, you know me, big decoration guy. But
tonight hockey game, so my team, Georgetown Prepp plays Eric's
nephew's team and Zaga.
Speaker 2 (01:00):
My parents are going to that.
Speaker 1 (01:02):
Then I think the plan is to go to my
restaurant that I'm involved with, Hide Social, get some dinner.
Then tomorrow the Christmas party, the ij Christmas spectacular. I
believe it's the tenth year running. And this party started
not hard to believe because I didn't want to go
to other Christmas parties. So I'm like, hey, just have
it at my house. There we go, got yum yamhibachi
coming with the food. Give me a good time to
see friends, family, kind of a good time to like
unwind it too. That's always kind of like a good
chance for us to do that. I always love the
party too, because my group of friends is so diverse.
It's just there's gonna be the radio folks, there's gonna
be my TV folks, my hockey folks, comedy show folks.
It's just like a good mesh of good people. And
there's something about being around good people. Where as cheesy
as sounds, it just like just kind of like recharges
you a little bit, you know what I mean. So
I'm excite for that. Then Sunday, I think the plan
is to do me brunch at my restaurant. I also
have like a industry Christmas party that I have to
go to, which is gonna be fun. Monday, hopefully we
just relaxed. Tuesday is jingle Ball and so it's all
here we're doing it. It's all been great, and Chewy
doing better as well too, if you miss that.
Speaker 2 (02:23):
Speaker 1 (02:23):
Chewy is my fifteen and a half year old Shuahua,
and he has had a kind of a rough go
the last two months, and it gets to be a
point when you have a dog. I've been getting lucky
to have him for as long as I have, where
you know, I have less time with him than I've
had with him, and that's a very hard thing to admit.
Speaker 2 (02:44):
Have him for fifteen and a half years.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
The odds he makes to thirty one, Hell, the odd
odds I make it twenties thirty one not very likely.
And so he was having some issues of balance and
just breathing, and so I've been staying in the hotel
the last couple of weekends with the bar. Woke up
one morning blood in the sheets. I was like, oh man,
what is this. I thought it was like his kidneys.
Turns out it's just like his breathing. Went to the
vet Vets, one of the nicest guys on the planet,
and he's on new medication now, seems to be doing better,
but you know, we'll see again.
Speaker 2 (03:16):
It's it's one of those things. Where a man. It's
tough and doesn't help too.
Speaker 1 (03:20):
I mentioned this before, like TikTok be listening man, because
TikTok's show me like dead dog videos. I'm like, Yo,
this is not the vibes we want. This is not
it whatsoever. Although I know Chewy's so stubborn he'll outlive
me just to prove a point, like that's what he'll do.
So anyway, that's what I'm at right now. I want
to get to this for your Friday. If you struggle
to make friends using these witty conversation starters, I do
think that in general, most people want to converse, most
people want to be social, they just don't know house.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
I do think it is good to have these. It's funny.
Speaker 1 (03:58):
I've had folks asking before and radio, why are you
so good at interviews? And I do think I'm good
at interviews. I do obviously I do my research, but
also it's like, you know, on the course of a show,
I'm probably interviewing fifty to one hundred people a show,
so I'm getting that kind of experience too. So I
guess like my own little tidbit is like the more
experienced you have, you know, talking to folks better, it's
gonna be Starting with what's your most unpopular food opinion?
Say this one never fails to get a reaction. Everyone
has a strong, often hilarious take on food. Maybe their
team pineapple on pizza, or they take a lot. They
think Cilantro tastes like soap. That's uh sauce, that's her
Cilancho like soap. Trying to think of mine, I mean,
I'm not really a big cake guy. My My big
one is ice cream cake is the far superior cake.
Why would you have regular ass cake? You can have
ice cream cake. It doesn't make sense. If you could
be famous for something totally ridiculous, what would it be.
It's a tough one because I so want to be
famous to where it's respectable. I think the hawk to
a girl has lost all that for various reasons. That's
a good question, Like what secret talent do you think
you have? It's gonna be dangerous. What's the weirdest thing
you googled recently? Excuse me, I don't even know. With
the show Google everything, always googling things. If you ever
look at that, be like mmmmmmmmmm, what's your comfort TV
show or movie?
Speaker 2 (05:25):
Speaker 1 (05:25):
This is so easy, so easy, because everybody has one.
My showed had to be The Office, although recently begetting
a new girl. But like the Office is nice because
they've been releasing new episodes about new episodes, like old
episodes like the Director's cut though, so you're seeing stuff
you haven't seen before. But I could like recite almost
every episode. That will always be it for me. If
you can master any hobby instantly, what would it be?
Damn if they say, uh, this is a fun topic.
This question takes the pressure off actually having to pursue.
And I would say Djane, like my good friend DJ
rise is I think one of the best DJs in
the area, and watching him do his thing, I think
I am very musically minded, Like I can hear a
song here, the first second of a song and probably
tell you what the song is. But I think being
able to master that that big good one. Again, like
this is the questions ask These are my answers to him.
But I think that's hopefully helpful. What's a bucket list
item you haven't crossed off yet?
Speaker 2 (06:27):
Speaker 1 (06:27):
That's so good because then it gets you to see
somebody's goals, what they're looking for me. For me, I
have a highlight on my Instagram story of mass and
Square Garden and it says one day I will be
on stage here, and I think I took it four
years ago. That's my goal to be on stage the Garden,
the most famous arena in the world, whether it's for
comedy or something else, that is my goal. So I
think that's a good one too. Everybody has something. What's
the random fact you know that most people don't?
Speaker 2 (06:58):
Great question again, I'll give you my mind.
Speaker 1 (07:00):
When I was in Des Moines, the news station, Ronald
Reagan used to be on that station back in the day,
and apparently there's a time where he was doing color
commentary for a football game. The game was canceled due
to weather. But this wasn't like nowadays. We could throw
on like an old show. We're bringing a show from
a different city. So he called a fake game. He
made up a game on the spot and called a
fake game. I don't know if that's officially true, but
it sounds like to me like pretty cool, So I'll
go with that. If you could travel time and travel,
would you go the past or the future?
Speaker 2 (07:35):
Speaker 1 (07:37):
I think my birth control I would go to the past.
I mean, for me one of the biggest mysteries. Guy
to the pyramids. I just want to see how they
are built, what they do the you know, that'd probably
be for me what i'd want to see, I think,
I think, or go back to the days of Jesus
and when Jesus crucified by one to what I'll bet
you a hundred dollars he rises again and make my
first parlay. That's what I would do to Lord. I
know you're coming soon, I know Christmas is coming. It's
a good Catholic boy. It's a joke, So I throw
it out there too. A couple more of these. What
you go to ice cream flavor? It's got to be
Rocky Road, right because Rocky Road you get to eat chocolate,
you get the marshmallow, get the nut in there as well.
Everybody loves a good nut. What's the most fun thing
you've done recently? It's a good one too. I would
also add to like, go to vacation spot. I think
that's cool, best edication you've been on, it's very cool.
Or if you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you want to go? Trying to think if money
wasn't an issue, where do want to go to me. Also,
it's time man like I would love to go to Australia.
The idea of being on a twenty hour flight to
me is tough unless I was. Again, if money's not
the issue, though, there's that if I had like the
Ultra Exclusive all Sure, a VIP lounge like first class,
then maybe I could suck it up. If I be
seeing some of these first classes like lounges on some
of these big fights where it's like twenty grand, I'm like,
go Lee, dude me what an absolute treat? Was an absolute?
That's like you're bigger than my first apartment. Anyway, have
a great Friday. Thank you for listening. You a chance
to follow. It's at internjohn Radio. Make sure you follow
the show as well as search intern Johnny Morning Show
or at your podcast. Be you a chance to come
to the restaurant. Appreciate that too. I do have a
financial sake helps me feed chewing skittles, Hide social and Clarendon.
Speaker 2 (09:37):
We'll see you Monday,