All Episodes

July 17, 2024 90 mins
Rod Arquette Show with Greg Hughes Daily Rundown – Wednesday, July 17, 2024

4:20 pm: Chayse Leavitt, Utah’s youngest Republican National Committee delegate at just 18 years old, joins Rod and Greg to discuss his experience at this week’s convention.

4:38 pm: Rep. Trevor Lee joins the show to give his impressions of the week's events at the GOP Convention and the state's support of Donald Trump.

5:05 pm: Utah Congressman John Curtis joins the program for a conversation about the fallout of the Trump shooting, and the GOP Convention.

6:05 pm: Timothy Head, Executive Director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition joins the guys for a conversation about religion and politics.
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Episode Transcript

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Well, welcome, folks. Welcometo the Rodarcut Show with citizen Greg Hughes
joining us. We are here atthe Republican National Committee Convention. Sorry here
in Milwaukee. It has just beena crazy time and we are here at
the iHeart World headquarters the fourth conventioncoverage. Yes, I've six seven radio

stations here. We have the syndicatedshows that are that are surrounding us,
and there's just a few locals thatthat are that are here in Salt Lake
City and can Ars are lucky tobe one of those that is here that
are part of the iHeart family hereat the at the National Convention. And
so that means you're here, folks. You don't just get to watch it
on TV. You get to bepart of this experience that we're experiencing in

real time. Yeah, and it'sgoing to be absolutely fantastic the story of
the day to me, are youready for this one? Because I picked
this up today. People are sodedicated to Donald Trump and the fact that
what he went through on Saturday,he showed up what two nights. Rono
here in at the convention center.He'll be here tonight because his vice presidential
running mate will speak tonight. We'retalking about JD. Vans, but you

can spot be people in the crowdwho have bandages on their ears, just
like just like the former presidents,just to show their solidarity with one Donald
J truck all the rage. Youmentioned that to me, I thought,
you're being sarcastic. It's a nofashion style. It means that you're tough,
you're resilient, you can't be backdown, you can't be intimidated.

No, MSNBC, that is nota fake ear band. That's not our
ear bandage meant to evoke, youknow, undeserved sympathy. That's not what
it is. I think Era mighthave a clip of this rotten Michael Steele,
used to be the Republican National Committeechair, complaining about that and saying,
yeah, well he's saying what thatIt wasn't a bullet, but it

was a shard of glass from theteleprompter. Yeah that he played that if
you would he raise. This isthe former head of the Public In Party
Biggest Michael Steele, who now worksfor MSNBC, claiming we haven't verified yet
of you who's hit by a bullet. Here. It is where I am
at this point is it's been threedays going on for since this horrific event

occurred. A person lost their life, to have been severely injured, and
yet we've not received a medical reportfrom the hospital, nor have we received
a medical report from the campaign orfrom the Trump organization about the extent of
the damage to his ear. Ifhe was shot by a high caliber bullet,
there should probably be very little earthere, and so we'd like to

know that, is there cosmic meticsurgery involved, what is the proagnosis for
recovery? Were their stitches? Whatis the extent in nature of the damage
to his ear? Was it causedby a bullet as opposed to us some
reports from those on the scene,other reporters saying that it was actually shards
of glass from the teleprompter itself,not the bullet. So there are a

lot of questions around that ear,and yet there's been no response to that,
instead just showing the image of theman coming into into the hall.
Let me jump. That's the politics. So they don't I mean, they
just can't give up on this.Greg first off, Michael, still,

what difference would it make? Andand when have we heard from a doctor
from the Biden administration in four years. Okay, we when have we heard
any of them? We saw whatwe saw, We know what happened.
Uh. And and by the way, I think Donald Trump isn't really super
thrilled about that bandage that he's Thecameras really look at him from the side
that doesn't have the bandage on it, and it's not like he's out there

leading with it. And when wewhen we had a chance to sit down
with Donald Trump Junior early earlier,first day of the of the convention,
they're making a joke calling him aVander Holyfield. If you remember, folks,
when Mike Tyson of my of myVander Holyfield, y're off, Donald
Trump Junior is teasing his dad saying, you got that Evander Holyfield looked dead

on that ear of yours. SoI think that as much information as we
need of that moment we have seen. And the real questions not about his
ear, but about the Secret Serviceand how they're not as forthcoming with information
right now, that's the real politics. Michael Steele, We're kind to run

down some of those latest stories asto the investigation of the shooting, because
more and more interesting information is comingout on this and we'll get into that.
And it's now becoming a kind ofa back and forth greg between the
Secret Service and local law enforcement.They're doing this the finger pointing at each
other kind of interesting. But Igot to tell you this is in my
hometown. I recognize these news stationsthat are doing the investigator reporting WPXI in

Pittsburgh. But the local law enforcementsense is that the Secret Service was going
to say it's all the Hillbillies andPittsburgh's oh yeah. And so they are
actually showing the photos of the assassin'scell phone and his uh what do they
call it, the thing that canthe transmitter, that was the detonator that
would look to potentially detonate his caras a distraction. So they're showing photos

to kind of back their story.One is if anyone's saying we were stationed
in that building, we were not. We were not in there. I
don't know who made that story up, where that came from. Yeah,
that's that's the that's the politics thatagain in the absence of information, that's
where you get the conspiracy theories oryou get speculation that we don't need as
a country. We need transparency onwhat happened there and true to form,

we're not really seeing it from thisadministration or the Secret Service. And it
was another thing on the Bandits Yourlast night because we were in the auditorium
last night. After the show wasover, we're able to get over the
convention center sit there. We heardand we'll talk about some of these speeches
later on. But I remember sittingthere and the president and the presidential box
or the you know, the candidate'sbox is way down below us. Yes,

but I could spot him when hestood up by the bandage in his
here and I go, oh,there is I know. I took a
picture for Queen Bee Christian and thenI put an arrow in it and she's
like, oh, thank you forthe arrow, Like I couldn't tell you
couldn't you know. I was like, well, you know, we're kind
of high, but no, itwas just kind of great. D Well,
let me give you an idea ofthe show today. We're hoping our
guest coming up with four twenty getsthrough security. You have to understand,

folks, security now is very tight. He got an early start, but
he's tied up. We're talking aboutChase Levitt. Chase is the youngest Utah
delegate to this convention. He's eighteenyears old. That's true, Smithfield.
It's very exciting and mostly we'll talkto you. I'm mad to be here.
John Curtis, who is now aSenate candidate here in the state of

Utah, will be joining us inthe five o'clock hour. A little bit
later on, we'll talk with theexecutive director of the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
And you just never know at eventslike this, people walk on by
that. You know. We justsaw Rudy Giuliani walk on by he headed
to an interview. These are thetype of people we try and grab and
see if we can get them onfor a few minutes. It'll be another
fun three hours and we hope youstay with us tonight. We're gonna have

a blast. You're gonna want tohang on, you know. I want
to talk before we even get intotoday, to today's theme, which is
make America Strong once again again,talking about the dumpster fire of our southern
border, talking about the laughing stockand the just a tragedy of the withdrawal,

the failed botched Afghanistan withdrawal, theHamas Israel war, and how Biden
doesn't know where to pick aside,and what to do all of these all
of these things making America appear tolook weaker and weaker on the world stage.
Tonight's theme at the convention, andthe speeches that you will hear will
be about how to restore America's prominenceand its leadership on the world stage,

how to be how to secure ourborders, curb China, back off the
Iranian threats, all of the thingsthat we were taking maybe I was taking
for granted during a Trump administration andnot that long ago, that seems to
have all dissipated ever since. That'sthe same time. But before we jump
into that, when we come backfrom the break, I want to get
into some of these speeches last night. Yeah, you have time to do

now. Shall we do it now? Yeah? No, if we have
time to do it now, I'dlike to do it now because there's I
know that if you're looking at themainstream media reports or any real reports,
they want to talk about the bigheadliners, the DeSantis and Nicky Hayley's the
Laura Trump did a great job.But folks, I have been to conventions

and when you have a strong lineupand so many speakers, you don't see
the delegates really stop and are quietto hear all the other unknown speakers,
the young speakers with different they're they'repoliticians, but they're you know, they
get their big chance, but it'snot really it's like an undercard and a
big price fight. You know,they don't really get a lot of attendance.
You had, we had so manypeople in that were present, and

and Donald Trump in this campaign hasmade a concerted effort and it's going to
continue even tonight to have every dayAmericans speak. And you could hear a
pin drop with some of these everydayAmericans who tragically have suffered ones violence.
And uh, there were just thepeople that he's asking to speak last night.
There is probably between six thirty andnine o'clock tonight, there's eight people

that have mir political credentials. Theyare not the who's who of the political
classes or everyday people that will bespeaking to America. And I'd encourage you
to watch those speeches because those werethe ones that probably moved me. Uh
rod, because these are people thatare just sharing their their life experiences and
many times difficult ones that are hardto share. Uh. There was a

woman she was so fired up andI thought, there's no way this is
a teleprompter, and I found outthis morning. Yeah, she went off
script. She was, She was, and she you know, she was
so angry a judge let out acriminal that assault murdered her son. Guy.
She brought up Alvin Bragg's name inthe place when bananas. It went
crazy. She was and she andshe It is true that whatever whatever speech

she had submitted for that speed,for that convention, she she did just
like her hero Donald Trump. Shewent right off Spain. All right,
we're hoping that we'll be able totalk with Chase Levitt again. Like I
said, he's trying to get throughsecurity. We hoped. But we've got
some breaking news if you can believethis right now, this story, and
this is a big story. Rightnow, we're getting word that President Biden

has tested positive for COVID. Allright, Biden just canceled his speech in
Las Vegas, which was scheduled tonightbecause of the test. The crowd was
told moments ago, So Joe Bidenbeing tested for COVID. He's got COVID.
Do you just think the wheels arecoming off that that hold? The
wheels are coming Well, there's theother story that he said and in it

was at an interview that if doctorscame to him and told him, you
know, Joe, you shouldn't dothis, he would quit the race.
Yeah. Wow, I'm thinking.I'm thinking. I think a lot like
you are. This is part ofthe Democrat strategy to ease him out of
this race. They'll have some doctorscome in test him and say, you
know what, Joe, you probablyshouldn't do this. That's an out.

I always thought that would be it, but I thought after this weekend,
maybe they didn't want to waste anyof their bench on a future race.
Maybe they would throw up a whiteflag with what has happened as of late.
But Joe Biden, for whatever reason, COVID or saying it's COVID and
it being something else. It's nota good sign for that president, for
that for that campaign to be bailingout of a big event in Nevada.

Breaking news tonight, Joe Biden reportedlyhas COVID, telling that that he is
not giving his speech tonight in LasVegas because he's tested positive for COVID.
All right, when we come back, we'll talk with the youngest member of
the Utah delegation here at the RepublicanNational Convention. He's from Smithfield. We'll
give you a chance to meet him, find out why he wanted to be
a delegate. That's going to bea fun, fun story that's coming up.

We are live at the Republican NationalConvention here in wonderful Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
We have been staying with the Utahdelegation here in town, and we've
met this young man who is veryimpressive. And there's our guests. His
name is Chase Levitt. Chase iswhat how old are you? Chase eighteen
eighteen, eighteen years old, theyoungest member of the Utah delegation, which
I think is just a great story. Chase, welcome to the Welcome to

the program, and thanks for joiningus. Thank you. I appreciate that.
Okay, So tell our listeners what'syour story? Because I was before
we came on the air, Iwas telling you this is my fifth convention,
and so you have your first oneand then you get to build on
those experiences. It's a prehistoric conventionI believe to be even your first one.
I would imagine a young man likeyou, you're gonna have a lot
of conventions in your life under yourbelt. When all said and done,

what is your impression? Is itwhat you thought it would be? Is
it are the what? Just giveme a general take on what you're seeing
and how you're feeling. Well,I'd definitely say that this is just I
mean, it's amazing. Every Like, the whole country's coming together, people
from all fifty states, media guests, all delegates, all coming together to

nominate the president, the Republican nomineefor President of the United States, which
that in itself is just a coolexperience. But just to come here and
really experience the energy just behind politics, I mean not you Usually people look
at politics and they're like, oh, it's boring, I don't want anything
to do with it. But youcome to this and it's the energy is

everywhere, isn't it? And youcan feel it and it seems to be
growing as the days are going on. Chase, were you in the convention
center on Monday when Donald Trump showedup? I was what was that?
What was that feeling? Like?I mean that played thunderous applause for five
to seven minutes. Right, Honestly, I can't even describe the feeling that
I had because I was actually watchingthe rally when live when President Trump got

wow yeah, and I heard thegunfire, saw him drop to the ground
after putting his hand over his ear, and then watching him get up and
putting his slumping his fist, fightfight fight, That in itself lit a
fire inside of me that I haven'tfelt before. But to watch him come
out to the crowd, that wassomething I can't even can't even explain the

energy and just I honestly got emotionalbecause it's like, this guy has been
through so much for this country.He's been impeached, he's been they're trying
to arrest him, and then theytrying to kill it, try to take
all his money away exactly, andnow they're trying to kill him and he's
still standing. And to see himcoming out with that bandage on his ear
was truly, just truly incredible,and I'm more proud than ever to support

President Trump. Do you think sothe media for take my word for this
chase, because you you know,you weren't tracking us for nine years.
I know this, but for nineyears they were. They have the media,
the regime media has been stigmatizing thisman, making it so that he's
just trying to create the worst ofthe worst, and then those that would

support him trying to stigmatize them.So we've called this like the quiet Trump
vote people that like Trump, orthe shy Trump vote. I think watching
him after being shot rise up andsaying I'm going to fight for Hope,
fight we're under siege, were I'mnot gonna stop. I'm going to fight
for you. His reaction and withit is unrehearsed, unscripted. Do you

think there's a stigma out there tosupport Trump or did you ever sense one
before? And do you think thereis one now? After the last weekend.
I honestly think that that moment itwoke a lot of people up,
and I hope, like honestly,I'll I was scrolling through my Instagram right
after, just on my personal accountwhere I follow my friends, classmates,

people who aren't ever who don't everpost anything political, We're posting the picture
of President Trump wow o putting hisfists in the air. And it was
truly just amazing because people are wakingup and realizing that what this man is
truly doing for our country, andthere's people who don't necessarily like him or
his policies, but they are nowrealizing this guy is doing what nobody else

can really has been doing. Imean, he's putting himself through hell to
save this country. Yeah yeah,Chase, the idea of being a delegate,
Where did this all come from?You're eighteen years old, you know
where did this idea that you wantedto be a delegate come from? Chase?
Well, so I'll kind of startwith this. But back in twenty

twenty was when I started getting Iwasn't necessarily involved, but being aware of
what was going on because I wasin eighth grade. We were shut down
for two weeks because of COVID andhe has an eighth grader two weeks off
school. That was amazing, Butas it kept getting pushed back. Yeah,
but as it kept getting pushed back, and it turned into a month,
and then another month, and thenthey were forcing us to wear masks

and then telling us that we can'tcan't do all these things, and I
started being like, what is this? What is going on? And then
the BLM, that whole thing,the rioting where they a lot of these
people weren't fighting for racial justice.They were fighting for selfish reasons to destroy
cities. And watching that on thenews just honestly it woke me up and

was like, we need to dosomething. And it's like, this is
our future, my generation, thisis our future. So why don't we
step up and try to change something, get involved, do what we can
to make a difference. And sowhen Rob Axson asked me to be an
alternate delegate here, I jumped onthe opportunity because it's an opportunity to be

a part of something so big andso and so important. It was,
it was just it was a nobrainer for me. You know, did
you I don't know if you heard, if ive ake aroun Oswami's speech,
but yeah, he talked about youyour generation, and he said you're gonna
you're the future. You're gonna fightto save this country. And if you
want to be a rebel, they'retelling you that. You know, your

schools are telling you what to do, big business is telling you what to
do. The government's trying to tellyou what to do. If you want
to be a rebel, you're goingto push against these things. And it
is okay to be married, itis okay to have kids, It is
okay to have a good job.It's good and and that's the rebellious play
position to be. Do you feellike you and your your generation are they

getting that that there's if you wantedto go against the grain, it really
would be for some of these thingsthat have been in America more traditional,
but there's kind of a pressure againstthat right now. Right now. I
always say that my generation is veryoutspoken about a lot of things, but
I honestly believe that my generation ismore conservative than people think. I think
that with all the things that youjust mentioned that are being forced on forced

on my generation and it's to bea conservative, it can almost be hard.
Sometimes. I think that quiets alot of people. But honestly,
I think now I'm seeing more andmore people awaken and realize that, you
know, again, this is ourfuture and if we want change, we
got to make it ourselves, becauseit's clearly not happening in dcor or anything
like that. So yeah, yeah, it's well, let me tell you

what change. I don't know whatyour path for the future is going to
be at Utah State University, butif you're looking for a future, I
think he'd make a great talk showus. Yes, you're articulating, Daylight
said well, he's looking for anew code already. This way I could
get rid of it. Would bringyou on. I try to chase Hey,
the doors over there, go beforehe takes me out of this chair.

Now, CHATESE. Great to haveyou on the show with us.
Thanks for taking your time, goodluck the rest of the convention. I
really appreciate it. Thank you.I appreciate you. Guy Thys sure come
on buying. Thanks for being here. Brother. All right, all right,
Chase Levitt here on with Rodd andGreg on Utah's Talk Radio one oh
five nine K and RS. Wetold you this just a couple a couple
of minutes ago, that President JoeBiden has tested positive for COVID. As

a matter of fact, he testedpositive. He was he was in Las
Vegas. He gave one speech earliertoday, and it is he was preparing
for the second speech. Apparently,peil, you know, the feeling that
you're coming down with something. Itkind of took him over and he's showing
symptoms of a running nose, anon productive cough, with general malaise.
So what the White House decided theytold the audience he was going to speak

to that he has COVID and heis on his way back to Washington,
d C. To take care.So, and you're very you're very skeptical
of that, aren't they're calling itnow? Yeah, that's what they're calling
COVID nineteen. Don you slur yourwords when you get COVID. I don't
know if that's one of the symptomsor not. I forget things, Yeah,
do you forget people's names, peoplewho aren't there? Yeah? I

think is that part of COVID?Yeah? Okay, all right, well
you never know. All right.We just had a chance a moment ago
to talk with Chase Levitt, who'sthe youngest delegate among the Utah delegates to
the convention. I think we've gotanother young one. I mean, he
looks like he's twelve. Isn't justme looks like twelve? No, you
and I are just old. Okay. I don't know what I gotta be.

We're just you're just walking us rightinto this road. You got to
chill out. No, this wehave Representative triver Lee with a state representative
Trivially, you're joining us first timeconvention, right, yeah, first time?
So it's a historic convention. Sharewith the listeners. Wait, wait,
what are you seeing you're a publicservant. We grapple I when I
was on the clock, you're grapplingwith a lot of state issues, but

they certainly in Utah have a federalnexus to them. So you care about
this election like we all do.But tell me about this convention and having
not been to one, what doyou see in? What are you hearing?
So it was something that I absolutelylove Right now about this convention?
Is it seems so unifying? I'mblown away. In fact, there's some

some of our delegation from Utah whoare typically not the most pro Trump individuals,
and other than one individual, yougot everyone on board. That's right.
I mean it's so cool to watchindividuals or people who I've known for
a long time who are now onthe Trump bandwagon. And it's not about
one individual. This is about themovement. It's moving our agenda forward,

which is conservatism, the Republican Party. I mean, this is unbelievable to
watch. Yeah, the party isshifted, you know, from twenty sixteen
to where we are eight years laterin twenty twenty four. This is really
Donald Trump's mega party right now?Is that fair to say? Oh?
Yeah? In fact, you weretalking on a little bit before I came
on. Was you know, whenI was younger, I've watched conventions on

TV. It looked like guys withsome elephants as a mascot in suits,
very formal. Yeah, you know, you got your patriotism. But now
it's all about America first. It'sit's getting rid of Joe Biden. It's
unifying behind the singular America, makeAmerica great. And man, eight years
to build this up has just beenhuge. I mean, unlike anything I've

ever seen before. Yeah, soyou know, I compared this to a
prize fight. If you go toa prize fight in Vegas, you'll have
the main event and you'll have anundercard of a couple of fights that they
but the early, the earlier fights, nobody comes to, the whole place
is empty, and so you've gotthese great fights. I try to get
to the undercart early when I goto them. But but conventions have been

like that, where you have thislong, long list of elected officials and
people that are looking to get thatexposure, whether they're in an erase themselves,
whatever it may be. But thedelegates haven't really drilled down on those
speed she's yet. Last night andespecially the everyday Americans that were speaking.
You could hear I could hear apin drop in terms of the the human
stories. Yeah, everyday stories.People don't the delegates don't usually watch all

of those speeches. Was Were thereany of those speeches representative that that you
heard that you were touched by thatweren't maybe the highlight, the the Santis
or the Nicky Hayles. I mean, you didn't name it, so I'll
say it. I love the vexmessage. He's just like a political boxer.
He was just awesome. But thetwo of the ones that really really
stuck out to me was Sarah HuckbySanders and Laura Trump. Yes, And

what I loved about both of theirspeeches was they didn't so much go into
the politics as much as knowing himas a father in law and as someone
who was a boss with their kidsinvolved in these situations, and just what
a good man that we just alldon't typically get a ce And I think
that's starting to resonate with more people. In fact, the last poll I
saw said, you know, theirsupport with woman for Trump right now is

at an all time I'm high.Yeah, that's what we need. We
need people to understand that his policiesare good. He's not an evil man
that wants to come and be adictator. And so those two really stuck
out because I think it hit theheart of the message from people who are
around him a lot. Yeah.I really thought, and I'm glad you
touched on that, Trevor, becauseI thought Sarah Huckabee Sanders talking about her

children in the White House and herlittle boy running toward the president, but
then Verden went to his mom instead. You know, that was a very
touching story. Laura Trump talking abouthow he loves his grandchildren. I think
that was last night. They weretrying to show the human side of Donald
Trump. Very private family, Weunderstand that, but he is a family

man. Yeah, And it's whatwe're all about. That is conservatism,
that is Republican values right there ondisplay. And if that's the leader of
this movement and the party, that'swhat I want. I want strong families.
Do you think the unity that you'retalking about was that always going to
be the case or do you hethinks that something happened on Saturday when when
that attempted assassination failed and and Trumpwith the reaction and an unscripted moment.

You know, rose and said ashe's bleeding to fight or fight for hope,
we're gonna fight, and and andreacted the way he did just even
primarily the way he reacted as aleader. Has that contributed maybe to the
unity that we're feeling, do youthink? Oh? Yeah, because you
know, for people around him,they've always known what kind of person he
is. But for the entire worldto see someone instinctively in that moment you

know, I'm going to fight,like I'm going to stand up. I
mean, that wasn't scripted. Andand you know there, I don't know
if you've seen that video that wentaround it was three months ago about the
guy predicting this was going to happen. I mean, predicted a bolt would
hit his air. I mean partof what this gentleman said was when when
Trump hits the ground, he's goingto have like an awakening or a moment

where it's like a like a baptismalmost. And you know a lot of
people here have said, you know, he seems different, his demeanor seems
different. I would yeah, inthat sense, yeah, I do.
It's pretty I'm hard to imagine youwould live through something like that where your
mortality doesn't really hit set home,hit home a little bit more. Yeah,
And I do think there is asense of difference, uh and in

the president that way. I thinkhe's always going to be the present President
Trump. I don't think we're goingto get but I do. I think
he feels the magnitude of what happenedand what what he's meant to do.
And so I agree, Treumvor,great to have you stop by it.
Take good luck with the rest ofthe convention. Thank you fantastic be here.
Thanks for being here. They RepresentativeTrevor Lee joining us on The Rotten
Gregg Show as we broadcast live fromthe Republican National Convention. Yet at by

the way souvenir shopping today with him, you wouldn't believe it's what it's like
shopping. You need to hang onto Russia all the cool stuff I got,
all right, mare coming up.You're on The Rotten Gregg Show and
Talk Radio one oh five nine canarrested. You know you always have two
or three minutes you have to behere to help me hand signs or something,

because I would be tracking what youwere saying. If you'd like it.
You went to the same hand signwhat's happening here? Well, you
said, there they are. I'mgonna go say you got two minutes.
Thanks for coming to the show.Well we can do that during okay,
all right, Well we have CongressmanJohn Curtis with us. Congressman, thank
you joining us. He's going tobe with us in the five o'clock we'll

talk to him. Coming up.We want to get a news. That's
right. We have a minute forthe break we have listen. I'm just
telling your listeners this is going tobe good. Stay tuned. That's right,
that's right. You've never listened tothis show. There's nothing good about
this show. Speak for your Ohyeah, I know, I know.
All right, a late word.Joe Biden COVID today testing positive for COVID.

He gave a speech down in LasVegas. Was about to give a
second one. Wasn't feeling well.They tested him. He's positive for COVID.
He's on his way. You know, you're like, cuse him,
like you forget people's name. Waswhen you have COVID? That what's going
on here? It's just who exposedhim? It was like, I mean,
they keep this case so isolated.Does he ever get COVID. You

know, it's like, wait aminute, like, do bad zooms fundraisers
cause COVID? What happens? Idon't understand. Let's blame it on Lester
Hold, George Stephanopolis and media zoomCOVID, COVID. He had a really
bad zoom meeting for a fundraiser COVID. There were Democrats who were complaining that
angry at him when they tried totalk to him about what's going on.

I know, maybe maybe one maybeI'm just too much of a cynic,
you know, maybe Greg, Ithink it's you know, it could be
a plot to get rid of theguy. It could be a plot to
just don't matter of the way.My first thought was, I mean this
like his age COVID. I know, yeah, I'm doing up what you're

putting down. Conversation. Well,well, let me tell you what,
Folks, if you don't have athick skin, do not listen to this.
There's going to be some barbs tossedaround during this. What are you
even talking about? This is likewhat I'm talking about. I mean,
it's a tough crowd to talk to. This afternoon brought in Greg broadcasting live
from the Republican National Convention, andwe want to welcome Congressman John Curtis here

on the show here with us inMilwaukee, of course, John Curtis,
the winner of the Senate primary,headed for a battle for the Senate come
November. You already go to ready, But I want to throw the first
bard him. What is citizen GregHughes? Well, I'll try now,
awesome, Now that's what he doesn'twant to be known as politician. I

get the can I throw like?Can we sample things like icon Greg Hughes,
Lady gentleman being mocked, Please don'tjump, because let me do whenever
we go to the state captain,this is okay. When we go to
him, well, we go tothe state Capitol and do a show from

there. People bow and genuinely thankyou for knowing. The first thing he
said is this is what I expect. Yeah, you know this is this
is fake news. We've just goneinto the fake We've become regime media overnight
in a nanosecond is all fake.What you're saying about me, that's negative?
Can you just garbles Dapper? Youlook I talked about Dapper. Look

at you. You're all suited andbooted over there. So let me tell
you something. So I want toknow, suited and booted congressman, A
really simple question, because while theHouse of Representatives is a is a big
it's a heavy lift, it's ait's a tough it's a shark tank,
it really is. And you've beenin it. And you're winning in a

very tough and competitive Senate race anda Senate primary in Utah, and really,
and I texted you this, youdidn't just win, you beat plurality.
I mean you You've got a pluralityof the vote with or yeah,
with four candidates, which is whatwe don't see. And it always frustrates
me to see a small, smallerpercentage getting that nomination. So congrats.

But here in the epicenter of Republicanpolitics, are you kind of a bigger
deal now? Are just tell us? Just tell us? Or are you
kind of We're going to get them? The shirt says that says I'm a
big deal. I think kind oftrue. I'm gonna bring my wife over
here, and she's going to stretyou out really quick. Okay, it's
taken on her life mission is tomake sure I don't ever think that I'm

a big deal. As a matterof fact. No, she's not here,
so yeah, so please don't anybodylistening, Please don't talk to her
about all I'm so telling her.Early in my marriage, she determined that
I was better than most. Yeah, wow, so that is better than
most. Not a big deal,but that's better than most. That's very
sweet. Queen Bee. Kristaal wouldsay something like that about me. I

think she'd be that. That's aboutbest I would get. John when we
talked after the primary. Yeah,yeah, it's someone have to you said.
I asked you the difference between amember of the House and being a
member of the Senate, and yousay, the Senate gives you more time
to work on things. You know, because you're there six years, you
aren't campaigning every two years. Itjust gives you more time to try and

get things done that are important toyou on important to the voters in Utah.
That can't be underestimated is that inthe House, everybody who is going
to win their election in a fewmonths is going to immediately start thinking about
re election. Yeah. So ifyou have a bill that takes multiple years
to mature some serious issues permitting reformmight be a good example. And some

of these big issues you just don'thave the time clock to get down into
the weeds to get consensus to geta bill through. And I'm really looking
forward to that in the Senate.It's one of several things that's dramatically different
between the House and the Senate.Yeah. Yeah, So so let me
let me let's shift to to thisconvention and John, you know, Franklin's
the polster. He he's oh,you know, he has a lot to

say. He has some interesting observationsabout last night's speeches and even the reaction
from the from the delegates. Hesaid he'd never seen what he saw last
night before. He set a stagefilled with hardworking taxpayers, African Americans,
working women, union members, anddelegates dancing in the aisles, speeches bashing
corporate America and the status quo.We are witnessing a realignment of American politics.

I don't know that we were witnessinga realignment of the American politics by
what we saw last night or inthis convention. I think politics has religned
on us and it was manifest lastnight. And yes, and you're seeing
that because I do believe that weif you take the Ronald Reagan years,
and we believe that lower you know, we were supply siders. But something's
happened in my mind with big corporationsseeming to merge with big government, leaving

the everyday people behind. I thinkthat's what might be what we're seeing here.
What's your take, John Boy,I wish we had a whole hour
for this so the most so Iowned a small business and we struggled to
keep the lights on, right,we struggled with regulation, and so when

I came to Congress, that wasmy mindset. And I think what you're
seeing is wait a minute, Republicansthat are all automatically already starting to say
just because they're a business doesn't meanthey're struggling and doesn't mean they shouldn't be
doing more for their employees, anddefining the difference between particularly our small businesses

who just work their tails off tokeep the lights on and some of you
hear the word corporate read I've like, I've never felt comfortable saying that.
I'm not sure I still do.But you can show examples of where corporations
have taken advantage of their their theirtheir customers, their employees, and you

know, we don't. We hateto use the R word, regulation word,
but what is the oper role ofgovernment in writing that relationship? And
Republicans are starting to, I think, ask that question, Greg and and
not just assume that just because yourbusiness we're going to protect you. Layer
on top of that the wopeness thatyes, that's that's what I think has

alienated the people. But go ahead, there as a guy that came in
in twenty seventeen and voted for taxreform and did what we thought so much
for corporations, and then to turnaround and have some of those corporations,
like I like a diet Coke asmuch as mbe, but would Coke turn
around and see some of the thingsthat they said about the voting changes in
Georgia really angered a lot of Republicans. And I think that's when you say

manifest I think that's when some ofthat started to shift. So I and
I think that that large corporations you'reseeing, you know, multinationalism, you're
seeing global corporations. Now you're seeingthe ability to have a small business that's
undermined because of the strength of thegrowth of these large corporations. And then
there's a social agenda. It feelsthat comes along with that, and to

me, it transcends Republicans or Democrats. I think everyday Americans, and I
think again reflected in the Convention herethis week, are feeling left behind or
harmed by what we're seeing with thegrowth of large corporations with social agendas or
being woke. Yeah, so kindof coming back to this concept of like,
if you're talking about somebody that's comingin mortgaging their home, working hard,

I think Republicans are all behall inright. If you're talking about somebody
who is walking in the office andsaying, hey, we got to figure
out how to right this wrong insociety. Yes, well, wait a
minute, that's a little different.And I think it's it's hurting some Republicans
heads, right, because we're soused to automatically defending yes. But I

do think it's causing them to question. And this is going to be tested
with some of these tax cuts expiringnext year. They can't expire. That's
your job, by the way,you got to stop that. You'll be
a really good example, like,but we also can't increase the deficit.
Are Republicans willing to say, allright, that corporate rate. We're gonna

play with that a little bit becausewe don't want to increase the deficien.
So I think it's not as simpleas oh, we'll renew them or we
won't renew them. But okay,which ones worked? Which ones? I
think individuals absolutely, I mean weshould not even question that. But I
do think there's some people who aregoing to say that corporate tax rate,
let's take a look at it.John. You hear this from conservatives all

the time, lower taxes in smallergovernment. I understand smaller government, but
I also want smart government. Isit possible, John, to come up
with smart government where you're look andyou say, we can do that,
but we can't do that? Imean, is that I can? Is
that realistic? In Utah? Yousee a gazillion examples of that in city,
county and state government. You seemayors, you see county commissioners making

hard decisions and balancing by just allday long and doing a good job.
And that's what you're not seeing inWashington. It's so angering people. Is
they just we're just not making harddecisions. We want to do everything.
Yeah, yeah, John, Canyou stay for another segment because we've got
some other questions as well. Iknow, always wanted to throw it.
Greg, let the barbs fly.Okay, Mark coming up here on the

runner, catch you along with GregHughes, broadcasting live from the Republican National
Convention and Milwaukee. I want toask you John. Of course, everybody's
talking about what happened on Saturday,and you know there it seems like every
hour a new angle to the storyis coming out. We heard today that
his parents notified police that they wereconcerned he disappeared. His father's gun was

gone, They were worried about him. We're seeing video where he was walking
around the grounds looking up at theroofs uh, you know, and no
one said, you know, misterpresident, we probably should hold on a
minute, let us clear this.How how aggressive do you think the House
is going to be and Congress isgoing to be to look into this and
see what happened here, They're goingto be relentless. We had a briefing

today. FBI is already calling thisa failure, colossal failure. And yeah,
and Secret Service has no way toexplain what they allowed to happen.
And you know, we are heartachesfor those the gentleman that was killed What
a hero, What a hero,And there were others injured, and you

can never fix that. Somehow thepresident survives, but the fact that it
came that close is something that wecan never allow to happen. And I
don't care if it's President Biden orPresident Trump not allowed that to happen.
And Congress is angry, and I'myou know, I'm on these these these
briefings and things, and they letmembers ask questions and there is a lot

of anger. So you can expecta thorough a look and accountability from Congress,
congressman, and it's it seems tobe a pattern. I mean Afghanistan.
The withdrawal was just and it's oneof the themes tonight about making America
stronger again. But the withdrawal wasjust horrific. It was horrific to see

people falling from those planes as theywere evacuating. It was horrific to see
these soldiers are members of our military, that were blown up at the at
the airport gate. There was somuch that was just not America. But
who was fired, who was whoresigned over that failure? I never saw
it. I look at this andI was always told that one hundred percent

success is the only standard for presidentialdetails and for protection. Why why is
she not gone? Why isn't onher own? Yeah? Well, so
listen, just where there is goingto be accountability for Afghanistan. It's going
to happen in November. Yes,I think you're right, and you're right,
and and look the way this isshaping out, This is not even
going to be close. This isa Ronaldgan Jimmy Carter, in my opinion

situation. And I think that's ultimatelythat's what the accountability the founders gave us.
And that doesn't mean there aren't otherlevels of accountability and that Congress has
a role in those, but oursare mostly oversight and exposing, got it?
Yeah, And I think if rightnow, you cannot have any better
at that, but better at thehelm than Jim Jordan and James Comer.
And I think for the last yearor so, the United States has had

the best oversight from Congress that they'vehad in a very long time because of
the personalities of those two people.What about the heated rhetoric that everyone to
say needs to tone down. Andit didn't take very long, as you
well know, Congres has been forit to ramp right back up and we're
starting to see it again. Willit change anything? So listen, it's
sad that it takes a crisis,right to get us to change unfortunately,

and I've felt for a long time, if you talk about just patriotism,
our country has not had to sacrificefor patriotism a long, very long time.
And my worry is that it's goingto take something a crisis for patriotism
to return. And so when youtalk about major shifts like the escalating our

dialogue, is this a big enoughevent to get that to happen. I
don't know. I kind of doubtit. Yeah, but I worry that
it's going to take something like that. And I think for me, for
a long time, I've been saying, look, I can't change this and
I can't change that, but Ican change me, right, And people
that know me know that I dotry to disagree in a way with somebody

that that validates that they have opinions, and I'm always right right, Yeah,
you're like me. I don't havethe luxury of opinion. I just
know. I just know it's aburden. Are the crown we apologize for
that. Here's here is here's becausethis brings up an interesting point. I

don't think you have we have thisunique moment where you had two presidents who
have served back to back. Thisdoesn't happen usually someone has never been president
and they're promising all the good thingsthey could do if they were ever were
president. But we have sixteen totwenty and twenty one to twenty four,
and there's a simple question. Wecould ask Americans which of those terms was
your life better. That's a substantivecampaign. But the Democrats I don't think

could ever go there. I thinkthey have only ever thought that they could
stigmatize, demonize President Trump or eventhose that support him, as their only
way to succeed. And so aswe look to and seek to strike a
tone of unity and take a higherground, if they go back, if
the Democrats don't really have a substantivecase to make, and really scaring people

about President Trump is really their wheelhouse, how do those two ideals blend.
So this is my hope. Yeah, right, the contrast. Republicans need
to do a better job of talkingabout the contrast, right, and I
believe if we do that, wewill be far more successful than if we
revert to the you know, thethe name calling. You don't have to

be really smart right now, rightlike? And I think I think the
Democrats have done a wonderful job ofconflating the COVID into Trump's numbers. So
they talked about how many jobs havebeen added, but they forget to say,
oh, by the way, wekilled two million jobs. All that.

Anybody's shocked that two million jobs cameback, right, And I think
we have to do a better jobof contrasting Trump pre Covides and Biden and
the policies that led to inflation.This is not hard. In college,
I was taught inflation's a result oftoo much spending chasing too few goods.
We're over spending and we're overregulating inflation. Does that make sense? And I

think if Republicans did a better jobof articulating and how we're going to fix
this. And kay, let's behonest, like, we need to do
a better job of spending. Let'stell them what we're going to what are
our plans? Right, how arewe going to do that? I think
we landslide the election if we doa better job of contrast. Yeah,
good point, I agree. Ithank you for spending the time. We

know you always yeah, I cannotwait. I'm going to start preparing for
here we go, here we go. I'm going to start making notes now
you know, you know I getto take shots at them every day and
it's so enjoyable. Let me justsay this, great like you and I
have to be really careful that peopledon't think we actually get along. He's

going to destroy our street credit.Keeping this right, very careful. Congressman
John Curtis, he is on hisway to the Utah Senate the rates coming
up on November fifth. He's hereat the convention. Good luck. The
rest is the way. Let's doit again. Taking some time on a
very busy schedule. I know youhave all right. More coming. It
is Rodd and Greg broadcasting live fromthe Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Just

breaking, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumerhas urged President Biden to drop out of
the race, being reported by ABC. Okay, ABC News, Now,
let me ask you this. WhenPresident Biden said for the first time just
recently that if a if he couldnot continue, if a doctor said he
couldn't continue, that then that isthat would be something where he would consider

he would potentially drop out. Wouldthat be COVID? Yes, be COVID.
Now in your eighties you got COVID? Is that is that the moment?
Are we are we talking about that? Here's another one. You know
you've got MSNBC, you got youknow, you got the leftist regime media
here at our convention. The speechesare going on right now. Navarro,

he was he was in the clink, I think yesterday, and now he's
in front of the front of thedelegates because you know, the Democrats threw
him in jail because he wasn't didn'trespond to a subpoena. Hunter doesn't have
to respond to a subpoena. MarrackGarland doesn't have to respond to a subpoena
they put they imprisoned Navarro because hedidn't. He's in he's speaking to the
delegates right now, which is anamazing thing. But while that's all happening,

Jen Psaki as you like to callher, and Joy Reid are doing
some commentary and right now they aresaying to their listeners. Also, however,
many are watching MSNBC. They areliterally this is coming up. Comparing
the Biden's handling of COVID as thesame as Trump's surviving an assassination. Well,

j they think these are these arevery comparable moments that the American people
should be looking at Biden having COVIDand President Trump surviving an assassination attempt,
that these are these are similar interms of a president's resilience and perseverance.
Wow, pretty amazing. Yeah,you know what this reminds me of,

Citizen Hughes. You weren't around duringthis time, but I was going to
school down in Texas earning my degree, and it was during the height of
Watergate, and the walls just startedcrumbling down on Richard Nick's Yep, he
had been impeached. He was goingto be removed from office. And it
took legislative leaders of that time likewe have legislative leaders today from his own

party, who went to the WhiteHouse and told Richard Nixon, you need
to resign. If not, youwill be impeached and most likely put in
jail. And that's where Nixon cameout and said, I resign. And
it kind of it has that thatfeel like that, like the walls are
crumbling around. As a matter offact, people are saying staff can't talk

to him right now. Is basicallyJill and Hunter who are protecting him and
not telling him what's really going onout there. The polls are coming out,
they're showing, you know, theDemocrats are in disarragrance. I don't
know what they do. So youknow, because I think, I think
now, I think with Schumer goingthere, you had Shift going there.

More, you have a lot ofmembers of the House over already suggested he
should not compete in the run forthe White House. Now you're started to
have senators do the same thing,and sooner or later they're going to look
and say, we have no support. Someone's going to have to tell me
he's got to get out. Lookin years past, I mean in presidential
elections passed. When you have theweek of a convention for a presidential candidate

and receiving their party's nomination, theother side goes dark and they let them
go and they have theirs. Andit's usually been the party the candidate that
was the second the second convention usuallyenjoyed the bump in the polls that was
a little more sustainable than the firstconvention's candidates, without regard to party their
bump. Okay, so there seemedto be like a counter to have that

moment right now this week for theRepublican National Convention here in Milwaukee to be
going on and to have at thesame time, whether it be Chuck Schumer
or Shift or any of them attackingBiden, it is just amplifying the strength
of Trump in real time. Andyou know they don't want that, so

I it's so strange to see thatthey're going through this. I I have
been saying all along that I thoughtthat he would get out. It would
be he would announce that medically hecouldn't continue, but it would be after
after Biden received the Democrat nomination,so that the Democrat National Committee members,
who are the elites, the people, the party chairs of every state,
the elected officials, the Democratic electedofficials of every state, could then elect

a whole new ticket. But thisthe pace of this, I don't think
he can. I don't know thatBiden August. I don't know that Biden
can get that nomination in August theway that things are going right now.
But then that means that you've gota floor fight with Kamala Harris coming.
Because a poll came out, uhit was it was reported in Politico today

that that Kamala Harris is not goingto perform any better than Biden in this
race, and that they have togo outside, they have to look at
him. I had not heard thesenames before, but a Mark Kelly,
Senator from from Arizona, Josh Shapiro, Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania.
You have to get a home anew guy or new person from the
Democrats side to try and beat DonaldTrump. At this point, is there

time? And how are you goingto do that in a convention and tell
the Vice president she doesn't have hershot? I don't know. I think
it's it feels more chaotic and lessplanned than I had thought was going on.
The longer Joe Biden waits, themore damages being done to the Democratic
Party. If Greg if he keepsdragging this out, if he goes to

the convention not making the decision asof yet, that party is what do
they do? I mean they arethis is this is political purgatory really for
the Democratic work. They don't knowwhere to go. So let me,
let me, let me throw thisout. And I'm just thinking, is
that the voices that you're now hearing, whether it be from the from the
Democrats in the US Senate or fromCongress. Are they so concerned about down

ticket ballots that they are now justjettis their reason they are Now they're turning
on Biden, saying good luck,godspeed. I don't know what you're doing.
This isn't actually about you anymore.This is about the Democrats trying to
keep the Senate majority, the youknow, trying to take back the House,
but not let there be too bigof a wave of Republicans in the
House of Representatives. Are they nowjust trying to protect the down ballot in

the November election? And this reallydoesn't even have anything to do with the
prospects for the presidency. That's aquestion. I it'd be interesting to know.
I wish I was a Flyannel wallOh, I'd love to know it.
Tell more and more of this,Greg, where Biden is showing up
in various states, the other theDemocratic senators, the Democratic members of the

House are not showing up with him. You know, he was in Detroit,
what was it last week? Whitmerwasn't there. None of the candidates
were there with Joe Biden. Anotherindication. So how long is it going
to be? Who knows? Gregbut another interesting development. And of course
tonight here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,anticipation as the Republican delegates to the National

Convention yet ready to hear from JDEvents. We're going to be there tonight.
We'll be in the convention center listeningto what he has to say.
It's going to be interesting. He'sgot a lot of faring to tell.
Don jump my buddy. Donald TrumpJunior is going to be speaking as well,
and then also Jade Vance's wife,she'll be speaking to the audience.
But folks, pay attention to theeveryday Americans that they have. They have
so many everyday people that are notof the political class of any party that

are going to look into that cameraand talk to the American people about their
American experience. And I think thatthat is a shift for our Republican Party
in the most positive ways. Andso watch those everyday Americans. There's eight
between six thirty and nine pm thatwe'll be speaking to America tonight and they
have great stories to tell. Sowon't listen, folks, and we'll be

there on talking about it. Ofcourse tomorrow, I tell you what,
it's been a great four day event. Donald Trump will Kack a bit off.
You know, when we were inthe in the center last night,
Greg, listening to Nikki Haley andRondo Santis and all those I looked up
at the ceiling, all those balloons. I am telling you, I have
been told I have sources, Rod, I have sources on the ground.

I am told it will be thelargest balloon drop in the history of balloon
drops. It's going to be thegreatest balloon drop. I'm telling you.
I'm telling you that they think it'sa they think it's going to be a
Guinness Book of World Records balloon drop. Now, one thing I wanted to
bring up, and you and Ihave run across this. Uh there there
are Republican delegates from around the country, but I've run into some delegates from

other states who have asked me aboutour governor spend the company and saying,
what's up with spender? What's wrongwith your governor? Because Cock, what
was it a week ago, cameout and said I'm not going to vote
for Trump, I'm not going tovote for Biden. I'm going to write
in you know what gives with thisguy? I would just say on a
political strategy, since you're still onthe ballot. You don't want people to
write in a different name from you. So you don't want anyone, you

know, treating you the way you'retreating that. I would have not gone
to. You don't have to votefor a Republican. You can go ahead
and put any name you want onthe ballot. When you're on the ballot,
you might want to just get outof that whole practice, I would
say, but I have. Yes, you're right people that he's getting a
bit of a well. People areasking if you were from Utah. They're
asking, it's it's yeah, you'reright. Yeah. Well, even Tucker

Carlson way yesterday he was doing IGuess a podcast with Dan Dan Bongino and
Don Junior and Tucker Curlson and liftswhat Tucker had to say about our wonderful
government. Something about them. Ithink that they're the governor of Utah's that
way there. It's a certain sortof man, and they hate themselves so

much. And my operating rule inlife is if someone hates himself, he's
probably not gonna love you. It'sguys like that who just like get off
on abasing themselves. That's totally cool. If that word is cook. The
word is it's not a man worriedthem as word might have a very it
might be too negative. Yeah,no, it's though, it's look the

it's the Yeah, it's there's there'sjust something that's going on here where he
ran, he ran Governor Cox ranin this election. Very conservative, Yes,
very conservative. There was a lotof I mean the fifty four percent.
Look, if you have fifty percentplus one, you win the race.
It's over. So it doesn't reallymatter after that. And I I'm

a big believer in spending political capitaland I like that part too. But
at fifty four percent, that foran incumbent Republican governor, that is low.
That is not the norm. Thathas been that low for how many
years? Nineteen sixty two two.But I but I'll tell you that that
when you when you pivot back aftera primary and you're on CNN and you're

saying that I am not I haveno intentions of voting for for uh Donald
Trump, and I'm going to bewriting in it's a whole different name.
And he said, but I hopeI think, he said, but I
hope they win or he wins.Those kind of cross signals are those messages
or the or the pivots that happen, they get noticed, and they're getting
noticed outside of Utah when you hearsomeone like Tucker Carlson talk about, you

know, people that are constantly preachingor I don't know anyway, Well,
it's I'm being asked about. Idon't really know how to explain it.
The point that a lot of peopleare making is he said this after the
primary was over, after the primarywas done. A lot of people say,
well, I didn't even say itbefore the primary, Like you said,
that race for governor was well,he won with what he get,

fifty four percent, a lot closerthan I thought it would be because prior
to the vote, all the pollswere showing he had like a sixty two
sixty fourth approval rating, and that'swhere I thought the vote would come in
it tightened considerably. Well, we'venot seen a Republican governor in seeking reelection
finding themselves in a primary receiving lessthan sixty percent. That's the that's the

record, and that's a robust winobviously, but no, it's it's less.
But I do find that he ishe is getting a national uh,
he's getting a lot of a nationalintention, and so then that's when you
have people that come up and askus these questions, and I'm I don't.
I don't mean we all have toexplain it because we get a conservative

media around this country have been sayingwhat is he doing? But you know,
the thing is, and I don't. I don't remember this exactly,
so I don't want to I don'twant to misrepresent it. So I'm not
saying this is one hundred percent whatwas being said. But I cannot imagine
that this question about President Trump,even knowing that he's been pretty honest,
that he's not been a huge fan. And that's fair enough. Everyone has

the right to their opinion. ButI thought that his answer was he would
support the nominee. Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe he didn't say that, but
I was the way I remember itis, even people that were not really
excited about Trump's presidency or campaign waswere at least saying that they would support
the Republican nominee as a Republican.But maybe he didn't. Maybe he was

careful not to say that so thathe when he after the primary, he
could say he's not going to votefor him. Well, I was told
that Governor Cox was invited to cometo this convention, yes on several occasions,
and he said no. So takethat for what it's worth, as
they say, but he decided notto come to this convention. No telling
Greg what the Democrats are going todo. I mean, at this point,

it is all up in the air. You mentioned how much you love
this and I do to everyday Americanswho are speaking tonight to the convention.
They did it last night, theydid it on Monday and Tuesday night,
and now we're looking. They justheard from a rancher I assume somewhere in
Arizona or in Texas and his wifeand the impact that illegal immigration has had

on his family. The theme ismake America stronger again. And we're talking
about our border, We're talking aboutour military. We're talking about what happened
in Afghanistan never happening again. We'retalking about Israel and Palestine and Hamas,
and really America re established it's itsrole as a leader in the world.
President Trump showed in his four yearsthat we didn't have to get into a

war to do that. You canbe a strong country. And we see
the results of having a week leaderand what it's looked like since Biden has
taken office, and so these AmericaI just don't remember, and I've read
now that others have not seen asmany just everyday Americans speaking to America at
a national convention, republican convention foryou know, to nominate a candidate for

president. And I just think thatthese speeches more than the more than the
political class. Roud, I thinkthese speeches by the everyday Americans are the
ones that we should be tracking andlistening to, because that is if if
President Trump is putting that on this, that is he's that's his agenda.
His agenda is confronting the issues thatare happening to the everyday people. And

I just love it. I justthink that's what we have needed for so
long. And so by the way, you know, we talking before the
break that Joe Biden has COVID nineteenand we wondered, we speculated that,
you know, he just got finishedsaying that if a doctor tells him he
killed le Oh, he'll leave,he'll well. Back in July of twenty

one, uh President Biden said thathe said he give an absolute guarantee that
if you get your COVID nineteen vaccine, you are completely protected from infection,
sickness, and death from the coronavirus. Wait a minute, so that was
when twenty one. Yeah, heprobably wore off promised everyone in July.

So almost yeah, what July twentysecond? In twenty one he said,
if you get a vaccine, youare home free. Well, I guess
that shoots that down. He can'the can't resign. Doctor can't tell him
because if he has COVID, hetook that vaccine. He is one hundred
percent. Okay. Texas Governor GregAbbott speaking to the convention right now,
got a standing ovation talking to youknow, he's been one of the leading

fighters against illegal immigration in this country, doing everything he can possibly do to
protect his home states, the greatstate of Texas. Now, you know,
since the shooting on Saturday afternoon,the attempted assassination of Donald Trump,
there are all kinds of stories circulating, but the one thing people are calling
this God's hand was in this.He would save by angels. A lot

of people are talking about how ithas renewed their faith that God would step
in and save Donald Trump Junior.And there's a big event coming up tomorrow
tomorrow morning. The Faith and FreedomCoalition will be holding a breakfast tomorrow morning
to talk about faith, to talkabout you know what happened on Saturday,
talking about faith in our everyday lives. And we had a chance earlier to

talk with Timothy Head. Tim isthe executive director of the Faith and Freedom
Coalition. They're the ones sponsoring this. And as we began our conversation with
Tim a while ago, I askedhim, first of all, since the
events the near tragic, well,they were tragic events because of father lost
his life. You know, Ihave never heard more scripture being quoted on

network newscasts, from Proverbs to Ephesiansto you know, you name it.
And I asked him about that andhis reaction to do that, and here's
what he had to say. So, we certainly don't revel when bad things
happen, but the hope when badthings do happen is that it can cause
it kind of unsettles business as usual, and we have the opportunity at least

to to kind of step into whatreally matters. And I think that's uh.
You know, some people get afraid, some people can become angry,
but a lot of people turn toreally deep questions right, and and frankly,
you're exactly right. Off are manymany people that I've talked to with
informally and in media. Uh.You know, when when you see somebody

that that just's his head has facedone direction, he just moves about,
you know, eight or ten degrees. Yeah, right, when a shot
is fired and it grazes zeer,it's hard to I mean, maybe some
people believe in chance, which youknow, I would certainly recognize the right
to believe that. But that's that'sthat smacks of a of a pretty significant

moment, maybe historical moment that Ithink it's very easy to think of that
that God is is definitely kind ofintervening in the affairs of men and women.
Well, Tim, I'm grateful thatyou know the Faith and Freedom Coalition
is here that you're gonna. Iwould like you to talk about the prayer
breakfast that you've planned, but togo to the what Roger just asked,
I think there's a for me.I just feel a humility or a somberness,

Uh, after Saturday that I wasn'tmaybe feeling in his selection cycle prior
to that, and given that itwas and it is tragic, we had
a father who's showing his wife andhis daughter lose his life, and so
there's nothing, nothing to revel in. But but but those incidences do bring
a sense of humility and and humbleness. So help help us understand this prayer

breakfast was it always is going tobe as largely attended as you've described to
us before we got on the air. Maybe tell listeners about what you're planning
and what what you hope to accomplishwith the prayer breakfast tomorrow. Well,
so, yeah, great, greatquestion. A lot of great questions there.
But so we it's important for us. So we we at faith in
free We work on the way welike to say it is, we work

on public policy from a biblical worldviewwithin a constitutional framework. I think that
both of those sort of like workhand in hand in glove. But there
also is a kind of a culturalor social element to this as well.
And and and you know, Ithink that we were actually before Trump was

the nominee. Of course, mostmost people kind of assum during the primary
process that this was probably where thingswere headed. But we started a conversation
I don't know, seven or eightmonths ago about we do a lot of
prayer breakfasts and for state legislative sessionsas they're getting started, do it for
a lot of state parties during theirstate convention, and so we were kind
of approached about doing something like this, So it's it's kind of been on
the docket for a while. Wechose the morning of the nomination, of

course, just because we want totry to emphasize that while we we definitely
appreciate a nominee and and his runningmate for us, not only at our
organization, but I think a lotof Americans we we really our main hope
is actually in God and his principlesand precepts and candidates are as significant as

they are, they change over time. With the election of Donald Trump,
if in fact it takes place onNovember fifth, will there be a change
in in religion's role in government andpublic policy. Do you have a sense
at all of that, Tim,Well, yes, I do have a
pretty good sense, because you know, frankly, there's not a heck of

a lot of engagement. I mean, I certainly wouldn't expect for the Biden
administration to necessarily invite us to alot of meetings. We've actually had a
couple of a couple of good conversations. But but you know, I would
I would say, either the chairmanof ourganization's name is Ralph Reid, and
I'm the executive director, and betweenthe two of us, I think we
kind of quit counting in year three. But I think we were at one

hundred and seven meetings in the WhiteHouse proper, either in the Oval or
in the Roosevelt Room. Wow.And that has less to do with us
specifically, and more to do it'sjust like the appetite for input from on
these kinds of issues from people likeus. And you know, I think
we might be at two three anda half years into this White House,
which and so you know, Ithink that we'll see a return to to

you know, twenty sixteen or twentyseventeen to twenty twenty kind of sort of
soliciting input from people who really aretrying to champion biblical values. So I've
been saying, if anyone wants tohave a substantive discussion about the presidential election,
uniquely having two presidential terms right nextto each other, and what you've
described him, which I've never heardbefore, the how the frequency of prayer,

breakfast or meetings versus the way itis now. I think that's one
of those substantive comparisons that could happen. Tell us tomorrow, I would imagine
that Speaker Johnson would be in attendance, Pitt Who of the people that are
attending here, who would who wouldour listeners recognize as wanting to be a
part of a prayer breakfast on aday like tomorrow? Yeah, you bet
so. Uh so I think wehave six kind of headlining headliners, if

you will, So you know,we will have a little worship band from
a local kind of Milwaukee church,and we'll have a couple of pastors visit
with us. But like Marco Rubio, I think is going to be with
this, Governor, Christine Nome isgoing to be with this Governor. Glenn
Youngkin from Virginia is going to bewith this. Senator Ron Johnson also kind
of the host, and Senator ifyou will, from Wisconsin is going to

be with this and uh and thenyou know, I think we'll probably have
a couple one if not two otherguests, uh you know tomorrow that that
we'll just say that they're always welcomeand and uh frequently that happens. But
but those those schedules are gonna bea little bit tricky to predict. At
the end of this, what doessuccess look like to you hold an event
like this? What do you hopecomes out of it when you do events

like this? It's a great question. So you know, there's not like
a singular you know, sort ofmetric if you will. I mean,
we'll have a thousand people there,uplay nine a half. I think that
you know, we have an overflowroom. It's packed to the gills.
I mean, there'll be I thinkthat's it's great to have them highly attended.
We'll have a lot of media there. I think this helps. It
helps media to see elected officials wantingto talk to these constituents. The how

many constituents there are, so bearin mind this the evangelical and Catholic communities
in particular make up the single largestvoting constituency in all of American politics.
Thirty seven percent, not of theentire elector at about seventy two percent of
the Republican Party still are faith basedvoters. Okay, so this is this
is the base of the base.And so anybody that thinks that they can

you know, the way we sometimessay it is you can't win the White
House only with evangelical and Catholic voters, but you cannot win them win it
without evangelical and Catholic voters, whichis the critical fallacy basically of the left
calculus here in the last you know, probably ten years maybe. And so

what we're trying to do is againthese elevate these issues, make sure there
are many people that are discussing himand thoughtful, you know, whimsical ways
that this doesn't have to be youknow, Bible thumping and you know,
church on Thursday morning or whatever.But I think it'll be a very inspirational
time. I think it'll be.Certainly there is a sobriety because of what
happened on Saturday, for sure.You know, people know that we're kind

of playing for keeps if you will. Right now, Timothy Head he is
the executive director of the Faith andFreedom Coalition, which we'll be holding a
very large breakfast gathering tomorrow for athousand people. Speaker of the House,
Mike Johnson Wisconsin, cinder Ron Johnson, just a couple of the main speakers

that will share their thoughts about faithand politics. You know, the figure
that told me that I thought wasmost amazing. During Donald Trump's four years
in the White House, there wereI think it was one hundred and seven
meetings in which members of the faithcommunity were called in to talk with the
president. Under Joe Biden two.That something doesn't it really does it.

It's a terrible number. Again,if we were to ever have a substantive
campaign about these these two candidates forpresident, and you were just to stack
these two terms sixteen to twenty andtwenty one to twenty four to get next
to each other. Even with statslike that, one hundred and seven spiritual
based meetings versus two just said something. It will never compare this. This

Biden presidency just does not stack upnext to the Trump presidency in any way
positive way at least. All right, Mary, coming up here on the
Rod and Greg Show, broadcasting livefrom the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.
So we want to thank the folksat No Farm Tanks for helping to sponsor
our trip here to Milwaukee in theRNC. If you want to find out
more about No Farm Tax, justgo to nofarm tax dot org. Now,

you were telling us yesterday shared astory I think it was yesterday may
have been two days ago. Thesedays, we've had so much going on.
I've been running together Greg about aDallas police officer who was let go,
I believe, for posting or sayingon Facebook talking about the attempted assassin
that he should have been a bettershot. Ye better, aim better,

I think is what he said.Now we've got another one. We've got
a Home Depot worker who has beenfired as a cashier at one of their
upstate New York stores over a Facebookcoming she made about the attempted assassination.
She said, too bad, theyweren't better shooters, I mean, yeah,
you know. And she lost herjob as a result of that.

Well, a customer saw her poston Facebook and decided to go to the
store and confront her about it.Here's what transpired. Are you Darcy Waldron?
Yeah, okay from Kyuga. Andyou think that the shooter should have
been a better shot? Is thatwhat you posted on Facebook? Do you

think that the shooter should have beena shooter? Huh? Yeah, I
think that's pretty messed up, prettyanti American. If you ask me,
as a veteran, I'm disgusted.What if you provided to this country?
Huh? I'm Sorry, this isridiculous. You are ridiculous, and I'm

making you famous. Darcy Waldron Pickneyout of a job at home depot.
Now you're you're saying, you know, you could argue she has a right
to say that. In fact,Yeah, there's some posts. Yeah,
there's some posts out there that aresaying that this is freedom of speech and
that we shouldn't engage in cancel culture. And if we don't like what someone

says, then we shouldn't. Youknow, if we don't like the left
doing it, then we shouldn't doit. One of the posts I'll read
it says, you cannot adopt thetactics of the left without adopting its ideology.
They are the same thing. Sobe careful about celebrating people being fired
for political speech. Well, Iwill just tell you this, the the

acceptance of the celebration of and itand the lamenting of the unsuccessful assassination of
a president is not a political belief. It is not a political belief.
It is political violence at its worst. It should it should apply across the
board, without regard to political partyand affiliation for a president, for anybody.

And if you want to be thatkind of person that you wish that
the assassination on the president of theUnited States of America had been successful.
That is to me yelling fire ina movie theater. That is that that
is that is the kind of language. That's the kind of speech that begets
more violence. And I'm going totell you why. Because they're saying it's

normal. It's like darn, theymissed, and they and they and it's
coming out. It's been happening sinceSaturday. Yeah, I don't mind any
of your incidents. We mentioned Dallas, we mentioned if you're at home depot,
These aren't the first. If you'rea Dallas police officer and you've said
this, how who wants that tobe someone protecting and serving you? If
they are a little lamenting that theassassination of a president didn't happen. This

woman that's at home depot, sheshe should be pointed out as someone who
is embracing and encouraging political violence atits worst. That is not speech.
But how do you define that linegreat murder assassinations? I mean, look,
I don't I'm not I'm not tryingto I'm not trying to find tooth

comb this at all. I don'teven think this is close. I think
this is as blatant and as egregiousas you get. And anybody that wants
to celebrate an attempted assassination and onlycomplained that it wasn't successful, there's no
place for you, no place foryou, no pl for you. And
if we don't have that kind ofrecoil as a society, what are we
going to do? Normalize it?Yeah? Are we just going to start

deciding on sides of you know,Republican and Democrat, whether we think the
assassinating presidence is okay? This can'tbe where we're going. This is what
we've been talking about all week.This and for someone to conflate that with
well, this is freedom of speech, you should be able to do it.
I'm killing the president is not freeto speech or celebrating or lamenting it's

not been successful. Sorry, you'vecrossed a line that shouldn't be crossed.
All right, We've got more comingup on our live broadcast from the Republican
National Convention here in Milwaukee. Moreinteresting developments tonight when it comes to Joe
Biden, Chuck Schumer, Keem Jeffriesand the collapsing of what's going on with
the Democratic Party and Joe Biden.There's some new information out on there.

I don't know opinion. I justknow I said it today on the show,
and I've just got a Washington Postupdate that everything i just said is
true. I was wondering about everythingyou said. Heavy is the Crown Rod,
I'm sure all right? Mark,coming up Wingman Wednesday right here on
Utah's Talk Radio one oh five nineknrs live from the Republican National Convention.

We shared with you a story abouta employee at home depot in upstate New
York posting somewhat a similar comment shebeing fired, and now we've got the
mayor of the community is that it'san absolute disgrace. A mayor, a
Pennsylvania mayor from Burneville uh in BurkesCounty, Pennsylvania, posted soon after the

attempted assassination. Hashtag Pennsylvania proud period, Try harder Well, try harder is
is in reference to the failed assassinationattempt on our president in Butler County,
PA, where three PA residents Pennsylvaniaresidents were shot and one fifty year old

former fire chief was killed shielding hiswife and his daughter, and he says
to try harder. But it getsworse than that, Rod because when people
recoiled from this statement from this mayor, try to get him out right and
said, look, you've got totake that down, and you ought to
resign you to be a mayor andsay something as as repugnant as that,
he said I have. His responseto that on social media was I have

zero intention of taking it down andbetter yet there isn't and I'm greeting his
post be better yet there isn't evena way for you to have me removed
from office. What I mean thisis I mean again, that's the mindset.
I mean if we are seeing andI believe I am seeing a President

Trump who feels the gravity of whatjust happened to him Saturday, and it
has changed him and I and Ithink in a positive way, a very
humble way. He said today inan event he feels that God was on
his side and that he expressed howthat described how that had changed him.

We're seeing that that isn't that isthat's those are good things. And to
hear this so called mayor, mayor, this public servant from Burnville, PA,
and in Berkes County, PA.Burnville, this this town not only
say Pennsylvania proud, try harder,but then tell those that were upset with
what he said, I'll never Ihave zero intentions of taking it down,

zero intentions of resigning, and betteryet, there isn't even a way for
you to have me remove from office. Uh. That is everything. That
is. That's that's the type ofmindset and language that even led to to
a deranged person to open fire ata at a Trump rally. That's it
right there. Yeah, how canThat's why I don't understand, Greg,

how can people people be so callous? And I don't know that. I
don't know of another way to describethat. But we have now seen animated
videos of you know what what whathappened with that bullet and how the president
turning in his head just slightly savedhis life and more. You see that,

you realize how lucky Donald Trump isto even be alive today with today's
technology. They they are trying toemphasize and show. So they put this
this like goals where you see hishead and you see exactly where he was
looking at one second and and wherethat bullet intended to go, which was

really the largest part of the sideof his head, and that the way
he turned his head, and thatexact same when that shot was fired,
him turning his head hitting his earthe way it did. It is pretty
amazing. It does. It's disturbingto see how close he came to death,
and then to know that other peoplewere shot, and worst of all,

the man, the father that waskilled shielding his wife and his children.
I just again, anyone making lightof that just lost it. You've
lost it. We've talked about Trumpderangement syndrome, but this is just this
is it's beyond the pale. Andto have, you know, even Biden

get up there and say this,we have to stop this violent rhetoric.
We're talking about you, President Biden. We're talking about how you say he's
a threat to democracy, a threatto our country, lying about him trying
to send the National Guard against peacefulprotesters in the George Floyd protest, which
is a complete lie and would leavesomeone feeling very upset if that were true

about President Trump. And then yougot that deranged cartoonist from the Salt Lake
Tribune who wrote who made it looklike a cartoon of Trump with a bullet
bouncing off his head in this gameof Thrones or whatever game of Thrones,
Yeah, Throne of Guns, knivesand yeah, and saying that his rhetoric,
that his rhetoric brought that upon him. I guess Pat Bagley's significant others

are deserving to be beaten if theydeserve it. That's the mentality he's expressing
in that cartoon. It's disgusting,Yeah, it is. It is.
So. So we've we've got somenew information on what's going on with the
Biden campaign, the even though they'reall starting to deny these reports, but
I tell you what, they're prettysignificant when it comes to what's going on
with Joe Biden and Washington. We'llwrap those up and talk about what's coming

up on the show tomorrow, righthere on the Roden Grag Show with Utah's
Talk Radio one oh five nine kand RS, live from the Republican National
Convention here in Milwaukee. The Ohiosenator, freshman senator in the Senate,
what one year I think it was, was selected by Donald Trump to be

his running mate. And we hearfrom j. D. Vanstund and he
has got a whale of a storyto tell. Now I'll admit I have
not read he'll Billy Elogy. Ithink you have, haven't we had people,
several people tell us today have toreally read it. I guess has
shut up to be a best selleragain. Well, you know the first
page of the book I just lookedat and in the very first spend your

time. But the very first page. And it's amazing how he introduces himself
in the book. He says,I'm thirty one years old. I really
haven't done anything. He says,to have a memoir seems to be a
bit, you know, as Ilike, I think something of myself.
Biggest thing I've ever done is Igraduated from Yale Law School. He says,
I got a good I got adecent job. I got a wife.
He says, bet, three hundredpeople a year graduate from Yale.

That doesn't mean anything. But thenhe goes on to talk about He goes,
I'm not a senator, I'm notan important person. I'm just an
everyday person. But then, whata what a difference eight years could make?
Yeah, he was thirty one ashe wrote begin writing that memoir,
and he is thirty nine today.The first page is about how his life,
by many people's measure, was notremarkable or something worth writing about.

But he was writing about his familyand his upbringing, his community and what's
happening in America in real time.But here we said eight years later,
he is a US senator, andnow he's a vice the nominee to be
the next vice president of the UnitedStates. And so I think when we
when I read that book, itwill be interesting to read it from a
person whose life has so measurably changedsince he since he wrote the memoir,

will he I think the selection ofJD. Vans by Donald Trump. First
of all, I understand they reallyget along. Well everything I've read,
they really do get along. Hehe is, he can really articulate I
think what the president stands for inhis policies. And the trick is,
I think he speaks the language ofpeople in the Midwest that you know,

the Pennsylvania is, the Michigan's,the Wisconsin's, the Ohio. He speaks
to those people because he's one ofthem, and he understands that. And
I think that is going to besuch a key There have been people out
there who've been critical of this selection. I think it was you know,
some people say it was predictable,you know, and they were waiting for
something for Donald Trump to do somethingreally different. I don't think Donald Trump

he didn't want to do that.He had somebody he likes. He gets
along well with him, which isvery important, I would think, and
he says, let's go. Didn'tdidn't. I heard Don Junior this week
say here at the convention, andI think I might have been on our
program when we were sitting down withhim. Donald Trump Junior said my top
three choices for my dad's running matewould be jd Vance, jd Vance and

Jaji Dan. He did say itwhen he was with us, so I
know that that chemistry goes even broaderthan just the president himself. Should we
take a caller? And we haven'theard from a car whole show? We
haven't? All right, Well let'stake a caller then. Rich Rick from
Clearfield has joined us tonight here onthe Rodden Great Show. Rick, How

are you? Thanks for joining ustonight here in Milwaukee. Are I'm doing
great? How you doing? Ron? We're doing well? What's on your
mind to I? Rick? Ijust feel like that that speech is not
protected speech. That's hate speech,saying that they wish they you know,
the president, former president would havebeen shown and keeled. I mean,

if you did that on a currentpresident, they throw you in the slammer,
maybe even shoot you. So youknow here, yes I do.
I Rick, thank you for thecall, thank you for the comment.
And you're exactly right. This isnot freedom of speech per se. This
is this is not this is hatespeech, and it's and it actually has
as we saw tragically this week,this last weekend, it can have murderous

results when you talk about someone theway that that these people are doing.
Thank you for thank you for thecall. Thank you, Rick, will
appreciate your phone call. Another update, I know you wanted to talk about
King Jeffrey Eves and and Chuck Schumerencouraging the the president get get out of
the way. Uh. An interestingstory. This is in CNN tonight calling

it is this a new moment forJoe Biden. He's flying back to Delaware
after being you know, tested positivefor COVID nineteen today. Even though his
anger and panic have been steadily risinginside the Democratic Party for nearly three weeks
after President's alarming debate performance, Apparentlyhe is now open, he's receptive to

talk about him maybe stepping aside,you know, and there was that story
earlier today he said, if doctorscame to me and said I need to
get out, I would listen tothem. So look earlier earlier in the
program, as we were talking aboutwhat in the world are they are they
trying to do? It's very chaoticto try and push him out so early
without knowing how who you think isgoing to take his place, Because if

you get that that, why wouldyou have such dysfunction in the week of
the Republicans National Republican National Convention.It just it is. It's self defeating
and so had some Biden Naudio.That's right, Joe Biden Naudio. Let's
I'm to remember the uh ah hiscomments today. This was the speech he
gave then he had to leave Vegas. This is what he said today to

the NAACP. Listen to this.I know, I know you say,
Joe, you may not have aCongress. Well, guess what y'all told
me. I couldn't pass the inflationReduction Actor. Y'all told me I couldn't
face it anyway. We didn't rememberingrents down as I said, We're gonna

build two million affordable homes. Thecap run increases of five percent a year,
so corporate landlords can't God anyway,I don't want to get killing.
I'm gonna get very upset. Butbut there's a counting America. By the
way, not only staves lives,we'll save taxpayers, just what I did

on the first round on deal withmedicare. It saves the taxpayer one one
hundred and sixty billion dollars because theydon't have to pay these exorbitant prices to
these anyway. Three times he writesit off. He can't finish a thought.
Great, yeah, and this isright before they said, hey,

he's got COVID. Time to gohome. We got a basement in Delaware
to go check out. Now,I you know, I am telling you
that that this what's going on.I had, I had said a couple
of weeks ago. I thought itwas a plan. I thought there was
a plan at the foot, Ithought there was a And you've stuck to
your assertion. It is getting chaotic. It is getting chaotic to the point

where you're seeing what's happened in lasYou see the NAACP speech where he can't
finish the thought multiple times. You'reseeing he has COVID he had to cancel
a speech. You could say it'sCOVID. You can say that what you
heard just now could probably get worseif where he's at. But if they
get if he steps down or announcedhe won't step down from being present,
But if he announces he's not runningfor reelection, I can't even imagine what

that Democrat Broker convention would look likein terms of who they would pick.
I'd always believed that they would waittill after that convention to do it,
but I think they're they if thepace of this is going too quickly that
they that they would have the timeto do it. But I've actually wondered,
so, if that's why it's happening, why would why would it be
reported today that Chuck Schumer is sayingyou gotta get out. Why is a

minority leader in the House Jeffries JeffreyJeffrey saying the same thing. And I
said, maybe they don't give awit about this presidential election anymore. Maybe
they're just terrified down ticket their ownbodies, protecting a slim majority in the
Senate, trying to not get getbeat worse in the House. Maybe,
I mean, are they just worriedabout their own bodies,

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