Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And a Happy Monday. Friend.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
Welcome to the Thought Shower intern John is my name
on this eve of the Eve of Christmas Eve. I
think I said that right. I'm pretty sure. Hopefully I
havn't a fantastic day, fantastic weekend. Thanks for hanging out.
I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday, I think, although
it's funny, like Eric was trying to convince me, my
favorite holiday is fourth of July, which I love as well,
but for me, it's Christmas. My mom does a prime
rib every year, which is fantastic.
Speaker 1 (00:35):
We usually do.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
It's different now, but growing up, I never realized how
lucky I was to have this too. So in Minnesota,
it was just my mom's side of the family, which
was very easy because I know I have friends who
like on the holidays they have to go to like
four Christmases I see both sides of the family. That
to me sounds like a nightmare, especially if they don't
live by each other.
Speaker 1 (01:01):
Huh oh. So we would always do Christmas Eve.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
At my parents' house and like aunts and uncles and
cousins to come over.
Speaker 1 (01:13):
That was always fun.
Speaker 2 (01:14):
That was like the gifts among the family, and then
Christmas Day we usually didn't do anything like it would
still like you know, hang out and whatever, but like
wouldn't go anywhere. And that was the best because that
meant you got to just kind of hang and play
with your prizes, you know what I mean. If it
was like a video game, gotta play with it, you'd
have to like pack it up, leave it and go
somewhere else, you know what I mean. It's kind of
the vibe too, you know, like I missed Like back
in the day, they used to send like those like
Target catalogs and the Walmart catalogs, and we'd like circle
things like, oh be cool to have this, Oh be
cool to have this, be cool to have this, and
it was always Hockey equipment is probably my favorite gift ever.
God in somewhere my parents they have video of me
opening up the bag and having the hockey equipment on.
And it was at my aunt Bridge's house, and then
she had an outdoor outdoor pond. She had pond that
would freeze. I went skating for like six hours the
first day. That's probably my favorite one. And that was
all downhill from there, you know what I mean, just
completely downhill. Nothing could ever happened again. And which sucks
as I deserve it. I deserve only I deserve only
the best, you know what I mean. But I hope
you get a chance to be a family, to do
something positive for yourself, whether it's take some time off,
whatever it is. Let me get to this for your Monday.
Ways to become a more fun, interesting person to be around.
I like to think that I'm fun. I like to
think that I am somewhat interesting. I would hope, so
it be kind of funny to be as relatively successful
as I am at this job and not be fun
to be around, you know what I mean. It'd be like, hey,
something's adding up. Couring the experts as I do it,
starting with being open to anything. Yes, being open to
new experiences making way more fun to be around, whether
it's trying new activity or switching up plans last minute.
Speaker 1 (03:15):
You're adaptable. I think that's fun.
Speaker 2 (03:17):
Yeah, Because it's like you want to invite the friend
who's basically down for anything, and if something goes wrong,
you don't want to have the friend who points out
what's wrong and makes a big old stink about it.
You want somebody who can roll up the punches, you
know what I mean. Man, this next one's so huge.
Assume positive intent. This is one of those things that
I've learned the last couple of years. You can't assume
if somebody does something that they're trying to hurt you
or they're trying to ruin your day. Assume that they're
trying to be positive, you know what I mean. Like,
if somebody offers you advice on something, they're not trying
to talk down to you. Assume it's like they have
good intentions. And I will say, since I've done that,
I feel like I've been just happier overall.
Speaker 1 (04:06):
That life is seeing a little bit more fun, a
little bit.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
More lighthearted, if that makes sense, because it's like, yeah,
we're just here having good time laughing. Can you stay
cool under pressure? Yes, they say. Interesting people rarely overreact.
If someone share something deeply personal or embarrassing story, they
listen without judgment. They say, staying calm and approach will
create it's a safe place for others to open up.
I think that's true. I also think that when you
are cool under pressure, you become reliable, Like you become
somebody that people want to rely on and have around
because you can kind of be like a calming force,
you know, like you want people to feel peace around you,
you know, lightning the mood. Yes, they say, well, it's
great to dive deep. Sometimes overly heavy conversations can weigh
people down. Fun people know when this steered things back
is something like I'd like to think that I am
decently good at this. I think probably doing the show
has got me that where it's like, yeah, you don't
want to be.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
Too sad or too down for a long time.
Speaker 2 (05:14):
It's like you gotta find that little breath and then
bring it back to fun, bring it back to light hardness. Absolutely,
be genuinely curious, asking thoughtful questions so we interesting other
is a simple but powerful way to be more engaging.
Speaker 1 (05:29):
I will say this.
Speaker 2 (05:32):
My favorite interviewers, I think they did best because they
were genuinely curious. I like Letterman, I always liked a lot.
I think there's this guy in Canada named Narwar. If
you haven't seen him, he's fantastic. I think Caleb Presley
from Barstool, I think Rogan does a good job to
you where and my buddy on the flip side of
Charlemne where like they're genuinely interested in learning and genuinely
curious about what the other person has to say.
Speaker 1 (06:01):
And I think that's important.
Speaker 2 (06:02):
They say, asking thoughtful questions and showing interest is a
sim of a powerful way to be more engaging. I
also just find it interesting. I think, yeah, I mean
doing the show certainly. You know, we have like how
many calls a day and trying to just learn about
folks and everybody's got different stories. Man, you know, it's
it's very entertaining. Do you think that's why our generation
kind of got screwed? With social media and with phones
being the way they are. You know, we get bored
more often because we don't talk to each other, like
actually have conversations. You know, people are interested say yes
to the unexpected. I've tried to get better at this
the last couple of years. Whereas years ago, if it
was like I was very sly ocd for sure, but
like maybe a little bit about time, if it was
like odd somebody asked me last minute to do something
like oh no, because if I leave now, it'll take me.
This is my time to get there. That I can
only say this had to be back of this time.
If I fall and like I just I would go
down like the time rabbit hole, and I think that
was Yeah, that maybe had me say no to things
that wouldn't otherwise do. I think this last year especially,
I'm like, hey, listen, let's do it. Life short, baby,
be comfortable on your own. Say people enjoy their own
company tend to be more fun and relax around others.
It's probably true, yeah, because I think that, Yeah, if
you're comfortable by yourself, you can be you know, comfortable
with the silence, comfortable with the not talking, and then
when you're around people you can still care that comfort over.
To me, it makes sense if you can smooth over
awkward moments. Hell yeah, brother, Hell yeah, my specialties. A
great way to be more fun is to help ease
any tension or awkwardness in a group, whether it's shifting
topics or cracking like joke. Knowing how to navigate uncomfortable
moments makes you a social life saver. That to me
again makes sense, right, because that's somebody you want to
have in your back pocket, because they make things light,
they make things fun, fun to be around. They make
things like that where it's like, Okay, I know this
person's going to lift me up and be fun to
be around. And just kind of be like the boost Again.
I always give the example of you never want to
be that friend where when you call somebody they go,
you know what I mean, because we all have that
friend when they call you just go, oh god, I
don't have the time, I don't have the brain power,
I don't have any of that. The last one they
say is to stay reliable. People gravitate towards those they
can count on. By keeping your word and showing up
for others, you prove that fun it doesn't mean flaky.
You're dependable and makes you trustworthy, no doubt. Whether it's
actually hanging out, whether it's being that person somebody can
talk to, yeah for sure. And for me like I
don't forget things. I got that with my mom for sure,
where if it's screaming on, I'll remember the rest of
my life. And that's why I think, Yeah, it's important
to have somebody you can rely on. Life's tough, man,
Life's tough. We're all going through it. Do it together.
Speaker 1 (09:09):
HOWE you have a great Monday. Appreciate your listenings. Thash