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May 31, 2024 15 mins
Friend of the show, Samantha stops by the studio ahead of "Hartford's Got Talent" performance to help with "The Savage Press Conference Game" for tickets to upcoming 21 Savage Concert!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Now the other beautiful thing about SamCosta not a bunch of a sports fan.
I okay, I've been watching moresports this year. What you sports?
What do you watch? Okay,you're watching any NBA, watching any
w n B A. I watchedsome w n B A, but more
NBA. Who's your fave? Who'syour team? I don't I don't like

picking Celtics are do you like aplayer? I mean, I was born
in New York, so I haveto say the next And I do know
they lost but played very well theydid. I was proud of them.
I don't like. One of myclassmates is a really big Celtics fan and
he posts every time they win,so I'm very I'm sure that he's very

happy that day. Do you rootagainst him now because he's like, oh
gosh, I hope they lose andI on't get one of these stupid posts.
Annoying. Yeah, it's getting up. So maybe you do know a
little bit about a little bit.Okay. So Sam has been given a
script and she has had zero timeto prepare for this script. Now,

this is I've tried to transcribe thesepress conferences today and then when I cut
the audio, up, I realizedI did a really bad job of transcribing.
So this is like loosely based offof the reality of what happened at
the actual press conference. And afterthe listener guess Kurt has the actual audio,
we'll let Sam listen to see howit really sounds. So this is

kind of a game for Sam morethan it is for our listeners, just
seeing how great of a reader sheis and if she can grasp the concepts
without any motivation from a director whatsoever. And that's why I love it,
because like you can totally be onthe wrong tip of what they're coming out
with or how their emotions are whenyou read this most likely, but that

makes it a little bit more difficultfor our listeners to guess the right answer.
All right, is everybody ready togo? Kurt? You got some
people in the bank nicknamed me thethumbs up God is our first contestant,
Say Helloterray, Hey, Ray,what's up right? Rays? Guys going
well? Lovely? Sam is goingto play a part and I will be
another part in this script. Waitfor Dibble to give you the multiple choice,

then you guess who it is inthis savage press conference and you win.
Are you Ray Ray, yep,go ahead. Congratulations man, it's
an honor to watch you play.Okay. I've been I've not been to
Minnesota in like twenty years. Yes? Is that Charles Barkley and Karl Anthony

Towns Charles Barkley and Anthony Edwards Rayor is it Charles Nelson Riley and Anthony
Munno's I'll say, see Alray tryback. You are incorrect. Let's out.
It was Charles Barkley. It wasCharles bark It was not Charles Nelson,

Riley and match Game and Anthony Munos, legendary offensive lineman for the Cincinnati
Bengals wheen of DIBs Old Pals.It was Charles Barkley who said, congratulations
man, it's an honor to watchyou play. Okay, I've not been
to Minnesota in like twenty years.Yes, yes, And then Anthony Edwards

says, bringing ass which has beenkind of offended. I sitch, but
play it for go ahead, Kurt. Let's listen to how this really sounded
in the Savage press conference with CharlesBarkley and Anthony Edwards well at CB Man,
Congratulations, man, it's an honorto watch you play. Okay,

I have not been to Minnesota inprobably twenty years. Brian Gass, Hey,
hey, I think we nailed it. I think we nailed it.
Nailed it. The first one younailed it, same one you weren't ready
for time. I caught you offguard. So no problem. Ray totally
missed it. But here's the coolestthing. So Minnesota, which is where
the Timberwolves play. They quickly changedtheir tourism website to bring Gass dot com

and it's about going to tourism inMinnesota and stuff now. So they quickly
caught on at what Anthony Edwards said, and so that's the place to go
now. John Ashman sent me apicture of a funeral home that does cream
cremations, cremations and monikers bring asshere, bring your ash, bring you
back. God. It's fabulous,now, you know, Anthony Edwards one

of our faves around here. Allright, let's try this again. Eight
six oh five two two three sevenseven six, Ray, try back,
Kurt. Who you got Tom?Tom? What is up? Tom?
Oh? Yeah, we're doing wellhere on a Thursday, trying to hook
up some tickets with our friend SamanthaCosta. Now Sam and I are going
to act out a part in apress conference that has happened this year in

the NBA. Dibbs will give youthe multiple choice get it right, you
get some tickets? Are you ready? Tom? After game one? We
uh, we always go through thefilm games where it felt like, you
know, the whistles weren't balanced,and we pulled the clips and there is

a way to submit them to theleague office. Was it a Rick Carlisle,
b Tom thibodeau Ce, Mike Malonethink, uh oh, try back.
I would have been the head coachof her knicks. But Tom,

I think you kind of nailed it. You could have been a little bit
more angry because you got slighted.You want to try to get a team
get ripped one more time, kindof be really angry, like I asked
you this stupid question and you're angryat me. Okay, all right?

After game one, we we alwaysgo through the film games where it felt
like, you know, the whistlesweren't balanced, and we pulled the clips
and there's a way to submit themto the league office. Like me too,
me too. I liked your passionin this. I did. I
know she went definitely went for it. But you might be disappointed when you

hear the actual Rick Carlo go ahead, he let's do it. After game
one. We we always go throughthe film and games where it felt like,
you know, the whistles weren't balanced, and we pulled the clips and
there's a there's a way you cansubmit them to the to the NBA office

in the playoffs, when you submitthings, the other team sees what you
submit. I should have had thatback. Yeah, you know what,
you did it way better. Iwould have been pissed way back. So
if I got screwed by the calls, if I'm the head coach about you
did it way better than Rick Carlo. Honestly, I'm kind of just kind
of wimpy. It's like very disappointed. And they got swept. They got

swept. So there you go,Sam Acosta coach the Pacers done a little
bit better, a little bit moremotivated, all right? Eight six two
three seven six. Kirk, giveme a winner, Doug, come on,
what's dog? Hey? You guysgoing well? Going well? Sam
and I are going to act outapart. I am in this scene.
I can't wait, and you guesswho is doing this At the press conference.

Dibbs has got multiple choice for youwait for that? Are you ready?
Doug? Oh? Not feel tooconfident, but let's go. How
do you respond? I mean theyembarrassed you at home, Like, how
do you How do you respond toto a thumping like this? You know

tomorrow all the talk is about allyour flaws. Just get ready for Saturday.
There are things we can learn from. I get it. The world
thinks we are never supposed to lose. We're supposed to win every game by
twenty five. It's just not goingto be like that. Is it a

Jalen Brown, b Jason Tatum orc Drew Holliday Where you think that let's
go to holiday so close and shenailed it. I don't even want to
make you do it again. Idon't totally I think I messed up on
the reporter part. I think youtotally nailed Jason Tatum. I think heard

flaws, the team's flaws. That'sgoing to be the narrative and go into
a kind of a rauscious environment inCleveland. Uh, let's just get ready
for Saturday. Nobody was in theredefeated or deflated. I mean, never

want to lose, especially in theplayoffs. A lot of things we can
learn from and we get it right. The world thinks we're never suposed to
lose. We post win every gameabout twenty five, and it's just it's
not going to be like that allthe time. Without ever seeing Jason Tatum

do that or even hearing it onetime, I think you did a fantastic
job again, And Jason is reallya cool breezer. He doesn't this game
is too high, too low.He's so you kind of nailed that.
This is my favorite scene coming up. I have been waiting for this one,
for Sam to do this scene withme. We need a winner this
time, Kurt. I don't thinkyou heard me the first time. Maybe

not a take? Who you gotthis time? Norman? Oh? Norm?
What is up? Norm? Well? Trying to hook somebody up with
some tickets. Now, Sam andI are going to act out a great
scene from the NBA press conference.This one happened a couple of weeks ago.
Very familiar. I think Dibbson hasgot some multiple choice for you.

Once he gives you that, youpick the winner or you get it right,
you will be the winner, andyou pick the concert you're going to.
That was really confusing. I'm sorry. I messed it up. But
are you ready? Norm yes,sir? How hard is it to absorb
this loss like this after giving upgoing up by twenty? Nice question,

Man, the season's over. That'swhat's hard. Screw up, screw being
up twenty. The season's over.You don't understand that the season's over.
It's hard. Stupid ask questions?Was it a Mike Malone, B.
Kenny Atkinson, C. Darvin Ham, We're gonna go be? That was

Mike Malone. Arm let him hear, Mike Malone. I thought Sam did
it? I thought you with this? Yes? How hard is it just
to absorb a loss like this aftergoing ahead by twenty? Next question,
Man, the season's over. That'swhat's hard. Being up twenty. Season's

over. You don't understand that theseason's over. It's hard. Stupid ask
questions. I'm glad you didn't putthe F bomb in there. I know,
but you nailed it. I thoughtnailed it. That was great,
Great job again, stupid question.All right, this next one, I'm
going to give you a little bitmotivation because it's all yourself. Okay,

start with okay too, by theway, in the script, but I
would do this with maybe like somemarbles in your mouth a little bit look
kind of like a deeper voice,like a Philosoft marble voice for this one
eight six, two two three sevenseven six one more time, Kurt,
I need a winner for this one. Come on, Nick, help us
out? All right? Nick?How you doing? Hey? How's it

going going well? Trying to geta winner here? Nick Sam is going
to act out an incredible moment frombasketball. Now. Truth be told,
this did not happen at an NBApress conference. This actually happened at a
PAC twelve postgame press conference with oneindividual, a special individual. Dibbs has
got multiple choice for you, Nick, So wait for that. Are you

ready, sir? I'm ready,okay. As I was getting up this
morning and the moon was going downin the west over Mount Charleston covered in
snow, and the sun was comingup over Lake Med I'm on a bike

trail and I'm thinking about the fallscoming down. Man. Yes, this
is a basketball Prescott basketball press conference. Is it Bill Murray, Billy Martin
or Bill Walton. I'm gonna sayBill Walton, I don't know. Yeah,

you're correct, You are correct,Bill Walton. Would you like twenty
one Savage? Or would you likeHank Williams Junior, my man, the
second one. Excellent day. Onhold, we will get some information from
you. Great job, Samantha,But let Sam hear Bill Walton and how

he really sounds. I don't.I think your impression needs a little tweaking.
But you'd be a lot better ifyou were to hear it before you
actually tried it. So go aheadand play it for Kurt. As I
was getting up this morning at themoon, was going down to the west
over Mount Charleston covered with snow,and the sun is coming up Laton Meat

and the River Mountain bike trail,and I'm taking colder city and I'm taking
the falls coming down through Hoover Damnat the Black Canyon of the Colorado.
Who's the guy in the background humming? He was trying to like ball like
that's what he was trying to dofor Bill Walton. All right, Bill
was just passed away. Very philosophicalman. Excellent jobs, Sam, wonderful.

He didn't wonder so great. Withoutknowing these moments, without knowing who
these people are beating those cold youhad no idea what the sounds the audio
was like. Go see, Sam, she is going to win Hartford's got
talent, because I do not knowanyone around this fifty mile radius that has
more talent than this person sitting instudio. What else are you up to?

I know it's your summer. Youjust finished up a semester over there
at you heart. You got somemore school to go. But you do
commercials and stuff, and you gota bunch of other stuff that is in
your portfolio. What are you upto in the next couple of months.
I'm still applying for some gigs.I'm going to be working on my EP
this summer and hopefully getting that outby August. Wow, we are a

radio station. We can play yourmusic. That would be there. You
go delightful. It's just so greatto see you because, like dim say,
we met, you feel like youknow where you're like uncle uncles.
Yes, we're grown up for thelast like eight years. You're on our
show, Uncles. Amazing that you'retwenty two. You're so gorgeous. We
love you. Yes, such athreat, so talented. We're not cultured,

by the way, so we Ihave no talent. We appreciate it.
Never give up what you're doing,young lady. No are a bad
ass and you are going to wintomorrow. Thank you so much for coming
in and thank you for helping usgive away. So tell your mom we're
disappointed. She had to get herhair downe and she couldn't. She blew
us off. We always looked forthe Hartford Current. That's awesome, excellent stuff.
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