Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Lunchtimers. This is The Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Ten O two.
Speaker 3 (00:07):
It Ain's town.
Speaker 4 (00:08):
Good morning, Happy New Year, and welcome to a Thursday
edition The Matt Thomas Show with Ross. There's his Sports
Talk seven ninety four yard reception on the first play
of the game, yours.
Speaker 5 (00:22):
Wide open touchdown, hook him DeAndre Moore. Texas strikes with
a two step up two big plays.
Speaker 4 (00:31):
Silas Bolden with a chance as a return man to
set up Texas in good field position as he returns
it from the twenty five and.
Speaker 3 (00:41):
He breaks through.
Speaker 5 (00:42):
Look at Silas Bolden.
Speaker 4 (00:45):
Goodbye third and goal viewers. He's pressured looking to extend
the play, directing traffic.
Speaker 5 (00:55):
Now he's gonna run it himself and Queen Yours goes.
Speaker 4 (00:59):
In for the rush touchdown.
Speaker 5 (01:01):
Texas must convert fourth and thirteen.
Speaker 4 (01:04):
It's a blitz.
Speaker 6 (01:05):
Look here, when you were trying to addible to stay alive.
Speaker 5 (01:11):
Can they hook them touchdown?
Speaker 6 (01:15):
Matthew Golden, your best players show they have to touch
the ball when the game.
Speaker 7 (01:21):
Is on the line.
Speaker 6 (01:23):
This is a really nice double move by Matthew Golden,
lining up in the slot, taking like he's gonna run
to the corner, putting a split in the ground going
to the post and Quinn Yours lays it over top
of the safety for a score.
Speaker 5 (01:37):
Second overtime and gunner Helm opens it up that way.
Texas is first play of the second overtime and they
take the lead from one of the first tight ends
in the.
Speaker 4 (01:51):
Country, third and eight eleven.
Speaker 5 (01:56):
That falls intercepted. He is intercepted. Cuba sales it. Houck
up horns. They're headed home to Texas to play in
the Cup Bowl. Texas advances, Ma, Cuba sales it.
Speaker 4 (02:13):
You gotta go sports, Harvey.
Speaker 3 (02:15):
It's in the state, baby.
Speaker 4 (02:17):
And by the way, you need your team's gonna need
some fans support because Ohio State was woo very good,
very good. They bitch slapped Oregon. Oregon came back kind
of kind of. I don't think anybody watched it because
we were done on the latter time. Oh my god,
you're buying my tickets? Have you even checked? Did you even check?
I'm good inquire with people around here. Oh, I see
what you're doing. You're going for the freebie. No, I'm
not going for freebie's want to pay from last year?
We got we gotta we got a deal? Did yeah? Okay?
So I had to pay for them. I'm worried about
I'm not. I'm mo worried about your hotel than I
would be. Probably your about it. I'll stay with I'll
stay with Aunt Janet and Corsicana. It's up. Aunt Janet
is Aunt Janet. No, you're gonna drive from Arlington to Corsicana.
She doesn't know, she didn't know. She's dropping me off.
Family Uber, It works, it works. Good morning everyone, Happy
New Year. Ten oh six is our time. It is
the Matt Thomas Show with Ross. We are with you
today until two o'clock. Very busy show coming up today.
We got Shut your Bum mass Up at eleven thirty Wow,
the News at noon. How can we do like a
year in retrospective? Shut your bum mass Up? I think so.
I think for the for the eleven thirty to twelve segment,
you could be anything this past year. It's like d
of the Year. But for shut your Bum mass Up,
thinks up of the year. Anybody. Okay, if there's anybody
like somebody in February pissed you off, let us know. Okay,
we're here for that. Uh ey Doak is going to
join us at one o'clock rockets last night with we
went over Dallas wonderful much you needed to win over
the Dallas I did. Yeah, it was nice. I'm gonna
be honest. I was a little surprised, but there was
some call activity. I love you guys. Yeah, so we'll
have that. We got the second to last edition of
the Rotten Five coming up today at one thirty. I
said second to last last week, and that was wrong,
but I think I took the cues from you, so
I'm gonna blame you. But now it's the penultimate edition
because we have to next Thursday, we have to ultimately
name the Five boys and rap, yeah for sure, and
then we gotta believe it or not today at one fifty,
So we will be with you today being completely transparent
yesterday and I'm not trying to get a hoky on anybody,
but watching everything New Orleans was beyond sad.
Speaker 8 (04:41):
Speaker 4 (04:41):
You know it's funny when we do New Year's I
almost mean to open the show in a somber noe,
but I just want to get this off my chest.
When we always happy New Year, make good things be
for all of you. Maybe we have a May twenty
twenty four being the review Mirror May twenty twenty five,
bring better health and better wellness and excitement and fun
and hope and happiness, and to have that happen, and
then the in not incredible, the incredulous videos that are
coming out by the hour of people having to dive
to save their lives and to see the carn engine wreckage.
And that's exactly what they're discussing there and for you
and I especially because we go to New Orleans. I
mean we go on average about three times a year.
I do twice the Rockets and usually sometimes a fun
trip on a side where I've walked those streets hundreds
of times in my life. Yeah, I mean I was
on Bourbon Street literally under two weeks ago. I was
in New Orleans less than two weeks ago with the
Rockets after Christmas. I mean it is and so, and
no disrespect to the Sugar Bowl coming up here, but
if you needed to leave the thing three or four days,
I don't care. And people are there are some very
inconvenience about flights and hotels and game tickets, and I
understand that those are all valid and they want the
players to be on regular rest relative to whoever advances.
I mean, I understand only things, but fifteen people died. Yes,
I mean, I mean everything. Trump's all that. I mean,
just an absolutely horrific experience. Gordy was in New Orleans.
I don't I think he was there or not, but
he was. He's been in the New Orleans area, and of
course he's from there. But they're reopening Bourbon Street today.
The game between Georgia and Notre Dame is going to
go on as now scheduled for I believe three o'clock.
So if anybody knows anybody that's been affected by this,
and I mentioned this on the Rockets broadcast, you know
we're we as media are flippant about thoughts and prayers,
about how everybody throws thoughts and prayers out as just
a generic line. It meant something to me yesterday. I
really thought about people. I really prayed about the awfulness
that was what we saw. When I mean wall stee
We literally woke up, all of us did, no matter
what time of the name, you woke up from your
New Year's Eve celebration, you woke up, you turned the
TV on, and it was on everywhere. It was just
it was the anti happy New Year it was what
an awful way to start a new year. Yeah, and
in I mean in in a city itself that it's
been through so much over the years with Katrina and
all that, I mean, other things going on. It really
wouldn't matter obviously where. Yeah, but it's you know, and
again I don't I don't want to open somber because
we are We're supposed to be the lighthearted world of sports,
and we're going to continue to be that, especially when
we talk about how we're going to get scataboo into
a verb eventually. But man, I just I just want
to say I feel absolutely terrible, terrible, terrible about what happened.
And I'm so sorry for the people that go to
New Orleans to go drink and have a good time
and walk the streets and think they're just going to
be enjoying the new year, and for that to happen
was just just terrifying and so full of sorrow. And
I really hope that everybody can get some sort of closure.
But it feels like to me that this is my
last thought about this. I don't know if Bourbon Street
will ever be the same again. To be quite honest,
there may be there's gonna be some new barricades, there'll
be some additional security, there may be probably some streets
that will be closed off for driving. But I don't
think we'll ever walk it again and not think about
what partic what happened January first, twenty twenty five. So
that's all I want to say. And again, I'm sorry
for opening up that way, but I just wanted to
and because no, you know, we make fun of New
Orleans for a variety of things in the language and
the hey baby and all that kind of but it's
still a wonderful city with really nice people, and people
are just not having a good time. Sucks, just sucks,
all right. What didn't suck is your beloved Texas Longhorns advanced,
so they kind of suck. What's kicker's name, Burt? What
is it Bert? But album? Okay?
Speaker 3 (08:49):
Speaker 4 (08:49):
First of all, he's it's got to be a family name, right,
I would imagine, because how many twenty year olds are
named Bert? Not a lot? And poor Sark goes out there,
tries to motivate the kid he's doings the field goal.
You know, whatever you said to him, kicker, say it again.
Your kickers just suck in general, and I did put
in all caps on social media. You cannot trust college kickers.
You're supposed to trust him Ross. It was indoors, there
was no wind. There wasn't a grass surface you had.
The ball was set up in the middle of the field.
He didn't have to cook it to a different direction.
That thing caught a south by southeast wind of some sort.
I'm gonna tell you, though, a hundred out of one
hundred Longhorn fans weren't that surprised. Burt Auburn was really
good last year and he's been extremely staky this year. So,
I mean he can't go to a Cameron Dicker party.
He can't hang out with Justin Tucker. Who else? You
are some great Texas kickers of yesterdayear? Who is that
one for the Niners? His name was some of the
p something with a p okay. That'll narrow it down
a little bit. I'll find him Pat who Phil Dawson. Ah,
that's good. Cleveland Brownfield, Austin too. Yeah, he moved.
Speaker 7 (09:57):
Speaker 4 (09:57):
I mean your school's put up some kickers. His kicker,
you Dusty Mangham shout out, yeah. But your boy Quinny
Ors came to the rescue. Quinn, you America's quarterback. By
the way, America's quarterback consensus on Twitter. If there is
really six million dollars for yours in a portal somewhere
next year to transfer nil, go take the money. He
did nothing, frankly yesterday to improve his draft stock. Uh
he was great and overton the set over time a
second and he also had a rushing touchdown too. I
would like to personally apologize for doubting Queen years fourth
and thirteen. He makes the check at the line of
scrimmage and doesn't down to Thanks to Matthew Golden for
getting called up to the big leagues from the University
of Houston. Cougar's making big catches can suck in the playoff.
I mean, rather than toiling at the bottom of the
Big twelve. He came to the big leagues and he's
performing in the playoffs. So we do appreciate him for that.
Absolutely despise you. But Longhorns got issues. I mean, as
you mentioned, Cam scattybow is all over the play Skataboo
was all over the place. Tech This run game is horrible.
The offense really, the defense I'm not I'm giving them
a pass. They got completely worn down by I mean
number one or return kick and then number two the
offense just not moving the chains consistently. How many's right
out there? What was time of possession the work out there?
I'll pull it up for you. Time of possession thirty
seven fifty four to twenty two. So I was even
saying that to people always watching the game with which
including Dan Matthews who came by where I was watching
with some family in himself. Uh no, he just asked
what I was doing, and I told him to come
on by. This is where I'm gonna be. That was nice.
You guys had a little little bro time. Yeah, I
was hanging out with my nephews and nieces and not everybody.
It was a good time. And yeah, I was saying
at that time, like this defense is getting gonna get
worn down because they've just been out there so much.
And then they made they made a fourth down stop
literally one play later, there's a safety, so they go
back out on the field. So I understand the defense
gave up five hundred total yards, but in terms of
yard per play, Texas outperformed Arizona State in that metric,
and camp'scattab It was great, but he was under five
yards per carry. The guy, the guy slepball tonight last night,
because I mean he's throwing the ball, he's rushing, he's
their leading receiver field, he's jacking on the field. His
dad's getting a lot of airtime. He got more as
much airtime as what's his face that your former Texas
quarterback was getting all the dad time? What was that
guy's name? Got hurting twenty eleven. I'm not helping you
make Yeah you are twenty Yeah, you are gonna You're
gonna help me. I'll figure it out who it is.
Sam Levitt was under five yards in attempt. I mean,
I think the defense for the most part, did pretty
well considering the circumstances, holding them to what was it,
twenty two points, two touchdowns and two field goals throughout
the fourth quarter, considering how much that they were on
the field. It was the offense. He just wasn't carrying
the day. And of course we do have to get
to that's harget. When do we come back? Ten fifteen
out Sports Talk seven ninety seven one three two one
two five seven Night.
Speaker 1 (13:01):
Matt Thomas Ross viiel It's the Matt Thomas Show with
Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (13:14):
Ten twenty Sports Talk seven ninety all right, not that
I think this is going to generate a lot of conversation,
but for you and I, which is we're just talking.
We don't know if any everybody's out there driving around today.
Even if you are happy New Year, sorry that you're working.
I believe our sales staff is still off seven one
three two one two five seven ninety seven one three
two one two five seven. Natty, you're putting your hands
up in the air force. No, it was it? All right?
How long? What's the what's the rule by the way
on Happy New Year till at least late February?
Speaker 7 (13:46):
Speaker 4 (13:46):
There made up? Okay, Well, what was the the the
curby your enthusiasm? Oh, I think it's two weeks basically, Okay, Okay,
I thought it would be even under that. I want
y'all at some point if you see me in public
in February to wish me Happy New Year, because it
still gives us ten months. Happy New Year, Matt, Happy
New Year to you as well. Thank you? All right.
Who has the better NFL career? A Ashton genty a
B Cam scataboo C both A and B D neither one.
I'm gonna go with Ah Ashton genty.
Speaker 7 (14:22):
Speaker 4 (14:22):
Look, I like Cam scataboo, but I just don't know.
Of course it was the Christian McCaffrey references because they're white.
I mean, that's the lowest of the hanging out. But
nobody was being serious with that white I don't think
so nothing Unless you you watched football for literally five minutes,
there's no way you would make the Christian McCaffrey camp scataboo. Yeah,
Cam McCaffrey is I mean U scataboo. Cam Scataboo is
just a bulldozer, hard working guy that was left for
nobody cared about. Yeah, and he's hard to take down
and sometimes gets carried into the end zone illegally by
his offensive lineman. Hmmm, Okay, they didn't feel like there
was a bias. There is a name. No it's not,
and the pros is legal, right, No, I don't know
about that. They've gotten rid of the rule. They gotten
rid of the push in the back rule. But he
was literally lifted up by his offensive lineman and thrown
into the lift us higher lifted him into the end
zone and that was illegal. That was going to be
a stop by as compared to the non targeting calls.
You can talk about it. I mean the non targeting
that wasn't called on Texas. Is that what you're talking about?
Maybe for Texas. There is a name that came to
mind when I was watching the game yesterday. This is Unscataboo.
Jerome Bettis if Cam scataby was Jerome Bettis. First of all,
great for the not worrying about the color of the
man's skin. Second one, he's going the Hall of Fame. Yeah, well,
I don't not put him in the Hall of Fame yet.
There are certain you know, NFL Networks lanceser Line has
him as possibly a third fourth round pick, but there
have been running backs we were third fourth. I believe
people have him possible as a first rounder. Is that right? Okay? Now,
I almost got a double gut feeling hit. He did
it a twenty six yard run that eventually got him
to one hundred and three yards. And I could be
that guy take away the big run and then took
his average rustler, But I'm not going to do that. Yeah,
you take away he Scatibo's big run and he was
well under like four yards of carry. I just a
three yard run. And then outside of that he had
twenty nine carries for one hundred and ten. All I
can tell you was and I don't want you to
get mad at my family, because my family does love you.
But it was a full on go Devil's in the house. Yes,
you know, yeah, a bunch of haters because you had
an A and M kid in the house. Haters, you
had a Texas tech kid in the house. Haters, you
had a U of ahed, you had two U of ah.
Exactly supposed to do is like this long horn football fan,
come on, root against us. That's how it is. I'm
used to it. So everybody hates Texas and that's okay
because you get away with it, just like everybody hates
the Yankees. Yeah, it is what it is, you know. Yeah,
you got kicker's name, Burt. Now, of course Texas only
has one championship in the last fifty years, but yea
a second. Well, hopefully we'll see Ohio States. Ohio State
is the best team in the country. I would say
right now, God they they do. I'll be honest. I
was working rockets. I didn't see much of it and
didn't need to. But it's im dok is a huge
Oregon fan. Now he went to Portland State, but he's
an organ fangacy grew up in Portland area. That is
funny to me. You're your house was united with three
different people for their own reasons rooting against the Longing.
That is accurate, and that's actually after the game was over,
I was actually pissed and part of me and I'm
gonna be honest that this is not a lie. I
wasn't rooting for Arizona State to beat Texas because of you.
I don't want to give you that kind of uh,
that kind of a fame. I love underdogs beating all. Oh, okay,
like how many times I mean I would root for
U Grand Canyon University State, I didn't care. I didn't
rooting interest. Okay, I know you're rooting for you were
rooting to get certain parts of Boise. No, I think
I think I said Texas was going to beat by
double digit, So I don't win that, but I had,
you know, I don't think. I mean there's a gut feeling,
but I did tell you that Penn State was going
to be poisoned by more than ten points. I got
that one part. After the game, I was upset and
I thought, you know, they underperformed. Wish Bert Robin would
have made his uh I would have made his kicks.
And it was one of those things like, man, they
should have played better. But at the end of the day,
they won, and it actually occurred to me. I was like,
you know what, all these fan bases are mad that
the long Horns won, and that made me happy. It's
like when you don't mind being the the enemy. I'm used,
what do you mean I root for the Astros? How
did the entire country rooting for the enemy? I've been
rooting for the Longhorns of my entire life. I know
what I root for, Manchester City in the Premier League. Oh,
my friend, we have like a like a soccer group. Text.
Everyone roots against Manchester City. This is what I'm used to.
You're in a soccer group text? Why not? Sorry, that's
that's gonna be a fun group. It is a fun group.
Did you see that game we played? Zero zero? What
was your game?
Speaker 7 (19:00):
Zero zero?
Speaker 4 (19:00):
Ago? With the archaic soccer takes still it's twenty twenty five, Matt, No,
can you get into. It's never going to change. No,
you don't have to. I mean, you don't have to
embarrass yourself. It's the beautiful game, man, it's the world's game.
You just sound like I hate it, crotching the old
fogie from the from the lawn from to get off mything.
There are twenty five year olds of de spy soccer too.
It's not about a young nave. I think you think
the average fifty year old or the average twenty five
year old who likes soccer more. Oh, the average twenty
five year old likes it. Wait, yeah, yeah, but that's okay,
you can do it. Oh I've tried. I draped the
flag at a bar during the World Cup many moons ago.
Is that when Alexi Lawless and the boys are going
after the They lost and didn't even make the qualifying tournament.
But that's not great.
Speaker 7 (19:44):
Yeah, all right, all.
Speaker 4 (19:46):
Right, we'll get We're get into the referee the targeting stuff.
Because what I've decided, and I told you this before
the show, I think I'm gonna I've stopped on my
rockets broadcast determining whether or not a fallasy flagrant. Oh okay,
And I think I've decided to after yesterday, I've decided
to not worry about whether or not it's a targeting
call or not because I just can't figure it out.
I will read you from the rule book, but you
probably want to take notes. It's a lot of words,
and I'm going to read you what Dusty Dorchik said
when he talked to an ESPN ABC analyst who's like
the referee consultant. Yeah, the ESPN analyst said it was targeting.
I think the NBC analyst said it was targeting. We're
talking about the late one, not the earlier one that
wasn't called on Texas. Yeah, the second one, the second
one of the two. We're gonna check in with Gordi is. Well,
we got to get his college football football report. You know,
his beloved LSU Tigers beat that and by the way,
he hit the over and he said first of forty
was gonna win. Yeah, he was right. That's why the
Gordy Inside's good. Ten twenty eight Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 1 (20:39):
Ninety Matt Thomas ross Viel gets the Matt Thomas Show
with Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (20:58):
Ten thirty two Sports Talks seven ninety. It is a
Matt Thomas Show with Ross we have shut your ball
mass up today at eleven thirty. And it can be
about anything in the last twelve months or the future
twelve months. I've already got somebody in mind, you know,
looking at me for a particular reason right now. Okay,
might Ryan with ref Rassen. He disappointed me again. It's
the same thing. We didn't get to him before. I
don't think. Didn't that happen earlier this week? We uh
was about the Dodger love. Yeah, we can no, No,
we did it. We definitely did it. No, he did.
I thought he did days ago, twelve months. It's it's
it's the it's a retrospective of twenty twenty four. Yeah,
exactly seven one three, two five seven. Ony Gordy's our man.
He's locked on SEC He's locked on Gordy, He's locked
on LSU. He's locked on the beat of college football.
By the way, congratuations Gordy on giving us the over
and the LSU win in that beloved Texas bull that
you attended.
Speaker 7 (21:51):
Oh yeah, it was Uh. I didn't know Baylor fans
talking little trash. We had to settle them Baylor fans
a little bit.
Speaker 4 (21:58):
How was the crowd, by the way, was there a
good crowd.
Speaker 7 (22:01):
It was a really good crowd. Actually yeah. They cut
off the end zone upper deck, but that was it.
Everything else was pretty filled. It was a good crowd,
all right.
Speaker 4 (22:11):
And the tailgating scene was good. I'm assuming or was
it people just walking in and walking out.
Speaker 7 (22:16):
I didn't get out there. I was inside giving you
a live report.
Speaker 4 (22:19):
Yeah, but you could also exit and go back out
there and party with your brethren.
Speaker 9 (22:24):
Speaker 7 (22:24):
It was a little sketchy with the credential they had.
I had to fight them. They didn't give me field
access at first. I had to go back and fight.
Speaker 4 (22:30):
Wait a minute, you're freaking Chris Gordy. You are not
some YouTube host that had a failed, miserable career. You
have a successful radio career. You should deserve a regular,
regular old credential.
Speaker 7 (22:41):
Well, four year, four straight years, I'd go on the
field pre game and take pictures and stuff, and they
were telling me I didn't have access. And then they
told me I had to call the team. They're like, oh,
the team decides that. So I called my guy Lsu.
I'm like, bro, can you hook me up here? And
so he did.
Speaker 4 (22:54):
You went bro on him. That's nice. That's kind of
relationships that Gordy has around these people.
Speaker 7 (22:58):
Well, he was like, tell them who you are?
Speaker 4 (23:00):
I said, I told the move I have we don't know, Like, yeah, bro,
we don't know who that is. That's rude. I just
I'm not happy about this because there's nobody in this
town that pumps SEC and college football in this market
more than you do. And you deserve your flowers out there.
Speaker 7 (23:16):
The problem is you get new people, you know what
I mean, like new media, like for the long time,
like all the Texans people we dealt with, like, they
move on to other opportunities and new people come up
and they don't know us as well. So you know,
you just gotta gotta let him know.
Speaker 4 (23:29):
And then you also have started the Garrett and nuss
Meyer Heisman campaign. I saw the Bettle what is it?
Speaker 7 (23:36):
Bettle lines got him second best odds behind one arch
Manning heading home.
Speaker 4 (23:40):
My god, I'm gonna go ahead and bet against I'm
gonna short both of those. Can I bet against both?
Speaker 7 (23:45):
Oh? How about a how about a Texas LSU national
championship next year? About that?
Speaker 4 (23:49):
That'd be great. I'm focused on this one this year though,
Hopefully Ohio State doesn't crush Texas. I got I got
a Houston in the playoff next year. By the way, Houston,
what Cougars twelve team playoffs? Yeahs at large? No no, no, no,
no division Yellow recruits were getting in. We're getting all
the kreminal. Were they in the top fifty, Yeah, I
believe they were. I believe they were top nineteen.
Speaker 7 (24:11):
I will tell you met if Connor Wigman lives up
to the hype, ten and two is doable.
Speaker 4 (24:15):
That's what I'm talking about. Thank you college expert. Yeah,
he had a great year this year. Three touchdowns, five picks.
Don't listen to him? All right, God to your town
is suffering, New Orleans. Give us what you know about
your brethren, who you know down there, and what's happening
with the Creston city right now?
Speaker 7 (24:32):
Yeah. So it was kind of interesting. I spent New
Year's here here because we went to the Texas Bowl
and then woke up early yesterday morning hop on a
flight to New Orleans and we wake up to this news,
and I'm like, what do I do do? I still
go to the game, And I talked to my person
that the Sugar Bowl he said yes, as of now,
the game is on. So hopped on a plane, got
to New Orleans, got down there literally stay at the
Sheraton two blocks down from Bourbon Street R. So I
got there amidst all this. I mean literally I walked
up and was taking some pictures and FBI people are
walking like they're just getting into town too, and they're
walking past me to go investigate the scene and all that.
So crazy, surreal being around all these Georgia and Notre
Dame fans. Then suddenly the news comes up. My buddy
texted me and said, hey, it sounded like they're gonna
postpone this, and I'm like, well, hell, I'm like, I
only have a hotel for a night. I can't stay
another night. And so yeah, and so all these Georgia
and Notre Dame fans are scrambling trying to get their
travel rebooked and all this kind of stuff. So it
was it was wild being down there. One of the
victims was actually Jack Besh, who played wide receiver at LSU.
His little brother, who played football at Princeton, was one
of the victims. So, just like I said, really surreal,
really odd on a day where normally you know, everybody
would be up and down Berber Street celebrating and kind
of tailgating, getting ready for the Sugar Bowl. It was
all just kind of put on hold and weird to
see that area of New Orleans just completely dead and
you know, nothing happening.
Speaker 4 (26:00):
So the weirdest thing for me was, yeah, there is
there's a Walgreens which is not far from Bourbon Street
that I've gone to ten times in my life.
Speaker 7 (26:07):
I mean, yeah, so that's where the guy, if you
watch the videos that have come out there, the cop
car was blocking the street. He cut in front of
that and got up on the sidewalk and drove down there.
And I saw some folks at CNN and they're like, well,
can't you put a blockade there? I'm like, well, then
how do people get on Bourbon Street If you could
have blockades, like you have to allow foot traffic in
and out of there. You can't just put barriers across
the whole entrance to Bourbon Street. So I don't know,
they'll they'll look at how they'll they'll fix this thing
moving forward, But was acouraging to hear that they are
planning to reopen at least to foot traffic they're taking.
There's a lot of businesses that are hurting, like they
thrive on this kind of business and they can't be open.
They're losing a lot of money.
Speaker 4 (26:50):
So I wonder what how are people that lit that
were staying in French Quarter hotels, how are they getting
Were they able to get to their hotels? I'm assuming.
Speaker 7 (26:58):
So, yeah, so at least on Canal Street you could.
But yeah, like I was on on the flight from
Houston yesterday, there was a ton of Notre Dame people
on our on our plane. I guess they flew down
from I don't know, South Bend or whatever and connected
through Houston and they were telling it. Like one of
the guys was telling me, He's like, yeah, I'm book
at the Royal Sinesta. I said, bro, that's right in
front of where the truck crashed. Like, I don't think
you're gonna be able to get there. And apparently they
evacuated the people that were staying at the Royal Sinesta
around four am. They told them they had to get out.
There were some people who left in their pajamas and
couldn't go back to their room. Like you're stuck in
downtown New Orleans and pajamas and you can't get back
to your hotel room. So yeah, it's just it's craziness
going on there right now. But like I said, hopefully
they get back to a little bit of normalcy today.
Speaker 4 (27:40):
Well, the reality is this, I was telling this to
my wife yesterday. People were scrambling for hotels. If you
were going to the game last night, you were checking
out today. That's just generally speaking. So what you could
do is, since the game is at three o'clock, you
can check out like you normally would. So I think
the hotels are frankly the least of the issues. It's
the flights because that's where you have no flexibility. The
hotel is you packed up your bags like you normally,
We're going to leave them at your hotel, go to
the Sugar Bowl, watch the game, go back to your hotel,
pick up your bags, and go to the airport. Well,
now you've got thousands of people trying to find flights
that were supposed to leave today that are going to
try to leave tomorrow. So that, to me is where
the big biggest logistical headache is is not at the hotels,
but it's more like trying to get out of New Orleans.
Speaker 7 (28:28):
Yeah, and I heard rental cars. I mean they were
getting Babari. I will say credit to the Sheridan down
there in New Orleans, well, the Sugar Bowl staff. First
they reached out and said, hey, we've already talked to
the hotels for all the media, like tell them you
would need to stay extra night. And I think they're
either they're either comping people another night or giving you
a really discounted rate to stay another night. And the
same thing, like they were accommodating the Georgia and David
I talked to a couple of Georgia parents, like parents
of players that were there. They're like, what do we do?
But yeah, kudos to the hotels that sounded like they
were doing everything they could to accommodate people to either
comp them an extra night or work out whatever they
needed to do.
Speaker 4 (29:05):
Well last thing. And I don't mean to put you
on the spot when it comes to logistics, ause none
of us are logistics experts. And frankly, just because something
happens doesn't mean it has to be closed down forever.
Because look, if you.
Speaker 7 (29:17):
Were to.
Speaker 4 (29:19):
Close down Bourbon to commercial traffic and just make it
strictly a foot area like Frankly and Beale Street is
in Memphis, where it's just strictly by foot. Violence could
still happen in another block, or if somebody had this
kind of hate in their heart, they would do it again.
But I'm just curious. Would you suggest, being a New
Orleans lifer, reducing severe the amount of commercial auto traffic
in that area and make it just a foot area
for people to go and do their thing and not
have to worry about potentially something like this ever happening again.
Speaker 7 (29:52):
Well, it kind of already is. I mean, so many
of those side streets are blocked off. There are a
few that allow you to cross, and there's heavy police
presence where those are. But there's blockades up on Bourbon Street.
Like that's what most of my friends were textani, like, wait,
how do you drive on Bourbon Street? Well, he entered
from Canal Street and came up those first two blocks
where there really is nothing, So that's how he was
able to get in there. But the problem is you
got to allow for deliveries like beer truck deliveries and
all that. Because these bars they don't have back entrances.
The front entrance is how they get most of their
stuff in, so you've got to still allow for deliveries
and all that. But yeah, I mean I think they're
they're certainly going to look at some more permanent you know,
barricades and all that moving forward. And I've talked to
some people who were down there yesterday, said they are
going to get all this fixed in time for Marty Grass,
the Super Bowl all that, like there will be there
will be no safer place in America than New Orleans.
I think during the Super Bowl, like they're gonna do,
They're gonna be on high alert, do everything they need
to do to make precautions. But you're right, I mean,
it's it's they're gonna find some permanent fixtures. But I
just don't know if you could permanently say no cars
can drive on Bourbon Street ever during the day because
you got to have those shipments coming in.
Speaker 4 (31:06):
I've been reading that there's these things called ballards there.
They steel columns that can they're basically retractapable, and apparently
New Orleans does have a lot of those, but some
of them were either not functioning or under repair in
preparation for Super Bowl. That's that's what I read.
Speaker 7 (31:21):
Yeah, the Main four right there on Canal Street. It
was installed years ago. They were redoing them or like
working on them to be ready for Super Bowl. So
and again people are like, well you should on I'm
ready for the Sugar Bowl. The problem is when do
you do it. There's stuff going on norms all the time,
Pole Boy Fests, French quarter Fast, Jazz Fest. I mean,
there's something year round like, so there is no right
time to try to do this. But I mean, look,
if you look with that cop car was position, they
were in a position to block the street. I mean
the guy just he drove up on the sidewalk, knocked
down a trash can and that's how he got over there.
So to your point, like, bad people are going to
do bad things, but we shouldn't live our lots in
fear of, you know, not being able to enjoy things.
Speaker 4 (32:01):
That's what I was thinking. I mean, so what if
he closed Bermon Street down to them? Do they go
three streets down? Do they go two blocks? You just
can't close everything all right. Lastly, let's get back to
you are locked in sec which means you definitely have
Georgia Bidy Notre Dame. Is that correct today?
Speaker 7 (32:16):
I think so I got to talk with some of
the players last week, and then they are all there's
almost a sentiment, Matt, they have more faith in Gunner
Stock than the young quarterback over Carson Beck, because remember
Carson Beck had a stretch this season, what was it
like six games or through ten interceptions? Like, I think
they trust this kid more. He's got more of an
arm talent. I think there's a possibility that you know,
they might be even better if gunners Stocking doesn't turn
the ball over today. Georgia's won in the football game here.
Speaker 4 (32:46):
It is the last insidy games, was first to forty
wins in the batter LSU game. It's all he doesn't
give is you know what? Are you on a recorded
line or are you just are you always live with this?
Speaker 7 (32:56):
I like this?
Speaker 4 (32:56):
This is good stuff here.
Speaker 7 (32:59):
Yeah, I'm just I'm available whenever you need me. Just
hop on and we'll talk about Texas getting lucky as
hell with no targeting call. It's all good.
Speaker 4 (33:08):
Or you mean Arizona State getting lucky that bird Auburn
sucks and also not getting a targeting call and also
not getting a penalty call. Scati bow was was carried
into the engine. You will not denigrade Scottamoo that.
Speaker 7 (33:21):
I can't gonna blame Arizona State for your kickers sucking.
Speaker 4 (33:24):
I gotta blaming them. I'm saying, you know they got lucky.
We're usually can make a thirty eight yarder. Usually, Gordion,
we got a roam and hit our brakes on time,
Thank you very much. That's one only Cris detroituck you
guys later. See that was my gut feeling, moons ago
and I should have stayed with it. You didn't. Is
there no no retraction?
Speaker 9 (33:43):
Speaker 4 (33:44):
No here, I miss.
Speaker 7 (33:46):
He is?
Speaker 4 (33:47):
There is traction when we come back. If he signs
a deal similar to what the Astros offered, who's got
egg on their face? Anybody?
Speaker 7 (33:58):
Speaker 4 (34:00):
I don't think it's gonna be that close. The Astros
have way moved on. Doesn't that tell you that they
weren't close? But if he signs for six one fifty
six or come, there's no way, no way, no, okay,
keep going all right, I'm gonna hear real quick, and
don't give me the answer yet. I'm setting the over
under personally guarantee the deal will be over six fifty
one time. Setting the over under. Okay, at one hundred
and seventy six million dollars. Okay, uh, don't get me,
we come back train for festals. I'm talking about Uptown
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Speaker 3 (35:53):
This is the Matt Thomas Show with Ross on four
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (36:02):
Coming up at the top of the hour. The biggest
joke in pull pro Vowl Pro Bowl, he said, easily
Pro Bowl announcements. I mean an absolutely disgraceful selection, hm,
top of the hour. Oh really yeah yeah, okay, I
mean my my over selling it. Yes, we will discuss
all right real quick, because we've been cheasing this for
a few minutes. We have, we've been really talking about
the referees. We tease that we're doing right now. Okay,
that's when the bregmant thing we tease too is we
have a lot of just oh okay, one hundred and fifty.
Oh excuse me, one hundred and seventy six million dollars.
I have the under on that. You wanna make another bet?
I'll go over one second?
Speaker 10 (36:54):
Is it?
Speaker 4 (36:54):
It's almost like they're together. So no, we're not gonna
make a bet on this, Okay. The only bet we
have is that six is a Dutch launch five years
or less. I win, you get seven or more? Okay.
As the days go on, you're your odds go up.
What do you got? So what do you think one
hundred and seventy six, one hundred and seventy five or higher?
Speaker 1 (37:11):
You go over?
Speaker 4 (37:12):
Okay, just because I mean that's about the halfway point
between one fifty six, which was floated in two hundred pluses?
What's what he wants? You're talking about total money, regardless
of years. All right, so last night, by the way,
Scott Van Pelt is probably the best thing going for ESPN.
I mean, among the if you said the five best
things about ESPN, let me tell.
Speaker 9 (37:31):
You what they are.
Speaker 4 (37:32):
Game day game coverage. Yeah, game coverage, Scott Van Pelt
thirty for thirties are pretty good if you're into those
kind of sort of things like literally having the games
if the games weren't on there. I don't really watch
any of the but I mean I don't. The Sports
center is eh. All the talk shows are more than
are way below average. Maybe that game you you five,
But point being Scott van Pelt's great Scott van Pelt
last night was saying, I don't care who it is.
I'm reading verbatim off of a CFB king's Twitter account.
I don't care who it is that's targeting. One hundred
times out of one hundred, it wasn't called in this case.
Dusty Divorceek, who does a lot of game coverage for them, says,
I thought it was targeting in the moment I picked
up the phone, made a few phone calls. I talked
to Bill Lemonader, who was one of the absolute best
works for us at ESPN ABC as a rules expert,
and he said, verbatim, it's a defensive player, defenseless player.
There was an upwards thrust indicator forcible contact of the
head or neck area. It's targeting. Now, as you and
I have discussed, if they throw the flag, it doesn't
mean less than these things are gonna happen. We're seeing
targeting happening in every college football game. We were hoping
the penalties would cur tail the amount of these, but
it really isn't. We're still seeing these once or twice
per game. And I guess you're supposed to say, oh,
our guy got destroyed, but we got fifteen yards out
of it. That's great. So not only did you not
get the fifteen yards you were rooting for, the guy
was laid out. I will also throw and it's a
kind of an ancillary after the fact penalty that doesn't
necessarily affect the actual play. For example, pass interference, if
a receiver gets mugged down the field and can't catch
the ball, that affects what happened in that play, Michael
Taff going to the receiver and hitting him with his
face mask, by the way, not the crown of his helmet.
It was just a football play. I'm gonna tell you.
In that moment, I saw the replay and I was like, man,
that was just a football play. But by the letter
of the law, with the helmet the helmet contact, I
figured it was. I thought it was going to be
a targeting call, and I wouldn't have argued that it
was a targeting call. See, this is a case and again,
what we have to do, and maybe what I have
to do a better job of is I have to
get past the seeing eye test. And I think if
you took the top sports officials ten years ago, fifteen
years ago and said, let's go sit in a room
and let's figure out we've got to punish teams that
go to these types of moves. If we would have
put up the video of that play yesterday, that room
unanimously would have said that's targeting.
Speaker 10 (40:10):
It was not.
Speaker 4 (40:11):
But that wasn't some malicious play where he launched himself.
It wasn't malicious. And the ball was tipped, by the way.
So I don't know how that factors with defensiless receivers
or whatever. I'm just telling you that the seeing eye
tests for me ross and life's not built on seeing
I But in my mind, that was a targeting penalty. Yeah,
here's the rule. A player takes aim at an opponent
for the purposes of attacking with forcible contact with the
crown of the helmet. That did not happen. But this,
there's all. There's two basically two parts to it. There's
that rule and then there is a defensive defenseless opponent,
A player takes aim any defensive opponent for the purposes
of attacking with four forcible contact to the head or
neck area. It didn't seem to me that by the
rule of that that taff attack the purposes of attacking
with forcible contact to the head or neck area. There
was contact, but it was was it attacking a defensives opponent.
He was trying to make the play on a tipped ball.
So to me, by the letter of those laws of
the rule, I can see where it didn't get called targeting.
We're in the room, guys, we are the overseers of
college football. We've got to penalize vicious hits. That was
a vicious hit. That was something that the college sports
world does not want to see. That that's why you
throw the flag. And again that's that's way too simplified,
and I apologize for that. Ross That to me is
the epitome of showing a video of what we don't
want this whatever you and you described it beautifully. Yeah,
but I've also got dusky Vorchek colony. I mean, everybody's
got their own argument for I'm very biased on this,
so I'm asking you, did this happen a player takes
aim at a defenseless opponent for the purposes of attacking
with forcible contact to the head or neck area. You
know that sounds like to me what you just described
hard hit. I didn't mean to go at him, but
I still did it. That's how it sounds like to it. No,
I didn't mean it. It says purpose for the purposes
of attacking.
Speaker 7 (42:26):
I don't know.
Speaker 10 (42:27):
I know.
Speaker 4 (42:27):
I thought I thought a targeting was going to be called,
and I wouldn't have argued with it. I'm trying to
see the other side, because there has to be otherwise.
If it was that obvious, it would have put it
this way. If you you're right, But let's put let's
take that play and take it to the College Football
Coaches convention, and what were they all say? They probably
would all say. Everybody in the other say that, yeah,
all right, a complete joke of the Pro Bowl. You know,
we are your unofficial Pro Bowl station. There's not even
a Pro Bowl anymore, is it. It's a skills challenge,
it's flag football, and it's throwing the uh javelin toss.
That's good. There are some Texans that are on the
Pro Bowl list that deserve it. There's one that doesn't.
He should be ashamed of himself. Ten fifty nine Matt
Thomas Show with Ross Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 1 (43:16):
Lunchtimers, This is the Matt Thomas Show, loven O two
Sports Talk seven ninety hour number two of the Matt
Thomas Show and Ross.
Speaker 4 (43:25):
We are very happy that you're with us here today
seven one three two one two five seven ninety. If
you want to chime in on the conversation at seven
one three two one two five seven nine zero. If
you're on Twitter, want to follow us there, you may
do that at Sports MT, at Sports RV, and at
Connor d McGovern. Congratulations to Dylan Horton, voted the ed
Block Courage Award winner. That's good, wonderful, And congratulations to
Joe Mixon for being named the Pro Bowl deserved. Congratulations
to Derek Stanley for being named to the Pro Bowl.
Did Soft Gardner make it? I don't know. I'm just asking.
Speaker 9 (44:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (44:10):
My guess is known you would have you know. I
really actually don't know. I really honestly don't know, but
just asking. I mean all pros is Derek Stinglee, that
would be zero. I mean, it's all Pro dos a
Sauce Gardner has. He's gotta have at least one. I
think it might be two. Look, they're both good. I
don't I don't think either team is regretting their decisions.
Allot have taken Sauce because I was Thomas Sports Enterprises
was all over sat By the way, Thomas Sports Enterprises
is going to take Campskataboo as a client. Oh really.
Not gonna be an impactful NFL player, but he's gonna
play fourth round running backs. He's gonna be a goal
line guy. He's gonna be in there as long as
his offensive linemen are carrying him in. I'm just kidding. No,
congratulations to the next person that made the Pro Bowl.
Two time all two time first team All Pro, Sauce
Gardener brother Lordie, and a defensive Rookie of the Year.
Oh Lordie, But you know what to be fair and
balanced as we are here on the show, Derek had
a better ear than Shausted, Yes he did. I agree,
So there you go. People can be fair and balanced. Meanwhile,
Laramie Tunseil got named of the Pro Bowl. What a joke?
Now and now and now and now, the obligatory Laramie
tunsil fall start call what a reputation called that is.
I don't care how good of a pass blocker he is.
I don't care that he somewhat tries on run blocking Roussie.
Is he top five stolen pre snat penalties in the
NFL this year? I can look. Probably, I'm sure, God
bless it. How do you lead and be in the
top in the category of pre snat penalties and everyone's
sniff and all whatever team he should have been ninth alternate,
Let's see he's still number one, number one fifteen penalties?
How do you have fifteen pre snap penalties and name anything?
All anything? Ten fall starts, three illegal formations, two holdings,
one unnecessary roughness and one ineligible down feeld. Now, to
his credit, because we are fair and balanced here on
the show, he has been better the last month. Yeah
he started, He had like twelve in the first few weeks. Yeah,
so he has improved a lot from that standpoint, Matt,
the bar was extremely low, but at least he got
over that bar. Just crazy. Thankfully, it means absolutely nothing.
You know, the only and I know that some people
would make a four hour show out of Pro Bowl
selections We're not going to do that here. But point
being is said, the only votes that really matter is
when you get named All Pro A difference between Pro
Bowl and all Pro eg gigs selected to a Pro
Bowl as good I think selected. I don't mean like
you're the fifty seventh alternate because everybody quit on the
game and doesn't care when you get selected to a
Pro Bowl, which Daniel Hunter didn't, by the way, that
costs him a million dollars even if he's an alternate,
and and neither did Will Anderson. Why do you think
that is? I would have to look at the list
of the guys in front of them, but they were
deserving to be sure. But are good friends of Pro
Football Focus matt Oh, yeah, we love them. And remember
I know they don't get laid. I know they've got
no friends, but they do provide good information. They as
far as pass blocking, they have LARRYM. Tunsell as the
fourth best in football, Tristan Wurf's won, Jordan Maya Latta
and then Rashaun Slater and then Larry Tunseell mother than
the top ten. I mean, you know, Lane Johnson, Jake Matthews,
Trent Williams. There's a lot of the usual suspects at
the time. What do they have him and run blocking overall?
Uh oh, here comes to here comes here's a big part.
He is the eighteenth tackle strictly on tackles as far
as run blocking, I can't even scroll and find him.
He's he's like thirtieth or something. I would say, Man,
I'm gonna make a guess this stab At he's like
twenty seventh ish because it's not listed. It's just it's
listed by grade and it doesn't have a column with
a rank with run blocking. So by him making a
Pro Bowl it downgrades the award itself. Overall, they have
him the eighteenth best tackle, but also one metric not
into alb all And I'm sure, as you mentioned a
lot of times, with Pro Bowl selections, there is a
reputational element. It's like gold gloves. Basically, you win one,
you're gonna win a bunch of them. Well, at least
back in the day. These days it's a little bit
more metric base than it used to be, I think,
right in the formula, but there's some to that too. Yeah,
Derek Jeter was winning gold gloves when he didn't deserve them.
I'll give you another one. Kobe Bryant was making first
second team All defense is when he shouldn't have been
at the end of his career.
Speaker 7 (49:07):
There it is.
Speaker 4 (49:09):
That's the insight that we get on this show that
the other show gives you. But remember, the Pro Bowl
means nothing at the end of the day except probably
some bonuses. And frankly, Will Anderson, uh Will, Will Anderson
should be more upset than anybody else because that guy
has been a menace for a lot of the last
two months. Yeah, yes, to the phones, we go seven
one three, two one two, five, seven ninety. You're laughing
at line three, aren't you.
Speaker 7 (49:41):
I am.
Speaker 4 (49:44):
Stay tuned, folks, we have time. We'll go to them now.
Line three is Philip and Perland and it says on
the subject line nerds get laid. Philip, please explain. Oh
I'm so.
Speaker 7 (49:56):
Happy I'm wining three.
Speaker 3 (49:58):
Thank you.
Speaker 11 (49:58):
Speaker 4 (50:00):
You know some do, I mean a lot of them?
Do nerds have need love to?
Speaker 12 (50:06):
There is nerd love in the world, Matt, I believe it.
Speaker 4 (50:09):
Trust me. I married a woman and she I was
a nerd when I married her. So I'm case number
one of them.
Speaker 12 (50:15):
I hear you.
Speaker 4 (50:16):
Yeah, I'm totally agreeing to that. But I just I
tease Pro Football focus because they just get into such
the weeds on things. But they still do a nice job.
So you know, I've come a little bit again. They
don't have any friends. I don't think they get laid regularly,
but they do get laid and they go friends. No friends,
that's a bigger concern. Yeah, I would agree, I would agree.
Speaker 12 (50:38):
But I get it though they're all shut in. They're
all to make a good point.
Speaker 4 (50:43):
It's hilarious, Matt, don't suck Okay.
Speaker 7 (50:46):
Sure, and it was kind of a backhanded compliment, but yeah,
I love you guys.
Speaker 1 (50:52):
Happy New Year.
Speaker 7 (50:53):
So it is not too late to say happy New Year.
Speaker 4 (50:56):
Yeah, February fifteenth, February twentieth, February twenty fifth, whatever, Yeah,
whatever we do, as long as you want to thank
you Philip for the phone call. Appreciate it. Do it
all year. Remind me in July first, is somebody a
Happy New Year, it'll throw it'll throw people people off, Okay,
I will. By the way, I get very few Happy
New Year text this year. I'm very pleased about that.
Oh really, yeah, don't do don't go to your phone,
don't do it here it comes. What's the one you
said you hated? You don't Marry Christmas? You didn't want
I forgot you know what? Send me a damn card
if you if you care about really giving me a
Merry Christmas, then put the put the envelope out there,
put it, go, get your card at the local store,
put a stamp on it, and give me like ten
minutes that you cared about me. Are all your wrong
and horrible takes? This might be your wrongest and most horrible.
Speaker 3 (51:42):
Somebody can text.
Speaker 4 (51:43):
People are busy accept the Merry Christmas text. They at
least thought of you. That counts for something. I was
eventually in twenty twenty, I was on a Marry christ
Now I was on a Merry Christmas text chain of people.
None of the people in that text chain were on
my on my phone address book. Okay, now that's lazy
for sure. The individual they are all two eight ones
and Merry Christmas. Matt, hope you guys have a happy
New Year. You know what I'm doing. I will absolutely
accept that. If you include my name, that means you
actually cared to put me on a separate one, but
to put me in a generic text chain with your
fifteen other bros that I didn't know any of those people.
Don't text me anything. I don't want you to. You know,
I'm gonna block you. I don't want any of your
texts at all. First of all, you're a de minus
text as you knewest resolution for twenty twenty five Ross.
You give me a better You gotta be a better
returner text your text your text game is horrific. As
have you seen it improve? No, it's been something. It's
like Jayalen Green three point shooting. We just got to
give up at some point. James and Kline on seven Ounty. Hello, James, Hey,
you guys doing listen.
Speaker 13 (52:56):
The thing that bothered me the most was Arizona State
had his safety over the top and they still it's
the guy get behind him in the end.
Speaker 7 (53:03):
So that's what cost him the game.
Speaker 4 (53:05):
I'm sorry, James crazy. I know you're rooting against the
long Horns. I'm sorry you were disappointed. Well, I had
we had four long we had four cougars, a Bobcat
and Aggie and a long horn.
Speaker 7 (53:15):
I think watching the game together, so I had that
long horn in my ear all the time. But it
was a good game. It was a great on what
it was.
Speaker 4 (53:23):
It was a great game. I really, thankfully, honestly thanks
for the phone called James. It was the best part
of it was it was a great game. It was
a great because I thought it was over. What was
it to see? They had an odd score. It was
they had scored the safety. By the way, that's you're lucky.
That was only a safety, which, by the way, I
was yelling for Sark when they went up twenty four.
I was yelling, go for two. Why didn't they go
for two to go up seventeen?
Speaker 7 (53:45):
Speaker 4 (53:45):
Mayet three scores right, either fifteen and sixteen. What's the difference.
There is no difference. I mean, you have to make
them go for two. But I was saying, go for
two and try to make it a three score game
at that moment. Sark. The Sark moment of yesterday was
talking to Burton. I'm don't have to talk about that either. Yeah,
a great job. This is why everybody talks about pregame
speeches and motivating all that stuff, and it's like, you
just gotta go out there and play. You gotta go
out there and execute. But look, to his credit, it
was better than him going out saying, don't screw it up.
You think Bill Parsons have done that? Leave him alone, sark,
It's not your moment, it's Burt Auburn's a moment. Well,
he screwed it up, but at least they won. He
kicked the extra port in the overtime fourth and thirteen.
I thought it was way way way over a right
and then quin Yours America's quarterback Declaire Man, the rumor
is notre dame. He should pull out of the rest
of the season and just declare out for that performance.
You mean that's it. Yeah, that's as high as it's
going to get college career. That's it for me. Leave
on a high note. Leave him what more, because if
he goes out and throws three picks against Ohio State,
the draft stocks are going back down. See you think
he's going to go to the draft.
Speaker 7 (55:01):
I do.
Speaker 4 (55:02):
I'm telling you if again, whether that's that there's six
million dollars out there for him or not, knows four
thousand followers, what if there's let me put this away,
what if there's three million available to him? Would you
do it? I don't think he would three million dollars
for one year his pro contract may not be three
million dollars. You and I don't think that he's going
to be a good NFL quarterback. I think Quinn Ewers
thinks he's going to be a good NFL quarterback. He
can say I can go work on my rookie deal,
be a starter somewhere and I'll get my I'll get
my riches a lot sooner. Or yeah, that's what I think.
And now this is a gut feeling. We're feeling, right.
I have no idea. He could very well transfer somewhere
else and take a big pack. I would still lean
towards him probably going to the NFL, because I don't
know if I believe there's six million dollars out there waiting.
First of all, what what school is so cash flush
that they think it would take six million dollars to
go grab Quinn for one more year. That's the mid point,
is that it did. The town doesn't match the amount
of money it would take. Is there a college coaches
country going? Man, we are a queen viewers away from
being a national title contender, Willy Fritz, we already got
our guy. We're happy. Connor Witman wishing him the best.
I'm glad you are go kooks. Got you turned around?
Speaker 9 (56:19):
I like this.
Speaker 4 (56:20):
This is a new fresher twenty twenty five. Rossfield areasout
Washington State. Oh my god. Seven one three two one
two five seven natis seven one three two one two
five seven Nauti. It is eleven fifteen. It is the
Matt Thomas Show with Ross. We've got shut your bumb
ass up anything twenty twenty four. Are you on a
future twenty twenty five? We'll let you do that at
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Speaker 1 (57:43):
Matt Thomas, Ross Virel, It's the Matt Thomas Show with
Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (57:53):
All Right, a friend of mine just texted me and
he says this, and Ross, we might need video evidence
of such event. You gotta talk about the two ASU
co eds who walked in who walked on in front
of Burt before his kick. Incredible strategy. Oh yeah, he
was doing his practice kick and somebody I thought it
was just one. It might have been two, but it was.
I don't think there were co eds or just like
ladies and bikinis or something like that. They were student
trainers or something like that, and they stepped in front
of Burt when he was doing his kick. Yeah, so
we don't know. Was that gamesman Ship from did somebody
send them over there? I would guess yes, Oh my gosh,
absolutely hundred percent. By the way, whatever make your kick, Burt.
I'm not using that as an excuse. There's no way.
ASU an incredible campus. What's your favorite feature?
Speaker 5 (58:52):
Speaker 4 (58:55):
I don't know, but I've been to ASU's campus probably
two or three times in my life, and I've never
been disappointing. Maybe some of the best once around you'll
find in America. What does that mean? Once around? Run
the campus? H You get in your car and you're
doing once around campus kind of look, let's see what's
out there. Beautiful buildings, structures. Oh okay, and so I'll
say what was what was the structure? Was there a
certain building or a statue you saw that you really
was impressive? No, I thought they were all great. Okay,
the two best once arounds in America at least that
in the last ten years for me. Rossi okay, Texas
State and Arizona State. Okay, Sen you send your kids
Arizona State. Doll party, Hardy, Phoenix, great city, temp A,
great little town seven one three, two, one two five
seven and he shuts your plump ass up. Coming up
at the bottom of the hour, John, and pass the
get down.
Speaker 9 (59:47):
Do you know?
Speaker 13 (59:48):
Speaker 7 (59:48):
Speaker 12 (59:49):
Hey guys, what's going on? Happy New Year?
Speaker 4 (59:52):
Same to you.
Speaker 12 (59:53):
Hey, Hey, I appreciate Hey. Couple of things. One not
very personal. If you're in a group. Two for New
Year's a Christmas, send me something personal. I'll send you something.
Speaker 4 (01:00:03):
Personal back blessings. Give me yes, okay, Hey.
Speaker 14 (01:00:07):
Tess Arizona State. One thing I haven't really heard to
me people talk about. First of all, Tesxas will not
be Ohio.
Speaker 12 (01:00:13):
State plan like they've been playing. No doubt Ohio State
is rumbling right now, but let skate vote. Is he
the next Taysom Hill?
Speaker 2 (01:00:22):
Number one?
Speaker 12 (01:00:23):
And next?
Speaker 14 (01:00:25):
There was some serious separation he made and no call
on that sixty something yard passing he caught late in
the game.
Speaker 7 (01:00:34):
That was no call.
Speaker 14 (01:00:35):
So I don't want to hear about the targeting and
all that kind of stuff because he got away with
his fair share of stuff.
Speaker 12 (01:00:40):
But he is a gamer. I'll say that he's gonna
make somebody's roster, you know, at the next level, but
I don't know that he'll be that big of an
impact player.
Speaker 4 (01:00:50):
Thanks John. The reference I got on Twitter a minute
ago was Peyton hillis former Cleveland Brown. Okay, I mean,
I mean, I don't know. Let's just find a white
guy and say every white guy that was a running back,
and let's that's what we do, that's what we have
your own metas. That was the first name that came
to mind. Really literally, I wasn't trying to search or
trying to beat un body type is not even close
to his well end of his courage, young younger Jerome Bettis, Well,
I'm talking no, no, no, I'm talking about scattab Hill.
Don't know about Jerome Bettis and Camp Scattabocatabo, but everybody
says Scataboo, So I guess it. I think it's I
love it. I love Cameral Scattaboo.
Speaker 3 (01:01:30):
Now hold on, yeah, hit.
Speaker 4 (01:01:34):
The music, hit it, you did it, you started it,
cam Scannaboo. This one, yeah, let go this one. Welcome
this weekend NHU Sports. They're looking for a transfer out
of the boys Estate Boys. There's Camp Scataboo getting himself
a nine year algibidity. Welcome to Baton Rouge. You see
that Camp's catabou run on a peaceball, now, man, he
was trucking them off of him like it was a
possums holding their babies, get some n AM money for
camps Scattaboy. We're gonna spell his name be u ex Scattaboo.
They remember, we get him some cracklings on the I
ten at life I had, and we'll get his dad
in there too, because the dad gets as much shine
as that quarterback in Texas. That was a backup. It
sucked and couldn't do anything guns to Alabama, but his
daddy got a lot of playing time. He was stirring
up that Texas defense like a pott of gumbo.
Speaker 1 (01:02:35):
Speaker 4 (01:02:37):
The Camp Scattaboy show. It's gonna become a thing now, Yeah,
I'm okay with it. Well, I'm Matt Ruth sports leader.
Instead of Old West names, were doing Cajun Sunday names
Seu La shoes. Yeah, we'll get rid of the Old West.
We'll take it over the Cajun names. He should have
went to LSU. Baby, Why didn't even recruit him. Somebody
said he's had a hand injury back in the day.
Is that true? I don't know. People were talking about
him vomiting and twitching on the like if he had
he's a customer as u. People were folks were saying
that he's always twitchy, So I don't know if that
means you let me taste him. If you're twitch at
a issue, that's a good thing. He's got the turets
or if he does not have Touretts. You don't know that.
But what an assumption on your part. I'm telling you
what I read on Twitter. Tourett's is about twitching and
swearing at large amounts of people. Matt. That's from movies.
You don't have to Tourett's. People don't. They're normally you
just be twitchy and have Touretts. You don't, So if
you don't have trett you don't swear as much. That's
the thing that the movies have done this and make
it all about just screaming. See, you know what I'm
all about Touret's awareness here on this show, Matt. That's
why I'm glad you brought this to the table. No,
you can just be like twitching and the uncontrollable noises
or sounds or whatever. It's not necessarily what you saw.
Deuce Bigelow Male Jiggalo with Amy Poehler scoring, Yes, that's
that's more of an exaggerate He shouldn't be a Hollywood Matt.
It's not the actually what happens on Uh there's a
show called Boston Legal that had an attorney that was
like a clerical helper that was had tourettes as well,
and he was swearing a lot too. Okay, all right,
well now you've just I didn't say he has tourettes.
People on Twitter, did you just did? You just wanted
a major market radio. Sure, you carry a lot even
though you were mid you you definitely market mid market.
You definitely put it out there. Hi, my name is Ross,
and I did not say that camp'scattaboat boo or bo whatever,
camps scata bou b e a u X. That was
Matt Thomas diagnosed him with threats. No, you're the one
who mentioned Turett's for I did. I just said he
swears a lot. All right, So you gotta shut your
buy mess uparate it locked and loaded, don't you. I
got got a certain baseball writer. Sure, all right, ladies
and gentlemen, this is the way normally we're doing on Wednesdays.
But because we were working yesterday or we were not
working yesterday, we have a chance here for you to
spout off. But something that's really irritated you. Someone has
irritated you, someone is making you mad. You can tell
them right here on this radio show to shut their
bumb asses up. Seven one three two one two five
seven ninety seven one three two one two five seven
nine zero. If there's something that's going on in your
life that's causing delays or you don't have time for you,
simply say anybody got time for that? We got that
coming up as well. Next half hour is yours. Just
spout off. What's the matter with you? Let's find out
right now. Seven one three two one two five seven
NINTI here again, here.
Speaker 5 (01:05:34):
Again, here again, tamp it here again, damp here again,
damfident here again, here again.
Speaker 7 (01:05:42):
Time here again, damp.
Speaker 9 (01:05:47):
Speaker 4 (01:05:48):
This is our favorite part of the week, it really is.
I don't care if we doing on a Wednesday or Thursday.
Gonna move it around. We just need a half hour
for us to just devent. And that's what this show does.
I mean. Other people are breaking through depth charts, other
people discussing exhaustingly long segments of what Texans should play
this Sunday against Tennessee. I can give two craps about
the game on Sunday. It's about wh They're going to
play the playoffs, right, don't you think I think you care?
You give a little bit of a crap about the result.
I got a steak dinner on no big woop. Okay,
not a big deal. Let's got all have a high
end steake dinner now, money Mills, money Mills, go lead.
It's the victory note and a half. Okay, I got you.
Tennessee Titan's putting out the order logos on their Twitter account.
I'm over it. Shut your bumb mess up.
Speaker 7 (01:06:37):
Shit, your bum mess up, man.
Speaker 4 (01:06:40):
It's it's they're weirdly obsessed. And by the way, to
douchebags out there on Twitter that say, well they got
what they accomplish your between them, shut your bum mess up.
I'm gonna want to comment on people on Twitter, especially
when stupid your team's three and thirteen put the logo
out there. Though good for you, it's so weird they
use it for their they are three and three team.
They're using it for the last week of the season.
I'm with you. Ain't nobody got time for the Tennessee
Titans to try to act like they're really Tennessee Oilers history. Yeah,
I mean the Houston Oilers Pro Bowl voting Larmie Tensel.
Anybody got time for him being on the Pro Bowl roster.
It's ridiculous. What do you mean, top five past blocker
in the country, number one penalty uh a crew, Yes, yes, okay,
I guess I like it for the sake of the argument.
Seven one three two one two sounder for when you
make up a word. Oh, I've done a lot of
that seven one three two one two, But I was
always prefaced by saying.
Speaker 7 (01:07:36):
Is that a word? You know what?
Speaker 4 (01:07:38):
We appreciate you for that. Like half the time it
is a word. Yeah, I just don't use it. Seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seven Ross. What's the matter
with you?
Speaker 11 (01:07:49):
Speaker 4 (01:07:49):
I actually did some research, Matt. It was last week,
but it was Friday when Jeff Passon did it. So
you know what, Jeff Passing, We're still putting you up here.
I have defended you for years on this program in
this station against people who hate you like Matt Thomas
and a I absolutely hate him, is indefensible. Not only
do you put out one tweet defending the Dodgers, saying, well,
other teams can go out and spend just like the Dodgers.
No they can't, and you know that, But then you
follow it up and compound the issue when people point
out that there's over a billion dollars in deferrals and
you try to act like that's unprecedented. That is disingenuous,
and I'm disappointed to see you carry the water for
the Dodgers, you tiny little insecure nerd, shut job, mess up,
jeffs and where some suits that fit rage against the
machine dork, then't make a time for you orange mediums. Well,
actually your case would be what's a mix between extra
small and small? I don't know, extra small, dorky I
got for it? Always looks like a ring bearer and
a wedding. You get that ring bear suit on? Does
anybody that grew up with Jeff Passing man? Jeff Passing
back in the day was such a cool dude. No
he's not. But he's got a lot of money and
he breaks news. Good for him. Thank god it Danby
didn't choose him. I feel again, smoke scream, there's no
way all right, Connor, what's the matter with.
Speaker 10 (01:09:17):
You had friends go to Nashville for the Music City Bowl,
Miszoo beat Iowa for back to back ten minutes Congratulations
games on Monday, I was invited but declined because it
was too expensive, and I agreed to cover for the
afternoon producership that day. Uh So, I was glad my
friends were able to go and have a good time.
But anybody got time for pictures and videos being sent
to me of them partying and saying I wish that
I should be there instead while I'm stuck here in
the studio of a close or a closet of a studio.
Speaker 4 (01:09:47):
I had major fomo. Anybody got time for that? Nobody
got that? By the way, close, if you go, I
got one free. If you go out on New Year's even,
you dress up and then send me photos of how
y'all or how snappyard looking, But you don't invite me
to go hang out with you. Ain't nobody got time
for that either. You were gonna say no anyways, Matt,
that's exactly right. You just want to be invited, That's right,
But don't don't not invite me and then still send
me pictures.
Speaker 7 (01:10:15):
All right?
Speaker 4 (01:10:15):
I'm sorry? Am I right about that? I guess I
don't know. I don't forget people sending me pictures of
their outfit because I'm gonna tell you something. I made
a terrible, terrible mistake this year. Who were these people
sending me pictures of their outfits? Man, it's not your
concern at this point. See what is happening here? So
I made a major mistake. I'm gonna tell myself to
shut my bum step on this. I was supposed to
take my middle son, Peyton, to go see Barry Manilow
this summer at the Smart Financial if he makes it, no,
he knows, this is this past summer. No, if Barry
makes oh, okay, well the concert he got COVID and
had to reschedule. Yeah, so his mother took his spot.
Mm hmm oh right, and we sent photos of us
singing Barry Manilow to pay him. He was pissed. Yeah,
he wasn't happy. He's like, not only did I not go,
You're sending me photos of you enjoying yourself? Dad and Mom,
shut your bullmass up. It's correct. So I made up
for it. He and I this June are going to
Vegas to see Barry and his residency show in Las Vegas. Wonderful,
so good for me, good for Yes Orleans. No, he's
in Westgate. He's got a lifetime residency there. Now whatever
his lifetime is left. I was gonna say, whatever's left.
So I made amends. But just again, if you go
somewhere and don't invite somebody, don't send pictures to us.
We don't care. Especially we don't get the invite her
feelings say. In general, nobody wants to watch your two
minute concert video anyways. No, I got time for that now.
I put the Eagles out there because I thought that
the spear was amazing, sphere sphere was amazing. And I
put that out there because I wanted to sho everybody
how great it is. You know, you just wanted to
flex that everybody that you were at the sphere. That's okay,
and I okay, what social media is for. I got
seventy five thousand views on Man, We're so proud of you. Man,
how did that happen? I didn't I didn't tag anybody.
I don't know. It has the Eagles and it got
picked up in the algorithms. Man, God, it's crazy. We
were all slaves in the algorithm. That is actually true.
Seven one three, two, one two five seven ninety Joe
Northwest Houston, Joe, what's the matter with you?
Speaker 14 (01:12:31):
Speaker 15 (01:12:31):
Hey, I half a New Year's guys.
Speaker 4 (01:12:32):
Thank you, you too, Hey, what's the matter with me? Okay?
Speaker 3 (01:12:37):
On the Longhorn game.
Speaker 16 (01:12:40):
The defender, Uh, if you looked at last minute, he
kind of flattened himself out and he was not at
all trying to hit him in the helmet. He was
trying to avoid going heads first. He was almost going
in standing up, and the the catch, the receiver just
you know, duck down a all day and their helmets
touched and decides, as as Ross said, on their touchdown,
that was illegal. You can't kick a guy up and
sling him into the end zone.
Speaker 4 (01:13:11):
That you can't and you can't do that. So that's
it's all the people.
Speaker 16 (01:13:16):
Are complaining about that call.
Speaker 4 (01:13:18):
Shut your bub ass.
Speaker 7 (01:13:19):
Up, and.
Speaker 16 (01:13:23):
Yes, nobody's got time for that. And secondly, I once.
Speaker 4 (01:13:28):
Worked this guy with Turrett and he was really cool
and he.
Speaker 16 (01:13:32):
Did like occasionally, like every fifteen or twenty minutes, lured
out a few words or something. But he was a
good looking guy, and uh, dude, he was We were
both young. We had we used to go out the
clubs together and women loved him.
Speaker 4 (01:13:47):
So anyhow, and in sensive people Turrette you guys go
all right, Yeah, it was the opposite of those like
keep talking president, shut your boss up. So you're saying
fake Tourette's works. No, the guy had Turets Matt and
he was blorning out wars and women thought it was hot.
He said, he was a good looking dude. So if
he was ugly in the in the wards have been
spouting out would have been yeah, okay, So basically it
was because he was good looking at it and make
his head as a Turrett's. That's you know, that's how
life works. Sometimes it's harder life. The road is harder
for the ugly people. Yeah, did you see curb enthused,
He asked him when he went to where Larry went
to a restaurant where there was a section of good
looking people and there are a section of ugly people. Yeah,
you don't get into the clubs, I mean really, job
interviews don't go as well. Nope, everybody is about how
you look. You don't get on television people, you don't
get hard. How many how many legitimately ugly solent reporters
are there in sports a couple. Go ahead and name them.
I'm waiting. We're waiting ahead. You open this up. Go
I did not open it. I said, I said, how many?
I answered your question? You should have said zero. You asked,
you should have said no, there's no ugly people. But
being honest, I can't know. No names are coming. You
don't want to name names. No names are coming. To
the top of my head. I'll talk. Okay, give me
a couple of it. I'll tell you. We go to
the break. You're gonna tell us. But think, if you're
an if you're a solid reporter, you've got some attractiveness
to you. Yeah, I mean that's and that's it's primarily women,
but there are also some male reporters too that they
look at themselves in the mirror and go, you know what,
we're good looking people. Yeah, Tom are not all the
good looking dude. I mean, I don't think he's ugly.
I don't know. Y'all need to text Ross and see
who we thinks are ugly as solid reporters, because I
really would like to hear this. Oh my god, he
could have said zero and been really safe and in
said he said, oh, there's a couple there are, am
I wrong and none and none of them I'm coming
to mind. No, I can't, not a single one. I'm
not a broadcasting nerd like you. I don't know who
everybody's I don't know who's on the sixth crew on
FS one like you do. That is accurate, But I
think all of them have inner beauty. They might have
have interviewed he's out or not there? Seven one three
two one two five seven ninety. If you've got somebody
that's irritating you, making you mad, making you sad, tell
them to shut their bone masses up seven one three
two one two five seven any more of this to
the top of the are news at noon?
Speaker 1 (01:16:18):
Emade Okay, one o'clock. This is Sports Talk seven ninety
Matt Thomas, Ross Viel. It's a Matt Thomas show with
Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (01:16:34):
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five sevenighty. And I wish
spam risks. Sorry about that. Uh, I was about to say,
I wish we could tell you what we talk about
during breaks. I don't. Why do you wish because it's
so juicy? No, it's not that juicy. I like it,
but you just told me twenty seconds ago. Cracks me up.
Okay seven one three two one two five seven. Dowty
seven one three two one two five seven. I look
who's online? Three there ROSSI who got over there? Happy
to hear James and garden.
Speaker 13 (01:17:23):
Oaks likewise man likewise Governor Thomas, and thank you, uh
uh mister g for taking my call and happy need
it to you to r V listen. I just got
two quick things. Number One, that guy Jeff Passing, he
is the dweed of the year for sure, because he's
trying to sell that you know that concept that you
know everybody can you know they know about the concept
to do get the players and the further contract. Now
that's that's a conspiracy theory.
Speaker 12 (01:17:53):
And that's complete bogus.
Speaker 4 (01:17:55):
Uh, But I'll bypass that.
Speaker 13 (01:17:57):
Thing that bugs me is this thing I heard just
yesterday about the coach of the Eagles, whoever this pineapple,
is saying that they thought it was in the best
interest to sit Saquon Barkie. First of all, that's sending
a very poor message to the fans.
Speaker 9 (01:18:12):
Speaker 4 (01:18:13):
No matter what fan base you are and.
Speaker 13 (01:18:15):
Everything you want to see somebody succeed and set a benchmark,
and if he's able to succeed it, it don't matter
who held the record. It should be it should be
giving that guy an opportunity to take that record.
Speaker 12 (01:18:28):
But you know, I'm confused with that, and I'm just you.
Speaker 4 (01:18:32):
Know, like I don't have time for all that.
Speaker 13 (01:18:33):
And I'm sure a lot of other people feel the
same way. And thank you Governor Thomas for taking my Callin't.
Speaker 4 (01:18:39):
Nobody got time for the New York I don't think
we're gonna get a single. Sat Kwon Barkley, you should
play this week. Call this week between now and tomorrow. Right,
Fantasy's done. No, Eagles don't have to play opening weekend.
Sakwan Barkley shouldn't be playing. Sorry. Apparently his father was
disappointed because he wanted the family name on the rushing record,
which would be cool. Charles, I don't think. I don't
believe that Sequan's father is Charles. Okay, I guess he's
old enough to be. Oh, absolutely he is. I think
Charles is like sixty something now, yeah, which makes me
feel kind of old because I think he finished Auburn
in eighty four. Somewhere in that Rangel would put him
about well fourteen years old. Yeah, yeah, he's got to
be in his sixties. By the way, Charles Barkley is
very funny to me. All he did six months ago
was tell us how he was going to retire, yes,
and how he was not going to work anymore in
television than if he wasn't gonna work with the Boy.
So TNT sets up a side deal with ESPN and says,
we'll take the Inside the NBA show, We'll let you
produce it out of Atlanta, and we'll just stick it
on ESPN. It will be you four bros just doing it.
Not only does he say that sounds cool, but then
he's like, well, I'm still talking to Amazon, I'm still
talking to NBC, and I'm not gonnaletely show what I'm
gonna do. He's negotiating still. He's negotiating when he told
us six months ago he was retiring. He's got more
retirement talk than Sugar Ray Leonard used to talk. When
he used to talk about retirement. For those of you
used to care about boxing, you know exactly what I'm
talking about. And go with Mike Tyson too. He's retired
a few times now, but he made good money though.
He came back and got well, yeah, but he squandered
it all. He talked about being broken. I mean he
got he got it back now right. I mean he's
he's cash Michigan. I hope he's keeping that cash and
he got from the Jake Paul Sham of a fight. Yeah,
thank god I was on Netflix. I would I would.
I'll tell you this. I wouldn't have paid for it. No,
I would have illegal streamed it. Oh, at your house absolutely,
put on a big screen in front of the house
against the garage door. H cook some wieniese what yeah,
look at the hotdog roast I'm not eat Yeah, but
don't do dog. Can you put movies against the projector
of your of your garage?
Speaker 1 (01:21:06):
Speaker 4 (01:21:07):
Actually I like making smores hot dogs. Hot dogs are
for children.
Speaker 12 (01:21:10):
Speaker 4 (01:21:11):
Have some sausage, No, man, I know you can like
it all. You can like sausage. You can like the
doll you know what, don't. I'm not talking food with you.
You know what, that's my twenty twenty five New Years residences.
You're saying that your anti hot dog if you I'm
not saying so, you're saying that many of the people
that go to sporting events are bad people because they
like hot dogs. There's a time and a place. But
I'm not inviting you over to watch a fight and
have a a Wieni roast. You have invited me over, period.
What's the difference. You're not coming over for a Wieni
roast as much as you want to, Matt, I don't know.
Speaker 8 (01:21:39):
I know.
Speaker 4 (01:21:40):
I don't mean no. What do you want to do
a lobster ball instead? Yeah, we can do that. You
can do a clam bake. Clambake would be really delicious.
He oh small the smoke of Prime Rib. Oh excellent,
Now you're talking my language. Prime Rib, I would say,
not underrated, as everybody likes it, but as a home
food it's it's not as a kid. As a younger adult.
I like the end cut because I always thought it
was too rare, but now I'm off the d cut
but it's too overdone. Right in the heart of it,
a good Prime Ray. Where's medium right in the middle?
Medium rare? The listen, I love this show. A little
minutes ago we were talking about the Jake Paul fight
in Prime Rib. Charles Barkley to Prime Rib. Somehow, some way,
that's time. We do it here on Sports Talk seven
ninety last call. If you got anything else you want
to get off your chest? Anybody got time for that?
Hutchabell massteps seven one three two one two five seven
nine zero seven one three two one two five seven
ninety all I got one free from last week. The
NFL did a terrible job of scheduling their games. You
had the two games on Christmas, you had then three
more on Saturday. The Sunday slight of NFL games this
past week was terrible. It was so bad that I
couldn't even enjoy it on on the Red Zone because
there was good They were going from one sucking game
to the next. And at three o'clock there was only
two games on right. Yes, it was Miami Cleveland, which
meant nothing to anybody. I mean, I think technically Miami
was still eligible for the playoffs, and they still are,
and then you had the Green Bay Minnesota. But man,
if you're just relaxing on a Sunday and you don't
have a dog in a fight, like Houston didn't because
the Texans already played, give us a bunch of games
to choose from. There was nothing intriguing about Sunday, So
anybody got time for bad NFL weekday games, especially in
the noon slot, because it felt like it was pluthor
of them. Let's get all those Christmas checks and they're
not regretting that they're not gonna stop one hundred and
fifty million dollars? Is that sick? By the way, Netflix
is beyond happy no streaming issues, had worldwide, hillatiously big numbers, right,
NFL got its money, huge numbers, no snaffoos, as you mentioned,
and they were dog games and they still dog games
and people watched, which I think it just shows you
how powerful Netflix is, well the NFL both. What do
you think how many out of every ten households you
go to, how many people have Netflix? Who with these
three out of ten? What do you think? I don't know.
It feels like at least half, It feels like it probably,
but it probably is. We can probably google that. But
the viewership for these dog games was incredible. Now, I
don't know how they count them as as to number
of people in the house, if they had to guess
on that, or they strictly said these number of households
were watching it. But man, as of the third quarter
of twenty four, eighty five million paid subscribers in the
United States and Canada. And what there's four hundred people
million people in America plus shared with shared passwords. But
they don't even know the shared password. They just know
simply number of people that logged in and said I
want to hit that game, right, But I think they're
cracking down on the shared password things so well. At
least Netflix did last one. Frank seven ninety what's the
matter with you?
Speaker 7 (01:24:58):
Frank? We ain't got I.
Speaker 2 (01:25:01):
Want to know this your found, Matt that we can't
see U of h on television.
Speaker 4 (01:25:06):
Why is it my fault? Because we we because we just.
Speaker 2 (01:25:11):
Got to have somebody's blamed, so might will blame you, Matt.
Speaker 4 (01:25:15):
That feels like that feels accurate. That's nice, Thank you, Frank.
Speaker 2 (01:25:18):
He a and and and uh till Hills.
Speaker 7 (01:25:22):
You got shedded bomb ass.
Speaker 4 (01:25:24):
You don't want to hear none of that crap shit
you hear that Gordy shuts your bomb ass up. Gordy,
shit your bum ass up.
Speaker 9 (01:25:31):
Speaker 4 (01:25:32):
That's rude. By the way, Christy on Twitter giving me
an ugly sports dude on television. Okay, who'd she say? No,
I'll let you check it out. I saw it. I'm
sure to make you say it. You can say it
rhymes with Mick might she said it?
Speaker 1 (01:25:48):
Not us?
Speaker 4 (01:25:50):
What do you think it is? You think it's hair.
I'm not answering these questions. You want to go further?
Not until the next brutal honest segment with Ross who
wins that. I'll do one a year? No, how about
one a month? All the same, Like all ten of
the questions that we got, we're all about ranking the
seven ninety talents. So I feel like I'm over that right. Well,
we can find some new things, like who do you
truly despise in Houston media? Like sort despise any Which
sports member members of the media do you like? How
is this guy legitimate sports media people? I despise on
the known led JITs. Yeah, but I don't even want
to mention them because I don't want the up exactly
exactly all right, The news at noon is up in
just two minutes here on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 3 (01:26:42):
Lunchtimers, this is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 4 (01:26:46):
Twelve oh two on Sports Talk seven ninety. We are
halfway done with the show. What's happened to Lunch? Timers.
Hope you guys are having and ladies are having a
great new year. Seven one three two one two five
seven ninety seven one three two one two five seven
nine zero. Coming up in one hour, we'll hear from
Rockets head coach Emay Doka Rockets winning last night. I'm
sure details coming up on that on we like to
call the news at noon and with that to go
to the sports desk. All right, Matt, go to be
You're happy here, by the way, must do. And you
already you already had quitting all those New Year's resolutions.
Uh bet, I didn't make any of you make any
not yet. Would you like to make one? We can
do one live on the air right now. Uh yeah, No,
lose weight. M that's the old standboys, that the techno
originality whatsoever. It's not about originality. That's about getting better
and being healthier than what. Twelve twenty, We're gonna make
some New Year's resolutions, real legit ones. I told you
I'm gonna stop arguing food with you. That's my new
Year's resolution, because you are the food god and everything
you say I'm always wrong, But I mean, at least
I can argue with somebody would who doesn't love to
make rib We had mcgribs on New Year's Eve the
goat did you seriously on the way? How forget that?
I said, I'll argue with somebody else. It is America sandwich.
Speaker 7 (01:28:07):
It is a.
Speaker 4 (01:28:08):
Disgusting piece of pig tripe. Move on to the news
of dude, A lot of the dude bad we're talking about. Well, Lah,
yesterday in the college football playoff, you had the Texas
Longhorns defeating the Arizona State sun Devils in a thriller
in double overtime. A lot of controversy over the late
call that was not should there have been targeting? Of course,
my counter to that is maybe there should have been targeting,
but by the rule of the law, I could see
where it was ruled not a targeting. But also Cam's Kataboo,
who had a great game overall, accumulated a lot of
big numbers one hundred and forty three yards on a
thirty carries, couple of touchdowns as well, did have the
big sixty two yard catch which led to a day
of eight catches for ninety nine yards. Also threw a
touchdown a lane duck that was vastly underthrown and then
ran to the end zone. But also at the end
of the day, a great performance from Camp Scataboo thirty
nine to thirty one, though quinn Ewers comes up clutch
in overtime and the Longhorns advance to the Final four
of the College football Playoff. Unbelievable, great interception in the game,
great light second performance for Quinn yours the fourth and
thirteen big stones on that bad boy. We were in
the car listen to Craig Way, and I think he
was about to have a heart attack. He was losing
He was losing his mind for sure. Yes, and elsewhere
in the college football Playoff, Ohio State trouncing Oregon, getting
up thirty one to zero, going on to win forty
one to twenty one. The first person I thought of
Matt when I saw this game, poor Phil Knight, eighty
six years old. Yes, all he wants to do is
he's basically a said blank check and well, the Oregon
Ducks are going to have to settle for not being
a team that was worthy of the off. According to
the logic of Kirk krbent Street, when you see a
blowout in the playoff, then you say that team wasn't
deserving of the spot, right, That's how it works. So
Oregon not deserving of the spot? Is that what we're
going with Kirk Kirk is Kirk's had a better month
in terms of reputation wise, has he? He said better
times than when he's getting dragged on these social media streets.
I mean, he trotted out his dead dog and got
sympathy from everyone, and he's still getting crushed. Yeah, that's
how bad it's going for him. You bring you bring
the fresh dog out and it hasn't helped. I think
somebody was saying like, next dog up, next dog up,
which was kind of rude, kind hundred percent route. I
didn't say it, you were thinking about it. No, I
didn't think it. All right. I'm sorry for his loss
of whatever. That dog's name was the first one that died.
Also in the news at noon, Matt the Houston Rockets
with a one at ten to ninety nine win over
the Dallas Mavericks on this five game homestand against five
straight playoff teams, dropping the first two and disappointing. It
was nice to see a win for the Rockets last night. Yes,
did so without Lukadancic, who, by the way, Dallas looks
disoriented without him out there. Kyrie was just a guy
out there yesterday when Quentin Grimes shout out to the
University Houston, Cougar's was one of your league go two threats. Offensively,
Dallas in trouble Alprin Shangoon had a great second half.
Rockets couldn't find the three ball much in the first half,
got better as the game progressed a little bit. Cam
Wentmore was very impressive yesterday coming off the bench as
once again no Tar Easan and you had, unfortunately Men
Thompson serving the first of his two game suspension. Also
Jalen Green scoring twenty plus points without making a three pointer.
The Sports Talk seven to ninety research team has dug
into the arcas at Waxler it was me oh okay
I was doing in the during the post game while
Imodoka was playing. Okay, Jalen Green has not done that
all year, twenty plus points without making a three, because
he's very three point dependent when it comes to his
point production in my mind, and he'd only done it
twice previously in his career. That was in his second
year in the league. So good to see him getting
aggressive getting to the basket. Only put up three threes
normally he's like if he has a bad shooting at
one for eight, one for nine, something like that, getting
to the basket able to score twenty two points on
twenty one shots. Ran Vlaid did not shoot well yesterday,
but did distribute the ball nicely, got a couple of blocks.
Rockets got a bunch of steals in the game, and
more importantly separated themselves between the third and the fourth
spot on the Western Conference. Also Matt eighteen points from
Cam Whitmore seven and nine from the field in twenty
four minutes. You would have thought he would have been
really happy post game, but a bizarre interview from Cam
Whitmore after the game sounded like he's either frustrated or
unhappy here with the Houston Rockets right now.
Speaker 2 (01:32:47):
How did it feel just to you know, get consistent
minutes there in that second quarter, but also in that.
Speaker 4 (01:32:50):
Fourth quarter to close the game.
Speaker 8 (01:32:52):
I don't think it was consistent.
Speaker 1 (01:32:54):
I don't.
Speaker 8 (01:32:55):
I really don't know or think that imacket should be
a little bit, but I mean, and doesn't really you know,
affect anything, doesn't really you know, can't give me nowhere,
but I mean, we'll see what happens. But I don't,
I mean describe I got to win.
Speaker 4 (01:33:09):
You don't feel good about how you played tonight?
Speaker 8 (01:33:11):
I do, But I mean it's not doesn't mean anything.
Speaker 4 (01:33:15):
It doesn't mean anything. What is Cam whitmore talking about
what is happening here? I really don't know. I was
really shocked at the end of the night listening to
that interview and it goes on and it gets weirder
and weirder. Yeah, it was, it was.
Speaker 9 (01:33:34):
Speaker 4 (01:33:36):
Maybe it was I've done this all along and I'm
not begiving the chance or no matter what I do,
nobody's mad, nobody's happy with me. Or maybe he's a
big powder. I don't know. Maybe he feels like he
should be starting. I don't. I don't. Cam and I
have no relationship whatsoever, so I can't really speak to
what he could be thinking. Guys aren't broskies. No, But yeah,
I had been making waves throughout certainly Rockets, Twitter and
a little bit in the NBA sphere, the Great Game
from Campa sphere. Nice. Oh, I didn't even know what
you're doing there.
Speaker 7 (01:34:15):
I was like, I say it wrong.
Speaker 4 (01:34:18):
I mean, he's been good since been back. I mean
he's spent a month in the jail. Maybe he's just
bent about being in the G League for a month. Yeah,
I don't know. It was weird stuff from Campbell Moore
and uh well, Coachy Doka heaping praise on him last year.
I mean, coach was loving on the guy. I don't know.
I'm I really, I don't mean to be perplexed by something,
but I was. I was certainly perplexed by that, and
also Matt elsewhere. Keeping with the college football bracket that
we were talking about earlier, of course, with the tragedy
in New Orleans, you had the Sugar Bowl postponed by
a day. It will be a three pm kick Notre
Dame versus Georgia. I saw prospective line we should carry
the game so you can be eighteen other day. Well, yeah,
we don't want to overtax them. I mean, it's the
start of the year. We don't want those guys working
too hard. At the moment, Notre Dame a one point favorite,
and no matter what happens as of now, the perspective
line would be either the Notre Dame fighting irish or
the Georgia Bulldog's two point favorites over Penn State, although
Penn State is playing very atypical. Now, granted, they had
Boise State and they had SMU, so it wasn't like
a one jugnaut after the other for the first two
playoff games. But they've been playing well. By the way,
that Penn State quarterback not very good, throws a deep
ball very inaccurately. There's no zip on the football. They
moved down the field beautifully. But I was number fifteen
on what his name is, but I just wasn't very impressed.
And then also one more college football note, speaking of
prospective lines, there is a line out on Texas versus
Ohio State, at least according to Ian. How do you
feel about it now? OSU sitting at minus six feel fair?
I think so. I mean, look, if the long Horns
aren't gonna they've had no run game in the last
couple of games, So if you're not gonna be able
to run the ball, which they weren't against Arizona State
and Clemson. Now, I mean Arizona State could really good
run defense there, But I mean I was really confused
why we're continuing not to see Jaden blue When tray
Van Weisner is a good running back, but eighteen carries
for forty five yards is not gonna get it done.
And putting it all on Quinn yours don't even get
me started on that. He came through in a big way.
And I should have put a shut yo bum as
up on myself for saying he doesn't go out there
and win you game. He went out and won. The
long Horns ran, he ran in one, he threw for three.
He was huge, and he was a big part of it.
But that's also not something that you're gonna need to
you're gonna continue to count on. If you're the long Horns,
You're gonna need sustain drives. You're gonna need to keep
your defense off the field. I think it was ninety
seven plays ninety seven plays by Arizona State sun Devils
to sixty or the Texas Longhorns and then with double overtime.
But still defense is great and possibly the best unit
in the country. But they got to get off the field.
They need some sustained offensive drives if they're gonna win games.
All right. Somebody on Twitter, Joseph said, is does Cam
want to want out of Houston? Is that what it
sounds like to you or does sound like he was
just mad because he's just not getting I mean he's
been playing the last seven games. It's not like he's
not playing, as you said, gut feeling, don't know anything.
Seems like he wants to be he thinks he should
be a starter. That's what it sounded like to me,
that he deserves more minutes. Yeah, okay, because I mean
the very first beginning the question was asked getting more
consistent minutes in the second and a fourth and he
was like, I don't think I'm getting consistent minutes at all.
Speaker 2 (01:37:40):
How did it feel just to you know, get consistent
minutes there in that second quarter, but also in that.
Speaker 4 (01:37:44):
Fourth quarter to close the game.
Speaker 8 (01:37:45):
I don't think it was consistent.
Speaker 4 (01:37:48):
He doesn't think it's consistent minutes. So he was also
asked later or do you think you need a bigger role?
And he said no, so, but I don't know if
that's maybe trying to catch himself or yeah, because times
you get in front of the microphone and you say something,
you're like, oh, did I really say that? I better
backtrack here? Yeah, all right, Uh, we'll see what coach
Odoka has to say about performance of camp. Again, everything
that he said yesterday was effusive, right, it was, it was,
he was very He mentioned missing one defensive assignment and
then outside of that he'd been great defensively. And he
also said I'm not nip coach Udoka saying I'm not
nitpicking on that guys miss assignments. It's team basketball. But
he really he had been really impressed with his defense
and his offense. Yeah, sounds good to me. Twelve thirteen,
Sports Talk seven ninety will talk to you next seven
one three two one two five seven ninety seven one
three two one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 1 (01:38:35):
Lunchtimers, Lunchtimes, It's a Matt Thomas show with Ross on
Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (01:38:46):
I'll just grow on Twitter about the cam whitmore stuff
and uh, Sam Bessini, who I've sent multiple emails to
to come on the show, has never even responded, I
can't do it, just won't come on at all. Kind
of gives you the Sam a make treatment said. I
kind of took this audio as went more being hard
on himself and not really interested in doing media obligations
and anything specifically about how madd he is that is
rolling on the team. Maybe I'm wrong, I think Cam
just I mean, there are defensive liabilities. There isn't a
lot of play design. It's into the hand. Now he
does step back three, the step back mid range, he
will attack the glasses. So last night, I mean, well,
well I don't I don't know. We'll we'll have to
see what exactly, uh Cam says if he visited the
media tomorrow or the day after. Rockets, by the way,
take on the well, the Celtics and the Lakers and
back to back games Friday and Sunday. That is a
heavy hitter lineup right there. It's a heavy hitter weekend
for telling for Tino, she makes some cash. The Crows,
people in the building, crowd's been really good. We've had
last couple of things. People getting there sort on time,
which has been kind of nice too. Yes, what happens
you win some B ball games and they call people
calling the Rockets rock show. I mean, roam one bell today.
But we're getting there. Appreciate you folks. Know what men
Thompson is going to hurt. So that was another reason
why it was very important to get that win against
the short handed Mavericks team. Noah, men Thompson, so they
did get that Celtics gonna be tough. Jalen Brown playing? Uh,
what's he listed? A game time decision, That's what I'm saying.
I'm just saying in general, he may be completely healthy.
I don't know. It says game time decision for Christops
and Jalen Brown, but that's on the ESPN. I can
pull up the official Jason I'm gonna play. I think
can we get them suspended for something for being really
rude that they could fight each other? Yeah, get suspended
for violations and practice inter team squabble. Maybe the fly
will be delayed. Can't play the game? Get a fourfoot
you can't get here in time? Yeah, you're trying a
little bit too hard.
Speaker 12 (01:40:57):
Speaker 4 (01:40:58):
Christops and Jalen Brown listed as questionable and Baylor Shireman
is out on gleae ascent. Who mm hmm. You can
try to bangle word biscuit. Happy New Year to your friend,
Happy New Year.
Speaker 2 (01:41:17):
My brothers, big Ross. I think it was a couple
of months ago when I called in and I said, hey, man,
listen the coaching cam with more at seeing how that
man and man it's like, nah, he was listening, I said, man, listen.
Speaker 4 (01:41:33):
Yeah, man, did you say, Matt, listen to me? And
I said, I will not listen to Is that what
it is? I think you're I think you're creating new storylines.
But I'll listen to you.
Speaker 2 (01:41:40):
Speaker 4 (01:41:41):
How about that?
Speaker 2 (01:41:41):
You was like, well, they said his knee was heard her.
I said, May just came up from the G League.
It's going thirty points, he's not heard.
Speaker 4 (01:41:49):
You know what, I'm going to start writing down all
the crazy things. Biscuit says. If he's going to call
back and then call it call back with the I'm
right call all the time. Yeah, you are the king
of I'm right calls. Some recording. I'm recording you every day.
Speaker 2 (01:42:00):
All you got to listening to me, Man, listen right,
Cam Whitmore coach comes from that Larry Brown, tree Man, Popositch,
Larry Brown. They believe in playing basketball the right way. Okay,
what's the right way? You share the ball, you play defense,
and then if you score, that's cool. Cam Mint with
with Moore, I think he's better than Shepherd, a man
and Ethan. He feels like he should be playing in
front of all three of them, and the coach like,
I'm the coach. I'll tell you what to do. You
can't do what I tell you, we won't have a seat.
Speaker 4 (01:42:34):
Well, Raid Shepherd's not playing anymore. I mean he's got
a bunch of d MP late hurt and a men's out.
But I mean a man's a more complete player than.
Speaker 2 (01:42:42):
And that's who And that's why Whittmer know, that's why
he's playing. When those guys come back, whit Mare knows
he's going back to the bench. So that's why he's
not happy with it. He's like, yeah, yeah, I'm playing now,
but that's only because they hurt. He want to play
when they're healthy.
Speaker 4 (01:42:57):
Well, then then then we then, you know, then we
should use the wild see card. Right, we should see
what will he may does when everybody's healthy. But right now,
Tari's not one hundred percent. Uh, he shouldn't be playing
more minutes than of men Thompson and men Thompson is
the best, one of the best bench players in the
NBA this season. I'm not I'm not a sacking.
Speaker 2 (01:43:16):
I'm telling you what went Moore is thinking.
Speaker 7 (01:43:18):
What he's thinking.
Speaker 2 (01:43:20):
This is from his point of view. I'm better than
these guys. I'm seven faith from the field.
Speaker 3 (01:43:24):
They can't do.
Speaker 2 (01:43:25):
I'm dunking on people they can't hear three, and the
coach are like, yeah, but what about that man that
just went back door and you didn't cover What about
that fact that you don't even pass the ball. You're
like a black hole when the ball get to the sticks.
Speaker 4 (01:43:38):
Yeah, biscuit, I'm just telling you, and I have been
around some amazing coaches in my life, Amy and Doka
is the king of respect. What I need you to
do and I will give you the respect back. And
that's how I kind of exactly feel it, exactly.
Speaker 2 (01:43:52):
And the respect is get back on defense, hold your man,
share the ball.
Speaker 4 (01:43:58):
If you don't do those things.
Speaker 2 (01:43:59):
I don't give a flip about the jumpers you hit
and all that. If you don't do these things, your
time is gonna be limited. Thanks were we more got
to come around on it.
Speaker 4 (01:44:08):
I hope he does because there's a lot of part
there's a lot of things became with more I like, right,
I mean, there's he can he's got some he's got
great leaping ability, he can knock down the three, he
goes and goes for offensive rebounds. There's a lot of
parts of his game. I do like, and coach you
Dooka was talking about this literally last night, like he's
really he's always been a strong, physical, one on one defender,
but sometimes the defense team defense is lacking, and he's
been really great at that. He's getting better. I mean, I.
Speaker 7 (01:44:39):
I was.
Speaker 4 (01:44:39):
There are two people in this world that I am
scared if I was a player and I didn't play
defense to face their wrath. One would be Kelvin Samson,
won't be amy A Dooka. You don't play defense for
those guys. I don't care if they built the logo
of the NBA around you. You're not gonna play serious
minutes the Rockets ROSSI have to play great defense because
not a great shooting team. They're third fewest points a
lot of the NBA. Third fewest points allowed for a
basketball team that shoots about thirty two percent from three
point range, which is I think it's twenty ninth out
of thirty coming into last night direct it still is
twenty ninth. And you are about twenty six, twenty seven,
twenty eight. You've been all year in field goal percentage overall.
So how are you? How are you twelve games above
five hundred or eleven games? You have to do the
little things and an Emay's mind. It's defense, yes, and
I'm not saying that Cam is the only guilty party
of this. You can't. Also, it is possible to play
a good offense and be good defense. Is that the
Rockets don't have the shooter to do it. Yeah, So
if you're gonna if you're gonna hold opponents one hundred,
three hundred four points a game, you're gonna win your
share games even if you're not shooting great, and the
shooting will come around. It's going to it needs Fred.
Fred's gonna get better.
Speaker 7 (01:45:57):
Speaker 4 (01:45:57):
Fred is yoyo in this year, and he'd be the
first to tell you that, Yeah, career thirty seven percent shooter,
he's well under that right now. Yeah, it feels you know,
it feels like to me, maybe the numbers don't back
that up. Probably Dylan Brooks is probably your most consistent guy.
Is of like Dylan Brooks. I think he I would
have to go pull up all the numbers, but yeah,
he's been shooting like thirty seven thirty eight percent from three. Yeah,
and don't understand how the Rockets are so bad. They
get open looks, they're not like they're they're not a
whole lot of cone. It's taking five a game to
bring you down that much. Yeah, I don't know, but
you know what I'm like in the rocket chatter makes
me feel good, that's good man, makes me all for you? No,
I mean it makes me feel like we get we
have a team, because look, the Texans are probably gonna
be one and done or two and done the very much. Yeah,
the Astros, it's gonna be interesting, certainly a change. Now
to me, I'm feeling better with easc Paratus and Christian
Walker and the Fantask about those guys. I feel good
about the infield starting pitching Sat Meyers season. Baby, he's
ready to make the leap into the elite. Defensively, you've
lived off that month of May for a long time.
What do you mean? The fan club was founded long
before that month of May. The fan club was like,
we're gonna be able to raise our enrolment rates, you know,
the induction feed. No, we don't do that. We're static.
We don't pray on the people. We welcome everyone with
open arms. You were charging premium rates to join the
fan That's not true in May, and then all of
a sudden in August, you were like a buy one,
get one by a b O g O. No, that's
not true. You went on you went on the what
was the website? It's just kind of gift cards, you know,
that's what you were for a while.
Speaker 9 (01:47:48):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:47:50):
Chas McCormick, can Wright, jem Myerson Center, Mauricia Dubon slash,
Jordan Alvarez slash, Jacob Melton, Jacob Well. Zach is Enzo Zach.
You know that's right, Becase Zach's got to play somewhere
now that first is taking care of them, Pop, I
like it. Twelve twenty eight Sports Talk seveny we got email?
Don't can come up in one half hour? What is
wort today's edition? To believe it or not? I have
no clue. And the fantasy say the Rotten five is already?
Speaker 5 (01:48:20):
Speaker 9 (01:48:20):
What time?
Speaker 4 (01:48:22):
Oh my god? I sent the tweet?
Speaker 13 (01:48:24):
Let me?
Speaker 4 (01:48:24):
Hey, Connor, do you get a tweet for me this morning?
Speaker 12 (01:48:28):
Speaker 4 (01:48:28):
I have you muted? You posted one?
Speaker 9 (01:48:30):
Speaker 7 (01:48:30):
Speaker 4 (01:48:31):
No, I sent a tweet this morning or a text
to you boys at eight ten this morning. Oh this
was a schedule, yeah, yeah, the show schedule. I read those.
At least one of us, says twelve twenty nine, Sports
Talk seven ninety Lunchtimers.
Speaker 1 (01:48:48):
Lunchtimes, It's a Thomas Show with Ross on Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (01:49:01):
Twelve thirty two Sports Talk seven ninety of the Matt
Thomas Show with Ross. We look forward to having you
with us because Ross has been busily working on the
Rotten five, which is in one hour from now. Believe
it or not is in eighty minutes from now. Oh
my god, many prizes and the prize vault back to
being have anything in there? Yeah, let's skip it again.
Which one of the dead people are we doing? We
got a seven ninety t shirts.
Speaker 12 (01:49:25):
What we got?
Speaker 9 (01:49:26):
Was it?
Speaker 4 (01:49:27):
We're doing Jimmy Carter?
Speaker 12 (01:49:29):
Did you?
Speaker 4 (01:49:30):
Where did Jimmy Carter? Oh? You want to go? If
you want to go backtrack? It's Greg Gumbeles dead. Who
are we supposed to do? Linda labn is dead? Oh
it's best of Yes. So we have no prizes though,
Oh no prizes? Well let's wait, I guess can we
get so? Can we get some prizes?
Speaker 9 (01:49:45):
Speaker 4 (01:49:46):
Please? I mean, this show's been around. Tomorrow's our fifteenth
year anniversary. Are you serious? Yeah?
Speaker 9 (01:49:54):
Speaker 4 (01:49:56):
You with me the day one? I was there the
first day, I was not the full time producer day one,
which you did hit the button. But I was there
the first day, yes, okay. And then the next day
it was somebody else. It might have been like, I
don't know, Patrick Osborne or somebody. And then and then
within a couple of weeks I became full time, and
then I was your full time producer. Okay, beginning of
beginning of February, I became a full time producer. So
we're also hitting was that February of ten? Yeah, because
I started January third, twenty ten. Yeah, I'll be fifteen
years full time here, loving every minute of it. That's good. Oh,
I don't think people want to quite understand the emotions
that are running through your body right now. I couldn't
be happier, Matt. So I like to hear. That's what
I like to hear. Seven one three two one two
five seven doty okay, Yeah, I'm great, jagging over there
or something? What the hell is going on me?
Speaker 7 (01:51:06):
All right?
Speaker 4 (01:51:08):
Three o'clock we've got the Sugar Bowl finally gonna be
played to day between Notre Dame and Georgia. Texans wins.
Texans are on the practice field. Oh, they are, yes, okay, great,
they're no normal work weeks. They didn't play. They're not
playing on Saturday, not playing Monday, they're not playing the
late Sunday game. They're they're right at the old twelve
o'clock normal Sunday spot. Yeah, where they belong. And then
the next week they'll be what Saturday three thirty. Now
this year, I think remember last year Peacock got a
playoff game. This year, I believe it's Amazon Prime gets
a play did a Monday night football playoff game last
year too? Right, that's on the schedule as well. Yakay, Which,
by the way, that's that's a sham where the winds
that really gets hosed. They have a short week, a
short week in the playoffs, that's getting hosed. Well, my
guess is, and I don't know how it worked out
last year, but my guess is, if you play the
Monday night game, you probably play the late Sunday game.
Still you're still getting home, you're still yeah, especially if
it's travel mm hm. So there you have it on that.
Let's see what else is going on here. Headlines say
New Orleans security and hundreds for Sugar Bowl. That makes
a lot of sense. Yeah, do you think this hurts
super Bowl wise people saying, you know, we'll give New
Orleans a break. See. The problem for me is and
we don't mean to get off of the lighthearted supports
that we do every day here. But this could have
happened anywhere. This wasn't. This was not I think him
the the terrorist choosing Bourbon Street New Orleans. He just
wanted to find a congested street. Yeah, I get he
wanted to find somewhere there was gonna be a lot
of people, a lot of people. You could do it.
You could do it to Nashville on you know, all
in that area where they have all the bars and stuff, right,
I mean you could. You could pick and choose wherever
you are. Knowing more about the situation, I mean, yeah,
I don't think he necessarily said, Hey, I got to
drive to New Orleans to do it. I'm wanna if
I'm gonna, I guess I grew up in Beaumont, is
what I understand. So, but yeah, it almost feels like,
and this is I was watching a security expert yesterday
when this stuff was going down, that may be the
best place to be if you're going to New Orleans.
Would be inside the dome because there at least there
is a there's enclosure to it. There's only certain ways
in and out of the stadium, certain in and out
of the ways of the parking lot area or as
the bourbon stry. You if you're if you're trying to
cover an entire area, there's gonna be some areas that
are gonna be some spots open. But well, you know,
the number one thing I continue here is you can't
live your life always being afraid, but you can always
be on height and alert. Yes, but I'll say this,
it just makes you want to just not go out
and do a lot of stuff extra. I mean, I'm
not gonna stop doing things, but it's gonna make you
think about what I want to be at certain times
of the day, certain areas. Who knows. Yeah, I'm sorry,
I don't mean to just I have thoughts, but I
don't know how much of them I'm going to say
on air. Oh, okay, you know I have to just
I don't know. Society is just everything's messed up.
Speaker 7 (01:54:04):
That's all.
Speaker 4 (01:54:04):
I'll just leave it at that. Yeah, it just feels
like it's worse and worse and worse. I don't know,
is this happening as much fifty years ago, thirty years ago,
twenty years ago, these mass shooting events and mass murder
events and all these things. It's just well, I mean,
I guess she's very disheartening. Yeah, I mean, I don't
think we're in a better place for it. That's why
I decided, Oh we were new newest resolutions.
Speaker 10 (01:54:26):
Speaker 4 (01:54:27):
I'm in a less Twitter fight with people. That's good.
Somebody sent me on Facebook messenger. You know, the guy
that calls me a cougar? Want to be Yeah, Christian
or Christian? Yeah Christian? Just a complete utter douchebag. You're
friends with him on Facebook? By the way, Okay, you
went unfriend him? I don't even know. Yeah, I generally
have been just accepting every friend, but he got me
mixed up with somebody else and just ripped me a
new a hole on a messenger and I'm like, I
don't need this person in my life. First of all,
how I offriended you on Facebook is mistake number one.
And number two, I'm not gonna let you go in
and say what you said about me. So I blocked,
iimmuned him, got of them, and I'm like, you know,
what I cleansed. I'm good, I'm happy. What's his name,
Christian Marquez Vasquez or a parl To. That's it, Christian Barlt. Yeah,
I'm unfriending him right now. Man, good for you. Just
a bad guy. So I'm gonna let I'm gonna let
less bad people into our lives and more good people. Okay, good,
that's a great New Year's resolution, Matt. And you know
what I would say for the New year. Mute button
is your friend. Yeah. I think I'm up till like
twenty two hundred accounts muted. Yeah, you're either trolling or
you're an idiot. I got time for neither. You're muted.
That's basically what I do every time, every day on Twitter.
I'm gonna and I don't like to ever take advice
from you because normally it's bad. But I'm gonna take
your advice just to do great advice. I gave you
one bit of advice many years ago, and you didn't
take it. That's not true. You're making that up. Oh
I remember one thing I don't get. Yeah, you're making
that up. That's just not that you're misremembering. But I'm
used to that from you. Okay, I'm just not gonna
argue with people on Twitter anymore. That's good. Leave them alone,
leave them be, I say one one tweet to tweet Max. Yeah,
I'm not gonna fight with you on Texas anymore. I'm
rooting for you. What do you mean? Oh please, No,
you're not. You're such a fraud life. I can live
through your success and joint. Don't make me ask your son.
Oh we were, we're the house was pros on the state,
but I was different.
Speaker 11 (01:56:29):
Speaker 4 (01:56:29):
See, I don't believe that I'm gonna go. I'm gonna
get the inside dirt. You can do all you want
sources inside the I was rooting for the underdog, the old,
for the other Texas tech guy wants you, wants your
long horns to lose. A guy definitely wanted you your
long horns. And Kim who doesn't just go along with
her sons because she loves she loves her kids and
for kids are supporting something they want to. You don't
have a house fold the household full of like five
different colleges represented rooting against New Mexico State. No, so
you know, nope, because because we weren't playing the school,
the underdog wasn't playing New Mexico State, and New Mexico
State wasn't a heavy favorite. You guys are two touchdown favorites. Know,
I'm happy with the state of the long run program.
I don't think they're gonna win at all. I said
this last week. Now, what it was was holding them back.
The run game is not good enough, the offense isn't
good enough. And you But but if I said to you, Quinn,
yours are not consistent enough. If I said to you, Quinn,
yours can can rescue you exactly, so what exactly what
he did? But the third team was amazing. Okay, one time,
so you need it, No, you need two more times? Okay,
so you can't tell me you can't do it. Two
more possible. But I don't know who's better Ohio State
or Texas, Ohio State. Hio State's playing about yeah, but Michigan.
But Michigan lost to Arizona State. But Michigan was alm
was better than Ohio State three weeks ago. And people well,
and Kirk Kirks's like, oh, they can win, But I
don't think they're the best team in the country. That's
all I'm saying. I said that before the game. I
don't think you have to do the best team. Used
to do the best team that one particular day. Yeah,
oh thank you, Matt. Not a best of seven so one. Okay, Well,
this is the same guy that told me the Texans
season is done and it's over and they have no
shot at anything. Right, They're not going to advance past
the first round. They could Matt All at Texas one game.
That's right, They're in it. But I but I have
to make a stand because unfortunately the only person to
show that does really. Yeah, okay, I just made a stand.
I said the Lord. They're going Texas the Pittsburgh, the
Texas for the Pittsburgh Steelers. They can beat the they
can beat the Steelers, Yes, they can beat they can
beat Denver. They cannot beat the Chargers, and they cannot
beat the Ravens. Okay, and can't beat the Bengals, and
can't beat well, they can beat Miami. They can't beat
the Bengals. They did beat Miami, they did beat Buffalo. Yeah,
you everybody knows it. Even even the people that have
at Houston Texans dot Com on their on their email
address know it. This team, this team is not is
not prepared for a long run. Buffalo is stepping their
game up, Kansas City has s same success. Baltimore came
in here and proved a point. Uh, those are the
three teams that scare you. The other three anybody else
in the MC doesn't scare me. But I'm scared of
three teams. This is a reality. You should be scared
of them, Matt. They're better than you, and especially with
Digs and Dell down the one I watched at And
I'm not watching college football nearly as patently as as
much as I am with the NFL forty. But my
point is I looked at ohiose Ate yesterday. If Texas
plays their better game, they can beat ohiose Date. I
don't know, I don't I don't know if they're significantly
better than your squad. My house States put together two
very impressive wins and back to back weeks, but and
the Oregon game was very very impressive. History, especially if
the run game is as bad as it has been
the last couple of weeks, the Longhorns do not have
a chance. Has a has a Texas running game been
ever been good this year? It's just hasn't been great
ever since CJ. I mean CJ. Baxter got hurt in
the in the in the preseason. Yeah, you've had some
good games. I just think your defense, when not overworked
like it was yesterday, is the best defense out there
in college football. Yeah, they're in the final four. They
have a shot. I don't know if I mean they're
just not favorites mm hm. But it's not like people
there's nobody in America going like, for instance, when the
Texans play Baltimore, when the Texans play the Chiefs, when
the Texans could potentially play the who am I freaking
uh Ravens, Chiefs, Bills. Is anybody out there going I
like the Texans in this game? I think it'd be
you would. Now, it doesn't mean that just because somebody
doesn't predictors mean it can't win, because that body can
win no matter what that it's being played. But they would.
The would be there's no one in America that's going
to take the Texans to be any of those three teams.
I mean, people in the cross this country are gonna say, look,
quinn Ewers put together an amazing fourth quarter, overtime defense,
stepped up. I could see Texas one of the games
Long Horns are six point dogs to Ohio State. What
were the Texans dogs to the Chiefs three? Yep? What
was the Baltimore line six and a half? Yeah, So
I don't know. Maybe do the NFL and the college
point spreads differ and differentiate at a lot of things.
I don't know, Okay. I just think that optimism should
be significantly higher for Texas beating Ohio State than the
Texans beating one of those three teams in the playoff.
That's your opinion. That's what I'm here for. Ten to two.
Thank you, Matt twelve forty five on Sports Talk Sevenatti
seven one three two one two five Sevenatti.
Speaker 1 (02:01:30):
Back to Matt, Thomas and Ross via Real one Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (02:01:51):
Hemy Douk is going to join us for ten minutes
here on the program. Rockets in Boston, Celtics tomorrow, wonderful
down the Lakers, okay, and then a week road trip
to Washington, Memphis and Atlanta when we'll see and win.
That's the NBA insight of one sports RV. You didn't
bring up trying to be positive. You didn't bring up
the two home games. Oh these are the especially Noman Thompson,
but We'll see what happens. You got some questionable guys
right now with Jalen Brown and Porzingis. Somebody on Twitter
just asked, which are the three teams in town are
closest to winning a championship right this second? Rockets Astros
or Texans Astros Texans Rockets the Rockets in you're minding
to make a trade of some sort. That's that's something
that gets brought up a little.
Speaker 10 (02:02:57):
It is so.
Speaker 4 (02:02:59):
Tough because I believe the current culture maybe became more disagreement.
The current culture is, man, we are a bunch of
young guys getting better every single year. Look at the
massive increase with maybe just from year to year so far.
You don't want to rock the boat. But I don't
think when you are a coach or an organization that
you just want to be a forty eight win team
every year and just be happy to make the playoffs.
That the grand aspirations are to win a championship. And
the question would be at that point right now is
a year from now, are these are these players that
are moving incrementally up their talent level going to be
the next to be the alpha dogs to be a
championship team Because when you Boston's coming in as champions,
Boston has legitimately now Persingis is never healthy for a
long period of time, but when he's when he's available,
he's about as good of a big manager can find
the NBA And they have two top twenty players fifteen. Yeah,
that's fine, whatever you want to go with and a
good deep bench. So it's you want to get to
where the Celtics are, But how much longer will it take?
And are you being are you gonna be patient enough
to do that? Or does If Devin Booker all of
a sudden says I want to get out of Phoenix.
If de Aaron Fox says he doesn't want to play
in Sacramento anymore, are those the missing pieces? And at
what levels do you have to give up? And if
you're giving up draft picks, ROSSI I'm a dozen. I
am so anti NBA draft now, it's crazy. Yeah, I mean,
well else, especially with last year, I supposed unless you're
getting the number one dash one even then, well, how's
that Zachary orsa Cher doing? I'll find in a week
from Saturday, Okay, we can I can find out.
Speaker 3 (02:04:47):
Speaker 4 (02:04:47):
I think he's not doing well. But I mean it's been,
it's been Victor Wimbinyama, right, Yeah, he was the generational
talent or some people call him a bum. But who
calls him a bum? Who would do that?
Speaker 7 (02:05:01):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (02:05:01):
I don't know people. Zachary Lurissa Cher shooting twenty eight
percent from three eleven points per game. Things aren't going
so hot for him Atlanta right now?
Speaker 7 (02:05:14):
Speaker 4 (02:05:14):
Is that part of because Atlanta's not very good or
it's just the kids just young and mans I will
tell he's only nine team. But yeah, the draft is
it extremely inexact science? And and the problem the thing
that worries me about, you know, I think the Rockets
with this formula, the way that they are, absolutely they're
a playoff team. I think they are going to finish
top six. And they're good enough when everything is on schedule,
when everything is going your way, when you're completely you're
playing good defense, you're making enough shots, they're going to
win games and they can beat anybody. That's the beauty
of it. Right now, when you two years ago, if
we said Boston's coming into town, what we said, we
had no shot, no shot. We don't feel that way
right now, That's right, well, the thing that I keep reading,
and maybe I'm guilty of it because I just I
like to peruse social media just because I do like
there's more uptick on rocket conversation than there has been
the last five years. That'd be safe to say right now,
he's not even close. Yes, the post game show, everybody
loves to bring the Rockets up in trade conversation because
of the draft picks they have mm hmm. And the
fact that but if we don't love the draft, why
does everybody else think that that every other team in
the NBA loves the draft?
Speaker 7 (02:06:20):
You know how? You know how?
Speaker 4 (02:06:21):
You know how I love the draft. If you required
everybody to play three years of college back to an
age limit, now, wasn't that I mean, but the age
limit was challenged in court?
Speaker 9 (02:06:33):
Is that?
Speaker 4 (02:06:33):
Isn't that why it went away? Or don't even know?
I think the NBA loosened the rules because in theory,
there's there's really nothing that could preclude someone from a
high speed The NFL is the rules about the three
years out of high school. Nobody is true, nobody, no,
no court case made that happen. NFL's like, we don't
we don't want eighteen year olds that are not physically
and mentally strong enough to compete in the NFL. We
need you to be out of high school three years
before you decide to come play in our league. Hm,
because what other industry doesn't allow you to go from
high school to your profession. That's I mean, that was
always the argument for it. Yeah, so that's why there's
really nobody except those league governing bodies that said, you
know what, we didn't we need you to be away
for a year. But then teams were taking a bunch
of guys' early picks that didn't work out. On the Sebastians, Telfairs,
the Robert Swifts or whoever else is those are those
those high school phenoms. It didn't work out and more
of them. Really teams did this to protect themselves, So
teams also do that with the max contract. They're trying
to protect themselves from doing I'm making stupid mistakes.
Speaker 7 (02:07:35):
Speaker 4 (02:07:35):
The mogument again is I love that the Rockets have
a pluthor of draft picks, but just because you've got
it doesn't necessarily mean everybody else wants them, is too,
especially if you're gonna give up what you think would
be to get a player that's going to be the
difference maker. I mean, if you're gonna go get and
I'm just throwing names just to throw names off, you're
going to be Devin Booker away from Phoenix, or even
Kevin Durant or dearon Fox or who else is unhappy
these days or proceed to be unhappy, Cam Johnson out
of Brooklyn. You're gonna have to give up something. And
my guess is cam Thom excuse me, uh an easy
one for you to remember. I know, uh, I would
want real live bodies that I know are good. You
wouldn't you? Yes, But I mean who who's going back?
You can't even trade Jalen green and out from Chingoon
right now, you can't. They have a poison pill, which
if you if you need to go look up poison
pill that gets the explanation on that. It's when the
contract goes way up and so it'll be a massive,
massive cat pick, correct, So you have to wait, You
have to wait a certain length of time for that
to not be in the case. So I don't know,
I I it's it's I could really if if if
the Rockets came to me and say, hey, Matt, we're
gonna make a move. You know what we're gonna do,
but we're gonna do it. I'd be all for it.
And if they can to me and say, hey, Matt,
we're gonna kind of stay a status quo, I'd be
cool with that too. Because this is a basketball team.
It's eleven games, about five hundred. The defense has not
has remained pretty much consistently good all season long. And
could you go get a jump shooter in the off season,
legitimate knockdown three point threat with free agent money that
you would spend as compared to trying to mortgage things
just to get somebody that's unhappy somewhere else. I could
see that wait and see you approach being okay or
do you continue to wait and see or do you say,
you know what, we're pretty damn good. Now there's a
young man that's out there that's playing basketball that's unhappy.
He's the missing piece for us getting into the top
two and maybe dethrowing Oklahoma City.
Speaker 3 (02:09:41):
Shake Gill.
Speaker 4 (02:09:42):
Just Alexander is twenty six, he's in his seventh in
BA season. I mean, now we'll see what happens with
Jalen Green. He's twenty two years old. Alprin Shingov. Was
he twenty one or twenty two in that range? Jerrod
Smith Junior? Do we say, rather than rocking the bow
in trying to make this leap into into the upper echelon,
stay the course. This is the The Rockets are on
course right now. The Upper Paste championship contender this year
was not in the plants they were. Their win total
was what like forty one and a half games or whatever,
So they're actually on pace, moving faster than people thought that.
What point do you say, rather than asking for more,
be happy with what we got and hope it continues
to grow. Yeah, he made doka. We'll discuss some Rockets
basketball next one o'clock coming up here on Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 3 (02:10:30):
Ninety lunchtimers, this is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 4 (02:10:37):
What three Sports Talk seven ninety and is the Matt
Thomas Show. Time for us to spend ten quity minutes.
So the head basketball coach of your Houston Rockets winning
last night over the Dallas Mavericks, he made doka with
us here happening to your coach, how are things good?
Hell you guys doing and no complaints, no complaints, Congrats
on a win last night. It feels like we've left
a couple of victories on the floor. The aggravation of
the first two and the fourth quarter, and the ability
of last night to not let Dallas get back in
the ball again, that it'd be much more of a
reassuring feeling for you and your staff.
Speaker 7 (02:11:08):
Speaker 9 (02:11:08):
Yeah, Obviously the Minnesota Miami games, we played well enough
to win, you know, went on a drought offensively at
the end of specifically Minnesota and defensively, then guard up
to our potential and kind of felt like we gave
those away and wanted to improve down the stretch in
the game last night and did that on both ends.
Guarded well enough, got some big baskets and held on
to the win.
Speaker 4 (02:11:33):
Is there a direct correlation to a missed basket on
one end to the other side, going all right, now,
you had a defensive laps, I mean, do you even
measure that kind of metric? Or if you're a dog defensively,
you've got it no matter what's happening for you on
the offensive side of the floor.
Speaker 9 (02:11:49):
Yeah, you'd like to say that, but there's some human
nature to it, obviously. You know, some players get fueled
by their offense and we try to fight against that,
but it's natural at times. But obviously, and when you
miss some easy looks or some really good looks like
we did against Minnesota Miami and there are some cross
matches going back in transition, obviously it's harder to get
matched up.
Speaker 7 (02:12:08):
And we gave up some three point.
Speaker 9 (02:12:10):
Plays, three pointers and three point plays in those games.
And conversely, when you get the stops, we get on
run as well and don't don't have to play against
the set defense.
Speaker 7 (02:12:19):
So it works both ways.
Speaker 9 (02:12:20):
And as much as we harp on, you know, not
letting other parts of your game impact the defense human
nature at times, and that that's what happened those two games.
Speaker 4 (02:12:29):
You are very demonstrative when it comes to defense. When
plays are well run, you high five and out of boar,
and then sometimes you've called timeouts just to talk about
defensive lapses. Where did you get that from? Where it
was that your game was?
Speaker 10 (02:12:43):
Speaker 4 (02:12:43):
Your style as an assistant coach, because you're intensit to
me is double triple when you're watching your team play defensively.
Speaker 9 (02:12:52):
Yeah, I mean that's who I was as a player,
So that kind of that side is second nature for me.
I also understand the importance of that to winning Beast
winning championships, and so being that I was as a player,
and then obviously my time in San Antonio. I guess
Pop kind of stressed that it went with who I was,
and yeah, so for me, it's always going to be
not brushing.
Speaker 4 (02:13:14):
Under the rug.
Speaker 9 (02:13:15):
Just addressed it immediately and let's get on to the
next play. And so for me, you guys know what
to expect, and I think you can only be yourself.
I'm not a coach that's gonna, you know, sit there
and hope guys do well. I'm gonna let them know
if they do or don't. And so just being myself
as far as that, and something that the guys really
asked for and enjoy from me as honesty and in
the upfront. Upfront, this about certain things, and we address it,
try to move on and have less of mistakes than
the other team in the game.
Speaker 4 (02:13:41):
You did not have a man because of the suspension.
Tari remains out. Cam came through and helped you out
yesterday on the offensive side of things, and he has
played a lot since his return from the G League.
Your thoughts about his return since coming back and how
he may feel about where he is right now in
your rotation. And even if you get those guys back,
and you obviously you'll get Amend back whenever Tari comes back.
Is there a room for Cam to get the kind
of minutes that he and you need from him, he
wants from himself and to help this Rocket team especially
get some extra punch off the bench.
Speaker 9 (02:14:14):
Well, yeah, first of all, he's improved greatly. You know,
it's the shot selection and the defensive focus out all
the things we really harped on going into sitting down
a real grand and I think he took that stuff
to heart, focused on that area just as preparation in general,
shoot arounds and all those things.
Speaker 4 (02:14:31):
That's really improved.
Speaker 9 (02:14:32):
And then that's translated to the game where you know
he's locked in on certain coverages and schemes and communication
all the things that sometimes young guys struggle with. You know,
some of our guys did as well last year as
we were kind of implementing everything. The scoring is his
natural ability and he does that, you know, regardless of
anything else going on. And so for him being one
of our best catch and shoe players, a guy that
can get downhill and then as very dynamic and transition. Obviously,
that's welcome for us. Offensively more of the other things
and continue to make the right play if he's not
shooting the ball, and then defensively locking in. He's really
improving those areas regarding the minutes when guys come back.
You know, we have a deep team with a lot
of guys that are deserving and a big thing we
talked about this year going into the season with sacrifice,
It's not gonna be your night every night, and the
guy's understanding that. And so you've seen throughout the season
guys that play well are going to finish, and so
it's pretty much equal opportunity as far as that. The
rotations are the rotations, and we do have real depth
at the wing and he has so he has another
dynamic as well, and so finding the right combinations that
work together is a big thing giving guys opportunities, and
guys have had him this year, whether it's Read early
on getting the look and then Aaron playing last year
and this year when the opportunity is there, Tate now
the guys are out and Cam as well, and so
they're thirty games in and you know you got fifty
plus to go and you want to find out the
best rotations going forward, and he's a part of that
and brings another dynamic and so when we get everybody,
it's a good problem to have.
Speaker 4 (02:16:01):
Did you hear his comments after the game last night
and how much discussion have you two had about his role?
Speaker 7 (02:16:08):
Speaker 9 (02:16:08):
I heard about him, and I'm totally fine with people
expressing whatever they need to express. We've had a ton
of meetings and one on one myself and him and
other coaches, and so there's an understanding of what's expected
and what's going to help you get on the floor
as far as growth, and so you know, if you
know me, you know I am not a sensitive person
at all. Guys can express what they need to We'll
have those discussions, and so I'm totally fine with what
he said. The part that I will reiterate to him,
like everything I say publicly, I've said times ten behind
the closed doors to our guys, and so getting across
those points, and he understands what he needs to do
to be on the floor and improve as far as that.
Speaker 4 (02:16:47):
And I think he's taking those steps and done that.
Would you like to have some overcommunication about the Oregon
Duck football performance yesterday. No, no, thank you, Okay, that's fine.
I think I think they scored two touchdowns. Where you
and I were talking last night before the game, I
was focused on the Mavericks, So oh okay, I got you.
Coach you Doka with us here on a Sports Talk
seven ninety you mentioned Reed Shepherd's name hasn't played in
the last couple of games. Has there been any discussion
about his role as well, possible G League assignment and
just in general the benefits of him being up at
the NBA level with you guys as opposed to the
G League.
Speaker 9 (02:17:25):
Yeah, I mean, we're looking at everything honestly, you know.
And then what I talked about this year to our
team with I said sacrifice and consistency in those things.
A big part of our progress as a team is
going to be the growth of our young guys. And
so we're at a different stage than a lot of
teams were. Obviously, some teams are just playing all the
young guys and whatever results happened, happened, And we kind
of went through that over the last few years, and
obviously something but last year. But we're at the stage
of development at the same time as we're trying to win,
and so we want to get guys to look get
their feet went in the NBA and then see how
they do after a certain amount of games. And so
for Reid, ups and downs, no doubt, has gotten more
comfortable as the game's going on. In the minutes that
have increased at times, and then you know it looks
like a rookie at times, and so for him, it's
really trying to figure out what's best form, whether it's
up here with us, getting some time in live action
similar to what Cam did, or just being around the
NBA game in general and getting the work in and
the film sessions and everything with the coaches. Though looking
at everything right now, but you know, Reid is a
rookie that's going through ups and downs like a lot do.
And even our second, third, fourth year guys last year
with the new staff had their ups and downs.
Speaker 4 (02:18:30):
So it's not unexpected. You are a guy that's told
me on many occasions that you look at things in
ten game spaces and we're at thirty three, so we're
not We're in the midst of the fourth round of
things even to this point. Any surprises, I mean, I
think the record has been fantastic. I think the development
is good. I think even when Knights with the team's shooting,
while the defense has been really good. And what does
that say about a team that you know, the shooting
percentages haven't been probably what you want of the three
point numbers, but the defense third few points allowed per
game that has remained remarkably consistent, even in games like
a Minnesota or Miami where you're not scoring as much
as you'd like.
Speaker 7 (02:19:09):
Yeah, it's identity. We've taken pride in.
Speaker 9 (02:19:13):
I think our guys understand the importance of that, and
there's something we can do on an every night basis,
regardless of shots are falling or not. We can always
give ourselves a chance. And we've winning games and streaks
when we've shot under forty percent or having made a
ton of threes.
Speaker 4 (02:19:28):
We can still rely on that.
Speaker 9 (02:19:29):
And so the positives and you look at at perspective wise,
is that you look at teams giving up one to
forty across the league nowadays, and you see teams losing
my twenty twenty five regardless of made shots, misshots, whatever.
With us, we can still win the game or right
in the game, and that's the positive you take away
from Minnesota Miami is that we really had some uncharacteristic
letdowns on both ends of the floor and the fourth
quarter when we built sixteen point leads and twelve point leads,
and that gives us a chance every night.
Speaker 4 (02:19:57):
So we should be positive.
Speaker 9 (02:19:58):
About that looking at that now, so taking the next
step and finishing offensively and guarding the way we are
post are capable of defensively similar to what we did
last night, and so from there you extend a fifteen
point leaders said in the instead of letting it dissipate.
Speaker 4 (02:20:13):
Last question, I know you won't have a man tomorrow
night for Boston, but I don't know what the who
the leader in the clubhouses for six Man of the Year.
But I think Amen Thompson has been just your super
sub off the bench. You've had him start if occasionally
when necessary. What's the number one thing?
Speaker 9 (02:20:26):
I mean?
Speaker 4 (02:20:27):
Obviously the shot percentage is a lot better than it
was last year. But is there anything beyond that that
a man has done this year that maybe you didn't
even see in his rookie campaign.
Speaker 9 (02:20:37):
I would simply put it to help and availability, and
you know he rolled his ankle pretty bad in Summer
League and early in the preseason he was a little
hampered last year, and then he missed the games you know,
with the early early season ankle sprain as well, missed
twenty plus games. And so he's a guy that's going
to take leaps as much as he can just by
being out on the floor and playing. And so even
he had a two to three games stanton the d
League last year to get a seat under him, you know,
coming off the injury, and so took advantage of that,
came came on the floor and then obviously starting late
in the season when alpron went down, was big for him.
Speaker 4 (02:21:08):
And I'm to carry over it for this year.
Speaker 9 (02:21:10):
And so I think Helston availability is the main thing
with him because when he's on the floor floor, he's
one of the most impactful players in the league on
both ends, one man fast break, obviously, one of the
top defenders, and he can do so many things, different
things offensively at different positions.
Speaker 4 (02:21:24):
I just love you made his IQ. I feel like
when he is on the floor, for as young as
he is, there's very few Oh I should have done that.
I feel like he's just got fantastic coret awareness and look,
there are a lot of great players in the NBA,
as you've coached and been around. But man, I just
I'm a big believer of high IQ basketball players, and
I think he's got it for especially for as young
as he is.
Speaker 9 (02:21:44):
Yeah, he sees something and learns it and applies it immediately,
and so for him that's a good trade obviously to have,
especially with the physical instincts and trades that he has.
And so that's where you become a complete players. You
have all these god gifted tools that he has when
he's starting to pick things up IQ wise, very instinctual,
like I said, anyway, and so you're seeing those uh
rewards on the court on both ends of the court
every night.
Speaker 4 (02:22:10):
All right, thanks for visits. Always good stuff from you,
as per usual. Talking tomorrow night. Good luck against the
Celtics and the Lakers this week. Thank you you got
You may have Donka with us here on Sports Talk
SEVENAINTI our time is so one fourteen. If you want
to uh chime anything, the coach had to say, you're
more than welcome to do that. With the rotten five
coming up to the bottom of hour. Ross has been
I mean he will get this morning at seven thirty
and said I got to get to the Rotten five
because there's something special the audience has to hear. Wait
when is it? It's in fifteen minutes? Oh yeah, okay
seven one three two one two five Sevenatti seven one
three two one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 1 (02:22:45):
Back to Matt Thomas and Ross Viial fine, fine Sports
Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (02:22:53):
All right, Rossie, I need a ruling here from you
because I have an initial thought on this, but I
don't know if it's going to match what you had
to say. Brent, your mark is the Big Twelve commissioner,
and he just put out a statement friend of the show,
never been out of us. Never mind, it goes as follows.
I'm incredibly proud of how Arizona State represented the Big
Twelve in the CFP quarterfinals. While the outcome didn't go
our way, the sun Devils proved they are one of
the most talented teams in college football this season. Harmless, right, sure,
let's continue. As a member of the College Football Playoff
Management Committee, I have had multiple discussions seeking clarity surrounding
the targeting call on Arizona State's final drive of the
fourth quarter with Richard Clark. Moving forward, we need to
address CFP officiating to ensure national standards are developed. These
standards will be crucial in the cfp's future, and I
look forward to discussing them with my fellow committee members
when we meet next. He was talking about the ASU
player running their shoulder into Isaiah Bond's head.
Speaker 7 (02:24:05):
Is that what he was?
Speaker 4 (02:24:06):
No, No, he brought He was bringing up the target
he was talking about day I was a targeting on call.
All right, So let me give you scenarios and some
of some of these things could be true. They could
be all true, none of them true, all right. Number one,
it's a pure case of sour grapes. Okay, we'll fill
that in there, this possibility, okay. Number two, he is
on the CFP Competition Committee. It's his responsibility to say
things when he thinks things are not being judged properly.
Number three, Uh, he has to do it because he's
a commissioner of a team that in some respects people
think they got screwed out of the call. Or Number four,
he just has intense hatred for University of Texas and
they get called the calls in the world. I mean,
he's stumping for his guys. It was a questionable call.
It was a call that a lot of rules and
antlests SEV said that they thought should have been a target.
Let me ask you this though, if he would have
said nothing, would we have been Where's Brett Ormark on this?
I don't commissioners to me, what kind of weight do
they carry? Does this all of a sudden go oh
Brett Yormark stepped in on this big twelve commissioner, Man,
this has got to be something we got to addressed
now that the commissioner's involved. Or is this just something
you have to do because that's what the commissioner's creed is.
You got to defend all your schools equally.
Speaker 13 (02:25:23):
Speaker 4 (02:25:24):
I think he has to. He has to stum for
his guys. Yeah, it certainly wasn't a question It was
a questionable call. But I'm also going to say I'm in.
I mentioned there was a there was a touchdown that
Arizona State scored with multiple illegal linemen downfield. There was
the scataboo getting carried into the end zone. That is illegal.
You can push in the back, but you cannot pick
up and carry someone into the end zone. That is illegal,
and that was allowed on a touchdown play. There was
the questionable Isaiah Bond targeting play a caller brought up earlier.
Did Scataboo push off on that sixty yard catch? So yeah,
was that a targeting I would say probably yes. By
the way, that was a big ten officiated crew yesterday
that worked that game. So let me ask you this.
I'll tell you, what do you one thing you can
do right away? And maybe it's because there's too many
schools you can't do it, But why why are we
separating officials by conference? Why don't we just make them
a general league of it? Now? In the NFL there's
thirty two teams or four I mean or or working
all the way down to FCS or working all the
way down to I mean yeah, where where do you? Yeah,
you probably can't do it because these these there's the
sheer number of schools that are playing are absolutely astronomical.
Or the NFL is only thirty two teams and you
only need in thirty sixteen crews college football. If you
were to do that and had everybody working for under
one union, you'd have what sixty four crews. Yeah, And
how it works now is is that officials in college
football will are not working lesser leagues in order to
go to the higher leagues, Like, for instance, you may
start out as a line judge working a Sun Belt
and then you work up to a referee. A referee
from the Sun Belt might take a umpire's job in
the American Conference because they're moving up conferences. An American
umpire might be able to take a field judge role
in the Big Twelve. So in theory, if you're working
your way up to a power for conference that's ACC,
Big Ten, Big twelve, or SEC, you're probably getting what
you would think to be the krem de la creme
of college officials. Then on top of that, if you're
working national semifinal games, you would think you're getting the
best of that crew. So again, I don't you know.
To me, you probably had some of the best people
in America officiating in that game yesterday, But even the
best officials ROSSI make mistakes. The targeting, my opinion was,
should have been called. But as you said, there's and
this is not just yesterday's game. This is every game.
Four or five things that were either turned a blind
eye to or they missed, whether intentional or not, or
there was a sub activity, there was a holding quinn
Ewers when he ran in his touchdown. There was absolutely
a holding. I think it was on the center of
the guard. I can't remember. So what do you missed?
So you know what you do? You do like I
do in the NBA when I watch it, you hope
to get as much as you can write. Either that
or you just you just use insertain play for every
single play and you spend five minutes looking every place
they've reviewed this. They reviewed it, I'm talking about it
and everything. Yeah, the targeting play, Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Though,
it's like even then, we we want more reviews. But
even then, that's like when they added the pass interference review,
They're like, yeah, let's do it, let's get this right.
And then even then we throw as you do with
their flaking, We're like, we're throwing our hands up. I
don't know what this is.
Speaker 9 (02:28:52):
Speaker 4 (02:28:53):
I again, honestly, if you ever listened to Ross to
a Rockets game, I don't try to do it very often.
I try to stand back and not try to get yes.
But I said what I'm guessing because we're having a
full time. Yeah, so you just to stand there and go, well,
we're still waiting. We're still waiting, We're still wating. We Yeah,
it's I mean, these are people that spend hours and
hours and months and months looking at this, and here
we are, as radio host and sports fans, think that
we can judge these things better than the guys that
have been trained to do it. But all of us,
I think, collectively watching that football to go what we
saw yesterday was targeting. Again, I use to seeing eye tests.
Maybe I'm wrong about it. Maybe I should stop using
CEA eye and things, because there's a lot of times
I'm calling a Rockets game and I see, like you know,
like Outbring yesterday got really hit hard across the face,
and I thought to me it was absolutely no doubt
about a flagrant one. And they kept looking at it
over and over and over again like they may not
do anything about this.
Speaker 8 (02:29:54):
Speaker 4 (02:29:54):
Ultimately they did call a flagrant one. But it feels
like to me, the longer they're looking at they're trying
to figure out is this is there any form of
well it was just a common foul, or it was
you know, they how long did to take a look
at the at the target? And it felt like a
few minutes And when I just looked at one glance,
and they looked at it from variety of different angles. Yeah,
I'm just gonna guess that, like I said, didn't the
way that it turned out. Like I said, if I
was the referee, it looks like a targeting to me
as well. But it was It was not the crown
of the helmet. It was face mass to face fact.
To me, it was incidental and perhaps with the ball
being tipped and task making a play on the ball,
they didn't deem that he was defensive. That's where it
all lays. It all lays on defensive receiver. How defenseless
did they deem he was at that point? Yeah, I
wonder if you did this, if you took ten officials
that were games, you put them in a room and
you put that video up, and they had a card
it said targeting non target. How many would say? Not
just about every rules analysis to everybody, that's the thing
that everybody. Yeah, and again they're not the end all
because they're not the ones to believe he was on
too much Tito's and soda or something he did.
Speaker 10 (02:31:05):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (02:31:05):
It's kidding.
Speaker 4 (02:31:06):
So you're telling me officials reviewers are drunk during broadcast.
Mike prayer Is always was always tweeting about Tito's. Maybe
your life's a good tequila? Is that a good tequila?
It's a Oh, which one's a tequila? Well, Tito's is vokave?
Which one is the Tito's hand? Well? No, oh, sorry,
no plugs. No plugs that blew up. By the way,
when I was in college, it was like the it
was under the radar. That was many moons ago. Man,
I know, many many moons ago for you, even for you. Uh,
the Rotten five is up next. Plus your phone calls
no believer or not today, We're not gonna do it.
We've got a best of Believe or not from twenty
twenty four. We're gonna do it. We have some decent
prices next week, so maybe in February we're all still
wish you happy New year. Seven one three, two, one two, five,
seven out of your calls and the Rotten five and
up next. It's one twenty nine. This is Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 3 (02:31:57):
Ninety lunchtimers, lunchtime.
Speaker 1 (02:32:01):
It's a Matt Thomas show with Ross on Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (02:32:10):
Let's talk to Colby in Baytown one thirty three on
the Matt Thomas Show with Ross Colby. Happy New Year,
what's going on?
Speaker 11 (02:32:17):
Hey Matt, thanks for saying my calling. A good happening
year to you, uh and everyone in Houston. I just
wanted to say one thing today.
Speaker 7 (02:32:25):
Dylan Gabriel.
Speaker 11 (02:32:26):
Yes, did he ty Case Keenan's record for passing touchdowns shirt,
but he's no Case Keenum. Case Keenum is one of
the greatest quarterbacks in college football history that does not
get talked about a whole lot.
Speaker 7 (02:32:39):
Speaker 11 (02:32:39):
Statistically, he has the most passing touchdowns and he played
seven less games than Dylan Gabriel did in his career.
So I'm tired of people saying that Dylan Gabriel is
is probably you know, one of the best pass touchdown
passers to ever do it. It's Case Keenum, the Houston Cougar.
Speaker 4 (02:32:59):
Okay, Okay, I mean we've not brought it up, and
I don't know if people on the Twitter streets are
upset about these things, but I've never heard much of
a Dylan Gabriel versus Case Keenum combo. But you brought
us attention, and we thank you for that.
Speaker 7 (02:33:11):
Speaker 4 (02:33:12):
Of course he's been playing since twenty nineteen. Jesus do
you get kids. Thanks Kobe for the phone call.
Speaker 16 (02:33:19):
Speaker 4 (02:33:19):
I think he's trying to be the first father son
due on college football, following in the footsteps of Lebron
James one two, three, four five, six full seasons in
college football and as a collar brought up seven fewer
games or some more. Case got some extra Yeah, but
that's not act like Case didn't get extra time. I
believe he did get his PhD. At you have h Yeah,
it says I'm looking at his bio. Dylan Gabriel six foot,
two hundred pounds, father of three, has also two grandchildren. Wow, wonderful.
It's been married since, uh for thirty one years. Phil
Knight wrote him a blank check to come to Oregon
and they didn't win the playoffs. Went went to high
school with Phil nine Actually oh really yeah, no, Hey
dated one of his girlfriends. Was the whole thing?
Speaker 14 (02:34:10):
Is that what it is?
Speaker 4 (02:34:11):
Yeah? Okay, man, brothers, what's the female version of that?
I don't know that salad sisters?
Speaker 10 (02:34:19):
Is it?
Speaker 9 (02:34:20):
Speaker 4 (02:34:22):
Maybe they're asking askimost sisters? Yeah, it's there. Why not?
Speaker 7 (02:34:25):
I know?
Speaker 4 (02:34:25):
If you that can we get Rik seven one three, two,
one two five seven ninety Paul is with us Sell,
The Matt Tomas Show with Ross Paul.
Speaker 15 (02:34:33):
Good afternoon, Hey, thanks for the show, guys. Good Happy
New Year to every busy.
Speaker 3 (02:34:40):
It's yeah, thank you.
Speaker 15 (02:34:42):
And so I'm thinking Rockets. I am a big Rockets fan.
I love the team, I love the players, but it seems,
I mean, I know this has been hashed out. They've
got a lot of sort of complimentary type, you know,
a minus type of players. It feels to me they're
they're showcasing Cam Whitmore. Now maybe the they just start
playing and to get more scoring, which I really like
Cam Whitmore, but it's you know, he and Jaylor Green.
You're not going to keep both of those guys long term.
So if you could see the Rockets making a trade
and who would trade and who would they try to target,
what style of player not who like specifically player, well.
Speaker 4 (02:35:18):
I want to correct you on one thing, Paul, now
that you're not a hunter, you couldn't be ultimately correct.
The reason why Kim Whitmore is playing is because Tarr
Easton and the men try Easton primarily is out and
you need some scoring punch off the bench, and with
Tariy not playing the last seven games that's a roster
spot and as good as effort wise, Jay Shawn Tait
is as a Ford. You're not putting Landell or Adams
at the five, at the four, you you don't you know,
Jabari's a lean for so you've already built yourself as
a team that doesn't have a back to the basket guy.
It's why Kim Wentmore's playing right now, and especially with
the men Thompson missing the next game after missing yesterday
too with the suspension. So Cam's here because Cam's got
a roster spot in they need minutes off the bench
because Reaed Shepherd isn't getting them right now. Jack Lindell
is your third center, so that obtimately knocks him out
of the list. Aaron Holliday's playing basically for read Shepherd
a little bit in the backup point. Yeah, you need
a point guard, and so Tar Easton and Mentms. I
mean Mentom's a good point guard basically. But yeah, but
you're missing two guys that are on in your quote
unquote front court. That's why Cam's getting the time right now.
Those are two really good guys as well as Steven
Adams been great. Cam Whitmore deserves time and then a
men Thomson and Tari Easton and then your starters. Yeah.
To Paul's question, though, if they're looking for somebody, it's
an it's a legitimate permanent threats place of whom.
Speaker 9 (02:36:51):
Speaker 4 (02:36:51):
Well, it depends on what's what what the asking price is.
Clearly I would think you'd load up on draft picks.
But there's gonna be a lit body going back or
do Emai Doka and rafel Stone, as we talked about earlier,
say we're ahead of schedule. We can trust this process
and maybe there's maybe there is complete untouchables. If you
move shan Gun right now, it's not good for the
rockets from a salary camp. You have to give up.
You had to have somebody find a lot more money
than you're bringing back. Yeah, you really can't. I don't think,
and I got to do a little homework on this.
I don't think you can really move them until I
think February without it being a severe salary cap hit
to you again, don't hold me too, because the good
rule Thursday. No gut feelings today. I think with all that,
it just feels like there's not going to be an
earth shaking I don't I don't feel it either, because
I've been around teams the Rockets that have said, yeah,
we're thinking about something, but don't know what it is.
I don't get a lot of that. I don't get that,
and that Rafel and I are texting about these things,
but I don't get that vibe. I think they're thinking,
this is a really nice core. But I will say this,
you mark this, do you put your name out? I
think the Rockets are going to be one of the
most active off season teams in the league. Off season,
I think, but in season right deadline, I don't expect
a lot. Yeah, But to answer Paul's question, you have
to do it based off of what you major need,
and that is getting somebody from the perimeter. I would agree.
All right, ladies, gentlemen, it takes absolutely zero ability whatsoever
to give you the five best teams in the NFL.
That is his low hanging fru as you'll find in
sports today, who absolutely does a fantastic job of giving
you the worst five teams. The man, Am I right?
Speaker 3 (02:38:39):
They've gone there?
Speaker 4 (02:38:42):
They raw flies, It's Rossi's rotting five. This don't smell
quite right? All right, folks, I don't know why last
week I said it was the penultimate edition. This is
actually the penultimate edition of the Rotten five. And we
have a team that has not been in here, I
don't think all year long. So many bad teams this year,
it's been tough to include the Chicago Bears, but man,
have they earned it now. Ten losses in a row
for the Chicago Bears, the latest of which coming and
gets the Seahawks where they mustered three three points in
a six to three Dog game on Thursday night a
week ago. Caleb Williams has been decent, as has the
defense Kayla Williams nineteen touchdowns, six interceptions, but overall, Bears
twenty ninth in a passing yards and twenty ninth in
points scored all season, and they have lost ten games
in a row. That's enough to earn them a spot
as the fifth worst team in the NFL. Bear Bear
glad to bring that one back. All right, let's keep
it rolling. It's a shock to absolutely know one that
the Cleveland Browns have turned to Dorian Thompson Robinson as
their starting quarterback, and well, they have continued to lose
game back to back games started for Derwan Thompson Robinson
six points and then three against the Bengals and Dolphins, respectively.
But things really going according to plan. We know what
you're doing, Cleveland Browns. You are looking to go in
the tank and continue to lose games, as they have
now lost five in a row and seven of their
last eight. So the Cleveland Browns are as bad as
they want to be, and well they're really bad because
they are the fourth worst team in the NFL.
Speaker 13 (02:40:28):
You are a factory of sadness.
Speaker 4 (02:40:30):
I know, I know that poor Browns guy keeps getting
worse and worse for the Cleveland Browns. So let's move
on to the New England Patriots. They have lost now
six games in a row. They are three and thirteen
on the season, the latest loss a complete drubbing at
the hands of the Los Angeles Chargers. Drake May briefly
leaving the game with a head injury. Also had a
concussion earlier in the year, so certainly something to keep
an eye on for him going forward. But the New
England Patriots have been horrible all season long. And oh,
by the way, as your reward, you get to take
on the Buffalo Bills in the last game of the season.
Although the Bills don't have anything to play for. Speaking
of bad offenses, thirty second in passing yards per game
are the New England Patriots and thirty in points scored. Man,
the Patriots suck. They are the third worst team in
the NFL. We're getting ready for Cincinnati. No, you're playing
Buffalo and you're not even You're at UNC now, Bill,
come on, all right, what the heck was that last
week from the New York Football Giants. Out of nowhere,
the team sprang to life. They scored a whopping forty
five points against the Colts to notch their third win
of the year. Against all odds, the Giants defeating Joe
Flacco and the Indianapolis Colts. Drew Locke actually looking decent,
throwing for over three hundred yards, also throwing for four touchdowns,
first time hitting both of those marks in his NFL career.
I actually meant the fact that checked that and forgot,
but let's go ahead roll with it. The Giants didn't
really do anything but blow their shit. I got it
a number one overall pick. I mean, you want to
go out there, you play to win the game and
all that type of stuff, But at the end of
the day, Giants not doing themselves any favors draft wise
because they are horrible. They are the second worst team
in the NFL.
Speaker 3 (02:42:16):
Oh no, it's bad, it's good, bad, all right.
Speaker 4 (02:42:21):
That brings us to the absolute worst team in the
NFL right now. It is your Tennessee Titans. And I'm
not even doing this because they're going with the Oilers
stuff this weekend. My god, get over at Tennessee. There's
no Houston Oilers history in at Nashville. But the Titans
are terrible. They've lost five games in a row. We
don't have to mention that their last win was against
the Houston Texans, and they play the Texans again this weekend.
It is a winnable game for them with the Texans
not playing their starters. Tennessee coming in as a two
point favorite right now, but they've turned to Mason Rudolph
over Will Levis. It doesn't matter. The team is horrible.
They're gonna be wearing Oilers gears. So I hope they
get their ass kicked because they are the absolute worst
team in the NFL. It's like deja vu saw twice
in a row shooting ourselves in the foot I know,
I know well and there's your run in five, Matthew.
Did you see the Ohio State Buck Guys tweet of
a few minutes ago? No, it says, let me see
when this was put. This actually was the last night
at seven fifty three. On to the next challenge. See
y'all real soon. Okay, is it the Cotton Bowl? Mm hmmm,
Ohio State helmet with all the buck guys on the helmet,
the little stickers wonderful? Got a cowboy hat on? Okay,
they're playing in Texas. Let's go with the cliches and
a cac die. I don't know if there's any cacti
in Arlington, Texas. I've been a I've been to Arlington,
Texas two hundred and twenty five times. One of the
nicest dollar trees you'll ever see. There's no cacti in Arlington, zilch.
Maybe they thought they were going to the Fiesta Bowl.
That would have made a lot more sense. Do better,
hashtag do better? I hate that, but come here. Look,
far be it from for us for any to question
anybody for using cliches. Matt We are the We're the
only station in town, the only show in town that
doesn't use cliches. We don't stereotype and we don't use cliches.
Were we are anti stereotype, anti cliches. We hate Texas
people one forty six back to wrap up, we would
do them believe it or not. We have no prices,
and if we're gonna best believe or not, you gotta
earn it right. We got to give some tickets to
some eighties that with one here as we would do.
You have to get three right best of Well, we're
got to make sure we get a price first. We'ren't
have any prizes.
Speaker 2 (02:44:41):
Speaker 4 (02:44:41):
Let me tell you about the Shell Federal Credit Union here. Uh,
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Sports Talk.
Speaker 1 (02:45:43):
For lunch, Matt Thomas returns on Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 4 (02:45:48):
Ninety one Sports Talk seven. I mean tomorrow in the
radio program, we will have non Florida stories. We have,
uh what else?
Speaker 7 (02:46:15):
I got?
Speaker 4 (02:46:15):
Friday Friday's anything goes Friday like the strippers up at
twelve noon. It's Friday tomorrow. Got It's It's such a
just joint us A couple of weeks, yeah, even last
week with the Christmas on Wednesday, Yeah, and I was
still I was on vacation Monday, Christmas Wednesday, and you're
still not over jet leg which is a surprise. I've
been fine. I'm over. Well, it's a different kind of
jet lag, jet leg you're speaking of it. Just adjusting
to the New timesline because I'm not a morning person.
But I'll be fine. Yeah, We're twenty twenty five, bigger
and better, stronger, faster tomorrow. Fifteenth year anniversary of the show. Wow,
I didn't. I'm not getting you anything. I already bought
you something, So that's well, thank you. You're welcome. Fifteen
years of me.
Speaker 7 (02:47:05):
I do deserve an.
Speaker 4 (02:47:05):
Award the longest, second longest, ten you're next to me.
You know what, now that you mentioned it, who's been longer?
Oh that you've been professionally, No, you're the longest professional.
Oh lord, I deserve awards. Plot its days off, cash rewards, presence.
Here that Connor hear how life is, how miserable his
life is, Rolex, My god, god is it's just awful,
just terrible, terrible life you live? Oh, coming and talking
sports with someone. I granted that guy. It's tough when
you always lose battles with me when it comes to
pop culture, food, sports takes you know what, You're right,
it has been a cakewalk.
Speaker 7 (02:47:48):
I love you.
Speaker 4 (02:47:49):
Matt, I don't even know what is the oldest piece
of sound we have of the show. We have some
of the og liners with the Craig Bigio Matt Thomas
is swinging for the fences right now. Those were like
original I'm talking about us, talking us, shalking. I don't
have to find you don't mean to go through some
of the archives. Well tomorrow, Well we'll do tomorrow. I
think this one was from the first day of the show.
Guy scored it at my mouth. Who. That was a
weird part of it all. That's not actually true, That's
not that was you know. That was from that was
when we were in Denver. We had sake at the
and then what the guy scored it at my mouth? Who?
That was a weird part of it all.
Speaker 7 (02:48:28):
I would.
Speaker 4 (02:48:30):
This one's pretty old. I'm shaking my head. The wife's
kind of nibbling on me, and come on, I'm like, no, no, no,
I just can't What year is that? As I say
what year? And I don't because I so because they
haven't already saved. Yeah, I have to resave them. So
it says twenty twenty two. But that's obviously this This
was when I believe I believe Vince wasn't in in
the NFL. I want me some Vince Young sausage. Oh yeah, Vince, Yeah,
that's got to be thirteen fourteen years right, it's got
to be close. Yeah. Now I didn't get here in
time for Vince to beat the detections on the Overtime's
left the NFL in twenty eleven. Well, that's gotta be.
Maybe the oldest piece is sound from the show, for sure.
Say the rest is from me some Vince Young sausage.
That's what tomorrow is gonna be, just far as the
blurbs of me saying strange things to put me in
a compromising position. Oh, this has gotta be a good one.
I've been teased by Colt McCoy. That's gotta be old Colts.
That's gotta be twenty eleven. Why would we bring up
Colt McCoy for his NFL career? He was, And maybe
we'll have some prizes for believe it or not tomorrow.
You never know these things, and someone will drop some
things in Okay, we'll find out I got some I
got coobs drops. What are those from? Things are al
fab We gotta be in there that are old amazing.
Gordy's been here over ten years. That's that. Where did
Coos leave? Gotta be thirteen, right, No suwher in that range.
So yeah, we've got some old stuff. Okay, I like it.
All right, that's it for the show today tomorrow four hours,
anything goes Friday, fifteenth anniversary show. He left at thirteen,
so that clip is probably from eleven or twelve. Andre Johnson,
we did that. We did some old spoofs of hym
save Andre when he was hurt, remember Andre, I don't
know if I have that. Yeah, fine, mister far should
up next Clinton Wexler would I know? It's stunning. They
all ge they're gonna offer like a two thirty two
talk Toil tomorrow at ten Wick Strippers up at noon
on seven ninety