Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Heartache, You breakfa show whatever you need for your
next job. Bunning's trade is ready.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
To help the hood act you Breakfast with Jeremy Wells
available everywhere on the Iheartradiot Already.
Speaker 1 (00:12):
Good morning, welkme long to the Heartache Breakfast. There's that
of fourteenth of November twenty twenty four. My name's Jeremy Wells.
This is Mashi on the buttons. Yeah, good morning mate,
how are you? Good morning, Mashi good thanks, His executive
producer Ruder, Oh, mas es, it's not a good start.
It's not a good start.
Speaker 3 (00:29):
Speaker 1 (00:31):
Sorry, I'll turn your mic on now, you know. Ruder
and joining us this morning, Morgan Prien from six Dot
Life Podcast. Welcome Morgan, good money. So nice to have
you on the show.
Speaker 4 (00:44):
That it's a peat to be here.
Speaker 1 (00:45):
We've got so much to toy already, Morgan and I.
Before the show started, we've been chatting away. We have
covered some ground, gone deep, we have gone deep off here.
There's a lot to talk about this morning, also including
conscious silent speed dating. Oh god, yep, so I can't
wait to talk about sure way to prevent shark attacks
and how to cook the perfect jacket. Potato. What a show?
What a show? And also a review of Coldplay. What show?
Speaker 2 (01:15):
When I saw last night The Duke Breakfast with Jeremy Wells.
Already duchy?
Speaker 1 (01:20):
As I said before, Morgan Penn from Sex Dot Live
podcast joins us on the show. This morning's so nice
to have you with us.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
Morgan, Oh my god, it's fun already. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1 (01:30):
Oh, it's a pleasure. And I suppose some people won't
necessarily know a huge amount about you. Who are listening now?
For people who don't know anything about you? Where were
you born?
Speaker 5 (01:40):
Speaker 4 (01:41):
I was born in Auckland, in Auckland.
Speaker 1 (01:43):
Okay in the seventies, eighties, nineties or today.
Speaker 4 (01:49):
Eighty six baby has comment eighty six.
Speaker 1 (01:52):
I remember nineteen eighty six incredibly well. It was of
course the year that's New Zealand won their first Test
series against Australia. Together away, Wow, it's welcome. That was
hugely important. And of course you were born Morgan and
Morgan when you left school? What did you do once
you left school?
Speaker 4 (02:12):
Radio? I met a guy on a beach giving away
free stuff and I was like, that's a job and
he was like, yeah, I work for radio station.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
I was like sign me up, okay, and what did
you do for the radio station?
Speaker 4 (02:23):
I did promotions. Turns out that guy groomed me actually unfortunately,
but great career fifteen years and radio after that.
Speaker 1 (02:31):
I imagine that there was a lot of grooming going
on in radio back then.
Speaker 4 (02:35):
Back Yeah, competitions like take your top off, we wet
t shirt competition? Yeah, yeah, we've changed.
Speaker 1 (02:44):
Yeah, this radio station here, Radio Hattecke used to run
a particular event at the Pornamu Hotel. Oh yeah, it
was legendary wet t shirt competition. Legendary wet t shirt competition. Yeah,
essentially a grooming event. Yeah, me should have been no,
don't don't So are you looking at me trying to
find a way to bring me into this? Have nothing
to do with the wet t shirt competition? Well? Was
there anything wrong with the question? I would have? Is
there anything wrong with a wet T shirt competition? Well?
Speaker 4 (03:13):
It depends, you know, and I'm all for freeing the nip.
So why would you wear bras underneath white T shirts?
And sometimes it rains or a bucket lands on you,
and you know, you just make the most of a
moist situation.
Speaker 1 (03:29):
Sometimes a bucket does land on yours a situation just
walking along, you know, minding your own business, and a
white T shirt with no bra and a bucket lands
on you.
Speaker 6 (03:40):
Who was that time, guys that I went for a
run and it was past the Mission Bay fountain and
there's a situation going on with it with a young
man taking his lovely young daughter for a swim in
the fountain, but he was running a white set of
Calvin clients in a similar situation where you know, all
of a sudden before you know it, you can see
of it of a you know, oh year sticking through.
So maybe we also introduced something that for the mums
as well. If we bring in some kind of white
undy competition as.
Speaker 1 (04:05):
Well, a wet white anddi competition along with the wet
T shirt competition.
Speaker 4 (04:10):
That feels right for me. Actually, yeah, that's fair.
Speaker 1 (04:13):
I think I've seen exactly the same thing actually in
the Grayland kids pool and there's a lot of kids
around and a dad that just decided to take his
pants off and get him there. He's also had a
box of beers in there as well. Do you see
a lot of things in that Grayland kids pool?
Speaker 2 (04:32):
They breakfast a.
Speaker 1 (04:34):
Radio Morgan Penn joins us on the show this morning,
and we got a little bit waylaid there, Morgan, because
we started talking. We started talking about your career post school,
which was working in radio promotions. Next thing you know,
we're talking about wet t shirt competition. You know, she's
trying to run a wet jock competition.
Speaker 6 (04:53):
Well, I thought I just needed to bring something for
the mums. But anyway, yes, that's right, the mums and gaze.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
Yeah at the gays and the and the gay adjacent
and the gay let's not forget about the gay adjacent.
So then Morgan, you went your lefts go, you started
working radio promotions. Then what happened?
Speaker 4 (05:10):
My soul never felt fully fulfilled. I knew that I
needed to be helping people, and but I so trained
to become a life coaches. This is just too fluffy
for me. You know, like I can't get out of bed.
Got out of bed. You can do it, You can
do anything, Okay.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
So what the life coaches normally do is that that's
that's mental skills.
Speaker 4 (05:28):
Training pretty much, or like motivation, or they don't know
where they're going in life, or they're just a bit flat.
They want some jush in their world. So it is
pretty surface stuff, very useful for a lot of people.
I could do one of those, I think, yeah, we
do it one but a motivation.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 6 (05:43):
Give me a bit more excited about waking up each day.
There since I'll call you up every morning and tell
you to get that if out of bid. No, that
won't help that. It is the opposite.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
I'll tell you to get that stay in bed if
you could re upside how your problem is getting too
bide that is half my problem. That's a good point.
Speaker 6 (05:57):
I'll call you up and tell you to get the
IF and the bed. As a life Morgan, did you
have to tell someone to go to bed? Yeah, maybe
that's part of messages to get up, you've got to
go to sleep. Anyway, I seem to have distracted away
from Morgan. This is incredibly rude from me.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
So then so yes, So then you're a life coach.
Speaker 4 (06:14):
Yes, And then I realized, actually, there is a job
called a sexologist, and this person gets to help people
and talk about sex all day, which is also one
of my passions, talking and doing sex. Okay, so that's
what I trained to do, and so now I'm a sexologist.
And I help people connect to their bodies, their central bodies,
connect with partners the world, debunk lots of underlying suppressed
beliefs from religion and conditioning from parents. And yeah, it
does help people become liberated and their sexual bodies.
Speaker 1 (06:47):
This is exciting. This is exciting, and we're going to
have some exciting chats this morning, There's no doubt about that.
I look forward to that. We're with Morgan Pen this morning.
She's joining us for the show and tomorrow as well.
Speaker 4 (06:57):
Yes, you got me, baby, We've got.
Speaker 1 (06:59):
Two days of more. This is fantastic. This is the
Hurdarchy Breakfast, the.
Speaker 2 (07:02):
Hurarchy Breakfast already Hurdarchy, but that was when.
Speaker 1 (07:08):
Six twenty four on the Hierarchy Breakfast. Morgan Pen joins
us on the show this morning. And Morgan I went
to cold Play last night at Eden Park along with
fifty thousand other New Zealanders.
Speaker 4 (07:18):
Tell me about it.
Speaker 1 (07:19):
Wow, what a show, What a what a spectacular show. Firstly,
you get given these wristbands that sit on your wrist
because they're wristbands, and they have a little a little
computer in them and they light up but they can
talk to each other amazingly, and so they create patterns
all over the ground wherever you are.
Speaker 4 (07:45):
Oh wow, how sober were you just checking about these
wristbands talking to each other?
Speaker 5 (07:50):
Speaker 1 (07:50):
I was as sober as a judge.
Speaker 6 (07:53):
So was the idea that, like the music drops or
something like that, and then there's just a sync up
from all these lights on your rest rant across the
stadium and they would do these amazing kind of light shows.
Speaker 1 (08:01):
Yeah, amazing light shows. So the whole time the sea
of people is a light show. It's amazing. That would
have looked great from the corporate box you were in,
Did it ever?
Speaker 7 (08:12):
Speaker 1 (08:13):
Did it ever? Did you have so you had one
as well? I had one as well. I mean even
the people, the poor people in the corporate box had them.
And so we were sitting there and they would form
little love hearts and things like that in the crowd.
That's actually really cool. Yeah. And then you had you
had three D glasses like you'd have it a three
D movie, and you wore those and all of the
light things were love hearts coming back out. Well, I
love heart three.
Speaker 4 (08:37):
D things going love fist.
Speaker 1 (08:39):
It was a full love fist from Chris Martin, and
he was so appreciative he's so appreciative.
Speaker 4 (08:46):
What was the appreciative of that?
Speaker 1 (08:47):
He's just appreciative of everything. He's so appreciative. He's connected
with the earth.
Speaker 4 (08:52):
Speaker 1 (08:53):
He's got full gratitude, Morgan. He's got so much gratitude
for Altor he's got gratitude or life. He's got gratitude
for the music. He's got gratitude that everybody turned out.
What was he saying to make him so happy to
be there? You know, thankful for everything. He's just smiling
and he's smiling away Heaven such a good time. He
got people up on stage. There was a great moment
I got to say when he got a security guy
up on stage. It was dressed in black, like full
big unit, big salm more and security guy and he
is up on stage and he's sort of and he
put an alien hat on him and he's just sort
of sort of had his arms folded like he was
going to have to stop people from coming up on stage.
Speaker 3 (09:36):
And then.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
Something just like this was was going. What she'll know
at that moment when it dropped, the security guy started
doing like a full dance and he was a proper dancer,
like the full moves and there's a big unit. This
guy with the alien had on. So was I planned
or something like that?
Speaker 5 (09:57):
That must have been sounds like a plant to me.
I don't I don't think that's just genuinely a security gain.
Speaker 1 (10:02):
No, he can't have been. He was too good. It
was so funny, sweets out of tim Coldplay, Eden Park.
Would you give it? Oh? I give it nine?
Speaker 6 (10:10):
Nine's good.
Speaker 1 (10:11):
I give it nine. Who did you go with? Mishigah?
Daughter loved it, she found a goodness loved it. It
was a great father daughter bonding moment. It was. It was.
It was so good.
Speaker 3 (10:22):
I can't believe you sent it a ga though, Jerry
and you just hung out in the corporate box. That sucks, man.
Speaker 1 (10:26):
That's right. No, that's the way it has to work. Yep.
You gotta fly up the front and the kids need
to fly at the back. That's the way that it goes.
Six twenty seven Hurdikuy Brief.
Speaker 7 (10:38):
News, Entertainment, Sports and available everywhere on the radio app Johnny.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
Wells on Radio HURDACKI six thirty one on the Hurdacue Brief,
First time for You. Latest news headlines. Joe Biden and
Donald Trump will have a meeting at the White House.
It's a traditional curtsy courtesy. That the curtsy. I just
imagine I'm standing the seeing each other, but the outgoing
president welcomes the incoming though Trump did not extend that
curtesy to by, of course he didn't.
Speaker 6 (11:08):
So what do the boys come over? They get on
the perse and you know, get a few things around
and the whay you go?
Speaker 1 (11:12):
Is that how that works generally? But Trump doesn't get
on the purse. Just Bides, Bides gets I think Bides
gets on the purse. Surely Bides is a good Catholic boy.
Speaker 6 (11:22):
Yeah, he gives me a bit of a Queen Elizabeth
second vibe and you know, drinking gin right up to
the right up into the day she passes.
Speaker 1 (11:27):
I hope Bides are doing the same. Yeah, Trump, definitely not.
Trump's on the cokes. Trump's on the cokes and the
hikoy protesting the Treaty Principles Bill as continuing to move
closer to parliaments, expected to reach Hamilton's FMG Stadium by
nine this morning, and it's due to arrive in Wellington
next Tuesday. And the black Caps are struggling in their
first od I against Sri Lanka at Dambulla, Sri Lanka,
May three hundred and twenty four for five jeepers before
rain arrived. Before New Zealand were given a target of
two twenty one and twenty seven overs. They currently undred
and fifty two for six, needing another sixty nine off
nineteen bulls to win. So that's exciting stuff that's going
on in a dumb baller there? Who doesn't love her? Oh?
The I Series against Sri Lanka and November the.
Speaker 2 (12:17):
Darchy Breakfast already.
Speaker 1 (12:19):
Darky Morgan Penn joins us on the show this morning,
and it's time for the history of Yesterday Today with
Jeremy James, Drummond Dwells and that's the drummer bass version today.
Isn't that we were so that we were supposed on?
Speaker 6 (12:36):
Morgan, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna have to bring you
in on this the first segment. There's been so much
carnage because I originally wanted to start the segment by
playing this audio behind it.
Speaker 4 (12:45):
Oh God, it's peaceful for the nervous system, isn't it.
Speaker 1 (12:48):
Speaker 6 (12:49):
See, I felt like that was a more of a
historical vibe.
Speaker 1 (12:51):
Oh yeah, shy music.
Speaker 6 (12:53):
Yeah, but Jerry wasn't happy. He preferred something a little
bit more upbeat. He wants to make history more interesting
to the youth, so he decided.
Speaker 1 (12:59):
To go with this. Oh God, so that's why we're here.
So yeah, I know it's tough.
Speaker 4 (13:05):
I'm peaking, but okay.
Speaker 1 (13:06):
Okay, here we go.
Speaker 6 (13:09):
Are you.
Speaker 1 (13:11):
A drum and bass? Was six? What would it be, Morgan?
I reckon that would be sort of fifteen year old sex.
Speaker 4 (13:20):
Oh yeah, doggy style though.
Speaker 6 (13:23):
Yeah, what about this, Morgan? If the show of music
with six? What kind of six would there be?
Speaker 4 (13:28):
That's like draping scarves over each other's bodies, maybe dropping
some wax really slowly. Yeah like that that's my that's
my vibe.
Speaker 1 (13:37):
Yeah, using the flute as a sexual instrument. In eighteen
eighty nine, New York World reporter Nelly Bly begins to
attempt to surpass the fictitious journey of Jules Verns Phillias
Fogg by traveling around the world in less than eighty days.
She succeeded, finishing the trip in seventy two days six hours.
Huge wow, good on Nelly Bly. And nineteen ninety four,
the first public trains run through the English Channel linking
England and France under the English Channel?
Speaker 6 (14:07):
Is that right that Lee Hart participated in the build
of that channel?
Speaker 1 (14:10):
He did? How was he What was he doing?
Speaker 6 (14:13):
Was he feeding like some snake ching used to the
workers or something?
Speaker 1 (14:15):
I No, he was mining. He was mining the channel. Yeah,
Lee Heart mined the channel.
Speaker 4 (14:20):
Speaker 1 (14:21):
Yeah, remarkable with the pick axe. That long ago twenty sixteen,
at two minutes after midnight, a seven point eight earthquake
cuts off the town of cau Colder, raising the sea
bed by four meters. Whoa that was a brutal, brutal earthquake,
that one. Yeah, there was that one nailed Wellington. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (14:41):
Is the sea bed still four meters higher than it
used to be?
Speaker 1 (14:44):
Must be? Wow. Tell you who struggled in the cau
Colder earthquake. That was seals. Oh, because their homes got changed,
all of them in their rocks. They moved. I suppose
didn't they they did. That's a nice one.
Speaker 6 (15:00):
That's a very empathetic way to think about that, Seals. Yeah,
tough one for the Seals, that one, and for those
residents of Guyicada.
Speaker 1 (15:06):
A lot of people say, bugger off back to the sea.
At least they've got the sea. Yeah. True, I wouldn't
say that though, No, you wouldn't. Nineteen ninety one, the
music video for Michael Jackson's song Black or White premiered
simultaneous and simultaneously in twenty seven countries on MTV, Fox, TV,
BBC's Top of the Pops. It featured groundbreaking morphing effects.
It costs six point eight million dollars to make, which,
adjusted for inflation, there's around about fifteen million dollars in
today's money.
Speaker 4 (15:38):
Speaker 1 (15:38):
Good. You wouldn't bother spending that sort of money on
a video, now, would you. God?
Speaker 6 (15:42):
No, was that Quincy Jones?
Speaker 1 (15:44):
Quincy Jones was just passing. No, he wasn't involved with
this one, was it. I don't think Quincy was Black
or White. He might have been, but I think he
was a little earlier. He was more thriller. You're off
the wall sort of vibe. I bet you've got a
lot of feelings on Michael Jackson Morgan.
Speaker 4 (15:58):
I'm kind of holding my tongue. It's problematic. You know,
I love the music, but while we it is deal.
Speaker 1 (16:05):
It is problematic, isn't it? As well? Said? Actually no deal? Yeah? Yeah,
I said our birthdays nineteen forty eight, King Charles the
Third Wow born on this daye in nineteen forty eight,
Is that right? Ninety seventy five, Travis barkab Blank one
eight two Drummer nineteen seventy one, and Chris the Great
Australian book at Keeper Batsman talk to.
Speaker 6 (16:23):
Me, I had Adam Gilchrist Slaznger. I think it was
or an early slender or a pomer Oh yeah, is
my first bat God it was something else. It was
a ballistic I think No, it wasn't. That was the
Brenda McCallum elly bat like. I'll figure it out and
compet to you on that.
Speaker 1 (16:36):
I we'll talk a little bit later on about your
performance yesterday in the nets. Oh let's yeah, please Joey Wheeler,
because there was a lot of talk about that on
the show. So later on I'll tell you to give
you the full review and analysis on mashes batting with
Joey Wheeler dishing up some chin music in the nets.
This is the heart keep brief form.
Speaker 2 (17:00):
What the hurt Ay Breakfast with Jeremy Wells al Radiody.
Speaker 1 (17:04):
Morgan Pen from the six Dot Live podcast joins us
this morning on the show.
Speaker 4 (17:09):
Good Morning so nice to have you with us, Morgan, and.
Speaker 1 (17:12):
I believe that do you want to talk about caterpillars?
Speaker 4 (17:16):
I know this does sound weird, but I love nature.
I believe we are nature, and I'm always looking at
nature for deeper meanings. And I saw this little caterpillar
dangling bites butt on the underside of a leaf. So
it obviously eaten enough to know that it was time
to turn into something.
Speaker 3 (17:35):
Yeah, yes, beautiful.
Speaker 4 (17:37):
And so I caught that moment and I put it
on my Instagram and I filmed it, and I said,
imagine if we all trusted the process. You know, we
don't know what we're doing sometimes, but our body's got
a wisdom that we don't know about. Yes, so dangle
from your butt onnally pretty much what I was saying, right, yeah,
And I had all these people go, oh, that's so beautiful. Yes,
I needed this message today, thank you. Anyways, next morning,
I go out to film the chrysalist to show people like,
look what's coming metamorphous. It's still dangling by it's bart
bart Okay, it hasn't turned ah, okay, there's been a
glitch in the system.
Speaker 1 (18:17):
Hasn't trusted the process.
Speaker 4 (18:18):
No, something's gone wrong.
Speaker 2 (18:20):
Oh no.
Speaker 4 (18:20):
And sometimes it was just like I can't I can't
show this to the world. I've really ramped people up.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
Okay, so what did you do?
Speaker 6 (18:28):
Speaker 4 (18:28):
I just waited, but a bird came.
Speaker 1 (18:32):
Oh no, oh no.
Speaker 3 (18:35):
So while you were waiting, did you film that and
put that online?
Speaker 1 (18:40):
So, so, while you were watching this, this caterpillar attempting
to turn itself into a crystalis and metamorphosize. Yes, and
go through the beautiful process of turning from a horrific
looking caterpillar that can hardly move to a beautiful butterfly
free in the world. It was then eaten hijack by
a bird, yeares. And did the bird come in? Can
you describe the moment that the bird came in and
took the caterpillar? It was a thrush, bloody thrushes.
Speaker 4 (19:12):
Came in looked at it for a long time. I thought,
surely not. No, come on, like this has been going
on for ages. But I don't think they dangle that long.
They're not meant like something was already wrong here yea.
And then and then the bird just came in, did
one foul swoop and like grabbed it, pulled and off
it went.
Speaker 1 (19:34):
That made me realize. So obviously birds do eat caterpillars
because they eat grabs and worms and stuff. Do they
eat crystalisses?
Speaker 4 (19:40):
No, that's safe, that's safe, that's haafe.
Speaker 1 (19:43):
As soon as you're in the crystals, you're saying because
it sort of tastes.
Speaker 4 (19:45):
Disgusting, there's grossness.
Speaker 1 (19:47):
Oh yeah, there'd be grossness going on in there. So
much good, it's so much good. Oh well that it's
beautiful in a sense.
Speaker 4 (19:53):
Well, yeah, but I mean, honestly, like, sometimes we don't
we shouldn't trust the process.
Speaker 3 (19:58):
That was my learning.
Speaker 1 (19:59):
Speaker 6 (20:00):
Do you think we could remove ourselves from the situation
and learn anything else from this news story which took place?
Is there a metaphor in that somewhere?
Speaker 1 (20:08):
Speaker 3 (20:08):
I think probably mashed the fact that the thrush came in,
got the bird and got the caterpillar. Don't forget thrush
the major problem in your life as well.
Speaker 4 (20:17):
Mate, God, that's right, I can help with that.
Speaker 6 (20:21):
Oh cool, they're just come in the house.
Speaker 1 (20:23):
Sometimes I leave the window open. Oh what oh what
the rush are you guys talking about? Yeah? So anyway,
here's the queens of the Stone Age.
Speaker 2 (20:31):
The hod at you breakfast with Jeremy Wells already.
Speaker 1 (20:35):
Just talking about caterpillars because Morgan pen who joins us
on the show this morning, watched a caterpillar attempt to
metamorphosize into a chrysalis, seemed to die or struggle to
do it, and then was eating. You were thinking that
this is such a beautiful moment of life, and then
a bird came down and ate it. A dirty thrush. Yeah,
a dirty, dirty thrush.
Speaker 3 (20:56):
I liked you.
Speaker 4 (20:56):
I liked your perspective on the fact that that caterpillar
did eventually get to fly.
Speaker 1 (21:02):
Yes, it did. It did. It was in the beak
of a thrush, dead, but it did fly with them,
you know, And it didn't even have to expend any
energy to do that.
Speaker 4 (21:11):
That's right.
Speaker 1 (21:11):
It was taken on a nice little trap by a
thrush into its stomach and then and then it was
through its reproductive system, not through through its digestive system,
not reprodictive system. That would be weird, that would be
real weird. And then it was probably spat out there
at the back end of the thrush, and it flew
again through the air.
Speaker 4 (21:29):
It really is the circle of life, and then down
onto the ground.
Speaker 6 (21:32):
It's beautiful for that, absolutely beautiful. This is what happens
when you go to coldplay because you start thinking about these.
Speaker 1 (21:38):
Things coming up. The sure fire way to prevent shark attacks.
There's a new bit of research out about what you
can put on the bottom of your board that will
stop a giant, great white chart coming up and eating it.
Also how to cook the perfect jacket potato, and Morgan
pen joins us. There's going to be a lot more
chat wide ranging generally starts to involve sex at some point,
I hope.
Speaker 4 (22:03):
So that's what I'm not here for, but I am
here for this.
Speaker 1 (22:06):
I'm here for it too. This is the Hurdarchy Breakfast.
Speaker 2 (22:17):
The Hurdarchy Breakfast with Jeremy Wells on Radio Hurdarchy, News, Entertainment,
sport and music. There ares available everywhere on the iHeart
Radio app. Jeremy Wells on Radio Hurdarchy.
Speaker 1 (22:32):
Nice to have you with us this morning on The
Hurdarchy Breakfast, Thursday, the fourteenth of November twenty twenty four.
Mash's hair pushing the buttons.
Speaker 6 (22:39):
Forty nine sleeps till Christmas. Jerry, if you were wondering,
forty nine is that right now?
Speaker 7 (22:43):
Speaker 1 (22:44):
Or forty nine days. Actually, I don't even know why
have I done this?
Speaker 6 (22:49):
I saw something on the New Zealand held yesterday and
it said fifty sleeps. I think sorry the thing that
they won't didn't say. I think I think it said
fifty sleeps with sorry. I shouldn't have that. Good morning Jerry,
how are you made?
Speaker 1 (23:01):
Happy? Thursday Morning? Morgan, Morning, Morning, Morning Morgan here six
dot Live from the six dot Life podcast joins us
on the show this morning. So nice to have you
on the show.
Speaker 4 (23:13):
Speaker 1 (23:14):
Good Morgan. So some big news are regarding a whole
lot of stuff, including the Dunedin Craft Beer and Food Festival.
Whether you're still nursing a hangover? Is that coming up
in the show? That's coming up a little later on
the show spoilers is yes, I am okay, We'll have
answered that question. Also, we need to discuss a review
of how you performed yesterday and the cricket nets.
Speaker 6 (23:39):
I'm mayby to do that and I'm happy to discuss
it with Morgan pen as well, member of six dot Life,
the Great podcast and Morgan, we had a big day yesterday.
For the last couple of weeks, he has been an
ongoing thing. Long story short as I took to the
cricket nets yesterday and we oh.
Speaker 4 (23:52):
Right, balls flying everywhere, I assure.
Speaker 1 (23:54):
Yeah. When you think Morgan, when you think cricket nets,
do you think sex?
Speaker 4 (23:59):
Yes, coopboxes, that's what I think about.
Speaker 1 (24:05):
Yeah, oddly enough I do.
Speaker 4 (24:10):
Let's unpack that.
Speaker 1 (24:11):
There's a lot to unpack.
Speaker 2 (24:12):
There the Hurdarchy Breakfast ALREADYO Hurdarchy.
Speaker 1 (24:16):
Morgan pen is with us this morning, and Morgan. Inside
of the doc that we run here on the Hidachey Breakfast,
people contribute their ideas of what they're going to talk
about at certain things, and in front of me here
it says Morgan would like to talk about conscious silent
speed dating. Yeah, there's so much to unpack and those
four words conscious silent speed dating.
Speaker 4 (24:41):
I'm willing to share some weirdness with you.
Speaker 1 (24:43):
What is it?
Speaker 4 (24:44):
Well, let me just preface this by saying, I'm single
and I've decided it is time to choose my mate
in life. Okay, and I'm taking this seriously. So I'm
willing to put myself into some weird situations to find
my mate. And the thing is, I know that I'm
going to require a pretty hearty man to handle me
a lucky man, but a hearty man.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
Speaker 4 (25:08):
So I thought, I'm going to put myself out in
some a different, a different space. I heard about this
thing called conscious silent speed dating, and I thought great,
because when I meet people for the first time, they
say what do you do? And then when I say
I'm a sexologist, they don't understand there's a judgment straight away.
They might sexualize me. You know, it's a big piece.
So I thought, great, if I get to date and
I don't have to talk brilliant.
Speaker 1 (25:35):
Wow. Okay, because when you said conscious silent speed dating
and you thought great. When I heard conscious silence speed dating,
I was completely confused. I thought, how do you how
do you date in silence? And why would it be conscious?
And has anyone ever had an unconscious date? But what's
the opposite of conscious dating?
Speaker 4 (25:55):
Like alcohol? Sort of just talking about surface thing?
Speaker 1 (26:00):
Ah? Okay, yeah, so talk us through. Have you been
on a conscious silence speed date yet? Yeah? What happens?
Speaker 4 (26:06):
So there's fifteen people, fifteen men, fifteen women, and you
have five minutes each and there's somebody on the mic
like telling you what to do when you sit in
front of this new person and So there are things
like eye gazing. Oh yeah, just intimate with a stranger.
Speaker 1 (26:20):
Yeah, hell yeah.
Speaker 4 (26:23):
There is sharing a circular breath, so one person goes
in and then out and then that person like inhales
their exhale.
Speaker 1 (26:32):
Quite creepy from your Okay, so you're inhaling their cabin dioxide. Yeah, okay,
Well you'll learn a lot from someone from.
Speaker 4 (26:39):
That, that's right.
Speaker 1 (26:40):
Speaker 4 (26:40):
Did they brush their teeth?
Speaker 1 (26:41):
Yeah, absolutely, do their floss.
Speaker 5 (26:43):
Speaker 4 (26:44):
There was touching, so you'd like mirror each other's hands.
There was dancing. There was blindfolding. There was one exercise
where you had to take somebody on your ideal date,
but just with actions.
Speaker 1 (26:58):
Okay, and what did you do? And that's what you are?
Do you feel comfortable in sharing that you asked this one.
Speaker 4 (27:03):
Because all I did was grab the man and put
them on the ground and snuggled into him and I said,
with my eyes were in bed, that's your ideal date.
Speaker 6 (27:14):
Look, I'm not going to speak on behalf of this
this bloke, but I'm sure he was probably quite happy
with that situation.
Speaker 4 (27:19):
Yeah, he was STOTD.
Speaker 6 (27:20):
So for a couple of hours or something like that,
it was a good couple of hours.
Speaker 4 (27:26):
And so after each date, we each had an envelope
and you had little bits of paper and you'd you
have to write a note to every person and say
like thank you, well, no dancing with you or cute eyes.
I got heaps of things like you're a goddess. I
could look into your eyes for hours, touch me again.
And then you'd put your number if you wanted to
connect with that person. And so afterwards you take little
notes and you'd look at them at home, right, you
wouldn't look at them there, so you wouldn't know how
many numbers you've got. And well, yes, but I connected deeply.
Speaker 5 (27:59):
With to me.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
Okay, out of how many fifteen Okay, that's not great numbers,
well not great percentages.
Speaker 4 (28:07):
Fourteen men gave me their number. O.
Speaker 6 (28:10):
Nice work, Morgan pen Come on, I think you were
going to say, fourteen gave me their number.
Speaker 1 (28:15):
And they were all the ones that I didn't that
I didn't like. No, they weren't.
Speaker 4 (28:19):
No, they weren't.
Speaker 1 (28:20):
Were the ones that you connected deeply with? Did they
give you your number as well?
Speaker 4 (28:23):
Speaker 1 (28:23):
There a good job.
Speaker 4 (28:25):
Come on, I went on a date with red pants.
Speaker 1 (28:28):
Okay, we need to tell you.
Speaker 6 (28:29):
Oh, I love to hear about the day with red pants.
There's the interesting start. You wore red pants to a date.
Speaker 2 (28:37):
The hod Achy Breakfast with Jeremy Wells Alradiodi.
Speaker 1 (28:41):
Joined by Morgan pen from the six Dot Life podcast
this morning and Morgan, you were just telling us about
this conscious silence speed dating that you've been doing. You
ended up matching up with a couple of people, got
the numbers of a couple of people, one of them
one of them who you liked. You decided to go
on a date with I did.
Speaker 4 (29:02):
We had had so once the speed dating was over,
you were actually allowed to talk, and so I had
a little conversation with this man who told me he goes.
I felt the dark feminine from you. I thought, oh god,
here we go. He's got some buzzwords.
Speaker 1 (29:16):
You know what's the dark What is the dark feminine?
Speaker 4 (29:19):
It's sort of an archetype talking about the primal, the wild,
the kind of there's an so when I teach woman
how to get into their primal selves, sometimes it is
about this darker feminine. Because we've been taught to be
nice girls. Some people please it. So the dark feminine
doesn't give a shit about that kind of stuff. She's
ready to just okay, fight here, okay.
Speaker 2 (29:42):
You know.
Speaker 4 (29:43):
So we had a conversation about this, and I said,
sometimes I'll direct a woman to go to the supermarket,
find a delicious, juicy piece of fruit, take it home,
get nude, get in the shower, and let it be messy.
Speaker 1 (29:56):
Oh wow, okay, right, so he said, let's go to.
Speaker 4 (29:59):
A super market right now, and I said.
Speaker 1 (30:02):
Oh whoa, hey ho, okay, hold on, So just a question.
Is this the guy with red pants?
Speaker 4 (30:07):
This is red pants? Okay, this is the red pants?
I said, well no, sorry, like, wait, too far, too soon,
I'm tired, I'm going home. Anyways, we make a date, right,
he books me for dinner. So we're going out to
dinner and I think we're walking along and then he
directs me into this Asian supermarket. Oh no, oh no,
And he starts perusing the fruit aisle and I start thinking,
oh my god, our conversation about the fruit, Oh my god.
And he starts going, do you think this would be
a good No?
Speaker 1 (30:41):
No, is he wearing red pants at the stage.
Speaker 4 (30:42):
No, he was wearing like, like beige.
Speaker 1 (30:46):
He's gone from red to beige. Yep. Okay, so you're
in whoa.
Speaker 4 (30:51):
He picks up this piece of dragon fruit, dragon fruit.
Do you know what color it is inside a dragon fruit?
Speaker 6 (30:59):
Speaker 1 (31:01):
Yes, pants, I need to get an image of it.
Speaker 4 (31:06):
They quite a spiky fru They look spiky, but they're
actually soft.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
Okay, okay, yes.
Speaker 4 (31:13):
He picks it up and I go, no, no, you're not,
are you? And he said, I'm going to show you
my dark feminine Oh wow. And he just took this
big chunk, he bit into it and smashed it all
around his face.
Speaker 1 (31:29):
The Asian supermarket, in the Asian.
Speaker 4 (31:32):
Superman, Asian supermarket, all the.
Speaker 1 (31:34):
Types of supermarket to do this, and an Asian supermarket.
Speaker 4 (31:38):
No racist, reeks of racism, shoplifting.
Speaker 1 (31:42):
Clean up an aisle four anyway, So he's, hey, that's
a good point. Criminals dragging fruit at the stage.
Speaker 4 (31:48):
No, he paid for it afterwards, and he bought his
own wit wipes. He cleaned it up. He was so prepared.
Speaker 1 (31:53):
I thought about it for so long. He'd been planning
this all day. Wow, you hadn't even started the date yet.
Speaker 4 (31:59):
Not well, yeah, we were right at the start.
Speaker 3 (32:01):
How long between the speed dating and when you went
on this date? A week he could have been go
think about it psycho.
Speaker 4 (32:11):
He planned it, and I just stood there going I can't.
I could not find you less sexy if I tried.
Speaker 1 (32:17):
How was the second date? Oh?
Speaker 3 (32:19):
Sorry, no't And you'd.
Speaker 1 (32:21):
Made You'd made a reasonably deep connection with this man
in the conscious silent speed dating.
Speaker 4 (32:25):
Yes, and I thought this guy was great?
Speaker 1 (32:28):
Wow wow?
Speaker 6 (32:30):
So what if we lent there? Morgan never dated guy
with redpair?
Speaker 1 (32:33):
Is it the Red Pants?
Speaker 7 (32:35):
News, entertainment, sports and music available everywhere on the radio
out Johnny Wells on Radio Dacky.
Speaker 1 (32:43):
Seven thirty two on the Herdicke Breakfast Time for your
latest news headlines. US President Joe Biden has been hosting
President elect Donald Trump at the White House this morning
for a meeting design to demonstrate a smooth transition between administrations.
That's despite Trump's team not yet having signed documents to
start the hand of a process. And Auckland Christmas tradition
is returning this year, but with some changes. Franklin Rode
residents have decorated their homes with lights for many years.
This year, it'll run from December seventh, but residents will
switch their lights off earlier at around ten pm. Oh
that's not okay, what's hardly getting dark. Morgan, you love it.
You love a Christmas light, don't you.
Speaker 4 (33:23):
Mom love a Christmas light, and that street is magical.
Speaker 6 (33:27):
But at ten o'clock, yeah, it's a heartbreak of that.
Speaker 1 (33:29):
I know you'll you're close to this area of town.
It's my route. Excuse me, it's my route. You oh
your route? It's my route. Franklin Road's my route. You're rout? Yeah,
my route. I ride and walk that route every day
multiple times. Next head line, I know Franklin Road light.
I know my own downstairs.
Speaker 8 (33:50):
Tell me about some cricket and Sri Lanka back to
the cricket have won the opening One day cricket International
against the is Land at Dunballa forty five runs of
duck with he gets a crap?
Speaker 1 (34:02):
Wait what is it? Was a rain delate or something? No,
you seem to have like read the first three words
of their hidden Yes, one.
Speaker 2 (34:12):
Who cares the breakfast a radio.
Speaker 1 (34:16):
Morgan Pin from the six Dot Live podcast joins us
on the show. This morning. We've been talking about all
sorts of things, including dragon fruit, dates with dudes with
red pants yep, butterflies failing to metamorphosize before eating, and
getting eaten by thrushes. And now we're moving on to
jacket potatoes and the best way to cock a jacket potato,
because quick, quick, go around the room here, who's into
a jacket potato? No?
Speaker 4 (34:46):
No, not me, Morgan, night meshed meshed?
Speaker 1 (34:50):
Well, Mesh, do you like a jacket potato? Ah?
Speaker 6 (34:53):
Sorry, I'm districted by what Morgan just said about for
throwing meshed potatoes.
Speaker 1 (34:56):
Yes, I love a jacke potato.
Speaker 6 (34:57):
That's ironic, because Mash, well not, I don't exclusively, you know,
but I do love a jacket potato. I think that beautiful.
I think if you had enough oil on them, crisping
them up, beautiful. Okay, so that's how you do a
jacket well, I mean in the very you know, kind
of diluted down way. I mean, I can add some
more details. I'd like some salt in there if I can.
I prefer a bit of cheese in there as well.
But I'm sure you're about to tell me how to
cook the jackie potato.
Speaker 1 (35:25):
How did you know? Three easy steps to a brilliant
baked potato. Okay, here it strap yourself in, Morgan, choose
the right potato, Morgan, very important, I can't.
Speaker 4 (35:39):
Even pick a man. How can I pick a potato?
Speaker 1 (35:41):
Well, it's simple, Aria, and I've gone a long on
the on the syllable sound, on the vowel sound there.
Speaker 6 (35:50):
Of Ah, yes, I don't think that's how you're supposed
to pronounce it sounds nice. It does sound nice if
you say that. So you're recommending an argue potato always
for us?
Speaker 1 (36:02):
Oh? Nice? Okay, So you want one with a fluffy center.
That's important. How do you know, good question, Morgan pen
How do you know because it's an area and they
have a fluffy center, do they? Honestly? Yeah? You don't
want a waxy kind of a thing.
Speaker 4 (36:19):
Are they known for their fluffy center?
Speaker 1 (36:21):
Yeah, you don't want a waxy don't avoid the waxy.
Avoid the I mean a jersey Benny. That too small anyway,
So you get the fluffy one. Oh, someone's saying a
Maris Pipers or King Edwards. That's interesting. Okay, I'd go
with an Aga. Yes. Then you've got to prepare the skin.
This is important. You've gotta be careful to prick the skins. Well,
you've got to use a fork and prick the skin,
otherwise it ends up doing that weird sort of puffy thing.
Speaker 4 (36:46):
This is something I can attest to. Really, you always
got to prepare the skin, really, so hang on.
Speaker 5 (36:51):
So you hold a potato and then you prick it
with a fork yep, okay in several places, mash.
Speaker 1 (36:56):
Yeah, yeah, not just on the top, around the place,
and that way just releases a little bit of the
a little bit of the steam.
Speaker 6 (37:03):
Does that sound right to you, Morgan pen h this
is the the lines, okay.
Speaker 1 (37:07):
And then so you want to obviously you're going to
wash the potatoes. So for the crispiest skin, you want
to prick it it evenly, and then you want to
sprinkle it generously with flaky sea salt while steal damp
yes and some cockxext. You recommend oiling the skin, mash you,
I know you're a big fan of oiling the skin.
Boiling the skin, but that actually can result in a
slightly chewy shell rather than a crunchy crass. Interesting, so
that's where you've gone wrong in your mind. Then baked
directly on the shelf, pre hit the oven to two
twenty fan bake twenty fan bake two twenty fan bake,
cook for at least an hour, turning two or three
times until the skinners crunchy all over this and the
potato gives when lightly squeezed, So that's important. You just
want it to give slightly to the touch, firm but
not completely mashed up, but still a little bit firm,
but a little bit sort of holding its constitution. Now
this is the time of the show.
Speaker 6 (37:58):
I have to remind people that it's an order medium,
and what you were doing there is describing that firm
constitution of potato. Was you were kind of fondling what
looked like, I don't know, some situation.
Speaker 1 (38:08):
Is this how you'd cook a potato Jerry if it
was up to you, No, interestingly, I wouldn't. Well, how
would you do it? Completely differently I'd go, I'd go,
I go fryer, yep, I split it down the middle,
open her up, oiler up. By nobody's business. The better, yep, wetter,
the better. Chucks and butts on the back on the
outside of it. So what are the butts buts? You know,
butter butts, salt and pepper butts it up and then
cut it down the middle and then threw the more
butter in the middle of it, and then some cheese
in there, and then I'll tell you what I'd do,
and this is controversial, but I'd put some baked beans
in there. Oh my god. It's sort of having something
how you cooking your baked potatoes. Would love to it's
having a problem baked potatoes. It's delicious. The problem is delicious.
Speaker 2 (39:03):
Breakfast All Radio.
Speaker 1 (39:05):
Morgan pen from the six Dot Life podcast joins us
this morning. It's been nice to have you, Morgan.
Speaker 4 (39:11):
We're having fun, aren't we playing with each other?
Speaker 1 (39:13):
We are, We're having so much fun playing with each
oesn't playing with potatoes? Yes? And dragon fruit hmm, and chrysalises.
There's a lot of feedback about baked potatoes. I've got
to say about one hundred texts.
Speaker 6 (39:25):
You brought up some perverted way of making a baked
potato because you found it on the insid Herald.
Speaker 1 (39:30):
I think, Jerry, is that right?
Speaker 6 (39:31):
And you described how you're supposed to make a baked
potato and baked potato sorry, and people are fired up
on the text machine.
Speaker 1 (39:36):
Yeah, and that's I guess that. I guess there's a
difference between the baked potato and the jacket potato, is there? Yeah?
Is there a difference? Is Morgan?
Speaker 4 (39:44):
I think so the baked potatoes very minimal, requires less,
less effer at all. It's very humble.
Speaker 1 (39:51):
And then the jacket is the one that you're stuffing.
Speaker 4 (39:54):
Yeah, that's right. What's to show off and flash its
jacket to everybody?
Speaker 1 (39:57):
Yeah? I think the baked potatoes the missionary position of potatoes,
or what is the boiled potato the missionary position?
Speaker 4 (40:05):
Oh, maybe it is, you're right.
Speaker 1 (40:07):
And then I think the jacket potato is probably you know,
reverse cowgirl jacket. Okay, a little bit of something like
your roast buddy or something like that. Morgan pen.
Speaker 4 (40:20):
Oh, well, that's really lubed up. You know, that has
to be oiled on all angles. So that's quite slip
and sliding that one.
Speaker 1 (40:28):
We can come back to that one, flat dog, I'd say. So,
there's been a lot of texts my baked potato, chili
con Cahn, Colby Jack cheese yep, yeah, and a PLoP
of sour cream. Oh yes, yeah, yeah, we forgot about
the sour cream and a little bit of chive. If
you just a little bit of chive goes a long way,
shows a bit of love. How do you feel about
four four two? Here?
Speaker 6 (40:56):
Agent four four two leaned heavily into the jack potato.
When I lived in London, cheese and beans was one option.
Cheese and coleslaw was another option. Also, chakobatatuna mix and
cottage cheese so good. Cottage cheese is the cottage cheese,
the part that gives you the he bee.
Speaker 1 (41:11):
I'm not a fan of cottage cheese. I'm sorry, and
I understand some people love cottage cheese, and each to
their own. My partner told he loves cottage cheese. I
can't buy it a cottage cheese. It just reminds me
of something bad.
Speaker 4 (41:23):
It's chunky, you know what it reminds.
Speaker 1 (41:25):
It's got a I'm.
Speaker 4 (41:27):
Picking up what you're putting in.
Speaker 1 (41:28):
Yeah, I don't even think we need to talk about it.
At seven fifty one.
Speaker 6 (41:31):
Okay, well, what about this tixster here team and look
controversial but maybe extually accurate. A well executed jacket potato
is only a five out of ten at.
Speaker 1 (41:38):
Best, Jerry, I won't excuse me. That person can pass
off because no, absolutely not. Well, that person hasn't had
a well executed jacket potato. Clearly, if they're saying five
out of ten, the.
Speaker 2 (41:50):
Hood you breakfast with Jeremy Wells. Already Entertainment sports.
Speaker 7 (42:00):
Is available everywhere on the Freddy You're Out.
Speaker 2 (42:03):
Johnny Wells.
Speaker 1 (42:06):
Welcome along to the heart of Gibree Press Thursday to
fourteenth of November twenty twenty four. Meshes on the buttons
as always.
Speaker 6 (42:12):
Yes, there's always, And about this time an hour ago,
I made a catastrophic mistake and I say that it
was about fifty sleeps till Christmas. A text to got
in touch and said it's forty one. So I'm not
quite sure how I was so far off, but yes,
happy forty one sleep till Christmas to you, mister Wells.
Speaker 1 (42:28):
How did you get that so barely wrong? Meshing? Oh,
I can tell you how.
Speaker 6 (42:31):
Actually, it's because I saw a New Zealand hero post
and then I realized that that was from actually eight
days ago.
Speaker 1 (42:36):
One job, Mashy, one job. I make sure I get
that right from here on out. And Morgan Penn from
the six Dot Life podcast joins us on the show
this morning.
Speaker 4 (42:44):
Nice to have you with us, Oh, I think you're
so lovely to be here.
Speaker 1 (42:47):
It's been fascinating. It's been absolutely fascinating, particularly around the
Red Pants story with your date with Philip Polkinghorn.
Speaker 4 (42:58):
Don't say that.
Speaker 1 (43:00):
Wagg and fruit lots coming up this morning.
Speaker 2 (43:03):
They breakfast already.
Speaker 1 (43:06):
So, Mesh, you've had a few days to recover from
the Duneeding Craft Beer and Food Festival, which you attended
over the weekend.
Speaker 6 (43:12):
Yes, I was just saying to Prebs and our content
direct depicts kembe out in the office that I think
today is the day.
Speaker 1 (43:18):
That I'm back. You're back.
Speaker 6 (43:19):
Yeah, A three and a half hour nap this afternoon.
I had a sorry yesterday afternoon. You have big sleep
last night, and now I'm feeling fine.
Speaker 1 (43:26):
Yeah. Morgan pen joins us on the show this morning. Morgan,
do you reckon? Mash looks fine?
Speaker 4 (43:31):
No, his eyes tell a very different story too.
Speaker 1 (43:34):
I've got a bit of a bag out of the
ice situation going on.
Speaker 4 (43:37):
They're kind of going different directions.
Speaker 6 (43:39):
Going different restory, Jesus, they kind of do that though sometimes.
But also they are a little red. Well they noticed that.
I mean, that's just you know, months and years of stress, Jerry.
Speaker 1 (43:51):
What it is that is? So there were great bross,
incredible food, there was live entertainment, great news hilland is
all under the one roof at ForSight bar Stadium. And
since a lot of people are excited for next year's event,
we have got some great news. There is a very
limited batch of early bird tickets for the twenty twenty
five to Need and Craft Beer and Food Festival. Oh
and they're available at a discounted rate for a limited
time only.
Speaker 6 (44:20):
I want to jump in there and buy my ticket
now because I can't wait to get big down there
to Dune this after the last weekend again, I know
it took me three days to recover, but I had
such a good time.
Speaker 1 (44:28):
Jay, I can't believe they made you pay for a ticket.
I mean, this is the thing. Well, they're promoting the
Dnedin Craft Beer and Food Festival the years you're there
helping radio home again, they made you pay for a ticket. Ah.
Speaker 6 (44:39):
Look, I don't know how it works, and I'll be
I'm happy to announce that I didn't have to pay
for the one this year. I'm hoping not to pay
for the one next year, but if it comes to that,
I would spend my heart and money on the Berfest.
Speaker 1 (44:50):
Fal It's a good time. Yeah, thank you, There's no
doubt about it. So tickets is going to go fast.
Secure yours today by visiting Dunedin Beerfest dot co dot Nz.
Speaker 6 (44:59):
Do you my time and done is Morgan Pen?
Speaker 4 (45:01):
Yeah, I've got a brother down there. Oh no, make
it down there.
Speaker 1 (45:04):
Speaker 4 (45:04):
It's like an injection of youth and wildness, a lot
of youth down there.
Speaker 1 (45:09):
There's a youth, youthful energy about Dunedin and you really
only know it when you go there when the students.
Speaker 4 (45:17):
Aren't there, and then it's like Oldville.
Speaker 1 (45:20):
It's so different. It has such a different energy.
Speaker 4 (45:23):
Do you kind of regress when you go there? Like
does something unlock and you just become naughty?
Speaker 1 (45:27):
Yeah, there is there is something about that. I detected
it when I was down there last week and I
could see look at me smiling away. He was he
was like heightened careful as she was heightened. At twenty five,
the pheromones were going crazy. Everything was going nuts, firing.
Speaker 2 (45:46):
Off you breakfast with Jeremy Wells Alradio.
Speaker 1 (45:51):
Morgan Pen from the six dot Life podcast joins us
this morning. You want to talk a little bit about
toilet etiquette, Morgan Well I had a.
Speaker 4 (45:57):
Very strange encounter at the mall the other day. I
went to go for a piddle and are sitting there,
and I can feel a sneeze brewing, and you know,
we're quite scared of sneezes as a society since COVID.
You know, we're like, oh god, you know, so you
normally like minimize them and keep them to yourself. But
I thought, I'm going to toilet cubicle, I'm gonna let rip,
and so I did a big, hearty, noisy sneeze and
then I heard this bless you what.
Speaker 1 (46:24):
A male voice from the next door.
Speaker 4 (46:25):
No, sorry, that was kind so it was definitely a female,
but I did not to do so I went into
this is what came out of me, girl, kind of
like a mister Bean type.
Speaker 1 (46:50):
I don't know you thanked the person for blessing you?
Speaker 6 (46:53):
Yes, thank you, because I didn't know, like what I
trying to think that what happens? And just you know,
when you're not in a toilet cubicle, if someone says
blessed you, do you say thank you?
Speaker 1 (47:02):
Normally? I think so I would. It's an old one
to bless to say bless you and on that particular
on that particular bodily function. But if you sort of
released your bows, some of thee would say bless you
at that particular moment. No, it's true, but a sneeze.
I that's an interesting question whether or not you should
say bless you as a next door cubiculer?
Speaker 6 (47:26):
Speaker 1 (47:27):
Would you? Morgan?
Speaker 6 (47:27):
Do you think if the person you know next to
you this sounded like, admittedly a little bit like a
dude sneezed. Why was there a dude in the next
door cubicles?
Speaker 1 (47:37):
I was worried about this, as you should be. But
you know, it wasn't a confessionary. It wasn't a confessional.
Was it excellently stumbled upon inside of it all?
Speaker 4 (47:46):
There? I think if I was in a weird mood
and someone did a sneeze, you know, a faceless sneeze
or in a toilet cubicle, I would say bless you?
What you're feeling weird? Okay, to make it weird, but
I can't believe someone out weirded me.
Speaker 1 (48:04):
Are you a bless you person? Because I think you're
either a bless you or a non bless you. You're
either a blesser or a non blesser. I'm not a blessing.
Speaker 4 (48:11):
You're not a blessing.
Speaker 1 (48:12):
I'm not a blessing.
Speaker 6 (48:12):
Why are your blesser? I don't bless Okay, I think
I bless more than you bless.
Speaker 4 (48:17):
It depends, like if it's quite an out there, I'll
just use that as a bless you like a bit judge.
Speaker 1 (48:25):
No one needs to sneeze that loudly. Yeah okay, right, yeah,
no I I I'm not a blesser.
Speaker 4 (48:31):
What happens if people bless you? How do you receive that?
Speaker 1 (48:34):
Oh? Thanks? Thanks? Thinks because isn't it superstitious?
Speaker 4 (48:41):
It's because the plague.
Speaker 1 (48:42):
Yeah right, it's because you think it's it's spirits coming out.
Speaker 4 (48:46):
Yeah, if you've got the sneezels, you're off to die.
Speaker 1 (48:50):
Yeah right, okay, Yeah. I actually just when you're talking about,
you know, really letting go of a sneeze, it's just
sort of reminded me of maybe I'm a real like
I let go of every sneeze. Oh I'm a sneezer.
So I sneeze. I sneeze. So when you sneeze, you
can't do one of those, you know, like in the
mouth toop of sneeze. I don't do that. You'd have
to go fully out like a chew. Yeah. I don't
believe them everywhere. Yeah, I don't believe in repressing a
sneeze that must feel lovely. I'm not repressing put I'll
put my hand over my nose, you know, like that.
I'm not blocking it, yeah, but I'm putting my hand
over to make sure that the spread of you know, mucas,
is contained of whats ucas.
Speaker 6 (49:30):
I feel like you're not quite getting that right. Okay,
I'm happy to play through muecas. Yeah, okay, so you
put your hand over your not what happens when the
mucus the mucus.
Speaker 1 (49:39):
If it comes out onto your hand, what are you
doing that your shorts? Absolutely, I'm just being honest.
Speaker 2 (49:47):
They breakfast already.
Speaker 1 (49:49):
Morgan pen from six Dot Life is in this morning.
It's good opportunity, Morgan to run a couple of theories
past you that I have. Oh god, okay, and the
ser I talked to you about earlier on off here,
and I just started telling you about my theory around them. Yes,
and long time listeners to the show will know this
theory already. Mes she knows about this theory. Can I leave?
Speaker 4 (50:15):
No, do not leave me alone in this Okay?
Speaker 1 (50:18):
How do you want to leave?
Speaker 6 (50:19):
I've just heard it so many times. And Morgan, look
You're in for a real treat here. But I do
you know annoyingly, I am interested on hearing your opinion
on it, because you'll skip to callamp your mesh before
we start this theory.
Speaker 1 (50:30):
You'll skip. You know, the theory I'm about to talk about.
Is it the ups and down the upstis downstairs theory. Okay, yes,
I'm familiar with the upstairs downstairs correlation theory.
Speaker 6 (50:38):
And the reason why I've got anessuy with the person
is because I'm not one hundred percent sure at the
validity of it in my situation.
Speaker 1 (50:43):
But anyway, well, I mean, I can talk you through
your situation if you want to. We can investigate. You
will not be mentioning my mother this morning on nationally.
We can investigate, but that will require some honest communication
around your dad and sexy Saucy Susy. But anyway, it's
not deal with that, right.
Speaker 4 (51:01):
It is coming.
Speaker 1 (51:01):
Yeah. So my theory, Morgan, yes, is that there is
a relationship between the upstairs operation of a female and
the downstairs operation of a male in terms of size.
Speaker 6 (51:14):
I just want to take this time to say good
morning to the kids that are on their way to
school as well well. You think about that, Morgan.
Speaker 1 (51:20):
Yes, this is just basic biology. Mesh. There's nothing to
be ashamed of here.
Speaker 6 (51:25):
Yeah, I mean far away because everyone does when they
first hear this, Morgan.
Speaker 5 (51:28):
Speaker 4 (51:28):
Right, So you think that people are attracted to each
other that have got the same sized bits.
Speaker 1 (51:35):
No, I'm not. No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying
that the that the male downstairs, yes, genetically can be
passed on in terms of size through a female's.
Speaker 4 (51:47):
Upstairs off for Pete's sakes.
Speaker 1 (51:50):
So there is a correlation between the upstairs and the
downstairs because the males downstairs can manifest size wise, can
manifest itself that if that, if that DNAs passed through
your female will manifest itself in a female's upstairs operation.
I'm speechless, man, Oh, you don't think this is you're
preparing my theory.
Speaker 2 (52:14):
I am.
Speaker 4 (52:14):
I just can't understand how this could be a thing.
I mean, the fat deposits and a breast are very
different from what makes up the structure of genitals.
Speaker 1 (52:23):
That's true. But you have a look at different ethnicities, yes,
and the correlation between the downstairs and the upstairs is significant. Right.
Speaker 6 (52:35):
So what you're saying, Jerry is that there might actually
not be a genetic pass on.
Speaker 1 (52:39):
There's just clearly a correlation between there's a correlation, right, Okay,
So and and see now more than you're starting, you're
starting to think about this now. And that's why I
want you to. You know, if you look at numb,
you look at you look at sizes of male downstairs
across different countries, and there are there are tables. I
don't know how they scientifically have proved.
Speaker 4 (53:05):
Thinking about Africa, well, yes.
Speaker 6 (53:08):
I mean we can start, absolutely, we can. We can
start in Africa.
Speaker 1 (53:11):
And I think I'm pretty sure the Democratic Republic of
Congo is as reasonably large, you know, when it comes
to male downstairs, and I think there's a correlation to
the female upstairs in that situation where you are running
often females with rather Now we think about our Asian
brothers and sisters. Yes, and much smaller upstairs operations in
the female and definitely smaller in the downstairs in the male.
Speaker 4 (53:41):
Yes, that's facts. That's fact.
Speaker 1 (53:44):
These are facts.
Speaker 6 (53:45):
So if we find interesting a table that has the
average upstairs operation and a table that has the average
downstairs operation, and if they sink up, will we be
able to prove this theory, or.
Speaker 1 (53:56):
I think we're on the way to proving our theory. Okay,
I'll do some research. The theory has some other parts
to it as well.
Speaker 2 (54:03):
Of course the breakfast already.
Speaker 1 (54:07):
Morgan Penn's sex ologist joins us this morning on the
Hardeche Breakfast. We've been talking about my upstairs downstairs Genitalia
correlation theory.
Speaker 6 (54:17):
Just so everyone's on the same page, it's essentially right,
Jerry that the mother's upstairs operation probably correlates or in
your theory, directly correlates to the size of her son's downstairs.
Speaker 1 (54:28):
A can do, but not necessarily, but it is possible
to Okay, An it comes from either your mother your
downstairs are your upstairs operations either come from your mother
or your father. And if they come from your father,
they'll come from the size of the downstairs operation. If
they come from the mother, then they'll come from the
size of the upstairs operation. That's my upstairs downstairs correlation theory.
Here's a text yet to be proven scientifically. Let me
be clear about this, just a theory. Correlation is not causation,
says a sixer. I have a massive downstairs operation and
my daughter has a tiny upstairs operation. Well, what I'd
like to say that's from Mike. Well, what I'd like
to say from Mike is does your partner have a
large or small upstairs operation?
Speaker 6 (55:11):
It's the question because are you suggesting that maybe his
daughter might not have received the gift of genetics that
he had in terms of you know, well endowed operation.
Speaker 1 (55:20):
Well, we're talking to him, you're speaking here well endowed
the gifted. We're saying that that's a good thing. True.
We're not judging often is I am not judging?
Speaker 4 (55:28):
Sorry, genital shaming in this room.
Speaker 1 (55:30):
No, that's a very good point to Thank you very much, Mesh. Okay, mate,
it's thank you Mesh. All Right. I know what you're
trying to do there, but I'm not trying to do
But anyway, Yeah, I think that I would like to
know Mike's partners upstairs operation. You cannot say that I
would I like to know it. I'd like to know,
and then that would explain this.
Speaker 4 (55:50):
I've got a question. Okay, do both of you know
whose noses you've got?
Speaker 1 (55:55):
My grandfather's, my mother's.
Speaker 4 (55:58):
Okay, so we can see outward bits do show our genetics,
so you might be onto something.
Speaker 1 (56:05):
Yeah, it's weird. I think some people. I just have
a thing where I can look at both my parents
for some reason, and some people do this, some people don't.
I can tell exactly where all of my things come from. Wow,
fingers toes, height, hair color, eyes, head shape, everything.
Speaker 4 (56:23):
Wow. Yeah, it's kind of some I don't know you'd
blowing my mind.
Speaker 1 (56:27):
I think there's something wrong with me. This is the
Hurdache Breekfast there is.
Speaker 7 (56:32):
It's your news, sport, entertainment and music that rocks the
same a little everywhere on the right Here on Radio
Holody with Jeremy Wells.
Speaker 1 (56:41):
A thirty four on the Hurdige Breakfast. Time for your
latest news headlines. Joe Biden has welcomed Donald Trump back
into the White House and a meeting in the Oval
Office the PEO both spoke about a smooth transition of power.
One of New Zealand is promising to vigorously defend itself
in new court action overclaims its new Space X will
provide one hundred percent coverage. The Commerce Commissioner is filing
criminal charges against the telco. The Competition watchdogs says the
coverage may not be available inside buildings or cars or
under trees. Okay, right?
Speaker 6 (57:14):
Is that because they're doing some ads at the moment,
aren't they where there's a couple of people in a
boat in the middle of Queenstown or something like that,
and they're getting great reception out there. So are they
not allowed to say that they get great reception everywhere
if you don't get it when you're underground in a basement,
like come on, I don't know.
Speaker 1 (57:27):
Yeah, I would assume that you can't get Everyone knows
you can't get it under an abasement. Yeah, exactly. And
a new frontier for NBA basketball is Stephen Adams.
Speaker 4 (57:37):
Hey are you Stephen Adams?
Speaker 1 (57:39):
Yeah? Nah, kilna and work them aboard. They's little flight
when it.
Speaker 3 (57:47):
Comes to safety on board, every point counts.
Speaker 1 (57:50):
Check out. Yes is the face of Air New Zealand's
latest safety video, which also features a cameo from a
sister Olympic champion shop but a Dame vow Morgan Pene.
Speaker 6 (58:01):
Watch your favorite New Zealand safety video that comes to mind?
Speaker 1 (58:04):
Or do you have a favorite? No, No, not really
watched it.
Speaker 4 (58:08):
I'm I'm a bit of a rule breaker. Pay full attention.
Speaker 1 (58:12):
I'm like, yeah, right, yeah, I'll decide whether or not.
I want to be safe or not.
Speaker 4 (58:18):
Yeah, don't tell me what to do.
Speaker 1 (58:20):
Yeah, I want it to be a bit faster.
Speaker 8 (58:23):
That just me.
Speaker 1 (58:24):
I just can you get it through it a bit quicker?
Speaker 6 (58:26):
Well, I mean, I've been lucky enough to travel quite
a bit over the last kind of three months, and
I've caught the one that's currently.
Speaker 1 (58:30):
Running quite a lot, which is the eighth Wonder of
the world's.
Speaker 6 (58:34):
And it is a bit of a longie. I gotta
be honest, I think we could probably tighten it up
a little bit. I hope Steven Adams he might be
a bit more of an efficient man.
Speaker 4 (58:41):
Get the job done.
Speaker 1 (58:42):
That's right. Yeah, there's a bit of feedback on that one,
and I say, look, can you just tighten maybe keep
it to sixty seconds?
Speaker 3 (58:49):
Yeah, surely I could.
Speaker 4 (58:50):
I could watch that.
Speaker 1 (58:51):
What do we need to know? Here is escape path
lighting down the hook. Come your I'll fasten your seat belt.
I need to get you in there. Morgan Pen to
Vietnam and go too long.
Speaker 4 (59:00):
Oh I could do a great safety video.
Speaker 1 (59:02):
Oh I sure you could.
Speaker 2 (59:04):
You could, Hurchy Breakfast All Radio.
Speaker 1 (59:09):
Morgan Penn from six Dot Life joins us on the
show this morning. And I'll tell you what Coldplay last night?
I went to Coldplay, and I'm not I wouldn't describe
myself as a Coldplay enthusiast, never bought a Coldplay album,
but I was. I was encouraged along knowing that this
is going to be a spectacular show. And boy, oh boy,
was that a spectacular show. I was not disappointed. So impressive. Morgan,
did you go last night?
Speaker 4 (59:37):
I know you weren't able to make a ri No,
I didn't, but I was really curious dre me about
you talking about how he moved in his body?
Speaker 1 (59:44):
Oh yes, can you tell me more? Is Chris Chris Martin?
And I was? I thought to myself as I was leaving,
I thought, Chris Martin knows his way around the scratcher. Definitely,
He's got that sort of vibe. He's very grounded. He
talks a lot about about about being thankful for everything,
and there was a lot there's a bit of sort
of sitting down on the stage, quite a lot of sitting.
He's trying to earth himself, that makes.
Speaker 4 (01:00:14):
Sense, a lot of a lot of smiling and a lot.
Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
Of huge amounts of gratitude for everybody turning up there
just seemed like quite a nice sort of a guy.
But they've they've traveled the zeitguys, haven't they They have,
they have, they have traversed the Zegosts because they're also
very environmental, you know, so they sort of speak to
a lot of that sort of stuff. I heard someone
say in front of me, Oh, go, we don't have
to put up with this lefty nonsense, do we? At
the beginning when he started talking about the earth, did
you go with me?
Speaker 4 (01:00:47):
Speaker 1 (01:00:48):
But it was a broadcaster interesting yes, so, but great,
great performance, amazing with the with the wristbands that all
spoke to each other. So at certain times they all
light up with a little led lights on them and
so the audience essentially becomes a light show, which is
really really cool part of it that included yeah, yeah,
that was amazing. And then he did a great thing
when they played that song that they do with the Chainsmokers,
the first one, which is a great stadium anthem. It
is a great he gets the crowd bounce and doesn't it.
Oh yeah, And he Chris Martin got one of the
security guys up who was in like this big pacifica dude,
whether he was wearing black as he looked like a
security and pulled him up on stage and then he
put an alien hat on him and he sort of
stood with his arms folded like he was a little
bit uncomfortable for being there, and I thought, why is
that going there? That seems a bit rough. He just
wants to be doing his job. And then all of
a sudden, when it dropped, he started just grooving out
massively with it. All right, dance move security guy like
it was very cool with Salien hat On what I mean, Coplay,
are amazing, aren't they?
Speaker 6 (01:02:06):
Just back to what you were saying about the man
in the audience in front of you, upset about the
lefty you know, crap that he was, you know, harping
on about. It's amazing the type of audiences that I've had,
because if you think back to where they started obviously,
like with Parachutes, was you know, a rock album, Yeah,
and they had a lot of rock fans. And now
is it a family show? I mean you took your
daughter last night, your fourteen year old daughter.
Speaker 1 (01:02:27):
Yeah, I did, and we had we had great father
daughter moment. But yeah, I think they have they have
traversed very nicely they've just floated along the different zeitgeists
of music. They've done stadium banger stuff like that. Yeah,
they've done acoustic staff. There's a lot of piano based ballads.
It's like they massively so you see why they're pretty
much the biggest band in the world now at the moment.
Speaker 2 (01:02:56):
Yeah, yeah, i'd say so.
Speaker 3 (01:02:59):
Definitely current and that still recording new stuff. I absolutely agree.
Speaker 1 (01:03:03):
Yeah, and the intergenerational thing that's going on, because you know,
my daughter's generation know heaps of the songs, my generation
know the songs. People in the middle know the songs.
But putting on a really impressive show. That is an
impressive show and one hundred and I think he said
he said it one stage, he goes, this is I'm
so happy to be here. We've been practicing for one
hundred and sixty seven shows for this show. He's a
classy man. This is so far. I can just feel
this is a special show. This is like the best
show that we've done. Everyone was cheering and loving.
Speaker 4 (01:03:33):
It does sound like a real love fest.
Speaker 1 (01:03:35):
It was a love fest.
Speaker 5 (01:03:36):
No, it wouldn't be a love fist because you talk
about the whole thing that they've got the light up bands. Yeah,
I really hope they put those through some stringent testing
because imagine one of those going.
Speaker 1 (01:03:46):
Off in the middle of the crowd, what exploding?
Speaker 3 (01:03:48):
Well, yeah, really take away from the whole experience, wouldn't it.
Speaker 1 (01:03:51):
It wouldn't be good. You hand them back in at
the end, really, yes, And there was the record for
handing them inute at the end of a concert was
ninety seven percent. Here. It's a very conscious crowd in.
Speaker 6 (01:04:04):
Japan or something like that.
Speaker 1 (01:04:06):
Yeah, I'd say so. Yeah, they clean up their rubbish
in Japan when you leave. That's right.
Speaker 6 (01:04:10):
The stadium left spotless every time.
Speaker 3 (01:04:12):
That's quite quite true.
Speaker 1 (01:04:13):
It's very impressive. So good show if you I think
it's sold out?
Speaker 4 (01:04:18):
Is it?
Speaker 1 (01:04:18):
I think so? There's two more shows to go it
one on Friday, one on Sunday, is there right? A
couple Friday Saturday. It's a it's impressive show. That's a
good time. This is the Higharchy break.
Speaker 2 (01:04:29):
Possible, the Hurchy Breakfast with Jeremy Wells, a radio archy and.
Speaker 1 (01:04:39):
That is the Hidarchy Breakfast for Thursday, the fourteenth of
November twenty twenty four. Thank you so much, Morgan pen
for joining us this morning. It's been such a pleasure.
Speaker 4 (01:04:48):
Oh thanks for having me. I've really had the best time.
Speaker 1 (01:04:51):
It's been great to have you. You've been a real
breath of fresh air. It's just breeze through this radio show.
Speaker 4 (01:04:58):
It's a real honor to be a room with three
beautiful men.
Speaker 1 (01:05:02):
Do you know what? I want to go another and
say this.
Speaker 6 (01:05:04):
You know what you've really brought today, and that's a
good smell? Is this studio sees a lot of dudes
in its time, and it's I walked the door before
after taking away out there in the insie meat toilets,
and I thought to myself, the studio smells so much
better today than it usually does. And I think that
I think that's because of you, unless Jerry, you've got
a new cologne.
Speaker 1 (01:05:23):
I do, Actually, Erry, Sorry, we're going to take it back.
Speaker 4 (01:05:26):
It might be why you lingered in that hug, just
sniffing me out to be fae.
Speaker 5 (01:05:31):
You did just come from the nz and meat toilets
and smelling the studio at the moment versus then night
and day.
Speaker 1 (01:05:38):
He does do that when he hugs you, though doesn't
now I've noticed.
Speaker 4 (01:05:40):
Your about it. I wasn't mad about It's.
Speaker 1 (01:05:47):
The same paper. Generous, thanks very much for listening to
the show.
Speaker 7 (01:05:51):
Speaker 1 (01:05:51):
Podcast is going to be abut at eleven am this morning,
where all podcasts are sold, including iHeartRadio.
Speaker 6 (01:05:57):
Will give ours that for free, though, Jerry to make
good of us.
Speaker 1 (01:06:01):
All right, See you tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (01:06:08):
The Hdarchy Breakfast thanks to Bunning's Trade.
Speaker 3 (01:06:10):
Load up and what you need to get the job
done with Bunning's Trade