Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Lunchtimers. This is the Matt Thomas Show ten.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
One in h Town.
Speaker 3 (00:09):
Good morning, everybody, and welcome to a Monday edition of
The Matt Thomas Show with Ross.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Ross is off today in New Orleans.
Speaker 3 (00:19):
Gonna get back in tonight and he and I will
reunite tomorrow for the Christmas Eve edition of the program.
Dan Matthews is stepping in today for Sports Harvy and
look forward to hanging out with him and hanging out
with you guys on this Christmas Eve. It feels like that,
thankfully we had no traffic today. Doesn't matter to me
because I'm in Charlotte, North Carolina. Freeze in my ass off.
But that's a different issue for a different time. We
have a busy show for you today. I know a
lot of you are doing some last minute Christmas shopping
and if you want to be like our unofficial traffic
reporters and tell us what malls are crazy or what
or not, we will take your correspondence on.
Speaker 2 (00:59):
The show today. We will also take.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Your correspondence on a variety of issues on the Houston
sports scene.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
Which would include.
Speaker 3 (01:07):
The fact that Houston Texans have to play another football
game in two days. No I don't know they're gonna
be a to suit up enough players, especially in the
wide receiving corps. My goodness, this whole thing about three
games in eleven days, you know, And look, the NFL
is hypocritical.
Speaker 2 (01:25):
The players are hypocritical.
Speaker 3 (01:28):
They can complain about the scheduling, they can complain about
the short weeks, they can complain about a variety of
things about not giving themselves enough time to heal.
Speaker 2 (01:37):
Their bodies, blahlah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Speaker 3 (01:39):
The reality is every one of these NFL players, at
the end of the day, is going to take part
in and enjoy part of the immense amount of money
that these television networks are giving out for these players
to play these odd schedules.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
So I don't feel too too bad for any of them.
For two things.
Speaker 3 (02:00):
One, they could collect a huge check off of these
television deals, which now includes a doubleheader on Wednesday. Secondly,
if you're a Texans fan and you have been asking
for the Texans to get some serious national television run,
where you certainly are getting that after Saturday's game in
Kansas City, all the Monday night games this year, the
Sunday night games and now the Wednesday Christmas Day game.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
So my point is this, I don't think you can
have it both ways. You just can't. You can't have
it both ways.
Speaker 3 (02:29):
You can't say we enjoy the money, but we don't
enjoy the price that it comes with.
Speaker 2 (02:35):
And that's why.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
You're gonna continue to see different ways for the National
Football League to try to bring in additional money, whether
it is having every team play at least one game overseas,
which I think is ultimately going to come.
Speaker 2 (02:48):
I think you're gonna.
Speaker 3 (02:49):
See eight home games in the United States, You're gonna
see eight road games in the United States. You're gonna
see that seventeenth game against a team, and you're gonna
play it in Spain, or you're gonna play it in France,
or you're gonna play it in London, or you're gonna play.
Speaker 2 (03:03):
It in Brazil.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
I think at some point, I don't know when it's
going to be, but everybody's gonna have to go internationally
because the NFL wants to make as much money as
they can and they've basically tapped out in all of
the US ports. Now it's gonna go find some international waters.
Where you can put all those games on national TV
and put them on at strange times, and then you
can sell a TV package to another TV network to
say every morning at nine o'clock or eight thirty Central time,
you can put a game on.
Speaker 2 (03:31):
So that's just the reality.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
They're always trying to find the next revenue stream and
you know who doesn't care. Roger Goodell doesn't care, and
certainly the thirty two owners don't care, and at the
end of the day, the players don't care because you
know a certain level of finances goes to the players
and it's based off of league revenue.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
Well, if league revenue is where it's at.
Speaker 3 (03:52):
And continues to get all this, I mean, I think,
what is Netflix getting paying ten million bucks for two
games or something like crazy like that. I mean, it's
it ain't much. I mean I shouldn't say an ima.
It's a lot for broadcasting two games. And remember, if
you are a non Netflix subscriber, do not worry your
game is going to be on local television. Every time
you have a game on a streaming service or cable,
they have to finde an over the air television station.
So if you're a netflixer, do not worry. Wen't to
worry about buffering. You'll be able to see the game locally.
Speaker 4 (04:23):
I don't.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
I think it's on Channel eleven, but don't hold me
to that. One of the local TV stations has the game.
Speaker 2 (04:30):
So yeah, okay, there you go. So uh yeah.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
I know the storyline is, this isn't fair, Dan, I
know the storyline is, this is cruel to the NFL players.
But when the checks come in, they start to divvy
out the money.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Nobody worries about this. It's it's it's a faux.
Speaker 3 (04:48):
It's faux outrage to me playing three games in eleven days,
and I and I do believe it should be outrageous.
I do believe it is ridiculous. I do believe you
are asked you are putting players safety in in uh
in serious conversation. But just like my man, the million
dollar man said, uh, Dan Matthews, everybody has a price
that includes the NFL and it's players association.
Speaker 5 (05:11):
Well, I thought you were gonna go with if you
don't do the job, you don't get paid. I thought
that's the DBOSC line you're gonna go with. Remember you
know the kid dribbling to basketball. Then Virgil stuck his
foot out.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
I know, I could have gone either direction, but remember,
everybody's got a price.
Speaker 6 (05:29):
One of the best heels that there was.
Speaker 3 (05:33):
Oh yeah, yeah, teddyb as I prefer to remember ted
Dybasi is a mid South guy, but he obviously became
a superstar when he was.
Speaker 2 (05:42):
The million dollar Man with a WWF. So there you
have it.
Speaker 3 (05:47):
It is weird, though, Dan, You know, the Texans played
on Saturday and here we are on a Monday. We
have Christmas Day Wednesday, so really we have just kind
of got today and tomorrow to kind of get into
the next game. Meanwhile, I feel like, and you're back
home and I'm not, so I don't have the pulse
of the city Houston lose with my local buddies.
Speaker 2 (06:07):
That this is.
Speaker 3 (06:09):
This feels extraordinarily rushed at on top of the fact,
you're still having to worry about Tank Dell situation. You've
got other guys that were that were being banged up
against Kansas City on Saturday.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
If there's any time for the team not to have a.
Speaker 3 (06:22):
Short week, this would be the absolute worst possible opportunity
to do so.
Speaker 5 (06:26):
I mean it's one of those that you don't really
have time to be annoyed and outraged with how Saturday went,
because there was a good amount to be both with,
because yet again, it was a game that you let
slip away, that you were in position to possibly be
able to at any time take over it and win.
And now, I mean, you know, as you said, the
short turnaround, it's already on to Baltimore, So you have
to worry about beating a team that I don't the
Texans ever, either in the postseason or in the regular
season ever beat in the Ravens.
Speaker 3 (07:03):
All I can remember is postseason games, and none of
them come to mind that are very particularly entertaining. I mean,
and the chances, I don't know what the percentages are.
I know there's somebody's doing this, but it's gonna be
pretty much either gonna be Pittsburg or Baltimore for the
Texans and the playoffs. I mean, I know the Chargers
can kind of slip in there. I think Denver's got
an outside slot, but I think since Anna, even if
they make the playoffs, would be the last of the
wild cards to get in, it's either gonna be Pittsburgh
or Baltimore. With a slight chance of the Chargers and
a slight chance of the Broncos. Tell me how you're
gonna beat Lamar Jackson two times in the next four weeks.
Speaker 6 (07:40):
I don't see it. I mean, it's just it's unfortunate.
Speaker 5 (07:43):
I mean, you know, was talking about it over the
weekend during the game of It seems like with this
Texans team this year, you need a really big offensive series.
Speaker 6 (07:52):
You don't get it.
Speaker 5 (07:53):
You need Kyamie Fairbairn to make a kick in a
really huge situation. It doesn't happen. You need the def
to get off the field, and you need them to
be able to give your offense a chance to get
back in this game.
Speaker 6 (08:05):
It just doesn't happen.
Speaker 5 (08:06):
And look, I mean some teams are kind of snake
bit in that way, and this seems like it's a
team that like it or not.
Speaker 6 (08:13):
They're nine and six, they're division champs. It's all nice.
Speaker 5 (08:16):
But I heard Rex Ryan talking about it yesterday on
NFL Countdown on ESPN.
Speaker 6 (08:20):
And I have to agree with them. I don't trust
this team to win.
Speaker 2 (08:23):
I don't.
Speaker 3 (08:25):
And you know, it's funny because there have been a
lot of people, and I would put myself included that
it was just like, you know, it's an eight and five,
it's a six and five. I mean it's a six
and four team, it's a seven and five team, it's
an eight and five, it's nine and five team. But
the city Houston, except for the bonehead YouTube wannabe radio
host that think this team was like on a new stratosphere, no.
Speaker 2 (08:49):
One's filling the vibe.
Speaker 3 (08:51):
I'm not talking about going to the game and cheering
and rooting for them, that's a different, but no one
is feeling the vibe of this is a deep playoff team.
And I don't know where it went wrong. Did it
go wrong with Stefan Diggs getting hurt? Did it go
wrong with the Texans offensive line underperforming? Did it go
wrong with Jalen Petrie being done for the year. I mean,
tell me, Dan, in your in your mind, where did
it go wrong?
Speaker 2 (09:14):
Where? Where did we? Ever?
Speaker 3 (09:17):
Where did we stop losing the faith that this team
was going to go from a team that could legitimately
play for an AFC championship, not win it, but get there,
to a team that's probably going to be one and
done in the playoffs.
Speaker 5 (09:27):
Probably the options you just gave out, I'd say the
offensive line because probably I mean that's you know, Stefan Diggs.
He was nice, but he wasn't a difference maker for you,
like he was somebody that I guess was a good
help out there in terms of being able to take
some pressure off of Nico Collins. But especially now that
Tank Dell's out, it's all Nico Collins because Dalton Schultz,
nice player, You're not going to win because of Dalton Schultz.
You can win with Dalton Schultz. And I mean, you know,
Xavier Xavier Worthy. She had Xavier Worthy, Xavier Hutchison. If
you have John Metchi out there, any anybody else, they're
not going to be enough to be able to take
the pressure off of the tandem of Nico Collins and
Joe Mixon. And they can only do so much. And
you couple that with an offensive line that's even more
banged up. And I guess we'll find out from Demko
Ryans in terms of the status of Shaq Mason and
also too as well, Yeah, Juice Scruggs as well. And
then the Fisher came back into the game, right, if
I'm remembering correctly, I think he did.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
Not listen the injury report.
Speaker 3 (10:36):
Jimmy Ward is a guy that I also got banged
up in the Casey game as well.
Speaker 6 (10:40):
Right, I mean you know so.
Speaker 5 (10:42):
I mean that's the thing is your offensive line is
everything for your team. If you don't have an offensive line,
forget get into the water, you're dead on land. And
I mean that's been the problem is when you've really
needed them to be able to provide enough protection for CJ.
Speaker 6 (10:57):
Stroud to make a throw down the field.
Speaker 5 (10:58):
And it's not even about you know, at this point
Matt him having enough protection. That first interception he threw
that was on CJ. He had the protection. He doesn't
trust his guys. And if I'm not mistaken too, didn't
we see another quick snap that almost got him in
the game. And it looked like he was pretty frustrated
with jareded Patterson of Hey, like we went over this,
we went through this, Like why did this just happen again?
Speaker 6 (11:21):
What's going on?
Speaker 3 (11:22):
It's because the offensive line just has never been cohesive.
It's gotten a little bit better the last couple of weeks,
but by no means is I mean he's been set
with second most sac quarterback in the NFL this year.
Speaker 2 (11:32):
It doesn't encount the hurries.
Speaker 3 (11:34):
It's just been it's been an underperforming group, and I
think that's a storyline. You can't win if you can't
protect your quarterback. No, that's just it's just.
Speaker 2 (11:44):
A simple reality.
Speaker 3 (11:45):
Not to dumb it down, but this is a team
that has had, week in and week out, with exception
of maybe one or two different sequences, a team that
has has had its superstar quarterback not running for his life,
but feeling like he's got to get rid of the football,
maybe a scoch earlier than he wants to, maybe has
to elude the press rush, perhaps one or two more
times than he should. And look, every NFL quarterback goes
through this, but there has never been a confidence feeling
that in the pocket C. J. Strode can can go
through his progressions that can find the second receiver that
has enough time to throw the football.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
It has been a.
Speaker 3 (12:20):
Storyline for this year and it's frankly a huge indictment
against whoever created this offensive line and didn't try to.
Speaker 2 (12:27):
Address it at the trade deadline. Our time is ten
to fourteen.
Speaker 3 (12:30):
It is the matt Thomas Shold with Ross Dan Matthew
stepping in today to tell the truth's coming up. At
eleven thirty, Daniel in the news at noon. We've got
Tamiko speaking today. I believe CJ is going to speak
today and if we can get into those conversations, we
will do that. Plus we have a Fantasy five today
of Christmas songs. I am not a big Christmas music fan,
as you guys know, but today is the day that
Dan and I go mono amano on our list of
favorite Christmas songs. We'll have it for you at one
twenty and you guys will judge that and then Believe
It or Not Today kind of a sad one ripe
to Rickey Henderson who passed over the weekend. Will honor
him as part of today's edition of Believe It or Not.
Lots of get to today seven one three two, one
two five, seven ninety seven one three two, one two
five seven NINTI. I'm Matt here in Charlotte with the
Rockets last night one in Toronto. We've got college football
disappointments as well. All that here on a Monday edition
of the Matt Thomas Show, Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 7 (13:29):
More Matt Thomas Show with Ross Now, but Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (13:36):
Don't get used to this today and tomorrow that's it.
Speaker 6 (13:40):
I've heard your rules.
Speaker 8 (13:43):
What please?
Speaker 3 (13:45):
Yeah, I mean I need my channels back. I listened
to Soultown with Smoky on that serious ExM. It's Christmas Soultown.
I don't want that. It's Christmas classic country right now.
I like Christmas music for two days a year, today
and tomorrow, and maybe a litle bit of Christmas.
Speaker 2 (14:00):
But that's about it.
Speaker 6 (14:01):
You're so off, man.
Speaker 5 (14:03):
I as soon as Thanksgiving passes, I am all about
the Christmas music really.
Speaker 2 (14:08):
Speaker 5 (14:09):
Yeah, I mean not like every day. I mean, you know,
you do need a break from it. But I mean
for the most parts, driving around Christmas shopping stuff like that.
I mean, you know, especially today on the roadways, which
a fair warning to everybody here on the Houston roadways,
a lot of people took stupid pills this morning.
Speaker 6 (14:26):
I'm going to leave it at that.
Speaker 3 (14:28):
Sorry, we're calling you out, Connor and I are calling
you out. Connor said there was no issues from going
to work today.
Speaker 9 (14:32):
It depends on what part of town though, Like if
you're if you're on any outlet, mall or shopping area,
it's going to be crazy.
Speaker 2 (14:38):
Speaker 5 (14:38):
So, I mean I was coming from there wasn't much
it was for me, you know, coming from the north side.
It was approaching where we're not far from the Galleria,
and it was.
Speaker 6 (14:48):
Pretty backed up. And for reasons I don't know why.
Speaker 2 (14:52):
You know why it is.
Speaker 3 (14:53):
I think it's because engineering wise, we just didn't get
it right the first time.
Speaker 2 (14:56):
M hm, I'm just there.
Speaker 3 (14:59):
I mean, like, my least favorite little thoroughfare is the
fifty nine South heading into downtown, just shy of GEORGI R.
Speaker 2 (15:08):
Brown. It is always snarled there.
Speaker 3 (15:10):
I mean, it could be one o'clock in the morning
or one o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday and it's
just gridlock.
Speaker 5 (15:16):
No, it's the same way right here, the west wall
of the loop, right outside of our building. It's right
there before the post Oak exits. It's always really a
bottleneck right there, and it's not fun.
Speaker 6 (15:29):
But I mean, it's never.
Speaker 2 (15:30):
Gonna change, Dan, do you realize that.
Speaker 3 (15:31):
I mean, that's the saddest thing, because we could bitch
your moan about it for the rest of our adult lives.
Speaker 2 (15:35):
It's not going to change.
Speaker 6 (15:36):
Well, it was also too as I left my house.
Speaker 5 (15:38):
You know, I was going to be here in plenty
of time, and then I stopped at a fast food spot.
I'm not even gonna do the rhyming scheme just to
get something really quick because I don't think I'm gonna
be able to get away for lunch today, so, you know,
needed to be able to get some sort of sustenance
before eating later on tonight. And I waited at the
spot for about twenty minutes to get a simple biscuit
and a drink.
Speaker 2 (16:06):
Hmmm, simple biscuit and a drink. I believe it rhymes
with mc muley. Am I right about that?
Speaker 4 (16:10):
Speaker 5 (16:11):
No, no, no, no it is It is not them. If anything,
efficiency would have taken over and I probably would have
been out of there in five minutes.
Speaker 3 (16:18):
Well, with lesson learned seven one three two one two
five seven nine. If you want to chime into a
seven one three two one two five seven nine, let's
start our conversation today with Travis and Cyprus. So the Matt, Thomas,
Joel Ross, Travis, good morning, thank you for holding.
Speaker 2 (16:33):
Oh it's Travann all right, Hello, Trevan. I knew that
I know you did.
Speaker 4 (16:39):
Hey, Mary Christmas fellas you.
Speaker 10 (16:41):
I wanted to kind of thank you. I want to
kind of take it back to Ted Dibiassi if you
don't remember Ted Dibiassi wrestling at Sam Houston Coliseum, Oh
with the gloves right, quote unquote, yeah, glove Love actually
knocked out Andre the Giant.
Speaker 1 (16:57):
Speaker 10 (16:57):
You're you're not you're not a wrestling fan, all right,
that's just my take on that part. Listen, three games
in eleven days is the travesty. Uh, we had a
letting of injuries. I mean people were dropping off, like
Flive not to mention the Tank Dell part, you know alone,
you know, of course that game was over.
Speaker 4 (17:20):
That game was over after.
Speaker 10 (17:21):
Tang Deell got injured. I mean, nobody could get their
heads in the game. We had it in you know,
our grass. Even though the Kansas City Chiefs, I'm sorry,
the Kansas City refs, you know, we're trying to put
it against us, we were still in that game. And
I think even you know, res accounted for, we still
could have won that game. Unfortunately, you know, Tank got hurt,
and I guess my my final thing is just that
I was really surprised. Look, I get it, you know,
I'm way over. There's no crying in football. You know what,
that was his brother, right, if that was your son,
you know, getting injured like that.
Speaker 2 (18:03):
I'd probably be the exact same way.
Speaker 10 (18:05):
I was a little bit surprised that he was. He
was broken down like that. You know, he literally almost
barely couldn't get his head in the game. But I mean, dang,
even the guy that uh that hit him on the
crowsing route, I think that was Hutchinson. I think he
was in worse condition than CJ. So I just feel
like we didn't have a chance after that. But you know,
guess what, you know, it's okay, hopefully we get our
heads together against Baltimore. But I mean, dang, our'm receiving
chorus busted.
Speaker 2 (18:33):
Now, man.
Speaker 10 (18:33):
I mean you thought going into the season that it
was gonna be digs tang right Nico, and now it's
just kind of down to Nico. I mean, what do
you guys thoughts on that?
Speaker 11 (18:44):
Speaker 10 (18:44):
Hang up, listen, Merry Christmas.
Speaker 6 (18:47):
You guys appreciate it, Luddy.
Speaker 2 (18:49):
The reality is down. It is down.
Speaker 3 (18:51):
It is down to it's Dalton Schultz is the second most.
Speaker 2 (18:55):
Go to guy, right.
Speaker 3 (18:57):
I mean, that's what it felt like to me in
the second half of that game, was study dye of
Nico and Dalton.
Speaker 2 (19:01):
That's it.
Speaker 5 (19:02):
It shouldn't be because I mean the last two games
and I didn't see you know what the targets were
for Joe Mixon. But if you're having trouble running the football,
that needs to be your second option. Because what did
we hear about all off season before he even played
his first snap with the Texans, how good he is
the backfield? Okay, well, then use him because you see
how good he is running the football. You know what
he means to you in that way, and he was
okay running the ball on Saturday. Well was at fourteen
carries fifty seven yards and he had that one twenty
two yard run. Okay, that's nice, But I mean get
him more involved in the passing game. And I mean
I'm looking at the receiving numbers and he was targeted twice.
Speaker 6 (19:44):
So okay, then that's your charge.
Speaker 5 (19:47):
Now, as as Demiko Rans is meeting with Bobby Slokan
the offensive staff, find a way to get him the football.
He is one of our best players when he has
the ball in his hands.
Speaker 6 (19:58):
That is your charge this week. Find a way.
Speaker 5 (20:01):
It doesn't have to just be a straight up turn
around and hand the football off. Get him involved in
the passing game. I don't care what you need to do.
That's your job this week.
Speaker 4 (20:10):
Speaker 3 (20:10):
But I okay, so you're saying that, and it makes
a lot of sense. Don't you think that Baltimore is
gonna game plan for that?
Speaker 5 (20:15):
I mean they should if they're being smart. But I
mean it's also though, too, Like I said, with Dalton Schultz,
nice player, You're not going to win because of Dalton Schultz.
It's just not going to happen. He needs to be
probably not.
Speaker 3 (20:28):
Gonna scare anybody. Kate Stover doesn't play right now. I
mean what I mean Mechi is in and out. I mean,
this is where depth becomes a problem. You just don't
have enough players.
Speaker 5 (20:40):
This is the Roberts I guess. I mean he was
one of the higher targeted guys. He got thrown two
six times, he pulled in three. I mean he he
in effect becomes your Tank Dell. Now, I mean that
they had been kind of interchanging with return duties.
Speaker 6 (20:58):
So yeah, guess what, Robert Woods, you know you're running.
Speaker 3 (21:02):
Out of here's a problem, Dan, and this is all honest,
You're running out of bullets. This is just I mean,
the Tank Dell injury just could not First of all,
there was never a good time for it, but to
have it this late in the year, with already.
Speaker 2 (21:16):
You know, Stefan being out for the year.
Speaker 3 (21:18):
This is tell me a team in the NFL DAN
that loses two of its top three receiving guys and
you're not severely suffering from a passing game perspective.
Speaker 6 (21:28):
No, I get that.
Speaker 5 (21:29):
And I mean the only time that I can see
a team that had a ton of attrition and they
were able to overcome it was twenty eleven with the
Green Bay Packers, where it seemed like their entire roster
was injured and you're like, God, how are they pulling
this off right now?
Speaker 2 (21:42):
Well, you you just pulled a twenty eleven card.
Speaker 5 (21:45):
I mean, that's the last one that I can remember
of a team that really went through a lot of
attrition when it came to injuries.
Speaker 3 (21:51):
Did you think about this ahead of time? I didn't
give you this question like twenty minutes ago. You you
not just came top of mind.
Speaker 2 (21:58):
Speaker 6 (22:00):
I just remember that team that. I mean, that's a.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
First of all props to you. But that's a Rando pull.
Speaker 5 (22:06):
Well, I mean, but the point is is, you know
it's a one time occurrence right there, because for the
most part, it's it's not the rule, it's the exception,
because when you go through what this team has gone through,
then you're going to have the results you have, just
like the team we just saw last night on Sunday
Night Football win. I mean, people for months have been,
you know, just completely convincing themselves that Jerry's moving on
from Mike McCarthy. If the Cowboys win one more game
this regular season, I'll go ahead and do an early
gut feeling right now, Mike McCarthy's staying on as a
coach because.
Speaker 2 (22:42):
Jerry I'm stunned that he's still there.
Speaker 3 (22:45):
In honesty, I mean, I thought I've been predicted for
weeks that they were gonna get blown out and he
was gonna lose his job. Jerry just doesn't want to
pull the trigger midseason. If he's gonna make any move,
it's going to be done in the next two weeks.
Speaker 5 (22:55):
He's because it real quick on this because he knows
that a coaching change means patience.
Speaker 3 (23:02):
He doesn't have much patience left. He doesn't have much
time left, Matt. He also knows that it's not a
great job anymore. It hasn't been a great job in
a long time.
Speaker 6 (23:10):
He doesn't think that.
Speaker 3 (23:12):
Well, that's big, but it hasn't paid off. I mean,
every coach that goes in there gets undermined by the
general manager. Who's going to be the general manager?
Speaker 2 (23:19):
Uh ten thirty.
Speaker 3 (23:19):
It's a time, Matt here in Charlotte, Dan back in
our Houston studios seven one three two, one two, five,
seven ninety. Any Christmas music you hear today during the
show will not be a part of the Fantasy five.
We've already pre drafted. So the selections are in and
we'll have that for you at one twenty ten thirty.
Come on and join us at seven one three two,
one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 11 (23:40):
But out of that, I knew how today was born
a Festivus for the rest of us.
Speaker 2 (23:48):
So Connor is going to the same CD for all
of that. They don't do CDs anymore. What I mean,
It's just this is not bubble gum. This is like
pop stars trying to be Christmas hip, right I think?
Speaker 12 (24:05):
Speaker 3 (24:05):
I mean the last one was Bieber. I'm not even
sure who this one is. It's the Joss Brothers. Oh,
it's the Joe Bros. Okay, well there you go.
Speaker 5 (24:15):
Yeah, you're you're right, Matt's I mean, look, there's money
to be made in the Christmas market out there.
Speaker 6 (24:21):
Those royalties they stick with you.
Speaker 5 (24:23):
Yeah, Like I'm sure the Crosby family probably still gets
checks in the mail of hey, oh it was Christmas time.
Speaker 6 (24:30):
That's right. Yeah, there we go.
Speaker 2 (24:32):
Yeah, all right, there you go.
Speaker 3 (24:34):
We're gonna our hipster is going to handle the music
today and I am the non hipster. But I'm in Houston, Charlotte,
whe the Rockets are going to try to pick up
another win before the holidays.
Speaker 2 (24:43):
Now, ten games over five hundred.
Speaker 3 (24:45):
When's the last time we had the Rockets ten games
above five hundred and anything?
Speaker 6 (24:49):
Probably twenty twenty.
Speaker 2 (24:51):
It's been a while, been a while, all right.
Speaker 3 (24:52):
A couple folks on Twitter wanted to ask about the
Bobby Sloic wide receiver screens. I mean, I wasn't play
charting because I'm, like I said, I'm you know, we're traveling.
We were on a plane going to Toronto watching the
game on the on the on the Internet, so it.
Speaker 2 (25:10):
Wasn't like I was sitting there. But it became a
running joker in the game, right, I.
Speaker 3 (25:14):
Mean, how many times the little slip screens were part
of the Texans offense, right.
Speaker 5 (25:18):
Yeah, I mean they pretty much looked like Miami did
the week before with those plays where you're just like,
oh that one again, Okay, good, maybe this one will work.
Speaker 6 (25:28):
Nope, it didn't.
Speaker 3 (25:29):
Is slog for give me the Okay, this is where
sports fans can be so reactionary, so quick.
Speaker 2 (25:35):
Okay. Uh.
Speaker 3 (25:37):
The Astros pitching staff has a combine to era of
a two point six y four and the pitching coach
of the greatest things in slices spread. The next year,
the Astros ara goes up to three point eight to seven,
and then I gotta fire them, gotta get rid of Joshua,
I gotta give to this. Is Bobby Slowock really in
jeopardy If you were to take a look at when
when this when the text and season end, which probably
will be either at the wild card game or if
they win that after the divisional game. I don't think
anybody thinks are a championship game worthy. Is Tamiko and
Nick gonna sit down in the room, door closed, just
the two of them say we got to fire Bobby's
low it.
Speaker 6 (26:12):
I don't think that it's gonna come then.
Speaker 5 (26:15):
I mean I probably, you know, just like last year,
they lose in the playoffs, it's over that Monday, you
get the notification from the Texans that Demiko will address
the media. Maybe a day later it'll be Nick Cassario,
and you're gonna get the same run of the mill.
We're gonna evaluate everything. You know, Bobby did some really
good things, all of these different types of things. But
I think that if you're looking for the blood in
terms of who to blame this on, I don't think
you're gonna get it then where they're like, yeah, we're
moving on, like that's not going to happen. They're gonna
give you the run of the mill. Oh, we evaluate everything.
You know, that wasn't our only issue this year. That's
that's coming as sure as you're born. We will get
that the monday after the Texans season ends.
Speaker 3 (27:00):
So my question again is this, how does a one
person go from a guy that we can't oh my phone,
dra I'm sorry. How can we go from one guy
who is not we want him not to leave because
he's a valuable offensive assistant coach to oh my god,
we gotta get him rid of him?
Speaker 2 (27:22):
Are we that?
Speaker 13 (27:25):
Speaker 2 (27:26):
Were we that quick? To judge.
Speaker 5 (27:28):
Yeah, I mean, because so maybe we are well, I mean,
because it's also too this offense, even from the beginning
of the season, never looked like we hoped that it would.
I mean, you know, and of course, what we hoped
was that Stefan Diggs would play an entire season, Tank
Dell wouldn't dislocate his kneecap, and that you wouldn't lose
Joe Mixon for about a month of the season. I mean,
you were hoping for all of those things to be avoided.
But we're kind of glossing over the biggest issue right here.
The biggest issue is something that's not necessarily in Bobby
Slowak's control, and that is the play of the offensive
line and just how inconsistent they've been all season. But
there is something that is in his control. I mean,
you know, Matt, you're seeing all of the film breakdown
people out there who are going through and saying that
sack right there that Kansas City just got on c J.
Stroud could have been very easily prevented had he just
checked out to another play Like it's stuff like that,
and it's you know, for all of what we heard
last year about c J.
Speaker 2 (28:29):
Speaker 5 (28:29):
Oh, how advanced he is, how he grasped this offense.
I mean, maybe I'm not watching the games close enough,
but I don't see a ton of checks. I don't
see a ton of Hey, it's up to you. You
see something, say something, do something about it.
Speaker 2 (28:42):
Out there.
Speaker 5 (28:43):
I mean, and it's just like, how are we you know,
to December twenty third and they just played a couple
of days ago, and that's still an issue Like that,
I think is what probably sticks in the crawl of
most people is how have you not seemingly made any
adjustments to this point? The stunts are still killing you.
Speaker 3 (29:01):
Like the things that continuously are a problem for you
remain that because you don't want to make the adjustments.
Speaker 6 (29:08):
Either you can't or you don't know how.
Speaker 3 (29:14):
So who is that I'm Bobby nine telling CJ what
to do? Is that receivers on makeing adjusts or adjustments
to routes or I mean, is that a coaching issue
or is that a group of players that have not
developed in situations that weren't nearly as pristine as they
were a Yurica.
Speaker 5 (29:31):
I would say it's a little bit of insanity. Yes,
I would say that it's a little bit of just
you know, them telling themselves, Oh, you know what, Hey, look,
we just haven't gotten it done right yet, Like we
will get this right.
Speaker 3 (29:43):
And it's like no, like you're to the sixteenth week
of the season. Like if you haven't made these adjustments yet,
then guess what. I hate to tell you. You ain't
busting through that fourth wall. Like it's it's not going
to happen. Yeah, you are what you are at this point.
Speaker 2 (29:58):
All right, One more thing, Kansasity.
Speaker 3 (30:01):
The gifts of the officials wearing Kandasy chiefs gear and
logos on their head was pretty prevalent. The interesting thing
to me was the non fumble on the Pat Mahomes
throw and then he gets hit across the face, and
not only do they not call it a they called
an incomplete pass and then they attack on a rough
in the passer penalty on top of it, and that
that I think that insided Texans fans like you wouldn't believe.
Speaker 5 (30:27):
There were a few of them. I mean defensive holdings.
I mean, you know, the the roughing the passer where
Derek Barnette got him up near the helmet. That was
a roughing the passer. I mean by the letter of
the rule.
Speaker 4 (30:39):
It is.
Speaker 5 (30:40):
But I mean again, though, Matt, it's not the reason
why the Texans lost this game. They lost this scheme
because this team this season, I mean, you know, either
by their own emission or not, has just they've they've
hammered nails in halfway. And I mean it's again, it's
not even just an offensive line thing. It's not a
CJ thing. It's where that final drive right there by,
Kansas City. Get them off the field. Give your offense
a chance, get them like we hear about how good
this defense is. Okay, well, then be extra great right
there and give yourself a chance to win this game.
Speaker 4 (31:17):
You know.
Speaker 3 (31:17):
The most agguraty thing for me, like a game on Saturday,
was watching Pat Mahomes rush for a touchdown.
Speaker 2 (31:22):
Jetty was gimpy. I thought he was gimpy.
Speaker 5 (31:24):
Speaker 3 (31:24):
That was like, you don't like gimpy ankle guy, run
of the end zone to the middle of the field.
Middle of the field too. Onn't even the sidelines, he
wasn't protected.
Speaker 2 (31:31):
By the edge.
Speaker 5 (31:32):
Well, I mean it's also you know another one, you
were talking about the memes and the gifts out there
people were using Patrick Mahomes with an ankle injury, and
it was Gene Wilder Willy Wonka, you know where he's
walking and you're like, uh oh, you know, Willy Wonka
is dead and then he does the little summersault and
he's fine.
Speaker 6 (31:53):
That was Patrick Hanners.
Speaker 3 (31:57):
It wasn't even necessarily a movie reference though, I don't
know mean it was a movie reference.
Speaker 2 (32:02):
Jean Walder and Willie walking in the Chalcolfactory.
Speaker 3 (32:03):
It was a reference to a a gifts matter, a
meme that was out there.
Speaker 2 (32:10):
You know what it is. It's Marmon Diamond of Connor's
just checked out for the year.
Speaker 6 (32:14):
No, he's not.
Speaker 3 (32:15):
When you when you when you heard Geene Walder and
Willie Walker in the first four words, you knew that
was a movie reference.
Speaker 6 (32:21):
Do that to him.
Speaker 3 (32:22):
All right, he's in here, he's working and he's going
and he's gonna be working quite a bit.
Speaker 6 (32:27):
I got your back, Connor.
Speaker 2 (32:28):
Thank you?
Speaker 3 (32:29):
Yeah, okay, Christmas, come on, I just want to hear
you the next time Dan goes to some movie reference
that you're you're ahead of the game. We're having like
it went on a tape delay for the day.
Speaker 2 (32:39):
That's all I'm.
Speaker 3 (32:40):
Asking seven one three two one two five seven ointy
seven one three two one two five seven ninty it's
ten forty four. It is a Matt Thomas Show with Ross.
Dan is in Connor? Is that I'm at here in
Charlotte and this is Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 7 (32:52):
Ninety more Matt Thomas Show with Ross Now Sports Talk
seven ninety Dan, would you I like today's edition of
the Matt Thomas Bougie Moment of the Morning, please.
Speaker 3 (33:06):
I think we need to get a liner made up
for this. We didn't get here till the hotel at
almost two o'clock in the morning Eastern time, which is fine.
I got a decent night's rest. I still would like
to have.
Speaker 2 (33:17):
Some more, but that's a different issue for a different time.
Speaker 3 (33:20):
So when we have a quick turnaround like this, I
go down to the hotel restaurant where the prices are ridiculous,
but you just know that's part of the territory. So
I got a breakfast today that included juice, coffee, eggs, bacon, potatoes,
and toast, and it was twenty nine dollars.
Speaker 6 (33:42):
That's honestly not terrible.
Speaker 2 (33:43):
That's not terrible, not terrible for a high end hotel.
Speaker 3 (33:47):
But I'm like, I'm not going to eat until the
game Tonight's I want a little something extra, So I said,
can I get a single pancake?
Speaker 2 (33:53):
I don't want to get a full stack of pancakes?
I say, ohis oh, sure, we happened to.
Speaker 3 (33:57):
So the pancake arrives and it's in a shape of
a Mickey Mouse with years. Oh, and the and the
woman that was the waitress said, this is funny because
I rang up your pancake as a child's pancake as
it comes to a single.
Speaker 2 (34:11):
Pancake, and they didn't get to notice it was for
an adult. And I said, it's fine.
Speaker 3 (34:14):
It still looks good now, grant it wasn't a full
sized pancake. It was eighty percent of a pancake because
the ears covered up. You know, it wasn't a long pancake.
Speaker 2 (34:22):
It was just the Mickey Mouse.
Speaker 3 (34:24):
Yeah, it wasn't their circumference, right. So I get the
bill and the bill is like forty four dollars.
Speaker 6 (34:31):
Oh god, And I looked.
Speaker 3 (34:33):
Down that child's pancake, that Mickey Mouse pancake single one
twelve dollars.
Speaker 5 (34:41):
Yeah, I mean that's you know, like I've had friends
of mine who've taken their kids to Disney and of
course you do the breakfast with the characters, and you know,
forgetting kid's food, I think it's like almost like one
hundred dollars of plate.
Speaker 2 (34:58):
But I'm not worried about Disneyland.
Speaker 3 (34:59):
I'm worried about a single pancake costing and it wasn't
a full pancake. It was a Mickey Mouse pancake for
twelve dollars. That's criminal.
Speaker 6 (35:08):
Do you might as well have just gotten the whole stack?
Speaker 5 (35:11):
Correct for twenty Yeah, I was gonna say, what, what's
a stack? What three twenty? Well, but I mean I'm saying,
like the amount that you get, I think.
Speaker 2 (35:20):
Have been three regular circular pancakes.
Speaker 5 (35:22):
Yeah, I mean, like you said, I mean, you're you're
probably with the show and then you got to get
over the arena and you get the pregame meal. I
probably would have said, just get the whole stack.
Speaker 2 (35:32):
I mean, yeap.
Speaker 5 (35:33):
But then again, that's that's why I look the way
I do, and that's why you look the way that
you do.
Speaker 2 (35:36):
Speaker 3 (35:37):
That's today's Matt Thomas Bougie Brett moment morning, in the
moment of the show, and I just wanted to pass
that along that you know what, heroesn't always wear capes.
Speaker 6 (35:45):
Well, in this case, they wear ears like Mickey.
Speaker 3 (35:48):
There you go seven one three two one two five
seven Like I said I did. I don't do a
double lot of double takes in hotel restaurants because you
know that's just gonna happen. But I did a twelve
dollars Mickey Mouse pancake take. Let's talk to Dominic and
Richmond at ten fifty two. Dominant, good morning, thanks for holding.
Speaker 11 (36:06):
Hey, good morning to both of you guys. Matt you said,
you know, are we quick to judge that quick the judge?
Speaker 1 (36:13):
Yeah, we are.
Speaker 11 (36:15):
I think it was yeah, because because basically it goes
like this, we were told, and we drank all that
kool aid, all of us, whether you was a Texan
fan or the national media or what have you, we
drank all that kool aid. We were told with Stefan
Dix coming in, Nico Collins emerging, Tangdely emerging, Dalton's Show's
doing what he did last season, CJ Straub playing out
his mind. He was on time, he was accurate, he
was desaid.
Speaker 4 (36:46):
All of those things.
Speaker 11 (36:47):
Okay, the whole the offense, defense, special teams playing with
the persona of Domico Ryans when he actually played linebacker
for US. Yeah, and then other than the Indian Appol
Coach game, the first game of the season, it's been
just a disappointment ever since. So we have a three
headed monster at wide receiver if you add Dalton Schoulton
to the mix. All going off of last season's performance,
we got weapons out, we got weapons glory.
Speaker 4 (37:16):
So Nico goes down.
Speaker 11 (37:19):
Can't get digs, the ball, can't get tanked, the ball,
can't get Dalton Schols the ball.
Speaker 1 (37:23):
And when you do get Dalton shows the.
Speaker 11 (37:25):
Ball, he short arms in or he doesn't catch, or
whatever the case may be. Nico comes back, You're the
only person you can get the ball to. What I'm
saying consistently is Nico, what happened to the to the
rest of the weapons that we've had to me, that
falls solely on our creative, offensive minded offensive coordinator. And
it's sad because I told my girlfriend recently about a
couple of weeks ago, and she's a crazy Texans fan,
and within a matter of one season, this season is
not even over with yet. You know, I understand your
playoffs or whatnot.
Speaker 2 (38:00):
Within the matter of one season.
Speaker 11 (38:02):
They have managed to take us through from like enormous
highs and just crazy optimism to just like, man, this
is not the same old Texans. But this isn't what
we were led on to.
Speaker 2 (38:16):
Believe that the team was gonna be.
Speaker 11 (38:19):
So you know, it's not too it's not too early
to judge, and I agree with your co hosts. We're
gonna get the same old, same, the same old. You know,
we're gonna evaluate everything. It's everything working.
Speaker 4 (38:29):
On Bobby, YadA, YadA YadA.
Speaker 11 (38:31):
Look at the end of the day, it is on Bobby,
it is on our offensive line coach, and honestly and
truly is also on the front office because look, I
don't know if Jeremy Tussell will be here next season,
but he doesn't need to be.
Speaker 1 (38:47):
Titus Howard.
Speaker 11 (38:48):
Maybe slide him into the guard position was his natural position.
Speaker 2 (38:52):
But our too high priced tackles.
Speaker 11 (38:55):
They're not worth the money that they're getting paid. Kenya
Green was the first round draft by Lovely Smith's regime.
Speaker 4 (39:02):
And he's not a He's not a first round.
Speaker 11 (39:03):
Second round, third round, norf for He's he's just not
a good player. Whatsoever you gave shak Mason with his
money and he's like, not not that great. So heavily
invested monetarily into the offensive line. They've been horrible. I
will quarterback. And the main reason I'm gonna say this
and I'm gonna go the main reason that Bobby Slowe
should be out of here. Our quarterback has regressed. He
doesn't even look the same. And that's my problem with
all of it. He doesn't J doesn't even look the same.
Speaker 2 (39:32):
That so anyway, So let me ask you this, dominic,
Do hang on a second. I want to have a
little bounce out of here.
Speaker 3 (39:39):
So if you use if the Texans fire Bobby Slowick,
yes so, and things aren't dramatically better a year from now,
what does that say about the organization at that point?
Speaker 2 (39:50):
Because what I.
Speaker 3 (39:50):
Thought is this, if you can, if you fire coordinators
after one bad season, aren't you essentially setting a revolving
door or b greater than just the offensive coordinator's fault.
Speaker 4 (40:04):
Well, here's the thing.
Speaker 1 (40:07):
CJ was still on a rookie contract.
Speaker 11 (40:10):
We made all of these moves thinking that we can,
you know, push the push the.
Speaker 1 (40:13):
Envelope forward while.
Speaker 11 (40:15):
We still have our franchise quarterback under a rookie contract.
Speaker 6 (40:20):
If he's regressing.
Speaker 11 (40:21):
If I were rookie, if I were phenomenal quarterback from
a year ago, is showing signs of regression. That's a problem.
The offense is dull. It's just it's nothing. You're not
throwing to the first down marker. You're throwing two or three,
you're short of it. It's no creativity. You're running plays
that the opposing team has enough time and time and
time and time again. So for me, with CJ only
being in his second year, this will to me, this
would be the time and another thing. And this is
not gonna be popular because man, I was a fan
of him at Alabama and when he got drafted by
the Texas, I was like, Demico, Andre Johnson, Aaron Fosster,
Owen Daniels, Oh my god, like we we have some
some pieces. Now.
Speaker 2 (41:07):
I'm starting to some people.
Speaker 11 (41:09):
In the in the fan base are starting to look
at Demiko because just like we gave Lovely Smith, that's
that same old and and and and and uh uh.
The previous coaches the same old like they're gonna give
us the same old talk.
Speaker 4 (41:21):
Look, man, other than.
Speaker 11 (41:23):
The defense which that they're they're they're great when they
want to be I'm starting to look at Dimiko too,
because you can't.
Speaker 3 (41:34):
Wait two a FC South championships and you're looking at Demiko.
Speaker 2 (41:38):
I finally wasn't impossible to believe.
Speaker 11 (41:42):
What I'm saying to you is not not fired Tomko.
That's not what I'm saying. But he is the captain
of this ship. And you're looking at something that we
have never ever had. Our quarterback has taken a step back.
Speaker 4 (41:55):
The office is horrible.
Speaker 2 (41:58):
So if you know, if you.
Speaker 11 (41:59):
If you pray, ain't Bobby slowed back next season and
it's the same old thing.
Speaker 1 (42:03):
Of course he should be fired.
Speaker 11 (42:05):
But if you make a power move right now after
the end of this season, because no one expects him
the way they look, no one expects him to go
far in the postseason, if you do fire him first four,
an upgrade at the offensive coordinator, Like, what's the problem.
I'm just I'm just saying, you can't. You can't sell
the fan base. You know, we're gonna evaluate everything. We're
gonna look at everything. It's not just Bobby. It's not
just this.
Speaker 1 (42:28):
When we are.
Speaker 11 (42:28):
Trunsting our eyes and we're looking at.
Speaker 1 (42:30):
It is Bobby. The play calling is horrible.
Speaker 11 (42:33):
It is the offensive line and the coaching for the
offensive line. They can't they can't run, block, they can't
pass protect.
Speaker 2 (42:39):
So who does that fall on.
Speaker 4 (42:41):
That's all that I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (42:42):
All right, Dominic, good conversation. I appreciate it, and we're
gonna get to the top of the hour break.
Speaker 13 (42:49):
Speaker 3 (42:50):
I know the slowcus public enemy number one, But if
you let him go after this year, then is it
just gonna be every single year when the offense work,
it's gotta be the coordinator's fault. I think you run
into a situation where you need stability. You don't go
from a guy that's a hero one day.
Speaker 2 (43:09):
To a goat the next.
Speaker 3 (43:10):
And if you keep doing that, why would anybody want
to come here knowing that if something doesn't go right offensively,
he's out in the season.
Speaker 5 (43:17):
Yeah, I mean, I think there's other things to look at,
And like you said, we can get into him on
the other side. But I mean I also am not
willing to put all of the blame on Bobby, And
like I said, we can talk about that on the
other side.
Speaker 2 (43:29):
All right, let's get to it. Top of the hour.
Speaker 3 (43:31):
It's eleven o'clock on Sports Talk seven ninety matt here
from Charlotte. We've got to Dan in for Ross Today
back in our Houston studios to tell the truth is
coming up in one half hour. It's Sports Talk seven
ninety lunchtimers.
Speaker 1 (43:45):
This is the Matt Thomas Show, eleven.
Speaker 3 (43:48):
O three, Sports Talk seven NINTIY Matt Thomas from Charlotte.
Damn Matthews back in our Houston studios, and I want
to get back to what our previous call was a
good conversation. And I look, I'm not trying to be
a Bobby Slow Truth or Dan. I'm saying that he
can't control his offensive line because it's it's underperformed and
been hurt. He lost his number one receiver, he lost
Joe Mixon for a period of time.
Speaker 2 (44:18):
Honestly, the Dalton.
Speaker 3 (44:19):
Schultz keeping him long term for a three year deal
was not That was not Bobby's Lowick's decision. Unless Bobby's
Luck went into Nick Cassero's office, slammed the door and said,
I want my guy.
Speaker 2 (44:28):
That guy's my tight end for the next three years. Uh,
there is.
Speaker 3 (44:32):
You know, the schedule got more difficult and I'm not
trying to make excuses again. I'm just trying to lay
things out here as a radio host, and ultimately, if
every year, if something doesn't I mean, is here's the
question that none of us you don't know and I
don't know. Is CJ's progression as an NFL quarterback being
stimied or slowed because of the inefficiency of Bobby's lowick
running an offense. Now, if the answer is yes, then
he needs to be removed and he there needs to
be a change. If there's other factors surrounding it, and
they thought that Bobby's local was an excellent play caller
and wanted them to stay here and gave him a
raise and didn't think about going to another NFL job,
then this should be not even a conversation piece, all right.
Speaker 5 (45:14):
So, like I said, it's not all Bobby's fault. It
is really over overvaluing what you had on the offensive line.
Where I mean all the moves you made this offseason. Now, granted,
in an off season you're not going to get every
single move right that no general manager ever does. But
at the same time, to really you know, have all
of this time that you have, and you know more
or less the evaluation during the draft is over analysis.
That then makes you kind of paralyzed in, oh, well,
you know we can't draft this guy, and you know,
here's the reasons why. And I don't think that you
do enough of your own self scouting. And I think
if you were being honest with yourself and you looked
at that game last year in the playoffs against the Ravens,
you would have said, you know, we're so focused on
the defensive line and really what they were not able
to do?
Speaker 3 (46:10):
What about the offensive line? Like did we get away
with some things last year? And the answer I think
if you had done that evaluation would have been yes,
you did.
Speaker 6 (46:18):
And even too, I mean, what did we talk about.
Speaker 5 (46:21):
At the beginning of the season when you didn't have
Nico Collins for a good amount of time?
Speaker 6 (46:25):
Is well, you know, Nico.
Speaker 5 (46:27):
Sure covered up a lot of issues for CJ. Shroud
last year in the beginning of part of this season.
So that's the part that I mean is not necessarily
on him now, is he part of that evaluation process?
Speaker 6 (46:39):
Well, if that's the.
Speaker 5 (46:40):
Case, then yeah, you knew what you were riding with
and if you had any doubts, then speak up, man.
But it's also to at the same time, I mean,
again it gets back to the evaluation part of it all,
or actually the adjustment part of it all.
Speaker 6 (46:54):
And I mean, you're sixteen.
Speaker 5 (46:56):
Weeks into this thing, Like, how do you not diagnose
what your problems are in find ways to be able
to fix it? I think he's tried with the screen game.
I think he also, too, is just so stuck in.
If we can't run the football, then this offense is
kind of limited. Well okay, fine, then if you knew
that before, then why didn't you get ahead of this
issue before it could prop up?
Speaker 3 (47:21):
So who did that? Who should have gotten ahead of it?
Slow it or Casario?
Speaker 5 (47:25):
I mean, I would say that from the personnel side,
it's Casarrio. I mean the fact that you go into
this season and you've made all of the moves that
you have, which look defensively they're good. Now, when it
comes to the offseason and the in the league calendar
comes up next year, your priority number one needs to
be we need to find at least three starting offensive
lineman that can help this group become a much improved group,
because you don't have that right now. And if that's
free agency, if you feel good about what you have
in the draft, that needs to be priority number one
next year, because that, right there is what's keeping you
away from being the team that you hope that you
could be.
Speaker 3 (48:01):
Well, my overly simplistic view of this on Dan is this,
and we'll get some phone calls in a second. If
you're letting Bobby Slowe go after this year, then anytime
somebody has a down year, you're firing them, and that
gets pricey, that gets that ruins reputations of organizations. I mean,
and it's not like this team. I mean, they did
win the AFC South. It granted it is the worst
division in football, but it's I mean, this is not
this is it's underperformed. It's not a train wreck. And
there are certainly factors that go in, from offensive line
injuries to underperforming, to being non addressed to serious injuries
to now two of your wide receivers and maybe a
natural progression. And I'm not saying that CD has had
a sophomore slump. That'd be giving him too much blame.
But it's just not the sophomore ascension that you were
looking for after a awesome freshman NFL season.
Speaker 2 (49:06):
Let's go and talk to the people.
Speaker 3 (49:07):
Will say hello to Dwayne and El Paso at eleven
o eight on Sports Talk seven IY Dwayne, Happy holidays,
how are.
Speaker 2 (49:14):
You, sir? Hey?
Speaker 14 (49:15):
Happy holidays to you guys too, and thank you for
I wanted to ask you guys a couple of questions.
First of all, the question is if you had a
choice for Rookie of the Year this year in the NFL,
would Brock Bowers be a choice that you would make?
And the second question is, now that they the Astros,
have signed Walker to first or got him in the
first place for the Astros, do you believe that this
year's infield is set and ready to go? And that's
all I wanted to just say, guys, God bless and
take care.
Speaker 2 (49:55):
Thank you very much.
Speaker 3 (49:55):
Funny Cale, I always appreciate the West Texas vibe of
the Matt Thomas Show with raw I mean one hundred
and one receptions, one thousand yards receiving.
Speaker 2 (50:05):
Yeah, I mean, I mean, I don't watch O.
Speaker 3 (50:07):
There are thirty one teams I will I really worry
about the rookies on the Texan side.
Speaker 2 (50:12):
But Brock Power has been a stud period.
Speaker 5 (50:14):
No, He's also on a three and three and twelve
football team, whereas Jayden Daniels just threw five touchdowns yesterday
and beat the Eagles to snap their one streak, and
he's gonna make the playoffs. So my vote would be
my vote would be Jayden and Daniels.
Speaker 3 (50:30):
My guess is you're probably right, and quarterbacks usually get
the benefit of the doubt, but he used to get
more star power.
Speaker 6 (50:36):
Yeah right, right, And.
Speaker 3 (50:37):
Again no one thought he was going to be People
thought maybe that would kind of slowly work his way
in and he got going. So yeah, I mean that's
a pretty good one two punch. But I mean for
rookie to catch a hundred passes, I mean that's pretty
damn good.
Speaker 2 (50:47):
In his first year. Well, especially right, j Daniels is.
Speaker 5 (50:50):
Good of having the quarterback trio of Gardner Minshew Aidan
O'Connell and Desmond Ritter and O'Connell's and they beat the
Jags yesterday.
Speaker 6 (51:01):
Jags are apps.
Speaker 3 (51:03):
Don't forget there were two starts by Joey Bag of Donuts,
so he also played a couple of games.
Speaker 5 (51:07):
So I mean it's been impressive. But yeah, I think
that probably the majority of the votes are gonna go
for Jaden Daniels.
Speaker 3 (51:15):
Yeah, especially because Las Vegas is so off the radar
when it comes to. I mean, you make a playoff
team as a rookie quarterback, just like C. J.
Speaker 2 (51:21):
Stroud. I mean that was you know, an easy.
Speaker 3 (51:23):
Call that out now one uh And as far as
the infield is concerned, yeah, Peretti is at third and
Christian Walkert first.
Speaker 2 (51:32):
You're done.
Speaker 5 (51:32):
Yeah, you need to start it. You need to find
a starting outfielder. I think that's the charge of Dana
here in January is to find somebody because I mean
the supposed idea of a platoon out and left, Chazz
and right and Jake Myerson center. That team does not
win the American League West.
Speaker 2 (51:55):
No, no, no, no, I wouldn't. I would disagree.
Speaker 3 (51:57):
The Astros outfield last year was a bottom. They're performing
outfield in baseball and they still went you know, they
still went the.
Speaker 2 (52:02):
Playoffs, still in the division.
Speaker 5 (52:04):
But the Rangers just got better. The A's are trying
to get better the same as Angels.
Speaker 2 (52:09):
Shut up, you know, the A's are not going to contend.
Speaker 6 (52:11):
You know that they took a massive step forward last year.
Speaker 3 (52:16):
No, they didn't. The A's did not take a massive
step forward. No, was the A's record last year.
Speaker 5 (52:23):
We looked that up, but it was a marked improvement
from the year before when they were god awful.
Speaker 6 (52:29):
They were the dregs of baseball.
Speaker 3 (52:31):
The A's are never going to win an American League
West championship until they figure out, until they frankly get
new ownership and figure out they want to spend money
and actually.
Speaker 2 (52:40):
Be good and try to be good.
Speaker 3 (52:42):
The A's were sixty nine and ninety three last year.
Speaker 5 (52:45):
Yeah, that's not a remarkable improvement from the year previous.
I look up the year previous, but I'd want to
say they were in the fifties the year before.
Speaker 9 (52:53):
So previous fifty wins and one hundred and twelve.
Speaker 6 (52:57):
Ye, bingo, so nineteen more wins.
Speaker 3 (53:00):
Yeah, I want with a serious fate, with a serious tone,
you're gonna tell me the A's are contending for the
American League West this year.
Speaker 5 (53:05):
I don't think they're contending, but I don't think that
they're going to be a pushover like they've been. If
they're at sixty nine, they can be seventy five.
Speaker 3 (53:13):
No, they're gonna be in Sacramento this year. They're gonna
be playing one hundred and twenty degree temperatures every day.
Speaker 2 (53:18):
They're gonna fry like the sun. No chance.
Speaker 5 (53:20):
Well, I mean they don't believe that, because I mean,
you don't give Louis Severino the deal that he got
without actually believing with Brent Rooker and the rest of
that team that they've got a chance to take another
step forward.
Speaker 3 (53:32):
I am significantly more concerned about the every other American
League team except the Athletics. The Angels got better with
our buddy Kakuchi, the Mariners look like they're gonna come back.
Speaker 2 (53:42):
The Rangers making some moves.
Speaker 3 (53:44):
Yeah, I'm not worried about these, But point being is
that you can still win the division with the outfield
the Astros have. You just don't want to You don't
want to put it. You do want to get some
additional boosts. But I, Danny, I think there's I don't
feel that there's gonna be much more movement coming in
coming up.
Speaker 2 (54:00):
I just don't.
Speaker 5 (54:02):
Well, I'm wrong, I mean, and and I do hope
you're wrong, because you do need to have another bat
in this lineup. This lineup needs to be longer than
it was last year, because look, Matt, winning the division,
that's not the goal. Even making it to the LCS,
that's not the goal. The goal here now is very simple.
You run through, you get to the World Series, and
you try to win the World Series.
Speaker 6 (54:23):
That's that's the goal.
Speaker 3 (54:26):
Well yeah, and your goal is to get to the playoffs.
It's it's your goals and then anything can happen in
a in a playoffs. So okay, and last year was
not good enough because you got into a bad matchup
against the Tigers.
Speaker 2 (54:38):
You were still favorite in that series against the Tigers,
were You're not? Yes?
Speaker 3 (54:42):
Nobody thought that, not nobody. The Askers were a significant
favorite to win that series.
Speaker 2 (54:47):
Were they? Were? They? They?
Speaker 3 (54:49):
I think they were predicted to finish second among if
Vegas was looking at the World Series Americanlyn Pennant winners.
So yeah, I mean, just because you're considered a favorite
and you do it, I think I think going to
the playoffs is a strange event where you can be
good for a week and win the whole thing, even
if you're not the predicted favorite.
Speaker 5 (55:06):
Well, I mean we saw that in twenty twenty one
too in the World Series where they could hit really
nothing but singles, and you saw the result that happen.
Speaker 6 (55:15):
The Braves beat you.
Speaker 3 (55:16):
All right, eleven fourteen is our time. They do need
to improve the outfield. I just I wouldn't be holding
my breath on that. If they do, be a pleasant surprise.
Seven one three two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two one two five to seven ninety Kirk
Herbstreet had an interesting perspective after recapping the first weekend
of the college football playoff. Do you agree or disagree
with his stance? We'll tell you about that in just
a moment.
Speaker 7 (55:40):
More Man Thomas Show with Ross Now but Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (55:49):
I was checking Twitter during the break, Dan, It's good
to see that ESPN Shannon Sharp doesn't want doesn't want
to have any infighting between himself and Kirk Herbstreet. I mean,
what a bunch of.
Speaker 5 (56:01):
Well, That's what cracks me up about this industry is,
Hey have an opinion.
Speaker 6 (56:05):
I don't like your opinion. I want to fight you
on it.
Speaker 3 (56:08):
Well, basically, kirk Herbstreet's like during the broadcast other day
when Ohio State was playing Tennessee and Ohio State was
crushing him, He's like, yeah, I heard what those first
take guys said. If that Ryan Day, the head coach
at Ohio State, loses this game, he should lose his job.
Can't wait for what they say on Monday. So then
you know, Shannon Sharp goes on there with Steven A.
Smith and does all.
Speaker 2 (56:26):
That and his I if you were mentioned me again
by name, I'm not going to hold back. ESPN can
hold me back. You know what, what a bunch of
self indulgent.
Speaker 3 (56:36):
Maybe it's not the term, No, it is no reflated. Yeah,
he goes Shannon Sharp early one for you shut your
bomb ass up.
Speaker 6 (56:45):
No, that's what he says.
Speaker 3 (56:46):
Just take your paycheck, have your hot takes, and move along,
threatening to go crazy over Kirk Herbstreet's opinion when Kirk
Hurk called Herbstreet called you out for saying that Ryan
Day should be fired if they lose that game.
Speaker 2 (56:58):
It's preposterous.
Speaker 6 (56:59):
No, and that's exactly what it is.
Speaker 5 (57:01):
And I've talked about what this is in our industry before,
and it is people who are really not interesting try
to make themselves interesting because they believe that people care
enough about what they say. But really, in all honesty
and reality, they don't know how to create content. They're
not interesting enough for us to care about what they
have to say. And I mean, you know, if you're
gonna go after Kirk kurb Street even though he didn't
call you out directly, Shannon Sharp, then go after Nick
Saban too, because Nick Saban said basically the same thing
on College Game Day on Friday.
Speaker 2 (57:36):
Yeah, so I'm just.
Speaker 3 (57:39):
Ooh, it's big Bravo talk from network toast to other network.
Speaker 2 (57:43):
I mean, get me a break, Matt.
Speaker 5 (57:47):
It's just I've told you before that those early morning
talking head shows on TV, it's the kiddie pool. It's
the shallow end of the pool. Yeah, it is. It
is just the same, washed over, same takes every single time.
There's a reason why. Oh you know they talked to
cowboys and they talked to the Lakers all the time. Well,
because they think that's what you care enough about. It
was the same thing when Tim Tebow was playing. Oh
I'm so sick and tired of them talking about Tim Tebow.
Well if you stop watching and they stop seeing the
results from you somewhat caring about it, then they'll stop
talking about it.
Speaker 3 (58:24):
Well I can't. I've been saying that for a long time.
Don't watch the shows, but people watch them, So I've
given up.
Speaker 2 (58:30):
I just happy to be seeing some clips.
Speaker 3 (58:32):
You know, you got that for you, Tabby. You just
make mistakes all right, so let me get to Kirk Herbstreet.
He you know, he was asked by Linda Cohene on
Sports Center about his thoughts about this first weekend of
the college football playoff. There were four games, and frankly,
there were four matchups that were uh blow close to
blaws or in fact blowouts. Indiana did not look good.
Smu looked terrible, Tennessee didn't that look Gooding at Ohio
State and Clemson hung around with Texas for a while,
but Texas pulled away as well. And here was Kirk
Kurbstree talking about maybe perhaps adjustments to next year's college
football Playoffs selection committee that I hope.
Speaker 15 (59:13):
Next year the committee won't get caught up and with
the social media and a lot of people who are
fringe fans get caught up in which is wins. They
had eleven wins, they must be good. Who did they beat?
I think is much more important than how many wins
do you have. That's old school away of approaching it has.
You know, Indiana having eleven wins and beating nobody, that
doesn't mean they're.
Speaker 2 (59:36):
One of the twelve best teams.
Speaker 15 (59:37):
Remember, I know, Linda, I'm not taking this out on you,
But there's a big difference between deserving and best. What
this is all about is giving us the best twelve teams.
Speaker 2 (59:49):
Now subjective.
Speaker 15 (59:50):
How you want to figure out the best twelve is
up to you, But that's what I want to see.
Speaker 2 (59:55):
I don't want to hear about wins.
Speaker 15 (59:56):
How many winnings obviously important, but just because you have
a eleven wins doesn't mean you're better than a team
that maybe had a tougher.
Speaker 2 (01:00:03):
Road, that had nine wins.
Speaker 15 (01:00:04):
So I think we get too caught up in how
many wins you have. It's really more about who are
the best twelve teams? And we need to get the
best twelve teams in this tournament every year.
Speaker 2 (01:00:14):
All right.
Speaker 3 (01:00:14):
So what he's saying is, don't look at the l column.
Don't look at how embarrassed Alabama was by losing to Oklahoma.
And that's the easiest case in point is that is
the Alabama loss, especially late in the season to o You,
who was a massive underperformer this year, really hurt Alabama's cause.
And I think I remember even saying, man, how do
you put Alabama in with a bad Oklahoma loss? What
Kirk hurbs you is saying, and I'm trying to paraphrase
and kind of taking you into context.
Speaker 2 (01:00:38):
What he said was, you.
Speaker 3 (01:00:40):
Have to take a look at who the victories are
Indiana this year. I don't mean to pounce on the Hoosiers,
but Indiana has eleven wins this year, none of them
against a top forty team.
Speaker 2 (01:00:52):
None of them. They had two.
Speaker 3 (01:00:55):
Chances, well one of the regular season dan to prove
they were worth something, and that was Ohio State, and
they flat on their face at Columbus.
Speaker 2 (01:01:01):
And then they had a chance to.
Speaker 3 (01:01:02):
Prove the naysayers wrong by going to Notre Dame and
beating them, and they got kicked in the teeth at
Notre Dame on Friday night. So what he is saying is,
when you're in that committee room, take the l's.
Speaker 2 (01:01:15):
And put them aside, look at who you beat.
Speaker 3 (01:01:18):
And that's how you determine who the twelve best teams
are in college football, not the overall records.
Speaker 5 (01:01:23):
Well, but I mean it's also too, I mean, you
have to factor in how well you did in conference.
I mean, I think that absolutely has to be put
into the equation. I mean, Clemson was the only one
of the weekend that actually gave us a somewhat competitive
game they won the ACC that needs to account for something.
I mean, if you're going to have these bylaws and
these guardrails to kind.
Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
Of act with, That's not what he's saying. He's saying
about the at large teams. Don't forget the conference championship,
that those are automatics. You can't fight that. If you're
gonna have automatics, you can be seven to five, but
if you win your conference, you're in. He's saying the
at largest and he's using Alabama as an example. He
is saying Alabama's nine wins were more important and more
credible than Indiana's eleven wins because of the slate of
games they had, the non conference games they had, and
the league games they had. Alabama's better than Indiana. And
it is so easy to run to Twitter and say,
what in the world is out is Indiana doing? In
an Alabama out? Alabama would have given Penn State of
much excuse me, and notre damn a much better game.
Speaker 2 (01:02:28):
Speaker 6 (01:02:28):
Yeah, So he's.
Speaker 3 (01:02:30):
Saying take the body of work on the win column
and don't crush him on the lost column, and don't
fill and.
Speaker 2 (01:02:37):
Don't fall over the team.
Speaker 3 (01:02:38):
That's got double digit wins when half of them are
against the bottom third teams in the Big Ten.
Speaker 2 (01:02:43):
And that's an example for obviously Indiana.
Speaker 5 (01:02:45):
Oh okay, well fine then, and by that logic, then
for Alabama, don't lose to six win Oklahoma and get
crushed in that game. It wasn't like they ever had
even a chance to be in that game. Don't lose
to similar six.
Speaker 3 (01:03:00):
Where you're in vander you're missing a point. He's saying,
don't worry about the losses, value the wins. But what
the hell you mean don't worry about the losses. That's
that's ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (01:03:08):
You do have to worry. No, you say it.
Speaker 3 (01:03:12):
You take Indiana's eleven wins, put them up against Alabama's
nine wins.
Speaker 2 (01:03:16):
Who has the better resume?
Speaker 3 (01:03:18):
Okay, then I'm still telling you that you're going to
have people who feel slighted if if that's the route
that you're going to go, and how do you even
define that route, because then if you go that way,
then you have people with Indiana saying, hey, hey, we
want eleven games.
Speaker 5 (01:03:35):
The hell you doing the worst? I mean the same
deal with SMU, we want eleven games. We lost on
a last second field goal to Clemson in the conference
championship game.
Speaker 3 (01:03:43):
How does that not count for anything? We had to
play an extra game they didn't.
Speaker 2 (01:03:48):
Speaker 3 (01:03:49):
A lot of the argument that will go against Kirk
herbsh it will be is that Indiana could not. If
you are in a conference, the conference gives you the schedule,
you can't control your only you can control as your
non conference schedule.
Speaker 2 (01:04:02):
But what he is.
Speaker 3 (01:04:03):
Saying is there is a difference between the heart of
a Southeastern Conference football schedule and a heart of a
Big Ten schedule. And that's if you're going to a
tiebreaker and you're going who should be in or who
should be out, you should value who you played and
who you beat is.
Speaker 2 (01:04:20):
Compared to just having this year number wins. Whether you
want to agree with him or not.
Speaker 3 (01:04:23):
Is is is up for everybody's own as he said.
But it was interesting that he said, you know what
I'm gonna and I don't think he said it per se,
but he's going basically, I'm gonna take my nine Alabama wins,
and not even all of them were great. He's he's
basically talking about the SEC wins. I'm gonna take those
great SEC wins that he has over Indiana's lack of
great big ten wins, and I'm gonna say Alabama should
be in over Indiana. That's that's how I kind of
got it from.
Speaker 2 (01:04:51):
What he was saying just there on that coming from
the sport.
Speaker 5 (01:04:54):
I mean, but again, like I just I can't dismiss
you know, the teams that feel slighted in this regard
and the law that they had.
Speaker 2 (01:05:01):
I mean, yeah, and that's right.
Speaker 3 (01:05:01):
If you don't want to believe what Kirk Carpstreet said, Dan,
You're more than welcome to do that. I mean, that's
just one philosophy.
Speaker 5 (01:05:07):
Is like, you can't you can't lose to seven win
Florida at the end of the season, to get your
third loss this season and say, well but we still
deserve to be there.
Speaker 6 (01:05:16):
No, you don't.
Speaker 5 (01:05:17):
You lost to a seven win team. I mean, the
same deal goes with South Carolina. I'm the biggest LSU
fan there is. You lost to LSU who's eight and
four playing in the Texas Bowl, and you want to
at the end of the season say hey, we're one
of the twelve best teams in the country.
Speaker 6 (01:05:31):
I don't think you are.
Speaker 3 (01:05:32):
Sorry, all right, David Spring will get to you. Then
we'll also get to tell the truth coming up in
a matter of moments. Our time is eleven twenty nine.
Matt Thomas with you from Charlotte. Dan's back in Houston.
We've got the news and noon coming up. We've got
believe it or not today all things about Ricky Henderson
passing away this weekend at a very early age. I
guess he had about a pneumonia, and that's unfortunate. The
all time greatest base dealer in sports, maybe one of
the three or four greatest leadoff men ever in baseball.
Well eleven nine on Sports Talk seven ninety, Hey, Sparky
from the Astros broadcast team.
Speaker 1 (01:06:08):
Catch every Astros game on Sports Talk.
Speaker 2 (01:06:10):
Seven ninety and iHeartRadio.
Speaker 1 (01:06:13):
Aps Home of your Astros.
Speaker 3 (01:06:24):
Shannon Sharp blasting Kirk Herbstreet and Chris Fouder on First
Take this morning. Don't do that Kirk and Chris Faouder meaning,
don't bring up First Take on his game broadcasts because
they were saying that Ryan David was gonna get fired
if you ever mentioned any platform. I'm on again. I
promise you. ESPN ain't got enough bosses to keep me off,
y'all for what I'm gonna say, you know what, you
rip on Chris and Kirk, you're gonna get fired.
Speaker 2 (01:06:48):
Channing, You're gonna be doing a failled YouTube video.
Speaker 3 (01:06:50):
Bet like a most broadcasters getting off of broadcast, you
go go run a YouTube. So how much money you're
gonna make enjoy yourself? You will, you will be not
you will play nice with and Chris because they called
you out just take the.
Speaker 5 (01:07:03):
L Well it's also too I mean, look, if you
have a crappy take and somebody calls you out on it,
that's your fault, that's not their fault.
Speaker 3 (01:07:14):
Yeah, And I didn't see whether or not they called
out Ryan Day, but it would seem very first takesh
for them to call for a firing of a.
Speaker 2 (01:07:20):
Coach after a playoff lost to Tennessee. That's just my take.
Speaker 3 (01:07:23):
I don't know if they did it, but I'm definitely
heard Chris, I definitely heard Kirk Kurpstry say I can't
wait for those first take guys to say what they
were going to say about Ryan Day.
Speaker 5 (01:07:32):
Well, I mean they were a significantly different looking team
from I mean because I watched from beginning to end
that Michigan game and then same deal the other night.
As I noted on social media, father in law is
a die hard Ohio State fan, I mean die hard,
and he lives and dies with every single play. And
I mean it was one of those things of them
throwing the ball down the field. I was like, where
was this against Michigan, Like instead of these screens and
just trying, like hell, who run the football? It's like,
you have two of the best receivers in the country.
Speaker 6 (01:08:03):
Use them.
Speaker 2 (01:08:04):
Yeah, let's go the phones.
Speaker 3 (01:08:05):
Talk to Dave in Spring at eleven thirty six on
Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 2 (01:08:09):
Hoy Dave, good morning, thanks for waiting.
Speaker 13 (01:08:11):
Yeah, good morning, Matt Ross.
Speaker 12 (01:08:13):
Merry Christmas to you guys.
Speaker 13 (01:08:16):
Two comments.
Speaker 12 (01:08:18):
First off, you know these teams that have eleven wins
like SMU and and who am I?
Speaker 13 (01:08:24):
Who am I forgetting here?
Speaker 12 (01:08:25):
The other team that we're talking about all morning here
who shouldn't have been in the final twelve?
Speaker 13 (01:08:29):
But yeah, Indiana, thank you.
Speaker 12 (01:08:32):
At any rate, you know, you don't know until they
get into games. That's the thing, is you kind of
go okay on paper. Yeah, Alabama will probably put up
a better fight against these other teams.
Speaker 13 (01:08:41):
But you know, you know, I.
Speaker 12 (01:08:42):
Can think back remember when Boise State this is before
you know, all the twelve team stuff. But they got
to a big Bowl one year and everyone thought these
guys are going to be way outclassed, and they ended
up winning the game, and you of h went to
the Peach Bowl in deep Florida state. You know, So
sometimes it happens, and so you don't want to take
away the possibility of it happening. The other thing I
was gonna say about her Kirk, Herbstreet and Shannon Sharp
and first take stuff, I'm so cynical about today's media
that I wonder whether that whole thing is is choreographed.
You know that that Herb Street says, you know, maybe
some cocktail party to Shannon Sharp that Hey, I'm gonna
light you guys up a little bit and we'll get
a little conversation, go and get a little back and forth,
and people will be talking about us and and you can,
you know, have some fun with it, and I'll have
some fun with it. And it works because look what
we're talking about today, we're talking about these guys. So
maybe the whole thing we're just being played by these guys.
Possibly maybe, So anyway.
Speaker 3 (01:09:34):
Yeah, I mean there, yeah, and you know what, I'm
guilty of it, and I'm sorry, but it just I
just have to be looking at things that shows that
I don't recommend you watching and don't recommend you listening
to in terms of getting your sports takes from are
the ones that sometimes buy material. And I'm bad about that,
but I just sometimes I just look at this and go,
is this just the National Network again trying to create
a storyline that it's not?
Speaker 2 (01:09:57):
There? Is the you know is there?
Speaker 3 (01:09:59):
Infighting is their boastful conversation that doesn't mean much, And
in this particular case, Shannon Sharps should be very happy
that ESPN affords him the life that he is currently
living and working that show a couple of days a
week and he got called out for it, and I
get I guess the part of it is is that
do you not call out your brethren? You did your
you guys are fro your bros, your fraternity brothers. You
wouldn't take a shot at that person, be like me
if I was like man, I listened to Adam Adam
today and their take on the that was the worst
thing ever heard in my life. Now we tease each other,
but and if here's something I disagree with I would
say I listened to Adam and Adam I disagree with
what their take was on this, but I and maybe
maybe Shannon thought it was a personal slam. But Kirk
defends college football a lot. Kirk feels like he knows
that sport very very well, and he hears a take
from a hot take show that is frankly preposterous. Ryan
Day was not going to get fired even if they
lost to Tennessee. That kind of had to say, you
know what, we got to check.
Speaker 2 (01:11:02):
Ourselves a little bit. And that's I think that was
the purpose of why he did what he did.
Speaker 5 (01:11:05):
Now, I mean, and that's the whole thing of the
opinion business. I mean, you have an opinion, and if
some people disagree with it, they're gonna let you know
that they disagree with it.
Speaker 6 (01:11:14):
And that's fine.
Speaker 5 (01:11:15):
Look, if I have a terrible take on this show
or on the A team whenever, and you blast me
for having a terrible take, chances are it could have been.
But it's also too I had the opinion. That's on me.
And I mean, if you're going to throw out an
opinion out there, well, then guess what's going to happen.
Speaker 6 (01:11:33):
People will have an.
Speaker 5 (01:11:34):
Opinion that probably either rivals yours or pushes back on it.
And if that's the case and you get upset about it,
that's the part that I don't think we're talking enough
about here, is I mean, if you're going to be
that put off by somebody disagreeing with you, Shannon, you're
in the wrong business, because I mean, this is a
business where hurt feelings do happen. And I mean it's
on you to be able to have people say, you
know what, No, he's right, you're wrong.
Speaker 3 (01:12:02):
I love you like a second cousin, Dan, but you're
taking the Oakland Athletics was terrible.
Speaker 2 (01:12:06):
That's all I gotta tell you.
Speaker 5 (01:12:07):
I don't think it was necessarily that terrible. Okay, but
I'm not But I'm not gonna put you on blast.
And I'm not gonna say, oh, you know, Chris Gordy
and Brian Rickson, they're gonna have to hold me back
from you.
Speaker 4 (01:12:17):
Speaker 3 (01:12:17):
Oh yeah, I love the infaty jump in. It's a
Monday staple in the program. Time for me to tell
you the truth. I never know why, but actually I
do know how to tell the truth. All right, Connor
and Dan, I have three four takes. I actually believe
three of them. You gotta figure out which are the
four I don't believe you guys. Ready, let's go here.
You go take number one. With a lack of depth
in the wide receiver spot for the Texans, the Texans
absolutely need to go get a field stretcher first round
of the NFL draft. Next year, the Texans, You're go
get a wide receiver. Stefan Diggs is not gonna be
one hundred percent when he comes back. I don't know
what Tank Dell's future is gonna be. Frank when you
when you dislocating fracture a kneecap, that doesn't sound great.
John Metchi and Hutchinson and Woods, those are all just
side pieces. You've got to go get a legitimate speed threat,
and I think you go get.
Speaker 2 (01:13:35):
A wide receiver in the first round. Number two.
Speaker 3 (01:13:39):
The only way the Texans won a wild card game
is if it's against the Steelers or the Broncos. If
the Ravens are Chargers come to Houston, Texas, the Texans
are done, are one and done in the playoffs. They
can they can beat the Steelers, they can beat the Broncos.
They can't beat the Ravens and they can't beat the Chargers.
Speaker 2 (01:13:56):
Take number three. Book it.
Speaker 3 (01:14:00):
The Rockets not only will make the playoffs, but they
will be a top six seed. They're going to avoid
the playing tournament. They're nineteen to nine, still a long
way to go. Only a quarter of the season is
in the books. But I'm calling my shot on that one.
And number four, guys, I've changed my mind. I think
Alex Bregman will be in New York Yankee. I had
him as a Red Sox. I'm changing my mind to
the Yankee. So here are my four takes. I believe
three of them. One of them I don't. You gotta
figure out which one. I'm not telling the truth.
Speaker 2 (01:14:31):
On Texans should go with a wide receiver in the
first round of the NFL Draft next year.
Speaker 3 (01:14:36):
The only teams that the Texans could beat the walkhart
of the Ravens and the Chargers. They cannot beat the Steelers,
they cannot beat the Broncos. Excise me and flip that around.
They can't beat the Steelers, they can beat the Broncos.
They will lose the raven to lose the Chargers. Rockets
will be a top sixteen in the Western Conference and
I think Bregman is a New York Yankee.
Speaker 2 (01:14:53):
Which one of the four? Am I not telling the truth? Oh?
You switch it up? Okay? Yeah, three of the four
I believe.
Speaker 9 (01:15:00):
Oh, okay, switching up this week. Okay, you're trying. We're
trying to find the lie this week.
Speaker 2 (01:15:03):
Yeah, try to find the line.
Speaker 9 (01:15:04):
Yeah, Dan, do you do you want to deliberate?
Speaker 6 (01:15:08):
Speaker 5 (01:15:09):
So, I mean the leaders in the clubhouse for me
are one in four. I don't think that. I don't
think he's going to end up a Yankee. And I also,
for all the offensive line issues we've talked about this week,
I don't think that receiver would be first. I think
receiver would be either trade or free agency for this team.
Speaker 9 (01:15:29):
I mean, they invested when Blake Fisher last year on
the offensive line.
Speaker 6 (01:15:32):
They could do that again.
Speaker 9 (01:15:33):
But maybe they're looking for some more established offensive linemen.
Speaker 1 (01:15:37):
Hmmm, I might.
Speaker 6 (01:15:39):
I might go one, I'll go four.
Speaker 3 (01:15:41):
Okay, Rockets I believe will be a top six seed.
I think some of the teams below them are not
going to get out of their funk. I think the
Rockets also could make a move before the dead lineup,
you know, just kind of think about it. I think
the Rockets are going to be a top six seed.
This Texans can beat the Steelers, they can beat the Broncos.
They cannot beat the Ravens. They can't beat the Chargers
in a while on card games. So that's I also
believe that. And I believe Alex Bregman is going to
go to the Yankees.
Speaker 13 (01:16:07):
So yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:16:07):
The one I don't believe is the Texans should go
wide receivers, so they should go offensive line.
Speaker 6 (01:16:12):
So yeah, good job O'Connor. Finally, good good job, buddy.
Speaker 2 (01:16:15):
The streak is over.
Speaker 6 (01:16:16):
My friend back if only Ross is. I'm telling them
on all right, he'll.
Speaker 2 (01:16:21):
Be back tomorrow, that is to tell the truth.
Speaker 3 (01:16:23):
Let's get some conversation going with you guys. The news
that noon is coming up at about fifteen minutes. Also, Dimigo
Ryans is going to speak at twelve fifteen and CJ.
Shrine's twelve forty five. We'll try to sneak in some
of that as well. Believe it or not, Today all
things Ricky Henderson, it is the Matt Thomas Show with
Ross and Sports Talk seven ninety more.
Speaker 7 (01:16:40):
Matt Thomas Show with Ross now Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (01:16:54):
I actually like this one.
Speaker 4 (01:16:59):
And he's not.
Speaker 2 (01:17:02):
At least throw a span. Think it's great A feliciado correct?
Speaker 6 (01:17:20):
I believe so correct? Yeah, it is correct. Damn, that's right.
I do have from me I.
Speaker 1 (01:17:26):
Speaker 3 (01:17:28):
Basically, this says the same thing the whole time, right,
for like four straight minutes, is flipping between.
Speaker 2 (01:17:31):
English and Spanish.
Speaker 3 (01:17:36):
Maybe we should do that with our radio shows, flip
languages in between the shows.
Speaker 5 (01:17:40):
Throw it throwing some Spanish every once in a while.
Speaker 3 (01:17:42):
Of course, I know nothing of anything from French or Spanish,
so I would be I wouldn't be providing much analysis.
Speaker 5 (01:17:47):
Took it all throughout high school and I probably could
not really be able to carry on a full conversation
in it.
Speaker 2 (01:17:54):
Speaker 3 (01:17:54):
I took French in high school and college and remember
about fifteen words.
Speaker 2 (01:17:59):
Why French? I mean, you know, because there was a
girl out a crush on in school.
Speaker 6 (01:18:03):
Oh yeah, that's what it always comes down to.
Speaker 3 (01:18:06):
Yeah, let's go to Jason and Katie at eleven fifty
one on seven Nighty Jason, good morning.
Speaker 1 (01:18:14):
Cold morning, guys.
Speaker 16 (01:18:16):
Listen about this college playoff thing. This whole thing was
so it can be decided on the field. Well, it
was decided on the field. You know, when you have
sixty four teams playing at twelve game schedule, you're not
going since some teams are going to play us.
Speaker 13 (01:18:31):
Off the schedule.
Speaker 16 (01:18:32):
That's just the way it is. You know. Me, personally,
I'd rather go back to the boat system we had
in the eighties because even with the BCS you had
complaints because Nebraska made it because didn't even win their conference.
You know, go back to the way it was in
the eighties. You knew you were going to get some
damn good games New Year's Day to sit there and watch.
Speaker 2 (01:18:54):
As far as you know what.
Speaker 3 (01:18:56):
But the problem is, I don't want I don't want
voters deciding who my national championship is. I want a tournament.
I don't have a problem with the format. I like
twelve teams. I liked that there was drama going to
this week. We just happened to get four lots of
games ont of it. I mean, that's none but that's
nobody's fault. It's just turned out to be the way
that it was.
Speaker 2 (01:19:15):
Speaker 16 (01:19:15):
I mean, I've been hearing people complaining about this system
since SMU made it over Alabama, and it's like, you
know what, it was decided on the field. Okay, you know,
and until you can come up with the way teams
can play each other, all sixty four teams play each
other on a regular basis, you're going to have this
and you know, my my problem is people are talking
about Indiana and Tennessee. Well, I'm sorry, Indiana and Tennessee
played a Big Ten and SEC schedule, which are supposed
to be the best conferences. Right now, you're saying, well,
they played a week conference. What week's scheduled? Well, they
played in SEC and Big ten conference. I mean, if
you're going to complain about it this much, just go
back to the old bull system or keep your mouth shut.
You know, let's decide it on the field. If you
had eleven wins, you're in Okay, I'm sorry, that's the
way you do.
Speaker 2 (01:20:08):
It, all right, Jason, thank you.
Speaker 3 (01:20:10):
Yeah, they're not going back to an old system.
Speaker 2 (01:20:13):
This is still the best thing. Tournament style is better.
That determines the national champion on the football field, not
the Associated Press or the coaches designing it.
Speaker 5 (01:20:23):
That was the worst Well, I mean we saw it
play out that way last year too, where it was
a undefeated conference champion got left out and it was
four teams and a Power five league, and you ended
up taking the Pac twelve champ, you took the Big
ten champ, you took the SEC and the Big twelve,
and that's who you had in the playoff last year.
And of course you had Florida State fans saying, well,
wait a minute, what we just did this year? I
get our quarterback is out, but that's the reason why
we're not playing in this thing. So I mean, that's
what it really comes down to, is no matter what happens,
you have twelve teams, eventually they are going to the
sixteen teams, and then the seventeenth team is going to
be like, well, wait a minute, we should have been
in there. You were eight and four, Well, but still
we should have been in there. Look at the schedule
we played.
Speaker 2 (01:21:11):
Speaker 3 (01:21:12):
I mean, here's a philosophy. And this will come as
no surprise anybody. We complain about everything.
Speaker 2 (01:21:18):
If there was.
Speaker 3 (01:21:18):
A twenty four team tournament, we can plain about the
twenty fifth spot. I mean, we as sports fans complain,
that's what we'd like to do. And we're always going
to complain about the outside.
Speaker 2 (01:21:29):
Looking in teams.
Speaker 3 (01:21:31):
And this year happened to be what old miss Alabama.
Maybe a little bit at byum My forgetting anybody else.
That's kind of kind a big argument on.
Speaker 2 (01:21:38):
This uh.
Speaker 5 (01:21:41):
That you're talking about that was left out, that was
left out. Yeah, I mean South Carolina the only Carolina,
the only team and I mean we'll throw Clemson in
there too since they won the ACC but the only
team that seemingly everybody was unanimous on, yeah, they should
have been one of the at largest was Tennessee and
they got boat raced. Like nobody was complaining about Tennessee
being in there. And if you were, then you're being
you're you're you're being a prisoner of the moment in
that case, because for everybody that I saw in terms
of picking games, there are a lot of people who
were picking Tennessee to win that game.
Speaker 2 (01:22:18):
Speaker 3 (01:22:18):
I just if you're asking for a world where we
don't complain about something in sports, that's never gonna happen.
We are never gonna especially when you have a subjective committee.
When they're like in the NFL, you can't complain about
who makes the playoff because you play each other and
there are slots. In the NBA, you can't complain the MLB,
but you can complain about the football tournament. You can
complain about the NCAA tournament. What else can we complain about? Uh,
I don't know, but those those ones are a top
of mind. When you have human beings putting people in
slots as compared to what your record says, you're gonna
have people complaining. So uh, it's just to me a
part of sports. And every year somebody's gonna feel like
they got screwed. Like Florida State fan is still bent
about not getting it last year. I mean still to
this day, arguing about it over and over again. And
my guess is Alabama fans going to be really resentful.
See Alabama fan. It's a little hanging through for them
because Alabama, they're thinking they would have gone to Notre
Dame and played a better game, They would have gone
to Penn State and played a better game than what
sim Un Indiana did.
Speaker 13 (01:23:23):
Speaker 5 (01:23:24):
It's also too, I mean the NFL, I mean, I
think you listen to them as one of your examples.
I mean, you win your division, you're in, you are
one of the three wildcard teams you're in. I mean
it comes down to teams play each other or if
there's enough crossover that you can be able to have
the tie breakers in order for teams to be able
to get in, until to Jason's point, they go the
route of, hey, let's just make this a power five
tournament or in this case now power four. Then you're
not going to be able to have that uniformity because
you have a bunch of rivaling factions working against each other.
Where then on select Sunday or even that Saturday during
the conference championship games, you have to have the commissioner
of your league go on there and incorrectly say schools
like Jim Phillips did for the ACC and to be
able to try to stump for themselves in order to
be able to try to get in.
Speaker 6 (01:24:14):
And when you have that, then soon enough.
Speaker 5 (01:24:17):
Human error can kind of creep in there somewhere, because again,
we're not perfect.
Speaker 6 (01:24:22):
We will make mistakes.
Speaker 2 (01:24:23):
Yeah, you're not.
Speaker 17 (01:24:24):
Speaker 3 (01:24:24):
Going back the old bull system would have created even
more cask. Instead of having two or three teams saying
the number one, you'd have five or six teams saying
the number one. All right, let's get to the news
at noon coming up, and also in the next hour,
we hope to hear from Namiko Ryans and c. J.
Stradd eleven fifty seven, Matt here and Charlotte Damn back
in Houston, Connor producing, and we thank you for listening.
Speaker 2 (01:24:42):
To The Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 3 (01:24:42):
Ross on Sports Talk seven ninety lunchtimers.
Speaker 1 (01:24:48):
This is the Matt Thomas.
Speaker 2 (01:24:50):
Show, twelve oh two at ah Town. What's happened to
lunch timers?
Speaker 3 (01:24:54):
We're halfway done on a Monday edition of The Matt
Thomas Show. Coming to you from Charlotte Damn. Matthews in
for Ross. Ross's back tomorrow. Ross and I split a
couple of parlays boys, one college and one pro, and
we had I think four or five games in each
one of them, and we were done with both of
them before even half of the games were started.
Speaker 6 (01:25:19):
Is it better to have it that way?
Speaker 5 (01:25:21):
Or is it better say you've got a five legger
and you've gotten four of the five correct and it's
that final one.
Speaker 2 (01:25:30):
But parlays, you know, at the end of the day,
are probably just sucker bets.
Speaker 5 (01:25:33):
They are, No every single gambling professional will tell you
that they are. But I had one divisional round weekend
leading into the LSU Clemson National Championship game that I
had placed We drove from Atlanta to New Orleans and
we stopped at bou Ravage, and I had placed him there.
And if Pete Carroll and the Seattle Seahawks had just
kicked the extra point, I would have one that final
one between Seattle and Green Bay.
Speaker 6 (01:26:04):
But he went for two and missed it, so I lost.
Speaker 2 (01:26:07):
You know what, I did it just for blanking giggles.
Speaker 3 (01:26:11):
But I think the biggest parley I'll ever make myself
will be no more than two teams, because I just
think when you get to three, you're just asking.
Speaker 2 (01:26:18):
You're getting too greedy.
Speaker 3 (01:26:19):
You got you gotta go for value here, Matt.
Speaker 5 (01:26:21):
You gotta you gotta lead it. No less than three
if you're going that route. If you're gonna go less
than three, then just go single bets.
Speaker 2 (01:26:29):
Yep, that makes sense, all right. Time now for the
news at noon. And I'm so proud that Dan, when
you read these news headlines, you will not do them
in your news anchor.
Speaker 5 (01:26:38):
For no no, nobody wants to hear that. Nobody likes it.
I mean it's just you be original, You be yourself,
You be genuine.
Speaker 2 (01:26:45):
Speaker 5 (01:26:46):
All right, Texan's getting ready for the Ravens Christmas Day
in RG Stadium.
Speaker 4 (01:26:50):
They lose.
Speaker 5 (01:26:51):
Over the weekend of the Chiefs twenty seven to nineteen
in Kansas City. Tink Dell done for the season. Dislocated kneecap.
Speaker 3 (01:26:59):
Gross sad awful, But why were they being coy about
him yesterday?
Speaker 2 (01:27:05):
This is what I want to know.
Speaker 5 (01:27:07):
I mean, I guess it's also too one of those
things that Demiko, unless he has to put out an
injury report, usually says, well, if I don't have to
tell you about it, I'm not going to do.
Speaker 3 (01:27:17):
You think you can relocate it quickly, like when you
dislocate something, you know how you when you dislocate a finger,
you can pop it back into place.
Speaker 6 (01:27:25):
Yeah, but I think he worked that way.
Speaker 5 (01:27:26):
I think knees and elbows are a little bit more tricky,
I mean, because then it's the whole is it's set
in there and like like, for example, when I was
ten years old, I dislocated my elbow on the Astrodome
field at the Astros. Bam, We're kid, Yeah, I gotta
sign Jeff bagwallball out of it.
Speaker 6 (01:27:45):
So it wasn't all lost. Oh, that's definitely.
Speaker 3 (01:27:47):
Worth There's a question for the audience would you break
something a finger, a toe, of arm in order to
get an autograph, picture of or a card from a
professional athlete, I.
Speaker 5 (01:27:57):
Would say yes, yeah. I remember when they took me
into the clubhouse. Randy Noor was sitting on one of
the couches in there, and Dave Labossier was like trying
to prop my arm up to make sure it didn't
get worse, and I just remembered Randy nor goes oh,
and that made it even worse. But Todd Jones came
in and was comforting me. He was like, hey, buddy,
you all right, big.
Speaker 3 (01:28:17):
Todd Jones guy. All right, that's good. We'll hopefully get
an update on Tank coming up in about ten minutes
from now. Continue on, sir, all right.
Speaker 5 (01:28:26):
So the Rockets win last night one fourteen, one ten
over the Raptors in Toronto. Dylan Brooks twenty seven points
out of him, Jalen Green, nice game after a nice
one against the Pelicans twenty two from him. How about
the bench duo of Cam Whitmore who chipped in with
eleven and the player of the game I had on
Rockets wrapped last night Matt I went with Jay Shawn
Tate now seven points out of him, but a couple
of steals in there and an absolute energizer for the
team last night.
Speaker 3 (01:28:57):
Well you know the Thunder and the Thunder. The wrapped
didn't have to have a big lineup. Their biggest player
that got major minutes was Kelly Lenik. He's six eleven,
but as we know, he doesn't ever put his back
to the basket, so that's not an issue and doesn't
necessarily consider himself a defensive threat. Their main go to
big guy was got a mom Mobo six ' nine.
You can go with a small lineup. That's what the
Rockets did. How about being down sixteen to being up
double digits.
Speaker 2 (01:29:20):
In the second half?
Speaker 5 (01:29:21):
See, and that's the thing too, is I mean, as
soon as I saw Cam Whitmore and Jayshawn Taito out there,
that to me was Ima Udoka saying, you guys just
aren't giving it to me. I haven't played these guys
very much, so I'm gonna see what these guys have
and yep, they've earned themselves more minutes. What's the concern
level on Tari Eason. I mean, we had the lower
leg issue last year that ended up costing him the
rest of the season.
Speaker 6 (01:29:44):
Are we looking at that right now?
Speaker 3 (01:29:45):
Matt, I would say, without having any inside information, that
maybe it's the best thing for him, maybe not to
play until after Christmas, just to make sure he's feeling
all right again. I he was with us yesterday walking
around and fine. But that's a different than running up
and down a basketball court ninety four feet at a time.
Speaker 2 (01:30:04):
But who knows.
Speaker 3 (01:30:04):
I have seen no injury update and probably won't get
one for another hour or so.
Speaker 5 (01:30:09):
Yeah, Charlotte Hornets tonight in Charlotte's. It's gonna be five o'clock.
Rockets launch Pad coming your way. The Adams, Adam Clanton,
and Adam Wexler bringing you Rockets launch pad a little
bit later on today. Okay, I'll be listening there you go.
There's no chance, well, I mean maybe, Josh, we'll have
it on for you in there, all right. A couple
of signings in baseball this morning, because I'm assuming you
guys already covered the Christian Walker signing on Friday. Sure,
I think that came down right about the time, so
we know about that by now. Suck at eight team,
But the Rangers bring in Jock Peterson two year deal
for him. Walker Buehler to the Red Sox on a
one year deal.
Speaker 3 (01:30:46):
Isn't it crazy that we're sitting here in about Christmas time.
We spent basically the entire post Astro season worrying about
the future, Blex pregnant, and.
Speaker 2 (01:30:57):
Now it's not even top of mind right now.
Speaker 3 (01:31:00):
I mean, obviously he's gonna go somewhere else, and but
none of us are sitting here just staring at our
computers trying to figure out where he's gonna go.
Speaker 5 (01:31:06):
It's closure. I think that's probably more than anything. Like
I had a buddy of mine who's the big Astros fan,
and he texted me because he's out of town with
his family and goes, hey, what's the vibe there? I said, Honestly, man,
I think it's pretty much just closure. I think that
pretty much everybody at this point is just saying, we
know he's not going to be here now, so let's
just move on.
Speaker 4 (01:31:28):
Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
I think we're at this point we're just like, wherever
you go. I mean, there's just a huge part of
it that's not hoping. It's the New York Yankees. You
and I kind of predict it, but part of me
wants him to go to New York because it'll officially
for the last time, shut the Yankee fans.
Speaker 2 (01:31:44):
Up about the pot Yeah seventeen.
Speaker 5 (01:31:46):
No, I was gonna say, if he goes to the Yankees,
you don't have a talking point anymore.
Speaker 2 (01:31:49):
Speaker 6 (01:31:50):
You have pretty much.
Speaker 5 (01:31:51):
Said that everything you've been saying for the last seven
years is all bull bleep because we knew that from
the beginning. But yeah, if you're going to sign a
guy that was part of said team and then try
to say and they'll try to him and hauw it too.
Oh he's a great player. Oh, you know, everybody makes mistakes.
Not saying that. You know that Bregman directly involved. But
I'm just saying they will try to find every single
talking point without saying, Yeah, everything we said the last
few years was exactly that.
Speaker 3 (01:32:21):
Yeah, but it really will. They'll have zero to bring
up because Toronto has been shut up. Other teams that
have taken astro players haven't said it. I mean, frankly,
it'll be the The Yankees will be the biggest group
that will never have to be They'll be muted for sure.
Speaker 5 (01:32:35):
Well and seemingly the guy that wears it on the
chin more than anybody Jose Altuve was the one who
was on the record as he did not take part
in it.
Speaker 2 (01:32:44):
Speaker 3 (01:32:45):
Yeah, by the way, and by the way, shout out
to Jose for trying to keep Alex Bregman here. The
Astros made an offer, they thought it was fair, it was.
Speaker 2 (01:32:54):
In their range. Alex said no. His decision to choose it.
Speaker 18 (01:32:57):
Speaker 2 (01:32:58):
But there's nobody that should be added either.
Speaker 3 (01:33:00):
Side of the situation because the Astros, I mean, tell me,
uh you sech Perette's pull header minute, mate or whatever
they're calling it out Dacon Park, dik In Park with
I can park you dik In Park, and then you've
got Christian at first base now, I mean, my goodness.
Speaker 5 (01:33:19):
And if you add another outfielder, then I think you
feel really good about your team.
Speaker 13 (01:33:23):
Speaker 3 (01:33:24):
Again, I don't disagree with you, Dan, but I'm not
holding my breath on that.
Speaker 5 (01:33:30):
I just see, let's be honest with ourselves. The outfield
that Dana Brown through out there is a possibility that
is it.
Speaker 2 (01:33:36):
Shook some heads. I don't disagree with.
Speaker 6 (01:33:38):
That is that is not inspiring confidence for me.
Speaker 2 (01:33:41):
All right? What else you got? All right?
Speaker 6 (01:33:42):
Real quick?
Speaker 5 (01:33:43):
You know I was going to go to a pop
up holiday bar in Kansas City. But we want to
get out pretty quickly to be able to get to
Damiko Ryans. You mentioned Ricky Henderson passing away over the
weekend at sixty six, matt I said it. I go,
I can't have Ricky Henderson dying like, I can't have
that happen like that's that's my childhood him the Bash Brothers,
Walt Weiss, Dave Stewart, LaRussa as the manager the Oakland
A's of the late eighties and early nineties.
Speaker 6 (01:34:10):
That was Swag before swag.
Speaker 3 (01:34:12):
And he's also the greatest athlete to refer to himself
in third person every time. The John Oleroude story, John, Sorry,
it's good. It really lots time to tell it, but
it's a good story.
Speaker 6 (01:34:23):
John three sixteen story.
Speaker 3 (01:34:26):
But Ricky calling himself Ricky is the best part of
being Ricky, besides being the greatest based dilder of all time.
Speaker 2 (01:34:32):
That's the news. At noon twelve twelve is our Temple
check in with the Teentions. Next it's a seven.
Speaker 7 (01:34:37):
Ninety more Man Thomas show with Ross Now Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (01:34:44):
Cause you know, Dan, I'm not a big Christmas guy,
music guy, but if I'm gonna listen to it, I
want the old school stuff.
Speaker 4 (01:34:53):
I don't.
Speaker 2 (01:34:53):
I don't need the newbies singing my songs.
Speaker 5 (01:34:56):
Yeah, that's to go to is Dino being crossby be Frank.
Speaker 3 (01:35:03):
Absolutely always makes the carpenter singing some Christmas tunes. I
do like any Lennox singing Christmas tunes, but like I
don't need to hear like Bruce Springsteen knocking back you
know Mommy saw kissing Santa Claus, that kind of stuff.
Speaker 5 (01:35:22):
I like the Springsteen stuff too, but I mean the crooners.
You get a good old fashioned a Manhattan, you got
a roaring fire going puts you in the mood.
Speaker 6 (01:35:32):
You're feeling good.
Speaker 2 (01:35:33):
You are in a mood.
Speaker 3 (01:35:34):
By the way, various annoyances at Christmas in no particular order.
First of all, eggnog is disgusting.
Speaker 4 (01:35:41):
I can do it.
Speaker 3 (01:35:44):
I feel like I'm just my body is going to
go into a sugar shock after having a cup of that.
Speaker 5 (01:35:51):
No, I mean, that's that's why for the drinks that
I threw out before that, I prefer those. But I mean,
if you've got some spiked egg nog, I'll do a
cup number two.
Speaker 2 (01:36:01):
Putting reindeer ears on your car.
Speaker 6 (01:36:05):
What about the Rudolph nose on the front.
Speaker 2 (01:36:09):
Any of it.
Speaker 3 (01:36:10):
Just leave your car alone, so it's hardon't ask for
you to be decorated like an ornament.
Speaker 6 (01:36:14):
It's the Christmas version of truck nuts.
Speaker 2 (01:36:18):
M what is truck nuts?
Speaker 5 (01:36:21):
They were certain things on the toe hitch of trucks
that would embody the shape of a certain human organ
for men.
Speaker 2 (01:36:33):
Speaker 6 (01:36:34):
Yeah, there, they were ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (01:36:36):
I should have probably took the context on that.
Speaker 6 (01:36:38):
Mm hmm.
Speaker 3 (01:36:39):
Anything else that annoys you about the Christmas season? I
mean shopping that's just necessarily evil. You can't really use that.
Speaker 5 (01:36:44):
No, I mean, but I mean, but nowadays where you
can do everything online.
Speaker 2 (01:36:49):
Speaker 6 (01:36:49):
I would say that, And then it was funny. What
was it?
Speaker 5 (01:36:52):
As I was leaving, the fiance was watching local news
this morning and they were like, the shipping deadline has passed.
Speaker 3 (01:36:58):
No, duh, yeah, they they can't get it to you
by tomorrow more than likely. Oh, I've been thinking it
to you tomorrow.
Speaker 6 (01:37:06):
I mean, if you shot, it's.
Speaker 3 (01:37:07):
Gonna cost you some serious cash. Can go get it
to you can go there you go.
Speaker 5 (01:37:10):
But I mean it's also too I mean, you know,
take care of your delivery drivers, you know. I always
like when I see people do that where they you know,
they leave out bottles of water, anything like that, say hey,
you know, I know you've got a lot on your
plate this this holiday season.
Speaker 6 (01:37:24):
Take one. That's a nice touch. I like when people
do that.
Speaker 2 (01:37:29):
Do you to put a sign out and say, please
take this delivery person or you used to leave the
water out there and they have to assumemans for them?
Speaker 5 (01:37:34):
I think you just assume it. I mean, yeah, maybe
a sign of you know, appreciate your work. No, it's
a busy season. Hopefully this helps something like that.
Speaker 3 (01:37:43):
All right seven one three two one two five seven
ninety seven to one three two one two five is
seven nine. We are waiting to hear from a demico.
Ryan's coming up in just a couple of seconds. I'm
sure he will tell us a latest on Tank Dell.
Also ce j Stroud's going to speak before at the
end of the day and we'll hopefully get some of
that audio in as well. And then a reminder that
at one twenty today Dan and I will have the
fantasy five Christmas songs. You looked at our list, do
you feel super confident in your list or do you
feel like it's going to be up up in the
air on that bad Boy.
Speaker 6 (01:38:15):
No, I feel super confident in mine. Okay, very.
Speaker 19 (01:38:20):
All right.
Speaker 3 (01:38:21):
I just want to make sure I feel really confident
in my list too. But I remember, I'm I'm not
doing it to win the contest. I'm doing this just
because I want to let you know who my what
my favorite five songs are. Yeah, I mean you know
the songs we've played so far we have, Uh, it
will not be on the Fantasy five either one of
our list.
Speaker 5 (01:38:40):
Hey, I mean, I'm trying to remember of all of them,
but I don't think i've had any just yet.
Speaker 6 (01:38:46):
So okay, yeah, we've got it. We've got two eclectic lists.
Speaker 2 (01:38:51):
We do all right?
Speaker 3 (01:38:51):
Seven one three seven one. Again, we are in a
holding pattern here for Dmiico Ryans. He is set to
meet with the media in just a bit. I'll make
sure I got the time right on this. What is
today Monday? Yeah, he's supposed to speak at twelve fifteen,
Bobby Sloak at twelve thirty. I won't put people through that,
and then twelve forty five at c J.
Speaker 2 (01:39:09):
Speaker 6 (01:39:09):
So you don't want Bobby sloak word salad.
Speaker 2 (01:39:14):
Well, no, I just think people will you know, when.
Speaker 6 (01:39:15):
You hear a boy just get irritated he gives word salad.
Speaker 3 (01:39:19):
He well the whole I mean, let's face it, Dmaico
is not the most forthcoming coach. He's got a lot
of glib, a lot of coach speaking him. Bobby's word salad,
and Nick is the king of the words words. He's like,
He's like, what's that place of sweet tomatoes? Where you
walking here? Getting forty different salads your choice?
Speaker 6 (01:39:38):
He's the He's the He's the Mallatta of fu.
Speaker 2 (01:39:41):
He's the allata. That's exactly right. Yeah, good pull that.
Speaker 5 (01:39:45):
It's basically the the Lapotle of Are.
Speaker 2 (01:39:50):
There any more?
Speaker 3 (01:39:50):
Are there any more meat ratos around anymore where you
can get like the forty different.
Speaker 6 (01:39:54):
Salads or met us arise you.
Speaker 2 (01:39:58):
Yeah, yeah, yes, yeah, you know, good good.
Speaker 5 (01:40:01):
Those those were good. I think salad bars kind of
went away for the most part after COVID.
Speaker 2 (01:40:07):
I guess people are like blowing their nose in it.
Speaker 5 (01:40:09):
Being Yeah, I mean even with the the guards that
you have on there, the little uh you know, half
glass windows that are supposed to cover it. Yeah, I
think that the stat That's why the melattas in places
like that became more in vogue because you have, you know,
people back there who are wearing the the proper gloves
and hairnets and everything like that, and they're taking care.
Speaker 6 (01:40:31):
Of it for you.
Speaker 5 (01:40:32):
And I appreciate too that you know that they do
the mixing with the dressing and everything. You don't have
to when you get home. I have to shake the
salad container in order to make sure you have the
perfect coating of dressing to whatever ruffage you have in there.
Speaker 3 (01:40:45):
But way do we have Chinese buffets back? If I
could I miss Chinese food.
Speaker 2 (01:40:49):
Beffet I I did.
Speaker 5 (01:40:51):
I was a huge, huge There was one that was
off the Southwest Freeway that I used to hit up
quite a bit and yeah, I'm with you on that,
and they're the og I can't even remember the name
of it, but it was on the North Freeway and
it almost looked like a Vegas buffet.
Speaker 6 (01:41:07):
Like I was like, this place rules, seriously.
Speaker 3 (01:41:09):
You get like your soup, eggrel ribs, fries, those fried biscuits,
the crab rangoons.
Speaker 2 (01:41:15):
If you want a.
Speaker 3 (01:41:16):
Crab rangoons, you get the low Maine, you get the
sweet and star Port the sweetened star shrimp.
Speaker 2 (01:41:20):
You get the pepper steak.
Speaker 3 (01:41:21):
I mean not that I gord a lot, but put
me in a Chinese fan. You won't see me for
an hour and I won't feel well want to leave,
but it'll be fine.
Speaker 5 (01:41:28):
I'm a lot of the MSG in there. If they
tell you to cut down your salt, don't go there.
Speaker 2 (01:41:33):
No Chris and Jersey Village before we hear from Jamiico.
Speaker 19 (01:41:35):
Hi, Chris, Yeah, good after good morning, good afternoon, Matt, Hey,
Dan uh live. I lived in Atlanta for a while
and like John Kin, Kate and Buck wrote a lot listen.
I know John's a friend of yours, so I just
wanted to get them a shout out. But uh hey,
we lost three players yesterday. I have a simple question.
This might start a little bit of a conversation for
you guys, but what's the motivation for Demiico to play
the guys on Wednesday? I mean, short week, short two weeks.
I don't think we're playing for very much. Yesterday was
an emotional game. We lost three guys to injury. What
the hell, let's sit this one out, let the backups
play and get ready for the playoffs.
Speaker 3 (01:42:23):
What do you guys think, I don't think there is
anything to play for. They will be the worst of
the four divisional winners.
Speaker 5 (01:42:32):
No, there's tons to play for. I mean, if you
win that game on Wednesday and then you beat the Titans,
I mean, you've got the Steelers still playing against the Chiefs.
I can't remember who the final game is for Baltimore,
but the three seed is still very much in play.
There's zero chance that guys are sitting for this one
for that very well.
Speaker 3 (01:42:52):
No, no, you know, I would never tell, But I
mean I'm really being realistic here. So if the Texans
went out, they'd be eleven and six. They could jump Pittsburgh,
the Pittsburgh Baltimore where they can't jump Buffalo. So the
highest that can get it would be three.
Speaker 5 (01:43:04):
Yeah, which would be the best opportunity for them to
be able to advance in the playoffs because them playing
against Baltimore, maybe even Pittsburgh this year too as well,
now that they actually have a capable quarterback, I would
not feel very confident in that matchup. But against Denver,
nice story, but Denver's not ready.
Speaker 3 (01:43:23):
No, Denver, yeah, you're you would be right now, you're
playing the loser of the Pittsburgh Baltimore AFC North.
Speaker 2 (01:43:30):
The wild card would come out of that, So that's
what you would be playing.
Speaker 3 (01:43:33):
If you were to jump to the three, you would
then have to take on either the Chargers or the Broncos.
Speaker 2 (01:43:42):
And the Chargers have the six seed right now. They're
nine and six and they're too.
Speaker 5 (01:43:46):
Not worried about them either. I know that you're you're
worried about Justin Herbert and lionmconcky.
Speaker 6 (01:43:50):
I'm not.
Speaker 5 (01:43:51):
I think they're in the same boat as the Only
one that scares me is the AFC North potential matchup.
Speaker 3 (01:43:59):
All right, Chargers probably way have two games left and
they are with who.
Speaker 2 (01:44:03):
Let's take a look here, my app is not working.
Chargers have at Patriots at Raiders. They're winning both those games.
Speaker 5 (01:44:14):
Yeah, you would think, I mean, it's just like Buffalo
with what they have left.
Speaker 6 (01:44:18):
I mean, you knew with your remaining let's.
Speaker 2 (01:44:21):
Go to Demico Ryans.
Speaker 20 (01:44:23):
Yeah, he dislocated to knee who towards a c l
other things there and he'll have to get repaired, so
he'll be out for the year. Also with Jimmy Ward
midfoot spring, uh, he'll be he require surgery. He'll be
out you know, for the remaining of the year as well,
and shock knee injury.
Speaker 4 (01:44:44):
He'll be week to week. It's just tough news.
Speaker 20 (01:44:48):
And those are you know, especially with Tanking and Jimmy,
two great guys, great players, but they will miss him dearly.
Speaker 4 (01:44:57):
They've meant a lot to our team.
Speaker 20 (01:44:59):
We know we have a lot to pick up losing
those two guys, but those guys will attack the rehab
the right way and they'll be back in due time.
So our thoughts and prayers are still with them as
they attack the rehab and knowing everything that's to come,
but they'll they'll make a recovery.
Speaker 2 (01:45:17):
Short week and things like that.
Speaker 4 (01:45:20):
I know it's the next game, but I understand all that,
but like, how do.
Speaker 2 (01:45:22):
You just move on so quickly?
Speaker 20 (01:45:25):
Yeah, for me, it's you know, you have to right,
It's it's easy to sit in and it still hurts.
It'll always it'll always be there with us. I don't think,
you know, the emotional piece will leave us, because you know,
those guys are important pieces to our team and uh
just really great people as well for our team, for
our locker room. Meant a lot to us, so losing
them is hard. It's hard to move on, but you
know what's in front of us. You know, we're we're here.
We got the Ravens coming into our house. We have
to move on, and so easier said than done, of course,
with such you know, tough news to hear. It's easier
say to them. But we have to and that's what
we'll do. Right, You have to have other guys step
up and we have to move forward. And then our
next opponent really they don't care. So we gotta move forward.
We gotta go play really good football versus a really
good team coming into our house.
Speaker 2 (01:46:22):
Speaker 21 (01:46:22):
Yeah, it'll be so coach, you lost, uh, you lost Jalen,
Now you lose Jimmy. Is there any possibility that he
he maybe uh comar and will play some inside like
he did on Saturday.
Speaker 4 (01:46:32):
Yeah, we'll see. We'll see how we move guys around
in the back end.
Speaker 20 (01:46:36):
Like it's still a lot of moving pieces on short weeks,
so we'll see.
Speaker 4 (01:46:40):
You know what we're able to do?
Speaker 18 (01:46:41):
How do how do you have to get to bring
the leadership of the team and a short week and
even trying to get over the pump with with these
final pieces, you know that's out of equation right now
out of the leadership of the team and y'all put
it together, Cause, like you said, clock's running and nobody's
sitting there for.
Speaker 20 (01:46:59):
The so our guys understand that, and that's what we
you know, and my message to our guys is it's
about just having laser focus. There's a lot of things,
as I mentioned yesterday, there are a lot of things
that can you know, pull our attention in many different directions,
like physically, emotionally, everything that's going on right now, short
week Christmas, there are a lot of things that can
pull our energy. But right now we have to be
laser focused on Baltimore and that's that's what it is.
Like there isn't any other thing that's should be more
important than Baltimore and that's where our focus is. That's
all of our energy is focused on Baltimore and it's
a lot to focus on because they're such.
Speaker 4 (01:47:39):
A talented team. They they're playing really good football.
Speaker 20 (01:47:43):
I think Lamar is playing some of the best football
he's played like. He's definitely jumps off the tape as
the best player I've seen this year. Talk about the MVP.
He's he's definitely the MVP. In my mind just for
what he's doing, not only run game wise, but throwing
the football, the accuracy, the decision making, like he's playing
unbelievable ball right now.
Speaker 4 (01:48:05):
So it's gonna be a really tough challenge for us
this week.
Speaker 22 (01:48:08):
You kind of talked about when ever comes to looking
on the outside for building up rosters and games that
you might be willing to add and is it hard
to do so on a short week when you really
have to just look at the internal makeup of the
roster if you be able to fill the gaps ert
and you do right now.
Speaker 20 (01:48:21):
Yeah, of course it's hard to add anyone when we
playing two days. You know, it's unrealistic that somebody's coming
in and playing for us on Wednesday.
Speaker 4 (01:48:30):
So we rolling with what we have and what we.
Speaker 20 (01:48:33):
Have is good or like all of our guys, like
how our guys work, and they understand what we're asking
of them, and we're gonna go out and compete.
Speaker 11 (01:48:42):
You know, did you talk about after the team getting
ready for Baltimore?
Speaker 8 (01:48:47):
Is the things that you saw in that game that
are the things you think you as can build on
in these couple of days as you get ready.
Speaker 3 (01:48:52):
To face Baltimore.
Speaker 20 (01:48:53):
Yeah, for us looking back from Kansas City, the thing
that I look at our team and where we can
build on is like we at our opportunities right, but
in those critical moments situational football, when it came to
third down in red zone, we have.
Speaker 4 (01:49:07):
To improve in those areas.
Speaker 20 (01:49:08):
When we've won games, we've been good in those areas,
and when we've lost, we haven't been great in those areas.
So that's the key for us, Like how well do
we play in those situations. If we play well, then
we'll have a good chance versus this team, because they're
really good in those situations. Again, like the good teams,
they played great situational football.
Speaker 4 (01:49:29):
Case does and Baltimore does as well.
Speaker 20 (01:49:31):
They're really good in the red area and they're really
good on third down as well, And those would be
the key plays of the game.
Speaker 8 (01:49:37):
All security and also takeaways. How much do you play
the turnovers be important in this game and maybe the
pen little point in the game.
Speaker 20 (01:49:44):
Yeah, for us, the ball is always important every week,
no matter our opponent, the ball is always our major focus.
We have to protect it, we have to take it away.
That won't change the Ravens defense. And I felt like
earlier in the year, maybe team can pass on them
a little bit more success and.
Speaker 4 (01:50:01):
Did more difficult the past few weeks kind of scene
from them and the adjustment.
Speaker 20 (01:50:05):
And defensively, I think they've done a really good job
of eliminating the explosives. You can see they're playing more
Shelle defense, more cover two mentality, will also mix in
the man coverage, but I think they're playing more sound.
Speaker 4 (01:50:18):
Everybody is where they're supposed to be in coverage.
Speaker 20 (01:50:21):
Guys are playing well together, probably simplified things a little
bit and allowing their guys to play faster and play together.
Speaker 4 (01:50:28):
So that's what I see.
Speaker 20 (01:50:29):
And they're tough unit to run against, starting with their
defensive line, big stout defensive line.
Speaker 4 (01:50:35):
Guys do a.
Speaker 20 (01:50:36):
Really great job of filling their gaps, knowing where they're
supposed to be on the second level, so they make
it tough to run against them.
Speaker 4 (01:50:42):
And then in a.
Speaker 20 (01:50:43):
Passing game they can play sticky man coverage. They'll mix
up the looks with the tricky cover twos, and so
they are doing a really good job of mixing it
up and eliminating and keeping the ball in front of
eliminating the explosives.
Speaker 22 (01:50:56):
Another former linebacker turned coach Hockey seen Zach will turn
into a sound defensive coordinator of placing Michael Donalds not shure.
Speaker 20 (01:51:03):
Yeah, I think Zack is doing a really you know,
outstanding job with his defense. You know, people said things
weren't going great. He's doing a great job of adjusting,
and that's what good coaches do. He's done a great
job of adjusting, you know, fitting the scheme to what
his players do best right now, and so that's the
makings of a good coach.
Speaker 4 (01:51:22):
Really admire what he's.
Speaker 20 (01:51:24):
Doing as a young young man, former player right how
he's turned his coaching career.
Speaker 4 (01:51:30):
You know, he's doing a really good job.
Speaker 20 (01:51:32):
He's turned into you know, you talk about guys in
Baltimore that have come through that coaching ranks under coach Harball.
There are a lot of great defensive coordinators who moved
on and become head coaches and other places, and I
think Zach is on that same track.
Speaker 21 (01:51:46):
When you were in this similar situation the last time
he faced the Baltimore Raves action with Nick Coach the
only healthy started wide receiver that you had. What have
you seen from Exeviative Hutchinson and John Mitchee if he's
able to play in this second time around, me is
stepping up this season to fill in their role for
taking step.
Speaker 20 (01:52:04):
Yeah, this time around, I think Hutch has done a
really good job of making some key catches for us
in the past few games, and he continues to get better.
Speaker 4 (01:52:13):
Each and every week that he goes out there.
Speaker 20 (01:52:15):
So encouraged by Hutch and what he's doing match before,
we'll have him this week and he can help us.
It's gonna take everyone, as always, gonna take everyone us
just making smart decisions with the football, going to wherever
the play calls for, going to who's open and those
in those situations.
Speaker 4 (01:52:32):
So it'll be a collective effort.
Speaker 20 (01:52:35):
We know it'll take everyone, and our guys understand that
somebody has to step up right opposite Nico, somebody has
to step up and make plays for us, and that
will be the key of the game, Like who is
that person that's gonna step up and if that person
does it the right way, that's who we'll be talking
about post game.
Speaker 8 (01:52:53):
The standpoint in terms of having a control of discipline
rush that's just run up the field and creating lanes.
Sometimes you have a quarterback like Lamar Jackson. What are
some of the things that you're stressed to guys about rushing.
Speaker 4 (01:53:04):
Against a quarterback like him.
Speaker 20 (01:53:06):
The main thing when you're playing against Lamar is everyone
has to be disciplined, right, Everyone understand and you have
the lead awareness. So what he's capable of, and I
think everybody knows that by nows he can he can
run it whatever he wants to do. He can buy
time and throw the ball downfield, throw the deep passes.
So everybody's a matter of just working together as a defense,
not only a d line, but linebackers, secondary Like it's
everybody just working together, being disciplined in our coverages, being
disciplined in our rushes, everybody just being dialed.
Speaker 8 (01:53:41):
In with the type of injury, as is the expectation
at some point next season he can play football again.
Speaker 20 (01:53:49):
Well, right now, the focus is just on tape, just
you know, going through this process, getting the surgery, getting recovered,
and will deal with that when it comes. But I
don't think it's the time right now down to discuss
what's gonna happen next year with Tank. Just allow him
to get this time to he'll love and recover.
Speaker 3 (01:54:08):
Leases talk about what they you know, Derrick hen game.
Speaker 23 (01:54:14):
That other dimension that obviously, oh.
Speaker 4 (01:54:17):
Yeah, that part. Can't forget about Derek. Derek is Wow.
Speaker 20 (01:54:23):
You talk about fast, explosive, uh, physical like he's looking
probably the best he's looked in his career.
Speaker 4 (01:54:31):
Uh say, he's found that fountain of view.
Speaker 7 (01:54:33):
Speaker 20 (01:54:33):
It's running behind a really good offensive line and just schematically,
they're doing a great job of using him to his
his strengths.
Speaker 4 (01:54:41):
And you know, he's running the football very well.
Speaker 20 (01:54:43):
Always a tough guy to tackle, always gonna take more
than one guy. Got to be aware of that stiff
arm when he's out on the edge as well. He's
just he's a great player, man.
Speaker 4 (01:54:53):
That's Uh.
Speaker 20 (01:54:54):
It's fun to see guys rebound and bounce back the
way he's done this year.
Speaker 4 (01:54:58):
He's playing really good football.
Speaker 20 (01:55:00):
They're the top rushing team in the league because of
him and what Lamar is capable of doing as well.
So to have that duel threat is it's really a
problem for everybody. So you don't get a break whether
Lamar is touching it or Derek is touching it.
Speaker 4 (01:55:15):
You have to be on your a game for the
entire game.
Speaker 24 (01:55:18):
When you look at Kendrick Green, how did you think
he performed and then would choose potentially coming back. Is
there a bit of a switch up from playing left
guard to right guard where if you were to fill
in for shocking that standpoint, would he be able to
take it?
Speaker 4 (01:55:29):
Left thought, Kendrick did a great job of battling.
Speaker 20 (01:55:32):
He's physical, he's played explosive. He did a really good
job of just being competitive upfront. And that's what it
takes like for us to have hern pockets on the
offensive line, especially in the interior. You just got to compete,
and that's what Kendrick did and that's what I like
what he did, and we'll see, you know, how we
can continue to improve there.
Speaker 4 (01:55:51):
All right, thanks guys.
Speaker 3 (01:55:52):
All right, that is the Jamaica Ryans will come back
and digest what he had to say. Some interesting breaking
news on two players. We'll discuss that twelve thirty eight
on Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 7 (01:56:02):
Ninety more Matt Thomas Show with Ross Now but Sports
Talk seven.
Speaker 23 (01:56:08):
Ninety Tank dal dislocated me acl and quote unquote other
things he has done for the year.
Speaker 3 (01:56:20):
He'll have surgery at a later date. Jimmy Jimmy Ward
has foot surgery. Also off of the season. Check Mason
is week to week, Dan, We're gonna get to uh
CJ here in a little bit. I don't want to
play doctor on the radio, but I'm going to just
for the sake of this small segment we have here, Tank,
So I'm gonna.
Speaker 2 (01:56:43):
Be ready for the start of next season.
Speaker 5 (01:56:45):
It seems like it could be pretty tough. I mean,
you know, he was kind of touch and go for reasons.
Also outside of the injury he had last year. Probably
if he doesn't have what happened in Florida last year,
that you probably have him ready to go pretty immediately.
But I don't know what necessarily is the recovery time
just for the dislocated name. I mean, usually torn acl
football players seem to come back from that a lot
faster than say NBA players do. Yeah, but I mean
you add that to the equation and other things.
Speaker 3 (01:57:19):
Don't forget the other things part, whatever that means, right,
I mean, so it could be tough.
Speaker 5 (01:57:24):
But I mean if he is able to come back,
that's obviously he attacked the rehab pretty quickly and was
able to recover pretty quickly. But yeah, I mean you
probably now need to go find somebody else. In addition
to another option in the receiving game that you probably
were planning on having to do in the offseason anyway,
So as you.
Speaker 3 (01:57:47):
Look at this, that was a friendly fire snake bit
play correct. Yeah, there's really no I mean, I'm trying
to I guess this is this is two consecutive season
ending injuries.
Speaker 13 (01:58:00):
Speaker 3 (01:58:00):
The concern about him was height and weight in bulk
and can you withstand physical abuse of sport like the
NFL is when you're of his stature.
Speaker 5 (01:58:13):
Yeah, I mean that was a concern and that's probably
why he was a Day two, round three guy, but
I mean two at the same time. At that position,
these types of injuries come with it. And I mean
I think it was Jared Wayne. Was that who I
ran into him on the field. I'm trying to remember
who it was, but you know it was one that's
I mean, the way I heard it called was probably
the way that I would agree. He's just trying to
make a play and it was unfortunate that they had
a collision. But I mean he's in the end zone.
He's a receiver thinking, hey, you're coming to me. I
need to be ready for this, and the same deal
with Tank Dell, and they just happened to collide with
each other and unfortunately we saw what happened.
Speaker 3 (01:58:54):
So can you can you say, damn flukey injury got
him this year as compared to trying to block last year,
that was a situation ever should have been put in.
Speaker 2 (01:59:02):
I mean that last year was it could have been avoidable,
for sure. This year couldn't have been avoidable.
Speaker 3 (01:59:07):
But that's two injury season ending injuries in two consecutive seasons.
It's tough to put a lot of long term faith
in a guy that can't finish out seasons for you.
Speaker 2 (01:59:22):
Again this year, through no fault of his own, I
totally understand.
Speaker 3 (01:59:26):
And he caught the ball and scored the touchdown and
that was awesome and obviously just a horrific way to
d end his season. But this is what I think
people were concerned about now, this situation not his fault,
but it is what it is. Slight build guys are
gonna have some problems.
Speaker 5 (01:59:42):
Well, it's also too I mean, you know, initially I
had the same reaction last year when he got hurt
against the Broncos in that game, but y know, Wex
was the one who kind of talked me through it.
Of Okay, well, then if you're not gonna have him
in there in that situation, and you're only gonna have
him on the field just in non locking situations, right,
then you're alerning to everybody exactly what is on the field.
So you make him a gadget player and that's easy,
which which very well he might be for the rest
of his NFL career. I mean that he might just
I don't know, man, damn you know. I can't have
this converse.
Speaker 2 (02:00:18):
You just can't.
Speaker 3 (02:00:18):
But my point is that this is not how it
was supposed to work out for Tank Dell after working
so hard to be that second day pick and be
able to be as a big of an impactful player
as he has been during.
Speaker 2 (02:00:29):
His two NFL seasons. Well, I mean this is but
this is to me this.
Speaker 3 (02:00:36):
And again I'm not a doctor, but man, this does
not sound like this is when when Demiko is like, oh,
he'll be ready for training him he wanted no part
of that.
Speaker 6 (02:00:44):
Well, I mean you can't.
Speaker 5 (02:00:47):
You can't talk about his career without talking about the
two things that have ended his seasons. So, I mean
two years of work on the field, the pattern is
you get hurt and you missed the rest of the season,
fair or not. That's that's that's what the assessment is
of Tank Dell so far to this point.
Speaker 3 (02:01:08):
All right, back with another time out, we'll come back
and hopefully hear from a CJ. Stroud the next handful
of minutes seven one three, two, one two five A
seven ninety by.
Speaker 4 (02:01:16):
This is a form of running back rehearsal.
Speaker 11 (02:01:18):
Walker, you're listening to Matt Thomas when the Sports Talk
seven ninety.
Speaker 3 (02:01:25):
As promised, we go to the podium now for Texans
quarterback c J.
Speaker 8 (02:01:29):
Stroud on the dislocated knee on the ports also towards ACL.
How do you as a team to kind of deal
with the emotions of this and just being there for
Tank this time.
Speaker 25 (02:01:41):
Yeah, you know, it's not easy, you know, to see
your brother go down like that after just you know,
dealing with a season injury last year or so got
a be their form and uh yeah, it's not easy now,
you know, I think everybody kind of seeing how how
hard I take it. But I think that was good,
you know for uh, you know, I don't know, this
is not a lot to say, but this isn't the
end for him. This is just another but uh uh
bumping the road. And you know, there's been plenty of
players who have had seize injuries back to back. Like
I was talking to somebody agent this morning and he
was talking about how Derywn James went through the same
thing and JC Horn as well. You know, they're playing
good ball now, So that's that's hope, you know, and
there's always a lot of things to tone on. I think,
you know, just for people to give Tank a little
space right now and just pray for him from afar.
You know, let him, let him go through this because
the worst thing that you wanna hear is everything's gonna
be okay and all these type of things. You know,
he clearly he doesn't wanna hear that, So it's good
to say, and I think the truth he needs to
hear the truth. But you know, let him spend his
time with his family and you know, try to just
give him a little bit of room just to you know,
breathe and you know, taking what's really going on and
mentally just get saying. So it's not easy, you know,
but i'm'a be here for him. And that's my brother,
through ticket to and through life. I'm'a be here for him.
Speaker 4 (02:03:04):
So yeah, have.
Speaker 17 (02:03:05):
You got to talk to have you to talk to
him or trying to tell him that you're you're here
for whatever he needs.
Speaker 4 (02:03:11):
You knows that. Yeah, but I'll talk to him.
Speaker 2 (02:03:16):
Anything else, guess I mean, p put that aside.
Speaker 8 (02:03:19):
Speaker 20 (02:03:19):
There's a game Wednesday, we go talking about Brave and
don't care what's going on in this building.
Speaker 3 (02:03:24):
How do you guys just move on and continue the season,
cause you also have the playoffs ahead of you too.
Speaker 25 (02:03:28):
Yeah, there's life, you know, gotta keep trappling with kick
Karen Water, you know, and the position we're in, you know,
it's not a lot of times where you can like
soaking your feelings for very long. Uh, you gotta just
keep rolling. I think that's a testament to like just
life in general. Everybody has stuff on the plate. Everybody's
going through something, you know, and it's just because we're
in this positions. I mean, like you you get to
feel sorry for yourself or anything like that. Now, you
gotta keep rolling. And you know, I think us playing,
you know, will help. You know, winning helps, and of
course it doesn't feel the whole void of of the
of the hurt, but it also you know, it can
make you feel better in the moment, But you know,
I think the the m the main thing for us
is just you know, to put our bestok forward and
you know, try to you know, take these next week
as as serious as we can and focus on one
thing out of time. You know, I think that's the
best recipe for you know, or uh what the rest
of the season could be.
Speaker 21 (02:04:21):
And then let's last time you off faced the Baltimore Ravens.
Speaker 2 (02:04:24):
You in a similar situation, you only had Leo.
Speaker 21 (02:04:28):
As a starting wide receiver and this show you're going there.
You don't no tank, no Stepan Dick's how much have
you seen from Xavier Hutchinson and John mitche if he's
able to play them being able to step up and
feel the void.
Speaker 2 (02:04:39):
And feel that role, you know, more than they did
in the last game you all played, mister Racers.
Speaker 4 (02:04:44):
Yeah, I think y'all seen it.
Speaker 25 (02:04:45):
You know, y'all seen it time and time again of
of let's showing up, huts showing up, you know, Jay Wayne,
you know, going in there blocking and doing this thing.
And you know, I think those guys, you know, have
another opportunity to show who they are. And you know,
I you know, I know that they can do it.
I'll see him in practice it every week. So I'm
excited for him and so get the opportunity for them
to step up.
Speaker 4 (02:05:08):
How are you are you just hearing?
Speaker 13 (02:05:10):
How's he doing?
Speaker 4 (02:05:11):
Take or stream?
Speaker 11 (02:05:12):
How are you?
Speaker 4 (02:05:13):
You know that tired?
Speaker 25 (02:05:15):
Yeah, I'm best of my life, you know. Try to
just be where my feet are at. You know, since
I'm here in the facility, I gotta be here, and
you know I want to be here and you know, uh,
game planning for the Ravens and do what we need
to do to you know, put our best be forward
to win this game. And also you know, when I
get out of here, be where my feet out is there.
Speaker 18 (02:05:32):
You know.
Speaker 25 (02:05:33):
So that's his life. You know, everybody, like I said before,
is going through something. But you know I'm doing I'm
doing just fine. I I I I'm the last person
people should be worrying about.
Speaker 2 (02:05:42):
It's my brother.
Speaker 25 (02:05:43):
You know that that I'm more so on that's on
my mind so that you know, I just feel his
way for him, cause I know how you know how
many people are depending on him, and you know, and
what what he's done to put h stuff in his
position to you know, come back from injury and you
know the things he's gone through, so you know it's
not easy, but you know, we get just a time
where we gotta come together as community, and you know,
at the end of the day, it's not just about football.
It's not just about you know the textings, it's not
just about winning a game. It's about a person, you
know who's going through a lot and you know we
gotta be there for him and hold him up. So
and he's strong enough to you know, hold himself up
in certain ways, but because other things, just like I
hope y'all have people, y'all have t people to lean
on when we're going through it, and that's something that
I have in my life. So you know, this is
the time for that. And you know, just being on
my feet is I think it is the best thing
for me right now.
Speaker 17 (02:06:34):
It comes often that there's such a you see such
a display of emotion on a football field that you show.
Do you think it's important for people to see that
and kind of feel that to to kind of be reminded,
y'all are people to this is a game, but y'all
are real people and just kind of these this this matters,
and you know, like, I guess y'all are really close
and this is something that really affects you.
Speaker 9 (02:06:58):
It's not just a.
Speaker 4 (02:06:59):
Game, is that do you think?
Speaker 13 (02:07:00):
Speaker 2 (02:07:01):
I do.
Speaker 25 (02:07:02):
My barber actually mentioned it to me and was like
he thought it was you know, cause I was. I
wouldn't say I was like second guessing it. But it
was just not easy for me to to sit there
and be emotional, you know. But it's it's something that
like we all go through in life, and it's easy
to be a fake tough guy. It's easy to go
through life acting like everything doesn't affect you, but deep
down we all know we're going through something. And for me,
I think it's for good for like young young men
and women out there, kids who who are brought up
and taught and I always taught this too as a kid,
not for my parents, but just from the world of like,
don't let anybody see you mostly, don't let anybody see
you down. And yeah, there's for truth to that and
in certain aspects, but there's also life.
Speaker 4 (02:07:42):
And I think it.
Speaker 25 (02:07:43):
Was good to see people and people see me in
that light and knowing that like there is still you know,
ah a human factor to me and I am a
a normal person.
Speaker 4 (02:07:52):
I make plenty of mistakes.
Speaker 25 (02:07:53):
I make plenty mistakes in my life that that you
know that are It's just is what it is. And
to see something that he had really no control over,
you know, and it's not easy. So that's where that
comes from. And I think it's just you know, what
God is doing in my life. You know, he's softening
my heart in so many ways because I wouldn't have
done that probably last year. But you know, just just
a n the new creation that I am in Christ.
You know, I'm constantly growing and just knowing who he
is and you know, and reading his word and me
and Tank do a Bible study every week at least
twice a week. And you know, I hope that we
can continue to th g to keep going with that.
But you know, there's so much hope that we have
and had and that stuff doesn't go anywhere just because
tr tragity strikes. So I believe, you know, that we'll
get past this. You know, there is a lot of
in the tunnel, but it might be some some you know,
it might be a long way to get there. But
and I think that was good for people to see
that we're just normal people.
Speaker 2 (02:08:51):
At the end of the day.
Speaker 17 (02:08:52):
As a quick follow after that, it seemed like Joe
Mixon was really there for you in that moment, talking
to you, kind of trying to to help you kind
of you know, get back back track cause you had
to to finish the game. You've talked about how important
he spent to you as a veteran. Did is that
just another example of how important he is to.
Speaker 2 (02:09:08):
You and this team?
Speaker 4 (02:09:09):
Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 25 (02:09:10):
You know, I like same thing for Joe, like if
I you know, uh, if I if he was going
through something to him, I'll be right there to pick
him up. So he's right there for me, you know.
And I think really for me, it was just it
hit me so hard because I'm so close to Tank
that I spend a lot of my time with him
and that's literally like I I uh uh consider him
my like actual brother.
Speaker 4 (02:09:32):
You know.
Speaker 25 (02:09:33):
So maybe didn't resonate for people that way, but you know,
I think Metch the same thing. You know, he wasn't
at the game. I think hit him the same way.
Speaker 4 (02:09:41):
You know.
Speaker 25 (02:09:41):
So when you're really close to somebody and see somebody
go down like that and you spend so much time
with him, you see how hard they work, you see,
you know, the light that they are in this world.
And to see that, like, you know, be taken away
just for a little bit, it's not easy to see,
you know. So for Joe to be unselfish right there,
and you know, cause I know he.
Speaker 4 (02:09:59):
Was going through it too.
Speaker 25 (02:10:00):
Uh, the uplifting his teammates is amazing, and I'm just
really happy that I have him.
Speaker 4 (02:10:04):
On the team.
Speaker 8 (02:10:05):
We're gonna take three more here in Jonathan sarg CJ.
You're a close knit locker room, and y'all lean on
each other. You look at the other receivers then will
step up. What do you expect from those guys as
they try to fill the void some the other jentlemal though.
Speaker 4 (02:10:19):
Feeling just being themselves.
Speaker 25 (02:10:21):
You know, they they have the talents that God put
in them for a reason and this is some another
opportunity for them to go and show and prove it.
So I think they'll do that, and I'm excited to see.
Speaker 4 (02:10:33):
Jared was obviously really destroyed.
Speaker 11 (02:10:37):
After the game cause order heads popping or or or
what can you say to somebody like jam probably feels.
Speaker 25 (02:10:44):
Or yeah, yeah, So with Jay Wayne, I mean, like
that guilt and that shame is something I I deal
with a lot too, and I think for him, uh,
the best thing that he can do just be around us.
And I've been able to pray over him. You know,
we went to church last yesterday morning, and you know,
I think, you know, for him, I try to tell
him it's not to internalize it like it's football. God
didn't cause this, like you know, it's some things in life.
You know, it's it's it's just what the nature of
what what you're in, which is football. You know, things
like that happen. And just because you know some of
the tragic like that happens, doesn't mean you should point
the finger at yourself or anyone else.
Speaker 4 (02:11:30):
You know, It's part of the game.
Speaker 25 (02:11:32):
So I feel for him, you know, I understand what
he's going through, and you know, I think it's good
for him to be around just brothers right now.
Speaker 4 (02:11:40):
And you know, we've been able to you know.
Speaker 25 (02:11:42):
Actually build our relationship even before this happened through the Lord,
and I think that's how we got to continue to go.
So I think, you know, just what he's feeling right
now isn't easy, and you know it's not something that
I wish on my worst enemy. Excuse me, my worst enemy.
But you know it's that I believe that had to happen,
I guess. And it's not easy to sit up here
and say that, cause I wish it didn't, but I
you know, we gotta be here for him just as
much we're here for Tank cause you can just see
it on 'em, you know, and I think you know
it's important for us to be around him.
Speaker 10 (02:12:15):
That's fun.
Speaker 2 (02:12:16):
Sorry, we know they losing Tank, what what's very important?
Speaker 21 (02:12:18):
But you also lost two other starters during that game
in right guard Shack Mason and Jimmy war Which is
such a short weekend preparing for such a a.
Speaker 2 (02:12:26):
G good team like the Baltimore Ravens.
Speaker 21 (02:12:28):
How do you all, you know, rally around that and
get back into what you all need to do replacing
three starters now, that's such.
Speaker 2 (02:12:35):
A short time.
Speaker 25 (02:12:36):
Yeah, you gotta next a mentality, you know, gotta with
your numbers, call, you gotta make the play. So we're
all prepared for these moments, you know, we do.
Speaker 11 (02:12:45):
Speaker 25 (02:12:45):
Demico does a great job of you know, competition periods
and you know, and practice during the season for practice
squad guys to get a opportunity to play against the starters,
and you know, I think that's good for them and
it's an opportunity for them to you know, step up
and rise of the occasiment. So yeah, I think you
know that this is something that you know is happening
on everybody's team, like injuries happened to everybody. So and
it's not easy to say it's the worst part of
our sport, but it's a part of it and you
got to be prepared for it. I think Nick has
done a good job of that, and you know, the
Nico done a job of preparing us that way to
you know, to have that next mentality up and you know,
to be able to execute a high level when your
numbers called, how's yours?
Speaker 2 (02:13:26):
That again, is so CJ.
Speaker 3 (02:13:28):
Stroud answering a lot of questions about Tank Dell and
the relationship those two gentlemen have. It's obviously very strong
if you want to comment on anything that you had
to hear from a uh CJ. Look, he knows he's
the leader of the Team's got to go forward, gotta
play Baltimore on Wednesday. It will not be an easy
goal of things for them, clearly, and it was interesting
that he ultimately said too. Tank doesn't want to hear
it's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. Sometimes you
just don't want to hear that for a little while.
Eventually he will, but probably not today. All right, final
hour of the show. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, coming up.
I've been twenty minutes. We're going to have the Fantasy Five.
We don't it's a Christmas edition. Dan and I have
each selected five songs. You have to tell us which
group of Christmas songs are better seven one three, two
one two five.
Speaker 2 (02:14:12):
Seve are unable to do that in twenty minutes.
Speaker 3 (02:14:13):
But right now we rejoined this final hour of the
show with a recap of what we heard from Demiico
and from CJ.
Speaker 2 (02:14:20):
Next on Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 1 (02:14:21):
Ninety lunchtimers, this is the Matt Thomas Show.
Speaker 12 (02:14:28):
All right.
Speaker 3 (02:14:28):
We're a little bit crazy on our wacky our schedule
because of the fact of the two different press availabilities
we had, but it was important to play. CJ said
all the right things. You know, obviously he's despondent about
his friend. I don't think anybody should be taking any
sort of shots at the emotions, the raw motions of
seeing one of his best friends suffering yet a season
ending injury, and look for the moment that he landed
on the field in Kansas City, no one thought this
was a guy that was just going to get right
back up. They brought the stretcher out, they brought the
ambulance out. I don't think there was much of that.
I think maybe one person on Twitter or two people
said something on Twitter and an ollant and manifested itself. Byproduct,
is anybody that watched that game, anybody that's a fan
of CJ or the Texans or Tank Dell or for
that matter, and with a heart, had to empathize.
Speaker 2 (02:15:21):
With the situation that Tank Dell went through.
Speaker 3 (02:15:22):
So I'm not going to say that there was a
large faction of people across this country that are like,
why is CJ welling up?
Speaker 2 (02:15:28):
That'd been ridiculous.
Speaker 6 (02:15:30):
No, I mean it was a genuine reaction.
Speaker 2 (02:15:32):
I mean it was.
Speaker 5 (02:15:33):
I mean every bit of what I just said that
those emotions came pouring out of him because he does care.
He deeply cares about not only Tanke Dell, but his
team and you know also too. I mean, I do
think he is going to take that though. Matt as
a little bit of a lesson because it did affect
him going forward. I mean, we saw a totally different team.
The air was completely taken out of not only the
Texans offense, but the Texans team as a whole. And
the week before they saw it happen with a guy
on the other side. So I think, if nothing else,
he maybe takes that as a lesson of Look, you're upset,
you're emotional, you're all those different types of things, but
you have to also then soon enough, we let back
in and say we've still got a job to do, Like,
we can't take ourselves out of the game if we
want to accomplish what we want to do. Because I
think that Tank would even tell the guys like, hey,
don't feel that way. I'm hurt, I'm out of the game.
It sucks, it's not great, but you know, don't let
it affect your jobs. Like, go out there, do your
job and try to win this football game.
Speaker 3 (02:16:37):
Yeah, it's not gonna be good to borrow Wednesday, It's
just not I mean, we're gonna do we gotta deal
in realities here.
Speaker 2 (02:16:44):
This is just not gonna end well.
Speaker 3 (02:16:47):
I mean.
Speaker 5 (02:16:49):
They're not the only team though, that's going through this.
I mean, the Detroit Lions are going through it. We'll
see what happens with Jalen Hurts. And I think Kenny
Pickett even got hurt in that game against Washington as well.
So there's a saying in the NFL as no one cares,
because that's true. Nobody on Baltimore's side is going to
be like, well, they don't have take Dell, they don't
have Stefan Diggs. No, Baltimore's trying to win the AFC North,
so they need to win this game. And I mean
it's also two for the Texans. I had said it earlier.
I don't know if the Texans had ever won. They
actually beat him twice. They beat him once in twenty twelve,
and they beat him in twenty fourteen. Aside from that,
Baltimore has won the ten other games.
Speaker 2 (02:17:30):
And there's incredible pressure.
Speaker 3 (02:17:31):
I don't know if you were with me or not,
but they're to me, there's incredible pressure on two particular
people this year in the postseason.
Speaker 2 (02:17:38):
It's not c J.
Speaker 3 (02:17:39):
Strout, not many Warren Texans Skier, It's Lamar Jackson and
Josh Allen.
Speaker 7 (02:17:45):
Speaker 5 (02:17:45):
But I mean again though, for what I just said
nobody cares. I mean, you can't care about that if
you're the Texans. I mean, that's Lamar Jackson's problem, that's
Josh Allen's problem.
Speaker 3 (02:17:54):
But if those were, I don't think they're going to slip.
I don't think this is a slip up a long
flight for them coming in short week for themselves, big
win over Pittsburgh. They had their troubles against them up
up up the blade. I don't expect this to be
a trap or a looking ahead of things kind of situation.
Baltimore wants to win that division. They feel like they
if they get this victory here and Pittsburgh's got a
tougher slate the next two weeks, that they can overtake them.
I don't know what if the tiebreaker which team gets
do you know, between Pittsburgh and Baltimore.
Speaker 5 (02:18:25):
I don't know what the tiebreaker is, but I believe
that the Steelers still are in front right now. I
don't know if that's common opponents. I have no clue
what it comes down to, but I just I know
that being the case. But look, for everything you just said,
the Texans are in the same boat that the Ravens are.
They both played on Saturday. They both have equally about
the same turnaround time. I mean, the only difference is
Baltimore played at homes, so there was no plane travel
or anything needed than that. But I mean you can't
have that as a built in excuse if you're the twas.
Speaker 3 (02:19:00):
They there's the reality that the Steelers had the home
home for Kansas City and at a home for Cincinnati.
Bengals think they want to get in the playoffs, their
their schedule to me, Ravens have let's see, they are
playing at Houston and then they are home for Cleveland.
They any they have an easier road, to be honest
with you, So they got to be thinking, maybe we
win this division and maybe the Steelers will be the
team that would be coming into Houston for Waldcart weekend.
Speaker 4 (02:19:26):
Speaker 5 (02:19:27):
I mean, if if Baltimore wins this game on Wednesday,
then they are very much in position to be able
to win the AMC North. I would say probably they
are the favorite to win the AFC North. But it's
also too I mean, you're in position to be able
to improve your playoff seedings. And I mean this is
a team this year that their best win we can
point to is all the way back at the beginning
of the season against a Buffalo team that I think
a lot of people would probably not expect to happen
if you were playing them again. You wouldn't expect for
Josh Allen to go nine to thirty or whatever he did,
and you were able to win that game. But I mean,
this is one for the Texans I think is a
rallying cry of hey, let's prove some people wrong, Like
let's win this game, and all of a sudden people
might say, huh, well, maybe they aren't the worst team
in the AFC in terms of the division winners.
Speaker 2 (02:20:15):
Yeah, all right, real quick.
Speaker 3 (02:20:16):
NFL note before we get to the Fantasy five. If
you're a Cowboys fan, you were supposed to play the
late game on Sunday afternoon. That game has been moved
up to noon our time. How about that the Cowboys
playing new games? Who would have thunkd that Packers Vikings
goes to three twenty five on SA Sunday, which is
a much better game for us to watch.
Speaker 5 (02:20:33):
Playoff seating for that one. Yeah, the NFL schedule as
a whole yesterday sucked. Okay, if you needed if you
needed to do some last minute Christmas shopping. And I
know that this show is always you know, dudes, go
and do it on Christmas Eve? Yesterday?
Speaker 24 (02:20:45):
Was it?
Speaker 6 (02:20:46):
Especially the local ones we had?
Speaker 5 (02:20:48):
I mean, god, you had the Rams and Jets gross
and then the later one you had was Pats and Bills.
Speaker 2 (02:20:56):
No thanks.
Speaker 3 (02:20:58):
Now the moment of truth, we need five judges to
call in right now at seven one three, two, one
two five seven ninety seven one three two one two
five seven nine zero. We need five Christmas music experts
to help us out with a fantasy five? Who has
the better list of Christmas songs? Dan Connor has seen
the list? Do you know who he would have voted
for it? Has he told you yet?
Speaker 6 (02:21:28):
He has not told me.
Speaker 2 (02:21:30):
Do we want to give Connor a vote this week? Sure?
Speaker 6 (02:21:32):
Absolutely, He's part of the team.
Speaker 2 (02:21:34):
What number vote does he get?
Speaker 6 (02:21:38):
Like in terms of importance?
Speaker 2 (02:21:39):
Yeah? Like is he the first voter, the third voter?
Is he the six voter? Because we go best of
seven on this, so.
Speaker 3 (02:21:46):
I'm gonna have him be the deciding vote. So if
we need to vote seven, it's gonna be Connor's. Yes,
we need six people to jump in right now. It's
seven one three, two one two five seven ninety seven
one three two, one two five seven nine zero The
Fantasy five Best Christmas Song. We need your votes next
on seven one three two one two five seven ninety.
Speaker 7 (02:22:09):
Imagine Ross Return Return on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (02:22:17):
Time now for the Fantasy Five at uh what is
our time? Two twenty three?
Speaker 3 (02:22:22):
So if you want to be a judge, we got
a lot of judges that are all dropping like hotcakes.
Speaker 5 (02:22:28):
Well it's a god's time right here in the Central
time zone. It's one twenty three.
Speaker 2 (02:22:34):
Oh sorry, that's what I say, two twenty three.
Speaker 6 (02:22:36):
Mine, you did, you did, And somebody on Twitter was
actually calling for that too.
Speaker 3 (02:22:42):
If I keep I'm sorry, I'm the wrong time zone,
you know, I the Eastern times on blows.
Speaker 2 (02:22:46):
Yeah, I'm I'm Central time zone for life.
Speaker 3 (02:22:51):
Central is fantastic, Central is fantastic one twenty four on
Sports Talk seven ninety seven one three two one two
five seven ninety seven one three two one to five
seven ninety We have already made our decision. Dan gave
me the very first selection on the Fantasy Five. And
if you've listened to the show for any length of time,
you know I'm not a huge fan of Christmas music,
so I might lose this competition, but it felt it
was only appropriate to do it. And with that, we
start with my favorite number one song when it comes
to Christmas time, and it ain't even close. I don't
care who sings it. I sing it when I was
in high school and it remains to be a classic.
The old school the better. It's about a little drummer boy.
Speaker 1 (02:23:47):
Speaker 6 (02:23:51):
Who is this Carrie Underwood, She's fine.
Speaker 3 (02:23:57):
I'd have gone bing Crosby, ought to go on any Lennox.
But you know what, I'm not the judge of this.
Speaker 5 (02:24:05):
This is not gonna be very popular, especially with parents.
But there's a part where her son starts singing, oh
nails on on chalkboard. I'm sorry, I some people are
afraid to say things out loud. I'm gonna say it.
Speaker 2 (02:24:18):
You're okay.
Speaker 3 (02:24:19):
I would not have chosen care into it, but again,
this is Dan's, this is my selection and the production
value from one Connor d McGovern.
Speaker 2 (02:24:25):
It's still a great member of our team.
Speaker 6 (02:24:26):
But well, you gotta give me the artist. Next time
you said artistal matter.
Speaker 2 (02:24:29):
You know you're right, You're right, it's mine. It's me.
Speaker 3 (02:24:32):
Yeah, I specified for a couple you did all right,
So that's my first pick.
Speaker 2 (02:24:36):
You, my friend, have the next two picks, Yes, I
do so.
Speaker 5 (02:24:38):
Number two selection, I am going to go with I'll
be Home for Christmas Frank Sinatra.
Speaker 3 (02:24:50):
Now I believe this was written and performed right after
World War Two.
Speaker 6 (02:24:56):
If I'm not mistaken.
Speaker 5 (02:24:59):
Come on, Chris, come on, I mean Frank belting it out,
like I said earlier, old fashioned.
Speaker 6 (02:25:14):
Maybe a Manhattan.
Speaker 12 (02:25:17):
Speaker 5 (02:25:18):
Yeah, haven't unwrapped the presence yet, so you still have
the leading up to Christmas excitement.
Speaker 2 (02:25:25):
M missile too. Continue on the winter.
Speaker 6 (02:25:30):
At number three, I go another classic.
Speaker 5 (02:25:33):
I go with Gino Gene Autry, Frosty the snowmanman corn
cot Pipe. I mean this is growing up as a kid,
Matt Cbs. You knew that you were going to get
Frosty the Snowman.
Speaker 6 (02:25:56):
Thank you, Gino.
Speaker 3 (02:26:01):
I don't think it was from the lyrics and music standpoint,
just pedestrian at best.
Speaker 2 (02:26:07):
Now we do disagree my list.
Speaker 3 (02:26:09):
I want to go a little bit of up, upbeat
down a little bit. I did a little bit of
mix my next two selections. One is one that we
will never get.
Speaker 2 (02:26:18):
Into Houston, Texas, which I'm very happy for. We will
never have a Winter Wonderland. We did in two thousand
and four.
Speaker 6 (02:26:31):
I remember that.
Speaker 2 (02:26:32):
It's been a while.
Speaker 6 (02:26:33):
We went to Zoo Lights that night.
Speaker 2 (02:26:38):
What U plus? He got King? Not my song?
Speaker 6 (02:26:41):
Oh this is fantastic.
Speaker 2 (02:26:43):
This is White Christmas. This is not mine.
Speaker 9 (02:26:45):
This is Winter Wonderland by Elvis Presley.
Speaker 3 (02:26:49):