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May 23, 2024 161 mins
Mark as Played

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Saulsbury. Okay, let's do this. Sewn Salisbury, the USC Truths,
longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury, BryanLima, go Lobos. This is the
Sewn Salsbury Show. Mavericks beat thet Wolves in Game one of the Western

Conference Finals Celtics Pacers Game two ofthe Eastern Conference Finals this evening Sewn triple
Good Morning. Hunter Brown pitched wellsix innings, two hits, two earned
runs, three k's, three walks. Angels only had three hits, and
the show's loose. Sometimes that's justbaseball. Is that what it is?

Sometimes that's just baseball. That's baseball. Baby, Hunter Brown is one and
five in the season. You feelgood about the uh, I not feel
good about him. But Angels getthat they're a team that in the next
few years it should be pretty goodif thing get pitching right. Well,
how many years we've been saying that, though? I guess yeah, too
too long? Yep so, butthey they sure competed well this last couple

of days. And yes, HunterBrown, that's one of the better starts
he's had in my opinion. Youknow, six innings, you know,
gives up the two run job,right, But and then the astles respond
with a run and that was it. He you know, still three walks.
I mean while that I'm one ofthose guys, I guess I'm greedy.

I don't want any of them right. Free passes are painting any ass.
But for what he's been through thisyear and his struggles to get to
six innings was good. And sincethat relief appearance where he went five innings,
he's been pretty solid. At leasthe's gotten better and he pitched well
enough to win yesterday. He did. He pitched well enough to win and

daties didn't give him any runs andAlex Bregman in the four holes got to
stop. Yeah, it just does. It's useless. I'm sorry to tell
you, he said in what twoon nine again? And he he's not
useless as a player. He is. He got hot and started to hit
like Alex Bregman and and then thingsstarted to roll well, but not in
the four hole. I don't knowwhy you had the square peg round hole
it. He's not a four holehitter. I'm just sorry to tell you

he's not, at least in twentytwenty four. And I don't know why.
The feelings. It frustrates the hellout of me. It does.
I'm not making the lineup card.I know that's a Joe's spot a thing,
but I don't know do we feelis as you feel like, well,
you got to put him there becausewell it's Alex Bregman, and we
just don't want anybody to be botheredby it. People are bothered by him

being in the four hole, nothitting the six or five. It's okay
to be a run producer from thatspot too, And I don't know why
you would again, we say itevery day. It's it's like groundhog Day.
Well, Payne was doing just finethere, thank you, and so
was the team. I think it. It's a glaring mistake by Joe Aspata,

a glaring and reeks of well backof the baseball card. Nonsense talk,
right, Bregman's a hell of aplayer, but sometimes it's okay to
be hitting somewhere else in a lineup. So it frustrates. But Hunter Brown
pitched well enough to win. Well, I guess when you say pitch well
enough to win, he didn't pitchwell enough to win to one a nothing

game. He pitched well enough togive up two runs and hope that you
get three. Right, So butthe top of the lineup was not.
I mean Norden got to hit thetop of line Tucker hitless al two bays
now dip below three hundred Bregman's pushingback down towards the Mendoza line it is,

and Dubond plays well again, noshock there. I don't think Singleton
raked. So he's trying to stayheat down to the two twenties. You
know, he's gonna have to staveoff, you know, with the inevitable,
which we've all talked about at nauseam, with the bray you coming back.
So it was in the Angels.Credit to them. They're a good
young team. They're not good enoughto sustain and make it to the play

playoffs, and they're pitching. Theystill needed two or three arms there.
But these are series you probably notprobably you can't lose, and you'll you
don't want to regret at the end, but you can't lose these series.
And they did. And so nowthey head to Oakland and then what to
Seattle, and they just got donesweeping Oakland. I would imagine they feel

that they can go in there anddo the same thing. But I was
it was a hell of a game. I taped it. I was out
playing golf yesterday and went back andwatch it. It's uh. It was
obviously winnable with some opportunities, andthey just couldn't come through. Sean Alex
Bregman. In the last two Seriessix games, he is two for twenty

four with three walks. I don'tknow. I don't know why he's hitting
in the four hole. That's yourfour hole hitter. Do the numbers now
him in the fore hole the wholeyear. I know you have to find
him. That's hard to do.But I can tell you this, I
can find it. I can tellyou this real quick. He is not
that. That's if his name wasn'tAlex Bregman his four hole slot this year,

he wouldn't be playing. But he'stoo good a player, and he
is a phenomenal talent and we knowhe plays. He and one thing you
don't have to worry about Bregman beinga grinder and working to get stuff done
and trying to work on his craft. Probably over grinds a time because he's
such, I mean, a competitiveguy. But I just don't know why

you got to fource feed the fourhole with him. I don't know.
If it's you're afraid to hurt hisfeelings or that, but I keep hearing
well when he gets hot, yeah, but right now he's not. He
started to get hot in the sixand five hole, not in the four
hole. He should not. Heabsolutely should not be hitting fourth. So
far this season for Alex Bregman inthe four hole, one hundred and twenty

three at bats, just twenty threehits, hitting a buck eighty seven,
obp of two fifty two, sluggingof two forty four. That's an ops
of four ninety six, struck outsixteen times, eleven walks. You know
what if that was guess with thatthat you get You know, it's hyperbolic
when I say this, If thatwas a brak you what would they be

saying? DFA is asked, Yes, now you're not doing it. You
get my point there? Yeah?It is. There is as you give.
I want you to give me otherthan the history and when he gets
hot and when he's hot and hittingthree ninety, go ahead, put in
there. You tell me right now, I'm talking about one reason, not
not three. Just give me onereason why he's hitting. And my focus

on him is because we we youknow, when Hunter Brown struggles, you'll
pick a focus on them, thefrustrating. I'm just going with my frustration
of a great here that I'm goingto tell you they can't win the division
with him hitting two o nine.You can't. They they they can't.
They're they're not gonna win the divisionand him in the four hole. That's
not gonna happen at two nine andfour hole within with a slugging percentage in

the four hundreds. No, notgonna happen. But I want you to
think about this for a second.You give me. I want you to,
honestly, as a you and Iloving baseball and watching this, you
tell me one reason aside from whenhe gets hot, I'm talking about current
reason that he should be sitting therehitting in the four hole. Name one.
He shouldn't. I can't. Whenhe got moved up, you and

I were both discussing it. Whywhy Jeremy Payne was just fine there?
Why mess was something? And youknow why? It's it's because literally,
because of the back of the baseballcar. I think they're afraid. I
think they're afraid of him, afraidto put him somewhere out. I mean,
he was hitting there, he washitting, I can hurt some feelings
or something. I mean, ifyou look, it's a small sample size

I got when he was hitting inthe in the six hole, he had
fifteen at bats. He hit fourhundred with an OVP of four thirty eight
and a slugging of nine thirty three. That's a thirteen over thirteen hundred ops.
And explain to me why he's stillnot there. And then they moved
on to the five hole because heswung it well in the six holes.
So what happens four at bats?Hits five hundred with a two thousand ops.

Think about this. Do you rememberbefore he took him back? What
did Joe Spot say, Oh,he won't be in the six hole long
before he even swung the bat.And so I mean, it's almost like
you've already designed yourself, or shouldI say, designed a situation and resigned
yourself that he he's going to bein the four hole even if he struggles.

Okay, So here's what I wantwhen a brave you comes back.
I want him to hit fifth andstart every day. Why aren't you telling
me the same thing I'd rather hit. I would rather have Singleton hit fourth
ahead of Bregman. He's got agood eye, he's got more power.
Put painting in the four hole,Singleton in the five hole, and Bregman
back in the six hole and callit a day. Simple. Yeah,

it is simple. I don't careif you know Diaz is probably swinging at
some pitches outside the strike zone,did he you know there? Yes,
they're they're pitching him. And nowthat they know it, they're pitching him
differently than they did last year,and that they did at the beginning of
the year. And that's and thenI get it. And now it's up
to him to do what they didadjust to him. Now he's got to

make some adjustments to them. Ijust to me, I don't understand.
Once again, I'll say this outloud. It's insanity. Dude, running
Bregman in the four hole right nownow, and somebody says two months from
now, says, well, seenow that's why Bregman's in the four hole.
Great, I have As a matterof fact, if Bregman's doing that,

I don't give rats as you moveup to the two hole and say
hit there the whole time, Idon't really care what you do with him,
move him up anywhere, you wantput him in the two, three,
four, I don't care where youput him. When he's raking,
I'm all for it, because whyhe's raking By telling me a belongs in
the four hole, you're telling mea bray who belongs in the five hole.
And starting every day, what's thedifference. There is no difference.

I laugh because if that's what happens, then we got some problems. I
can say this under the current circumstances, him hitting there, you know what
it is when him with him inthe forehole, I know it's gonna sound
harsh. It bogs down the lineupright now. I'm talking about right now
now. Him hitting five or six, it almost felt like he took some
pressure off himself and all of asudden when he discovered his swing, did

he lose it again in the forehole? I just to me, the
guy is a hell of a player, and hellified players sometimes need a little
bit of change up pitch for themselves. I think putting him in the four
hole, and I don't know why. The stubbornness to battle in certain things
that they do, it drives mecrazy. I don't know about you.
Some of the things that go ondrive me mad with some of the things

they force feed you with. Iknow it's driving people mad that Verbre is
going to get a run. Iknow it drives people crazy. Dubond doesn't
play more, even though they lovehim as a Swiss arm and ast.
I know it drives people. Iget all that. But if Alex Bregman
in the fore hole doesn't drive youcrazy, you haven't watched baseball this year.
You just have it because you knowwhat he looks like in the four
hole. Just just some dude toguy that they had to plug in at

third base because their starter was hurt, who plays really good defense and has
a good eye. Other than that, his bat's a pop gun in the
fore hole. Squirt gun, popgun. The problem with me is what
she did, what she said earlierthis segment, when he got moved down
to the six hole. The managerJospota said it himself, Oh he's not

gonna be down there long before hetook it at bat in the four in
the six hole, almost just theassumption. And then you know what he
did to validate what he said.He had to force feed him in there,
and guess what it's done backfired.This is a bad decision by Joe
Espada bad. Fix it. Hehas to fix it. Yeah, and
you know how we don't have theluxury on this team right now. I

know the luxury to do this.That's the same we said the same thing
two days ago when Frober Valdez wantedto go rogue. They're twenty two and
twenty eight. You don't you know, you can't lose series of the freaking
Angels. You're not friggin' James Bondokay, where you can just do whatever
you want on the regular. They'renot good enough right now. They're talented
enough, and there is a difference. The talented is listen, talent,

will you get you an apple ina roadmap and sit down? I would
know a lot of talented people outthere that can't you know, they can't
hit their way out of wet paperbag, or couldn't hit the broadside of
a barn with a baseball or afootball standing four feet from it. But
the maddening part of it, Ithink we think this is the twenty seventeen,
twenty nineteen Astros, and they're talentedenough. But when you're not playing,

well, what's the normal thing youdo? Dude? If you've got
a guy who misses fourteen tackles agame, what do you do? You
don't play him, or you havea really good talk with him and you
move him somewhere else, or youplatoon him as a football player. What
happens if your quarterback leads the leaguein interceptions and he's as Zach Wilson,
you replace his ass and then youeventually trade him. I'm not saying that's

the case here, that's overly harsh. My point is is, why are
you force feeding? Why aren't youdo you ask players to make adjustments every
friggin day in the batter's box onthe mound mechanics with hobbyer Regmann's payinia chasing
balls last year out and strike soand look what he's done adjusted and he's

raking. So if you're gonna askplayers to adjust their game, when are
we going to turn around and say, you adjust what you're doing with your
lineup and your decisions. Isn't itincumbent upon that guy to make those decisions?
If I asked Dana Brown, what'sgoing on? And that's a Joe's
spot a question, as Danas saidto us, and love Dana's he's been
transferred straight with us, however,and I understand certain things general managers have

to say, But if you're gonnabe straight with it, you're gonna tell
me it's Joe's spot a decision,then you need to tell me is it
the right one? And right now? Absolutely not hitting him in the four
hoole. If you're asking your playersto adjust and you're not adjusting as a
manager, then don't ask me toadjust. Yeah, because you're the guy
we look up to. You're ourfearless leader. Joe does a lot of

great things right now that lineup situation. By putting him in there, you're
basically saying the team's not as importantas he is. I'm just telling you
it's not. Regman should not behitting fourth right now. He may in
a week he might be able to. Right now, he shouldn't be.
It's a it's a detriment to theteam. Two for twenty four in the
last three excuse me two series withthree walks, Alex Bregman in the four

hole will continue to talk about theHouston Astros as they lose the series to
the Angels. Seven one three,two one two five seven ninety is the
number to join. Let's look atthe strows yesterday with runners in scoring position.
That's next in Sports Talk seven ninety. Let's go go. This is
the Sean Salisbury Show, Texans withmore OTAs this morning over at NRG Stadium.

The Mavericks beat the t Wolves inGame one of the Western Conference Finals.
Celtics and Pacers tonight game two ofthe Eastern Conference Finals. As you
look at the box score for theHouston Astros, if you didn't watch the
game, didn't see any highlights,nothing, and you went purely on the
box score, you see, uh, two to one, only three hits

for the Angels. Houston had sixhits. Hunter Brown six innings, two
hits, two eur and runs threek s, three walks. Much better
performance from him. Okay, whatthe hell happened? Well? As you
scroll down the team Sean with runnersin scoring position oh for six, Alex
Bregman was over two with runners inscoring position Kyle Tucker oh for one,

Al two A O for one,CAROTTENI O for one and John Singleton over
one. But look who's leading theway from yesterday oh for two, Alex
Bregman runners in scoring position. Itis uh. That's that's an analytic and
a stat you can live with.Right, that's one that matters unless you

know, oh for six tells youyou better be getting it somewhere else meaning
RBIs and you better well, youbetter get a great pitching performance. And
you in the Hunter Brown for sixIndies. If I'd told you Hunter Brown
was going to give up two runs? Would he strike out three three and
walk three? If I told youhe was going to give up just two

earned runs and pitch six innings?What would you have told me? They'll
they got a chance to win agame, right, Yeah, legitimate,
and they still did, but thatthey're gonna more than likely win the game
the way that they've been playing,and they can only muster up one run.
I can't do it when they're allfor six with runners in scoring position.
It spen a theme pretty much allyear, except for over the last

fourteen games where they've played well.But these we said this, these are
series that you cannot lose. Youcannot lose a series of the Angels.
The Angels haven't taken a series fromyou since twenty twenty two April. It's
over two years ago. That's along time and a lot of games.
Yeah, I'm with you, brother, It's it's a frustrating Am I if

I lo missing something in over theyou know, years? And how I
am about? I know that yougive people days off and all that stuff,
But am I missing something that Ican go back right now and tell
you? Like? And I knowit's a long time and things change.
Especial is, we don't have picturesthrowing one hundred pitches back to back games
rarely, you know what I mean. You don't let a guy get to

one hundred and twenty five pitches.We get a six innings and you're a
hero. We go through all that, all these analytics and numbers and stats,
and we got a stat to tellyou what a stat is, to
tell you what a stat. It'slike those companies that meet that you know,
you get that one guy who alwayshas to meet to meet, to
set up a meeting, to meetto set up that meeting to meet that
guy, and then you wonder whythere's no production in the building because everybody's
standing in a meeting or sitting ina meeting. There. We had analytics

and stats for everything, but withthat, whatever happened to the days when
eight nine, ten, eleven,twelve games in a row American League.
Now well, now that we gotthe d H and Bold League, same
lineup, whatever happened to those days? Do you think Sparky Anderson and I

know it's a long time agoing analyticscome into play. It's evidence that I've
talked about a million times, Butdo you think no matter who the picture
was, that Tony Perez wasn't hittingin the cleanup spot you knew he or
the five hole depending on him orJohnny Bench, but whatever season it was,
but be there. It did notmatter. It did not matter.
Did you knew that Pete Rose wasgonna where he was hitting? He didn't

check the lineup card? Johnny Benchknew where he was playing where he was
hitting. I understand it changed,but there's certain things Just because time goes
by, does that mean you haveto change everything. Change Change is necessary
when it's good or prevents you fromdoing something bad right or to make change.
So the stuff that you're not doingwell, you do well or adjust

to the times and all those things. But let me ask you this,
if you're getting three to three pointthree percent interest on your you know when
you're buying a home like we were, getting a wild batter to Yeah,
would you trade it in for sevenpercent interests? No? Absolutely not like
we're getting like you're getting down now, So why would you? Well,

why is it necessary if you're goinggood to rest or give people to change
the lineup? I don't get it. What am I? Is that just
too simplistic? Am I making itjust too simple? Have you ever thought
that maybe simple is good? Sometimes? Yeah? This sometimes complex causes overthinking.
And when you overthink, you eitherovermanage, overplay, overswing, overthrow,

all those things that it just kindof gets down to what do we
always hear when you which is socliche, but it's true, block and
tackle? Why can't you just blockand tackle? That doesn't mean you're gonna
execute win them. I don't meanthat, but I just I don't know,
bud, I maybe I'm crazy.Have you ever noticed we don't do

that with football? Have you evernoticed guess where Connor McDavid's going to be
against with the Dallas Star sent Yeah? Starting, yeah, and doing what
he does and getting his shifts withhis with his line all the time.
I don't know, man. I. When the Edmonton Oilers were winning and

Yari Curry and Messier and Grant Feurand Gretzky. Guess what they did your
lying when the Reds were winning orwhin the I don't know. I know
it changes, but is it necessaryevery third day or every second day to
have a different approach? I don't, I don't. I don't understand why
simple is a problem. I reallydon't. There's sometimes would being a simpleton

actually works? You know what I'msaying this A simple dude, man,
is just a simple approach to it, you know, don't overload your your
mind with your ass man. Andthen at the end of the day,
it's excuse me, someone just needsto tell Joe Aspata the teamwork makes the
dream work. Yeah, you knowwhat I mean now, and Joe's gonna
be fine, and Joe does agood job on things. But it's easy
to manage when you score ten runs, right, Yeah, It's hard to

manage in a two to one game. And that's where you're just like we
talk about players, aren't you.How are you judging a player? How
you judging this team when they winten to two once in a while,
or when they win a two toone game or the Angels. I'll tell
you what you think the Angels twoto one win wasn't a gut check win
for them? Definitely sure was.Yeah, just like when they won in
ten innings the night before big win, right, meaning the Astro. So

I actually think sometimes we all dothink that you have to change to say,
No, you don't. You gotto evolve to be successful if everybody
else is evolving, But you don'thave to change everything. Okay, with
the morals and values in a home, you raise your kids to be respectful
and say yes sir, no,sir, right, yes, ma'am,
no, ma'am. Absolutely does thatchange from nineteen sixty to twenty twenty eight?

All right, So if you gota guy who's raking in the sixth
hole, is it necessary for meto move into the four hole? Because
just for change to change? Youget my point? It's pretty simple.
You want my analytics, I justgave them to you. I got some
simple I got some further analytics onthat four hole for the Houston Astros.
My head canna explode over this.Yeah, stop it. Yeah, you

got Thursday, which is really Fridaywith its Memorial Day weekend? How is
that true? Yea, even thoughwe don't mail it and off Friday.
No, we show up and compete. It's Friday, Junior. Yeah nice,
yeah, yeah, appetizer Friday.Yeah. There on a Thursday.
I got some analytical eye openers,if you will, for the four hole
for the Houston Astros this season.Let's go through those and shows that there

needs to be some change made.That's next. On Sports Talk seven eighty,
The Shawn Salisbury Show continued, youknow we haven't done anymore, or
haven't done in a while. Whopulls more? Yeah, it's been a
long time. Be prepared for onetomorrow. It's been a long time.
All Right, I'll give you onetoday, but we're not going to talk

about it. I'm gonna tease itso people can think about this on a
Friday going into more day week andwe'll give up. It'll be a flop.
Richard segment. Who pulls more?Between these two basic white dudes?
Okay? How goes? Who haven'thad a tan since they came out red
from the womb? Okay? Lukadantic okay or Nikolo bad body and both

it in with Jokic and both areare dodg your euros did did? Are
just basic white guys that quite franklytwo of what five best players in the
league would say, So, twobasic white dudes did this is our in
both of them playing basketball, right, this is our ode. You know,
we Dodgers will grab a grit.Theko should like hold the trophy like

I got an m VP. Great, and you get back to my horse
and my brothers. We're gonna goout there. It has right, we
gotta go. Yeah, they're wearingpeople out and uh and they're they're my
secret service right his own. Sowe got two this is the euro version,
okay, of two basic white guysin the Who pulls more? Oh?

Perfect? So I'm just I'm gonnalet it simmer. Okay, We're
gonna marinate this. Yeah, andyou got who pulls more when they walk
into a bar and not on theirturf where they're from, but on our
turf in the US here, Whopulls more? Luka Dantach or Nikola Jokic.
It's the itch thing we're talking abouttomorrow. We'll do that. You

know, we're gonna do that tomorrowseven thirty, Okay, So we're gonna
go for the steak out right towho pulls more? Yeah, seven thirty
tomorrow. Yeah, And I'm justgiving people a chance to come up with
their best stuff. Just don't customertwenty five hours from now. Yes,
that's a lot of preparation, becauseproper preparation prevents pistol performance. Right,
you like that one? They needbetter performance in the four hole. The

Astros do well when you pull moreof there's trying to find a fourth could
be trouble. You feel what Idid there? See what the first thirty
three games? Three? Give methree? I need three of them.
I hear you. First thirty threegames Man thirty three, first thirty three
games for Alex Bregman hitting a buckeighty nine on base of two sixty eight,

slugging a two fifty two. Ingames thirty four through forty two,
Alex Bregman three to seventy one obpof three seventy eight, and then a
slugging is seven forty three. Hislast five games point zero five to three
on base of just one eighty two, slugging of one oh five. Okay,

so how many of those have beenin the four hole? Uh?
Basically games all? But about whatfour of them? I can tell you
that right games? He has playedthirty two games in the four hole and
how many games did they played?Fifty? Okay, so but did he
hit? He didn't hit eighteen gamesin the five and six hole down before

the right. So games started inthe five hole, one game started in
the six hole. Four, sofive there you go. I'll bet you
what you did the analytics to successin those two of those six games.
He's never hit lower than six thisyear. So he was either off or
hitting in maybe the three slot,because wasn't he hitting in the three hole

when Kyle Tucker was hitting in thefour hole for a minute? Didn't Tucker
hit in the four hole for asecond? He was, Yeah, am
I right or wrong? Didn't becauseJordan was in the two hole, right,
yeah? Yeah? And then Bregmanwas in the three hole, and
then they then then Tucker went tothe four hole and then went to the
two hole and Regman's So bottom lineis he's been better this year not sitting
in the fourth spot. It's prettysimple, man glaring right here in front

of us. I mean, I'mjust a simple cave man. But if
you do the simple math, it'skind of like what we've done in math
in schools. It used to beeasy to go two plus two. It
equals four. Now it's they dothat the math in schools. Now you're
like, I thought it was reallyeasy to go two plus two, but
you've made it like an eight stepprocess to find an answer that I feel

like when we grew up, Icould have found in two steps. I
don't know why we gotta to me. We make a mountain out of a
mole hill. Sometimes. Oh yeah, when it comes to this stuff,
there's analytics for analytics these days.Ye meet to meet, just to meet,

to show you we got a meeting, to tell you we got a
meeting, so we can plan themeeting to have a meeting. Let's change
it, to do it, tochange it just because we change it,
because we want to change it,because the optics say to change it,
even though we didn't need to changeit. And when you need to change
it, change it. And Ican tell you what they need to do
change it. Thank you. Prettysimple. Seven, I has eliminated fourteen

steps for you. Yeah, gotto the fifteenth. It's one simple move
right now and you move him outof the four hole right seven three two
two five seven nine. Let's talkto don Don Good morning, Hey guys,
how you doing? Man? Hey, we all know what the problem
is. Joe Spottle. You knowI was rooting for him to go to
get the managerial job, but Ididn't know that he was their best friend.
I thought he would come in andtry to be a manager. But

it's evident that he's not being amanager. Or Dana Brown, one of
those two guys. There's something wronghere. Do we definitely know that Chas
McCormick did not earn a spot tostart last night he did or yesterday he
didn't earn a spot to come backand just start immediately. Congratulations, Debond,
you do a great job. Youget hits, you get on base,

Go ahead and go to the bench. Now, Jake Myers is is
batting two hundred and fifty points betterthan Bregman, So maybe these two need
to switch spots. And that that'sreally a slap in the face. Put
breakman batt and nine to see ifthat'll fix his ass. But other than
that, man, I wish thathe'd quit being his best friend. Joe

A spotta be a man, andyour man. If you want to keep
your job, you need to chake. You need to change it up.
Man. Hey, that's all Igot, man, Don that's a freaking
great call. And I don't knowif it's the case, but my concern
when this happened originally is no,he's a great baseball man and they love
him, but do you love himso much that he becomes a buddy as
opposed to somebody you fear losing yourjob over being moved in a lineup permanently

if you don't get it fixed.And you're right, I know, chas
McCormick, but but see, italmost feels like when a guy comes back,
we obviously we have to throw himin the lineup. I'm not taking
Jake Myers outer, I'm not takingif du Bond's raking and I know the
Swiss Army knife with him, andit's gonna happen. What you just saw
is when a brave comes back.The first day he's back, he's not

sitting on the bench. Do youknow this? The first game he's back,
they're gonna run him. He's gonnastart. Why why are you really
asking me this? I mean Iknow why because of nineteen and a half
million dollars. You know the questionthat I want to ask validation of why
we sent him? Were we senthim? You know? Another question that
I want to discuss, and that'swhat I'm gonna tease for our next segment.

If Jeff Bagwell was not involved inthis, would jose bray you come
back and start automatically, because youhave to remember, I think he would.
Jeff Bagwell was a part of thedecision to bring jose Ah Bray you
here, if they will. Ifthey would those, they still would have
sent a brak you. You're assumingthey still would have sent a braid of
West Palm right. If Bagwell wasassuming they would have sent him there rear

a triple A. They would havesent him somewhere. Yes, I don't
think they'd a dfaid him. You'rejust not gonna do with death, not
yet at least, I don't thinkyou're gonna do with the whole season if
he comes back. In my opinion, if he comes back and struggle like
he is, I bet they df m somewhere down the line at some
point in the season, at somepoint they say, we got to eat
this money. Unfortunately, But areyou sure that. Let's say it's like

August and heading towards September, noone's gonna trade for him, No kidding,
I mean I'm just yeah, Iknow, I get what yea,
And I know it was kind ofrhetorical, right, yeah, is well
what happened last year. I'm justwhat I want you to think from their
standpoint, not from what how areyou? And I feel think from their
standpoint what happened last year September.Uh, he hit well and he hit

out in the playoffs. So whatdo you think the thought process is?
Let's just get him to August andwe'll get the same thing we got last
year. But you because that's whathistory tells us, right, But history
doesn't have the astros at twenty Historydoesn't always repeat itself, right, and
and history doesn't have the astros oftwenty two and twenty eight fifty games in
the sitting in the same church people. Brother, I get it. But

my point is you asked, andI'm just telling you why. So when
they bring him up, you thinkthey're bringing him up in that day that
he's going that he's gonna sit on, sit on the side, unless it's
a pitching matchup that Singleton's hit fourforty against in his career, right,
you think, honestly that they're bringinghim up in for three straight games he's

sitting on the bench. He should, but what do you think is good?
He'll be in there being able toput on your astro's hat now and
their decision making on some of thesethings, what do you what do you
think they're going to do? He'llbe playing first base? And I would
with with a caller, was it? Don? Don? Yea, yeah,
Don, I'm with you. IUh. I never like my coach

to be my best buddy. Iwant him to be somebody that I trust
and got my back and that Ican have a beer with. But you
know, you know what, Trump'sthe beer. You got to perform.
You don't get a hall pass becausewe're buddies. So I just thought,
you still have to explain to mewhy just as baffling to me, and

I know you're going to think I'mtripping over this, just as baffling to
me as why would you start abray you coming back over nineteen and a
half million? Yeah, I actuallycan explain that a little more right now.
Yeah, because it's nineteen and ahalf million that you you shouldn't have
paid it, but you did.Right. Why you're running a gut if
you're an analytics team, if youare a straight analytics team. Not not

straight, but the majority. Thisis a analytics this is one of the
lead dogs in analytics in baseball,in sports. Yes, if that's the
case, then why are you fightingthe analytics that are telling you he shouldn't
be hitt in the four hole.It's a good question. Let's let's continue
this discussion. That's a good point. Let's keep on talking about the astros
and the Jose Braos situation, Josea braw situation. Next on the Seawan

Salisbury Show. Back to the SewanSalisbury Show on Sports Talk seven ninety sports
Your astroids, your rockets, yourvoice? What a terrible what a what
a horrible? Human league? Nuts? This horrible dude, they're all listen

lesson blood? You want to putthat in this damn anytime you say anything
to me I was having to sayto you is you're only human? Only
human, a flesh and blood.I've made what a terrible song? Who
said? Who is that? TheHuman League? Human? Not the but
it's just Human League. I thinkyou know what? You have completely disrespected
me, triplely and humanly and humanleague. Man. You know what tripley

you feel disrespected? I do guythrows a cut out there rolling and you.
I mean, at no point intime does that song ever roll?
Oh it was rolling? No,it was no way, yes it was.
I mean the energy was like thethree oh five. Mister three five
okay, okay, now mister threefive brings the noise. That song was

humanly Human League or Human Lee League. Human League sucks one hit. Wonder
know what you know what their response? Do you tell they suck? Would
be there only you man of blood, of flesh and blood? I may
no, Yeah, you dude,you I guarantee you're gonna put that's going

on your we talked or do youwant me to get to Andrew? You
want me to talk to Human Leaguetoo? Doubt it? Andrew, welcome
in. Good morning guys. Howare you doing? Good morning? How
are you? I have a coupleof I'm doing pretty good. So when
the homestand first started, I originallythought about seven and three would be a

good homestand so they did that.It's just a little disappointing when considering Monday
night that they should have had.Uh but uh hopefully, I mean,
I hope a brave can come backand do something. But I don't I
don't have any confidence that he's gonnacome back and do anything. But I
did do one question. What's thedifference between sending a brave you down and

sitting Bregmant down. Why don't theyjust ask Bregman to go down and work
on some stuff or they they're notgonna do that. That's never gonna happen.
And I get what you're saying.That that is that that will he
could hit one twenty five unless hewas hurt. That will never happen.
I just said that that they will. They will treat that like whether you
and I agree or disagree, they'regonna treat that like a sacred cow.

And that's just not happening. That'lland I get it, But the stage
of their career where they're at,the guy's been you know, product he
had drove in ninety eight runs lastyear, yet a brain you drove in
ninety I get it. But now, man, I understand where you come
from. Andrew, you could hellwill freeze over before they ever send him
down, unless he was being hurt, unless it was an injury. That
is that's never gonna happen. Well, Bregman, it will never say it.

But I think the contract is gettingto him. It just kind of
looks that way just from my eyes. And every day that goes by,
he's not gonna get paid. Makea great point, I don't know who.
I don't know who would pay himat this point, I'm going to
tell you. I brought that upto Dana Brown. I said, is
there pressure with a contract? WhichI think would be normal? I do.

I think that I understand the pressure. While he's made money in the
past, we're talking going into thisseason. I guarantee he was thinking that
thirty to thirty five million a yearcategory. You and I both know that.
And Andrew, thank you for thecall, appreciate it. And but
Brian, I'd asked the question.I asked you the question in the beginning,
and I believe this, and Istill just when we ask and somebody

gives us their opinion, my opinionmay differ from the way that the Astros
or that Dana on this one DanaBrown feels. I do believe there's added
pressure when you're sitting on top,and some guys deal with it and some
guys don't. Now, Regman's beena pretty clutch player over his career,
but when you're adding thirty million ayear to the to a slow start,

which is his normal history, anda team that the you know, lost
out in the World Series, thatsome of the league is caught up to
a little bit. They're still talented. I don't see a matter of fact,
I think you'd be almost inhuman ifyou didn't feel pressure. Now,
that doesn't mean you're not going toreact to it. And then when you're
struggling, what's the natural response togrind harder? What is the word we

always hear Dana Brown say about AlexPregman His grinder, grinder, grinder,
grinder. He works his ass offright, grit and sometimes the grind can
be you can and I know thissounds crazy, but you can overgrind.
And I'm not telling Reregman's been successfulhis whole career doing what he does,
and I get it. But Iwill not buy into anybody. Even if
it was you, I'd say,man, contract pressure me. Anybody else

say hell Yet, do you reallythink Alex Pregman doesn't think about this?
Yes? I know he does.And if he gets hot, then things
turn around and the pressure is workingin his advantage, to his advantage.
You just can't convince me, andyou never will be able to that.
It's not on his mind that hedoesn't think about it, and it doesn't
add to the pressure. And quitefrankly this year that it hasn't had some

part, may be a small percentage, but some part of the struggle.
I believe that, and I thinkthat's human. He's only human if flesh
and blood he's made. See whathe did there, you're supposed to don't
don't don't ever say that. Don'tlet's not do that. Don't don't ever
say that again, sed, Butyou get it right. So I'm with

him, But sending him down Iwouldn't want to do that either. The
way I send him down, tosend him down in a lineup, not
down to triple A, because Ithink he'd roll his eyes at that,
like are you kidding me? AndI guess I wouldn't blame him. But
he's playing like a guy who needsa light and he was going good,
not from cleanup. That's a simpleanalytic that if you're an analytics team,

like I said, I asked youthat question, and it's seven o'clock.
Can we get to I want somebodyto tell me if you're an analytics organization,
and if thrived with analytics in yourback in your back pocket on a
regular basis, why isn't this analytictrue? Why why aren't you listening to
this one? You're telling me inthis one you're going by feel yes,
Wait a minute, we don't dothat here though. Wait a minute now,

so you're speaking out of both sidesyour mouth, then, yeah,
okay, thank you. I justneeded to know that. Let's let's talk
about that as we get into theseven o'clock hour. Seven one three,
two, one two five. Sevenninety is the number to join. The
Astros lose the Angels two to oneand they fall in that series. That's
next. In Sports Talk seven ninetyADM E Houston ADHD two Houston, an

i heeart radio station, The AstrosRose, the Rockets, Rockets East fall
your home for your home teams.This is Sports Talk seven ninety driven by
that classic elite viewing GMC Studios forthe elite car buying experience. Salisbury,

Old Very Salisbury, Houston. Okay, let's do this. Sean Salisbury to
usc Troves, longtime friend, SewnSalisbury, Ryan Lon Lima, go Lobos.
This is the Sean seals very show. Mavericks beat the t Wolves in
Game one of the Western Conference Finals. Celtics and Pacers Game two of the

Eastern Conference Finals tonight in the NBAPlayoffs, Astros go oho for six with
the runners in scoring position. Theylose that game two to one. They
had six hits, but going oversix with runs in scoring is this is
not gonna get it done. JoseAl Tuve continuing to struggle out the plate,
he said a cold spell, KyleTucker for once went over. Jordan

had himself a hit. Bregman ohfor four h He has been not good
since being moved back into the fourhole. His last six games two for
twenty four with just three walks.Not good. And we talked the question
you asked in regards to analytics.If a team is so analytical in the

Houston Astros, why are they goingaway from why are they operating on field?
Correct? Got an answer for me, No, I don't. I
don't. That's the maddening part ofit. I don't. It's a simple
answer, right, move him,move him down? Yeah, here man,
why do we move Jeremy Paney offour different five different positions, I
mean five different places. In thelantup. Analytics tell you to move him

up, So why we moveing back? God? Alex Bregman's first thirty three
games buck eighty nine on base oftwo sixty eight slugging at two fifty two
games thirty four to forty two whenhe was moved down in the order,
three seventy one average, three seventyeight on base, seven forty three slugging.

His last five games, he's hittingpoint zero five to three with a
one eighty two on base and aone zero five slugging. Let me ask
you this, if you aren't partof the solution, what are you part
of the problem. So if he'sif the solution isn't having him in the
four hoole, that becomes what aproblem. I don't know. It's basic

math to me. Yeah, andit's not hard the math and mathing right
now, Okay, who makes thelineup decisions? According to when we interview
Dana Brown, who I met Joespot a question? Okay, quote yes
what he says, and then hedoes a good job of answering how he'd
feel, Yes, if if hewas making the decision, it's Joe spot
a question. Even after they youknow, they'll discuss things, all right.
So when do I question Joe aspot as managerial decision on the lineup

when he keeps running Bregman of thefour l and told us when he was
in the sixth hole he won't bethere long. He had already made the
decision before Bregman took a swing ofthe bat. And Joe Spotted does some
good things, and like I said, he's a rookie manager. It happens,
and you get your favorites and youget locked in. Dusty had certain
guy Maldonada was going to play.Nobody said it was I mean to a

fault at times at the plate,right, but said he was going to
play. So I'll ask you again, So when is it okay to question
and Joe a spot is lineup decisionmaking on a guy who's not producing in
a spot that quite frankly, heshould not be in. And it doesn't
take a matter of fact, youdon't even have to be a baseball person

to see this. No, no, you don't. So why give me
I need a reason. Well,Sean in July gets hot. What's the
date, it's June? Excuse me, May twenty third? That hole he
gets hot in July, Jose Braywhen he gets back, we're gonna wait
until August type thing. None ofthat matters right now. They are twenty

two and twenty eight. You wantto know what that is. It's a
loser's lament. I'm not saying they'relosing, but I'm saying for any of
us to say, well, justwait till July. Okay, good,
July is not here yet. Sothe loser's lament to building excuses and that
well, this is who he is. Well, you know what, Unfortunately,
right now we need him to besomebody different than who he's been,

at least to start a season.And if that's who he is. But
I can tell you this, Isaw a much different player hitting in the
sixth hole than I did in thefour hole than I have in the four
I saw much different player. Isaw the guy who looked like Alex Bregman,
not the guy who looked like JoeSixpack. You ever seen Joe six
Pack. Yeah he's a normal guy. Yeah, he's every he's every Just

a guy. Yeah, he's justa guy. Probably a basic white guy.
Yeah, probably right, probably fromthe beach community. No basic white
guys. A guy that's walking throughthe airport in Cleveland or Iowa. Moin
in Iowa, some say, desjoinus. You see basic airport. It's
a big airport. Yeah, andusually they're carrying a Yet he can to

and no, no, no,no, maybe you know they got you
can't do that because you can't.Well, but if you're going to the
airport, can't because you're leaving.And if you go somewhere that doesn't allow
it, then you get in trouble. But maybe he's got on uh,
hiking boots and just wool socks.Just got done prune in a tree,
okay at hugged one. Probably nokid. But there's some basic white dudes

in Colorado, are there? Yeah? But I think there's more in Iowa
probably and probably and probably in Nebraskabecause the Lincoln, Nebraska probably extra white.
Yea, I like exactly where youlive. I'm Omaha, Yeah,
I'm in Lincoln. What do youdo? I watched Nebraska play football on
Saturday. I worked for the university, and then on the weekends, I'm

I'm husking Corn by the way,nice hints the name court Husker good good
fun Saturday underrated. I know,back when they were winning national championships,
but underrated Saturday bar scene in Lincolnbefore a game. Really yeah, sneaky
long, really sneaky long talent.Okay, I didn't you can't confirm.

I can't confirm it to night.It was. It was a while back.
No, no, no, no, I was. I was with
It was see was getting ready toplay and we went in there and curb
stopped them. Yeah it was.It was a fun visit. But there's
good it's a good bar scene there, but it's it's the only show in
town. So you can imagine,you know, in those college towns that

are just football when during the scenethat's everything closed down for that that it's
a really underrated place to go.It's a good stop. Like when we
mentioned Iowa, I'm just telling youright now, Iowa City, when you
go watch the Hawkeys play, Yeah, now, you'll drink more beers than
they'll score points. Yeah, they'reoff right, but they'll have NFL guys
and they'll win. They'll be consistentwinners all the time. They just won't

thrill you. Thrill you the barscene far more thrilling there in the tailgate
scene in Iowa than their explosion onoffense That's that's not hard to beat though,
Right, you just got to drinkeight beers and you scored more points
in their offense, right, Roger, Good morning, Roger, Roger,

good morning, guys. I havea question or couldern about Dana Brown's legacy
here as a GM. I thinkhe's gonna fall under a negative note man,
if he lets Bregman go and Tuckergo, you know, the future,
the future is all in the youngguys. Now. Bregman is a

special case. I think if yougive him a contract at the end of
this year and he keeps on withthis down season, the only ones that
are gonna believe is us. Sowith that in mind, if you if
you get this guy another contract,I think he'll come back. I think
he'll come back a different player,better, you know, the player that

we know that he can be.That's just my opinion, But I really
think that the Dana Brown's legacy,if he lets Tucker walk, his legacy
will guitarnished forever. And I justdon't think that's something he'd want to have
on his shoulders. What a mistake, Roger. What if Dana Brown wants
Kyle Tucker as he's set on here, and Jim Crane's nine Tucker's Worth thirty

three million for eight years bridge thatgap. Okay, But but my point
is, what, well is itwhat if the owner doesn't want to pay
it? We've seen this movie before. It does that fall on the GM
for not browbeating the owner or nowhe's under that's under all Jake greens watch
of course, right, it's it'sit's it's that's that becomes the group decision,

right that he see, j GM. And owners should be making those
decisions, not anybody else, right, Yeah, they need could be making
those decisions now rather than later,because every time they wait till later,
it's just it gives the player thefeeling that, hey, you know,
they didn't they didn't want to discussit earlier, and now they want to
wait till the final year. Andthat's that's how they got. That's how

Springer lost Intereis, and that's howCareer lost well, Correa, they didn't
even talk to him, from myunderstanding, it didn't even didn't even offer
a contract. Yeah they did,they offered him or what. Then he
tries himself out because you know thathe had that he had that good season
and now that part's a fact hewanted more than he was ever good.
Yeah, uh yeah, they offeredhim. They offered him a five year,

one hundred and sixty million dollar deal, and he pretty much took the
same deal in Minnesota anyway. Uhyeah, no, no, no,
I think I just really think thatthe our young guys with one our future.
You know, so you give youlet a guy like Tucker walk,
What are you saying? Pretty much, there is no future even though we'll

still have operas. You know,you're not gonna have the same MindUP without
Tucker. Everybody knows that. That'sall I had to say. Man,
I just think that this guy's youknow, Dana Brown's legacy. It's kind
of like a hinging. It's ateetering on what's what's he gonna do with
the Astros? And that's all Ihad. Guys, have a good one.
Appreciate Roger. Thank you. Ijudging from Dana Brown, you say,

Roger, thanks buddy. If wedon't talk to you tomorrow, have
a great Memorial weekend. Be safe. I got to get the Hunts through
Dana Brown that there this is ajust from talking yesterday that there's not a
sense so that they know, andhe said it that the his agent,
Kyle Tucker's agent knows, and thatKyle Tucker knows how much they want him

here, but how much you wantedAnd then you got to back it up
with the money, right, Andevery day that goes by with that guy
playing the way he's playing, theprice is going up, and you do
have a little leeway. The problemis when you have it's like anything,
Brian, if I told you,hey, you don't have to worry about
that till next February, what's yourwhat is the human nature of procrastination?
Say I'll get to it in January. Yeah, you'll be too late.

Then I'll get into a February.That's right with this? You know you
got Bregman's coming up first. Thetruth is, if you say Bregman fromber
Tucker, my decision's already made.If I have to take one of the
three, let's just say one ofthe three, is there is do you
even have? Is there any questionin your mind who the one is?
All right? So, but now, right now, we don't have to
make that decision. But the longeryou let it go and the more this

guy breaks, the more the pricetag goes up in then you won't even
be in the you won't even bein the area code when it comes to
negotiations, considering the history of whatwe've seen here about hey, listen,
we're good regardless. We're gonna buildit around our guys. We're not going
to overpay four hundred million dollars orthree hundred fifty million dollars for a great
player that we don't pay. We'rejust not going to do it. But
the other side of it is,so the longer you wait to me,

like you did with Jordon, yougot out in front of it. Jordon's
money would have gone. I mean, he got paid, but if he
gets back to being Jordon, guesswhat, that's gonna be a really hefty
raise again for him. And hegot paid some good money he did,
but he's gonna end up being wortha lot more so with this. For
me, I get the feeling thatfrom data that while they want him,

that there is no sense of virgen. As a matter of fact, I'm
getting the feeling that you're not goingto hear this talked about till spring training
in next year. It'll start topick up more steam. I don't think
for one second that in the nexttwelve months he has a contract. Yeah.
Now, I hope I'm wrong,and I stand up and cheer if
I am wrong. I think thatthey want him and all that, but

I think that he's not priority hisattwent. I think to get it done
and to stay on top of it. You know that one call you make
to a friend every three months.Eleven Man, I'm thinking about you,
But maybe that's going on. Idon't think. I don't think when you
get the spring training ext your KyleTucker will have an extension. And if
he's one of the MVPs in thisleague this year, he's going to say,
don't talk to me unless the numbersover that three zero zero mark.

And I wouldn't blame him. Iwouldn't either. Get the bag man yep
seven one, three, two twofive sev ninety the number join. Let's
get to the stakeout next in SportsTalk seven ninety. This Sewn Salisbury Show
continues on Sports Talk seven ninety ninetyHome for your home teams. All right,

Sean, what are you hearing outthere now? The Salsbury's takeout Salsburife
takeout on the Sean Salisbury Show,It's time for the stakeout here on the
Seawan Salisbury Show, Sean Brown andTripoli astros off today. They lose the
series to the Angels after a twoto one loss yesterday afternoon at in a
Park, Texans with the OTAs todayover at inn RG Mavericks be the t

Wowlves in Game one of the WesternConference Finals. Before it gets to the
Steakhouts got back out to the phoneline seven one three seven ninety, John,
Welcome in, Hey man, how'sit gone this morning? Were good?
Man? What's on your mind?Hey fellas? You know, I
know you guys are getting tired ofthis Gregman conversation. I'm getting tired of
it too, you know, SoI'm just kind of switching it over now.

You know, I feel like there'snot so much about Alex anymore.
Is more now by Joe A.Stoder and his managing decisions. You know,
you can't have We've seen this toooften recently where two way or Avareds
get on base and Greg and Adascome up there and Adas just gets put
out, double played. We losethe game we saw the other night.

I forget whether it Oakland that theyplayed. When Oakland they actually they walked
the Avaret in order to get toBregman. And that's a lot of pressure
on any hitter when they have to, you know, to win the game.
They got to they got to hitthe ball, they got to bring
in a run. When Alice wasdown there in the fifth of sixth hole,
Alice was hitting. Okay, youknow, not whether al Adas must

love hitting in the fourth hole orthird hole, whatever, but it's not
good for him. He needs tobe in the fifth or sixth hole.
Put du Bond up there. Butyou know, and that's the funny thing
about it. Adams started hitting thefifth and sixth hole and all of a
sudden, you run him right backup in the fourth hole. I mean,
this is a George Spotty thing.Now, what what is going on
here? Jeorge Spotter? He beganto lose a little credibility with me,

not that he had very much.Because anytime you get a new manager on
any team in any state, fansare gonna watch the decisions that he made.
And the fans aren't always right aboutthe you know, want want to
manage that, change this and change. But in this situation, hey,
man, Alexes, it's average,it's so low you just cannot have a

player behind Avarez. We're low.He ain't like that. Put the bond
up there, you know, Butthis is it's okay if you win it,
if you're over five hundred and Alexis doing what he's been doing the
last four five years and not beinga clus player, not hitting, but
you be hind and you still gotAverice in the fourth hole. Now,

whether Alice like it or not,they need to put him in the fifth
of sixth hole because when you inthe fifth of sixth hole, nobody would
expect Alex to do too much becausehit us that are hitting in the fifth,
sixth, seventh hole, we don'tnever really expect them to do too
much. If they do something,that's great. If they don't, we're
not concerned about it. So ifhe was there, it would be better

for him all the way around,you know. So George Spotted really hurting
him anyway. Hey man, y'allhave a good day, man, Thanks
Johnathan, Thanks John good stuff.Yeah, if you're going to protect jord
On, the four hole has tobe better. Simple, that's a I
mean, that is baseball one onone right, Yeah, John spot On,

I'm with him. I just don'tunderstand why this is so hard.
So hard? Yeah, that makesyou think when they do this the can
of worms of well is it justjust is this a bit? Is this
a great baseball move or a goodpersonal move? That's what you'll ask yourself.
I would don't do you blame peoplefor wondering is it too buddy?

Buddy? Well you you already movedhim once. Why why are you hesitant
to do it again? But themove? What was the first thing they
said about it? Oh, he'sgonna he's not gonna be down here long.
So you you it's like, Idon't want to disrespect you, but
let me Yeah, it's the oppositeof that. Right, Hey, I
know we're sending you down, butwe're moving down the line up. Dude,
It's okay. I mean, we'regoing to do this. Take a

couple of swings, as if aswings of the bat changes the whole narrative
of your game. Shouldn't be thathard, though, Now, this isn't
This isn't easy to say. Thisis not a matter of fact. This
is a decision that you don't evenneed anybody's opinion on, right, You
don't need to go to anybody elsein the building, and you were gonna
when you come to work today,we'll see you at six. And I

don't mean six o'clock, I meansix hole. In the conversation, you've
seen what he hit through six orseven games in the five and six hole.
Well, it didn't start to wasn'tthere a little swagger back? The
headband went on and all that.I mean, life was good. Yeah,
I guess it wasn't the headband.I guess not. There you go.

Let's get back out to the phoneline and talk to Brian. Brian,
welcome in. All right, goodmorning guys. Quick question for you,
So Tuck, who else? Thelist goes on? Right, Breckman,
all these offensive players that are becomingfree agents that get these big bags
as you as you guys refer tohim, are there. Okay, here's

the three hundred and twenty million,but you need to bet two seventy five,
two fifty whatever the metric is theminimum to get the rest of it.
No, I don't. We neverhear about it. So I was
gonna call in and ask you guysabout those type of things like we hear
about it in football and pitchers likeVerlander he has to pitch on one hundred

and forty innings to get I don'tknow, an option or something. Yeah,
I don't know what I'm talking about. Yeah, Bran with that is
just so I can help you withthat. One is and even Verlander,
but those are extra bonuses. Verlander, if he goes zero and it goes
one in seventeen with a ninety RA, they don't take any money back.

He just this is like the theextension. When he gets to like one
hundred and forty innings, it kicksin to where it rolls over into the
next year's contract. In this like, for instance, if Hucker gets offered
three hundred and thirty million, therewill be no clause in his contract that
says you only get the extra twentyfive million. We're giving you three to
ten, but we'll give you threetwenty five fifteen million extra if you hit

two seventy five or with runners inscoring position. Now the extra is it's
not just three thirty. If you'rethe MVP, it's a half a million
dollar bonus. I don't know whatthey're gonna put in his If you lead
the league in hitting, it's anothertwo hundred fifty thousand dollars. Bus you
make the All Star team, it'sa it's a two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars bus. All those exist.But if you're asking, hey, here's
here, three hundred and thirty forten years guaranteed, then there's any you're

not taking any money back. You'rejust not. We see we've seen this
play out more times than not,where the player gets the bag right and
then the owners left there holding itand while the player takes it out.
Not say it, Tucker or Alvarez. I'm talking about Rendo and I'm talking
about the list shows. I mean, but where is the where is the

uh Incenter for the Okay, here'syour bag, But you're gonna meet these
qualifications to get the minimum of that. That that's not doesn't exist. As
matter of fact, the NFL,the the NFL, or the players of
the Baseball Players Association, in theircollective bargain, they would not allow that
to happen. That would never happen. So you're asking who's got the risk.

The team has all the risk whenyou offer, And when you ask
Anthony Rendon, you're going by whathe did in Washington. He was a
hell of a player. He comeshere, he's been bagged up to baseball
exactly. That's exactly right. Sothat's all Arti Marino took Arty Marino and
getting a dineback from from Rendon.Every ounce of risk falls on falls on

the the the the ownership of thebaseball club. You're not he's getting all
every penny of that money. Ifhe hits one fifty eight, well maybe
that conversation and that dialogue needs tostart happening somewhere, and I feel like
it needs to start so because thisthis game that we love and they've been
raised around for our entire life,is just there's there's nothing in it for

the owners anymore. It sounds likeas Jim Crane seems to have it down
Pat, but I don't know aboutand Brian. That's where Jim Crane gets
that part of it. He's like, well, his threshold isn't well,
they're giving money back once I signhim. Jim Crane's idea is, oh,
you're at three hundred and thirty million, Carlos Kreyer, three hundred million
for ten years. No, that'snot the ROI is not worth the risk.

So I'm gonna be smart and it'swhere that that's where they do.
You're right. The ability or thesense, the common sense to turn down
the fact that Carlos Kray is nota three hundred million dollar player and he
wasn't gonna pay him that, Andguess what, he's been validated. Jim
Crane has Cray is a good playerand a hell of a clutch player,
but he wasn't ten years, threehundred and thirty million dollars worth of player.

Brian, thank you. It makesa good point. But I know
people in one of that now.In a contract, if you're not playing
well, they can cut you.In football, if you're not and you
don't have guaranteed money, you don'tget your next page, you don't get
your paycheck in the offseason. Ifyou got cut and you'd have guaranteed money,
you're done. Move it on.In baseball and basketball, if they
cut you, you're getting paid.If Rendon, if they dfa Rendon,

if he's got one hundred and eightymillion left on his contract, you know
what he's doing, getting every pennyof it. Yeah, So, Brian,
I get what you're saying. JimCran's got a Well, the way
I protect myself is I got athreshold of money and when I get to
this point and they cross the threshold. If that's what they're demanding, we're
letting them go. George Springer,Carlos Correa, whoever else is on that

list, and it's gonna happen toone of the three or two of the
three, Tucker, Bregman, andFromber. You're not gonna pay all three
of those guys. If I'm goingby history here, the analytics in this
organization tell me there's no way inhell all three are getting paid because guess

what then somebody else and guess who'scontract if he keeps playing well, it's
gonna start to come up soon.I don't know what the date. When
I say soon, what do weconsider s? But the guy that was
hitting in the four hole, thatplays shortstop, at some point time you
can have to pay him at somepoint. If this continues, you can
take it to the bank. Bytwenty twenty five, one or two of

those three will not be in anASTROS uniform going by here unless there's a
major change in shift in the waythe organization does their business. And why
would you seven straight years of ALCSanalytics tell you you don't got to fix
that, right? Yeah, Butat some point Okay, you're gonna at
some point you're gonna be You're gonnawin seventy five games exactly because that but

you right now history those analytics tellyou. I'm not paying somebody three hundred
fifty million for ten years. Nothere in Houston. Seven one three,
two two five seven. Let's finda bright spot eight and two on the
homestand nice, I'm sad Nie.Yeah, Taylor Scott also pitching. Well,
yeah, can we get a brightspot? Please? Yeah, let's

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you The Shawn Salisbury Show continued.Have you you never seen this line dance
done in the country Bard, Yeah, fools better recognize. Yeah, you

haven't seen the movie? No,I have you have this? This is
the dance you do that, that'sthe dance you do to footloose. Yeah.
Kevin Bacon making bacon, Kevin Baconnot to be confused with Polish sausage.

You would bring up meat again tomeet what we're talking? Meat?
Is what name the movie? Theguy's nicknames meat? Backdraft? Where did
that come from? What? Dude, you asked me to guess? I
guess? Yeah, I know you'remister quote movies you've seen, but you

haven't seen a lot of them.You're telling me you didn't see Bull Durham
Cash Crash. What what what doeshe call Tim Robbins? He calls him
meat? It's a baseball term.Yeah, meat. Yeah, So why
did you say back draft? BecauseI'm sorry, I'm bringing the heat.

But what do you think? No, it wasn't heat. No, I'm
bringing the heat. Yeah it wasmeat. Oh yeah, you went back
draft on their ass, like yeah, because I'm bringing the heat. What
do you think it's a Fireman movie? Fai yeah on fire Yeah, d
astros Hey eight and two on thehomestand though, come on now, book
it, come on. I didI ate two better than seven and three?

Not quite nine and one. They'restill Yeah. I want to get
back to meat now. I wantto get back to the fact that you
trip lay footloose and you had noidea was Kevin Bacon. I didn't know
it was Kevin making Bacon. Kevinmaking Bacon learned something new every day.
Yeah hmm, yeah you do.And I tell you what you need to

learn today is that Alex Bregman shouldn'tbe hitten in the four hole. That
makes sense. It does make thoseanalytics. Taylor Scott's pitch well though he's
got a E R A like belowone. You call him Scott Scott.
Yeah, man, just making surewhy did Why did Dubond get the nickname
Doobie and dub Duben didn't? What'scloser to Dubie Dubon or du Ben it's

Dubin. So what's Sean Dubina?So what what what's the easier transition to
the nickname Sean Duban Dooby? Right, but dubond was at the big league
level before Sean Dubin. Can wecall him Duba Duba exactly? You call
him anything you want. Just don'tcall m late for dinner. You know
what I mean? It's doctor Paul. You got problems? What's up?

Paul? Hey, guys, I'mhalfway between Tom Bawd in the Ansota.
So if I lose you, Iapologize in advance. Uh, just an
updated marketing report, Paul, Paul. That service is going out the window
and we lost him. Damn,yeah, damn, you know what,

I give respect? He apologized beforehe did, knowing that it may go
out the window. All right.I was waiting for Polly Walnat. Do
you want to talk to Gil beforethe breaker? Right now? I mean
or after the break in the Inthe in the notes, he says,
I want to talk to Sean,Jill, you want to talk to Sean?
Huh? Is that why you calledthe show? Well? Because you're
he's wrong. Who's wrong? He'snot mentioning? Who really? Really?

The meat is? Okay? Whois it? Well, let me talk
to Sean. You're on air?Do you think I'm doing talk to Sean?
What? Who's the original meat Ihave? I don't know who is
he? Who? Porky's number one, the big guy. They call him

meat? Yeah? Why why theycall him meat? And then he boomed?
You ever seen the movie Porky's No, that's all that's back in the
seventies. I know you have seventieseighties? Gil, Do you not know
how radio show works? Man?Me and Sean are in the same studio,
sitting across from each other, andput you on air. You're talking
to Sean and myself? Yeah,what do you think I'm down the hallway
grabbing coffee? Oh? Man?Was Gil? Was Sean? Let me

talk to Sean? You're with Sean? You nail it in like some people
in this country. Do you bothmissed the boat on that one? Well,
okay, you didn't say the original, Hey, Gil, because you
were born in nineteen twenty Okay,I'm kidding. Hey, Gil, think
about this, how many people listeningto the show. What if I said
the word meet in a movie?You're right, it can be referred to

in probably more than two movies.But how many people do you think would
say, Porky's over Bull Durham.Well, at least my whole family,
that's for sure. Well, yourwhole family blows. Okay, how you
doing? What are you doing thisweekend? Brother? What do you got

going on? On the Morland?I thought I was going to Gallas with
my granddaughter, but that changed,So I'm probably gonna go to Louisiana.
You guys gonna gamble a little bit, cook out, have some food,
good me just you Okay. Well, I have a friend that's that's living
in uh what do you call it? The town next right before he crossed

the damn uh Beaumont. Yeah,before like Charles, I'm gonna hang with
I'm gonna hang with her and thenI just friend. Yeah, so she's
in the friend zone. Yeah yeah, that's it. I got you,
I got you, I got you. I have a great YouTube. Hey
Gil, we'll talk to you nextweek. Have a great save weekend.

See you later. Meet all right, say Gil, like Gill's awesome.
I want to talk to Sean.I'm here right here, I got a
head head. I'm listening, Josh. You know what. Gil cracks me
out. I love classic, man, he is a key is classic Billy
Chamberlain also uh said the I'm assuminghe meant the O G. He put

the O F the O G.Meet nickname is Porky's Anthony meat too Perello.
But probably you two wouldn't even haveany idea what they're talking A Porky's
wanted to put us. He said, you two not the group, but
that it might being fair. I'mactually defending you guys, because you wouldn't

know. You don't even you've nevereven thought about renting the movie Porky's No.
I would. You're in a differentera and it wasn't one on our
list that I gave you. ButPorkys is actually pretty good. But it
was a pretty funny movie. Youwant you to make me off right,
camerafuse Dude. Marlon Branda wasn't inPorky's No. Okay, he may have.

He may have chopped a few upinto pork in his day in that
movie, in particular in the Godfather, but he wasn't into Porky, so
I don't think he was in thatmovie. He wasn't the lead in Porky.
I do get it. But mostpeople would say Meet was the Kevin
Costner movie talking about Tim Robbins.When I hear Porky's, I think Slumpbuster.

Well that's fairer, yeah, gobigger, go home. Correct,
right, but pork the guy there, Yes, Meat was in that movie
and his name too. No,I'm kidding that movie, but uh not,
that's not what most people when youthink now, most people would say,
oh it's it's got to be BullDurham. Yeah, but I do
get what they're saying, but I'mnot I don't know what. I'm not

sure I'm putting that as the goat, meaning Porky's over Bull Durham. When
it comes to meat, what wasjust the original? You know what happens
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Yeah, good franchise, Beverly HillsCup Yeah, good movie, highly
and I need more Eddie Murphy anytimeI can get it. Yeah, no
doubt seven one, three two five, seven ninety To get back out to
the phone lines. We're get intothe eight o'clock hour. Ryan, good
morning morning. Hey all doing well, good man? What's on your mind?
Some? Then? I'm just tryingto get through to the weekend.
Uh. You should bring back thatsegment seen where you have Brian watch movies

over the weekend, then you giveyou quiz him on it. I would
I one percent agree right one Hundent'sI think he's scared, so he's got
to buy another dog. We adoptthem. Shot. I'm sorry, what
was that I said? We adopt. We don't shop when it comes to
dogs. And I don't have timeto watch movies. Man, get the
hell out, busy man. Ibelieve it, but I want to do

I wanted to say. Our asked, what do you think about trading?
Alex Regman even though the team doesn'tnecessarily like we're not sellers, but he
ain't doing nothing. I think wecould put somebody a third they at least
produce better. Just wanting to getthose opinions, and I'll hang up and
listen. I uh. I thinkif the struggle continues and they're I guess

is it will have to be outsideof double digits or inside of double digits
behind that's division got to be outsideof double digits. I agree. I
think if they're inside of double digits, they believe in three series they can
close the gap and win and winthe division. I don't know if they're
going to move him. If youfelt like this year wasn't your year,

I think you have to entertain calls. I would entertain calls anyway. I
would just be because it's called freeagency, and I'm covering my ass and
protecting my franchise. If I wereto lose him to free agency, then
why wouldn't I try to get assetsfor him? I think you have to.

I'm answering the call, and I'malso placing them as well, just
to see what if they make youan offer you can't refuse, don't you
jump on it? Outside of doubledigits, I think you're in that kind
of cell mode. Sell mode ifyou're outside of double digits. When it
comes to the team in first placeahead of you, if you're inside it,
I don't think they sell. ButI would still listen, not just

for Alex Bregman, for you,listen for anybody, because the number one
goal should be to do anything youcan to make your roster better. Now,
there may not be a deal outthere that says that, but if
you're not taking phone calls, tome, you're not doing new job.
And I think they would. Ithink that's what good gms do, and
good owners do, and good youknow, managers encourage you encourage them to

answer calls and make calls whatever thatis. And I don't know what that
is to improve their roster. Ifthey feel like they need it, you
have to at least listen. Everyteam should batphone man, It's always every
team should. That's exa And italso dials out and so I don't know
if they're going to, but ifI, if I had the hunch,
if I was them to listen,if you if they know, let me

put it to you this way,If they know they're going to be out
pricing the Alex Regman free agent sweepstakes, you have to jump into that fray.
But if they're inside of five games, he's not going anywhere, even
if you had a good offer.They're going to play it out and see
if they can win this thing andthen take the risk that he'll take less
and that you can get him here. I don't think you're getting any hometown

discounts with him, No, Butif he doesn't happening. But if he
doesn't get he's going to get paidregardless. But if he doesn't, if
things don't get better for him thisyear, you know, the way he's
hitting, it's not going to bethe money that he expects did nor should
it. Let's see seven and threeover their last ten day off today and

they open up a series tomorrow tomorrowat the Oakland Athletics. Let's look at
the Mariners and Rangers. They're aheadin the division but playing some tough opponents.
That's next. A sport stock sementninety kd E Houston, KTDC HD
two Houston, an I Heart radiostation. How about the Masters has a

rocket? This is Sports Talk sevenninety your home for your home teams driven
by that classic elite to view atGMC Studios for the elite car buying the
experience. Salisbury, ob Houston.Okay, let's do this. Sean Salisbury

to usc truth, longtime friend shownSalisbury, Bryan Lima, go Lobos.
This is the Sean Sounds very Show, Texans more OTAs. Today at NRG
Stadium, Mavericks beat the t Wolvesin Game one of the Western Conference Finals.
Celtics and Pacers Game two of theEastern Conference Finals tonight in the NBA

playoffs. Seven three, two twofive seven ninety polls start a light up.
Let's get back out there and speakto you the Astros fan. We'll
start with Brandon. Brandon, goodmorning, Hey, good morning guys.
Love the show Man. Best showwith Houston by far, hands down.
Now, Sean, I agree withyou one hundred percent what you said about
that with Bregman. I think that'sa huge, uh kind of arsenal for

them. If they're winning five games, you're not trading, like I said,
you know, superstar caliber and thirdbasement even though he's not playing up
to superstar caliber as far as youknow in the box goes this year as
far as hitting. But I thinkUh, you know you're gonna be out
of the race and things start toslip. I mean, like like Brian
stand Or seven to three in theirlast ten and this turnaround has been really
good with the pitching, the timelyhitting against some good defense. You got

to start. You can't keep everybody. Like you said, those baseball contracts
are guaranteed. I think it's nota good thing for the sport, but
this is gonna be one of thoseyears. It's like, you know,
make or break. And I'm notsaying the dynasty's coming to an end,
but at some point, Sean,you're right, you're gonna win seventy five
games, You're gonna have to reallyplug some holes at the major league level.
You know, have to see whata Will Wagner can do at third
base. And you know we alreadykind of seeing little glimpses of low Brafito

and feder Leone and Forest Whitley,and see what some of these guys can
do at sugar Land. That's coming. And I think that every window closes
and every franchise goes through a rebuildingprocess. So I'm with you, Sean.
If they're within the five games,you don't move Bregman. But if
not, you got to get somethingto him. You got to make calls
because if you're not doing your joband the new diligence is not there,
then you know we do need todo that. Gentleman, When I think

Dan Brown is very capable of doingthat, I agree and Brandon real quick.
And first of all, thank youfor the compliment. We appreciate and
not only listening, but we don'ttake that for granted. Trust me,
is it Isn't it just smart business, not just in baseball, in any
business. If you know that thingsthat you've got to upgrade your sales force,
you got to upgrade your product,you got to upgrade your marketing,

you got to upgrade your personnel andanywhere. Isn't it just wise to listen
if you can upgrade, don't youowe it to not only the fan base,
but to your organization, the otherplayers. And I don't know if
you'll find somebody that upgrades it,but if you're twelve games out of first
place, you have to listen toit and thinking, well, what's going
to be beneficial not just next year, but three years down the road.

Because this team's lacking those assets.Why because of what happened with twenty seventeen,
right, they're still making up forthat lost time. So and they
do a great job of developing them. So Brandon on the same page on
that, you've got to play itout. It's too early to say we're
selling, but it's not too earlyto answer the phone. And then around
there you'll know you'll get a goodidea for a full feel and maybe they

already have one or what direction they'regoing. But you owe it to your
organization to whatever it is, notjust Bregman anywhere to upgrade your franchise,
if that's what's needed. Good callman, a great weekend, brother,
We appreciate you. Thanks, thanksman. We had we had Brandon,
Brandon, Brad Bryan, We didall that. The Killer Bees, all

of the Killer Bees in the nineties, name the well, name the yeah
here and guess he was the originalkillers Guess was the original killer Killer Bell
Lance Berkman, Yeah, guess wasthe original Killer Bees. And it wasn't
the Astros the Begs none called byyou, But that wasn't it either?
Who Gary Busey the good Call maybehis son Jake No, the the Killer

Bees defense for the Miami Dolphins inthe seventies fake news. Yeah, interesting,
the first Killer Bees was here atthe astronom as. No, sorry
to tell you it wasn't. Itwasn't. Don't cares. Well, I
didn't say anybody cared. I'm justsaying the original killer it's fake news,
man, what are who are?Never mind? Does the dolphins in seventy
two go seventeen and know they did? Yeah? Yeah, sure they did.

They the only ones they did.Okay, they're the only ones they
Yeah, Okay, I understand locallythis is the Killer Bees. I'm just
saying the original, the O OG, the O G, the original
gangster. Yeah, the O gangsor gangster. Uh well, let's see
that's what the kids are saying.Yeah, you going straight gangster and you

got to stress the gangster see triplecome on say, well, that's how
the white boy says it is thatthe white guys say itster. Hey cool,
dude, gangster, tell him inyour in your white boy voice.
Yeah, that's got to be racist. Let's talk to Brad Brown was happening.
Hey, what's up, Sean?You all guys, I totally agree
that you gotta you gotta look atthis way the astros are in the driver's

seat. They're they're the ones thatcan dictate what they're gonna do and how
they're gonna do it. Everybody's back, you know, ragging on his hitting.
I'm tell you right now, Bragmant'sone heck of a defensive he is,
no doubt. I will tell youwhat, I will be the type
of guy that I'll give up alittle bit of the hitting to have him
stop two or three runs again.Uh, So you got to kind of

how way you're you know, areyou robbing Peter to pay Paul? Uh?
What are you gonna do? Imean, are you gonna put there,
You're gonna put a rookie over there, a guy that don't can't handle
the pressure. Or you're gonna tryto go out and get somebody that you're
renting for a couple of years andthen you got to pay him the big
set. You're right back in thesame situation. So I mean, I
know we're not gonna be able togive him the three hundred million that he's

gonna want. Uh. But ifyou're five games out, man, heck,
if you're six seven games out,I steel say you keep them.
And like I said, they're inthe driver's seat. They can do what
they want to do. So I'llhang up and listen. Thank you,
Brad. Let's keep it rolling onthe phone line. Let's talk to Brian.

What's happening to Brian? Hey,good morning guys. Hey, real
quick. You had a color callearlier saying Duban needed to be in the
four hole. Uh. Yeah,No. As much as I love Mauricio
Duban, he is not a fourhole hitter. No, I think he
said. I think he said.We had one that said I don't think
they said Dubon. Maybe I missthat John saying God, I said,

putting to Bonds. Oh you knowwhat John did? John did mention that
because we had another one say,hell, they'd rather have Jake Myers in
the four hole than than Bregman rightnow with the way he's hitting. Yeah,
yeah, I know that's that's that'sa little up starting. I mean,
moved to Bona. But he's nota four hole hitter. I think
painted there. Honestly, I thinkputting Bregman back in the two hole with
Jordon three and Tucker four now,I know that takes maybe one up beat

every now and again away from Tucker. But I think if you kind of
go back to what you had whereGregman has that protection of Jordan. But
if Bregman's mechanics are off, youknow, he's always tinkering with it.
I don't know if it's gonna makea difference, but I'm seeing what you
guys. Uh, if the ifthe actuals came out and said, all
right, we're gonna prioritize Kyle Tucker, do you think eight years, three

hundred million, that's that's thirty sevenand a half a year. If they
make him not offer I think whichis more than fair, and he turns
it down, then he doesn't wantto be here because I don't think most
teams are giving out ten year contractsanymore. You saw it a little bit
in the offseason. But the teamsthat are gonna probably be able to give
him that outside of maybe the Yankees, you know, are gonna be teams

like Oakland and Anaheim who have themoney but probably aren't going anywhere. So
did you say, Brian, didyou say eight years, thirty seven and
a half a year? Yeah,if if Tucker turns that down. If
Tucker turns that down, if theyoffered it to him like in the offseason
and he turns it down. IfI'm if I'm the ashes that he doesn't

get I'm not getting Himo forty milliona year and I love Schucker. I'm
that's fair. That's more than fair. Absolutely, I was gonna say between
thirty five and thirty seven and ahalf, and that's what I'm saying.
If he wants to be three hundredmillion, saying, okay, we'll do
that, but we're not gonna giveyou the ten years, or maybe they'll
be option years, team option yearsdown the road, so you'll get that

ten years. If you're playing well, then hey, yeah we'll pick that
up. Or do what they're doingwith on Tubay is maybe they back float
it a little bit suntil tu Baywill be flipped around the other way and
they're only paying him ten in afew years or in you know, at
the end of his contract, sayhey, for the next couple of years,
maybe you'll only get thirty but thenby you know, years five,

six, seven, and eight,Yeah you can be at forty million a
year, but it's gonna be alittle bit later. You're still getting the
same amount of money, but justto keep everything within the competitive balance threshold,
we're gonna we're gonna slow roll ita little bit upfront, so we
can, you know, depending onbecause I think Verlanders, what if they
bring him back is twenty five nextyear or twenty seven and a half something

like that, you know, andthen yeah, you gotta do decide what
you're gonna do with fromber but untilI see him more, because I don't
know if you want to keep payingthat guy after next year. So that's
all that happened. I think ifthey gave Tucker thirty seven and a half
for eight years and he turns itdown and he doesn't want to be here

or he is adam at, Ihave to have ten years, good stuff,
Brian. We appreciate that. Call'sthat's fair talk. Ten years is
I've always I mean, listen,you never say always or never, but
I lean towards I'm I'm rarely goingwith a ten year contract. Eight years
at thirty four, thirty five,thirty six million a year for Kyle Tucker,
ye, six to eight years inthat range at thirty five thirty,

I'm in ten years for forty probablygot a pass, uh, that's reserved
for Los Angeles and New York,and Boston and Philly. You know,
we keep mentioning the New York Yankeeswhen we talk about Kyle Tucker and the
potential of Alex Bregman in these contracts, especially with Dana Brown talking about Kyle
Tucker's contract yesterday, hal Steinbrenner mentionedthe payroll and it's not good news for

Yankee fans. I was gonna say, can you imagine Tucker sod and even
though they got what's my guy fromBoston Verdugogo, but can you imagine Dougie
Dougie? Could you imagine Tucker Judgeand Sodo with his ab outfield? No,
you can't. Don't say that.Don't cuss at me like that,

yeah, house Teime Brenner. Yeah, I'm with you. Yeah he Uh.
House Steinbrenner had some things to sayabout their payroll and it's uh,
it probably sends waves throughout all ofbaseball. What did he say? We'll
discuss the next wall. So continueto take your call seven one, three,
two, two, five, sevento ninety phone lines continuing to ring
off the hook. We'll gets everybodyon hold. Next Sports Talk seven eighty

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where Astros and Rockets play and realTexans talk Memorial Day weekend. But when

you say it, I think wemean happy, respectful. Hopefully the families
are well and just out of respect. But I hope it's a great one
and a safe one and that we'llunderstand the real meaning of what goes on.
I know it's only Thursday, butI like to get out in front
of this because, uh, Ifeel like it's an honor for us to
do that every year, and uh, it's great to be the people who've

given the ultimate sacrifice for us.And uh, they deserve more than a
weekend that I do know, butuh, I hope it's a good one
for everybody. But it is Thursday. You get out front of the two.
Everybody excited for the weekend where you'rearound friends and family and honor and
celebration. Great to have you withus along here as we head towards June

and Chuston Astros and the struggle agood homestand lost a tough one last night.
And the Angels are going to beformidable in the next couple years that
they ever get two or three orfour more pitchers, but they're young hitters.
Have done a good job. Astroson the road taking on the Oakland
A's in this series, who theyswept last time, a chance again for
them to make some some waves inmoving towards the division lead. And then

they head to Seattle and we'll takethem on. So there is still concerns.
Alex Bregman in the forehole, Abray you coming down the pike.
We talked to Daniel Brown yesterday.There is no urgency right now on that's
my word urgency, but it's not. They're not in talks with Kyle Tucker
right now or during this season todate. They know that they want to

have him here, but they're nottalks on a Kyle Tucker extension. And
I would imagine Alex Bregman's is goingto be dealt with first. Brian Tripoli
and I'm Sean here on a Thursday, Welcome in in the eight o'clock hour.
It is Sports Talk seven ninety beenin the Woodlands, Ben, welcome
in. How you doing buddy,Hey, guys, how you're doing good?
You know here everybody keeps talking aboutthe ten to twelve games out.

You know, look at getting ridof Bragman. I hate to say you
guys, if we're ten to twelvegames out, you're gonna get rid of
Tucker because that's that's how you reload, you know, your farm system.
Right there, you're getting anywhere fromwhat three to five good prospects for him,
and he's got one more year ontop of that. Ben, before
going for let me, let mejust talk about Tucker for a second,
even though he's not up till twentytwenty five, twelve games out, are

you really are you really willing tothat? Then you're automatically saying that you're
not going to be in the mixfor him. I mean that, that's
so deflating. Yeah, you couldright now. You'll get far more players
for Tucker than you would Bregman.I get that. Yeah, Let's say
you and I are running the frontoffice, fair enough, we're co gms.

Would we be a little premature tosay we're already just just because this
year's out doesn't mean next year isif this year is a wash and there
let's say they don't make the playoffs, let's gift for the hell of it,
or you're twelve games out? Arewe really thinking that far ahead?
That would one more? And havingTucker finished with a great year, wouldn't
we get more for him heading intonext year? Although it maybe five,

what if it's seven? Hell wegot five for We gave up five for
Zach Grinky later in his career.Why wouldn't we hold out at least so
I understand if it was this year, if Bregmant and Tucker were flipped,
why would I get out of theTucker sweepstakes already? My man? Would
would we do that? Well?So let's let's let's let's just circle back,
right, Let's go back to twentynineteen, real quick, right,

So if you look at Bregman,pregnant has been a steady decline since twenty
nineteen. Every single year it getsworse and worse and worse. Right,
So at the end of the year, Bregnan get it's a qualifying offer,
and then obviously he's not going toaccept it. Then you get a compensatory
pick for that guy. It's thesame thing like last year, if you
let if you and I are coGeam, I fired Dusty's ass halfway through

the season because if you're not playingDiaz and he wins Ricky the year last
year, we get another first roundpick this year, right, And then
so then now you're looking at KylaTucker. When is the sense of urgency.
Maybe there's a team out there rightnow that has is on the verge
of the playoffs or it getting readyto go to the playoffs and needs that
and has a loaded farm system,somebody like the Royals or something like that
that has a loaded farm system thatI can revamp my whole pitching staff in

maybe a year. Because I'm tellingyou, like right now, are you
resigning fan for next year? Uh? What I know now? Not if
the money he's going to command.Now, it's hard to find left handers
that are supposed to be the acefrom what I've seen in the last that
sometimes last year the end the dowJones part of it. For what he's
going to want as a left handedstarter, frontline start in the league,

absolutely not forget for I mean evenforgetting he's left handed. Just what's what
they are at a premium? I'mnot well, yeah, I've all I've
said. I questioned that the mentaltoughness is something that's bothered me for a
while. Yeah, so since lastyear and then you're looking at Javier.
Javier is not throwing well as well, and so the challenge is is like
he's starting to ramp up his inningsand he's showing he can't stay together.

Right if he's if he stays aroundone hundred inning mark, he's he's money.
But now that he's throwing one hundredand twenty one hundred and fifty innings
a year, you're not seeing thesame. Next Javier fair Lander's not getting
younger. And then Hunter Brown,who knows what's going to happen with him
like you see flashes like the kidsgot it. Maybe he's your closer,
right, So that's that's where Igo back with signing Hater. But you

spend all that money on Hater.We could have got James Paxson, we
could have got Lorenzen. You canmaybe even can have found another first basement
and option at the time that wascheaper. Okay, so we didn't get
those. Let's go with what we'relooking that. Yeah, well, and
and I'm with you one hundred percenton what didn't happen at times. I
get it, But now let's moveforward. I personally, now, if

you know, if you're Jim Craneand Dana Brown, and you already know
you have zero interest or minimal interestin keeping up with the Joneses and the
Kyle Tucker sweepstakes, then I getit. I don't think there's any way
in hell Kyle Tucker gets traded betweennow in twenty and spring training at twenty
twenty four, twenty twenty five.I don't know who he does. But

I just just take a look back, who do you have an outfit right
now? Chaz is having a downyear, But Chaz is not the obviously,
I don't know if this is ablip or this is who he is.
Right, you have little Brafito who'slooked pretty good. Pedro Leon's cut
his strikeout percentage half down and downin sugar Land, down in sugar Land.
You still have Myers that you havea few years on and so if

you if and so like what Lunasused to do is that you had to
hit certain numbers with certain players.Right, you're getting two seventy with twenty
five home runs out of the catcherposition. Now, do you really need
Kyle Tucker out in nightfield or couldyou get by with Libraffito? I see,
I don't look at Kyle Tucker asjust a guy. I just don't.
And Lottle Prafito, hell I maywant to both. You going to

say the outfield going into the lasttwo years, when Springer left what three
or four years ago, it's theright field position was settled. We've been
toggling between left and right field platoonand low Berfito and Myers and McCormick and
Dubon then and even Corey jolke'st thebeginning of last year. But for me,
we got a guy in his midtwenties, who's one of the ten
best players and fifteen best players inbaseball? Why would I want to get

rid of? And now, ifyou know you can't sign him, I
get it, But why would Iwant to let him go? I understand
Bregman, if you can't do it, I understand fromber, But you're going
to replace him with a guy that'sdamn near his age. Some of these
guys who were going to replace himwith their damn year his age, with
less production. What you give meone reason, aside from the money,
you'd want to get rid of KyleTucker just looking for the future. I

understand, Okay, you're right.If you're here now, you've got a
bunch of aging veterans like you gotan aging team, right, at some
point you have to flip that script. And when you have an opportunity to
so you want to rehul the wholething. You want to compete, not
the whole thing, but you wouldand that and that's a big reason that
I had problem with Dusty. Doyou had guys that you had young guys

that come up that that would becould have been gotten well been kake back,
they could have gotten significant at batsearlier in their careers. Corey Lee,
you spent six million dollars this yearon Kartene where you could have had
Corey Lee if Corey Lee would havejust got some and back in twenty one
when Jason Castro is here, isthat assigned Jason Krastro because we had to
have another veteran capture on top ofall of THO, why does Corey Lee

not get that job? Well,Dana Brown thought that Yer Diaz was the
future, and I would I wouldnot take Corey Lee over ideas. Yeah,
so do I I would not either. But the thing if you had
that mix and you just said sixmillion dollars on your on your on your
backup catcher, we're spending six milliondollars on a backup catcher in place three
Dames three times a week. MaybeYeah. With the Tucker thing, I
got to see this through though,I'm not convinced. I mean, now,

paid Leon may be a great player, we already have one and he's
in his twenties. I'm not.You got to see keep some quarter of
your team. I'm not. Andthen if we get you, if you're
letting Bregman go from or go andKyle Tucker, and you're gonna trade him
or they're gonna walk, then you'reat all. I don't I know they're
not going to sign him Tucker.I don't know that they're going to sign

him to eight to three hundred milliondollars. Unfortunately, he's a quir outfielder.
He's not a centerfielder right, andhe could play centerfield and I think
he can win a Gold Glove incenterfield, but that's the we're not the
ones put in the line up together. So Ben, thank you. Yeah,
I get home. Brian and Ihave been saying that's when the get
go. I had to put himin centerfield the second the second Springer left.
He'd have been my center fielder.But they're keeping him the right field
and he's he's raking and Ben makesa lot of good points, but it's

not whether Jim Crane wants to doit or not. We were just discussing,
Brian over would you try to tradeKyle Tucker now if they're twelve games
out? I said, I gotto see it through. That's what I
said. I get Ben's point abouttrying to get some young players, but
I already got a young player witha big future. But if if you
know you're not going to sign himor get into that sweep six, then

I get yeah, But I don'tthink they know that right now. They
may try, but it's gonna creepto a certain point if he keeps playing
like this. And to Ben's point, I think one hundred percent is they're
gonna he's gonna be priced out.Sure, yeah, sure. And he
asked me if i'd sign from or, knowing what I know now, for
for big money. No, eventhough he's a left handed starter, I
said, a left hander, whichis at a premium. I've been a
starter, but I just don't.His mental toughness bothers me. Bothers me

too. I'm not I'm not signinghim. I'm sorry. I would actually
never mind. I can find otherguys like from Yeah, I can seven
one, three, two, twofive seven ninety uh. Talking about Kyle
Tucker and his arbitration and the thingsthat Dana Brown said, we got some
the audio of the interview yesterday inregards to the contract negotiations for Kyle Tucker.

Also, what did the owner ofthe Yankees have to say about the
financials throughout baseball. We'll get toyou guys that are on hold next and
also talk about those topics. OnSports Talk seven ninety, the Shawn Salisbury
Show continued, Yeah, hal Steinbrennersaid, quote, I'm gonna be honest,

payrolls at the levels we're at rightnow are simply not sustainable for us
financially end quote. Oh, theymight have to lower their payroll. When
the Yankees are saying it, it'sreal dog, you know what I'm saying.
So that's the Dodgers what they're doing, well, talking about bad They
say it's not sustainable, but uhhuh. Didn't they just go out and

get Soto and knowing that they're gonnahave to pay him, they did.
Okay, we'll see. Or ifthat's the case, then you're saying Soda
is gonna be playing somewhere else?Yeah, probably probably here in Houston.
No, he is right. Idon't know how franchises do sustain I don't
either these payrolls. Isn't the wholeobject to win and then to make money
while doing it? Yes, that'swhat I thought. Yeah, get back
out to the phone lines and talkto Wesley. Wesley, thanks for holding.

Good morning, Good morning, guys. How are y'all, we're good
man, We'll talk your mind.Yeah, I just want to talk about
the Kyle Cocker Arbich. You know, the Astros. Let's just be honest.
Nashros are screwed him right now becausehe all Kyle Tucker can do is
to negotiate with the Astros block he'sa free agent. But it has to

do with throws until the time comesup. He's getting paid what twelve million
dollars a year this year? Whyin the world would he want to stay
in Houston. People don't even thinkabout this. I've never heard it.
Might talk about it before. Ashrosare underpainting him by let's say, you
know times too. What motivation doeshe have to stay the time is that?

I agree with? I think itwas Dan they called call it a
couple of callers before. Basros willnot sign Kyle Tucker and because they cannot
afford it, and they will notdo it, He's gonna ask for thirty
forty you know, you know overyou know, twenty five thirty million dollars
a year. Bashros will not dothat. And no one talks about that.

Well, hey, no one talksWesley warg with the twelve million They
avoided arbitration because both sides agreed onthat twelve million. If Kyle Tucker felt
like Kyle Tucker had no choice,he had a choice to go to arbitration.
Ratio Dubond wants arbitration. He lostaudio arbitration two years ago. Yeah,
but you still still could have doneit again. I'm just saying he

had the option. Maybe they toldhim, hey, you know, maybe
we don't know what happened behind thescenes. Maybe they told him, hey,
this is a show me year.Let's see what you can do.
It's not going to happen. It'severybody's living in a fantasy world. It's
just not going to happen. Andthat and that, that's so cold truth.
Well, he has no ties toHouston. Why would he stay in

Houston. He's getting underpaid by youknow. So let me ask you this.
After his postseason last year and he'sa great player. I want him
here. But let me ask youthis, So would you Wesley have then
if you're Kyle Tucker and or thisfranchise, what would you Okay, let's
just say you wanted to give himan extension like they did your own,

What would you have offered him afterthe last postseason before spring training. Well,
I don't know the I can't tellyou, but but it definitely be
a you know, a top fivepaid a top PI, a top five
paid Outdilder. How can you justsaid, Sean, he's a top so
many player, but they pay himlike a top one hundred player. Yeah,
yeah, there's no doubt about that, so you'd pay Let's just say,

would Kyle Tucker have taken on anextension six years at if you're saying
top five outfielders? I do.I think he's the top fifteen, top
twenty player in the league. He'sproving it now the postseason where people are
always judged on that, and hopefullyyou'll get a chance to redo that because

he's had too one bad postseason whichwas last year, and then another average
one before. But I think weall believe Kyle Tucker special. I do.
But okay, twenty five a milliona year for six would he have
taken it knowing that he was twoyears away, meaning let's say he took
it before spring training that he wasn'tgoing to come available to the end of
twenty twenty five. Would you wouldKyle Tucker have taken that or wuld you

have bet on him him self?Again saying twenty five is not enough?
What do you think I think KyleTucker would bet on himself because he lost
arbitration two years ago, right,So with that, right, with so
everybody knows out there no arbitration.They could just negotiate with the Astros.
They can't negotiate with anybody else.Okay, after last year? After last
year, though, would you Okay, you say he would have bet on

himself. And I believe that aswell, and it would have been a
wise move judging by the way he'splaying this year. But would it have
been fair by the Astros to say, twenty five million a year for five
or six year, let's say evenfor five years, twenty five million year
for five years, one hundred andtwenty five million for five years. Would
that have been a fair offer inyour eyes at the end of last season?

Well, yes, Sean, becausewho's said the Astros wouldn't be there
or was it for the Okay?So right, So here's the point.
I understand what you're saying one hundredWesley, one hundred percent about Kyle Tucker.
I do. And he's probably goingto be priced out because he's having
a monster year and he's gonna getthirty five million a year for seven eight
years. You're right, but agreeyou just admitted that they offered. If
they would have made that offer,he wouldn't have taken it because because he

would have bet on himself. Twois you would have felt like that was
a fair offer because you don't knowwhere everything else is coming from, and
to avoid arbitration. So with that, so, so what could you have
done? From Kyle Tucker's vantage point? You said he wouldn't have taken it.
From the astros, you say thatwould have been a fair offer.
So if they'd have offered that,you'd have been happy, I guess,
is what I'm saying. Yeah,I understand it's taking Sean, but but

the point is that all started whenhe lost arbitration two years ago, and
you telling me, Sean, ifthat was you, you would have a
bad taste in your mouth. Ofcourse, we said it on here and
when he was interviewed. I getthat. So you're saying, no matter
what, he's not coming back hereeven if they offer him thirty four million
a year because he's bitter from twoyears ago, is what you mean?

But the Astros won't offer that though, Sean, you know that and I
know that. Okay, So sogive me to the end game. What
are you saying then? What areyou saying we should trade him? Well,
and I'm with you, say youwant to trade him? Okay,
So that's what I'm saying in theend game, and the opinion's valid for
you, I get it. Butfor me, I'm not convinced that he
doesn't want to be here because he'splaying great baseball here. I'm not convinced

of that. He's he's a competitiveathlete, Sehan. Just because he's getting
underpaid doesn't mean he don't have pridein himself. I don't know, Kyle
Tucker, Okay, I'm not sayingI do. You know, I'm sure
he has prided himself. He's ahe's a professional. You know, he
seems like a good team you know. So, I mean, so are
you telling me just because he's onour paid he's not going to go perform?
No? No, no, Ino, I've seen you know.

I'm trying to figure out what whatyou Okay, from from your standpoint,
you're the GM from two years agoto now, what do you want to
do? What would tell me whatyou tell me what you would have wanted
to do? Well, first,I wouldn't have made them made the mistake
two years ago, you know andget you know, and get screwed in
arbitration. That's the first mistake.Well, he went to arbitration. Who

makes that decision? And arbitration whenyou're in arbitration, who makes that decision?
So if he wasn't going to arbitration, you wanted to extend him,
then well why not? He wasuntouchable, Sean, Like in trades,
he was like the one untouchable right, Yes, agreed, we're on the
same page. Well, what wouldyou have paid him then two years ago

because he did get hose in arbitration? Agreed, what would you have paid
him then? Well, I'd payhim the most we could afford on the
books, because he's a cornerstone ofyour franchise. So you think by not
paying him by the arbitration, hopehim getting hose in arbitration is gonna that.
That started the ball rolling of there'sno way we're keeping him type of
thing, correct, Sean, becauseand everybody knows, when it comes down

to a bidding war, the Astroswill not win. Agreed somebody. Okay,
so why not get what you canfor him right now while the iron's
hot and gets you know, somegreat prospects and rebuild a farm system because
the Astros are getting older. Let'slet's face it, we had seven great
years and people have a hard timesaying, oh man, we gotta be
great every year. It doesn't worklike that. Everybody's trying to win a

championship. You know, everybody runningthese running these teams that they're not idiots.
They know they don't and eventually itruns a little bit dry and you
have to rebuild. I get it. You're right, Ben said a trade
was a bad trade. Get ridof Drew Gilbert and that was a horrible
trade. You know, you knowthat. I can just go on and
on. But before that trade,Weslie, we'll let you go because we
got to get the break and youmake some really valid, good points before

that trade. What I'd have todo, though, Wesley, if I'm
the Astros, I'd have to putout a monster off or whatever you think
is there. You know, whateverthe Astros believe is their max. I'd
at least have to put it outthere and see, Okay, let's say
eight years at thirty three million ayear. If he turns it down,
then you move on. Right thenyou say we're not going any higher.

I'm talking about even if the Astroswere willing to get to that point.
Before I trade him, I atleast got to make a valid MAX offer
to him that I believe is mymax before I trade him. I can't
just trade him without knowing what hisagent thinks, right, I at least
got to at least got to geta feel for that before I ship him.
Just say, oh, he's notcoming back here, We're out of
it. If I'm willing to payhim thirty three for eight is that fair?

Maybe? I don't know, dependingon the rest of the season.
So I'm with you. If heturns that down, then you got to
move on. But I can't lethim. I can't trade him without knowing
unequivocally that he wouldn't take without makinghim what would be considered are as an
Astros max offer. Is that fair? I'm assuming it is. Okay.

He makes a lot of great points, but I can't just say I'm trading
him and just assume that he andhis age are going to say no no
matter what I offer. Him nottrading him recording, I got it.
Complus, we're not in a rushto trade him. I'd be in a
little more more urgency to sign him, But I do have to make the
call. See, they're they're you'reyou're making the risk either way, Brian.
If you don't sign him for themoney he wants, then he's gonna

leave. If you don't make anoffer for at least give him a chance
to say no, then that regretmay fall into you and the and the
pr part. If it's gonna gocrazy, be a nightmare. So I
I at least got to maximize whateveryou think you're astros max is before I
trade him this year, next wheneverI have to, I have to,
Uh, I have to at leastfind out if they're gonna say no.

Yeah, he's too good not toat least find out, right, I
personally think he wants to be here. Well, dude, here when you're
having success here, and he's gotto let the bitterness if I don't know
if he has any, but ifif he, if he does, yeah,
you got to let the two yearsof arbitration thing go. He's not
he sure isn't playing like he's nototheredby it. But I get what Wesley
and what Ben were saying. ButI got to maximize Kyle Tucker before.

And if they turn that down,then I then I then I'm okay with
trading him. Seven. I gottaget value seven one, three, five
seven. I just continue this discussionon Kyle Tucker next right here on Sports
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Get back at It Texans with moreOTAs today at n RG Stadium, Mavericks

to be the t Wolves in Gameone of the Western Conference Finals. Seven
to one, three, two pointtwo five, seven ninety is the number
to join. Talk to Biscuit,Biscuit, appreciate you. Hold Meg,
good morning, Hey, talk inthe morning to you. My brothers.
Hey, Sean, that's why youlike sports talk radio. Man, it's
because you you you hear people talking, they give you a different twist,

and like, you know, Ididn't think about it that way, you
know, absolutely like Ben. Buthere's the thing I would say to Ben.
This is what he said, Sean. He said, we can get
rid of Tucker, we can getrid of Breakman, we can get a
farmer, we can get rid ofHobby here. And it's not a rebuild.
No, that's a rebuild, man, that's a full Yeah, that's

a reveal. Now. You know, Hey, if you want to plan
for the future, that's fine,but that's a rebuild. And I do
get get why he wants to planfor the future. Make great points,
but when you get rid of fourcore players, that that that that's a
fire sale. In my that's arebuild. Yeah, that's a rebuild.
Great. Then to your last what'sin the hood? Shine? They say

money talks and be as walks,right, So you know we can get
Tucker. You just gotta pay,that's all. But like you saying,
Shine, this falls on Tim Krane. What is he want to do from
me? Shine? And I thinkyou're in the same category. There are
rules and they are exceptions. Youmight have a team ruler. We don't

pay it. We don't do eightyears, you know. Just but every
now and then it comes to accessionwhere you want to say, well,
you know what, this dude,we might have to because it's to me,
it's different than Springer's different in Korea. It's different because it's doing as
young right, so it looks likehis best years aren't ahead of it and
durable. Those other two guys havebeen hurt regularly and great great players here

with great history and great postseason chops. But Kyle Tucker posts every single day,
one hundred and sixty two a year. You could play him every frigging
day and then that that's and that'sthe difference. And he's younger and biscuit
along with that, you are onehundred percent correct. Whenever I'm talking contracts
with it, oh yeah, no, I'm never doing that. But let
me it's like when I say aboutgiving away ten year contracts, I got

that. I'm I'm willing to putan asterisk by if one Soda or you
know, one of those guys kindof said well maybe now now I can
I'll at least got to listen,and I'll admit what I'm wrong and say,
well, Sean, you said noten year contracts. Yeah, I
said no tenure contracts down for ninetynine percent of the world, but maybe
the one hundred percent Tile. Igot to change my ways because you evolve.
So yes, I'm with you.There's got you at least got to

listen. And if you're willing topay, and if he doesn't want it
and you go to a certain number, then you then you move on.
You move on. I get it, but you at least got you got
it. You got at least getin the fight. Does that make sense,
biscuit? They got to be inthe fight for four players. Yeah.
Oh, but here's the thing withCrane, and I think what the
other call is getting with. Ifyou wanted to get him at thirty,

the time to do it was twoyears ago. Agreed, agree, just
ahead of it now No, I'msaying now it's almost at forty now.
But that's the dud. Did thatyou wanted the same money in arbitration?
Hey, ahead of it? Ittook to gamble. You're playing cards,
brother, and you know if youblackcheck, you don't know what the dealer's
turning over. And here's the dealand it goes to the Rob Peter,

pay Paul when you could have gotit for cheaper, like you got jord
On for a cheaper price. Youwent out and got that, right.
I mean, he got paid,but he gonna get a lot more if
you'd waited. And and and here'syour You're you're gambling on both sides,
gamble. Kyle Tucker's gambling on hisside. The astros are gambling on his.
If you do this that first yeartwo years ago, yeah, you

get him for twenty five probably thentwenty six, twenty say you say,
okay, I'm parlaying this out now. Every time the guy steps to the
plate at a million, it feelslike right, he's like, oh hell,
here we go. And so youroll the dice and you're just hoping
they come up in your favor andit and it's doable. But if he
gets hentinues to play like this,the price tag will be up up above

thirty five million a year. Andyou and I both know it. And
that's what I don't understand, Sean, because in essence, you will hope
him to not have a good yearso you could pay win. You might
as well have been on him andand hope that he live up to it.
And you and to me, thewhole thing is, you see Tucker

every day. You know what typeof duty is. Now, some guys
you don't want to give big moneyto because they'll just sit on their hands.
But if some guys you know whattype of guy you you know what
type of what he's been in yourlocker room the whole time, I just
would have paid the man a coupleof years ago. Amen, and Biscuit,
thanks for the call. We'll talkto you tomorrow. But have a
great Memorial Day week. And Brianand I'm I'm with him. You we

all know that it's a game ofchess, right and if if if you
get the checkmate first, that's it. I mean, and you do know
what one thing I know about KyleTucker among other things, I know a
lot of I mean, how goodhe is, durable, and he's not
gonna cause anybody any trouble. Andthe third one is the guy's an enormous
five tool player. Yeah. Soif you're if you're willing to take the

risks and you got to risk thathe's gonna leave and you could have gotten
it's it's not coming any gie Igot news for you. It's not gonna
it's not coming cheaper. The longway. To me, a sense of
urgency has to kick in, Brian. That's just me and the negotiations for
them. Yeah, let's keep ontalking about it. Let's hear from Dana
Brown on what he said yesterday aboutKyle Tucker extension. That's next on Sports
Talk seven ninety Houston, Houston,an iHeart radio station. Sports Talk seven

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Y Enter it now at Sport sevenninety dot com. Salisbury, Okay,
let's do this. Sewn Salisbury tousc true longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury,

Bryan Lima, go Lobos. Thisis the Seawan Salsbury Show. Tonight in
Game two of the Eastern Conference Finalsof Celtics one Game one NBA Playoffs,
rolling along talking about Kyle Tucker andthe Astros seven one three, two two
five seven. It needs get backout to the phone lines. Brandon,

good morning, Good morning. Howare you. How are you guys doing
today? We're great, Brandon,doing really well. Thank you? You're
telling you about kyok talkt mm hmm. They were. I think they're not
going to get traded. I thinkthat there's probably a pretty good bet on

both not getting traded. But Idon't know if they're both going to be
back when their contracts come to thefree agent part of it negotiations. I
don't think you're going to be ableto keep both, do you no?
Who would you keep? I wasthinking talker. I think Brian and I
would agree with that right now?What else is on your mind today?

Buddy? How early is Garcia?I should be back July or August.
Yeah, the middle of the summer. Okay, thank you, Brandon,
That's what I mean. Awesome,Brandon, Thanks for talking to Borrow seven
one three seven, Billy, thankyou for holding brother. What's going on?
Hey, good morning, guys.Uh, you know, get your

finger off the dump button because Ipromised Tripley that i'd be good. So
hey, you know it's it's terribleand I love call and Biscuits. Call
Biscuit Man. If we ever meet, I owe you a beer because you
just restored my faith and at leastpart of the fan base. Because hey,
we're five games out of first.There's only one hundred and twelve games

left. Was obviously the season's over. Time to rebuild. And we're old.
We're old. I mean, Payneis what twenty five? I don't
know how old. Myers is,twenty six, Chas twenty six, twenty
seven year old Alvarez Diez as akid. We've got brown, we got
air, get all these old players. Oh yeah, it's time to rebuild,

Sean. We got to break upthe whole thing because my goodness,
we're five games out of first.We're gonna lose. We can't make all
this up. I'm so mad thismorning, all these billy you know what
I want to I wanted like atwo forty hitter in the minor leagues to
come and replace Kyle Tucker. That'swhat I'm looking fout. Yeah right now.

You know, Hey, hey,I love little Braffito, but guess
what he's not Kyle Tucker. Andabout though, all these people are saying
that they're not gonna pay Kyle Tuckerbecause you didn't pay Korea. Well,
guess what Crane was right, Theydidn't pay sales, my good singer.
And guess what Crane was right.Okay, So, yes, he's gonna
pay Kyle Tucker. Yes, he'sgonna they're gonna work out a deal.

Most likely they go into the room. Tucker says forty, Denni Brown says,
says thirty five. The agent saysthirty seventy five, eight years.
And guess what, you can goten because you've got mutual options. There's
things that you can do. Youcan work this out. Look what just
happened for Otani. He's gonna getpaid until what when he won ninety five?

I don't know, but he's gonnaget a check. He's gonna get
the Bobby Benia treatment for a longtime. So it can be done.
This is not over, folks,get off the cliff. My goodness,
graciousness is a great team that gotoff to a rough start. It's gonna
be okay. It's not over.And Crane knows what he does, what
he's doing, and he wants wantsto win. I'm out, guys,

thank you for the rent. Iappreciate Billy. Billy. Billy said,
you got your award. We alsoneed you to thank the academy. I
love it. He was there.He fired up, Randy. Can Randy
follow that up? Randy? You'reup? Hey, No, I can't
follow that. Billy was out ofcontrol. Hey, I got a question,

Jeremy Pine. We're having this discussionabout about Tucker and maybe we should
have paid him two years ago andpaid him less. What's the status of
pain News contract? And uh,when might it be the right time to
pay Jeremy Pine. Yeah, Ithink that that's a hell of a point.
We had brought it up earlier atsome point we were talking about money
and contracts, and I said Brianand I earlier on the show and said,

well when is his At some pointyou're gonna have to pay him because
he is playing better baseball than he'sever played, not counting the postseason his
rookie year. The guy's been onfire and he's a great player. So
Jeremy Peney's in her contract until twentyeight, so you're ways away. So
what do you what do you thinkin Randy, like around twenty twenty,

after Tucker's deal's done, you startto at least lean into that maybe a
bit possibly, yeah, absolutely,maybe in like twenty five, twenty six,
Yeah, and the off seat,like spring training of twenty six,
possibly somewhere the at least you'll atleast you start to open up the the
agent talks right, possibly exactly.So we got him for a minute,
which is a good thing. Itis a good thing. Thanks guys,

appreciate it. Randy, Thanks,thank you, Ran. Anybody, let's
let's talk to Alex. Alex.You're up. Good morning, good morning
showing. Hey, good morning,Good morning Alex, Good morning Alex.
Brian, good morning. Yeah.No, don't worry about us, man.
Yeah, we're just not a partof the show till Sean. Alex.

Appreciate you just talking to me.Man. Thanks. Screw these two
nogain, here's the deal. No, say good morning. No, we
ain't doing this. No say itgood morning, good morning too, Brian,
and I don't know the third person. Damn it, Alex. I'm

just kidding, brother, what's goingon. Look, I haven't heard anybody
mention anything about the stays, theattendance, the money that's been coming in
from such a great team, andCrank can afford to pay a little bit
more money than maybe he's willing to. If you look at the numbers,
that what's being earned, and you'renot going to keep earning that money unless

you signed Tucker and pay it andpeople like that and keep it going because
you think, because because of emptyballparks, if you're not putting the proper
products on the field, is whatyou're talking about, right, Alex,
Yes, like Oakland. Yeah,hopefully we're a long ways away from that.
But if if put it this way, you'll get a let's say they
were you think people show up ifthey were twelve games at a first place

in late July? Alex, Yeah, do you think you know? Do
you think people would show up fifteengames out? No, I'm validating your
point that if they're if they're notwinning, or they're just and they and
they keep allowing people to go,at some point in time there's a point
of diminishing returns where it's going tobe where where you're going to go back
and you have to regroup and andthe ballpark will be a little more empty.

I'm validating what you're saying that youcan't keep allowing Sometimes you may have
to pay a little more to keepa core player, correct, Is that
what you mean? Absolutely? Yeah, that's fair. It's fair. Well,
I'm glad that you guys heard mypoint and it seems like you agree
to it. So, and youguys are the gurus of baseball. That's

why we listen to you and it'sgreat listening. Thank you very Alex.
Another thing that we need to rememberwhen we're talking about Jim Crane's been right
a lot of times, buddy.There's that part, but there's also you've
got to remember jose A Brady's contractis going to come off the books,
justin Verlander's contract is going to comeoff the books. Rafael Montero's contract is

going to come off the books.There's no who knows if Alex Bregman is
still going to be here. Theymay not even give him what he wants
and they you won't have to worryabout that contract anymore. Probably not gonna
be depending on how this goes fromor may not get top dollar here either.
Right, you may not even haveFrobber you're gonna have to worry about
that. That's five players right therethat we just that I just mentioned.
I'm willing to pay more than Iwould normally pay for Kyle Tucker, are

you yes, Yeah, I'm willingto overpay. What would we perception of
overpayment? I don't know what thatis, but your core players. At
some point in time, you gotto keep some party. You have to,
Yes, you just do. Atsome point you gotta as been here.
You've got to treat Tucker. Imean, I'm not saying he's been
here or have the Hall of Famecareer yet like Altuve has, but you're
gonna have to treat the next levelof guy who's younger like you have Altuve

all along and quite frankly, you'reprobably under pay Al two b throughout his
career, right Yeah, And nowI mean the guys. You know,
he's one of five players to havelike to so many stolen like in the
two hundred stolen how many two hundredstolen bases, two thousand hits over two
hundred homers. I mean, he'sin rarefied air and you're talking about Willie
Mays. The five guys that arewith him and the four other guys in

his category are all epic Hall ofFame names. It's crazy. And then
you look at another thing. Yougot al too Ve locked up for the
rest of his career. Yep.You got jord On Alvarez under contract until
the twenty twenty nine season. Youhave Jeremy Pania on twenty till twenty twenty
eight. Right, so there's threekey pieces. If you lose Bragman okay.

If you lose from Er okay,Vern Lander's gonna essentially retire, then
you got Jose Bray, who's gonnaretire, hoping Hunter Brown becomes that guy
you're hoping er get any good things. You still have Christian Hobvier. You
got pieces. You need to tellme you're not gonna lock up Kyle Tucker.
You need to keep him a partof this, of this core core
piece. You got yan here Diazas your catcher of the future. As

we've been told since I've been here, there's three guys that are, like
you say, Okay, Al twoVeay's the obvious one, Tucker's become the
no brainer, and an Alvarez.I can build a lot of good stuff
from that group right there. Andeven though Al two Day's agent, he's
still a good player. He's strugglingaround. Now. I'd like to keep
them all, but it's not feasible. This is in LA and New York.
It's not gonna happen. So thenyou got to keep Okay, youth

mixed with money. Who am Iwilling to pay extra for? Listen,
to get the luxury vehicle. Sometimesyou gotta pay a little extra if that's
what you're I mean, if you'redead set on having it because it's gonna
you may have to pay a littleextra, right right, Well, you
want to do what kind of stakeyou want? You want prime or you
want you want the prime stake,you may have to pay a little extra

for that meal that just sets rightYeah, And I'm not saying sign him
to a ten year deal. He'sgot to show me something in the playoffs
Kyle Tucker does. There's no doubt. That's like sevener playoff hitter, like
that's got to go up there.There's no doubt getting to the post.
If he matches this year's postseason withhis regular season, oh, then there

is there there's zero, there iszero questions of oh well what, There's
no what ifs anymore unless he wantsfifty million a year, right, but
there's no what ifs. But Ican tell you this, he's just close
to a I mean, he's nota guy. This is that guy,
and that guy is no, notdisruptive. He does everything that you're asking

a great player to do. Theonly thing missing is postost heroics postseason.
Yeah, superstar in the postseason exactlyseven one, three, two, five,
seven ninety. Uh Steve Felipe ponder. We'll get to everybody and continue
this discussion about the Ashros and Coptucker. Next to Sports Talk seven ninety.
This is Sports Talk seven ninety,home of the Rockets, Astros and the

best line up in Houston sports.Now back to Sean Salisbury. I think
you humbars? Do you humbar?Yeah? Or lumbar? That's a lower
lumbar read. I hadn't I hada lumbar issue. Well, you know
who fixed that, Eric Dick.What do you mean by that? You're
saying it's easy to remember that.Yeah, Hey, he tells you if

you're I mean, he'll go afterhim. Okay, those are the insurance
companies. I didn't. It didn'thappen to me in an incident though,
So you're trying to find out puthis name into your lower Yeah, yeah,
you said Eric Dick can fix that. What do you mean by that,
he'll hit the l five say thatagain? Who can help me do

that? Who is it who canhelp me with my lower lumbar? You
better get I can't do What doyou mean by that? That's wrong with
you? Freaking crime? I knowyou still. Oh I'm not, but

I need to get stone dude,gosh hell in order of August. Wait,
we'll try to get through these prettyquick crisp suck to ponder. Then
we'll go to Steven Scott ponder.Welcome in. Oh man, y'all are
killing me. Yeah, well inthis damn studio when he's looking dead ass

in eyes and talking about Eric Dick, don't lower region. You know what
you're doing in bakedown pondering your existence. Hey, I'm sitting here going slogan
right through my head. As soonas he said I'm like your lower back.
You better get because you know whathe'll do. Ponder. He'll hould

crown ain't nobody hounding abound in Dan. They won't sit still for a week,
six straight for a week. Ohmy gosh. You never know what
kind of physiness therapy they might stopstopping in the process. They make tattoo

a butterfly back. Oh my gosh, man, what's on your mind?
So look, I got a Igot a different angle about this. You
know, it's all about the angles, brother, It's all about transition,
a different angle. Yeah, agreat job. We gotta love the segues.

About one thing I gotta say tothe city of Houston is you know
how seven years, you know,roughly seven years they have given us great
baseball. We get into one badseason and everybody's trying to jump off the
bandwagon. That's irritating. I waswith this team when we were losing one
hundred game. I may not Imay not have been buying the expensive seats

down there in the Lower Bowl,but I'm still going to ball games.
I'm still buying ball caps. Ifthey want to keep signing these players,
that's number number one thing. Wegot to keep supporting our team. I
just want to throw that part outthere. But but I think y'all are
hitting the nail on the head withthe contracts that are coming off the books,
and we do have options. Asfar as I'd love to see him,

maybe turn your On Alvarez into afirst baseman and protect his knees and
get him out of the outfield.You got Joey lot Prafido coming up.
Hopefully maybe could it could help usfor replace on a brave who something like
that for cheap uh. But butI just want to get y'all's opinion on
this with a Fromber and y'all didtalk about his contract upcoming. Man,
if we packaged up a Fromber anda Bragman and stuffing like that, and

and I'd hate to see Breggy god, But at the same time, we
got to look out for the futureof this team. And these guys aren't
producing and they're and you don't wantto lose him for nothing, right,
ponder you don't want to let thatright, I got you and I and
if you can get somebody right nowthat that maybe you've got to year and
a half of control over. Getthem for the last half of this year
and plus another year and see whatthey can do for you, and maybe

you extend them. Get the rightkind of player because they are big names
and you can still get something inreturn to help you with the starting staff,
to replace a Fromer, or getyou a bubble of the prospects,
because the Lord knows we don't havethose. So you know, I just
think those are realistic options. Thesame thing with lancemoccullors, before he comes
back and shows he can get hurtagain, He's still a name. I

hate to see him go, butyou know, we got to do something
to protect the future of this team. But it starts, and I'll hang
up after I say this. Itstarts with this fan base. It starts
with supporting us, staying supporting themjust because they got a few games under
five hundred. Let it go.We're still a great team. Keep taking
your butts out there to the ballpark, keep keep putting money into this organization,

or they can't go get any ofthese players. And I'll hang up
and listen. Good stuff last WowFactor comedy. He makes a great point.
But these are all decisions that thereprobably needs to be a bit more
when it comes to the Kyle Tuckerand futures of some a sense of urgency,
But there doesn't need to be thepanic or urgency on let's just clean

house now. But I do ifyou know fromber and Bregman, imagine the
hall you'll get if you know you'renot going to sign them. I just
don't want to let people walk.I'm not big on giving people away.
Letting them walk the free agency andnot getting anything out of it. Does
that make sense to year? You'reseven and three in their last ten and
this has been the discussion from somecallers today. Listen. The positive is

this team's played great baseball, asPotter mentioned, for just seven to eight
years now. The bummer about itis is that and not a soul out
there can admit different. There's asense of spoiled entitlement for all of us
to the entitlement may not be theright word, but the spoiled part of
they've played such good baseball that whenthey have a downturn for a few minutes,

we are out of our minds andwe all opinion right, so you
have you have a right to feelthat way, but we probably make it
a bigger mountain to climb than itis, right, Yeah, just being
and I do at times I'm like, oh my gosh, you can't lose
games like that, right, Butfor a team that we've all like,
what is going on this year?Do you realize you're within two series of

being in first place? Yes,they're five games out. So and I
love the heart getting their ass right. I love the hardcore opinion on people
that are frustrated, but you know, not quitting on the team. And
I love the hardcore opinion of thoselike Ponder or Billy that are like,
slow your role, now we're gonnabe okay. It makes for great banter
and conversation and quite frankly opens alot of our eyes to maybe something that

we didn't and Biscuit said it thatwe didn't quite think about. That may
shift a paradigm. Or you say, no, I thought about that,
and that No, I'm not willingto make that decision just yet or make
that move just yet. No,not yet. Let's take another call,
Steve, good morning, Good morning. I don't think I need to rewalk
the ground. You guys have beentalking and but uh, I was out

there Sunday and then who was itthe other day when Framberg pickuped and gave
up seven runs, three dingers inone inning. Uh? You know,
Sean, You know Bud Carson aname from the past, absolutely great,
great coordinator, no question about it. But the head coaching opportunities didn't quite

work out for him. And that'sfine. I mean, not every you
know, not every great coordinator isgoing to turn into a great coach.
You know and we understand that nobodyhas lobbied as hard as me since last
year for Joe's spot. I likedJoe. Joe's a great coach, but
a couple of things there, likeI'm getting that feeling that Bud Carson feeling

with Joe. Sunday, I wasout there and they played the Brewers.
They were up six to one.Ragetti was pitching great, and he was
trying to get him into the sevenththenbody, you could tell that, you
know, he was waning a little, and they just left them out there,
and I think the Birds pumped upthree more runs and people are getting

concerned, and I'm going, whyaren't we making the decision now, let's
not Let's let this kid win thisgame and not feel bad about the seventh
inning because he's tired. Okay,So Fromber's out there, same situation.
Weren't we up six to one inthat game a couple of games ago and
he leaves them out there for that? No, I didn't get to see

that game because I just bought anew house, so I've been in the
dark for a few days before Igot got my cable reinstalled. But I
right about it. I'm thinking,you know, Joe, you can't be
everybody's friend. You have to bethe manager. You know, I know,
I know you like these guys,no problem. I like them too,
We all like them. But yougot to draw the line in the

stand sand and you know, say, look, it's not working out right
now. We're now going to givethis game away. When you get six
to one leads. You got towin these games. And I hear what
you guys are saying, Yeah,I'm happy they have a seven and three
over ten games or ten and fourover fourteen games. And my wife reminded
me, and the bottom line isthat they are going to lose, lose

games here and there. I understandthat, but there's a competitive part of
me and Seana, I'm sure it'sin you being a former player, that
you don't want to give up sixto one leads. Amen the ball game.
Those are those are those are debilitatinglosses like that With that lead,
there is no question. And they'lllook back and at some point in time,
I don't know if regrets the rightword, but they will h That'll

be something they look back at theend of the season, especially if it
costs them along the line a spotwinning a division or something that'll be one
of the ten or twelve games youpoint back to in the negative, just
like winning one six to five ona walk off will be one of the
ten or twelve they look back andsay, pivotal into our season. You're
one hundred percent correct. Yeah,okay, I just want to make the

point. I love these guys outthere, Sonny. My first game this
season, Uh, I'd spent afortune. I didn't have a problem with
understand the business, and I enjoyedthe game. It's just, uh,
you know, I My problem isI have that competitive juice in me because
I played a lot of sports rightgrowing up in school. So anyway,
thanks guys, great stuff and thegreat name of Bud Carson. One of

the non head coaching opportunities weren't therefor him, as he said, but
one of the great and intimidating defensivecoordinators because he had one goal in mind
to pressure you and beat your brains. And I played against him and it
wasn't fun as a as a coordinator. Johnny Carson, you're more of a
Johnny Carson guy. Yeah, yeah, over Bud Carson. Yeah, I'm
more of a Bud Kilmer guy.Over Bud Carson. I'm more of a

Billy Kilmer guy over Bud Kilmer.You Bud Kilmer is Yeah, Bud Kilmer
would happened to be the guy onin the football movie? What football movie?
It's uh, come on Varsity Blues, right? You know who plays
this character? Yeah? John?Uh, Joe Lisa, John Voight Joe
No, John Voight John not tobe confused with Luke Voight right or the

Voight football the brand. You don'tknow anything about that? Yeah, spell
different O. I T thank youa good night? All right, got
a couple more calls to get toseven one three two two five seven ninety.
That's next, four stock, seveneighty. The Shawn Salisbury Show continued.
My parents huge BG fans, ohMan, Rod Stewart and Elton John.

Oh yeah, dud in the inthe dads that are getting after it?
Yeah, I might have to doone. Do we should? Yeah?
No, we should all walk in, all walk in with the video
up and I'll say, Sean,how would you dance this in the eighties
and just get after Yeah, that'sthe move right there, get after it?
That is the move. Seven onethree two one two five seven ninety
A lot of guys holding on.Yeah, I like it. I'm not

gonna be here the last segment.I got a meeting I had to go
to. So you gotta talk andyou save that. I gotta see a
man about a horse. You doOkay? Yeah, you're gonna say maybe
you'll save that cut for tomorrow.We could do that. Yeah, yeah,
so I can relish and I wantyou know what I want to do.
We also have to talk about Iwant to get I want to get
into the soul of that song,and okay, and we also have to
talk about NBA on tn T onemore year and then later and by far

the NBA's bestudio show, Take ThemAll with You. I did see something
this morning. They have the rightsnow to take some college football games from
ESPN. What are they gonna do? Chuck's gonna be Yeah, I saw
I'll say a tweet. Uh.It was if if Chuck and tn T
that's that crew. No, no, no, if they if they got

h football games, they would say, Hey, Chuck, what what does
the University of Texas have to doto get back in this ball game?
And he would say, oh,they need to go. They need to
get them big girl from san Antoniofor the offense line, Well, we
have a lot of laughs. Idon't know if you'd be able to focus
on a football game, probably not. But if that, if and when
that does happen, if you're NBCbeyond, we hire the whole crew.
That's exactly what I try to do. You take them from TNT and you

place them in an NBC exactly right, pay them their money and their contracts,
pick them up and move them allover there, and don't and don't
hire anybody else. You take thatgroup and stick them right where they're We're
from one studio to the next.Yep. It's the best NBA studio show
on television, one of the,if not the best studio show not named
college games. They're in the samecategory in any sport. And the truth
is you're you're making a mistake ifyou don't, because everybody else compales in

comparison to that studio. No questions, especially for the entertainment vent for sure.
We'll talk more about that. Gotmore details to go through on that
on a Funky Friday edition The ShawnSalisbury Show. Scott, we appreciate to
holding good morning. Thank you,thanks for taking my call. I need
to vent on the astro. That'swhat we're here for you to do it.
We are here for you, bigdog, what's on your mind?
But before I do, I needto ask you this question so we can

pave out the landscape. Okay,are y'all under the assumption that the manager
still makes the lineup or does itcome more from the front office? I
think that I think it's both.I do. I think what happens is
I think before every game, ormost of them, they talk and suggest

and then unless you know, sometimesI think the suggestion is maybe in the
abray thing is a well, I'mnot asking, we're telling. But I
think the most part, I dobelieve when Dana says that's a Joe's spotted
decision, whether they like the decision, I think they confer. But I
think when the lineup card is writtenout, I would say that Joe's spot

has got the majority of it.Is that fair? That's fair because I
you know, honestly, in theold days, it used to be the
manager had the lineup card and youcould play a lot of the blame on
him. So that's why I wantedto prod with that question. So with
that being said, if Joe Spottahas the lineup card a lot of the

moves, we have the team tohit the ball and score some runs to
makeup for some of the flaws thatare pitching till they get healthy. What
I don't get, and I'm surey'all talked about it on the y'all Show,
is the best part of your lineups, your bottom half of the order
when they everyone plays. There's somereason Dubon at hitting three hundred can't find
the lineup every day. Some reason, loop of Fido, he's hitting three

thirty. All he's done is hitsince he's come up. Some reason he
can't find the lineup every day.But for some reason, Singleton two twenty,
he can find the lineup every day. In your sub two hundred and
last thirty games, Bregman can findcan find the four hole, can find
the four hole. Even what Ihate about that is he he comes up

more often than not with opportunities.Even his outs aren't productive. Pop up
left side, can't move the runnerfrom second to third with less them to
with no outs, So how manyruns if he cost you? I'm sure
they're big on stats. Can theyfind the stat on that? And it
just It just irks the heck outof me. You have the lineup to
do some damage to get back inthis thing, but you don't want to

put him on the field for whateverreason. So that's why it just that
buves the crap out of me.If you're not gonna play loop of fatal,
send him back down to the minors. He's not gonna sit three four
games in the big leagues and allof a sudden gets spot, starts and
keep hitting. It doesn't work likethat. I fortunately played enough to play.
I played minor league baseball. Ithitting's too difficult, Yes, it

is, so from experience. Youcan't sit at that level and then expect
to hit every so often, playingtwice a week. It just doesn't work
that way. So and then theabraid thing, that's a whole nother animal.
Yeah, I mean, if they'reinterested in playing him, they're not
interested in winning. Let you youhave four hours for that one. You
got four hours for that one,Scott, You know that, huh exactly.

He's gonna make eighteen millions sitting onthe bench or eighteen million hitting fifty.
He helps you more sitting on thebench. Yeah, we all need
that eighteen million to do very littleright now with Scott good stuff. Let's
uh scrap slick Rick. We'll letTerrence and Marca for next segment. So
don't go anywhere felse, slick Rick. What's happening? Brother? Just they

ain't Eric Dick Sick? What's happening? Guys? What's say Nati in sixty
five years? All my life liveup on Lake Conrod. Bottom line is
from Dana Brown to Astrada to thewhole locker. They need to come to

Jesus meeting cuz they gotten too manypeople they're trying to blame. They need
to not cut the fat. Andlet's get down to bray. You is
a cancer. They need to cuthim. You put him back in that
clubhouse. All it is gonna havepeople looking over their shoulder. Hey,
I'm sixty five years old. Ican hit the ball out of the damn
infield. How was at the gameyes esterday? And anyway back to that,

Astrada needs to be more accountable onour starters when we know they blow
up and one in it and onein and and we don't have nobody warming
up, and we got a bullpenthat we need to utilize. Last thing,
get rid of from you gotta keepBregman, Bro, gotta keep him

hell Marxus mix ha throw some moneyin there, then you're on my life.
Bramburgh, he ain't got it upstairs, Bro. He blows it.
You can see it and the clickof a thing. Tarantini calls a better
game than Diaz. It's obvious.Watch how many shakeoffs you get in the

game from each catcher. And that'sI'll leave it at that needs to put
Dana Brown back up there? Wherewhat do you think? This is?
The show Chips? Joe Spider know, we know what you're selling. Well
you're sixty five man. You showedChips with Eric Astro. Slick Rick Right,

hey, slick Rick. Big weekendfor the Lake Conrod folks. I
was about to say Rick is.I was gonna say that Rick's gonna have
himself a hell of a week yo. Feel it weird mud bugs? My
brother throw hey where Lake Conrod Grill? Where at? Because I live I'm
up in the woodlands. Wreck Wherein Conra are you? Lake Conra?
Where? Where on the lake didhe say? The Lake Conrad Grill is?

Where he said to go more?No cut, Come on, Todds
Pods, you're in Walden. Dude, I can't even if I if I
pronounce it correctly, I lose money. Hey, we're gonna eat cuh.
I can tell you that, yep, have a great one. Hey,
Rick, Hey, hey, hey, we need you to We need you
to start being in the rotation ofcallers on our show more often. Yeah,

please do. I'll call you toappreciate it, right, thank you.
I like him Lake Conrod Grill.I might have to get down there
and have me a lunch going outthere. Stop. What are you talking
about? That's so far from you? What I can't what do I this
is my weekend. Stay right here, dude, just live right here.
You live right here, right here. I don't know, man, we

we might have just uh our topcaller. I mean, we've got a
lot of good callers. Terrence is, Terrence is out there, but I
think slick Rick just might have goneahead and we got Terrence on holde give
me a chance, a little rebuttalyou're all right, Mark's got the opportunity
to did you just buy did youjust right over to dog? I did
t money team money. I'm justI'm just I'm motivating. That's what I

do. Game Terrence. You betterbe prepared because I think Terrence is going
to erupt like a volcano. Hey, when you go talk to that guy
about a horse, good luck,we'll we'll see tomorrow. Tomorrow. I'm
out. I got I know yougot things to do. Yeah, to
go, Thanks guys. Love thatone three, two, one two five
seven. I will wrap up theshow with the off day. The Houston
Astro lose to the Angels yesterday.Continue to talk about Kyle Tucker next Sportsuck

seven eighty. This is the SeanSaliscrey show. That's beautiful. The Cleveland
Cavaliers has been fired. That comingper Adrian wo Janarowski. Cleveland Cavaliers have
dismissed head coach JB. Bickerstaff takea couple of calls to end the show.

Seven one three two one two fiveseven ninety t money tea dog?
What's up? What's going on?Brian? How are we doing? Oh?
Just another day in paradise, anotherday above dirt? You know what
I mean? And every other everyother cliche saying no, we're great though,
We're good. Yeah, that's awesome, awesome. Love the cliches too,
By the way, I uh,I called in a little earlier.

I don't really have a sports takebecause you know, it's tough to compete
with some of these callers to callinto the show. But I really do
need to get something off my chest. I I wake up earlier for work
because I like to listen to youguys and gets my day started. And

you know, driving in love everybit of it. But I've got a
lot of friends. But Triple BlamaI and Chelsey. I know he's not
there, but I consider you guys. There we go. Had a boy,
Triple Easy. Yeah, yeah,y'all. Cory, you had that

together, best color, best caller, Brian, I'm a little butt hurt
what you said earlier? Well youjust hey, look you just said,
hey, you collab with with TripleEasy. You found yourself back at that
the top of the leaderboard. TBunny. Let's go love it, y'all,
have a good day and seriously lovelistening to you guys, best callers,
best show, love it, appreciateit. Terns, we love you

man, Thank you for the call. Last call of the show. Mark,
Let's do it on a positive note, baby, what you got?
Yeah, So like when y'all getready to roll out to the walk and
on late time. Roll y'all canjust swing bud, go rolling with the
homie. I'll be more than happyto take my U grill and meet and

let's see what we can throw onthe make it a nice weekend. Where
you at Mark? Where where youneed a cruise on over? You can
hop in my classic Elite Buick GMCpickup truck with me. Where are we
headed right out there with home?We don't know? With all the messicandos,
that's hey, I'm about it,man, I'm about it. I
got a little I got a littlehispanic. I mean, what's going on?
Mark or le Alright? Hey?Uh as true as they're gonna turn

this thing around, man, Iain't too long on them. They're gonna
make some moves. They're gonna havetheir days when they They're gonna win some
tough games. They're gonna lose afew in there in the middle. But
I think they the this season thatwill turn out to be a pretty rock
season. I gotta put money onthem. I mean, they got a
tend to win this. If theycan just get through this division, I
think they'll do just fine. Heyto all the veterans out there, I

just want to say, have agreat weekend, you guys, those of
you fought in foreign wars. MemorialDay is not just a weekend to get
out there and cook, but itis also a time to remember our fallen
heroes and those that have paved theway for us to be in a country
where we can listen to a radiostation like this one and be happy to
hear pros and cons about everything contractsand wins and losses. But at the

end of the day, we didn'thave this flag we rolled under, we
wouldn't be able to roll with ourhomies every day. Thank you, fellows,
y'all do an amazing job on yourown show. Phenomenal stuff. Mark
we appreciate. And if we don'thear from you, have a nice Memorial
Day weekend. Man, Thank you, sir, thank you, Thank you
y'all to you too much. Thankyou that well I mean well said,

especially about Memorild Day weekend. Andlook the astros, Yeah are seven and
three in our last ten. They'regoing to Oakland. They got to take
care of business there. Yes,okay, they are there. Then they
come back for four excuse me,then he go up to Seattle for four
weird late start a Memorial Day Monday, eight forty. The first pitch that

kind of sucks. Yeah, no, usually it's like a two o'clock star
at three o'clock start. Damn.But look they're seven and three in the
last ten. Like I said,going to Oakland, and of course the
Al West battle against the Seattle MarysIs Seattle Mariners is always a good one.
Vern Lander's on the bump. Thenhe got Fromber and Renault Blanco gonna
be back pitching on Sunday, Soyou got a good, nice rotation.

Hopefully fromer Valdez stays with the gameplan. Well, I mean, we'll
talk more about that tomorrow. Andlast night, you know what, there's
a couple of game inches paina's ballentire. Who knows Marico Dubon getting thrown
out at third base? You nevermake the first or third out at third
base, and Maritio Dubon got hosedby like fifteen feet. Not a good

base running decision there of the mistakes, and they lose two to one.
But look, they're playing better baseball, just got it. You can't.
You can't go for six with runningsrunners in scoring position. They'll get it
fixed and you're off today you watchingany basketball to night, TRIPLEY. Of
course it's only one game on manPacers and Celtics. Yes, sir,

good stuff today, Triple E,great stuff, Brian Man Sean he's gone,
but yeah, hey Sean Seawan,good show, good talk. Yeah,
I'm just kidding. He's got somebusiness stuff to attend to. He'll
be back with us tomorrow morning.That's gonna do it for the Shawn Salisbury
Show. I am Brian Limar,producer, Triple E, Emmanuel Elmore,
making it happen every single day forus. We're back tomorrow morning for a

Friday edition to The Shawn Salisbury Show. Start at six am. Don't go
Anywhere. Next up with Stand NorthleyChris Cordy coming up next right here on
Sports Talk seven eighty yere High
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