Episode Transcript
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And a happy Wednesday. Friends.Welcome to the thought Shower today. Not
starting off on the best foot,hopefully not an omen of things to come.
Get the studio, put my backpackdown. I feel on the bottom
of my backpack. It's wet andit's not rainy today. I already had
some bad luck two weeks ago whereI got back from or shopped my car
off for the station for an event, and notice my juggle water opened up
everywhere in the back seat and notgreat. The smell of us spilt water
in the car lasts for a whilebecause you can't get everywhere. But in
this case, I was like,please don't get any of the electronics,
because I have my iPad, mybag, I have my headphones, my
laptop. But also a lot oftimes I keep my jokes in there,
and I was like, please,I just reworked the set, Please let
the jokes not be in there.So far, so good man. That
split second of like, this couldbe really bad, this could be really
bad. I think what it waswas it was definitely an airplane bottle of
water. I don't even know wheremy last flight was now, I gotta
think about it. Where the hellthey go last on a plane. Maybe
now I was gonna say California,but that's definitely not it. Oh golly,
doesn't matter. It doesn't matter,but it's definitely airplane size bottle of
water. Everything's fine. There isone time, though, the first tour,
I had all my jokes laid out. I left the window open and
it rained and washed away the jokes. I was like, maybe this is
the Lord being like, hey,we really don't want you to do this,
you know what I mean. Luckily, here we are. It's Wednesday,
fourth of July, tomorrow, bigholiday. Yeah, in Minnesota,
it wasn't necessarily the most fun becauseMinnesota, but the law was against fireworks,
so allegedly folks would go to likeWisconsin or the Dakotas to buy fireworks
and bring them in. And peoplealways are like, oh, the police
are checking for fireworks. They're gonnacheck your car across the bridge. I
can't imagine that was a real thing. Yeah, I feel like the police
probably had bigger things to worry aboutthan us bringing the fireworks. I think
the one time I had a coolfirework pause for water, it was like
this one that looked like a rocket, and I used to referee hockey and
that's how I get made money aslike a youth, and so I was
very excited to light it off.And I remember lighting it and I saved
it for like a year and ahalf. I went to go light it,
I think it fell over and justwent like boop was not worth the
thirty or forty bucks, which isalso too with fireworks. Man, it's
tough unless you get the really goodones because you're liberally just burning money,
you know. The video of themy favorite fourth was a live videos that
put in reverse Terry that will alwaysbe the all time best. But anyway,
if you are driving this week,god bless. I thought about driving
down to a Nashville with Chewy andSkittles, but like the drive itself is
usually eight to nine hours, andbecause of like where the fourth of July
fell this year, if I hadlike more than a couple of days,
probably would. But for me,like I used to drive down to Nashville
pretty regularly, you know, becausebecause it was cheaper, you could bring
both the dogs. Mainly during thepandemic, that was also part of it.
But then it was like if you'regoing down for the weekend, doesn't
quite make sense because if I leaveFriday after the show, you know,
so leave here at let's say twadot, maybe get down to Nashville by
like seven or eight pm. Andthen it's like, you know, when
do you leave on Sunday? Iwould leave early, like two in the
morning. So it kind of becamelike a yeah, yeah, it's cheaper,
but you're traveling for eighteen hours ofthe forty eight hours down there.
Not quite worth it, you know, not quite worth it all the sights
and sounds on the way, althoughI guess I never really stopped anywhere.
I mean, there'd be the WoodrowWilson Presidential Library that was a cool I
think there's like Davy Crockett's birthplace likethat kind of route, but never really
stopped anyway. We're two weeks awayfrom the tour, which is crazy.
Friday July nineteenth, Arlington Draft Housethat's the last Virginia show. Then August
seventeenth, rams Head Live, Baltimore. Baby, I'm very excited. I'm
excited to see you. That's themost fun part for us myself. Sauce
DMed Cayl Crummer. Ticket start abouttwenty bucks for each show. Get him
Internjohncomedy Dot com I want to talkto this today. The signs you're living
in survival mode. Been there,been there several times, you know,
whether it's with U, work,drama, even I think going through the
breakup a little bit, you know, there was certainly this year there was
times where it's like, all right, you know, we went through a
pretty big crisis. Everything we thoughtwe knew shook to the core. How
are we going to get through?Especially given you know, my line of
work is interesting that you still haveto wake up every day and try to
entertain. And I always try tokeep in mind that there's folks listening who
are going through something far worse thanme, and that's usually the okay,
we can get through whatever this is. Sign Number one is you can't sleep.
Yeah, they say, if youlive in survival mode, you're probably
exhausted by the time you can finallyturn the light off and your head it's
the pillow. However, as soonas you do, the thoughts starts to
run around. I've had that problembefore where it is, like I've always
said, it's like you're too tiredof sleep for for whatever reason, you
just can't like you'll be exhausted.But the second you lay down your goes.
You want to know what it's timeto start thinking about everything you've ever
done, everything. If you haveanxiety about the future, they say,
even if you're having a good day, your mind can't help but wander to
the next day, wondering what itwould be like. If you're in survival
mode, you might find it impossibleto practice mindfulness and enjoy being the present
moment. I tried to work onthis, and Sauce has actually been big
help with this about how sometimes Iand Mollie was too don't necessarily enjoy the
present because I'm so worried about thefuture. I think it's a little bit
different, you know, with theshow. I always kind of describe it
as like, you know, weI was given the keys to the ship
during a hurricane. You know,we started on Monday, and so it's
kind of like got the keys andwas very aware of the fact that I
didn't have the longest leasha first andrightfully, so nobody knew what I could
do for sure, and so itwas always like a can't rest today because
they're tomorrow, and uh, finallybeing able to hopefully enjoy a little bit
more. That includes like staying outsometimes on the weekends, you know,
So I get that if you're forgettingthings. I listen. I know when
I'm doing too much, when Iforget the smallest things, and it is
because like my brain's doing too much. And again, our our jobs are
not you know, with the radio, they aren't physically I mean, I
guess it can be physically tiring,but mentally it can be a lot.
And so if like you know,doing a new show four hours a day
is a lot, then doing thepodcast, doing comedy, coaching stuff.
I can tell it when I'm doingtoo much, because you do start to
forget. I think at the oldedge of like you're spending too many plates
one hundred one hundred percent. Youfeel like you have to keep going.
They say, if you used tolove doing things around the house, I'm
sure everyone was fed and provided for. Now you feel like it's simply an
obligation you're trapped in. I've hadthat before, where you feel like you
just have to do the task,you have to complete the task. You
have a constant headache. That's likeme last year at the meningitis. I
just thought it was a headache,a regular ass headache. No, it
was not it was meningitis. Ifyou're emotionally numb, they say, well,
you know you feel irritated times overwhelmed. You also experience patches where you're
completely numb. When you get tobed night with your spouse, they want
to cud all show you affection,but you find you can't reciprocate because you
feel too cold and numb inside.Been there that almost feels like you're hibernating,
And I think that's probably your body'snatural response to saving energy. I
mean, this is gonna be adumbest statement of the podcast. The body
is a wild thing, dude,so's your mind. I think that when
you're in that kind of high stress, your body starts to block things off,
like, hey, we need tosurvive, we need to not do
this. You're indecisive. This isit was interesting, and there's always those
studies that come out about CEOs andhow they will. Zuckerberg wears the same
thing every single day because it's oneless decision he has to make. I've
realized that I get decision fatigue,and it is because like everything that I
do, like I have a decisionprocess in like with the show the podcast
Comedy Hockey whatever. And so there'stimes like if I'm planning like the tour
and playing other events, by thetime that we can get down the end
of the day, I'm like,I don't even want to do like pick
dinner. Like there's times all thisthere's a digital wheel, I'll put things
in and spin because like, Ijust don't want to make any more decisions,
you know what I mean. Whereit's like I would just rather somebody
else make a decision. All textsauce every now and then be like,
Hey, what do I want fordinner? So I'm tired of making decisions.
My goodness, have a fantastic fourth. If you get a chance to
get tickets, please do The comedyshow internshipon comedy dot Com. Will see
it Friday. Bye bye