Episode Transcript
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You are listening to Kid Chris offair. Oh yeah, what up?
What up? Welcome to it man. Once again, I'm sorry that last
week's off air was so short andall that I was out and about.
I went to the Reds game early. You probably know that story anyways.
And this one coming up today isTuesday. But tomorrow night Wednesday, So
shit, Thursday now that i'm thinkingabout it might be a shorter one too,
because Wednesday night I'm going to Pink. She's playing at the Stadium here,
a great American ballpark where the Redsplay, and I'm taking my girls
to that, and that's going tobe their first concert. I worry about
that because you know, I gotkind of radio connections. It's not like
I'm sitting up close or anything.But I just don't want my kids to
to just assume that every concert thatcomes to town we'll be able to go.
You know, that's a tough linebecause I want to do the right
thing as far as not getting theregetting them up like that where it's like,
oh, well, I'll be ableto go to that concert. But
also I don't want to starve themof that kind of shit too. But
I don't know it's a fine line. I'm trying to figure that shit out
as I go. I'm new withthis whole daddy thing, even though my
kids are ten and thirteen. II, you know, I never did
this before anyhow, that's my bullshit. And then uh oh, and then
on Thursday, I have a gigbecause we have our fireworks thing that's coming
up here in the Tri State areain Cincinnati, and I gotta be out
at this uh this brewery is thathow you say brewery. It's hard to
say brewer. It sounds like I'mslurring at brewery. Anyways, I gotta
be out there for a gig onthat Thursday. And I think, Man,
my fucking calendar is so lit.I got I got a bunch of
stuff planned for the podcast. I'mstarting to get some shit too, by
the way, for you people thatjust listen to the podcast, because there
are things that happen just on thisshow that I don't air on the radio
and stuff, and people internally aregoing, hey, why why don't you
put that on the radio. Sorry, no time, I'm gonna play Metallica
and Lincoln Park. Motherfucker. Allright, so pink concert, let's see,
Okay, I just have that gate. That's at five o'clock on Thursday.
So the podcast on Thursday may goup a little later, who knows.
But that's just a little update onthat whole thing. And I got
notes galore here, but I promiseI'll take some phone calls and all that
stuff. So five one three eightone three seven nine seven nine is the
number. No matter when you're listeningto this, you could call that number
and leave a voicemail. Okay.Now, when I'm in here recording,
I usually tweet out that I'm takingphone calls and stuff. Now this here
is, Oh, this is good. Boot Man is calling in. Oh
yes, are you doing boot Man? Have a just want to get an
update with you. How are thingswith you know, looking for boots to
shove in your asshole? Oh I'vebeen still looking. No luck at all.
No, because money has been kindof hard from me here lately.
Okay, yeah, and I knowthe time difference is hard for you to
call us, right. Oh ohyeah, because I'm in New New Mexico.
Yeah yeah, I understand. Butlike this guy here, he has
a whole thing where he likes tosmell. Uh the what is it you
like you smell? One shoe,right yep, and then you show that
then you shove the other shoe inyour asshole? Yes, yeah, how
now, how what's the deepest youput a shoe in your asshole? I'm
not sure because he goes on theoutside of my speedos, Like, oh
I see, I see. Okay, so you don't actually penetrate. Well
you do penetrate your asshole, right, yeah? But why not? Why
do you have to wear speedos?Why not just put it like a little
bit up and put it right inyour asshole. I feel it was better
with speedos. I don't know.I just do it that way. Okay,
how well? Now how old areyour boot? Man? Forty three?
Now? How like when did youlearn that you love to smell boots
and then shove one in your assholeat fifteen? Oh? Wow? Yeah?
And who whose boot was it?Or shoe or whatever? It was?
The neighbor's back then, and youjust did you steal the shoe or
did you ask for it? Theythey left and I I took it.
They they spent the night at thehouse. I think I forget how or
they're visiting, or I forget howit was, But they left their shoes
or something and I yeah, nowthat's right, they left the shoes in
the yard. I think I forgethow it was. And then now and
you already you had this fantasy already, right, yeah, want to try
it out? Yeah? All right, Well do you know what trigger you
do to like this or no?I that's that's when I started. That's
it, just what you just thought. I'm gonna do this. Yes,
man, that's fun. That's crazy. But listen, yeah, you're it's
not you know, it's not illegal. Obviously you're not hurting anybody, so
whatever, exactly, and you know, and it's got to be guys,
right, yes, but you're notare you gay? You're not gay?
No, no, m So it'sjust it's just your thing. Yeah.
Yeah, well listen, it's it'scompelling, and uh, you know,
I want to let I'll let theworld know more about it, okay,
and maybe we'll get you know,what you ought to do is get a
PO box, okay. You know, I wonder if that'll be the best
thing, and then maybe we couldstart giving out the PO box address and
then you know, if anybody's intoit and could send it to you sending
shoes. Yeah, I can dothat, Yeah, I can do that.
Yeah yeah, and you know,and using the name Bootman and nobody
knows who you are and stuff.It's kind of a fun anonymous thing,
you know. Oh yeah, yeah, all right, dude. Well,
uh, you know, keep ontrucking. Sure, I'll keep stay in
touchy and I'm willing if I'm tryingto find money to get to Cincinnatis.
I would like to see my familyand relatives. I didn't get to see
him for Christmas. Okay, well, well if you ever, if if
van ever happens, keep us ina loop on that, and then uh,
we'll have you come into studio.We'll just get piles of shoes and
have you roll around and shove themin your asshole. Heck yeah, okay,
all right man, all right,thanks see. Yeah, boot Man
is one of those dudes that startedcalling the radio show, and he doesn't
like really coming on and talking aboutit on the radio. I guess he's
got family here in the Try SateCincinnati area, but I don't know his
real name. Interesting little lifestyle there, though, I can't. I don't
know. I don't get the wholeshoes. I don't get the whole boxer's
panties. And all that shit.But some people are into that now.
He Yeah, people are into certainthings, and then this show seems always
fine to people that are into certainkinks. And then throw it to the
extreme, to the extreme. Youknow, that guy just isn't into shoes.
He's into smelling one shoe. Itis shoving out of the other one
of his ass, you know.And then like you had to one dude
Thursday Lane that we used to callinto the show that was into smelling guy's
farts and he wanted to marry guysfarts and all that stuff. So take
a kink, throw with the extremeon there, and then it becomes something
on this show. Yeah. Andspeaking of how about this this guy in
New York, just big, fat, regular looking dude who was arrested for
just picking up horse and just throwinghim away like trash afterwards killing him a
Jeanette Levy's on the phone now.If you're a listener of the radio show,
you know, I've talked to hera ton of times and she's actually
sat in on the show before too. Andrea Levy, Oh, where is
it that you work again? Thelawing Crime Network? Well, what is
that? I know it's it's bigin New York. This guy that was
like a he does that thing thatMike Brady does from the Brady but she's
an architect or something, right,the killer guy, I would not compare
him to Mike Brady, all right, So explain what it is? Did
he How many people did he kill? Allegedly? Was it Long Island?
Long Island? He is charged withmurdering three women and accused of well,
he's suspected, I should say,he's accused of murdering three women and suspected
of murdering a four. When didthis happen? So some of the women
were reported missing back in two thousandand seven, their body and you know
after that, but their bodies werenot discovered in till twenty ten. And
then after that more you know,the police started looking for others and discovered
other bodies. So there are likeeleven bodies, including the body of a
toddler found on Gilgo Beach. Howwas he killing people and like throwing them
in ditches or whatever he's doing.He's a big fat mess. How is
he lifting up these dead bodies?Well, they use were all sex workers
and he was finding them on Craigslistand also you have to keep in mind,
these were very petite women. Sohe was setting up these rendezvous wherever
he was doing it, and hewas doing this apparently when his wife and
children were out of town, accordingto the law enforcement that's been investigating him.
Okay, so petite women who weregoing to meet a man, you
know, for sex. This iswhat they're doing to pay way through school
or what have you. Yeah,right, and they disappear. I mean,
if you're if you have someone ina compromising position and you can somehow
take their lives, and then they'resmall to begin with. I mean,
these women were found wrapped in camouflageburlap, and really his undoing was the
fact that his wife's hair was foundI believe at least well at least one
of the burlap. Oh wow,the women were found, and so they
went out figuring this out through DNAanalysis and kind of coming to him and
landing on him as a suspect,along with these burner phones that he had
and email addresses that he used tocontact them, so they were able to
piece this all together, and thenthey surveilled him. They got his DNA
pizza crust that he had tossed intoa trash can in Manhattan, where his
boss was, and that's how theypieced this whole thing together. It's really
creepy. It's very scary. Hiswife has since the war. Yeah,
and last week, yeah I knewabout that. She's like, hey,
I'm out of here. First ofall, let's go back to what he
said. These girls were doing thisto help pay for school? Are you
serious? Well, some of them, some of them were. I mean,
at least one of them was.I've seen her boyfriend talk about it.
Boy, she had a boyfriend whileshe was hooking yea, and he
sometimes would drive her from Jersey Cityto her dates. But oh my god,
that's the story right there. Forgetthis other guy. This is Shannon
Gilbert and her boyfriend I saw interviewedand he said that now we have to
keep in mind though that he is. You know, she is not included
in the ones. She has notincluded in the four that are at least
accused of or suspected of murdering.They've said that they don't believe her death
is related. However, you knowthat who knows if that changes. But
they came out last year and saidthey believed hers was kind of an unfortunate
incidence. You know, she hadgone knocking on doors asking for help,
said they know they're going to killme, they're going to hurt me,
and then she ran off and herbody was later found in like this,
really she thicket of you know,weeds and whatever beach along our Ocean parkway.
So they don't believe her body isrelated. But there are some people,
I mean, think about it.You moved to New York, you
moved to the big city. Thereare women who there for different reasons,
and then they discover this is away that they can make money quickly and
easily, and it's very sad theyfall into these you know, lines of
work, into these traps of sorts. Yeah, well they're kind of easy
targets for somebody who's looking to dosomething like this, right because you know,
mostly they're they're on drugs and stuff, and they're you know, detached
from their family, so you couldtoss them away, like this guy did,
think that no one will come lookingfor him for a long time.
That stuff should be legalized anyway,so it's controlled at least, that's what
I think. I've always said that, but unfortunately, no, Uh,
we're getting off topic. Here.But no, no, no political guy's
gonna go and try to fight forthat because he's got to come home an
answer to a wife, right rightright. I mean, but you know,
people have all start to take partin this type of stuff, you
know, so let's we've seen thatover and over again. I'm never shocked
when we find out that somebody hasdone something like this. Yeah, oh,
I know I've done that stuff inthe past. I tell you that
you've done yes, you've told me, Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it.
I just never killed them. Iwonder were these escort service girls or
oh you said they were Craigslist sothey were working on their own. I
mean, keep in mind, thisis two thousand and seven, two thousand
and eight. I don't believe,you know, some of them may not
have had, you know, apimp. I guess, I don't know
if there's like a modern term forthat, you know that. I mean,
pimps are kind of the guys thatrun the girls. Yeah, they're
in some cases guys, you know, yeah, Well they're doing it themselves
because they were using Craigslist. Backin the day, you were allowed to
do that, so they were cuttingout the middleman, right, when you
used to do it? Did youhave a pimp? Go ahead? You
know, I'm fortunate I've never hadto do that, right because you work
at the lawn crime network. Yeah? So you know how old are his
kids? They're grown. I don'tknow their exact ages, but one of
his daughter, I guess at leastworked at the place where they work.
Oh, that's got to be theworst. How do you go to work
after that? I think you don't. I think you just like work remotely
for a while. Yeah, right, No, take a trip and get
the heck out of dog. No, So Angela Levy, in this scenario,
what would it be better to haveyoung kids that don't know what's going
on? Or adults? So Idon't know. Yeah, I don't know.
I think either is bad because nowthese kids are going to have to
live with the stain of what theirfather's done. It's like, do you
change your name with you too?I know. I interviewed one time the
daughter of that BTK. I've interviewedher too. I just talked to her
last week, oh about this wholething. Right, She's very very sweet,
and she's got great insight on this. I think, very sweet.
Yeah, I think I think hertalking about this whole thing is kind of
you know, her dad's thing andall that has helped her immensely. She
wrote that book and stuff. Whenshe heard about this, she said,
all I could think was, Wow, it's another Friday and you know,
a different year. But she's beenin the same position as his family,
where the cops come knocking on thedoor and they say, guess what.
Yeah, we're here with the searchwarrant and your dad, your dad killed
a bunch of people. I mean, she knows what it's like. It's
it's can you even imagine being inthat spot? I know, I know,
but I want to know what thepsyche is like. Well, this
guy here was going after like,what is it about the thrill? I
guess it's a thrill of hooking upand it just throwing these girls aside like
garbage. I mean, I don'tsee what the thrill is. Horrible,
Yeah, horrible. And maybe youknow, he's innocent until proven guilty.
I'm sure he is saying at thispoint he did not do this, and
if he did do it, maybeat some time he will, you know,
if he is in fact the guyhopefully or maybe there's one time he
will come forward and say, hey, I did this or this is why
I did it. We'll learn more. But yeah, I'm actually I've interviewed
an expert on you know, thewoman who's an expert in BTK. I've
interviewed her. So I've done abunch of stuff with this. Yeah,
this is all along the same lines. It's there. That's there's something in
that personality that they all have.The BTK guy was very arrogant, he
loved the publicity, but this guyseemed to be more underground. Right,
it's so gross. I can't evendeal with it. So you don't like
cover these kind of stories, No, I do, But I find it
interesting. But at the same time, it's really sad. Yeah, so
I'm not fascinated. I think alot of people are really fascinated by it.
I'm not fascinated by it. Ifind it really disturbing. But I
always want to get answers. Iwant to know why something happens or why
somebody does something. And I knowit sounds kind of weird, that kind
of like solved the mystery, figureit out. That's part of the fascination,
right, Yeah, Like I watchlook like this whole writer strike.
Thing that's happening now doesn't affect myTV watching whatsoever, because wrestling is still
on and all I watch is twentytwenty in dateline because and it's all people
getting killed. Wow, dude,Yeah, what do you think? I
think I'm a little worried about you. But a lot of people are like
that, right they are. Imean, like the top podcast out there
are all pure crime podcasts. Yeah, you know that you have a podcast,
correct, I do, But wedo like legal stuff too. It's
not just true crimes. Let's talkabout like the legal aspects of something.
No. I know. I wantedto promote it for you, Anjeanette.
It's called Long Crime Sidebar. Itairs on our network, but it also
airs on YouTube. Really are bigaudiences on YouTube, and then of course
like downloads on Apple and Spotify whateverelse. Yeah, whatever platforms it is.
You have a cool job. Iknow you're stressed and all that stuff,
and you want to spend more timewith me and all that, but
you but you know you're doing yourjob. Hilarious. Everybody else is losing
their jobs. You're still working,So that's good. Right. Let me
look at esp In. Everybody thoughtthat that was the coolest job in the
world. ESPN has slaughtered more people. Oh my gosh, a Jeanette.
It's been a long time since wetalked, and you know, I'm glad
you educated me on this whole thing, because I didn't understand. I just
kept seeing the stories and I don'thave time to sit and read all of
them because it's like an ambush everyminute. There's something new going on with
this guy. Well there is,and they've actually been digging up the backyard
of his house and searching his housefor quite some time now. They think
they'll be there through possibly Wednesday.And they said they found a vault in
the basement and a bunch of guns, and they have been digging up his
backyard. Do you know, Idon't know if they think there's something to
be found there. Obviously they're they'retaking every step they can do you think
they're gonna be they're looking for like, well, obviously bodies or whatever,
but also like that what these guyshave, like those hit kits or whatever.
It's possible. Yeah, I'm surehe's a duffel bag guy. He
would just grab his duffel bag fullof rope and whatever, and those those
camouflage. Things you were talking about, like BTK had had his hit kit,
right, which was crazy that allthat stuff was in his house and
the wife never saw it. Mywife knows when I leave a dirty sock
somewhere. It's just stunning to methat these people are able to. Obviously
they're able to. They have sometype of thing where they can be chameleons
of sorts. I was just goingto say that it's like a chameleon,
like a different personality. I mean, the guy, would you see him?
He looks like a shop teacher,right, the same with bt K.
The guy was kind of a nerd. Yeah, definitely. He was
kind of a kind of a kindof like a geeky looking guy, like
a non to script. All right, well, and Jeanette Levy, thank
you very much for taking the time. I know you don't like talking to
me. I love talking to you. It's just that I got a lot
going on today, and I hopethat you have a good rest of your
day. But how may come onyour show another time on the radio.
We'll talk Okay, next killer,We'll get you on Okay, great bye,
all right, Thanks to you,Abe. And that's so cool because
she tries to keep herself like veryprofessional what she's talking to me, and
I'm always trying to funk with her. All right, anyway, so listen,
I will see everybody on Thursday,all right. I'm not sure how
long that show is going to gobecause, like I said at the beginning
of this podcast, there's a lotof stuff happening. But I appreciate you
being here, and I appreciate youthanks for listening to off Air