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July 3, 2024 • 17 mins
This version of the Daily Pickle ( Pre 4th of July Version), the guys go over their ballots for the upcoming MLB All-Star Game!
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Did you get your All Star ballotin Debs? No, I got a
secret backdoor All Star ballot. Man, when you're an All Star, they
give you these weird ballots. Iwas wondering if that happened. And there's
like a secret handshake when you turnit in and everything, so they know
it's really you. All right,I'll let you guess who I have on

my All Star ballot now. Idon't think the results. Ash me make
sure the results aren't out. Maybethey are out already. They aren't out
yet. I know that Phase twothey still haven't done, like the finalists
and some of the other what we'reon, like phase one, I'm not
even in the end of this.You got phase two. I told you
before the end of the show.I gotta do this again in a week.

You might You just voted for starters. Okay, Yeah, that's all
I wanted to do anyway. Okay, tonight seven o'clock, they'll let it
go. Okay, cool, Solet's go to Let's just go position by
position, league to league. Fromthose positions, I think we'll start with
the dead NATed hitter. For me, that was the easiest choice. I

bet it would be for you.Who do you think the National League Designator
hitter is that I put down togo to the All Start, Easy one
show. Hey, o Tani,you can bet on it. He will
be there. Who do you thinkthe al DH is that I picked?
You love this guy, young stud, You love him? I have no

idea from the Houston Astros. Yes, Jordan Alvarez one of the few astros
that I root. Now, KyleTucker did not make my ballot because of
my astros hate. Jose al Tuvestayed off my ballot because of astros hate.
But I don't hold the bang bangof the trash cans against the Jordan

Alvarez like some people do. Doyou DIBs? You don't. He wasn't
there. No, he wasn't there, and neither neither was Kyle Tucker.
I know, but I don't likehim because he beats all my teams.
Your non does too, I guess. But the outfield was tough for me
in the AL I couldn't find roomfor Kyle Tucker. Let's go there,
outfielders, al who do you thinkmy three were? Uh? Judge?

Of course, Judge is automatic inmy world, favorite Yankee of all time.
Let's see I mean this has Alpharezin the outfield as a left fielder.
Yeah, he ain't gonna make it. Let's see, just going down

this list, there's just not thatmany good ones. There really isn't.
There really isn't. It was somewhatof an easy ballot to put in this
year. Wan Soto. Of course, Juan Soto, he's the man.
He could be MVP of the alHow am I gonna leave him off my
All Star ballot? Now the questionis who that third outfielder is? Rooker?
No, but I saw Rooker todayand I thought about giving him some

love. But now I have aguy from Cleveland that I just have to
have in the All Star Game.He is one of my faves. And
Quan Stephen Kwan. This dude isstill raking. If you haven't known,
the Guardians are on a tear.It's more than just Jay Ram. It's

more than the Naylor brothers. It'salso Kwan run around the outfield making great
plays, stealing bases and putting thebat to the ball, protecting the plate
with two strikes. Now, Ashman'smad about this ballot because he thinks Jiron
Doran, hungry like a wolf,should be getting some All Star love.
He probably he may still make itas the reserve. But what are your

thoughts about leaving off Jiron Duran?Jiran Duran. Yeah, he doesn't even
come close to like Santana's Santander Santanderstander. Yeah, it's Jaron Duran.
Guy hits, he's got ten doubles. How many stolen bases he got?
Rid? Some home run on twentyone stolen bases, DIBs E. Listen,

first of all, if you're goingcenterfielder for centerfielder, I mean you
could go outfielder for outfielder. Yeah, but when Aaron Judge is your center
fielder to start, you're not knockinghim out of the start. Totally agree.
I think that that's why you gowith one. Soto is going to
be in right, So there's twopositions right there. So listen. Duran's
having a great year, dude,he really is out, no doubt.

National league outfield is tough. Ilearned some names on this ballot outfielders in
the National League. Give me thethree you think Darnhill picked for his ballot
for MLB today. Uh, knowingyou, you probably picked Bellinger. Wow,
I did not, Okay, Idid not it will surprise you.

As far as my Cubs love oneof these outfielders. Oh from Saint Louis.
No, you know me. SaintLouis ain't no threat. That's not
even a rivalry in my eyes.Ta Oscar Hernandez, I definitely have Teoscar
Hernandez. That dude is one ofthe best players in the league. If

he wasn't on the Dodgers, maybepeople would notice. But he had a
great game last night. I didn'tknow his numbers until I looked at the
ballot today, Like, this dude'sgood. This dude's really good. This
dude should be an All Star.Brian Reynolds from Pittsburgh. No, Brian
Reynolds, get out here with yourPittsburgh Pirates. Erickson Profar, Who in
the hell is Jerrickson Profar? Yes, Dibbs, you are correct. He

is on my ballots. This dudeis the best padre. Where has he
been hiding? I think people aregonna find out knocking around different teams.
They didn't think he could play acouple of years ago. He was almost
out of baseball. Tell you thetruth, he's having a great year.
Looking at his numbers today, Idon't think you can lead profar off the

All Star Star. But I lookedat Brian Reynolds. He's a trade candidate,
you know, he just signed anextension. Yes you're red, sox
Yankee met guy. She got atrade for that dude because the Pirates they're
not going to playoffs. The dudethat that guy has been money. They've
been on everybody's tongue for years andhe continues to be consistent, and nobody

talks about him. Right, theguy you left out that I was sorry
to put on the list today.It was hard for me to push this
button. But I voted for ChristianYelich the Milwaukee Brewers. He's had a
break break back, you know,resurgence, resurgence exactly. I think he's
a getting three hundred. He's uhputting out, you know, he's he's

never hitting into double plays, herarely strikes out. He's back to his
own self. When you don't knowhow injured they might be, Like like,
we don't know physically, the guycould be sick, have some kind
of illness, you know, younever know. I mean I've played with
guys that had cancer, testicular cancer. Nobody even knew about it. Remember,

God, who is your guy?That was the throwing in the Marlins
deal with the Red Sox. OhMike low Mi So, Mike Lowell had
testicular cancer, was sick for ayear and nobody even knew it. John
Kruck had testicular cancer. Nobody evenknew it. So there's there's I you

know, I I don't know whyYelich fell off for a few years.
But it's the same thing with DJlet me. I've talked about it before
that I try not to get intopersonal lives, and I'll go back over
with guys. And let's just takeKeith Fulk when he had a bad year
with the Red Sox. It's goingthrough divorce and nobody knew it because he's
not gonna throw it out there andwe didn't have social media back then.

But you know, those kind ofpersonal issues can destroy your your professional life
and nobody, nobody even knows.So ben Zobrist, cub look it up.
You're right, catcher. It's hardfor me to pick the National League
catcher as well, even though Ilove him and I love his brother and
he plays for that dirty team upnorth of Milton. Willem Contreras. Dude,

he has fallen right into his brother'sfootsteps. He is definitely an all
star. He is a tough out. The Brewers play the Dodgers. I
think coming up on the weekend,that's gonna be a hell of a series.
Man, the Brewers are scary again. They're mad that council left and
William's taking over his player coach.Yeah, that's a go for the National
League. The tough one is gonnabe the American League between Rushman and Pere.

Those two guys are nails. Man. I gave it to Salvador just
because, yeah, I know,you know what's off. Yeah, And
I just feel like Adley's gonna havesome time. He might even be in
the home run derby with Gunner,like he's gonna get a lot of FaceTime.
I just I just want people toappreciate A the Kansas City Royals and

b Salvador Perez one more time.Come on. So that's my catchers,
all right, let's go to theinfield shortstop. The National League shortstop voting
did not have La de la Cruzhas an option, not even an option.
That's crazy, And I'm I lovethis kid. I mean, he's

hurt. I'd have to give itto Mookie Betts. So that's where I
wanted to go, and I wouldgive him the vote because I think he
deserved it up until the injury.Go with Ela Dela Cruz. They actually
do, so he's not in theAll Star ballot, right, but dude,
fifteen home runs, thirty seven RBI, what does he have? He's
got forty stolen bases. He's astar as well. That's the only thing

the Reds have. I went withTrey Turner. He's my guy, I
mean, and he's not hurt andit's available, So there you go.
Ellie leads the league in strikeouts,so that might so you're holding up and
thirteen strikeouts? Are you growing coldwater on it? Here? Dash me
with the cold wars. So forthe American League, it's gotta be either

Bobby wit Junior or Gunner Henderson.I lean towards home runs every time I
look at batting average, and thenthe home runs they trump a lot of
things for me when I'm trying todecide who's better right now, and I
put Gunner Henderson. And plus I'vealready, you know, kind of dissed
a lot of Baltimore Orioles. Ican't leave them all off. So yeah,

I went with Gunner. Yeah,I would pick Bobby with Junior,
I know, I know, allright, third base? Who do I
got? By the way, Bobbywit Junior's got a hundred and eight hits,
I know. But Gunner Henderson isgoing to be in the home run
chase tickets. Eh I dig thelong ball. It'd all start lineup backing

him up. The Royals do not. That's true. That's true, all
right, third base. My favoriteplayer on the Guardians. Who do you
think Jose RAMI? Ay Ram hasgot to be in man? Uh.
There was a thought today Convino andRich were filling in for the Dan Patrick
Show and they were talking about they'retalking Tim Anderson. They talk a lot
of baseball on their show, andI really agree with the point that they

made Tim Anderson his downfall. It'sbeen since jay Ram knocked him out.
That's when jay Ram embarrassed him atone time. Tim Anderson has not been
the same. I just think JayRam is so old school man. He's
all about ball, and I thinkhe totally deserves it and is one of
the main reasons the Guardians are wherethey are. I don't know, I

watch him every night. I'd sayRaphael Devers would be my vote. Yeah,
yeah, he's having a great yearand they're above water because of him.
Third base, National League. Thiswas tough, but again I went
with my heart, and somebody thatI know a little bit went with another
Philly Alec Baum. I don't know, at least I didn't picked Christian Morale.

Dude, I think for any AllAll Star goal Glover, I'd pick
Nolan Aernato. Do you know he'snot having He's having a horrible year.
Depressed, He's like gonna be amad person out there. I don't want
to ever. He has helped thatteam surge and get back into contention.
They're over five hundred and they're trash. Their manager is just trash, and

so I think he's probably become withgold Schmidt. Uh. The player managers
second base are I think are thetwo most underrated players in the whole league,
and they're they're outstanding second base.Al Who do you think, Al?
You gotta give it to the cheaterof L two vash? No,
I do not like Hell. Ido that. Dude, Go cry about

a foul ball off your big tail, not him. I'm talking Marcus Simeon.
Book him up. If you forgotduring the World Series, he will
remind you in the second half.This dude is four, I know,
but he's a second baseman. You'resupposed to hit two thirty four. I
mean, look at Arise, whowon the batting title in the National League

got traded to the Padres. He'smy second basement of the National League in
Al two Bay in the American League. I like Cotel Marte in the National
League. I'm a Marte guy.Martell's a hell of a player too.
He's great. Our boy. BrendanRodgers having a great year on an awful
team in Colorado, the Rockies.I'm wondering if he will make it.
Who is he going? I thinkEllie's gonna be the Reds guy. Because
this is the everybody gets a Trophypart of the All Star Game where one

team has to have a representative.I would say, you've got thirty two
on each team from both leagues asgarbage. Are we going to send Brendan
Rodgers as that guy from Colorado?I think so too. First base for
me, Man, I love thesetwo in the league. I think they
are great faces of baseball. Whodo you think my first basement from the
AL is gotta be Vladdie Man VladJuniors. The man got to have that

big smile on first base in theAL. Now for the n L.
Could be the MVP Man, couldbe the MVP. He but he's hurt,
So I'd have to go with FreddyFreeman. No, what come on,
bad Hammy dude. Bryce still gonnabe out there, wrap that up,
but he's not gonna start. He'sgonna tip the cap. Actually,
he'll be the most vote getter.He is the most vote getter. And

Aaron Judge, Aaron Judge, youcan't vote for like he's already locked in
as starting. And the same withBryce Harper. Aaron Judges locked into his
outfield position and Bryce Harper is alreadylocked in his National League first base.
So there you go. I couldn't. I couldn't pick off of Bryce Harper.
I love that guy. Christian Walkerfor the d Backs. What a
year that dude's having, eighteen andfifty five coming coming back from last year.

Very nice. Mike Alonso, Man, he has fallen, but he's
he's gotten up to eighteen home runsnow, so have you softened on Skeens
in the All Star Game or no. Nine starts, and they're trying.
They're trying, they're trying to dowhat I always talk about team wins.
So he's got sixteen wins in hisnine uh starts, he's four to Oh.

But isn't this about marketing the NIXTNo, you know, come on,
that's marketing is letting everybody know whoSkans though and put Brownni on the
All Star team. In the NBAher pick Kaylyn Clark didn't make the Olympic
team. Kaitlyn Clark start for thel Now listen, Skans Skeens is a

nice circus trick. But he's noteven averaging uh six innings a start.
It's five point seven a start.So, I mean, the guy is
impressive for the ninety five pitches he'sthrowing in eighteen outs he's getting. But
no, he should not. Heshould not. He might make the All
Star team, but we're talking aboutstarting the All Star team. This is

what these numbnuts are out there sayinghe should be starting the All Star Game
for the National League. That's insane. It's insane. That's a huge hore.
Yeah, it's it's like for theseguys, it's it's like the pinnacle
of their careers to start an AllStar Game. Yeah, so yep.

I like him. Throws hard,strikes out a lot of guys. But
you know, as far as thejust awarding guys with things like that,
there's there's a lot of guys thathave had great first halfs. And the
one thing about it too, thisSeth Lugo that was given up by the
Kansas City Royals. He should beright there as far as possibly starting.

But Chris Sayle for the National League, Ranger swar Is for the Phillies,
those those two guys with ten winsin the first half that they're definitely gonna
get it. Uh recognition, maybeeven Aaron Nola. It depends on who
starts that not that that Sunday maynot be eligible to start off. Who
I didn't think about that. I'ma Ranger Swarez fan. I hope he

gets the Ranger. Nobody even knowswho he is. So again, we
don't know who Ranger swar Is is, but everybody's screaming for a guy with
four wins that that Paul Skians shouldstart the All Star Game. Next guy
has ten wins. Klin Clark pitchI like it, Kurt, Listen,
I respect you and and that pigureand listen, I listen. I would

put that guy out there. Butagain, the fans get enough a part
of the All Star Game to wherethis is just such a huge honor for
pitchers and baseball. If you wereto take that away from these guys,
and really they we go back tothis, this game matters. When they
were giving out home field advantage forthe World Series, which was straight hot

garbage, that was trash. Yeah, that there's no way it should go
for the league that has the mostwins, the team with the most wins
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