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September 6, 2023 33 mins
09/06/2023 - Today is a special tribute to “The Freddie Show”. The story and the behind-the-scenes look into the production of such a comedy masterpiece. We even get a list from Freddie himself!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yes, sir, Okay, Nowtonight was a special show because later on
tonight we're gonna be speaking with agentleman that is a big star in our
world. And I guess we shouldreally set it up on what this is
all about. Now, there wasa guy that in radio I started with
by the name of Bill Keeler.Back in the day. He was on
a rock station and then he wentoff and did some stuff into Providence and

he met up with this dude namedFreddie, and Freddie was his stunt guy.
And Freddie would go out and doanything, and like he was like
the human billboard, which was aradio bit that people stole from him,
where you duct tape him he holdsa sign and you duct tape him to
like telephone poles and ship and Freddiewas up for anything. Now, when

Keeler moved back to upstate New York, Freddie loved the show so much he
moved back there too. Fast forwardin two thousand and nine, The Kid
Chris Show is no longer on theon the radio in Philly or anywhere.
I said, I would listen tothe show every afternoon. Keiler was doing
his talk show and I said,hey, man, this guy, Freddie,
you should give him his own showon the stream and I'll produce it

and we'll just fuck with this guyand we'll just ask him like, hey,
who do you want to have onyour show as a guest, and
it will just book those celebrities,but it'll just be us. In order
for him to flip out, becauseFreddy's a little off, he had to
be told listen, you can't curse. No cursing on this show. Don't
let anybody curse. If they do, you got to tell them to knock
it off instead of like curse himback if somebody who would just go have

a good night. Yep. Andhonestly, to this day, I still
do that, suf I know.We had some of the greatest fucking time
ever with fred and the Freddy's Show. Freddie was dating this girl named Liz
and they live they lived together.Liz was a very heavy set woman who

had problems holding in her bowels andthere was a time in the radio station
lobby where she shipped in the lobby. Can I jump in here, Chris
real quick, because the most fascinatingpart about this is that we used to
all run home or drop whatever youwere doing for this. We would talk

about it constantly, just what wewere gonna do, what was going on.
I had a landline in my dad'sbasement that I used to go down
and call from there. Like itwas so well produced, and the whole
thing was created just to kind ofmake a fool out of this guy and
for our own entertainment. And Lizcoming into the scene. It was so

real. Yeah, it was sucha bonus. It was never supposed to
happen. And the dynamics between Lizand it was like a rocky relationship.
So whenever there was like issues goingon between Freddie and Liz, we would
always like highlight that and it wassuch like a study of their relationship and

ships because he would come in andgo, oh, I had a problem
with Liz, and he would justpick on him about Liz yep, and
and he said at one point Ihad to get rid of all my clothes
and you were like why why andhe's like, well, Liz didn't make
it to the toilet, so youknow, like yeah, So like we

would just take that and run withit. And apparently him and Liz were
fighting all the time all this point. At one point Freddy had a problem
with his leg or something, andhis like his leg was broken or something,
so he couldn't like have sex withLiz. It is like a major
like problem because Liz wanted to havesex all the time. I've never seen

what a picture of Liz looks like, but I could only imagine. Yeah,
I've never seen her either. Theydidn't last too long. They lived
together at a place called the HopeHouse, which is where lower income people
live. It's not fast fred fast. Fred is in Sacramento. Freddy,
Freddy Dunlevy is his name. He'sin Utica, New York now. But
there are two different people but thesame kind of wavelength, Freddy. And

I know how excited you are totalk to him, Like, I'm just
gonna sit back and let you letyou interview him. Now, Freddy.
At one point, you know,he hurt his leg, he broke his
leg or something, and Liz lefther clothes all over the place and all
that shit. So Freddie got upone night and then tripped over all her
clothes and hurt his leg again.And he was all pissed off about that.

Now, when they kicked him orkicked her off the show out of
the building, because of the roachesand shit, because other people in the
building were complaining about roaches and itwas all because of Liz and she would
shit in the lobby and all thatshit. So we would always call up
and say that. And the otherthing was is we would like I would
call Liz at their house while hewas doing the show on Thursday nights and

I would go, oh, man, Freddy is talking shit about you,
and she would freak out and sometimesshe would call in and yell at him
and all that shit. It wasso good. I mean, in all
the weird inside jokes, like hewould fight with us about the ground Round
that was over across the street fromthe mall, and that the ground Round

closed like twenty years before we evendid this bit. So we would always
call up and say we're the managerat the ground Round and he'd fucking be
like, the girl Round's closed.And honestly, if you if you people
were listening, you've never listened tothe Freddy Show. This is a rabbit
hole you have to go down.And I'm telling you there's one Clipper particular

where you go. You call upand you go, ready, U,
Yeah, I'm the manager at theground Round. We have peanuts and he
goes, yeah, you go fuckyou yeah. And that's the thing you
gotta remember. This is back beforeanybody was doing like internet live internet radio

shows, you know what I mean, where you could call in and talk
about whatever. I mean. Itwas a full studio set up there in
New York. I was in Texas, Thomas and I were in Texas,
and Blake was in Philly and itwas just us bombarding this dude. And
I would share it on I guessFacebook, whatever social media was at the
time, and everybody would call inand be a part of it too.

So, I mean, I havesome clips before we go to Freddie and
these full shows are up on myon my YouTube page. Now, you
always used to call and you alwaysused to threaten to come down there and
kick his bike. Yeah, heused to ride his bike. And the

other thing was like, these areclips. These are clips of when Liz
was still in the studio. Here, here's here's Blake calling in uh to
talk to Liz. Okay uh.And this was always funny because she was
always looking to upgrade it on Freddie'sass, Like she if a guy that
had money would call in, she'dbe like fucking fuck you, fred Freddy

Show. Yeah, it was thatfun young Nubian princess you got in the
studio. That's my girlfriend, soyou better be nice. What's your name?
I could have sworn that with Keisha. Is that Keisha? No,
it's lit my girlfriend. No,it's not Keisha. I swear I heard
her voice. I know it's Keisha. Let's say something. Put her on

the phone. Hey, Desha,des better give me that boy his bike
back. Oh my god, tget back and a half. Have a
good night, Freddie Show. Isthat your girlfriend you having there? Yes,
it is. I wanted to afterhow she feels about you coming on

the radio and talking about how shetook a ship in the lobby. How
do you feel about that? List? Why why don't you just be quiet?
I'm talking to me, not tohim. It's about sign see can
you hear that? Blake? Yeah, that was great too, because he
did not like us talking about hertaking the ship in the lobby, because

it would be because she didn't wantshe didn't want people to know, so
he just would jump in when wewould bring it up, like she's not
gonna hear, And of course she'spissed. If you with the matter she
gets the less eggless. She spoke, can you playing with medicine with?
Okay you're on the way, You'reso okay, you've got your mouth town,

Okay, you're on the way.It's my boy from on your mouth
town sometimes mess stuff and cutting onhis radio. You find when you live
right? Did you had a sonshitting in the way, dud radio?
Did you had a son doudling?And that side? Oh it's the way
piss I take a dig when youno woman, my boy, I'm not

the one you're playing with. I'manother one. I would knock you out
watching your mouth. You know whatyou that's mad because you don't got a
girl's man. I got him,Man, I got him, I got
himco work the floor and off Igot him. Man said me, who
I am? You are we talkinghim? Caps? I gotta do it

theirday not yeah yeah yeah, Sogot night, yeah yeah yeah. Go
in the corner and have a goodnight you yeah, oh fuck it was

so good that is gold and havea good night. A typical phone call
would be would go like this,he go Freddy shows you go, hey,
fred your girlfriend shit on the floor. He have a good night,
and then as he's hanging up,he go go fund yourself. Yeah.

Now, every Thursday night this wason and Thursday afternoon I would call Fred
and be like, hey man,what's the list of celebrities you want to
talk to you on your show tonight? And he would give me a list
and it was all people you couldnever get on. So of course we
would be the celebrities and he hehe never knew. And to this day

I will pop up and listen tosome of these celebrities. When the Freddy
from The Freddy Show would like,for instance, when he interviewed buzz Aldron,
so the whole buzz Aldron thing was, uh, Buzzer just have a
complete attitude and be an asked toFred and it just gets It always ends
with the guests getting pissed and tellingFreend to go fuck himself, and then

everybody gets on Fred and go,yeah, you're ruined it. You ruined
the interview. Hi Braddy, Okay, so here here it is at the
beginning of the show, and uh, he's introduced in Brad, who is
my former intern in Sacramento. Bradused to call into Keeler. It's a

whole net, like a whole thing. But he used to call into I
used to write lines for him tocall in and attack Freddy on Keeler's radio
show, so he knew who Bradwas. And then, uh, you
know, we're like, hey,man, do Brad a favor Let him
sidekick with you. I think itwould be really great, you know,
if fred was just happy to havehis own show. Hi, Brad,
Oh, it's up, Freddy.Bye. The first Man on the Moon

is coming on and Nicole's getting readyto h call him right now, buzz
Aldron. So you planned out yourquestions. I'm gonna I'm gonna try to
get my questions the best that Ican. Oh, we didn't want to
ask him what I'm probably gonna askhim what it felt like to go up
on the moon. Hi, welcometo the Freddy Show. Buzz. Hello,

how are you doing tonight, sir? I'm doing good. Buzz.
That's good. All right. Soyou are the first man on the moon.
No, no, no, you'renot. I'm not the man on
the moon. Oh all right,see hearing my hearing, my submitted the

first words from the moon. Didn'tyou do any research before you called me?
Somebody somebody set up my interviews forme before I came on the air.
Okay, so you didn't take itupon you, and you're taking to
assume that I'm the first man onthe moon. Well, I'm just reading
what I have here on my sheet. I'm going to forgive you this.

Go ahead, continue your interview.My question to you is what was it
like going to the moon and experienceexperiencing Well, what do you think it
was like? Well, I Idon't know, because I've never traveled in
space. I just wondered how excitingI've been to space. It was unlike

anything I could be able to describeto you, as you might assume,
Oh wow, that's really your question. What was it like in space?
Well? I mean because because Imean I've written a book since then.
I'm the space guy. The onlything I've done is space. H Is
that right? Is that right?Freddie? I would guess so, like
I said on my sheet that Ihave here, Yeah, he's not going

well. Meanwhile, I did atwo second Google searchs all buzz alter and
I came up. He did noresearch whatsoever. Somebody wrote down that you
were the first man on the moon. I was in the Apollo eleven,

which was the first craft to landon the Moon. Oh okay, I
did not set foot on the moonbefore Neil Armstrong day, Oh okay,
all right, I just like,like I was saying, and about your
experience being on the Moon for thefirst time, how wonderful it was,
And yeah I got moon rocks tothink a battleship. Who cares I think

you're on the moon if you thinkme, buzz Aldren is going to do
an interview like this where you justhave nothing prepared and you're not even interested
in my book? Well what aboutyour book? I was going to get
to that. No you weren't.You know, I'm sick of this interview.
Fuck you? Yeah, it wasso defeated, he go, yeah.

Yeah. There was another one whereSam FM, who you know from
the wolf Pack. Freddie was like, I want to talk to Lance Armstrong,
the other guy that went on themoon. Of course, Oh yeah,
of course that's wrong. So butwe ran with it. So Sam

f F for the Wolfpack is Lancearmstrung and fucking kills it on the line.
We have Lance Armstrong. How areyou doing? Hello? How are
you doing tonight? Sir? I'mreally tired, are you really? You
know? They booked this interview.Last second. I'm in the middle of
the Tour de France right now,just real, uh, real, real

tired right now? What's going onon this? This is the Freddie Show?
Who the Freddy Show? Who areyou? I host the show?
Okay now I'm mine. Hold onone second. Really now, my question

for you would be with all thestuff, with all the stuff that has
happen in the past couple of yearsin the space space industry. I'm trying
to think because I'm very nervous here, the space industry. Yeah, you

know, NASA, NASA, thewhole, the whole whole Space Shuttle thing.
Is there really supposed to be inanother let's say, a couple of
hundred years, are we going tobe able to live on the Moon?

Are you fucking kidding me? I'mnot kidding you. You know who you're
talking to? Yeah, Lance Armstrong, Yeah, Lance Armstrong. You know
what I do? All right?Bike? Well, see, nobody told
me that this is a Lance Armstrong, not Neil Armstrong. Oh see,
nobody told me that. You know, I won the tour to France like

eight times and ask me questions aboutthe Moon a fucking joke. No,
this is no joke. I'm sorry, because that's what I That's who I
thought. Nobody told me that.They told me I was. I was
told today that I was supposed tohave him on an Armstrong on was that

used to be an astronaut? That'swhat I was told show he is a
lancer Armstrong. There No, hehung up because I screwed up at what
I thought he was. The otherfavorite of mine was what Blake. Blake
was always the guest. I wasa lot of guests on this show.

So he wanted to talk to somebodyfor Ripley's Believe It or Not? Which
what the fuck? Why would youwant to talk to somebody like that?
I don't know. But Blake cameup with all this bullshit like he was
from the Ripley's Believe It or Not, like museum, and he would yell
at him every time he would saylike he was from the show, and

Blake would be like, no,from the museum. And his name.
We came up with the name Richgobbles Cock, just so I can hear
Freddy say it over and over againon the line we have Rich. How
do you say your last name Richgobble Stock? Oh? Okay, my

question for you on on your TVshow Rippley's Believe It or Not. How
I'm not into the show. Idon't. I don't know that. I'm
a curator for the for the museums. Oh you are. What we do
is go around the world finding bizarreand interesting wild things that people aren't familiar

with, and we display them inour museums. Oh see, because see
on on my sheet here it saysthat you're from Ripley's Believe It or Not.
Yes, sir, I am.As far as like the show.
I'm not from the television show.Okay. You know what I do is
I'll go out and find you know, in Ecuador recently we found a spider

that instead of having eight legs,it had nine legs. Oh really wow.
Yeah. And and there's a womanfrom Spain who has a third baby
leg. Oh wow, that's veryinteresting. Freddy show. Hi, I
have a question for what what?What's the guy's name? Rick? What?

Gobbles cock? Okay? None ofthis is funny to me. I
mean honestly I do. I doradio shows all across the country. And
you know what, we play agame if you're interested, and I name
three things and you try to pickwhich one is actually real. Oh this
is okay. That sounds like fun. An eagle born with only one arm,

number two a woman with a thirdeye, and number three a person
who threw up the thrown eyeball.Believe it or not. I was gonna
say not, that's not the game. The game as you pick one of
those that you think actually is real. You know what, I'm not.

I'm not even interested. I hadso many interesting that things are talking about.
I'm not right there right when youfirst did that. Next day I
kept playing back and forth the partwhere you just go, that's up the
game, Brad going oh, ohplease, don't hang up, mister gobbles

Cock. Here here's the rest ofit where mister gobbles Cock it's upset not
even paying attention to this. I'mtrying to interview. Is this because I'm
trying. I'm trying. I'm gonnahave to fire my agent after this.
All right? You know what?Thank you? What is going on tonight?

I'm trying to do the best thatI can and everything's just bombing out?
Freddy Show, Well, can yougive me like, what was his
name? I want to look himup on the internet, Rich gobble Cock
ko c K I don't like tomake anybody cry. Everybody's going to be

sentimental. You know, everybody makesmistakes. The fuck thees Freddy Show.
Yes it's Christy. Hi. Youare in so much trouble. How am
I in trouble? What are youdoing? I wasn't doing anything wrong?
How is litty? Let me tellyou something, something's up that it's gonna

be a bad day tomorrow. Wellthen I just won't come in. You
weren't prepared, fred You have tocome in. That that is chrissy.
She was like the receptionist at theradio station, so so so she sit
on it and he's got a allsweating, and Liz turned on him.
You're in trouble. What else amI supposed to do? You have to
try harder. I do, tryharder, Freddie. I'm believe I'm hanging

up too because I'm very I needto go to bed. I'll I'll see
you tomorrow. Good bye, byeFreddy's Show. I would just quit the
show man. You really fucked uptonight. I didn't fuck up at all.
Now I just swore you sucked up. Why don't you take the helium
out of your head and stick itin your butt? So there you go.

That's just a taste of some ofthe ship that you find the Freddy
Show. It's on my uh myYouTube. You got play the Eddie Money
See god, that's my favorite,my favorite one of them all is either
the Lance Armstrong or the Rich GobblesCock. Uh. The Eddy Money one

is okay, that's me is EddyMoney. He wanted to talk to any
money? So fucking bad. Waitwhen you got on the phone, you're
playing Eddie Money music in the background. Who comes on? Yeah? And
no sense and on the line rightnow we have legendary rocker Eddie Money show

money man. Yeah. So,how how are you doing tonight? Going
on Freddy? Oh? Not toomuch. I just I just want to
start out by saying that I've beena huge fan of yours for a very
long time and and I've heard justabout every every hit that you've done,

including that one. And my myquestion, my question for you is do
you ever plan on going back outon the road and making another album?
Take it? Yeah? It soundsrocking. I'm talking to my face off

that I'm rock awesome. No,I have a guy filling in from my
sidekick named Brad the Cripple and he'sgot and he's got a little bit of
a speech problem. Man, I'mnot gonna come on the show. Do
your money man having some fun withbeing the money man on the Freddy Show?

And uh, do somebody being rudeto me? No, No,
nobody's being nobody's being rude. Wewe just we just love love your career
and what you've done for the pastcouple of years. Well, fred I'm
coming on a date in December,and I want you to come backstage and
hang out. Do you really themoney man? Let me hear you the

money man? Money man? Hey, money man, i'd I'm slow.
I'm Freddy. I'm slow. I'mgonna be there on a on a I'm
gonna come in and do your show. Oh do you really? I can
give you. I can give youthe office number if you want to talk

to a producer. Yeah, hangon, I got another phone call for
your Freddy's show. I was wonderingif I could talk to any money the
money man. Yeah, go ahead, yeah man. Did you know what
before he came out in the show, Fred said, you're a washed up
has been I never said that.I'm a huge fan of yours since the
eighth since I was a teenager lying. I'm not lying. I never.

I never, I never. Inever said that. I never said that.
Don't daddy, don't pay any attentionto my callers. You're still there.
I'm just gonna hang up, man, I'm not I never, I
never said that about you. Thankyou, Freddy for your time. Man
if having the money man, man, Yeah, I don't understand some of

these people. I mean, Isay me, people calling my boy and
though he had to mind the thoughtthey talk to, don't move to them
because you're gonna make this soap closeddown for him. Okay, So then,

yeah, I was on two phones. Yes, so I means for
the money Man, you were there. Yeah, that was just, uh,
that's just scratching the surface of everyshow. It was a show.
It was on every Thursday night,and uh it went for a little while
and then then it closed down becauseof a cockroach problem. Chris Freddy,

Freddy, there's a guy on thephone here. His name is Blake.
He's probably one of the biggest fansof yours ever, and I wanted to
connect you with him. If youdon't mind, Freddy, what's going on
to me? I'm so happy totalk to you thanks during the time of
the show. Can you describe forme the living situation you had with uh

I guess it was called the HopeHouse with with Liz and what your life
was like during that time in life. Let's see, my life ended up
doing a spiral. I ended upwhere I was dating this Saby cap check
that half of the time, didn'twant to want to do any housework or

anything like that. I don't know. There were some other things I don't
even know if I want to getinto that drove me for the knots and
then and then she'd get into herlittle arguments half of the time where she'd
come after me. Well, youdescribed in one situation where she didn't make
it to the bathroom and you hadto end up throwing away a bunch of

your clothes because at the time Ididn't have no laundry basket or anything like
that. So you know, whenwhen you're in a situation where you don't
have a laundry basket and you changedclothes at night, you end up throwing
them somewhere to get a laundry basket. And that's how that's how I would

live with That's how I and livemy life. So nobody's really seen pictures
of Wiz. What does she looklike? One? But I shouldn't.
I couldn't think of I couldn't thinkof how many pounds she was she was
a going to say, like mediumsize? Why did she Why did she
speak like that? Was she missingteeth or something? I have no idea.

All I know is when I firstslept the poll, she had all
of her teeth. Okay, Freddie, who's ship in the house? More
her or the dog? She wouldhave more accidents before going to the bathroom
than the dog. Can you describethe odor of this house? Unbearable?

Would would Liz drag her ass acrossthe carpet like a dog? Now?
How could we never discuss this withthe Eddie money when he was on your
show? Because every time I triedto discuss stuff with any money, my
listener would all say how I wasbashing him. My listeners all attacked me
afterwards, And when, oh,Eddie, he's saying that you're washed up.

No, I wasn't directing it towardshim. I was talking about singers
in general out there. Why dopeople say, why do your listeners do
that? Freddie? On the Freddieshow, probably to try to destroy me.
Yeah, Freddie, do you thinkyour show would have been more successful
if you would have done more researchon your guests? Yeah? But at
the time that I did the show, we were trying to at the time,

I had to try to find asidekick. Which the sidekick that I
had, Freddie better question who whowrote up that piece of paper that they
put in front of you with thebullet points about the guests? Who wrote
that piece of paper? I hada female producer named Nicole, you figured
at the time, I was like, all right. When they asked me

who I wanted for my radio Isaid, well, I said, I
said, I've been a huge fanof any money for the longest time,
I said, and I would killedto have an interview. And the listeners
just screwed up. I'm fascinated,like with a woman that doesn't have good
control of her faculties, if youwill, like, did you did you

guys have like a robust sex life? Did you go down on her and
ship like liquor party and stuff?Yeah, a sheet She took a shopper
every day. So okay, Soso Liz, do you think Liz was
close to four hundred pounds, Iwould say that she was having So there
was roaches in your place too,I did, I had. I had

the worst roach problem back in thestaid because of her, because I before
I, before I went out withthis trick, I had never had had
that much of a problem, andnot one that I have. Not only
did I have that when I hadthe other problem set I ended up.
I had ended up at the timewith a huge bedbug problem. Oh oh

my god, I'm dead serious.I didn't even know they were on my
shirt. Wait, hang on,Freddy, let me get down to this.
You had roaches, bedbugs, adog that was injured, a four
hundred pound black woman ship on thefloor, piss on your clothes, all

in one house with her shitting onthe floor. And so it's kind of
like a continental breakfast at a hotel, you know, for the for the
for the bed bugs, and theroaches. They were shut Holy shit,
ye Freddy, stay by the way, Chris, Yeah, I didn't you
a friend request on Facebook? Youhaven't answered me yet, Okay, I

will, I will, though,all right, this would be your only
friend. Yeah, I love you, fred Thanks all right, but we
did it, So there you go. Blake. A lot of that I
didn't know. I didn't know aboutthe bedbugs and ship I knew about the

cockroaches. Oh my god.

KiddChris - OFF AIR News

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