Episode Transcript
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This is the Doug Pike Show,brought to you by American Shooting Centers Guns
Shooting at Instruction since nineteen eighty nine. Now here's Doug Pike. All right.
Here we go on a Sunday morningfrom I'm still down at Moody Gardens.
I'm still having a last and Iam still I'm impressed by the weather
this morning. I know it's goingto turn south this afternoon, and so
if you've got outdoors plans, getthem done this morning if you can.
I'm looking still at a Gulf ofMexico that is really just shoppy as can
be, and I would not Iwent down to the beach yesterday afternoon.
I ended up doing a lot ofthings yesterday between after between the show and
going back to do last night's filmfestival. And there was a time when
I thought I was a pretty toughsurfer around here and down at Surfside.
We would walk to the end ofthe jetties and jump off of there,
or we would just paddle out onbig days and finally get to the outside
of the break. I don't knowif I could have paddled outside yesterday.
It was breaking and I can seeit from Moody Gardens. I'm looking at
the beach front and I'm gonna guessit's breaking at least three hundred yards off
shore. There'll be some guys surfingsomewhere up and down this beach front of
ours. Probably down at surfside there'llbe some young guys jumping off the rocks.
But those days are gone for me. It was so much fun last
night. It was a second setof films. There was one I had
really wanted to see that Coast ofdelmar had a big hand in putting together.
It was called Marlin Fly and thatfilm was the story of a handful
of guys who went down to Mexico, men and women, and did a
tagging, tagging study of striped marlin, and they caught all of the marlin
that they put these satellite tags onfly rods. And I don't know if
you've ever done that. Few peoplehave. I have. Actually, I
didn't catch anything big, but it'sbeen done. I can check that box.
And it was just amazing to watchthis group of men and women who
are far more skilled than I everwill be with a fly rod do what
they were doing down there, andwatch those fish working over bait balls and
watch those fish jumping like stripe marlindo. That was one of my favorites.
There were so many others that werereally, really good. More giant
peacock bass, which is something that'sstill on my bucket list and I haven't
done yet. I want to godown that somewhere way south of where we
are here and catch them. AndI guess if I have to do it
the easy way, the the lazyman's way, I can just go down
to Florida and catch one down there. There's a lot of peacock bass from
about Lauderdale south, maybe a littlesouth of Lauderdale, all the way down
through Miami and the just in thecanals around there. They're kind of like
largemouth bass in some of the neighborhoodponds here, and they're an amazing fish.
Some species of those things get tobe thirty thirty five pounds, and
we saw on film on about athree story tall screen last night, we
saw some fish that easily went twentyfive close to thirty pounds. There were
giant steelhead, there were I'm tryingto think. There were just so many
big salmon, all kinds of beautiful, beautiful big fish being caught on that
screen, and I still I don't. I don't understand how the audience can
stand I do and I don't.I do understand that the audience can sit
there and watch and just your mouth'sjust kind of half open watching these amazing,
amazing scenes and the amazing fights withthese huge fish, and you just
sit there in a little bit ofstunned silence maybe. And then I think,
if you've got the right crowd inthere and you open the bar about
an hour earlier, there would bea tremendous amount of hooting and hollering and
screaming. But my hunch is thatthe reason, the only reason it stays
relatively quiet in there actually when thesefilms are happening and when the action is
so incredible, is that everybody inthere is just kind of imagining themselves in
that position, themselves, doing whatthose people are doing where they're doing it.
And the films literally were from allaround the world. There were a
couple of them from up in Canadaabout places that I really wasn't aware of
where these there was a steelhead oneand a salmon one, both on all
nights. And those fish are justenormous, just big giant thirty eight forty
inch fish, and it was justit was really impressive. A lot of
conservation talked last night as well.We had we had a presentation from a
group called Good Fly. The twoguys came in and addressed the crowd,
and their cause is first responders.And what they're doing is they've enlisted and
that I think they said, they'vethey've gotten help already from and this is
only in a couple of years.They've gotten help already from about seventy five
percent of the certified fly fishing instructorsin the state of Texas and already done
several hundred seminars and casting lessons withgroups of first responders all over the state.
And they're doing this because those peoplethe people who come to us when
we most need help, and therewould be so few people either willing,
able or qualified to give it.Those first responders do that, and that
takes a toll on them. That'sextremely hard work. It's extremely tough mental
work. And it hats off toGood Fly for doing what they're doing and
giving fly fishing to these men andwomen, because fly fishing even more than
and I've done both a lot inmy life fly fishing. It helps you
relax, It helps you concentrate onsomething other than whatever it is that you
do for a living. And Idon't care whether you're a butcher or a
car salesman, or a first responderor whatever. When you're fly fishing and
you're really into it, you're you'regonna forget about all that stuff that bugs
you. It where you didn't sella car this month, didn't make a
dime, That's okay. I'm flyfishing. You didn't you You dropped a
whole side of beef and you hadto throw it away, dropped it on
the ground and it got all dirtyand contaminated. I don't know how butchering
works. I really don't. Ileave that to Belleville Meat Market. But
whatever they do, somebody did somethingwrong and you know, oops, you
gotta and you lose a lot ofmoney. That's okay. I'm fly fishing.
I've had some fantastic trips. Wewere talking at a table last night
a little bit about little bloopers andwhatnot from fly fishing, and I what's
that, Melvin? Who you got? You got to speak up, man,
Just tell me, Oh okay,well, let's put it put him
on the phone for a menu.Y I'll talk to Brandon. Hey,
Brandon, what's up? Buddy?Hey Doug, how are you? I
saw that you got me on thephone. What's going on? Finally they
did. Boy, they used upa whole lot more runs than they needed
to. I wish, I wishyou could just put a credit column at
the end. If the other teamscores too and you score fourteen, you
just need to put up You getto put up three and then have eleven
that you can carry over to thenext game. That would be awesome.
It was even. It was likefinal score was twilve Well, I was
just making that number up, justfor an example. That's all right,
yep, did you you know whatyou need to plan to come down here
to Moody Gardens next year for thisfly Fishing Film Festival. I know you
would enjoy it. I will,I will Moody Gardens, okay, send
okay, Well yeah it's just Moody. Oh yeah. Just punching Moody Gardens
on any any device you have andit'll pop up. It's right down here
in the middle of Galveston Island.Beautiful, all right, what's I didn't
have a coffee this morning, andso uh oh, we'll go get your
coffee and we'll check in again later. Okay, okay, all right,
man, I'm probably gonna go afterwe move. That's aware. After after
you move. Oh okay, Idon't know you were moving, man,
Yeah, we're moving. We're moving. We're probably we're going to the at
the house today to the east side. Yeah. About half the maybe half
the audience would get that. Yeah, that's good man. I'm glad.
I hope you like your new house, Brandon, I really do, Bud.
Yeah, I will take a Momwill take a picture, and we're
well put it on the Do youall do Facebook? I have a Facebook
page. I tell you what.Let me go, let me go check
in with Yeah, you can justlook at Facebook and find me and send
a picture. Okay. I gotto run catch another call before we got
to go to break Brandon. Thanksmany, buddy. All right, let's
go get John here. You gotit? How you doing? I'm good?
Thank you? Great. Hey.I wanted to chime in on peacock
bass. I've heard that that's surefierce fighting freshwater fish. They say it's
a beautiful fish. They're they're they'reabout a dozen different species of them,
every one of them with amazing markings, and yeah, they're pretty toll.
One of the things that stood outto me that was different, even just
from last year's films is the theadditional footage shot from drones. And some
of the things that these guys aregetting better at and better at with the
drones is capturing in the with flyfishing. For example, they're up over
the boat. They have a bird'seye view of these guys casting to big
fish in clear water and you cansee every reaction the fish makes and then
you can just see them hit andit's it's just spectacular, it really is.
And yeah, peacock bass from whatI'm told, like I said earlier,
I haven't caught one yet, buteverything that I saw in those films
these past two nights, and everythingI've heard from guys who have especially down
there, like in the Amazon Basinand all are they are big, and
they are bad and they could sothey could whip in largemouth bass with their
eyes closed. Oh yeah. Sowhat I've heard too is that they're so
fierce fighting right that you know,the normal hooks you get in a store
here, you have to get moreof a reinforced hook, or they're just
gonna bend them or break them off, is what I'm hearing. Yeah,
especially the ones down on the Amazonand stuff. They say, they're yeah,
they're either gonna They're either gonna they'regonna be either bend the hook out
or they're gonna bust your leader.There was one one guy who has this
river of giants. They go Riode Gigantis, and they fished these biggest
fish with sixty pound floor carbon leaderand he said, if you put on
forty they'll blow it up. They'llblow He said, I've seen blown up
fly lines. I've seen snapped rods, I've seen everything. And he even
he pulled out a fly and there'sthis hook that's just it's a pretty significant,
significantly strong hook and it's almost bentstraight back, just done. Yeah,
I can't imagine that. They can'timagine. Yeah, I can't imagine
fly fishing for those. I mean, from what a year, the way
they fight, and I don't know, Jesus, I don't know what kind
of a hook you put on that. But yeah, it's different. It's
a different kind of fly fishing,it really is. It's not blue gills
in Pop's pond back behind the farmhouse. This is a real deal. These
fish are the they're competitive, andthey're strong, and they will flat kick
your butt. Yeah it was funto Well, that's go ahead. I
was gonna say that's definitely on mybucket list too, because you know,
I, uh, next time inFlorida, I'm gonna I'm gonna try to
get a guy then go fishing forhim. Yeah yeah, but uh,
but in South America they say thatit's really something. I mean, I
guess they haven't been Costa Rica inthose places too, but I know about
Costa Rica. I think maybe so. But every all the fishing I did
in Costa Rica with saltwater stuff,there's a salt You've done some saltwater fishing
a little bit, you know.I also do fresh water, but but
I'd like to do more saltwater.But yeah, what I was gonna compare
the peacock bass, who would beprobably like an amber jack, just big,
mean and just break your back,daring you to try to catch it.
Oh man, I'm fired up.You and I we need to go.
Let's just go down to say yeahI'm down, Yeah, I'm down.
Okay, go to border or something. I'll let you know and do
it, but I may meet youtown there. Man. All right,
partner, I got to run,Thank you. I appreciate the call yanks.
All right, we got to takea little break here. First,
break the program. On the wayout, I will remind you that black
Horse Golf Club is just right upthere on the northwest side of town.
Take two ninety to Fry Road,hanging south, go down about three miles
and you'll start seeing golf club onboth sides, golf course, or you
won't see clubs scattered about, butyou'll see golf course on both sides of
the road. And then you'll seethe gate you pull in. And from
the time really that you walk intothe pro shop, everybody you run into
wants nothing more than for you tohave a good time. That's all they
want. They're trying to help youin any way they can. They'll keep
you fed and watered. If youneed lessons, you can go to the
far end of the range to theteaching facility and get that knocked out before
you go play back up on therange. You need even if you're just
by yourself and you're thinking kind oflike I did yesterday, down here,
let's just go over there and makethree new friends. And that's what I
did. I got over there andjust like you can do at black Horse,
you call them, tell them you'recoming. And they have two golf
courses. So the odds of gettingout are probably ninety percent on most days,
within about thirty minutes or forty fiveminutes, which is just enough time
to go hit a few balls,maybe grab something to drink, and then
be ready to go play put alittle bit. That's a good idea too.
Those greens typically run pretty fast upat black Horse lessons, big tournaments,
small tournaments. There's a membership optionthat gets you discounts in the pro
shop, it gets you preferred teatimes, and it gets you unlimited range
use, which if if you're arange rat like me, kind of take
advantage of that. Black Horse GolfClub dot com is the website black Horse
goolf Club dot com. I'm stillpretty fired up about those films. I
saw last night Moody Gardens Fly FishingFilm Festival, and they did it upright.
This year, Holy Cow, wehad about a it was about a
forty five or fifty percent increase incrowd words getting out that these things are
worth coming to see there. Yeah, a lot of people came down and
stayed for the weekend. Even therewas I want to say there were.
I got a show of hands lastnight and they were about probably i'd say
at least fifty sixty people who wereovernight in it and just rocking it and
having fun with the whole deal.Let's get to the phones. Let's start
with Dave. We'll go Dave,Rick, Carl. That's the order we're
going in. We'll get all ofthem before the bottom. Watch this.
Hey Dave, what's up? Man? Hey man? Oh lord, hey.
I met I met an older gentlemantoday and over at the grocery store
and he was over there and olderyou. Yeah, he's like older than
me. Well you're seventy some anyway, okay, we was talking about we
got talking about fishing, and hesaid, man, I've been way down
out fishing and I used to takefive buddies. And he put his five
fingers up. And the sad thingwas, he said, well they're all
gone now. I said, youknow what, but the memories, the
memories will never go away. That'sexactly right, man. Yeah, And
and I asked him, I said, y'all. Did y'all go to Monkey
Island down there? And he's like, yeah, one of the bridge.
They finally put the bridge older.And I'm like, I'm good in there
too. You know. Today onthe Moody Gardens thing, you know what,
they're probably laying back in there watchingthat dome and they're and they're kind
of speechless and until somebody kind ofstarts clapping. They don't want to make
a lot of noise because they thinkthey're in a movie theater. I mean,
I'm just guessing, yeah, Andhonestly, I think that is a
lot of it, Dave, becauseeven I catch myself. I tell people,
man, make some noise. Ifyou see something that makes you want
to hoot and holler, go aheadand hoot and holler. And it's just
so spectacular or what you're seeing andit's just right there in your face and
so clear on that giant screen.They have a system, a digital system
for the showing of these films,and there's a digital stuff. Now there's
no reels of film turning back there. But it's this is the first theater
in the in the world that gotthis system, and it's it's pretty dog
gone cool man, it really is. Hey, you know what, probably
in the lights of them there probablylike going around the world, you know.
And hey, another one I wantto say real clear, Okay,
thanks first responders for helping us out. And hey, you know, if
I wouldn't have them every day toprotect me and everybody else, then it
would we wouldn't be here. That'sgood fly that's that program. Look that
up and see what they do.They do tremendous work for first responders with
that. Yeah, thank you,Dave, I reckon wife, thank you
very much. All right, buddy, I'll see man. All right,
Let's go talk to Rick for acouple of minutes and I'll catch Carl before
we get out of here. What'sup, Rick? A couple of things
first. In this flight fish andthis marland tagging. How much would you
say those fish weighting? And howlong the fly rods are they using to
catch them and they're not super Howlong is there and how long does they
thank them to get on them wherethey're close enough to tag them. I
would guess that the fight time on. And these are like twelve and fourteen
weight rods. They're very heavy rods, very heavy lines and leaders and all
of that. It's appropriate equipment anda straight marlin. Those fish are probably
running eighty to one hundred and fiftypounds somewhere in their eighty to one twenties.
They're probably targeting if they can seethem and really throw into the right
ones. And I would guess it'smaybe fifteen twenty fifteen minutes. I bet
would get a stripee to the boat. And I may be wrong, but
I don't think I am. Andthey did make note in graphic and just
in text on the screen that everyfish they caught was examined by a biologist
and released healthy, and some ofthem they weren't suitable for the tags because
these tags are very expensive and theywant just perfectly a healthy, strong fish
taking those down and younger fish,I think. And so they didn't tag
every fish they caught, but theytagged the right ones, and it showed
already and some of the information thatthey gathered, and one of the interesting
things was that those fish really didn'tmigrate. They just kind of swim in
circles within maybe five ten miles ofwhere they'd been caught. It looked like
on the map maybe ten to fifteenmiles somewhere in there. But it was
fascinating, man, it really was. Yeah, I wish it was closer.
Side of them went eat things realquick. Go ahead. What I
what I'm fusing is talking about iskind of up. It's just a fun
little deal. But I met whenI get through a lot of people going
to be in their yard, andthat's their part tonight. Okay. My
brother's son, my nephew, gotmarried recently and they were hunting of than
that last week. I guess Hoggsand the deer stand him and his new
wife. They just got married andshe was afraid she's gonna lose her wedding
ring. So cut the long storyshort, she lost the wedding ring.
So they came back to the camp. Everybody was disappointed and all that well,
the next night, my brother comeup with this great idea. He
said, let's all go down therewith the strongest, most powerful flashing lights.
I mean, it's like finding aneedle in the haystack. Let's take
the bright lights and go out andseth you know, spread out and start
walking to and from and stand andout where they were shooting towards. Then
we can find it. And mybrother sit all of a sudden that diamond
ring had a big diamond on itstart with, and it this story shining
out like a shining new diamond.Wow. So yeah, so you know,
I thought, hey, that's apretty good way if you lose a
nice ring. You're outside of theparker playing or in your yard. I
know what happens all the time.And then the other freaky deal is I
was at a party last night.Clayton was there and they were talking about
losing things. This is how Iheard this story I just told you is
he had he lost his wallet upthere in Yolstone and he didn't know where
it was. But the camp thathe had been to the day, the
last camp he was was a twoday ride and he thought, man,
I've got to find that wallet.Yes I can, and this is out
of the wilderness, and he saidhe started. So he made it through
the first night. He packed hisgears at one fact mule and it started
a little light snow and he thought, I'll never find this wallet. You
know, this a little bit ofsnow, and he said he right beside
the trail he saw the tip ofan elk antlers shed sticking out the snow.
Yeah, and he thought well,I'm gonna stop and get it,
put it on back of this mule. So he stopped and got it,
and he said when he said itwasn't ten feet from his horse to the
horn. He started walking to it, and he looked down and there was
his wallet. You know, justcoincidence, But that's it's just one of
those things. You're just in theright place at the right time and at
the right time. Man, that'sfreaking That was a two day ride up
the mountain. He flound about fourthousand feet. Anyway, I thought those
thing on something shinning. I thinkit is a good idea. Yeah,
that is a pretty good one.I like that one. Man. Thank
you, buddy. All right,let's get Carl before we have to take
his break. Hey, Carl,there you are. What's up man?
Yeah, I just want to bringsome awareness to everybody. Our whole North
bird North American bird population is goingto be devastated. They're talking about putting
windmills out in the golf from Mexicowhere our birds migrate. Yeah, terrible,
good point. That's a very goodit's gonna wipe them out. They
call them green people, they're greendestroyers. Yeah, they kind of are.
In some ways. And that's that'sone of the ways that there's a
whole lot of a whole lot ofbig raptors that get killed by those blades
because they're looking down and not lookingahead or up, and those when you
imagine coming around at better than onehundred miles an hour in some cases.
Yeah, out in the middle ofa go from Mexico, we're all ninety
percent of a bird population migrates inthe spring. You know, it's horrible.
Anyway, one of the quick things. Yeah, it's down there,
Uh that Texas a and m overthere on Galveston. Over there they have
a campus and uh, anyway,right across the road, Colonel Fossom,
he's running a and m out there. He built a beautiful bird sanks.
Worry out there, man, it'sbeautiful maulberries everywhere. There might be a
few birds coming through right now.And anybody wants to take a ride over
the Pilicon Island, go right overthe bridge and look a quick left and
a quick right in the parking lot. Just sit in the car with some
monocolars and see some beautiful birds andthe big mulberries there. Well, that's
yeah, that's a cool place.Yeah, there's a lot of hogs over
there, and he had to tryto get some people out there try to
trap him. There's hundreds and undredsof wild Sarah Hoggs out there. There's
all kinds of little out of Pelicon, Allen. But be careful if you
walk in the pass out there israttlesnakes can put me you know this time
here, you gotta be careful.Yeah, that's something you don't realize.
It's on Galveston Islands rattlesnakes. Butthey are out there. It's they're not
gonna it's not like they've infested theentire island. But if you if you
let your guard down and you stickyour hand wrong place, or you put
a foot in the wrong place inthose sand dunes, it could get you.
All right, man, Yeah,thank you, Carl, I got
the break, buddy, go ahead. Ye oh yeah, yeah. We
lost him dead gunming. Okay,sorry about that, Carl. We got
a rung. We got to getto this break here. Shooter's corner Parbara
Highway at twenty nine Street in TexasCity. They can help you get a
little defense from a rattlesnake down there. They got a couple of ideas I
bet Jerry and j TK and thewhole crew that work at Shooter's Corner some
of the best gunsmiths I know,some of the just the best people in
the shooting industry. I know.It's an old school gun store. Okay,
it's not. It's not big,it's not fancy. They don't tell
sell tennis shoes there. They don'tsell anything but huntings shooting stuff. That's
it. If you need some ofthat and you're down there on the southwest
or south side, southeast side,down there around Texas City, stop in
it. You'll know what I meanwhen I tell you it smells like a
gun store, and that just sucha refreshing smell to me. It just
like air freshener. I wish Icould get some of that and bring it
to the house. Actually, thatwould be pretty cool. Shooter's Corner is
going to get you in the rightgun. It's going to get you the
right equipment if you've got a problemwith a gun. I've sent so many
listeners to Shooters Corner to get reallycomplex gunsmithing work done, and nobody has
ever called me to tell me thatwe're disappointed. Palmer Highway to twenty Ninth
Street. If you wear a badgefor a living, you get a discount,
which I think is really really nice, and I wish more people would
do that. Family owned and operatedfor forty plus years. Jerry and JTK
the father and son team, Theshoot Corner t X dot Com The Shooters
Corner TX dot Com. I leftthe paris of reading glasses over in the
theater and uh, he was.He and I are in agreement that next
next year, I've already I've alreadyplanted my flag in next year's fly Fishing
Film Festival. This one went sowell, I actually I kind of buried
the lead, which is something writersaren't supposed to do. The lead for
this morning was something I noticed andit just hit me like a ton of
bricks. In in the good Way. There was a young man in that
theater who I'd seen walk by acouple of times and on on Friday night,
and man, he had a flyfishing vest on. He was he
was decked out. And this kidcouldn't be more than nine or ten years
old. Max, and I justhe was there with his dad in his
his grandfather and a couple of morefamily members, and I just I thought
that's that's a special kid right there. He kind of gets it, and
his grandpa gets it, and hisdad gets it, and a little I
guess it was about twenty minutes beforeshowtime yesterday, Jack and his dad come
walking up and his dad said,Jack has something that he wanted to show
you, And I said, what'sthat. I kind of got down with
him there and he he opens upone of the pouches on his fly fishing
vest, and they're in that pouchis a fly that he tied yesterday during
the morning hours, and it's calleda redfish crackfly, and it's a great
fly. And he did a remarkablejob of tying that thing. And I
thought to myself, Okay, thiskid ty and flies when I was playing
pee wee baseball and he wee baseballdid a lot for me. Ty and
flies for him is going to doa lot, not just for him.
And I'm certainly his grandfather and fatherare very proud. The whole family ought
to be proud of this kid.But it tells me also that with kids
like that out there, with kidslike that who already are that interested in
the fishing part of it, itwill be really easy for them to transition
once they start catching a lot offish into the understanding it takes to realize
that that fishing. And there's aquote from somebody. I don't know who
it is, but I can't recallthe name, but anyway, what the
man said basically is that it cantake a lifetime to realize that fishing isn't
about catching fish. It's about protectingthe resource, about taking care of the
river or the bay, or theocean or the stream, whatever will lake,
whatever that body of water is aboutmaintaining it so that every time you
go you still have a chance tocatch a fish. Sometimes the weather doesn't
cooperate, sometimes a fish don't cooperate, but none of that really matters so
long as you know that there arehealthy fish in that body of water.
And that's all the hope that areal fisherman needs to continue going and to
continue allowing fishing to help you kindof make it through whatever you're going through,
because that's a lot of it.For me is therapy. It's being
out in a way from all thestresses of things that go on in life,
and it really helps me. Andseeing a kid like Jack and I
had him stand up right right afterone of the films and before we did
a little a presentation, I introducedJack to that whole audience and let them
know that I felt like that kidssuch as Jack are are gonna make it
really easy for these resources to surviveand not be taken over by other means.
There's a there's a project going ondown in the Bahamas right now.
Actually, Sep Hawkobo came in.He's with the Environmental Defense Fund, and
Sep Hawcobo came in and talked aboutthis. There's a strong effort underway to
turn five thousand acres of Bahamian foreston Andros into a limestone quarry. And
that means to go in and dothat means entirely stripping that land of all
its forest, all its trees,every bit of it. They just they
scrape it down to nothing and thenstart peeling away layers of limestone. And
doing that threatens that entire ecosystem becausethat stuff's gonna start washing into the water,
and when it does, it's gonnait's quite seriously could totally destroy that
ecosystem on Andros. And there area lot of people down there who rely
on the fisheries around Andros for theirlivings. There are a lot of guides
down there. I don't know howmany of you have been to the Bahamas
to go fishing, but I certainlyhave. And it's an amazing, amazing
ecosystem down there. And that's thekind of things that I'm counting on Jack
and all these other young people comingup to watch out for to make sure
that these resources get the attention andprotection that they deserve. Man, I've
been standing on this soapbox for acouple of minutes. Holy cow, Melvine,
you think we ought to go toa break and get one in on
time today? I could do thatif you want. All right, buddy,
let's do that. We'll take alittle break here and be right back
all the way out. I'll tellyou about CCA's Star Tournament for twenty twenty
four one point nine million dollars inprizes and scholarships one point nine million dollars.
If you don't enter, you can'twin any of that stuff. But
if you do enter, and ifyou do get it done by May third,
do you not only have your entry, but you also have access to
early bird benefits. You can findout about them at the website. This
tournament puts out. The prize isyou can win a boat, a motor,
a trailer and a truck to pullit with just by catching the right
tagged redfish. And there are otherprizes out there for tagfish. There are
other prizes out there for the heaviestfish in some divisions sponsored by Texas Ford
Dealers, Academy Sports and Outdoors,and Progressive Insure. So you fish from
Memorial Weekend all the way to LaborDay to win your piece of one point
nine billion million. I said,wellin them not billion good evans in prizes,
and it's tournament's been going on forI don't know, maybe forty almost
forty something years. I think itis now. Whatever it is, it's
been a very long time, andso many people have won so much,
not only for themselves but for theirkids in those big scholarship offers. Sign
up now, get it done beforeMay third, get those early bird benefits
and chances to win more and more. Star Tournament dot Org is the website.
Star Tournament dot Org. Your Rocketsand Astros live here. We are
Sports Talk seven ninety. The conversationcontinues this as the Doug Fike Show.
It's going to be a beautiful morning, at least, I think there is
some weather coming. We had somereally really low tides by the way for
I don't know, quite a coupleof weeks. I think it was that
people were talking about it. We'vehad an onshore wind for the last what
two three days, a really strongonshore wind. I guarantee you from playing
golf yesterday over at Moody Guards,and I'll talk about that a little later.
There's no problem with tides anymore.They're they're plenty high, plenty high.
Let's go see what's on Mike's mind. What's up, Mike, Mike?
Hello, Hey there, how youdoing. I'm good? What's talk?
Well that one? Can you hearme? I'm here, I'm here,
Okay, okay, Hey, I'mgetting older. And so when you
get older, you sometimes forget ifyou told the story. But this is
a story about Cedar Bayeu. Idon't know if I told you this one,
but I used to sish out inthe lab cut and uh, there
was this place out there called thelove Shack. It was just four four
by four posts with some two bysix is on it. We called it
the love Shack. And one November, my buddy and I got this bright
idea, we're going to go fishbefore a front. So we went out
there and we told the horse ranger. The ranger, we said, listen,
we're going out and we're probably,you know, if we don't come
back in three days, you know, since somebody else so young, I
was young and stupid, but Iloved the fish. So it was glass.
I've never seen it that way.It was like a piece of glass.
We went out and my buddy hada fourteen foot Dura craft with a
forty out Moore Johnson. We wentout there and went out there, and
we got out there and it wasbeautiful. It was perfect. We set
up our tent in the four beforeand we put this tarf on the on
the coastal side, the waveside,the south side, because the way water
the wind was coming in. Wewere stupid. We go out, we
catch our mullet, cut it up, go out, and I swear we
were catching one red fish. Ilove regish. Everybody hates them, they
love trout, but I love redfish. And we were catching them on every
cast, and I mean they wererunning, they were big, and the
next one was bigger than the other. So we got our after about six
fish. We had our two daylimit, which we probably shouldn't have done
at the same time, but wehad our sixty Yeah, there you go.
And sure enough I feel this stingingdan on the back of my neck.
And I looked around and had theneoprenme waiters on. There was water
in them a little bit. Lookedaround and it looked like more door.
It looked like the end of theworld com in this billowing front, you
know, a real front. Ilooked at my buddy. We ran back,
We ran. We dragged these fishabout a quarter mile back to our
little shack. I said, getyour clothes off. He was in the
tent and getting his closed off.And I looked with my flash flights getting
dark, and I saw the watercoming up. Because we were on a
little island. If you've been tosee your body, there's a little island
in between. And I said,put your waiters back on. He put
his waiters back on, and watercame up through the tent and we had
like about four inches of water in. There is no way we could sleep,
but we had a twelve inch shelf. And when I said, throw
me in my sleep bag, hethrew my sleeping bag and it blew out
of my hand and blew out.I watched it flow out over the water.
So we had one sleeping bag,was sitting there, and we spent
the night freezing, legs between legs, one sleeping back. Next morning,
I'll make it fast. Next morningit snowed. This was the way back
when I was twenty years ago,and I swear it was the weekend one
of the oil dereks got flipped overand people got killed, and another boat
out of corporate flipped and got itwas the worst northern of all time.
And so yeah. But the funniestthing was we're sitting there and there's this
other boat. It's a much biggerboat, and they brought out cases of
beer. They had like stacks ofbeer. They're having a good old time.
We're freezing, almost dying. Andin the end, the next morning
they're getting ready to go in ata bigger boat. They had a problem.
Our boat was totally swamped. Wewe got all the water out,
and we said, hey, willyou go slower, because if we stop
or have anything, the waves willyou know, take us over and we'll
die. We'll freeze from exploding.He said sure, So we go out
seater body and then we hit it. He hit it, He's gone,
I go, well, that's that'sgreat. So then we hit it nice
and we go in and we madeit in and I got off the boat
and I kissed the ground. Iwas like, man, thanks the Lord.
But we were freezing every thirty minutes. I was looking at my friend
going because are you okay? Yeah, it was you know, the one
thing, and I just here's themul to the story. The one thing
is the one thing you underestimate isa wind. Don't ever underestimate the win
because we were prepared. We haddamp and gear. Landers couldn't light a
lanterns proud back, blue away.Do not underestimate the win. It'll kill
you. It seems like a fortyfive dolls our win. Anyway. Take
what you do, all right,buddy, I appreciate man audios. Yeah,
young and dumb, that's if youget old enough, you'll realize that
that's redundant. That's just saying thesame thing twice. Young people don't realize
that because they don't know how muchthey don't know. They don't know how
inexperienced they really are, because theythink by the time they're sixteen, eighteen,
even twenty five years old, thatthey've been through it all, been
there, done that twice, andlife's life's not finished throwing surprises at you.
It never is. Actually, Well, I'm looking at the live shot
from the ninety first Street Fishing Pierand it's breaking one hundred and fifty two
hundred yards out beyond the pier.There are waves, because there's a wave
that just came right under the pierright now that almost bumped out, bumped
up to the deck. It's big, it's rough. If you're a young
and dumb surfer, I wouldn't goto Surf or to Galveston because I don't
think the lifeguards would let you inthe water, frankly. But if you
can get down the surfside and maybego jump off the rocks, and you're
tough enough and you don't, you'regoing to ignore my warning to be careful
and stay out of the water andtry it. We used to do that,
We did a lot. Let me, I'm gonna check the wind direction
real quick before we get to thetop of the hour because I want to
see whether there'd be some jetti protectiondown there. No, not really,
it's just blowing straight up the channel. So that's not gonna work well.
When by the way, if youthought it blue hard yesterday, oh wait
till I tell you what it's doingtoday. I'll just read some of the
numbers running from Galveston. Well,I'm going to start at Rollover Pass and
then just go southwest twenty five,twenty eight, twenty two, twenty five.
Again at surfside. There's an anomalythat's wrong. It's behind a wall
or something. There's a fifteen oftwenty two eighteen twenty four at whereas this
one portorensis, and it just continueson down the coast, just blowing straight
on shore. And that's why you'regoing to see some really high water,
really high water right now. Ikept looking. I was hoping yesterday as
I played golf to find some someredfish pushed up into there in that shoreline
around Moody Garden's golf course. I'veseen him up in there before more than
once, seeing tailoring red's up inthere. It doesn't happen often, but
it does happen. And then there'sanother little place that's just right off the
property down there that I've seen guyswadefish in and I kind of wish I
had more time today because I mightgo do that. That would have been
pretty fun. All in all,A fantastic weekend down here, really,
I well, I got a callwho was I don't remember who it was
Melbourne yesterday who said they shot eightytwo down here a couple of days ago.
You werecall maybe not okay, it'sokay. And that guy shot in
eighty two, wasn't it. I'mnot questioning him, but it wasn't.
In the wind that we played inyesterday, I took the challenge to go
over there and try and beat aneighty two. It was blowing an honest
twenty to twenty five with Gus probablythe thirty thirty five, and any shot
you had into the wind you justhad to add two and a half to
three clubs literally to get the ballthere. I can't tell you how many
shots we hit that were well struckshots, squared up shots, good contact
and come up ten to fifteen yardsshort. If you were out past about
one point fifty one sixty, therewas a very good chance you were going
to be short. I don't recallanybody hitting a square shot over the green.
There was one guy that there werethree of us who could play,
and then one of the guys hadbrought a friend to his who who couldn't
play. But he was out therehaving fun. My best guess on how
many balls he lost is probably abouteighteen, maybe one a hole, occasionally
two or three a hole. Buthe was having the time of his life,
and we were having fun, andour caps were blowing off, and
it was it was absolutely crazy totry to even be thinking about playing golf
under those conditions, but we endedup having a good time for the first
four or five holes. Really,we didn't know each other at all.
There's a guy from Ohio on thetea box when I walked up, and
then the starter said, wait,you got two more coming. And that's
where those other two guys came from. The Ohio guys. Actually, his
name's Josh. He moved down here, I don't know a little while back,
and one of the funniest questions heasked me because he was he knew
that I was from here. Itold him that, and so he was
asking me questions and he said,does the water always look that way?
Meaning the golf of Mexico, AndI said, actually no, Josh,
it doesn't. If you just hangout and be patient and learn when to
go. Come back down here andlook again, you can see the Gulf
of Mexico looking every bit as beautifulas the Caribbean. It's just that we've
got this horrible wash around from theMississippi River for I don't know how many
hundreds of thousands of years, andit's caused this shelf off of our coast
right here to be very shallow,which means it doesn't take a whole lot
to stir up bottom sediment and evensome of the sand particles. And do
you just have to wait till allof that stuff settles out, Wait for
either two or three straight calm daysin the summertime or in the wintertime.
You'll get a few nice calm daysafter a norther and at some point,
if you stay here long enough likeI have, you're going to see that
Gulf of Mexico looking absolutely gorgeous,and that will be imprinted in your mind
forever. All right, We gotto check out at the top here.
Belleville Meat Market, I'll tell youabout them. Belleville Meat Market had been
serving i'd say about half of Texasreally for forty two forty three years now.
They have beef, chicken, andpork, and any imagining any way
you want to have it served.They do two dozen plus flavors of premium
pecon smoke sausage. They have appsand cheeses and spices. And if you
drive out there and hand off theorder that you want for meat products to
take back home with you, youcan also pause and then walk about seven
steps, order your barbecue, yourdelicious barbecue lunch, and go enjoy it
on the patio, get outside andhave a little fun. Offering eighty five
fifteen ground beef right now three fiftynine a pounds if you buy ten pounds
or more. Pretty good darned dealthere. And of course the wild game
processing all year round. They doit specifically in an entire building during hunting
season, but they back off alittle bit, but they'll still process any
wild game you bring them lawfully takenin the state of Texas and they will
process it up exactly the way youwant it. Fifteen minutes north to Sealy,
fifteen minutes south of Hempstead on Highwaythirty six. If you can't get
out there today, that's okay.Get online check it out They'll send darn
near anything in the store right toyour door. Belleville Meat Market, Belleville,
MeetMarket dot Com, ABMs Houston ATVHDtwo Houston, an iHeartRadio Stations,
thro the Rocket your home for yourhome teams. This is Sports Talk seven
ninety. This is the Doug PikeShow, brought to you by American Shooting
Centers, Guns, Shooting and Instructionsince nineteen eighty nine. Now here's Doug
Pike, Come Back, Doug PikeShow. It's Sports Fox seven nine.
He certainly do appreciate you listening.You know, you must know I do.
I really do. I ran intoso many people over the past two
days down here at Moody Gardens,who first of all, thank you for
showing appreciation for what I'm doing,because I really do enjoy it, and
it just makes it all the moreenjoyable to know that people are listening and
they appreciate what I'm doing. Andlike, like I say on fifty plus,
if there's ever anything you want meto talk about or you think I've
missed, shoot me an email DougPike at iHeartMedia dot Com. I've even
got an easier way to do itthan that there's I set up a pound
two to fifty account for fifty plusand you can leave You can certainly leave
outdoors related voicemails there. That's justa it's a fifteen second voicemail. You
do'll pound two to fifty and thenwhen you get the prompt you say fifty
plus is I don't have one setup for this show, but you can
just say fifty plus and then itgives you the opportunity to leave me a
fifteen second voicemail and I will behappy to acknowledge it. I'll be happy
to get back to you if youwant me to email pound two fifty.
However you want to get in touchwith me, do that if there's something
that you think needs to be talkedabout on this show. There are a
lot of subjects on fifty plus thatevery time I think I've covered everything there
is to talk about that's important toseniors, something else comes up. And
it's the same with the outdoor stuff. One thing that I found out yesterday
that I wasn't even aware of.There's a project that Moody Gardens and the
Gallas and Bay Foundation are working ontogether to recycle oyster shell that's coming out
of all these restaurants down here onthe island. And I want to say
I think that Evelyn told me EvelynCole helped out. She did a nice
interview with me yesterday morning. AndI want to say that, I don't
know, it's thousands of tons ofoyster shells something like that. I don't
remember how many tons, but it'sa lot of them that are stacked up
around here. Somewhere. We maygo try to find the mountain of oyster
shells that they're just collecting bucket bybucket from all these oyster serving restaurants around
here, and then gonna in turnput them back into the bay system and
try to regenerate some of these shellreefs that we oyster reefs that we lost
during the hurricanes and whatnot. Allof this is so important to this bay
system, so important to keeping itclean. Oysters are the filters. They
filter out all the gunk that's inthe water and turn it into clean and
pure water. And there are allkinds of video demonstrations you could see about
that on the internet if you don'tunderstand how that works, but that's essentially
what they are. They're like thepool filter for salt Water. All right,
let's go over to New Orleans.Suspen it out, Doug, go
to New Orleans for the Zurich Classic. On going over there. Since Thursday.
The teams, it's a teams event, two man teams, and they
are pretty much running away. Blairand Fishburn, that is your leader right
now at twenty three under par.They shot sixty. Now bear in mind
these are two persons scores and they'retaking the best of the pair. They
shot sixty yesterday, Listed Nordlanders shotsixty two. Blair and Fishburn are at
twenty three underpar going into today's finalround listed Nordlander at twenty two. Bremen,
Hubbard, McElroy and Lowry, bothteams of those teams are twenty one
under par, just two shots offthe lead and a sleeve off. Oh
lord, I'm gonna have to scrolldown. I think there are more.
Now there's only four of them,you and Penn, Lee and Kim at
Chavaria and Grazerman and Taylor and Hadwinat twenty under par. And that's eight
teams. I don't think. Idon't know, maybe the nineteens four shots
off if they got out and gotcrazy hot I'm not going to read them
off. There's quite a few ofthem as well. But that's a fun
event and it's kind of Somebody askedme if that's similar to live golf,
which is coming here in June,and I said, not really, because
the teams are structured so much differentlyteam golf as live plays it. Trying
to think it's really more like oneof the other ball sports where you have
quite a few members on each teamand they are playing both individually and as
teams. I don't know that there'sanother I guess it's, well, there's
golf similarities. It's like school golf, let's put it that way. It's
kind of like a school golf format, only they're also doing shotgun starts,
which makes it easy for the spectators, easy for the patrons if you will
to come out and watch it.You don't have to be there at the
crack of dawn and then stay tilldark to watch two of your favorite players.
You get there at the tea timeand follow one of them, and
then an hour and a half twohours later you can follow maybe your other
favorite on the back nine or whereverthey started. So I'm looking forward to
that and I think I'm going totry for next weekend. I'm going to
have somebody from Live Golf on myshow and we're going to talk for fifteen
to twenty minutes about exactly how towatch it, how the teams are struck
shared, all the questions that Ihave and that I've been asked but can't
answer yet on the the specific formattingof live golf, and then we're in
about I don't know about what's sixweeks now, maybe not even that close
to it, about six weeks,five weeks I think it is. Then
we're going to have a live golfevent right here, right here in Houston
at Golf Club of Houston, andthat's gonna be a good one seven one
three two one two five seven ninetyEmail me Dougpike at iHeartMedia dot com.
Guy, I'm still flashing back tothat guy who told me he shot eighty
two on the on the program yesterday, he said he shot eighty two at
at Moody Gardens just two days ago. And man, if it was blowing
like it was blowing yesterday, whowas it. I think it was.
Adam was kind of joking, sayyeah, shot eighty two. And then
that afternoon, went out and caughta thirty pound bass, and both statements
probably an equal validity. I don'tknow it would have been. It would
have been almost impossible to shoot alow low score like that yesterday, unless
maybe it was some of these guyswho were playing over New Orleans, and
I got a hunch that this weathersystem that's causing all of this may have
crept that far east at this pointthey might be having a little bit more
wind today than they would have wouldwant, at least I don't know.
Oh, you know what I haven'tdone. I have neglected my email if
I want to go double check realquick and make sure I don't have to
knock something specific out right now.Tide's definitely oh yeah, holy cow,
capam Scott sent me a water levelthe from the Galveston Railroad bridge, and
holy cow, yeah, up upand away, up, up and away
and significantly up a foot. Theaverage tide is shown starting basically at zero
for the bottom low tide, andthen about a one and a half on
the high. Currently, the lowtides are punching about a one and the
high tide is about a three.And there was water on Moody Garden's golf
course yesterday. That pretty much confirmsexactly what he's talking about. There was
water all over in several places thathad crept onto the golf course a little
bit from the high tides. Oneof the things I forgot to tell Josh
this too, and I meant totell him. He was asking a little
bit about the golf course in thehistory of the golf course, and one
of the cool things about it isthat years ago it became not the first
in the country to put on adifferent kind of turf. It's called past
Pallum, and they weren't first toput it on their golf course, but
they did it, and they wallto wall passed Pallum, and about six
months into that stuff's maturity, maybesix months, I don't even think it
was that long, but maybe sixmonths after they put that turf down on
there, we got a hurricane.And I want to say it was Ike,
I'm not sure, but whichever oneit was. When that hurricane rolled
through, it put about two anda half or three feet of salt water
on that golf course, and passBallum's reputation was that it was resistant to
salt water, and everybody kind ofheld their breath because resistant to salt water.
A lot of people, I guess, the people who really knew the
turf best weren't concerned. But theimpression at the second level of understanding,
kind of where I was, secondor third level of understanding, was that
all the mist in the salt spraythat comes off the Gulf of Mexico wouldn't
hurt the golf course. It'll beokay. Well, three feet of salt
water all over the golf course isa little different from sea mist. And
when the water finally subsided, therewas a lot more brown than there was
green, and there were a wholelot of people down there holding their breath,
hoping and praying that this stuff wasas tough as they said it was.
And a couple of days later,green, a little more green,
greener still, and that turf isstill there, and it still looks really
good. It looks really good.Moody Gardens actually one of the top five
public golf courses in the state ofTexas. Now, if it's a calm
day, it's not terribly hard,it won't beat you up too badly.
But on a day when the windis blowing, let's say fifteen with Gus
to twenty yesterday. That's just anabomination. You have to be almost cruel
to yourself to force yourself to playeighteen holes under those conditions. But I
was having fun with those guys yesterday, and we were getting to the point
where we could poke a little funat each other and really get just like
all golfers do. That's a goodsign. If guys are teasing you about
your game, then they like you. If they don't like you, they
won't say anything to you the wholetime you play. Well. We had
a good time yesterday despite hitting ballsthat there was one guy, the guy
who could hit it the farthest,actually hit a drive. He just pasted
this drive, but it got goingtoo high, and it was going higher
and higher, and just a littlebit of backspin he had on it,
just it kept climbing the ladder andthat thing probably went as high as it
did far, And I'm convinced andI think he was too that when it
finally came back down, it wasprobably moving toward us and not toward the
hole. Just incredible. And thenI had had a flashback to the past
when I could really swing a golfclub hard, coming down the home stretch.
The last three or last four holesactually all played down wind right across
right next to the adjacent to theairport property down here and on I want
to say it was sixteen. Ithink I finally, I absolutely just powdered
my drive dead straight, all justriding that wind and riding that wind.
And it's a relatively short four parand the people on the green actually turned
around and looked because my ball gotdown I don't know, within thirty yards
of the green, and it hadbeen a conservative I don't know, twenty
twenty years maybe since I hit agolf ball that far. I didn't measure
it. I didn't care. Itwas just cool that it went straight and
went that far, especially considering thaton the hole before I had hit a
bomb. But it took off rightand stayed right and ended up somewhere in
the There's about a thirty yard wideswath of water kind of like a moat
around the on the airport property.A moat had a big fence in case
you get through the moat, butin any event, yeah, uh,
there was a splash made by theone on fifteen, and then just an
absolute beauty on sixteen seven three twofive seven nine. Email me Doug Pike
at iHeartMedia dot com. We'll takea little break here, come right back.
On the way out, I'll tellyou about American shooting centers out there
on West tim Or Parkway between Katieand Highway six, very easy to find.
It is the largest shooting facility inthe entire non military. There are
some bigger military bases, of course, but for non military, it's the
biggest shooting facility in the state ofTexas. And it has everything three sporting
plays courses, eight or ten trapand skeep fields, five stands setups in
several areas. It has a beginner'swing shooting area, which is really good
for adults or kids who have nevershot moving targets, and then they're for
the also for the young and youngat heart. There's a pop up silhouette
range for rim fire shooting, andthose little pop up silhouettes little squirrels and
rabbits whatever they look like. Goesall the way out to two hundred and
fifty yards. That is a longways out. If you think you're good
with your twenty two, go trysome of that rifle and pistol starts.
At five five yards goes out tosix hundred yards, which is amazing just
to watch. There won't be anybodyshooting that six hundred when the wind's blowing
like it is now, But ona nice, calm, cool morning,
it's fun to just go out thereand watch the precision with which these people
shoot. If you want to beone of them, or if you just
want to work on your skills,get some lessons. If you're the guy
in your dove hunting group who shootsfive boxes of shelves to knock down three
birds on opening day, get alesson. Don't embarrass yourself. Make hunting
more fun. Part of hunting isbringing home something to eat a lot of
times, and if you don't hitanything, that makes it pretty tough.
American Shootingcenters dot Com is a website. Start right there and take a look
at what they do. A verysafe, enjoyable, user friendly place to
handle the shooting sports however you liketo handle them. American Shooting Centers dot
Com. We are sports Stock sevennineties Houston Sports where you go with iHeartRadio
Now now get more. Doug allright, Welcome back the Doug Pike Show
on Sports Talk seven ninety. Thanksfor listening, start going to do appreciate
it on this Sunday morning, thisnon rainy Sunday morning. So far.
There's rain in the forecast for laterin the day, but that's later in
the day, so don't worry aboutit. Get out and have a little
fun this morning. Let's go talkto Kevin. See what's going on with
him. Kevin that morning, man, Mike, what's up, buddy?
I'm another glad where I am isnot. I got to tell you,
they did not put me in baddigs. I'll just say that, are
you I'm not you still in Galveston? I am, And this is this
is a momentous occasion in the historyof this show, and that I am
actually running my own show with noproduce. I have no training wheels on
the bicycle, man, and I'ma good solo down here and knock on
wood. Yeah, we haven't.We haven't lost connection or anything. I
should have never said that, butwe haven't. Yeah, it's going really
well. Well, you've sounded goodso far. I just ask you sending
you an email about the twenty fourthannual Port Freeport Take a Child Fishing Turn.
I'm looking right at it. Inthe past, and that's going to
be coming up in May eleventh andtwo Saturdays. It's always had, always
a great event that cost cost eachkid two can good items to get in.
They get a T shirt with thatyear's logo on it, They get
a backpack full of goodies from thedifferent sponsors of the event, and then
they start registering today to o'clock atMunicipal Park there in Freeport and they'll fish
from nine to eleven, and eleveno'clock will sound a horn and they'll all
come around to the pavilion there andget in line. Generally we have anywhere
about three hundred kids that fish atgive or take fifty, but they're usually
lined up elbow to elbow. Alot of kids it's their first time to
ever fish, but it's a reallygreat event. They go around hoding out
water and they provide the bait forthem that they can use. And then
eleven o'clock, whenever they get inline, they come up on the stage
one at a time and I wavetheir fish, and then a filisatav who
support director as a microphone, andeach kid gets their moment in the spotlight
where they get to be interviewed upthere on the stage and all the while
wall, This is all the whilewall that's going on. Each kid gets
a lanyard with either a red orblue tie for the different age categories,
and they call out those numbers andthey give away about two hundred and fifty
prices. Oh wow, everything,briaden reels and tackle boxes to land in
nets. In the years past,they've even given away ice cream makers and
snowcover scenes. Holy cow, soundspretty good, pretty good event. One
thing, one thing I'll ask issomebody you to do or whoever's doing the
announcement down there. You mentioned howmany kids are down there to maybe catch
their first fish ever. And Iused to go to a lot of these
events back when I was at thepaper, and one of the things that
that got my attention was the theretention rate afterward after that first fishing trip,
I would hear from people who hadgrown up a little bit and would
tell me, yeah, mom anddad took me to that first one,
but they never took me again.And that just breaks my heart because these
kids get all fired up about fishing, and then the parents find reasons or
excuses or both to just never getthose kids out. But that that should
be a pricey in a family.If if you take your child out and
they catch their first fish and theyare just crazy excited about fishing, that
means as a parent you need topush something off your plate that's on there
that you might think is more important, because it's not. Those kids deserve
that chance to really become involved infishing and eventually become involved, maybe in
conservation involved. Who knows, theymight be a fishing guy, they might
be a marine biologist, they mightbe something. But if they never get
to go back to the water andnever get to experience that again, that
we're we're doing them wrong if wedon't take them back. Yeah. I've
actually had the pleasure of watching severaldifferent kids grow up from the time they
were a little bitty to now.Even one of one of the kid working
what ord, he's actually a guidenow and he was a little bitty whenever
I first saw him fishing on thatThen to the volunteers that we've got work
in the event with us this yearare future winners of the event. One
of them Mallory Parga. This willbe her second or third year to volunteer
with her mom, Michelle, butit's it's always good to see people that
have grown up and that are stillinvolved in the doors. Yeah. Family,
Yeah fish. That should be therule. It shouldn't be the exception.
This should be the rule that ifthese kids genuinely show interest and they
want to go fishing again, finda way. It's not that hard and
it doesn't have to be expensive.A cane pole for little kids. I
started my son. I had agarage full of rods and reels when my
son was born and I still do, and I started him on a cane
pole because for him, just catchinga fish was a really cool thing.
It didn't have to be a bigfish, it didn't have to be a
popular fish, just a fish.They don't know the difference. And if
you instill that in enthusiasm in themvery early, it will pay dividends not
only to yourself and to that child, but to everybody around them. They're
gonna be in a better mood ifthey fish. As far as I'm concerned,
you know, they'd luck y'all.I've heard you talk in the past
that you've got to keep them interestedand if you don't have any activity.
One thing about this where the kidfish event is that dead end of the
Old River. There are fish allover. Every kid catches fish, then
some of them catch twenty five andthirty. I think thirty is a limit
that they can turn in to weighin, and usually it's like thirty piggies.
But there have been times in thepast when the thirty piggies won the
event. But yeah, and youknow what that's to them, that they've
just caught thirty blue marlin they have. They don't care. It's just they're
having fun. The court goes downor the line comes tight, and man,
it's on you know, yes,yeah, yeah, I think last
year's event winner actually caught a prettydecent sized black that was like twenty five
twenty six inches, Oh my word. Which it takes a whole lot of
piggies to add up to the weightof that one. Yeah, you go,
we'd still be catching piggies trying toadd up to that, I'm afraid.
Oh well, goodness, well,good man. That's a fantastic call.
And remind you about it. Itold you in the past that I
would whenever it got closer. Andyou've got the information in the the picture
of the event if you want topost it on your your group site.
All right, man, all right, appr well, thank you. I
hope you have a great weekend.Buddy. Oh I have already, man,
I really have im. I'm justloaded up with good I appreciate it.
Thank you, all right, takecare buddy, Sorry partyer audios.
All right, we got to takea little break here, kind of semi
try to stay on time. TimberCreek Golf Club is where I'm going to
send you today, south side oftown FM twenty three point fifty one,
just about I don't know, threefour miles west of the Gold Freeway.
Very easy to find, really,twenty seven that kind of wind through the
woods and over the river and throughthe woods. I haven't found Grandma's house
yet, but if I hit anotherbad drive like I hit a couple of
them yesterday, that's probably where they'dwind up. Great food, great teaching
staff. The JJ Woods Golf PerformanceCenter has come into timber Creek now,
and I talked to JJ this pastweek. I'm going to have him on
the air maybe next week week afterso let him get in there and get
unpacked. Well right now, hestill got boxes all over the place.
They're trying to get it all cleaned. Up and gussied up so everybody can
get in there and get to full, full blown work on their swings.
Gonna be a fantastic addition to TimberCreek Golf Club down there, timber Creek
Golf Club dot COM's website, youcan go make a shef tea time right
now or better yeah, just jumpin the car, grab a buddy and
go on over there. By thetime you can hit a bucket of balls,
they can probably get you out.Timber Creek Golf Club dot com.
Dog Pike Show, thanks for listeningto the appreciate it. I'm still down
at Moody Gardens and I am stillhaving an absolute blast. I really am.
I wrapped up the film festival lastnight. At about we went up.
We ended up going back over topardon me, going back over to
the main lobby of the hotel,and they have a special room back in
the back. I have absolutely I'mon the phone right now, and that's
how we're going to finish up thisprogram. I have absolutely no idea what's
wrong with that machine there. Iwas bragging on it, just talking about
how everything had gone so seamlessly andso smoothly, and now I'm The good
news is I can walk around andI can look up and down the island.
I'm standing in this big picture window, in this beautiful facility where I've
gotten to stay for the past coupleof nights, and it's it's nice,
it really is. I gotta say, not gonna lie to you. It's
not hard to be me right now. And my wife is very jealous.
She wasn't able to come down hereto join me this time, so I
don't know. I don't know whatwe're gonna do next year, but I
hope she gets to come down becauseit really is fun to be down here
and see these things, going backto these tides again, and being careful
around the water down here. Anytimethere's anything anomalous about the water, it's
just so important to be careful.I know. San Luis Pass, that's
that one. Every time I turnaround and start talking about water safety,
somebody sends me an email or givesme a call and leaves a voicemail about
somebody they know who got in troubleat San Luis Pass. But that's not
the only place where tied and watermovement along the coast here can get you.
It's important, I know I meta lot of people last night and
night before last at the film Festivalday here at Moody Gardens who talked about
moving here, and yeah, I'vebeen around the water all my life.
I lived on a lake, orI lived on a river up north or
whatever. The ones who live alongwho used to live around lakes and grew
up around lakes, still they understandthat water can kill you, but they
don't understand moving water. And movingwater is absolutely that's the one that can
get you, especially if you areon a sand bottom, like say at
San Luis Pass. That's one ofthe reasons so many people get hurt down
there, is because they'll wade outto about knee deep and you can feel
the sand on a hard moving tideeither way incoming or out going. You
can feel the sand moving out fromunder your feet, and naturally you'll just
pick your foot up and move ita little to the left or the right
to get back onto that same levelyou thought you were on or you were
on, and then it repeats itself, and if you're smart enough, you
realize that this could go the wrongway in a hurry. A lot of
people, unfortunately think, okay,I feel really comfortable here at knee deep,
I'll go out to thigh deep whereI can cast my lure or my
bay two feet farther, basically.And you get out that far and you
pick your foot up and go toput it down on what you think is
going to be hard sand, andyou hit nothing but water going in,
and before you know it, you'reswept out to sea and pulled downward by
the strong current. And then comesthe mistake that a lot of people who
wind up drowning make of trying toswim back to where they went into the
water, to where they walked intothe water. They're trying to swim back
to shore when the safest and itseems almost counterintuitive, but the safest move
is not to swim back to shore. It's to just relax and float and
get out of that strong current.Eventually you will get to water where the
current isn't as strong, and maybeyou either try to swim back to shore
or you just float and hope somebodycan get a boat to you as fast
as they can whatever it is.But if you fight water, you're gonna
lose. And I don't want tolose anybody in this audience or anywhere else.
I know it's gonna happen this year. It does almost every year.
Somebody at San Louis Pass is goingto be lost to that current, and
it does rip through there. It'sone of the strongest currents in the state
of Texas, and you're not goingto beat it. Oh and enough of
the bad news. There's so muchgood going on in this world. Holy
cow, we're catching a lot offish. We're having a lot of fun.
We certainly did the last two nightsdown here in Galveston. I'm going
to take this last break, wellnext to the last break. I got
two more things. I got No, I'm good, I got one more.
I'm gonna tell you about kind ofsay the best for last. I
guess Carter's Country. Well, that'sone of my favorite places and has been
since Guy Lee, since the seventies. I started going into Carter's Country when
I was old enough to start buyingown guns and ammo Mother's days coming up.
Here's an idea. Get mom somethingthat can help her be safer when
she's out there by herself, andthat would be a concealed carry class.
And it sounds a lot of peoplewill think, why would I want to
do that. I don't need that, but in this day and age,
you just really never know. Andeven if you don't really want to carry
a weapon everywhere you go, ifthere ever is an occasion where you need
to take one with you and youfeel like you'd be more comfortable with it,
having that concealed carry course under yourbelt is going to be a good
way to make that happen. GoodMother's Day gift. They do the courses
up there at the tresh Week storeon the far north side of town,
just a little north of the airport. They have a range right there as
well. You go through several hoursof classroom. There's a lot to be
learned about gun rights and gun usein Texas. You can you have the
right in Texas to use that weaponof yours to protect yourself, your family,
or even other people. If someidiot shows up and wants to hurt
people, you can you can remedythat situation, but you have to know
the law specifically to each and everyeach and every situation you might get into.
Carter's Country can help you with that. They do these things on weekends.
You can call and find out awhole schedule. You can go by
the store and register, and goup there. Go by any of their
locations and register, and then goup there and take that class and the
shooting proficiency thing. Don't worry aboutthat. You just got to hit a
piece of poster board at twenty yardsand that's not all that hard. Register
in person, like I said,at any location, or give them a
call. Two eight one four fourthree eight three nine three two eight one
four four three eight three nine three. This is Sports Talk seven ninety online
at sports seven ninety dot com.Now there are more Doug Fine, All
right, welcome back the final segment. Boy, I've learned my lesson about
counting your chickens before they hatch.Now Here, I am all the way
down at beautiful Moody Gardens. Icut col loose last night. Man,
just going back home. I gotthis, don't worry. We got it
all started up, all the equipmentwas running one hundred percent and then what
was it, ten minutes ago,something happened, Something electronic happened, which
immediately almost takes it over my head. And I have no idea what happened,
but it knocked us out for alittle while. But we were down,
but we weren't out. I'm back. I'm gonna limp through this last
segment on the phone and just enjoythe view that I have right now because
I got to turn around and comeback to sugar Land in a little while.
I think I'll just take this lastsegment unless somebody wants to jump in.
I've still got a couple of minutes. We could maybe take a call
seven one three two one two fiveseven ninety and I'd be happy to hear
that call and take it and puton the air. But what I'm what
I'm really gonna do, if nobodyhas anything else better to talk about,
is kind of go over what Iwhat I learned from watching these films,
And as beautiful as they are,they're very well put together, and they
they have their their stories. They'retelling stories. And the people and the
things that were were brought to thisscreen over the weekend down here at Moody
Guards, and I wish somebody whowas down here would call in and agree
or disagree with me. But thethings that we saw, they we were
drawn here to see the action andthe fishing and the scenery and all of
that. But on top of that, we got to hear and see the
stories of some amazing people around theworld who if you're not from there,
wherever there is you would you wouldnever see, you would never hear,
And it was such a I feellike it was just a blessing really for
me to be able to hear thosepeople's stories. I wish I could just
go find them and shake their handsand give them a hug and say,
wow, you're just an amazing person. You're doing amazing things for the entire
ecosystem where all these fish that welove to go catch live. There was
a story of a young woman whogot into fishing because she wasn't fitting in
anywhere. There was a story oftwo young men who would be the last
two guys you would think would besteelhead guides in the Northwest, But they
are steelhead guides in the Northwest,and that has given them everything they needed
to succeed even beyond their expectations.I think when they were young. There
was a man who suffers significant anxietyand his father was a fly fisherman,
and he never realized that his fatherprobably was wrestling the same demons he is
to this day. But how hecalmed himself that the grandfather of the person
who actually presented the story. Howthe grandfather calmed himself was to he wasn't
a trained artist, but he wasa fly fisherman, and he could draw
very well, and he had anentire book of flies that he had illustrated
and laid out exactly how to tiethem, and that was what calmed him
when he wasn't fishing. There wereall these fantastic, amazing stories intermingled with
the ones of just holy cow,here's been crazy guys going fishing halfway around
the world and catching these awesome fish. And there were a couple of them
actually that were very humorous in thatthey showed a lot of these films focus
on just per fact in the inthe cinematography, perfection, in the scripting,
perfection and everything. But there waswho you've got voice bringing let's go,
what's up voice? Hey Doug?Uh talking about it? I got
a couple of minutes, okay,talk about theaters and watching films up in
a big bigs guy, where Ihave a place that got the Warren Miller
theater. And if you're familiar withthe Ski films, unbelievable, I know.
Yeah, well I don't know him. I'm mad I talked to him
on the phone a couple of timesyears ago. Wow. Yeah, and
warm Mill and warm Miller Theater insummertime. They show some incredible fly fishing
uh films there and outdoor films andand if anybody gets a chance, No,
don't go up there. We've gotenough people there already. Be careful
what you wish for. Yeah,I got there. They Yeah, it's
it's blown up, but it's interesting. If you're looking at Chet Huntley and
and Warren Miller, you're kind ofwho founded the place. It's a very
interesting place. But now the onepercenters have taken over and it's kind of
lost something great place. They'll havea whole there soon. I'm sure there's
already a star bus. I don'thave a whole No, No, I
was thinking of growing a man bun, but I just can't do it and
call everyone. Bro. Yeah it'sbros and man bun. Yeah, I
see sir all right later. Yeah, boys, if I'm not mistaken,
is uh, that's my guy fromNew York. A lot of these guys
are former Texans that I had justhad to leave. They didn't want to
leave, they had to. Yeah, in several states now, I realized
that I've got guys who listened fora while while they were here and the
found us on iHeart Radio. Sincethey've gone, and I just wish I
could bring them all back to Texasbecause we're going to need all of them
we've got. We got to keepthis place rolling, all right. It's
a beautiful morning on Galveston Island.I'm sure it's a nice morning back there
wherever you are. Take advantage ofit because it's gonna rain a little later.
Get outside, have a little funwith your family. Please stay safe.
I'll be back next Tuesday on fiftyplus. I'll be back here next
Saturday at seven o'clock live from MoodyGardens. Technology or not, that's it
for us. We'll see it.Thanks for listening.