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November 30, 2023 30 mins
Sean and Brian both take a moment to discuss how and why are players able to enter the transfer portal and retain higher and better incentives from different organizations.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The most refreshing way to start yourday. Shower, shave, and Sean,
they're done. The courtesy flush isold ways appreciated. Thank god,
thank the good Lord. Thank youfrom the management team here at Sports Talk
seven ninety. Back to Shawn Salisbury. All right, Sean, what are

you hearing out there now? TheSalisbury stakeout, Salsbury takeout on the Sean
Salisbury Show. You know what timeit is, so steak out here on
the Seawan Salisbury Show. What areyou hearing out there? Sean? Probably
nothing? I haven't heard anything,man, are you? No? Not
really? I mean I got myear to the pavement. Nice. Nice,

I heard you want to eat aw like to eat a dub?
Who doesn't you ever eat a dub? Quite often? Yes, I win
every day some former fashion you knowwhat I mean? Yeah, you can't
give me one of your speeches.No, not today, not today.
Oh yeah, maybe maybe the nineo'clock hour, nine fifteen. Stay tuned,
excuse them, stay tuned, allright, college football obviously, everything

we've just got about the college footballplayoffs, we're gonna also hit on that
at eight o'clock again. Got tokirk kurb Street audio a little fired up
about these final eight teams that havea say in the college fotball playoffs.
But Matt Rule, the head coachof Nebraska, talked about nil and a
good quarterback. This is what MattRule had to say about that nil making

a mistake that a good quarterback ofthe portal costs you know, a million
to million, five to two milliondollars right now, So just just won
the same page, right, Solet's make sure we all understand what's happening.
So you know, there's some teamsthat have six, six or seven
million dollar players playing for him.So is that frustrating the way where we're

at now? The dollars it iswhere it is? No, No,
you know, I would not letpeople be able to buy people off another
rosters. So simple can you thinkabout? You recruit some money and you
develop them for two years, andthen someone comes in and takes them,
and then that coach gets fired.You know, it's like, well he
actually did a pretty good job.So okay, So two more points before

we get to the question. Therewas a football player for U of h
that has already been offered half amillion dollars to transfer out of Houston and
go to a school. I believeit's an SEC school. And then another
point here. Kelvin Sampson, thehead coach of Houston University of Houston men's

basketball, talked about the challenges withNIL and transfer portal and he said,
quote, it's a battle. We'rein a war out here. It used
to be all bricks and mortar.Now it's the other stuff, the NIL,
the transfer portal. We just gotto buy a few more jeeps,
a few more tanks, a fewmore rocket launchers. We've got to keep
them coming in. Quote all ofthis going along. I've asked you before

about NIL, and next segment we'regoing to talk about the transfer portal heating
up because there's some big, bigtime players that are literally leaving their schools
to go to different universities. Whatno, not, what when will something
happen as far as regulations for NIL? Oh, that's a that's the golden
question, the golden ticket. Notonly when the question and when we're going

to get the answer after we putit out there. And that's the conflict
is how you deal with the transferportal and and how you deal with NIL.
The coaching profession has changed. LikeI said, you got to recruit
the parents. You gotta recruit thekid. Then you got to keep recruiting
the kid while he's already on yourroster. And not only why you're recruiting
him, you got to keep givinghim money so he doesn't leave. Excuse

me, I am with Matt Ruhleon it, but I'm not a fence
center much when it comes to howI feel about a lot of things.
But there is the slippery slope,and that's why regulation and how you're going
to draft this up and and getthis where it's some normalcy, because it
is right. A college coach isstanding there at a press conference answering questions

about quarterback and says, you know, it's a million, it's a two
million. You get to cost youa couple million dollars to go get a
good quarterback. Now we're literally atthe point. Now, don't tell me
this is college football. I don'twant to hear that somebody cheated by giving
somebody a hat or bottom a pizzaafter their scholarship check was done. Just
be quiet, NC too. Idon't want to hear that. If we

literally can can call a guy upand say, man, you interested in
transfer? We got a million anda half bucks here for you. Yeah,
I'm out. Riley Leonard already leaving. Duke coach leaves. But I
don't know whether he's going to NotreDame like Sam Hartman did from a different
school, if he's going to followhis coach to Texas A and M.
I don't know. But here's theother side of it. And I'm all

for the player getting paid. I'mnot for the player. Listen if I
got I'm not interested in recruiting aplayer and having to go and pay them
five million dollars is a seventeen yearold high school junior or senior. I'm
just not. I know that that'sthe game, and the rules say,
well, we're not really doing that. Yeah you are. In essence,
you are. There's a way toget around it. Of course you are.

You may not hand it to himwhile he's a junior, but you
say there's two and a half milliondollars waiting for you the second you graduate
and leave in December to come hereand play in the spring. I'm all
for kids getting what they've earned.No offense, A high school quarterback hadn't
earned squad at my campus yet.And that's and I have to pay him
when I already got people here whoare working, and you're going to make

more as high school senior than thejunior who's trying to play. Hey,
I just have a problem with thepecking order. But that's called life.
Meant it's not fair and it goesso I get both sides. I just
can't. What are we going tostart doing? Now? We're going to
start paying the high school kid tokeep him at your high school? Is
that? I mean? Well,we said we weren't going to give hand
to hand cash of kids, andwe already are. And I can make

up any and ill. Hey man, I want you to come speak to
our sales staff every three months andI'll pay you half a million dollars a
year. How do you come in? What's coming to shake hands and kiss
babies? What's the factor in allthis? And how you getting paid?
But it's happening all over work.We got high college kids making more than
then an entry than a rookie whowas a fifth round draft pick that haven't

played it down in the NFL yet, So it's crazy. I'm all for
Listen, I don't believe I'm nota socialism guy. The quarterbacks is going
to get paid more than the rightguard, the best running back in the
country. They just are And it'sa bummer, but it does. And
in some schools like you taught orb YU, everybody gets a vehicle whatever
it was, and that's cool.I'm all for it. The jealousies that

you incur and all that with allthis, but I don't have a problem
with paying them the right way.I'm not paying a high school kid.
If it gets to that point,you can We're almost already so wild west
you can't keep up with it.But kids are not transferring because they're hurt
and lost their job. They're nottransferring because their eligibilities everything got one extra
year. They're not transferring because theirparents moved and you just did the coach

changed and you're not doing They're transferredfor some of those reasons. They're simply
now transferring. Oh I'm the backupand I've been here two years and I'm
one injury away from being your starterand being a star. Or somebody offered
me two million bucks, I'm leaving. I'm leaving. So they're leaving for
the money like they're free agents.Is the fact that you can watle guys
under scholarship. Tamper with him andoffer him money to leave is beyond me.

The other side of it though,for Matt Rule's side, Well,
you develop a kid and he leavestwo years later, yep. And you,
as a coach at times develop youtell kids you love him and that
they're great, and you're going tobe here for seven years, and you
leave to go from Nebraska to Michigan. Well you have a buyout, I
get it, but you still doSo it goes both ways. The kids

got to be rewarded. But Ithink we've gone one hundred and I mean
we've gone way overboard on one hundredand eighty degrees on what we're trying to
get accomplished here. I think theredoes have to be some you know,
somehow this slope is so slippery.But pay him, yes, but I'm
not hand to hand catched to gorecruit. A can say I got a
better opportunity for you to notre dame. We'll pay two and a half million

bucks. If you're a kid.Of course you're leaving. Yeah, it's
right. And so while the rulessay it, you got to do it,
but you got to regulate this sooneror later. So I'm with Matt
Ruhle, but I'm also coaches canleave them then why camp players? But
there's nothing good for me maybe forthe kid, a kid transferring five times
in his college career. Four times. It just can't be that way.

And if you get beat out andwant to transfer, and you've been beat
out four times, maybe just maybemaybe the fifth times not for you.
He just got to gut it out. But then again, if you'd go
and you start in the fifth timeand you get an opportunity. Grade hard
for me to speak for some otherkid, but I just know this that
it's out of hand. Yeah,it's crazy, out of hand that a
coach is telling us, Oh,it's a two million dollar job you got

to recruit to get a quarterback.What it's nuts while he's already under on
scholarship somewhere else and starting for theother school. Right. Yeah, I'm
not into that. Sorry, don't. I don't buy into it. Let's
keep talking about the transfer transfer portalin Ncuba. What's going on with some
of these big names leaving their teams. That's next on the Sean Salisbury Show.

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seven ninety Hold along here on theSeawan Salisbury Show, Sean Bryan and Tripoli.

Rockets lose to the Nuggets last night. Titus Howard out for the season
for the Houston Texans. Juice Scrugsgonna make an NFL debut this Sunday on
that offensive line for Houston. AaronRodgers, attorney to practice for the Jets.
Talking college foot fall in this transferportal, some big names leaving their

schools to enter this transfer portal.One of them right down the road.
Max Johnson, the QB for TexasA and M. He's transferring out,
reportedly going to be headed to NorthCarolina. Riley Leonard, the duke quarterback.
I wonder if he's gonna head overto Texas A and M to follow.

Mike Elko still an a word onthat. EMMITTT. Smith's son running
back E. J. Smith,He's leaving Stanford to enter the transfer portal.
And then there's just a host ofother names. I mean, you
got one of the top wide receiversfrom Texas A and M. You've got
a wide receiver from Florida in CalebDouglas, offensive tackle from Clemson, Mitchell

Mitchell mays. I mean, didlist goes on and on and on.
These guys are these guys. Theseare guys that are playing, that are
starting for these schools and they're leaving. This is like baseball basketball free agency
kicks in at midnight and you go. And now it's just it's rampant guys
who are starting. Max Johnson atone point was starting at LSU. Max

Johnson at one point was starting atTexas A and M. And now Max
Johnson is going to go to Carolinaand try to compete. I mean,
Kate Slovas. It's on like fourdifferent schools or whatever it is. From
USC, you know a USC,pitt BYU right that three, we know
JT. Dangel. I mean ithappens now, guys. They've created a
opening for guys to just up andgo whenever they want. And I know

you want what's best for your kid, and I get it. Sometimes what's
best for your kid is to gutit out. But I'm not saying listen,
I know Brad and I know Imean Max's dad and he's a competitive
sucker. It'll be nice for himbecause he's an Athens, Georgia guy.
Now, and it's be close foryou. Go to North Carolina and Mac
Brown. Give this kid a chancethere. I don't. I have no

issue with that if the rules allowit. But at some point in time
leaving a school. The worst partof it is high school kids thinking they're
entitled to cash before they get oncampus. Number one, and it's absurd.
I don't care how good you are. Two is me being able to
call your school and say, I'dlike your quarterback. And we got three

million dollars in the Coffers Forum inour collective. Come on over? What
Yeah, come on over. Theywill direct deposit it when you sat on
campus, put your name on thepaper. Okay, cool, I'm in.
You don't really even need scholarship contractsanywhere to shake a hand and go,
because they're all breakable. So what'sthe matter. So the old letter

of intent, I mean, theintent is if I'm not playing or getting
paid, I'm leaving. How that'swhat the intent of a lot of these
kids is now, And there yougo. I don't hate him for it,
but I do I'm adamantly against ahigh school kid thinking he deserves to
be paid before he's played a dimeof football. And I'm completely against you
trying to pluck a guy off myroster because you got more money. Can

you imagine the NFL if you'd callup Mahomes and say, dude, they're
paying you that I got the twohundred million more dollars for you. You're
under contract, you want to justleave? And he could say that's yes,
that's what it is. That's whatthis is. It's worse free agency
than any league. We got rightbecause other ones you at least got to
wait till a deadline. You atleast got I mean here, it's like
I come and goes, I want, oh transfer again, Oh transferre in,

Oh transfer again. Sure. Now, it's just typical of what society
is. I'm not saying in everycase when you do that, well,
they're not running from maybe the guygot hurt once. Way, I get
that part of it, you knowthe part I'm talking about. I actually
think, like society, we teachyou to run from from challenge and adversity
as opposed to sit there and stareit straight on. That's what I think
a lot of these kids and it'sabout the money. And if you're playing

for the money, I don't mindyou want the money. If you're playing
for the money, chances are youwon't be able to to sting greatness.
There's got to be something else toit. Yeah, it's crazy, this
whole thing with a transfer portal,and it's not even just I mean,
I know we focus on on thebig money makers for the NCAA, which
is college football, but it's rampantin other sports as well. I just
saw, literally, just as I'mscrolling through Twitter. Uh, I saw

one of the top players for theFlorida Gators softball team, Kayla Lefty.
She is entering the transfer portal.She played every game last year, and
it's just because you know what,nobody watches it, so nobody cares.
So I mean, they cared herfamily and oh yeah at Florida and where
she's going. But overall, Idon't know who she is. I don't
know how good her game is.He played every game, but she's leaving
because she wants a different you know, I guess or doesn't for whatever reason.

But the reason why we don't talkabout other sports is nobody knows there
because nobody tell the tell the nationalchampionship type of not enough people are watching.
We don't know who the stars arein softball, right, I don't
usually until their careers are over.That's when we kind of find oh,
this was a great pitcher at UCLAor USC great. Yeah so, but
we sure as hell know when itcomes to football and basketball. Yeah,

it's crazy to think about seven onethree, two one two five seven.
I needs go to Brad. What'sup? Brad? Hey, what's up?
Guys? I'm let's call it whatit is. It's flat out tampering,
that's all it is. And theycan get away with it because there's
no rules. Now what I foresee? Just maybe I'm wrong in this.
I can see some of these bigalum who have these big corporations come in,

pick a kid off and say,you will be here for X y
many years. I'll give you.We're gonna give you raise after raise after
raise. You stay, you know, you stay, and make him sign
a contract, make you put hismoney where his mouth. Let's make that
player say you know what, Iam committed here. What do you think
about that? I mean, yeah, oh, I think that happens already

though, Brad. If it doesn't. I've said it when when this transfer
portal and name, image and likenesskicked in and it started to flow quickly
the last couple of years, Isaid, we're we're going down a dangerous
going down into a dangerous hole,man, Because what's gonna happen If you're
a corporation and you get a fivestar recruit and you throw that money in
there and say, yeah, Igot five million dollars for him, and

the kid decides to leave after ayear and has collected three mins million of
it, and you haven't got returnon your investment because of litigation and the
rest of it, You're you're out. If I was a corporate executive and
a big money donation guy to auniversity and they wanted me, can you
we need three million dollars to getthis quarterback? I would have to put

it on paper because I would alsoput in there, here's here's what you
got to kay. If you don'tdo it, the money cuts off,
and quite frank, if you're notliving up to it, you can't bolt.
If you do, and I've paidyou a bonus up front a half
a million, half that bonus iscoming back to me. If you don't
live up to the contract. Nowwatch these kids. So who whoa,
whoa, whoa whoa. I gotto give you a half a million dollars

or a million dollars back if Itransfer at the end of my freshman year.
That's exactly right, and I andScrew gave it. Listen, I'm
not going to keep what I'm notgoing to do. And were I differ
from you on this, brat,I'm not going to keep. Oh maybe
incentives if you've had a good seasonin your starting but I'm not going to
keep telling some kid I gave himtwo hundred and fifty grand as a as
a collective or as an endorsement,and I'll give you five hundred if you

stay. I'm not paying the kidsaying, well, here's half a man.
You've been backing up, but juststay here and give it time.
No, no, no, that'snot a good return on my investment.
I mean, but I'm with you. I'd make them sign a contract and
if you leave, you're paying themoney back if you break the contract period,
right, right, But like Ibrought up before to you, let's
be honest. Notre Dame the deBarrios own the forty nine ers. They

have building after building in Notre Dame. If them guys wanted their own little
minor league football team, they couldgo get the top twenty two in the
nation and give them two million eachand not blinking one. But you know
what they think, probably like Ido. What am I really going to
get to the return on my investmentfor twenty four guys at two million a

year given forty eight million bucks away. The answer to that question is absolutely
not. And I agree with that, But I'm just saying no, I'm
with you, and there are guys. Listen. If Caleb wanted to stay
around one more year and somebody said, man, I like to get you
away from us, you want tocome play at Notre Dame, We'll give
you twelve million dollars to do it, I would imagine he may listen,

there's no question. So there's gotto be some regulations because with everything for
the kid. But when does thebusiness owner step in and say no,
no, no, no, dude, I just paid you two million bucks.
Now you're transferring and part of itwas a bonus that you haven't fulfilled
the rest of that contract. Halfof that money comes back to me.
I sure hope you haven't spent ityet, because now I'm taking your ass
to court, and you don't haveenough money to defend yourself, like my

corporation that's worth a billion dollars does. So be careful now when you do
it. I'd start putting the kidto the point where the kid couldn't leave
on a regular basis or what hewanted because he's under contract, or he's
gonna have to pay it back,and most guess what, they don't want
to do pay the damn thing back. Yeah, I'm not giving the kid
all that leeway. I'm just sorry. They're grown adults, so they got
parents. They don't get to dictateto my company me giving you money just

because you were a five star recruit. Most five star recruits don't end up
in the NFL anyway. Somehow theyfizzle along the way. So give me
a three star recruit that wants toplay as opposed to a five star recruit
that transfers for money, and I'llwhoop your ass six ways to Sunday on
a regular basis. Thanks brother,thanks for listen. There said listen,

there's certain guys you just got tohave. I get it. I get
why if you're a quarter if youneed a quarterback, and you've got a
bunch of money sitting you collective andyour Alabama or your Southern count you got
a ton of money. What's twomillion? Well to me, it's still
two million. I'm not giving moneyaway just because I can thumbs up and
get pat on it. Yeah yougot you're the one who gave that money
up. Yeah, the kids nowthe third string guy and has decided to

transfer and hasn't lived up to thefull contract. He doesn't get to keep
all that money because in my contract, if I'm the business, your ass
is signing something the use. Soif you're spend it better be an account
because'm getting it back. Or whenyou go to the NFL, half of
that money's mine. So that's goingto prevent you from just taking and running.
You don't get to do that onmy watch. I don't need the

publicity in a school. We gota building named after you. With screw
your building. I still gave upmoney and you give return on investment.
Hold them accountable. Those kids needto be able accountable, just like a
friggin adult does. Yeah, let'sget to break and we'll continue to talk
about this transfer portal? What gives? What's gonna happen? That's next?
On sports Flock seven ninety, Hellohaters from LA to New York. Parker

up and kiss houur ass astros?Oh, by goodness, this is Sports
Talk seven ninety Home of your AstrosStill twenty seventeen, Chaps doubt about it?
Sehn Salisbury Show continues right now,No sae do or talking nil and

transfer portal here on the Shaan salaVery Show. College football Rockets fall of
the Nuggets, Titus Howard out forthe seasons for the Houston Texans. Aaron
Rodgers returns to practice for the Jetson light duty. Let's go back out
to the phone line seven three twotwo five seven, and let's start with
Bill. Bill, what's up?You remember when we used to get mad

at college coaches for signing a sixyear contract and after two years start jumping
and moving on and people hollered andscreaming because there's no repercussions. The players
couldn't do that. Coaches could.Now we're all upset with players doing it
rampantly now because the way the systemhas been played out. And what I

think is funny is uh you mentionedRiley Leonard, the kid from Dukie.
He's also been a kind of aattached to rumors to Notre Dame. If
he goes to Notre Dame, thatwould be two straight quarterbacks that the acc
from the AEC has landed at NotreDame. When is Notre Dame never going
to get a quarterback that they recruitif they stay and mold and keep,

you know, that could said,That could be said for a lot of
college teams. Yeah, especially aquarterback. We're eliminating the competition. Well,
think about teams. I just gota message from a friend of mine
who played and went to school atBaylor as a big fan. I've got
a message and said, the teamslike Baylor that don't have a monster nil
but are Power five schools And quitefrankly, we're in the hunt for the

national title a couple of years ago, and you know, I mean have
been there. So you're you're eliminatingthe competition pool with the rich that are
just going to keep getting richer.But you make great point about the coaches.
But here's the one thing about thecoaches that they've always had that the
players don't buy out. If youwant to get dabblos Sweeney out of his
contract book. What's gonna cost youtwenty five thirty million dollars? So for

him to leave, there's there's gotto be some big pay involved for the
player to leave. All he's gotto do his pack is is the top
Yeah, to take his duffel bagand clean out his locker. Well he
doesn't even have to do that becausethe school, I mean, whoever shoe
companies with, will just send himmore. So just leave it and go.
You know, you don't even haveto do that. So I get

the coach a player, but weare so at him, and you're right.
When I was getting recruited, andI'm being honest about this, Bill,
I took my recruiting trip to visitthe Notre Dame and I felt it
was such an honor to get andI was fortunate to be a highly recruited
guy. But I didn't Notre Damedidn't offer a penny, but walking around
that campus on my recruiting trip andI'll never forget it. And I'm on

a game day. I went toa college weekend and then was fortunate.
The old Kelly Trapuka, you rememberhim, the old basketball player Kelly had
Notre Dame. He was like myhost for a night and went to a
party at Notre Dame, walked around, met people and just the atmosphere walking
on campus. You wouldn't have hadto pay me to go there. I
chose USC because that was, youknow, in my blood forever. But

man, I'm walking across and Ithought, I still to this day think
Notre Dame should be able to getwhoever they want without paying a dime.
It's Notre frigging Dame. But thetimes have changed. Now Notre Dame's Alabama
and now George's Alabama, and nowthere's always those in order to keep up.
Can you imagine twenty five years agosomebody telling you Notre Dame it's gonna
have to pay three million dollars toget a transfer quarterback, to go get

a player. OK. Can youfathom that? I can. I'll never
forget when Notre Dame walked on mycampus the very first time my high school,
the head coach and I'm like heco They came and got me out
of class and I went and metit, and I'm like at seventeen at
the time, and I'm like,I can't take this regred. This is
frigging Notre Dame. Right, Ilived there. I lived there twenty I

would live twenty five minutes from NotreDame. My entire were moving down here
five years ago. Right. Andyou probably probably spent a few times at
the indoor haha holiday in hotel too, right there with the pool, Yeah,
where we stayed there. I spenta lot of time there. But
man, so my point, rightright, My point is that I know
times do change, but they don'thave to change so drastically where you got

Notre Dame having to beg to geta quarterback and pay them or Nebraska.
I mean, it's crazy to me, but I know that's the way the
times are. But there's got tobe a way bill to regulate it to
where, you know, somehow somewaywhere the competition. That gets back to
now if you recruit with a fullbag of a suitcase, which you weren't

ever allowed to recruit with a suitcase. Now they get to come today and
go pluck somebody off and tamper eventhough it's not called tampering because you're allowed
to do it. I guess canyou imagine that? Do you? Now
you're recruiting, isn't You're just agreat recruiter that gets people interested. Hey,
I love Georgia, or I lovePitt or I love Southern cal Oh
I get two point five million asopposed to half a million the other place.

Let me go. Now, Idon't blame the kid if it's there,
because you made the likelihood of theseguys playing. The majority of players
are never going to sniff an NFLfield, So I get why they get
it the money. But the factthat you just get to transfer four times
because somebody's while you're on scholarship andsomebody just offered you more money, there's
some morals, something morally wrong withthat. For me, Sorry, it
just is and it's not me andmy high horse. I just think that

that put a buyout on the school. Make Nebraska or Notre Dame or Southern
Cali. If you want to gopluck a guy from a roster, start
putting buyouts on the kid. Ohyou want that kid. It's going to
cost you a half a million dollarsfor us to let him out of scholarship.
Oh, well, to the schoolhe's going to. You got to
pay us to allow him to transfer. And watch how quickly that the nil

and transfer portal thing goes down.Put that into effect, just like you
did for coaches. Oh, CalebWilliams, there's an eight million dollar buyout
on him. If you want him, it cost you eight million bucks.
Guess what they're not going to doanymore. Go pluck the kid from another
campus. Now the transfer stuff getsreal again, the fair stuff. So
Bill, thanks man, that's howyou do it. You want to do

it like the coaches. Bill makesa good point. I personally put a
number on what it takes. Puta buyout on every kid that comes in
in scholarship. Watch how quickly thatchanges. That'll change real quick you damn
right it will. Kirk Herbstreet wason part of My Take yesterday from the
Barstool Sports Network talking about the doomsdayscenario for the college football playoffs. What

is that doomsday scenario that's next righthere on Sports Talk seven ninety. But
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