Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Lunchtimers. This is the Matt Thomas.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Show, ten on one an ex town. Good morning, everybody,
and welcome to a fronting edition of the Matt Thomas Show.
What ross this sis? Sports Talk? Seven ninety use it it?
Blieve your fingers like that?
Speaker 3 (00:19):
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety. As
Connor goes through the notepad, he's already pulling it look
like at four things already in the first segment of
the show, gargling you know, yeah, you know, why would
you want those guys to have the last taste in
their mouth of a complete beat down? Put the right
hand up. It is your left hand for everything. Seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (00:46):
Like if it's been a long time since you've been
with the nice lady in a biblical sense, uh, you
just you know, and then all of a sudden you
get a date with one and it seems like she's
pretty down, Like are you just gonna go in there?
Speaker 5 (00:59):
Speaker 6 (01:00):
And you gotta you gotta.
Speaker 4 (01:00):
Have a warm up, You gotta find a slump buster first,
and maybe you know, you know, get your tune in right.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
Didn't give me a room. I'll do it. I mean,
did we all get athletic inclined after that? Sure? Did
she get the cardio? She was not part of a
sports moment. I'm sorry. Your heart was pumping. That's cardio, right,
A lot of things that was pumping. Yeah right, Jesus,
you just cannot help yourself. Well, it's been a while
several hours. See, you basically go me into a lot
of things that we clip. I think I think you're
the guilty party. That's exactly what it is. Excuse me.
Speaker 7 (01:39):
Yeah, you throw questions at me, you throw arguments at
me that I have to respond with with strange things,
and Connor grabs them and then he plays them once
a week.
Speaker 8 (01:50):
That's there's just patently false, all right, false?
Speaker 2 (01:56):
Anything goes for Texans Titans preview four hours. It's Davis Mills,
It's Mason Rudolph on the frozen Tundra? Is it frozen there?
Speaker 4 (02:14):
Speaker 2 (02:14):
I don't think so. By the way, sounds better. Are
we getting snow here this week in a couple of days?
I don't think so, but maybe? I mean you said
I don't think so, but maybe so? That's really have
you met the weather man? I don't think so, but
maybe that's every forecast that was like, you're welcome, I
just save you four years of meteorology school.
Speaker 8 (02:36):
That's like saying I don't know, but here's what I think.
Speaker 9 (02:38):
Speaker 2 (02:39):
Yeah, that's correct. Are the Are the Longhorns gonna win
this weekend? I don't know, but here's what the next
next week? I don't know, but here's what I think. Now,
you should just get rid of that. I don't know,
So here's what I think. Go right to it. Yeah, well,
I can't predict the future, Matt. Well, I'm here to
predict the future for you. And your Longhorns are going
to play for the national championship, Okay, will not be
against Georgia.
Speaker 8 (02:59):
However, I had a spoty record predicting the future.
Speaker 2 (03:01):
Though I'm done, okay for myself. Good morning everyone, ten
oh five Sports Talk seven ninety. It is a Friday
edition of The Bat Thomas Show with Ross. I made
a mistake, Yesterory. I thought today was the anniversary of
this program, but just actually tomorrow. Oh so you lied.
Well I didn't mean to lie. I actually didn't lie
at all. I just I went back in double check
on account to go to Facebook or what No, I
just went to my calendar and when your literal calendar, yeah,
and looked at Okay, January fourth, twenty ten was a Monday,
and I remember always starting on a Monday. Okay, so
January third would be a Sunday, obviously, And I still
remember driving in from Kansas and thinking, oh, I've got
a chance to kind of segue myself in and get
back ac them into the Houston sports scene. And No,
the first thing I heard was you're gonna be on
the air Monday. Yeah, get right to work. And I
think I went to the Texans game that Sunday just
to kind of get in. I think the Texans had
finished their They weren't a playoff team, I don't think.
Speaker 8 (03:52):
Well they had to be if it was Ellie in January, right. No,
the finally looked at me.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
We're playing a final RULs Is in game this week,
so I don't know. Some of the details are murky,
but yeah, fifteen years ago tomorrow will be the first
edition of the show. I remember when I did this show.
I wrote a bunch of stuff down, like for those
of you that don't know me, here's who I am,
Here's what I've done. And then for those of you
that know me, Here's what I've done since I've been gone.
Blah blah blah blah blah. It was I wrote this
like fifteen pair. I was like, basically Jim Rome where
I'm running the show. Yeah, have a take, do not
suck read it off. And he became the Jim Rome killer. Yeah.
People don't know this. Jim Rome used to be on
in the mid days in this town. The Matt Thomas
Show crushed it so hard. Yeah, they decided to go
live and local. Yeah. Yeah, oh, and so you know
you're welcome. You're the room killer, not Chandler, Jim. No,
we love Chandler. We love Chandler so much. Big Chandler fan,
Big Chandler fan. Oh, I's to like having that guy
in for four straight hours. It was good.
Speaker 8 (04:46):
You can get snarky. How much LSU talk was there?
Speaker 2 (04:51):
None? Really? We kept prizing, We kept it was crazy
because you know, little Chandler was Obviously he and Brian
McTaggart are the one two when it comes to one
two one whatever you want to say in terms of
Astro's information to the guys with him every single day.
And he yes, we kept trying to go to other
things and move other things. But it was just coming
back to where's Breban gonna be? Where is he gonna be?
He's it's John Hayman who I despise. And I don't
want to despise people. Despise more people than anyone I know.
Clent despises more people. Sorry, you're right, Clinton's one year two.
Because I've seen Hayman work directly with athletes, and you
saw to you were right next to me. I know,
we were in the clubhouse and everything was like a
normal clubhouse. And then he went and tweeted that there's
a lot of sad and samba faces and.
Speaker 8 (05:35):
It was completely disingenuous.
Speaker 2 (05:38):
It was awful, and there was a reason why despise
it because I didn't respect him. I don't respect Passing.
I don't respect Himan, but a lot of people I
do respect. I don't respect Jess Passing at all. No
zero respect for him? What sort of respect? Zero?
Speaker 10 (05:50):
He was?
Speaker 2 (05:50):
What was he talking about?
Speaker 5 (05:51):
The wolves?
Speaker 2 (05:51):
Haircuts? Not that bad?
Speaker 8 (05:53):
Well, his air drums were terrible, that's true.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
He likes Ray, he was he for whatever reason, Ray
against the machine gets him in the mood to write articles. Okay,
back to my point, okay, which I've already forgotten. Uh
m bank. Oh what Haymon was saying is that he won.
He had like a three minute little video and on
the for you tab. Again my mistake for going to
its media. I got him. He was running through the
various teams and he brought up Arizona still a possibility,
The Cubs are possibility, the Trites a possibility, the Red
Sox are possibility. Breaking news job. So basically he spent
three minutes just going to every potential team.
Speaker 8 (06:33):
Yeah, I mean he works for whoever?
Speaker 2 (06:35):
Does he work for? The no He used to work
for the NFL network? Oh you know who works for?
Speaker 1 (06:38):
Speaker 2 (06:38):
MLB? You mean? Uh oh? What did I say? NFL? Yeah,
he's crazy. He's a baseball reporter for the NFL Dot work.
I guess you could have. That's it's a kwon. Barkley
is questionable this weekend, and Arson Judges signed with the Giants.
Speaker 11 (06:49):
Speaker 2 (06:50):
Yeah, the holding it sounds like to me consistently on Bregman,
it is he wants two hundred million and is not
getting it. And he also wants potentially a seventh year
and he's not getting that either. Okay, so again it's
going to beg egg question. Did six one fifty six
wand up being the best deal that he could have
had from the jump and we don't know that, but
I just it's interesting how you and I have We
haven't even have a bet on this. We don't have
a bet on the dollar amount, do we? No, we don't.
We just have a bragging rights beat. Well that was no,
it's a lot on the dollar amount. Yeah, what did
you say? One seventy five? I got, I got one
seventy five and less? Okay, you got one seventy five
one and more okay in one cent? In one cent? Okay,
which you know in thirty and it's fine, it's good.
It's not the worst line you've ever said. Thank you
very much for like a compliment today I get him,
so very few of them here for you. Yeah, all right.
The radio program today is we're at some point Russell
plays some drops over the years of the show. Oh
is that what we want? Well, you don't have to
be classic bits. Yeah, we got a few things we
can play over the show. We will get into the
Texans and Titans again. It's let me ask you this.
The Titans are a point and a half favorite for
the game, it was three. Yeah, it sounds like the
people are believing in money mills. If you are a degenerate,
you're betting this game. If you're a normal person that
occasionally bets on things, you would stay far away from this.
Why it's almost like betting on a preseason game. Our
buddy David in Vegas loves betting on the preseason games. Yes,
but it to me it feels very, very dangerous. Yeah, Matt,
that's like seventy five percent of the things you can
bet on. You can bet on like professional table tennis.
But my point is is that I would be if
I was a handicapping service, I would want to not
give this out of information because there's gonna be somebody
out there that's gonna say, oh, Joey Bagadona says, take
a Tennessee minus on one and a half, I'll put
twenty five thousand dollars. I would hate for me to
be as a handicapping expert. I don't record nine giving
bet information because nobody has information on this game. Well,
a betting expert on a recorded line doesn't mind giving
out bad information really care. Yeah, he's he has no
no scruples, So it's correct. Yeah, okay, maybe I just
if somebody called me and said, hey, man, who do
you like in the game, I would say I have zero.
Speaker 8 (09:15):
I really have no opinion. I'll tell I got an opinion.
What do you got?
Speaker 2 (09:18):
The Houston Texans, wearing whatever uniforms are going to be
wearing against the Oilers uniforms will defeat the Tennessee Titans
to finish ten and seven. Okay, so you've done an
analytical breakdown, man, a huge breakdown on the on the Titans,
too deep. And here's a reality. Tennessee just sucks. Yeah,
they're the Texans. Don't suck. I put him in the
last place in the rot in five. Yeah, let's go Texans.
So you would think even the if the Texans play
half their starters or no, excuse me, if they play
all their starters for half the game, that's better than
whatever Tennessee can put out there. So in theory, then
maybe they get up twenty one to seven and a
half and they coast the rust the way and win
the game by a point now or you know, they
they're getting a point a half or whatever that So
I don't know, I just for me, it's a stay away.
Now that people come from me, from my handicapping expertise, well,
it's usually faye hashtag fade empty from I don't think
it's a hashtag. There's no hashtag ting. Yeah, it's no.
And listen, there's no growth, there's no hashtagging. There's just
completing difference to it. That's not true. All right. We
got non Florida stories today at one thirty. We'll wake
the strippers up before that at noon with the news
at noon, and we have I forgot to ask do
we have any prizes today? I mean we're still waiting
for believe it or not best up for twenty twenty four.
How's the prize vault today? It's still looking like some
seven ninety shirts seven ninety T shirts. Now, let me
ask you this, Are these good quality T shirts or
are they just probably?
Speaker 8 (10:44):
Are we just throw like we do? We go to
like throw a thrift shop and have.
Speaker 2 (10:47):
The mate Have you met? I heard media they're so
exclusive that I don't even have one. Yeah. Is that
a good thing? All right? Well? I think as a
is a is a symbol of how important believe it
or not? As we don't play until we get some
decent prizes, okay, and best of believe it or not,
if it will be in the town, it will be
in the in the in the queue, ready to go.
Whenever we get a decent set of prize, Okay, I'll
work on it. Now you don't have to. I might
as well get it done, get over with all right. So,
fifteen years ago, Ross, when they said you're going to
work with this very handsome, very successful guy that's coming
back home, what was your initial thought.
Speaker 8 (11:26):
Well, my initial thought was I hope he lets me
talk on air.
Speaker 2 (11:30):
And guess what pass Sadly, i've been your co host
Sadly five years, I've let you talk too much on that.
Speaker 6 (11:37):
Speaker 2 (11:39):
I was well because at the time I was working
for a certain host three to seven whose name rhymes
with ma Marley Millillo and let me say a peep
on air. So I just wanted to talk on air.
Is why I got in this business. So all I
wanted was for me to be able to talk and
for the person to be cool. And Matt, you've been
great and you've seen this. I'm trying to give you compliments.
I forget it. It's not authentic.
Speaker 11 (12:03):
Speaker 2 (12:04):
The reality is you've talked more than you ever thought
you were going to talk. That is correct. When the
show first started, I would say things into your ear
like I would do to Charlie.
Speaker 8 (12:13):
And then you were like, did you say that on air?
Speaker 2 (12:15):
Did you not?
Speaker 8 (12:15):
I was like no, I was just in your air,
and you're like, say it on air? So like, yeah,
I remember.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
Telling you you don't If you remember this, I said,
do not be afraid to bust my balls. That's what
sports radio is. The first thing you said to me
was I have a terrible taste in music that now
you know. No, no, no, no, you said that. I
probably did. You did, and I was trying to figure
out what your tastes were in bump music. And you
coming here, Matt has exceeded my wildest expectations. You've allowed
me to blossom and grow and I love you, and
here's to another great fifteen years. All right? And how
about Connor bringing us a little bit bubbly to enjoy
the celebration.
Speaker 8 (12:48):
How about that, Well, it's it's just.
Speaker 2 (12:51):
Your Christmas present. He gave that to me for Christmas too,
Oh he did. Oh, so really I'm getting nothing special
for the fifteen years. Okay, I got you. You canbine it
into both. Yeah, it's both. Let's just talk have as it. Oh,
I'll drink some we do it. Well, it's not the
real anniversary. Do you drink it on room temperature or what?
I don't even know. You'll put a campaign. You want
to ice it down? Yeah, we put in the free
let's go ice it down. We'll have it. We'll have
a toast. Okay, go pick up some OJ And there's
some drunkers. Is there any salespeople? Oh my god, salespeople
are always drunk. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They're not something.
They're not here, they're out on calls. Okay, ten sixteen,
Sports Talk seven ninety and anything Goes Friday seven one
three two one two five seven ninety seven one three
two one two five seven. Are you upset about Georgia?
We'll discuss that next here on seven ninety.
Speaker 12 (13:36):
More Matt Thomas Show with Ross Now on Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (13:48):
If Anything goes Friday on the Matt Thomas Show with Ross,
if you would like to come in and say hello,
argue with us, yell at us, tell us how great
Ross is?
Speaker 13 (13:56):
Speaker 2 (13:56):
They was sing seven one three two one two five
seven ninety seven one three two one two five seven unty,
So the Thomas household liking an under was what was
the line on the Notre Dame game with Georgia? The
Notre Dame was a favorite. Oh okay, I was gonna say,
we like a underdog, but we we are four favorites.
One we are a Catholic household. So the Catholics reigned supreme.
By the way, Catholic's over convicts Georgia. Faull convicts a
lot of a lot of speeding tickets and reckless endangerment stuff.
I I cannot speak as an expert on this. I'm not,
but I'm just gonna give you a first blush. And
I've watched probably two or three Georgia games this year. Okay,
Kirby Smart comes across as a completely unlikable human being.
I would agree with that. And it's not fair because
he's one of the college best college coaches. He's most
highly compson, He's won national championships. He always gets top
five recruiting classes. Uh it was you know, he lost
his starting quarterback. But he bitches and complains about every call.
Mm hmm. He he just looks like I would not.
I always believe in college coaches. Do I want to
send my boys to be with him? Now? If I'm
sending them to go play in the NFL? Probably the answers yes, yes,
well I ail check, let's go do is uh Rick
Whereley offering a six figure donation for a sandwich? Okay?
But my point is he just comes across as so
unlikable and I can't pinpoint it. You don't need to
pinpoint it, Matt, I probably don't. It's just a feeling, yeah,
that you get. And my feeling is sometimes you meet
somebody's I don't know boyfriend or girlfriend or wife or husband,
and you're.
Speaker 8 (15:35):
Just like, you know what, I don't like that person? Yeah,
I don't.
Speaker 2 (15:39):
I don't think even if I was the voice of
the Bulldogs, I would just kind of have to just suck
it up and gull right. This guy wins games. Like
for instance, when I when I was at Utah that
one year and Urban Meyer was the coach, and I
spit on your feet. Correct, No, okay, he did yell
at me at the phone one time, and it was
for somebody else. It wasn't even meant for me. But
my point was I didn't like him.
Speaker 8 (16:01):
I respected him, but I didn't like him.
Speaker 2 (16:04):
And I've always been very happy with dealing with relationships
with my coaches that i've worked for games for that,
I want to have some sort of relationship in at
least tolerate, And he just was unlikable. And he wound
up going to Florida, then going to Under Dame, No,
not under Dame, Ohio State and winning, or the flirtations
with Notre Dame. Yeah, the flortation with Notre Dame. Butter
than the day we figured out ierber Meyer was a
good football coach, but a really unlikable human being. I
think we encounter that a lot. Yeah, when you you
rise up through the ranks, a lot of times on
the way up to the top, you gotta step on
a few people on the way up the ladder or
just don't trite. So that type of pre people, right, Yeah,
I know it happens in management. It happened for sure,
I mean everywhere. And I'm saying in politics, I'm not
even we're not even close situations. We never talk about Georgia,
but it's just he just comes across to me as
a damn, you're good, but just not a good guy.
And I saw there was no tears shed anywhere near
my house when Notre Dame beat Georgia. Now, the Notre
Dame coach, that guy, first of he was thirty eight
years old. Yeah, and he's a damn good football coach.
Did you see that special teams move they made in
the fourth quarter. Yeah, well they got everybody off, but
they got onield and they wound up drawing a Georgia offside.
I mean that was just genius. And so let me
to ask, I don't know, if you have any Notre
Dame fans listening, would you rather Brian Kelly or that
dude coaching your football team right now? I mean, that's
an easy answer. I mean he never Brian Kelly never
should have left Notre Dame. I mean that's for vision,
it's history, that is true. It's no, you take the
LSU job. I would say, we'll see what happens. I mean,
Notre Dame is into the final four. But it's easy
in theory to me, much easier to win at LSU
strictly on academics, and then you add into record reading
base and you add into all the other things. Yeah,
I wonder what the ANIL game, isn't Notre Dame is
like that might be good. I don't know what their
recruiting classes have been the last several years. So you
know what the most incredible thing about Notre Dame is
about this one time about money and this. You know,
when you go to this college football tournament, the money
that you earn you have to split among your conference people. Right,
acc has got to got to give wa Forest money
for when Clemson was in and when SMU was in.
You have to give some of the money to Syracuse
and you got it in Boston College. Notre Dame takes
their money that they have won in this being in
this playoff, and they get to keep it all to themselves, correct,
Isn't it Isn't that crazy? That's that's the risk of
reward you take of saying, yeah, I don't think I
need a conference, right, but I got I mean, they
have to actually go out and do that to get
those payouts. They have to they have no conference. Yeah
you have to be one of them. Yeah, you have
to be one of the twelve best teams. But every
year when they go to a bowl game before this,
they got to keep all their money. I mean there's
no reason why they shouldn't be one of the twelve
best teams annually. Yeah, the legacy, the history, and now
they're in the final four. And guess who is carrying
the flag for the Southeastern Conference. That would be the newcomer,
the Texas Longhorns. Although let's not forget that Georgia was
missing their starting quarterback. But Texas is there. I mean,
if you're Chris del Conte, you are. I mean, you're
smoking a really good cigar today, right today, every day
they're doing. Okay, you just went to a brand new
conference where you were told, oh, the competition is going
to be tenfold more difficult than it wasn't a big
twelve I know. Yeah, guys like Chris Gordy saying that
the SEC is going to be really difficult and text
crazes voice during this too might not be SEC ready. Yeah,
well they're the last SEC team standing. But we'll say
they got a very tough task. The Ohio State bud
guy's coming up, all right, and have you done any
more inquiring on the tickets?
Speaker 8 (20:04):
Or looks like I'm shrinking out in the building.
Speaker 2 (20:08):
Ooh the building said, no, huh, oh, the building different
Usually doesn't tell you no, I get what are you
talking about? That must be your experience, That ain't my experience.
Ted twenty seven, the Sports Talk seven audience and Anything
Goes Friday, Jimmy Butler said some things. We got to
play that audio for you. He did Rockets and Celtics tonight.
Charles Barkley absolutely annihilates JJ Reddick, the Lakers coach. We
have the Texans, we have playoffs, and who will the
Texans play in the wild card round? Probably on Amazon
Prime next week of three thirty. We will discuss. You know,
I go ahead and set your watch on that one.
I feel like if we say it's a guarantee, it's
not going to happen, but it's they're gonna be the
least sexiest of the matchups, right.
Speaker 14 (21:00):
Uh, I'd have to go and look what's uh, Well, Buccaneers,
Vikings are Lions. It's going to be more sexy Rams Commanders,
Mmmm is more sexy than Texans Steelers?
Speaker 8 (21:18):
Yes, Smidge probably Smitch Midge.
Speaker 2 (21:21):
Midge. All right, we'll see you Saturday afternoon. Saturday, I
will talk to Steven garden Oaks the recip You come
on in and say hello to us we'd love to
have you on the program today seven one three two
one two five seven ninety seven one three two one
two five seven ninety It is anything Goes Friday. On
The Matt Thomas Show with Ross we are here at
seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five seven night. So we're
rooting for well, you want Baltimore not here under all
circumstances because that would be ugly. I don't care if
they would have played second two times in the last
three weeks. Are you changing your tune on that? On
what I will on Pittsburgh here, that's where the Texans
have a chance. Yeah, I'm over Baltimore absolutely, Okay, just
want to make sure, man, Baltimore is looking rather unstoppable.
So you're locked into the four seeds, which means you're
gonna be taking on the best walk in all likelihood. Yeah, no,
you're I mean yeah, I'm just talking about even after
that barring and upset, you will likely be headed.
Speaker 8 (22:27):
If everything holds true, you'd be headed to Arrowhead again.
Speaker 2 (22:33):
If Bill's Ravens Texans all win, you're going to Arrowhead,
which we think is gonna happen Okay, so you're head
to Arrowhead, Kansas City. Here, I'm here comes the rest argument.
They haven't played since Christmas. There, let me do this,
let me can I let's go glass half full on this. Okay,
they have been by no means the unstoppable for now,
how do I say this? Have lost one time the
Chiefs and they've played a lot better last four or
five weeks of the season. Maybe this is a folk
argument here, but I don't want to say, well, they
have been vulnerable.
Speaker 8 (23:09):
That's also the last time they played.
Speaker 2 (23:11):
If you want to buy into the they'll be rusty argument,
because the home's not going to play Carson Wentz is
going to play this week. Yeah, so that would give
them I don't know the rusty stuff. You know what
college teams take four weeks off usually they used to before. Yeah,
it's very If Andy Reid thought that they were he
was worried about them really not being sharp, he wouldn't
rest his starters, he just would. But I do believe
there's a difference in the Texans. I think the Texans
had such a bad taste in their mouth against the
Ravens that you got to get out there and at
least have some assemblance of hey we did Okay, we're
gonna be ready for this playoffs. I'm with you. The
Chiefs are fourteen and one, earned about Yeah. And the
Texans also, not only are are they wanting to keep
a little bit of rhythm get the bad taste out
of their mouth, you also want to get a little
on field chemistry with CJ. Shrowd and Deontae Johnson. Yeah,
perhaps for a couple of drows. Okay, So at their
best Kansas City, Baltimore and Buffalo. We've seen all three
of them at their best year. The fourth best now
I'm talking about Oh who and that three is the best? Oh,
it's still gonna be Kansas City. Right, I'll stick with
the back to back Super Bowl champs and number one seed,
and especially at a home and have to travel, and
they play extern earing with at Arrowhead Stadium, and they
have been lucky this year with the doinks and blocks
and last second plays and flags and whatnot. What I
was trying to do was trying to do ROSSI. I
was trying to build some sort of argument for this
is the weakest of the three teams, and it very
well maybe, but how do you say someone's weak when
they're fifteen and one. You just don't, No, you can't.
What Kansas City has done this year is invented new
ways to win. And that's what great teams too. You
can't beat everybody by twenty points. You have to be
lucky in some of the occasions, and you have to
be good enough when Mahomes isn't at his best, when
Travis Kelsey isn't catching everything. You know what you know?
The thing about the Kansasady's defense is that what's improved
there is they're as ferocious as there as their offense
is what was at the highest levels. Yeah. By the way,
I misspoked. They didn't last play the Texans on Christmas.
That was the week before they played the Steelers on Christmas.
You've been out of town. I'm sorry you've been You've
been busy right around the world. I've both of them
played on Christmas. Those in my head. Yeah, yeah, so
it let's beat us because I'm a backup linebacker. The
Texans need to beat Pittsburgh for some mental health, yes,
and then if they go to Kansasity and lose, it
would be like anybody going to Kansadity probably gonna lose
in Baltimore, winning Kansas City, of course, in Buffalo, w
And in Kansas City. Hell, they've had some of the
great matchups. Win in Kansas City. They cannot win in
Kansas They can't know they can't, they can't. I'm here
for Texans realists. Put up a thousand dollars and I'll
put up one for First of all, life is not
always a bet. Yes, it is not. Really.
Speaker 8 (26:14):
You gotta put your money where your mouth is, Maddie bo.
Speaker 2 (26:16):
Wait, betting on sports in Texas is illegal, so you
could just say whatever you want if you're not willing
to back it up, fine, But why don't need to
back up a financial Aren't my words good enough?
Speaker 10 (26:24):
Speaker 8 (26:25):
But word is very flimsy.
Speaker 2 (26:30):
No I they and and y'all know, and Texans fan
knows this. No one would be running to Kansas City
and going, oh, well, I think we got a real
good shot at this unless you believe that a team
is fifteen and one are extremely vulnerable and they're gonna
be rusty. Matt, Now, you got into a sideways with
somebody on Twitter about buys. I didn't get sideways, but
it was a here I am. I was watching a
last night. It was a random, long tweet. It was eloquent.
I mean, you said everything and it was a argument.
You must have seen something, rando. So what did you
see on the on the Twitter streets that made you
put that thing out? And by the way, explain what
you said and then explain why you said.
Speaker 8 (27:09):
Read the tweet at a sports RV.
Speaker 2 (27:11):
I mean I wouldn't recommend reading it, I mean retweeting
it or liking it or for that matter, following you.
Speaker 8 (27:15):
You don't have to, that's fine.
Speaker 2 (27:17):
The bye week rest versus RUSS thing popping up again
is funny. A gross overreaction to a small sample size
with a bye week, and we're talking about the college
football playoff, by the way, not the NFL playoffs. With
a bye week, you only need to win three games
to win it all instead of four. One fewer game
of injury risk and more time to heal and prepare.
Take the buy one one hundred out of one hundred times.
Because I saw several people on Twitter and like prominent
media members, and we always do this. We're always prisoner
of the moment. We're always overreacting to something that we
see once. Oh my god, all four teams who got
a bye lost. The bye is a curse we don't
want to buy. Well, yeah, the Boise State Broncos who
were favored, who are not favoring the game, who were underdogs.
Same thing with the Arizona State sun Devils. Same thing
with everybody who lost. Everybody who lost was an underdog
in the playoff. And we still are stupid and look
at this and like, yeah, man, the three weeks off
is too much, as you pointed out, Matt, which is
also what I was gonna say. We went through one
hundred years of bowl season where everybody got a month off.
So I mean, and me personally, as a long run fan,
I wanted the long Runs to win the SEC Championship,
to get that extra game off. I mean, in the
game against Clemson, they had multiple offensive linemen get hurt,
people going down, same thing in the Sun Devils game.
Speaker 8 (28:42):
Like you asked these.
Speaker 2 (28:43):
Coaches one hundred times out of one hundred, they're not
gonna say, hey, hey, you can win a national championship game.
Do you a national championship? Do you want four games
against top fifteen to twelve competition or do you want three?
They're gonna say three every single time. And yet it
becomes this argument because we can't do critical thinking.
Speaker 8 (29:04):
We look at it. Oh they went oh in four,
they must it must be bad.
Speaker 2 (29:08):
No, it's just sometimes things happen as and again, all
four teams that lost were dogs in the games. Let's
do some critical thinking, folks. That's all I'm asking for.
Ross believes if you're a critical thinker, you would not
make such illogical tweets and takes we're looking at. That's
what we want in twenty twenty five. We want more lot.
It's getting worse and worse and worse and worse and
worse and worse, and it's gonna can continue to get
worse and worse. That's fine. It is what it is.
As you've said many times in the last three years,
the mute button is your friend. The mute button is
so much. You ran to Twitter because you were like,
I had enough, I've got I've got to put it
out there. Run to Twitter. I was on Twitter. I
saw some bad takes and I put my takeout there.
Takes from uh yeah, Brian Davis, Austin American statement.
Speaker 8 (29:57):
There was a guy, was it, Ross Delling.
Speaker 2 (30:00):
Yeah, Yeah, he's a he's a college football writer. Yeah,
I don't want to out him. If it wasn't him,
I can't remember. There was a couple of people, Okay,
it was multiple people, like a literal people who color
cover college football for a living and have uh and
have like hundreds of thousands of followers, like people follow
this person. And it's just like I said, prisoner of
the moment, overreaction. I mean, am I wrong? You want
to buy every single time you ever really want to buy?
You want to rest now. I do believe there is
a rust factor, but the Russ factor, to me, Ross
is minimal, I would agree. I mean, if we'll see
what happens since I want to say, like, talk to
me in five years, if all the if all the
teams with buys would four and oh nobody would be
talking about this. It's literally zero people. It's an overreaction
to a result. Where by the way, as I said,
all four teams were underdog sais it was seven one
three two one two five seven ninety seven one three
two one two five seven nine. Are we gonna see
we've we've seen this twelve team playoff or the only
change we're gonna ultimately see is the non guarantee of
the conference champions. Right, you're gonna be an automatic bid
but not automatic seed.
Speaker 8 (31:12):
Yeah. And other than that, are we good? Anything else?
Speaker 2 (31:15):
Who we need to we need we still want receding,
but do whatever, because I don't think we need sixteen
teams this this thing's been going for a while. Does
that make sense to you? I think twelve is just perfect.
I like twelve forcing that you're you're Oregon. First of all,
what already happened to Oregon? They went, they went a
perfect thirteen and oh and they're out in the first week.
But I mean, you got there has to be some reward,
some reward for finishing top four. And I think the
buye is perfect. Yeah, all right, that makes sense to
me as well. Seven one three two one two five
seven on me. Last night the Minnesota timber Wolves in Boston,
Celtics played the Celtics, beat them in Minneapolis, and then
a fly here to play the Rockets tonight. So maybe
the Rockets will see a grumpy and tired Celtics team.
So as I'm watching that game, uh, word comes out
about Jimmy Butler being unhappy in Miami. And as compared
to paraphrasing, we're gonna let you hear it directly from
him about how unhappy he is. Seven one three two
one two five seven ninety seven one three two one
two five seven ninety It's Anything Goes Friday. Come in
and join us. It's the Matt Thomas Show with Ross.
This is Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 12 (32:20):
Ninety more Matt Thomas Show with Ross Now on Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (32:30):
Ten forty eight Sports Talk seven ninety Good morning. It
is a Anything Goes Friday edition of the program. The
news that newt is coming up. We've also gotten on
Flora stories at one thirty Believe it or not? Today
it won fifty Rockets and Celtics tonight what oh no,
believe we're not going to prizes? Sorry, happy for me? Well, well,
when we get surprized, we'll swear we'll play. Well, you're
doing great. You didn't say two to fifty. It's true Friday.
You like next week. I'm in the Eastern time zone.
It's still a hot mess. It'd be a hot hot
bok in January. Could be a delay. You know what,
you don't even like me. You'll mean you won't You'll
you want to be missing me. You're gonna miss you
so much? You are going to miss me seven one
three two one two five seven nine zero. All right.
So I've learned by being the voice of a team
that you should never not count, never count anything out,
never not discount. Yeah, no discount, No, never not count
anything out. Like if I went to Rafelstone and said, Okay, Rafel,
would you like to have Jimmy Butler, And my guess
is his response will be, I think we're okay, but
I need to listen. And that's been the one thing
that Rafel and I have had this open conversation about
is that he says, Matt, I'm never gonna say never
on anything, because if you're offering, if Jimmy Butler is
being offered by the Rockets and it's a very friendly
Rocket deal, which I don't think it can be because
the dollars amounts that are being would be spent on
Jimmy Butler would be astronomic on his contract. Yeah, I
think he's making close to forty million. But my point
is this, you can never say never. So I think
Jimmy Butler is an outstanding NBA player. Yes, do I
believe that Jimmy Butler gets cranky no matter where he
goes after a certain length of time. The history says yes, yes, sorry,
forty eight million, and he has a player option for
fifty two million next year for a guy who doesn't
play any two games. Uh, well, I guess not lately.
He's thirty five years old. Yeah, it's a lot of money. Yeah,
we wow he is, Wow, he's His injury history is
worse than I even thought. Uh. He hasn't played over
sixty games since two thousand and eight. Oh no, I'm
sorry he has the last couple. He played sixty last year,
sixty four the year before. So last he played seventy
games since twenty seventeen. Yeah, so last year. Pat Riley,
who doesn't mince words as the general manager of the
Miami Heat, and he does it, basically said, you know, Jimmy,
I don't mind you speaking, but we need you to play,
and if you don't play, don't speak. And ever since then,
I think it's robbed Jimmy the wrong way, and I
think Jimmy has been basically unhappy this entire season in Miami.
Jimmy Yesterday, Tom Balls, Jimmy Bummer not Houston. Jimmy Bumer
co direct. Tom Balls was asked about the situation currently
in South Florida.
Speaker 15 (35:14):
What do I want to see happy? I want to
see me and get my joy back from playing basketball.
And wherever that may be, we'll we'll find out here
pretty soon. But I want to get my joy back.
I'm happy here, you know, off the court, but I
want to be back to somewhere dominant. I want to
hoop and I want to help this team win. Right now,
I'm not doing it.
Speaker 2 (35:36):
Can you get your joy back here on the court?
Speaker 15 (35:38):
Probably not.
Speaker 2 (35:41):
Later Sham's reports Sham Sharani, for those of you who
don't know who he is, says that he will go
play literally anywhere. There isn't a place that he would
say thanks, but no thanks, I don't want to go now.
The number of teams that would be interested in him
would be limited because again of the fact that the
dollar amount you brought up up and also he's lying,
I gotta go anywhere. Yeah, I mean, we'll see. I
mean to get my draw back anywhere by Miami. So
let's do let's think about this. Yeah, you're making you
say forty million, forty eight point seven million dollars, essentially
forty nine million dollars no income, tach no state income
tax in Florida. Correct, right, but you have you've been hurt.
Your production when you play is still good. No one's
saying that he doesn't have any skills left. Yeah, I
mean he he carried that team to the finals in
twenty twenty. But doesn't he have a history. Unhappy in Chicago,
unhappy in Philadelphia, many Minnesota.
Speaker 8 (36:41):
I mean he's like punching out teammates in Minnesota.
Speaker 2 (36:44):
Yeah. My question is what general manager? And maybe there's one,
and it very well could be the one here in town.
It's going saying we'll bring him here and we'll make
him happy. I'll give you another outside source this in
the poker community, he plays a lot of poker. People
think he's a douche like. They don't like him at
all in the poker community. Cheats so waiting, no, just
to wait to matter of himself. Yeah, I got you.
I don't know. I don't think he's got any leverage.
If he was making ten million dollars a year, fifteen
million dollars a year, you'd have plenty of leverage. Because
me a lot of teams, it's like, you know, I
can take him on because because relatively speaking, it's crazy
to say this, but fifty million dollars in NBNBA for
a guy that could score twenty points with his eyes closed,
you would take this year seven eighteen points per game,
which is shooting percentage five point fifty two. It's pretty good.
Then shoot a whole lot of threes right now thirty
three percent career. But the last three years or so
he's been very good. He's thirty seven and a half
percent this year, last three years thirty eight percent. I
don't I mean, he wants to get out, but who's
going to take that on unless you're shuffling fifty million
dollars back to mini expiring contract to be a team
that feels like you're you're going all, you're pushing all
your chips in for a championship, which I don't know
that the Rockets. I don't know that the urgency, the
urgency is there from the fan base, but I don't
know that the urgency is there from rafel Stone and
Emia Dooka. Yeah, yeah, that's right. So again, never say never.
Lakers a bad idea. Everick's bad idea. I'm trying to
think of teams like continuing, like who is under performing
that thinks they're one player away from getting back in
the top six. Phoenix added Jimmy Butler to the Phoenix
Suns and see what happens. I mean, how many more
aging thirty five year old players going they possibly have
on one team, and what's one more among friends? Yeah?
Speaker 8 (38:43):
So I just I was just what was your curious?
Speaker 2 (38:46):
What was your take on watching him basically say I
cannot be happy in Miami. My first thought was I
like the refreshing honesty. I like when any athletes. He didn't.
He wasn't rude, he wasn't attacking any body or calling
anybody out. He just said I'm not happy and I'm
looking to get my joy back. I thought that was great,
But it's hard for people to feel sorry for you
when you have all this money and you had another
year left in your contract. No, I don't. I don't
even think he's asking for anybody feel sorry for him.
I think he was asked a question and he answered it.
He did answer it. He was forthcoming. I'll give him that.
We always love honesty, but the money if he was
to come here he made, it's pretty damn honest too. Yeah,
it would be, yes, Siry, you asked him about the
comments about uh, if you heard call, he could have said, No,
I didn't hear it.
Speaker 8 (39:41):
And thanks to everybody for screenshotting that.
Speaker 3 (39:44):
Speaker 2 (39:44):
By the way, let me tell you some Twitter Jabroni's
just give us credit a holes. Sports Talk seven hotie
Matt thomash O of Ross Sports. Harvey asked the question,
he we all deserve our flowers on that screenshot. Listen
to every single one of you, and you know who
you are. Matter of fact, I'm as I set you
up for this, Dad, You're actually right. Exist earlier in
this hour when you said I set you up and
I denied it, I'm sorry. Yeah, you do set me
up all the time. I'm on Twitter right now. No, Matt,
don't do it.
Speaker 8 (40:20):
No, no, I'm doing it. No, all right, not your drink,
please do it.
Speaker 2 (40:26):
Let me do it. Let may be snarky on Twitter,
everybody else gets to get away with it. You're right,
I'm trying to be the angel on your shoulder, and
too often I'm on the devil.
Speaker 8 (40:36):
But I like the devil. He's more fun.
Speaker 2 (40:40):
Ten fifty seven on Sports Talk seven, out hour number
two of Anything Goes Friday, Ross explain the essence of
anything goes Friday. For the audience that may be new
to this part of the show. Yes, First of all, Hi,
we're on ten to two. You're Sports Talk seven ninety,
The Man Thomas Show with Ross and Well. As you've
probably heard, we have the most drunk day drunk callers
in the history of sports radio, and we give the
longest leation the biz. It gets even longer on a Friday.
Whatever you would like to ask, I mean like literally
whatever you literally anything, New Year's resolutions. I don't know
if you need some some tips on reshingling your roof
that can help you with that, I can't help you
with Okay.
Speaker 8 (41:18):
Well, no, I cannot give you any home handiman.
Speaker 2 (41:21):
Advice at all, or if you need uh was it
was somebody asking us for dating advice?
Speaker 8 (41:25):
We we get great about that. Follow ups as well.
Speaker 2 (41:28):
Anything you want to get into seven one three two
one two five seven ninety Texans playing the Titans this
week in college football playoffs stuff? Are you on board
with me saying that the teams would one hundred percent
of the time request to buy seven one three two
one two five seven ninety Anything you want to get
to at seven one three two one two five seven ninety.
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Speaker 1 (42:36):
Launchtimers. This is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 2 (42:40):
Eleven oh one, Sports Talk seven ninety and Anything Goes
Friday seven one three, two one two five seven nine zero.
Shout out to Gordy who just went at rockets SINAI,
what the hell is rocket synopsis? Oh, he's got three
hundred and seventy seven followers. It was like two hundred yesterday,
and he is just this douche is basically just taking
all of our stuff and not giving us any credit. Well,
our pictures are on his screen shot, so we appreciate that.
It was a it's a screen recording of Emi a
Dooka's answer to on our on our show about Cam Whitmore,
and well, good for him, he got like six hundred
thousand impressions out of it.
Speaker 8 (43:22):
Good for him, not really hope. He goes broke.
Speaker 2 (43:26):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five seven. N I've seen
more people that are that did that and are like, yeah,
it's happened. It's happened a lot. Should I keep Should
I keep doing? Yeah? Just keep linking back to pet
and he says absolutely, you know what, that's fine, Yeah,
get us our credit, right, go do it. I'll be
busy this. Matt Thomas will give you a bonus. Yeah, yeah, no,
I Miss petties A gets yeah. Wall, What's why we
love you man, It's part of your charm. Yeah, yeah,
I mean, ain't something honest about it?
Speaker 5 (43:57):
Speaker 2 (43:58):
Absolutely? Uh did you see the college there's a story
today out of the from the Southeastern Conference.
Speaker 8 (44:05):
Oh oh, what happening now? In the SEC?
Speaker 2 (44:08):
The College Football Playoff will not flip the dates and
times of the Goodyear am I mentioning the sponsor of
the Cotton Bowl and the Orange Bowl after SEC Commissioner
Greg Sankie said yesterday that he made a request to
change them. The concern was potential disadvantage for Notre Dame.
The Fighting Irish will have to play on a shorter
turnaround than Penn State, which had not played in this
New Year's even thus will get a longer rest. Oh well,
maybe they get a longer rest. Maybe Notre Dame can
win and we can argue about how how great it
is to be on one fewer day rest because you
just keep the moment I'm going, I'm sorry, I'll stop. Uh.
I was expecting that kind of passionate response to that. Uh,
can I just tell you? And there's obviously you have
to make adjustments in life for tragedies. That was never
gonna get flipped around. This was not gonna be the time.
I don't know why Greg sank even did that. I
mean people who are like, well, for for example me,
you were looking for tickets and hotels. Yeah, yeah, I
don't think in that particular case you're gonna win that battle. No,
this is much ado about nothing to me. I don't
know why Greg Sanki would even come out and say that.
I mean, maybe he just he's good publicity to say
is an act of goodwill or something like that, or
I don't know why he would think there would be
some sort of advantage to being on in Thursday. But yeah,
the cotton Bolt is going to stay on Friday. The
Texas Longhorns versus the Ohio State Buck Guye. So in
the final four all major brands, Penn State, notab all,
the what do you call it? The not hierarchy would
be the Thoroughbreds. It would be the Thoroughbred's Works. Yeah,
a thorough brand, I guess it would work Heritage, Heritage,
the gold Standard, anything, any of the VERBT you want
to use. There's no Arkansas state in the group. No,
wishing you the best Arizona State. By the way, would
you like would you like to go find people that
thought Notre Dame was toast after they lost that first game.
Speaker 8 (46:19):
I didn't think they would make it as far as
they have.
Speaker 2 (46:24):
And there were people that said, you know what, they
don't have to play a conference championship game. Well, you
know what, Notre Dame pays a price for that. They
had they had to play a first round game. They
were never going to get a buye unless you're in
a conference, and Notre Dame is like, yeah, we're good
with that, we'll play. I mean, yeah, it was who's
the first team they beat in They played Indiana from yeah, Indiana.
Then you beat Georgia without their starting quarterback, but you
beat Penn State. I mean, look, they're gonna earn it.
Whoever is gonna win all this? No, no, there is there's
nothing flukish about this tournament under any circumstance. I agree.
Injuries are part of it, definitely the part of it. Yeah,
this is this is good, This this thing is everything.
Now again, could we have had better on the edge
of our seats finales? Of course? Sorry I was laughing quick.
Connor's out here going with credit That person quote tweeted it,
are you going to you go to quotes too? Oh? Yeah,
he is? What's going on? Connor are you getting Are
you getting You're not getting fighted. I'm just giving you
guys the credit. Love it. Thank you, Connor. My name,
my name's on the blog post.
Speaker 16 (47:32):
Oh yeah yeah, I'm not talking about I'm tacking you guys.
Speaker 17 (47:38):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I'm not attacking myself.
Speaker 2 (47:41):
I'm talking you guys. I like it. I like it. No,
you're part of our group. You're part of them until
you ask for more morning. We tell you know, and
you we've been that many times before, so send send
me anybody else you find. Yeah, I love this. It's
a New Year's petty or Connor. When Connoredy would first
start with us, he was just uh, you know, uh,
full of life, energy, good and I think our pettiness
has hit his world. And I kind of like the
new Connedy. We're going to meet his girl, and well,
how do you like that? I don't like it. I
don't mind it. I don't like it. But that's okay.
We call him c DM. I like that, central defensive midfielder. Okay,
we're gonna meet the girl on Sunday night. Very excited
about that. Yes, I'm not well. Once you come to
the game, I don't care you don't care, I don't
meet hold on, Oh wow, goodness, real friends. As long
as you're happy, that's all. I don't need to meet her.
You have no interest in seeing who Connor's arming on
with these days before because we're happy business. Yeah, I'm
happy for I could be happy for him. I don't
have to meet. So you're just what your world is.
Let's just meet. We don't care. The mystery woman is
don't want to say hello in mystery. It's his woman.
He's happy, he likes her, and that's good. What do
I need to meet her for? That's because you're just
completely anti social? Oh that's actually the correct term is
a social Yes I am. Okay, you're a you know
what you're You're also an a something else too. Anti
social is a personality disorder. Okay, you're a So social
means that I don't like social setics, and I've been
around you enough to know that. Yes, that's that's also
completely accurate. I am more social. That is correct.
Speaker 8 (49:20):
By the way, Connor, I just let you know that
fifty people have asked me.
Speaker 10 (49:24):
For he let me.
Speaker 2 (49:25):
Can we peel the car?
Speaker 18 (49:26):
Speaker 2 (49:27):
Give me the actual number, actual number, actual retail prices.
I've had it as close as you can estimate, Okay,
for the Lakers game, at least ten people, and I've
had three people in the last twenty four hours asked
for Celtics Rockets tickets for tonight?
Speaker 8 (49:45):
Wow, Hey, can I can I have them?
Speaker 2 (49:49):
Oh? And by the way, don't be calling. Hey, I
know I can't go tonight, but can you send me onything? No,
I don't. I don't get them all the time, so
it's not like they're just sitting there waiting for me
to distribute. Okay, so please don't do that. I get
I could take us under special occasions. And Connor says, look,
I gotta impressed the girl, and I want to you know,
I want to sit in a nice area. I want
to get on kiss camp. But we will beginning on
kiss cam, though I'll make sure that happens. Actually, no,
I don't know. I can't control that. I excited. I
do know.
Speaker 8 (50:16):
People, if we have kiss cam on Sunday night, you'll
get on there.
Speaker 2 (50:21):
Don't worry. But my point is this, I'm just but
I don't know, But don't ask. Don't ask for tickets.
If I can give them out, I would, but I
just don't have them a lot. But if you certainly
cannot ask the night of the game, Lakers and Celtics.
If it was the Wizards, I might have a pair.
That's the freaking Lakers. It's the freaking Celtics.
Speaker 8 (50:42):
Wednesday night against the Pistons.
Speaker 2 (50:44):
Maybe Hawks, Oh, you can go. I'll give you your
own section if you want to. Day night against the Celtics.
They're taken Sunday night, early start time. Lakers, Nuggets, maybe Blazers,
no question, Celtics, Lakers. Gotta know.
Speaker 10 (51:02):
Speaker 2 (51:03):
And by the way, your credit card does work. They're
always tickets available. They're expensive. Just saying I can, I'll travel.
They have been good and they're and it feels like
to me they're getting there closer to tip time than
in years past. I would say you're a better judge
than I am. Small victories. I wouldn't say every seat
is full, but it feels better than it half. You
know what, I will agree with you because when was
I there last earlier this week? Uh, you were there
on the Timberwolves game. Was the last one, and you
brought your mom's amazing pumpkin bread. That is correct, you
made me bring I've been bringing you that bread for
a year, it is. It was the hit of the Rockets.
Broadcast Network explain that I gave a piece to Kevin
Eschenfelder and he's like, I like Ross's mom more than
I like Ross. That's I mean, that's but that makes
two of us. She need to make me bread to
prove that. Say, that makes dozens of us. Actually, I
gave some to myself to my set acision and we
fit the three of us finished it off and we
absolutely crushed it.
Speaker 8 (52:05):
Yeah, that was wonderful. Yeah, okay, it was.
Speaker 2 (52:07):
It was the Timberwolves game, and I remember thinking during
the national anthem, quite frankly, last couple of years has
been a ghost town at the national anthem, I was
standing and they're like, hey, this it wasn't as much
as Warriors for the NBA Cup, but it was close
and I was impressed. Yeah.
Speaker 8 (52:22):
And by the way, a lot of Dallas fans in
the building other night too.
Speaker 2 (52:25):
Yeah, what the heck? Yeah, it's the Luca stuff. I
didn't see any like, uh, who would be a Rando.
I didn't see Dwight pal Jersey was burning running around
the arena. You didn't see any Jason Terry JJ Burrea. No,
you're going to old school. I can respect that. Let's
talk to Jason online one on Sports Talk seven only
eleven eleven.
Speaker 8 (52:47):
Jason, good morning and Happy New Year.
Speaker 18 (52:50):
Happy New Year to you guys. So, my lovely wife
was able to get me tickets to Las Vegas, and
I was curious, when is the next time you guys
have plans on making it out there?
Speaker 2 (53:06):
Because I so let me kind of let me step back.
Speaker 18 (53:10):
So I'm going for the weekend of the Super Bowl
to Vegas.
Speaker 2 (53:15):
I want to go out there, throw some bets down
and everything.
Speaker 18 (53:17):
So I'm like, what what are the chances that we
could get Sports Empty and Sports Harv out there to
Vegas for the weekend of the Super Bowl?
Speaker 2 (53:25):
Zero percent chance, at least for me. I have rockets.
Oh unfortunately, I said, cut the check and I'm there. Yeah,
Ross can come. Ross.
Speaker 8 (53:32):
Ross is very little life.
Speaker 2 (53:35):
Hey, Jayson, I'm gonna tell you this, spirit Jason, are
you a gambler? Okay? I was gonna say, you better
bring as much money as possible because all the tables
are going to be insanely high that weekend, or or
stay downtown or go downtown. But secondly, if we go
back to there's a certain event we went to last summer. Yes, Circle,
we can say they spend money with a Circus survivor.
If we go back for Vegas to Circle, we'll let
you know well in advance, and you will have to
have Maybe maybe your wife can't go. Maybe it's just
a boy's trip. You can come hang out with us.
Wife never comes.
Speaker 8 (54:08):
Oh, then you're definitely invited to that.
Speaker 18 (54:14):
Yeah, good looking at Also, Russ if you hey, if
you're okay with Flying Spirit in Frontier, I got you.
Speaker 2 (54:19):
But oh man you Airlines, No, no, you do not.
But I can get him Forte. Of course you can.
The price is right, thank you. Jason. Yeah, I have
sworn off Spirit. No you I don't. But also that
was when Southwest. Now Southwest is getting rid of the
they're going to assigned seats and charge up charging and
all that type of stuff because they sold to a
an equity firm.
Speaker 8 (54:39):
I don't like you very much, but I can't have
you Flying Spirit.
Speaker 2 (54:42):
I don't do it. I don't care you're gonna get
a ruptured back. Your NeXT's going to be in three hours.
I'm not bougie Matt. I'll fly basic economy. Let's go.
I'm already looking at it. I'm already looking at Spirit
to Atlanta. In a couple of weeks. We're going to
Atlanta for anything there. We'll see all. Oh, I know what,
oh Bob, wait, Merrit does. Their airfares are really low.
But man, if you want to go to the bathroom
and cost you fifteen dollars, that's not true. If you
want oxygen, it's going to cost you twenty six. If
you want a seatbott to cost you eleven dollars, it's
not accurate. You do have to pay, I believe for
your water. Do you really think, oh I can't. That's terrible.
Somebody can confirm you definitely have to pay for your
sodas or juice if you want for sure, for sure water.
I think you do it as well. I would think
the fund tends. That's a lot of work for those people,
every single person. You haven't got a charge. I mean,
they're just take it, just put it a tin can.
But Merrit is cheap. I'll give him that. Well, yeah,
on time writing or Melta basic, mommonymie, you can say
basic kind of okay. Melt is not a bad airline. Actually, well,
obviously it flies direct to Atlanta. Yeah, well there's Houston Atlanta.
Fortunately for you if you are to go very competitive market,
it's good Dark breastflies there, Melta flies there, Schminded flies there, Mirrit.
Oh wow, Connor is he's on the war path. He
just sees Philly sports.
Speaker 11 (56:09):
Speaker 8 (56:09):
Just got to mention they only have eighteen followers.
Speaker 17 (56:11):
They wrote an article and they said featured on the
Matt Thomas Show with Ross and they linked it, but
they linked back to that tweet.
Speaker 2 (56:22):
You know what did they go to school?
Speaker 13 (56:24):
Speaker 2 (56:26):
I love it? I love that. So yeah, I'm gonna
they're gonna what's the journalism school? Called it? Missoo the
Missouri School Journalism? Oh, named after somebody, well, you know,
Walter Cronky's at Arizona State. Yeah, it's the Moody School
at uh at ut Okay. So I was gonna say
blank school Graduate University of Houston. It's the Valenti School.
It's not the Thomas School. It should be, but it's
Valenti or at least the Nance the man who seven
one three two one two, at least the Thomas seven
one three two one two five seven eleven fifteen. And
this is Sports Talk SEVENANTI More, Matt, I'm a show
with Ross.
Speaker 12 (57:02):
Now I'm Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (57:17):
I'm looking at Jimmy Butler. Does he color his hair?
Speaker 19 (57:20):
Speaker 2 (57:20):
What is that? Is that green in the middle of that?
Speaker 20 (57:24):
What is that?
Speaker 9 (57:24):
Speaker 2 (57:24):
Around the around the head? He's got some neon green
in there. I don't know if that is dyed or
woven in?
Speaker 18 (57:32):
How old is he?
Speaker 8 (57:34):
Thirty five?
Speaker 2 (57:35):
Do thirty five year old men have green around their head?
Speaker 3 (57:38):
Speaker 2 (57:38):
He is right there. I guess the answer is yes,
there's one person that does. Yeah, what's wrong with that?
It's odd? Okay, I didn't think anything of it. Look
there he is with blue hair. He's been doing weird.
That's odd.
Speaker 8 (57:51):
He's been doing weird stuff with his hair for years.
Speaker 2 (57:53):
Yeah, But don't you think at some point you kind
of you know, I did odds up with my hair
when I was fourteen. But you don't have much of
an option. I mean, not trying to be I'm not
you are, No, I'm not serious. I just he's he's good,
but a little different. Jeremy Sohan has green hair. Yeah,
but Jeremy Sohan's Jeremy Sohan. Who cares? That means Jimmy
but look there is with pink in his hair. He's
been coloring his hair all year. How d you with
his mood? Maybe he's trying to Maybe he's trying to
uplift Pat Rawley with his colorful collection of things. Oh,
he's making forty nine million dollars a year. He's got
to spend it somehow. Actually, you made forty one million
dollars a year there and your kid said I want
this that you really can't say no, Yes, you can.
You should say no. You can't give kids everything. They
then grow up spoiled. Hmmm, I don't know. Got forty
nine million dollars in just one year of a contract?
You get saying you want one of miles already you're
for eleven. Eh, you can't give Yeah, you're not giving
your kid a Bentley truck. It's funny. Seven three two
one two five seven out. He's seven one three two
one two five seventy of the rockets. Oh, are playing
the Celtics tonight. Did you see how many three pointers
the Celtics shot last night against Minnesota? I saw you
tweet it was it fifty seven or seven? They made
twenty two, which is thirty nine percent that's pretty good,
which frankly you would take, would you not rock, I'd
rather than go under. But it was one of the things.
And Charles Barkley was so funny yesterday saying basically he
had to be careful what he said because people think
he's his comments ruined the NBA, and he's like, I'm
not enjoying this game.
Speaker 8 (59:36):
And I didn't even think twice about.
Speaker 2 (59:37):
It until Kevin Harlan started counting the number of times
there was there's a three, there's a three, and you
think about that Rocket Ross. If they're playing in a
back to back, I'm think'm gonna shoot more threes tonight
or comparable to what they did last night, I would say,
So that's it's it's insane. I mean they did it
last year, I think, I mean the last couple of
years they've been doing it. They've really good shooters. They
make they take a lot of threes, and they make
a lot of Jason Tatum took seventeen threes yesterday. Wow,
and made six. Well, that's over thirty three percent. Derek
White took ten threes. Sam Houser not to be confused
with Dougie sam Houso, five of eleven from three on average.
The Boston Celtics this year take fifty point six threes
per game, number one in the league. Now, to be
brutally honest, here's how it works. You don't worry about
rebounding because use most three point shots, not everyone, but
most three point shots come out with long rebounds, right, Yes,
so you're not necessarily worry about the paint. Last year
they took forty two and a half three pointers per game,
which was also number one in the league. So they're
taking eight more game. That's a huge leap, biggerly than
I thought. I didn't realize they were taking fifty a
game this year. Now, I even think you and I
have had this conversation. Do you think the three point
two many threes hurts the game? Yes? And no? I
mean you're you're that's okay to say both. It really is,
because the beautifully made three is what I'm saying. It's
such a nice thing. But I understand the aesthetics are
bad when when in a lot of times you're you're
gonna see these two minute clips when a team goes
up and down the floor and a team takes a
three misses, another next team takes a three misses, next
team gets an offensive rebound misses and you see like
four miss threes in the span of ninety seconds. That
is instantly going to be posted on Twitter, and people
are gonna jump off of that and be like, this
is the NBA that I hate. This is why no
one watches the NBA. But if you put one of
people swishing them and making great plays and having the
other team guard the three, and that opens up the paint,
it's for spacing. So philosophically, I love.
Speaker 8 (01:01:59):
The three pointer. And as you mentioned, like a.
Speaker 2 (01:02:01):
Beautiful step back, like when Jalen Green mixes somebody up
and then knocks in a step back jumper and it
switches through the net such a two man. Yeah, it's beautiful.
But I'm gonna say this, as much as perhaps I
defend the NBA, perhaps more than others, I don't necessarily
kill those that say Maddie. They don't comeing mad It's
coming man, they say, matt I don't like the number
of threes. There is too much. I go to somebody
and go, what are you talking about? Because there was
a stretch watching the Wolves game against the Rockets against
the Celtics last night that it was back and forth
missing threes. It was ninety seconds of uninteresting misshots, long rebounds,
nothing more than just a It had a pickup game
feel to it, and this is the great sport of
the NBA that shouldn't have that ever feeling. Yeah, but
also pick a ball can be fun, like just no rules,
like just guys going back after a lot of times.
Speaker 8 (01:02:58):
You know, I think it all comes down to make
some misses.
Speaker 2 (01:03:01):
Nobody complains about the sequences of a lot of threes
when people are making them in its right front right,
when they all clank off, like, oh, this is ruining
the games terrible. I can't watch this. But I'll say this,
thirty nine percent. If the Rockets shot thirty nine percent
from three on a regular basis, they would be even,
they'd be a significant title, they'd do their best team
in basketball. Maybe, I mean right now in thirty two.
So let's say use what happens. Let's say you got
the thirty six percent. Imagine how this team would be.
I don't think it's happening. My point is this is
that as many threes as were shot yesterday, twenty two
at fifty seven doesn't sound great, but It's what every
team in the NBA would take.
Speaker 8 (01:03:40):
Franklin to be a thirty eight thirty nine percent three
point shooting.
Speaker 2 (01:03:44):
They take fifty point six per game. Do the Celtics
They shoot them at thirty six point eight percent clip,
which is twelve. I write this down. It's like I
can put this on my notes for if they take
how many per game fifty point six five zero point
six and their success it is that's first in the league.
And then their success rate is thirty six point eight percent,
that is twelve.
Speaker 3 (01:04:05):
In the league.
Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
All right, look at you help me out with my
game prep for tonight. Thank you here much. Yeah, and
what's are you doing that? Yeah? I don't know or
whoever's on the network. I don't know who's working being tonight.
I kind of kind I used to ask.
Speaker 8 (01:04:17):
Now I don't even care if it's Adam Now, thank
you for that.
Speaker 2 (01:04:21):
Eleven twenty seven on Sports Talk seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seven nine zero seven one
three two one two five seven hounty. How are we
going to watch this weekend of the NFL In terms
of who we're rooting for who were not rooting for?
This is a is a the whole thirty two team.
We'll discuss that next seven one, three, two, one two,
five seven ninety All right, NFL, we'll have a pair
of games tomorrow, all involving the NFC North teams. Texans
play Sunday at twelve noon in Nashville. Then you've still
got teams determining playoff spots. The Buccaneers. That they beat
the Saints, they're the NFC South champions. If the Bucks
lose the Saints at home and the Falcons beat the Panthers,
they're the NFC South champions. What else do we have
to really keep an ear and an eye on. We've
got the Dolphins, Bengals, and Broncos fighting for one playoff
spot in the AFC. It will be the final wild card.
If the Broncos win at home beating the Chiefs, giving
the Chiefs their second second loss the season, and again
most starters for Kansasity not playing, that would put them
at ten and seven, they would have the wild card.
If the Broncos lose and Miami wins at the Jets,
the Dolphins would take the spot. If the Dolphins lose
and the Broncos lose and the Bengals, who play on
Saturday at Pitts win, they would take the final long
card spot. Oh goodness. If your Kansas City and you
get to control who gets to the last playoff spot,
you want Denver over Cincinnati, do you not? I would
have say so. That to me is these That's that's
the easy one. Let Denver win. Let them be the
seventh seed. They are playing their they're not playing their starters,
that's right. And that would make the Bengals Steelers game
not mean anything. I mean, look at the Bengals lose
to the Steelers tomorrow, then it would come down to
Miami and the Denver Broncos. Yeah. If if I'm Kansas City,
I'm wanting the Broncos win. I don't want any part
of since any making the playoffs. And again that's also
presuming that Miami would lose at the Jets, which I
can't imagine. If you if if the Broncos were to
lose that game, you would you would know that Miami
would play. I would play hard in that game against Jets. Plus,
what do the Jets have to play for? Nothing? All right? No, no,
they don't have anything to play for. Vikings and Lions
play for the division championship, one would be the number
one seed and one would be the five seed.
Speaker 8 (01:07:21):
So not only would you you could be.
Speaker 2 (01:07:23):
The number one seed in the overall NFC playoffs or
you'd have to go on the road for a wild
card game. I mean, what a two different ends of
though spectrum that is. Yeah, it's pretty crazy speaking of
talking about altering playoffs and stuff like that. I mean,
that's there's been some discourse around that in NFL circles.
I mean, you end up fourteen and three and you're
the five seed, while the nine and seven Tampa Bay
Buccaneers or ten and seven or whatever.
Speaker 8 (01:07:51):
But this has been a conversation for a long time.
Speaker 2 (01:07:53):
That's what I'm saying. Can we go with they get
an automatic bid, but they don't get an automatic home game?
Of course, going back to win the seven and nine
Seahawks hosted the Saints and beat them. That's right. Well,
the the easy argument is do you want to put
value in winning your division? Should there be an automatic benefit?
The automan benefit could be you're in the playoffs, right
and that, but some would say not only should you
get the automatic playoff spot, but you should be automatically
hosting a game do the Texans deserve to automatically host
a game? They're about to go nine and eight or
ten and seven either way. So put it this way.
Let's let's say there was no automatic in the AFC
hosting game. Would the Texans be right now they're behind
the Steelers and Chargers. They would be the sixth seed.
And then it turned out on a tiebreaker between it whoever,
the Dolphins or Bengals. I mean, I don't know. Was
it hurt well, I mean, if it doesn't hurt now,
then don't do it better now? I feel like the
Lions are Vikings whoever is that? But then I'll throw
the other direction. Just win your division. If it's that important,
you win your division. Yeah, but it's not that easy
when there's a team that that's much Just win your division.
But if they were in the the if they were
in the NFC South.
Speaker 8 (01:09:14):
They'd be running away with the division. It's just a
matter of randomness.
Speaker 2 (01:09:17):
Can't complete randomness, certainly, especially with the AFC South. It's Jacksonville, Nashville,
and Indianapolis. That is not some regional rivalry. I believe
all those teams are hated rivals of each other, exactly
like it's just made up and they Yeah, you play
them twice a year, so I get it. So that's
why you get the auto bid into the playoffs. But
getting an auto home game, No, Like I won fourteen
games and you could potentially have the Buccaneers winning their
division winning nine. You win five more games from that
than them, and they get a they host a playoff game.
But this is an argument we have every year. Yeah,
and I'm I'm consistent. They needs a change. Well, I
guess who's also consistent, the NFL your analysis, but that
we don't care to me, this has been brought up
about once a year for the last twenty years. The
NFL has still said, we want to give value to
it to our division champion, and the reward beyond making
the playoffs is getting a home playoff game. But you
know the NBA didn't do that anymore. You are the
NBA figured it out. You win your Southwest Division, that
means absolutely nothing. It used to be ridiculous, didn't they
have one. It was like a bad team that was
a thirst sea. You could see you could teams got
bumped up. They don't. The only reason why you have
conferences now in divisions is strictly for scheduling purposes. There's
no intent, there's no benefit of winning the Southwest Division.
If the Southwest Division had four teams and they all
had forty six losses, and then I would make plaoffs
and say, nobody in the Southwest Division makes the playoffs?
Yeah you had it? Was it in the baseball playoffs?
Isn't there a team that has had like a hundred
wins and then and then had to be a wild card?
It happens, actually more than you would think. I think, Yeah,
I guess it wasn't you know? It was? It was
San Fransco and the LA Dodgers. Remember they were going
backwards and back and forth. Who's gonna win the division?
And the loser had to be the wild card? Yeah? No,
you know what, I could fight you in a lot
of these things. So I'm gonna add one more to it. Okay,
I like it as it is. You like it, You're
so it's ridiculous. Fine, you just.
Speaker 8 (01:11:29):
Want to disagree with what I said.
Speaker 2 (01:11:30):
How about this?
Speaker 3 (01:11:31):
You know what?
Speaker 2 (01:11:32):
You have got a merit to your conversation. I like that.
I can't. I can't. I don't know.
Speaker 8 (01:11:38):
This is the thing, and this is the things have
to progress forward.
Speaker 2 (01:11:40):
If you ask yourself a question, say why do we
do it this way, and the only answer is is
because that's the way we've always done it, that's to me,
that's never a valid answer. But that's not my answer
to your What is it that I don't mind the
way it is now? Okay, just because you don't mind it?
But is it better? Is it better or worse? If
if you're sitting there and your team, and you're on
Minneapolis radio and you cover and follow the Vikings and
they win, they go fourteen and three and then they
have to go to eighteen, that is nine and seven.
Why can't they just flip those two? Then guess what,
go to that nine and seven team and prove why
you're a fourteen team win. Yes, it's a disadvantage that
shouldn't be there. To me, you know what, I see
your point. I just don't have enough passion to argue it. Okay,
so guess what. That's my fault. It's not your fault.
It's not your fault, man. So let me ask you this.
If your argument makes so much sense in the world,
why haven't they changed it? I don't know they did
it in the NBA. As we said, they don't do
it in baseball and they don't in football. Now they
reseed in football, which is nice, which is good. I
do like that. Yeah, but also.
Speaker 8 (01:12:43):
The same thing.
Speaker 2 (01:12:48):
If if you're the yeah even nah, they should be
a higher seed, they should be the two seed.
Speaker 8 (01:12:55):
They should the Vikings right now.
Speaker 2 (01:13:00):
Well, I'm sure all of our friends in Minneapol, Saint
Paul's in the show, thank you for your your Uh well,
we'll see what happened. It could be the Lions. Could
we could be on Detroit's Sports Leader. It could be
arguing that to live in Detroit though Pistons talk, they're
actually okay, Jaye and Ivy got really hurt though. M hm,
that's Kate Cunningham doing uh mid Okay, that's Tiger's maybe
getting Alex Bregman. We got a j Hinch Tigers beat
the Astros. Maybe Detroit radio is not that bad. Yeah,
but you gotta live in Detroit and I'm from Detroit. Yeah,
that's your people. No people, I haven't lived there since
ninety rock City, no great motown music, true, Bob Seeger.
They have uh Spike hot dog stores, Eminem you know
about the Spie hot Dogs. I told you about that. Now,
the Spiked hot dog restaurants. What does that mean? Spiked? Yeah,
Spike bid it No Spike s p I t E. Spike.
You know you are. You didn't watch Curve without the
Spike store right with the coffee shops. I mean yeah,
sounds Vaguelar familiar. So there is a hot dog restaurant
in downtown de Train, Okay, family owned and operated for generations,
and the members of the family got into a fight
about something. I don't know. It could have been the recipe,
could have been the final whatever. So the family split
up and the other members of the family open up
another hot dog restaurant literally right next to it. They
share a wall. Wow, there are two hot dog which
one's better? I went to one, you gotta go to both.
I didn't know it was the Spine until after I
had the hot dog. Okay, So I get out and
I had these two hot dogs, chili fries, the whole thing,
and I'm like, damn, was good. And then I go
next door and it was another hot dog place. They
shared a wall. Wow, and I didn't know it. I
did a video on it on Instagram. We should have
looked at. It was very interesting. It was a couple
of years back. Yeah, but there is a Spike hot dog.
What would you call a hot dog? You called a
hot dog restaurant Coney Island, Coney Island. Yeah, okay, you
called a Spike Coney Island. Are there any Spike stores
you go to now? Not that I know of. What
do you mean, well, you know, spike meaning they're right
next to each other because they're just directly Oh wow, okay, No,
if you go on Shepherd and Gray, there's like four
Starbucks over there, like Peyton's Apartment and Conversation, there is
two coffee shops within about five hundred feet of each other.
Speaker 17 (01:15:23):
When I was at Missoo, I was a manager at Andy's,
which is like a frozen Custer thing. I think there's
one in Dallas, and then a mile away somebody else
opened up at the same frozen Custer shop called Randy's.
Speaker 2 (01:15:36):
No way, wow, that is spiked. Now in Austin there
is Franz Hamburgers and Dan's Hamburgers. And I don't know
if this is what the exact story is, but the
old urban legend is that it was Dan and fran
were married and then they got into a divorce and
then the other one opened it up. So I found
the name of the place. American Coney Island is in Detroit, Okay,
Ross It's at one fourteen Lafayette Boulevard. Okay, Lafayette Coney
Island is at one eighteen US Lafayette Boulevard. So they
are not like down the street around the corner. They
are as I said, they share a wall. They're literally
right next to each other. The next time I go
to Detroit, which will be next season, I think I'm
gonna get one dog from one place, another dog from another, Okay,
and give you the live taste test. Yeah, I'm also
finding the story. It was Dan and Fran owned Dance,
then they got divorced, and then Fran opened up frans Hamburgers.
So who's better, Fran or Dan? I like them both.
I think they're probably the same recipe. Yeah, the Spike
stores are real? And how far are they from each other?
Friends and Dance are all over the place in Austin,
or they back when I lived there, Who knows, I
haven't been there. I haven't lived there in fifteen years,
all right, So yes, I've been here working with you
it's been great for you're working with you. Look look
at how you turned out your gray zone. Not too bad,
not growing. You got electricity, you pay your bills, I
got you, got food on the table, and Gails, I'm
a back. You've been that.
Speaker 8 (01:17:09):
You've been to some great places.
Speaker 2 (01:17:11):
That's true. I had to change planes and strange locales,
but you were able to go to some great places. No,
I didn't. I time you went from Indianapolis to Houston
through Orlando. Oh that was that was bad. Everybody of
the screaming kids with Mickey Mouse ears on in the
middle of the Super Bowl. It was great.
Speaker 8 (01:17:26):
Times eleven forty four.
Speaker 2 (01:17:28):
Sports Talk seven ninety. It is a Mount Thomas show
with Ross seven one, three, two, five, seven ninety. We're
gonna wake the strippers up coming up at about fifteen
minutes from now. Also we'll have a uh We've got
the non Florida stories at one thirty. We have Texans
and Titans coming up, Rockets and Celtics. This evening should
be a fun night down at Todea Center. We've got
the college football playoff as Georgia is out. And by
the way, there is an AI generated audio of Kirby
Smart that's out there that I thought about playing on
the show until I realized it was really not him talking.
So no to all of you young radio people that
want to get into business, don't play something directly off
Twitter unless you hear it first, because there were some
things that were not said by Kirby Smart that would
have gotten us in some serious trouble. Seven one three
two one two five seven ninety seven one three two
one two five seven nine if you want to join
us on this On Anything Goes Friday, I want to
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Speaker 6 (01:19:34):
Speaker 12 (01:19:34):
Matt Thomas Show with Ross Now on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (01:19:45):
Can we get some new Bump music in twenty twenty five?
I feel like I heard the same four songs over
and over again. You know, Well, let's get caught it
right on that he didn't have anything to do all
the time. I mean, I only throw forty thousand things
at counter per day.
Speaker 17 (01:19:58):
I'm pally fine bubbing back like actual songs. It's just
you get distracted.
Speaker 8 (01:20:02):
Yeah, that's true. That's true.
Speaker 2 (01:20:05):
That's a big part of it. You can't do it
with with Matt Thomas. No, No, you're right, because I
always find some more storyline. Then we went up losing
an entire second. Like right now, start talking about I
don't know Linda Ronsett's outfits in the eighties, seventies, eighties,
she get a little I forget it. See see what
I'm saying here. Yeah, you're right, Connor. Just keep playing
what you're playing. Don't ever change, okay. Seven one three
two one two five seven Dotti seven one three two
one two five seven, Natty, it is anything goes Friday.
We're waking the strippers up in nine minutes.
Speaker 6 (01:20:34):
I have it.
Speaker 2 (01:20:35):
Look up. Did you guys play my audio last week?
I did in the car. It was just kind of weird.
I thought I would do it. It was fine. There
was a Mecco. Yeah, I was in the car. I
wasn't sound a great. Yeah. I don't like doing it,
so I was happy that you did. Yeah, so I'll
be waking them up. We'll play the intro for the
ten o'clock hour like we normally do, which I believe
has becoming now a cult favorite among those that listen
to this radio show. By the way, happy anniversary everybody.
Thank you for spending part of your last fifteen years
with us. Fifteen years fifteen years ago. Tomorrow will be
the first day of the Matt Thomas Show without Ross,
and then it was with Ross, and now it's what
is the Ross Show featuring Matt? All right, let's go
to uh Industry Texas Larry on seven ninty Larry, good morning.
Speaker 5 (01:21:18):
Hey, how y'all doing today? Matt Ross, So we'll have
good New Year and all.
Speaker 2 (01:21:21):
That same to you. Uh wow, that was nice. Uh
huh he wishes he just called us his happy New Year.
Hey we lost you for a second, Larry, start over, Okay.
Speaker 5 (01:21:34):
Happy New Year. But h yeah, I was in Austin
for twenty six years and I actually met friend one
time from Dan and Friends. Oh really they were married
and divorced, and yeah, she was really nice, really nice.
And I was gonna ask you that you said that
hot dog played with a fight. Yep, so did the
other one with the other one called in spite.
Speaker 2 (01:21:53):
Of Yeah, let me tell Larry you leave a comedy
to me, my man, let me, let me handle the jokes. Okay, No,
I told you. One of them is called what I
tell you, one of them was called American I think,
and one was called Lafayette.
Speaker 8 (01:22:08):
So they're I mean, they're literally they share a wall.
Speaker 2 (01:22:10):
Yeah, okay, Yeah, that's cool.
Speaker 5 (01:22:13):
That's cool. Hey what did it text them doing? Playing
a players starters this game?
Speaker 11 (01:22:20):
Speaker 2 (01:22:20):
I you know, Dimiko is kind of keeping a tight liped,
but he is going to plan on playing the starters
at least for a certain length of time, which is
a smart thing to do. Yeah, about a half we
I don't necessarily think it means each individual player plays
only a certain amount. I think it's one of those
situations where like, for instance, if if CJ goes out
there and has three drives and they're successful and they
move down the field and he feels comfortable, he may
be done early second quarter, where if Joe makes them
feels like I need five carries and I didn't get
five carries until late on the second quarter. I think
it's all up in the air. But what I do
like is I do believe that Demiko had a horrible
taste in his mouth as his players did at the
performance they had against Baltimore. And that's not the lasting
impression you want to leave before you get ready for
a playoff game. So I do applaud them for at
least putting the starters out there for some length of time. Yeah,
I agree with that.
Speaker 6 (01:23:16):
I agree with that.
Speaker 5 (01:23:17):
I hope Miles get some time to play due something
happened to which I hope not. God help you, right,
I hope he played a little.
Speaker 2 (01:23:25):
I think so.
Speaker 5 (01:23:28):
All right, well all have a great day, Thank you
very much. Maybe I'll go by Dan friend all right.
Speaker 2 (01:23:33):
Yeah, you can get it. Yeah, Dan, they've getten a
lot of free plugs on a show today. Dan's and France,
do they have that identical man used to I don't
know if the minis are I mean they serve Hamburgers
can get locations?
Speaker 5 (01:23:44):
Are there?
Speaker 2 (01:23:46):
Matt? You're asking a questions. I don't know six now
you're just making things up. I come to you for information,
thoughts and analysis. I don't know the exact number of
of Franz Hamburgers in Austin. You know my go to
place to eat in Austin, just just for just to
do it, And it's not that's not something special. I
love going to gyms. Some of my best of my
best three o'clock meals have been in the morning, been
at gyms. I was gonna say three am gym's biscuits,
he skits and gravy at three am at gyms is nice.
Speaker 11 (01:24:15):
I don't.
Speaker 2 (01:24:15):
I don't like biscuits and gravy. But that's you know,
But you knew that. I'm sure I didn't know that.
Could you say that out loud one more time?
Speaker 8 (01:24:22):
I don't like biscuits and gravy.
Speaker 2 (01:24:24):
I like gravy. I like biscuits. I don't like biscuit
gravy on my biscuits. Twenty twenty five resolutions coming back
to play, what is it? What? I'm not arguing food
with Matt Thomas. It's not an argument. It's my person,
it's my preference. Absolutely, it's not a debate point. I've
never come to you and said, rass, biscuits and gravy
are ridiculous. Yeah, actually that would be Remember that would
be a debate that you would say, that's ridiculous. I
don't like it. I like cream, gravy, I like it.
I'm a chicken fried steak. Okay, I like it. I'm
a mashed potatoes. I don't like it. I'm a biscuits.
I don't like a soggy biscuit. Okay, there are four
dans Hamburgers. All right, there you go. I don't have
any friends. Do we know the reason for their divorce?
I no, I didn't look at their divorce record. Incilable differences.
Oh that was like somebody had a side piece or something.
Who knows.
Speaker 8 (01:25:19):
Oh Frand is dead now? O Frand died last year.
May she rest?
Speaker 2 (01:25:23):
Okay, we're gonna go ahead and change the conversation.
Speaker 3 (01:25:25):
Speaker 2 (01:25:26):
Steven Garden Oaks eleven fifty six on seven out of Hello.
Speaker 21 (01:25:29):
Steve, Hey, guys, I just wanted to say congratulations on
the fifteen years. I've been a fan since twenty twelve
when I got an internship where I was locked in
a cubicle for eight nine hours a day and this show.
I've found the show and it would literally get me
through the day. So it's been a fan ever since.
And just want to tell you guys, thank you and
love the show.
Speaker 2 (01:25:53):
Well, thank you very much, very nice you to say that.
Happy and New Year to you. Thank you very much
for saying that. Was nice. That was thank you, Steve.
He didn't say I like everything, but he just said
he likes the show. Yeah, thank you, and it got
it through him through his hard days in the cubicle.
We appreciate that. Especially as a midday show, we get
through people through their workdays. Yes, delivery drivers, right, you know, officers,
people who are in the middle of the day and
at work or wherever and and need a little something
to listen to. We provide that. And we're not gonna
be super serious. The show will never be super serious,
and so if you're looking for the hardcore stuff, we're
not going to be your cup of tea. But if
we're gonna keep it lightnary and maybe fight about a
variety of things, whether it's gets the gravy, it's getting
gravy or giving gravy bye weeks, we won't fight about
it all way.
Speaker 8 (01:26:39):
No, you and I agree on the bye week. Oh okay, well.
Speaker 2 (01:26:41):
I mean I'm sorry, Automatic divisional win bids me quick.
We got twenty seconds. What is our greatest, deepest sports
argument that.
Speaker 8 (01:26:52):
We disagreed on. Yeah, because we goof about a lot
of this, paying.
Speaker 2 (01:26:55):
Sports players for a while, automatic balls and strikes for
a while I mean on sports is certainly the said
every Wonder Council for I don't even know of something
that to this day that we can give me a
break to think about it, because no, I think you know,
I think we've come on each other size on a
variety of things.
Speaker 3 (01:27:12):
I know.
Speaker 2 (01:27:13):
Yeah, I'm trying to think of something sports related that
you and I just never have seen eye to eye on.
Now you, I'll give you this. I think there's tremendous
problems with Anil, and I wouldn't think that you don't
think there are problems. Yeah, but I am a problems
But I am significantly more concerned about him than you are.
But I wouldn't necessarily necessarily consider that a huge disagreement.
There's nothing fundamentally that you and I have argue about
over the years that stills to this day really gets
us upset. Just the McRib and Stevie Wonder We wake
the strippers up. Next, Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 1 (01:27:49):
Ninety lunchtimers, this is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 10 (01:27:58):
Too down, Good Mornings, du.
Speaker 16 (01:28:13):
Bar and welcome down three oh the Mount Thomas showing Ross.
Speaker 8 (01:28:20):
There there's Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (01:28:23):
Use it. It blieves your fingers like that. Hey seven
one three two one two five seven ninety. As Connor
goes to the notepad, he's already p looks like that
four things already in the first segment of the show,
gargling you know, yeah, you know, why would you want
those guys to have the last taste in their mouth
of a complete beat down? Put the right hand up.
There is your left hand for everything. Seven one three
two one two five seven Natty seven one three two
one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (01:28:52):
If it's been a long time since you've been with
the nice lady in a biblical sense, uh, you just
see it? And then all of a sudden you get
a date with one and it seems like she's pretty down, Like,
are you just gonna go in there?
Speaker 6 (01:29:04):
No, man, you gotta you gotta have a warm ups.
Speaker 4 (01:29:06):
You gotta find a slump buster first, and maybe you know,
you know, get.
Speaker 2 (01:29:10):
Your tune in right, I give me a room, I'll
do it. I mean, do we all get athletic inclined
after that?
Speaker 11 (01:29:15):
Speaker 2 (01:29:17):
Did she get the cardio? She was not part of
a sports moment. I'm sorry your heart was pumping. That's cardio, right,
A lot of things that was pumping yeah right, Jesus,
you just cannot help yourself. Oh, it's been a while,
several hours.
Speaker 22 (01:29:34):
It is.
Speaker 2 (01:29:36):
A Friday, it's anything goes Friday, twetal five Sports Talk
sing I before we get to the news in noon.
Two things people have figured out that we argue about.
One is Chris Gordy. Thank you Chris for being a
religious listener. Must win games. Yes, Week eleven against the
Cowboys was a must win game. I didn't say that one.
You did, Okay, maybe what and it worked out they
won the division? Yeah, you take it literally. I take
it figuratively. And I think most people figure it out
my way because you your coaches use it all the time.
A Week eleven was at win game literally, like you
and everything. People don't live their life literally by everything
they say. That's true. So take the loss on all
one and then we've been doing this show for fifteen years.
In soccer still sucks. It doesn't get any better, it's
not got any worse. It's just remains sucks. That's fine.
I like sports. I like high level sports. I like
lots of sports. You don't.
Speaker 8 (01:30:39):
You hate the Olympics, you hate soccer? I like synchronized swimming.
Speaker 2 (01:30:42):
No, you don't. I like beach volleyball. Well, okay, that's different.
I like real volleyball. Spanish team was strong this year.
It was very strong, all right? Seven one three, two
one two five, seven ninety. Let's get to what is
happening in the world of sports headlines. We go to
the sports seven ony news desk. We have a news desk,
new center, absolutely that we got a sports talk seven
nighty news desk. I don't know where my bet is.
I can't hear it. There is the news it dude
here old sports Talks seven ninety. Are you having a
happy New year so far?
Speaker 6 (01:31:14):
Speaker 3 (01:31:14):
I know?
Speaker 8 (01:31:14):
I you know who else wants to have a happy
new year?
Speaker 2 (01:31:18):
Let me CJ. Stroud in the Houston Texans as they
take on the euler clad Tennessee Titans. What are the
Houston Texans looking to accomplish this weekend? We all are
wondering how much they are going to play. Here's what CJ.
Stroud had to say about their goal in the Titans game.
Speaker 23 (01:31:38):
I want to in the season right way, No, and
on a positive note. So you know, gotta be ready
to play and go out to Tennessee. You know that's
a good defense up there. You have a lot of
good players, so you know, got a better a game,
and you know, turning in the season right.
Speaker 2 (01:31:53):
Way, bring the a game in the season. The right
way line continues to creep in the Texans favor as
it opened up with the Houston Texans as much as
a three point dog. Now one and one and a half.
Not a must win game, by the way, it's an
ugly total thirty six and a half. See, I keep it,
stay away, stay away from this. I take the I
take the subjectivity out of whether or not it's a
must win game. That's all that's yet my prerogative in
yours is your prerogative. If you think Week eleven against
Cowboys is a must win game, it's a must win game.
I think when teams are down two nothing in playoffs,
you can definitely say in game three is a must win.
Keep serious alive makes you feel better about yourself. Two
to one in a world, in a series, when things
are two to one, it's a dramatically different field than
a three to zero. We all think your season's over,
so it was must win. You had to win it.
If you better, well, yeah, and I know you think
that that's the beauty of it. Well, all right, anyways, Matt,
we're talking about the Titans and the Texans. What are
you looking to say from CJ. Shroud in the Houston
Texans this week? Two to three series? Better communication about
three three series three touchdowns and get him out of
there and make sure he stays upright for basically any
That's what I honestly, because the pro bowler is gonna
be out there protecting him. That's right. Fraud You are
a fraud, Laramye tone you should you should say thanks,
but no thanks to that Pro Bowl nominations. Shush your mouth.
He's I don't know if he has any incentives in
his contract from for making he's just playing hard, isn't
one of them? Hey? Hey, he's only had like five
penalties in the last like ten weeks.
Speaker 8 (01:33:33):
How nice It was ten in the first five weeks.
Speaker 2 (01:33:36):
But at least he's cleaned that up somewhat, has Laramie
ton Sol moving along. There has been a lot of talk, Matt,
especially on the Rockets Twitter streets, about our interview yesterday
with coach Doka. People giving credit by the way, Connor
we go giving their proper credits. Now Connor is doing
as much as he can. He's fighting the good fight.
I gave you guys the credit for you. They did
than do it themselves. Thank you Connor, Thank you Connor.
We do thank you for that. So the night before,
Cam Whitmore had a spectacular evening. He was seven to
nine from the field, played twenty four minutes, was really
helpful off the bench for the Rockets. And then his
postgame comments sounded like he had a horrible game and
just got sent to the G League. Everyone confused, Coach,
you donka did you hear those comments from Cam Whitmore. Yeah,
I heard about him.
Speaker 24 (01:34:21):
And I'm totally fine with people expressing whatever they need
to express. We've had a ton of meetings in one
on one myself and him and other coaches, and so
there's an understanding of what's expected and what's going to
help you get on the floor as far as growth,
and so you know, if you know me, you know
I am not a sensitive person at all. Guys can
express what they need to We'll have those discussions, and
so I'm totally climb with.
Speaker 2 (01:34:44):
What he said.
Speaker 24 (01:34:46):
The part that I will reiterate to him, Like everything
I say publicly, I've said times ten behind the closed
doors to our guys and so getting across those points,
and he understands what he needs to do to be
on the floor and improve as far as that, and
I think he's taking those steps and done that.
Speaker 2 (01:35:02):
He's just a badass. I mean, he may just like, yeah,
bring it, I don't care you you got you got
something for me?
Speaker 8 (01:35:10):
Just talk to me about it. We'll figure it out.
Speaker 2 (01:35:14):
Uh yeah, I agree, and good to hear the refreshing
honesty as always from coach you DOOKA full interview available
Sports Talk seven ninety dot com and The Matt Thomas
Show with Ross podcast page. Moving along but keeping it
in the NBA. A trade target, or at least has
been rumored with the Houston Rockets, has been tom Ball's
own Jimmy Butler. He also did not mince words in
his press availability yesterday. What do I want to see happy?
Speaker 15 (01:35:42):
I want to see him get my joy back from
playing basketball, and uh, wherever that may be, we'll we'll
find out here pretty soon. But I want to get
my joy back. I'm happy here, uh you know, off
the court, but I want to be back to somewhere down.
I want to hoop and I want to hope this
team win. Right now, I'm not doing it.
Speaker 2 (01:36:03):
Can you get your joy back here on the court?
Speaker 15 (01:36:06):
Probably not?
Speaker 2 (01:36:07):
Probably not right. So if he said probably not, prob
he's leaving a small window for it to be open
and happening. And now that's one of those polite like
he didn't say definitely not. Hey, Matt, I.
Speaker 8 (01:36:19):
Got a party going on this weekend.
Speaker 2 (01:36:20):
Do you think you can make it very busy?
Speaker 8 (01:36:23):
You say probably not, probably not. What does that mean?
Speaker 2 (01:36:25):
It means don't mean I wouldn't stay up for me
exactly that probably that's one of those probably knots. That's
a no from Jimmy Butler. Okay, And one last thing
that will go off the beaten path. Love it here
in the news at noon and as I know you like. Unfortunately,
automaker Kia is recalling a twenty three thousand electric vehicles.
Why you say they have fears that a single worker
forgot to bolt the seats down a one human being. Yes.
The Korean automaker forced to recall twenty three thousand of
its brand new EV nine electric SUVs in the US
market after discovering that the rear seats were improperly installed.
Kia's report places the blame squarely on a single plant
assembly worker who allegedly made an error and failed to
properly secure all the seat bolts on an unspecified number
of vehicles. I don't know if they're a sponsor of
our station, but if they are, we hope that you
get things fixed right away and get get out some
new vehicles. Far great listeners of sports talks. I hope
that person, well, I wonder if that person has been fired.
When you feel it being loose in the car itself,
can't you take it to the dealership and have them
bolted down?
Speaker 8 (01:37:46):
Yeah, bolt it down yourself. Actually, what's your ratchet out?
Speaker 2 (01:37:49):
Ah, that's a non story. Shout your bomb ass you have?
You have recall stories all the time. Yeah, stuff happens. Yeah,
but it's from one person forgot to bolt down all
the seats. It's pretty funny, really, Okay, I think it's
funny enough. I think it's you know, it's shows you
how morbid you are. I see you working. You hear that? Folks,
you're hilarious mob rv Oh a funny story about a
car seats not being more bolted down. That's a great
ha ha laughter. Oh boy, how many how many years
of this show. That's the news at noon right there,
hoping that you don't die when your seats come across
in your vehicle. All right, I'll see you later. You
can't go anywhere. You're with Meddle two o'clock. She wanted
your name on the show. You're staying with it seven
one three two one two five seven ninety. Sports Talk
seven ninety seven one three, two, one two five seven
eighty's Anything Goes Friday, Coming and join us non four
stories at one thirty No Believe or not because we
have no prizes and our promotion staff is working overtime
undertime Hunter if they're even working. Twelve fourteen Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 12 (01:38:51):
Natty more Man Thomas Show with Ross Now on Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (01:39:00):
Happy New Year. It's a little late, frankly for the
Happy New Years. You know why just happened a couple
of weeks ago, right, Yeah, that's too long, that statute
to limitations. It's kind of are out on the New Years.
Speaker 10 (01:39:13):
Three days, funny three days.
Speaker 2 (01:39:15):
By the way, everything doesn't have to be happy?
Speaker 13 (01:39:18):
Why does everything have to be happy?
Speaker 2 (01:39:22):
All right? I've always said you can say Happy New
Year anytime. Just to be a contrarian on this. What
is what is in your mind? Because you are the note.
Speaker 8 (01:39:30):
All about a lot of things that's not true.
Speaker 2 (01:39:33):
What is today? I know, because I'm very funny, you're something, alright?
What is?
Speaker 8 (01:39:38):
What is the rule on happy New Year?
Speaker 2 (01:39:41):
There's no rule. It's a feeling. Honestly, it already feels
like twenty twenty five has been two weeks and frankly
three days is a little much. We haven't had a
happy new year. I mean, we're looking for a happy
new year. That's true. So I would say, certainly from
our good friend Larry David, the funniest show ever made
in your opinion, that's right, which I do count. I mean,
Larry David's a genius. I'm not gonna even try to,
uh try to dispute that. That's another thing we argue about.
By the way, it was argument. I think the show
is good, not great. Okay, I clench my teeth. I know,
I know it hurts, especially when you really love something
and somebody's like, yeah, that's not good. It makes you mad.
So I'm not trying to make you mad. You know
that happens sometimes when you take people to restaurants, oh
my god, and you love the restaurant is so good,
and then they go all right, and you're like you,
I want to punch you right in the throat, Yeah,
especially if you're paying. Like like, I got a buddy
of mine who's the voice of the Memphis Grizzies, and
We're going to go out to dinner when he gets
when the Grizzlies come back to town in a couple
of weeks. And I'm like, I want to take him
to this certain my favorite Mexican restaurant. And I'm like,
if he better, If he doesn't like it, I'm gonna
have to hit him. Yeah, I get you. So I
want to apologize for giving you that feel because you
look like you want to punch me square in throat
when I said that to me, It's good, not great.
But anyways, what were we talking about? Year New Year rules?
But I will say, of course, undoubtedly Larry David absolute
one of the all time comedic geniuses. Two weeks. What
do you think or the whole month of January? I think, frankly,
Monday is probably Sunday is the last day. I mean,
just because there's a lot of people you will not see,
like friends, sans nobody in the office. Matt, Yeah, I
mean I haven't seen salespeople since like mid December, so
I could wish some merry Christmas and get away with
it better throwing a Happy President's Day next time you
see him as well. Good friting all of you. So
you needed minimum a week, I'll say push it to
two max.
Speaker 8 (01:41:51):
But either way, I have made it a point.
Speaker 2 (01:41:54):
I'm going to start continuing to I'm going to continue
to do it until least mid February. I like it
because I want to see. I want to see what
the reaction is. Okay, you want to see. That's actually
this is a great experiment. Yeah, start to see when
you get when you start getting sideways looks consistently, that's
when you know it's too long. H It's like the
argument we have sometimes about your age. Are you in
your early If you're forty three years old, are you
in your early forties, i'd saya or mid early mid?
What do you be forty four? You're mid? Okay, So
the rule would be zero one, two, three would be
early yes, four five, six would be mid yes, seventy
eight nine would be old late late forties yes, I
would agree.
Speaker 19 (01:42:35):
With that.
Speaker 2 (01:42:36):
Okay, at least we agree on that. Well, look at this,
the nature is healing on the Matt Thomas show.
Speaker 8 (01:42:43):
You know, Ross, we could solve wars. I don't know
about that.
Speaker 2 (01:42:46):
That's right, we'd have to actually care about them. Seven
one three, two one two five seven ninety Christian and
Lamar g at twelve twenty three on seven Honty Christian,
Good afternoon.
Speaker 11 (01:42:56):
Yeah, since the fifteenth anniversary of your.
Speaker 25 (01:43:01):
Show, how anniversary?
Speaker 11 (01:43:04):
Not Thomas and Ross Villarrial, How are y'all good?
Speaker 2 (01:43:10):
Christian? Thank you?
Speaker 25 (01:43:12):
I mean to be honest, I wasn't gonna miss this
show for anything. Mean, I did not know that this
week marked your fifteenth anniversary on these radio station airwaves,
even though you've been at this for over thirty.
Speaker 11 (01:43:27):
Years, Matt. But still though, congrats all around for basically.
Speaker 25 (01:43:32):
Doing all y'all can to keep.
Speaker 11 (01:43:34):
Making the best memories ever. But still though, enough about
all that. When it comes down to the rockets and
in particularly when it comes down to.
Speaker 2 (01:43:45):
This whole Jimmy Butler things, do.
Speaker 11 (01:43:48):
You think that after all of what happened over the
last week, especially with the whole Tyler hero I'm in
Thompson situation, that the chances of Jimmy Butler returning home
to the Rocket are pretty much slim to none.
Speaker 2 (01:44:04):
Well, as I brought up earlier, and thank you Christian
for the nice words. We appreciate you being a religious
listener of ours. It means a lot to us. Never
saying ever, do the Rockets have trade chips that Miami
would take? Absolutely? Do the Rockets want to inherit that contract?
I don't think it's Tompson our list, especially for a
guy that doesn't play a foody two. Do I think
that Jimmy Butler? What I mean? Let me let me
just say right here, I get a prep sheet that
helps out with it with my game game ready for
the game tonight. Jason Tatum said about his most favorite
coach he's ever had, uh Jalen Brown credited Udoka last
year and said he was great for our development. Maybe
maybe I'm too close to it because em and I
are close as close head coach on a radio broadcaster
can Yeah. You know The point being is that has
anybody said, God I hate Emai, I don't. Well maybe
I don't know if Kim Boston Celtics express okay but
my on the court okay, focus maybe cam Went Moore
is the biggest fan either, but that's gonna sound I
was gonna say. But generally speaking, their respect factor is intent.
When Adoka calls the time out and goes after Alprint
or goes after Amen or Dylan, they don't shy away
from it. They don't raise their hands, they go got
I got it. I think the respect factor is immense,
and that to me is so hard ross to get
in today's NBA world. These coaches these players to buy
in it what the coach says. Yeah, but that's also
a lot of young players. But I mean guys like
Dylan Brooks and frev Vliet has also heaped praise on
and Jimmy Butler and ima A Doka both as they say,
got that dog in him. It's it's just you would
hope that it would be the same dog. If he can,
I could see them butting heads or I could see
them being could And I don't know. If Emon wants
that he's got a young basketball team, he's shaping it
the way that he wants it. I would put it
at one.
Speaker 8 (01:46:09):
Percent slimdon Nunn is an accurate way that Christian Yeah,
I just I.
Speaker 2 (01:46:12):
Think if if Pat Riley calls rafel Stone and rafel says,
is this really pat Riley? Remember that time you coached
the Lakers during showtime? And Pat goes yeah, And Ral's
not gonna act like that was kind of cool. I'm
sure he's had phone conversations with pat Riley. If Pat
Roley walks in the studio right now, I would drop
everything I would do and just just staring. Go, man,
you are the greatest ever. Okay, I'll keep the segment
together as per usual. Okay, I'm gonna throw this back
at you. Is there an athlete walking here right now
that you would fall apart like a jelly? Michael Jordan
would be obviously wack brown. Yeah, Michael Jordan. Lebron James matter,
Lebron James. I mean, first crazy stuff, he says off
the field court. He's still magnificent on the court, and
I'm still in his game to this day. I've only
really gotten starstruck once and that was Yaoming. Also, he
was like eight foot tall. I shook his hand, and
his hands like three times bigger than mine. I mean
when we had no remember we used to have Nolan
Ryan on with this week.
Speaker 6 (01:47:13):
That was cool.
Speaker 2 (01:47:14):
We went to breakfast me. I want to say my
program director or Eddie. I think it was Brian Nolan
and his son Reed went to breakfast and I'm sitting
here at the West and across a minute made park. Yeah,
dyk in park, and I'm like, I'm sitting here having
breakfast with one of my childhood idols. That's cool. I
was in all that. And then before, like five years
before that, I hosted an event with me and Earl
Campbell one time where it was a Q and A.
I was in all of that, So I would have
to say, yeah, of current athletes, nothing awe strucks me. Yeah,
because I think it's more about but the kid and
me couldn't believe I'm sitting here having scrambled eggs and
biscuits without gravy with Nolan Ryan. Yeah.
Speaker 8 (01:47:57):
In this business, we get desensitized. Or another word is spoilt.
Speaker 2 (01:48:00):
Spoil would be it? Yeah, I mean I am in
my life right now is insanely spoiled. I get to
call the plub I play for the team I grew
up watching. That's great, Matt, and you do a great job.
Thank you. But I mean that's not supposed to be
that way. It's not supposed to. You're not supposed to
call the games that you were as a kid going
in the at at the summit and unscrewing the light
bulbs on the top of the arena. That kid's not
supposed to be doing that. We're all probably, Matt, you're
doing a great job. That was not great. I put
a lot of extra work on those people upstairs in
the summit. Yeah, that's how bored I was.
Speaker 8 (01:48:33):
Oh yeah, you were quite the rascal in your young days.
Speaker 2 (01:48:36):
And I was hoping the rockets to get one hundred
and twenty five because if you got that, you used
to get a free rig rack from Rick Reynolds with
the order of fries and a drink. And now you
get it muddy burger if they missed two free throws,
if they missed two free throws, and that's happened quite
a bit these days. It's good, is it also with
purchase fries and a drink. I know you got to
use the app, but the rig rack used to be
just the and then they had to order the fries
and drink on top of it. But you're what you're
doing that anyway, So what's It's not that big of
a deal. Mm hmm. But yeah, I haven't screwed a
lot of light bulbs in the summit in my day,
and some nine dollar worker back in the day had
to go up there and reput them back in, and
then so for me and my buddy had to take
them back out. They hated you, they did, but that
as it was. Also, I was lucky to be in
the arena. Uh oh, Kim Elijah on to me. I'm
still all struck by him. Yes, he doesn't call me
a man, he calls me voice. I'll fully accept it.
That's cool, as Adam Clinton would say, you were the
voice of his childhood h twelve thirty, Sports Talk seven,
Natty seven one three two one two five seven, Natti
seven one three two one two five SEVENINTI we're gonna
mix in some of Ross's clips of me over the years,
which is highly is there gonna be some stuff of
you in there somewhere too, Right, let's embarrass yourself for
the next hour and a half. I don't know, I'll
normally clip myself and all the old ones. It was
just I mean, it was just you talking ninety percent
of the time. We're gonna we're gonna fix that. The
next five years, we're gonna get more of you. Seven
one three two one two five seven.
Speaker 12 (01:50:03):
Ninety lunchtimers, Lunch timers, It's a Matt Thomas Show with
Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (01:50:28):
Hey, welcome back to the Matt Thomas Show. You know what,
as as somebody on this show often does, they like
to peel the curtain back, somebody brought some food up here.
Actually we can say it is a sponsor, Big City Wings.
Shout out to Sam and the folks over at Big
City Wings. We've got some food up here. And we
were sitting there. Man, I was getting some wings and
I'm like my spidery senses started tingling. I'm like, I
think I need to get back and head because we
were talking with the Big Boss, and you know when
the Big Boss wants to talk. You talked to the
Big Boss and you laugh at all his jokes, and
that's how you do, That's how you roll around here.
Eddie Martini shout out to him as well. But I
was like, man, I'm gonna start hing back to the
studio and Matt still out there chatting and grabbing wings,
so he'll join us when he can. Connor, I figure
that and I was going to add to the break
just a little bit.
Speaker 17 (01:51:17):
Yeah, it's okay, somebody's got to be here, you know,
behind the curtain back of it a little bit more.
Speaker 2 (01:51:22):
I can't see you guys like I normally can't know.
That's right. I was like, do I play some audio
or something? I appreciate it.
Speaker 8 (01:51:28):
And here comes Matt with wing sauce and ranch all
over his face.
Speaker 2 (01:51:30):
He don't touch the microphone. Thank you, Big City Wings love.
Yes we did. I thank them, good proud sponsors A
show us along to two one, two five, seven ninety
is the phone number? Okay, Matt, I have four bits
of audio. Just pick a number one through four and
now I'm gonna hit I'm gonna play number three, number three.
Speaker 3 (01:51:50):
Here we go.
Speaker 2 (01:51:52):
I'm just telling you they were the best team they
ever had lost to the divisional playoffs to probably win
to Baltimore one year in New England to the next. Yeah,
they just never could overcome a thank you for the
phone call.
Speaker 19 (01:52:06):
There's an alarm that should be going off in your home,
and that's if you have dirty carpets.
Speaker 2 (01:52:11):
This is really excuse my French annoying AF.
Speaker 19 (01:52:15):
Seriously, fire alarm testing is like five times, not fifty.
I'm trying to do a major market radio show here
in downtown Beverly Hills, California, and this damn Oh really.
Speaker 2 (01:52:28):
Oh you got my attention?
Speaker 5 (01:52:32):
Speaker 26 (01:52:36):
Five to ten more minutes, ross five to ten more minutes. Jesus,
We're doing fine and there's no fire. I'm trying to
discuss the Texans game against Tennessee.
Speaker 2 (01:52:55):
Oh now you're putting a sweet little ginger voice on there. Hi, honey,
how are you? I'm back to the alarm?
Speaker 18 (01:53:04):
Good lord?
Speaker 19 (01:53:06):
How am I supposed to create radio greatness under these conditions?
Speaker 2 (01:53:11):
And there is a classic moment from the Matt Thomas Show,
as tomorrow will be the fifteenth anniversary of the program.
That was my first year doing the Rockets, I think,
and was it? Yeah, and then the worst alarms are
going off for hours. Yes, We've had a lot of
alarms over the years. That was you hitting your limit
for those you know, like he was. We were dealing
with it. But well, of course Matt on the air
and then me and I cau station, we were dealing
with it. He just hit the limit because they just
it just kept going and going and going. It was
really annoying. It was really annoying, unnecessary, and you know,
if NBA players trying to get their rest, we've got
a broadcaster like me trying to do a radio program.
It's just so disrespectful. There was no fire. Yeah, I
believe I also saw Justin Bieber and our hotel on
that trip. Really, Yeah, the Beebes. Yeah. Do you say
I don't know? I really. I don't want to say
I didn't know who he was, but I wasn't completely
sure until somebody said you were within two feet of
Justin Bieber?
Speaker 6 (01:54:08):
I was.
Speaker 10 (01:54:08):
I was.
Speaker 20 (01:54:11):
Speaker 2 (01:54:12):
That's the greatest benefit, among many things that the Rockets
is we go in these really nice places, in these
nice hotels, and we meet really famous people like I'm
sitting near me, Mike D'Antoni and oh uh Billy Madison, Uh,
Adam Sander, Adam Sandler just sitting there just talking, just
talking basketball, talking some hoops. Yeah, that's cool. That doesn't
happen a lot. Congratulations on fifteen years man, I get
to meet bun Bee hanging out with him, that's true.
I got created a really long lasting phrase about the Astros,
which I didn't copyright and should have and would have
made some money off lasting they're still using stolen from
the Orioles. I didn't steal anything. It was available. Can't
steal something's available, that's true. I guess clearly astrostole it
from me. Got nothing for it.
Speaker 8 (01:55:04):
No ring about the Dodger signs.
Speaker 2 (01:55:09):
That's tough. David Spring at twelve thirty nine on seven
ninety Hello day.
Speaker 3 (01:55:16):
Gentlemen, want to tall and just say congratulations on fifteen years.
And you know, I'm all retired guy. So you know,
I listened to the radio now in the middle of
the day in a way I never used to, and so,
you know, fiddling around the house and the garage and stuff.
And I tell you, if I'm listening to the radio
in the middle of the day, I'm going to listen.
Speaker 2 (01:55:33):
To your show.
Speaker 3 (01:55:34):
It's it's the best sports talk show. And I'm not
loyal to a station either. I'll tell you what. In
the morning, I'm not listening to this station. I listened to,
you know, John and Lance over there on the other channel.
But you guys are your own midday. You're great. I'll
tell you why, because you really have good chemistry. It's
very authentic. I can tell you guys like each other.
You know all the back and forth is uh, you know,
it's it's good stuff. And I'll tell you, Matt, I've
talked to you about this before. I remember you from
KSV seven Tomball.
Speaker 8 (01:56:04):
You were with Dan Pat Yeah, I long time cool
to watch.
Speaker 3 (01:56:08):
Yeah, it's been cool to watch your career progress and
to see you know, the heights that you've reached. Uh,
just really impressed by what you've done.
Speaker 2 (01:56:17):
And the reason for it, thank you very much. And
the reason for it is because I have great people
like yourself. Listen to the show. And I'm not trying
to brag just to Dave, but I'm just saying. We
are in a business that relies on the audience or
like a or like a restaurant, right, show up, we
don't exist. Yeah, there's no we can. Our bosses could
love us and think we're the greatest things in Sly Spread,
but if you guys don't like us, we don't let
we don't survive. And our advertisers that if they don't
like us, don't and you guys don't support advertiser, we
don't exist. So thank you, so thank you. That's it all.
I gotta say no more. Net. Thank you very much.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 8 (01:57:00):
Now we irritate some people. Not everybody likes everybody.
Speaker 2 (01:57:04):
Not everybody likes anything, So it's right, we don't like
biscuits and gravy, or some people don't like you know,
Nick Ribs. Yeah, some people don't like you know, midtown
host or soft ass or or what was I called
the soft bitch? Is that what I was called that?
Speaker 5 (01:57:22):
Speaker 2 (01:57:24):
I don't remember. On Twitter, I forgot did you block
that guy?
Speaker 9 (01:57:27):
Speaker 8 (01:57:28):
Okay, because Verrel's probably still listening.
Speaker 2 (01:57:30):
And then also I would encourage you to listen to
Sports Talk seven ninety throughout the day. I wouldn't listen
all day, but there's a there's some shows that would
listen to just skip two to six. They're never there.
I'm just teasing guys. They put in two days to
this week.
Speaker 3 (01:57:45):
I think.
Speaker 2 (01:57:47):
It's funny. That is really funny. No, we we we
generally speaking, get along, and it's it's kind of nice
that you know, you have actually work with people that
you like. So not every radio station you can say that.
That's true, and it was always like that. We haven't
always said it here either, so you know, it is
what it is? Uh, seven one three two one two
five seven ninety seven one three two one two five
seven ninez er a one more clip before we get
to the break. I gave you number three earlier. Rossie.
I'm gonna ask for clip number one to be played
here on the radio program, right now, right this second. Okay,
here we go. I was hoping you'd say last time.
Speaker 16 (01:58:24):
Oh no, Texas FI Texas five and it's goodbye to
A and M Texas five, Texas.
Speaker 2 (01:58:34):
Fied and we'll put over one more.
Speaker 16 (01:58:37):
When Texas Fine, Texas, Fine Forest Texas that.
Speaker 10 (01:58:42):
We love best.
Speaker 2 (01:58:45):
Hell, Hell, the gang's all here and it's goodbye to
all the rest.
Speaker 16 (01:58:51):
Ay Orange, Yay, Wait, yay long Orange fight Fight Fight,
Texas Fight.
Speaker 8 (01:58:58):
I don't know this part.
Speaker 16 (01:58:59):
Texas Texas Fine Texas Fight Texas Fight Yeah Texas. Right,
the eyes a Texas are upon you all the live
long day. The eyes of Texas are upon you. You
cannot get away. Texas Fine, Texas, Fine Forest, Texas that.
Speaker 2 (01:59:21):
We love best.
Speaker 16 (01:59:23):
Hell, Hell, the Gang's all here and it's goodbye to
all the rest. Wow, I mean what that's gotta be.
That's the number one moment number in the history of
the show. I'm gonna tell you right now. I have
been lucky enough to be in this business for thirty
three years. That was the low point of my entire
broadcast career. Now, which was that bet that you lost
to me?
Speaker 2 (01:59:50):
For that one? Was that the U of H and
Longhorns Baseball Regional yep? And now if I lost, I
was gonna have to wear a Shasta suit for the
entire day. And we I had that Mat Scott uniform
locked and loaded to your liceol down. Well, how'd I
gotten cleaned for you? I thank you? I appreciate that.
All right. Now, I'm Florida Stories in forty five minutes.
Speaker 3 (02:00:08):
Speaker 2 (02:00:08):
Where's your sorry from? Well, it's from outside of the
state of Florida. Matt seven one three two one two
five seven, how you join us? Seven one three two
one two five seven ninety. This is Craig Ackerman. The
Lorcans are certainly top of the Polycropoli. I know Matt
Thomas all too well.
Speaker 20 (02:00:24):
Hey, by the way, this is my new catchphrase, nothing
but Nylon.
Speaker 22 (02:00:46):
Brian told me, don't trust Jack.
Speaker 27 (02:00:54):
He's not a gem, He's just a hag.
Speaker 28 (02:01:02):
The train deadline will be here soon, and if Easter
b wants to he'll make some moves.
Speaker 22 (02:01:34):
Keep it on, guys, Sat the show, keep fooler head cooks.
You can't roll rock, David Johnson.
Speaker 27 (02:01:53):
Yeah, lean on that ground game, and if we do that,
we'll beat the Packers on Sunday.
Speaker 22 (02:02:06):
He can get a second second with.
Speaker 29 (02:02:14):
Two and five with a dope and used to yeah,
we'll get a second sad with.
Speaker 9 (02:02:30):
Yeah, we'll be chasing the playoffs. Watch again, bring.
Speaker 2 (02:02:47):
Back the parodies? What conray? Have you ever heard of
Gordy parody? Until just now? I think you played one
for me before. I think the JJ Watt one on
Halloween maybe we played normally. You never say anything about
a man like this, but those are breathtaking. I well,
you know Gordy's so busy now with well, he doesn't
do a show anymore. Locked on sec though, and now
I think he's running half the half the country. He's
got like forty radio stations under as well under his
wing now under his umbrella. If you will, huh, And
I will just say though I missed the football Friday parodies?
My god? Can we I think he owes this one
for next Friday. Mister Humble says, can we get the
Chris Gordy mixtape. That's what I'm saying. When's the mixtape
dropping the greatest shaggy uh karaoke karaoke singer of all time?
Speaker 8 (02:03:51):
That goes without saying, but clearly, I you know what,
we we've got it.
Speaker 2 (02:03:56):
What can we what can we offer Gordy for him
to do a already parody for the next for the playoffs,
they have to get a sponsored you think, something like
a straight up cash for Gordy. Yeah, he needs straight cash.
He's big time now. God bless it so good, I
mean just so good. So like you just go on,
like you want to go listen to them multiple times. Yeah,
you should want to kick your feet up, put some
headphones on, sit in your beanie chair, and and just
melt into the chair listening to Gordon. That's exactly what
it is, all right. So if you listen to Gordy,
I know you got busy with like fifteen other things
going on, but for the love of guy, for the
playoff game can give. Yeah, as long as the Texans
are in the playoffs, he did a Friday parody, So
start game, So start working on the Steelers once. He'd
be good for one. Yeah, I mean I'm not gonna
ask you to do a whole lot of Max. I mean, yeah,
there's no way you're gonna be busy in late January.
Please come on seven one three, two, one two five seven,
Natty our good friend of the show, Biscuit with us
here on seven. Hoy, Biscuit, Good afternoon, Cooper.
Speaker 3 (02:05:00):
Man, Cooper math Man.
Speaker 6 (02:05:03):
Where at the time went, Matt Where at.
Speaker 3 (02:05:05):
The time went?
Speaker 2 (02:05:05):
I know, by the way, I'll be going to the
Cougar's b Yu game tomorrow. It's Cougar versus Cougar tomorrow
and it's over at the Fatida Center. Yeah.
Speaker 11 (02:05:12):
I would have been with my buddies.
Speaker 3 (02:05:14):
You know.
Speaker 6 (02:05:14):
He invited me out, but I'm unfortunately, I got hooked
into going to see the texts and the Titan. So
I'm out of town this weekend.
Speaker 2 (02:05:22):
Oh my god. Oh okay. Gordy says he'll take trade.
We have we have we have to buy him food
in order for these songs to come into play. So, Biscuit,
I may be busy in the next few weeks. You're
you're going to Nashville tomorrow, Yes, sir, in the process
of going.
Speaker 6 (02:05:36):
Now, what are you driving on the weekend?
Speaker 2 (02:05:39):
You're driving or flying oh, flying man.
Speaker 25 (02:05:41):
It's too old.
Speaker 6 (02:05:42):
I'm too old, man, we're too old to drive.
Speaker 2 (02:05:44):
I don't I don't like. I don't like driving to work,
much less driving anywhere else.
Speaker 6 (02:05:47):
Like I go with you on that, I think the
fartest maybe Dallas.
Speaker 2 (02:05:51):
That's about that.
Speaker 25 (02:05:52):
That's the living.
Speaker 2 (02:05:52):
Now mine's mine's Gallia.
Speaker 6 (02:05:55):
Yeah, back in the day, you know, we we we
get on the road, but not no more, man, understand,
I would say, I would say, Matt, uh, I remember
when you was in the morning and when you was
with UH Lance, and I remember when CP was over there.
But I think I told you back then, Matt, I said, man,
you I think you better at noon man, that's your niche.
Speaker 25 (02:06:17):
And since you got back at.
Speaker 2 (02:06:18):
The uh eleven o'clock, you know, noon two, there's a
spot we got that day.
Speaker 6 (02:06:28):
You you better at the midday than the morning drive
because you know, to me, you're kind of almost like
the David Letterman of the late night because you know,
because you do the quirky stuff, you know, yeah it
or not.
Speaker 2 (02:06:41):
I knew stupid human tricks.
Speaker 6 (02:06:44):
Is exact exact an equivalent of stupid human tricks, and uh,
you know, I think I think it's been a good
ride with much doing the uh now uh the bronx
not not on the radio, but the in house.
Speaker 2 (02:07:00):
Thing with all the rocket yet two different times.
Speaker 6 (02:07:02):
Yeah, yeah, you had you had a good run, my brother.
Speaker 2 (02:07:06):
I'm not quitting, but make sure I know that. Thank
you biscuits. I under said, go cougar tomorrow, beat the
BYU Cougars. And by the way, I'm not quitting. I'm
not going anywhere. This wasn't a farewell.
Speaker 8 (02:07:17):
No, it might have been for some some maybe some
maybe want me gone.
Speaker 2 (02:07:20):
This is gonna keep going. It's not good. We're gonna
keep doing it. We're gonna keep doing this. We're gonna
go at least ten more years. How old are you
fifty two? At least twenty five? No, ten's good. Twenty
five years with me sounds good.
Speaker 3 (02:07:40):
Hey for me.
Speaker 2 (02:07:41):
People, Look, you've already we're already halfway home. And then
some you've only got ten years live, like you've been
in prison for a long time. You're used to the food.
And you're saying I have Stockholm syndrome from hanging out
with you, and you hear the bumming of the cigarette
sounds accurate.
Speaker 8 (02:07:59):
I got mad, Tom Stockholm syndrome. Yeah, the worst is
not yet to come.
Speaker 2 (02:08:03):
The worst. So we're with it's great gravy the rest
of the way. M hm all right, Uh, where are
we going? So let's final hour of the show, okay,
and we will get to uh what do you want
to get to?
Speaker 13 (02:08:17):
Speaker 8 (02:08:18):
Do we have a Bragman update? Have we played the
brag updegn update?
Speaker 2 (02:08:22):
Let's set there one. Let's play one open up. When
we come back at the one o'clock hour, we'll open
with a Bragman update. Sure, why not? And uh manufacturer
went over. I was gonna say, we can play the
John Haymoon, but it's just four minutes of missmash about it. Well,
we could play here. You can play here, you can
play here. We need solid information. If somebody's out there
listening right now, give us some solid solid intel on
Alex Bregman. We'll start that plus non Flora stories in
about thirty five minutes. This is Sports Talk seven ninety
seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five seven ninety with a
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Speaker 1 (02:09:41):
Launch timers. This is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 2 (02:09:45):
All right, Final hour the Matt Thomas Show with Ross
on this Friday. Our time is one oh two seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seer. Now you know we
have not talked about today. Well is the kid at Auburn,
Georgia who got the fifteen yard penalty we'll discuss him
after we give you an update on our favorite third baseman,
Russell Show. The Bit's never going away. Much of the
chagrine of some, well, the update is, we have no update.
He's still a free agent. Really, yeah, what are you hearing?
What are your what are your ears on the ground?
What do you got?
Speaker 8 (02:10:44):
I got nothing? Here's the reality.
Speaker 2 (02:10:49):
I'm reading the MLB trade rumors about Bregman and there's
just there's no real new information. The post from a
couple of days ago, well, I think the Tigers are involved.
The Red Sox are certainly interested. The Yankees feel like
they've cooled a little bit. Yankees, Red Sox, Tigers. It's
got to be one of those three God aj hinchcrabb It,
Alex Bragman. Now, the Tigers don't have a reputation Rossi
for spending big money on players. So if you are
getting outside of one hundred and sixty million dollars, that
would be some serious cast that the Tigers don't typically spend.
Sometime Cabre Miguel Cabrera, and they've been paying that off
forever and ever and never never, never, So I don't know,
I don't know what they're spending habits are I would
think the Cubs would want to get involved. Some people
are thinking the Mariners could certainly use the third baseman,
but they don't spend money, No, they don't. Arizona has
spent a lot of money this offseason. You know, he
lives you know, he lives in Phoenix in the off
season or in Arizona. That works out, So, I mean
it seems like a natural fit out. Here's a gut
feeling from years past. Yeah, my original gut feeling was
he was signed with the Tigers. Then I flipped to
the Yankees, and I think I'm gonna take a loss
on that one. We'll see, but it is do you
think he's this is this is cool by him, but
he's like, man, Scott told me to be patient on this,
and I'm gonna be patient. Or do you think that
he's thinking he's frantically getting daily and hourly updates. I
don't know if it's frantically getting updates. But is there
any part of him that thought he would have been
done by now that one, the one Soto deal was done,
that was gonna open up the flow gates the dominoes
to fall. Yeah, well, a lot of dominoes have fallen,
just not the Bregman domino. So I do think, I mean,
I'll go with my initial gut feeling from whenever when
the Sodo deals was signed. I do think Scott Boris said, hey,
this is what Soto is worth. Relative to that price
of Alex Bregman's going up. Everybody has to say, well,
where ain't the Mets? Because the Met's spend crazy money
doesn't mean we need to get all crazy right. So
it feels Boris driven to me but not knowing anything.
That's just the way that they they're trying to reset
the one Soto resetting the market for everyone, and I
think teams are pushing back on Boris's idea that maybe
this reset the market for Bregman, And what would it
turn out to do is do nothing for bregmant. Bregman's
got a perceived dollar value and a link, yeah, and
nothing to do with what Wan Sota was getting.
Speaker 8 (02:13:28):
I will guarantee you this. Okay, I can't guarantee this,
but I'm gonna.
Speaker 2 (02:13:32):
Be I will guarantee this on a recording line. On
a recording line, He's gonna get more.
Speaker 8 (02:13:39):
Matt Chapman, who got six one fifty one.
Speaker 2 (02:13:42):
He's younger than Matt Chapman, and at the stage in
their careers, he's better than Matt Chapman, and it's it's
not as close as it used to be, I'll put
it that way. So sixty one fifty one was the
Matt Chapman number. He's going to get more than that,
and he deserved well, he was, I mean to be
to be fair, he was offered five million dollars more
to stay here in Houston six round fifty six, so
in less than even one more million dollars a year.
That's why that was never going to get signed. I
don't even know why the Astros would even bother offering that.
I imagine that's a slap in the face to Alex Bregman.
It's funny because Matt Chapman, I think you and I
disagree on then I think it was what the Astros
are willing to give. They saw what Chapman was maybe
in the Astros' minds, and again everybody's interpreting what a
value of a player is. They said he's comparable to Chapman,
and that at thirty five or thirty six, if the
offensive numbers have dropped like they have since he was
finishing second on the MVP, that this will be not
nearly as painful of a contract if we pay what
we think is fair market value. Now, well, he's younger
and better than Matt Chapman, though, but that isn't necessarily
guarantee that's going to happen for the next three to
four years. No, it doesn't, but it does the same
thing for Matt Chapman. And uh was it the Giants
or wherever he is? Yeah, stay with the Giants, yeat.
So you know, look, I wanted to get every dollar
he can. I would have loved to have been in Houston.
But that ship is failed. It's it's almost it's it's
almost anti climatic. Remember we were we were setting ourselves
up for the goodbye and the how are we going
to handle this? Like Wally said goodbye? We well, you
know we said goodbye. Was the final regular season game
of the season, did we not? Yeah, thank you? Houston
was put on ig that's when it was over or
when uh Joe a Spot had pulled him the middle
of the game. Yes, we were like this is this
is this is like are you going to pull me?
And Joe's like, yeah, I know, I am pulling you
know why I are. I'm pulling you right because you
need your fun farewell say goodbye. Yeah, so we'll see.
I don't.
Speaker 8 (02:15:45):
It's going to be really surreal for him wearing a
different gear. I'll just tell you.
Speaker 2 (02:15:50):
It'll be way more. For instance, when George Springer left,
that was not a matter of if he was leaving Houston.
It was gonna be how fast was the moving truck
already going to be here before the end of season.
Speaker 8 (02:16:01):
Korea in a Twins uniform hurt. It's still weird to me.
Speaker 2 (02:16:07):
You know, the pain was lessened because Pegna was so
awesome for this team during the World Series run the
following year. Yeah right, but I mean Korea was the
crown jewel representative of the new Astros era. As the
number one, number one pick. He he was the basically
like the food fruit born from all the tanking. He
to me represented that new era of Astros more than
anyone else. And maybe so how about this, he was
the guy. He was the guy who was supposed to
be the lifelong Astro. Yeah, I mean, of course, now
it's Altuve and it was l two Ve is part
of as well as far as somebody who who came
up when the team was bad and was here got
him from the very young who's super young. He learned English,
he wanted to be an astro, He did all said
all the right things. This was his town. He was
doing commercials left and right. I mean this, Yeah, I
guess you're right to me. Springer didn't hurt. Charlie Morton
was painful, but you got past that. Garrett Cole looked
like that was gonna be a rental anyway, that he
wasn't gonna sign a long term deal here, so I
didn't have any thoughts of him sticking around. I really
though in the big picture of this, I never thought
Bregnan was gonna leave, and I was pretty sure that
Korea was gonna leave because again he was looking to
get the super big money. I never thought Kyle Talker
was gonna stay. So I would say, of all the
core players that have been part of this huge championship,
run to me, the two guys that I thought were
gonna be here through thick and thin, we're gonna be
Altuve and Bregman, And I was one on a two
as sure for life. Jose Al two Carlos. Korea was
the first draft pick of Jeff Luno and ushering in
that new era. But didn't you think though, wasn't there.
Didn't we have a conversation at least midway through the
Korea Heyday that he wanted to expand his brand, he
wanted to get into acting. He thought I went to Minneapolis, well,
he was going to be a matt remember that. He
then went to San Francisco for well, for like five
seconds he went. He had like two cups of coffee.
How do they get to finish his coffee either one
of those places? Then they print out of Korea a Jersey.
But I don't even think Korea thought he was going
to Minnesota. That was the crazy part. No Astro's like,
we have a contingency plan. His name is Jeremy Payna.
Now he maybe not be nearly as offensively inclined or defensively.
He may make some mistakes, he doesn't make the great
fluid plays. He's gonna hold his own, and Jeremy Pagna
has held his own little aggression the last couple of years,
right or significant regression? How do you want to describe it? Peak?
Speaker 25 (02:18:42):
Speaker 2 (02:18:43):
Peak Korea is significantly better than peak Penia. Yea, the
peak Penya was a one man monster when they win
the World Series. Well, yeah, for for a very short
sample size in the playoffs, but also you factor in
hell and that Carlos Karrey has missed a lot of
games in the last several years. So overall value you're
absolutely close, if not exceeding with Jeremy pinion. But as players,
as individuals at their peaks, it's it's Carlos Carey as
I'm close to me, all right, seven one three, two
two five seven ninety. Mike is with us in North
Houston on seven ninety Mike, thanks for holding. Good afternoon, Good.
Speaker 3 (02:19:19):
Afternoon, guys.
Speaker 30 (02:19:20):
I saw somewhere on the internet this morning one of
things that there was a room about uh Berklan getting
one seventy six from the Ashtros. And in my opinion,
if if he got one seventy six with the Ashtros,
that's as equal to two hundred on the East Coast
where you got to pay taxes Stayton and local taxes
up there. So that's just my opinion.
Speaker 8 (02:19:46):
Yeah, I haven't that the one seventy six number. I
don't know where you got that from.
Speaker 2 (02:19:49):
Mike, it's the only thing that's come out is it
was a six year, one hundred and fifty six million. Now,
the only thing we've ever seen publicly released has been
six years one to fifty six. I have not seen
one seventy six anywhere from the astros. Well, it came
up on my Google appts.
Speaker 8 (02:20:02):
Oh, no, you gotta be careful with the fakes, the
fake news.
Speaker 2 (02:20:05):
Fake news.
Speaker 30 (02:20:08):
I understand that. But I'm just saying, if it was
one seventy six and he won't to May by the
time you take out taxes for fate for state and
local taxes in some of those places, city taxes and
all that that's gonna be he can't get much of that.
Speaker 2 (02:20:24):
It'd be about equal would he be getting here? And
he used to well, you know what though, Mike, and
thank you for the phone call. And I need to
make sure we tell this to the audience a lot.
And I hear this from a lot of sports radio
listeners that call shows. You know, the state income tax
in New York or in California is this, or in
Massachusetts it's this, or in Michigan it's this. There hasn't
been a single player that has ever worried about it.
Now that was across their mind, Yes, but they I've
never heard a player go, you know, I was gonna
sign with the Braves, but the Georgia income tax was
significantly more than Corbyn Burns said that this offseason. Apparently
the Blue Jays offered him more, and then he signed
with the Diamondbacks. I guess because the taxes are better
than Canada. I think Canada is like insane Canada's. I
think it's a different But I'm talking about state to state.
I'm talking about only two things I can remember. I
remember Corbyn Burns recently, and I'm sure maybe there's more.
And I remember Dwight Howard said that when he signed
with the Rockets that the taxes were a factor, because
if you remember, he was close to signing. I believe
with the Warriors that I don't know. Yeah, I had
to go look at that up. But uh, but it's rare.
But I've been I've been long after round to see
that it hasn't made as big of a difference as
people would think it would be. I mean, did Garrett
Cole really sweat the New York State income tax when
signed with the Yankees. No, did did George Springer fried
about the Toronto money that the Canadian tax for him? No, No,
they just don't. They just don't. Bob knight Gale said
on December twentieth, Corbyn Burns was offered more by the
Giants and Blue Jays, but big tax difference in Arizona.
So there's some precedent. So that's and I'm messying corbynburn
Is by himself. But maybe on one hand, did Alex
Rodriguez go, Man, she's I would have loved to stay
in Arlington with the Rangers, but man, yeah the Yankees.
Oh I can't. I can't go to the Yankees because
I got to keep my money in Texas. He went,
He went Seattle, Texas, New York?
Speaker 11 (02:22:36):
Speaker 2 (02:22:36):
Is that where Aaron went? Is that the rotation it went? Yes? Yeah,
they they typically he was at a two hundred and
fifty two million dollar contract or something like that. I
remember when he signed it. It was the most insane
we heard. He was like, are you kidding me?
Speaker 9 (02:22:50):
Speaker 8 (02:22:50):
That's just like bargain basement dollars. It's peanuts, all right?
Speaker 26 (02:22:54):
Speaker 2 (02:22:54):
Florida Stories in fifteen minutes. This is the Matt Thomas
Show with Ros seven one three two one two five
a ninety seven to one three two one two five
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Speaker 12 (02:24:24):
Matten Ross return return on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (02:24:44):
Any So on twenty two, we'll have the non Flora
stories coming up about ten minutes from now.
Speaker 8 (02:24:53):
Excellent, can't wait. I could not be more prepared.
Speaker 2 (02:24:57):
I believe I've told you fifty times, so you should
not come so soon. Please can't break. I know starting
next week you can starting Monday, nine fifty nine am,
start crushing me. But this has been Holidays has been,
vacations been weird. I'm sorry. I have scarcely been ready
for the news at noon. I'm like, I'm ready to
lock in. What if I bought Monday? What if I
bought you a daytimer? I would lose it? Yeah, I
need to start you know what? You know what you
were asking for New Year's resolutions. I'm gonna start using
Google Calendar more because because here's the thing I send
you text. I know, I'm sorry. I don't want to
live like this that you do. Anyway. It's like saying,
I want to be fat, but go give me a
triple cheeseburger. Yeah, exactly. It's not my fault. That's funny.
Speaker 8 (02:25:47):
I'm gonna blame either my genetics or my parenting.
Speaker 2 (02:25:49):
Either way, it ain't my fault. That's what I always
tell my parents what I'm messing with. And what do
they say back to you? Well, it depends. Is that
my mom or is it my dad? Moms and I know, honey,
and Dad's like, all right, shut up. That's interesting. Seven
one three two one two five seven.
Speaker 24 (02:26:08):
Speaker 2 (02:26:09):
You know I'm saying you were basically trying to equally
blame your parents for the shortcomings in your life. Yeah.
Self responsibility. Nah, I mean you've lived forty years. Hey,
it's going pretty well for you so far. Over baby,
feeling good. That's every day you wake up as a gift. Folks,
enjoy every single one as much as you can. Get
that right. Seven one three two one two five seven
At all right, so you're Rockets and Celtics tonight.
Speaker 8 (02:26:39):
No, this is not a must win under any circumstances.
Speaker 10 (02:26:41):
It's not.
Speaker 2 (02:26:42):
Let me ask you this, Okay, you being forget about
being Rocket host, about being Rocket fan? What will it?
Speaker 8 (02:26:47):
What will this tonight do for you? If they win?
Speaker 2 (02:26:50):
We'll do anything, especially because uh, at this point, Jalen
Brown is still questionable for the game tonight. They did
play in Minneapolis last night. Rockets did Brown play? Jalen
Brown did not play? What about Porzingis? Porzingis did not play.
How Al Horford is out with rest, which which can
give me the sign that probably going to play out
of three or all three are out. It's a bit
bit less of a measuring stick. But we we talked
about this, or I did on the pre and post
games and then here on this show, and we've gotten
a lot more rock and talk than we've had lately. Yeah,
this is a big homestand and I was looking to
see how this Rocket squad was going to look. And
they failed their first two tests. First one spectacularly with
that big collapse against the Timberwolves. Second one, those games
kind of happened Europe for with what five minutes ago
and you lost whatever and then there was a big
scuffle on. But yeah, I want to see the Rockets
to play well. They have no amend Thompson, but the
Celtics are going to be shorthanded as well. It's a
nice measuring stick game, because I continue as we go
along to kind of I'm almost pinching myself, Matt. Aren't
you like we were talking about, Hey, let's get into
the play in. If we're lucky, Rockets are getting into
the play off. What did you you asked me? You
asked me for a number of wins this year, and
I said what did I say? Forty eight? Or I
thought I said fifty one and I said forty eight.
I don't think I would have said fifty one. I
even as big as a homer as, I don't think
I would have said fifty one. Or what did you say?
Did I say forty five and you said forty eight?
I think I said forty eight. But point was the
wind total? I know I had them over the win total.
They are playing six sixty seven ball. If they win
two out of every three games the rest of the way,
they're going to be what fifty and thirty two somewhere
in that range. Maybe I know you know, I'll tell
you what happened in my mind. Yere three more than me.
I think I did forty five and you did forty eight. Yeah,
that sounds bod, that sounds more. I don't think I
had them as a because fifty wins puts you in
pretty rarefied. Yeah, I think that. And they're on the
pace for that, which is great. You are correct to
correct me. I was wrong, but I figured around a
play in spot and they're exceeding our expectations. Then, so
when that happened, just ask yourself, is this for real?
This is incredible? They're a playing six sixty seven, sixty
seven percent winning percentage, bottom five in shooting bottom two
and three point shooting bottom eight and free throw shooting. Yes.
Things that I like to look at to say is
this real include point differential, where the Rockets are third
in the West, so by their point differential they're exactly
where they should be. And then by net rating, which
for those of you who don't know, it's by one
hundred possessions defense offense. How many more you score than
you give up in one hundred possessions, they are sixth
in net rating in basketball.
Speaker 8 (02:29:42):
So it's feeling real and more and more real as
we go along.
Speaker 2 (02:29:46):
So these games, these measuring stick games, I want to
see them perform well, I expect if I was picking
right now, they lose tonight and they win on Sunday
against the Lakers, who I think are frauds. By the way, Yeah,
they did beat porn on last night. Yeah, they can't
stay healthy either. Anthony Davison on the line up for
them all the time. Stop me if you've heard that before.
I know although he played, he played like eighty games
last year out of nowhere. It's crazy, all right. So
I think we've got that to look forward to in
twenty twenty five. Can they maintain this to stay at
least in the top six. Now here's the thing wrong.
Speaker 8 (02:30:15):
They're in three. It almost be a it will almost
be like a downer.
Speaker 2 (02:30:19):
If they dropped to six, you're drop of the playoff
because they've been in this top four spot for so long. Yeah.
For example, speaking of bringing thinking the Lakers are flying,
I brought their net rating their twentieth in the NBA.
Fraudulent Los Angeles Lakers, Houston Rockets. They are looking more
and more real the thing's gonna bother me tonight and
Sunday is gonna be There's gonna be a boatload of
T shirt Celtic fans and a boatload of Lakers T
shirt fans on Sunday. Right, Tell theman doesn't care. No,
they's almost been the same. No that the seats are filled.
The seats are filled right exactly all right. Time now
for some non Florida stories. I might go with one
that I used last year, just kind of a best
of kind of thing. But I'm not going to thank you.
You just guilty me and to find out that you
did you did. I'll try to find two in the break,
all right, not one for you. I already have had
mine for hours. That's that's a complete lie. Seven one
three two one two five seven ninety seven one three
two one two five seven Non Florida stories are up.
Speaker 12 (02:31:17):
Next Matt Thomas Ross VI Real. It's the Matt Thomas
Show with Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 31 (02:31:28):
We find interesting stories that here outside the state of
Florida and share them with the people of use.
Speaker 16 (02:31:42):
It's time for no Florida.
Speaker 2 (02:31:50):
I'm time for no Florida.
Speaker 1 (02:31:59):
Speaker 2 (02:32:00):
Up the coast to coast.
Speaker 9 (02:32:02):
Crazy, strange and wild.
Speaker 13 (02:32:07):
No alligator exales, but something that will make you smart.
It's time for last from far.
Speaker 9 (02:32:18):
And w.
Speaker 13 (02:32:22):
In this crazy world, there's no.
Speaker 2 (02:32:30):
This is once a week. We get together on Fridays
and we find interesting stories that are happening outside of
the Sunshine State because ross's we've told people for the
last ten years or so. It's always crazy to ask
stories in Florida. It takes somebody that really go outside
the box and give you stuff that's non Florida stories.
I love Florida stories, though I know and remember I'll
be in Florida in a few weeks, which I can
then use a Florida story. Oh thank god. All right,
my story comes from Blondford, Nova Scotia. Okay, I want
to introduce you to a woman by the name of
Amanda LeBlanc. Okay, Amanda LeBlanc. Amanda Blanc? Can she sell
buddhas in las aete a man in LeBlanc show on
Tippodeau NSU Radio pregame show. Igo, Well maybe she's actually
you said, where Nova Scotia, Blandford, Nova Scotia b l
A and d frd Blandford. At Nova Scotia, she found
a dog sitter she liked, and she booked them several
times over the summer. Apparently it's a two person dog
sitting service. Okay, Well, late November, she discovered a video
of the sitter advertising an account on OnlyFans.
Speaker 8 (02:33:40):
Excuse me, Yes, this is the most Matt Thomas story
I've ever heard.
Speaker 2 (02:33:45):
LeBlanc immediately recognized her own home in the background, her
bathroom and her outdoor pool.
Speaker 31 (02:33:54):
Speaker 2 (02:33:55):
She bought a subscription to the service and discovered more
explicit content with film than her house. Did she enjoy it? Quote,
I am still shocked by it, to be honest with you.
Everyone can do whatever they want. I don't care. I
just don't want it done in my house. And if
you're curious, the dogs were not featured in the said videos.
So just know that if you're renting curious, if you're
renting out your if you are hiring people to watch
your house, and that may be an OnlyFans studio eventually.
I mean that's what. Yeah, people there Bnb's hotel rooms.
Do you video in your hotel rooms? When you go
video what anything activity?
Speaker 3 (02:34:40):
Speaker 2 (02:34:40):
I don't video activity in hotel rooms. Good, Well, then
you wouldn't go to this person's house and do it either. No,
I wouldn't, Matt.
Speaker 3 (02:34:46):
Speaker 2 (02:34:49):
So basically, these people went to the house, watched the dogs,
and then had sex on their couch and stuff in
the bathroom. Mm hmm. I mean that doesn't seem very appropriate.
You're not there to express yourself if you're there to
watch the dogs. Maybe the dogs did watch and that
is my hmm.
Speaker 8 (02:35:08):
Non for a story. Thank you, Matt, Thank you appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (02:35:17):
You ever been an only fan? I'm biting my tongue
and that's a no me and me dog? Yeah right?
Why are you winking at me? I got something in
my eye. Why are you winking and giving me a
thumbs up? I give you a thumbs up. I'm giving
you a middle finger. Now that's two thumbs up. Now
it's weird. It's getting weird. I don't want your password.
Speaker 5 (02:35:34):
Speaker 2 (02:35:34):
I know somebody that was on only Fans, like personally yes,
and I as as a model or like they've subscribed. No,
they they told me they were on OnlyFans and then
I was just subscribed and they asked me to subscribe,
and I'm like, I don't think I can do that.
Speaker 9 (02:35:49):
Speaker 2 (02:35:50):
Interesting, the person said to me, would you would you
subscribe to my only fans? Shout? I said no, I
would not.
Speaker 8 (02:35:56):
They're just trying to market. Yeah, what are is initials?
Speaker 2 (02:36:00):
A girl and I'm not. It was such a bizarre conversation.
I don't thing I ever spoke to her again. Interesting,
my non flour story. That wasn't a non Florida story.
You know what I'm gonna go next? As we move on, Uh, Matt,
let me take you to a place called Zambia.
Speaker 8 (02:36:24):
That a country or city? Yes, it's country.
Speaker 2 (02:36:27):
Detective Inspector Titus Fiery was working for the Zambia Police
Service on New Year's Eve where unfortunately, apparently he had
been inebriated during New Year's Eve and for whatever reason
decided to quote forcibly seize sale keys in a state
of intoxication, and then he subsequently unlocked both the male
and female cells and instructed the suspects to leave, stating
that were free to cross over into the new year.
A manhunt has now been launched. He released thirteen detainees
who remain at large, according to the Zambia Police Service
statements made on Wednesday quote. The Zambia Police Service reiterates
its commitment to upholding law and order and assures the
public the decisive action will be taken against any officer
found to be abusing their authority or acting contrary. So
there no reason why he just said, y'all take off.
He was drunk, he's having a good time, he's feeling
he's like New Year, New me. I'm letting these people free,
and apparently they are still at large.
Speaker 8 (02:37:42):
And I believe this police officer has been relieved of
his duties.
Speaker 2 (02:37:49):
I like this guy's spirit, though, Let him free, let
the people free, or the crimes that committed. Yeah, it
depends on what the crimes are.
Speaker 11 (02:37:57):
Speaker 8 (02:37:57):
I was gonna say a petty theft.
Speaker 2 (02:37:58):
There's something serious. It's a little different. Yeah, I mean,
we gotta be careful not to let these people go
if they does something terrible. Zambia is a country in
Southern Africa, Africa, landlocked with rugged terrain.
Speaker 8 (02:38:09):
And diverse wildlife.
Speaker 2 (02:38:10):
Sounds like you want to go there for a little trip,
little little hiking.
Speaker 6 (02:38:13):
Speaker 2 (02:38:14):
I think I'm the only person doesn't hike. Now, I
know Craig Akerman does my buddy, Craig does my buddy Ed?
Does you've hiked before? I like to hike. I love Hi, Connor,
are you a hiker? I can't say I've done much
of it, but I want to. I want to travel.
Speaker 24 (02:38:29):
Speaker 2 (02:38:29):
I want to travel too, but in just stay nice hotels.
I don't need to disnecessarily hike anymore. I mean hike,
like to the concierge lounge. That's not a hike. Hike
through the spa. Then you got to hike up a hill,
walk up Houston. I can walk upstairs. I think you
should go on a hike with Craig Akerman next time
you guys go to like Colorado or well, you know, Craig,
we have two extra days off in uh in Phoenix.
He's like, you gotta go with me on a hike.
I saw I might Phoenix pretty flat?
Speaker 11 (02:38:56):
Is there?
Speaker 2 (02:38:56):
Or I guess there's Is there mountains out there?
Speaker 28 (02:38:57):
Speaker 8 (02:38:57):
Yeah, for sure there is. I'll take your word for you.
Speaker 2 (02:38:59):
Yeah mountains. Okay, it's hot, though not in March. We'll
be terrible. I think I should. You have to still
take a bunch of bro photos. You have to take
Bro photos, all right, Craig. If you're listening, you and
I are going hiking in Phoenix.
Speaker 6 (02:39:13):
You have to.
Speaker 2 (02:39:14):
You can go on hikes. Now I go to the
casino after that. If there was a casino up the hill,
you'd go duh. Hikes are can can be very rewarding
and relaxing, and they're good for you as long as
you bring water. Absolutely make sure you bring water. And
you know what, Also, here's a little tip for you.
If you bring a little like a little sandwich or
it's like a reward you give yourself you get to
the top of the hike, have a sandwich or a
beer or whatever. How about granola? Absolutely like, I'm gonna
do it. Craig, if you're listening, I'm going hiking with you.
So that way you can sit up, enjoy the view,
have a snack. It's always very relaxed to get up
there and you look around and go, wow, this is beautiful.
Then your head back down. Yeah, okay, Well we want
to stay buried on your phone in the couch for
two hours. You can do that, or you can go
up a hike and see beauty. You know what, I
just forget realize, I'll be doing the show with your kid.
I can't go hiking them not a twenty four hour
show that was during the daytime, right you have plenty
of time. Okay, I go, And that was your non
flott of story. Thank you Matt, Thank you Connor. What
do you got? Golfer Scotty Scheffler has had quite the year.
In twenty twenty four.
Speaker 17 (02:40:18):
He won an Olympic gold medal, the master's seven PGA titles,
was named PGA Tours Player of the Year for the
third season, and a row in May. We also talked
about when he got arrested by police during the PGA
Championship and later got his charges dropped. But now he
has suffered an injury that will keep him from golf
for four weeks. Did he sustain the injury while practicing
on the course, Nope. Scheffler sustained a puncture wound after
cutting the palm of his right hand on broken glass
while cooking Christmas dinner. The world number one golfer now
requires surgery after small glass fragments remained in his hands
after the accident, and he is forced out of the
first tournament of the season, which is the Century in
Hawaii For those that are curious. Chef Scheffler hopes to
return in time for the American Express Tournament in California
later this month.
Speaker 2 (02:41:01):
So I guess the lesson here. Professional athletes should just
hire personal chefs. It's story if you're worth how much
is he worth? Would you say, guys.
Speaker 8 (02:41:12):
One hundred million, one hundred and fifty million dollars?
Speaker 2 (02:41:14):
I don't know. He's in the he's in the multi
hundreds of millions of dollars right at the end of
the day, between earnings and endorsements, and says sixty one million. Yeah,
celebrity and at worth says ninety million. Okay, So if
he's worth seventy fouls, put the difference on it. You're
not cooking Christmas. Your hands are meant to make putts
and hit long drives. What if he likes to cook, well,
then you know what, use plastic. One little freakish uh
kitchen mishap can end your career. Ain't worth it. It's like,
I really shouldn't talk unless I'm working on the air
or during a game broadcast. Preserve your voice. Yeah, I
think about that all the time. It's a it's a
gift from God. I should take care of it. Yeah,
take care of your gifts, Matt. So it's like when
I'm screaming what I've been drinking and I'm screaming music
at the top of my lungs in the middle of
the night. I'm like, I shouldn't be doing this when
I'm I'm singing, when I'm singing Mandy on the way
home from a Rockets game exactly, probably shouldn't.
Speaker 1 (02:42:21):
Be doing that.
Speaker 2 (02:42:21):
Yeah, wall I thought you were listening to the Rockets rap.
I do that too, but then you am bores me,
and then I turned something else on. I don't hear
enough of my own highlights. I need more of my
own highlight every break. You should play like more than that, holisey. Yeah, okay,
just in between calls. All right, we're gonna go to
the next call. Here are the Rockets rap. But first, uh,
let's make man happy by letting him hear his own voice.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Okay, one, those are
nine four stories we would play Believe or Not, but
we've got no prizes because our promotion staff is not
working today, next week, next week, presumably well hopefully, well
you give me an has to get some foot on
these iHeart radio streets, these these this real estate here
is largely unused Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 32 (02:43:09):
Hey, it's Jeff Blum Blum Fact number fourteen. I was
on the White Sox in two thousand and five. Yeah,
sorry about that, sweep h town. We're all good right now,
Right back to your lunchtime champion Matt Thomas.
Speaker 2 (02:43:47):
Sports Talk seven NY A team coming up in a
few minutes, Adam. We appreciate the support, the undying support
for the A team, at least when the we'll turn
it on.
Speaker 20 (02:43:59):
Is this thing.
Speaker 24 (02:44:01):
It's on?
Speaker 27 (02:44:02):
It's on?
Speaker 20 (02:44:03):
Hey, happy anniversary, thanks tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (02:44:06):
Fifteen years.
Speaker 20 (02:44:07):
I can't believe that you've done this for fifteen years
and people are still listening to you.
Speaker 2 (02:44:11):
I can.
Speaker 20 (02:44:12):
I mean, Ross has made it better, thank you. But you, Yes,
I've about fifteen I'm thirty two years. I'm not silly. Well,
that's that's up for discussion. I'm not going to do
the Rockets game because I've had enough you tonight. Are
you working with me tonight?
Speaker 13 (02:44:27):
Speaker 8 (02:44:28):
Oh, it's WEX. That's why I can say that. But seriously,
that's impressive.
Speaker 2 (02:44:32):
Speaker 20 (02:44:32):
Do you remember when I introduced you to my to
introduce me to your at the the old yeah press
box at Mini Made.
Speaker 2 (02:44:39):
Yeah, I do. I heard you say the story of
that today.
Speaker 20 (02:44:42):
Was it still Inron.
Speaker 2 (02:44:43):
Then no, it was Mini made.
Speaker 20 (02:44:44):
Okay, all those innocent people had lost their livelihoods already.
Speaker 2 (02:44:48):
Yeah, it was Enron for a while, and it was
astros Field for a short time, and then it was
Minute Made, and then I Camet left for five years
and came back. It was still minute made. We used
to have good press box too. Now they celts as
was my next question. Did Drake decide that he could
make money there or was that a Jim Crane decision?
Speaker 20 (02:45:03):
No, I was totally drating. Okay, so that was before Crane.
Guy here, he's done plenty of bells and whistles.
Speaker 2 (02:45:08):
I mean, yeah, I want to say we were in
that really good press box for like a year maybe.
I mean, I don't think the fans care about this
kind of stuff. No, But the reason I bring it
up is because I walk up to you and tell me.
If you guys have heard this before, I know Ross
will appreciate this.
Speaker 20 (02:45:21):
Once I told you I was a huge fan of yours,
your eyes lit up and we were besties from that moment.
For because you like people telling you how great you are.
Because I have social that's what today is all about.
I have congratulatory actual social media telling me how bad
I am.
Speaker 2 (02:45:35):
So I have to even and out. Who tells you
that all people? Oh I need to come out?
Speaker 20 (02:45:40):
Do I need to come out of retirement? I'll kill
somebody on.
Speaker 4 (02:45:45):
Speaker 2 (02:45:45):
Are you gonna been more aggressive in Twitter in twenty
twenty five? No, I started losing money.
Speaker 20 (02:45:50):
Listen, I would be the same person on Twitter if
it weren't for all the money that stupid people in
this town took out of my pocket. You know who
they are, I do. I can't stand her all right,
so can Congratulations on the anniversary and thank you very much.
Speaker 2 (02:46:03):
Some day to do fit. You look a little tired today.
That's why I'm gonna go. I have a business meeting
after the show, and I'm gonna take a nap.
Speaker 20 (02:46:08):
You didn't have an hour long flight back from New
Orleans that you had to miss a show for today, So.
Speaker 2 (02:46:12):
We are you so tired for a long hour long flight?
Speaker 20 (02:46:16):
What's a longer flight on your charter? San Antonio or
New Orleans?
Speaker 2 (02:46:22):
I would say New Orleans, New Orleans. We had to
We came back after Christmas. There was a massive thunderstorm
over like Baton Rouge and Lafaette. We went out in
the golf and came back around.
Speaker 20 (02:46:33):
So till that time, they didn't fly through it, unlike
the Dallas playoff series or the Memphis game where Craig
Ackerman still talks about he thought he was going to
die like Charlie Plo, yeah and.
Speaker 2 (02:46:46):
Die. We're in We're in Fort Worth, We're in the
same room, which is really what it was. Dallas, Dallas proper,
and we were covering a playoff game for the station
and we're watching the chan the local TV news saying
this is the most dangerous situation. You show up window
of our hotel and I'm like, the rockets are flying
in this Yeah. Yeah. So we called Craig and he's like,
I thought we were going to die. But they were
up three to one at that point. Yeah, that's when
Rajon Ronald just basically quit on the on the Mavericks
and Jim Carrey was coaching them then, wasn't he not
Jim Carrey? Yeah, he looks like Jim Carrey. You're talking about.
Speaker 8 (02:47:22):
Jim Carrey. We're Carlo in front of the show.
Speaker 2 (02:47:24):
No, he's not. I mean friend of mine is he?
We went to we went to went to rot rallies
and he was there twice.
Speaker 8 (02:47:30):
You ran into him two times? Does he know your name?
Speaker 13 (02:47:33):
Speaker 2 (02:47:33):
Speaker 20 (02:47:34):
Okay, if Matt runs into somebody twice, they're best friends.
Speaker 2 (02:47:37):
But we are very much.
Speaker 8 (02:47:40):
You think he looks forward to that interview, Oh my god,
he can't.
Speaker 3 (02:47:43):
You know what I have.
Speaker 11 (02:47:44):
I have a.
Speaker 2 (02:47:45):
Consecutive street going of making him chuckle and pregame interviews
because he's very you know, he's very stern too. No,
it's it's like he's like, this guy won't shut up.
Speaker 8 (02:47:54):
I gotta start giving courtesy laughs.
Speaker 2 (02:47:55):
No, no, he generally laughs.
Speaker 20 (02:47:57):
My favorite part of your interview with him yesterday was
when he said, you guys know, I'm not sensitive. You
know what that's code for? Hmmm, stfu, cam whitmore. I
don't give a bleep about your feelings or anyone else's.
Speaker 2 (02:48:08):
That's why I like him. He's he does not He's direct.
I want and there are so few guys you you're Adam,
you said all the time, there are very few direct
coaches in sports. Oh no, much less the NBA, And
the NBA is a players, like if a player wants
you fired, he'll get you fired.
Speaker 20 (02:48:23):
Part of me wants him to take Demiko to lunch.
Speaker 2 (02:48:25):
This offseason. No, I think Tomiko's that way too. I
think is just different. Demico handles the time in the
microphone significantly different than he does.
Speaker 20 (02:48:33):
Yeah yeah, but I wish he would handle some other
things a different way.
Speaker 8 (02:48:38):
I mean yeah, No, e May is the most direct.
Speaker 2 (02:48:41):
I would then put probably a Joe Aspata in in
Demiko in the same category.
Speaker 20 (02:48:46):
Right, well, let me give you an example. Wouldn't you
like to see im a deal with Laramie Tunsl's crap?
Speaker 2 (02:48:51):
And I mean all pro you mean pro bowler, m
I got news for you.
Speaker 20 (02:48:55):
A pro bowler means even less now that it's a
stupid All Star competition. I was like, you know, other
play flag football game this year which I didn't see
last year?
Speaker 2 (02:49:02):
Did you see any of it? Was a good it's
so fine, It's okay. I think I put it on
for five eight out.
Speaker 20 (02:49:07):
And by the way, NBA's to bring the All Star
Game back, right, what do you mean they're doing a game?
Speaker 2 (02:49:13):
They're doing like a NBA's not playing the game. I
thought they're spilling up to four different teams. What on
the team? You haven't heard the show?
Speaker 9 (02:49:19):
Speaker 8 (02:49:20):
Yeah, the TNT guys. While I was out of the country.
Speaker 2 (02:49:22):
The tn T guys are picking teams and then they're
all four playing against each other. It's like a tournament,
like a round robin thing. Oh, round robin? Was it
like five on five? Three on three? You're I don't know,
I you know me, I just say no to everything.
All Star Okay, but you have to go look it up. Yeah,
they keep trying to invent ways. I mean because the
players make so many, so much money, there's no reason. Well,
the reality was, when you score two hundred pints in
the game, you you basically killed the All Star Game
last year, is what you did. Yeah, Baseball, basketball, football,
all have been looking for solutions to make their their
All Star games matter more.
Speaker 8 (02:49:54):
And the answer is none of the above. They just
don't matter. Like, why would I go.
Speaker 2 (02:49:57):
Out there and tear my UCL or ACE CL or
PCL whatever in in a game? Maybe I don't know,
exert any energy, like like the guys in the eighties
and the seventies. Two, I'm sorry, two hundred points does
exert injury, Matt, that's true. Hundred layups?
Speaker 20 (02:50:12):
Hey, one last question, Sure, did you guys do your
due diligence previewing this stellar Texans Titans matchup.
Speaker 2 (02:50:18):
No, we're saving it for the two days. We want
to spoil it for you guys. We're gonna allow you
to all angles on Texans Titans coming up two to
six here on Sports talks of it. We intentionally did
not discuss the game because we felt it was important
for you guys to get into it.
Speaker 8 (02:50:31):
We didn't want to steal your thunder as it were.
Speaker 2 (02:50:33):
That sounds awful. Well, men, you know it's gonna be
a great show. I'm gonna listen. Oh, the show will be,
but I don't want to. I don't want to do that.
Oh hey wex Yeah, what else are you gonna talk about?
All three of y'all wearing rockets geared today? We'll gonna
go to the game every day. You're going the game,
the families coming. Oh nice, we're gonna be very segregated
from you. That feels like it's your loss. Oh they're
they're getting a little bit stingier with seating. Oh you're
in the perduck that I sign deck. I won't go
to an a vine Toyota Center in the upper deck.
I won't if you told him, if you Horse Clanton,
have you already told him about me? About what about
you remember set an epper deck at minute Maide. Yeah,
I know that. Okay, your high that's why your high horse,
Matt Well, I I I am. I am enjoyable seat guy,
and I enjoyed my steep up there. I don't disagree
too much. Walking. It's not that bad. Whiners. Now, if
you're in the back round ale, you're gonna hit the floor.
You're not going into it dome. That is as steep
as I've ever seen arena before. My little wall kind
of overrated the wall. It's in a dumpy part of town.
It's a nice arena, but it's the nice The best
part is the scoreboard. Okay, all right, that's it up
next Wax who will carry the show, client will mail
it in and we'll look forward to hearing all of that.
Between two o'clock until six. I'll talk to you for
Rockets basketball tonight.
Speaker 6 (02:51:53):
What is this?
Speaker 8 (02:51:55):
This is the anniversary jam Matt, crank this up. Connor
can't be.
Speaker 2 (02:52:03):
On the quiet Stone. Get you some cognac speak a
bassier and George, the anniversary of you, your lady, This
anniversary and Quiet Stone rocket selfish tonight baby, Oh yeahs