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July 3, 2024 • 26 mins
It's the segment that's sweeping the nation! Well at least the airwaves! The guys make their picks sure to go wrong!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It might be young, but he'shad a lot of fights. Yeah,
looks five years younger than the otherguy. Yeah, the other guy's thirty
six. Pereira is thirty six now. Pereira, though, looks like he's
twenty six. To get dips intopre Shaka. Looks like he's been through
the mill a few times. Yes, for Shaka has had some experience with

ground and pound with a two byfour. Kurt, I'm going pro Jaska
because he's young. The other guy'sold. He's thirty six, have it?
Look at all the fights man thirty? Was that thirty and thirty four
and one thirty one? That stilllaughs? Still that's still mileage. Wow.

And his reach is an inch longerinch, but he's an inch shorter
than Pereira. Parreira is the chantboys. You know this right, he's
wearing the belt he's got. Ithought it was a sash. So he's
do not for long. I'm withyou, give me pro Chaka. Dad
ash Mead is shaking his head.Is he likes that? Believe that we

picked for Chaka? Fad Ash meadsup in there, you're gonna pick like
pre I like Pereira. Everyone knowsa lot of people don't know Parreira fought
in this kickboxing league. He foughta good forty fights over there. So
that's why Son over there in thatleague. But I like I like the
Pechaska pick. I like you likepa Chaka? All right, no see

no, no no. But honestly, when we're picking, everybody should be
picking against us. You know everyoneelse that fights this guy is an amateur
chaka. Yes, this guy,he's a proa. We're all going pro
chaka. The problem what you're antichaka in there? We're up broad chock

over here. Dibbs is taking CamDavis, Kurt's taking Cam Young. I'm
taking a nap in the Rocket mortgagegolf outing. Dibbs is wrong with England.
Kurt's got Spain over my bulldogs,and then I'm taking Germany in UEFA
thes dibbs Thing's judge is hitting onehome run this weekend. Kurt's got him

for three, one each game.I say he's going over. Dibbs and
I are roll with the Mets,and Kurt gets to where's Red Sox gear
on the weekend, He's taking theRed Sox. That's who we got.
Chock bro Chocking could be the leadsinger of any band. Look at that
man, bun full beard in amessed up left side of his face.

Yeah, absolutely, he looks likea rock star. The other guy looks
like a fighter. You know whowants to looking guy? You know,
I like thee Diego Lopez. Ilike that guy. He looks like a
lead singer of a band. BrianOrtega. He's just too into this.
But a great name for a bandif you were, you know, Brian
Ortega. Fight Club Tonight featuring BrianOrtega. All right, well, take

a quick break, we'll come backon this Friday. Kurt's top five things
to do a golf course other thangolf. I'm with you on this,
Kurt. Excellent. You're right backon the Robb Deviles Show with Ben Dardelle
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Happy Friday to everybody. All right, let's do Kurt's Top five things to
do to golf course that have nothingto do with golf. All right,
another edition of Top five. It'sthe summer and we're getting into these kind
of segments. So Kurt Gabroni season. It is Jabbroni season. No bigger

three jibbronis than the three of us. True, so true. Now,
Kurt is a avid golfer. Alot of people don't know this. They
think that he just goes out andplays some music when he's not doing the
Rob Doubles Show. But no,every Sunday morning he has a tea time
that he does not miss with ahuge group of country club nerds. Isn't

that right, Kurt? No,not even close country club nerds. No,
I'm finding my pants on a Sundaymorning and putting the pieces back together
from the night that was how manytimes a year do you think you actually
golf? Probably four four times ayear, and that's not that far off

from a lot of our listeners aswell. You're probably just like Dibbs and
me as we've golf with you acouple of times. Hacker, Yeah,
definitely a hack. What do theycall it? A Navy seal kind of
golf? It's water Woods Beach,you know, nice better than the army
golf of left right, left,right, left, But I like yours

too, Okay. Top five thingsKurt loves about golf that have nothing to
do with the sport of golf.Let's pull back the curtain just a second.
I come in. I find thison the rundown. I was not
prepared for what I thought you werein the meeting when we talked about this
the week. I sleep a lotin the meeting, you know, I
got to catch up, all right. So you you said you were unprepared

for this time. I throw ittogether. Okay, that's really kind of
what I did. As I throwit together, I can't wait. What's
number five? Let's go We're goingto go five to way. Okay,
that's going the other way. Numberfive is removing people's clubs from the bag
area and you get to a secludedplace and you watch them freak out.

So basically you're you're a practical joker. At the golf course, people have
their bags at the bag drop,know where they put it right, and
then come back out after they wentto the nineteenth fold or whatever. And
then that is a good one,dude, because usually that person thinks,
well, you know some guy thatworks the core lacky, right, he

probably put it on a cart thingsI'm playing again or something like that,
so that could take some time.I like that trick. I've never even
thought of that one. That's agood one, all right. Number four,
Number four. Now this one isthere's a little thievery into this.
There was last one, the numberfive the idea, the idea as opposed

to the actual thie So the otherone was about thieving. This is actual
thieving. And because you know stealings, fine, uh empty a full bag
of marshmallows in the rough near theroad, one of those guys, I
hate you, I hate you.There's if I find a marshmallow or the
other things, usually a wadded uppiece of paper and like sometimes it coming

to uh to help you, becauseyou might be looking for your ball,
and like if you and I arein separate cars, like, oh,
I think I see it over there, and I go and I fight and
it's yeah, it's one of Kurt'smarshmallows. And then I can switch do
a little switch arou drop my ball, because once again, though you're hiding
in a location and you're filming withyour phone. That way you can really

make fun of these people after thefact, watch out for Kurt. Number
three. Three is an original ideaexclusively to me. Nobody's ever thought of
this before. You can get drunk. No, yes, drinking on a
golf course. Oh my god,no one's ever thought. Nobody's ever done
it. Now, I was wonderingif this was going to be your number

one, But yeah, it's drinkingon the golf course. Well it was,
it was gonna be. If therewas a seven, it would have
been seven too, on top ofthree, I understand. So it's that
important to make the list twice ifwe at least having to choose from right
now, this is something that Dibbsand I like to do. After probably
fourteen holes in our scorecard, isn'twhat we like it? Then we just

resort to the nineteenth hole and justcall to day. The nineteenth is my
favorite. Number one is what's numbertwo? Okay, number number two.
It's kind of a combination. It'sgolf cart stunts and races. I love,
Yeah, just driving the golf cartfor me, that's my number two
as well. Driving you've got tohave some competition, and you gotta have

a race, and there's probably alittle jump in or something like that,
or you have this little contest oflike how many times you can get in
or out of the cart with itmoving. Ghost riding, yes, ghost
riding. I just like driving thecart. I think driving the cart is
so much fun of the game ofgolf. Now, I was telling ask

me about my my uncle Larry usedto have a golf cart on his property
all the time. Nice he wouldget the castaways from Oak Ridge ump in
Feeding Hills, mess the three wheelerslike one wheel in the middle, kind
of the four all right, Cushman, I think they were, oh Cushman,
and then they shifted to Easygo laterin the eighties. Fushman doesn't even

exist anymore, doesn't probably not.I just love driving the golf cart,
man. I think driving the golfcart. Sometimes I would just drive the
golf cart behind you guys while youplay. I'm just cool on carton Like
if you don't want to drive,like the guy that doesn't want to drive,
Dibbs, you don't want to driveall the time either, driver.
I don't understand that. I waslike, why does Dibbs not ever want

to drive? Driving is the best. I always get mad when people are
like, oh gosh, let medrive. I've had bad experiences driving golf
carts, like I always seem tolike dump clubs off the back or dump
somebody out of the cart. I'mconstantly dumping my brother out of the cart.
He gets really p o to mebecause he's always like lighting up an
eater. So your problem is thosesharp turns. That's your what I'm saying.

I mean, I I think,like, you know, having been
a dirt bike rider, motorcycle rideror quad runner driver and stuff, I
feel like a golf cart's the worstparticular thing for me because it turns a
lot quicker than I can give itcredit. Yeah, and it gets you
know, especially if you're by yourself. All that weights on one side and
you take that left turn really quickand then all of a sudden, you're

tipsy too, and you're back ontwo. We haven't put one in a
pond yet, though, No putsome in sand traps. I think you've
been with me when I've gone tosand because it's it's like being in like
you know, World War two,over over the hill over Dale, and
you jump over the hill like you'regonna take that hill, and all,
oh my god, there's a sandtrap. I've been with you a couple
of times where we've had to physicallypick the card up to get it back

on track. I'm like, Kurt, if we do our own five,
mine would be like bumper car golfcarting. Yes, you do letting.
I do like to hit other cards. Love that quick little love tap when
someone's like doing a score and they'resitting at the t box and you coming
up behind them without them knowing,and then you'd love that flash whiplash.

I constantly hit those people. That'strue, that's true. Watch out for
that when you're playing with debs.Don't ever be in front of me.
I borrowed Uncle Arey's golf cart atone point and used it for the band,
like the high school band. Wewere marching we're the Halloween parade,
and I could have we could dressup, we could do costume. So
I had a weird costume and wehad the golf cart all painted up weird,

and I put the bass drum inthe passenger seat. I just rode
along behind the band and just kindof played along as we're marching up Mountain
Road in Suffield, Connecticut. That'sa way to do it. That is,
I think you invented something right there. Didn't you bring that golf cart
in the high school? I did. I had my tools with me because
we were, oh, well,this was my mowing rig, poler the

trailer, so I had all mytools. So you can take that center
post out of the double doors andfit that golf cart inside, and nothing's
like a golf cart. Golf cartsare one of the best inventions ever.
I was like, I love thecommunities down south where you have to drive.
Why do people hate the electric carbut like golf carts. I had
a great question, Kurt. Imean, because you're not going three hundred
you know, if I want togo fifteen hundred miles and I can only

go three hundred, why do Iwant an electric car? But then like
when you're on one of these islandsDIBs. He's start thinking like, man,
we should just do this for life. And I don't care if it
takes me twenty five hours to getto it to New Haven from Hartford,
if you will, if it's anemergency, I guess so yeah. But
if it's not, man, I'dlike a little three day golf cart trip
like the old organ trail, Likewho's got that time to kill? It's

true, all right, so let'skind of go over some of this stuff.
Wait, hold on, we gotone more right? Got number one
said nineteenth doll. No, nineteenthhole is not his number one, is
it? That's nope, number onenumber one. I'm a contest of how
angry or bad you can make aplayer mess up with a well timed sneeze
air quotes. Oh gosh, he'sall over. He likes to make sounds

in your back swing. He isall about, I'm trying to piss you
off, is what's happening. There'sa couple of them on here that you
didn't say. What my not thatI think you would be in tune with
ball finding? That's my five findingballs. No, like we're my my
late father in law. Love this. I love it, honestly. If

if I needed, you know,something to do in retirement, I would.
I would be a golf ball wrangler. I would I would dive in,
I'd scuba dive into the ponds.I'd go in the woods. It's
so much fun because I feel likeit's a treasure hunt Easter egg, but
it's Easter egg every day. Andnow we've we've accumulated so many like top

flights don't do it for me anymore. Titleist and V Yeah, pro vs.
When you find a pro v,like when you find one of those
one. I love how they don'twant to play with them. I don't
want to give them up anymore.So the logo balls, when you find
a nice logo. Love logo balls. I love it when I find a
guy's ball that like printed his nameon it. That was a big mistake
I used to make. I usedto put rob dibble, Oh my gosh,

I was giving it for Christmas,and then I was like, okay,
and then then I was actually givingballs with my name on it.
I'm like, and then idiots wouldfind them over Thea's plantation country. I
found a dibble in the woods youprobably found a lot of them in the
woods. All right, that wasyour five. I ever claimed to be
good. What's your four? Playwith the animals I loved, you know

me. I'll sit by the pond, I'll play with snakes. And if
I'm in Florida, I want toplay with the gators. And uh do
love the turtles. Try to findstaffing turtles and stuff. I don't really
love golf. I love the outdoors. The best part of golf is being
out there for four hours. Lakeof Isles Golf Club. Yes, this
is the best golf course in Connecticut. We always see a deer just seeing

animals, and yeah, there's adeer. Just see a deer. There's
always a deer that just comes tothe green and wants to join the foursome.
Like these These deer are too friendlyover there at Foxwoods. They got
it too good. My three issteal trophies number three, number three.
Okay, So the Waterbury Country Club, which was built in an eighteen ninety

nine number three I like, hadtrophies. I didn't steal them. I
was going to. That's one ofthe reason I left the club. Some
of the trophies actually had deer hornsfor the sail. Yeah, And I
was like, that is the coolest. It's better my World Series trophy.
Man, I gotta get that one. So true. My wife always was
talking to me, my parents arehere for forty years. You can't steal
stuff. I'm like, hell yeah, man, I was a boor kid.

I stole everything. I do thinkthe club Champion trophies in the world
because I was never going to legitlylike leulitimately win it. So I'm stealing
it exactly, And somehow that makesme feel even better. When you want
to steal the club trophy sounds likea good challenge. I mean, yeah,
yeah, And I always think oflike Judge Smalls, like exactly the
guy that I'm ripping off, andlike we're doing a solid for the caddy

community around the block. Absolutely numbertwo. Number two, move the pin
and put it in the sandtrap.I do that constantly. I love it.
So you too, You are acountry club nightmare. Well. I
used to golf with so many likepin heads that used to tick me off

and stuff, and so okay,you're gonna piss me off, then try
it hitting your ball into the sandtrap. When I put the put the
flag in it. Oh, soyou put it up. I take it
out of the hole and I putit in the sandtrap, standing up,
standing up, so they think it'sthere. So I think that's why it's
over the left. To tell youthe truth, that might actually benefit my

game because I'm always like ten yardsaway from the pin that I'm actually aiming
at. So you might be helpyreally like who you would. And of
course I'm with Kurt on the nineteenthold Well, I'm with you number one.
I think you guys are missing outon one of the key elements on
the nineteenth hold goals bingo, I'mmarried. I can't even I know.

But still, isn't it great thatthere is a sport out there that brings
you alcohol while you're playing out thereon the course. Yes, absolutely that
is great. And yeah, youget a little back and forth, you
know, you learn a little bitabout somebody, you make friends and what
and then seeing you know, I'mnot gonna lie the cart girls have gotten
a lot of tips from me overthe years. Of course, you know,

it's a great job. It's agreat job, ladies, to put
yourselves through college. There's a lotof drunk old guys out there that are
like, well are you doing?That's my number three? That's number three?
That was number three, what's yournumber two? Number two was driving
carts and number one was ball hunting. I love I love finding balls.
I love finding ball There's nothing better. I mean, we don't come from

money. So when you you knowwe and they're expensive still, oh yeah,
So when you find a free ball, time like I if I like
lose two balls and go in andfind three, I feel like I'm I'm
playing with house money, right,you know me? And this is how
we explain how we did in golf. That's right? How'd you guys score?
I played all right, but I'mplus ten on balls? Right?

How are you did you do?Do you like those long holes with a
good bend to them, to whereyou have to hit some kind of noise
to let the other people know thatit's ring the bell? Yeah, I
haven't done that. The one coolthing and you go to the other hole,
you're not on that hole, andyou know you're in the woods from
the other hole anyway, right,You know what I like to do.

I like to drive over their ball. I like to bury the balls,
step on them. I'm always likeburying people's balls. I'm so glad.
I'm with you guys. Good luck, good luck in this plugged right here
by the way. So true,so true, because that this is the

problem Gallow and the guys. Man, you don't want to piss us off.
Yeah, you're right, you're right. And that is the funny thing
is when there is a guy thatthinks we hit their ball that threw over,
we hit the bell, or wedid something right, and then they
get all mad, and then theyget in their carts and they drive up
and then they see dips and andI just want to make sure you guys

know that that was my ball.But it's okay. I just want to
make sure you guys know all right, I'll see you later. I quickly
get my sixty degree wedge out.I like how you guys have the telescopes
around here, the periscopes or whateverwe're calling. Yeah, you can never
figure those things out. It's likethere's I know Manchester Country Club has one.

I've seen just a lot of coursesaround here on those long part fives.
We don't have that where I'm from, and I think that's pretty cool.
We just have the bell or ahorn or wait, just drive your
cart up and see if the peoplehave moved along or what or the way
we play or the way we play, we just drive it anyway. And
because we don't think we're gonna getin the fairway. And that's the one
time you hit a good shot allthe way. The other group always like,

oh man, you can't hit them. You've been playing horrible today.
Wow, that was a great shot. You better yell something. It's gonna
be a great season of golf.Absolutely cannot wait. Absolutely good segment there,
great job, Kurt. All right, when we come back, we
do dibbles and bits,
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