All Episodes

December 3, 2024 86 mins

The illfluencers trend

The girls have turned into bug exterminators

The top 6

Welly OP Shop $2 Kitten cuddles

Why Christmas trees are expensive

When did someone close to you steal from you?

Morgan Penn IV

SLP - Are you excited for squid game 2?

Chrismissing Reveal

Vaughan's Facebook memory

Fact of the Day

When did your parents get you out of trouble?


See for privacy information.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The z M podcast Network, The Fleshphone and Haley Big Pod.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Great things are brewing at mcafe, the perfect start to
every day.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Play ms Fletchphone and Hailey.

Speaker 4 (00:14):
Thank you, Brian, good morning, Welcome to the show, Fletch,
Fawn and Haileyot's two minutes past Sex The Lovely Morgan
penjoins is on the show today sex Ologist, How Exciting
sex Life, six dot Life the podcast.

Speaker 5 (00:30):
Indeed listen wherever you podcast Two Seasons up the Sleeve.

Speaker 4 (00:35):
We're gonna talk to Morgan about you know what they
say about two seasons up the sleeve, to the sleeves
with one in the bush. That's not the same. I
don't that's so close to us saying two birds in
the two birds in the hand. Yeah, stop talking about
bush and birds. Morgan's gonna come in. This may surprise you.
We're gonna talk about six. We talk a little bit

about six. Christmas six. I assume I think that this
everything in the time of the year has a Christmas slaugh.

Speaker 5 (01:02):
I think we all collectively agree that there's one day
in which we don't make love, and.

Speaker 4 (01:07):
That's two full ye two. So to morgod Pin Sixologist
around seven thirty on the show. Another chance for you
to win as well. Today was JBL Our Game bluff
or stuff. Been giving away a whole bunch of goodies.
Today we've got a JBL Live three beam.

Speaker 5 (01:24):
I see it's right here, hattle hand.

Speaker 4 (01:28):
Oh what's that? So what does it do? They're just
noise canceling earbuds, aren't they? Ah lovely? But they got
a little because of the screen on the front, you
can put a photo. Oh that's cute. Wuck, I'd put
my contact details.

Speaker 5 (01:43):
Oh my no, oh my god, Crown please call yes,
Oh my god.

Speaker 4 (01:51):
These are so cute. Yeah, So your chance to wear
oh my god, it's gonna swoopy screen around seven year
because you can control them from the case. Amazing. You
chance to win these around seven thirty on the show.
The top six coming up. The Top six differences are
between our Christmas and America's Christmas. Americans have watched a
Christmas episode of Bluey where they're all wear in the

crepe paper hats that you get out of crackers, and
they've been so confused. There's the why people are wearing
crape paper crayons. Yeah, and it's summer. Yeah, they're just confused.
They're all in all confused about the Christmas differences. So
I've got the cross top six Christmas differences between up
there and down here? Can you wear those hats? Nah,
they're too small? They split? Then yeah they do at

the bag Yeah.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Play z ms, Fleashborne and Haley.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
Well we all know about influencers. You know, they can
help you with fitness, they can help you wear renovation renovations.

Speaker 5 (02:43):
Are you europe influencia? Yeah, yeah, that's right. And people
be like, oh my god, what's their color.

Speaker 4 (02:51):

Speaker 5 (02:51):
And they're like, oh my god, thank you someone, And
then I've influenced them too by that ground.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
Yeah, whereas if I was interior influencer, it'll be oh
my what the color? Why it's white? Well comes to
everything else gray or black? Yeah. Well there is a
rise now of what they're calling the influences. Oh yeah. Now,
these are people that are racking up thousands and millions

of views on TikTok and YouTube with how to. Some
people are saying game the system, work the system, work
the system to get a sickness benefit, or you know
that kind of thing. And there's a big documentary coming
out in the UK soon about this rise of influences

because there's two science of the story. Some people are like, well,
this is great because I need a sickness benefit and
I needed to you know, some of that know how
to navigate the system. Yeah, because it's you know, there's
a lot of you know, hoops to jump through prove
that you need it, that kind of thing, and people
like these people are good because they provide tips. And
the other side of the argument is people are now
finding out how to just sit at home and get

free money and take the pass.

Speaker 5 (04:03):
Because I I mean, you'd say one of the most
famous influences because I thought this was like, you know,
influencers that play off of.

Speaker 4 (04:11):
Their own boys, in their own kids. Have you seen
that there's been a kind of in syndrome, I know,
make their kids sick on purpose so that like people
give them money, I know, tech talk and stuff.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
You know.

Speaker 5 (04:22):
Eminem's mum who died yesterday. By the way, his mom died, Dibbi.

Speaker 4 (04:31):
Pap alive.

Speaker 5 (04:32):
This mom's spaghetti. She was a Munchausen mum.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
She made him sick. Yeah, yeah, crazy nine years old.
Em and M's mum and my dad are the same
sort of age.

Speaker 5 (04:46):
Can we say that about's toxic mother mates. But she
was I didn't know that, you're crazy.

Speaker 4 (04:53):
She was really like not a good person. But then
remember there was the we talked about her.

Speaker 5 (05:00):
There's a movie coming out about Bell Gibson, who is
the Aussie influencer who was like, I've got cancer and
do all this and give me.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
Money and stuff and didn't even have cancer.

Speaker 5 (05:08):
No, but these and influence isn't helping other people.

Speaker 4 (05:13):
Yes, I mean they're I mean they're obviously doing good
for some people. But then other people are jumping on
these influences and they're like, okay, well I can just
pretend I've got a soul back or I don't know
how they do it.

Speaker 5 (05:23):
How long can you stay on the sickness benefit in
New Zealand.

Speaker 4 (05:25):
Honestly don't know how it works in case? Yeah I don't.
And it's good because people need it. Oh my god. Yeah,
that's that is that's the catch twenty two right, you
need it. Otherwise people who are very unfortunate through injury
or illness, yeah, don't have a support network.

Speaker 5 (05:44):
But well that's that's who it's there for. But then
other people, but other people learn how they'll always be
thatt though yea.

Speaker 6 (05:49):

Speaker 4 (05:49):
Anytime that the person can be taken, the person will
be taken. And we say it about people on the
sickness benefit or the acc but I'll tell you what
if people are dodging tax, they're just doing it at
the other end of the spectrum.

Speaker 7 (06:00):

Speaker 4 (06:00):
Well, if you'd like, you've got an influencer code ten
Hailey ten. Yeah, on your benefit on your sickness. Yeah,
you just.

Speaker 5 (06:10):
Tell the government code Hailey tin tin and they'll give
you ten percent. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (06:15):

Speaker 5 (06:15):
Yeah, that's so nice of you to do that. It's
a surprised I could even work today.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Play it ms Fledgeborn and Hailey.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
This is a summer means bugs. Man, there were bugs.
I got mauled last night by mosquitoes ordering me sunflowers
water and sunshine water water and me plants.

Speaker 5 (06:34):
Well yesterday mine because I was doing a lot of
cleaning yesterday and mine was fly corpses. Do you know
what I'm looking for at the moment, An elegant automatic
flash bread dispenser.

Speaker 4 (06:47):
Okay, I don't have an elegant one, but I've got
one with a remote control, which is good because I
was the same I was like, I'm not buying another
cheap ship, ten dollar one that just at the inn
of the summer, full batteries, full can of spray. It's
little arm that goes down. It's like you guys are
sounding like boomers about fly This is the sound of

the boom out complaining about flies. Oh yeah, I just
walks around. Yeah, and a constant haze of bat black flag.
She's like, shut all the doors, turn on the aircon crak,
a can of God. I just want something like cool,
like classic, elegant, what like a brass kind of like
a brass automatic. Impossible, it's nothing.

Speaker 5 (07:33):
I went looking because I just I've always got there was.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
A got to hide them somewhere. Yeah, I know, behind
or up high behind on top of a carpet or something.

Speaker 5 (07:42):
My grandparents, my in laws, Sorry, they got their walls sprayed.
Yeah with her thing, that's what my And the flies
come in. They land on the walls and they die.
But then on you if you land on the wall, yeah,
what if I like on my walls. Sometimes they fall
over and I land on my walls.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
You could fall over and hit your wall and then that's.

Speaker 5 (08:02):
And my tongues are onto the wall and I'm dead,
and I just want to kill some flies. So I
was sucking up fly corpses yesterday, right, all the ones
that always around the edge.

Speaker 4 (08:10):
Get them a little stick in the end. Little they
get in the rail of the sliding windows or the
branch slider. Yes, get your little thin nozzle on and
get it in.

Speaker 5 (08:19):
There came a thin nozzle on yesterday sucking these up.
And then as I was sucking up these corpses, more
flies are flying inside because we had all the doors opening,
so we're so hot in Auckland. So I just had
the skinny little head nozzle. I just stood sucking them
raw dog into the into the hoover. Yeah, I was
just like they were flying and I was like following
them with a circuit stick, and like I sucked in

a couple from the air. Wow, you could slowly, painfully
die in this canister.

Speaker 4 (08:47):
Could you imagine you get sucked up a giant whirly tube.

Speaker 5 (08:52):
Flying along being like I'll try to fly, and he's
just in there being like I can't get out of here.
I can't get out there. It was just so much
dust in here, so dusty. It was really stadistic. But
if you think that's a bad way to die, as
a bug. Listen to what Shannon did yesterday, who again
was just trying to innocently unwrinkle some clothes.

Speaker 4 (09:10):
You want your business ideas well, Hang on, Okay.

Speaker 5 (09:13):
So Shannon, how did you kill a bug yesterday?

Speaker 6 (09:16):
Well? I don't get flies in the apartment because they
don't fly that high.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
Well, you know, fliers can't go past like five stories.

Speaker 6 (09:22):
No, exactly, Like we've never had a fly inside yesterday's
first bug.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
Yeah, no, it's the best part about living in an apartment.

Speaker 4 (09:28):
Because yeah, exactly, she's she's above five Oh my gosh. Yeah,
so I've ground floor.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
Baby, I've never had a fly in the house. But
yesterday a bug came in just a.

Speaker 5 (09:38):
Little and describe it was a fly to me.

Speaker 6 (09:44):
No no, no, no, no.

Speaker 4 (09:45):
No, because again they can't kind of.

Speaker 6 (09:48):
Like a fruit, yeah, like a sand fi fruit fly,
just a little one. But I didn't see it. And
you know how I burnt my carpet with my iron irontle.
You guys said, normal ironing, stick to steaming. So I
went to steam my outfit yesterday for Morgan's event, which
was very exciting.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
And I left my steamer on just go.

Speaker 6 (10:08):
You know how you can lock it in and just
say go yeah, and I kind of walked away. I
come back, you came back. I've steamed what what?

Speaker 4 (10:20):
What are you laughing at? She said, I come back?
I said, you came back, come back.

Speaker 5 (10:26):
She said, like this is this person online and they
don't speak England's English.

Speaker 4 (10:34):
Super good. I was like, better than your.

Speaker 6 (10:39):
Well, this little bug decided to go for a little bath,
I guess, and he cooked himself on my shirt.

Speaker 4 (10:45):
He sizzled himself.

Speaker 6 (10:47):
He was steamed onto my shirt and he like lift
his little juices behind.

Speaker 5 (10:52):
This is my this is my business idea for Shannon
and I Haley and Shennon's creative Bug Extermination Services were like,
you think we come in with our sprays and our
poisons and stuff. We're in there with like steamers.

Speaker 4 (11:05):

Speaker 5 (11:06):
Yeah, we're steaming them to death or we're just sucking
them up, raw dog into the hoover.

Speaker 8 (11:09):
All I need is some water and a power outlet.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
That's right. Wait, So it was on the steamer or
on the shirt, on the shirt, the shirt and then
the steamer was on it. He steemed itself. It's an
awful way to mark on your Yeah, it.

Speaker 6 (11:27):
Was on the back and then I tried to get
it off, and then I tried body oil yesterday, so
it was glitter and I'm cutting glitter now it's a
whole thing. So there was a glittery bug on my
shirt last night.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
This bug.

Speaker 5 (11:36):
Say, there's got to be a bit of solution and
separate business idea, right, sorry, but the extermination business, I'm
already off it.

Speaker 4 (11:43):
Right. I want to create.

Speaker 5 (11:45):
Really esthetic, like really esthetically pleasing automatic flash bread.

Speaker 4 (11:50):
It's a great idea. It's a great idea because people
with a fashion home, yes, people with nice homes.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Yeah, play splitch porn and Hayley.

Speaker 4 (12:00):
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
This is the Top six.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
Hello there, and welcome to the Top six. You as
Bluey viewers, I think I would need to check it in,
But I believe Bluey was the most watched per minutes
television show on Disney Plus around the world this year. Wow,
I do believe.

Speaker 3 (12:23):

Speaker 4 (12:23):
But how much of the people that made Bloey made
like they just bajillionaires? They okay, yeah, the merch just
keeps on coming, brijillionaires. I think jillionaires. Wowser. Well, Americans
are like, why are this episode of Christmas. Yeah, why
are they wearing those crown the crowns because it's Australian made,

isn't it. It's about a blue Healer dog, right that
Lewis is the main character. She's a six year old
blue healer.

Speaker 6 (12:51):
You love?

Speaker 4 (12:52):
This is so good? Don't you say it? Just as
a parent? It's just so good. It's so genuine and
so sweet. I love paper Pig too. When the kids
will at all, Yeah, I think was our Bluey. But
I'll just watch Blue by myself sometimes because the episodes
are short tour as well, So if you don't want
to get stuck like sit down, watch lunch, just watch
a couple of episodes about fifteen minutes and then get.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
On with your day.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
Yeah, them in there, they're really good. So Americans are
confused as to why the Healer family wearing these crowns. Well,
I've found out that it's a British tradition. Okay. The
festive crown got added to the Christmas cracker that was
invented in the eighteen hundreds by a London confectioner. It

was his son's idea to put more stuff in and
one of the things was a paper crown. According to
the BBC, hat wearing can be traced back to an
ancient Roman festival held in mid December, and in the
Medieval era, the festive period from Christmas to the Twelfth
Night was also seen as the time was of misrule,
where the peasants and servants would be crowned as king

or queen and make you preside over the holiday mad
cap celebrations. Right, so that's why somebody is picked to
wear the crown, right, but now we all wear the
crown paper crown at Christmas. Just love it.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
It's so humbling, it's so stupid, it's hot, and it
sticks that rips on people like.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
Worn, does your brother have a big kid? Quite big head?

Speaker 6 (14:22):

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Okay, And Christmas is those crapeaper hats and those little
twenty four slab of plastic drinks from the warehouse jolly drinks.
Yeah and you only yeah yum. Yeah, and they all
do the same thing. Yeah. That's well about the top
six other Christmas differences between us down Under and the US.

I'm clumping us in Australia together. Okay. When you flush
the toilet after a mid Christmas meal, poo to make
more room for pud, the water goes the other way around?
It does? Does it does? But so God making room
for putt, Well, that's universal that everybody all around the
world makes a little bit extra for put number five
on the list of the top sex Christmas differences have
turned up there and down here. If you're at Christmas

with someone called Craig, there called Craig, not Craig. That's
my dad. Doesn't that he'd be called Craig's crown Craig. Yeap.
Did you see Daniel Craigs, most well known for playing
James Bond for so many films. He was on Stephen
Colbeer's show this week. Oh yeah, and he really had
a goal of about calling him Daniel Craig. He's I
am Daniel Craig. It is my name, and this is

how it's said.

Speaker 5 (15:28):
They can't handle it a some of the names.

Speaker 4 (15:30):
I don't know what it is about Craig and Craig.
I think it's I think the vowel.

Speaker 5 (15:35):
They're just like, oh, I think your accent's doing that.
You're like, no, no, it's a different words to the
one you're saying.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
Because they would called Greg Greg yeah, and then they
called Craig Craig Greg. Craig and Greg are spelled different.
They both g But that's that's it. Yeah. Well, if
you've ever traveled to America, you know they have. They
just struggle with even understanding US English.

Speaker 5 (15:56):
Yeah, well, aliens to them, liberal little liberal.

Speaker 4 (16:02):
Number four on the list of the top sex Christmas
differences between the US and down here and the US
while you're watching Christmas Day NFL, which blows my mind.
It's going to be streamed live on Netflix on Christmas Day. Wow,
Like those people who play have to play this sport
on Christmas. I'm not going to spend it with their family. Sucky. Yeah,
we're watching Boxing Day because we're already on boxing are

by the time they get to Christmas Cricket, Boxing Day,
Test Cricket most year is not this year? Shrinkor arrive
on the twenty eighth. They had to google that. Okay,
good right, I had to google that, Thank you. Number
three on the list of the top sex Christmas differences
between n Z and US. We're going to spend a
large part of the day with no shoes on. Yeah,
all of it, Yeah, all of it.

Speaker 5 (16:41):
We wake up and then we'll sort of get to
the end of the day. We're like, we just never left.

Speaker 4 (16:44):
I have to put shoes on. We're going outside tending
to the barbecue because the concrete might be real hot. Yeah, concrete,
Mom and Dad's gets pretty hot, and the deck of
our place get pretty hot. So that's the only time
I'll probably put shows on. They'll be crocs, no doubt,
how good. Some on the summer and Christmas and Summer
and rules. Number two on the list of the top

sex other Christmas differences between the US and the n Z.
When you're traveling from one Christmas meal to another, we
drive on the other side of the road. Yeah, we
had kilometers too, and kilometers faster like the rest of
the world. Yeah, get on board with the metric system, dude,
it makes so much more sense. It does not only

the metric system. Is that what do they call their
version of the temperature? Because water freezes at zero and
boils at one hundred, the fahrenheit systems wacky. Yeah, is
that an imperial system as well? That's get on board.
On board, and one letter of water is one kilogram.
That's that's easy. Get on board. And number one of

the lists of the top sex other Christmas Differences between
n Z and the US. Probably no guns at Christmas.
Actually that's not always true. We need some Christmas hunting.

Speaker 5 (17:56):
Yeah, and Dad got a clay bird shoot for Christmas once.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
Oh yeah, spent the afternoon doing that. So there's guns,
but they're not pointed at people. Should we say that?
Say that? We've sometimes says guns but they're not pointed
at people. That's today substance.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
Play zms Fleschborn and Haley play z ms Fletchborn and Haley.

Speaker 5 (18:15):
Just took so many of my boxes shopping pre love clothing, kittens.

Speaker 4 (18:21):
Yeah, I mean that's your ven diagram there is. It's
all one bit circle there.

Speaker 5 (18:26):
So there's an op shop in Wellington where I'm from
where I hark yeah back to and uh this Saturday.

Speaker 4 (18:35):
By the way, they haven't asked us to do Okay.
I was just thinking of the venn diagram because you know,
if you see I always see those ven diagrams online.
I'm always jealous that somebody. Have you seen the one
about rappers, Santa and pirates? No, and the middle It
is so what Santa has in common with the pirates
as hoes is right in the middle. Great because he's

always because he and pirates say, yoho ho yea yo
is what the pirates share with the rappers, and and
and ho is what the last hoe is what Santa
shares with the rappers, and the yo ho yo ho
is what they all share together. Okay, that was good.

So now that's really good. What were the three things
I said? Kittens? Yep, second hand clothing.

Speaker 5 (19:27):
Second hand clothing. U. Well, let's just go kittens, clothing
and shopping shopping, okay, dusty everything.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
So the kittens and secondhand clothing was going to be
my that's that purse because you know, is capus in here? Sometimes?

Speaker 9 (19:46):

Speaker 4 (19:46):
Sometimes the clothes you get an old jacket and it
might smell a bit like Okay, okay, you're the middle one. Okay,
you're Hailey. You're all three things great? So is that person?
How does that relate to me? That doesn't need to
relate the This is what you're telling me. Second hand clothing, sorry,
kittens and shopping. What have they got in common? We
buy cats? That's a weak one. Hats dribbling? What about

dribbling cats? You? Because sometimes I walk to your shop? Dress? Now,
secondhand clothing and shopping, that's that's too similar I think
you're getting caught up on the Vinn diagram thing. I
just want to I want to make a real good
dining room one day with.

Speaker 5 (20:30):
Diagram you're trying is so much worse than Santa's Pirates.

Speaker 4 (20:33):
And that's that's a perfect Vin diagram that you're never
going to beat. That.

Speaker 5 (20:38):
Okay, Well, there's an op shopp in Wellington. I know
this shop is on Victoria Street called pre Love Charlie's Okay, ran.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
By the run by the girlies.

Speaker 5 (20:45):
They find great clothing, you go and you buy it,
save the environment, get a bargain.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
I love it this Saturday. Go find something someone's worn
once or just hang up in the hung up in
the wardrobe and didn't even wear.

Speaker 5 (20:57):
I exclusively op shopped for years, and I love it.
There's nothing quite like finding. And my favorite thing is
when people like, oh my god, I love that wizard
from you're like oh sure, yeah, and you don't know,
you can't wait.

Speaker 4 (21:09):
I hate when you find something that's awesome and you're like, oh,
I'll just find that in a thirty two or a medium,
and there isn't one because you're in an op shop
and they've only got one of it.

Speaker 5 (21:19):
And then you stand there holding a size sick skirt
being like, I reckon I could almost get into it
as like a fourteen. You're like, I just might pop
to the changing room to torture myself.

Speaker 4 (21:31):

Speaker 5 (21:31):
So this place pre Love Charlie is on Saturday. You
can go into their shop, which is one hundred and
twenty Victoria Street by the way, cuddle a kitten, They've
got kit, They've got rescue clothing, yeah, which is what
I like to call op shop clothes.

Speaker 4 (21:44):
Rescued clothing.

Speaker 5 (21:46):
Yep. You can go in for some rescue clothes and
also cuddle some riscue kittens for two dollars. You give
gold coin and cuddle kittens. You be advocating to get
kittens in the studio.

Speaker 4 (21:54):
This might be happy. I know. My only problem would be.

Speaker 5 (21:57):
Because I did say yesterday I remember that I want
to run away to a landa and Thailand and work
at the animal welfare centto there, I just adopt them all.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
That'll be me.

Speaker 5 (22:05):
Yeah, I'll give a two to a coin or color
and be like, well a.

Speaker 4 (22:08):
Pretty special person to foster animals and then give them
everything of them all you're loving care and then still
be able to give them up somebody. I want to
keep a couple each time.

Speaker 5 (22:18):
Each le but your main special one I'll keep you.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
Yeah, your house would definitely fit into two parts of
the ven diagrams.

Speaker 5 (22:28):
Yeah, yeah, dead ms flinch Vorn.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
And Haley Christmas trees I've been Yeah, we were going
to go get ours yesterday, but it was twenty five
degrees and I said to the kids, yeah, we go real.
I was like, can you really be bothered and twenty
five degree heat walking around the steep hill of this
place we're going to go to?

Speaker 5 (22:48):
Or shall we wait till it cools down a little bit?
And they said, came to cool, keen to wait till
it cools down?

Speaker 4 (22:54):
Right? So who knows? It's on the gender though, as
you go it's on gender. Heck them up? Can we
go and wave the big flag? And they drive the
motorbike down and they cut it and they put it
on there and they take it back up and the
chuck it on, not chuck it on the roof.

Speaker 5 (23:07):
I've seen a lot of roof racks with trees strapped
on them in the last week or so. Yeah, mine's
igo plastic fantastic. I'm slatly allergic. To the pine. But
I love the smell. So I put my COI pine
candle next to the plastic tree, which is great. They
always say fire and plastic makes as well.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
Yeah, I put it.

Speaker 5 (23:26):
I get the branch and I hover it right above
to get that the smell is so close to the tree.

Speaker 4 (23:32):
Yeah, you want it almost in the tree, don't you
any Please point out you are being no.

Speaker 5 (23:40):
I get many a care your pine candles and I
actually put hooks on them and I.

Speaker 4 (23:45):
Like them all up. Again, we will say you're being
sad and.

Speaker 5 (23:48):
You've got the smell, and hot firefighters come to her
house final cancel inspecture and she's willing to burn it
down just to get some. If you missed it, can.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
We talk about this because we talk well. We mentioned
that I Hailey saw the hot firefighters. You've him posted
on your story a photo of you and the fire truck.

Speaker 5 (24:07):
Yeah, because I think it was big hearted James. He
was like, oh my god, get a photo, and so
I did a little photo and then I did a
little naughty photo and I took it and I put
it up yesterday.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
Yeah, no candles next to the plastic fire tree. But
if you are for a real Christmas tree. Go to
the South Island, get on the Enter Island. Yeah, well,
if you're down south, take a wildling pine. They are
a pain in the ass. Cut the wildling pine, take

it to your house, but put some stump killer on
it as you cut it off. That's a gel that
you can put on the tree. Of yes, stealing a
Christmas tree and then jelling this, I don't steal one
from a pine plantation. Take a wildling pint again, what
from someone? Cut the wildling pines while you're there in
poison the stumps as well, because wilding pines are a
pain in the art. I think the ones that are
all around Queenstown. Yeah, wild pines. How's it different? Looks

planned so chriss Spindley and they can't be useful fire
with the bloody useless Christmas trees are more expensive in
the North Island. So a well shaped tall pine tree
is about one hundred dollars in the North Island. Well,
the same tree in the Southland it might be more
like forty dollars. Oh my god. So here's what it's causing.
The price difference, land availability and costs. Mitchell from fresh

and bushy and Wellington said, island growers have cheaper land
for their trees, and that means that, you know, the
costper tree is significantly less. And also there is a
lot they don't just grow them. They don't just put
them in the groin and then come back trimming. There's
a lot of upkeep to make them look pretty. Oh yeah,
labor goes into the We all had that friend that.

Speaker 5 (25:45):
Had the real mankey Christmas tree of that limphen thing that.

Speaker 4 (25:50):
Was us sometimes because it was us, had the ceiling
and Dad would just bend it over.

Speaker 5 (25:53):
Yeah, but I just bend it over, then hang the
star dangling from it granded would promise my grandmother would
be getting it.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
They beginning a nice Christmas tree, and then you just
got kind of branch off of pine. Dude. It was
It was so rug. I was like, Alan, you're in
big trouble, right, how much do you pay for yours?
About a HUNDI about a Hundy? Okay, because I want
one because our house. I don't want to brag a
high stud in the middle of pitched Ruth.

Speaker 5 (26:19):
This is actually the radio show for as we sometimes
fish stud high stud ceiling heavens. Yeah, yeah, Fletcher's apartment,
your house, my house. I've got a high stud got
a little room up there. To be honest, high said,
nothing to brag about. A lot of fly ship up
there I can't reach. Yeah, my god, the amount, it
just can't be bothered.

Speaker 4 (26:36):
So up there, I want to get one for the
middle of our house. That's real talk.

Speaker 5 (26:41):
Every year I got pot off because like the standard
size is about one hundred bucks.

Speaker 4 (26:45):
The more you go up experience, and then you.

Speaker 5 (26:47):
Have to get more decorations because if you're trying to
put your last year's decorations on your this year's big
tall tree, it's going to look.

Speaker 4 (26:53):
Very and then you buy more decorations, morecious cycle. There's
other reasons are the growing the quality and growing effort.
A guy called Andrew at need Fresh Christmas Trees in
christ Church shout out. He said, if you want to
produce dense, well shaped trees, you got to regularly trim, promote, branching,

et cetera, et cetera. Lots of time and reasons. And
that also the just everything's going up on price, right,
So somebody said, seedling prices have gone up fifty percent.
We control costs have gone up more than one hundred
percent electricity. If you're using like battery power tools that
are your maintenance fuel. Wages for young workers they've all increased.
So that's why your Christmas trees are more excited. And

the supply chain and transport costs have gone up as
well for you moving them around. We could find someone
that's coming up from christ Church, bring us a tree,
put it on the roof, but dig dig it all
out all at once, because like you'll probably cut it
and put it in a bucket of water to get here.
In the water will slosh. Oh yeah, it's not worth it.

Speaker 5 (27:54):
Is that?

Speaker 4 (27:55):
Just wrap some women Christmas lights in your monstereer, do
you know what I mean?

Speaker 5 (27:59):

Speaker 2 (28:00):
Plays it ms Fletchborn and Haley plays it Ms. Fletchborn
and Hailey.

Speaker 5 (28:05):
I think this could get a little bit scandalous. We
want to know when someone close to you stole from you. Now,
this is a terrible story. There's a woman named Lana.
She was maybe falling on some tough times. He had
little bit of debt to pay.

Speaker 4 (28:18):
She liked I think she liked to smoke a little
bit of marijuana.

Speaker 5 (28:22):
And she asked her grandmother can I borrow fifty bucks.

Speaker 4 (28:27):
Yeah, it's just like, Nanny, can I have fifty bucks? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (28:31):
It was nighttime at the time, so Nana was like, absolutely,
my darling, but it's nighttime.

Speaker 4 (28:37):
I don't have any cash on me. Here's my f postcard.

Speaker 5 (28:39):
Oh and the pen number. Okay, fifty bucks she asked
for rays. You go, that's okay, fine, thank you. I'll
do that and it'll be done.

Speaker 4 (28:48):
She used the card several times to the tune of
seven thousand dollars worth of.

Speaker 5 (28:55):
Also applied for some loans using Nana's car as security
your own Nana, I know, and then I think family
told out found out and was like, oh my god,
you've got to pay this back, and she just like couldn't.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
I'm assuming we know about this because it's in the news,
because has it been to court? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's been.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
It's been like you've actually like kind of like, what
was it fraud or you've.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
Just whipped her off? Basically?

Speaker 5 (29:22):
Is it fraud or just straight thet I suppose just
straight up theft.

Speaker 4 (29:26):
Well, the taking the money is theft, and the signing
up the loans using Nanny's cars, that would be fraud, right, yeah, totally.

Speaker 5 (29:36):
But then how did they do that because it would
have been registered under the cart make But I heard
it anyway. She saw seven thousand dolls from an old lady,
from her own grammar, with her own flesh and blood.
Can I read you the difference?

Speaker 4 (29:46):
The legal difference between for fraud and yeah is straightforward
act of taking somebody else's property belongings without their permission,
intending to permanently deprive them of it. In contrast, fraud
involves deceptive practices or misrepresentation with the intent gained something
of value, such as money or goods through dishonest play.
What I said, but in a dumb way.

Speaker 5 (30:05):
That way, it's sort of yeah, your way was more interesting, Fletch.

Speaker 4 (30:08):
Yeah, your wave form was probably more accurate.

Speaker 5 (30:11):
And so I think together we've got a good definition,
got a great como. So yeah, it's gone to court basically,
and the courts were unsure of how to, like, you know,
persecutor and it's like a bit of home detention or
you're going to pay it back, but by beat anyway,
this is.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
What we want to know is has anyone closing stolen
from you? Because it hurts more A it's easier to
be ripped off because you trust these people.

Speaker 5 (30:36):
When I threw a house party back in two thousand
and nine, twenty ten, and I woke up to find
that my.

Speaker 4 (30:45):
My iPod one hundred and twenty gigs.

Speaker 5 (30:47):
They had a really sick playlist on it that wasn't
backed up anywhere else.

Speaker 4 (30:53):
A little bit on you. Even in twenty ten, there
was that program you could download the music off your
iPad to make.

Speaker 5 (30:58):
A backup on you know, and I hadn't done it
for I hadn't done it.

Speaker 4 (31:01):
And that playlist, I tell you, it was like conic.
It was one of the ones of the click wheels.

Speaker 5 (31:05):
Clicking wheel, and it had one hundred and twenty You
could have store so much music on it.

Speaker 4 (31:08):
You could hear that thing whirring when it was playing Paramore.
And I woke up in the morning, I was like,
it's gone.

Speaker 5 (31:14):
And I remember thinking like I I knew everyone at
that party. They were all my friends. Like there was
no like, oh someone turned up with so and so
and so and so. It was quite a small little
house party. And I remember just like never finding out
did you.

Speaker 4 (31:28):
Stole from it?

Speaker 5 (31:29):
I asked so many people, like did anyone by anyone accidentally?

Speaker 4 (31:33):
It's gone?

Speaker 5 (31:34):
Any leads, any idea, no nibbles.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
Nothing and nothing.

Speaker 5 (31:41):
You don't have your thoughts and who could have done it? No,
it just blew my mind. But you know I was,
I was like, who would do this to me?

Speaker 10 (31:48):

Speaker 5 (31:48):
I know that I'm not really talking about you know,
seven thousand dollars, but.

Speaker 4 (31:55):
Still like that was they were expensive? Yeah? Totally. And
that's a friend that done that to you. Yeah, I know,
well that these are the kind of stories we want
to hear this morning. I eight hundred dollars at M
give us a call text through nine six nine six.
When did someone close to you steal from you? Yeah?
Whether it was landish, could be.

Speaker 5 (32:13):
Money, could be material, goods, could be your identity even.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
I wait, hundred dolls at them call us now, wow, okay,
so we want to know.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Wow, okay, when did someone close to you steal from you?
There was a woman who asked you Nana for fifty bucks.
Nana gave her to the FBOs car. She spent seven thousand.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
It's in the court and try to take up some
stuff on it in her name as well. Yeah, totally.
That's you know, I invited your family Christmas? Oh not
after what you did to nana. Yeah, anonymous, joins us anonymous.
This was a friend's little sister.

Speaker 11 (32:45):
Yes, unfortunately best.

Speaker 4 (32:48):
Ah, So what happened?

Speaker 11 (32:51):
So it's the opportunity to rise at work.

Speaker 9 (32:54):
I was offered to come over to Australia for a
greener pastures and then the big lift off a.

Speaker 11 (33:00):
Winch and stay with best friend and family.

Speaker 9 (33:04):
All was well, All was well on the job hunts.

Speaker 11 (33:07):
Things went working well, and so ran old grandmother.

Speaker 9 (33:11):
Because she said I will always get you home and
sees this and ship can you get me home? So
off I go, riding down the credit card number to
book my flight time, being an eighty year old grandmother
not really upwards too much of online booked it away
and as I'm riding down the credit card number.

Speaker 11 (33:29):
So I was little sissy next door.

Speaker 4 (33:32):
No, and what did you take up on the credit card?

Speaker 11 (33:36):
Four and a half grand of if I gave you four.

Speaker 9 (33:39):
And a half grand on a shopping spring and near
twenty four.

Speaker 11 (33:42):
Hours off you go? Oh the inch a stage flight
cards failed four or five times because of auden't half
the east? What? And then actually you stopped? It was
actually trade in New Zealand because the domney put her
Australian full name and Andrew, but a cardholder was some

New Zealand.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
Yeah right, that's good.

Speaker 11 (34:06):
Yeah, it all came out. So it's obviously when I
arrived back to New Zealand not twenty four hours later,
shot up to go and see my grandmother to say,
you know, thanks saved my life. I'm going to have
been a place now. Yeah, and she said, oh, you know,
obviously paying me back for the for the few hundred
dollars playing circuit.

Speaker 12 (34:21):
How much was.

Speaker 9 (34:22):
It, I'm sure if it was aud or m ZD.

Speaker 11 (34:26):
She locked onto Anthony Banking and the square I hear
from the rooms.

Speaker 4 (34:30):
Oh no, my.

Speaker 11 (34:31):
Gosh, and yeah that's how we found out.

Speaker 4 (34:34):
Wow, and did this little brat pay it back?

Speaker 11 (34:37):
I know, no, man, because at least than ten grand.
The New Zealand government can't do eject ships either.

Speaker 4 (34:42):
Yeah right, so what about your money? What about your friend?
Can they like strong arm the little yeah fringe?

Speaker 11 (34:49):
Yeah, yeah, that's so much. Oh no, we obviously went
through the form mal of these because four and a
half grand's nothing to do and tonight years old. So
the bank cases.

Speaker 5 (35:02):
Party, I didn't know what.

Speaker 11 (35:04):
I can't stand me off.

Speaker 9 (35:04):
Because holy moldly did you do that anyway?

Speaker 11 (35:09):
So the bank COVI is the resolved. It provided us
all of the documentation to consume who it was.

Speaker 4 (35:16):
Yeah, present, my little.

Speaker 11 (35:17):
Booster presented that to the feeling and they denied it.

Speaker 4 (35:23):
Oh my god, what what so you've cut them off? Then? Oh? Yeah,
good wow Anonymous, your poor nann. Thank you so much
for sharing. Yeah, sign so many stories like this brand
This was your brother, Hi guys.

Speaker 12 (35:39):
Yeah, older of the family, moved over since Zon fifteen
years ago. I sold everything where we.

Speaker 13 (35:46):
Came yep, and he managed to My brother managed to
defraud my father's signature, go to a Westpac bank and
was through twenty thousand.

Speaker 12 (35:57):
Dollars for a fambling addiction. Oh no, and then I'm
found out eventually, and through this day, she's kept it
from my father. You know, he's been being the oldest
and the favorite, and she's kept it form this whole time.

Speaker 4 (36:12):
What how is it? How how has she kept it
from him?

Speaker 12 (36:16):
He just never found out. I mean she she controlled
the bank account, so he never saw the money go missing,
and there was quite a bit.

Speaker 4 (36:23):
So wait, and you're so your brother is still like
spoken to and is the favorite.

Speaker 12 (36:29):
I he is he moved to Australia seven or eight
years ago. They followed him over there. They all live
over there with him now. But I haven't spoken to
him in eight or nine years because he's done a
lot of bad ship in his last night.

Speaker 4 (36:42):
Yeah yeah, wow, oh my god, thank you for sharing, Fiona.
Who close to you stole?

Speaker 10 (36:52):
So it was? It wasn't close to me. It was
actually my sister in law. So my brother and sister
in law getting married, and they had like the final
payment for the celebrant and photographer and an envelope in
the room the night before the wedding, and then it
went missing.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
Someone from the wedding party stole it.

Speaker 3 (37:16):
Sure did.

Speaker 10 (37:17):
She only had one bride'smaid.

Speaker 4 (37:22):
Now, is it down somewhat?

Speaker 5 (37:24):

Speaker 10 (37:24):
Well, they well, it's really difficult because they were starting
to think, oh my gosh, is it you know, is
it family and that kind of thing, And yeah, there
was only a couple of people who actually had a
key and access to the room.

Speaker 4 (37:36):
And wow, did they like confront her before the wedding?

Speaker 10 (37:41):
Not before the wedding. They were they were sort of
fairly certain on the morning of the wedding that they'd
figured it out. But they just kind of got through
the wedding then confronted and cut all contact.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
And so to this day before she's in all the
photos and they have to find more money to pay
for those photos because she's still the main for.

Speaker 4 (37:59):
The To this day, they haven't spoken to her. They've
cut her off. Yeah, she ham like.

Speaker 10 (38:07):
A reason, Well, should just go in your health should.

Speaker 4 (38:14):
Probably needed like a couch or something.

Speaker 5 (38:18):

Speaker 4 (38:20):
That's an incredible people. These people are your friends.

Speaker 5 (38:24):
So I know this is so many missings. The only
thank you messages. My nephew took a fuel cart. A
month later the bill came in. Oh oh hello, a
couple of thousand dollars gone. Turns out of his help
done myth.

Speaker 4 (38:35):
It was actually a blessing of disguise getting caught because
now he's clean. Because that's there are a few stories
coming through with his addictions, addictions and the crazy things.
It sure wouldn't take any heat out of the moment. Yeah,
when you find out that you know your friends been
stolen to fuel and addiction.

Speaker 5 (38:52):
But I had a cop text and saying you guys
would absolutely shocked how common this is. Thousands and thousands,
thousands of dollars been like, but it was my brother was,
my sister was, my mum.

Speaker 4 (39:00):
It was this ten years ago. At our wedding, my
husband and I went for the washing well instead of presents.
There would have been about fifty of our closest friends
and family and attendance. Sometime during the reception, someone decided
to help themselves to a few of the the envelopes
in the washing well. I was gutted to know that
someone's so close and steal from us. Yeah, and effectively
steal from somebody else that was there, mind you. That's

a great way of getting out of putting a card
with some money in it in a washing well, yes, yeh,
or putting a card in there no money, but the
envelopes ripped open so it looks like something yes.

Speaker 5 (39:31):
And saying now, I don't want any you know, comment
on the money.

Speaker 4 (39:36):
Money that we made a decision to go it out
so you could have Yeah, that's just us.

Speaker 5 (39:41):
We've been saving and we've decided as yours.

Speaker 4 (39:44):
Yeah, I don't want to hear anything else about it.
And nephews get married one day, I know you're AUNTI
and I will not hear of it. That is the
money we want to give to you.

Speaker 5 (39:53):
We don't need our retirement, you know, we're happy to
keep working so you can have that.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
Whole amount of envelope is just ripped over. They'll never
know it's brilliant.

Speaker 5 (40:01):
I had a mate and she stole my ten thousand
dollar engagement ring. What made it worse was as I
was crying and trying to find it, she was fake
helping me look for it. Oh my god, it's okay,
we'll find it. And it all came out that she
had taken it.

Speaker 6 (40:16):

Speaker 4 (40:17):
My cousin stole my mom's phone at my nana's funeral.
What a time to steal a fight? At least wait
until he through it. Yeah, till the next day. Yeah,
I reckon, I reckon till the dirt sid you. I
put Nanna on the ground a yack morning tune. The
person that stole from me was my wife. She's stole

my heart.

Speaker 5 (40:40):
Oh shut up, throw up.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
Someone still my signed black caps jersey. It was the
main prize. I wanted a charity raffle. Oh. My cousin
was house sitting when we came back. I found my
money box under my bed with scissors, will cut open
and I had a little bit of money lifting it.
Oh wait, so the cousin's old enough to house it,
but also like old enough to rob a child of

their money under their beard.

Speaker 5 (41:09):
Someone talking about identities had a small gathering a party
at my house a few years ago.

Speaker 4 (41:14):
My wallet went missing.

Speaker 5 (41:15):
But a few months later a power company rang me
about arrears in my name. Someone had used thousands and
thousands of dollars is arears. Someone had used my license
as I d let's just sign up for power as
my mate Mike.

Speaker 4 (41:28):
What happened with that? Because one day he got contacted
that he had ticked up a car in Auckland. He's like,
actually impossible, I find not anywhere. Now I could ask
what happened that? Someone just never knew where or how
they stole as I as as identity. Wow, yeah, be
careful out there always.

Speaker 5 (41:46):
I always say the best food on my plate till last,
and my two year old constantly steals it. I gave
her my whole life and she steals my favorite food.

Speaker 4 (41:56):
Unforgivable, that's true. Yeah, that's di disgusting behaviors. Then now
I know that coming I'm on the show. In coming weeks,
we will be giving away our Fletch, Thorne and Hailey
motivational calendars. Which month is my quote? Never trust anybody ever?
Oh yeah, because that is there's no true quote than
after hearing all of these messages and calls.

Speaker 5 (42:19):
So your excuses will destroy everything you ever wanted and
ever had ever in your heart wanted.

Speaker 4 (42:25):
You've got to get that. You've got to read that
right calendar.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
There play z MS, Fletch, Porn and Hailey.

Speaker 5 (42:32):
Oh my god, a version has walked into the studio.
A vision in pink. Morgan Penn, sex ologist, host of
six dot Live, and dear friend of the show.

Speaker 4 (42:41):
Welcome to the studio. Good morning.

Speaker 8 (42:42):
I always bring my pink bits in when I come.

Speaker 4 (42:44):
Well, have brought another pink bat with you?

Speaker 14 (42:47):
Well, I had to bring it in because there were
two very noticeable no shows at my launch party last night.

Speaker 4 (42:55):
I did test you. Sorry to use that, don't know.
Morgan Hands launched her own toy.

Speaker 5 (43:02):
Her own toy worth Wild Secrets that she has worked
very hard on called.

Speaker 14 (43:07):
Glow because I want everybody to glow and you will
once you've had her.

Speaker 5 (43:10):
Not that and it's a wand of sorts as opposed
to you know, a myriad of other things that could
be And I was like, oh, I just held the
end of it.

Speaker 4 (43:18):
It's got functions.

Speaker 5 (43:18):
I'll just give you a little sound to me. But
you just gave me a little sample of the WAND
on my arm to sort of get some tickles and fields.

Speaker 4 (43:32):
So nice, not on my shoulder.

Speaker 8 (43:34):
Do you close up?

Speaker 4 (43:36):
Please? Least she's got some hot stones and some oil.
I'm going to put the was just called.

Speaker 8 (43:49):
Oh my god, Vanilla Vorni.

Speaker 5 (43:53):
It's flexible kind of movement around the body.

Speaker 4 (43:58):
Oh my god, that's good. That's good.

Speaker 5 (44:04):
But this wand morgs like you've made limits an edition.

Speaker 14 (44:08):
I believe it is. You got to get it now
if you want one.

Speaker 5 (44:11):
You have made this as like a full body experience.
The thing not just for downstairs.

Speaker 14 (44:16):
Well, the thing is that I get asked all the time,
like what's the best couple's toy? And a big issue
that couples come.

Speaker 4 (44:23):
To the station five.

Speaker 8 (44:24):
No, seriously, you should know that I.

Speaker 5 (44:33):
With your PlayStation, No sex is happening exactly.

Speaker 8 (44:36):
Sex appeal turned off.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
But you think this would be a nice thing for couples.

Speaker 14 (44:40):
It's a great initiator because so many people don't know
how to start it's a great bridge to starting warming
up the bodies and getting excited.

Speaker 4 (44:48):
Yeah, you just give me a little bit of my
forearm and I was like, delicious, and I feel like
a when you because your name is on this toy? Yeah,
what this glow? How do you go about choosing? Like, yeah,
is it like designing a perfume and pick in the bottle?

Speaker 8 (45:03):
Yeah, it's exactly like that.

Speaker 4 (45:04):
That's cool.

Speaker 14 (45:05):
I had to give everything I wanted, Like I really
wanted it to be waterproof. I wanted it to be
medical grades silicone. So it's like really good for the bottle.
Use it in the Yes, what is the different grades
of silicon?

Speaker 4 (45:17):
Medical? Is cooking one of them? Mum, mulk and tray.

Speaker 14 (45:22):
But there's some really cheap place to stuff that comes
out of China that people make sex choys out of it.

Speaker 5 (45:27):
We talked about this recently, people getting their adult fun
times from like Timur or things like that and then
having like using it in the bath and getting shocked.

Speaker 8 (45:37):
Body reaction is horrible.

Speaker 4 (45:40):
Just hopping it from Lovely indul twelve VAULTA. You don't
run the main. Nothing off the main should go near
the bath.

Speaker 5 (45:48):
This is beautiful, by the way, it's like paink and
pearly and nice to hold.

Speaker 4 (45:51):
And it's because the wand is traditionally sort of an
old fashioned sort of a situation. The industry had moved
away from the wand.

Speaker 8 (45:59):
I like, I like that throwback.

Speaker 14 (46:01):
The wand was originally made by Hitashi as a message
and as the seventies.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
Yeah, but this was got a Milwaukee wand.

Speaker 8 (46:13):

Speaker 4 (46:16):
You just don't have to keep it's just fun. The
lads on the work site love it too, but it
was like the seventies thing.

Speaker 14 (46:22):
Yeah, the horny woman of the seventies were like, this
isn't a message of darlings, all right, and.

Speaker 8 (46:28):
Then it was a whole revolution.

Speaker 14 (46:30):
And that's what I really like about the wand because
it is multifaceted. But the thing about the wand as
well is that it's really accessible for all bodies because
it's got this long handle, so it reaches around.

Speaker 8 (46:40):
So if you're pregnant, if you're fat, if.

Speaker 14 (46:42):
It's hard to like you've got disabilities in your body,
it's a lot easier to put into little nooks and crannies.

Speaker 4 (46:48):
Oh my god, well, I wait, what about what's ending
with season three of the podcast? Six? Not life.

Speaker 8 (46:55):
Well, I can't talk about that.

Speaker 14 (46:56):
I just want to talk about why I'm still mad
at these two for not coming to the party. And
I brought the party to you. Shannon, Can you please
come in here because I.

Speaker 5 (47:06):
Did tex YSA today say I couldn't come to the party,
but I am on my hands and knees because I
was cleaning the whole house.

Speaker 8 (47:10):
Well, hands and knees would have been at the party.

Speaker 4 (47:13):
Got a ginormous wand cake has come into the studio.
Ache it is? It is cake? Oh what flavor?

Speaker 5 (47:21):
Is it?

Speaker 8 (47:22):

Speaker 7 (47:22):

Speaker 5 (47:23):
My god?

Speaker 4 (47:26):

Speaker 5 (47:27):
Like you for your launch marks because you can get
it wild secret.

Speaker 4 (47:32):
Talk about where people can get this Wild Secrets.

Speaker 8 (47:34):
Yes, that's so I've collaborated with that.

Speaker 4 (47:36):
If I asked the recommended retail price.

Speaker 14 (47:38):
Yes you can ask that. That's one hundred and eighty
five dollars. Is actually a very reasonable for a very
quality product.

Speaker 4 (47:44):
Yeah, one A lot of thought.

Speaker 5 (47:46):
And if it goes and you don't just put your
all over.

Speaker 8 (47:50):
Its, you say it's your one, my lenk, you can
have that.

Speaker 4 (47:53):
And for night Fletch, did you get one of the
launch pad? No, I didn't take I didn't take one.
I didn't think I needed one. I've got a funny story.

Speaker 5 (48:00):
Actually wants to tell you about something that happened at
Fletcher's house the other day, but I think it's for
off here.

Speaker 4 (48:06):
I washed my hands and yeah, now let's talk about
season three of the podcast. Okay, because people are hanging
out for six Season three.

Speaker 5 (48:20):
I've been traveling around the country, Morgan, and so many
women coming up to me being like, oh my god,
the podcast, the speaker, the guy, the school.

Speaker 4 (48:31):
Every time I see one of those speakers, I send
you a picture. Don't know this one?

Speaker 9 (48:35):
Is it?

Speaker 4 (48:35):
This one? So what is happening, Morgan?

Speaker 14 (48:38):
So, I mean, look, the last few seasons, I've been
putting my body on the line, right, yes, and so
I've been trying to do similar things but in a
different way.

Speaker 4 (48:49):
And this season, Vaughan will put his body on the line.

Speaker 5 (48:51):
Yes, Vanilla Vanilla getting out into the world of spies.

Speaker 8 (48:56):
Yes, I'm quick.

Speaker 4 (48:59):
You'll come around to do the podcast and I'll be
slumped in the beanbag playing PlayStation.

Speaker 8 (49:03):
Hiding your own nose, ak.

Speaker 5 (49:08):
Now talking about the death of sex. And so that's
a stage tuned situation.

Speaker 4 (49:11):
Right, It's a working progress.

Speaker 8 (49:13):
It's coming it's.

Speaker 4 (49:14):
Down the line.

Speaker 5 (49:15):
They're not easy podcast to make because Morgan goes through
months and months of research and experiences and you know,
things just take a lot of time for us to
be able to talk about the things that she does.

Speaker 14 (49:26):
Yeah, my nervous system has to recalibrate after all those full.

Speaker 5 (49:30):
On last season, wasn't it. But anyway, talking about the
death of sex and Vaughn sitting on a beanbag playing PlayStation. Now,
apparently there is a sex recession happening, particularly in younger generations,
that people are having less sex than ever before.

Speaker 4 (49:42):
And blaming social media. Blaming social media. Why is there?

Speaker 14 (49:46):
Yeah, it's really interesting, especially for the generation that loves
bed rotting.

Speaker 4 (49:50):
Yeah, they're just having what else are you doing?

Speaker 14 (49:52):
Well, they're eating food and they're just watching like Netflix. Yeah,
and they're just uninspired and social media obviously all the
things are watching.

Speaker 8 (50:01):
It's it's telling them all the.

Speaker 14 (50:02):
Bad things about sex instead of like all the great
things about sex, and the bodies are offline.

Speaker 8 (50:08):
That's what I reckon. They're like so out of.

Speaker 14 (50:11):
Their bodies watching consuming media like multiple screens.

Speaker 4 (50:15):
And is it killing their dopamine as well? Like by
the time, it's just kind of they're done.

Speaker 14 (50:19):
Thank you doctor, that's actually really good. Yeah, he's why
we're scrolling right getting those hits. They're they're there, so
they're not looking elsewhere for it. And the type of
sex that we're having is changing as well. Like it's this,
it's not very connected. It's quite disconnected and with porn,
which I don't want to vilify because it definitely has
its place in this world, but it often is even

more of a dopamine hit, and it happens so fast
that the body.

Speaker 5 (50:46):
Especially when you skip ahead all kiss and stuff to
the little mountain peak, had the peaks.

Speaker 4 (50:55):
No one's talking about the valleys. Everyone still about everest, carry.

Speaker 14 (50:58):
On it just yeah, it's no one's got time anymore
to let the body like warm up and move it
its own space like pace to actually get the proper
real release body release.

Speaker 4 (51:11):
Do you think as well?

Speaker 5 (51:12):
I mean, like, because six is such a good stress
reliever and it's a shame that we're not indulging it
because so much stress at the moment cost of living,
people are having, you know, tough times, and we get
into bed and nor we do is put our headphones,
just want to scroll and fall a slave yeah, whereas like, actually,
what would really make you feel good on the end
of the day is some connection with yourself or with
your partner.

Speaker 8 (51:29):
It would make such a difference. And it's free.

Speaker 14 (51:31):
Right, We're all looking for, like what's going to make
us feel better, and this is actually something we can
do that doesn't cost a thing.

Speaker 5 (51:38):
Now, a couple of messages and just immediately someone said,
we're not having sex because of heaven forbid, we had children.

Speaker 4 (51:43):
We can't afford it. There's lots of.

Speaker 5 (51:45):
Ways around there, right, And someone said, you're telling me
if I delete TikTok, I have better sex.

Speaker 4 (51:49):
Fine, done, right, that is easy. So is it what
you're saying, basically, put down the social media limit your time?

Speaker 14 (51:55):
I think so. I think we're so we've got no
boundaries around social media, do we? Does anybody in this
room have a like certain amount of time that you
give yourself?

Speaker 6 (52:04):

Speaker 5 (52:05):
And I look forward to getting into bed and scrolling scrolling, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (52:09):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 14 (52:10):
I always say, like, if the phone is the last
thing you touch at night and you're in bed with
somebody else, we've got a problem.

Speaker 5 (52:16):
That's a great little miss. Well, A few people text
some ouncing for the name of Morgan's one that she's
made with Wild Secrets.

Speaker 4 (52:23):
It's called Glow.

Speaker 14 (52:24):
If you go on to the website and you just
put in Morgan, you'll find it pop bright up.

Speaker 4 (52:29):
You're the only thing on Wild Secrets it's called Morgan.
That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool.

Speaker 8 (52:34):
I think there's some couch is called Morgan not on
that site.

Speaker 4 (52:37):
But no Freedom or something. Yeah, Morgan Chase. Very proud
of you, Morgs for this collab with Wild Secrets. Very much.
Looking forward to season three or six. Dollar me too,
and we are going to You're going to hang around
and after the show, we're going to record a podcast
extra as well.

Speaker 5 (52:53):
I just was on World Secrets and I searched Fletch
to see if anything called Fletch on there, And I said,
do you mean flesh.

Speaker 2 (52:59):
Oh oh, play Zims Fleshborn and Hailey play Zims Fletchborne
and Hailey.

Speaker 3 (53:11):
Silly little Pool.

Speaker 4 (53:15):
It is so silly, silly, silly, that silly little.

Speaker 10 (53:19):
Pool, silly pottle poo, silly little pole, silly little.

Speaker 4 (53:28):
Taste a little polly. You're excited for Squid Games Volume two,
Volume two, Season two.

Speaker 5 (53:33):
Squid Game two, Volume two, Volume two, scood.

Speaker 4 (53:36):
Games and so it comes out on Boxing Day. It's
perfect family watching. What a lovely way to chill out
with your family.

Speaker 5 (53:45):
Oh my god, I am so fizzed for this. I
loved season one. It's been three years since the.

Speaker 4 (53:50):
First and do you know what, I think we liked
it because it was different and unusual. But the acting
was most of the acting in theory was terrible, wasn't it.
It was just the main people's acting was okay. Yeah, yeah,
but there was a lot of like there was it
was a regular extras.

Speaker 5 (54:11):
I mean I thought the acting was good. Once I
realized to turn off dubbing. Yes, yes, when he was
doing the American accent, I was like, oh my god, no,
Korea much better.

Speaker 4 (54:24):
But do you do you think season is going to
live up to the high? How can it? How can it? Well?
I you excited for Score Game two? Yes? Thirty one percent? What? Okay? No?
Sixty nine percent? Which is interesting because it was one
of the biggest shows. Oh yeah, it was that biggest
show at the time, that biggest show of that year.

Speaker 7 (54:43):

Speaker 4 (54:44):
In arresting Gianna, whose name is about like Diana but
with a G so Diana Diana. Yeah, Princess Diana. Princess
Diana said, I'm not like super excited for it, but
I'll probably watch it. Yeah, that's very kiwi. Yeah, we'll
see it, but I calm down. Yeah. Danielle says, Koreans

just do the sort of shit better. Only thing I've
watched start to end being dubbed. Hate that out of
sequence lip movement, but this I made an exception for
daniel Trump No no, no subtitle subtitle acting is so
much better when they're just speaking and not having to
adjust the translation to fit exactly the same time. Yes,
because that's what they have to do for that. That's

why sometimes it doesn't make sense ye, or it's rushed.
Oh my god, do not push me onto the floor.
It was so bad. Yeah. Caitlin says, I enjoyed the
first season, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the second, but
I don't feel any great drive to watch it the
minute it's available.

Speaker 5 (55:42):
Okay, because it's been too long. Do you think I
mean for us? We hopefully we'll be at the beach
on Boxing Day, do you.

Speaker 4 (55:48):
Know what I mean? Not on the couch watching squid Game.
Too excited for squid Game too, but more excited for
the next season of Alice in Borderland Okay. I think
we've got a suggestion here. Have you go heard of
Alison Borderland? Okay? Also an obsessed gamer a Reese You
suddenly finds himself in a strange, emptied out version of Tokyo,

in which Hanna's friends must compete in dangerous games in
order to survive. This looks great. Okay, it's a Japanese
Japanese Yeah, good, okay, Okay, I'm okay. Nathan will put
that on the old listau Laura says, I watched one
episode of the first one and found it boring, not
gory enough for her apparent apparently not enough death for her. Wow,

like wipe out half the contestants of the first episode, Yes,
green Light, red Light, Literally, I just shot them when
they stood. Chloe said, I've broken my ankle and needs
something to watch and sweaty and stinky. Oh you're going
to such a stinky mingy leg. Yeah, I'm so sorry
to hear that. Mason said, Nah, the bad dubbing puts

me off. Mason, you don't you're pickle noodle. We've already
said you don't read the subtitles. Sarah Luise says made
a hell of a cheesecake, didn't she. I ain't. No,
that was Sara Sara Lee, not Sarah Louise. I well,
this one might be you might have a good cheese
a Yeah, okay, so she might be a Sarah Louise. Yeah, okay.

I feel like it's been too long since the last
one has lost its hype for me? Is there a
neat little recap, a little fifty minute recap?

Speaker 10 (57:21):

Speaker 4 (57:22):
Have they taken so long?

Speaker 5 (57:24):
Look at the scale of the thing. It was huge,
and these awards.

Speaker 4 (57:28):
And stuff, Because wasn't it filmed pre pre or just
before just the rest that Charlotte says that program is
so disturbing. There's no way I'm putting myself for a
second season. That's what we've got to remember. Not everybody's
into that sort of like grusome programming. Yeah. Also, let's
remember it's not real. Just spoiler alert.

Speaker 5 (57:47):
Excited, but also really hope they don't ruin the franchise, Charlotte.

Speaker 4 (57:52):
But if they do, we'll just stop watching. Yeah, just
be like okay, although I like, I like other people
to watch because I've stopped watching shows early when other
able who I trust. Yes, say it's gone to the dogs,
and I just remember it as fondly as I didn't
it without ruining it. I've done that for a few shows. Yeah,
that's the vibe, that's the little pil play flesh.

Speaker 5 (58:15):
We ran a lovely competition just in time for Christmas.
Who are you Christmasing? This year? A lot of people
still have friends family overseas, haven't seen them for a
long time. We're still feeling the impacts of COVID yep.

Speaker 4 (58:26):
Thanks to United Airlines, we had premium economy flights that
right as well to bring them home.

Speaker 5 (58:31):
And then we played for you last week I believe
us announcing to our winner that she had won, and
then her telling her friend that she was coming home.

Speaker 4 (58:42):
Now we disguise their voices and bleeped out their names.
A got around that they had won. Before she got home,
the cat, the metaphorical cat would be out of the
bag and we couldn't surprise members of the family with
this beloved member of the family returning home. And that's
what we did on Monday, So we met our winner.
That's its name.

Speaker 5 (59:01):
We can now reveal Chantal Chanal. Chantal is a key
who was living over in the UK. She's been there
for some time. Her friend Charlie entered her into the
competition because not Charlie XX. Not Charlie XX. We did
confirm me because we were like, Charlie EXX, you can
afford to bring her home yourself.

Speaker 7 (59:17):
You know.

Speaker 4 (59:17):
She's like, I'm not Charlie XX. Gotcha, Okay, got yeah.

Speaker 5 (59:20):
Charlie entered because Chantal had been having a really tough time.
She's had a crap year really and wasn't able to
come home for Christmas. Hasn't seen her family since sort
of Covidy times. Yeah, and Charlie thought it would be
really nice to bring Chantel home. So she won. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (59:36):
We went out to the airport on Monday. She landed
a like nine point thirty.

Speaker 5 (59:40):
By like ten o'clock, we were with her being like hi, Hi, Hi,
with microphones and then we basically spent the whole day surprising.

Speaker 4 (59:46):
Yeah. Was she had to see Charlie.

Speaker 5 (59:49):
Then she surprised her dad Mo and her sister Sam.
So have a listen to how that went, because it
was such a lovely way to spend the day. Hello,
it's Fletchborne, Haley and Chantal. We've brought you home as
part of our Christmas in competition.

Speaker 4 (01:00:04):
I think I landed all of twenty minutes ago.

Speaker 5 (01:00:06):
It's also shockingly warm today and you're in a jeans.

Speaker 4 (01:00:10):
It's cold where I came from. When is the last
time that you saw your family? COVID time? Because Charlie
is the one who entered the competition for you to
get you home.

Speaker 8 (01:00:19):
Oh my gosh, we've been bested since high school.

Speaker 4 (01:00:21):
She was saying that you've been through a bit of
a hard time, and you'd be thinking I've had a
bit of a tough year.

Speaker 6 (01:00:25):
But she was always there if I needed her, Like
I knew I could always call her any time of
the day, night.

Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
Now we're just waiting for Charlie. It's all right, okay, okay,
here she goes.

Speaker 5 (01:00:37):
Though. It's so good to see you, not me crying again.

Speaker 4 (01:00:41):
I already told them you're the crime. I indefinitely a crier.
You've planned this whole thing crazy.

Speaker 5 (01:00:50):
Obviously, Charlie knows that you're here, but you haven't told
your family.

Speaker 4 (01:00:55):
No, so Noahan knows. How do you feel? You excited?
Are you nervous? A bit of both? Actually, how do
you think the family members will take out? So they
get emotional, probably not crying. I don't think the cry
is time a crime? Yes? Or do you want to
come worth to see her family? In case now on
cries and then we'll just push you in front of
the camera and you can christ Why not? Okay? So

the next stop, we're here to surprise your.

Speaker 8 (01:01:19):
Dad Mo Mo, Yeah, Maurice.

Speaker 4 (01:01:21):
No, he has been dragged out of work under the
false pretense of needing to have a chat with someone.
We're just to be at work. I'd be like, oh no,
I'm about to lose my time works at HR so
who knows exactly what that's code for? So you you
hide in the car. We're going to go on ambush
and ask him what he wants for Christmas? Okay, not
that horrible daughter of mine? Back from me? Excuse me?

Hello you? Here's your name. My name is Maurice. Maurice.
What would you like for Christmas this year? If you
could have anything? Oh?

Speaker 3 (01:01:48):
Happy family, happy family.

Speaker 4 (01:01:50):
Family, any missing parts of that family at the moment,
one's in the UK. But a Christmas present for you
surprise even swear you're allowed to swear, that's the coolest.
Are you crying?

Speaker 5 (01:02:13):

Speaker 4 (01:02:13):
I heard the breath. I recognize that breath. That's a
man that's about to cry breath. You know, sometimes you
get a bit but sort of caught off cars and
you're just finished.

Speaker 5 (01:02:23):

Speaker 4 (01:02:23):
You're saying the floor f your bedroom yesterday. It is
the most dad thing that's dad done. And now we're
going to surprise the rest of your friends and family.
Thank you everybody.

Speaker 5 (01:02:37):
Okay, Hi, Samantha, to.

Speaker 4 (01:02:39):
Stand here by the slide because it's funny with ambushy
in this park.

Speaker 5 (01:02:42):
To ask you a very special question, as it is
the fist of season, but you can have anything for Christmas?

Speaker 4 (01:02:47):
What would it be? Well, I crashed my car recently,
so it would be do we budget for a new car?
Or is it anybody you're missing this Christmas?

Speaker 5 (01:02:57):
My sister, your sister, Yeah, she lives in England, and what.

Speaker 4 (01:03:01):
If we could magically make her appear right now? That
would be awesome. You're joking? Serious?

Speaker 7 (01:03:11):
Oh my god, oh's going on?

Speaker 9 (01:03:22):

Speaker 3 (01:03:23):
Oh my god, mister, what are you doing?

Speaker 6 (01:03:27):
Oh my gosh, Holy Christmas.

Speaker 8 (01:03:32):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 4 (01:03:33):
So sorry, she's not a car. Thank you guys.

Speaker 5 (01:03:39):
Seriously, it's like crazy because I listened.

Speaker 11 (01:03:42):
To m.

Speaker 2 (01:03:48):
Good work.

Speaker 4 (01:03:52):
When she came down the slide. Oh my god, we
were just watching it.

Speaker 5 (01:03:55):
By the way, everyone's crying in the text machine, like
why do you make me ugly?

Speaker 4 (01:03:58):
Sol Before when their sister came down the slide Genie
and the surprise, Yeah, it was brilliant. Well, if you
want to see.

Speaker 5 (01:04:07):
Chantal slide surprise her sister, but it was now up
on our socials if hid m yeah, I.

Speaker 4 (01:04:12):
Think every surprise would be revealed by slide's.

Speaker 5 (01:04:16):
Great So Chantala and Charlie were like hiding in this
tower of the slide with their little heads looking at
the bubble thing as we were like hunting down the
sister in this park. It was really really fun. And
then you have the surprise reveal.

Speaker 4 (01:04:26):
Yeah, I think as well again to United Airlines as
well for making that happen, bringing them home. Great Christmas
for Chantal and new family. Now I'll tell you what,
I think there might be more tears next. Should we
just cry for the risk for the last hour? I
cry from here till the end of the year. Had
a Facebook memory. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember it

so clearly, how.

Speaker 3 (01:04:51):
Embarrassing plays it ms Fletchborn and Hale.

Speaker 4 (01:04:55):
It was a Facebook I go on Facebook memories every day.

Speaker 5 (01:04:58):
It's part of my routine, mostly because it's like lots
of pictures of my kids when they were like little, like,
oh look at this one, look at this one. This
is Oh my god, tell me that's not adorable. August
Santa photo cute, it's cute.

Speaker 4 (01:05:09):
I do baby Facebook like it's just there, Like I
used Messenger still, but like it's just there. You don't
even I don't even watch people happy birthday now, neither
do I. I seen I'm more likely to send a direct
message happy birthday.

Speaker 9 (01:05:23):

Speaker 4 (01:05:23):
I did that yesterday.

Speaker 5 (01:05:24):
Eleven years ago. This is why I don't want to
see it. Eleven years ago I posted I ate the
ginger slices. Today I ate it on my own time.
And it was good. Was that twenty thirty twenty thirday?

Speaker 4 (01:05:36):
So eleven years ago you were thirty twenty four?

Speaker 5 (01:05:41):
Yeah, dude, update for a twenty dude as a comedian. Also, yeah,
good party of type five. Oh god, it's just bad.

Speaker 4 (01:05:54):
Well fifteen years ago today, I can tell you via
Facebook memories, Flitch, that was when we were live on
youre talking someone that got hit by a truck. Oh
my god, remember that was fifteen years ago. My dude,
sixteen years ago, just got notebooked? If you Ryan, we
finally watched The Notebook, Oh, sixteen years ago. I can

remember it so clearly. And I lost that and Sharott like,
I was like, what is wrong?

Speaker 6 (01:06:22):

Speaker 4 (01:06:22):
And I was like, oh, yeah, that right.

Speaker 5 (01:06:24):
When she turns up. She's gone on to live a
rich life and he's built the house. Flash. It wasn't
even that, but for me, it was when they were
old and she couldn't remember him, and because my granddad
had a brain injury towards the end of his life
and got towards the end of it, he didn't know
who anybody was and it I just watched that and
that was and it just set me off in a way.

Speaker 4 (01:06:44):
I went, yeah, you got notebooked. Yeah, I got Notebook
so hard? Yeah, so hard. And then I was around
that time also that Fletcher's like, great documentary, you should watch.
Dear Zachary's like, but he did in his defense, what's
your mental state like at the moment, Oh yeah, And
I was like, oh my god, it's the same about

Dear Zachary. If you're sad, it is just going to
like right off your weekend. Watch it on a Friday
and make sure you've got no plans for the weekend.
But if you're happy, I'd almost say don't watch it
because it will ruin your mood. Yes, it's really hard
to find. Because I wanted to dear Zachary the producer Girlies,
because this is kind of this used to be a
bit of a fun sport that i'd play you are,
You're an animal always. For those listening that don't know

this movie, you don't go. You're not allowed to google it.
Let me just say this. I am dB eight point
five out of ten, Rodden Tomatoes, ninety four percent Prime Video.
Oh maybe it's on Prime Video. I don't know if
that's New Zealand though, eight point five out of ten.
This is an incredible documentary true crime. It's on YouTube.
Will yeah, I've seen I found it on YouTube. The

whole thing's on YouTube. And producer Girlies, you haven't seen this.

Speaker 15 (01:07:55):
No, we haven't, And honestly, we were just discussing it
in our producers both after you presented us with this.
We feel like we're getting rick rolls like a little bit.

Speaker 4 (01:08:05):
It's one of those if you don't cry in this movie,
there's something wrong with you. It's also even I cried.
I got I felt cold. You know when something when
it's you're so like I felt cold and I felt empty,
and it like sat with me for days. I've watched.

Speaker 15 (01:08:23):
From it because I feel like I'm fletch in a
way of like I can be like, oh my god,
that's so sweet.

Speaker 4 (01:08:27):
But it takes a lot for me to cry. I
think you should should I will not. I will know
the Cove, I will watch that, and I will not
watch the Octopus teacher. Know you love that. I never
watched Marley and Me. I will not. Don't watch the Cove. Man,
I don't want cove.

Speaker 5 (01:08:46):
That said, I sobbed and we sat in silence for
fitty minutes. That's but Zachary is always on the top
documentaries of all time.

Speaker 4 (01:08:55):
You know, Yeah, it's incredible. You're not allowed to google
what happens, you can't phone, you can't be on your phone.
Yeah you should watch it together together. Yeah you don't
want to ugly watch. But you watched it by yourself. Yeah, yeah,
I watched. Why am I going to cry?

Speaker 5 (01:09:15):
Though? If it's true crimea the documentary is made.

Speaker 6 (01:09:21):
It doesn't take much to make me cry out the
wind will change and I'll lose it.

Speaker 5 (01:09:28):
What Yeah, when the wind changes you burst into It
was just.

Speaker 4 (01:09:32):
Going north and the temperature changed in the humidities.

Speaker 5 (01:09:38):
Drop, So it's called The full title is Dear Zachary,
A Letter to a son about his father.

Speaker 4 (01:09:43):
I couldn't find it on any of the streaming services,
but yeah, I think it's all on YouTube.

Speaker 5 (01:09:47):
The whole things on YouTube if you look it up,
or just.

Speaker 4 (01:09:49):
The notebook if you need a tactical crime.

Speaker 8 (01:09:52):
I haven't seen the notebook, haven you.

Speaker 5 (01:09:56):
I feel like crying this weekend, do you?

Speaker 4 (01:09:58):
But it's the fist of season, you cry. I've got
to do it. Not here. People will never forgive me, imagine,
but I know I can do it. I give you,
gave me two minutes, but I can't in front of people.

Speaker 5 (01:10:13):
I've known you for five years, and I've been storing
a notebook of my own insecurities, and I'm going to triggers.

Speaker 4 (01:10:20):
I'm going to trigger all of them at once, and
as sort of a thermal nuclear mountain partner thing to do. Yeah,
you had to make you cry.

Speaker 3 (01:10:28):
Play Zidim's Fletch Porn and Hayley Fact of the.

Speaker 4 (01:10:32):
Day day day day day.

Speaker 12 (01:10:36):

Speaker 4 (01:10:36):
Do do do do do do do do do do do.

Speaker 5 (01:10:39):
Do do do do do do do do do do do
do do do do.

Speaker 4 (01:10:43):
Do do doo doo Walt Disney week here at fact
of the day. And yesterday I heard from Connor on Instagram.
Connor messaged me saying, um, Walt Disney week at fact
of the day. I said, it is uh Connor and
he said, Walt Disney designed the logo for the company
I work for, the Foundamental Flight In nineteen twenty four.

They talked about their respective businesses and Walt Disney used
the napkin to design the logo that they still use
today of the character called mister Struts. Oh okay, let
me guess what kind of business is it? Struts? Struts? What?
Because I don't know what struts are either or I've
googled a struck. What struts are struts? Like, what's the
famous struct company that's been around for ages? Uni strut,

Uni strut And the character is called mister Strut. I
don't know what they are.

Speaker 5 (01:11:32):
That's like a mechanism, isn't it.

Speaker 4 (01:11:34):
Like yeah, yeah, I have I've googled a unistrut. Is
the original metal framing system featuring a unique worldless connection.
It eliminates welding controlling and is easily adjustable and reusable
for infinite configuration. Great world is are out of jobs
now are they? You use them on houses?

Speaker 5 (01:11:53):

Speaker 4 (01:11:53):
You use them on logo being used on planes? Here
he is here is missus strutt because a lot that's
a strut. He's got springy arms and he's wearing gloves
and he's holding a wrench and that means he's capable
of adjusting himself.

Speaker 5 (01:12:07):
It's kind of hard, like it's not instantly sort of replicable.

Speaker 4 (01:12:10):
Oh yeah, I thought it was going to be like
a famous company, like I don't know, yeah, yeah, yeah
through the m for McDonald's changed since nineteen twenty four.
Guess if your company got its logo designed for free
by what, you're probably not going to change it.

Speaker 5 (01:12:26):
Your story alone, right, it is a great story. Yeah,
kind of seeing me that? What else are we I'm
looking to hear? If you need to, you can buy
a tallyspar perforated square tubing, right, I think.

Speaker 4 (01:12:37):
We're good for per Oh he dumb? What was it scared?
What was his school on? That high school rankings two past. No,
it's twenty nine. Shut up, Dumbo. There's wheel trolleys and
bearings and all sorts of different struts and struct configurations, okay,

and being led by a misterstruct. They also to amazing
a movie. They came up with a movie concept on
the first rants called the Sky's the Limit, and my
research tells me it finally got made in the seventies.
It's called the Sky's the Limit.

Speaker 5 (01:13:12):
A family has thrown at a turmoil when a grandson
convinces his grandfather to teach him to fly planes.

Speaker 4 (01:13:18):
And they came up with it on the plane. Oh, okay,
the Sky's the Limit. So that's a seven point six
out of ten on IMDb. Not bad, not great'll be
a little bit not bad if it's over seven on IMBB.
You know, I'm not afraid to give it a little nudge, Okay,
So I thank you to con offer sending that inn
and letting us know that. On a flight. In nineteen

twenty four, the founder of his business met Walt Disney,
and Walt Disney designed their little character logo that they've
been using ever since one hundred years Fact of the day,
Day Day day day, Yeah Dad.

Speaker 1 (01:14:04):
Play ms Fletch Vaughn and Haley plays flesh one and.

Speaker 4 (01:14:10):
Haley, we want to know now and we want to
ask you a call. I want hundred DALs at M
Texas in nine six, nine six when of your parents
had to bail you out, like come to your rescue,
you out of trouble. And it's because when you're an adult,
it's it's just a bit different the way me and
me really steph GiB yeah, hit me. Yeah. Because this

has happened at the absolute top level. Joe Biden, current
President of the United States are until what the start
of January, has pardoned wait, has pardoned his son Hunter,
which means because you, as president can pardon anyone. So
if the prison is isn't that wild? So anyone could
be in prison or be charged with any crime historical

or current, and he could say I pardon you, and
that's your free to go, free to go. The record
is clear, Yeah, isn't that wild?

Speaker 6 (01:15:02):

Speaker 5 (01:15:03):
And because I've been reading about this, but I don't
understand us politics because I've chosen not to, but you kind.

Speaker 4 (01:15:08):
Of he initially said he wouldn't because you know, that's unfair.
It's was it tex And a gun charge okay, okay, okay,
and possessing a legal gun or something like that. Okay.
So he'd always said I won't do it, but now,
of course times running out, times are running out, and

you know, Trump's coming in and he's like, oh, look
you're pardoned. Do you know what. Everyone is just like, oh, okay, yeah,
I know. But all the mums and dads were like,
I would have done it for my boy too, exactly.
You would do it?

Speaker 5 (01:15:40):
Is he here, he's fallen out of grace.

Speaker 4 (01:15:43):
But there's thousands.

Speaker 5 (01:15:44):
I'm getting tens of thousands of people in prison wrongfully
and America wrongfully or for something like drug position, like
a position when they were eighteen, just because and the laws.

Speaker 4 (01:15:56):
Changed since, but they're still in prison.

Speaker 5 (01:15:57):
I know.

Speaker 4 (01:15:57):
It's wild.

Speaker 5 (01:15:58):
That's the that's the bigger kind of hypocrisy, right, that
there were more needy people to be pardoned.

Speaker 4 (01:16:04):
But you would if you had the power and you
were on your way out and no one likes you're
never going to do the presidency again. You're old, you'd
just be like, you just do it. Well, I'm allowed to.
I mean, we don't have kids warm, But if your
kids were older and they got into a spot of mother,
you'd be there. You'd be like, okay, yeah, and this
is what we want to know this morning. When did
mom and dad have to step And maybe you're overseas

got you out of trouble and you ended up in
trouble or you ran out of money your mate. What
doesn't have to be a crime thing? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (01:16:35):
Yeah, trying to think about where my parents are mean,
my parents one hundred percent word.

Speaker 4 (01:16:40):
They do anything for me.

Speaker 5 (01:16:41):
But I've never really been I've never got into proper trouble.
I think once I forged my mum's signature on a
note that I could skip school and go spend the
death of my boyfriend. And then I got seen out
of the school and I had and I think I
think I ended up have to tell my mum that

I forged a note, and she rung the school and
said no, I wrote the note.

Speaker 4 (01:17:05):
She was a petsy het see and I wasn't. She
came to your rescue. I was going to get in
some fresh hickeys pets. Okay, she'll never learn if you
keep getting rid of trouble. Okay, whatever one whatever it was,
oh eight hundred and darns and Emson number you can
text through nine six nine sacks. When did your parents

have to get you out of trouble? We want to
know when your parents have come to your rescue. Like
Joe Biden has pardoned his son for his crimes. I mean,
we're not going to get any presidential pardon stories. I reckon, no, no,
So it was he had plenty guilty to nine tax
related charges. I was convicted of illegally buying and possessing

a gun, a few different things. So then he he's
been sober for a number of years, but he was
a bit of a hot here's a real realized that. Ye,
dad's come to the risk you. We want to know
when mum and dad stepped in to help Daniel. This
was the morning. What happened? Who came to your rescue?

Speaker 9 (01:18:09):
My mom?

Speaker 4 (01:18:10):
Okay, what happened?

Speaker 11 (01:18:12):
So I had gone home was a guy who you
know for not so fun times?

Speaker 4 (01:18:19):
Not sois.

Speaker 7 (01:18:23):
You know, fell asleep and I woke up at around
like two thirty in the morning and he had peed
the bed.

Speaker 4 (01:18:32):
Is that not fun?

Speaker 8 (01:18:33):

Speaker 11 (01:18:35):
Not so fun?

Speaker 4 (01:18:35):
So it was fun up until that moment.

Speaker 11 (01:18:38):
I wasn't it.

Speaker 4 (01:18:42):
Did it happen that you're wing the beard.

Speaker 5 (01:18:45):
You're not really pulling great moves in the bedroom before.

Speaker 4 (01:18:47):
That, No, not none at all. What did Mom drive
over and rescue you? Well?

Speaker 7 (01:18:53):
Yeah, because the thing is I had to like kind
of find my way out of his health because we'd
come in through like the garage, and so I didn't know.

Speaker 11 (01:19:02):
So I'm like, it's like two thirty.

Speaker 7 (01:19:03):
In the morning, I'm like sneaking around this guy's house
trying to figure out how to get out. Wow, And yeah,
I called my mum and it's like, yeah, daughters to
three and I rang it and she's like sleep like.

Speaker 4 (01:19:14):
A normal mother would be.

Speaker 10 (01:19:15):
Yeah, and yeah, she had to come and rescue me.

Speaker 11 (01:19:19):
And then what happened? I told it. I told you
what happened in bed.

Speaker 4 (01:19:24):
That's so funny.

Speaker 5 (01:19:26):
That's so aatifying telling your parents that stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:19:28):
Like, can you not judge me right now? Because I
feel really sick. I was going to get out of here. Yeah, Daniel,
thank you God, Jody. When did Mom come to the rescue?

Speaker 15 (01:19:37):

Speaker 10 (01:19:37):
I was in Rome and Italy with one of my
best mates and we were doing the Spinish Steps pub
crawl and we got sobose that we got lost and
we had to bring our parents in New Zealand and
get them to google met where we were because I
was like.

Speaker 4 (01:19:55):
Before, right, okay, yeah, I.

Speaker 5 (01:19:57):
Used to do that all the time I did a
work experien It's thing I had.

Speaker 4 (01:20:00):
To drive around Auckland.

Speaker 5 (01:20:01):
I'd ring and be like, okay, here's the street you'd
hang on.

Speaker 4 (01:20:05):
I love that.

Speaker 10 (01:20:05):
You're absolutely yeah freaking out. They wanted to get on
a plate, come and find out, and we were just
serving the time of our lives.

Speaker 4 (01:20:13):
That's every appearent's worst night from their daughter. I'm freaks
me out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, brilliant Jody, Thank you so
many text and calls more of those necks. When did
a parent come to the rescue? We want to know

when your parents came to the rescue. So many situations,
some of those.

Speaker 5 (01:20:37):
I once wagged school, got home, realized I was locked out,
so I called mum, left work to let me in.
Then caused a panic. Amoks to her co workers who
thought schooloud finished early that day and they were all
late to pick up their kids. She was like, no, no, no, no.
Then she called the school and was like, how I
picked them up their sack? Oh okay, right, I'm just
giving you the.

Speaker 4 (01:20:54):
Day off, you've got You've got no way I could
have pulled that with bed. No, Christine would have had
a barn, wouldn't have wanted us hanging around the house.
She was just when the bus got us home early.
It's just as as I practiced my piano and passed
my exam, I was like, she's all right, no boys,
because it's more farm bake biscuits. They each, oh, my god,

the house than more than going to eat. Yeah, back
in the olden days, nineteen ninety six, don't call it that.
That's not what it's called. It was actually ten years ago,
So calm down. It's absolutely impossible that ninety ninety six
is the olden days.

Speaker 5 (01:21:29):
When I was sixteen years old, I was driving on
my own late at night. I got pulled over by
a cop.

Speaker 4 (01:21:33):
I still on my learner's license, and I should have
been driving alone or after ten. And I panicked and
I lied to the cop and gave him my sister's credentials.
She's two years older than man, had full license.

Speaker 5 (01:21:41):
He didn't believe me, so he rang my mum to
confirm who I was, and like a true champ, Mom
fully backed me out and confirmed my stiry.

Speaker 4 (01:21:47):
Over the cops. Religious, so many pristine also wouldn't have
done that. She would have let me supper for breaking
the rules. Yeah, there's so many people that rang their
parents mid o e being.

Speaker 5 (01:21:58):
Like I got nor more money, Yes, heal just another
thing I feel.

Speaker 4 (01:22:04):
I would have had a lecture about what have you
spent your money on? Yeah? Yeah, well what have you done? Yeah?
Just surviving mum.

Speaker 5 (01:22:10):
Just food is a pub cruel, surviving water, just little words,
keeping draded.

Speaker 4 (01:22:15):
When I was twenty two and I was tearing it
up in London, I was spending money like I was
my full time job, pubs, gigs, travel, the works. Naturally,
I turned to the bank of divorced parents. Mum's two
hundred dollars was my credit card bailout fund, while dad's
two hundred dollars kept me alive with rent and rahmen.
Neither knew about each other's contribution, so I essentially ran
a two parent sponsorship program. Financial genius or morally quieshtable

you decide, that's just called surviving. Yeah. I snuck out
of a party when I was in high school with
a bad group of people. Things went south and I
was in a dangerous situation. I called my dad crying,
explaining where I was and I needed to leave. No joke.
He rocked up in his dressing gun and boxes and
walked in, gave one of the lads a clean right
hook for grabby man. Walking out sums up pretty well

how he is as a father.

Speaker 5 (01:23:02):
This is a thing though, Like we've talked about this
recently a light. No matter what, they will be so
mad at you, you get in trouble, whatever, but like you
call them, yeah, yeah, they'll come and get you. My
dad did it too, I think. I as a teenager,
I got myself into a sticky search and one of
my friends called my parents being like we may need you,
and my dad was like, right, I'm there, hold up
next day, Like, won't talk to you the next day.

Speaker 4 (01:23:23):
Day after about it. Yeah. I used to sell weed.
I got ripped off.

Speaker 5 (01:23:30):
My mom gave me two grands so I could get
started in my o entrepreneurial business again.

Speaker 4 (01:23:33):
Oh oh my god.

Speaker 6 (01:23:35):

Speaker 4 (01:23:36):
In the nineties, I was being picked on by a teacher.
My parents didn't believe it and thought it was my problem.
So my grandad said he'd come down and have a
talk to the teacher. I found that the teacher needed
a slight attitude adjustment and gave it to him physically.
Oh my god, your granddad whooping her teacher's us. What's
the story there?

Speaker 3 (01:23:52):

Speaker 5 (01:23:52):
Yeah, there was another person that had Where is that
my dad? They? Oh, my dad bailed me out when
he went into school to collect my place portable when
I got caught by the school renting it out at
lunch time with an eighteen plus game of Grand Theft
Auto in it. My dad wasn't annoyed. He was picked
up the play station. He was impressed on my business.

Speaker 4 (01:24:10):
Mind. Didn't tell Mama either. I didn't tell mom that's
good business. It's an entrepreneurial it is. Yeah, I didn't
tell mom.

Speaker 5 (01:24:17):
I ran out of money on my OE and had
to call mom to bail me out and fly me
home from the UK.

Speaker 4 (01:24:21):
Oh, oh that's bad.

Speaker 5 (01:24:23):
Like I've run out. I need to come home. It's
it's not just timber. Really, I need to get like
I'm done, but then get me home.

Speaker 4 (01:24:31):
I'ms pretty weighing that up, Like do I just give
them like a couple of Hundy now and then I'm
always giving them a couple of houndy? Yeah, we'll always
cut my losses and just pay for the tickets.

Speaker 5 (01:24:39):
Yeah yeah, I'm nearly fifty six and I still tap
my folks for a left home after a big night.

Speaker 4 (01:24:46):
Maam, no what you get? An uber traveled South America
for a year with a long term partner who decided
to end our relationship in rural Ecuador. But don't leave
me alone in rural foreigners. Oh god, I'm.

Speaker 5 (01:25:01):
Had me booked into the hotel and four plane rides
home organized within two hours, and I can to.

Speaker 4 (01:25:06):
Get me to the airport. Good old momms the flight centered.

Speaker 5 (01:25:11):
Mum picked me up from town at three am. I
I was a bit blind to even tell her where
I was, but luckily a small town, she just drove around.

Speaker 4 (01:25:18):
And found you, and then found you. Amazing. I was flanning,
had a big night out in big knee length zip
up boots. I got home at two thirty am.

Speaker 5 (01:25:26):
I couldn't get the boots off, so I called my
mum and a new boyfriend's house for them to come
over and get me out of the boots.

Speaker 4 (01:25:31):
It was I love this. I love this. Parents to
the rescue the boots. I think I just sleep in
the boots in the morning. The morning you're a mess brout.
Oh I'm busting for a weez after that podcast, I'll
tell you you are allowed to listen to it. There's

no rules when we were allowed to listen to it
just says here, I'm busting for a week. I read it. Okay,
I read it. Give us a review.

Speaker 3 (01:26:01):
Play zid ms, Fletchborne and Hailey
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